Zdrav Vestn Supl | Results of vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction syndrome I-89 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle Results of vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction syndrome Rezultati vitrektomije pri bolnikih z vitreomakularnim trakcijskim sindromom Xhevat lumi,1 Helena Skačej Friedrich,2 Irena Irman grčar1 Izvleček Izhodišča: Prikazati anatomske in funkcijske spremembe po vitrektomiji pri bolnikih z vitreo- makularnim trakcijskim sindromom. Metode: Predstavljena je retrospektivna študija 23 oči 23 bolnikov z vitreomakularnim trakcij- skim sindromom, starih od 58 do 86 let. Dia- gnoza vitreomakularni trakcijski sindrom je bila postavljena, kadar je bila prisotna očitna trakcija steklovine, ki je povzročala povečano debelino mrežnice v področju rumene pege, in ki je bila jasno vidna na izvidu optične koherenčne to- mografije. Pri vseh bolnikih je bila opravljena vitrektomija za sprostitev trakcije v rumeni pegi. Spremembe v področju rumene pege so bile opredeljene z optično koherenčno tomografijo pred vitrektomijo in po njej. Podatki so bili stati- stično obdelani s parnim Studentovim t-testom. Rezultati: Pri 20 (87 %) od 23 preiskovancev se je po operacijskem posegu statistično pomemb- no izboljšala vidna ostrina od 0,28 pred operaci- jo na 0,56 po operaciji s povprečnim dvigom za tri vrstice na Snellenovih tabelah (p < 0,001). Pri 3 bolnikih po operaciji ni prišlo do izboljšanja vidne ostrine. Pri vseh preiskovancih je bila po operaciji prisotna zmanjšana debelina mrežnice v področju rumene pege. Povprečna debelina mrežnice v centralnem delu rumene pege je bila 614,00 μm pred operacijo in 332,87 μm po ope- raciji (p < 0,001). V preiskovani skupini bolnikov med samim operacijskim posegom in v poope- racijskem obdobju ni bilo zapletov. Zaključki: Vitrektomija, ki sprosti trakcijo v po- dročju rumene pege, omogoča izboljšanje vidne ostrine pri večini bolnikov z vitreomakularnim trakcijskim sindromom. Optična koherenčna to- mografija je pomembno diagnostično orodje za ocenjevanje stanja pred operacijo in po njej. Abstract Background: To review the anatomical and functional results of vitrectomy for the vitreo- macular traction syndrome. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 23 eyes of 23 patients (aged from 58 to 86 years) with vit- reomacular traction syndrome is presented. The diagnosis of the vitreomacular traction syn- drome was made when apparent traction of the vitreous face causing increased thickness of the macula had been detected by optical coherence tomography. All the patients underwent vitrec- tomy to relieve the macular traction. History, eye examination before and after vitrectomy and the follow up period were reviewed. Changes in the macular area were evaluated by optical coher- ence tomography before and after surgery. Sta- tistical analysis using the Student’s paired t-test was performed. Results: In 20 (87 %) out of 23 patients the mean best-corrected visual acuity significantly im- proved from 0.28 preoperatively to 0.56 post- operatively with a mean increase by 3 lines on the Snellen chart (p < 0.001). In the remaining 3 (13 %) patients visual acuity did not improve postoperatively. All patients showed a reduction in the macular thickness postoperatively. The mean thickness in the central macular area was 614.00 μm preoperatively and 332.87 μm postop- eratively (p < 0.001). Neither intraoperative nor postoperative complications were observed in this series of patients during the follow-up pe- riod. Conclusions: Vitrectomy surgery performed to release the macular traction improves the visual acuity in most patients with vitreomacular trac- tion syndrome. Optical coherence tomography is a valuable tool for the assessment of the pre- operative status and postoperative anatomical changes. 1 University Medical Centre, Eye Clinic, Grablovičeva 46, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University Clinical Centre Maribor, Department of Ophthalmology, Ljubljanska 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Korespondenca/ Correspondence: Xhevat lumi, MD, University Medical centre, eye clinic, grablovičeva 46, 1000 ljubljana, Slovenia tel.: +386 1 5221900 Fax.: +386 1 5221960 e-mail: xhlumi@hotmail. com Ključne besede: vitreomakularni trakcijski sindrom, vitrektomija, debelina mrežnice v rumeni pegi, optična koherenčna tomografija, vidna ostrina Key words: vitreomacular traction syndrome, vitrectomy, macular thickness, optical coherence tomography, visual acuity Citirajte kot/Cite as: Zdrav Vestn 2012; 81: I-89–96 Prispelo: 3. jan. 2012, Sprejeto: 15. jun. 2012 I-90 Zdrav Vestn Supl | junij 2012 | letnik 81 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle Figure 1: typical optical coherence tomography image of a vitreomacular traction syndrome with a 3D reconstruction (right). as the vitreous remains attached to the macula, anterior traction to the fovea is exerted leading to the cystoid macular oedema. this increased macular thickness can be measured by optical coherence tomography (an optical coherence tomography image of one of our patients is shown). associates, vitrectomy should not be postpo- ned in patients who complain of disturbing visual symptoms such as reduced VA, meta- morphopsia and difficulties in the binocular reading.8 Diagnosing the VMT by bomicroscopy may be challenging, particularly when the area of the vitreoretinal attachment is bro- ad.9 Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has proved to be an excellent tool to evalu- ate the morphological features of macular changes, incomplete posterior vitreous de- tachment, and postoperative resolution of macular changes in VMT with high degree of reproducibility.10 Introduction Vitreomacular traction syndrome (VMT) is a clinical entity in which partial posterior vitreous detachment is combined with persistent macular adherence, leading to macular traction and detachment (Figure 1). Macular traction, frequently accompani- ed by cystoid changes in the neurosensory retina of the macula, causes decreased visu- al acuity (VA), metamorphopsia, photopsia, and micropsia.1-3 Vitrectomy to surgically detach the vitreous from the macular area is usually necessary in order to release the ma- cular traction.2-7 According to Koerner and Figure 2: Visual acuity before and after vitrectomy. the improvement of visual acuity was observed in 20 out of 23 patients postoperatively. VPRE = visual acuity before vitrectomy; VPOST = visual acuity after vitrectomy Zdrav Vestn Supl | Results of vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction syndrome I-91 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle were pseudophakic. Others had clear lenses, which did not affect the visual acuity. All the patients were examined and operated on at the Eye Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. Each of them underwent a complete preoperative and postoperative examination including the best-corrected VA measured with the Snellen chart, intra- ocular pressure measurement and the ante- rior as well as the posterior biomicroscopy. OCT fundus image assessment (3D OCT 1000, Topcon, Tokyo, Japan) was performed before and after the vitrectomy. Thus, the morphological changes were determined and the central macular thickness was me- asured. The most central area of 1mm in the diameter with the fovea in the centre was used for the calculations. For the statistical analysis, the Student’s paired t-test was used. The aim of this study was to review the anatomical and functional results of vitrec- tomy in our patients with VMT. All the exa- minees were evaluated by OCT before and after surgery. Methods Medical records of the patients diagno- sed with VMT who underwent the pars plana vitrectomy between September 2007 and November 2011 were reviewed. The di- agnosis of VMT was made when apparent traction from the vitreous causing increased thickness of the macula had been observed and had been clearly seen by OCT. Epireti- nal membranes were not present in any of the examinees. 23 eyes of 23 patients were included in the study. The examinees’ age ranged from 58 to 86 years. Nine (9) eyes Figure 3: Mean central macular thickness before and after vitrectomy. Decrease of the central macular thickness was observed in all the patients postoperatively. OCTPRE = mean central macular thickness before vitrectomy; OCTPOST = mean central macular thickness after vitrectomy I-92 Zdrav Vestn Supl | junij 2012 | letnik 81 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle Figure 4: Oct image of the macular area of patient number 12, whose visual acuity did not improve postoperatively. the image shows the photoreceptor layer atrophy. 6–30 months). Characteristics of patients are summarised in Table 1. All the patients were operated on using either 23 or 25 gauge vitrectomy. There were no intraoperative complications. The improvement of the best-correc- ted VA was observed in 20 (87 %) out of 23 patients. The VA improved from 0.28 to 0.56 with a mean increase by 3 lines on the Snellen chart (Figure 2). This difference was statistically significant (paired samples T- -test, p< 0.001). However, in the remaining 3 (13 %) examinees the visual acuity did not change postoperatively. All the patients showed a reduction in macular thickness after vitrectomy. The mean preoperative central macular thickness was 614.00 μm and significantly decreased to 332.87 μm postoperatively (pai- red samples T-test, p< 0.001) (Figure 3). None of the patients had any signs of persistent vitreomacular traction after sur- Patients underwent pars plana vitrecto- my with the hyaloid membrane removal by a single surgeon using the transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy system (XL). The core vitrectomy was followed by the circumfe- rential cutting of the posterior hyaloid using a high speed cutter. After the retinal traction had been released, the remnant of the poste- rior hyaloid membrane was peeled off with a microforceps. Simultaneous cataract surge- ry was not performed in any of the patients from this group. Results Out of the 23 patients under investigati- on, 13 were male and 10 female. The average age of the examinees was 72.3 years. All the patients had reduced VA and metamorphop- sia preoperatively. Duration of symptoms ranged from 3 to 72 months. Mean posto- perative follow up was 15.4 months (range Zdrav Vestn Supl | Results of vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction syndrome I-93 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle period of 60 months only 6 (11 %) of 53 pati- ents with VMT developed a complete spon- taneous posterior vitreous detachment.1 In the present series, visual and anatomi- cal recovery after the surgical release of vi- treomacular traction was very good. Twenty out of 23 operated patients showed visual im- provement, while in the remaining 3 patents VA did not change postoperatively. Two of these cases showed atrophic retinal changes on the OCT images at the first presentation. Even though the history was not always cle- ar enough, in our opinion there was a chro- nic macular traction, which resulted in the degeneration of the photoreceptors (Figure 4).15 The third patient presented with a good visual acuity (0.7 in Snellen charts) at the beginning and this visual acuity remained gery. Moreover, no postoperative complica- tions during the period under observation were noted. Discussion Vitrectomy surgery to release the macu- lar traction has been proven to be an effecti- ve and successful treatment for the patients wih VMT.1-4,8,9,11 According to these studi- es, visual improvement can be expected in 44 %,3 63 %,2 73 %,8 75 %,4 87.5 %9 or even in 100 %11 of cases. Spontaneous detachment of the vitreous from the macula in VMT with the resolution of macular oedema and improvement in the VA is usually limited only to a few case reports.12-14 Hikichi and associates reported that during a follow up Figure 5: Oct image of the macular area of patient number 22 before (right) and three months after vitrectomy (left). normal macular structure with the foveal umbo can be observed (left). I-94 Zdrav Vestn Supl | junij 2012 | letnik 81 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle Ta bl e 1: P at ie nt s’ c ha ra ct er is tic s. Pa ti en t N o. Ag e (y ea rs ) Se x D ur at io n of sy m pt om s (m on th s) Fo ll ow u p (m on th s) Ty pe o f su rg er y (G ) Pr eo p VA Po st op V A Pr eo p m ea n ce nt ra l m ac ul ar th ic kn es s (μ m ) Po st op m ea n ce nt ra l m ac ul ar th ic kn es s (μ m ) 1. 80 F 6 16 23 0. 20 0. 60 56 4 35 5 2. 69 M 72 10 23 0. 20 0. 40 60 9 39 7 3. 72 F 3 20 25 0. 50 1. 00 53 2 39 7 4. 81 M 9 30 23 0. 40 0. 70 64 7 17 9 5. 59 M 48 29 25 0. 20 0. 70 74 3 29 3 6. 62 F 6 25 25 0. 20 0. 90 62 2 25 4 7. 73 M 72 20 23 0. 02 0. 05 90 9 41 2 8. 58 M 3 19 23 0. 50 1. 00 40 3 27 8 9. 76 M 5 16 25 0. 20 0. 70 58 5 33 9 10 . 82 M 24 13 25 0. 50 0. 70 55 2 43 0 11 . 81 M 12 13 25 0. 15 0. 20 73 4 40 9 12 . 74 F 6 6 23 0. 01 0. 01 60 3 20 0 13 . 78 M 8 16 23 0. 15 0. 40 47 5 27 5 14 . 75 M 6 13 25 0. 20 1. 00 86 5 41 2 15 . 60 F 12 15 23 0. 01 0. 02 65 9 23 6 16 . 72 F 6 11 23 0. 90 1. 00 35 6 23 0 17 . 64 M 60 18 23 0. 40 0. 50 55 9 38 2 18 . 84 F 24 6 23 0. 15 0. 60 72 5 26 5 19 . 62 F 26 23 23 0. 15 0. 15 69 5 41 5 20 . 86 M 12 10 23 0. 20 0. 60 58 6 40 5 21 . 72 M 12 8 23 0. 70 0. 70 44 0 33 4 22 . 70 F 13 8 23 0. 02 0. 20 64 0 44 9 23 . 72 F 12 9 23 0. 60 0. 90 61 9 31 0 N o = nu m be r; F = fe m al e; M = m al e; G = g au ge ; V A = vi su al a cu ity ; P re op = p re op er at iv e; P os to p = po st op er at iv e Zdrav Vestn Supl | Results of vitrectomy for vitreomacular traction syndrome I-95 IZVIRnI članek/ORIgInal aRtIcle Conclusion In conclusion, decrease in the central macular thickness without any remaining VMT at the follow up was observed in all eyes under investigation (Figure 5). 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