A. KOCIJAN et al.: CORROSION RESISTANCE OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 383–388 CORROSION RESISTANCE OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO 2 /EPOXY COATINGS ON AISI 316L STAINLESS STEEL KOROZIJSKA ODPORNOST SUPERHIDROFILNIH IN SUPERHIDROFOBNIH TiO 2 /EPOKSI PREVLEK NA NERJAVNEM JEKLU AISI 316L Aleksandra Kocijan, Marjetka Conradi, ^rtomir Donik Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia aleksandra.kocijan@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-11-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-01-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.191 Superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic TiO2/epoxy coatings were prepared with as-received TiO2 and fluoroalkylsilane (FAS) functionalised TiO2 nanoparticles and successfully applied to the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel. The wetting properties of the coatings were confirmed with static contact-angle measurements. The corrosion performance of the investigated coatings was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The open-circuit impedance spectra of the AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy-coated AISI 316L, the as-received TiO2/epoxy coating on AISI 316L and the FAS-TiO2/epoxy coating on AISI 316L were measured in simulated physiological Hank’s solution. Bode plots and Nyquist diagrams were used to evaluate the corrosion properties of the investigated coatings. The results show the enhanced corrosion resistance of surface-modified stain- less steel, especially in the case of the superhydrophobic FAS-TiO2/epoxy coating. Keywords: stainless steel, epoxy coating, TiO 2 , electrochemistry Superhidrofilne in superhidrofobne TiO2/epoksi prevleke smo pripravili s TiO2 in fluoroalkilsilan (FAS)-TiO2 nanodelci in jih uspe{no nanesli na povr{ino nerjavnega jekla AISI 316L. Omo~itvene lastnosti prevlek smo potrdili z meritvami kontaktnih kotov. Korozijske lastnosti pripravljenih prevlek smo raziskovali s pomo~jo elektrokemijske impedan~ne spektroskopije (EIS). Impedan~ne spektre pri potencialu odprtega kroga smo merili na jeklu, epoksi prevleki ter superhidrofobni in superhidrofilni TiO2/epoksi prevleki v simulirani fiziolo{ki raztopini (Hankovi raztopini). Korozijske lastnosti omenjenih prevlek smo preu~e- vali s pomo~jo Bodejevih in Nyquistovih diagramov. Rezultati so pokazali izbolj{ano korozijsko odpornost povr{insko obdelanega nerjavnega jekla, najbolj izrazito v primeru superhidrofobne FAS-TiO2/epoksi prevleke. Klju~ne besede: nerjavno jeklo, epoksi prevleka, TiO2, elektrokemija 1 INTRODUCTION Stainless steels, especially AISI 316L, are commonly used materials in biomedical applications because of their superior mechanical properties, high corrosion resistance and good biocompatibility. 1 However, an increasing number of clinical procedures are requiring the development of materials with superior performance and higher reliability. 2 Polymer coatings are known to improve the surface characteristics of the metallic sub- strate. Epoxy resins are used in various applications including the automotive, aircraft, maritime, flooring, food and medical industries because of their good che- mical resistance, mechanical properties, strong adhesion with the substrate and corrosion protection by providing an effective physical barrier between the metal and the biological environment. 3,4 However, to avoid their sus- ceptibility to abrasion 5 and poor resistance to crack propagation, due to a highly cross-linked structure, 6 the basic idea is to enhance the mechanical properties and to promote the surface compatibility of the coating by incorporating different nanofillers. 7–16 It is mainly the favourable effects of the particle size, the volume frac- tion and the size distribution on the mechanical properties of composite coatings that have been stu- died. 17–22 Z. Rubab et al. showed that sub-micron TiO 2 particles significantly enhance the glass-transition temperature, thermal oxidative stability, tensile strength and Young’s modulus of epoxy polymers. 12 Hierarchical structures with a different nanoparticle size distribution influence the wetting properties of the surface. 13 Addi- tionally, the incorporation of inorganic nanoparticles improves the barrier properties of the coatings by de- creasing the porosity and increasing the path of aggres- sive ions and therefore enhancing the corrosion stability of the metallic substrate. 23 In the present study we prepared superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic coatings with as-received and surface-modified TiO 2 nanoparticles, respectively. We focused on a comparison of the corrosion properties of epoxy coatings on AISI 316L stainless steel with an emphasis on tuning the wetting properties between the two limiting cases, superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic coatings. The corrosion properties were evaluated by Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 383–388 383 UDK 669.018.822:667.648.2:691.714.018.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(4)383(2018) electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and compared with the characteristics of bare and epoxy- coated AISI 316L stainless steel. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Materials. • Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L (17 % Cr, 10 % Ni, 2.1 % Mo, 1.4 % Mn, 0.38 % Si, 0.041 % P, 0.021 % C, < 0.005%Sinmass fraction) was used as a substrate. The steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm was cut into discs of 25-mm diameter. The steel discs were grinded mechanically with SiC emery paper (up to 4000 grit), diamond polished (up to 1 μm), ultrasonically cleaned with ethanol and dried in warm air. A two-component USP Class VI biocompatible epoxy EPO-TEK 302-3M (EPOXY TECHNOLOGY, Inc.) was mixed in the w/% ratio 100:45. TiO 2 nano- particles with mean diameters of 30 nm were provided by Cinkarna Celje, whereas the 300-nm particles were supplied by US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. The TiO 2 particles were functionalized in1%ofv olume fraction of fluoroalkylsilane or FAS17 (C 16 H 19 F 17 O 3 Si) ethanol solution. The solution was shaken for a few minutes and left overnight prior to the use in the experiments. Prior to the TiO 2 nanoparticle adsorption, the diamond-polished AISI 316L substrate was spin-coated with an epoxy layer and then cured for 3 h at 65 °C. We decided on a base epoxy layer to improve the TiO 2 nanoparticle adhesion as the oxide layer growing on the surface of the clean AISI 316L substrate prevents adhesion and is very difficult to remove. The nanoparticles were further applied to the epoxy-coated AISI 316L surface by spin-coating 20 μL o f3%o fmass fractions of TiO 2 nanoparticle ethanol solution. We consecutively applied three deposits of dual-size, dual-layer coating consisting of 30-nm and 300-nm FAS-TiO 2 nanoparticles. The coating was then dried in an oven for approximately 30 min at 100 °C. The same procedure was repeated with the as-received, non-functionalized TiO 2 nanoparticles. Contact-angle measurements. • The static contact- angle measurements of water (W) on a clean AISI 316L diamond-polished sample, on the epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate, on the TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate and on the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate were performed using a surface-energy evaluation system (Advex Instruments s.r.o.) at 20 °C and ambient humidity. Electrochemical measurements. • Electrochemical measurements were performed on diamond-polished AISI 316L stainless steel, on the epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate, on the TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate and on the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate. The experiments were carried out in simulated physiological Hank’s solution at pH = 7.8 and at room temperature (Table 1). All the chemicals were from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. The measurements were performed using a three-electrode, flat BioLogic corro- sion cell (volume 0.25 L). The test specimen was employed as the working electrode (WE), the exposed area of the sample was 1 cm 2 . The reference electrode (RE) was a saturated calomel electrode (SCE, 0.242 V vs. SHE) and the counter electrode (CE) was a platinum net. Electrochemical measurements were recorded using a BioLogic Modular Research Grade Potentiostat/Galva- nostat/FRA Model SP-300 with an EC-Lab Software. Long-term open-circuit potentiostatic electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) were obtained for the inves- tigated samples. The impedance was measured at the OCP, with a sinus amplitude of 5-mV peak-to-peak and a frequency range of 65 kHz to 1 mHz, directly after immersion for (1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 40, 64, 88, 112, 136 and 168) h. All the measurements were made at room tempe- rature and were repeated at least three times. The data was collected and analysed by the EC-Lab V10.44 software from Bio-Logic Instruments. The impedance data are presented in terms of Bode and Nyquist plots. For the fitting process Zview v3.4d Scribner Associates software was used. Table 1: Chemical composition of the simulated physiological Hank’s solution Reagent c (g/L) NaCl 8.0 KCl 0.40 NaHCO 3 0.35 NaH 2 PO 4 ·2H 2 O 0.25 Na 2 HPO 4 ·2H 2 O 0.06 CaCl 2·2H 2O 0.19 MgCl 2·6H 2O 0.41 MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O 0.06 glucose 1.0 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION With the contact-angle measurements we confirmed the synthesis of the two limiting cases of coatings con- cerning their wetting characteristics. The FAS-TiO 2 / epoxy coating was superhydrophobic with a contact angle above 150° and the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating was superhydrophilic with a contact angle below 3°. The corrosion performance of the investigated coat- ings was studied by EIS. The open-circuit impedance spectra of the AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy- coated AISI 316L, the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L were measured over a 168 h immersion period in the simulated physiological Hank’s solution. Figures 1–3 show the EIS Bode plots and Figures 4 to 6 the Nyquist diagrams for all the investigated coatings after 1 h,1dand7dofimmersion in Hank’s solution. The results for bare AISI 316L stainless steel after 1 h,1dand7dofimmersion in Hank’s solution were used for comparison. In the case of the investigated A. KOCIJAN et al.: CORROSION RESISTANCE OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 384 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 383–388 coatings on AISI 316L stainless steel, the first time constant in the high-frequency range was associated with the barrier properties of the coatings, the second time constant in the medium frequency range with the formation of an oxide layer at the coating/ substrate interface and the third time constant in the low-frequency A. KOCIJAN et al.: CORROSION RESISTANCE OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 383–388 385 Figure 3: EIS Bode plot of AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel in Hank’s solution after7dofimmersion Figure 4: Nyquist diagram of AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel in Hank’s solution after1ho fimmersion. The inset diagrams represent the high-fre- quency range of the impedance responses Figure 2: EIS Bode plot of AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel in Hank’s solution after1dofimmersion Figure 1: EIS Bode plot of AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel in Hank’s solution after1hofimmersion range with the corrosion of the substrate. 24 In the case of AISI 316L stainless steel, the spectra were characterised by two time constants. The first time constant in the high-medium frequency range was assigned to the resistance due to the ionic paths through the oxide film and the low-medium-frequency time constant was correlated with the charge-transfer process. 8,25,26 Magnitude plots revealed that the total impedance for all three investigated coatings increased compared to the bare alloy, the values increased from 10 6 cm 2 for AISI 316L to 10 7 cm 2 for the epoxy-coated AISI 316L, 10 8 cm 2 for the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L and 10 9 cm 2 for the FAS-TiO 2 / epoxy-coated AISI 316L. This indicated the higher corrosion stability of the coated samples, especially with the addition of TiO 2 nanoparticles. Furthermore, a high-frequency time constant was clearly observed for all the investigated coatings compared to the bare AISI 316L, thus indicating the barrier ability of the coatings. This effect was more pronounced for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating with the phase angle approaching –90°, which is typical of the capacitor and is ascribed to the capacitive behaviour of the coating. Figure 7 presents the equivalent circuits that were used to fit the experimental data to the theoretical impedance data. The EIS technique enables us to match the electrochemical behaviour of the investigated system with model circuits consisting of specific components equivalent to the parameters of the electrochemical system. 27 We selected a model that provided the results with the smallest errors of fit. In the equivalent circuit applied for the evaluation of the investigated coatings R s refers to the solution resistance. High-frequency resistance (R pore ) was associated with the electrolyte in the pores of the coating, medium-frequency resistance (R ox )w a s related to the interfacial oxide and low-frequency resis- tance (R sub ) reflected the corrosion process (Figure 7a). Each resistance was coupled with the CPE element, expressing the coating capacitance (CPE pore ), capacitance of the oxide layer (CPE ox ) and capacitance of the double layer (CPE sub ). The circuit was simplified to the one with two time constants up to 24 h of immersion due to the lower fitting errors (Figure 7b). In the case of AISI 316L stainless steel (Figure 7c), the spectra were characterised by two time constants, the first time constant in high-medium frequency range was simulated by the resistance due to the ionic paths through the oxide film (R ox ) and was coupled with a capacitive behaviour of the oxide film (CPE ox ). The low-medium-frequency time constant was correlated with the charge-transfer process, which was composed of charge-transfer resistance (R sub ) in parallel with the double-layer capacitance (CPE sub ). 8,24,26 The evolution of the pore resistance (R pore ) revealed the barrier properties of the coatings (Figure 8a). We A. KOCIJAN et al.: CORROSION RESISTANCE OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 386 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 383–388 Figure 5: Nyquist diagram of AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel in Hank’s solution after1do fimmersion; the inset diagrams represent the high-fre- quency range of impedance responses Figure 7: Equivalent electrical circuits for modelling the EIS data Figure 6: Nyquist diagram of AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel in Hank’s solution after7do fimmersion; the inset diagrams represent the high-fre- quency range of impedance responses observed that the R pore values were the highest for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the TiO 2 /epoxy coating compared to the pure epoxy coating, indicating a better corrosion performance. Additionally, the R pore of epoxy coating slightly decreased with the immersion time, probably due to the easier penetration of the electrolyte. The addition of TiO 2 nanoparticles to the epoxy coating prolongs the diffusion path of the ionic species through the coating. 8 The admittance of the CPE (Table 2) was in the range of 10 –7 –1 cm –2 s n for the epoxy coating and the TiO 2 /epoxy coating, and in the range of 10 –8 –1 cm –2 s n for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating. The values for all three coatings remained almost constant at different immer- sion times. The CPE exponent was above 0.88 for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating, 0.84 for the TiO 2 /epoxy coat- ing, and 0.75 for the epoxy coating. Table 2: Fitting parameters (admittances) for the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel after 24 h and 168 h of immersion in Hank’s solution t (h) CPE pore ( –1 cm –2 s n ) CPE ox ( –1 cm –2 s n ) CPE sub ( –1 cm –2 s n ) Epoxy coated AISI 316L 24 5,1 × 10 –7 2,1×10 –7 6,5×10 –7 168 5,6 × 10 –7 2,0×10 –7 1,9×10 –7 TiO 2 /epoxy coated AISI 316L 24 2,6 × 10 –7 2,9×10 –7 2,4×10 –7 168 2,1 × 10 –7 1,1×10 –7 1,0×10 –7 FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coated AISI 316L 24 2,9 × 10 –8 5,0×10 –8 1,4×10 –8 168 2,3 × 10 –8 9,4×10 –9 1,3×10 –8 The resistance associated with the medium-frequency time constant (R ox )( Figure 8b) had higher values, espe- cially for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating. The values for the TiO 2 /epoxy coating were comparable to the pure epoxy coating. However, a slight increase for the TiO 2 /epoxy coating compared to a slight decrease for pure epoxy coating was recorded, demonstrating im- proved protective interfacial properties by the addition of TiO 2 nanoparticles. The admittance of the CPE for the epoxy coating was approximately 10 –7 –1 cm –2 s n and remained constant for different immersion times. The admittance of the CPE (Table 2) for the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating was similar as for the epoxy coating, but slightly decreased with the immersion time. In the case of the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating, the admittance of the CPE decreased from5×10 –8 –1 cm –2 s n to9×10 –9 –1 cm –2 s n with the immersion time. The CPE exponent was in the range 0.75–0.80 for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coat- ing, above 0.83 for the TiO 2 /epoxy coating, and 0.80 for the epoxy coating. The evolution of the low-frequency resistance (R sub ) is shown in Figure 8c. The low-frequency resistance was the highest for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy and the TiO 2 /epoxy coatings, indicating that the addition of nanoparticles, especially hydrophobic ones, increased the corrosion sta- bility of the substrate. The values of R sub slightly in- creased with the immersion time for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy and the TiO 2 /epoxy-coated samples compared to the pure epoxy coating. The admittance of the CPE (Table 2) for the epoxy coating was in the range of6×10 –7 –1 cm –2 s n and for the TiO 2 /epoxy coating in the range of2×10 –7 –1 cm –2 s n . The admittance of the CPE for the FAS- TiO 2 /epoxy coating was approximately 10 –8 –1 cm –2 s n . All the values slightly decreased with the immersion A. KOCIJAN et al.: CORROSION RESISTANCE OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 383–388 387 Figure 8: Evolution of resistance for bare AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy coating, as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating and the FAS- TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L stainless steel during immersion in Hank’s solution time. The CPE exponent was approximately 0.59 for the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating, 0.68 for the TiO 2 /epoxy coat- ing, and approximately 0.58 for the epoxy coating. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this paper we presented the preparation of super- hydrophobic FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy and superhydrophilic as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coatings on the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel. The electrochemical study was applied to study the barrier coatings of the prepared coat- ings in a simulated physiological solution. 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