AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY 0©M©YINfl AMERICAN HOME 1. tajnika Zveza. SDZ FIFTH ANNUAL OLYMPIAD AT PINTAR'S GROVE SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY—SEPT. 3—4—5 S. 2). Z. JVetv* SDZ Girls Enjoying Vacation at Mentor Misses Jo Vidmar, Frances Bostic, Louise Vidmar, Irene Gribbon and Mrs. Charles Jeric are vacationing at Mentor-on-the-Lake this week. Reports have it that these SDZ girls are having a wonderful time bicycle-riding, roller skating, swimming, hiking and dancing. All of the girls expect to return with genuine sun-tans. SDZ No. 2 MEMOS. .. Nakazana bolniška in operacijska podpora S. D. Z. 23. julija 1938 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 2: Rese Pire, od 9. junija do 14. julija ............................................$ 8.33 Mary Supan, od 9. junija do 14. julija ...................................... 8.33 Julia Tavzel, operacija ..................................................................... 80 °0 Rose Kausek, od 30. junija do 14. julija .................................... 12.00 Jennie Paulin, od 8. junija do 12. julija .................................... 34.00—$ 142.66 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 3: Henry Kczuh, od 14. junija do 16. julija .................................. 10.67 John Spehek, od 13. junija do 18. julija ................................... 11.67— 22.34 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 4: Jenny Roje, od 26. februarja do 22. junija .............................. 21.18 Suzana Juratovec, od 20. junija do 25. junija .......................... 2.14 Mary Hočevar, od 8. junija do 13. julija .................................... 12.50 Anna Blatnik, od 9. junija do 13. julija .................................. 24.29 Mary Kurent, od 8. junija do 13. julija ................................. 8.33 Paula Lskse, od 8. junija do 25. junija ..........................•......... 12.14 Ivanka Sodja, od 1. junija do 13. julija .................................... 28.57 Aloyzija Lenarsic, od 6. junija do 7. julija .............................. 22.14 Margaret Zalokar, od 8. junija do 13. julija ............................ 8.33 Antonija Golob, od 8. junija do 13. julija ................................ 11.67 Barbara Grimsic, od 8. junija do 8. julija ................................ 10.00 Polona Mostecnik, od: 7. junija do 13. julija .......................... 12.00 Helena Laurich, od 7. junija do 12. julija ................................ 11.67 Rose Koscak, od 3. junija do 25. junija .................................... 17.00 Mary Jagodnik, cd 30. junija do 11. julija ................................ 9.00 Joseph Turk, od 28. junija do 16. julija .................................. 18.00 Mary Brodnik, od 7. junija do 17. junija .................................. 8.00 Lcuisa Kastelic, od 17. maja do 9. julija .................................. 53.00 Mary Kožar, od 18. junija do 30. junija .................................... 10.00 Mary Kofol, od 24. junija do 11. julija ........................................ 15.00 Mary Kernc, od 7. junija do 13. julija ................■......................... 31.50 Prances Rogel, cd 10. maja do 12. julija .................................... 21.00 Johana Mervar, od 30. maja do 12. julija .................................. 41.00 Josephine Pacek. cd 8. junija do 12. julija .............................. 11.33 Anna Skully, od 13. junija do 12. julija .................................... 27.00 Rose Potočnik, od 8. junija do 11. julija .................................. 22.00 Mary Horvath, cd 25. junija do 11. julija ................................ 28.00 Agnes Jevnikar, od 5. julija do 12. julija ............................... 10.00— 506.79 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 5: John Jeglich, cd 18. junija do 16. julija .................................. 56.00 Anton Kotar, cd 18. junija do 16. julija .................................... 56.00 Frank Strus, od 17. junija do 15. julija .................................. 9.33 Lovrenc Kolman, od 18. junija do 16. julija .......................... 9.33— 130.66 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 6: Anna Skufca, od 17. junija do 29. junija .................................. 8.57 Mary Kadunc, od 30. junija do 15. julija .................................. 10.71 Jennie Kunstel, od 11. junija do 15. julija .............................. 32.00 John Stipich, od 17. junija do 14. julija .................................. 18.00— 69.28 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 8: Frank Kozlevcar, cd 9. junija do 21. junija ............................ 24.00— 24.00 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 18: Mary Geromi, od 6. junija do 21. junija ................................. 30.00 James Vidmar, od 18. junija do 16. julija ................................ 12.67 Louis Tomse, od 17. junija do 17. julija .................................... 10.00 Mildred Cesnovar, od 31. maja do 21. junija .......................... 10.50— 63.17 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 20: Helen Michaelkiewicz, od 18. junija do 28. junija .................... 10.00 Matt Ncvak, od 6. junija do 30. junija ...................................... 24.00 Joseph Zura, od 18. junija do 16. julija .................................... 9.33— 43.33 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 21: Anten Ulle, cd 18. junija do 16. julija ........................................ 9.33 Joseph Vidic, od 19. junija do 17. julija .................................... 9.33 John Skrfanc, od 19. junija do 17. julija .................................. 9.33 John Svet, od 19. junija do 16. julija........................................... 25.00 Florijan Tiloscancz, od 18. junija do 16. julija .........,.............. 18.67— 71.66 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 22: Pauline Mausar, porodna nagrada .............................................. 15.00 Jennie Fonda, od 13. junija do 15. julija ................................... 32.00— 47.00 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 24. * Josephine Janko, porodna nagrada ............................................ 15.00 Rose Perko, od 12. junija do 18. julija ..................................... 34.00— 49.00 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 27: Frank Vegel, od 21. junija do 18. julija .................................... 27.00 Anna Klancar, od 20. junija do 30. junija .............................. 10.00 Anton Krištof, od 21. junija do 16. julija ................................ 25.00 Mary Mavec, od 21. junija do 19. julija..................................... 14.00 Luka Smrdel, od 21. junija do 19. julija .................................. 11.17 Frances Benedict, operacija ........................................................... 80.00 Frances Benedict, od 27. junija do 19. julija .......................... 20.00 John Cvck, od 20. junija do 18. julija ........................................ 56.00 Frank Fende, od 21. junija do 19. julija .................................. 1867.... 261.84 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 28: Josephine Adamich, DRUŠTVO ŠT. 29: Maria Macarol, od 2. junija do 5. julija ........ Jrhn Dcdic, od 4. junija do 28. junija ............ društvo št. 35: Mary Cltnperman, od 3. junija do 12. julija ., Mary Jesencvec, od 4. Junija- do 9. julija ...... Jo;cph 3abriel, od 8. junija do 2. julija ........ John Pelclc, od 3. junija do 13. junija ............ Jcbn Cimpeiman, od 13. junija do 12. julija DRUŠTVO št. 46: Amalija Ursic, od 10. junija do 20. junija ... Mary Tcmazic, od 8. junija do 14. julija ........ društvo št. 48: Anten Pctcchar, cd 18. junija do 16. julija . društvo št. 49: Leo Rese. od 21. junija do 29. junija ............... društvo št. 50: Joseph Sila, od 18. junija do 16. julija ........... 9.33 27.00 24.00— 60.33 24.00 10.00 48.00— 82.00 27.86 25.00 24.00 8.00 17.00— 101.86 8.00 36.00— 44.00 28.00— 28.00 8.00— 3.00 28.00 by Elsie Koss This is your SDZ No. 2 reporter, reporting that: —Our July meeting was one of the largest and most attended meetings in many months. —Congratulations are in order for the three new brides who also attended the last meeting. They are: Mrs. Eržen, formerly' Vera Koss, Mrs. Hočevar, formerly Mary Zele, and Mrs. Vokac, formerly Anna Debelak. Good luck to the new brides! —We also welcome two new young members, namely, Miss Evelyn Levee and Miss Sophie Marolt and we look forward to seeing them at all our meetings and helping the progress of our lodge. —We're happy to announce that our president Agnes Ka-lan and our secretary Josephine Petric have been elected to represent our lodge at the SDZ Convention. —Congratulations to Mary Zele who was married to Luke Hočevar recently and also to Albina Hathaway who was blessed with a baby boy. —We are proud to acknowledge Vida Shiifrer who graduated with high honors from Oberlin College. We wish her a lot of luck. _We wish Mrs. Klemencic (our cook) bon voyage as she has left for Europe. _We hope that Mrs. Paulin is well on the road to recovery as she is missed at our meetings. _We have something new in store for you members who haven't attended our meetings recently. Each member who attends is given a number and at the close of the meeting a number is drawn. The lucky winner, who was Julia Peternel at the June meeting, received a dollar. _We want to see more of our younger members as plans will be in order soon for our next aifair and we all want to become more acquainted. This is your SDZ No. 2 reporter signing off until we meet again. --o- Madison-Geneva Juniors To Meet and Frolic at Geneva-on-the-Lake Aug. 4 The Madison - Geneva Juniors have decided to hold their next meeting on the shores of Lake Erie. The date is August 4, and the weiner roast and confab will be held at Geneva-on-the-Lake. Members are urged to attend this get-together so that plans may be formulated for the fall and winter season. Prizes are given away at every meeting. Please attend! —Julia Debevc. Royal Comrades Hope To Show New Uniforms For Junior Champ Series Members of the Royal Comrades and SDZ No. 6 note this carefully: The boys have work-very hard to get the championship. So when they go to the championship game they want everyone to know who they are, so they would like to have jersies and caps. They can't have them without the cooperation of the members. The team has decided to sell tickets for jersies and caps and they want you either to buy or sell tickets. I guess the latter is the easiest in some ways but those who can do both, please cooperate. Details of this will be put in this paper next week. Watch for it! The adults are going to have a picnic on July 31, and that's the day of our anniversary. At that time we will celebrate our anniversary. The com- SDZ Fifth Annual Olympiad September 3-4-5 at Pintar's Grove mittee that has been chosen to discuss further plans on the picnic will be notified by cards or by this newspaper. We want you and your parents to be there. It's going to be held at Stusek's in Wickliffe. Please come or you'll miss the fun. Next week I'll tell of some activities we are going to have. —Agnes Godec, Sec'y. •-o- \ Brown and Polachek Star On Amateur Day Card In Cleveland Stadium da Coste bi potekalo v miru, da ni bilo Joseja Aranha, mladega policijskega kapetana, ki je hudo preganjal tihotapce. Pa sta se mladi kapetan in lepa Andreza zagledala drug v drugega. Boljšega zeta Antonio ne bi mogel dobiti, toda stari možak o kaki poroki ni hotel ničesar slišati. Kadar je hotel Jose vasova-ti pri svojem dekletu, je moral vedno naložiti pred hišo ležeče zaboje drugega na drugega, da je mogel Ogovoriti s svojim dekletom na oknu. Nekoč, ko je spet stal na zabojih, so se ti podprli in Jose se je vdrl v enega izmed zabojev. Zaboj se mu je zdel čuden, pa ga je vzel s seboj in ugotovil, da je imel dvojno dno. Takoj mu je bilo jasno, zakaj mu ni hotel dati Antonio hčerko za ženo in zakaj tako pogosto pošilja strupene kače v mesto. Jose se je odslej začel zanimati za kupčije da Coste. Pri tem je opazil, da prihajajo v Antonijevo hišo razni sumljivi ljudje. Ko je Antonio nedavno pripravil novo pošiljko zabojev s kačami, je prišel Jose in odprl en zaboj. Stresel je kače iz njega in stri drugo dno. To, kar je iskal, je našel namreč diamante. Zdaj je kapetan Jose Ran-ha stopil pred Antonija in mu dejal: "Gospod da Costa, nihče razen mene ne ve za ta primer,. Darujte diamante kakemu dobrodelnemu društvu in obljubite mi kot svojemu bodočemu zetu, da ne boste nikdar več tihotapili, če to storite, bom pozabil, da ste bili tihotapec. Gospod tast, ali sprejmete mojo ponudbo?" Še nikdar se nista dva tako hitro sprijateljila in postala sorodnika kakor Antonio da Costa in Jose Ranha. Tako so kače pripomogle, da sta zaljubljena mlada človeka postala srečen zakonski par. PAZITE NA TO STEKLENICO Machine and machineless per- 4. manent waving . . . Specializing in all branches of Beauty Culture . . . Free Consultation * * * ORENICK'S BEAUTY SHOP MARY and ANN, Pi'ops. 1030 Euclid Ave. 319 Truman Bldg. Tel.: CHerry 4760 * * * * * * * * * Naprodaj prostor, kjer se toči pivo in vino ter daje lunč. Nahaja se na vogalu ter je zelo dober prostor, ki dobro nosi za malo investicijo. Zraven je stanovanje 4 sob, rent $40. Vprašajte na 6802 St. Clair Ave. (176) Pozor farmarji! Kombinacijske kuhinjske peči, na plin in premog, od $4 naprej. Vse v dobrem stanju. Oglejte si jih pri Norwood Appliance & Furniture Co., 6104 St. Clair Ave. ENdicott 3634. (July 23,28) It was a big day for all amateur baseball players and fans at the Cleveland Stadium on July 17th. The Cleveland Baseball Federation sponsored its 28th annual amateur day and it was a very successful event. Blond Bob Brown, Crusaders' hurler, pitched 3 innings in which he allowed^ no hits, one walk and struck out five. Right fielder, Willie Ivins, collected one of the five hits that the backed division had garnered. In Class D, star catcher Polachek of SDZ No. 10, also brought SDZ into the spotlight by his performance. -o- MALI OGLASI V najem se da dvoje stanovanj, eno 4 sobe in kopališče, eno 3 sobe, kopališče in garaža. Vprašajte na 6424 Spilker Ave. (175) Mesnica v najem V najem se da dobro idoča mesnica, pripravna za Slovenca ali Hrvata. Vprašajte na 921 E. 185th St. Tel. KEnmore 5127-J. (175) J E OBLIKOVANA, da se drži udobno. Čisto, zeleno steklo, da lahko vidite vsebino. Važne točke, ki dodajajo nasladi piti lede-no-mrzlo Coca-Cola, hla-dilec in gasilec žeje, ki se več proda kot vsi drugi po svetu. CLEVELAND COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. V najem se da stanovanje, 4 sobe spodaj. Vprašajte na 1079 E. 64th St. (176) V SPOMIN prve obletnice smrti našega dragega soproga in očeta ANTON TURK kateri nas je za vedno zapustil dne 28. julija 1937 Več r»e čuje Tvoj se glas v hladni spa vaš tam gomili; prosi pri Bogu za nas, da bi enkrat se združili. Žalujoči: Frances, soproga Anton, Frances, Mary, Josephine, Dorothy, otroci Cleveland, Ohio, 28. julija 1938. BONCHA trgovina s stenskim papirjem Mi odstranimo papir s paro. Zmerno cene. — Pokličite IIE 4149 6105 ST. CLAIR AVENUE DR, L. A. STARCE Pregled oči Ura: 10-12, 2-4. 7-8. Ob aradab 10-1» «411 St. Clair Ave. Kraška kamnoseška obrt 15307 Waterloo Rd. (V ozadju trgovine Grdina & Son») EDINA SLOVENSKA IZDELOVAL-NICA NAGROBNIH SPOMENIKOV Frank Rich in Frank Klun E. 61ST ST. GARAGE Se priporočamo za popravilo in barvanje vašega avtomobila. Delo tečno in dobro. Kako si je policijski kapetan priboril tiho-tapčevo hčerko Največ diamantov ima v Južni Ameriki brazilijska pokrajina Minas Geraes. Tukaj naravnost cvete tihotapstvo. Tihotapci uporabljajo vsakovrstne zvijače, da prenašajo čez mejo te dragocene kamne. Policija jih včasih izsledi, včasih pa ne. Prav zanimiv je primer nekega trgovca z živalmi, ki je dolgo časa prav spretno slepil policijo, nazadnje pa se je le ujel. Antonio da Costa je bil trgovec z živalmi, ki je pošiljal raznim živalskim vrtovom razne živali. Poleg tega je pošiljal v Sao Paolo še strupene kače, iz katerih so jemali strup za zdravilske svrhe. Svojo trgovino je vodil sam, njegova hčerka Andreza pa mu je gospodinjila. Življenje Antonia Odda se poslopje 34x36, zidano, pripravno za shrambo ali za malo tovarno. Poizve se na 6011 St. Clair Ave., Zavasky Hardware. (July 23,25,27,30) ROJAKI, POZOR! Proda se lepo obdelano posestvo, obstoječe iz 42 akrov rodovitne zemlje. Nahaja se ob glavni cesti 84. Sedem sobna hiša, v kateri je mestna voda, elektrika in plin, ter ostala gospodarska poslopja, vse v dobrem stanju. S posestvom se proda, vse potrebno orodje, kakor tudi dva konja, svinje in kokoši. Dvanajst akrov je vinograda ter čez 500 vsakovrstnih sadnih dreves. Za ceno in nadaljne informacije se obrnite na lastnike: JOHN KOBILSEK 434 E. Main St. Madison, O. ......................uiimiiuiiuiuuiuimiimiimuuuiiiiuu.....umu.......mihh: 1 Jos. Zele i o Sinovi | fCGBEBNI ZAVOD = Avtomobili in bolniški voz redno m ob vsaki uri na razpolago. = Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo 1 6502 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Tel.: ENdicott 0583 j= § COLLINWOODSKI D3AD: = E 452 E. 152D STREET Tel.: KEnmore 3118 = ....................Ill..................................................................... čez gladko, solnčno JUŽNO PROGO—"Južnp stran Atlantika" _ najhitrejša direktna črta Alvera Brozic, od 1. julija do 16. julija .... Martin Skocaj, od 19. maja do 18. junija DRUŠTVO ŠT. 53: Joseph Petelin, od 2. julija do 16. julija 13.00 60.00— 101.00 24.00— 24.00 Skupaj........................................................................$1,880.92 JOHN GORNIK, glavni tajnik. VLOGE v tej posojilnic zavarovane do $5000 po Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation,. Washing-toa' D- c- Sprejemamo osebne In društvene vloge Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. 6235 St, Clair Ave. HEnd. 5670 IZJEMNI PRIHRANKI PRI VOŽNJI V TRETJEM IN TURISTOVSKEM RAZREDU Posebne izletniške cene se vam nudijo samo za omejeni čas. Cena karte za tja in nazaj je samo enkrat in pol tolika, kakor cena za eno vožnjo. __ To znižanje velja, če se vrnete že nazaj čez 4 tedne po prihodu v Evropo. Vprašajte za informacije kakega našega pooblaščenega agenta. Tukaj navajamo brilijantna "Solnčnata kretanja" v »vezi z vsemi eketra in izbornimi udobnostimi na naši JUŽNI PROGI, na kateri »e vam nudijo neprekosne udobnosti in postrežba na svetovno znanih italijanskih brzoparnikili. Prikladnosti v oddelku za turiste in v S razredu so velike moderne kabine, velike salonske obednice, javne dvorane za shajališče, izborila kuhinja in fina poštrežba. Vulcania - Saturnia Naravnost v Jugoslavijo 13. avg., 7. sept., 17. sept., 15. o'*t. Rex Conte di Savoia Roma čez Genovo 6. avg., 20. avg., 27. avg., 3. sept. Za informacije in rezervacije se obrnite na katerikolega pooblaščenega zastopnika ali na naš urad Italian Line: 1000 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio LI N AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 28, 1938 ■ S. D. Z. NEWS ■ by BILL VICIC Coming on the heels of our previous announcements, that the SDZ Olympiad spectacle will be held on September 3, 4 and 5, is the pleasant news that two of Collinwood's popular orchestras will play for the three-day affair. On Saturday, September 3, the colorful SDZ parade featuring float entries from many of our lodges will be the official starting shot of this 1938 classic. After parading from the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue to Collinwood and Euclid, the participants shall return to the St. Clair Home in the evening to celebrate the event with a grand Olympiad Dance. In the driver's seat wheeling out the dance numbers will be Frankie Yankovic and his orchestra swinging rhythms that satisfies. Admission for the affair will be thirty-five cents. The adults of SDZ will have their day September 4 at Pintar's Grove in Euclid, scene of the finish in the 13V2 mile marathon and the track and field events. The speed demons will start their competition at 1 p. m. First place winners will receive gold medals, second place silver and third place bronze. The awards shall be the same for the adults and juveniles. An added feature will be a rotating team trophy that must be won three times by a team before it becomes permanent possession of a lodge. Marathon runners will get additional prizes of: twenty-five dollars, fifteen dollars and ten dollars, for first, second and third places. Although September 4 is for adults, persons past the age of 16 may enter them if they wish. Other juveniles will vie for junior honors on Monday (Labor Day), September 5. Juveniles!—Remember that Labor Day is your day.—You may be positive of making it an interesting and successful day by organizing your track teams now and sending your entries in early. The deadline for entering the Olympiad is Augus; 25. All juveniles shall be eligible to enter providing they are members of SDZ on or before the deadline date. In all official sport events, records are always kept of previous performances. The SDZ Junior League keeps on file all track and field results after the participant's name, such as distance, time, etc. The SDZ is upholding its tradition in sponsoring sport events and is known to be the pioneer in Slovenian fraternals in promoting annual Olympiads. It's indeed a pleasure to present to our SDZ News readers the list of SDZ Olympiad champions and their records. SDZ OLYMPIAD CHAMPIONS AND THEIR RECORDS WOMEN'S DIVISION Event Record 6403 ST. CLAIR AVE, RUDY LOKAR, Editor ENdicott 0886 DO YOU KNOW • • • Royal Comrades to Celebrate First Anniversary At Slovenski Dom's Picnic at Stusek's Sunday Sunday, July 31, Slovenian We promise you -that there Home SDZ No. 6 is having one! is a good time in store for all. of its usual good time picnics! The route to the picnic grounds on Stusek's Farm. We* invite j is: Take Euclid-Chardon Rds. everyone from far and near to j to Route 84 and about 1 miles come and have a good time.-—j on Route 84 will bring you to A special invitation to the Stusek's Farm. There will be Honor Guards.—Refreshments! a bus for those who have no of all kinds will be served, in-'means of transportation. Bus eluding roast beef, ham and! will leave Recher Ave. Home wiener sandwiches. Dance music will be furnished by Sesek's orchestra. at 2 and 3 p. m. and will leave the picnic grounds at 7 and 8 p.m.—Will be seeing you there! CLAIR WOOD SDZ NO. 40 Clairwood Bulletin MEETS EVERY THIRD THURSDAY Borrowed From the Poets 11189 Addison Rd. "Lillies that fester smell far worse than weeds."—Shakespeare. "Those who want fewer things are nearest to the gods." —Socrates. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."—Keats. Annual Outing Clairwood's annual outing will be held Sunday, August 21 at Dominic Krasovec's "Twilight Gardens," near Chagrin MORE INTERESTING SDZ NEWS ON PAGE 3, COLUMN 3 River on Lake Shore Blvd. The feature event of the day will be a baseball game between the "Oldtimers" against today's team, which, we assure you, is something to look forward to. Games and races are being planned by the com- Contestant Lodge Year 50-Yard Dash .........6'4"...............Bertha Somrack Modern Crusaders ............1936i mittee, and, rain or shine, you 100-Yard Dash ......12:5..............Dcrothy Strauss Modern Crusaders ............1933. , e , .. „ High Jump ................4'2"...............Dcrothy Strauss Modern Crusaders ............1933! can expect a wonderful time. Broad Jump ............8'..................Helen Strainic ..Clairwood ..............................1933, ^ charge of 75c per adult and MENS DIVISION > I .... ... , , „„„„ 13% Mile Marathon 1:23:25........Bill Vicic ............Modern Crusaders ............1937,50c per child Will take care 100-Yard Dash ........'10:2.............Rudolph Gorjup Eastern Stars ......................19371 Qf a round-trip bus 1'ide and 9?n-Varri Dash .24:2..............Rudolph Gorjup Eastern Stars ......................19371 , 440-Yard ..............Frank Higham .Sphinx Club ........................1933 all the beer and pop you want B80-Yard Relay ...... No record..................First running of this event.................i to drink. If you are traveling Mile Run ........5:2.2.............Ed Fair ................Slov. Youn Men's Club....1933; . High Jump .'.'.'.'..............5'5"..............Carl Scheller . ..Modern Crusaders ............1933 in your own car, Pole Vault ..................9'10"............Joe Carek ............Lorain Buckeyes ................193G Shot Put ......................40*5H"........Bill Zakrajsek ..Slovenec ................................1937 Discus Throw ............99'7"..........^Bill Zakrajsek ..Slovenec ................................1937 Bread Jump ................19'3'A"........Frank Higham ..Sphinx Club ........................1933 ENTRY BLANK Fifth Annual SDZ Olympiad SEPTEMBER 4, 1938 Pintar's Grove, E. 260th St., Euclid, Ohio Program Begins at 1:00 P. M. CHECK THE EVENTS YOU WISH TO ENTER WOMEN'S DIVISION 50-yard dash High Jump 100-yard dash Standing Broad Jump 100-yard dash 220-yard dash 440-yard run 880-yard run Mile Run MEN'S DIVISION Discus Throw Pole Vault High Jump Shot Put Broad Jump Main Event: 13H-mile Marathon; Start 10 a. m. from SDZ Office PROBABLE FEATURE EVENTS Women's 440-yard relay Men's Weight-Lifting Exhibition SDZ OLYMPIAD JUVENILE DAY LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1938 Program Begins at 1:00 P. M. Class 1-5 years—Boys and Girls Candy Kiss Scramble Penny Scramble Clafig 5-8 years Boys' 30-yard' dash Girls' 30-yard dash popcorn Ba'ls Harvest (Boys' and Girls') Class 8-12 years Girls' 40-yard dash Boys' 40-yard dash popcorn Balls Harvest (Boys' and Girls') Class 12-16 years 50-yard dash, girls' 50-yard dash, boys' 100-yard dash, boys 100-yard dash, girls' High Jump, boys' High Jump, girls' Broad Jump, boys' Broad Jump, girls' 440-yard Relay (boys and girls) 440-yard relay, girls' NAME ......................................................................... LODGE NO.. ADDRESS .......................................................... CITY.. Send immediately to: SDZ Olympiad Committee 6403 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio the charge will be 50c per adult and 25c per child. Children under six —no charge. Reservations for bus are coming in fast. Deadline for these reservations is Thursday, August 18 (meeting nite)—do NOT wait for the last minute. Congratulations Clairwoods extend congratulations to their member, Dr. James F. Seliskar, whose marriage to Maryellen Delaney of Lakewcod, took place yesterday at St. Luke's church. The reception »vas held at Lake Shore hotel. Clairwood Nite Dorothy Pirc's name was called at Clairwood Nite last week. Because she was not there, the amount will be TWO DOLLARS next month. Olympiad Entries All those planning to enter any of the events for the SDZ Olympiad get in touch with Frank "Lefty" Zupančič, 6728 Edna Ave., Lou Novak, 6818 Edna Ave., or Julie Kerz^c, OLYMPIAD RULES Clairwood's Quiz Bee The entertainment committee wishes to thank the following who took part in the Quiz Bee Contest held at the Clairwood meeting last week: AI "Lefty" Zupančič, Victor Jad-rich, E. "Sonny" Podpadec, Ed "Kosmotie" Bokar, Mildred Novak, Frances Okorn, Mrs. Julia Surtz, and Frances Bukovec. A "Thank You" also to the judges, Mildred Gray, Joe Kcgoy and Dr. Opaskar, and the scorer, Joseph Surtz. We will admit the questions asked were very difficult and the contestants are to be con gratulated upon their fine efforts. The winners of the con test were Ed "Kosmotie" Bokar and Frances Okorn. Clairwood's Convention Carnival Tickets for Clairwood's an nual danc«?, September 10, were distributed at the meeting. They will be mailed to all thos They will be mailed • to all those who have not yet received their tickets. We have only one month, members, and the success of this dance, as in the past, depends solely on YOU, and your determination to sell the tickets allotted to you. Let's make Clairwood's Convention Carnival the biggest success we have ever had. Rules governing this Olympiad are: Rules and Regulations 1.—In order to participate, a person must have been a member of SDZ by March 1, 1938. Juveniles must be members by deadline time of entries. 2.—To be eligible in the 13% mile marathon event a person , must be at least 18 years old on September 4, 1938. 3.—Deadline for entries is midnight Saturday, August 20. Positively no entries taken after this date. 4.—Athletes will be limited to enter no more than three events of the track division and three of the field. 5.—Point scoring shall be six points for first place, four points for second, three points for third, two points for fourth, and one point for fifth. 6.—Regular A.A.U. track and field rules shall govern the Olympiad events. Cavaliers' Second Juvenile Dance Set for August 10, With John Pecon's Music The SDZ Cavaliers from Holmes Ave., are pleased to announce that the second juvenile dance of the year will be held Wednesday, August 10 in the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Approximately one' hundred and twenty-five juveniles attended the last dance and because of the popular demand for another good time as the last, the Cavaliers have set plans for the coming affair. Johnny Pecon will entertain the dancers with his accordion and he promises plenty of dances for the nominal fee that will be charged the visitors. So here's your chance, SDZ juveniles. Make your plans now to attend the "Summertime Frolic" of the Cavaliers. Because school will soon be resumed and dances at that time wouldn't turn out 30 well. Tickets for the affair are available from any of the Cavaliers' members (formerly known as Jolly Friends). — What do you say, Royal Comrades, High Flyers, Junior Workers, Buds, Knights and Cadets of the Little Flower? Come out in a group an get acquainted with other SDZ juveniles! ROYAL COMRADES NEWS by Stephen Vogrin The monthly meeting was held Friday, July 15th at the Recher Ave. Hall. The attendance was fair but not up to expectations. The meeting was attended mostly by elderly folks. Where are our young lads and lassies? There were many important discussions at this meeting, principally of the coming SDZ Olympiad and about the erection of a new Home. The Olympiad being in the limelight of the discussion. We wish all young folks to attend these meetings so they can have knowledge of all activities that take place in this lodge. So far we have had success in getting athletes for our Olympiad team, but we need more. So any young member athletically inclined, get in touch with Stanley Troha or yours truly at 19901 Arrowhead Ave. and 19909 Arrowhead Avenue, respectively. Remember the deadline for entries is August 25 and positively no entries are accepted SDZ Fifth Annual Olympiad September 3-4-5 at Pintar's Grove after this date. This is the ruling of the SDZ Junior League Board. There will be prizes for every event, so you can see you shall not strive in vain. There will be motion pictures taken of all the activities by Max Traven, the SDZ cameraman. On Sunday, Sept. 4th at 10 a. m. the ISV2 mile marathon will take place. This is the feature event. With such stars as Bill Vicic, Kurent, the Og-: rinc boys, and yours truly, i This event should be more col-| orful this year than ever, with most of the boys shooting for a new 13 V^ mile SDZ record. At 1 p. m. the field and other track events will commence. There will be events for men and women. This also promises to be a thrilling spectacle. We hope to see all our members there at the field to boost our athletes for they will be in there trying very hard. Remember, Sept. 5th, Labor Day, SDZ is holding a Juve-.nile Day, the first of its kind. So come all you SDZ juveniles and send in your entries for events held on that day. For those events you can get in touch with Miss Seme, the juvenile director, or yours truly. There also will be prizes for every event in the Juvenile class. There will be a special meeting on July 29th for all the young men of our lodge who have submitted their names to Stephen Vogrn for their entries in the Olympiad and all other young members who wish to submit their entries. All juvenile members are asked to attend this meeting which will be held at the Recher Ave. Hall at 7 p. m. The guest speaker will be Frank M. Surtz. We all know that when Mr. Surtz speaks it is of much interest. We will be seeing you there! by JOE VRANEZA THAT ill luck has again befallen one of our popular SDZ members recently while he was watching a baseball game at Humphries field? The young man lost his wallet containing ~ a sum of money, driver's license, social security card and a number of receipts of the last Crusader - Eastern Star Roundup. If found, these valuables may be returned to its owner, Stan Robinhood, 21207 St. Clair Ave., Euclid, O. THAT we are sorry to hear of the recent death of our very new member? Last week Al-b.'n Jane, who was only last month initiated into the Modern Crusaders passed away. We extend our sympathies to his bereaved parents. THAT again your roving reporter went on the road to visit the Brooklyn Slovenes' picnic which was held at Zorn's Farm on Bradley Rd.? Games of all types were played with even Tony Hosta pitting his brawn in the tug-of-war. Splendid dance syncopations were emitted by Gerl's orchestra. Personalities representing the East side were. Dorothy Orazem, Dorothy Znidarsic, Marty Svete, Stan Robinhood, Joseph Okorn, Mrs. Helen Tomazic, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sodnikar, and Marie Seme. Everyone enjoyed a well-spent Sunday, including Tony Hosta, who was a fortunate winner of 'a chicken (with feathers). Reported missing was Gazella Bizay. THAT Modern Crusaders Glee Club's rehearsals shall be again resumed next Tuesday? Everyone is urged to attend because of the approaching operetta and other appearances that the Crusaders shall present. THAT Slovenians within driving distance of Cleveland will invade the Cleveland Municipal Stadium this Sunday to participate in the Al Milnar Day festivities? Al Milnar is a negihborhood product who is doing the portside hurling for the pennant-cqntending Cleveland Indians. Reservations may still be had by contacting your correspondent or Edward A. Seitz, 16312 Waterloo Rd. ;*'telephone KEnmore 0579-J. Reservations will be accepted until Saturday, 9 a. m. THAT the cooperation of every loyal member of SDZ will be needed for the gigantic SDZ Olympiad spectacle to be held Saturday, Sunday and Monday, September 3, 4 and 5? All attendance records of former events will most probably be shattered on these dates—with your COOPERATION. THAT Tony Piks has returned to the CCC camps and is staying in Gallatin Gateway, Yellowstone National Park, in Boezman, Montana? His latest card carries greetings to his SDZ friends. Baseball Schedule July 31 Clairwoods vs. Cleveland Slovenes-No. 7. Eastern Stars vs. Modern Crusaders—No. 4. Cleveland Workers, bye. SDZ FIFTH ANNUAL OLYMPIAD AT PINTAR'S GROVE SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY—SEPT. 3—4—5 Cavaliers Upset by High Flyers, 8 fo 1; Royal Comrades Eke Out 11 to 10 Win In a wild but thrilling soft-ball game last Saturday, the Junior Workers almost created an upset when they forced the league-leading Royal Comrades to stage a last-in-ning rally that was good for 3 runs, a 1 run edge and a victory. Sterlekar on the mound for the Northern division champs, was treated rather roughly and was fortunate in gaining the nod over the St. Clair team. He struck out but four men and allowed 12 hits. Lunder pitching for the Junior Workers walked five men and allowed 9 hits. Leading the attack for the Workers Okelson's Fast Ball Stops Pi Lines and Adds Win to Crusaders' String Behind the splendid hurling of Rudy Okleson, the Modern Crusaders annexed another victory in class. E by edging the powerful Union Type Pi Lines 4 to 2. The Pi Lines could solve the hopping fast ball whipped in by Okleson with only six scattered hits and were victims 10 times via the strike-out route. Bob Brown relieved Okleson in the ninth frame when Rudy tired, and kept the losers at bay. Lou Luzar's circuit smash stood out along side of the heavy clouting of Bill Bals and Willie Ivins. The latter two collected 2 for 4. The game was played before a large crowd out at Woodland Hills park. Each Sunday the Crusaders are winning more "and more rooters thru their aggressive winning play. And followers are predicting a championship for the clouting Crusaders. were Ivancic, Brinsek and •Jane. For the Royal Comrades Ed Sterlekar with two doubles and Setina with a home run and single were best. The final score was: Royal Comrades 11, Junior Workers 10. Out at Humphries field the High Flyers figured in a mild upset when they took the measure of the Cavaliers, 8 to 1. Velikaz was in rare form, allowing the Cavaliers 3 hits and fanning 10. Petrovič scored the lone tally for the Collinwood team in the third inning. He singled after two outs and then made the trip around the bases via errors. March, the losing tosser, deserved a better game but errors made the Flyers run total mount. There will not be any games scheduled for this Saturday in the Northern division. As soon as the Southern division declares its champion, the two teams will compete in a miniature world series consisting of five games. Buds Defeat Knights In the crucial game of the season the SDZ Buds won over the SDZ Knights in two extra innings. Don Tylukawiski being hit freely in the first few frames settled down and began pitching wonderful ball. He struck out 14 Knights. His brother Walter hit a home run in the third inning with one on. Chesnik of the Knights led his team with a triple and a single while Rudy Firm led the Buds with three hits. Coming into the ninth inning with the bases loaded and no outs Rudy Firm hit a single to center field for the winning runs. Buds ..........1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 2-8 10 * Knights ......4 10 0 10 OOM 6 4