Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 93 Network Anomaly Identification using Supervised Classifier Prasanta Gogoi, B. Borah and D. K. Bhattacharyya Department of Computer Science and Engineering Tezpur University, Napam, Tezpur-784028, India {prasant,bgb, dkb} and Keywords: supervise, incremental, clustering, anomaly, DoS, classification, PCC Received: July 31, 2012 In this paper we present a clustering based classification method and apply it in network anomaly detection. A set of labeled training data consisting of normal and attack instances are divided into clusters which are represented by their representative profiles consisting of attribute-value pairs for selected subset of attributes. Each category of attack and normal instances are broken down into a set of clusters using a training algorithm based on supervised classification algorithm. The cluster profiles together with their class label form rules for labeling unseen test instances. Methods for clustering, training and prediction are provided. The proposed method is evaluated using real life TUIDS Intrusion datasets. Evaluation results on KDD 1999 datasets showed good performance in comparison to results produced by decision tree counterparts. The method presented can be utilized for classification jobs in any other domain. Povzetek: Predstavljena je metoda za identifikacijo anomalij v omrežju. 1 Introduction A network intrusion can be any exploit of a network that compromises its stability or the security of information stored on computers connected to it. An intrusion detection system gathers relevant data from computers or the network and analyzes them for signs of intrusion. Different methods such as statistical, pattern matching, machine learning, and data mining are used for intrusion detection. Some approaches are online, that is, they detect attacks in progress in real time, while offline approaches such as data mining provide after-the-fact clues about the attacks to help reduce the possibilities of future attacks of the same type. In general there are two types of approaches [1] for network intrusion detection: misuse detection and anomaly detection. Misuse detection searches for specific signatures to match, signaling previously known attacks without generating a large number of false alarms. Such methods fail to detect new types of attacks as their signatures are not known. Anomaly detection builds models for normal behavior and significant deviations from it are flagged as attack. Supervised or unsupervised learning can be used for anomaly detection. In a supervised approach, the model is developed based on labeled training data. Unsupervised approaches work without any training data or they may use training with unlabeled data. The main advantage of anomaly detection is that it can detect previously unknown attacks if their behavior is significantly different from what is considered to be normal. False alarm rates tend to be higher for anomaly detection methods. Data mining methods including classification, association analysis, clustering and outlier detection are being used in network intrusion detection. Anomaly detection often tries to cluster test datasets into groups of similar instances which may be either attacks or normal data. Intrusion detection problem is then reduced to the problem of labeling the clusters as intrusive or normal traffic. When doing unsupervised anomaly detection a model based on clusters of data is trained using unlabeled data, normal as well as attacks. Supervised anomaly detection methods such as classification algorithms need to be presented with both normal and known attack data for training. In this paper we present a supervised classification method and use it for network anomaly detection. Labeled training dataset is broken down into clusters belonging to normal and attack categories and the clusters are represented by their representative profiles, which together with category labels form the classification rules. During detection, the cluster profiles collect similar testing instances which are then labeled as belonging to the same category as the label of the profiles. Rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some related work regarding supervised anomaly detection methods are presented. The proposed classification algorithm including a training method and a prediction method is presented in Section 3. Application of the method to network anomaly detection is presented in Section 4. Experimental results for datasets TUIDS intrusion, KDD 1999, and NSL-KDD datasets are reported in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes providing a few possible future extensions. 94 Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 P. Gogoi et al. 2 Related work Classification is an important supervised learning method that has been applied to anomaly detection. Lee and Stolfo [1] proposed a systematic framework employing data mining methods for intrusion detection. This framework consists of classification, association rules and frequent episodes algorithms that can be used to construct detection models. The authors in [2] presented PNrule, for multi-class classification problem. The key idea used in PNrule is learning a rule-based model in two stages: first find P-rules to predict presence of a class and then find N-rules to predict absence of a class. The scoring mechanism used in PNrule allows one to tune selectively the effect of each N-rule on a given P-rule. ADWICE [3] uses extended BIRCH [4] clustering algorithm to implement a fast, scalable and adaptive anomaly detection scheme. They apply clustering as a method for training of the normality model. Several soft computing paradigms, viz., fuzzy rule-based classifiers, support vector machines, linear genetic programming and an ensemble method to model fast and efficient intrusion detection systems were investigated in [5]. Empirical results clearly show that soft computing approach could play a major role for intrusion detection. Yang et al. [6] present an anomaly detection approach based on clustering and classification for intrusion detection. They perform clustering to group training data points into clusters, from which they select some clusters as normal and create known-attack profiles according to certain criteria. The training data excluded from the profile are used to build a specific classifier. During the testing stage, they use an influence-based classification algorithm to classify network behaviors. A comparative study of several supervised probabilistic and predictive machine learning methods for intrusion detection is reported in [7]. Two probabilistic methods, Naive Bayes and Gaussian and two predictive methods, Decision Tree [8] and Random Forests [9], are used. The ability of each method to detect four attack categories (DoS, Probe, R2L and U2R) has been compared. A new supervised intrusion detection method based on TCM-KNN (Transductive Confidence Machine for K-Nearest Neighbors) algorithm has been presented in [10]. This algorithm works well even if sufficient attack data are not available for training. A review of the most well known anomaly-based intrusion detection methods is provided by [11, 12, 13]. Available platforms, systems under development and research projects in the area are also presented. This paper also outlines the main challenges to be dealt with for the wide scale deployment of anomaly-based intrusion detectors, with special emphasis on assessment issues. Beghdad [14] presents a study of the use of some supervised learning methods to predict intrusions. The performances of six machine learning algorithms involving C4.5, ID3, Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR), Bayesian Networks (BN), and CN2 rule-based algorithm are investigated. KDD 1999 datasets were used to evaluate the considered algorithms. An SVM-based intrusion detection system is found in [15], one which combines a hierarchical clustering algorithm (BIRCH [4]), a simple feature selection procedure, and the SVM (support vector machines) method. This method is also evaluated using on the KDD 1999 datasets. For these evaluations, three cases were considered: the whole attacks case, the five behaviors classes case, and the two behaviors classes case. The performances of each method were compared. 3 Proposed supervised method The proposed supervised method uses a training algorithm to create a set of representative clusters from the available labeled training objects. Unlabeled test objects are then inserted in these representative clusters based on similarity calculations and thus get labels of the clusters in which they are inserted. We first present the basics of the clustering algorithm, and then present the training and prediction algorithms. 3.1 Background The dataset to be clustered contains n objects, each described by d attributes A1, A2, ■ ■ ■ , Ad having finite discrete valued domains D1, D2, ■ ■ ■ , Dd, respectively. A data object can be represented as X = {x1, x2, ■ ■ ■ , xd}. The j-th component of object X is Xj and it takes one of the possible values defined in domain Dj of attribute Aj. Referring to each object by its serial number, the dataset can be represented by the set N = {1, 2, ■ ■ ■ , n}. Similarly, the attributes are represented by the set M = {1, 2, ■ ■ ■ , d}. 3.1.1 Similarity function between two objects The similarity between two data objects X and Y is the sum of per attribute similarity for all the attributes. It is computed as sim(X, Y), iim(X, Y) = Y^ s(xj, Vj), j=1 (1) where s(xj, yj) is the similarity of the j-th attribute defined as s(x- v} = /1 iflxj-ysj (2) v j j \ 0 otherwise, v 7 where Sj is the similarity threshold for the j-th attribute. For categorical attributes Sj =0 and for numeric attributes Sj > 0. 3.1.2 Similarity between cluster and object A subspace based incremental clustering method is used here. A cluster is a set of objects which are similar considering a subset of attributes only. The minimum size of the subset of attributes required to form a cluster is defined by the threshold MinAtt. Let the subset Network Anomaly Identification... Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 95 of defining attributes be represented by Dattributes = {ai, a2, • • • , anoAttributes} such that Dattributes C M and noAttributes is the size of Dattributes. A cluster is represented by its profile, somewhat like an object. All objects in a cluster are similar to the profile. The cluster profile is defined by a set of values, Values = {vi ,V2, ••• , VnoAttributes} considering the attributes in Dattributes. That is vi G Dai is the value for attribute ai G M, v2 G Da2 is the value for attribute a2 G M, and so on. Thus, the cluster profile is defined by Profile = {noAttributes, Dattributes, Values}. (3) Let Olist C N be the list of data objects in the cluster. A cluster C is completely defined by its Profile and Olist Table 1: A sample dataset C = {Olist, Profile}. (4) Serial no. Ai A2 A3 A4 A5 1 a3 b2 c4 d1 e2 2 a2 b2 c4 d3 e2 3 a3 b1 c2 d1 e1 4 a2 b2 c4 d1 e2 5 a3 b1 c2 d3 e1 6 a1 b2 c1 d2 e2 7 a3 b1 c2 d2 e1 Table 2: Algorithm Notations Symbol Description Our incremental clustering algorithm inserts an object in any one of the clusters existing at a particular moment. So, the similarity between a cluster and a data object needs to be computed. Obviously, the cluster profile is used for computing this similarity. As the similarity is computed over the set of attributes in Dattributes only, the similarity function between a cluster C and an object X becomes sim(C, X) noAttributes sim(C, X)= ^ s(Vj, Xaj), (5) j = i where s(vj, xaj) is the similarity of the j-th attribute defined as , \ f 1 if |vj - Xaj | < 5aj s(vj, xaj Hjo otherwise j ' (6) Example: Consider a small dataset shown in Table 1 with seven objects defined using five attributes Ai, A2, A3, A4 and A5. The domains for the attributes are respectively, Di = {a1, a2, a3}, D2 = {b1, b2}, D3 = {c1,c2,c4}, D4 = {d1,d2,d3} andD5 = {e1,e2}. Clusters Ci and C2 can be identified in the dataset with MinAtt = 3 and 5aj = 0 for aj G Dattributes: Ci = {Olist = {1, 2, 4}, noAttributes = 3, Dattributes = {2, 3, 5}, Values = {b2, c4, e2}}, and C2 = {Olist = {3, 5, 7}, noAttributes = 4, Dattributes = {1, 2, 3, 5}, Values = {a3, b1, c2, el}}. 3.1.3 Our supervised clustering algorithm The clustering algorithm starts with an initially empty set of clusters. It reads each object Xi sequentially, inserts it in an existing cluster based upon the similarity between Xi and the clusters or a new cluster is created with Xi if it is not similar enough, as defined by the threshold MinAtt for insertion in an existing cluster. The search for a cluster for inserting the present object is started with the last cluster created and moves towards the first cluster until the MinAtt threshold value for minimum attribute. minSize minimum objects in a cluster threshold value. sim(X, Y) similarity value between two objects. sim(C, X) similarity value between a cluster and an object. Olist object list in a cluster. Profile profile of a cluster. noAttribtes total number of attributes in a cluster profile. Dattributes distribution of attributes in a cluster profile. Values values of attributes in a cluster profile. search is successful. If successful, the object is inserted in the cluster found and the search is terminated. At the time of inserting the object in the found cluster C, the number of defining attributes of the cluster (C.noAttributes) is set according to the computed similarity measure between the cluster and the object and the sets of C.Dattributes along with CValues are updated. If the search is not successful a new cluster is created and the object itself made the representative object of the cluster, i.e., the full set of attributes becomes the Dattributes while full set of values of the object becomes corresponding Values of the new cluster profile. The classification method begins with a fixed number of existing clusters (as defined by their profiles) with no objects present in them. Objects are incrementally inserted in any of the clusters and no new clusters are created. The description of notations used in the algorithm is given in Table 2 3.2 Training method Given a set of labeled training data, a combination of un-supervised incremental clustering and supervised classification methods are applied to create and refine a set of clusters from which profiles are extracted for use in the test object labeling process. The unsupervised clustering algorithm decides cluster membership immediately as the objects arrive sequentially without considering subsequent objects that are yet to be seen. Therefore, refinement of the created clusters is performed using a subsequent supervised classification step that allow possible realignment of the data objects in the clusters. In the beginning of the training algorithm, all objects are marked unprocessed. Similarity thresholds minAtt (the 96 Informática 37 (2013) 93-105 P. Gogoi et al. minimum number of attributes) and minSize (the minimum number of objects in a cluster) are set high and they are gradually decreased in steps. In each iteration, the remaining unprocessed objects are clustered using a combination of supervised classification and unsupervised clustering. If the supervised classification process fails to insert an object in any of the preexisting (created in the previous iteration) clusters (SCs), then the unsupervised clustering process inserts it in any of the unsupervised clusters (UCs) created in the present iteration or a new unsupervised cluster is created with the object. When the clustering process ends in the present iteration, cluster profiles are extracted from each of the SCs with at least minSize objects in it and the objects in such a cluster are marked processed. All SCs are then deleted. The UCs may also include some insignificant clusters whose sizes are less than minSize. Such clusters are deleted. Remaining UCs are made SCs for next iteration after making them empty by deleting their object lists. Then the threshold values minSize and minAtt are reduced so that the next iteration can create larger clusters instead of fragmented clusters. Reducing the thresholds allows more generalization. The algorithm iterates so long as there are unprocessed objects. To ensure termination of the algorithm minSize is reduced to minSize/2 so that the ultimate value of minSize becomes 1, beyond which no objects remain unprocessed. The threshold minAtt is loosened by setting minAtt=minAtt — a, where a is a small integral constant such as 1 or 2. Reduction of minAtt below a certain level (MIN) is not allowed, after which remains constant at MIN. Generalization beyond MIN makes data objects from two different classes indistinguishable. When training terminates, the set of profiles found in the profile file becomes the final cluster profiles for use in the prediction process. The training algorithm is given as Algorithm 2. 3.2.1 Effective profile searching Two-dimensional link list (2-DLL) structure (as found in [16]) is used to store the profiles in memory. It enables to update the profile base dynamically. The 2-DLL structure updates row wise with insertion of new parameter in a profile and column wise with the insertion of a new protocol type. It enables to search the profile base protocol wise, viz., TCP, ICMP, UDP, "other" (which profiles are not included the protocols viz., TCP, ICMP or UDP. Once the respective protocol is identified in this 2-DLL structure, further traversal is supported for other parameters matching by following the link list structure. 3.3 Prediction method Once the set of cluster profiles is ready, labeling test objects becomes simple. Supervised clustering is performed with the objects. The label of the cluster profile becomes the label of each object inserted in the cluster. The objects Algorithm 1 Training algorithm Input: Training Dataset; Output: file1=TrainProfile; 1: read (n, d, minAtt, minSize) ; 2: for (i = 0; i < n; i = i +1) do 3: read (X [i], recordLabel [i]) ; 4: processed[i]=0; 5: end for 6: totalProfile = 0 ; 7: top = 0 ; 8: while (minSize > 0) do 9: for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) do 10: found = FALSE; //supervised clustering 11: for (j = 0; j < totTrain; j = j + 1) do 12: if (recordLabel[i] = = clusterLabelj]) then 13: if (sim(SC[j], X[i]) = = SC[j].noAttributes) then 14: append(i, SC[j].oList) ; 15: found = TRUE ; 16: break; 17: end if 18: end if 19: end for //end supervised clustering 20: if (found == TRUE) then 21: continue; 22: end if 23: for (j = top; j > = 0; j = j — 1) do 24: if (recordLabel[i] == clusterLabelj]) then 25: if (sim(UC[j], X[i]) > = minAtt) then 26: found = TRUE ; 27: update(UC[j], i, X[i]) ; 28: break ; 29: end if 30: end if 31: end for 32: if (found == FALSE) then 33: top = top + 1 ; //create new cluster 34: UC[top] =new cluster ; 35: append(i, UC[top].oList) ; 36: UC[top].noAttributes = d; 37: for (j = 0; j= minSize) then 47: k = SC[i].noAttributes ; 48: for (j = 0; j < k; j = j + 1) do 49: write(file1, SC[i].a[j]); 50: end for 51: for (j = 0; j = minSize) then 66: SC[totTrain] = UC. [i] ; 67: delete UC[i].oList; 68: UC[i].oList = NULL ; Network Anomaly Identification... Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 97 2 Training algorithm (continued) 69: totTrain = totTrain + 1 ; 70: else 71: delete UC[i] ; 72: end if 73: end for 74: minSize = minSize/2 ; 75: MinAtt = minAtt - a ; 76: if (MinAtt < MIN) then 77: minAtt = MIN ; 78: end if 79: end for 80: end while 81: int function sim(cluster C, object X) 82: int scount = 0 ; 83: k = C.noAttributes ; 84: for (j = 0; j < k; j = j + 1) do 85: l = C.a[j] ; 86: if (abs(C.v[j] - x[l]) <= 5[l]) then 87: scount = scount + 1 ; 88: end if 89: end for 90: return scount; 91: end function 92: function update(cluster C, int r, object X) 93: append(r, C.Olist) ; 94: int count = 1; 95: m = C.noAttributes; 96: for (j = 0; j < m; + + j) do 97: l = C.a[j] ; 98: if (abs(s(C.v[j] - x[l])) <= 5[l]) then 99: count = count + 1 ; 100: C.v[count] = C.v[j] ; 101: C.a[count] = C.a[j] ; 102: end if 103: C.noAttributes = count ; 104: end for 105: end function not inserted in any of the clusters defined by the profiles need special attention. They may be flagged suspicious for anomalies. Another method for dealing with such objects is to insert such an object in a cluster which is most similar to the object and label accordingly. The algorithm for prediction method is given as Algorithm 4. 3.3.1 Complexity analysis The clustering algorithms require one pass through the set of training examples that currently remain unprocessed. Each training example needs to be compared with existing clusters one after another until it gets inserted in one of the clusters. The similarity computation involves a subset of attributes. Therefore, the clustering process has a complexity O(ncd), where n is the number of training examples, c is the number of clusters and d is the number of attributes. Each of the created clusters needs to be visited to extract its size and profile. Hence, maximum time complexity of one iteration of the training algorithm becomes O(ncd) + O(c). The algorithm performs at most k iterations, where k = log2(minSize). As minSize is the minimum number of objects for a cluster to be considered significant, it is not large. Overall maximum time complexity of the algorithm is O(kncd) + O(kc). 4 Classification of network anomalies In this section we apply our classification method to network anomaly detection. Algorithm 3 Prediction algorithm Input: Dataset /i1e1=TrainProfile, /i1e2=DataFile; Output: Object cluster label of file2 ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 read(file1, totTrain); for i = 0; i < totTrain; i = i + 1 do read(file1, k); C[i].noAttributes = k; for (q = 0; q < k; q = q +1) do read(file1, C[i].a[q]); for (j = 0; j < k; j = j + 1) do read(file1, C[i].v[j]); if count == C[j].noAttributes then print("Object" i " is of category" clusterLabel [j]); found = 1; break; else if count > max then max = count; position = j; end if end if end for if found == 0 then print("Object" i "is of category"; clusterLabel[position]); end if end for end for 4.1 Dataset Description The algorithm was evaluated with three real life TU-IDS [17] intrusion datasets and two benchmark intrusion datasets, viz., KDD Cup 1999 [18] and NSL-KDD [19] datasets. 4.1.1 TUIDS dataset The real life TUIDS Intrusion datasets consist of three datasets Packet level, Flow level and Portscan where each dataset consists of attributes (numerical/categorical) of 50(11/39), 24(9/15) and 23(9/14), respectively as given in Table 3. 4.1.2 Benchmark intrusion datasets The description of two benchmark intrusion datasets, KDD Cup 1999 [18] and NSL-KDD [19] are given in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively. Each record of the datasets represents a connection between two network hosts according to some well defined network protocol and is described by 41 attributes (38 continuous or discrete numerical attributes and 3 categorical attributes). Each record is labeled as either normal or one specific kind of attack. The attacks fall 98 Informática 37 (2013) 93-105 Table 3: TUIDS Intrusion Datasets Data sets Connection Type Data set type Training Testing Normal 35043 27895 Packet Level Attack 397832 138370 Total 432875 166265 Normal 36402 16770 Flow Level Attack 363729 123955 Total 400131 140725 Normal 2445 1300 Portscan Attack 39215 28615 Total 41660 29915 Table 4: KDD Cup 1999 datasets Data sets DoS U2R R2L Probe Normal Total Corrected 229853 70 16347 4166 60593 311029 KDD 10-percent 391458 52 1126 4107 97278 494021 KDD Table 5: NSL-KDD datasets Data sets DoS U2R R2L Probe Normal Total KDDTrain+ 45927 52 995 11656 67343 125973 KDDTest+ 7458 67 2887 2422 9710 22544 in one of the four categories: User to Root (U2R), Remote to local (R2L), Denial of Service (DoS) and Probe. - Denial of Service(DoS): Attacker tries to prevent legitimate users from using a service. For example, SYN flood, smurf, teardrop etc. - Remote to Local (R2L): Attackers try to gain access to victim machine without having an account on it. For example, guessing password. - User to Root (U2R): Attackers have local access to the victim machine and tries to gain super user privilege. For example, buffer overflow attacks. - Probe: Attacker tries to gain information about the target host. For example, Port-scan, ping-sweep etc. Number of samples of each category of attack in Corrected KDD dataset and 10 percent KDD dataset of KDD 1999 are shown in Table 4. The attack distribution in KDDTrain+ and KDDTest+ of NSL-KDD are shown in Table 5. 4.2 Data preprocessing We have discretized continuous valued attributes by taking logarithm to the base 2 and then converting to integer. This is done for each attribute value z using the computation: if (z > 2) z = int(log2(z)) +1. Before taking logarithm, P. Gogoi et al. the attributes which take fractional values in the range [0,1] are multiplied by 100 so that they take values in the range [0, 100]. Nominal valued attributes are mapped to discrete numeric codes which are nothing but serial numbers beginning with zero for the unique attribute values in the order in which they appear in the dataset. The class label attribute is removed from the dataset and stored separately in a different file. The class labels are used for training and evaluating the detection performance of the algorithm. 4.3 Feature selection Information gain [20] is computed for each of the discretized attributes. Six attributes (attribute numbers 7, 9, 15, 18, 20 and 21 in KDD Cup 1999 and NSL-KDD datasets) corresponding to very low information gain are removed from the dataset. It reduces computation time. 4.4 Parameter selection The training algorithm has 3 parameters to be given as inputs: minAtt, minSize and MIN. The parameters minAtt takes values in the range [1,d], where d is the number of attributes. Higher values of 'minAtt corresponds to more specialization leading to a larger number of rules and a lower value of minAtt corresponds to more generalization leading to fewer number of rules. But over generalization can make normal and attack data indistinguishable resulting in more false positives or false negatives. So, a lower limit for minAtt is specified using the parameter MIN. Now, the possible range of values for minAtt becomes [MIN,d]. To determine the value of MIN, information gain [20] is calculated for each attribute in the training dataset. Attributes with very low information gain can be ignored and the number of remaining attributes is set as the value for MIN. The parameter minSize is the minimum number of data elements received to form a cluster. In some cases, at least one training example for an attack should be considered significant. So, the minimum value for minSize is 1. Its value should increase with increase in minAtt value. The maximum value for minSize can be set to be any multiple of log2 (n), where n is the number of training examples. In our experiments, MIN = 27. The value for MinAtt is set to 33, which is gradually reduced to MIN = 27 in steps of -1. The starting value for MinSize is set to 2log2 (n). The similarity thresholds for all attributes are set to zero, Si =0, i = 1, • • • ,d. 4.5 Performance measures Evaluation of performance of a classification model is based on the counts of test records correctly and incorrectly predicted by the model. These counts are tabulated in a confusion matrix [21]. A confusion matrix that summarizes the number of instances predicted correctly or incorrectly by a classification model is shown in Table 6. Network Anomaly Identification... Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 99 Table 6: Confusion matrix for binary classification Table 7: 2-class confusion matrix for TUIDS datasets Predicted Class + - Actual Class + f++ (TP ) f+- (FN) - f-+ (FP ) f-- (TN) Recall and Precision are two widely used metrics employed in applications where successful detection of one of the classes is considered more significant than detection of the other classes. A formal definition of the metrics is given below. Precision, p = Recall, r TP TP + FP TP (7) (8) TP + FN Building a model that maximizes both precision and recall is the key challenge for classification algorithms. Another measure of accuracy is PCC (percentage of correct classification). A formal definition of PCC is given below. PCC TP + TN (9) TP + FN + FP + TN A high value of PCC ensures reasonably correct classification. 5 Experimental results The experiments were performed on a 3 GHz HP dc 7000 series desktop with 2 GB RAM, 250 GB HDD. C++ programs were used in a LINUX environment. We provide the cross evaluation result performing training and testing of the method with corresponding training and testing datasets. 5.1 Results on TUIDS Intrusion Datasets Two categories of experiments 2-class (normal and attack) and all-attacks behaviors are carried out. «8 Actual Predicted Class & « O tt Class Normal Attack Sum Recall 1-Prc* Normal 34790 253 35043 0.9928 0.0267 Attack 955 396877 397832 0.9976 0.0006 "o 13 « £ Sum 35745 397130 432875 Cu ± Re-substitution error =0.0028 PCC= =99.72% Predicted Class Normal Attack Sum Recall 1-Prc* £ T, Normal 36107 295 36402 0.9919 0.0246 ® ^ Attack 910 362819 363729 0.9975 0.0008 Sum 37017 363114 400131 Re-substitution error =0.0030 PCC= =99.70% Predicted Class Normal Attack Sum Recall 1-Prc* S Normal 2414 31 2445 0.9876 0.2175 o t« Attack 671 38544 39215 0.9829 0.0009 ë Sum 3085 38575 41660 Re-substitution error =0.0169 PCC=98.31% Note- *1-Precision and 98.31% for Packet level, Flow level andPortscan datasets, respectively. The average execution time of classification for Packet level, Flow level and Portscan datasets are 0.39 minute, 0.17 minute and 0.14 minute, respectively. 5.2 Results on KDD Cup 1999 dataset We perform three different experiments which are categorized into 2-class (normal and attack), 5-class (normal, R2L, DoS, Probe and U2R) and all-attacks behaviors. 5.2.1 2-class prediction results The confusion matrix for the 2-class behavioral categories on the Corrected KDD is shown in Table 9. Classification model is trained with 10-percentKDD dataset. The classification rate is PCC = 93.40%. The performance degrades due to the fact that no examples are present in the training set corresponding to the 15 categories of attacks that are present in the testing set. Most of these attacks are misclassified as normal by our algorithm. 5.1.1 2-class prediction results The confusion matrices for the 2-class behavioral categories on the Packet Level, Flow Level and Portscan datasets are shown in Table 7. Classification rates with PCC 99.72%, 99.70 and 98.31% for Packet Level, Flow Level and Portscan datasets, respectively indicate good performance for our method. 5.2.2 5-class prediction results The confusion matrix for the 5-class behavioral categories on the Corrected KDD datasets is shown in Table 10. The classification model is trained with the 10-percentKDD dataset. In this case most of the unseen attacks are misclassified as normal category and PCC reduced to 92.39%. 5.1.2 All-attacks prediction results The confusion matrices for all-attacks categories on the Packet level, Flow level andPortscan datasets are shown in Table 8. Classification rates of PCC are 99.42%, 99.01% 5.2.3 All-attacks prediction results The confusion matrix for the all-attacks categories on the Corrected KDD is shown in Table 11. The classification model is trained with 10%KDD dataset that includes 100 Informática 37 (2013) 93-105 P. Gogoi et al. Table 10: 5-class confusion matrix results of Corrected KDD dataset training with 10%KDD dataset Predicted Class Normal R2L DoS Probe U2R Sum Recall 1-Prc* s Normal 60211 21 73 284 4 60593 0.9937 0.7386 i3 R2L 13868 1115 3 1356 5 16347 0.0682 0.9378 •a DoS 6360 42 223349 102 0 229853 0.9717 0.9977 Probe 1036 0 443 2687 0 4166 0.6450 0.6067 < U 2R 49 11 0 0 10 70 0.1429 0.5263 Sum 81524 1189 223868 4429 19 311029 Re-substitution error=0.0761 PCC=92.39% Note- *1-Precision 22 attack classes. The testing dataset Corrected KDD include 37 attack classes. Since no examples are present in the training set, objects belonging to the 15 categories of attacks cannot be classified correctly and hence we exclude them (18729 objects) from the testing dataset. We see from the results that DoS and Probe attacks are well detected but R2L and U2R attacks are detected very poorly. It is apparent from that there are very few examples in the training set corresponding to attacks belonging to R2L and U2R categories compared to DoS, Probe and normal categories. The average execution time of classification for Corrected KDD dataset is 1 minute. 5.3 Results on NSL-KDD dataset NSL-KDD [19] is a data set for network-based intrusion detection systems. It is the new version of KDD Cup 1999 intrusion detection benchmark dataset. In the KDD Cup dataset, there are huge number of redundant records, which can cause the learning algorithms to be biased towards the frequent records. To solve this issue, one copy of each record is kept in the NSL-KDD data set. Though, this dataset is not the perfect representative of real networks, still, it can be applied as an effective benchmark dataset to compare different intrusion detection methods. NSL-KDD included two datasets KDDTrain+ and KDDTest+ are shown in Table 5. 5.3.1 2-class prediction results The confusion matrix for the 2-class behavior category on the KDDTest+ datasets is shown in Table 12. The classification model is trained with KDDTrain+ dataset. Classification rate of PCC = 98.34% in Table 12 indicate good performance for our method. The performance for the datasets is better compared to the KDD Cup dataset for 2-class classification. 5.3.2 5-class prediction results The confusion matrix for the 5-class behavioral category of KDDTest+ dataset is shown in Table 16. The classification model is trained with KDDTrain+ dataset. Classification rate of PCC = 98.39% in Table 16 indicate good performance for our method datasets. 5.3.3 All-attacks prediction results The confusion matrix for the all-attacks categories on KDDTest+ dataset is shown in Table 13. Here, the classification model is trained with KDDTrain+ dataset. The testing dataset KDDTest+ includes 37 attack classes and training dataset KDDTtrain+ includes 15 attack classes. Objects belonging to the 15 categories of attacks cannot be classified correctly since no examples are present in the training set and hence they are excluded (3751 objects) from the testing dataset. Classification rate of PCC = 98.94% in Table 13 indicates good performance for our method. The classification rates still remain better compared to the KDD Cup dataset. The average execution time of classification for KDDTest+ dataset is 0.07 minute. 5.3.4 Performance comparisons The algorithms C4.5 [22], CART [23], BayesianNetwork(BN) [24] and CN2 [25] rule-based algorithm are executed for TUIDS dataset using Weka [26]. Their results are compared with method as given in Table 17 for TUIDS datasets. The performance results of our method outperforms the other methods. The performance results of our method for Corrected KDD dataset is compared with the experiment results provided in [14] for methods C4.5 [14, 22], CART [14, 23], BayesianNetwork(BN) [14, 24] and CN2 [14, 25] rule-based algorithm as given in Tables 18-20. We see that in terms of PCC our algorithm performs better than these algorithms in most of the cases. The performance rates of SVM-based IDS [15], a combined method of hierarchical clustering and SVM method, are shown in Tables 14 and 15 using Corrected KDD dataset. The evaluation result using the Corrected KDD dataset, shows that our algorithm performance rates are distinctly higher in the 5-class attack behavior and in new attack detection. The accuracy rate of detection for DoS attacks is 99.99% as shown in Table 14. In the detection of snmpgetattack and snmpguess attacks, our method detects 6457 and 2360 records respectively, whereas the other method detected 0 and 1 record respectively as shown in Table 15. Network Anomaly Identification... Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 101 Table 16: 5-class confusion matrix of KDDTest+ dataset trined with KDDTrain+ dataset Predicted Class Normal R2L DoS Probe U2R Sum Recall 1-Prc* s Normal 9556 125 5 24 0 9710 0.9841 0.0195 R2L 157 2727 0 0 3 2887 0.9446 0.0482 -g DoS 14 1 7443 0 0 7458 0.9980 0.0009 Probe 16 5 2 2399 0 2422 0.9905 0.0099 < U 2R 3 7 0 0 57 67 0.8507 0.0500 Sum 9746 2865 7450 2423 60 22544 Re-substitution error=0.0161 PCC=98.39% Note- *1-Precision Table 17: Comparison among CART, C4.5, CN2, BN for all Attacks of TUIDS datasets Attack CART C4.5__CN2__BN_ Our Algorithm O 1 values_Recall 1-Prc*_Recall 1-Prc*_Recall 1-Prc*_Recall 1-Prc*_Recall 1-Prc* normal 0.9430 0.0540 0.9436 0.0507 0.9822 0.1442 0.7855 0.0215 0.9928 0.0014 smurf 0.6360 0.3862 0.6384 0.3828 0.0026 0.0000 0.9503 0.6135 0.9981 0.0403 1234 0.7289 0.1721 0.2353 0.5000 0.7900 0.2410 0.8400 0.2510 0.9883 0.0550 bonk 0.8600 0.3156 0.7500 0.2100 0.8300 1.0000 0.8950 0.2400 0.5714 0.2000 fraggle 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0011 0.9995 0.0012 1.0000 0.0000 jolt 0.9641 0.0199 0.9902 0.0000 0.9248 0.0752 0.9739 0.2905 0.9998 0.0424 75 > nestea 0.7694 0.2310 0.0556 0.0000 6830 0.3100 0.8450 0.2010 0.9993 0.0027 newtear 0.6829 0.2390 0.6300 0.2190 0.5910 0.2110 0.9300 0.3400 0.9900 0.0000 oshare 0.7590 0.3270 0.8200 0.1040 0.6703 0.1401 0.8700 0.1031 1.0000 0.0000 r, Û- saihyousen 0.8900 0.1590 0.2353 0.5000 0.7810 0.2110 0.8505 0.2030 0.9500 0.0952 syndrop 0.5910 0.3410 0.4550 0.1060 0.6900 0.1030 0.5450 0.1300 1.0000 0.0331 syn 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0011 0.9995 0.0012 0.9931 0.0014 teardrop 0.9641 0.0199 0.9902 0.0000 0.9248 0.0752 0.9739 0.2905 0.9759 0.0714 window 0.7910 0.3200 0.0556 0.0000 0.7500 0.2100 0.7480 0.2041 0.9881 0.2727 winnuke 0.6830 0.1520 0.5800 0.2170 0.5950 0.2140 0.6200 0.2100 1.0000 0.0000 xmas 0.7420 0.1320 0.7300 0.2380 0.6350 0.2100 0.7900 0.2100 0.9911 0.0632 PCC 98.30% 98.65% 95.67% 94.15% 99.42% normal 0.9500 0.2310 0.8850 0.2200 0.8350 0.2101 0.7950 0.0067 0.9918 0.0018 smurf 0.8507 0.2030 0.7900 0.1220 0.8900 0.2020 0.8105 0.0821 0.6000 0.0103 1234 0.9863 0.0137 0.9944 0.0293 0.8546 0.1428 0.9850 0.4125 0.9999 0.0150 bonk 0.9800 0.1040 0.8700 0.0098 0.9300 0.2055 0.8600 0.0025 0.9961 0.0340 fraggle 0.9724 0.2917 0.8598 0.0628 0.8898 0.1113 0.8677 0.1160 0.9987 0.0029 jolt 0.8500 0.2010 0.2308 0.0000 0.8250 0.0712 0.9100 0.1090 0.8486 0.0474 75 land 0.9706 0.0404 0.8927 0.0389 0.8965 0.0268 0.9924 0.0905 0.9998 0.0000 nestea 0.9750 0.0250 0.9789 0.0000 0.8762 0.1086 0.9657 0.0639 0.5217 0.0021 o newtear 0.7809 0.3105 0.8700 0.2110 0.9700 0.2510 0.6950 0.0910 0.7956 0.0062 in saihyousen 0.8510 0.1700 0.9881 0.3197 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.6147 0.7817 0.0059 syndrop 0.9205 0.1850 0.9769 0.0000 0.8900 0.0072 0.6900 0.2900 0.6515 0.0371 syn 0.9990 0.0016 0.9978 0.0011 0.9994 0.0011 0.9923 0.0000 0.9775 0.0214 teardrop 0.4500 0.0230 0.5000 0.0000 0.4900 0.0087 0.7800 0.0426 0.5769 0.0314 window 0.8950 0.0089 0.9400 0.2330 0.7800 0.2600 0.8100 0.1100 0.9832 0.3728 winnuke 1.0000 0.4583 0.9545 0.0132 0.7951 0.1164 0.9791 0.0835 0.9740 0.0000 xmas 0.7025 0.5088 0.8038 0.3553 0.8987 0.1744 0.9494 0.4700 0.9720 0.0538 PCC 98.69% 97.19% 95.26% 95.15% 99.01% Normal 0.9342 0.3527 0.5000 0.0078 0.7263 0.4219 0.8621 0.0069 0.9876 0.0024 SYN 0.8458 0.3910 0.8600 0.7610 0.6500 0.4510 0.5500 0.3290 0.9859 0.0040 i ACK 1.0000 0.4583 0.9545 0.0132 0.8252 0.1164 0.9791 0.0835 0.9930 0.0252 FIN 0.7536 0.5088 0.8038 0.3553 0.9393 0.1744 0.9494 0.4700 0.9766 0.0153 £ xmas 0.8813 0.4510 0.6800 0.24100 0.7502 0.3160 0.6578 0.2715 0.9761 0.0143 PCC 87.45% 82.37% 78.76% 78.99% 98.31% Note- *1-Precision 102 Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 P. Gogoi et al. Table 18: Comparison among CART, C4.5, CN2, BN for two-class on Corrected KDD dataset CART C4.5 CN2 BN Our Algorithm Values Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Normal Attack 0.9297 0.9879 0.0511 0.0169 0.9297 0.9879 0.0511 0.0145 0.8917 0.9852 0.0640 0.0259 0.9869 0.9463 0.1835 0.0033 0.9001 0.9940 0.0269 0.0237 PCC 97.65% 97.85% 96.69% 95.42% 97.57% Note- *1-Precision Table 19: Comparison among CART, C4.5, CN2, BN for five-class on Corrected KDD dataset Values CART C4.5 CN2 BN Our Algorithm Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Normal 0.9379 0.0526 0.9442 0.0526 0.8708 0.0490 0.7946 0.0624 0.9007 0.0273 R2L 0.7813 0.1919 0.8153 0.1927 0.8451 0.3561 0.8871 0.4554 0.9110 0.2873 DoS 0.9984 0.0027 0.9997 0.0011 0.9993 0.0015 0.9811 0.0022 0.9999 0.0001 Probe 0.9081 0.2525 0.9482 0.0403 0.9585 0.0230 0.8778 0.3036 0.9875 0.0044 U 2R 0.5526 0.4545 0.6711 0.0192 0.6754 0.12 0.7281 0.9195 0.7857 0.0517 PCC 97.37% 97.83% 96.54% 93.83% 97.57% Note- *1-Precision Table 20: Comparison among CART, C4.5, CN2, BN for all Attacks on Corrected KDD dataset Attack values CART C4.5 CN2 BN Our Algorithm Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* Recall 1-Prc* normal 0.9430 0.0540 0.9436 0.0507 0.9822 0.1442 0.7855 0.0215 0.9016 0.0257 snmpgetattack 0.6360 0.3862 0.6384 0.3828 0.0026 0.0000 0.9503 0.6135 0.8341 0.4792 named 0.0000 1.0000 0.2353 0.5000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.8824 0.3750 xlock 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.8889 0.1111 smurf 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0011 0.9995 0.0012 1.0000 0.0000 ipsweep 0.9641 0.0199 0.9902 0.0000 0.9248 0.0752 0.9739 0.2905 0.9869 0.0033 multihop 0.0000 1.0000 0.0556 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.7222 0.0714 xsnoop 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.7500 0.0000 sendmail 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.9412 0.2000 guess_passwd 0.9968 0.0566 0.9863 0.0242 0.9725 0.0270 0.9679 0.0404 0.9979 0.0002 saint 0.1236 0.0000 0.8302 0.2382 0.8003 0.2209 0.7024 0.3277 0.9402 0.6121 bufer_overflow 0.0000 1.0000 0.4545 0.4118 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.9545 0.0455 portsweep 0.8362 0.1111 0.9463 0.1604 0.7260 0.1376 0.9915 0.2252 0.9746 0.0000 pod 0.8391 0.0000 1.0000 0.4082 0.8391 0.0000 0.7701 0.4071 0.9655 0.0118 apache2 0.0000 1.0000 0.9937 0.1841 0.8476 0.0399 0.9786 0.0152 0.9987 0.0000 phf 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 udpstorm 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 warezmaster 0.9863 0.0137 0.9944 0.0293 0.8546 0.1428 0.9850 0.4125 0.9744 0.0013 perl 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 satan 0.9724 0.2917 0.8598 0.0628 0.8898 0.1113 0.8677 0.1160 0.3270 0.0582 xterm 0.0000 1.0000 0.2308 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.7692 0.0000 mscan 0.9706 0.0404 0.8927 0.0389 0.8965 0.0268 0.9924 0.0905 1.0000 0.0000 processtable 0.9750 0.0250 0.9789 0.0000 0.8762 0.1086 0.9657 0.0639 1.0000 0.0000 ps 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.8125 0.0000 nmap 0.0000 1.0000 0.9881 0.3197 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.6147 1.0000 0.0000 rootkit 0.0000 1.0000 0.0769 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.6923 0.1818 neptune 0.9990 0.0016 0.9978 0.0011 0.9994 0.0011 0.9923 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 loadmodule 0.0000 1.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 imap 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 back 1.0000 0.4583 0.9545 0.0132 0.7951 0.1164 0.9791 0.0835 1.0000 0.0000 httptunnel 0.7025 0.5088 0.8038 0.3553 0.8987 0.1744 0.9494 0.4700 0.9873 0.0000 worm 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 mailbomb 0.9516 0.0000 0.9982 0.0062 0.9998 0.0161 0.9992 0.0046 0.9998 0.0000 ftp_write 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 teardrop 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.4167 0.1667 land 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 sqlattack 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 snmpguess 0.9909 0.0004 0.9983 0.0144 0.3603 0.3812 0.3624 0.4718 0.9809 0.0000 PCC 97.25% 97.69% 96.16% 94.75% 97.25% Note- *1-Precision Network Anomaly Identification... Informatica 37 (2013) 93-105 103 Table 8: All-attacks confusion matrix for TUIDS datasets i s Actual Predicted Class Class Detected Present Recall 1-Prc* normal 34790 35043 0.9928 0.0014 smurf 38652 38726 0.9981 0.0403 1234 19679 19902 0.9883 0.0550 bonk 387 678 0.5714 0.2000 fraggle 8622 8624 1.0000 0.0000 jolt 27659 27661 0.9998 0.0424 nestea 23758 23775 0.9993 0.0027 newtear 23537 23775 0.9900 0.0000 oshare 20000 20000 1.0000 0.0000 saihyousen 4338 4567 0.9500 0.0952 syndrop 53623 53627 1.0000 0.0331 syn 20230 20371 0.9931 0.0014 teardrop 8171 8373 0.9759 0.0714 window 39908 40386 0.9881 0.2727 winnuke 68248 68249 1.0000 0.0000 xmas 38771 39118 0.9911 0.0632 Sum 430373 432875 Re-substitution error=0.0058 PCC= =99.42% Actual Predicted Class Class Detected Present Recall 1-Prc* normal 36103 36402 0.9918 0.0018 smurf 18 30 0.6000 0.0103 1234 163408 163412 0.9999 0.0150 bonk 27196 27303 0.9961 0.0340 fraggle 38238 38288 0.9987 0.0029 jolt 1183 1394 0.8486 0.0474 land 2 2 0.9998 0.0000 nestea 48 92 0.5217 0.0021 newtear 109 137 0.7956 0.0062 saihyousen 197 252 0.7817 0.0059 syndrop 43 66 0.6515 0.0371 syn 20330 20797 0.9775 0.0214 teardrop 75 130 0.5769 0.0314 window 40947 41646 0.9832 0.3728 winnuke 29915 30714 0.9740 0.0000 xmas 38361 39465 0.9720 0.0538 Sum 396173 400131 Re-substitution error=0.0099 PCC= =99.01% Actual Predicted Class Class Detected Present Recall 1-Prc* Normal 2414 2445 0.9876 0.0024 SYN 9612 9750 0.9859 0.0040 ACK 9875 9945 0.9930 0.0252 FIN 9551 9780 0.9766 0.0153 xmas 9505 9740 0.9761 0.0143 Sum 40957 41660 Re-substitution error=0.0169 PCC= 98.31% Table 11: All-attacks confusion matrix results Corrected KDD dataset training with 10%KDD Predicted Class of Detected Present Recall 1-Prc* normal 60207 60593 0.9936 0.0790 smurf 164089 164091 1.0000 0.0002 ipsweep 298 306 0.9739 0.0418 multihop 0 18 0.0000 1.0000 guess _passwd 3 4367 0.0007 0.2500 buf f er_overf low 2 22 0.0909 0.5000 portsweep 340 354 0.9605 0.2075 pod 82 87 0.9425 0.1546 phf 1 2 0.5000 0.0000 ss warezmaster 2 1602 0.0012 0.0000 clas perl 0 2 0.0000 1.0000 cal satan 1280 1633 0.7838 0.1551 tua Act nmap 84 84 1.0000 0.0455 rootkit 2 13 0.1538 0.9962 neptune 57971 58001 0.9995 0.0004 loadmodule 0 2 0.0000 1.0000 imap 0 1 0.0000 1.0000 back 1068 1098 0.9727 0.0000 ftp_write 0 3 0.0000 1.0000 teardrop 12 12 1.0000 0.7857 land 6 9 1.6667 0.6667 warezclient 0 0 0.0000 1.0000 spy 0 0 0.0000 1.0000 Sum 285447 292300 Re-substitution error=0.0234 PCC= 97.66% Note- *1-Precision Note- *1-Precision Table 12: 2-class confusion matrix of KDDTest+ dataset training with KDDTrain+ Table 9: 2-class Confusion matrix of Corrected KDD with training 10%KDD dataset Predicted Class Normal Attack Sum Recall 1-Prc* Actual class Normal 60215 Attack 20155 Sum 80370 378 230281 230659 60593 250436 311029 0.9938 0.9195 0.2508 0.0016 Re-substitution error=0.0660 PCC=93.40% Predicted Class Normal Attack Sum Recall 1-Prc* Actual Normal 9531 class Attack 195 Sum 9726 179 12639 12818 9710 12834 22544 0.9816 0.9848 0.0200 0.0140 Re-substitution error =0.0166 PCC= 98.34% Note- *1-Precision Note- *1-Precision 104 Informática 37 (2013) 93-105 P. Gogoi et al. 6 Conclusion and future works Table 13: All attacks confusion matrix of KDDTest+ dataset Predicted Class Detected Present Recall 1-Prc* normal 9609 9710 0.9895 0.0125 smurf 605 665 0.9098 0.0529 ipsweep 136 141 0.9845 0.0178 multihop 17 18 0.9444 0.2273 guess _passwd 1130 1231 0.9180 0.0238 buf f er_over f l ow 20 20 1.0000 0.0000 portsweep 149 157 0.9490 0.0688 pod 39 41 0.9512 0.0000 phf 2 2 1.0000 0.0000 warezmaster 902 944 0.9555 0.0075 perl 2 2 1.0000 0.0000 satan 716 735 0.9741 0.1836 nmap 73 73 1.0000 0.0000 rootkit 12 13 0.9231 0.2500 neptune 4626 4657 0.9933 0.0008 loadmodule 2 2 1.0000 0.0000 imap 1 1 1.0000 0.0000 back 339 359 0.9443 0.3416 ftp_write 3 3 1.0000 0.0000 teardrop 5 12 0.4167 0.2857 land 7 7 1.0000 0.0000 Sum 18593 18793 Re-substitution error=0.0181 PCC= :98.94% Note- *1-Precision Table 14: Comparison with SVM-based IDS for 5-class over Corrected KDD dataset Type of SVM-based IDS Accuracy of Our Algorithm Traffic Correctly Detected Miss Detected Accuracy (%) (%) Normal 60166 427 99.29 90.07 DoS 228769 1084 99.53 99.99 Probe 4064 102 97.55 98.75 U 2R 45 183 19.73 78.57 R2L 4664 11525 28.81 91.10 Overall 297708 13321 95.72 97.57 In this paper we provide a clustering based classification method and applied it in network anomaly detection. We have developed a subspace based incremental clustering method which forms the basis for the classification method. A training algorithm with a combination of unsupervised incremental clustering and supervised classification algorithm clusters a labeled training dataset into different clusters which are then represented by their profiles. These profiles together with the class label behave as classification rules. Prediction is done using a supervised classification algorithm that matches testing objects with the cluster profiles for labeling them. The simple classification method provided is effective in network anomaly detection as indicated by the evaluation results on real life TUIDS intrusion dataset and the benchmark intrusion datasets. The method can be applied for other classification jobs as well. At present, rules (profiles) are stored in a flat file. A decision tree can be constructed based on the derived rules to reduce search time. Investigation for dealing with test instances that fit poorly with the supervised profiles may increase the performance of the algorithm. Another possible area is rule refinement that may cause reduction in number of attributes in each rule and also reduction of some rules themselves. For instance, KDD 1999 data set contains many similar training examples having different labels. In such situation, similar rules may be derived to detect more than one category of attacks. Acknowledgement This work is an outcome of a research project funded by MCIT, New Delhi. 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