O Hacquetia 18/1 • 2019, 5-24 DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2018-0013 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in Northeastern Italy and eastern neighbouring territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Livio Poldini1 & Stefano Tasinazzo2*® Key words: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, Mercurialetum annuae, phytosociology, Stellarietea mediae, Slovenia, south-eastern Europe, synsystematics, Veneto. Ključne besede: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti, Furlanija-Julijska krajina, Italija, Mercurialetum annuae, fitosociologija, Stellarietea mediae, Slovenija, jugovzhodna Evropa, sinsistematika, Benečija. Received: 3. 9. 2018 Revision received: 18. 11. 2018 Accepted: 20. 11. 2018 Abstract Recent original data concerning vineyard spring vegetation from Veneto hilly belt (North-eastern Italy) highlighted once again the phytogeographic originality of south-eastern territories with respect to Central European ones, also in anthropogenic coenosis. New relevés suggested to restate the association Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti as vicarious vegetation of Geranio rotundifolii-Allietum vinealis occurring on the north side of the Alps. The comparison of autumn material from terracing vineyards of the sandy-marly Eocene flysch around Trieste coast with similar European relevés enabled to reject the not validly described Anagallido-Mercurialetum and to replace it with Mercurialetum annuae. In modern winegrowing Cerastio-Geranietum and Mercurialetum annuae are vanishing due to changing of agronomic schemes, as some relevés reported in the text document. Izvleček Na osnovi novejših originalnih podatkov o spomladanski vegetaciji vinogradov v gričevnatem predelu Benečije (severovzhodna Italija) lahko ponovno izpostavimo fitogeografsko posebnost jugovzhodnih območij v primerjavi s Srednjo Evropo tudi, ko govorimo o antropogenih združbah. Z novimi popisi smo ponovno lahko ovrednotili asociacijo Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti kot vikarianto asociacije Geranio rotundifolii-Allietum vinealis, ki se pojavlja severno od Alp. S primerjavo jesenskih vegetacijskih popisov, narejenih na terasastih vinogradih na eocenskem flišu v okolici tržaške obale, s podobnimi popisi iz Evrope, smo lahko nadomestili nepravilno opisano asociacijo Anagallido-Mercurialetum z asociacijo Mercurialetum annuae. Zaradi modernega vinogradništva in spremenjene kmetijske politike sestoji asociacij Cerastio-Geranietum in Mercurialetum annuae izginjajo, kar je razvidno iz popisnega gradiva. 1 Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, via L. Giorgieri 5, I-34127 Trieste, Italy. 2 Via Gioberti 6, I-36100 Vicenza, Italy. E-mail: stefano.tasinazzo@tin.it * Corresponding author. Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Introduction In Europe vineyard vegetation developed over centuries under the influence of hoeing and ploughing that favoured the growth of well established archaic coenosis such as the classical Geranio-Allietum, gravitating in south-western Germany (Fischer 1983). Vineyard communities on base rich soils of Central and Western Europe are traditionally attribute to Veronico-Euphorbion within Stellarietea mediae. Nowadays traditional cultivation regimes gave way to minimum soil tilling techniques including superficial harrowing, mulching and herbicide applications, each one promoting different changes in basal species composition. Moderate variations in traditional agrotechnical management lead to small weed transformations leaving unchanged the Stellarietea-species dominance (defined 'agroforms'), whereas strong changes, such as mulching, support the substitution with grassland communities (Wilmanns 1989). Contrary to other central European Countries, in Italy there are no historical vineyard vegetation studies that allow comparisons on changes induced by the different agricultural framework. It's common knowledge that strips between the vine plant rows were planted with cereals or legumes (Hruby, 1935), a habit that has been able to promote the spread of the Stella-rietea species. Italian vineyard vegetation has been little studied even in recent times, in particular in the temperate bioclimate where the only researches were conducted by Poldini (1980, 1989), Poldini et al. (1998), Baldoni et al. (2001), Andreucci et al. (2003) and Tasinazzo (2015). The spring vegetation of vineyards from Italian and Slovenian Karst to Collio-Goriska Brda was initially classified by Poldini (1980, 1989) to Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti, that was interpreted as vicarious south-eastern coenosis of central European Geranio rotundifolii-Alli-etum vinealis. Later the same author (Poldini et al. 1996) questioned his own conclusions on the basis of Slovenian researchers' contributes which attributed Vipavska valley (Seljak 1989) and Koper (Kaligaric 1992) vineyard vegetation to Geranio-Allietum, but at the same time remarking the strong floristic and biogeographic differences between south-eastern and central european provenances. Finally, Poldini et al. (1998) concluded that Friuli Venezia Giulia vineyards could be included in a geographical race of Geranio-Allietum characterised by several termophilous species such as Alopecurus myosuroides, Calepina irregula-ris, Cerastium glomeratum, Cerastium brachypetalumlteno-reanum, Crepis vesicaria/taraxacifolia, Geranium dissectum, Lolium multiflorum, Poa sylvicola, Rumex crispus and Vicia sativa agg. Recent, original data gathered on Veneto hill reliefs and here analytically presented, suggest once again the distinctiveness of south-eastern vineyard spring veg- 6 etation with respect to central European one, bringing again into question the framework of the south-eastern pre-Alpine vineyard vegetation (Tasinazzo 2015). Another archaic coenosis potentially developing in early autumn in vineyards is Mercurialetum annuae. In the 80s Poldini (1980) described, but not validly published, as Anagallido-Mercurialetum some relevés from the Trieste coast, mainly performed on terracings of the sandy-marly Eocene flysch with Seslerio-Quercetumpubescentis rubieto-sum peregrinae as potential vegetation. The framework of these relevés are here discussed. Materials and Methods As regards the vineyard spring vegetation, original data were collected according to Braun-Blanquet methodology (1964) during 2010-2016 springtime (april-may) from hilly reliefs of Veneto, except one from eastern Lombardy (North-eastern Italy; rel. 43 in Table 2). The modified quantitative scale 2a, 2b of Barkman et al. (1964) was implemented for the assessment of species covers. Relevés were preferentially performed inside predominantly traditional vineyards with typical weeds occurring despite current soil cultivation techniques. Part of investigated plots were also checked in late summer-early autumn to follow temporal changes in floristic composition. Sixty-three relevés were hierarchically classified by means of agglomerative clustering using Jaccard index applied to presence-absence data and complete-linkage method. Presence-absence data better reflect uncertainty and variability of floristic composition due to soil treatment, weed control method and tilling technique that change among years and stands. Following this elaboration, a 8-relevé group resulted well separated in the dendrogram. These 8 relevés were identified as referring to communities of non-calcareous substrates (conglomerate) or dynamically not related to Buglossoido purpurocaerule-ae-Ostryion carpinifoliae sensu Poldini et al. (2017); given their distinctiveness they were removed from the dataset, reducing the relevés to 55. After removing once occurring species, a classification of the 55 stands from Veneto with available Gera-nio-Allietum s.l. analytical tables, by means of UPGMA method and Jaccard index applied to binary data, allowed recognizing homogeneity of original and literature data. At the same time, it was possible to detect disaggregating single outlier-relevés that were removed: two from Veneto and rel. 32-33-35 from Hungarian material, rel. 42 in Wilmanns & Bogenrieder's work (1992) and rel. 3 from Seljak's table (1989). Data arranged according to the previous cluster analysis were used to obtain synthetic Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis tables and consequently to compare different provenances of spring agroecophase vineyard vegetation. Further synthetic tables were also obtained from Oberdorfer (1993) and Orgis (col. 2b in Tab. 3, in Fischer (1983)), whereas other synthetic data from Germany were excluded because already computed in Oberdorfer's table and so was for Slovenian data by Silc & Carni (2007) realistically including Kaligaric's stands (1992). As Orgis' material (Fischer 1983) was given in frequency classes it was inserted in Table 1, but it was not in Figure 2. As cultivation techniques in viticulture has strong influences on composition of vineyard coenoses (Wilmanns 1989, Poldini et al. 1998), were selected for the analysis only relevés of Geranio-Allietum which belong to the 'typical form' according to authors' assertion and excluding agroforms sensu Poldini et al. (1998) and mixed stands ("Durchdringungen") or replacing communities due to mulching practice sensu Wilmanns (1989) and Wil-manns & Bogenrieder (1991). Summer-developed species, for the most part C4, such as Amaranthus sp. pl., Chamaesyce sp. pl., Setaria sp. pl., Digitaria sanguinalis, Portulaca oleracea, Galinsoga sp. pl., Calystegia sepium ecc., were removed from comparison tables before undergo statistical analysis to unbias results. Their occurring, representing the very first symptoms of transition towards the late-summer agroecophase, was reported only by some of the cited papers, according to survey times. Thus, from literature were selected the following data: • Fischer (1983): column 2b in Tab. 3; • Fischer (1983): Tab. 2; • Wilmanns (1989): Tab. 1 rel. 1-16 representing the classic association of vineyards in Kaiserstuhl (D), whereas Poa trivialis-Lolio-Potentillion community stands and 'penetration forms' (sensu Author) were excluded; • Seljak (1989): Tab. 4; • Wilmanns & Bogenrieder (1991): Tab. 19.2 rel. 1-7 representing 'old' Geranio-Allietum in Upper Rhine Lowland (D); mixed stands of Geranio-Allietum with Agrostietea species renamed penetrations (= Durchdringungen) by Authors were excluded from analysis; • Wilmanns & Bogenrieder (1992): Tab. 5 rel. 1-26 and 35-44, excluding impoverished ones (rel. 27-34); • Kaligaric (1992): Tab. 2; • Oberdorfer (1993): Tab. 149 column 25; • Poldini et al. (1998): Tab. 4 rel. 1-35 representing the 'typical form' of Geranio-Allietum, excluding relevés attributed to Taraxacum officinale, Arrhenatherum elatius and Agrostis stolonifera agroforms; • Pal (2006): Tab. 1. As regards early autumn coenosis (Mercurialetum an-nuae), partly original and published relevés gathered in Italian Karst (Poldini 1980, 1989) were compared with Mercurialetum annuae stands from Holland (Kruseman & Vlieger 1939), Marche (Baldoni et al. 2001) and with big and more recent data from Germany (Oberdorfer 1993), Slovenia (Silc & Carni 2007) and Czech Republic (Chytry 2009) that outlined the diagnostic species set of the association. Statistical analysis was conducted with Syn-Tax 2000 package (Podani 2001). For syntaxonomical scheme, we refer to the vegetation prodrome of Italy (Biondi et al. 2014). Syntaxonomical classification of vegetation data were interpreted in agreement with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000). The floristic nomenclature follows Bartolucci et al. (2018) and Galasso et al. (2018), Euro+Med PlantBase Med-list (http://www.emplantbase.org) for species that are missing in Italy. Results and Disussion Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti The classification of original (Veneto) and available analytical data gathers together stands from Veneto (cluster A1a in Figure 1) and those from Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia (Seljak 1989, Kaligaric 1992, Poldini et al. 1998, cluster A1b) at a higher similarity level than relevés from Germany (Fischer 1983, Wilmanns 1989, Wilmanns & Bogenrieder 1991, 1992; cluster A2). Hungarian relevés separate at an even higher level (Pal 2006; cluster B) and according to author himself, they constitute an impoverished form of Geranio-Allietum, but maybe they could be attributed to an independent syntaxon on the basis of the occurrence of Holosteum umbellatum, Viola arvensis, Vicia grandiflora and Androsace maxima. Synthetic data (Figure 2) show a higher similarity between north-eastern Italian and Slovenian than between different German provenances. Classification of selected synthetic tables resulted in synoptic Table 1. With the addition of data from Veneto, most species above reported and mentioned by Poldini et al. (1998) confirm their role as differential species of south-eastern vineyard vegetation that it is here proposed anew as Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti. Geranium dissectum, Cerastium glomeratum, Calepina irregularis, Poa sylvicola, Lolium multiflorum, Crepis vesicaria/taraxacifolia and Cerastium brachypetalum/tenoreanum are differential species of the coenosis, the last two with Rumex crispus, Alopecurus myosuroides, Trifolium molinerii and Anthemis arvensis also distinguishing the more eastern new subassociation typicum. Ornithogalum divergens can be added to the differential species of the association; in the Medi- 7 O Hacquetia 18/1 • 2019, 5-24 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis 0.85q 0.8 7 0.75-j 0.7 7 0.65-j 0.6 7 0.55 > 0.5 ro 0.45-j Ë w 0.4 7 w Q 0.35-j 0.3 7 0.25-j 0.2 r 0.15 0.1 7 0.05 0.0 Figure 1: Classification of south-eastern and central European vineyard relevés (UPGMA-Jaccard without once occurring species, binary data). Cluster Ala: relevés from Veneto; cluster Alb: relevés from Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia; cluster A2: relevés from Germany; cluster B: relevés from Hungary. Slika 1: Klasifikacija jugovzhodnih in srednjeevropskih popisov vinogradov (UPGMA-Jaccard brez vrst, ki se pojavljajo samo enkrat, binarni podatki). Klaster Ala: popisi iz Benečije; klaster Alb: popisi iz Furlanije-Julijske krajine in Slovenije; klaster A2: popisi iz Nemčije; klaster B: popisi z Madžarske. 0.6 n 0.5- ^ 0.4 : J5 - J 0.3: — ° 0.2 "i 0.1 : 0.0 C-GVen C-GFri+SLO G-AD1 G-AD2 G-AH Figure 2: Classification of south-eastern and central European vineyard synthetic tables (UPGMA-similarity ratio without once occurring species). C-G: Cerastio-Geranietum; G-A: Geranio-AHietum; Ven: Veneto; Fri: Friuli Venezia Giulia; SLO: Slovenia; Dl: cluster A2 in Figure l; D2: Oberdorfer (l983); H: Hungary. Slika 2: Klasifikacija jugovzhodnih in srednjeevropskih popisov vinogradov, urejenih v sintetski tabeli vinogradov (UPGMA-Jaccard brez vrst, ki se pojavljajo samo enkrat). C-G: Cerastio-Geranietum; G-A: Geranio-Allietum; Ven: Benečija; Fri: Furlanija-Julijska krajina; SLO: Slovenija; Dl: klaster A2 v Sliki l; D2: Oberdorfer (l983); H: Madžarska. terranean context it replaces O. umbellatum thriving in central European vineyards. At the alliance level Veronica polita differentiates German and Hungarian relevés as it is totally absent from south-eastern stands. From an ecological point of view, stands from Veneto have a distinctive feature in holding several high covering and very frequently occurring thermophilous species with a Mediterranean distribution, such as Crepis sancta/ nemausensis and Geranium molle in V frequency class, Hordeum murinum/leporinum, Cynodon dactylon and Cardamine hirsuta in IV (Table 2). In particular, Crepis sancta/nemausensis, a recently and currently spreading species in Veneto, is usually so abundant to dominate the relevé (Figure 3). It was also indicated as differential species of Calendulo arvensis-Crepidetum sanctae a spring vineyard vegetation thriving in sub-Mediterranean variant of temperate bioclimate of Marche region in central Italy (Baldoni et al. 2001). Vineyard vegetation in Veneto is referred to the new subassociation crepidetosum nemausensis subass. nova hoc loco (holotypus: Table 2, rel. 3) occurring in hilly belt where it was registered from 25 to 370 m a.s.l. in territories influenced by a temperate-oceanic to temperate-continental bioclimate — often in the sub-Mediterranean variant — upper mesotemperate thermotype and prevalently upper subhumid ombrotype. Despite total lack of historical or also recent documentations on the past composition of Veneto vineyard vegetation, drastic changes in cultivation methods over last decades surely led to floristic substitutions as observed in Germany at least since the mid-80s (Wilmanns 1989, Wilmanns 8 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Figure 3: Stand of Cerastio-Geranietum subass. crepidetosum nemausensis (rel. 16, Colli Berici). Slika 3: Sestoj subasociacije Cerastio-Geranietum subass. crepidetosum nemausensis (popis 16, Colli Berici). & Bogenrieder 1991). Our recent relevés dating back to 2010—2016 period show evident traces of the influence of minimum soil tilling techniques that nowadays replaced anachronistic cultivation with an active soil movement. Usually only few small plots for family use continue to be cultivated with rototillers, but superficial harrowing and mulching practices tend to affect most of stands by favouring the spreading of Cynosurion (Lolium perenne, Tri-folium repens, Bellis perennis) or runner emitting species. Among these, Cynodon dactylon emphasizes warm environmental conditions though it only sprouts in spring as its vigorous growth is only from the summer. In addition, some rosulate hemicryptophytes manage to 'escape' from spring mechanical control (e.g. Rumex pulcher). The association can be considered as vanishing because of not only changing in cultivation systems but also due to the diffusion of permanent green cover technique in newly planted or replanted vineyard by sowing cultivar of grasses like Lolium perenne and Lolium arundinaceum. Some relevés of this kind are shown in Table 3, where differences between provenances depend on used mixtures. This approach depresses Stellarietea elements that remain as sporadic relics especially under vine rows where spraying of herbicides contain them. Cerastio-Geranietum is a spring association; in late summer an autumn agroecophase develops in the same vineyards when tilling are abandoned in the harvest proximity, most of Stellarietea therophytes have already disappeared and there is the spreading of C4 species. Covers or frequencies of some late-spring germinating species occurring in relevés (Table 2), such as Cynodon dactylon, Convolvulus arvensis, Polygonum aviculare agg., Chenopo-dium album etc., increase in late season, whereas summer-sprouting weeds enter as new the vineyard habitat. Data coming from September-October surveys in 40 out of the 53 stands performed in Veneto are given in Table 4 showing only strictly autumn weeds. This species set raises the occurring rate of Solano-Polygonetalia character species. Mercurialetum annuae Synthetic data analysis and the resulting simplified synoptic table are shown in Figure 4 and Table 5, respectively. Based on the occurrence of the diagnostic species Mer-curialis annua, Solanum nigrum, Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album and Senecio vulgaris it is possible to refer the vegetation then collected from the Trieste coast and the Italian Karst to the Mercurialetum annuae. Among high frequency species of higher syntaxa there are 9 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Convolvulus arvensis, Bromus sterilis, Anagallis arvensis, Allium vineale, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Cirsium arvense, Fumaria officinalis. Like Cerastio-Geranietum, in Italian Karst Mercurialetum annuae is almost everywhere disappeared and the abandoned terracings rapidly evolve towards an anthropogenic steppic-grassland (Brachypodio-Agropyretum intermedin) and then to a Rubus ulmifoliusscrub (Clematido-Rubetum). 0.6- 0.5- ra 0.4-§ : \ 0.3-O o.2: 0.1 : 0.0 Fri Mar NL D SLO CZ Figure 4: Classification (UPGMA-similarity ratio) of Mercurialetum annuae synthetic tables from southern and Central Europe. Fri: Friuli Venezia Giulia (North-eastern Italy); Mar: Marche (central Italy); NL: Nederland; D: Germany; SLO: Slovenia; CZ: Czech Rep. Slika 4: Klasifikacija (UPGMA-similarity ratio) sintetske tabele asociacije Mercurialetum annuae iz južne in Srednje Evrope. Fri: Furlanija-Julijska krajina (severovzhodna Italija); Mar: Marche (srednja Italija); NL: Nizozemska; D: Nemčija; SLO: Slovenija; CZ: Češka. Conclusions Springtime vegetation of south-eastern vineyards differ markedly from central European one by the high rate of species with Mediterranean and south-eastern distribution, whereas summer-autumn phenophases are not so much different. From the synphytosociological point of view, vineyards are the result of forest clearing belonging to very different series of vegetation in south-eastern and central Europe. As already stated by Poldini et al. (1998), in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Slovenia xerotermo-philous or xeromesophilous sub-Mediterranean Ostrya and Quercus-dominated woods are the mature stages of hilly vegetation. Despite simplifications induced by current agriculture, in south-eastern vineyard vegetation floristic peculiarities remain to highlight biogeographi-cal differences that confirm the occurring of a vicarious coenosis of central European Geranio-Allietum, i.e. Cerastio-Geranietum. The latter as well as autumn Mer-cularietum annuae are nowadays disappearing coenosis due to modern wine growing that resort to mowing, non-tillage floor management and seeding of perennial grasses. Syntaxonomical scheme Stellarietea mediae Tuxen, Lohmeyer & Preising ex von Rochow 1951. Stellarienea mediae Solano nigri-Polygonetalia convolvuli (Sissingh in Westhoff, Dijk, Passchier & Sissingh 1946) O. Bolos 1962. Veronico agrestis-Euphorbion peplus Sissingh in Passarge 1964. Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti Poldini 1980 (Geranio-Allietum vinealis sensu Poldini et al. 1998 non Tuxen ex von Rochow 1951). typicum subass. nova hoc loco crepidetosum nemausensis subass. nova hoc loco. Mercurialietum annuae Kruseman et Vlie-ger 1939 ex Westhoff et al. 1946. (corresponding name: Anagallido-Mercu-rialetum Poldini 1980, nom. inval. art. 5) Other syntaxa quoted in the text: Brachypodio-Agropyretum intermedii Poldini 1980 Buglossoidopurpurocaeruleae-Ostryion carpinifoliae Poldini, Sburlino & Vidali 2017 Calendulo arvensis-Crepidetum sanctae Baldoni, Biondi & Loiotile 2001 Clematido-Rubetum Poldini 1980 Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum pubescentis rubietosum peregrinae Zupančič 1999 Acknowledgements We would like to thank dr. G. Seljak for giving his unpublished thesis data. We are grateful to two anonymous referees which improved the manuscript. Stefano Tasinazzo ©, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5829-0456 10 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis References Andreucci F., Bagliani C., Berta G. & Castelli M. 2003: La vegetazione della Riserva Naturale Speciale della Val Sarmassa. Riv. Piem. St. Nat. 24: 3-65. Baldoni M., Biondi E. & Loiotile A. 2001: La vegetazione infestante i vigneti nelle Marche. Fitosociologia 38 (2): 63-68. Barkman J.J., Doing H. & Segal S. 1964: Kritische Bemerkungen und Vorschläge zur quantitativen Vegetationsanalyse. Acta Bot. Neerl. 13: 394-419. Bartolucci F., Peruzzi L., Galasso G., Albano A., Alessandrini A., Ardenghi N. M. 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Lessini-VR), 7/0428/04/2010, 0533/2 (45°28'4.18"N; 11°18'58.42"E); rel. 3: Gambugliano (M. Lessini-VI), 11/04/2016, 0434/2 (45°35'31.02"N; 11°2548.15"E); rel.4: Perarolo (Ar-cugnano-Colli Berici-VI), 30/03-13/04/2010, 0534/2 (45°28'24.42"N; 11°29'46.52"E); rel. 5: Turri (Monte-grotto Terme-Colli Euganei-PD), 12/04-19/05/2011, 0636/4 (45°19'4.13"N; 11°45'29.46"E); rel. 6: S. Rocco (Lavagno-M. Lessini-VR), 15/04-20/5/2011, 0433/2 (45°26'57.19"N; 11° 6'54.54"E); rel. 7: S. Valentino (Brendola-Colli Berici-VI), 14/04-25/05/2010, 0534/2 (45°28'12.55"N; 11°28'50.36"E); rel. 8: via Moschine (Baone-Colli Euganei-PD), 08/04-19/05/2011, 0736/1 (45°15'13.72"N; 11°41'46.69"E); rel. 9: Rocca di Lonigo (Colli Berici-VI), 31/03-10/05/2010, 0634/1 45°23'39.97"N; 11°24'23.41"E); rel. 10: S. Briccio (Lavagno-M. Lessini-VR), 15/04-20/5/2011, 0532/4 (45°26'46.25"N; 11° 7'17.61"E); rel. 11: Le Acque (Lonigo-Colli Berici-VI), 31/03-10/05/2010, 0634/1 (45°23'27.84"N; 11°24'49.36"E); rel. 12: Monti-cello (Lonigo-Colli Berici-VI), 31/03-10/05/2010, 0634/2 (45°23'4.58"N; 11°25'24.44"E); rel. 13: Mos-sano (Colli Berici-VI), 05/04-18/05/2010, 0535/3 (45°24'50.14"N; 11°33'36.67"E); rel. 14: M. Santo di Lovertino (Albettone-Colli Euganei-VI), 16/04/2016, 0635/2 (45°21'6.95"N; 11°36'52.86"E); rel. 15: Mon-ticello (Lonigo-Colli Berici-VI), 31/03-10/05/2010, 0634/2 (45°23'5.22"N; 11°25'12.56"E); rel. 16: Peraro (Lonigo-Colli Berici-VI), 06/04-12/05/2010, 0634/2 (45°23'23.50"N; 11°26'16.66"E); rel. 17: Pressi (Cazzano di Tramigna-M. Lessini-VR), 15/04-20/05/2011, 0533/1 (45°27'16.93"N; 11°13'3.39"E); rel. 18: S. Ambrogio Valpolicella (M. Lessini-VR), 05/04-20/05/2011, 0431/3 (45°31'44.28"N; 10°50'48.61"E); rel. 19: Brendola (Colli Berici-VI), 14/04-25/05/2010, 0534/2 (45°28'14.46 "N; 11°27'1.52"E); rel. 20: Valcerea (Castelnuovo del Gar-da-morainic hills-VR), 30/03-25/05/2012, 0530/4 (45°24'55.74"N; 10°45'6.13"E); rel. 21: Carbona-ra (Rovolon-Colli Euganei-PD), 19/04/2016, 0635/2 (45°21'53.43"N; 11°38'35.19"E); rel. 22: S. Daniele (Lonigo-Colli Berici-VI), 31/03-10/05/2010, 0634/1 (45°23'2.55"N; 11°24'38.81"E); rel. 23: Ca Vecchie (Alonte-Colli Berici-VI), 06/04-10/05/2010, 0634/2 (45°22'33.28"N; 11°27'28.10"E); rel. 24: cimitero di Selva (Montebello Vicentino-Lessini-VI), 07/0430/04/2010, 0534/1 (45°27'32.40"N; 11°21'23.96"E); rel. 25: Recoaretto (Soave-M. Lessini-VR), 09/04/2010, 0533/1 (45°27'19.75"N; 11°14'4.21"E); rel. 26: C. Ronca (Villaga-Colli Berici-VI), 06/04-14/05/2010, 0635/1 (45°23'46.56"N; 11°31'34.57"E); rel. 27: C. Agriman (Barbarano Vicentino-Colli Berici-VI), 18/04/2016, 0535/3 (45°24'16.70"N; 11°32'56.78"E); rel. 28: Noseo (Barbarano Vicentino-Colli Berici-VI), 18/04/2016, 0535/3 (45°24'20.97"N; 11°31'52.73"E); rel. 29 S. Lucia (M. Rusta-Colli Euganei-PD), 29/04/2016, 0736/1 (45°16'52.87"N; 11°40'8.51"E); rel. 30: S. Silvestro (Boccon-Colli Euganei-PD), 05/05/2016, 0635/4 (45°18'41.40"N; 11°39'13.41"E); rel. 31: Marcellise (M. Lessini-VR), 06/05/2016, 0532/2 (45°27'19.30"N; 11° 5'46.68"E); rel. 32: Bar-barano Vicentino (Colli Berici-VI), 05/04-18/05/2010, 0535/3 (45°24'57.74"N; 11°32'16.59"E); rel. 33: Ca-stelcerino (Soave-M. Lessini-VR), 09/04/2010, 0533/1 (45°27'22.40"N; 11°14'48.05"E); rel. 34: Mozzarelli (Ronca-M. Lessini-VR), 09/04-21/05/2010, 0533/2 (45°29'44.30"N; 11°17'58.53"E); rel. 35: Obelisco di Sorio (Gambellara-M. Lessini-VI), 07-04-2010, 0534/3 (45°26'55.33"N; 11°21'19.81"E); rel. 36: Bian-cara (Gambellara-M. Lessini-VI), 28-04-2011, 0534/1 (45°27'40.97"; 11°21'11.39"E); rel. 37: Sassonegro (Arqua Petrarca-Colli Euganei-PD), 08/04-19-05-2011, 0736/1 (45°15'51.39"N; 11°42'11.85"E); rel. 38: Fontana Fredda (Lazise-morainic hills-VR), 30/03-25/05/2012, 0530/1 (45°27'44.66"N; 10°43'57.08"E); rel. 39: Mascarpina (Custoza-morainic hills-VR), 30/03-25/05/2012, 0630/2 (45°23'28.49"N; 10°48'26.11"E); rel. 40: Canzago (Ma-rano Valpolicella-M. Lessini-VR), 05/04-20/05/2011, 0431/2 (45°33'5.07"N; 10°55'16.77"E); rel. 41: Ara (Negrar-M. Lessini-VR), 05/04-20/05/2011, 0431/4 (45°32'21.14"N; 10°57'31.63"E); rel. 42: Piazzili (Ca-vaion Veronese-morainic hills-VR), 28/03-25/05/2012, 0430/4 (45°30'59.91"N; 10°47'23.29"E); rel. 43: Astore (Castiglione delle Stiviere-morainic hills-MN), 07/04/2017, (45°23'40.75"N; 10°31'31.27"E); rel. 44: S. Lucia (Valeggio sul Mincio-morainic hills-VR), 30/0325/05/2012, 0630/2 (45°23'10.59"N; 10°45'45.04"E); rel. 45: Cola (Lazise-morainic hills-VR), 30/0325/05/2012, 0530/2 (45°28'12.78"N; 10°45'8.49"E); rel. 46: M. Cisa (Solighetto-foothills of Alps-TV), 18/04/2012, 0039/3 (45°55'16.52"N; 12°11'9.94"E); rel. 47: Carbonarola (Grancona-Colli Berici-VI), 19/04/2015, 0534/4 (45°24'6.80"N; 11°27'0.63"E); rel. 48: S. Benedetto (Marostica-foothills of Alps-VI), 21/04/2010, 0236/1 (45°45'26.56"N; 11°40'11.16"E); rel. 49: M. S. Lucia (Breganze-foothills of Alps-VI), 24/04/2016, 0235/3 (45°42'57.18"N; 11°34'0.05"E); rel. 50: Casette (Este-Colli Euganei-PD), 08/04-19/05/2011, 0736/3 (45°14'23.64"N; 11°42'31.75"E); rel. 51: Car- 12 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis bonara (Rovolon-Colli Euganei-PD), 19/04/2016, 0635/2 (45°21'58.54"N; 11°38'42.15"E); rel. 52: Cinto Euganeo (Colli Euganei-PD), 29/04/2016, 0735/2 (45°16'28.47"N; 11°39'6.28"E); rel. 53: via Moret-te (Maser-Colli Asolani-TV), 25/04/2016, 0137/4 (45°48'28.55"N; 11°57'46.50"E) Appendix II: sporadic species of Table 2 Cerastio-Ge-ranietum crepidetosum nemausensis; in parentheses relevé number with + value understood, except where otherwise stated. Acer campestre (51); Achillea millefolium agg. (4, 27, 30, 46, 49: r); Aegopodiumpodagraria (7, 41); Agrimonia eu-patoria (4: r; 24); Ajuga genevensis (3, 21, 40, 41); Ajuga reptans (7, 53); Allium ampeloprasum (37: 1; 50: 1); Allium longispathum (17, 50); Ammoides pusilla (8, 37); Arabi-dopsis thaliana (35: 1); Aristolochia clematitis (30); Arrhe-natherum elatius (3: r; 46, 49); Asparagus acutifolius (6, 8, 39, 52); Brachypodium rupestre (5, 23, 46); Carex divulsa (15, 19, 31, 43); Carex pairae (4, 7, 15, 19, 26); Carex spicata (19, 44, 45, 46); Centaurea nigrescens/nigrescens (4: 2a; 6, 8, 9, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47); Cerastium glutinosum (15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 36, 42: r); Cerastium semidecandrum (20, 44: 1; 45: 1); Chondrilla juncea (22: 1; 27, 50); Cichorium intybus (21, 28, 29: r; 31, 39); Cirsium vulgare (24, 29, 31, 51: r); Clematis vitalba (6, 7, 10, 20, 24, 29, 47: r; 52); Cornus sanguinea (pl) (3); Dactylis glomerata (4, 7, 24, 32, 48); Daucus carota (7, 8, 48, 50); Draba verna s.l. (24, 39: 1); Erigeron canadensis (18, 20, 37, 38, 39: 2a); Euphorbia cyparissias (8, 50); Ficaria verna s.l. (1, 2, 8); Galium album agg. (4, 8, 26, 40, 45, 46: 1); Galium verum (18, 30); Glechoma hederacea (4: 1; 6, 7, 10, 19: 2a; 26: 2b; 32, 40); Hedera helix (2, 3, 6: 1; 7, 10, 34, 47); Holosteum umbellatum/umbellatum (12: 1; 33); Hypochaeris radicata (49: r; 53); Lamium maculatum (26); Leontodon hispidus (20, 40: r; 53); Linaria vulgaris (8, 30); Lotus corniculatus (16, 41, 48); Medicago minima (11, 15: 2a; 16, 17, 22, 23, 38, 50, 51: 1; 52); Medicago sativa (19, 22); Mentha longifolia (1, 3, 6, 18: 1; 40, 46); Mentha suaveolens (20); Microthlaspiperfoliatum (32, 48); Muscari comosum (8: 1; 23, 27: r; 32, 34, 45); Myosotis ramosissima (23: 1; 33, 34: 1; 36, 48, 49: r; 53); Parietaria officinalis (10: 2a; 19, 25, 39, 45); Picris hieracioides (36, 51); Plantago media (4, 10, 41, 42: r); Poa angustifolia (16: 1; 23: 2b; 26: 1; 31, 48: 1); Poa bulbosa (18: 1; 35); Poa pratensis (4: 2a; 6: 1; 7: 1; 8, 15, 17, 24: 1; 25, 33: 1; 48: 2a); Polygonum aviculare agg. (10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 24, 25, 38, 42, 53: r); Potentilla argentea (33, 48: 1); Potentilla recta (22, 23); Poterium sanguisorba (23, 49, 50); Quercuspubescens (pl) (29: r; 30: r; 47); Ranunculus acris (7: 1); Ranunculus repens (7; 53); Rosa canina s.l. (pl) (23, 24); Rumex crispus (4, 5, 6, 18, 51); Rumex obtusifolius (4, 7, 8, 9, 19: 1; 46); Salvia pratensis (23, 40, 41, 44, 46); Silene latifolia (12, 44, 46: 1); Silene vulgaris/vulgaris (3: r; 8, 22, 27, 40, 41, 48, 49, 51); Tragopogon dubius (17, 26, 27, 28, 32, 35: r; 37, 38, 39, 50); Trifolium campestre (23, 30: 1; 34, 39: 1); Trifolium scabrum (18, 39); Ulmus minor (pl) (21, 27: r, 28: r; 29, 31: r); Urtica dioica (26, 44, 45, 46); Valerianella carinata (1: r; 3: r; 34: 1); Verbena officinalis (8, 13, 17: 1; 19; 31, 37, 38, 41); Vicia cracca (32: 2a; 33: 1); Vicia lathyroides (24, 35, 36, 48). Appendix III: localities, dates, quadrants of relevés of Table 3. Rel. 1: M. Paolina (Sarego-Colli Berici-VI), 02/04/2012, 0534/4; rel. 2: Grumale (Villaga-Colli Berici-VI), 04/04/2012, 0635/1; rel. 3: M. Paolina (Sarego-Colli Berici-VI), 02/04/2012, 0534/4; rel. 4: Sarego (Colli Berici-VI), 02/04/2012, 0534/3; rel. 5: Busa Geretta (Sa-rego-Colli Berici-VI), 04/04/2012, 0534/4; rel. 6: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 04/05/2012, 0047/1; rel. 7: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 11/05/2012, 0047/1; rel. 8: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 11/05/2012, 0047/1; rel. 9: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 15/06/2012, 0047/1; rel. 10: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 15/06/2012, 0047/1; rel. 11: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 15/06/2012, 0047/1; rel. 12: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 15/06/2012, 0047/1; rel. 13: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 15/06/2012, 0047/1; rel. 14: Preval (Collio Goriziano), 15/06/2012, 0047/1. Appendix IV: sporadic species of Table 3; in parentheses relevé number with + value understood, except where otherwise stated. Agrostis stolonifera (11); Ajuga reptans (13); Artemisia ver-lotiorum (2: r); Arrhenatherum elatius (6, 11); Bromus erectus (6); Calepina irregularis (5); Centaurea nigrescens/ nigrescens (9, 10); Cerastium brachypetalum/brachypeta-lum (3, 5); Dactylis glomerata (9); Galium mollugo s.l. (6); Hypochaeris radicata (1); Leucanthemum vulgare (5: r); Linaria vulgaris (14); Lychnis flos-cuculi (7); Lythrum salicaria (13); Microthlaspi perfoliatum (2: r); Muscari neglectum (3: r); Poterium sanguisorba (5); Quercus robur (pl) (12, 14); Ranunculus acris (8, 9); Ranunculus bulbosus (5); Rorippa sylvestris (9); Stachyspalustris (13, 14); Trifolium campestre (11); Verbena officinalis (1: r; 13); Veronica chamaedrys (4). 13 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Table 1: Synoptic table of vineyard relevés from South-eastern (Ven: Veneto; Fri: Friuli Venezia Giulia; SLO: Slovenia) and Central (D: Germany; H: Hungary) Europe. D2: Oberdorfer (1983); D3: Orgis (1977). Included are companion species occurring at least once in > II frequency class. Tabela 1: Sinoptična tabela popisov vinogradov iz jugovzhodne (Ven: Benečija; Fri: Furlanija-Julijska krajina; SLO: Slovenija) in Srednje Evrope (D: Nemčija; H: Madžarska). D2: Oberdorfer (1983); D3: Orgis (1977). Prikazane so spremljevalne vrste, ki se pojavljajo enkrat, in z razredom frekvence > II. geographical area Ven Fri+SLO D1 D2 D3 H cluster (Figure 1) A1a A1b A2 - - B relevés (n0) 53 47 69 183 18 34 sp. of Cerastio-Geranietum sp. of Geranio-Allietum Geranium dissectum (Cl) 57 60 Cerastium glomeratum (Cl) 51 51 Ornithogalum divergens (Cl) 62 32 Calepina irregularis 60 47 Crepis vesicaria/taraxacifolia (Cl; d subass. typicum) 23 66 Poa sylvicola 45 43 Cerastium brachypetalum/tenoreanum (d subass. typicum) 13 57 Lolium multiflorum 23 40 sp. of Cerastio-Geranietum subass. crepidetosum nemausensis Crepis sancta/nemausensis (Cl) 92 Geranium molle (Cl) 89 13 Hordeum murinum s.l. (Cl) 72 2 Cynodon dactylon (O) 70 17 Cardamine hirsuta (Cl) 62 17 Rumex pulcher/pulcher 55 Malva sylvestris 47 2 Torilis nodosa/nodosa (Cl) 38 Avena barbata (Cl) 34 Lactuca saligna (Cl) 26 Ranunculus parviflorus (Cl) 25 2 sp. of Cerastio-Geranietum subass. typicum Rumex crispus 9 40 Alopecurus myosuroides (Cl) 34 Trifolium incarnatum/molinerii 19 Anthemis arvensis (Cl) 17 17 4 18 Allium vineale (Cl; p.max.p.) + A. oleraceum (Cl) 45 47 81 84 Muscari neglectum 64 43 45 51 Ornithogalum umbellatum 67 23 Gagea villosa (O) 9 32 16 Geranium rotundifolium (O) 49 13 46 21 Valerianella carinata 6 9 52 2 Ficaria verna 6 4 26 Tulipa sylvestris (Cl) 14 11 Allium scorodoprasum 3 Ornithogalum nutans (Cl) 4 Allium rotundum 29 Corydalis cava 9 IV II 6 38 65 24 III III 18 9 3 3 3 4 II 14 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis I geographical area Ven Fri+SLO D1 D2 D3 H Calendula arvensis (all) Allium nigrum (Cl) sp. of cluster B Holosteum umbellatum Viola arvensis (Cl) Vicia grandiflora Androsace maxima (Cl) 4 8 6 4 3 3 4 II 62 41 38 18 sp. of Veronico-Euphorbion Euphorbia helioscopia 89 79 32 78 II 15 Fumaria officinalis 45 23 29 54 III 12 Mercurialis annua 26 28 43 52 Veronica polita 28 58 62 Thlaspi arvense 4 6 Euphorbia peplus 33 sp. of Solano-Polygonetalia Lamium purpureum 64 30 78 89 II 74 Sonchus oleraceus 60 45 29 91 I 6 Lamium amplexicaule 57 21 10 30 I 74 Sonchus asper 45 34 28 81 I Erodium cicutarium 19 38 14 29 44 Fallopia convolvulus 2 21 7 3 II Chenopodium album 9 9 12 II Persicaria maculosa 4 1 sp. of Stellarietea mediae Stellaria media/media 94 98 74 80 IV 85 Veronica persica 98 98 72 64 I 50 Convolvulus arvensis 87 70 84 41 V 47 Senecio vulgaris 79 81 33 84 II 38 Capsella bursa-pastoris 81 74 23 25 I 74 Veronica hederifolia 30 34 84 50 II 56 Cirsium arvense 34 68 36 56 II 3 Anisantha sterilis 57 45 70 20 38 Veronica arvensis 62 23 20 13 47 Geranium pusillum 28 2 10 11 68 Malva neglecta 15 4 23 17 Vicia sativa agg. 43 72 32 35 Papaver rhoeas 21 23 10 9 Anagallis arvensis 2 17 3 16 Sinapis arvensis 4 6 20 Ervilia hirsuta 4 4 13 6 Lepidium draba 6 1 12 Sisymbrium officinale 2 4 1 1 Valerianella locusta 23 11 35 Geranium columbinum 4 17 15 Crepis pulchra 4 10 6 Myosotis arvensis 6 11 3 Sherardia arvensis 6 2 2 Senecio leucanthemifolius/vernalis 49 9 15 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ tj^jpqtiptl^l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis geographical area Diplotaxis muralis Anisantha madritensis Papaver dubium Buglossoides arvensis Erodium ciconium Delphinium consolida Scandix pecten-veneris/pecten-veneris Ranunculus arvensis Aphanes arvensis Urtica urens Oxalis stricta Erigeron sumatrensis Torilis arvensis Diplotaxis tenuifolia Sorghum halepense Crepis vesicaria/vesicaria Raphanus raphanistrum Oxalis dillenii Vicia hybrida Crepis foetida Avena fatua/fatua Legousia hybrida Loncomelos brevistylus Medicago orbicularis Veronica triphyllos Euphorbia exigua Legousia speculum-veneris Chaenorhinum minus/minus Papaver dubium/confine Medicago arabica Bromus arvensis Anisantha diandra Medicago polymorpha Oxalis corniculata Papaver argemone Aethusa cynapium Trifolium arvense Lathyrus sphaericus Fumaria vaillantii Adonis aestivalis Veronica agrestis sp. of Artemisietea vulgaris Elymus repens Sonchus arvensis Erigeron annuus Rumex obtusifolius s.l. Artemisia verlotiorum 4 17 17 8 8 2 23 15 13 13 11 9 8 8 8 8 43 70 11 26 Fri+SLO 23 2 13 38 4 28 30 19 28 3 41 15 III I I II II 3 35 D1 D2 D3 H 4 8 2 2 9 7 6 6 3 3 2 3 16 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis geographical area Ven Fri+SLO D1 D2 D3 H sp. of Cynosurion cristati or with stolons Lolium perenne (Cy) 79 2 33 4 3 Trifolium repens (Cy) 70 11 1 6 Potentilla reptans 28 13 3 Bellis perennis (Cy) 60 2 other sp. of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia 92 72 87 91 IV 74 Ranunculus repens 4 9 7 26 Plantago lanceolata 64 15 Trifolium pratense/pratense 32 9 Tragopogon pratensis 2 32 other Lactuca sativa/serriola 79 51 58 22 I 38 Poa annua 34 32 48 22 I 12 Galium aparine 21 6 59 10 I 18 Medicago lupulina 21 2 3 8 3 Arenaria serpyllifolia 42 17 15 50 Polygonum aviculare agg. 19 2 26 I Bromus hordeaceus s.l. 21 6 1 3 Microthlaspi perfoliatum 4 1 III 15 Urtica dioica 8 2 23 Plantago major 21 2 3 Cerastium brachypetalum/brachypetalum 49 24 Ranunculus bulbosus 32 26 Hedera helix 13 25 Mentha longifolia 13 21 O Hacquetia 18/1 • 2019, 119-127 DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2018-0008 17 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Table 2: Analytical table of vineyard vegetation from Veneto (North-eastern Italy). C.A.: Colli Asolani; C.B.: Colli Berici; C.E.: Colli Eugaenei; G.m.: Garda moraines; L.: Monti Lessini; P.: Prealps. Included are companion species occurring in > II frequency class. relevé n° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 elevation a.s.l. (m) 50 70 275 260 60 130 80 75 105 230 145 140 70 100 120 170 90 230 65 110 60 90 175 number of species 33 31 45 46 41 43 47 54 38 44 33 36 36 29 45 45 44 53 46 41 39 38 50 CO CO uj CO uj CO CO CO CO uj CO CO CO e uj CO PQ geographical area d i-j K-j d d i-j d d d I-j d d d d d d i-j i-j d d d d Ü sp. of Cerastio-Geranietum OOrnithogalum divergens 1 + r + + + + + 2a + + 1 1 1 + r r + + Calepina irregularis + 3 + + + 1 2b + 2a + + + + + + 2a Geranium dissectum + + 2a 3 1 2a + + r + + 2b + 2a Cerastium glomeratum + + + + + + + 1 + + + + 1 + 2a Poa sylvicola + 1 1 1 + 2a 1 + + 2a + Crepis vesicaria/taraxacifolia 2a + + + + + 2a Lolium multiflorum 1 + 1 2a Cerastium brachypetalum/tenoreanum + . + + 1 sp. of Cerastio-Geranietum subass crepidetosum nemausensis Crepis sanctalnemausensis + 2a 3 + 2b 2a + + + 2a + 2a 2b 4 2b 2b 2b 2b 3 2a 2a 2b 2a Geranium molle 2a 1 1 2a 1 2a 2b 2b 2b 2a r 3 3 2a 2a 1 + + 1 2b 1 Hordeum murinumlleporinum 2a + . 1 + 2a 2a 2b 2a 2a 2a 2a + 1 2a 2a + 2a + Cynodon dactylon + + 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 2a 1 + + 1 2a 1 2a Cardamine hirsuta + + + + + 1 + 1 + + 1 2a + + + 1 + + + Rumex pulcherlpulcher + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 1 + Malva sylvestris + + + + 1 2a + + 1 + 1 Torilis nodosa/nodosa + + + + + + + 2b + 1 Avena barbata 1 + + + + + 1 Lactuca saligna 1 . 1 1 + + r + + 2a Ranunculus parviflorus 2b 2a 2b + + sp. of Veronico-Euphorbion Euphorbia helioscopia + 1 + + + + 1 1 + + + + 1 2a + + 1 2a + 1 + + Fumaria officinalis s.l. 1 + + + 1 1 Mercurialis annua + 1 + + r sp. of Solano-Polygonetalia Lamium purpureum 2b 1 1 2a + + 2a + + + 2a + 2a + + Sonchus oleraceus + + + + + + 2a + + + r + Lamium amplexicaule + + 1 + 1 + + + + + Geranium rotundifolium + 2a + + + Sonchus asper + + + + + + + + Erodium cicutarium 2a 3 Gagea villosa 1 + r Chenopodium album (pl) + + Fallopia convolvulus sp. of Stellarietea mediae Veronica persica + 2a 1 3 2a + 2b 2a + + 3 1 1 2a 2a 1 Stellaria media 2b 2b + 2b 2a 2a 2b 3 1 2a 3 2a 2b 1 2a 2b Convolvulus arvensis + + + 1 + 1 1 + + 1 + + 1 + + Capsella bursa-pastoris + + + + + + + + + 1 1 + 2b + Senecio vulgaris + + + 1 + + 2a + + 1 1 + + 1 + Veronica arvensis + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + 1 Anisantha sterilis 2b + + 1 + 2a 2b + 2b + + Allium vineale + 1 + + + + r + + Vicia sativa agg. (V.angustifolia p.max.p) 1 + + + + 2a 2a 1 2a + 2a Cirsium arvense Veronica hederifolia Geranium pusillum Erigeron sumatrensis Valerianella locusta Papaver rhoeas 2a 2a + + 2b 1 2a 2a 3 2b 2a 2a 2a 2a + 1 1 + + + 1 + 1 + + 2a 1 + 2a + 1 + + + 1 2b + + r + 2a + 1 1 + + + 2a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 18 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Tabela 2: Analitična tabela vegetacije vinogradov v Benečiji (severovzhodna Italija). C.A.: Colli Asolani; C.B.: Colli Berici; C.E.: Colli Eugaenei; G.m.: morena Garda; L.: Monti Lessini; P.: Predalpe. Prikazane so spremljevalne vrste, ki se pojavljajo enkrat, in z razredom frekvence > II. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 pr. fr. 80 210 25 60 110 100 125 220 230 300 370 90 130 40 100 100 280 300 170 125 140 120 80 110 250 210 25 70 50 180 37 33 50 52 42 37 46 44 46 31 48 31 33 39 35 35 31 43 37 32 36 35 40 35 47 30 41 45 38 29 m O m O B d B d m O taj U U U + 2a 1 + + 2b 2a 2a 2a 2a + 2a 2b 2a 2a + pr. fr. . 33 62 . 32 60 2b 30 57 2b 27 51 2a 24 45 . 12 23 + 12 23 . 7 13 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2a 2a 3 3 2b 2b 3 2a 3 2a 2b 2a + 2b 1 2b 2b 2a 1 + 2a .1 2b 3 2b . 49 92 3 2a 1 2b 2a + 2a 2b + + 3 3 1 2b 2b 3 3 + 2b 2a 2a + 2b + 2a 47 89 2b + + 1 1 1 2a + + 2b 1 2b + 1 2a 2b . 2b + r + . 38 72 1 + 1 1 2b 1 2a 1 2a + 2b + 1 .1 1 2a 1 2a 1 . 37 70 + + 1 + 1 1 + 1 . + + 1 + + 33 62 2b + + + r + + r + + . 2a + + . 29 55 + + 2a + + 2b + + 1 1 2b 2a + r + + 2a + + + 1 + + 1 . 25 . 20 47 38 1 + 1 1 + 1 2a + + + + . 18 34 2a 2a 14 26 13 25 + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 1 1 + + 1 + + . 2a + 1 . . + r r . + + 2a 2a + 11 11 47 89 24 45 14 26 + + + + + + 2a 2a . 1 + + + + 2b + + + + + + 2a 2a 2b + 2b 2b 2a 2a 11.. 34 64 32 60 30 57 26 49 24 45 10 19 + + + + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + 3 + + + + 1 1 + + 1 1 1 2a 2a 2a 1 2a 1 3 + 1 + 1 1 2b + 1 + 2a + 2a + + 52 98 2a 2a 3 1 2a + 1 1 2b 2a 2b 2b 2a + 2a 2a 2a + + + + 2a + + + + + 50 94 + + + 1 + 2a 1 1 2a + + 2a + 1 + + 1 + 1 1 1 1 2a 1 46 87 1 1 + + + + + + 2a + + + + 1 + r + 1 1 + 1 + + + 43 81 2a 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 42 79 + + + 1 1 + + 1 1 2a + 1 + + + + 33 62 2a + + + 1 + + + 1 + 2b + 1 + + + + 30 57 + + + 1 + r + r + + + 24 45 + 2a + r 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + 23 43 1 1 + + + + + 18 34 + + + + + 2a + 1 1 + 16 30 + 2a 1 + 2b + 2a + + 15 28 + + + + + + + + 12 23 + 1 2a + + + + 12 23 + + + + + 1 1 1 11 21 19 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Anisantha madritensis Papaver dubium Diplotaxis tenuifolia Malva neglecta Crepis vesicaria/vesicaria Sorghum halepense Oxalis dillenii Vicia hybrida Avena fatua/fatua Buglossoides arvensis Erodium ciconium Legousia hybrida Loncomelos brevistylus Medicago orbicularis Scandix pecten-veneris/pecten-veneris Viola arvensis Medicago arabica Myosotis arvensis Sherardia arvensis Aphanes arvensis Bromus arvensis Anisantha diandra Capsella rubella Crepis pulchra Diplotaxis muralis Geranium columbinum Medicago polymorpha Oxalis corniculata Papaver argemone Valerianella turgida Ervilia hirsuta Lathyrus sphaericus Anagallis arvensis Oxalis stricta Sisymbrium officinale sp. of Artemisietea vulgaris Erigeron annuus Elymus repens Artemisia verlotiorum 2a + + + . + . + + + + . . + . 2a + + + + + + 2b 1 2b . 2a + + + + 1 r2a. + .....1.. 1 + . . +..... sp. of Cynosurion cristati or with stolons Lolium perenne (Cy) Trifolium repens (Cy) Bellis perennis (Cy) Potentilla reptans other sp. of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia Plantago lanceolata Trifolium pratense/pratense others Lactuca sativa/serriola Muscari neglectum Cerastium brachypetalum/brachypetalum Arenaria serpyllifolia Poa annua Ranunculus bulbosus Bromus hordeaceus s.l. Galium aparine Medicago lupulina Plantago major_ 1 1 + 1 2a 2a 2a 2b 2a + 1 1 + 2a 2a 2b 2a 1 2a 3 2a . . . + + . 2a + 2b + 2a + + . . . + 1 + 2b + . + 3 + + + 1 2a 1 + + 2a 1 1 + 2a . 2a + 2b . . . + + . + + 1 2a 2a + . + . 1 + + + . 1 + . . + . . 2a 2b + + + + 2a 2b .1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 20 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 pr. fr. 1 1 2a 2b 2b 2a 2a 2a + 2b 17 17 15 15 13 13 11 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 12 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . 1 + + + . + + +2a+ + + + .2a. . + . + . . + 1+ 37 70 . . 2a + + + 1 + +.........1 + + . + + 2a . . 2a . . 23 43 . . + 2b 1 . . +......+ . . + . 2b . + +.......14 26 2a + 2a + 1 2a . + + 1 + 3 . 1 + 1 2b 3 2a + + 2b + . . . . . . + 42 79 + + + + . . 1 + . + + + 1 + 1 + .+2b + 2b+.2a+ + . . . .37 70 . + + . 1 . + 1.....+ + . 2a 2a . . 2b . 1 2b.....2a 32 60 . . + +............+ + + + + + + . + . . . + .15 28 + + + r. + + + + + + . 1+2a+1 + 112a + 2a2a+ + . + . 1 49 92 . . + . . . r + . . . . + + + 2b 1 + + 2a 2a 2b 1 2a + + . . . 1 34 64 .......+......+ . 1 1 .. 2a 1 2b + + ....+ 17 32 1 + + 1 + + 2a + + 1 + + + . . + + . + . . . . . + + + + + . 42 79 . 1.....r1 + + . . . r + . + . . . 1 + . + + 1r + 1 34 64 + . + 11 + + . + + . + 1.......+ + + . . + 1 2a 2a. 26 49 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 + . + 1 . + + . + + . . 2a . + + + . 22 42 . . . . . . . . . . + + + . + . + + + . . . . + . . + . . + 18 34 ................ 1 + . . . + + + . . . + . . 17 32 . +..........+.................11 21 . . 1 r + . + ... + . +.................11 21 . . . . . . . . + + + . . + . + . + . . . . + . + . . . . . 11 21 .......+.....+ 1 . . +.....r......11 21 21 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Table 3: Analytical table of vineyards from North-eastern Italy sown with grasses. Included are companion species occurring at least once in > II frequency class. For abbreviations see Table 1. Tabela 3: Analitična tabela vegetacije vinogradov iz severnovzhodne Italije s sejanimi travami. . Prikazane so spremljevalne vrste, ki se pojavljajo enkrat, in z razredom frekvence > II. Okrajšave so prikazane v Tabeli 1. relevé n° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 number of species 19 17 24 21 26 20 21 18 30 21 19 19 26 20 geographical area Ven Ven Ven Ven Ven Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Pr- fr. sowed species Lolium perenne + 4 2b + 2 1 3 2 + 1 3 1 12 86 Lolium arundinaceum cv. 3 4 3 4 + 5 36 sp. of Veronico-Euphorbion Euphorbia helioscopia + 1 + + 4 29 Fumaria officinalis s.l. r r + 3 21 sp. of Solano-Polygonetalia Sonchus asper 1 r + + 1 5 36 Sonchus oleraceus r + + + + 5 36 Chenopodium album (pl) 1 + + + 4 29 Lamium purpureum r + r 3 21 Cynodon dactylon + + 2 14 Geranium rotundifolium 1 1 7 sp. of Stellarietea mediae Veronica persica 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + 13 93 Convolvulus arvensis 1 r + 1 + 1 + + + + + + 12 86 Stellaria media/media 2a + 1 1 + + + + + + + + 12 86 Capsella bursa-pastoris 2a r 2b 1 + + + + 8 57 Cerastium glomeratum r + + + + + + + 8 57 Crepis vesicaria s.l. + + + + + + 6 43 Geranium dissectum + + + + + + 6 43 Veronica arvensis + + + + + 5 36 Crepis sancta/nemausensis 2a + 3 + + 5 36 Senecio vulgaris + 1 + + 4 29 Cardamine hirsuta + + + + 4 29 Anagallis arvensis + + + 3 21 Cirsium arvense + r + 3 21 Sorghum halepense + + 3 21 Veronica hederifolia + + 1 3 21 Vicia sativa agg. + + + 3 21 Avena fatua + + 2 14 Geranium molle r + 2 14 Hordeum leporinum + + 2 14 Persicaria maculosa + + 2 14 Anisantha sterilis + 7 Diplotaxis tenuifolia r 7 Oxalis stricta + 7 Papaver rhoeas 2a 7 Ranunculus parviflorus + 7 Ornithogalum divergens + 7 22 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis relevé n° l 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 lO ll l2 l3 l4 pr. fr. Chenopodium polyspermum t 1 7 Helminthotheca echioides . t 1 7 other sp. of Molinio-Arrhenatheret ea Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia 1 t t rr 3 1 t t t 3 1 t t 14 100 Trifolium repens t t t . 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 2 1 1 13 93 Plantago lanceolata t .r t t 1 t t t t 1 10 71 Lolium pratense t 3 1 t t t t 7 50 Poa sylvicola 1 t 1 t t 5 36 Rumex crispus t t t t 1 S 36 Lotus corniculatus . t t t t 1 S 36 Bellis perennis t t t t 4 29 Vicia cracca t t 1 t 4 29 Trifolium pratense/pratense 2 1 t 3 21 Ranunculus repens 1 1 1 3 21 others Erigeron annuus t t 1 2 t t t t t 9 64 Polygonum aviculare agg. t t t t t t 6 43 Medicago lupulina t t t t 1 5 36 Lactuca sativa/serriola t r . t t 4 29 Plantago major t t t t 4 29 Bromus hordeaceus s.l. .r t t 3 21 Equisetum arvense t t t 3 21 Cichorium intybus t t t 3 21 Table 4: Cover range, frequency and percentage frequency of species occurring in 40 relevés from Veneto in summer-autumn phenophase and absent or little represented in spring one. Included are companion species occurring in > II frequency class. Tabela 4: Razpon pokrovnosti, frekvenca in frekvenca vrst v odstotkih v 40 popisih poletno - jesenske fenofaze iz Benečije in vrste, ki so odsotne ali redke v spomladanski fenofazi. Prikazane so s spremljevalne vrste, ki se pojavljajo enkrat, in z razredom frekvence > II. cover range pr. fr. ■ cover range pr. fr. sp. of Solano-Polygonetalia sp. of Stellarietea mediae Setaria viridis t - 2a 35 88 Digitaria sanguinalis t - 3 29 73 Chenopodium album r - 2a 26 6S Erigeron sumatrensis r - 1 26 6S Solanum nigrum r - 1 19 48 Erigeron canadensis t - 2a 21 S3 Amaranthus retroflexus r - 2b 19 48 Bidens bipinnata r - 2b 11 28 Amaranthus hybridus agg. r - 2a 15 38 Eleusine indica t - 2a 6 15 Portulaca oleracea r - 2a 13 33 Tragus racemosus t - 1 2 S Sorghum halepense t 4 10 Chamaesyce nutans r - t 2 S Eragrostis cilianensis t 3 8 Helminthotheca echioides r - t 2 S Amaranthus graecizans r - t 3 8 Artemisia annua t 1 3 Setaria pumila t 3 8 Abutilon teophrasti r 1 3 Setaria verticillata t 2 S Tribulus terrestris t 3 other Heliotropium europaeum t 3 Chamaesyce prostrata t - 1 2S 63 Solanum villosum t 3 Polygonum aviculare agg. t - 3 24 60 Galinsoga quadriradiata t 3 Verbena officinalis + - 1 14 3S Echinochloa crus-galli r 3 Clinopodium nepeta s.l. + - 1 8 20 O Hacquetia is/i • 2019, 5-24 23 Livio Poldini & Stefano Tasinazzo ^^ j"tplcqu.ctl£l 18/1 2019 5 24 Aspects of vineyard vegetation in North-eastern Italy and eastern neighbouring ' territories: Cerastio tenoreani-Geranietum dissecti and Mercurialetum annuae as archaic, disappearing coenosis Table 5: Synoptic table of Mercurialetum annuae from Southern and Central Europe. For abbreviations see Figure 4. Tabela 5: Sinoptična tabela asociacije Mercurialetum annuae iz južne in Srednje Evrope. Okrajšave kot pri Sliki 4. Fri Mar NL D SLO CZ total relevés (n0) 10 7 5 401 41 1S0 diagnostic species of Mercurialetum annuae Mercurialis annua (O) Chenopodium album (O) Amaranthus retroflexus (O) Senecio vulgaris (C) Solanum nigrum (O) Echinochloa crus-galli (O) Galinsoga parviflora (C) Amaranthus hybridus agg. (O) Chenopodium hybridum (O) sp. of Veronico-Euphorbion Euphorbia helioscopia Fumaria officinalis Euphorbia peplus Thlaspi arvense sp. of Solano-Polygonetalia Sonchus asper Sonchus oleraceus Fallopia convolvulus Setaria viridis Lamium purpureum Setaria pumila Lamium amplexicaule Erodium cicutarium Heliotropium europaeum sp. of Stellarietea mediae Convolvulus arvensis Cirsium arvense Stellaria media Capsella bursa-pastoris Persicaria maculosa Anagallis arvensis Sinapis arvensis Atriplex patula Veronica agrestis Mentha arvensis Veronica polita Anisantha sterilis Diplotaxis erucoides Matricaria inodora Viola arvensis Portulaca oleracea Papaver rhoeas Aristolochia clematitis 90 100 100 100 6S 17 40 57 100 S9 71 S9 50 100 7S S9 30 57 100 65 44 90 57 37 54 4S 43 27 24 50 20 23 24 3S 22 46 15 46 30 S0 70 51 37 40 S0 30 17 4 30 40 22 10 21 24 40 S6 S0 75 24 32 S0 60 62 39 39 100 36 27 25 50 100 20 1S 60 45 17 24 15 41 16 20 19 10 17 20 13 15 10 43 100 S6 60 S1 61 47 70 100 20 76 S0 39 S0 71 S0 59 39 49 50 100 6S 76 47 50 S0 6S 46 52 10 S0 60 49 11 50 57 46 31 10 40 44 12 21 60 26 10 22 100 1 S0 15 5 20 49 2 24 S0 7 S6 40 29 17 20 9 51 40 10 5 24 20 57 1 40 15 5 13 50 17 sp. of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia Rumex crispus Pastinaca sativa Ranunculus repens Poa sylvicola Lolium multiflorum Geranium molle Potentilla anserina Lolium perenne others Polygonum aviculare agg. Poa annua Equisetum arvense Calystegia sepium Galium aparine Persicaria amphibia Lactuca serriola Chenopodium polyspermum Plantago major Erysimum cheiranthoides Persicaria lapathifolia Stachys palustris Cichorium intybus Medicago lupulina Medicago sativa S0 . 40 43 20 . 50 . 43 40 30 geographical area Fri Mar NL D SLO CZ Vicia sativa agg. 40 20 5 Geranium dissectum 29 11 20 3 Helminthoteca echioides 57 Crepis setosa 50 Diplotaxis muralis 10 11 27 Calendula arvensis 43 Allium vineale 40 2 Raphanus raphanistrum 20 11 2 7 Avena fatua 29 11 Misopates orontium 10 29 1 Myosotis arvensis 23 2 7 Anchusa arvensis 1 29 Avena barbata 30 Senecio vulgaris 30 sp. of Artemisietea vulgaris Elymus repens 50 S0 46 29 47 Daucus carota 70 57 S 6 Linaria vulgaris 60 43 3 Picris hieracioides 60 29 Artemisia vulgaris 30 20 3 31 Lapsana communis 40 11 5 Rumex pulcher 29 20 35 46 52 . 17 S 25 10 6 . 2 40 50 43 50 29 43 50 S0 17 15 20 20 S0 34 10 9 60 40 44 40 44 29 S0 20 43 17 14 22 17 21 3S 10 26 60 6 7 23 12 27 40 5 5 43 3 9 20 11 30 5 24