Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, ISSN 1318-2269 7 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) IZVLEČEK Novo razvita eksperimentalno-numerično-analitič- no metoda, zasnovana na analizi mehanskega odziva vrvi na obremenitev generirano s prostim padom uteži, omogoča določitev večih fizikalnih veličin, ki oprede- ljujejo varnost plezalca: ujemno silo, spremembo pospe- ška (pojemka), maksimalno deformacijo vrvi, ter spre- membo togosti vrvi v enem ciklu obremenitve. Izračuni mehanskih lastnosti treh tipov vrvi so primerjani med seboj z uporabo novo razvite metode. Predstavljeni re- zultati kažejo, da se časovno odvisne lastnosti vrvi, ki v skladu s standardom UIAA sodijo v isti kakovostno- varnostni razred, dejansko med seboj močno razliku- jejo. Pri eni izmed preizkušenih vrvi je sprememba po- jemka presegla kritično vrednost 120g/s že pri drugi obremenitvi. To vrv, kljub temu, da izpolnjuje zahte- ve standarda EN 892, ne moremo označiti kot varno. Predstavljeni rezultati potrjujejo potrebo po spremem- bi obstoječih standardov za zagotavljanje varnosti ple- za lcev. Ključne besede: plezalne vrvi, ujemna sila, sprememba pospeška, viskoelastičnost ABSTR ACT A recently developed experimental-numerical-analyti- cal methodology, based on a simple non-standard fall- ing weight experiment, allows the calculation of several physical quantities that are important for the safety of a climber, such as: the maximum force acting on the rope; jolt, i.e., the derivative of the (de)acceleration; the maximum deformation of the rope; and modification of the stiffness of the rope within each loading cycle. This methodology was used in the mechanical characterisa- tion of three commercial climbing ropes. The results in- dicate that ropes which according to the existing UIAA standard belong to the same quality class actually ex- hibit significantly different behaviour when exposed to the same loading conditions. One of the tested ropes ex- ceeded the critical jolt value (120g/s) already during the second fall. Thus, although it satisfies the requirements of the EN 892 standard, this rope may not be considered safe. The results prove that the existing safety standards need to be reconsidered. Keywords: climbing ropes, maximum force, jolt, vis- coelasticity 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia *Corresponding author: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: +386 1620 7100, Fax: +386 1 620 7100 E-mail: igor.emri@fs.uni-lj.si EXAMINATION OF THE TIME-DEPENDENT BEHA VIOUR OF CLIMBING ROPES UNDER IMPACT LOADING PREISKA V A ČASOVNO ODVISNEGA VEDENJA PLEZALNIH VRVI PRI IMPULZNIH OBREMENITV AH Anatolij Nikonov 1 Stojan Burnik 2 Igor Emri 1 * 8 Time-dependent behaviour of climbing ropes Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) INTRODUCTION Climbing ropes are designed to secure a climber. They are designed to stretch under a high load so as to absorb the shock force. This protects a climber by reducing the fall forces. Ropes should have good mechanical properties such as high breaking strength, large elongation at rupture and good elastic recovery (Jenkins, 2003; McLaren, 2006; Soles, 1995). The UIAA (Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme) has established standard testing procedures to measure, among other things, how a rope reacts to serious falls (Burnik, Simonič, & Jereb, 2004; Simonič, 2003). Ropes are drop tested with a standardised weight and procedure simulating a climber’s fall (EN 892:2004). This reveals how many of these hypothetical falls the rope can withstand before it ruptures. Currently all ropes on the market fulfil the requirements of the standard to withstand the required minimal number of falls, and some are even rated to a much higher number. The standard also prescribes the maximum force which is transmitted to a climber during a fall. The standard says little about the durability of ropes, which is more difficult to define and assess with simple procedures. Ropes are commonly produced from polyamide fibres that exhibit viscoelastic behaviour. Thus, in this case durability does not just mean the failure of a rope, but rather the deterioration of its time-dependent response when exposed to an impact force. The experiments prescribed by the UIAA standard are not geared to analyse the time-dependent deformation process of ropes, which causes material structural changes and consequently af- fects the durability of ropes. The time-dependency of ropes also governs the evolution of all physical quantities that are responsible for climbers’ safety, e.g., the first derivative of climber (de)acceleration. In this paper we utilise a recently developed experimental-numerical-analytical methodol- ogy based on a simple non-standard falling weight experiment (Emri, Nikonov, Zupančič, & Florjančič, 2008) to analyse the viscoelastic properties and safety of three commercial climbing ropes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Theoretical treatment The time-dependent response of a rope under the dynamic loading generated by a falling mass (deadweight) may be identified from an analysis of force measured at the upper fixture of the rope (Emri, Nikonov, Zupančič, & Florjančič, 2008). This force is transmitted through the rope and acts on the falling weight (mass), as schematically shown in Figure 1(a). In such experiments a mass, m, is dropped from an arbitrary height, h ≤ 2l 0 , where l 0 is the length of the tested rope. Force measured as a function of time, F(t), may be expressed as a set of N discrete data pairs, F(t) = {F i ,t i ; i = 1,2,3, … , N}. An example of such measured force is schematically shown in Figure 1(b). The diagram is subdivided into three distinct phases A, B and C. In phase A, the weight (mass) is dropped at t = 0, and falls freely until t = t 0 = √2h/g where the rope becomes straight, which is indicated in Figure 1(a) as point T 0 , and represents the end of the free-falling phase of the mass, and the beginning of phase B. At point T 0 in phase B, where τ = t – t 0 = 0, the falling mass starts to deform the rope. Neglecting the air resistance, and the wave propagation in the rope, the equation of the motion of the moving mass between points T 0 and T 7 may be written as mx ¨(τ) = mg – F (τ). Here m is the mass of the weight, g is the gravitational Time-dependent behaviour of climbing ropes 9 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) acceleration, x¨ ( τ ) denotes the second derivative of the weight displacement, x(τ), measured from point T 0 . Thus, x(τ) represents the time-dependent deformation of the rope. Taking the initial conditions at point T 0 into account, i.e. x(τ = 0) = 0, and x ˙(τ = 0) =v 0 = √2 gh, the solution of the equation of motion gives the displacement of the weight as a function of time, which represents the elastoviscoplastic deformation of the rope as a function of time (Emri, Nikonov, Zupančič, & Florjančič, 2008) 0 2 1 ( ) ( ) 2 0 0 g x F d d v m τ λ τ τ υ υ λ τ = − + ∫ ∫       . (1) At point T 1 , where τ = τ 1 , the force acting on the rope becomes equal to the weight of the mass. At T 2 , jolt (a derivative of de-acceleration) will reach its negative extreme value. The force acting on the rope and on the weight has its maximum at T3. If the rope’s properties were elastic, the location of the maximum force should coincide with the location of the maximal deformation; however, because of the viscoelastic nature of the rope, its maximal deformation will be delayed and take place at τ = τ 4 , that is, at point T 4 , where the velocity of deadweight is equal to zero. At τ = τ 5 , indicated as point T 5 , the jolt will reach its positive extreme value. At T 6 , where τ = τ 6 , the force acting on the rope again becomes equal to the weight of deadweight. Finally, at point T 7 , where the force acting on the rope becomes equal to zero, the weight will start its free fly in an upward (vertical) direction. Considering two characteristic times, τ 4 and τ 7 , one may derive equations for the maximal deformation, s max = x(τ 4 ), elastic component, s el = x(τ 4 ) – x(τ 7 ), and viscoplastic component, s vp = x(τ 7 ), of the rope deformation. In addition, we may want to know the stiffness of the rope, k(F = mg), and maximal change of (de-)acceleration, M, commonly called jolt. The governing equations for these physical quantities are (Emri, Nikonov, Zupančič, & Florjančič, 2008): { } N i t F F i i , , 3 , 2 , 1 ; , MAX max  = = (2) (a) (b) l 0 mg m m F(t) F(t) F(t) F(t) m h t = t 0 l 0 mg m m F(t) F(t) F(t) F(t) m m h t = t 0 Time -t Force -F(t) T 4 T 6 t 9 0 t 0 t 4 t 1 T 1 mg First loading cycle Second loading cycle C A B t 6 T 0 T 4 T 7 F max T 3 T 9 t 2 t 7 T 2 T 5 T 8 0 t 3 t 5 t 8 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 t 8 t 9 t Figure 1: Schematics of a rope exposed to a falling weight (a) and force measured during the falling weight experiment (b) 10 Time-dependent behaviour of climbing ropes Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) 4 2 4 max 4 0 4 0 0 1 ( ) ( ) 2 g s x F d d v m τ λ τ τ υ υ λ τ   = = − +     ∫ ∫ , (3) 7 4 2 2 7 4 4 7 0 7 4 0 ( ) 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 el g s x x F d d v m τ λ τ τ τ τ τ υ υ λ τ τ   − = − = − − −     ∫ ∫ (4) 7 0 0 0 2 7 7 7 ) ( 1 2 ) ( τ λ υ υ τ τ τ λ v d d F m g x s vp +       − = = ∫ ∫ (5) max 1 ( ) MAX dF t M m dt   =     , and (6) ( ) F mg dF s k ds = = , where (7)           = ≤ ≤ +         − = = = = ∫ ∫ N i t t t v d d F m gt t s s t F F s F i i t i i i i i i , , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 ; ) ( 1 2 ) ( ), ( ) ( 7 0 0 0 2  θ τ τ θ . (8) These parameters are summarised in Table 1. Table 1: Physical quantities used to analyse the safety of climbers and durability of ropes Physical quantity Symbol Unit Maximum force F max N Maximum deformation s max m Elastic part of rope deformation s el m Viscoplastic part of rope deformation s vp m Maximum jolt M max m/s 3 Stiffness of the rope at F = mg k N/m Experimental setup The experimental setup is schematically presented in Figure 2. A force sensor is fixed to the console around 6 m above the floor. The rope being tested is connected to the force sensor at one end and to the weight at the other in such a way that both ends of the rope are on the same level. The weight is then dropped so as to expose the rope to an impact force, which is measured with the force sensor. The measured signal is amplified, converted into digital form (using at least a 12 bit A/D converter) and processed with a specially developed LabView program. In all experiments the mass of the weight was 43.85±0.02 kg. Free fall tests were conducted on three different commercial ropes. The diameter of each rope was roughly the same, i.e., 9.8 mm. The ropes were first cut into four pieces of equal length, i.e., 3.38±0.04 m. Both ends of each specimen were then sewn to form a noose, as schematically shown in Figure 3. The length of each specimen was measured and recorded before and after the testing. Time-dependent behaviour of climbing ropes 11 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) All experiments were performed with the same room temperature (26±2oC) and moisture conditions. Figure 3: Specimen with nooses Each specimen was exposed to 10 consequent falls, with 5 minutes’ waiting time between two falls. The measured signals were stored and later analysed with self-developed software named DAR. We performed four such series of experiments for each rope. R ESULTS From the measured force, F(t), we calculated the following physical quantities: maximum force, F max , maximum deformation of the rope, S max , maximum derivative of (de)acceleration, M max , and stiffness of the rope, k. By using these physical quantities we compared the performance of three commercial ropes, identified as R1, R2 and R3. According to the existing UIAA standard, these ropes belong to the same quality class. Two examples of the force response measured on rope R1 during the first and tenth impact loadings are shown in Figure 4. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 t (s) F(t) (N) 1 st fall 10 th fall Figure 4: Force response of rope R1 during the first and tenth impact loadings Figure 2: Schematic apparatus layout 12 Time-dependent behaviour of climbing ropes Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) A comparison of the time-dependent behaviour of the three different ropes exposed to impact loading is presented in Figures 5 and 6. In diagrams the calculated characteristics of the ropes are presented as functions of the number of falls. Figure 5 shows the average values of maximum force, F max , and the maximum deformation of the rope, S max . The average values of maximum jolt, M max , and the stiffness of the rope at the beginning of rope deformation, k, are presented in Figure 6. The maximum absolute deviations from the average values for each physical quantity are presented in Table 2. (a) (b) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of falls [/] Fmax [N] 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 Number of falls [/] smax [m] Legend: ◊ - rope R1, □ - rope R2, △ - rope R3 Figure 5: The maximum force (a) and the maximum deformation of the rope (b) as functions of the number of falls (a) (b) 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Number of falls [/] Mmax [m/s 3 ] 3500 4000 4500 5000 Number of falls [/] k [N/m] Legend: ◊ - rope R1, □ - rope R2, △ - rope R3 Figure 6: The maximum jolt (a) and the stiffness of the rope at the beginning of rope deformation (b) as functions of the number of falls Table 2: Maximum absolute deviations of physical quantities Physical quantity Max. deviation Maximum force 66 N Maximum deformation 0.03 m Maximum jolt 252 m/s3 Stiffness of the rope at F = mg 63 N/m Time-dependent behaviour of climbing ropes 13 Kinesiologia Slovenica, 16, 3, 7–13 (2010) DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS From the diagrams presented above we may recognise that ropes designated equal according to the existing standard exhibit significantly different behaviour when they are exposed to the same impact loading conditions. After the tenth fall rope R2 generated 15% bigger maximum force, 10% smaller maximum deformation and 35% bigger maximum jolt than ropes R1 and R3. Therefore, rope R2 may be considered more dangerous for climbers than the other two ropes. The stiffness at the beginning of the rope deformation is a little bigger for rope R2 in comparison to that of ropes R1 and R3. Jolt, i.e., a derivative of climber acceleration or de-acceleration, is a very important parameter for the safety of climbers and may be used to evaluate the quality of climbing ropes. From experience of human space explorations and from car crash experiments we know that a change in acceleration or de-acceleration, i.e., the magnitude of jolt, is more dangerous for human beings than the magnitude of acceleration (inertial force) to which a body is exposed. According to these investigations, the maximal jolt should not exceed M max = 120 g/s, which approximately corresponds to the value M max = 1200 m/s 3 . The obtained results clearly demonstrate that ropes R1 and R3 reach this critical value only after ten consecutive loadings. However, for rope R2 this critical value is already exceeded after the second fall, which could be fatal for a climber. This is particularly important for inexperienced beginners who are learning climbing techniques and are likely to fall more often. The results indicate that ropes which according to the existing UIAA standard belong to the same quality class and are declared to have the same UIAA standard characteristics actually exhibit significantly different behaviour when they are compared according to the new experimental-analytical methodology which takes new physical quantities such as jolt into ac- count. We may therefore conclude that the testing of ropes according to the UIAA standard is not sufficient to guarantee climber safety! REFERENCES Burnik S., Simonič E., & Jereb B. (2004). 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