554 UDK 373:635.047:634(497.4) 1.03 Kratki znanstveni prispevek Prejeto: 7. 9. 2015 Janez Gačnik* Sadjarska kultura v šolskih vrtovih Fruit growing culture in school gardens Izvleček Sadjarstvo ima na Slovenskem bogato tra- dicijo. Pomemben korak v razvoju panoge pomeni začetek poučevanja sadjarstva na podeželskih ljudskih šolah v drugi polovici 19. stoletja. Nekoliko kasneje so pomembno vlogo razvoja prevzela sadjarska društva in zadruge. Z razvojem intenzivnega sadjarstva se je sadjarstvo vedno bolj specializiralo in delovalo v strokovnem krogu. V devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja so se v Sloveniji začela v večjem številu ustanavljati sadjarska društva, ki so želela strokovno zna- nje prenašati na ljubiteljske sadjarje in širšo populacijo. V letu 2015 je bila ustanovljena Zveza sadjarskih društev Slovenije, ki si je za svoje cilje zadala povezovanje, izmenjavo izkušenj in skupen nastop sadjarskih društev. Poseben poudarek v delovanju je namenjen delu z mladimi, promociji in prepoznavnosti sadjarstva ter širjenju sadjarske kulture. Za- vedamo se pomena prenosa znanja na mlajše rodove, zato želimo prispevati svoj delež pri oživitvi šolskih sadnih vrtov v Sloveniji. Abstract Slovenia has a rich fruit growing tradition. The commencement of teaching fruit growing at rural primary schools in the second half of the 19th century was an important step in the industry’s development. The primary role of developing the industry was only taken over by the fruit growers’ associations and co-ops at a somewhat later date. With the advent of intensive fruit production, the field became increasingly more specialized and the domain of expert circles. In the 1990s, fruit growers’ associations were being founded in Slovenia in large numbers. Their aim was to provide hobby fruit growers and the broader population in general with the expert knowledge available in this field. In 2015, the Slovene Fruit Growers’ Association was founded, whose aim is to facilitate connec- tions and the exchange of knowledge between fruit growers and to organize joint market ven- tures and exhibitions for them. The Association places particular emphasis on working with youth, visibility in the marketplace, the mar- keting of fruit growing and the promotion of the culture of fruit growing. The Association is well aware of the importance of passing on knowledge to the younger generation and is making a significant contribution towards the revival of the school garden in Slovenia. * Janez Gačnik, univ. dipl. ing. kmetijstva, samostojni svetovalec za sadjarstvo, Metlika, e-pošta: janez.gacnik@gmail.com