R. M. MAHAMOOD, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF SCANNING SPEED ON THE INTERMETALLIC ... 473–478 INFLUENCE OF SCANNING SPEED ON THE INTERMETALLIC PRODUCED IN-SITU IN LASER-METAL-DEPOSITED TiC/Ti6Al4V COMPOSITE VPLIV HITROSTI SKENIRANJA NA INTERMETALNO ZLITINO IZDELANO IN-SITU Z LASERSKO DEPOZICIJO TiC/Ti6Al4V KOMPOZITA Rasheedat Modupe Mahamood1,2, Esther Titilayo Akinlabi1 1University of Johannesburg, Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, Auckland Park, Kingsway Campus, Johannesburg 2006, South Africa 2University of Ilorin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tanke road 23400003, Nigeria mahamoodmr2009@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-05-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-06-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.096 The effect of scanning speed on titanium aluminide Ti3Al produced in-situ during laser metal deposited TiC/Ti6Al4V has been investigated and its effect on the microhardness and wear-resistance properties has been studied. In this study, the titanium alloy Ti6Al4V (an important aerospace alloy) was deposited in combination with titanium carbide TiC using a laser metal deposition process. The laser power was maintained at 3.2 kW throughout the deposition process. The powder flow rate and the gas flow rate were also kept at constant values of 2.88 g/min and 2 l/min, respectively. The scanning speed was varied between 0.015 and 0.105 m/s, and the influence of the scanning speed on the titanium aluminide (Ti3Al) produced in-situ was studied, and its effect on the wear resistance behaviour was also investigated. The study revealed that as the scanning speed was initially increased, the Ti3Al produced in-situ was found to increase and the wear resistance was found to improve. As the scanning speed was further increased beyond 0.06 m/s, the Ti3Al produced and the wear resistance were found to decrease. Keywords: laser metal deposition process, microhardness, microstructure, titanium alloy, Ti3Al, wear resistance Preiskovan je bil vpliv hitrosti skeniranja na in-situ nastanek titanovega aluminida – Ti3Al, izdelanega med lasersko depozicijo TiC/Ti6Al4V ter prou~evan je bil njen vpliv na mikrotrdoto in obrabne lastnosti. V tej {tudiji je bila titanova zlitina –Ti6Al4V (pomembna zlitina za letalstvo), nane{ena v kombinaciji s titanovim karbidom – TiC, s pomo~jo postopka laserskega nana{anja. Med postopkom nana{anja je bila vzdr`evana mo~ laserja pri 3,2 kW. Hitrosti toka prahu in toka plina sta bili zadr`ani pri konstantnih vrednostih 2,88 g/min in 2 l/min. Hitrost skeniranja se je spreminjala med 0,015 in 0,105 m/s. [tudiran je bil vpliv hitrosti skeniranja na in-situ nastanek titanovega aluminide (Ti3Al) ter njen vpliv na obna{anje pri obrabi. [tudija je odkrila, da je za~etno pove~anje hitrosti skeniranja pove~alo in-situ nastajanje Ti3Al, pove~ala se je tudi odpornost proti obrabi. Pri nadalj- njem pove~evanju hitrosti skeniranja nad 0,06 m/s, je bilo ugotovljeno zmanj{anje nastajanja Ti3Al in zmanj{anje odpornosti proti obrabi. Klju~ne besede: postopek nana{anja kovine z laserjem, mikrotrdota, mikrostruktura, titanova zlitina, Ti3Al, odpornost proti obrabi 1 INTRODUCTION Ti6Al4V is widely used in industry because of its good combination of properties, such as high specific strength, low density and good corrosion resistance. However, Ti6Al4V has a poor wear-resistance property owing to its chemical behaviour that tends to reduce its further application.1,2 The surface property of the material can be modified in order to improve its wear resistance property. Different surface-treatment methods have been applied to titanium alloys in order to improve their wear-resistance property in the literature, such as physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition and sol-gel methods.3,4 The laser metal deposition (LMD) process, an additive manufacturing technique, is the most advantageous of all the methods. This is because a complex shaped part can be produced with the desired surface properties directly from the three-dimen- sional (3D) computer-aided-design (CAD) model of the part by adding material layer by layer.5 LMD also has the flexibility to handle more than one material simulta- neously, thereby making it possible to make a part with composite or functionally graded materials. An intermetallic compound of Ti3Al has been found to have several advantages, such as higher elastic modulus, lower density, better mechanical properties at elevated temperatures and higher oxidation resistance because it forms a surface-passivated alumina layer.1 The intermetallic-matrix composites (IMCs) with ceramic particles are also found to possess higher specific strength, improved toughness, and high-temperature strength retention.6,7 A lot of studies have been con- ducted in the literature on intermetallic compound rein- forced ceramic composite as a result of the improved properties they offer.8–10 In this work, a composite of TiC/Ti6Al4V was produced and Ti3Al was formed Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 473–478 473 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 621.793:621.793.7:669.018 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(3)473(2017) in-situ. The effect of scanning speed on the quantity of the Ti3Al formed in-situ was studied and its influence on the microhardness and the wear-resistance properties was investigated in detail and reported. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The powders used in this study are titanium alloy Ti6Al4V power of 99.6 % purity, supplied by VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Russia and TiC powder of 99.5 % purity and it was supplied by F. J. Brodmann and Co., L. L. C. Louisiana. The substrate material used is a 99.6 % pure Ti6Al4V, (72 × 72 × 5) mm sheet. The chemical compositions of the powders and the substrate are listed in Table 1. The TiC powder is of particle size range below 60 μm and the Ti6Al4V powder is of particle size range between 150 μm and 200 μm. The substrate was sandblasted and then degreased using acetone before the deposition processes: this is to improve the laser-energy absorption. A Kuka robot was used for the laser metal deposition experiment. The 4.0-kW Nd-YAG laser (Rofin Sinar) was attached to the robot’s end effector with two coaxial powder-delivery nozzles. The experimental set-up also consists of a glove box, a table and a two-hoppers powder feeder. The expe- rimental set-up is shown in Figure 1. The two powders were put in a separate hopper of the powder feeder and the powder flow rates were set to give 50 W % of TiC powder and 50 W % Ti6Al4V powder for the composite. Multiple tracks were produced at 50 % overlap. The laser power was set at 3.2 kW and maintained at that value throughout the deposition process. The powder flow rate and the gas flow rate were set and kept at constant values of 2.88 g/min and 2 L/min respectively. The scanning speeds were varied between 0.015 and 0.105 m/s. Argon gas was used to keep the oxygen level in the glove box below 10 ppm during the deposition process to prevent the atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen from contami- nating the deposits. The laser metal deposition process was achieved by feeding the powders through the coaxial nozzles into the melt pool that was created on the substrate using the laser beam that forms the composite after the solidification of the melt pool. See Figure 2 for the schematic of the laser metal deposition process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy- dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used for the microstructures and phase analyses of the deposited samples respectively. Samples for the SEM and microhardness were sectioned laterally, mounted in hot resin, ground and polished using the standard metallographic techniques according to the ASTM E3 – 11, standard.11 The SEM samples were etched using Kroll’s reagent. The Kroll’s reagent consists of 100 mL of water with 2 mL of hydrofluoric acid and 4 mL of nitric acid. The microhardness measurements were conducted using a Vickers indenter under a 300-g load and a dwell time of 15 s according to the ASTM E384 – 11e1 (2011) standard.12 The wear tests were performed under dry conditions (no lubri- cation) using a ball-on-disk arrangement on a Cert tribo- tester. A Tungsten Carbide ball of 10 mm diameter was used at a load of 25 N, reciprocating frequency of 20 Hz and at a sliding distance of 2000 mm. The wear test was R. M. MAHAMOOD, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF SCANNING SPEED ON THE INTERMETALLIC ... 474 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 473–478 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: The schematic diagram of laser metal deposition process14 Slika 2: Shematski prikaz postopka laserskega nana{anja kovine14 Figure 1: Experimental set-up Slika 1: Eksperimentalni sestav performed according to the ASTM G133 – 05(2010) standard.13 The schematical diagram of the laser metal deposition process is based on R. M. Mahamood et al.14 Table 1: Chemical composition of the Ti6Al4V substrate, Ti6Al4V powder and TiC powder Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava podlage iz Ti6Al4V, Ti6Al4V prahu in TiC prahu Ti6Al4V substrate Element Al V Fe C N2 H2 O2 Ti w/% 6.42 3.91 0.19 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.155 balance Ti6Al4V powder Element Al V Fe C N2 H2 O2 Ti w/% 6.20 3.90 0.18 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.150 balance TiC Powder Element C O2 N2 Fe Al Na Ti w/% 19.5 0.28 0.4 0.045 0.03 0.026 balance 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The morphologies of the Ti6Al4V and TiC powders are shown in Figures 3a and 3b respectively. The micro- graph of the Ti6Al4V substrate is shown in Figure 3c. The Ti6Al4V powder is characterized by spherically shaped powder particles, which is typical of a gas-ato- mized powder.15 Spherically shaped, gas-atomized pow- der is more favoured in the laser metal deposition process because of its improved absorption of the laser rays.15 The TiC powder is a ball-milled powder with an irregular shape, which is the characteristics of any ball-milled powder. The Ti6Al4V substrate is characte- rized by alpha (light contrast) and beta (dark contrast) phases, as shown in Figure 3c. The results of the intermetallic of Ti3Al (in percen- tage), the average Vickers hardness number and the wear-volume loss are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Results Tabela 2: Rezultati Sample designation Scanning speed (m/s) Ti3Al (%) Average Vi- ckers hardness number Wear volume (mm3) A 0.015 5 386 0.098 B 0.025 6 390 0.082 C 0.035 8 420 0.08 D 0.045 12 448 0.07 E 0.055 13 449 0.061 F 0.065 15 460 0.058 G 0.075 12 469 0.071 H 0.085 10 475 0.086 I 0.095 5 489 0.082 J 0.105 4 498 0.1 Substrate 0 0 300 0.178 The graph of the Ti3Al intermetallic against the scanning speed is shown in Figure 4a. The graph of the average Vickers hardness against the scanning speed is shown in Figure 4b. The wear volume is plotted against the scanning speed and is shown in Figure 4c. The combined graph of the Ti3Al intermetallic and the wear volume is shown in Figure 4d. The Ti3Al intermetallic R. M. MAHAMOOD, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF SCANNING SPEED ON THE INTERMETALLIC ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 473–478 475 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Graph of scanning speed and: a) percentage Ti3Al, b) ave- rage Vickers hardness, c) wear volume, d) percentage Ti3Al and wear volume Slika 4: Diagrami odvisnosti hitrosti skeniranja in: a) odstotka Ti3Al, b) povpre~ne trdote po Vickersu, c) volumna obrabe, d) odstotka Ti3Al in volumna obrabe Figure 3: a) Morphology of the Ti6Al4V powder, b) morphology of the TiC powder, c) micrograph of the Ti6Al4V substrate Slika 3: a) Morfologija prahu Ti6Al4V, b) morfologija prahu TiC, c) mikrostruktura podlage iz Ti6Al4V was found to increase as the scanning speed was initially increased. The maximum Ti3Al intermetallic was seen at a scanning speed of 0.065 m/s with a value of 15 %. As the scanning speed was increased beyond 0.065 m/s, the Ti3Al intermetallic was seen to start decreasing. Our earlier study also revealed that as the scanning speed was increased, the wear resistance was found to be increased and then decrease as the scanning speed was further increased. The reason for this was attributed to the un- melted carbide (UMC) particles, whose size and quantity were found to be responsible for the wear behaviour of the laser metal deposited TiC/Ti6Al4V composite.16 The present investigation shows that it was not only the unmelted carbide particles that were responsible for the wear-resistance behaviour, the Ti3Al intermetallic formed also contributed to it. The XRD analysis (Figure 5) revealed that the Ti3Al intermetallic was changing with the change in the scanning speed, and it is also found to have an effect on the wear-resistance behaviour, as shown in Figure 4a. The higher quantity of Ti3Al intermetallic was seen to improve the wear resistance behaviour of the TiC/Ti6Al4V composites. The Ti3Al intermetallic is formed as a result of the solid-state phase transformation of the primary phase structure at a low scanning speed. At a low scanning speed, the laser material interaction time is longer and the melt pool created is larger, thereby causing the solidification and cooling time to be longer and thus allowing a small quantity of the Ti3Al to be formed. As the scanning speed was increased, the laser material interaction time was reduced and the melt pool produced is smaller. This promotes the rapid solidification and the cooling rate of the melt pool that favours a larger quantity of Ti3Al being formed. As the scanning speed was further in- creased beyond 0.065 m/s, the percentage Ti3Al was found to be reduced. This may be because of improper melting of the TiC powder at these higher scanning speeds. If the scanning speed is too large, the laser material interaction time will be very short and this may result in improper melting of the powders. Also, because the melt pools created at such high scanning speeds are very small, this will result in the formation of a small quantity of the Ti3Al intermetallic. Since intermetallic compounds are produced from the solid-state reaction of the solidified melted powders and if the quantity of the melted powder is reduced as a result of high scanning speeds, it follows that the quantity of the Ti3Al inter- metallic formed will be reduced. On the other hand, the microhardness was found to continue to increase as the scanning speed was increased, as shown in Figure 4b. This is because of the insufficient melting of the TiC powder particles as a result of the low laser material interaction time that resulted in the production of larger unmelted carbide particles. The increase in the micro- hardness values even at much higher scanning speeds may be as a result of these unmelted carbide particles. The large particles of the unmelted TiC carbide are detri- mental to the wear-resistance properties and that is why the wear resistance properties are found to be reducing as the scanning speed was increased beyond 0.065 m/s. The large unmelted TiC particles cause damage to the R. M. MAHAMOOD, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF SCANNING SPEED ON THE INTERMETALLIC ... 476 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 473–478 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 6: SEM micrograph of the sample at: a) 0.025 m/s, b) higher magnification of sample in a), c) 0.065 m/s, d) higher magnification of sample in c) Slika 6: SEM-posnetek vzorca pri: a) 0,025 m/s, b) vzorec a) pri ve~ji pove~avi, c) 0,065 m/s, d) vzorec c) pri ve~ji pove~avi Figure 5: The XRD analysis of the sample at the scanning speed of: a) 0.035 m/s, b) 0.045 m/s, c) 0.055 m/s, d) 0.065 m/s Slika 5: Rentgenogram vzorca pri hitrosti skeniranja: a) 0,035 m/s, b) 0,045 m/s, c) 0,055 m/s in d) 0,065 m/s sliding surface as a result of the cutting and tearing actions of these large unmelted TiC particles during the rubbing actions. Also, as shown in a previous study, as the scanning speed was increased, the size and the quantity of the un- melted TiC particles also increased, which formed a powder lubricant that inhibits the wear action as the sliding action progresses.16 The Ti3Al also mimics the behaviour of the unmelted carbide action as it is also hard and brittle, which also forms a powder lubricant as the sliding wear action continues, due to rubbing and grinding of the Ti3Al and the unmelted carbide particles (Figue 6) as the wear action continues. The particle size of these Ti3Al intermetallic and the smaller unmelted TiC carbide particles are reduced in size as they are rubbed against one another during the wear experiment. This unmelted TiC and the Ti3Al intermetallic particles were ground by the rubbing surfaces of the deposited sample and the tungsten carbide ball to form fine powder. The fine powder now forms a protective layer between the rubbing surfaces, which prevents the two surfaces from being in contact, thereby forming a powdery lubricant between the two surfaces and thus, reducing the wear action. The wear track of the parent material is shown in Figure 7a. It is characterized by parallel ploughing grooves, as shown in Figure 7a, and their formation is as a result of the combination of abrasive wear, adhesive wear and plastic deformation.16 The wear tracks of the samples at 0.015 m/s are shown in Figure 7b, while that of the sample at a scanning speed of 0.065 m/s is shown in Figure 7c and the wear track of the sample at the scanning speed of 0.105 m/s is shown in Figure 7d. At a low scanning speed, the UMC and the Ti3Al seen in the microstructure are less than those seen at the higher scanning speed. Both the UMC and the Ti3Al serve as reinforcement in the composite. The smaller number of these reinforcements does not really improve the wear resistance because they are serving as a third-body wear mechanism that results in cutting of the surfaces in sliding motion, as seen in Figure 7b. The size of the UMC is smaller at a scanning speed of 0.065 m/s when compared to those seen at higher scanning speeds. Also, the quantities of the UMC are more than those seen at a lower scanning speed, where most of the TiC powder is completely melted. The quantity of the Ti3Al is also more at the scanning speed of 0.065 m/s, thereby result- ing in improved wear-resistance behaviour (Figure 7c). This is because the UMC particles and the Ti3Al are ground into finer powder as the sliding action progresses because they are hard and brittle. The powder they form serves as a protective layer (and as powder lubricant), which tends to reduce the wear action of the two surfaces in the sliding motion. The size of the UMC particles seen at the scanning speed of 0.105 m/s is larger than those seen at the lower scanning speed because of the lower laser material interaction time at the higher scanning speed. There was not enough time to melt the surfaces of the TiC powder particles at the higher scanning speed, thereby leaving behind larger UMC TiC particles. Also, the quantity of the UMC TiC particles as well as the Ti3Al intermetallic is fewer than those seen at the scann- ing speed of 0.065 m/s. These large UMC TiC particles cause cracking of the surfaces in the sliding motion, thereby escalating the wear action as shown in Figure 7d. 4 CONCLUSION A study of the influence of the scanning speed on an Ti3Al intermetallic produced in-situ during a laser metal deposition process has been conducted. The scanning speed was varied between 0.015 m/s and 0.105 m/s. The evolving microstructures were studied; microhardness and wear test were also performed. The effect of the quantity of the Ti3Al on the wear-resistance property was investigated. Qualitative metallographic analyses of the microstructures confirmed that during the solidification and cooling processes of the deposited samples, the Ti6Al4V and the TiC powders were transformed into various phases, including the intermetallic phase of Ti3Al. Also, the secondary phase of Ti3Al is formed in-situ by chemical reactions between the Ti6Al4V and the TiC. The intensive phase transformations that occurred, during the solidification and cooling down process, resulted in the various quantities of the Ti3Al R. M. MAHAMOOD, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF SCANNING SPEED ON THE INTERMETALLIC ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 473–478 477 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 7: SEM micrograph of the wear track of the: a) substrate16, b) sample at the scanning speed of 0.015 m/s, c) sample at the scanning speed of 0.065 m/s, d) sample at the scanning speed of 0.105 m/s Slika 7: SEM-posnetek sledi obrabe na: a) podlagi16, b) vzorec pri hitrosti skeniranja 0,015 m/s, c) vzorec pri hitrosti skeniranja 0,065 m/s, d) vzorec pri hitrosti skeniranja 0,105 m/s produced, which was found to initially increase as the scanning speed was increased and then reduce as the scanning speed was further increased. The wear test conducted revealed that the wear-resistance property initially increased as the scanning speed was increased and then decreased as the scanning speed was increased beyond 0.065 m/s. Also, the maximum Ti3Al observed also occurred at the same scanning speed and it was found to be 15%. 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