530 UDK 373:635.047:631.147 1.04 Strokovni članek Prejeto: 10. 11. 2014 Urša Šebenik* Ekovrt v vsak vrtec in šolo? Da, s programom Šolski ekovrtovi! An eco garden in every kindergarten and school? Yes – with the School Eco Gardens programme Izvleček V članku je predstavljen program Šol- ski ekovrtovi (ŠEV), ki nudi strokovno in informacijsko podporo vsem šolam, vrtcem, dijaškim domovom ipd. v Sloveniji, ki vzpo- stavljajo ali negujejo svoj šolski ekovrt(iček). Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj (ITR), ki program koordinira, članom nudi celovito strokovno podporo pri: zasnovi in izvedbi šolskega eko- vrta ter samem ekološkem vrtnarjenju, učni rabi šolskega ekovrta, izobraževanju mento- ric/mentorjev šolskih ekovrtov. Vse ustanove, vključene v "Mrežo šolskih ekovrtov” lahko: sodelujejo na izobraževanjih, delavnicah in prireditvah projekta, uporabljajo učna gra- diva ter vsebine za mentorje na spletnem portalu ŠEV. Nudimo pa jim tudi možnosti za izmenjavo izkušenj z drugimi ustanovami po vsej Sloveniji. Abstract In her contribution, the author presents the School Eco Gardens programme, which pro- vides professional support and information for all schools, kindergartens, dormitories, etc. in Slovenia bent on creating or culti- vating their own school eco garden - big or small alike. The programme is coordinated by the Slovene Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj - Institute for Sustainable Development, which offers its members comprehensive profes- sional support in the planning and creation as well as the ecological maintenance of their school eco gardens; in utilizing their eco gardens in teaching; and training courses for school eco garden mentors. In addition, the institutes of education included in the »School Eco Gardens Network« can also participate in the training, workshops and project events organized by the Institute for Sustainable Development and enjoy full use of all the training materials and lesson contents for eco garden mentors we provide on our School Ecogardens portal. Further- more, the Institute also serves as a platform for the exchange of experiences in this field with other institutions throughout Slovenia. * Urša Šebenik, univ. dipl. inž. vodarstva in komunalnega inženirstva, vodja projektov, Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj, Ljubljana, e-pošta: ursa.sebenik@itr.si