Acta Silvae et Ligni 109 (2016), 37-45 37 Izvirni znanstveni članek / Original scientific paper prOmOtIOn actIvItIes Of wOOd Industry In slOvenIa and In crOatIa prOmOcIjske aktIvnOstI lesne IndustrIje v slOvenIjI In na hrvaškem Marko DUŠAK1, Denis JELAČIĆ2, Maja MORO3, Andreja PIRC BARČIĆ4, Leon OBLAK5 (1) Promid, d.o.o., HR-48260 Križevci, Hrvatska; (2) Šumarski fakultet, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; (3) Šumarski fakultet, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; (4) Šumarski fakultet, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; (5) Biotehniška fakulteta, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija; abstract Wood industry is among the most important industrial sectors in Slovenia and Croatia. In both countries, wood sector is a part of the national strategy plans and one of the industrial branches considered national economy boosters. But media coverage of wood industry and furniture manufacturing in Slovenia, as well as in Croatia, is far behind the promotion enjoyed by other industrial branches. This paper will give the current situation in promotional activities of wood sector in Slovenian and Cro- atian media and demonstrate the existing differences among given countries. Also, it will present some ideas on improving this situation according to media share of other highly profiled industrial branches in some southeastern European countries. key words: wood industry, promotion activities, media coverage, promotion investments Izvleček Lesna industrija je ena izmed najpomembnejših industrijskih panog v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. V obeh državah je lesni sek- tor del nacionalnih strateških načrtov in se uvršča med industrijske panoge, ki naj bi ojačile nacionalno gospodarstvo. Toda medijska pokritost lesne industrije in proizvodnje pohištva v Sloveniji, kot tudi na Hrvaškem, je daleč za promocijami drugih industrijskih panog. V članku je prikazano sedanje stanje glede promocijskih dejavnosti v lesnem sektorju v slovenskih in hrvaških medijih, prikazane pa so tudi obstoječe razlike med obravnavanima državama. Prav tako so predstavljene nekatere zamisli za izboljšanje tega položaja glede na medijski delež drugih visoko profiliranih industrijskih vej v nekaterih državah jugovzhodne Evrope. ključne besede: lesna industrija, promocijske aktivnosti, medijska pokritost, naložbe v promocijo GDK 7+945.2(497.4):(497.5)(045)=163.6 Prispelo / Received: 05. 02. 2016 DOI 10.20315/ASetL.109.3 Sprejeto / Accepted: 13. 07. 2016 1 IntrOductIOn 1 uvOd Slovenia and Croatia are on a similar level of wood processing and furniture manufacturing in state econ- omy. Both of those countries are members of the Eu- ropean Union, so we decided to compare the status of wood sector of these two countries in our research. Both countries have very similar ways of investigating media coverage of particular industrial and economic sectors within the countries, so it made comparison much easier. The research period was 10 years, from 2005 to 2014, which covered the years of good economic con- ditions, the years of global recession and years of new growth and development after the crisis. The share of wood processing and furniture manu- facturing in Slovenian GDP was about 1.5% in 2007. In 2007, the revenues reached over 1.5 billion EUR with over 22.5 thousand employees (Oblak at al., 2012). Industrial production indexes also showed a signifi- cant decrease in the 2007- 2010 period. Total revenues decreased from 1.5 billion EUR in 2007 to 0.75 billion EUR. Total number of employees in wood processing and furniture production decreased from 22,500 in 2007 to 14,600 in 2009 and to 13,900 in 2010. So, the number of employees fell in two decades by more than three times. According to recent data, the current num- ber of employees in wood processing and furniture making is only 11,000. Slovenian wood sector started to show signs of recovery in last few years due to the Action Plan (adopted by the Government of the Repub- lic of Slovenia in 2012) to increase competitiveness of forest-wood chain in Slovenia by 2020. In Croatia, wood constitutes a significant raw mate- rial. The share of wood processing and furniture man- ufacturing in Croatian GDP was about 2% in 2007. Do- mestic wood consumption in Croatia is over 3.4 million 38 Dušak M., Jelačić D., Moro M., Pirc Barčić A., Oblak L.: Promotion activities of wood industry in Slovenia and in Croatia m3 annually; in 2007, the revenues were over 1 billion EUR with over 25,000 employees. In Croatia, industrial production indexes showed a significant decrease from 2007 to 2010. The same goes for wood processing and furniture manufactur- ing, since these are the first industrial branches that have responded to any crisis, especially the global one. The main reason for such state of affairs is the fact that wood processing and furniture making in Croatia are highly export oriented. So, any global or European market disturbances have a significant influence on Croatian wood processing and furniture manufactur- ing (Jelačić, 2010). The employment situation is almost the same. Total number of employees in wood processing and furniture production decreased from 25.000 in 2007 (which was 9.8% of all employees in industrial sector, and 1.67% of all employees in Croatia) to 21,000 in 2009 (9% in industrial sector, i.e. 1.41% of all employ- ees) (Pirc Barčić at al., 2012). The number of employees did not increase much since Croatia started to show signs of recovery in last 3 years of the research period, but export and industrial production indexes showed some significant increase, since export exceeded the total amount of 1 billion EUR in 2014 for the first time in Croatian history. In 2015, the Croatian wood industry sector was thus placed among 8 industrial branches considered Croatian econ- omy boosters in the next period (Jelačić at al., 2012). 2 materIal and methOds 2 materIal In metOde According to the EFFIE index, 350 billion EUR per year is spent in the world on advertising and promo- tional activities. This amount increases by 5% each year at least (Žujo, 2011). Large amount of that money is invested into adver- tising and promotion activities on TV and in printed media (newspapers, journals, magazines …). (Stasiak Betlejewska and Borkowski, 2007). In south eastern Europe, most of the adverts are presented on TV, radio and in printed media, although other ways of promotion, such as billboards or bro- chures and flyers, cover significant share of the mar- ket. At the moment the most successful promotions are those that cover several different ways of market- ing, including social networks, such as Facebook (Žujo, 2011). This article will consider those promotion activities on TV, in printed media and on the radio which have been under scrutiny of official agencies for promotion monitoring in most exposed media in Slovenia and Croatia. AGB Nielsen is an agency which monitors inser- tions of adverts on national TV channels. Insertion is a number which shows how many times certain advert or group of adverts from a certain sector was broad- cast on national TV channels. IPSOS is an agency which monitors adverts in print- ed media and on the radio. Given data will be present- ed in financial investments into promotion in different printed media and on national radio stations. For establishing the main differences in comparing Slovenian and Croatian results of the research, we used descriptive statistics to set mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variances and average change rate. In the case of inhomogeneity of variances, we uti- lized the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test to show the differences between parameters, while in the case of homogeneity of variances we utilized the paramet- ric Student's t-test. 3 results 3 rezultatI Insertion is a number which shows how many times certain advert or group of adverts from a certain sector was broadcast on national TV channels. In the tables below the total numbers of insertions for the 2005- 2014 period in Croatia and Slovenia are presented. table 1: Number of TV insertions in Croatia preglednica 1: Število predvajanj televizijskih oglasov na Hrvaškem Category / Kategorija 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 125 936 864 1,723 1,895 Wood industry sector / Lesna Industrija 262 1,171 1,248 2,122 2,165 Total number of insertions / Skupno število predvajanj 195,642 242,843 277,126 336,999 301,928 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 1,083 1,111 3,524 3,884 5,299 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 1,374 1,664 3,977 5,408 6,293 Total number of insertions / Skupno Število predvajanj 342,407 440,357 481.,223 631,074 744,934 Acta Silvae et Ligni 109 (2016), 37-45 39 As shown in Tables 1 to 4, the total number of inser- tions in Slovenia demonstrates a constant growth year after year, while in Croatia total number of insertion decreased in the year after Croatia entered to financial crisis period. Afterwards, it showed growth yet again. It is interesting to observe that the total number of inser- tions in Croatia is much smaller than in Slovenia. Even the number of viewers in Croatia is more than twice the number of viewers in Slovenia (4,161,532 specta- tors in Croatia and 1,927,657 spectators in Slovenia). It is even more interesting since the number of national TV channels included in the research was 6 in Croatia and 5 in Slovenia at the beginning of the research and increased to 10 in Croatia and Slovenia. At the same time, the share of wood sector in gen- eral within the total number of insertions in Slovenia was slightly decreasing in the 2005-2008 period, and then it remained almost constant with just one big jump in 2013. The share of furniture showed the same trend for the 2005-2011 period as for the wood sector in general, but then it highly increased to the constant level in the 2012-2014 period. In Croatia, the share of wood sector in general showed a constant growth in the observed 2005-2014 period, except for two years, 2010 and 2011, when the crisis was on its peak and when that share showed a significant decrease. When observing the share of furniture in Croatian TV media, it showed the same trends as wood sector in general. When talking about promotional activities in print- ed media and radio, they are monitored not as number of adverts in all Croatian or Slovenian printed media and radio, but as an amount of money invested for ad- vertising in these media according to the valid price list in particular newspaper, journal or radio station. Advertising is not monitored by sectors, as on TV, but according to groups of products or production programs. Therefore the data for printed media and radio are different than data for TV, but nevertheless the state of promotional activities of wood processing and furniture manufacturing branch in the countries table 2: Share of furniture and wood industry sector in gen- eral in total number of TV insertions in Croatia preglednica 2: Delež pohištvene industrije in lesnega sektorja v skupnem številu predvajanj televizijskih oglasov na Hrvaškem Category / Kategorija 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 0.06 0.39 0.31 0.51 0.63 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 0.13 0.48 0.45 0.63 0.72 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 0.32 0.25 0.73 0.62 0.71 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 0.40 0.38 0.83 0.86 0.84 table 3: Number of TV insertions in Slovenia preglednica 3: Število predvajanj televizijskih oglasov v Sloveniji Category / Kategorija 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 302 223 274 52 120 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 1,683 1,602 1,991 1,097 925 Total number of insertions / Skupno število predvajanj 382,455 375,098 441,295 471,661 524,180 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 173 81 734 1,267 1,933 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 1,954 1,833 2,992 13,120 9,722 Total number of insertions / Skupno število predvajanj 796,373 751,731 1,205,262 2,140,515 2,610,454 table 4: Share of furniture and wood industry sector in gen- eral in total number of TV insertions in Slovenia preglednica 4: Delež pohištvene industrije in lesnega sektorja v skupnem številu predvajanj televizijskih oglasov v Sloveniji Category / Kategorija 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.01 0.03 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 0.44 0.43 0.53 0.25 0.20 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.07 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 0.25 0.24 0.25 0.61 0.37 40 Dušak M., Jelačić D., Moro M., Pirc Barčić A., Oblak L.: Promotion activities of wood industry in Slovenia and in Croatia in question can be observed. The figures below show the share of financial assets invested into promotion in printed media and on radio by wood processing and furniture manufacture and total investments into pro- motion in these media. As it can be observed from Tables 5-8, the share of furniture production in the total investment into pro- motion in printed media and on radio is much higher than the share of promotion on TV channels. For exam- ple, in Croatia the share of promotion in printed media table 5: Investments into promotion on radio and in printed media in Croatia (in €) preglednica 5: Naložbe v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih na Hrvaškem (v €) Category / Kategorija 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 3,238,474 3,247,640 3,461,730 3,040,894 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 5,020,964 5,165,001 5,429,222 4,873,098 Total investments to promotion / Skupne investicije v promocijo 177,732,087 202,840,625 211,649,662 193,187,937 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 3,101,617 2,333,708 2,817,435 2,463,337 2,971,821 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 4,570,335 3,664,757 3,948,894 3,273,640 3,825,273 Total investments to promotion / Skupne investicije v promocijo 200,902,934 207,667,747 186,913,690 172,137,814 166,914,959 table 6: Share of investments into promotion of furniture and wood industry sector in total investments into promo- tion in printed media and on radio in Croatia preglednica 6: Delež naložb za promocijo pohištvene indu- strije in lesnega sektorja v skupnih naložbah v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih na Hrvaškem Category / Kategorija 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 1.82 1.60 1.64 1.57 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 2.83 2.55 2.57 2.52 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 1.54 1.12 1.51 1.43 1.78 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 2.27 1.76 2.11 1.90 2.29 table 7: Investments into promotion on radio and in printed media in Slovenia (in €) preglednica 7: Naložbe v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih v Sloveniji (v €) Category / Kategorija 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 590,127 685,102 643,867 936,890 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 3,276,961 3,813,716 3,786,612 4,289,180 Total investments to promotion / Skupne investicije v promocijo 124,537,395 144,306,272 157,783,126 145,329,583 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 1,004,846 409,059 696,287 665,279 446,261 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 3,703,991 2,891,417 994,920 1,004,337 686,928 Total investments to promotion / Skupne investicije v promocijo 150,803,183 147,151,950 176,829,396 160,149,784 145,119,065 table 8: Share of investments into promotion of furniture and wood industry sector in total investments into promo- tion in printed media and on radio in Slovenia preglednica 8: Delež naložb za promocijo pohištvene indu- strije in lesnega sektorja v skupnih naložbah v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih v Sloveniji Category / Kategorija 2006 2007 2008 2009 Furniture / Pohištvo 0.47 0.47 0.41 0.64 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 2.63 2.64 2.40 2.95 Category / Kategorija 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Furniture / Pohištvo 0.67 0.28 0.39 0.42 0.31 Wood industry sector / Lesna industrija 2.46 1.96 0.56 0.63 0.47 Acta Silvae et Ligni 109 (2016), 37-45 41 and on radio in 2011 (the smallest) was only 1.12% just for furniture, i.e. 1.76% for wood industry sector. The same share of promotion space on TV channels in 2012 (the highest) was 0.73% for furniture, whereas in 2013 it was 0.86% for the whole sector. In Slovenia, the situation is similar to the situation in Croatia, except that the shares are much lower than in Croatian media. The share of furniture in printed media and on radio was between 0.28% in 2011 and 0.67% in 2010. The share in this respect was higher than the share on TV channels: 0.01% in 2008 and 2011 to 0.08 in 2005. The share of wood industry sec- tor in general on TV channels was between 0.20% in 2009 and 0.61% in 2013, while the share of wood in- dustry sector in printed media and on radio was be- tween 0.47 in 2014 and 2.95 in 2009. In total values, Croatian companies invest into pro- motion in printed media and on radio more than com- panies in Slovenia. This is quite expected if we com- pare Croatia and Slovenia, since there are more printed publications in Croatia than in Slovenia with its much lower population. For establishing the main differences in comparing Slovenian and Croatian results of the research, we used descriptive statistics to set mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variances and average change rate. As it can be observed from Table 9, the numbers for total TV insertions in Slovenia are higher than those in Croatia, and the average rate of growing for total insertions is bigger than the average rate of growth in Croatia (23.79% in Slovenia comparing to 16.02% in Croatia). The same can be stated for total numbers for insertions of wood industry sector, with only dif- ference that the average rate of growing in Croatia is almost twice as high as the rate in Slovenia. But, for the same period of time, i.e. 2005-2014, insertions of fur- niture commercials on TV in Croatia are much higher than those in Slovenia with 2.25 times higher average rate of growth (51.64% in Croatia to 22.91% in Slove- nia). It is even more obvious if we observe the share of insertions for furniture or wood sector in general within the total number of insertions (Table 10). It can be observed that the average rate of growth in Croatia is positive (positive trend), while in Slovenia the num- table 9: Descriptive statistics for number of TV insertions for the 2005-2014 period preglednica 9: Opisna statistika za število predvajanj televi- zijskih oglasov za obdobje 2005-2014 Variable Spremenljivka N Mean Povprečje Minimum Minimum Maximum Maksimum Std. Dev. Coef. Var. Aver. Rate HRWi 10 2,568 262 6,293 1,987 77,37 42,36 HRFi 10 2,044 125 5,299 1,646 80.53 51.64 HRTi 10 399,453 195,642 744,934 176,087 44.08 16.02 SIWi 10 3,692 925 13,120 4,189 113.45 21.52 SIFi 10 516 52 1,933 623 120.68 22.91 SITi 10 969,902 375,098 2,610,454 790,223 81.47 23.79 HRWi – number of insertions of wood industry sector in Croatia HRFi – number of insertions of furniture in Croatia HRTi – total number of insertions on TV channels in Croatia SIWi – number of insertions of wood industry sector in Slovenia SIFi – number of insertions of furniture in Slovenia SITi – total number of insertions on TV channels in Slovenia table 10: Descriptive statistics for share in total number of TV insertions for the 2005-2014 period preglednica 10: Opisna statistika za delež v skupnem števi- lu televizijskih oglasov za obdobje 2005-2014 Variable Spremenljivka N Mean Povprečje Minimum Minimum Maximum Maksimum Std. Dev. Coef. Var. Aver. Rate HRWip 10 0.5721 0.1339 0.8570 0.2418 42.27 22.71 HRFip 10 0.4528 0.0639 0.7323 0.2211 48.83 30.70 SIWip 10 0.3450 0.1765 0.6129 0.1375 39.85 -1.84 SIFip 10 0.0461 0.0108 0.0790 0.0264 57.37 -0.71 HRWip – share of wood industry sector in total number of insertions in Croatia HRFip – share of furniture in total number of insertions in Croatia SIWip – share of wood industry sector in total number of insertions in Slovenia SIFip – share of furniture in total number of insertions in Slovenia 42 Dušak M., Jelačić D., Moro M., Pirc Barčić A., Oblak L.: Promotion activities of wood industry in Slovenia and in Croatia bers are negative, i.e. the total number of insertions is growing faster than the number of insertions for wood sector in general or for furniture. hrwip vs sIwip For comparison of HRWip and SIWip, the condition of homogeneity of variances was satisfied (F=2,36; p=0,25), so we utilized the parametric Student t-test, which showed that the difference between HRWip and SIWip was statistically significant (t=2.58; p=0.02). hrfip vs sIfip Because of inhomogeneity of variances between HRFip and SIFip (F=69.9; p<<0.01) we utilized, for comparison of HRFip and SIFip, the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test, which showed that the differ- ence between HRFip and SIFip was statistically signifi- cant (z=3.63; p<<0.01). Comparison of the share of insertions of wood sec- tor in general and of furniture on TV channels by years in the 2005-2014 period is shown in Figure 1. As shown in Table 11, all investment numbers in Croatia are higher than those in Slovenia, but all the average rates of growth are negative, except the total investments into printed media and radio in Slovenia, which has a positive trend. It is also shown that wood sector in general and furniture in Slovenia have much higher negative trend than in Croatia, which means that total investments in Slovenia compared to those in wood sector and furniture are growing much faster than in Croatia. hrwep vs sIwep Because of inhomogeneity of variances between HRWep and SIWep (F=8.74; p<0.05) we utilized, for comparison of HRWep and SIWep, the nonparametric fig. 1: Comparison of HR and SI shares in the number of TV insertions (Furniture vs.Wood) slika 1: Primerjava HR- in SI-deležev v številu televizijskih oglasov (Pohištvo vs. Les) table 11: Descriptive statistics for investments into promotion on the radio and in printed media for the 2006-2014 period preglednica 11: Opisna statistika za naložbe v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih za obdobje 2006-2014 Variable Spremenljivka N Mean (€) Povprečje Minimum (€) Minimum (€) Maximum (€) Maksimum (€) Std. Dev. (€) Coef. Var. Aver. Rate HRWe 9 4,419,020 3,273,640 5,429,222 760,163 17.20 -3.34 HRFe 9 2,964,073 2,333,708 3,461,730 370,447 12.50 -1.07 HRTe 9 191,105,273 166,914,959 211,649,662 16,108,169 8.43 -0.78 SIWe 9 2,716,451 686,928 4,289,180 1,421,122 52.32 -17.74 SIFe 9 675,302 409,059 1,004,846 196,613 29.11 -3.43 SITe 9 150,223,306 124,537,395 176,829,396 14,221,983 9.47 1.93 HRWe – investments into promotion of wood industry sector in Croatia HRFe – investments into promotion of furniture in Croatia HRTe – total investments into promotion in printed media and on radio in Croatia SIWe – investments into promotion of wood industry sector in Slovenia SIFe – investments into promotion of furniture in Slovenia SITe – total investments into promotion in printed media and on radio in Slovenia Acta Silvae et Ligni 109 (2016), 37-45 43 Mann-Whitney U test, which showed that there was a difference between HRWep and SIWep, except that the difference was not statistically significant (z=0.,31; p=0.76). hrfep vs sIfep For comparison of HRFep and SIFep, the condition of homogeneity of variances was satisfied (F=2.36; p=0.25), so we utilized the parametric Student t-test, which showed that the difference between HRFep and SIFep was statistically significant (t=13.6; p<0.01). The average rate of growth in both countries is neg- ative for wood sector as well as for furniture, but these rates are much lower in Croatia than in Slovenia. Com- parison of the share of investments of wood sector in general and of furniture into printed media and radio by years in the 2006-2014 period is shown in Figure 2. 4 dIscussIOn and cOnclusIOn 4 razprava In zaključkI Comparison of wood sector promotional activi- ties in Slovenia and Croatia shows that the these ac- tivities in these two countries do not follow the status that wood processing and furniture manufacturing as one of the significant industrial branches in these two countries have or should have. It is obvious that the in- dustrial branch such as wood processing and furniture manufacturing, which is one of the official boosters of industrial branches in Croatia, deserves a better place in the promotion business of Croatia and Slovenia, es- pecially on TV channels, since there is the following saying: “If it is not on TV, then it doesn’t exist”. The share of wood industry sector number of in- sertions on national TV channels in Slovenia (between 0.18% and 0.61%) with the average rate of growth -1.84%, and especially the share of furniture num- ber of insertions on national TV channels in Slovenia table 12: Descriptive statistics for the share in total invest- ments into promotion on the radio and in printed media for the 2006-2014 period preglednica 12: Opisna statistika za delež v vseh naložbah v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih za obdobje 2006- 2014 Variable Spremenljivka N Mean Povprečje Minimum Minimum Maximum Maksimum Std. Dev. Coef. Var. Aver. Rate HRWep 9 2.3116 1.7647 2.8250 0.3420 14.80 -2.58 HRFep 9 1.5577 1.1238 1.8221 0.2046 13.13 -0.29 SIWep 9 1.8566 0.4734 2.9513 1.0113 54.47 -19.30 SIFep 9 0.4514 0.2780 0.6663 0.1332 29.50 -5.26 HRWep – share of wood industry sector in total investments into promotion in printed media and on radio in Croatia HRFep – share of furniture in total investments into promotion in printed media and on radio in Croatia SIWep – share of wood industry sector in total investments into promotion in printed media and on radio in Slovenia SIFep – share of furniture in total investments into promotion in printed media and on radio in Slovenia fig. 2: Comparison of HR and SI shares in investments into promotion on the radio and in printed media (Furniture vs. Wood) slika 2: Primerjava HR- in SI-deleža naložb v promocijo na radiu in v tiskanih medijih (Pohištvo vs. Les) 44 Dušak M., Jelačić D., Moro M., Pirc Barčić A., Oblak L.: Promotion activities of wood industry in Slovenia and in Croatia (between 0.01% and 0.08%) with the average rate of growth of -0.71%, is far below the status that wood processing and furniture manufacturing have among industrial branches in Slovenia. The situation in Croatia is similar. The share of wood industry sector number of insertions on national TV channels in Croatia (between 0.13% and 0.86%), and the share of furniture number of insertions on national TV channels in Croatia (between 0.06% and 0.73%), is far below the status that wood processing and furniture manufacturing have as one of the eight booster industrial branches in Croatian economy. What gives some hope is that the average rate of growth for wood sector in general (22.71%) and especially the av- erage rate of growth for furniture (30.70%) are having a positive trend, so in the future these shares on TV as a media will meet the numbers wood industry sector has in GDP and other industrial indexes. While the numbers show some improvements in promotional activities on TV as the most significant media in Croatia and Slovenia, the situation in printed media and on radio differs a great deal. The share of wood industry sector investments into promotional activities in printed media and on radio in Slovenia (between 0.47% and 2.95%) with the average rate of growth of -1930%, and especially the share of furni- ture number of investments into promotional activities in printed media and on radio in Slovenia (between 0.27% and 0.67%) with the average rate of growth of -5.26%, is much better than on TV channels, but with a negative trend of growth. These numbers, however, are still below the status that wood processing and furni- ture manufacturing have in Slovenia. In Croatia, the situation is much better. The share of wood industry sector investments into promotion activities in printed media and on radio in Croatia (between 1.76% and 2.83%) with the average rate of growth of -2.58%, and the share of furniture number of investments into promotion activities in printed media and on radio in Croatia (between 1.12% and 1.82%) with the average rate of growth of -0.29% (almost con- stant), is much better than on TV channels, and these numbers are much closer to numbers that wood pro- cessing and furniture manufacturing have in Croatian GDP. Still, it is not satisfying since the trend of promo- tion activities in printed media and on radio is negative in general. It is encouraging that investments into pro- motional activities of wood processing and furniture manufacturing has been growing in the last 3 years, matching the growth of the wood industrial branch. The main problem for promotion of wood prod- ucts in Croatian media is the lack of working capital, so wood processing and furniture manufacturing com- panies decide to invest it into something else instead of promotion activities. The second reason is the lack of lobby that would promote wood processing and fur- niture manufacturing as an environmentally friendly industry. Wooden clusters could and should improve that by making joined actions in that direction. The battle between wooden clusters and PVC lobby regard- ing joinery (windows especially) is very hard and PVC is winning it at the time. But that should be changed fast and soon. One more way to improve it is for com- panies to get together in cluster based on production program and not regionally, so that they could act to- gether in promotional activities. Especially, it would be good toward promotion on TV, since it is much more expensive than promotion in printed media. The research shows that there was a prominent in- crease in the commercial activities in the past ten years in general. The main reason is the rapid development of advertising media. Competition in this field allows the companies that can advertise for more reasonable prices. However, when the company creates an adver- tising plan and strategy, it is necessary to identify and examine the specific clientele it is targeting. Recogniz- ing target market will help the company to choose the most beneficial type of advertisement for it specific business. 5 summary Wood industry is among the most important indus- trial sectors in Slovenia and Croatia. However, media coverage of wood processing and furniture manufac- turing in Slovenia, as well as in Croatia, is far behind the promotion of other industrial branches. This article considers the data about promotion ac- tivities on TV, radio and in printed media, which have been under scrutiny of official agencies for promotion monitoring in most exposed media in Croatia and Slo- venia. For establishing the main differences in compar- ing Slovenian and Croatian results of the research, we used descriptive statistics to set mean, standard devia- tion, coefficient of variances and average change rate. In the case of inhomogeneity of variances we utilized the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test to show the differences between parameters, while in the case of homogeneity of variances we utilized the parametric Student's t-test. The share of wood industry sector number of in- sertions on national TV channels in Slovenia (between 0.20% and 0.61%) with the average rate of growth of -1.84%, and especially the share of furniture num- Acta Silvae et Ligni 109 (2016), 37-45 45 ber of insertions on national TV channels in Slovenia (between 0.01% and 0.08%) with the average rate of growth of -0.71% is far below the status that wood processing and furniture manufacturing are having among industrial branches in Slovenia. The situation in Croatia is similar. The share of wood industry sector number of insertions on national TV channels in Croatia (between 0.13% and 0.86%), and the share of furniture number of insertions on national TV channels in Croatia (between 0.06% and 0.73%), is far below the status held by wood process- ing and furniture manufacturing in Croatian economy. The share of promotion in printed media and on the radio is in both of these countries slightly greater but still very small. The main problem for promotion of wood products in Slovenian and Croatian media is the lack of working capital, so wood processing and furniture manufactur- ing companies decide to invest it into something else than promotional activities. 5 pOvzetek Lesna industrija je ena izmed najpomembnejših industrijskih panog v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem, kljub temu pa je medijska pokritost predelave lesa in proiz- vodnje pohištva v Sloveniji, kot tudi na Hrvaškem, daleč za promocijami drugih industrijskih panog. Članek prikazuje podatke o promocijskih ak- tivnostih na televiziji, radiu in v tiskanih medijih, ki jih objavljajo uradne agencije za spremljanje promo- cije in jih zajemajo v najbolj izpostavljenih medijih na Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji. Za ugotavljanje glavnih razlik pri primerjanju re- zultatov slovenske in hrvaške raziskave smo uporabili opisne statistike za izračun povprečja, standardnega odklona, koeficienta variance in povprečne stopnje sprememb. V primeru nehomogenosti varianc smo uporabili neparametrični Mann-Whitneyev U test, ki je pokazal razlike med parametri, v stanju homogenosti varianc pa smo uporabili parametrični Student's t-test. Delež lesnega sektorja v skupnem številu predva- janj televizijskih oglasov v Sloveniji (med 0,20% in 0,61%) s povprečno stopnjo rasti -1,84%, in predvsem delež pohištvene industrije (med 0,01% in 0,08%) s povprečno stopnjo rasti -0,71%, je daleč od statusa, ki ga imata predelava lesa in proizvodnja pohištva med industrijskimi panogami v Sloveniji. Na Hrvaškem je situacija podobna. Delež lesnega sektorja v skupnem številu predvajanj televizijskih oglasov na Hrvaškem (med 0,13% in 0,86%) in delež pohištvene industrije (med 0,06% in 0, 73%) je prav tako daleč od statusa, ki ga imata predelava lesa in proizvodnja pohištva v hrvaškem gospodarstvu. Delež promocije v tiskanih medijih in na radiu je v obeh ob- ravnavanih državah malo večji, a še vedno zelo majhen. 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