Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 62(2016)4, 220-230 © 2016 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2015.3266 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2015-12-02 Received revised form: 2016-01-28 Accepted for publication: 2016-02-23 Estimating the Strain-Rate-Dependent Parameters of the Cowper-Symonds and Johnson-Cook Material Models using Taguchi Arrays Andrej Skrlec* - Jernej Klemenc University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia In order to reduce R&D costs, a product's behaviour during use is predicted with numerical simulations in the early phases of R&D. If a structure is subjected to high-strain-rate loading this effect should be considered in the material models that are used for the numerical simulations. This article shows how the strain-rate-dependent material parameters can be determined by combining the experimental data with the numerical simulations. The presented methodology is based on the application of Taguchi arrays to find the most appropriate values for the strain-rate-dependent parameters. The presented methodology is applied in a practical case, for which the parameters of the Cowper-Symonds and Johnson-Cook material models are estimated. Keywords: strain-rate-dependent material behaviour, finite-element method, explicit dynamics, Taguchi arrays Highlights • A procedure for modelling the strain-rate-dependent behaviour of materials is presented. • The parameters of the Cowper-Symonds and Johnson-Cook material models are estimated on the basis of an impact experiment. • A simulation plan for estimating the material parameters is developed with the help of Taguchi orthogonal arrays. 0 INTRODUCTION To reduce the costs of a research and development (R&D) process and optimise the product's design, while ensuring the necessary safety, effectiveness and reliability of the newly developed product, finite-element (FE) simulations of the product's behaviour under real operating conditions are widely applied. To obtain reasonable simulation results the operating conditions as well as the product's geometry and its material properties must be known. Usually, in the R&D process the structural loads are assumed on the basis of similar products, are obtained by numerical simulations or are defined by the customer. If we assume that the structural loads resulting from the operating conditions are known, it is the material properties that have the greatest influence on the product's behaviour for a given geometry. If the structure is subjected to extreme mechanical loading conditions (e.g., impacts during crash tests or different burst tests) it is of tremendous importance to consider the strain-rate-dependent material properties when performing a FE simulation. It is known from the literature [1] that quasi-static loading does not have a significant influence on the material's yield stress and the stress-strain relationship, but this changes if the strain rate increases. The increased values of the strain rate cause an increase in the material's yield stress and change the material's stress-strain behaviour in the plastic domain. Investigations of this effect have been performed by many researchers over the last century, like Hopkinson, Charpy, Taylor [1], Zerilli, Armstrong, Johnson [2], [3], etc. In the last 20 years, strain rate influence on material behaviour is still interesting for researchers like El-Magd [4], Zhao and Gary [5], Huh et al. [6] to [8], etc. When using the explicit dynamic FE code to simulate extreme loading conditions, such as impact phenomena, the material models that consider the strain-rate dependency of the material's plastic curve are commonly applied. The three most commonly applied material models in researches [9] to [15] that consider the strain-rate effects are: Cowper-Symonds, Johnson-Cook, and Zerilli-Armstrong. Since the Cowper-Symonds and Johnson-Cook material models are simpler than the Zerilli-Armstrong material model, we considered only the former two models in our research. The main difference between them is how they account for the strain-rate effects. Consequently, the number of material parameters that describe the plastic stress-strain relationship with the strain-rate effects is different ([16] and [17]): • Yield stress according to the Cowper-Symonds material model: S = Et ■ E E - E, ■s eff '+(§ (1) 220 *Corr. Author's Address: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 62(2016)4, 220-230 Flow stress according material model [3]: to the Johnson-Cook ® flow B {