The Oldest Slovene Daily in Ohio Best Advertising Medium XVin—LBTO ENAKOPRAVNOST EQUALITY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENE PROGRESSIVE BENEFIT SOCIETY Neodvisen dnevnik zastopajoč interese slovenskih delavcev v Ameriki xvm whpredvoj iGLliO CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, (SREDA) AUGUST 14, 1935. ŠTEVILKA (NUMBER) 191 staviti v Ab, T Cecila, da mora za vsako ceno u-i^&lijanski pohlep v»« je povzročil jtga taitiiu notran- Sovornika ognjevitega za-^oberta C ^3-f"odov, Lorda ^''jo na T. ■ ° "Staviti I- Jsni nameravani voj- ZANIMIVE VESTI IZ ŽIVLJENJA NAŠIH LJUDI PO ŠIRNI AMERIKI Pretekli teden se je na po-* vratku v dvomesečnega bivanja j NEVESTA DALA ŽIVLJENJE v severnem Wisconsin in Min-j ZA OTROKA. nesoti ustavil v Milwaukee slo-^ grp STEPHEN N B 13 venski slikar H. Gregory Peru-, Miss Josephine Demp- šek z družing, ki sedaj biva v j ggy gtara 24 let, je imela jutri Clevelandu. Na povratku se, poroki, namesto tega pa bo ustavil za nekaj dni tudi V| bodo na ta dan pokopali. Živ-Chicagu, kjer je svoj čas bival, ijgnje je izgubila sinoči, ko je skočila v St. Croix reko ter re- ki vojne. %ČilniL povedati Italiji v besedah, da "^Pfavi-jp^. smo v resnici *'^"0 obliff Izpolniti našo sio-narodov paktom Li- "kspediciji " p%esp,; U |. "csei Angl' ^ stoji iia° ^ strahom, da deže- y Abesiniji, je silijo ter preši- ^eoziraje, se kako /cija bo potrebna," ' Cecil. "Edino ^ ^0 rešila pred napak, ki Tesnobi M H lali jasno pove- pičene "n . z invazijo v I #a "Daily Qdb-O ^orda ' "arod, Cecilia in Unijo rh Sa k?;«« Lorda Cecila je 5'" ter »laši lojalni naroč- Products Co. na 2900 Detroit Ave. Pravijo, da so le strojniki odredili stavko, navadni delavci pa da nimajo od nje nič dobiti. y igri, ki je zelo zanimiva, nastopi and 40 oseb in sicer v narodnih nošah. Igra je tudi vseskozi prepletena s petjem, za katero bodo skrbeli pevci in pevke samostojne "Zarje." Ne bom opisoval igre podrobneje, ker to boste še čitali te dni. Važno je, da rezervirate prihodnjo, n^eljo za "Cankarja" in nas gotovo posetite na prijazni Močilnikarjevi farmi, kjer boste videli v akciji ženina in nevesto, kot tudi številne svate. Pri igri se bo tudi gradilo, kot je običaj v starem kraju in kot ga je opisal pisatelj Louis Adamič v svoji črtici "Ženitovanje na Kranjskem". Dramsko društvo "Ivan Cankar" je imelo, kot mnoga druga samostojna društva, zadnja leta trd boj za obstanek, katerega pa mislim, da smo srečno prestali in da se obetajo tudi na dramskem polju lepši časi. S prihodnjo igralno sezono, ki se prične to jesen, stopa dramsko društvo "Ivan Cankar" v osemnajsto leto aktivnega dela na dramskem polju. Izza časa ustanovitve se je preigralo nad 150 različnih iger. Mnogo je še danes članov "Cankarja" od usta-j igrali in boljše kvalitete igre bo novitve, ki se še vedno aktivno i mo lahko podali. udejstvujejo pri društvu. Vabi- ^ato vas vljudno vabim vse. la dolgoletna članica in igralka dramskega društva "Ivan Cankar" in sedaj režiserka, Mrs. Antoinette Simčič. Na programu imamo druge nove igre, ki pridejo na vrsto pozneje. Da izvedemo naš program čim uspešnejše, potrebujemo vaše pomoči in sodelovanja, to je; da posetite naše prireditve in nas tako podprete moralno, pa tudi nekoliko finančno. čim večji je uspeh naših prireditev, večkrat bomo lahko nik /LrnalgfLniated Clotiiuig i a, se je bcwila, so jo zg^i- Workers in predsednik ameriško!^.,. prisili\, da je spila socijalistične stranke. Na pi o-1 zoperno tekočino, nakar gramu bo več drugih zabavnin; jggubila zavest. Dekle zani- točk. Oddan bo tudi popolnoma; da je poskusila izvršiti sa- nov radio. Slovensko delavstvo kakor se je sumilo spoje uljudno vabljeno, da se tega piknika udeleži v velikem števi- mo pa tudi mlade moči, katere veseli igranje, da se nam pridružijo in izurijo v igranju, da bodo nadaljevali zapoČeto delo. Prva igra dramskega društva "Ivan Cankarja" se bo vršila v nedeljo 13. oktobra, ki bo o-tvoritvena predstava bodoče sezone. Za to priliko se je izbralo zanimivo in lepo narodno igro /'Legijonarji", katero bo režira- ki spoštujete spomin Ivana Cankarja, da posetite naš piknik v nedeljo 18. avgusta in tako podprete edino društvo v Ameriki, dramsko društvo "Ivan Cankar ki je bilo ustanovljeno v njegov spomin, po njegovi smrti. Vsi, ki čutite v Cankarjevem smislu, pridite v nedeljo na Močilnikar-jevo farmo. Na svidenje! — E-razem Gorshe, predsednik. lu. Nahajamo se v kampanji za municipalne volitve. Letos mora vsak kandidat za župana, ko vloži peticije, plačati $45, in kandidat za City Council $9. Okrajna soc. stranka polaga važnost na zgoraj omenjeni piknik, da bo prinesel toliko finančnih sredstev, da bo lahko postavila svoje kandidate na volilni listek. Zato se obrača na simpatičarje, da ji priskočijo na pomoč v tej kritični uri. Kažipot: Vzemite W. 14th St. Clark Ave. ulično karo na Public Square, katera vas popelje do parka, kjer se bo piknik vršil. Pridite!—Odbor. Poročno dovoljenje Poročno dovoljenje sta dobila Victor Jesen, 13209 Kirton Ave. in Elsie Samich, 12221 Kirton Ave. Bilo srečno! Pridelovalci jabolk Sinoči se je v hotelu Statler otvorila konvencija ameriške zveze pridelovalcev jabolk. Senator Byrd iz Virginije, ki sam lastuje velike sadne nasade, je imel danes govor pred konvencijo. Računi za elektriko Nocoj do 6. ure je zadnji čas, da plačate račun za mestno elektriko v našem uradu. Kultura MLAD. ZBOR S. D. D. Starše otrok mlad. pevske-"', zbora Slov. Del. Doma na W -terloo Rd., se prosi, da ne r-ot.i-vo udeležijo redne mesečne seje, ki se bo vršila po vajah v četrtek, 15. avgusta. — A. Vadnal. 8TRAN 2 ENAKOPRAVNOST 14. avgusta UREDNIŠKA STRAN "ENAKOPRAVNOSTI "ENAKOPRAVNOST" Owned and Published by THE AMERICAN JUGOSLAV PTG. & PUB. CO. 6231 ST. CLAIR AVE.—HEnderson 5811 Issued Every Day Except Sundays and Holidays VATRO J. GRILL, Editor Po raznašalcu v Clevelandu, za celo leto ..........$5.50 za 6 mesecev ........$3.00; za 3 mesece ..........$1.50 Po pošti v Clevelandu za celo leto .................$6.00 ca 6 mesecev .........$3.25; za 3 mesece ..........$2.00 Za Zedinjene države tn Kanado za celo leto ......$4.50 ra 6 mesecev .........$2.50; za 3 mesece ..........$1.50 Za Evropo, Južno Ameriko in druge inozemske države za 6 mesecev ........$4.00; za celo leto ..........$8.00 Entered as Second Class Matter April 26th, 1918 at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1879 rl04 Konkordat in Jugoslavija Starokrajska "Delavska Politika" z dne 31. julija prinaša o pravkar sklenjeni pogodbi med Vatikanom in Jugoslavijo naslednji članek: Dne 25. julija 1935 je v Vatikanu podpisal pravdni minister dr. Auer za Jugoslavijo konkordatno pogodbo z Vatikanom, to je, z rimsko katoliško cerkvijo. Konkordat je pogodba, ki jo sklepa Vatikan s posvetnimi državami, da si z njo zagotovi politične svobodščine v državah za svoje versko in cerkvenoorgani-zatorično delovanje. Velik del cerkvene politične moči sloni ravno na konkorda-tih. Besedilo konkordata še ni bilo objavljeno, vendar so že znane glavne točke pogodbe. V prvem delu govori ta o noti-anji organizaciji rimske cerkve v Jugoslaviji, o soodločevanju države pri imenovanju škofov in ustanovitvi novih škofij . Drugi del pogodbe je javnopravnega in političnega značaja. V imovinskih vprašanjih uživa rimska cerkev isto avtonomijo kakor vsa druga priznana verstva. Cerkvena posest (imetje mrtve roke) je nadotakljivo, se torej ne more zapleniti in lastiti s kakršnimkoli agrare-formnini zakonom, če cerkev v to ne privoli. Verski pouk je zajamčen v vseh državnih šolah ter ga vodi cerkev. Cerkvenim zakonom se priznava javnopravni značaj, to je cerkveni zakon ima pred državo zakonito veljavo in so discipline zakonskega življenja s tem za vso državo unificirane. Jako pomembna je določba o "katoliški akciji," ki se navaja kot nadstran-karska ustanova, ki je podrejena edino škofom. V konkordatu izjavlja papež, da je pripravljen prepovedati duhovnikom aktivno udeležbo v političnem življenju in pristopanje k političnim strankam, če bo to veljalo obenem tudi za druga verstva. Pogajanja za konkordat med Jugoslavijo in Vatikanom so trajala več let. Konkordat ima značaj meddržavne pogodbe, ki dovoljuje cei'kvi v okviru dr žave suvereno stališče. Mnogo držav stoji na stališču, da konkordat s pojmom državne suverenitete ni v soglasju in odklanjajo njega sklenitev. Zakaj s sklenitvijo konkordata j)ostane cerkev sood-ločujoči in odločujoči činitelj v mnogih javnopravnih vprašanjih, torej faktor moči v državi. Ne pripada ji le odločanje v verskih vprašanjih, marveč tudi v vpi-ašanjih vzgoje, zakonov, privatno-posestnih pravic, kakor je to že iz zgoraj navedenih glavnih točk jasno razvidno. Mi smo proti konkordatu, ker stojimo na stališču ločitve cerkve od dižave. Cerkev naj bo, kakor vsaka druga organizacija, svobodna in neodvisna, v okviru popolnoma svobodomislenega koalicijskega zakona. Imeti ne bi smela predpra-vic, pa tudi omejevati bi se ne smelo nje svobode. Za svojo eksistenco naj skrbi iz svojih sredstev, ne iz državnih. Verski pouk naj ne bi bil obvezen tei- naj bi se vršil izven šole. Za cerkveno posest naj bi veljale iste omejitve in isti pridržki, kakor za vsako drugo ))rivatno posest. (Dalje v 6. koloni.) tje vidijo tako velik prepad pri ISSPZ. Čas beži, konvencija je Cleveland, O. i ročaj pa je kot škarje. Po moji Pred durmi. Zadnja konvencija DOPISI ČLANSTVA SSPZ lawbse dan olin%,ijade. Raz.|"eunwii buči, bi m pred^bvljal or 1 :lajxw inkKUne eledat tKurce zairekbi, daje ujemati ven kuha-'prenasa od konvencije db kcm^ •u ■ • J ui- • i to iznajdbo za prav pripravno ganizacijo in nas članstvo, sa- na pisma prihajajo od blizu m i kleoetuliami Sosed i mi ie rno to ie križ, da se že toliko let daleč, celo iz Montane pride par "^^ klepetuljami, bosea.i mi je ^________,________ : na jajca. Ženske se z mojim vencije, starega mačka ali coklo prvenstvo v zogometni ign. strinjajo in ker|ki sc jo dene pod kolo, da voz nuwuieskwijv zgodovuu S. S.I\ vaSm* zmaga vse povsod, zato d^ži nazaj, da ""»^^Preb^ro vse kaže, bo to ena največjih' z. članstvo se zaveda, da je tre-ba dati naši nUadinLi"b"iškMn aparabmn. . . , ! Wm. Candon. zatorej poroča, da bo pnslo, ce ^ bo le živo in zdravo do 1. sep-' tembra. Le korajžo, fantje in vem, da bom ostal sam s svojim! iti naprej, in to je vprašanje združenja. Seveda, to je dobra reklama za druge organizacije, Zvezo pa stane že lepe tisočake. White VaUey, Pa. Nisem nasproten združenju, če Zadnjič sem poročal, da bodo | prišlo do tega že toliko let. c=a=a=s!=c!=£aj=i&«a3=s^ ŠKRAT v družbi trempov in hobotov možje, žene in dekleta, mesto ... ]ij„guu„2i ieralci društva' 3- že skrajni čas, da se pre-, 8° dandanes zastopani najraz-Clevcland je veliko in prostora ; cjQpy riviž+i/t. «t- 991'neha s pogajanjem. Čemu se |ličnejši stanovi in poklici. Tudi bo dovolj zavTC. Kdor šeiu 218 SSPZinckidtva ŠL 221, . J . .....j Tc<^T Ppntpr Pa Hnp 9^ a v-' ponujati ? Vsem tistim, ki so ta- del največjo slovensko metro- Center, i^a., dne /O. av-^H polo, naj pride sedaj, srečal bo:S"=ta, po federacijski seji. Kerg ! ko vneti za združenje, bi jim Amprikp dprini je team društva št. 218 g. | svetoval, da naj se pobrigajo za ' ' S. P. Z. razkopal, sporočam, da j pridobivanje več .članstva za SSPZ posebno pa mladi- rojake iz širne je prilika, da se sestaneš s svo-, , jim soš()lcem, sose(ioni ali kar igrsUi igralci iz ISridigevilhs, I , že, l(o sta Tf otrošliih letih kj-am- sicer »niSlesko poslujoče <»3: 0^ Hal« ,r i društvo št. 237 SSPZ z društ-isebi, kadar bo cas za to. be bo- Ijala v lojstni domovnii. Vse 091 tqkJ Oba team a' že ta mladi za to pobrigali, lahko dogodi, lahko pride tudi ^ " ' , , hninn mno-Ti v^p zanusti- to, da se snidei s člLkom, Jako dobra, zatorej bo vred-;«="J J™ b°m° "»"g" =»9"=" katerem najmanj misliš. Kot sem že gori omenil, se pričakuje veliko število ljudi, o-ziroma gostov, zato apelira o-limpijski odbor na članstvo in občinstvo, da kdor ima kaj pro- no, da lih pridete pogledati, ka- i in če pogledamo okrog, se viko se bodo udarili za zmago. sedaj, da so zelo vneti za Team, ki bo zmagal, bo $5.00 nagrade. Torej, bratje in sestre, piidi-^ vestjo rečem, da je^Zveza^na ti-te iz vseh krajev na to igro, po dobil društva in organizacijo SSPZ, j samo premalo jih je. Z lahko soče članov zgubila radi ne- nekdanji bankirji se najdejo med njimi. Neki tak tremp, ki je bil pred znano zmrzlino, vpliven bankir, je na ulici ustavil meščana ter ga nagovori^; "Ali bi hoteli priskočiti na pomoč svojemu tovarišu, čigar kredit je zmrznjen?" "Ali mislite s tem reči, da želite od mene denar?" vpraša meščan. "O, nič tako prostaškega," odvrne odlični tremp. "Želim le, da me financirate preko obstoječe nujnosti ..." glede stara za prenočišča, naj to spo-l^®"^ ^e udeležite piknika, ^ roči v uradu "Enakopravnosti" i ^^t®rem se glrrila, in vidim, da se vedno I mož. "Ti zapraviš celo premože- združenja. | vsako številko i Vestno čitam jm\' Sporočite naslov in za koliko o- ^ ^ federacija oglasi in apelira na j koristijo "Ljuba moja," se je hudoval ali pa pri društvenem tajniku.isem in tja kakšno društvo ali!"je za lepotila, ki ti prav nič ne in va Trmiii-n nJlP bbrZi konckai pii srcu, oo ... ,. ,, seb imate prostora. Odbor je 'gotcvo prišel in sklenil, da bo za eno osebo pre ^levoje prijatelje. Za olesaželjne glavni odbor, da naj podvzame' - ! J J J - / ' Tn oot Y>oa Oho, to pa ni res!" ga zavr- v ^ , ll-n nvp^ki hlipTin 7 fmo godbo I korake za združenje. Ja, saj res ne ona. "Videti bi me moral nočišče 75c za vsak večer, ako'^o piekkibljeno / S db . _ pa sta dve skupaj pa 50c od' svidenje 25. avgusta! Jurij Previc, tajnik bi dal moč glavnemu tajniku, I ker on more največ vedeti koli ko smo vredni, da bi pokopal brez njih!' vsake. Gostje bodo tukaj tri ve- j večere, to jo v petek, 30. a\^u.| Pa sta, JI. avgusta m l. septembra, sestre, kaj pa naša vse dokumente v eno bisago in nekateri pa tudi septembra, j g g p g ? ^11 ne veste, šel od organizacije do organiza- Prosim vas v irnonu odbora za j konvencija približuje? Še cije povpraševat, katera da več pripravo, kdor ima kako sobo 1 , , , na razpolago, naj takoj Lahko pokličite tudi po telefonu GArfield 6186 M ali pa HEnderson 5811. Torej, tu sta dve tele-! fonski številki, in eno izmed teh lahko kličete, če ne morete o-sebno sporočiti. Znano vam je že, da se cela prireditev vrši v S. N. Domu n,a St. Clair Ave., žcgometna igra se prične v sobolo popoldne, to je 31. avgusta v Gordon Parku. , dobrih devet mesecev, pa se bo- 7,a Slovensko Svobodomiselno fnnii' do dclegatje zopet skupaj zbrali Podporno Zvezo. Mogoče bi pa le j in razpravljali o naših pravilih, bilo kaj biznesa. Kaj pa mi posamezni člani, a- j Cenjeni bratje in sestre, to ne li smo res vsi zaaovoljni s seda- j gj,g tako. S tem se nekako sami njimi pravili, o katerih nočemo ^ ponižujemo in organizacijo lazmotrivati? Jaz mislim, da ni- zadržujemo od napredka. Glav-cnio. Vsc-kpga člana je-doržuost, cdbor se zdaj trudi in deluje z da se v našem glasilu izrazi in yggmi močmi za proč vit in napove katera točka mu ne ugaja' predek SSPZ. Kdor noče biti in kako naj bi se jo popravilo, giep, lahko vidi, da smo precej da bi bila boljša. Ako se nočete napredovali v članstvu Mn bla-cglasiti v glasilu, povejte vaše gajni v zadnjih par letih, in to Plavači bodo tekmovali v kopa- • . i v, . - - - lišču na St.Clair Ave.. nasprotilT':?:': na druBtvem seji m bo y; ,,kel lahko, po zaslugi Enakopravnosti. Balincarji ° glavnega odbora, ki se v resni- bodo tekmovali v Slov. Nar. z^^topniki pa lahko briga za procvit in napredek. _______•,________...-i. T7 : poi cciili na Ledeiacijski seji, povečini so bili srlavni odborni- mil, v novih prostorih. V soboto i večer se bo vršil ples v zgornji; Jvorani Slov. Nar. Doma, v ne-; deljo večer pa ki atek prograrr« j nato pa ples za ct.ire in mlade., O polnoči bo enega ali eno za-, dela sreča, da bo dobil nov Chevis-et avto, s katerim se bo lahko peljal domov. To bo sreča vseh sreč, zatorej sezite po listkih katere prav pridno prodajajo člani in članice S. S. P. Z. Sedaj pa še nekaj. Ne pozabite priti v nedeljo, 18. avgusta na piknik z igro, katerega pri- j redi di amsko društvo "Ivan j Cankar" na Morilnikarjevi farmi. CleveLindčanje, to bo nekaj posebnega, zatorej pojdite vsi tja. 1'ibnišku i/iiajdba. Prejel sem iz kitare domovine mali zavitek od : vojega svaka, katerega ie princ.-Jel g. Kollan-der. Odprem zavitek in glej ga šment, nekaj vržiiik, seveda s p.lamo v sredi. Kot strasten kadilec, takiij prižgem eno. O prijeten okuK in duit. Hvala tistemu, ki jih je pohlal in tistemu, ki jih je })rinesel. Ob ])rižgani vržiiiki nadaljuj« m z razvija- ederacijski ker čas je, da bo tudi Federaei- Povečini so bili glavni odborni ki zraven, da so se Vrtci ali ja pričela razmotrivati pravila mladinska društva ustanovila. 2r o popravkih poročala v gla-uilu. Saj zato imamo glasilo, da vsaki pove svoje mnenje. Kaj pa kampanja? Jaz bi ja-ko rad pridobil kaj novih članov, ali pri nas je jako težko kakega dobiti, odkar je premo- gg kakšne razprave pričele gorov prenehal z obratom. Naj gjasilu. pa zadostuje za sedaj! Jurij previc R. D. 2, Export, Pa. Ker se mi že veliko vidi, je boljše, da končam, da se urednik ghisila ne ustraši in vse skupaj v koš zažene. Mogoče, da se še kaj oglasim, ko je ravno pred konvencijo. Dobro bi bilo, ko bi v Vesti iz življenja ameriških Slovencev (Dalje iz 1. str.) bolehal, pet mesecev in ni imel nobenih sorodnikov tukaj. Odkod je bil doma, poročilo ne pove. Poročila sta se Sheboyganu Miss Mary Bergant in Frank Vodnik iz Milwaukee, kjer se bo mladi par nastanil. Mary Camplog iz Mclntyre, Pa., je te dni zapustila bolnišnico v Indiani, Pa., v kateri je bila pet tednov po težki operaciji, katero je srečno prestala. Utonil je v Brondale, zraven Forest City, Pa., 22-letni slovenski mladenič Chas. Nagode, ko je čolnaril po jezeru. Truplo so potegnili iz vode šele čez štiri dni. Zapušča starše, tri brate in tri sestre. V Buenos Airesu, Argentina, sta se poročila Martin Kobše in Angela Cigoj. Suhe in vlažne # Cc r.'ii ,znaki iic varajo, sc je '('''"1 (lolf/ili vlažnih I N'elikc su.šc, ki so oljiskalo I®"'! ^ četkii letošnje,ita leta Severno -Ju/.iio Afriko, so smatrali niiioP.j ruekiR'r ni naJol. Xjog'ov ii3' ; gulf' !)ach z dunajskega glaviicg'^i . ^ ^ teovologijo in geodinainiko kvil zvezo z iieko drngo pe"''' 11 i-ioclA zadnje kakor doba mnogih I5 kozmienega značaja. To je enako dolga perioda, ko t' glavni roj Leonido'v, nietooi''ji vsako lelo na zendjo med !"• hrom, \' zadnjih stoletjih j"-' '< t oh glavni roj 1. 179!), l8.">' v teh letih pa so se zaeonj ale Bratski pozdrav Frunk Peterlin, Lepo in udobno stanovanje 4 velike sobe zgoraj, ali 5 sob spodaj in garažo se odda v na-član društva št. 104 i jem. Vpraša se na 1076 E. 72 St. riode spet \('cje vJage in letos se ,l)!l n-eeata. Tovariši ( ir. 2( izrekli zadnje besede o tej tako 1)0 treba tudi nam odločili o njej. uci* Chieano, 111. Že dalj časa se pripravljam, I da bi napisal nekaj vrstic, kako delamo za našo podporno orga- ^ ni.^aci jo. Vsakega člana bi mo- ^ gla biti dolžnost, da dela za svo- ^ jo organizacijo, kar je bilo ze ^ neštetokrat povdarjeno. To je^ čisto 1'azitmljivo in popolnoma ^ nmi stno. da če ,smo člani pri or- ^ Osebna postrežba ^anizaci.n, nam je za nas njem zavitl;a, kar opazim čudno j "C' ra jbenško robo, c.glednjem in ; jhn r Čudno se mi vidi zakaj ti bra ijbi ogledujem in ne pogruntam spako, kam prav pride, kar o ))azim noto to je na/novejši ribniški aparat, znajditelj Ki-benčan (morebiti SodraSčan, o-pomba pisca). Izdelan je bil v dolini rajbenški. natentir;m tudi tam, ker si doma iz dolin.- raj-benake, ugani za kaj j^rav pride ta aparat. Aparat izgleda kot šlrarje, mesto rezila im;l na ene-stran žlico na drugi pa vilice, smo člani ;:ato, ker ^ organizacijo, torej za To jo, kar bi morali bratje in sestre Slovenske Svo-j 1k domiselne Podporne Zveze, 1:-pcštevali, ali žalibog tega med nami ni. Veliko jih je, ki imajo uči i;br njene nekam drugam in ni veliko za S. S. P. Z. I Vsak pogreb, ki Ra odprcininio mi, je pod osobnim nadzorstvom gospodarja podjetja. Nekaterim so bo morda to zdelo malenkostno, pa ni. Poilediea je. da oni, ki nas pokličejo, so lahko /aRotov-ijeni, da se skrbi za vsako potrebo in da nobena malenkost ni prezrcla FUNČRAI.^' DIRCCTOR \ 47^ E . l gZliiP CNMORE r DR. L. A. STARCE Pregled oči Ure; 10-12, 2-4, 7-8 6411 vSt. Oalr Ave. FRANK ZAKRAJŠEK Slovenski pogrebnih 110') NORWOOD KD. ENdicott 47X5 I Primeren prostor '■/.a kakršnokoli trgovino s stanovanjem s 4 sobami in kopalnico, Kc odda v najem. Nahaja so na : prometnem kraju. 1169 E. 76 St. JOS. ŽELE IN SINOVI rOGREBNI ZAVOD «502 ST. CLAin AVE. ENdicott 0583 Avtomobili In bolniški voz redno In ob vsaki mi na razpolago. Ml smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo COLLINWOODSKI URAD: 452 Kast 152nd Street Tel.: KEnmure 3118 PROF. SAUERBR lOdcii največ jih, če m' naših kinii'.niriic klinike v 'je;;:' kratkim (iO-Ictiiico ii Njegovo delovanje xnanstveiH^\ ka je kronano % \ elikiini "^1.'^' . i \ elja omenili njegovo rui-gije pljnr in |ii snega lodo za odstranile\' |io%ii''' poljnlino gi)»ljive piole%e lili'' jorih ndov. .Marsikaj, kai' .1'' indi '!,if mil ta veliki moz njaka na ende/.e. nieji I5i' • e zdvaV'f,,?- mnon'o i> najngledne.iMli o sehii' ,|i . ri njem se j<' zdra\ i I 1^'*^' . dr. (trcgor Žerja\. (Dalje iz 1. Sklepanje zakonov in ^ jj? motala biti stvar države, smelo ovirati zakoncev, P' .jti oblastjo sklenjeni zakon pjii veno poroko, kei- se z civilnopravne zadeve. Vera je privatna zadeVi^' tična organizacija. Nasil^t^^^jj) ill ■ pravnih in imovinskopravoy d? ne sme biti, politična oig^^i . bo z vsemi drugimi enak^i, ^^ji nima noben drža\ Ijan pi v a zase predpravice. J avgusta, 1935. ENAKOPRAVNOST STRAN 3 Slovenska Svobodomiselna Podporna Zveza INKORPORIBANA 1909 GUVNl ®RAD: 245-47 WEST 103rd STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Telefon: — PULLMAN 9665 Vatro J r • UPRAVNI ODBOR; John KvwHi predsednik, 6231 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, O. Rudolph I h podpredsednik. Bridgeville, Penna. WiUiL p "• podpredsednik, 6231 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, O. Wlrko k2 245-47 West 103rd Street, Chicago, 111. Blagajnik, 245-47 West 103rd St., Chicago, 111. Vrhr. , nadzorni ODBOR: William cln^' predsednik, Huston, Penna. Prank Laurif^ 1058 E. 72nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio. ' Linn Ave., So. Burgettstown, Penna. Anton 2ait7 ^ O B O T N I ODBOR: Skve 924, Forest City, Penna. *«icent PuPBi inn Washington Street, Denver, Colo. ^ 1023 South 58th St., West Allis, Wis. Dr, p. J. Glavni zdravnik: • CO, 618 Chesnut St. N. 8. Pittsburgh, Penna. ^^OPRAVNnq'f, D N O GLASILO: Vsa «1—- ' St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, O 84 Anton Mesec 40 William Sitter 21 100 Josephine Bobby 17 208 Milan Diklich 44 103 Mike Krivec 20 219 John Mrla 24 108 Harry Komishak 26 222 Mary Slimak 17 110 Miloš Doviš 35 Steve Slimak 20 120 Frances čič 37 Mary Dynis 32 120 Zora Meden 25 Angelo Longo 39 126 Joseph Kroteč ^ 44 227 Anton Turek 50 141 Anton Slak t 18 230 Judith Barbarich 17 146 Rose Dragan « 18 235 Frank Progar 22 149 Frank Bregar ; 44 Tony Progar 23 151 Mato Rakijašič ' 33 Pasivni člani—Passive Members 160 Slavko Pospich 44 86 Frank Sekš 29 174 Anton Maslo 27 195 John Malečkar 24 Louis Sain 34 Umrli člani: 183 John Pukel 45 Deceased Members: Martin Skedel 44 9 Frank Fartuna 33 198 Frank Kolenc ■ 31 47 Anna Banovetz 48 198 Ann Orehek ' 17 108 Anton Foutsch 45 Carl Schauer 26 209 John Puhek 45 ®RAD: 245-47 WEST 103rd STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Telefon: — PULLMAN 9665 DRUŠTVENE URADNE OBJAVE Fkni', se organizacije, se naj pošilja na naslov taj- ta „ .%ravneea. ^a ime in naslov blagajnika. Pritožbe glede poslo- ">■ DlitMl, ' odseka CQ ___° -J —_____________________________r>»ca. U Pptožbe SDorno u ®® haj naslavlja na predsednika nadzornega odse-8* n!^i ®'diii5tva iiT® pa na predsednika porotnega odseka. Stvari ti-oasiov uradnega glasUa, se naj pošilja naravnost ■^^pRAVNOSTI". 6231 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. '^"fada gla vnega tajnika S. S. P. Zveze tptl"" ^ pri dniš- nges r junija, 1935 by the S the month of June 1935 : Newly Admitted ''•"»»topii f'erd: 1 16 16 20 26 35 41 U2 172 pizr T^^Pucel ^Apnar Tonsich Cg^ne Grandovich Anna p ■ ^^ajpah Richter Colarič Koren h S9 Sophi, Zalar ]""« 6abec ^ftlj !02 i !09 D *09 19? ii ^^kovich qj ^elian Oreal o. , :>%: 7 ^9-f(i Wo :«z:m Pra* ®^tis Cta Angelih ^ilharčič Broz ^Ibgw b Brozovich zovich Ml ert It > A. Bro; Lauvsen 'Zovich 'escura !!« ./^lykeo Vs 1°»^ ■losei-i ^*ra . Couch ||! "3 % J ^^vi(j ^ Ravage ^ke %e!i\ ^eriry ^^^osky 18 17 16 18 18 16 18 18 17 18 18 17 17 17 21 45 16 47 17 18 44 17 17 18 17 17 19 20 24 21 18 19 18 18 16 20 22 21 23 21 25 19 24 21 25 18 18 19 28 Steve Katič 30 Michael Metro 37 74 Mike Krofina 21 81 Mary Kovacevich 51 104 Steve Marič 31 120 Ella Penosa 27 Genevieve Orehek 17 Virginia Škocier 24 Stephie Skocier 22 Christine Skocier 20 135 Frank Čebular 31 Vencel Merzel 38 136 Sam Zavolovšek 47 181 Victor Chuck 19 192 Andrew Petkovšek 42 Mary Petkovšek 31 198 Anna Gorjanc 17 Frank Suhadolnik 28 Emily Zupančič 18 204 Josephine Perrotti 16 Nazaj sprejeti pasivni člani: Reinstated Passive Members: IZ URADA SKUPNIH DRUŠTEV SSPZ, CLEVELAND Nazaj sprejeti pasivni člani: Reinstated Passive Members: 216 230 231 16 16 28 33 36 34 28 16 16 16 16 Casper scaro St, Ste, GVe tj" Cherry ^(irchey H, I %h k" >>k oZ°kaer K ^ki] 'larv ^an ec nik f v. i 20 37 27 26 21 21 18 18 19 Jr. 19 17 18 19 21 18 19 21 35 37 38 45 Žrtani člani ovsek Carl Gibala Anna Gibala Martin Zalokar Mary Gibala Christ Gershanoff George Rezzo Prestopil člani: Transferred Members: Od društva št. 92 k dr. št. 4 — Fred Medvesek Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 28 — Olga Jercenovic Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 28 — Vladislav Barunica Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 2S — Louis Stimac Od društva št. 232 k dr, št. 28 — Joseph Ropac Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 28 — Charlotte Jercenovic 17 Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 28 — Thomas Schiller 17 Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 28 — Josephine Majetic 18 Od društva št. 232 k dr. št. 28 — Mathew Belobrajdic 18 Od društva št. 90 k dr. št. 149 — Dušan Konjola Od društva št. 20 k dr. št. 198 — Ludvig Batis Od društva št. 20 k dr. št. 198 —Frances Moze Od društva št. 48 k dr, št. 205 — Antonia Ozebek 20 . Od društva št. 113 k dr. št. 235 — Leonard Lenassi Od društva št. 89 k dr. št. 237 — Edward Zupančič Od društva št. 47 k dr. št. 238 — Josephine Kozina 24 Od društva št. 18 k dr. št. 238 — Matija Leskovec Od društva št. 18 k dr. št. 238 —Jennie Leskovec Od društva št. 183 k dr. št. 238 — Anna Dolenc Črtani člani: Lapsed Members: Frank Urbanz John Slobodnik Margaret Durst William Durst Joseph Močilnikar Ludvig B. Zukina Joseph Jambrovic John Prince August Longo Helen Rozen Joseph Ulčar Frank Smith Joseph Težak ZAPISNIK Izvanredna seja Skupnih društev SSPZ se je^ vršila dne 27. julija namesto 20. julija in sicer ker se več članov odbora ni moglo udeležiti seje na dotičnl večer. Torej brat predsednik Krist Stokel otvarja sejo ob 8:30 uri zvečer z bratskim pozdravom in poživlja zastopnike k dnevnemu redu. Čita se imena uradnikov. Navzoči so vsi. Čita se zapisnik seje meseca junija, ki je sprejet s popravkom, ker se je vrinila pomota glede "door prize", ki se jih bo oddalo v soboto večer na veselici, ne pa v nedeljo, kakor je bilo poročano. Torej, naj vsi to upoštevajo, da se bq dobitke dalo na 31. avgusta in sicer bo prvi $10.00, drugi pa $5.00. Vabljeni ste vsi, da pridete in videlo se bo kdo bo toliko srečen, da bo pogledal številko 10 na zelenem papirju, pa tudi druga številka 5 bo prav prišla. Poročilo tajnika, obenem blagajnika je sprejeto kot poročano.. Poročilo odbora — Brat predsednik poroča glede premestitve seje, kakor je že zgoraj poročano in obenem povdarja na vse članstvo, da je naša olimpijada pred durmi, ne bo nikomur žal, kdor bo prišel v Cleveland tiste tri dneve. Vse tri grupe bodo vam dale dobro razvedrilo. Prvič naši mali Vrtci, drugič naša cvetoča angleško poslujoča društva, tretje pa že dobro poznate, to so stare korehine in bodo vas z velikim veseljem sprejele v našo največjo slovensko naselbino v Ameriki. Brat Stokel še enkrat povdarja, da delujemo po najboljši moči, da se bo vsaki poslovil od nas veselega srca, vsi smo mu obljubili, da gotovo storimo čim več.. Podpredsednica Vidmar, tudi želi dobrega u-speha 32 23 1 1 9 9 20 25 28 29 35 36 39 60 34 18 18 20 21 17 27 46 44 17 28 18 34 36 18 38 25 16 16 47 41 ker bodo gotovo v kratkem vsi člani primorani to storiti. Can don je tudi poročal, da je glavni odbor odglasoval, da se prihodnja konvencija SSPZ vrši v Eveleth, Minn, kot tudi, da vsi skladi naše SSPZ napredujejo, torej smo vsi gotovo prepričani, da bomo imeli dober uspeh. Brat Koman poroča, da se je do danes priglasilo pet grup za žogo igro in druge igre, to je brez clevelandskih grup. Balin-canje se vrši v S. N. Domu na St. Clair Ave. Odbor za preskrbo sob za goste, poroča, da dobi vsak za sobo 75c ža vsak večer. Odbor za oglase poroča, da dobro napreduje. Seja je odobrila, da se prihodnja seja vrši 17. avgusta v navadnih prostorih, ob 8. uri zvečer. Ker je dnevni red izčrpan br. predsednik še enkrat apelira na vse zastopnike in zastopnice, da se gotovo udeležijo prihodnje seje, dne 17. avgusta, ki je zadnja seja pred našo prireditvijo, na kateri naj tudi oddajo neprodane listke za avtomobil. Sejo zaključi ob 10.45 zvečer, nakar otvorijo sejo angleško poslujoča društva, kakor boste sprevideli v glasilu angleško poslujoče mladine. J. Kardell, zapisnikar POZIV NA ČLANSTVO DRUŠTVA SAVA ŠT. 87 SSPZ Cleveland, Ohio Mogoče, da ste že vsi čitali zapisnik pol-letne seje glavnega odbora, katera se je vršila v dnevih 22., 23. in 24. julija, 1935, ali dvomim o tem. Navada je, da se članstvo malo zanima za glasilo, še manj pa za društvene seje. Zapomnite si, da je glasilo poslano v vašo hišo, da ga prečitate, ne pa v koš ali v peč ž njim. Ako pazno citate glasilo in pridete na sejo z dobrim nasvetom, bi lahko storili dosti za korist samim sebi in vsemu članstvu SSPZ. Ne bom na široko razlagal, saj se je že dosti apeliralo na članstvo našega društva, pa vse skupaj je bob v steno. Torej, ste še enkrat vabljeni na sejo, katera se vrši dne 18. avgusta. Vsi tisti, kateri imate otroke pri društvu, posebno pa tisti, kateri še nimate svojih certifikatov spremenjenih v nove, pridite, da se vam bo tukaj po= jasnilo kaj si lahko starite samim sebi v korist, poleg tega pa še drugemu članstvu. Ni mogoče hoditi po hišah in vas s palico naganjati na sejo. Vsak, ki se zanima za dober razvoj svojega društva in pa za ponos naše organizacije, bo gotovo storil svojo dolžnost in prišel na društveno sejo. Kakor gre sedaj, nam ni mogoče pričakovati uspeha, ali še imam upanje, da se bo članstvo odzvalo mojemu pozivu in polnogtevilno prišlo na sejo, dne 18. avgusta. Sprevideli boste, da ste v zmo ti, ker svojih certifikatov ne spremenite. Ne bo dolgo tega, ko boste primorani to storiti. Ne odlašajte do zadnjega dneva, prihranili boste delo društvenim tajnikom in glavnemu odboru. Ako boste čakali do zadnjega, bo treba dodatno pomoč v glavnemu uradu in tukaj bodo zopet stroški. Upam, da vas vse vidim na prihodnji se- DRUŠTVO ŠT. 19 Chicago, 111. Naše društvo priredi piknik dne 18. avgusta, t. 1. na poznanem prostoru East Side Forest Preserve, 114 ulica in Avenue "D". Vljudno vabimo člane društev št. 1000 in 197 SSPZ ter pevsko društvo "Slovan," kakor tudi vse znance in prijatelje južne okolice, da se udeležijo našega piknika. Na razpolago bo sveže pivo in kot tudi druga pijača, za prigrizek pa pečen koštrun in šunka. Za vašo udeležbo se vam društvo v naprej zahvaljuje, ter smo vam pripravljeni ob enaki priliki obisk povrniti. Odbor jaz se bom ravnal po pravilih. Članstvo , pa če se ne bo držalo sklepov gl. odbornikov, naj samo sebi pripiše posledice. Apeliram na vas, bratje in sestre, da vzamete te vrstice v poštev ter plačate svoje mesečne prispevke pravočasno. Bratski pozdrav John Matekovich, tajnik-blagajnik kov in zastopnic. roča, da ima eno novo članico. Št. 26 poroča, da ima tudi e-nega novega člana. Št. 87 poroča, da ima 7 članov izvoljenih za pomoč. Št. 120 poroča, da ima eno novo članico. Št. 144 nima nič posebnega za poročati. št. 198 poroča, da ima dva nova člana. Št. 204 nima nič posebnega. Št. 215 poroča, da ima 2 nova člana. Vseh teh osem društev, spa-dajočih pod okrilje SSPZ v Cle-velandu, je z navdušenim srcem ponovilo, da so pripravljena delovati, da se bo vse v lepem redu vršilo. Tudi naša dva Vrtca, pod nadzorstvom delavne sestre M. Vidmar, se dobro pripravljata za sprejem in sodelovanje. Brat Koman poroča, da ima društvo "Spartans" izlet in vabi vse članstvo. Glavni odbornik Wm. Candon poroča, da je glavni odbor odločil pomoč za Vrtec št. 5, v ipvoti $20.00, za Vrtec št. 11 pa ftjO.OO Obenem je glavni odbor odločil, da bodo vsi Vrtci imeli prost a-sesment za en mesec koncem leta. Nadalje poroča brat Candon, da se naj potom zastopnikov apelira na vse društvene tajnike-ce, da naj članstvo pre- SKUPNA DRUŠTVA S. S. P. Z. Cleveland, Ohio Zastopniki Skupnih društev, S. S. P. Z. so prošeni, da se gotovo udeležijo seje v soboto, dne 17. avgusta, ob 8. uri zvečer v starem poslopju Slov. Nar. Doma, St. Clair Ave. Na dnevnem redu bo razmo-trivanje o kampanji za nove člane in o olimpijadi ter o še več drugih važnih stvareh. Tem potom tudi apeliram na člane SSPZ, ako imajo slučajno kako sobo, katero bi lahko od- Ji! Pozdrav vsemu članstvu S. S. P. Z. John Kardell, zastopnik Skupna društva S. S. P. Z. za Poročila društvenih zastopni- . Št 20 po- priliki olimpijade SSPZ, 31. avgusta, 1. in 2. septembra, da sporočijo to svojim društvenim tajnikom, ali pa na seji skupnih društev. John J. Kikol, tajnik 16 meni svoje certifikate za nove. FEDERACIJA DRRUšTEV S. S. P. Z. v PENNI. Zopet sem razposlal poverilni-ce na društva za Federacijsko sejo, katera se bo vršila dne 25. avgusta, 1935 ob 9, uri, stari čas, v Slovenski .naselbini, v Slovenski dvorani v Center, Pa. Zatorej, bratje in sestre društev S. S. P. Z. v Penni izvolite pol-noštevilno zastopnike, da se bodo udeležili te federacijske seje, na kateri bo več važnih točk na dnevnem redu v korist članstva S. S. P. Z. Kot je bilo poročano, se po seji vrši velik piknik in sicer ga priredita Federacija in društvo št. 102 S. S. P. Z. v Center. Vabljeni ste vsi člani in nečlani, da se tega piknika v velikem številu udeležite, ker zabave bo za vse zadosti, za stare in mlade. Kot sem že zadnjič poročal, se piknik vrši v Center Ridge, to je komaj par minut od slovenske dvorane. Ker bo več glavnih uradnikov S. S. P. Z. navzočih na tej seji in pikniku, še enkrat opozarjam članstvo, da se udeleži. Na svidenje, 25. avgusta! Tajnik Federacije FEDERACIJA DRUŠTEV Chicago, 111. Na zadnji redni seji Federacije v Chicago, je bilo sklenje no, da se obdrži "basket" piknik v prid blagajne. Vzrok o-jačenja blagajne je prihodnja konvencija, oziroma za društvene delegate. Ta piknik se vrši 25. avgusta, ti. na kranjskem hribčku nad Stržinetom, Ar cher Ave. in 99. cesta. Pričetek piknika je ob 10. uri zjutraj, ali še bolj zgodaj, kateremu se ljubi. Vabimo člane vseh društev SSPZ v Chicagi in okolici, kakor tudi znance in prijatelje, da nas posetite ta dan. Prinesite svoja jedila, kajti na razpolago bo le dobro mrzlo pivo in druga pijača. Naj tem potom tudi omenim glede olimpijade, ki se vrši v Clevelandu, O., dne 31. avgusta, 1. in 2. septembra. Kdor hoče posetiti Cleveland te dneve, ter si želi rezervirati stanovanje in hrano, se ga opozarja, da je zadnji dan za vložiti rezervacijo 16. avgusta, 1935. Obrne naj se na Stanley Tisol, 247 E. 103 St., telefon PUllman 9665. Bratski pozdrav Jos. Fritz, tajnik-zapisnikar DRUŠTVO ŠT. 211 Gowanda, N. Y. Tem potom naznanjam članstvu našega društva, da je glavni odbor na svoji seji, vršeči se v Clevelandu, dne 22., 23. in 24. julija sprejel sledeči sklep: Društveni tajniki-blagajniki, ki ne bodo poslali pravočasno mesečnega asesmenta v glavni urad, bodo opozorjeni potom glasila. Številke društev bodo priobčene v posebnem seznamu v glasilu, kot zaostale z ases-mentom za tekoči mesec. Nadalje je bil istotako sprejet sklep, da mora gl. tajnik obvestiti tudi predsednika društva, če je SEJA SKUPNIH DRUŠTEV IN OLIMPIJSKEGA ODBORA Vsi zastopniki Skupnih društev SSPZ v Clevelandu kot tudi člani olimpijskega odbora so prošeni, da se gotovo udeležijo važne seje, ki se bo vršila prihodnjo soboto, 17. avgusta, v Slov. Nar. Dom, v starem poslopju, soba št. 3, točno ob 8. uri zvečer. poslano premalo za asesment po prvo nagrado? IZLET VRTCA IN PATTFIND-ERS. Forest City, Pa. Pijonir vrtec št. 1 in društvo "Pattfinders" priredita izlet v Browndalle v nedeljo dne 18. avgusta. Na vrtu poleg nove šole se bo vršil piknik z raznovrstnimi tekmami. Ker je ta piknik prirejen z namenom, da pošljemo na olim-pijado v Cleveland par najaktivnejših članov zgoraj omenjenih društev, se pričakuje velike udeležbe. Poleg drugih tekem bomo to pot imeli tudi balincarsko. Balincarji pozor; kdo bo odnesel tajniku-blagajniku. Članstvo društva je prošeno, da se drži pravil ter plača vsak svoj asesment do 20. dneva v mesecu, če ne, bo tajnik prisiljen enostavno suspendirati vse tiste, kateri ne bodo ravnali po tem opominu. Asesment mora biti odposlan do 22 v mesecu in gl. tajnik ga mora imeti v rokah do 26. Do sedaj sem moral največkrat čakati do 27. in 28. predno je bil asesment plačan, toda sedaj je temu gl. odbor odzvonil s svojim sklepom in Izletni odbor garantira postrežbo in zabave za vse, Pridite. A. Zaits! White Valley, Pa. Proda se restavracijo v tovarniškem delu mesta. Proda se tudi permit za točenje vina in piva. Cena jako nizka. Za naslov se poizve v uradu Enakopravnosti. DR. A. F. VICHICK Slovenski zobozdravnik naznanja, da je premestil svoj u-rad iz 9217 Miles Ave. na 791 E. 185 St. Uradne ure: — 9 do 12. zjutraj; 1:30 do 5. popoldne 6 do 9. zvečer. Ob sredah samo od 9 do 12. dop. Prijazno ste vabljeni na naš prvi "FISH FRY" v PETEK, 16. AVGUSTA, 1935 V TUREK'S CAFE, 16011 Waterloo Rd. 15c per plate PLES — DOBRO PIVO Geo. in Frances Turek ®®®®®®®®®®©®®©®®®®®®®^ Hranilna vloga International Savings and Loan Co., se proda. Poizve se na 986 E. 74 St. welding school Gas Welding on Iron Steel, Cast Iron, Brazing, Silver Brazing Aluminium and Cutting. — 16 tečajev za $40. Za pojasnila se obrnite na FRANK OBREZA 6703 St. Clair Ave. LASTNIKI HRANILNIH KNJIG! Ali naj prodam mojo hranilno knjigo? Sledili smo pazno celemu razvoju, torej dovolite, da vam podamo dejstva, da boste sami presodili ugodnosti, ki se jih vam nudi. Posvetujte se z nami privatno brez vsakih obligacij. Dali vam bomo ugodnost naše izkušnje in vam svetovali v vašo prid. "Ničesar nimamo naprodaj." J. C. MERTZ, INC. 9. nadstropje Marshall Bldg. — Public Square. MAin 6480 JOS. PINTAR 389 E. 160 St. Slovenski barvar Cene zmerne — postrežba točna . KEnmore 2237 M. Chicago Furniture Mart vzorci Prihranite SI 2550% ->ss Vloge na posojilnicah CUSTODIAN, INTERNATIONAL, CITY, NORTH AMERICAN DELNICE se sprejme v plačilo za nakupe tekom naše velike RAZPRODAJE POHIŠTVA V AVGUSTU Vi boste dobili več za vaše vloge in plačali boste manj za pohištvo, preproge, peči. radio aparate, električne pralne stroje, likalnike in električne čistilce. TUDI 50 ELEKTRIČNIH LEDENIC FLOOR SAMPLES je bilo znižanih v ceni za hitro prodajo. PRINESITE VAŠE HRANILNE KNJIŽICE POSOJILNIC K THE KRIGHMAN & PERUSEK FURNITURE 00, 15428 WATERLOO ROAD POLEG BEN FRANKLIN 5c and lOc TRGOVINE. Naša trgovina je odprta vsak večer. STRAN 4 ENAKOPRAVNOST SSPZ National A+hle+ic Meet — Sat., Aug. 31 st; Sun. and Mon., Sept. I st and 2nd; Cleveland, Ohio FORUM BASEBALL - HORESHOES - TRACK Gordon Park—72 & Lake Shore Blvd. SWIMMING— St. Clair Bath House BALINA—S. N. H., 6417 St. Clair Ave. exciting thrilling sport events- ;ht-hi)sic-dances AS I SEE IT By Pete Elish MARIE TRAMPUSH IN NO. DAKOTA A THEME SONG My running mate on Wahpeton, No. Dakota. — jit's a lazy summer day in this this quiet little town. Just the op-page, Michael Vrhovnik, buckle down a.nd gested in a sudden inspiration a theme song for the SSPZ. A song embracing our ideals incorporated with our spirit of expression of true fraternalism August 31st, September 1st and 2nd SSPZ National A+hle+ic Mee+ — Promo+ion of In+er-S+a+e Fra+ernalism " write those much promised few words which friends back home remind me have failed to appear in the Forum. But what progressiveness. As a poorj^^^. say when the main, i^Jational Home in the country, bard of the Muses, I can't speak II members of the Cleveland with authentic clarity or artis-l trip. I feel like an orphan j ^jnited Lodges of the Slovene tic certainty as to the possibil-^®^^ the storm, knowing | progressive Benefit Society will ity of a song, but the matterp- y" P® unable to make that i entertain and meet members is worth-while for our consi- this year. Those who jour-1 ^nd friends from all parts of neyed to Cleveland in 1930 and I the central and northeaster enjoyed the grand hospitality I states on August 31st, Septem-,that the Spartans did show theii' bop 1st and 2nd. In one of the Looking backward when our' surely sympathize | ^osi impressive gatherings Liooking Dackwara vinen our, ^ me. I know I shall miss aistaged by a single Slovene frat-ancestors were shaggy crea-l„„ . ^ j j uy d, amgit. oiuvcn^ j. . l tures dashing half-naked orga^ation, our SSP,. the deep forests of Europe andi, , „ pbar^ion=!hir> back to'^^i present rousing an .rem- Aeja_mavhe Africa ton_championship back to^ uious emotion of athletic occur- mayoe Airica too— n j you hear an echc ' ^nce that can be arranged. En- search of snails, bugs, cater- ^ h'o yvio "r ? nillar«? herbs and wild game I north, its me cheer- tertamment and dancing will to sustain their appetites theirfor you. . j add color to a program full of to sustam tneir appetites, tneir Received word from sis.qjfe and diversity. dull brains, I believe, were uivcioiLj,. SLOVENE NATIONAL HOME HEADQUARTERS OF MEMBERS DURING MEET deration. WOOING BY SONG is vacationing in j Ely, Minn. So near, and yet so When by hundreds, from far. Something ought to be I western Pennsylvania, Chicago , J - , , dene about moving the two 1 and Ohio, start flowing into our rhythmic thud of war clubs ou towns closer. I sure would like; "festival city" a welcome as hard skulls... ^ to see someone from home. 1 big as the city itself will greet And, as I see it, one oi our & good time, Jule. ! the guests. Cleveland will ac- tertained by the gurgle of streams, the swishing of trees, the song of birds and the respectable grand-dad at one time being rid of fleas and lice, ^ i cept every visitor e.s fraternal I haven t forgo^en my prom-1 brothers and sisters of one of having a full tummy and see-jise, Joe Jacks!. But I haven't j finest truest, fastest-grow- ing his lady-love, must in a spirit of happiness shouted syllables unlike our "Whoopee" or "Hurrah" or if he was an ancestor of Bing Crosby, "Boo- been able to scalp any Indians, giovene fraternal organiza- In the most beautiful Slovene welcomes every fraternal member to the events and to our indoor program that will take place for three days. Three days "chuck" full of games, entertainment, dancing, that will bring your hearts closer to the SSPZ and every one of its members. No better place will you be able find to meet new friends from within and outside of our society. Cleveland will be the meeting point of impressions, opinions, ideas and spreading center of sincere fraternalism, sportsmanship and friendship. By coming to the affairs of the SSPZ on August 31st, September 1st and 2nd, you will find a most unique program ready for youi' entertainment. You will find a most welcome spirit at all our undertakings presented over Labor Day week end. • Frank Plut mid Louis Belle Will Sing Between six-thirty and eight Sunday evening in the annex of the Slovene National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. United Lod- as ye^. May 1 change that 1 tions in the country. We will der to an Indian doll. congregate in a sportsmanlike ges of SSPZ will present a most My sister, Freda Rosal, who; fraternal spirit al-1 pleasant, program. Frank Plut so kindly took over my secre-1 heart and Louis Belle, two of the boo-boo,ado" and his love sigh-.tarial duties, seems to be pretty j ^j^iited Lodges of Cleveland 1 finest Slovene singers in Amer- ed deeply and exclaimed, "how j good at handling jobs so I shall i___—------—--- thrilling," but the big brutelbequeth another to her. A cer-: ^ ^ . . nr-k > r r r^r-r% ai-i^-swi feeling exalted continued with j tain party will bear watching j S|\/j | LI N' THROUGH PENN. FEDERATlON other such gurgling sounds not |when the train reaches Cleve-1 • realizing that his war club land, dcn't let any blue-eyed j —;--kWCCTC A ! I(% OCiL prompted his lady-love to praise j lassies make eyes at him. By Giggle's IVH-UIO i the noises that resembles our _______: RRPy hrnther-s and sisters: I radio crooners... ica, will offer their appealing tenor voices. This will be of particular interest to out-of-towners, who will see and hear in person, for the first time these two artists of Cleveland's singing society "Zarja." Anton Eppich, well known Slovene artist of monologues, will give another one of his entertaining soliloquies on the same program. Among other entertainers we will have a surprise for the audience. He is well known among all our members. His presence on the program will add zest to guests and to Clevelanders who have not had a chance to see him perform for quite some time. Final and complete program will be published in the August 28th issue. Watch this page for other interesting incidents that will take place during our great National Athletic Meet during August 31st, September 1st and 2nd at Gordon Park and St. Clair Bath House for sport events and the Slovene National Home on 6417 St. Clair Ave. for entertainment and dancing. "Cleveland will be the SSPZ city over Labor Day." Dancing and Entertainment Sat. ning, August 31st —Sunday September 1st S. N. HOME—6417 St. Clair Ave. Music by Fr. Mates and His Band k S Who Will Win the New Chevrolet? SPARTANS SHOW GREAT COURAGE PASSING YOU# The morning of Sunday, July ^o call her ilNEOTHOi By Devne 28th was dark and foreboding, ^ime it was with all Wicati<^ of a 1 honor to have had^ storm, which did not fail to Young and M make its appearance. But the,. flower^ Spartans weqe not to be daunt-. : . youtji- ToJ ed, they continued with their g dancing yo" J preparations for the outing,., . were which had been planned for j After this day. Their courage was re-! ^ . young warded, when the blue skies around her, and a warm sun broke through . ^ dance-, , the clouds. So at 8:30 a. m. we,. , ^ j. the f"' were off to the SND, where;., Ti# the truck. Chuck Roman and; treated her kin#' other brave Spartans were al- %% gr.«" ' ready awaiting us. , of that sparkle We got under way some time | Her dress before 10 o'clock with Chuck flaunt of yout«' 1 • J 1 ______ J. 1. A. wrrt I I Ol * serenading us on the accor dion. I believe he enjoyed play -: was that wall of . roadside ing as much as we did to listen Grev ribbons of i'": He w la in p( at S] ti I'f t: tt ai V( y| h( 01 bf ni c, DAVID AND GOLIATH My freshmen ancient history book mentions the prominence It has been my greatest! SSPZ brothers and sisters: - pleasure during the four .In this Forum page you've had months that I have been away: "As I See It," a "Peeper" and Sunday, August 25th, 1935 from Chicago and the Victori-ian "Eavesdropper." A great I the SSPZ Federation of Penna. an circle, to be able to keep in-Ideal of 'Experience" and a few will hold its regular meeting at r, . .V. r • • formed of the lodge activities.'headaches "By The Exposer." Center Slovene Hall. ^ f- A Without a paper like the For-! New I, like all those who ^ mush-ball game will be ^this would not be possible, scribe their contributions for played between the Evening that Ulysses the hero of Ho-sometimes we must travel,the Forum under an alias'name!gtars of White Valley. Pa., and mer s Udessy was cnarmea home before we appreci- |I too being modest, will adopt the SSCU Ramblers. 'Odessy' by the siren voices. It mentions too, that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but the author should have known that In the OUT OF THE DARK By the Exfoser In my usual good natured manner, and all in clean fun— 'Your Exposer" getting down to him, if you judged by the rapturous look in his eyes as he wrapped his hands around the "box." We arrived at Pod-padec's farm in Mentor in time to play a little baseball before we dived into our lunches. Sister Hočevar had a jugful of delicious iced tea, v/hich was just grand after it was mixed with some "vino" some one had brought along. Later we all rode out to Mentor Beach where we intended to go swimming, but alas! sister Hočevar sighted a sign "Bikes for rent," Soon she was rolling along happily, or should I say bouncing along on a bicycle. Sister Ann Opeka, secretary, was enticed into trying to ride and I hear she tried to push over a couple of unoffending cars that were parked along the curb and really not bothering anyone. Among the others that went swimming, it was noticed that the Kalister sisters, Ann and Josephine took to the water like nymphs. After coming to shore, Dorothy Močnik gave us a demonstration on to print ill order to give you..... some of the funny things thatjj-he °art of setting hair. No, are said and done among the ^on't worry, it wasn't on your 'Challengers and other lodges of correspondent's head! the SSPZ. Finally we all piled into the truck and once more drove to and curved resting ^ of the earth, cemetary cuddled The church ^vin«^ steeple rod the cemetery and 6 at a risky angle-markers down. mark life's joy "Rest in peace, ^ wife of John, . j 1846—died Junej^ two wheeled an oddly dressed ^ side-whiskered, ' hold trousers o ^ shirt. The girl bes"^ Flash—Attending a picnic ate the things we have had all an alias pen name. What shall afternoon a huge picnic will i recently several Challenger |the farm. Refreshments were the time. I thank the office'it be? Well, with smiles there take place at the Center Beach.} lassies Helen Yarkesky, Ann'again in order and weiners staff of the Enakopravnost for are giggles, and Giggle's it j The picnic will be sponsored by j christy and Frances Batista,' .yithe prompt service they have|shall be. - ^—j - a large hooded were driving to settlement. —- A lane, skirting th^^ a stream gentiy o it. Intermittent spoiled the rusti y drops ,of water mirrored view OLYMPICS: ters are flying. ^ here to all po''^ inviting frienw spend the last te ^«1 ust. in Clevelan • Strabane may friends, both uyl in his home toWR ^ wife to the Oly^^ft^ the members oi j family are Cleveland before the SSPZ Federation and lodge the fi^le wasn't inve^ed me'on request of the pa-; In initiating this column, if j number 102 of Center Pa. a much later period. The Bible 4 he line was not heavily copy-j of course, plays up the story of,P ' David's ability to soothe the wrath of a Biblical King with a song, but we know that Da-vey had to use a different implement on Goliath, and it wasn't a brass band either... righted "By Ripley," we would All representatives of lodges SCRUGGS SAYS MUSICAL REFLECTIONS , . . ... . -+1, i that belong to the Federation i begmthisbitofnewsv^th^. ;heve It Ot Not. When the who as yet are not mem- news first broke we believed it ^^ the Federation should iiot- V, -»T 1.1 n*- 4^ I , make it their duty to elect a From Northern Minnesota, Kvartich and Perry Bru-1 delegate or delegates. Bring comes a letter that the weather , were saying that they were I family and friends with up there has been simply mar- "Nite Club" where the mu-l^^u and attend the ninnic. Space doesn't permit me to us show the SSPZ spirit trace ^e pro^s ^ niusic andjit's fr^ sister Frances Vrho^j-;i.gad.on collision. dropping | song down thr^gh the ages. mk who is stm visitmg with'^^^g^^ ^rays to the floor, several anyway it would be dull read-1relatives and friends in Eve-1 —*. I'St ^otli. ,''"ic grounas ing. What is important to us.ieth and likes it very is this—Music is a barometer jghe states in her letter... No, of the civilization of a period, you're wrong about that; I It is like the cream that rises didn't read it... that the ch- are got up to dance think- g-r„;7tk"on 'Iing it was the orchestra. Izzit ^ard road route 80. Make this trip to spend an enjoyable day at Center, Pa. We wonder if Supreme Vice-President Challengers Picnic Day to the top—be it rich or poor, mate up on the Iron Range is iht. Phnl-'P"^, > Iv. ij thick or thin—it reflects the |go agreeable and exhilarating i ^ , , „,pmbers- We ^ Vw rW quality of the milk; and music| (% believe is the word she,*. ? f,,,i „n„th ' on th^ -r^ p Oceedin^s of r\Y»/>r1nr»S2.uO during i^e trip Wealthy, wealthy and wise." "OVilfj v' T ,nnrr« , \ Jr. .Trifl thfiiT stfvv at the Conven-1 r,i_ t .....^____t Their number 31, 1936, shall be award THIS AND THAT — AT PIRATE CAMP 2,500 top bracket; that's where tliey i ^,0^1 the time they leave koine $rQ rnn jf^elong... And the Renton Pan-1 they return. They shall ^oo,oUU ^thers, too. Of the twelve lodges in the capacity of reprcsen-ntaking up the top division i tatives of the Vrtecs at the The Pirate mushball agsrre- Confidence By Experience V I r* T D lAKIC IKI 31, seven of them, includ-,Remilar Convention of V I I W I\ l/AINO MN I ing Vrtec No. 5, are English-1 sSPZat Eveleth. Here's an . speaking. The month of T^e-lnppoj-funity of a life tirne for PR I VATE CIRCLE member, when the Million Dol- g couple of aggressive young- Chicago, 111. — The Victorian What is confidence? To my J. lie Z" 11 čiLU lllUSllUČLll , J »i T_ T -.-.-w ' Kation went to the diamond; ,• ^ j lodge meeting held Thurs., Aug. front Sunday, July 28 at Can-j- jn jML'tlolmTS rainy weather outside. Most of nonsburg against the Challenger's whom they edged in a hard battle by score of 9-5. Vic Marinch the Pirate hurl-er pitched a wonderful game. Besides being a good pitcher, he is also a good hitter. The rest of the players also played to do something, of confidence will help itrt- lA Officers the Conven n.^. *-() see that the cor-' "' ^'^ere they vvill be con " ti'om Benevolent n Fund »od^ to hy ?einb, c' w r^&4% % "j|yiS=°k Oh yes, I must not forget to mention that instead of drinking beer the night before, they drank "pop" which to them is . ,. just another word for water, members obtained by one inu;- jg^ H. also drank "pop,"— can viHiinl fn KTj^rnh '19 1 fiPiP* shpl! ______ :______:___ assessment "is i sidered as "gucst-delegates" ; to the Suorcme! representing the Juvenile Or-in i.v,— ' ' der. The total number of new /idi^til to jy^Icirch 19oG, shsli ims^ine th3.t lr»t#»rminp tho winnnr. Thoro. determine the winner. Thci'c is only one condition: Members We know that the Challeng- toward what you wish to ac-; regular active crew was coraplish. Unless an individual! take part in the dis- goes into a game of sports, 5* cussions and plan for future any sort, determined to win. the chances are strongly against them. They must tackle every opponent or job with confidence. That pov/er alone emenates from you. It influences to a great extent those with whom you come in contact. cussions activities. Our secretary cheered us with the good news that our treasury box contains quite a few more Simoleons than for sometime. The sucčessful Moonlight Picnic boosted us out of the Red and what's , , i r , , more we intend to enter our It erases doubt of ability, black ink hereafter. For some reason or other Joseph Potsch was absent and so Andy O'Bosla gave us the Federation report saying among so obtained during this period ers fought hard to win the must be in %ood standing on game, but somehow they could not do it. Well, better luck next , March 31, 1936. Lapsed mere, pay their jbers will not count. Calendars time Challengers. I noticed Rudy L. and Mike V. attended the game. The game sure was I lieiiiu®® apriiip because many insurfrom W • V;hn V, mortuary I mu c o j a humdinger, wasn't it Mike? opted .„^0 have alreadv cx The Supreme Board dccidrd J their Premium In-m v-iln^'to discontinue the present series Sunday, August 4th was the ^ certifi„„.L V. q£' calendars. Instead the new day of another big game which calendars v/ill carry a photo-1 was played between the Bridge-graphic copy of Maxim Gaspa-' villc Progressors and our Pi-ri's'"Slovenia," a scenic group rates. I haven't much to say picture, representing the cnl- about this game, only that it 5« W .... Shall thr«^ that not f Paid f, ^ assessments henevo- the s! ^^ch member. lar Campaign swings on its last lap, should find all first ten places safely occupied by the younger element. What say "Gang"? Denver Creeping Up sters. Good News For Vrtec other things that a Basket Picnic is planned for Sunday, Aug. 25, at "kranjski hrib" only from the mind of one individual, but also from the minds of others, thus rehder ing it much easier for the individual to accomplish what they set out to do. This feeling of confidence wins half the bat- ........ ...... ties. It surely sway's the feel- ^Springs!"' "The" Cleveland I $3,000 of new business. Brother ing and influences the mindstaken care of and i Matt Lisac handles the reins of others. In this world of, ^ few Chicagoans are''^'^""' doubtful conditions doubtful to go," he finished. future events, the urm confi-rpj^g Victorians will also be re-dent mind is bound to succeed although not in t^G one i large numbers, but in the jolly jgood spirit. If an individual has his mind Another important decision of the Supreme Board was arrived at thru the suggestion of our Supreme Secretary... Brief-Lodge 101 at Denver, Colo., hy explained... The entire ju-with brothers Steve Mauser and i asscss'iucnt for the month Frank Pozerl actively engaged | o/ October shall be returned to in supplying the necessary fire-j//je Vrtecs io be disbursed in works, is gradually creeping up! tJie maimer provided by their on the leaders. An "Active Vr-1 respective lodges. The money, tec" has also, been organized; thus received, may be returned there and is already commenc-1 to the members, applied to the ing to draw the spotlight in'follov/ing month's dues, or, bet-her direction. Another "Active" | ter still, used to help defray the Vrtec has been affected at Agu-• expenses of a Xnias Party for ilar, Colo., the home of lodge thqi, youngsters. The latter plan 39. Self-ruling Vrtecs now, is, in my estimation, the best number twenty-two. land most profitable course of Madison, 111. Rising distribution. An afafir of this j nature v/ill make a far greater At Madison, 111., lodge 28 and > impression on their minds than her affiliate. Vrtec No. 13, made i a half dozen refunds devoted to remarkable headway the past i future aassessment payments, hi 'wU- i five or six weeks in signing-up That the Supreme Board is " ' Vv'hole - heartedly cooperating with the members, to bring about the ultimate success of the Million Dollar Campaign, is reflected in the above oignifi- rather than doubts. to geogiaphical, agricultural.was a tough game and we lost, k; Z, ^^"^i^ot 1)0 insnHnir'Jittd economic variation of the the score being 10-5. The ..... ....... cannot pa^ tWr Slovenes. The picture_v,-as loan-'game was well attended by 3®. it the bene- ed by the Dramatic Club "Ivan rooters of both teams. Don't Cankar" of Cleveland, Ohio, forget Pirates, the day pf our The ijictures will be Huitable for: weiner roast at Clinton Lake is Vvill Saturday, August 10th. All the tLheiui,.«.'!,''"" iselJ lor bu cenis, a smau sum in members are to meet at the four vr-Ll I comparison to the actual cost. Slovene hall. Be sure to come. Passive - i'irst!>,.,.f,— strong tL Vo been hoiu^!! 4t 'sell for 50 cents, a small si Our big day. August 18 is Ci th, P they Qp\r 1 rAi'{ __ Fcnn'a Fraternal Congress And I. B. F. drawing near, the day when all the mushball leagues will get together and the championship will be deter-mined. We have thr^y kenf cerUficates. I The Supreme Board decided; already started to prepare for ^ on ! J1 ^ J e*ai\ry _i_ .11 « vvm:nw»_ tViiR cmfii pvpnl ThP^r*.^ will hp % 1,2^688^ borrowing'that SSPZ shall bccome a n ^exk! their i the so-,bor of the Pennsylvania BY; 'net^vf^'hs **>6» mem-1 this great event, rater-1 dancing in the There will be evening. So as it was evident from the sunburns and tans some where wearing that they had a hot time. Our sargeant at arms, John- . , , ^ . No mention w^as made about made up with determination to.^^^ gand Dunes Outing at the achieve or accomplish None was necessary they desire, should be done fulli^^ of confidence. Every thought, be it good or evil, creates corresponding conditions. Surely many of you mem- have had proWems to solve ^ ^ ^ which vou felt you could not, ' , . make out but because of the check on all members attending unusual event that occurred j meetings discovered that Julia thereafter you discovered that:Potsch was absent and inquir-the problem v/as solved so!_ed for her-abouts. Eddie smi-much easier than you imagined, j informed him that she Had you not the feling of fear, i just got back from Minnesota of failure in mind, instead con-i^'-'here she spent her vacation fidence in yourself at the very^nd new needs another rest beginning, the problem wouldiafter the vacation which made have readily solved itself with Pouhe feel faint. Anjnvay we . i-fn. Tiilio Viorl rt TTIYMA down there and he's doing a splendid job of it. Lodge 56 at Rock Springs, Wyo.. raised her PIRATE RHYTHM A is for Abie and also for air, B is for Buck who can't be compared. C is for Casper who's full of nev/ jokes. cant acts. No other Slovene fraternal organization has offered so many outstanding concessions to its members. Why So Dead? And now, a word or two about tiie E. S. lodges which new junea, have caused no end of etossipin D IS for Deane, loved by ail, ggpg E is for Eddie who never con-] demns, F a great deal less difficulty. Take for instance these arti- ^sted value has Hal Congress, which is operai-1 don't forget to come one andjdes, if I had no confidence in ,^anjiQl When such a ing successfully for the benefit i all. We'll do our best to enter- j myself it would be almost im-% keeni,,^ Pfovide the of fraternals in Penna. SSPZjtain you. and to make this day possible for me to sit down and ^^ne evening looking for a place hope Julia had a fine time "up in them thar North woods." A special committee reported that they were cruising around ? fouj® his insurance so far iu'a member of Illinois | a day to be long remembered type them L .Pay three Fraternal Cunp^re^H only. L his effort i SSPZ is icady Lo continue its Oh^^''an/ Salu there membership in the Jugoslav f' thhJ' ana for his! Brotherhood Federation under vJ^^'Uhs' tv/u; I he condition that all alleged , , ,,, , to hold our 8th anniversary, by everyone who attends, bw you are They finally wound up in Ci- Zarie Basnick jn anything you undertake, no cero at the ritzy Klas Restau-(Pirate) matter what sort of a "Bronx rant about which they 11 tell r »'ll Prevn ^^neVou^.'^^^cssmenti.member organizations qualify L.^oient fl.nrl ».ill ' ,..... •CvQl^^ J --j . 1 i At w V. A ^ 4* »»»v • A -------V fy. ^ will I by paying their membership om Uipaation. 1 dues. Its unsuccessful exist-'"tee I ence cannot be prolonged. It « . . I TVXCXlJll JL \ XAV^JLV,... What I ails the "Hoosier Pals," "Utopians," "Pathfinders," "Vic- ^ T-i u T-i 1 1 j'torians," "Evening Stars" and IS for Ferb., Freckles ^ . ,, ,f' J,, ,. ^ . . , I stirring up some campaign dust, G IS for- good times for TT ■ all are lit, jthe second division honor roll. Manage: I g^n understand why many ^ . "V^. . Jot our 8. S. lodges have taken I IS for ice cieam, my wia^. attitude of more or less un- a treat, _ 'concern towards our present J IS for Joey who s always' membership drive, but there dressed neat. doesn't seem too much reason K is for Kuntz both Steve andi,.^^, ^he put ot L is tor Lesko who ean't be-i o«"'>?• S-Jodges^ It is true and J admitted that the economic con- MisfJ'MaxandMarytoo, ditionsare^Ilinadegencra. N is for Navage who never feeh'lG^ =tate, which makes selling ^ I insurance doubiy- difficult; but Oisfor'Onionswhodrivesanl«:! the other hand, there is I hardly a community anyv/here P is for Petrosky, Alek and:that does not have its hisur-Q+„„ , ance prospects, adult or ju\'en- ^3v*QrXl* t »T T"n * 11 — Especially, I cheer"' yoTinay get, never lose you more next week. The datejg for'"quief' which we never i Especially, you should hope in the fact that you be- set for this affair is Saturday, T gan be, |t»id, selling our juvenile poll- lieve you can do what you wish October 19. We hope that the^j^ jg for Red whom the girls' cie^, eusy. Every E. S. lodge . 1- 1 ____ __ _ arm will fnl^P nnf A i____icV.nnlrl licx-n n Tnnirir nfflVniP ii?> .'1939. lA''■ ''wuth of' should either be reorganized or discontinued. William Uus, Secretary YOU MAY BE LATE received com- Members lest vou foreet the to accomplish. Whether as a Chicago lodges will take note .lembeib, lest you iorget Lhe j orchestra conductor. I of it and not plan anything regular meeting of Spartans, ^ ^ eapu''"«, ahnTr thav- not —- W ^^tec th < f ' ciund-| plc'to lists of visitors who will the ('^lowing I attend ilie National Athletic I dues will be paid to the member should form an image of a hap- _ good dancer, etc., your for the same evening. lodge No. 198 SSPZ will be held mind is magnetic and attracts About this time the heavenly exactly one week from today to itself whatever it frequently,weather gods quit growling at (Wednesday) that is on August thinks about. ^ ^ ^ one another and it stopped 21st at Slovene Nat'l Home, old Should the mind be filled SPARTAN MEETING villi fiiri fill WAACLl. villi W I f%l I ^ ^ --------i----il\. ! Xdl. X VtVX *YX*V»i*i ------7---»' ' - ' love to see. j should have a Junior affiliate.. S is for Shubl, "Shove" to you, 1 The future depends on how v/ell T is for "team" that's strong our youngsters are schooled in and true. ,the study of fraternalism. As U is for "union" to which many'one noted authority once said: stick, j "What this world needs is not V is for Vajentic and also Vick. i more liberty, but more real- W is for "winter," around the honest-to-goodness fraternal- fire we handle, , ism". And he was dead right. X is for "(e)xplain" which gets The feeling of mutual friendship us out of trouble, and respect for one another is |Y is for "yesterday," another necessary to raise us all to s -,1 rMovoicnri from some of • vhr«e mmp v/iil bo drav/n from Py successful undertaking to little headway in any field of day gone, ,higher standard of living and Meet at Cleveland from some oi, v. hose name v/iii be drawn from situation. battle can be made. He who, Z is for Zarie, a certain boy j the time to start teaching this Confidence is a personal pow-; would possess it must concen-i has won. conrsc is v/hen we're beginning - "Romeo and Juliet'-ito learn your abc's. raining, giving us a chance to bdilHin^ room No R-OO n m ^'^h fear and dread, usually un- g^t home before the next down building, room No. 6, «.00 p. m^ founded, of some impending pour. ""•eiu r :,ond in: the lodges. You may be late if j the hat. Who knows, maybe October as v Who will be the lucky winner? danger, the picture should be As you all know, one month free reserved instantly. The mind Fritz. I /OU delay much longer. vour namu will be drawn. er. Without personal power! trate on it. STRAN 6 ENAKOPRAVNOST 14. avgust« p This page devoted to juvenile members of SSPZ's Vrtec lodges, organized on educational and cidtural program based on fraternal principles. Million Dollar Membership Campaign noiv in progress. Write to home office: 255 West 103rd St., Chicago, III. for full particulars. RUDOLPH LISCH — Editor I v/ J #' ) I. ' V'l ~ J B*"\T%br ' -/ ' |%j % T f -- ' '' ' jf' ^ ./ N } ' 't-v' f;.y \ ' /./" ' ' ;% ,č . Ta*/' % ,- J'r /^v ^ ) -... u)-. ^jI \ fCLJLZlC' ■ Ta stran je -posvečena ^ Vrtcev SSPZ., M so MZi««'® Ijeni v svrho izohrazbe^^^ ture, na podlagi hratshn * Milijondolarska 710V0 članstvo je seda] " Pišite za popolna glavni urad: 255 '^Vest C St., Chicago, III. NEW NAMES WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL DECEMBER FIl Supreme Board Will Approve Change at January Meeting At the last meeting of the Supreme Board it was decided that until the next meeting of the entire Board, which will be held sometime in January, a final acceptance of a new name cannot be made. This gives members v/ho have not sent in their essays and new names another opportunity to enter this simple but affective contest to win a cash prize of five dollars and a trophy as token of a real achievement in the interest of i the Slovene Progressive Benefit Society. We have printed on this page some fine suggestions which 'may help others in chosing a .name and writing of the essay, i So get out your pens or pencils 'and let us have your opinion land ideas on what should be the name of our juvenile lodges ,in place of Vrtec. MEMBERS EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON VRTEC LODGES'challengerJuniors' Field Meet Tun« I A Success Calls To Mothers I OUTING WAS A Glad To Be Member Proposed New Names in Addition to Ones Printed Last Week i FUTURE —DEPENDS ON PARADISE, PROGRESS, YOUTH BUILDERS As a member of Vrtec number nine I wish to enter the SSPZ contest for change of name from Vrtec to a new one. I am submitting my suggestion for a new name for consideration of the judges. I am presenting the name "Future," or in Slovene "Bodočnost." ily rex sons for selecting the name "Future" are as follows. Juvenile members of our Society are the future of the SSPZ. The name "Future" is I believe that a more desire-j able name should be selected in place of Vrtec. A name more appropriate to American mass ... ... "Paradise," appeal would do better, ivij suggestions are "Progress" and "Builders." j Josephine M au s e r, 44391 i Washington St., Denver, Colo.' syigibolic of tliece aims and purposes. ; 1 Louis Znidersich, Jr., 938 North Ketchman Ct., Indianapolis, Ind. CLEVELAND, 0. — On July 21st members of Vrtec number 5 had an outing at Rocky River Reservation. All the members expressed themselves as having a wonderful time, particularly catching crabs. Climbing hills v/as also a lot of fun and good for our physical development. Taking pictures of members in various poses was another interesting '.vay of spending the day. Uncle Charlie gave us all a treat with ice cream and .pop. Everyone arrived home safely and pretty well tired out. Our next meeting v/ill be held at the Slov. National Home, Sat., Sept. 7, in room number 2. Members please take note of this date. Especially the transferred and new members should bear the date and place in mind. Our present members would like to meet you all and make friends. Bring along a friend or your brother or sister and have them join our rapid-growing Vrtec. We want all the young girls and boys to enjoy with us our meetings, outings and other doings. Boys really should be very interested in our lodge as v/e have a wonderful baseball team that is directed by our administrator. We ta,ke a great deal of pride in our administrator Uncle Charlie, as he is known io us, for he is a fine sport ■CRABBY' SUCCESS CLEVELAND, O. — Becom-ing tired as a lazy mule was one indication of the wonderful time we had at our last outing j held Sunday, July 21st. We were on the go all the time. Two of the members went climbing the steepest hill that could be found. They successfully reached the top with one of them receiving minor bruises for his efforts. Another pair of members sneaked av/ay and went swimming in three feet of water. You can imagine how much swimming they did and what good swimmers they did show they were. Crabs were rather angry about the commotion we stirred j for one of them almost took a I finger away from one of our members. Well, we hope that after you read about our exciting outing that you will not only wish you are a member but actually become one at our next meeing that falls cn this coming Saturday. Lou Ponikvar and Frank Kravecevic. I have just joined the Vrtec number five of Cleveland. So far I have attended three meet-! ings and through these meet-1 ings am meeting many new j friends. I am looking forward | to all our meetings to meet ad-j ditional friends. I urge all young people who are not as yet members to join. For one thing I know you will have one grand time. Members make it a pleasant evening and with the aid of our smiling administrator, Uncle Charlie, we have just one grand time in accomplishing things for our lodge in a very interesting manner. We have a baseball team. We have had outings, parties and loads of fun with many more of them in store. So comm on girls and fellows—Join Our F?-tec. Our next meeting will be held Saturday, September 7 at the Slovene National Home. I hope to see many new members. Agnes Grebene A new member land real reason why we are ' making progress. ' Mothers should not hesitate in signing their sons and 1 daughter" in our Vrtec lodge for i it is a fine place for them. All j cur members are of good be- havior besides being real sociable. They could have good, clean and v/liolesome fun with the rest of us. I am looking forward to our next meeting in meeting many new members. Sophie Ponikvar Collinwood Vrtec Active Vrtec Lodge NATIONAL OLYMPIC MEET BASEBALL RULES — (Continued) Meets Sunday Organized The raffle that was to take . Indianapolis, Ind. An ac-place on Friday, August 2 was juvenile lodge was organ- i postponed till Friday. Septem- -Vu j-u Y Officers were elected with the following assuming respective Because of rain on Sunday, positions: for president, Frank July 28, our outing in Soin Cen-, Mivc; secretary, Ella Medve- ter Metropolitan Park was post-' sek; treasurer, Dolores ivan- poned. There is another outing ^cic. set for Sunday, August 18 at 4 short talk was given by Highland Metropolitan Park, Mr. Louis Znidersich as the off of Dillc Rd.. and Euclid meeting was called to or-Ave. We want the whole family ^er. A special committee was j to come. Each family must, ejected 10 take charge of an bring their own lunch. Miss enlertainment. Members pres-Marge Vidmar will furnish the ^nt at this first session were games. urged to bring their friends to There is quite a number of next meeting. The stressiiig iiGV/ mGiTibors ii' Vr-cc No. 1.*. wss the iiggq of Gxpunu.- We hope that more will be able ^ -"K our membersn.p. to join. Steve Skorjanc gave a dona- tion for the purchase of re-Since cur Vrtec was begun, freshments for'which ice cream we have never had 100% at- ^ill be bought for our next tendance at our meetings. meeting. We want to thank Mr. Sometimes v/hen there is okorjanc for his generosity. We just a tiny dribble of rain. that the ice cream will someone gets frightened, and f^xtra good. The meeting was says, "Oh, it's going to rain, H with a lively spirit I'm not going to the meeting." progress of our new \ r-That's just what we don't want you to do! We want you to at- second meeting was held tend every meeting if possible!; August 4^. Our meetings You knew that we can't do the Slovenian Na- very much at the meetings if tional Home at 10 o clock every we don't have enough people to Sunoay of the month. Ella Medvescek, Sec. Dolores Ivancic, Treas. Frank Mivc, Pres. Vrtec No. 9 of SSPZ BASKET PICNIC AT NOKOMIS Our president, Henry Rock, opened our meeting. Our administratrix was absent so our vo'ce their ideas and opinions.] Try to make the after-meeting more entertaining. Everyone has some joke or riddle that they can recite. Someone might play an instrument or sing. On the whole, we could make a good time for ourselves if we only tried! Don't forget to bring in some new names for our Vrtec, li'j assistant administi ator took you can't make them originnL] her place. Attendance was not then go to the library and look j so good. Those who did attend them up. The same gees for i enjoyed themselves. Refresh-the mottos. Don't only sayjments of cake and ice cream you'll get them, but go after were served. them and get them. A basket picnic will be held So don't forgot to attend the August 18th at one o'clock at outing on Sunday, August 18, Kelly Randal's timber. and the raffle on Friday, Sep-1 Our next meeting will be held tember 7. lat sister and brother Blazich's Anne E. Gacnik, Sec'yihome. "Ann'' Rule 22 , When Base-Runner Is Out j Sec. 5. If he fails to avoid or j interferes with or obstructs a j fielder in the act of fielding a' batted ball. Sec. 6. If he intentionally in-1 terferes with a thrown ball. I Sec. 7. If, when the ball is in i play, he is at any time touched with the ball in the hands of a I fielder, unless he is touching i the base he is entitled to. Note—The fielder must, in; all cases, hold the ball after touching him; that is, if he; touches the runner and then' drops the ball, he shall be called! safe. The runner is safe if he, touches the bag or spot where the bag should be, should the bag be displaced. Sec. 8. First base is the only; one which the runner is allowed 1 to overrun after he has touched' it. If, after overrunning to \ first, he shall forfeit such ex-' emption from liability to be put} out. Sec. 9. If, in case a fair or { foul hit fly be caught by a field- i er and the ball be returned to i the base the runner occupied, I before said runner can return; to that base, provided he start-i ed too soon. Sec. 10. There shall be no double play on a tip foul (caught) unless the catcher throws the runner out, stealing the base ahead; or unless base-runner be touched by ball in hands of a fielder. Sec. 11. If any base-runner be hit by a fair batted ball before such ball is touched by fielder. Sec. 12. If he fails to touch each base in order, first, second, third, and home, he shall be called out; if the ball is returned and held by a fielder, touching that base, which the runner failed to touch. This omission, must be called to the attention of the umpire for a ruling. Sec. 13. If he intentionally kicks or interferes with the ball he has just batted. If a ball he has just batted rebounds and hits him in fair territory, he shall be declared out. If he occurs in foul territory it shall be called a foul ball. Note—Rule reads: "If a ball just batted rebounds and hits batter in fair territory he shall be declared out." If the batted ball strikes in fair territory and rebounds and strikes batter, before he is on fair ground, he is not out, as the batter is always on ^ foul ground while he is in the batter's box. Sec. 14. If a coacher at third physically assists a baserunner at third, or a base-runner who is rounding third for home plate, the umpire shall declare such base-runner cut. Note—Umpires should use good judgment in declaring a base-runner out on this play. "Physically assisting" a runner is more than a slap on the back urging him on. Sec. 14. If the batsman, interferes with a play being made at home plate. Note—-On a legally pitched ball the batter has a right to stand in the batter's box and have his swing; otherwise, he must step out of the batter's box and not interfere with a play. Sec. 16. If. when advancing or forced to return to a base, while the ball is in play, he fails to touch the intervening base or bases in the regular or re-vei'se order, he may be put out by the ball being held on any base he failed to touch, or by being touched by the ball in the hands of a fielder in the same manner running to first; except ball be delivered to bat by pitcher before fielder holds it on base or touches the base-runner with it. Rule 23 Reiiirning to Bases The Base-Runner shall return to his base without liability to be put out: Section !• If the umpire declares any foul 'not legally caught. Sec. 2. If the umpire declares an illegally pitched ball. Sec. 3. If the umpire declares a dead ball, unless it be also the fourth ball and he be thereby forced to take the next base. Sec. 4. If the person or clothing of the umpire, while stationed back of the bat, interferes with the catcher in an attempt to throw. Sec. 5. If the umpire declares the batsman or another bass-runner out for interference. Sec. 6. If the coacher intentionally interferes with • a thrown ball. Note—If a thrown ball accidentally strikes the coacher, the ball is in play and base-lunner may advance at his own risk. If, however, ball strikes any obstruction, ground rule covering such oveithrow shall prevail. Sec. 7. In any and all of these cases the base-runner is not required to touch the intervening bases in returning to the base he is legally entitled to. Rule 24 Declaring Outs Section 1. The umpire shall declare the batsman or base-runner out, without waiting for an appeal for such decision, in all cases where such players be put out in accordance with any of these rules. Sec. 2. An appeal must be made to the umpire when a runner "cuts a base," either in trying for a long hit, or in returning to the base that he held originally. The umpire may see the failure to touch a base, but he must not rule on it unless players of the team in the field have been observant as he and ask for a ruling. Likewise, if a runner turns toward second base, after he has passed first base, the attention of the umpire must be called to it by an opposing player before the runner is declared out. There are times when the umpire does not observe the runner omitting to touch a base. If a player of the opposing side asks for the ruling, it is in the province of the umpire to declare the^runner out if the umpire fail&i to see the runner miss the base. Saturday, July 13th was a red letter day for the Challenger Juniors. About 50 members accompanied by Sister Josephine Ambrose and myself (pinch-hitting for Nick Blan-dine) spent an enjoyable afternoon picnicking and participating in field games. Snake Hill was our destination—and by the way none of us saw any snakes. I have a hunch that the snakes knew we were coming so they spent Saturday at home with "mommy" and "poppy" snake and all the little snakes. As it was very hot, we rested halfway up the hill and under a shady oak tree where we attacked our lunch boxes... (thanks girls for those eats and drinks—they were good) and girls, may I add—the Challengers are going to have a lot of pretty girls in their lodge about 10., years from now—Whoa— thŠ' T^ys are okay too, but they were stingy with their eats... (I couldn't "bum" a sandwich from any of them-—not even from Eddie Yorkosky) so I am not handing out bouquets... The lunch being consumed, we climbed to the top of the hill. Here a pleasant scene of farms, houses , and the surrounding towns stretched below us... Chasing a herd of cows away, we prepared for the field meet... In spite of the fact that wc were handicapped by lack of equipment, a gocd field etc., a successful meet was held... There certainly ai"® ising athletes in m What say you, Jo^^, Field Meet event iors... of the Following ar^ De I bili Rio Big boys (10 t" age) 200 Relay: 1. Joe Zupancic 2. Sammy Christy 3. Billy Pavcic .-j Big boys high pancic. W Big boys 50 Y"- "Ui Florganic. .J Ufg&uic. ce: Big boys sack r ^ age) 50 yd. dash- a, Big girls sack He, Nagoda. .g ^ Little girls (5 to ^ age) 50 yard Das Christy. , Little boys (5 to • gh( yard dash: Billy 2 tu id nil The winnei'S of were presented ^ some gift given a ,||1 phine Ambrose an si ticioants received ■ tu le tan their effort. Now that the f 1935 is history, Vr+ec Number Eight Receives Charter bers are looking f j Swimming Party .. jjflpei ing Day which the near future—" ^ J But, refmember ^ * bring a lot of e%tr g pop and grape-jui j a great liking «s ijll He Make way for here comes a group of members from a small' mining town who are going to| put the city of Nokomis on the 1 map. Even though we have just i a few active Vrtec members of Vrtec number eight, we are going to try to get everyone of our members to become active and in this way come right to the top with the rest of our Vrtec ledges. Our last meeting v/as held at Sister Kmet's home. Brother Rak presided at this meeting. Our admiriistratrix, Mrs. Kmet, had a swell surprise for us. She presented to us the Charter we received from the main office. We are trying our best to build a treasury for our lodge so we sold chances for a pillow at the meeting. The lucky person to win the prize was brother John Rak, a member of the j senior lodge number 131. j Members sang birthday 'songs dedicated to sisters Ro-! sella Blazich and Ann Stražar, i They celebrated their birthdays j in July. : The next meeting v/ill be held ;at sister Koznikar's home. The 1 meeting will begin promptly at 2 p. m. Here is hoping we have a 100 percent attendance. I Well, so. long until we meet : again— Olympic P"® and Talk "^Tii V Spike shoes in the Cleveland ball games. Player is allo^®Agt. ball against his " Player cannot j[ js third until the » the batter. NEXT VRTEC PAGE SEPT. 11th Instead of August 28th, as stated in last week's issue of Vr-; tec Page, the next issue will ap-I pear on Sept. 11th. The change j was made due to this week's I special page. Send in your suggestion for a new name to re-I place "Vrtec." You may win the five dollar prize and trophy that will go to the winner. Any pitch is ^ I the ball leaves hand with the hand facing the Cleveland coin^fof ing arrangement^^ m moving pictui-e^^^^ We wonder , Chevrolet will S done anything that new car? jg Louise Hočevar of lodging guests- Btc 6tj ki Oij Po he Anthony BoV^^ the field events- ^ Krist Stokel IS Balina tournanie smoothly. Anyi Opeka vich have done ^ in taking care ^ the souvenir ' They received operation from F NcA, yokw and Afjnes LurK* Frank ^ overseer of ^ events. John Kikol al supervisor oi fairs. If it ifDl g( te V; b( Hi V( Hi Stanley Bcnci''^tn