UNDERSTANDING ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IN DINARIC KARST Jean Nicod Professor Emeritus, Florida 1, 35 Avenue du 24 Avril 1915, 13012 Marseille, France. Abstract The main regions of the Dinaric karst, the Kras, the islands and low plateaus of the Dalmatian coast, present the types of land use typical of Mediterranean countries and which produce changes in the surface, e.g., deforestation and the adaptation of the karst surface for agriculture, the use of extracted stones and land reclamation. The evolution of the landscape and systems of adapting agriculture to karstic terrains in Kras and Dalmatian countries make it possible to establish comparisons with other karstic countries, i.e., Provence, the Causses and Puglia, conversely, this research provides better knowledge of the aspects and workings of Dinaric karsts, particularly the evolution of landscape, the growth of karren-fields and the geomorphological and hydrological changes in the poljes. Key words: karst, Karst, Dinaric Karst, geomorphology, karstology, land use, agriculture, evolution of landforms. RAZUMEVANJE OKOLJSKIH PROBLEMOV NA DINARSKEM KRASU Izvleček Na glavnih območjih dinarskega krasa, na Krasu, jadranskih otokih in nizkih ravnikih ob dalmatinski obali prevladujeta tipično sredozemska raba tal, ki povzroča tudi spreminjanje površja, npr. krčenje gozda in urejanje kraškega površja za kmetijstvo, gradnja suhih zidov in terasiranih pobočjih ter pridobivanje kmetijskih zemljišč v dnu vrtač, uval in dolcev. Avtor v prispevku primerja kraško površje na Krasu in v Dalmaciji z drugimi kraškimi pokrajinami (Provansa, Causses in Puglia). Primerjave nam omogočajo boljši vpogled v značilnosti in funkcioniranje dinarskega krasa, predvsem razvoj kraške pokrajine, rast škrapljišč ter geomorfološke in hidrološke spremembe v kraških poljih. Ključne besede: kras, Kras, dinarski kras, geomorfologija, krasoslovje, raba tal, kmetijstvo, preoblikovanje površja.