351Arheološki vestnik 69, 2018, str. 351–368 Analyses of late antique glass from Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in archaeological context Analize poznoantičnega stekla s Tonovcovega gradu pri Kobaridu v arheološkem kontekstu Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT Izvleček Z arheometričnimi metodami smo analizirali steklene posode, jagode in okensko steklo iz poznoantične utrjene višinske naselbine Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu v zahodni Sloveniji. Večina analiziranega gradiva pripada poznorimski (od 4. do zgodnjega 5. st.) in poznoantični (od poznega 5. do zgodnjega 7. st.) fazi naselbine. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila večina od 43 analiziranih vzorcev narejena iz steklene mase Levantine I, ki izvira iz sirsko-palestinskega prostora, nekaj pa jih je bilo narejenih iz stekla drugega izvora. Kljub načeloma zelo avtarkičnemu značaju poznoantičnih višinskih naselbin analize stekla nakazujejo, da so bile vsaj deloma dobro vključene v sredozemske tržne poti. Ključne besede: pozna antika, Slovenija, Tonovcov grad, arheometrične analize, steklo Abstract Archaeometric analyses were performed on glass vessels, beads and window glass from the late antique fortified hilltop settlement of Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in western Slovenia. Most of the analysed material belongs to the late Roman (4th–early 5th c. AD) and late antique (late 5th–early 7th c. AD) settlement phases of the settlement. The results showed that the majority of the 43 analysed samples were made of the Levantine I glass mass of Syro-Palestinian origin while a few were made using raw glass of different provenance. Despite the generally very autarkic character of late antique hilltop settlements, the results of the glass analyses indicate that at least, in some ways, they were well integrated into the Mediterranean trade routes. Keywords: Late Antiquity, Slovenia, Tonovcov grad, archaeometric analyses, glass INTRODUCTION In separate papers and in the second publication volume on the late antique fortified hilltop site of Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in western Slovenia, glass was presented with other small finds from the site and in a summary chapter on late antique glass in Slovenia.1 Later, studies on window glass 1 Milavec 2009; 2011a; 2011b. from the settlement were published separately.2 During the work on glass, archaeometric analyses were performed on 43 fragments. These analyses were not completed when the monographs went to press, so only preliminary results were known at the time. Afterwards, the analytical results were published with only the basic archaeological in- formation.3 In this paper, we would like to present 2 Milavec 2015. 3 Šmit et al. 2013. 352 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT the results in their archaeological context. These are the first archaeometric analyses done on late antique glass in Slovenia. Thus far, only samples of early Roman4 and Early Medieval glass5 have been analysed and published. Some analyses were made in 1998 on material from Kranj.6 THE SITE Tonovcov grad lies in the Soča River valley on a naturally well-protected location on the route between Italy and Noricum across the Predel pass. It was systematically excavated in 1993–2005 by a team from the Institute of Archaeology at the ZRC SAZU, led by Slavko Ciglenečki. The site was peri- odically settled in Prehistory, the early Roman and the early Medieval period but the main occupation phase begins in the late Roman period when the site most probably functioned within the Claustra Alpium Iuliarum defence system of Italy (phase Late Antiquity 1 or LA 1). This Late Roman phase is dated between the second half of the 4th and the third decade of the 5th c. AD and consists of traces of two buildings (remains of walls under late antique Building no. 1 and Building no. 3) and of typical militaria, coins etc. found in later layers. Late Ro- man layers and architecture were heavily damaged by the next building phase, which took place after a short period of disuse in the middle of the 5th c. AD. The Late Antiquity 2 (LA 2) phase is dated between the late 5th and the early 7th c. AD and represents the main occupation phase of the site. There was a large settlement with ca. 30 houses, a water cistern, defence walls and a complex of three churches on the highest plateau of the settlement (Fig. 1). The architecture and a large number of small finds suggest this was an important regional centre of the autochthonous population with a temporary presence of Germanic military elites of the time: the Eastern Goths and the Longobards. Glass is mainly represented by fragments (fire- rounded rims and feet) of stemmed goblets made of naturally coloured green-yellow glass. Other than stemmed goblets, fragments of glass lamps and window glass, only a few other glass vessel types were found: beakers, bottles, bowls, balsamaria or smaller bottles, and a plate. Most of the glass was 4 Schwinger 1998 (in Lazar 2003, 241); Istenič, Šmit 2012; Jackson, Cottam, Lazar 2015. 5 Šmit et al. 2009; 2012. 6 Sagadin 2000, 18; 2004, 111. found in and around Building no. 1 (118 diag- nostic fragments); the assemblage consists mostly of drinking vessels: goblets, beakers, and bottles. Fragments of window panes indicate that House no. 1 had glazed windows in the LA 2 phase.7 Houses nos. 2 and 3, the water cistern (Fig. 1: 5) and the ecclesiastical complex (Fig. 1: 4) revealed a significantly smaller number of glass vessels. In the ecclesiastical complex, window panes, hanging lamps, and small bottles or flasks were the most numerous glass finds. The vessels and lamps were found in two clusters: one behind the clergy bank in the main (middle of the three) church and the second along the passage from the main church into a small adjacent room, possibly a memorial chapel.8 The function of the space that was cut into bedrock between the main and south church is not sufficiently explained. It was apparently empty while the churches were used, the layers of debris and the finds in it are connected to the gradual decay of ecclesiastical buildings. GLASS COMPOSITIONAL GROUPS AND WORKSHOPS There is mounting evidence that in the early and middle Roman period, the primary produc- tion of glass (raw glass) was also taking place in the western part of the Empire;9 however, for the time after the 3rd c. AD the only known primary workshops were situated in the East (Egypt and Syro-Palestine). Analyses in the last few decades have identified several different compositional groups of raw glass, characterized by specific traces of the sand source used for the production.10 Some of them were linked with specific workshops (such as Levantine II group from Beit Eli’ezer) while others are expected to have come from a certain region, but the exact location has not yet been recognized (e.g. HIMT mass from Egypt). In the second half of the first millennium AD, the most common groups in the western and eastern parts of the Mediterranean are Levantine I and HIMT (high iron, manganese, and titanium). Levantine I was produced with the sand of the Syro-Palestinian coast between the 4th–9th c. AD, but was most 7 Milavec 2015, 82–85. 8 Milavec 2011a, Fig. 3.2; 3.3; Milavec 2017, Fig. 4. 9 Degryse, Schneider 2008. 10 Freestone et al. 2000; Rehren, Cholakova 2010, 87–88, Tab. 2; Siu, Henderson, Faber 2017, 257. 353Analyses of late antique glass from Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in archaeological context Fig. 1: Tonovcov grad, site plan (Ciglenečki et al. 2011, Fig. 1.7). Sl. 1: Tonovcov grad, načrt najdišča (Ciglenečki et al. 2011, sl. 1.7). popular between 5th–7th c. AD. HIMT was almost certainly produced in Egypt and circulated, above all, in the late the 4th and 5th c. AD.11 In the west it was widely used in Britain and also Italy.12 Other groups, more common in the east, are Levantine II glass, which apparently succeeded the Levantine I production in the 7th and 8th c. AD at Beit Eli’ezer in Israel13 and Egypt I and II compositional groups, which were probably produced in Egypt between 7th–9th c. AD.14 Together with the new recipes, the Roman blue-green glass, typical during the 1st–3rd c. AD, was apparently still in use.15 11 Nenna 2014; Schibille et al. 2016. 12 Freestone, Wolf, Thirlwall 2005; Foster, Jackson 2009. 13 Freestone et al. 2002. 14 Gratuze, Barrandon 1990; Freestone et al. 2002; 2015; Phelps et al. 2016. 15 Foster, Jackson 2009. Secondary production (vessels), which had been the domain of large production centres in the classical Roman times, was transferred to a larger number of small workshops throughout the Empire, which may only have supplied individual or a small number of settlements.16 Consequently, trade in glass vessels, especially over long distances, was probably only limited to specific vessel types. In Slovenia no late antique glass workshops have been discovered thus far; the nearest can be found in northern Italy.17 In Kranj in north-western Slo- venia remains of plastered pits and deformed frag- ments of glass vessels were tentatively interpreted as a secondary glass workshop, but the arguments 16 Freestone et al. 2000; Whitehouse 2003; Lafli, Gürler 2010, 444. 17 Sternini 1995, 267–268; Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2005, 811. 354 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT presented this far are inconclusive.18 At Gradišče above Bašelj, chunks of raw glass were discovered: six of them in the early Medieval layer.19 ANALYSES AND COMPOSITIONAL GROUPS OF TONOVCOV GRAD GLASS Thirty-nine fragments of glass vessels, a window pane, and three glass beads (Pls. 1; 2 − plus 2 frag- ments not represented: a vessel wall and window pane) were chosen for analysis with the aim of covering all the periods (Early Roman, LA 1 and 2, Early Medieval), the buildings (Houses nos. 1, 2 and 3, church complex and the space in-between) and typological groups (beakers, goblets, lamps, bottles, a balsamarium, etc.). The issues we were interested in were: a) compositional groups, b) possible connection of compositional groups with settlement phasing and vessel typology and c) de- gree of recycling detected. Two glass beads (Pl. 2: 11,14) have no useful stratigraphic or typological data, and we hoped to gain some idea about their origin from their composition. The samples were analysed by Žiga Šmit and Helena Fajfar using combined PIXE-PIGE (particle- induced X-ray and gamma-ray emission) method at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ten samples were additionally analysed by James W. Lankton and Bernard Gratuze using LA ICP MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) at the University College of London Institute of Archaeology and the IRAMAT-Centre Ernest- Babelon at CNRS in Orléans, France.20 Results (Fig. 2) A number of different glass compositions were identified. The largest number of samples belongs to the Levantine I; a smaller group shows similari- ties to the Roman blue-green and three samples to the HIMT composition type. A group of four samples could perhaps be interpreted as RBG glass recycled with HIMT, and two fragments have a composition similar to Levantine II.21 A  dark 18 Sagadin 2000; 2004; cf. Lazar 2003, 78–79, 217–218. 19 Sagadin 2000; 2004; cf. Lazar 2003, 78–79, 217–218. 20 Šmit et al. 2013, 53–54. 21 Noted by Th. Rehren and not included in the Šmit et al. 2013 paper. blue glass bead (Pl. 2: 15) was made using the ash of halophytic plants as flux; all others are other natron glass types. This variety of compositional groups (assuming that the identification of RBG and Levantine II is correct) came as a surprise. Analyses from various contemporary Italian sites usually showed fewer groups, typically HIMT or Levantine I, or both. At the Casa delle bestie ferite and at the Domus of Tito Macro in Aquileia there was mostly HIMT, with some Levantine I and some so-called Série 3.2 glass (a similar composition defined by D. Foy and colleagues).22 From Grado,23 the so-called villa of Theoderic at Galeata, Emilia Romagna24 and San Genesio in Tuscany,25 only HIMT was reported. In the south, at Herdonia,26 Faragola,27 Napoli 28 and at Ganzirri, Sicily,29 HIMT and Levantine I were used. At the site nearest to Tonovcov grad, San Martino di Ovaro in Carnia, only Levantine I composition was found.30 Analyses made for Classe, Ravenna showed Série 3.2 and HIMT and to a lesser extent Levantine I compositions.31 Glass compositions changed slightly through time, probably as the workshops’ locations shifted and the sand they used was slightly different. Several authors recognized varieties of the HIMT group. The three Tonovcov grad pieces (Pl. 1: 2,3,14) could be compared to the so-called “strong” HIMT glass mass which was used in the 5th c. AD. Later variants of HIMT are described as “weaker” as the glass was probably recycled, and the composition diluted.32 Gliozzo et al. included the three Tonov- cov grad HIMT fragments in a group of Ca-rich HIMT samples, which are concentrated around the Adriatic between the 4th–7th c. AD.33 A group of 11 vessels was made of Roman blue-green glass mass (Pl. 1: 1,6,16,19,21,23; 2: 8,11,12,16; one not drawn). Two of them are also 22 Gallo et al. 2014; Maltoni et al. 2016. 23 Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2005. 24 Arletti et al. 2010a. 25 Cagno et al. 2012. 26 Gliozzo et al. 2016a. 27 Gliozzo et al. 2016b. 28 Piazza Bovio: De Francesco et al. 2014. Also another, as yet undefined group of colourless glass was recognized at the site. 29 Arletti et al. 2010b. 30 Zucchiati et al. 2007. 31 Maltoni et al. 2015. 32 Foy et al. 2003; Foster, Jackson 2009, 192–193; Gallo et al. 2014, 15–17. 33 Gliozzo et al. 2016a, 98–105. 355Analyses of late antique glass from Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in archaeological context Drawing (Pl.) Sample Datation (Century) Building Settlement Phase Colour Group 1: 4 rim ? 1 - greenish Lev I 1: 5 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 1 mixed greenish Lev I 1: 7 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 1 LA 2 greenish Lev I 1: 8 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 1 LA 2 green Lev I 1: 9 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 2 - greenish Lev I 1: 10 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 3 LA 2 greenish Lev I 1: 11 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 3 mixed yellowish Lev I 1: 12 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th Main church destruction of LA 2 yellow Lev I 1: 13 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th Main church destruction of LA 2 greenish Lev I 1: 15 beaker base 4th–5th 1 LA 1 green Lev I 1: 17 beaker base 4th–5th Main church LA 2 greenish Lev I 1: 18 beaker base 4th–5th Memoria destruction of LA 2 light blue Lev I 1: 20 beaker foot 5th 1 LA 2 yellow-green Lev I 1: 22 goblet foot late 5th–7th 1 LA 2 green Lev I 1: 24 goblet foot late 5th–7th 1 - yellow Lev I 2: 1 goblet foot late 5th–7th 2 LA 2 green Lev I 2: 2 goblet foot late 5th–7th 3 LA 2 greenish Lev I 2: 3 goblet foot late 5th–7th North church (under narthex) LA 2 yellowish Lev I 2: 4 goblet foot late 5th–7th Memoria destruction of LA 2 greenish Lev I 2: 5 lamp 5th–7th Main church LA 2 greenish Lev I 2: 6 lamp 5th–7th Main church LA 2 green Lev I 2: 7 lamp 5th–7th 1 LA 2 yellowish Lev I 2: 9 balsamarium base 5th–7th ? 1 LA 2 yellow-green Lev I 2: 10 vessel wall 5th–6th ? 1 mixed greenish Lev I 2: 13 bottle neck 4th–7th? 1 mixed green Lev I - window glass 5th–7th 1 LA 2 brownish Lev I 1: 1 beaker rim 1st 1 - blue ER - vessel wall Early Roman 1 LA 2 blue ER 1: 6 fire-rounded rim 5th–7th 1 LA 2 greenish RBG? 1: 16 beaker base 4th–early 5th 1 LA 1 green RBG? 1: 19 beaker foot 5th 1 LA 2 greenish RBG? 1: 21 beaker foot 5th space between churches destruction of LA 2? colourless RBG? 1: 23 goblet foot late 5th–7th 1 LA 2 light blue RBG? 2: 8 handle 5th–7th ? 1 - green RBG? 2: 11 four-partite bead ? space between churches destruction of LA 2? blue, red RBG? 2: 12 bottle rim 4th–7th ? 1 LA 2 green RBG? 2: 16 bowl rim Foy 21a 5th–6th 1 LA 2 colourless RBG? 1: 2 cut rim 4th–early 5th North church (under narthex) LA 2 green HIMT 1: 3 cut rim 4th–early 5th space between churches destruction of LA 2 greenish HIMT 1: 14 beaker base 4th–early 5th 1 - olive green HIMT 2: 14 tubular bead ? space between churches destruction of LA 2? red Lev II? 2: 17 plate 5th–7th ? 1 LA 2 green Lev II? 2: 15 segmented bead 8th–9th 1 EMA blue plant ash Fig. 2: Tonovcov grad, analysed glass samples. The identifications of compositional groups by Ž. Šmit and Th. Rehren. LA 1 = Late Antique phase 1; LA 2 = Late Antique phase 2; Lev I = Levantine I; Lev II = Levantine II; ER = Early Ro- man; RBG = Roman blue-green; HIMT = high iron, manganese and titanium Sl. 2: Tonovcov grad, analizirani vzorci stekla ... (glej slovensko besedilo). 356 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT typologically early Roman vessels (Pl. 1: 1; blue vessel wall not drawn), and their composition is quite distinct from the other nine typologically later samples. Four fragments (Pl. 1: 16; 2: 8,11,13) showed elevated values of titania, which could be explained as traces of recycling with HIMT mass during secondary production, but it could also mean that the glass was produced from a slightly different sand. HIMT was apparently easier to work than Le- vantine glass since due to its higher soda content lower melting temperatures were needed, but it was made of lower quality sand. This made it cheaper than the higher quality Levantine glass and it probably also explains its wide popularity in the 4th and 5th c. AD.34 In the 7th and 8th c. AD, when natron supply seems to have become limited and more expensive outside Egypt, it would have become more expensive.35 The colour of the glass could sometimes be directly linked to the composition,36 but not as a rule.37 Among the analysed samples at Tonovcov grad, only the early Roman vessels and beads were intentionally coloured. The RBG group includes two colourless fragments and a light blue one; the others are green. All the HIMT and almost all Levantine I fragments are in shades from yellow to green, sometimes brownish. One Levantine I piece is light blue. Vessel typology vs glass composition Attempts to correlate vessel types and their primary compositions to see if the glass mass in any way influenced the type of objects produced with it have thus far not been numerous.38 Those who have tried do not yet report very promising results, but further research is forthcoming. In Aquileia and Classe, Ravenna, no apparent cor- relation between composition and vessels could be established; only a tentative connection between a type of bottles and HIMT glass at the site of 34 Foster, Jackson 2009; Gallo et al. 2014, 17; Nenna 2014, 186. 35 Freestone et al. 2015. 36 In Aquileia and Carthage Levantine I glass has an aqua shade while HIMT is yellow-green: Gallo et al. 2014, 15; Siu, Henderson, Faber 2017, 269. Also Phelps et al. 2016, 66. 37 Nenna 2014, 186. 38 For early Roman emerald green glass see Jackson, Cottam, Lazar 2015. Casa dele bestie ferite in Aquileia was made.39 At Herdonia, they were able to correlate some vessel types to HIMT glass.40 At Tonovcov grad, the following groups of glass objects were analysed: cut rims, fire-rounded rims, beaker bases, beaker feet, goblet stems, bottle rim and neck, balsamarium bases, plate foot, bowl rim, lamps with handles, vessel wall fragment, beads, and window pane (Pls. 1; 2). Two fragments be- long to early Roman vessels: an Isings 12 beaker and an unidentified blue vessel wall (Pl. 1: 1; blue vessel wall not drawn). As expected, their glass composition differs considerably from the later ones and is typical for 1st–3rd c. AD. Cut rims and beaker bases belong to beaker types Isings 106 and 109 (Pl. 1: 2,3,14–18), which are usually dated to the 4th–5th c. AD, but they also appear later, especially Is 106.41 The two analysed cut rims were made of HIMT glass, as was one of the bases. Three bases show Levantine I and one RBG composition. Footed beakers (Pl. 1: 19–21) are usually dated to the 5th c. AD and are more characteristic of late Roman than late antique assemblages.42 At Tonovcov grad, two were made of RBG and one of Levantine I glass. Stemmed goblets (Pl. 1: 22–24; 2: 1–4) are the most common vessel type in the late antique Mediterranean from the late 5th c. AD onwards.43 Except one, they were all made using Levantine I glass mass. A light blue, slightly larger example (Pl. 1: 23) was made of RBG glass. On Tonovcov grad, it is significant to note that no goblet feet or stems appear in LA 1 layers and only one Levan- tine I vessel (a beaker base, Pl. 1: 15) was found in an LA 1 layer. Since the Levantine I group was used – if not common – in the late 4th c. AD,44 this does not contradict Tonovcov grad phasing. All three analysed lamps with handles (Pl. 2: 5–7) were made of Levantine I mass, impurities in the glass even indicate that they could have been made from the same batch of glass.45 Also of Levantine I composition were the window pane fragment (not drawn) and the balsamarium base (Pl. 2: 9), found in an LA 2 layer. The bottle rim 39 Gallo et al. 2014, 16, Fig. 9; Maltoni et al. 2015, 15. 40 Gliozzo et al. 2016a, 106. 41 Milavec 2011a, 86; Gallo et al. 2014, Tab. 2. 42 Milavec 2011a, 85. 43 Milavec 2011a, 84–85. 44 Freestone, Wolf, Thirlwall 2005. 45 Šmit et al. 2013, 58. 357Analyses of late antique glass from Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in archaeological context and neck fragments (Pl. 2: 12,13) were made of RBG and Levantine I glass, respectively. A plate foot (Pl. 2: 17) is very interesting as its composition is very similar to Levantine II group which was produced between the 7th and 8th c. AD at Beit Eli’ezer.46 Also, open vessels are not common outside the eastern Mediterranean in late antiquity, especially in the hinterland. Since there is one fragment in this case only the vessel can have been brought to the site, not necessarily raw glass. A small red tubular bead (Pl. 2: 14) shows a very similar composition, but neither its form nor context (see below) give any additional information. The four-partite dark blue bead with a red wavy line (Pl. 2: 11) was found together with the small red one in gravel layers filling the space between churches and was made of RBG glass. The beads could not be ascribed to any phase of the settle- ment. Their composition shows they were made of natron glass of similar compositions as some vessels at the site, so they can probably be linked to the late antique phase of the settlement, though later remelting and reuse cannot be excluded.47 The segmented blue bead (Pl. 2: 15), which was found in an early Medieval layer, belongs to the popular group of beads, which were imported to Europe around 800 AD from the eastern Mediter- ranean.48 The analyses confirmed it was made of plant-ash glass. CONCLUSIONS First, it must be pointed out that all conclusions must necessarily remain hypothetical until more analyses are made on late antique glass in the region. The samples discussed here are relatively small for most compositional groups and the results, though exciting, must be viewed with caution. The late Roman (LA 1) layers at Tonovcov grad were not very well preserved due to later activities at the site, and the small finds from these layers were few. A relatively large number of typically late Roman finds were, in contrast, discovered in later, LA 2, mixed and destruction layers but again, there were few typical late Roman glass vessels. Despite the presumed military importance of Tonovcov grad in the late Roman period, there was only one 46 Freestone, Wolf, Thirlwall 2005; Freestone at al. 2015. 47 Early Medieval working of Roman glass is documented at Gradišče above Bašelj: Šmit et al. 2009; Knific, Šmit 2018. 48 Greiff, Nallbani 2008, 367 small fragment of a Nuppenbecher,49 which usually abound on such sites. This could be explained by the assumption that the late Roman military peak of the post belongs to a time when regular state supply was not readily available or was limited to other products.50 Only two of the fragments analysed originated from undisturbed LA 1 layers, these are two beaker bases of Levantine I and RBG (mixed with HIMT?) compositions (Pl. 1: 15,16), so it seems both glass types were available at the time. That is understandable, because RBG and Levantine I also circulated as early as in the 4th c. AD, even if they achieved their greatest popular- ity in the following centuries. Two glass vessels, a HIMT cut rim (Pl. 1: 2) and a Levantine I goblet foot (Pl. 2: 3), came from a layer under the narthex of the north church which places them before or to the time of construction of the narthex if not also of the churches. Looking at the finds from a typological point of view, two late Roman cut rims and a beaker base (Pl. 1: 2,3,14) were made with HIMT glass. One of the rims was found in a layer beneath the narthex of the north church as just mentioned, the other in a destruction layer (Pl. 1: 3), and for the base (Pl. 1: 14) there was no data. There is a very small number of cut rims at the site, so it is probable they were not used in the LA 2 phase from which the large number of fire-rounded rims originates. This is not so easy to assume for the bases as beakers obviously continued to be produced after the first half of the 5th c. AD, but with different rims. From LA 2 layers there are mostly vessels of the Levantine I group. The fragment of the early Roman vessel wall is obviously residual, while the probably Levantine II plate fragment (Pl. 2: 17) is an intriguing piece which, if the identification is correct, would mean a relatively late supply of raw glass or vessels to the site. The red bead (Pl. 2: 14) with a similar composition was found in a destruction layer. The RBG vessel fragments from LA 2 layers are a mixed collection of vessel types that do not appear in large numbers at the site and most of them would be more easily dated into the 5th than the 6th c. AD. It is thus far impossible to say whether they are residual or contemporary finds in the mostly 6th c. AD layers. The goblets, lamps, and window glass represent typical late antique assemblage. With the excep- 49 Milavec 2011a, Pl. 54: 5. 50 Ciglenečki, Milavec 2009. 358 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT tion of a foot which lay under the narthex (see above), almost all of them were found in LA 2 or later destruction layers, and almost all were made of Levantine I glass (all goblet feet but one, all the lamps, the one window pane and also all fire-rounded rims but one). A group of 10 vessels showed a composition similar to Roman blue-green glass, which thus far has not been detected among other analysed sites in the vicinity. The vessels in this group are typologically not as late as Levantine I ones; they are mostly characteristic 5th c. AD vessels such as footed beakers, a bottle, and a bowl. Of the later forms, there is only one stemmed goblet foot in the group, which differs from all other feet at the site in size and colour (Pl. 1: 23). They may represent an earlier group in comparison to the Levantine I ones, but not necessarily. If the assumption that a part of them was recycled with HIMT glass is correct, it would mean the two groups were avail- able simultaneously. With caution, some correlation could be seen between the typology and the compositional groups. Typologically earlier pieces are often made of generally earlier raw glass and are found in earlier layers, though they are also present in later ones. As a discontinuation of settlement on the site is presumed in the second half of the 5th c. AD, this would indicate a secondary position of the finds and not a longer use or reuse of the vessels themselves. The segmented blue bead (Pl. 2: 15), which was found in an Early Medieval layer and is typologically dated from the second half of the 8th to the early 9th c. AD, was made of plant ash glass and is the remnant of another period of trade with the East which is scarcely represented on Slovenian early Medieval sites. In this case, the trade in beads is represented, not in raw glass. The new information on the presence of glass objects in early Medieval Moravia51 and the results of analyses of glass at other Slovenian early Medieval sites52 will perhaps start breaking the myths of the inexistence of produc- tion and use of glass in the early Medieval Slavic regions. At Tonovcov grad, no vessels belonging to the early Medieval period were found so far. Traces of recycling were few, which was sur- prising. The autarkic character of the late antique settlements in the south-eastern Alpine region is often emphasized, and the long-distance trade detected almost only by the presence of pottery containers. This analysis showed that at least to some degree the site was included in the wide and colourful Mediterranean raw glass network. The workshop(s) which supplied it could obtain chunks of different raw glass from Egypt or Syro-Palestine, perhaps as late as early 7th c. AD. The quantity of finds from late Roman layers at the site and indeed the whole sample analysed is not large enough to allow us to see how many glass masses were used simultaneously. As pointed out above, the site does not seem to have been abundantly supplied with glass in the late 4th and early 5th c. AD. 51 Sedlačková 2006; Galuška et al. 2012. 52 Šmit et al. 2009; Knific, Šmit 2018. ARLETTI et al. 2010a = ARLETTI, R., G. VEZZALINI, S. BENATI, L. MAZZEO SARACINO, A. GAMBERINI 2010a, Roman window glass, a comparison of findings from three different Italian sites. – Archaeometry 52, 252–271. ARLETTI et al. 2010b = ARLETTI, R., C. GIACOBBE, S. QUARTIERI, G. SABATINO, G. TIGNANO, M. TRISCARI, G. VEZZALINI 2010b, Archaeometrical investigation of Sicilian Early Byzantine glass: chemical and spectroscopic data. – Archaeometry 52/1, 99–114. CAGNO, S., L. FAVARETTO, M. MENDERA, A. IZMER, F. VANHAECKE, K. 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Analize poznoantičnega stekla s Tonovcovega gradu pri Kobaridu v arheološkem kontekstu analizirano in objavljeno le zgodnjerimsko4 in zgodnjesrednjeveško steklo.5 Manjše analize so bile opravljene leta 1998 na kranjskem gradivu.6 NAJDIŠČE Tonovcov grad leži v dolini reke Soče na naravno dobro zavarovani točki nad cestno povezavo med Italijo in Norikom čez prelaz Predel. Sistematična izkopavanja ekipe Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU pod vodstvom Slavka Ciglenečkega so po- tekala med letoma 1993 in 2005. Najdišče je bilo občasno poseljeno v prazgodovini, zgodnjerimskem in zgodnjesrednjeveškem obdobju, glavna naseli- tvena faza se začenja v poznorimskem obdobju, 4 Schwinger 1998 (navedba po Lazar 2003, 241); Istenič, Šmit 2012; Jackson, Cottam, Lazar 2015. 5 Šmit et al. 2009; 2012. 6 Sagadin 2000, 18; 2004, 111. 361Analize poznoantičnega stekla s Tonovcovega gradu pri Kobaridu v arheološkem kontekstu ko je postojanka najverjetneje delovala v sklopu sistema claustra Alpium Iuliarum (poznoantična faza 1 ali PA 1). Ta faza je datirana v obdobje med drugo polovico 4. st. in tretje desetletje 5. st., predstavljajo pa jo sledovi dveh stavb (ostanki zidov pod poznoantično stavbo 1 in stavba 3) ter značilni deli moške noše in novci, najdeni v ka- snejših plasteh. Poznorimske plasti in arhitektura so bile močno poškodovane med drugo gradbeno fazo, ki je sledila po kratkem obdobju opustitve v sredini in drugi polovici 5. st. Poznoantična faza 2 (PA 2) je datirana med pozno 5. in zgodnje 7. st. in pomeni glavno poselitveno fazo najdišča. Na hribu je stala velika naselbina s približno 30 hišami, vodnim zbiralnikom, obrambnim obzidjem in sklopom treh cerkva na najvišjem platoju (sl. 1). Arhitektura in velika količina drobnega gradiva kažeta, da je bilo to pomembno regionalno središče staroselskega prebivalstva z začasno prisotnostjo trenutnih germanskih vojaških elit, Vzhodnih Gotov in Langobardov. Steklene najdbe večinoma zastopajo odlomki (zataljena ustja in noge) kozarcev na visoki nogi, narejeni iz naravno obarvanega zelenorumenega stekla. Poleg kozarcev na visoki nogi so bili odkriti še odlomki steklenih svetilk, okenskega stekla in nekaj drugih oblik: kozarci brez noge, stekleni- ce, skleda, balzamariji ali manjše stekleničke in krožnik. Večina stekla je bila najdena v hiši 1 in okrog nje (118 diagnostičnih kosov), gre večinoma za pivsko posodje: kozarci na nogi in brez nje ter steklenice. Odlomki okenskega stekla kažejo, da je imela hiša 1 zastekljene okenske odprtine v fazi PA 2.7 V stavbah 2 in 3, vodnem zbiralniku (sl. 1:5) in cerkvenem sklopu (sl. 1: 4) je bilo najdenih bi- stveno manj steklenih posod. V cerkvenem sklopu so bili najštevilnejši odlomki okenskega stekla, visečih svetilk in majhnih stekleničk. Posode in svetilke so ležale v dveh skupkih, eden za klopjo za duhovščino v osrednji (srednja od treh) cerkvi in drugi ob prehodu med osrednjo cerkvijo v majhen sosednji prostor, morda spominsko kapelo.8 Uporaba prostora, vsekanega v živo skalo med osrednjo in južno cerkvijo, ni zadovoljivo pojasnjena. Medtem ko so bile cerkve v uporabi, je bil očitno prazen, saj so plasti ruševin in najdbe v njem povezane s postopnim propadom cerkvenih stavb. 7 Milavec 2015, 97–98. 8 Milavec 2011a, sl. 3.2 in 3.3; Milavec 2017, sl. 4. SKUPINE SUROVEGA STEKLA IN DELAVNICE Sicer je vse več dokazov, da so v zgodnje- in srednjerimskem obdobju surovo steklo izdelovali tudi v zahodnem delu imperija,9 vendar so za čas po 3. st. edine znane primarne delavnice na vzhodu (Egipt ter Sirija in Palestina). V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih so z analizami prepoznali veliko različnih skupin surovega stekla, ki jih označujejo sledovi izvora peska, uporabljenega pri proizvo- dnji.10 Nekatere mase so povezali s posamezni- mi delavnicami (npr. masa Levantine II in Beit Eli’ezer), za druge predvidevajo, da prihajajo iz določenega predela, vendar natančna lokacija ni znana (npr. masa HIMT iz Egipta). V drugi polo- vici prvega tisočletja sta najpogostejši skupini na obeh straneh Sredozemlja Levantine I in HIMT. Levantine I je bila narejena s peskom z obal Sirije in Palestine med 4. in 9. st., najbolj priljubljena je bila med 5. in 7. st. Maso HIMT (skrajšano od “high iron, manganese and titanium”, kar pomeni visoke vrednosti železa, mangana in titana) so skoraj gotovo proizvajali v Egiptu in je krožila predvsem v poznem 4. in 5. st.11 V zahodnem delu so jo pogosto uporabljali v Britaniji in tudi Italiji.12 Druge skupine, pogostejše na vzhodu, so Levantine II, ki je očitno nasledila Levantine I v 7. in 8. st. v Beit Eli’ezerju v Izraelu,13 in Egipt I in II, ki so ju verjetno izdelovali v Egiptu med 7. in 9. st.14 Skupaj z novimi recepti je bilo očitno še vedno v uporabi rimsko modrozeleno steklo, sicer značilno za obdobje 1.–3. st.15 Sekundarna proizvodnja (posode), ki je bila v zgodnjem obdobju v celotnem imperiju v rokah velikih produkcijskih centrov, se je preselila v več manjših delavnic, ki so lahko zalagale posamezne ali manjše število naselbin.16 Zato je bilo trgovanje s steklenimi posodami, posebno na dolge razdalje, omejeno le na posamezne vrste posodja. V Sloveniji do sedaj niso odkrili poznoantičnih steklarskih 9 Degryse, Schneider 2008. 10 Freestone et al. 2000; Rehren, Cholakova 2010, 87–88, tab. 2; Siu, Henderson, Faber 2017, 257. 11 Nenna 2014; Schibille et al. 2016. 12 Freestone, Wolf, Thirlwall 2005; Foster, Jackson 2009. 13 Freestone et al. 2002. 14 Gratuze, Barrandon 1990; Freestone et al. 2002; 2015; Phelps et al. 2016. 15 Foster, Jackson 2009. 16 Freestone et al. 2000; Whitehouse 2003; Lafli, Gürler 2010, 444. 362 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT delavnic, najbližje so najdene v Italiji.17 V Kranju v severozahodni Sloveniji so bili odkriti ostanki ometanih jam in deformiranih odlomkov steklenih posod, previdno interpretirani kot sekundarna delavnica, vendar predstavljeni argumenti ne za- doščajo za to razlago.18 Na Gradišču nad Bašljem so bili odkriti stekleni surovci, od tega jih je šest iz zgodnjesrednjeveške plasti.19 ANALIZE IN SKUPINE STEKLA S TONOVCOVEGA GRADU Devetintrideset odlomkov steklenih posod, kos okenskega stekla in tri jagode (t. 1; 2; – 2 kosa nista risana: ostenje posode in okensko steklo) smo izbrali za analizo z namenom pokriti vse faze naselbine (zgodnjerimska, PA 1 in PA 2, zgodnjesrednjeveška), vse stavbe (stavbe 1, 2 in 3, sklop cerkva in prostor med cerkvami) in vse tipološke oblike (kozarci z nogo in brez nje, svetilke, steklenice, balzamariji itd.). Zanimalo nas je: a) skupine surovega stekla, b) možne povezave med skupinami stekla, fazami naselbine in tipologijo posod in c) zaznana stopnja recikliranja stekla. Dve jagodi (t. 2: 11,14) nimata dobrih stratigrafskih ali tipoloških opredelitev, upali smo, da bodo analize dale kakšen namig o njunem izvoru iz sestave. Vzorce sta analizirala Ž. Šmit in H. Fajfar s kombinirano metodo PIXE-PIGE (kombinirana metoda protonsko vzbujenih rentgenskih žarkov in žarkov gama) na Institutu Jožefa Stefana v Ljubljani. Deset vzorcev sta dodatno analizirala J. W. Lankton in B. Gratuze z metodo LA ICP MS (masna spektroskopija z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo) na University College of London Institute of Archaeology in IRAMAT-Centre Ernest-Babelon na CNRS v Orléansu.20 Rezultati (sl. 2) Prepoznano je bilo nekaj različnih skupin surovega stekla. Največ vzorcev pripada skupini Levantine I, manjše število kaže podobnosti z rimskim modro-zelenim steklom (Roman blue- 17 Sternini 1995, 267–268; Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2005, 811. 18 Sagadin 2000; 2004; cf. Lazar 2003, 78–79, 217–218. 19 Sagadin 2000; 2004; cf. Lazar 2003, 78–79, 217–218. 20 Šmit et al. 2013, 53–54. green ali RBG) in trije vzorci spadajo v skupino stekla HIMT. Skupino 4 vzorcev bi lahko morda interpretirali kot steklo RBG, reciklirano s HIMT, sestava dveh kosov pa je podobna masi Levanti- ne II.21 Temnomodra steklena jagoda (t. 2: 15) je bila narejena iz halofitskega, ostali kosi so iz natronskega stekla. Raznolikost skupin steklenih mas (če je iden- tifikacija RBG in Levantine II pravilna) je bila presenečenje. Analize s sočasnih italijanskih najdišč večinoma kažejo manj skupin, največkrat HIMT ali Levantine I, ali obe. V Casa delle bestie ferite in Domus Tita Makra v Akvileji je bil prepoznan večinoma HIMT z nekaj Levantine I in nekaj tako imenovanega stekla Série 3.2 (podobna skupina kot Levantine I, ki so jo prepoznali D. Foy in sodelavci).22 Iz Gradeža,23 tako imenovane Teo- derikove vile v Galeati, Emilija Romanja,24 in San Genesia v Toskani25 je sporočeno le steklo HIMT. Na jugu Italije, v Herdoniji,26 Faragoli,27 Neaplju28 in Ganzirri na Siciliji29 so uporabljali HIMT in Levantine I. Na Tonovcovemu gradu najbližjem najdišču, San Martino di Ovaro v Karniji, so našli le steklo Levantine I.30 Analize, delane za Classe, Ravena, so pokazale Série 3.2 in steklo HIMT ter v manjši meri Levantine I.31 Sestava steklenih mas se je skozi čas rahlo spre- minjala, verjetno s tem, ko so se premikale lokacije delavnic in so uporabljali rahlo drugačen pesek. Več avtorjev je prepoznalo variante skupine HIMT. Tri odlomke s Tonovcovega gradu (t. 1: 2,3,14) bi lahko primerjali s tako imenovanim močnim HIMT, ki so ga uporabljali v 5. st. Kasnejše vari- ante stekla HIMT so opisane kot “šibkejše”, saj se je z recikliranjem skozi čas sestava mase redčila.32 E. Gliozzo in sodelavci so tonovške tri kose HIMT uvrstili v podskupino HIMT, bogato s kalcijem in 21 To je opazil Th. Rehren, v članku Šmit et al. 2013 ni bilo omenjeno. 22 Gallo et al. 2014; Maltoni et al. 2016. 23 Silvestri, Molin, Salviulo 2005. 24 Arletti et al. 2010a. 25 Cagno et al. 2012. 26 Gliozzo et al. 2016a. 27 Gliozzo et al. 2016b. 28 Piazza Bovio: De Francesco et al. 2014. Na tem najdišču je bila prepoznana še ena, za zdaj nedoločena steklena masa. 29 Arletti et al. 2010b. 30 Zucchiati et al. 2007. 31 Maltoni et al. 2015. 32 Foy et al. 2003; Foster, Jackson 2009, 192–193; Gallo et al. 2014, 15–17. 363Analize poznoantičnega stekla s Tonovcovega gradu pri Kobaridu v arheološkem kontekstu Risba (T.) Vzorec Datacija (stoletje) Stavba Faza naselbine Barva Skupina 1: 4 ustje ? 1 - zelenkasta Lev I 1: 5 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 1 mešano zelenkasta Lev I 1: 7 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 1 PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 1: 8 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 1 PA 2 zelena Lev I 1: 9 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 2 - zelenkasta Lev I 1: 10 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 3 PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 1: 11 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 3 mešano rumenkasta Lev I 1: 12 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. osrednja cerkev uničenje PA 2 rumena Lev I 1: 13 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. osrednja cerkev uničenje PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 1: 15 dno kozarca 4.–5. 1 PA 1 zelena Lev I 1: 17 dno kozarca 4.–5. osrednja cerkev PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 1: 18 dno kozarca 4.–5. memorija uničenje PA 2 svetlomodra Lev I 1: 20 nizka noga kozarca 5. 1 PA 2 rumenozelena Lev I 1: 22 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. 1 PA 2 zelena Lev I 1: 24 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. 1 - rumena Lev I 2: 1 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. 2 PA 2 zelena Lev I 2: 2 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. 3 PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 2: 3 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. severna cerkev(pod narteksom) PA 2 rumenkasta Lev I 2: 4 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. memorija uničenje PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 2: 5 svetilka 5.–7. osrednja cerkev PA 2 zelenkasta Lev I 2: 6 svetilka 5.–7. osrednja cerkev PA 2 zelena Lev I 2: 7 svetilka 5.–7. 1 PA 2 rumenkasta Lev I 2: 9 dno balzamarija 5.–7.? 1 PA 2 rumenozelena Lev I 2: 10 ostenje posode 5.–6.? 1 mešano zelenkasta Lev I 2: 13 vrat steklenice 4.–7.? 1 mešano zelena Lev I - okensko steklo 5.–7. 1 PA 2 rjavkasta Lev I 1: 1 ustje kozarca 1. 1 - modra ZR - ostenje posode zg. rim. doba 1 PA 2 modra ZR 1: 6 zataljeno ustje 5.–7. 1 PA 2 zelenkasta RBG? 1: 16 dno kozarca 4.–zg. 5. 1 PA 1 zelena RBG? 1: 19 nizka noga kozarca 5. 1 LA 2 zelenkasta RBG? 1: 21 nizka noga kozarca 5. prostor med cerkvami uničenje PA 2? brezbarvna RBG? 1: 23 noga kozarca pozno 5.–7. 1 PA 2 svetlomodra RBG? 2: 8 ročaj 5.–7? 1 - zelena RBG? 2: 11 štiridelna jagoda ? prostor med cerkvami uničenje PA 2? modra, rdeča RBG? 2: 12 ustje steklenice 4.–7.? 1 PA 2 zelena RBG? 2: 16 ustje sklede Foy 21a 5.–6. 1 PA 2 brezbarvna RBG? 1: 2 odrezano ustje 4.–zg. 5. severna cerkev(pod narteksom) PA 2 zelena HIMT 1: 3 odrezano ustje 4.–zg. 5. prostor med cerkvami uničenje PA 2 zelenkasta HIMT 1: 14 dno kozarca 4.–zg. 5. 1 - olivnozelena HIMT 2: 14 cevasta jagoda ? prostor med cerkvami uničenje PA 2? rdeča Lev II? 2: 17 krožnik 5.–7.? 1 PA 2 zelena Lev II? 2: 15 segmentirana jagoda 8.–9. 1 ZSV modra halofitsko Sl. 2: Tonovcov grad, analizirani vzorci stekla. Določitev skupin: Ž. Šmit in Th. Rehren. PA 1 = poznoantična faza 1; PA 2 = poznoantična faza 2; Lev I = Levantine I; Lev II = Levantine II; ZR – zgodnjerimsko; RBG = rimsko modro-zeleno; HIMT = visoka vsebnost železa, mangana in titana 364 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT značilno za prostor okrog Jadranskega morja med 4. in 7. st.33 Skupina 10 posod je iz rimskega modro-zelenega (RBG) stekla (t. 1: 6,16,19,21,23; 2: 8,11,12,16; ena ni risana). Dve od teh sta tudi tipološko zgodnji posodi (t. 1: 1; modro ostenje ni risano), njuna sestava je izrazito različna od ostalih devetih, tipo- loško kasnejših primerkov. Štirje odlomki (t. 1: 16; 2: 8,11,12) so pokazali povišanje vrednosti titana, kar bi lahko razložili kot sledove recikliranja z maso HIMT med sekundarno proizvodnjo, lahko pa pomeni le, da je bilo steklo izdelano iz malo drugačnega peska. Steklo HIMT je bilo očitno lažje za obdelavo kot Levantine I zaradi višje vsebnosti sode, ki je omogočala uporabo nižjih temperatur za taljenje, vendar je bilo obenem narejeno iz peska nižje kva- litete. Zato je bilo cenejše od kvalitetnejšega stekla Levantine I in verjetno tako široko priljubljeno v 4. in 5. st.34 V 7. in 8. st., ko so zaloge natrona očitno postale omejene in dražje zunaj Egipta, je, prav nasprotno, postalo dražje.35 Barva stekla je lahko včasih neposredno pove- zana s sestavo steklene mase,36 ne pa vedno.37 Med analiziranimi vzorci s Tonovcovega gradu so le zgodnjerimska posoda in steklene jagode obarvane namenoma. Skupina RBG vsebuje dva brezbarvna odlomka in enega svetlomodrega, ostali so zeleni. Vsi odlomki HIMT in skoraj vsi Levantine I so v odtenkih med rumeno in zeleno, včasih rjavkasto. En kos Levantine I je svetlomoder. Odnos med tipologijo posod in sestavo stekla Poskusi povezati tipe posod in sestavo ste- klene mase med seboj, da bi videli, ali tip mase vpliva na tip iz nje izdelane posode, za zdaj niso številni.38 Tisti, ki so poskusili, še ne poročajo o zelo obetavnih rezultatih, vendar so raziskave še v teku. V Akvileji in Classe v Raveni niso opazili korelacij med sestavo in obliko posod, le more- bitno povezavo med enim od tipov steklenic in 33 Gliozzo et al. 2016a, 98–105. 34 Foster, Jackson 2009; Gallo et al. 2014, 17; Nenna 2014, 186. 35 Freestone et al. 2015. 36 V Akvileji in Kartagini je steklo Levantine I v odtenku aqua, HIMT pa je rumeno-zeleno: Gallo et al. 2014, 15; Siu, Henderson, Faber 2017, 269. Tudi Phelps et al. 2016, 66. 37 Nenna 2014, 186. 38 Za zgodnjerimsko smaragdnozeleno steklo glej Jackson, Cottam, Lazar 2015. steklom HIMT na najdišču Casa dele bestie ferite v Akvileji.39 V Herdoniji so lahko povezali nekaj tipov posod s steklom HIMT.40 S Tonovcovega gradu so bile analizirane na- slednje skupine steklenih posod: odrezana ustja, zataljena ustja, dna kozarcev, noge kozarcev, ustje in vrat steklenic, dno balzamarija, noga krožni- ka, svetilke z ročajčki, ostenje posode, jagode in okensko steklo (t. 1; 2). Dva odlomka pripadata zgodnjerimskim posodam, čaša Isings 12 in ostenje tipološko nedoločene posode (t. 1: 1; ostenje ni risano). Kot pričakovano, se njuna sestava znatno loči od kasnejših in je značilna za obdobje 1.–3. st. Odrezana ustja in dna kozarcev pripadajo kozar- cem tipov Isings 106 in 109 (t. 1: 2,3,14–18), ki so večinoma datirani v 4.–5. st., vendar se pojavljajo tudi kasneje, posebno oblika Is 106.41 Obe anali- zirani odrezani ustji sta izdelani iz stekla HIMT, prav tako eno dno. Tri dna imajo Levantine I in eno RBG sestavo mase. Kozarci na nizki nogi (t. 1: 19–21) so datirani najpogosteje v 5. st. in so bolj značilni za po- znorimske kot poznoantične zbire najdb.42 Na Tonovcovem gradu sta bila dva izdelana iz stekla RBG in eden iz Levantine I. Kozarci na nogi (t. 1: 22–24; 2: 1–4) so naj- pogostejši tip steklenih posod v poznoantičnem Sredozemlju od poznega 5. st.43 Razen enega so bili vsi izdelani iz stekla Levantine I. Svetlomoder, nekoliko večji kos (t. 1: 23) je bil narejen iz stekla RBG. Za Tonovcov grad je vredno omeniti, da v plasteh faze PA 1 ni bil najden noben kozarec na nogi, našli so le en odlomek (dno kozarca, t. 1: 15), izdelan iz stekla Levantine I. To ne nasprotuje opredelitvi faz na najdišču, saj so maso Levantine I uporabljali od poznega 4. st., čeprav je največjo priljubljenost dosegla kasneje.44 Vse tri analizirane svetilke z ročajčki (t. 2: 5–7) so bile narejene iz mase Levantine I, nečistoče v steklu celo nakazujejo, da so bile lahko izdelane iz iste pošiljke surovega stekla.45 Tudi okensko steklo (ni risano) in dno balzamarija (t. 2: 9), najdeno v plasti faze PA 2, sta bili narejeni iz stekla Levan- tine I. Ustje in vrat steklenic (t. 2: 12,13) sta bila izdelana: prvo iz RBG in drugi iz mase Levantine I. 39 Gallo et al. 2014, 16, sl. 9; Maltoni et al. 2015, 15. 40 Gliozzo et al. 2016a, 106. 41 Milavec 2011a, 86; Gallo et al. 2014, tab. 2. 42 Milavec 2011a, 85. 43 Milavec 2011a, 84–85. 44 Freestone, Wolf, Thirlwall 2005. 45 Šmit et al. 2013, 58. 365Analize poznoantičnega stekla s Tonovcovega gradu pri Kobaridu v arheološkem kontekstu Noga krožnika (t. 2: 17) je zelo zanimiva, saj je sestava stekla podobna masi Levantine II, ki so jo izdelovali med 7. in 8. st. v Beit Eli’ezerju v Izraelu.46 Prav tako odprte oblike posod v pozni antiki niso pogoste zunaj vzhodnega Sredozemlja, posebno ne v zaledju. Glede na to, da je bil najden en sam odlomek, so lahko prinesli na najdišče posodo, ne pa surovega stekla. Majhna rdeča ce- vasta jagoda (t. 2: 14) kaže zelo podobno sestavo, vendar ne njena oblika ne kontekst najdbe (glej v nadaljevanju) ne pripomoreta k dataciji. Štiridel- na temnomodra jagoda (t. 2: 11) je bila najdena skupaj z majhno rdečo jagodo v plasteh grušča, s katerim so polnili prostor med cerkvami, in je bila izdelana iz stekla RBG. Jagod nismo mogli pripisati nobeni fazi naselbine. Njuna sestava kaže, da sta bili narejeni iz natronskega stekla podobne sestave kot nekatere posode na najdišču, torej ju verjetno lahko datiramo v poznoantično fazo, ne moremo pa izključiti, da so ju izdelali kasneje iz pretaljenih kosov.47 Segmentirana modra jagoda (t. 2: 15), ki je ležala v zgodnjesrednjeveški plasti, pripada priljubljeni skupini jagod iz časa okrog leta 800, ki so jih uvažali v Evropo iz vzhodnega Sredozemlja.48 Analiza je potrdila, da je bila iz- delana iz halofitskega stekla. ZAKLJUČKI Najprej je treba poudariti, da, dokler ne bo na- rejenih več analiz poznoantičnega stekla v regiji, morajo ostati vsi zaključki hipotetični. Vzorci, o katerih je bil govor v članku, so za večino skupin surovega stekla relativno majhni, sicer razburljive rezultate pa je treba obravnavati previdno. Poznorimske (PA 1) plasti na Tonovcovem gradu se zaradi kasnejših dogajanj na najdišču niso dobro ohranile in drobnih najdb iz teh plasti je malo. Razmeroma veliko število značilnih poznorimskih najdb je bilo po drugi strani odkritih v kasnejših, poznoantičnih (PA 2) premešanih plasteh in ruše- vinah, vendar je bilo malo steklenih posod. Kljub predvidenemu vojaškemu pomenu Tonovcovega gradu v poznorimskem obdobju je bil odkrit en sam odlomek kozarca z modrimi nataljenimi 46 Freestone, Wolf, Thirlwall; Freestone et al. 2015. 47 Zgodnjesrednjeveško predelovanje rimskega stekla je dokumentirano na Gradišču nad Bašljem: Šmit et al. 2009; Knific, Šmit 2018. 48 Greiff, Nallbani 2008, 367. steklenimi kapljami,49 kakršne sicer na tovrstnih najdiščih najdejo precej. Razlog morda leži v tem, da v času razcveta vojaške vloge najdišča državna oskrba ni bila več redna ali pa je bila omejena na druge produkte.50 Samo dva od analiziranih odlomkov izvirata iz nepremešanih plasti faze PA 1 (t. 1: 15,16). Gre za dve dni kozarcev sestave Le- vantine I in stekla RBG (morda mešana s HIMT), zato se zdi, da sta bili takrat obe vrsti surovega stekla na voljo. To je razumljivo za RBG, pa tudi Levantine I je krožila že v 4. st., čeprav je največjo priljubljenost dosegla v naslednjih stoletjih. Dve stekleni posodi, odrezano ustje iz stekla HIMT (t. 1: 2) in noga kozarca iz mase Levantine I (t. 2: 3), prihajata iz plasti pod narteksom severne cerkve, kar ju postavlja v čas pred gradnjo narteksa, če ne celo cerkva. Če pogledamo najdbe iz tipološke perspektive: dve poznorimski odrezani ustji in dno kozarca so bili izdelani iz stekla HIMT (t. 1: 2,3,14). Eno od ustij je bilo najdeno v plasti pod narteksom sever- ne cerkve, kot smo že omenili, drugo v ruševini (t. 1: 3), za dno ni podatka (t. 1: 14). Zelo majhno število odrezanih ustij je bilo najdenih na najdišču, najverjetneje jih niso uporabljali v fazi PA 2, iz katere izvirajo številna zataljena ustja. Za dna ne moremo predvidevati enako, saj so take kozarce očitno izdelovali tudi po prvi polovici 5. stoletja, vendar z drugačnimi ustji. Iz plasti faze PA 2 izvirajo večinoma posode iz stekla Levantine I. Odlomek ostenja zgodnjerim- ske posode je očitno rezidualen, krožnik iz mase Levantine II (t. 2: 17) pa je zanimiv kos, ki bi (če je prepoznana prava masa) pomenil razmeroma pozno oskrbo naselbine s surovim steklom ali posodjem. Rdeča jagoda s podobno sestavo (t. 2: 14) je bila najdena v ruševini, odlomki posod iz RBG iz plasti faze PA 2 so mešan zbir tipov posod, ki se ne pojavljajo v velikem številu na najdišču in bi večino od njih lažje opredelili v 5. kot v 6. st. Za zdaj ne moremo določiti, ali so rezidualni ali sočasni v plasteh večinoma 6. st. Kozarci na nogi, svetilke in okensko steklo pomenijo značilen poznoantični zbir steklenega posodja. Z izjemo noge, ki je ležala pod nartek- som (glej zgoraj), so bili skoraj vsi kosi najdeni v plasteh faze PA 2 ali kasnejših ruševinah in skoraj vsi so bili izdelani iz mase Levantine I (vse noge kozarcev razen ene, vse svetilke, okensko steklo in vsa zataljena ustja razen enega). 49 Milavec 2011a, t. 54: 5. 50 Ciglenečki, Milavec 2009. 366 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT Skupina 10 posod kaže sestavo, podobno rim- skemu modro-zelenemu steklu (RBG), ki ga do sedaj niso zasledili na analiziranih najdiščih v soseščini. Posode v tej skupini tipološko niso tako pozne kot tiste iz stekla Levantine I in so v največji meri značilne za 5. st., npr. kozarci na nizki nogi, steklenica in skleda. Od kasnejših oblik je najdena ena noga kozarca, ki se od ostalih nog razlikuje po barvi in velikosti (t. 1: 23). Lahko je to starejša skupina v primerjavi z Levantine I, ni pa nujno. Če je pravilna domneva, da je bil del teh posod recikliran s steklom HIMT, bi to pomenilo, da sta bili obe masi dosegljivi sočasno. Z mero previdnosti bi lahko videli nekaj povezav med tipologijo in sestavo steklene mase posod. Tipološko zgodnejši kosi so pogosto narejeni iz načeloma zgodnejših mas in so najdene v zgodnejših plasteh, so pa prisotne tudi v kasnejših. Ker se za najdišče predvideva prekinitev poselitve v sredini in drugi polovici 5. st., bi to pomenilo sekundarno lokacijo najdb in ne daljše uporabe posod samih. Segmentirana modra jagoda (t. 2: 15), ki je bila najdena v zgodnjesrednjeveški plasti in je tipološko datirana med drugo polovico 8. in zgodnje 9. st., je bila narejena iz halofitskega stekla in je ostanek drugega obdobja trgovine z vzhodom, ki je redko zastopana na slovenskih zgodnjesrednjeveških najdiščih. V tem primeru je zastopana trgovina z jagodami, ne surovim steklom. Novi podatki o steklenih predmetih na zgodnjesrednjeveškem Moravskem51 in rezultati analiz stekla na drugih slovenskih zgodnjesrednjeveških najdiščih52 bodo morda začeli razbijati mit o neobstoju izdelave in 51 Sedlačková 2006; Galuška et al. 2012. 52 Šmit et al. 2009; Knific, Šmit 2018. uporabe stekla na zgodnjesrednjeveških slovanskih območjih. Na Tonovcovem gradu zgodnjesrednje- veških steklenih posod še niso našli. Presenetljivo malo je bilo pri analizah odkritih sledi recikliranja. Pogosto poudarjamo avtarkični značaj poznoantičnih naselbin v jugovzhodnih Alpah in trgovanje na dolge razdalje zaznavamo le po prisotnosti oziroma odsotnosti keramične embalaže. Analize so pokazale, da je vsaj delno Tonovcov grad bil vključen v široke in barvite sredozemske mreže trgovine s surovim steklom. Delavnica ali delavnice, ki so ga oskrbovale, so lahko dobile surovce različnih mas iz Egipta ter Sirije in Palestine, morda še celo v zgodnjem 7. st. Količina najdb iz poznorimskih plasti na najdišču in cel analizirani vzorec še nista dovolj velika, da bi nam dovolila razumeti, koliko mas je bilo uporabljenih sočasno. Kot smo poudarili, nasel- bine v poznem 4. in zgodnjem 5. st. niso obilno oskrbovali s steklom. Tina Milavec Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Aškerčeva 2 1000 Ljubljana tina.milavec@ff.uni-lj.si Žiga Šmit Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko Univerza v Ljubljani Jadranska 19 SI-1000 Ljubljana Institut Jožef Stefan Jamova 39 SI-1001 Ljubljana ziga.smit@fmf.uni-lj.si 367Analyses of late antique glass from Tonovcov grad near Kobarid in archaeological context Pl. 1: Tonovcov grad, all glass. Scale = 1:2. T. 1: Tonovcov grad, vse steklo. M. = 1:2. 368 Tina MILAVEC, Žiga ŠMIT Pl. 2: Tonovcov grad, all glass. Scale 1–13,15–17 = 1:2; 14 = 1:1. T. 2: Tonovcov grad, vse steklo. M. 1–13,15–17 = 1:2; 14 = 1:1.