W-1 d, a. heldBy inverse CurrentHoldingxstockHeid; relationship set pendingTrades inverse PendingOrder::actUpon; relationship set soldBy inverse PastHolding::pastStock; event beforeSetPrice(NewPrice) {method before setPrice(NewPrice)};}; component User implements EntityBean (extent users) {}; component Account implements EntityBean (extent accounts) {relationship Portfolio owns inverse Portfolio::ownedBy;}; component Portfolio implements EntityBean (extent portfolios) {attribute float lastPortfolioValue; attribute float portfolioValue { portfolioAl.calculatePortfolioValue(Portfolio selO}; relationship Account ownedBy inverse Account::owns; relationship set orders inverse PendingOrder::orderedBy;}; component CurrentHolding implements EntityBean (extent currentHoldings) {relationship Stock stockHeld inverse Stock::heldBy;}; component PastHolding implements EntityBean (extent pastHoldings) {relationship Stock pastStock inverse Stock::soldBy;}; component PendingOrder implements EntityBean (extent pendingOrders) {relationship Stock actUpon inverse Stock::pendingTrades; relationship Portfolio ordered By inverse Portfolio::orders; event afterCreatePendingOrder (pnld,portld,stockld,numOfShares,desPrice,action) {method after create(pn Id,portld,stockld,numOfShares,desPrice,action)};}; component OrderExecution implements EntityBean (extent orderExecutions) {}; component CloseOutOrder implements EntityBean (extent closeOutOrders) {}; component PortfolioSession implements SessionBean {event afterSellStock(stockld,price,portld.numOfShares) {method after sellStock(stockld,price,portld,numOfShares)};}; component PortfolioAl implements SessionBean {}; Figure 3: Component Defìnition Language for the Investment Example An attribute may also be a derived attribute, meaning that its value is computed using a predefined method. In the Investment example shown in Figure 3, the Portfolio component has a derived attribute portfolioValue of type float. When the portfolioValue attribute is referenced (using the getPortfolioValue method), its value will be computed using the calculatePortfolioValue method defined in the portfolioAl session bean. The suffix Al in this example stands for Application Integrator, since it is the responsibility of the application integrator to define the meaning of a derived attribute. At this point in time, IRules allows this logic to be coded as a method of a session bean. We have introduced the self syntax here to indicate that the method is called on the Portfolio object itself. We are planning to allow for additional parameters to the method call, which could include properties of the purchased components and the properties defined as part of the enhanced IRules environment. We have briefly explored the use of the Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language (EJB QL) to declaratively specify the meaning of a derived attribute. The current specification of EJB QL within the EJB 2.0 specification has several limitations that discourage its use within IRules at this time. One limitation restricts values returned fi-om a query to be either an existing object or part of an existing object. Another limitation restricts the traversal of relationships to only those deployed in the same container (and the same ejb-jar file). Since the goal of IRules is to provide externalized relationships across distributed components in multiple containers, these limitations are too restrictive. Therefore, we have provided the application integrator with a more general option to specify the required logic as a method of a session bean. Externalized relationships play an important role in specifying the associations between the black-box components being integrated. In the Investment example, the association ow/nedBy in the Portfolio component relates a portfolio to its associated account. The inverse relationship owns in the Account component associates the account to its portfolio. Section 6 describes how these externalized relationships are maintained in the IRules wrapper for the black-box component. The application integrator ultimately specifies event-based integration rules to glue the black-box components together. When an event occurs, if an optional condition holds, then a specified action is perfonned. At the component level, the application integrator defines IRules events that the integration rules monitor based on method calls to the underlying black-box component. The IRules environment supports the generation of an event before or after a method call. For example, in Figure 3, the component Stock defines beforeSetPrice as an event that the IRules environment monitors, which is raised before the call to the setPrice method in the underlying black-box Stock component. The event parameter newPrice is obtained from the newPrice parameter to the setPrice method call. We also plan to have the IRules environment support the selective monitoring of internal events from black-box components that are compliant with the Java Message Service API (JMS), which is the event service adopted for EJ Bs. The details for providing this support are currently being investigated. 4.2 Session Beans Session beans must also be declared to the IRules environment by a component declaration using the implements SessionBean clause, allowing IRules access to the properties and methods defined by the purchased component. A session bean may also define events to be monitored at the IRules level. component ComponentName implements SessionBean { event IRulesEventName(EventParameters) {method EventDefinition}; } The EventDefinition is consistent with events defined for entity beans. The event is specifying the interception of a before/after method call to the underlying black-box session bean. In Figure 3, the CDL component definition for the session bean PortfolioSession defines the IRules event afterSellStock, which is raised after the method call to sellStock. We are also investigating a mechanism to support the selective monitoring of an internal event of a session bean by the IRules environment. 5 Component Metadata Metadata is the data maintained by the system that describes the data in the system itself. For example, relational databases use metadata to represent the data of any application. In a similar manner, the IRules system uses metadata to represent both the components and the processing logic (application transactions and integration rules) of the application, allowing the system components of the architecture to be data-driven by the metadata describing the application. The IRules environment will store metadata as the result of compiling the IRules Definition Language. This section describes the metadata stored by the compilation of CDL. The current prototype of the IRules component metadata is written using serialized Java objects. We plan to investigate the use of the JavaSpaces service in Jini for the distributed metadata implementation. Figure 4 gives a UML diagram illustrating the static component metadata generated as a result of the compilation of the IRules Component Definition Language. The metadata stored for an IRules Wrapper includes its name, the name of its black-box component and its JNDI name. JNDI is the abbreviation for the Java Naming and Directory Interface, which provides location and organization services in a distributed computing environment. The wrapper includes an association to the black-box component that it wraps. The JNDI name of the black-box component is obtained from the deployment descriptor for this purchased component. An IRules Wrapper is itself an EJB of the same type as the EJB that it is wrapping. An IRules Wrapper that is an entity bean must store the name of its associated extent and properties, which are relationships and attributes. A relationship has a cardinality, such as single-valued or multi-valued. In this case, the IRulesRelationship metadata class shows a muitivaluedPlag that is set to true for a multivalued relationship. A relationship also has an inverse, which is indicated by a recursive association in Figure 4 to the IRulesRelationship class, which gives the inverse relationship. An attribute has a type, and may be explicitly stored or derived. A derived attribute, as shown by the IRulesDerivedAttrlbute metadata class, records the name of the method and its session bean that is called to derive its value based on input parameters. The names of the attributes associated with the black-box component are also maintained in the metadata as BlackBoxAttribute since the IRules Wrapper acts as its proxy. Similarly, the IRulesMethod class represents the methods of the blackbox components and the default accessor methods for the IRulesAtthbutes. The events associated with a component are either method events or internal events, and are illustrated in Figure 4 by an association to an eventStub. The eventName provides an access path into the event metadata, which also includes external and system-level events that are defined using EDL. 6 Wrappers One of the goals of the IRules project is to integrate commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components using containers produced by commercial vendors. The IRules wrappers play an important role in enhancing the interface of a purchased software component, providing the additional behavior required for interacting with the IRules environment. The wrappers provide a mechanism to act as a proxy to the original black-box component and to add the definition of IRules extents, attributes, externalized relationships, and events. This section describes how the IRules environment wraps both entity beans and session beans to become part of an IRules distributed application. Figure 5 provides an overview of the IRules approach to wrapping black-box EJB components, assuming the naming conventions for EJBs. The EJB Layer in the diagram reinforces the description of the EJB component model. The EJBHome interface represents the life-cycle methods of the component. The EJBObject interface, also known as the remote interface, defines the signature of business methods for changing attribute values and carrying out business logic functions that are specific to the EJB component. The right-most column represents the implementation of the enterprise bean. The Wrapper Abstract Layer provides the behavior that is inherited by every IRules wrapper. The Wrapper Implementation Layer shows the IRules Wrapper for the BlackBox component. The lowest layer of the diagram is the Component Layer and identifies the BlackBox EJB. Figure 4 Static Component Metadata To develop the functionality of the wrappers, we have implemented a prototype for the Investment application that provides proof of concept of the technology. Since our initial prototype, the IRules wrapper design has already been refined based on changes to the EJB specification. The EJB 2.0 specification introduced a new container-managed persistence (CMP) contract. For container-managed entity beans, the deployment descriptor indicates which fields and relationships of the bean are to be maintained by the container. The actual mapping of these container-managed fields (CMF) to a persistent store happens in a server-specific way and is not included in the deployment descriptor. In the case of the BEA Systems Weblogic Server (BEA 2001) that we are using for our implementation, an XML file specifies the object-to-relational mapping between the CMFs and container-managed relationships (CMRs) to the underlying relational database store. The only container-managed relationships supported are those between entity beans deployed at the same time (in the same ejb- jar file). Since this limitation on CMRs is too restrictive for the IRules environment, the IRules wrappers explicitly provide a mechanism to store and retrieve the externalized relationships from the underlying persistent storage. 6.1 Entity Beans Since the IRules wrapper for a deployed black-box entity bean stores persistent data and needs to be shared between clients, the wrapper is also an entity bean. The IRules wrapper defines container-managed persistent fields for (1) the reference to the black-box entity bean it is wrapping, (2) stored attributes, and (3) externalized relationships. The wrapper also includes code that is generated from the compilation of CDL to provide accessor methods for attributes, manipulation methods for relationships, a proxy to method calls, and support for raising events to trigger rules. Home Interface Remote Interface Bean implementation Class EnterpriseBean EJB Layer EJBHome EJBObject EntitySean SessionBean Home association <-> -> implements extends Entity Bean SessionBean Figure 5: IRules Wrapper Overview The code for an IRules wrapper is generated by the compilation of CDL. The instances of the wrapper are created using the create inethod in the Home interface of the wrapper. The parameters to the create method include the primary key of the black-box EJB that the wrapper is wrapping and any initial values for stored attributes and externalized relationships. Note that the primary key of the IRules wrapper is set to the same value (and type) as the primary key of its wrapped purchased component. The wrapper establishes a reference to its black-box component storing its handle, which is a persistent network reference to an EJB object, as a CMF called cmpForHandle. In a container-managed entity bean, the data type for a CMF can be a Java primitive type or a Java serializable type. The container is responsible for transferring data between an entity instance and the underlying persistent storage, and provides a get and set method for each CMF. To store the EJB handle to the black-box component, the EJB handle is cast to the type java.lang.Object and used as a parameter to the setCmpForHandle method, which is supplied by the container. The following code snippet illustrates how the handle to a PendingOrder entity bean, given by the variable p, is stored in the IRules wrapper: Handle handleToBB = p.getHandleQ; Object objHandleToBB = (Object)handleToBB; setCmpForHandle(objHandleToBB); To retrieve the handle as the appropriate type, the wrapper implements a refToBlackBox method that calls the getCmpForHandle method to retrieve the serialized handle and casts it to the type of the associated purchased component, in this case PendingOrder: public PendingOrder refToBlackBox() {Object obj = getCmpForHandleO; Handle handle = (Handle)obj; EJBObject ejbobj = handle.getEJBObject(); PendingOrder blackBox = (PendingOrder)ejbobj; return blackBox;} There is nothing added to the wrapper itself to support named extents. When the CDL is compiled, the extent name is entered into the static component metadata. The extent name is only used by the application integrator in the IRL application specification to iterate over the extent of a component. The underlying implementation of the IRL will use the findAII method provided in the home interface to realize the extent. CDL allows the definition of both stored and derived attributes. Since a stored attribute persists as a CMF of the IRules wrapper, the container is responsible for the get and set methods. A derived attribute is not stored but virtual. Its value is derived using the get method in the wrapper that is generated as the result of compiling CDL. The get method calls the method of the session bean that derives the value of the attribute. Consider as an example the getPortfclloValue method in the wrapper for Portfolio that calls the calculatePortfolioValue method of the portfolloAl session bean. The getPortfolloValue method first gets the home interface of the wrapped portfolioAI session bean. This lookup functionality is abstracted in the method lookupAIHome() that uses JNDI to locate the home interface. The call to calculatePortfolioValue calculates the portfolio value with the corresponding black-box portfolio EJB as an input parameter, public float getPortfolioValueO {IRulesPortfolloAIHome home = lookupAIHome(); IRulesPortfolioAl al = home.create(); Portfolio self = refToBlackBoxO; float value = ai.calculatePortfolioValue(self); return value;} Externalized relationships are also implemented as a CMF in the IRules wrapper, since the current restriction of CMRs in the EJB 2.0 specification limits relationships to entity beans deployed in the same ejb-jar file. Relationships are associations that can be single-valued or multivalued. A single-valued relationship is stored in a manner similar to the reference to the black-box component, storing the serialized handle to the related object. Multivalued relationships use a Vector to store the handles of the multiple related objects. Since a Vector is serializable, it is then stored in the CMF for the multivalued relationship. The wrapper provides the required translation between the CMF and the required types. Consider as an example, the pendingTrades relationship defined in the Stock component that represents the set of pending orders for the stock. The following code snippet illustrates the fiinctionality of the addPendinglrades method that adds a PendingOrder instance to this multivalued relationship. The getCmpForPendingTrades() method provided by the container returns the CMF for the relationship, which is called cmpForPendinglrades. The retrieved object is cast to a Vector and the handle to the IRules wrapper for the pendingOrder is added to the Vector before it is made persistent by the call to the container-provided method setCmpForPendingTrades. public void addPendingTrades(IRulesPendingOrder ir) {Object obj = getCnfipForPendingTradesQ; Vector relatedPendingOrder = (Vector)obj; Handle handle = ir.getHandleQ; relatedPendingOrder.addElement(handle); Object ref = (Object)re!atedPendingOrder; setCmpForPendingTrades(ref);} The IRules Definition Language allows the application integrator to refer to purchased components and their methods. Therefore, the underlying implementation of these languages must translate a call to a method on the purchased component to its IRules wrapper, allowing the hooks into the IRules environment. Thus, the IRules Wrapper acts as a proxy for calling a method on its associated black-box component. Whenever a method on a black-box EJB is called fi^om within the IRules environment (trom an action of an integration rule or an application transaction), the IRules environment passes the control of execution to the corresponding method of the IRules wrapper. Every method in the black-box EJB has a corresponding method with the same method name in its IRules wrapper. The arguments to the method in the wrapper include all the parameters to the corresponding method in the black-box component and in the same order. There are additional parameters to pass the transaction context. The Component Definition Language allows for the definition of events that are raised before or after a method call on the underlying black-box component. The IRules Wrapper for the component is responsible for triggering these method events to the IRules environment. Consider the case where an event is raised after a method call. After completing all of the preliminary actions needed by the IRules environment, the IRules Wrapper delegates to the business method of the black-box component to execute the business logic. After executing the method of the black-box component, control returns to the IRules Wrapper, which is then responsible for triggering the after method event. The wrapper bundles all the necessary infonnation including the transaction context into a common IRules event data structure and publishes the occurrence of the afterEventName to the IRules topic via the JMS messaging service. The IRules Event Handler notifies the rule processor when a new event is detected and rule processing is done. Further detailed information about the execution environment can be found in a companion paper (Urban et. al. 2002). 6.2 Session Beans The IRules wrapper for a deployed black-box session bean is also a session bean. Similar to the wrapper of an entity bean, the IRules wrapper wraps all of the business methods in the underlying black-box session bean and acts as a proxy to method calls on the purchased component. The IRules wrapper also generates the method-based events that are defined in the CDL. Since session beans do not represent persistent data, the IRules session bean wrapper does not support the additional attributes or externalized relationships supported by the IRules entity bean wrapper. The IRules session bean wrapper is a stateful session bean. The IRules Wrapper holds a reference to the underlying black-box stateful session bean to maintain the conversational state across method calls. For a blackbox stateless session bean, the IRules Wrapper creates a new instance of the underlying black-box component before invoking any methods on the purchased component. In the initial prototype that has been implemented, all of the required information to access the underlying black-box session bean, like the JNDI name of the black-box component it is wrapping and the EJB server URL has been stored as part of the state information of the IRules wrapper. The IRules session bean wrapper is designed as a stateful session bean to retain this infonnation for the entire lifecycle of the IRules wrapper bean. The current design could be modified to obtain the infonTiation from environment variables, thus opening up the possibility of having an IRules stateless session bean wrapper that wraps a stateless black-box session bean. 7 Summary and Future Directions This paper presented the IRules Component Definition Language and the metadata and wrapper framework required for supporting the IRules active approach to component-based software integration. The IRules environment acts as a mediator (Gamma et. al. 1995) in the integration process by encapsulating the logic describing the intercormections between components using integration rules. The implementation described in this paper and its companion paper (Urban et. al. 2002) on transaction and execution control is a prototype of the technology based on the Investment example. Work is underway to develop a general-purpose system that uses Jini as the basis of the distributed computing environment. There are also language issues to be investigated and implemented. We are currently developing a compiler for CDL that uses JavaSpaces for the storage of metadata and automatically generates the EJB wrapper code for the components. Although we have an initial design for the IRL, we are in the process of investigating condition evaluation techniques for IRL rule conditions that involve distributed query processing. 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DEPA (Design Pattern Application) - a component-based model for applying design patterns in software development Katrina Ji SOFTITLERNET Inc., 6464 Sunset Blvd., Suite 970, Hollywood, CA 90028, USA katrinaji@yahoo.com Sean Chen Department of Accounting and Legal Studies, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424-0001, USA Phone: 843 953 8068, Fax 843 953 5697 seanchen@cofc.edu Keywords: design patterns (DP), software development (SD), component-based software development (CBSD) Received: June 5, 2001 This article reports the DEPA (Design Pattern Application) model - a component-based model for applying design patterns (DP) in software development (SD). Prior research has suggested the usefulness of DP in large, complicated SD projects. However, there is still a lack of formal models with which a software engineer could apply DP to SD in a systematic way. The DEPA model is one such formal method that allows systematic applications of DP. We have also illustrated how the DEPA model works in a realistic setting. It shows that the model can be applied to various domains. Further research is suggested in order to develop other models of DP applications. 1 Introduction Design patterns (DP) are blocks and chunks of codes that are used to describe core solutions of recurring problems at an abstract level, typically in large-scale software development (SD) projects. When DP are used in a specific application, oftentimes there are multiple DP that may be applicable. To an experienced software engineer this may not be a problem, because he can quickly look into the DP that are available, decide on the cause of action, and choose the one(s) that will fit the application the best. For a novice software engineer, however, such a "scanning-evaluation-selection" process of DP may be problematic primarily due to the following two reasons: 1. The selection problem - Novice software engineers may lack the necessary knowledge or experience in making a sound choice as to what DP are most appropriate in a particular application. 2. The communication problem - They may not be able to understand why is a particular DP chosen by other more experienced software engineers. This research project is motivated by our desire to develop a model that will address the above two problems. The end result of the project is the development of a formal model that provides a systematic way for a novice software engineer to select DP in DP while at the same time to allow them to know the underlying principles involved in the DP selection process thus reducing communication gaps among software developers. Keller et al. (1999) has proven that DP provide great helps in understanding the complexity of large software systems. By applying DP, the SD process does not have to start from scratch. It results in savings in development time, in facilitating a productive software life cycle, and in providing a better communication among software engineers involved in the SD processes. According to Gamma et al. (1995), DP contain the following features that make them an excellent tool in SD: 1. They do not give solutions in a specific application environment, but provide detailed descriptions of where, when, why and how a DP should be used. 2. They give key elements such as participants, structure, and collaborations that contribute to the solution to a problem. 3. They include discussions of consequences and implementation details when using a particular DP. It also suggests factors to consider if other DP are to be applied. 2 Design Pattern Application Even though it is generally agreed that DP is a useful tool in large-scale SD, to date there is a lack of formal models of how DP can be applied in a systematic manner. In our literature review, we only found a brief suggestion by Gamma et al. (1995) on how to select a DP and how to use it. Gamma et al. suggested the following steps in selecting a DP: 1. Consider how design patterns solve design problems 2. Scan intent section 3. Study how patterns interrelate. 4. Study patterns of like purpose. 5. Examine a cause of redesign. 6. Consider what should be variable in your design These steps are general guidance for correctly selecting a DP. However, the real task of selecting a DP relies heavily on developers' experiences, their understanding of DP in general, and their familiarity with the target system to be implemented Gamma et al. (1995) also suggested the following guidelines to decide the appropriateness of a DP when that DP is selected: 1. Read the pattern once through Structure, Participants, and Collaborations sections. 2. Look at the Sample Code section to see a concrete example of the pattern in code 3. Choose names for pattern participants that are meaningfiil in the application context. 4. Define the classes. 5. Define application-specific names for operations in the pattern. 6. Implement the operations to carry out the responsibilities and collaborations in the pattern. The two sets of guidelines provided by Gamma et al. are helpful to assist the identification and application of DP to some extent. Nonetheless, there are limitations about how we could make the best use of DP in SD projects. That is to say that the aforementioned rules are somewhat ad-hoc, when we take a close look at them. Just as Gamma et al. (1995) pointed out, these steps "are just guidelines to get you started. " Software design, in general, will require more detailed guidelines than the ones by Gamma et al. in above. The DEPA model is a formal framework that we developed in order to resolve such gap in DP application. Specifically, the DEPA model provides a solution to the following two problems: 1. The lack of communication in software development: Unlike a hardware product or a construction project, an implemented software product still needs to be upgraded, maintained, added new features, or deleted old features. This makes it essential to document the software design . In a large software system with thousands or even millions of lines of source code, it is difficult to understand the system by reading the source code that lacks proper system documentation. Because DP tell rationales behind software designs, such as why and how the software was structured, proper documentation when applying DP in SD can ease the system understanding and maintenance in the future. Our proposed DEPA 2. model provides a systematic way to document the application of DP in SD. Multiple applicable DP: DP are descriptions of solutions to recurring problems at an abstract level. They explain, in natural languages, why a particular DP exists; where, when and how it is applied; and potential problems and trade-offs associated with each application. Therefore, each DP may be applied in different ways, depending on the situation they are applied. The following is an illustration of the Singleton Pattern. It shows that there are more than one way to implement the singleton pattern, a DP described in Gamma et al. To avoid confusion in DP application, a sound model should be able to ensure that, when the DP is used, it chooses only one optimal DP in the software project. For example, for the singleton pattern described in Gamma et al. (1995) (see Figure 1 in below), there could be at least the following two different ways to implement _Singleton Astatic singletonlnstance (^SingletonO (#getlnstance() "^singletonOperationO It. Figure 1 : Structure of a Singleton Design Pattern Method 1: A sample code in C++ that applies the Singleton pattern to the MazeFactory class: class MazeFactory{ public: static MazeFactory* lnstance(); // existing interface goes here protected: MazeFactory (); private: static MazeFactory* Jnstance; }; The corresponding implementation is: MazeFactory* MazeFactory: :_instance = 0; MazeFactory* MazeFactory::lnstance() { if ( _instance == 0) { Jnstance = new MazeFactory; } return Jnstance; } In addition to the above two situations, this pattern could be used to control the number of instances in an application as well as to implement the pattern with other programming languages such as Java (Grand 1998). Method 2: The following is another way for sub-classing the Singleton class. class Singleton { public: static void Register(char* name, Singleton*); static Singleton* lnstance(); protected: static Singleton* Lookup (const char* name); private: static Singleton* _instance; static List* _registry; }; The above example shows that, for different applications, the detailed implementation can vary significantly. Even for a simple Singleton DP, there are multiple ways to implement. A formal model in DP application needs to provide a way to choose a DP when multiple patterns may be applicable to a potential SD project. In our proposed DEPA model, we will address this issue. Research groups have been studying and compiling common DP, and putting efforts in automating the use of DP. But there is only little progress in the methodology and the process of applying DP. Without such a methodology, how to convert a DP that is selected in the abstract level into software codes in the implementation level will still be difficult, Khriss et al. (1999) pointed out the need to develop a formal methodology that will direct software developers in a step-by-step procedure of how to apply DP. We believe that the DEPA model is an early attempt to fill the need of such a formal methodology. A model directing the whole process of applying DP, which defines how they evolve from the abstract level to the implemented code level, makes the best use of design patterns. The documentation of the whole process will store the rationale behind the software design, which will make it easier for software maintenance once it is implemented. 3 The DEPA Model 3.1 Objectives We proposes a model that details and defines the process between the abstract level and the implemented level. This model also describes a step-by-step guidance for applying DP. The DEPA model will provide the following three objectives: 1. To provide a step-by-step process of applying the solutions in DP in the abstract level to the programming language codes in the implementation level. All steps in the DEPA model should be easily followed by software engineers. 2. To provide a way of tracing the design process. Every step in the DEPA model should be documented to make it possible of tracing back to the original design specifications. 3. To establish a guidance for the future automation of the DEPA model that will be a tool with easy access and usage of DP in SD. 3.2 The Five Steps in DEPA The DEPA model proposes the following five steps when applying DP in a specific SD: generic and domain-specific, concrete, specific, integrated, and implemented design patterns. The following sections define each of the five steps in the DEPA model. 3.2.1 Generic design patterns Generic DP are descriptions of solutions in natural languages. They are generally published DP compilations (e.g. Gamma et al. 1995, Grand 1998) that are readily available to general public. According to Gamma, elements of DP include intent or purpose, motivation, applicability, structure, participants, collaborations, consequences, implementation, sample code, known uses and related patterns. There are also other ways to describe DP. The purpose of the descriptions is to help understanding all aspects of a particular DP. Since the solutions given in DP are at the abstract level, they can not be used directly without considering the context in different applications. Only when a software developer understands a DP thoroughly and knows why it can be used in a specific context can he use that DP be effectively and correctly. in the proposed DEPA model, the original DP with descriptions of solutions are converted into more detailed forms in order for them to be used in SD. 3.2.2 Domain-specific design patterns Domain specific DP are core solutions to problems in a specific domain. They are similar to generic DP and are at the same level of abstraction as generic DP. The difference between the two is that generic DP are applicable in all areas, while domain specific DP may only be applicable to a certain area. For example, the Master-Slave pattern, found in the development of mobile agents, is a domain specific design pattern (Lange et al. 1998). It defines a scheme whereby one agent, called master, can delegate a task to a slave agent. Figure 2 in below shows the structure of this pattern. Figure 2: Structure of master-slave pattern The description of the Master-Slave pattern consists of same elements as those of generic DP: i.e. intent, applicability, participants, collaboration, consequences, implementation, and sample code. But this pattern is only for applications in mobile agents, and it may not be applicable beyond this domain. There are also other DP for different domain-specific applications. For example, patterns for network and communication (Schmidt 1996) and for the modeling of building simulators (Schutze et al. 1999). The reason why we put a domain-specific DP at the same abstract level with a generic DP is that the former is also core solutions in a description of natural languages. Therefore, the process of applying a domain-specific DP is similar to that of a generic DP. 3.2.3 Concrete design patterns Concrete DP eliminate the ambiguities in the generic/domain-specific DP level. In order to eliminate ambiguities involved in the selection DP from the generic/domain-specific DP level, the DEPA model weights the trade-offs, pitfalls, hints, and techniques associated with the selected DP to come up with concrete DP that will clearly show their intent. The following is an example of several possible concrete DP derived from one generic DP - the Observer pattern: Subject observer -> ^Attach(Obsetver) ^Detach(Obseiver) ^NotilyO Observer 0..' ^UpdateO A ConcreteSubject subject CorcreteObseiver ^subjectState <- ■^obseiverState ^GetStateO ^SetStateO ^Updated The Observer pattern (Gamma et al. 1995) in Figure 3 defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so that when a subject changes its state, all its dependants are notified and updated automatically. The Observers, in turn, will update their states after receiving the notification. The benefit of this pattern is to keep abstract coupling between the Subjects and the Observers, and to avoid being tightly-coupled. The Subject keeps a list of Observers, but do not know further details of any particular Observer. There are several ways to convert this original Observer DP to a concrete DP: 1. An Observer may depend on several Subjects. In such case, an update interface should include the Observer. When the Observer updates its state, it will know which Subject has changed its state. 2. The update method may be triggered by a Subject or by a Client. The difference is that the Client may wait until a series of states being changed before notifying the Observer. 3. When the Subject broadcasts additional information about changes, the Subject may send Observers detailed information about the changes.' Otherwise the Subject may send only notifications, and Observers ask for details explicitly thereafter.^ 4. The Observers may register in a Subject as only interested in specific events. In such case, the Attach and Update methods must have a parameter indicating the Ofoerver^ ' interests. The above example illustrates that, when applying a generic/domain-specific DP, it is necessary to generate concrete DP will eliminate ambiguities involved in the generic/domain-specific DP. The concrete DP will not be represented by descriptions in natural languages as those in generic/domain-specific DP. 3.2.4 Specific design patterns After the concrete DP eliminated ambiguities in the generic design states, the next step is to consider the specific requirements and situations for specific applications. In this step. Specific DP, it includes not only key solutions from concrete DP, but also detailed designs for specific applications. The solutions in the concrete DP contain only key elements including classes, methods, and relationships among classes that have contributed to solving the problem. They are not directly related to the current Figure 3: The Structure of Observer Pattern Such process is called the push mode. See Gamma et al. 1995, p. 298) Such process is c al. (1995, p. 298) (1995, p. 298) ^ Such process is called the pull mode. Also in Gamma et application. For different applications, the concrete DP must be modified to fit into the environment of the specific system. This is a process of renaming those elements in concrete DP, and adding new elements for system requirements. After the specific design step, the DP are ready to be implemented. The following is an example of applying the Observer pattern in a design for a gas station system. In a gas station, pumps control the dispensing of petrol, and screens show a volume of the petrol delivered. Figure 4 in below (Khriss et al. 1999) is a UML diagram for a specific design pattern of the Observer pattern. In Figure 4, Pump class and Screen class are concrete classes or subclasses of Subject and Observer classes, respectively. Compared to Figure 3, some of the classes and methods in the concrete DP are renamed, and some application-specific methods are added to the classes. Subject observer ^Attach( ) ^Detach( ) •»Notifyt ) Observer - 0..* ^Update( ) Pump subject Screen Volume Volume ^create( ) ^setVolumel ) ^getVolume( ) ^gunRemove( ) ^squeezeTrigger( ) ^releaseTrigger( ) ^gunReplac0( ) <- ^creste( ) ^offO ^Update( ) belonging to only one "whole". Containment incorporates layers of DP into a particular DP After the concrete and specific DP stages, the integration step needs to consider only the interfaces and relationships among specific DP.- The integrated DP is a completed software design. In this paper, we will provide an example of an integrated DP using two specific DP. 3.2.6 Implemented design patterns The implemented DP are programming codes. The implementation is based on the integrated DP, which may be implemented in C++, Java, or other object-oriented programming languages. It will be hard to recognize the original DP in the programming codes. But with the documentation of the whole process in the DEPA model, it will be easier to understand and maintain the implemented product. 3.2.7 Putting all things together - the DEPA model Figure 5 in below shows the DEPA model and the five steps in the model: Generic Design Pattern Domain Specific Design Pattern Figure 4: UML diagram of a specific Observer pattern. The specification of DP includes renaming of classes and methods, cloning of classes, and changing and adding attributes, methods, and classes. The specific DP are detailed software designs before implementation, and the DP are embedded in the applied environment. The above figure is a UML class diagram. The specific DP may also include sequence diagrams for the specific application that is based on the concrete DP. These diagrams form the analysis part of the specific DP. 3.2.5 Integrated design patterns Integrated DP combine more than one specific DP. One DP may provide solutions to only one problem. For more complex systems, there may be more than one applicable DP. Integration is a process to combine all those applicable DP. Various ways to integrate DP may be applicable, including aggregation, composition, and containment. Fowler & Scott (2000) describe aggregation as the "part-of relationship, and composition as the "part object" Concrete Dc Esign Pattern FitloEnviionment SpecUIc Design Pattern Integrate Integrated Design Pattern Codirig Implementation Described in Natural Language DisCo Language (Truuition labk) UML UML Implemented in speciöc programming language, such as C++ Java, etc. Figure 5: The DEPA Model 4 The DEPA Model - An Illustration Figure 5 above shows that the generic DP are described in natural languages with ambiguities. In the DEPA model, different states of DP must be expressed in certain specifications. With the detailed specifications, DEPA is not only a tool for DP selection guidance, but also is a method to document every step in such selection process In the DEPA model, the DisCo language is used to represent concreteDP. DisCo is a clear, easy to use language for representing concrete DP. With DisCo, the concrete DP can extract all key elements from the generic DP without ambiguities for the concrete DP. Table 1 in below shows the representation of elements in a concrete DP: Name Expression Class Class class-name = { class-attributes} Extended-class class, class-name = class-name + {class-attribute} Relation Relation (n-instance-classl) • Relationname • (m-instance-class2) : class-name 1 X class-name2 Method Method-name(roIe-name: class-name; parameter): enabling_conditions ^ result states Extended-method Method-name(role-name; class-name; parameter): Refmes method-name(role-name: class-name; parameter): enabling_conditions result states Inheritan ce class class subclass-name = superclass-name + { class-attributes} Method in Inheritan ce class Method-name ( role-name, class-name; parameter): Refines method-name 1 (role-name 1: class-name 1; parameter!) for role-name 1 e class-name The following sections provide a step-by-step illustration of how the DEPA model works. 4.1 From Generic/Domain-specific DP to Concrete DP Generic/domain-specific design patterns include all helpful information for the concreteness. Concrete DP is the first step to apply generic sign patterns. The concrete DP only focuses on those elements that contribute to solutions in Generic/Domain-specific DP. The elements are: • Classes in the DP. • Relationships between the classes in the DP. • Methods and attributes which contribute to the purpose of the DP. The following is an example of concrete DP from an Obsei-ver DP introduced in Section 3.2.3. From the action Notity(s:Subject, d) in the formalizing expression; we have Expression 1 Table 1 : Representation a Concrete DP As a middle state of DP in the DEPA model, the concrete DP does not have ambiguities comparing with the generic DP. After considering the applicability, structure, participants, collaborations, consequences, and implementation in the generic DP, decisions concerning trade-offs, hints, suggestions, and the applied system were made. The resulting concrete DP is a concrete solution for the application system being developed. The concrete DP complete the following two tasks: 1. Keeping all the key information in generic design patterns. 2. Choosing a concrete solution for the applied system based on considerations of the trade-offs, hints, and suggestions in generic design patterns. The concrete DP in the DEPA model have the following two unique features: 1. They provide reasons for the existence of all classes and methods. 2. The require documentation in the abstract level in the software design. Without the concreteness of eliminating the ambiguities in generic DP, it is unfeasible to apply the generic DP to software design. Notiiy(s:Subject, d): —> -is.Updated . class Observer A S.Data' = d The subject is responsible to trigger the update. The Update(s:Subject; o:Observer; d) Update (s:Subject; o:Observer; d): s. Attached. 0 A-i. Updated.o A d = S.Data —> s.Updated'.o A o.Data'=d. This expression indicates that this is a pull model. First, the Subject sends the notification, then the Observer asks for details later. The following is another possible concrete DP from the same Observer pattern: the concrete solution is that the Observer is attached to the Subject according to the specific events of interest. Expression 2 class Subject = {Data}, class Observer = {Data}. Relation (0..1). Attached . (*): Subject X Oserver. Relation (0..1). Updated . (*): Subject X Observer. Attach(s:Subject; o:Observer; interest): -is. Attached.0 o.interest ^ s.Attached'.0 Detach(s:Subject; o:Observer; interest): s.Attached.o o.interest -is. Attached'.0 A -is.Updated'.o Notify(s:Subject, o.Observer; d; interest): o.interest -is.Updated' . class Observer A S.Data' = d, Update (s:Subject; o*:Observer; d: interest): s.Attached.o ''' o.interest A-i. Updated.o A d = S.Data s.Updated.o A o.Data'=d. As we have introduced in section 3.2.6 about the concrete DP, there are multiple Concrete DP from the generic/domain-specific DP. The above expressions are only two possible Concrete DP from the Observer DP. With DisCo language, the concrete DP can express the solution clearly without ambiguities, and emphasize on the behaviors among classes. The concrete DP will then evolve to the specific DP with details in the individual classes. 4.2 From Concrete DP to Specific DP The specific DP is the next step after the concrete DP with solutions for a problem. The specific DP direct software developers to focus on applying the concrete DP to the specific environment and on adding other features for the applied system. The considerations in the specific DP are different from those in the concrete DP. While the former focuses on eliminating ambiguity in the generic/domain-specific DP and, the later concentrates on the application of the concrete DP to SD. Modifications included in the specification are: • Rename elements in the concrete DP, such as class, method, attributes, and parameters. • Extend the • classes and methods, when it is necessary for the applied system. • Add classes or methods for other system requirements. • Add more details in the classes or methods according to the specific applied system. After the modification, the concrete DP will be embedded in the specific DP, and it will be hard to distinguish key elements originated from the concrete DP. To keep documentation of the evolution of a generic DP, the DEPA model keeps a transition table between the concrete DP and the specific DP, which is a mapping from class names, method names, and attribute names in the concrete DP to those in the specific DP. This table helps tracing back from the specific DP to the concrete DP. In the DEPA model, the specific DP is expressed by UML, because UML emphasizes on the individual classes and their behaviors. After detailed design for the application requirements is established, the specific DP is ready to be implemented. To use UML language, there is a transformation from the DisCo language to the UML. Table 2 in below gives more details about such transformation process: DisCo Language UML language Class-name Class-name Method-name Operation-name Attribute, parameter Parameter Conditions and results Pseudo code Role name Role name Table 2: Transformation from DisCo language to UML In a specific DP, the structure given in the generic DP has been embedded. By keeping the concrete DP in the DisCo language and the transition table, the contribution of the classes, methods, and why they exist in the specific DP are clearly documented. The documentation provides a method to understand the design during and after the SD. The evolution of a DP from the Generic/Domain-specific, to the Concrete, and then to the Specific state is a process for applying all individual DP. The integration of more than one DP in the system development is the next step in the DEPA model. 4.3 From Specific DP to Integrated DP DP provide core solutions for some recurring problems. However, most of the time, there are many problems to be solved in software design. After the Concrete and the Specific DP steps, integration of the Specific DP is the last step to form a component in SD. Figure 6 in below shows an example of integrating Template Method and Builder Pattern in an application of the data set construction. Both the Template Method and the Builder Pattern are Generic DP in Gamma et al. (1995). The purpose of this design is to create a data set independent of the data source (Masuda et al. 1998) Figure 6; Integration of Template Method & Builder DP In Figure 6, the Builder Pattern solves the problem of separating the construction of a complex object from its representation for the creation of Dataset. This solution makes it possible to change the internal representation of a data set object. The Template Pattern is applied to solving the problem of creating the Dataset from different data sources. It reuses the skeleton of the data creation algorithm. By following the DEPA model, the software design is a process of problem solving with available solutions in Generic DP. In the Integration phase, all problems have been solved and the software design is ready to be implemented. 4.4 Implementing the Integrated DP After integrating all the DP, the next step is to implement the design in object-oriented programming code. The implementation can be coded in specific programming languages such as C++ or Java. With the guidance in the DEPA model and the documentation at each step, software developers have understood why and how the system is designed before implementation. 5 Conclusion and Future Directions This research reports the DEPA (Design Pattern Application) model, a component-based model for applying design patterns (DP) in software development (SD). We have discussed the lack of a formal model in applying DP as an area that merits further research, and have developed the DEPA model that allows a systematic way of applying DP in SD projects, particularly to those SD projects with resource constraints. We have also provided a step-by-step illustration to show how such model will work in a realistic setting. The DEPA model is a guidance of a procedure of clarifying the ambiguities and imprecision in the original DP. Without eliminating those ambiguities, the Generic/Domain-specific DP cannot be applied in a specific software design context. We believe that the DEPA model has achieved our objectives by supplying ways to convert Generic/Domain-specific DP to Concrete DP, to Specific DP, and to Integrated DP. With the developed Integrated DP, the last stage in SD -implementation and coding - will be easily achievable even for novice software engineers. Although there has been prior research that intends to come up with a general method of formalizing design patterns, there still lacks a standardized DP representation. For example, Pree (1994) introduced the concept of meta-patterns. He used seven basic meta-patterns to represent design patterns on a meta-level. Florijn (1999) proposed fragment model that uses fragments to represent the structure of DP. Mikkonen (1998) discussed how to formalize DP by using DisCo Language. Eden & Hirsheld (1999) used meta-language and proposed a pattern-wizard of transforming DP from one language to another. However, none of the above research settles the formal representation issue. According to Eden & Hirsheld (1999), there are following reasons for the formalization of DP: 1. Existing specifications contribute little or nothing to the understanding of when and how to use a design pattern. 2. Patterns are abstractions, or generalizations, and therefore are vague, ambiguous, and imprecise. 3. Formalization is impossible because there is no fixed elements in patterns, and everything can be changed. 4. Patterns are core solutions or concepts whose essence is intangible, elusive, and hence beyond the scope of a literal expression. We believe that the aforementioned reasons fully justify the need of a generalized and standardized DP presentation, so that software engineers and researchers alike could use the presentation to develop more DP in the future. 6 REFERENCES [1] Eden, A. E. & Hirsheld Y (1999) understanding of software http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~eden. On the patterns. [2] Forijn, G. 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An approach for modeling components with customization for distributed software^ X. Xie and S. M. Shatz Concurrent Software Systems Lab, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Phone:+1 312 996 5488, Fax:+1 312 413 0024 shatz@cs.uic.edu Keywords: Component Customization, Design Models, Distributed Software, Petri Nets Received: June 4, 2001 Component-based software development has many potential advantages, including shorter time to market and lower price, making it an attractive approach to both customers and producers. However, component-based development is a new technology with many open issues to be resolved. One particular issue is the specification of components as reusable entities, especially for distributed object-oriented applications. Specification of such components by formal methods can pave the way for a more systematic approach for component-based software engineering, including design analysis and simulation. This paper discusses an approach for blending Petri net concepts and object-oriented features to develop a specification approach for distributed component software systems. In particular, a scheme for modeling behavior restriction in the design of object systems is presented. A key result of this work is the definition of a "plug-in" structure that can be used to create "subclass" object models, which correspond to customized components. Algorithms that support the automatic synthesis of these models are provided, discussed, and illustrated by examples. 1 Introduction and Motivation There is significant interest in using components in software development. Specification and implementation of a system in terms of existing and/or derived components can dramatically decrease the time required for system development, increase the usability of resulting products, and lower production costs [1]. However, component-based development is still immature, with a lack of established procedures and support from formal modelling. Techniques and tools that are based on formal methods can pave the way for advanced software engineering capabilities- such as design analysis and simulation. Reuse principles have typically placed high demands on reusable components. Such components need to sufficiently general to cover the different aspects of their use, while also being simple enough to serve a particular requirement in an efficient way. This has resulted in a situation where developing a reusable component may require three to four times more resources than developing a component for particular use [2]. Thus, component vendors desire to make full use of these components in order to achieve reasonable profit levels. Such component use requires the customization of general components, a process that is aided by applying different constraints to fijnctionality to support different price policies and different user groups. Often a component is not effectively reusable because its interface or part of the implementation does not match the specified requirements of a target application. To achieve the reuse, the component needs to be customized into another component that fulfills the requirement [3]. One purpose of the customization is to apply constraints in situations where the functionality of a "base component" is more general than is actually needed, or when some base-component's features exhibit characteristics not suitable for a particular application -for example some functions (or methods) may not be fault tolerant or may be resource hogs. Thus, the component's behavior must be restricted before it can be reused in a new design. One potentially efficient and natural technique to support constraints is a particular type of inheritance known as restriction inheritance [4]. Since subclassing by restriction often conflicts with the semantics and intention of inheritance, where an instance of a subclass should be an instance of the superclass and should behave like one, some researchers have suggested that restriction inheritance be avoided [1][5]. But, in our own experience, which does involve development of commercial component-based software, we have observed benefits of restriction inheritance for ' This material is based upon work supported by, or in part by, the U.S. Army Research Office under grant number DAAD 19-99-1-0350 and by NSF under grant number CCR-9988168 customizing components. First, most commercial component-based software is based on middleware technologies such as COIIBA [6] and/or COM [7]. As a result, these systems mostly consist of classes. In COM, even the interface of a component is a class. So, it seems natural to use inheritance techniques (defined for class-based systems) to handle constraints. Also, restriction inheritance is efficient, simple and straightforward. Finally, since restriction inheritance is being used for the purpose of defining a wrapper for components, the original components and/or class is not intended to be used directly, which limits any potential disadvantage associated with the use of restriction inheritance. To develop a systematic design process with the capability for automated simulation and analysis, it is valuable to define a design method's syntax and semantics in terms of some formal notation and method. For engineering of distributed object systems, it is desirable for the formalization to provide a simple and direct way to describe component relationships and capture essential properties like non-determinism, synchronization and concurrency. Petri nets [8] are one formal modelling notation that is in many ways well matched for general concurrent systems. In particular, the standard graphical interpretation of Petri net models is appealing as a basis for a design notation. But, standard Petri nets do not provide direct support for high-level design and object oriented features. This has motivated some recent research into methods for combining Petri net modelling and object-oriented design. In general, the proposed methods use enhanced forms of Petri nets as a base of the combination, and pursue two main approaches [9]. One is the "objects inside Petri nets" approach, in which the semantics of tokens in Petri nets are expanded to include other information, which could include object definitions (e.g., [10]). The other approach is the "Petri nets inside objects" approach, in which traditional Petri net constructs are used to model the internal semantics of object (e.g., [11]). In this paper we introduce a model called a State-Based Object Petri Net (SBOPN), which is developed from the basic idea introduced in [12]. An example of using SBOPN concepts in the domain of aspect orientation is described in [13]. In this paper we extend the basic SBOPN model to directly support restriction inheritance modelling for the purposes discussed earlier. SBOPN is most similar in spirit to Lakos' Language for Object Oriented Petri Nets, LOOPN [10]. LOOPN's semantics are richer, but SBOPN provides a more specific, and thus more intuitive, notation for capturing the behavior of distributed state-based objects. Like LOOPN, SBOPN is based on a generalized form of Petri net called colored Petri nets [14], One other difference between LOOPN and SBOPN is that the primary encapsulator of object behavior in LOOPN is tokens, while SBOPNs use separate Petri net objects whose states are captured by special colored tokens. Another language, namely CO-OPN/2 [15], is also a "Petri nets inside objects." CO-OPN/2 uses high-level Petri nets that include data structures expressed as algebraic abstract data types and a synchronization mechanism for building abstraction hierarchies to describe the concurrency aspects of a system. CO-OPN/2 is a general model that focuses on concurrency. SBOPN focuses more on the architectural modeling of state-based systems; thus it is simpler and more domain-specific. The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 provides details on SBOPN modeling and discusses the restriction subclasses and SBOPN control places. Section 3 describes our approach for synthesis of subclass models that capture instances of restriction inheritance. The approach is characterized by the use of special net structures called "plug-in structures." Finally, Section 4 provides a conclusion and mentions some future work. 2 Subclass Component Models and Control Places In this section, we discuss how to derive design models for subclass components. Due to lack of space, we omit the formal definition of the SBOPN model, which can be found in [16]. A SBOPN model consists of a set of individual object models, called State-Based Petri Net Objects (SBPNO). A SBPNO is denoted graphically as a Petri net (a subnet) inside a box and a State-Based Object Petri Net, SBOPN, is a Petri net consisting of connected SBPNOs, which are components of the system being considered. A marking of a SBOPN is the distribution of state tokens to the SBPNO components, and an SBOPN system (N, Mg) is an SBOPN, N, along with an initial marking Mq (the initial states of the objects). In a SBOPN system, a transidon t is said to be enabled if and only if, for each p e 't (where 't is the set of input places for transition t), p contains a token whose state value is an element of the state-filter for arc (p, t). When an enabled transifion fires, it removes from each input place a token whose state value satisfies the corresponding state filter, and then deposits a token in each output place. The state value assigned to a deposited token is one of the elements given as an output of the corresponding state-transfer function. For example, assume an arc (/, p) with the statetransfer tuple (q, f), where the state-transfer function f(x) = {x}. Then the firing of transition t will deposit a token into place p and the state-value of this deposited token will be equal to the state-value of the token removed from place q. Consider the classic example of a system that uses a bounded buffer to temporarily hold items, such as messages. In this version we allow an operator to enable and disable the buffer, in addition to the standard producer and consumer components. The four system components - buffer, producer, consumer and operator -operate asynchronously and only interact via messages initiated by the producer {put message), consumer {get message) or operator {enable and disable message). In particular, the producer sends put messages to the buffer when the producer has some new item to be deposited into the buffer and the consumer sends get messages to the buffer when the consumer desires to remove an item from the buffer. Also, the operator can send enable or disable message to enable or disable the buffer. At any point in time, the buffer should be in one of four states: Empty, Fidi, Partial (means Partially Full) or Disabled. Depending on its state, the buffer may or may not be able to accept the messages put, get, disable and enable. When the buffer is in Empty or Partial state, it can accept the put message and change to Partial or Full state. When it is in Partial or Full state, it can accept the get message and change to Empty or Partial state. When it is in any state except the Disabled state, it can accept the disable message and change to the Disabled state. Finally, when it is in the Disabled state, it can accept the enable message and change to its previous state (before it was disabled): Empty, Partial or Full. To simplify the example, we simply assume that after accepting an enable message, the buffer is reset to Empty state. Figure 1 shows a simple SBOPN model for this system. Because we do not model a specific buffer bound, the model is imprecise with respect to dependencies between the get and put methods. To simplify SBPNO models, implicit state filters and implicit state-transfer tuples are allowed, i.e., definitions are assumed if they are not explicitly specified. For an implicit state filter, the state-filter is States. Note that in Figure 1, the state filters are implicit in the producer, consumer, and operator objects. An implicit state-transfer tuple can be used only when the output place associated with the arc is an input place of the transition associated with the arc - the arc is part of a self-loop. The statetransfer place is the place in the self-loop. We also require an implicit state-transfer function's output to be the state-value of the token removed from the place in the self-loop. Due to the simplicity of the producer, consumer, and operator object models, the state-transfer tuples are also implicit. Now we can identify properties of a restriction subclass and present the definition of a restriction subclass model. First, the methods of a restriction subclass object should be a subset of the methods of the superclass object. Second, the externally observable behavior of a restriction subclass object should be observable in the behavior of the superclass object. In other words, any firing sequence (defined as in standard Petri nets) of a SBPNO subclass model should be a firing sequence of the superclass model when we only consider the shared transitions. In the following definition we use the notation öjy-, a projection of cronto T. As an example of this projection, let a = tit2titst2, and T = {ti, t}}, then c^r = t,t,tj.. Definition 1 (Restriction Subclass Model): Let N/ = (Type,, NG,, States,, ST,, SFM,. STM,), N2 = (Typei. NG2. States2. ST2, SFM2, STM2) be two SBPNOs, then N2 is a restriction subclass model of N, if and only if: 1) ST2CST, 2) For any marking M2 of N2, there exists a marking M, of N,, such that for any firing sequence o^ of {N2, M2), there exists a firing sequence a, of (N,, M,), which satisfies a/lsr, = ct^Iot. A particular restriction subclass model must be defined in terms of some particular superclass model and some specific method restrictions. These restrictions are captured by a restriction function, as defined next. Definition 2 (Restriction Function): Let N, = (Type,, NG,, States,, IS,, Stoken,, ST,, SFM,, STM,) be a SBOPN, and let function f: SF, where SF, is Stütcsl the domain of SFM,, and 2 is the power set of States,. The function/is called a restriction function for N, if and only if/satisfies: Vsf, e SF,,f(sf,) csf,. Applying/to the state filters of N, creates a new model, which we denote as N,\f. It can be shown that yV/|/is a restriction subclass model of N,, but note that N,\f features a disadvantage: the change in the interface makes it difficult to directly identify that the new object is one of many possible behaviourally restricted objects derived from a common object. Our goal is to create a "plug-in" structure that can be added to a superclass model causing it to have the same behaviour as TV//but avoiding the disadvantage. Such a plug-in structure must be able to control the firing of some shared transition t. This is accomplished by using a so-called "control place" as the heart of the plug-in structure. The control place must ensure that the state-value of a token in the control place "tracks" the state-value of a token in one of the input places p to the transition t. We call such a place p the "controlled place." Definition 3 (Control Place): Let N = (Type. NG, States, ST, SFM, STM) be a SBPNO, and p, and p2 be two places of A'. We say that p2 is a control place for p, (p, is a controlled place) if and only if: 1) (ST np2'0)a(ST np2' c ST n /j,*) (Note: p,' is the set of output transitions of the place p,). 2) For any shared transition t e (ST n P2'), the associated state filter for the arc-(^2, t) is a subset of the state filter for the corresponding arc (pi, t). 3) For any reachable marking M' fi-om M, which satisfies M(p,) = M(p2), and any transition t e (ST nP2'), if t fires under M', then the tokens consumed by t from p, and p2 should have the same state values. 3 Synthesis of Plug-In Structures 3.1 Basic Plug-in Design A straightforward way to implement a control place is to create a duplicate place. The basic idea has two steps. First, we duplicate the controlled place, such that the new place has exactly the same input and output characteristics as the controlled place. Obviously, any change in the marking of the controlled place is simultaneously reflected in the marking of the new duplicated place. Because the new SBPNO (created by the duplication process) has the same exact behaviour as the original SBPNO, the new SBPNO serves as a (trivial) restriction subclass. In the second step, we modiiy the state filters for the arcs from the new place to all shared transitions such that they satisfy the specific requirement of the particular desired restriction subclass. This creates a model for a customized component. Recall that the specific restriction requirement (i.e., the customization feature) is determined by a restriction function, as defined in Definition 2. Although a duplicating place can be used to create a control place and thus build a restriction subclass without changing interfaces, there is one significant disadvantage: redundancy. For example, in creating the "disable-free synchronous" buffer model from Section 2, we do not want to change the firing conditions of the enable and get methods. But it is necessary for the control place to connect with the associated shared transitions. Also, these additional arcs must carry the same state-filters and state-transfer functions as in the superclass model. Such extra arcs, which do not change the behaviour of the methods, imply an existence of redundancy in the new model. Since our goal is to ensure that the state-marking of a control place "tracks" that of the controlled place, we can copy the token of a controlled place into the control place, but we must be sure that this copying occurs before allowing these places to enable any shared transition. We call this type of control place a "refreshing place" since it gets refreshed (i.e., the state-value of its current state token is updated) each time the state-value of the token in the corresponding controlled place changes. Figures 2, 3 and 4 illustrate this idea by a simple example. In Figure 2, we have a SBPNO for a component CI. Now suppose we want to model a restriction subclass C2 that has the property that can be enabled only when the object is in the state a - instead of either state a or b, as in the component CI. We need 12 to remain enabled in the a state. To model this subclass, we create a new place p2 (see Figure 3) as a control place candidate. Transition /j is introduced for the purpose of copying the state token from Pi to p2. As in the duplicating place technique, the state filter associated with p^'s connection to is {a}. However, under the general firing rule that controls the behaviour of a SBPNO, we cannot guarantee that the tokens in pi and pj are of the same value when tj is enabled. For example, in Figure 2, suppose pi has initial state a, then the firing sequence is t't2t*. Now consider Figure 3, where both p, and p2 have initial state a. Once t2 fires, pi has state b, while p2 still has state a. If t^ does not yet fire, p, and p2 have different states, but tj is still enabled. As a result, we could get the same firing sequence as CI, t*t2t*. However, C2 is supposed to only allow the restricted firing sequence 1112, where we ignore the internal transition t} in the firing sequence. So the construction in Figure 3 does not yet provide for a proper modelling of the control place. The problem is that when /2 fires, the token in p2 remains unchanged and thus is not "tracking" the marking of p/. To solve this problem, we need to force (3 to fire immediately after /2 fires, i.e., to refresh p2 immediately. This is accomplished by using a special form of Petri net arc called an activator arc [17]. An activator arc can be used to connect a place to a transition. For nets with activator arcs, the transition firing rules are as follows: 1) Those enabled transitions with activator arcs have the highest priority, and 2) A transition that has activator arc input(s) cannot fire twice in succession for the same input marking, i.e., the net's marking must be modified in some manner before the transition can fire again. For example, in Figure 4, t/, l2 and (3 are enabled, but 13 has an activator arc (denoted by the arc with a solid bubble), so it fires first. After firing (3, we get the same marking, so Ì3 cannot fire again. As a result, only t, or /2 can next fire. Now, if tj fires, because the marking remains unchanged, we have the same situation as before t/ fires. But if t2 fires, both t/ and I3 are enabled. Since the marking has changed, only /j can fire, which copies the token b from pi to p2, i.e., p2 is refreshed. This copying of the state-value from pi to p2 is due to the state-transfer function F3. Note that t; is not enabled any more after /5 fires. As we can see, now p2 serves as a proper control place to ensure we have only one firing sequence ///2 (again, ignoring the internal transition (3 in the firing sequence). We now present two algorithms for synthesis of restriction subclass models using plug-in structures. The first algorithm is used to create a refreshing place. Its purpose is to support the second, more important, algorithm, which synthesizes a restriction subclass model. Algorithm 1 : Create a refreshing place in a SBPNO. Input: A SBPNO N = (Type, NG, Slates. ST, SFM, STM), and a placep, that satisfiespi' e ST. Output: A new SBPNO (a modified version of AO with a refreshing place p2 for p,. Procedure: 1) Add to N, a placep2 and a transition t'. 2) Add an arc r, from p, to t', and an arc ^2 from t' to Pi- 3) Add an arc r3 from t' to p2, and an arc r4 fromp2 to t'. Use (pi, F) as the state-transfer tuple for /-j, where F is defined as F(x) = {x}, x e States. 4) Add an activator arc from p; to As an example, applying Algorithm 1 to the SBPNO in Figure 2 creates part of the SBPNO shown in Figure 4 - all of the model except the arcs (p2, tl), (tl, p2) and the state-filter {a} for the arc (p2, tl). Algorithm 2: Model a restriction subclass by use of plugin structures Input; 1) A SBPNO N, = (Type,, NG,. States,, ST,, SFM,, STM,). 2) A restriction function (see Definition 2), f: SF, Output: A restriction subclass model N2 of N, {N2 has the same externally observable behavior as the model jV/[/"identified in Section 3). Procedure: 1) Make a copy N,. Call this new model N2 and let TVj be the source net for the following step: 2) For each transition t in ST,: For each p/ e / let SI be the state filter for the arc (p,, t). If S2 = f(Sl) is a proper subset of SI, i.e., S2 SI, then create a control place p2 of p, by applying the following steps: A. Use Algorithm 1 to create a refreshing placeof/);. . B. Add an arc rj from p2 to /. Use S2 as the state filter for r/. C. Add an arc r2 from t to p2 End For End For The initial marking of a subclass model created by Algorithm 2 is determined by the initial marking of the superclass used to create it. All places except the created control places have the same inifial marking as in the superclass model. The control places take on the same initial marking as their corresponding controlled places. As an example, applying Algorithm 2 to the SBPNO in Figure 2 creates the SBPNO shown in Figure 4. In this case, N, is the model shown in Figure 2 and the restriction function/is defined as f({a, b}) = {a},f({a}) = {a}. Note that the structure within the dashed box in Figure 4 is the plug-in structure. As we can see, Figure 4 is more complex than Figure 2. And the switchable plugin structures introduced in next subsection are even more complicated. Our proposal of modeling restriction inheritance would not be practical if we have to manually handle this complexity introduced by plug-in structure. Fortunately, since the synthesis of restriction subclass models is based on an algorithmic process, automated tools can be used to hide the internal details of modeling and analysis. 3.2 Switchable Plug-in Structures One advantage of Algorithm 2 is that the plug-in structures created are potentially controllable. By controllability we mean that a switch can be added to the structure to control its activity, i.e., the switch can be used to "turn on" or "turn off' the functionality of the plug-in structure. We call such a plug-in a "switchable plug-in." Switchable plug-ins offer a key advantage: They allow a model to represent a family of restriction subclass models, corresponding to a family of components. The basic idea is that a single component-model with n potential customisations (defined by n plug-in structures) can in fact model a family of 2" customized components. The family members correspond to the various combinations of enabled customisation features. This technique will be discussed shortly by a specific example. To transform a plug-in structure into a switchable plugin, a new place node must be added. For example. Figure 5 shows the same model as Figure 4, but with a switchable plug-in. Place ps serves as this new switch place. When there is a token in the switch place pi, the "plug-in" structure is active. In this case, the plug-in behaves as before we introduced the switch place, i.e., like Figure 4. But when there is no token in pi, the transition t^ will never be enabled. So, in this case, the model behaves as before we introduced the plug-in, i.e., like Figure 2. Notice that we have introduced a new state value called internal to the state set. Although it is possible to create the switching capability for this particular example without introducing this new internal state, use of this special state is required for creating general-purpose switchable plug-ins. To explain this point, consider the following situation. Suppose that we wanted to create a subclass C3 of class CI, where C3 does not support method tl at all. In this case, by Algorithm 2, the SBOPN for class C3 would look like the model in Figure 4, except that the state filter for the arc (p2, t,) would be ^instead of {a}. Now, to make the plug-in of this model switchable, we would introduce a switch place p3 as was done in Figure 5. But, since the state filter is the empty set, there is no way for the switch place to enable transition tl - it is always disabled, regardless of the state value of the token we put in p2. So, it is clear that in a switchable plug-in we cannot allow (j) as the state filter for a restricted transition. A simple solution is to introduce a new state value that is reserved for use within the switchable plug-in structure. This is the internal state referred to earlier. Now, the state filter can become {internal}, as opposed to (p. To create the initial marking of this subclass C3, it is necessary that the initial markings of the control place p2 and the switch place p3 have the state-value internal. In general, to model a restriction subclass using switchable plug-ins, we can use Algorithm 2 with the following two simple modifications: 1. For each plug-in, create a switch place (connected to/from the transition for the refreshing place). 2. For each plug-in, modify the state filter (for the arc from the control place to the restricted transition) to include the state internal. As an example, let us revisit the buffer example from Section 2. Now, the modified algorithm mentioned above can be applied to the model in Figure 1 to create a model for a "disable-free synchronous" buffer. The resulting model (with two switchable plug-ins) is shown in Figure 6. Note that the initial marking of all places belonging to plug-ins are internal. Note that the plug-in associated with the disable method employs a state filter of {internal}. Thus, if this plug-in is "turned-on" (by marking the switch place), the disable method will become inactive. For the plug-in associated with the put method, the state filter is set to {/, Empty!}. Thus, the put method is active only when the buffer is in the empty state. Most importantly, note that this one subclass model actually models a family of buffer types. The binding of the model to a specific buffer behavior is accomplished by varying the initial markings of the switch places (p2' and p3 '). The following table defines the options: p2' P3' Model Marked Marked A "disable-free synchronous" buffer Marked Unmarked A "disable-free" buffer Unmarked Marked A "synchronous" buffer Unmarked Unmarked A general buffer The ability to model a family of components can be very helpful for commercial component-based development. It supports flexible analysis of varying configurations of customized components in the design phase, which can reduce the overall cost of development. This has the potential to aid configuration management and support, which is becoming a major challenge that organizations face in component-based software development [18]. 3.3 Some Analysis Issues Basic SBOPN models (without plug-in structures) are derived from standard colored Petri nets. Basic SBOPN models, with state filters and state-transfer functions, can be transformed into colored Petri nets [12]. This is important since we want SBOPN models to be able to use a full set of analysis techniques already existing for mature models like colored Petri nets or ordinary Petri nets. But, the subclass models that correspond to customized components in this paper use activator arcs. Thus, we must understand the impact of these arcs in terms of analysis potential. After all, activator arcs are special arcs with unique semantics. In the generally case, there is no equivalent ordinary Petri net structure for a Petri net with activator arcs. But, in our models, activator arcs are used only in plug-in structures. Thus, it is possible to convert an SBOPN model with activator arcs to a general SBOPN model and preserve liveness, safeness and boundedness of the model. To simplify our discussion, we use Figure 5 as an example to explain some key aspects of this translation. The results apply in general. Consider the switch place p3 in Figure 5. In the case that p3 is not marked, it can be observed that removal of the plug-in will not change the liveness, safeness and boundedness properties of the model. Now consider the case when p3 is marked. In this case, p3 can never disable t3. Thus, p3 and the corresponding arcs can be removed without changing the model's behavior. From the structure of the plug-in, it is clear that the plug-in will not affect the safeness or boundedness of the model. A similar analysis of p2\ impact on the liveness of the model confirms that that both state-filters (on the arcs (pi, tl) and (p2, tl)) can be changed to {a} without changing the liveness property of tl. Now, since both state-filters associated with tl are equal, and whenever tl fires, the tokens in pi and p2 have identical state-values, the plug-in structure can be removed without impacting the liveness of tl. Furthermore, because of the 1-to-l correspondence between a plug-in and a shared transition, the translation just described does not impact the liveness of transition t2. Further conversion of an object model to a colored Petri net or ordinary Petri net is now assured, providing a basis for various analysis capabilities. Further discussion on specific analysis techniques using these lower-level, basic net models is beyond the scope of this paper. 4 Conclusions and Future Work One challenge in component-based software engineering is to find techniques and tools that are effective in aiding the specification and design of component-based systems. One way to increase the effectiveness of these design techniques is to employ formal methods that provide a well-defined design notation and support design analysis. From our research, and experience with commercial component-based software development, we noticed that restriction inheritance seems to have practical use when customizing general components to define special components. In this paper, we have discussed our research to blend Petri net concepts and object-oriented design in order to develop a design approach for component-based software systems development. We have selected Petri nets as our underlying design model because we have experience and expertise in applying this formalism (e.g., [19][20]), and because the formalism is mature and with strong support from theory and tools. Finally, Petri nets have an intuitively appealing graphical interpretation. A unique feature of this work is the idea of a "plug-in" control structure to allow for modeling restriction inheritance. For future work, we plan to develop some prototype tools that can be used to automate the creation of SBOPN designs for complex systems, including support features for synthesis and management of customizing general components to particular components. In addition, we plan to widen the scope of the work on inheritance modeling to include capabilities for modeling other types of inheritance. 5 References [1] C. Szyperski. Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN 0-201-17888-5. [2] M. Larsson and 1. Crnkovic. Development Experiences of a Component-based System. Proceedings of Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2000), IEEE, 2000. [3] R. Karl. Design Patterns for Component-Oriented Development. Proceedings of the 25"' EUROMICRO Conference, IEEE, ISBN 0-7695-0321-7, 1999. [4] G. Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, with Applications (2nd ed.). Benjamin/Cummings, San Mateo, California, 1994. [5] B. Henderson-Sellers and J. M. 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Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 8, No. 1, Feb. 1998, pp. 1-20. [13] X. Xie and S. M. Shatz. An Approach to Using Formal Methods in Asjject Orientation. Proceedings Type : Producer R = Ready States = {Ready} R = Ready States = {Ready} from Buffer Type : Operator R = Ready States = {Ready} from Buffer disable put Type : Buffer D = Disabled, E = Empty, P = Partial, F = Full States = {E, P, F, D} ¥\{E) = {P} ¥\{P)={P,F} V2{P) = {E, P} V2{F) = {P} F3(D)={£} F4(x) = {D}, ifx e States from Operator enable get to Operator '' from Consumer to Consumer Figure 1. A SBOPN for the Buffer, Producer, Consumer, and Operator System Type : CI Fl(fl) = {«} F1W= W F2(ö) = {b} Figure 2. A SBPNO for Class CI Type : C2 Fl(fl) = M Fl(è) = {è} F2(fl)= {b} F3(x) = {x}, ifx ff {a, bj Figure 3. A SBPNO for Subclass C2 (Incomplete) Fl(fl)={a} Fl(è)= W F2(fl)= {b} F3(x) = {x}, ifx e (a. bj Figure 4. A SBPNO for Subclass C2 Using a Plug-in i = internal States = {a. b. ;} F1(«)=M F1(6)={Ä} F2(a)={6} F3(x) = {x}, ifx e {a, b. i} Figure 5. A SBPNO for class C2 Using a Switchable Plug-in from Operator disable to A Operator from ^ Producer to Producer put Type : Buffer D = Disabled, E = Empty, P = Partial, F = Full, i = internal States = {£, P, F, D, i} F1(£)={P} FK/') = {/>,/=-} F2(P) = {E, P} F2{F) = {P} ¥3{D) = {£} F4(x) = {D}, if X e {E, P, F} F5(x) = {x}, ifx ff States Figure 6. The SBPNO for a "Disable-Free Synchronous" Buffer Using a Switchable Plug-in from 'Operator enable get to Operator from Consumer to Consumer A uniform component modeling space Duane Hybertson The MITRE Corp., McLean, VA, USA Phone: 703-883-7079, Fax: 703-883-1339 dhyberts@mitre.org Keywords: component, composition, generalization, interaction, model, modeling space, representation, specification Received: June 5, 2001 This paper presents a component modeling space as a context for supporting component-based software development and accumulating component-related knowledge. The modeling space is structured in three dimensions: A representation dimension that ranges from the languages of problem domains to computer processor languages; a composition dimension that supports a repeating pattern of the whole-part, or system-component, hierarchy; and a generalization dimension that supports reuse of models and components. Also integrated into the modeling space are an interaction model of components and connectors, an approach to component specification, and a provision for relating models via mappings. Each of these elements is characterized as applying in a uniform way throughout the modeling space. 1 Introduction The goal of component-based software development (CBSD) is to build software systems by integrating preexisting software components. It is understood that reaching this goal requires reusable components that interact with each other and fit into system architectures. This sounds relatively straightforward but has proved difficult to achieve. This paper briefly discusses some of the difficulties, and then presents elements of a modeling space intended to facilitate the resolution of these difficulties. The contribution of this paper is not based on the individual elements of the modeling space, because most of them have been described elsewhere. Rather, it is based on the selection and organization of these elements into an integrated structure, and on the uniform modeling approach emphasized in this structure. Significant issues in CBSD include: • Integration: How can components developed independently be integrated into a workable system? • Scope: Are components restricted to a certain scope or size? Are "objects" or "procedures" too small? Are "subsystems" too large? How can we market and use integrated collections of components? • Problem set: A component is intended to be used in multiple systems. How can we develop a component to support solving multiple problems, instead of just one problem? This is the basic reuse issue. • Shared understanding: How do we know what a component does, and whether it will fit into our architecture? This is the basic specification problem. • Semantic gap: Software development, including CBSD, must cover the spectrum from a problem domain representation to a machine language solution. How can models bridge this gap, and what are necessary constraints on component representations? Some of the issues listed above are not specific to CBSD. The discussion of these issues in this paper will focus on how the proposed modeling space benefits CBSD, but will also indicate broader software engineering benefits. Goals and building blocks of the modeling space are presented in Section 2. Modeling space elements are then described in Section 3. Section 4 reviews related work, and concluding remarks are presented in Section 5. 2 Goals and building blocks The modeling space definition is based on four goals or principles: (1) Separation: isolate elements important for successful long-term CBSD and define each element separately. (2) Integration: define the elements in a compatible way so they add up to a unified whole. (3) Simplicity, keep each definition as simple and uniform throughout the modeling space as possible. (4) Universality, find elements and definitions that apply to the full range of the component paradigm, rather than restricting the scope to any specific problem domain, life cycle phase, framework, or component model. Several building blocks support the modeling space elements described in Section 3. These building blocks consist of three types of entities: problem domain entities, software entities, and description enfities. Problem domain entities: Elements or objects of interest in a problem domain, such as a bank account in the financial domain Software.entities: • Data: Values interpreted as the state or properties of an entity or set of entities • Component: Computational entity, i.e., performs operations on data • Port: Point of interaction of a component with its environment, and through which a component provides or receives a service; structural part of component interface • Service: Data operation(s) that may be performed by one component on behalf of another component; behavioral part of component interface • Connector: Interaction entity, i.e., mediates communication and coordination among components; examples: remote procedure call, pipe, event broadcast • Role: Name of behavior pattern that may be performed by a component in an interaction context; structural part of connector interface; examples: client, server • Protocol: Specification of behavior pattern that may be performed by a component in an interaction context; behavioral part of connector interface • System: Configuration of software entities Description entities: • Model: Explicit description of an entity or set of entities; may include entity properties • Specification: Precise shared understanding of an entity or set of entities and entity properties; includes semantics • View: Useful subset of an entity or set of entities Software and description entities exist in the modeling space; problem domain entities do not. Services are defined separately from ports because services can be specified in the form of APIs that are defined separately from the components that may provide (implement) them or use them. Whether a description entity is a specification depends on the parties involved. If they share a common understanding, it is a specification. 3 Modeling space elements The foregoing issues, goals, and building blocks led to these modeling space elements: • An interaction model of components and connectors that addresses component interaction, coordination, and integration in a uniform way throughout the modeling space. This element addresses the CBSD integration issue. • A composition spectrum that represents a whole-part hierarchy ranging from the most inclusive system of systems to the lowest level indivisible unit. It is recursive in that a given whole can be part of a larger whole. This element is related to the scope issue. • A generalization spectrum that represents a "kind-of or "is-a" hierarchy ranging from universal models to instance models. It is recursive in that a model that is a generalization can in turn be further generalized. This element addresses the problem set issue. • A specification approach that emphasizes contracts, precision, and semantics, and has two primary specification types or views for each component and connector: external and internal. The same kinds of specification information apply throughout the modeling space. This element addresses the shared understanding and integration issues. • A representation spectrum that ranges from problem domain languages to computer processor languages. This spectrum covers not only a range of representations but also a range of conceptualizations. This element is related to the semantic gap issue. • Mappings that capture knowledge about the relations among models, specifications, and views throughout the modeling space. This element is related to the semantic gap issue. Composition, generalization, and representation collectively structure the modeling space into three dimensions as shown in Figure 1. They are separate dimensions because two entities can be at the same point on any two dimensions but differ on the third. This structure is proposed in place of the traditional temporal life cycle. System of systems o Indivisible Unit / Model of individual component/system Universal model Modeling space Processor language Problem ->■ domain language Representation or language C = position of common CBSD depiction of component Figure 1. Modeling space dimensions The definition of component is still a matter of debate in the CBSD Community. A common view is that a component is a deployable (physical) entity that is larger than a class or object but smaller than a subsystem, and provides a specifically defined set of services but is reusable in multiple systems. This depiction corresponds to an area around point C in Figure 1, at or near the processor language end of the representation dimension and at intermediate levels of the composition and generalization dimensions. In contrast, the definition of component in this paper allows it to be anywhere in the modeling space. Abstraction and levels of abstraction are important concepts in the modeling space, but the terms are rarely used in this paper. The reason is that four kinds of abstraction are part of the modeling space, corresponding to the three dimensions plus views. Instead of using the general 'abstraction' term, each kind is discussed in its own context. Each dimension has a range of levels of its kind of abstraction. A brief example will illustrate the modeling space separation of concerns. Suppose we design and build a financial system for First National Bank (see Figure 2). The system interacts with customers in setting up and using accounts, and sends certain reports to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) on a periodic basis. The system consists of hardware, software, and manual operations performed by customer service representatives. The software portion of the system consists of customer management and account management. Account management is composed of two parts: accounts and account transfers. In the course of developing this system, we specialize the party management facility defined by OMG for our customer management need, and then as we move into implementation, we find and incorporate a customer management component that satisfies our requirements for that part of the system. We develop the account management part, but when we are done, we decide this is a general capability that multiple banking systems could use. We generalize account management and make it available as a component with accompanying specification. Composition level System environment System Subsystem Component/package Unit/class First National Bank Financial System FNBFS and its Environment FRB FNBF System Customer Hardware Software Manual subsystem subsystem subsystem Customer Account Management Management j: Accounts 1. Account transfers was a general model that we specialized for customer management, and the more specialized customer management was general enough to find an existing component to satisfy the need. We also generalized account management into a reusable component. Each modeling space element in the list above will now be described in additional detail. 3.1 Interaction model This section describes an interaction model of components and connectors that addresses the CBSD integration issue. At its most basic level, the component paradigm is about developing components and integrating them into systems in which the components interact. The interaction model supports the modeling of component interaction with two entity types: components, which serve as a locus of computation and decision-making, and connectors, which serve as a locus of interaction between components. Both entity types exist throughout the modeling space in all dimensions. Every box shown in the hierarchy in Figure 2 can be a component. Correspondingly, connectors define and facilitate interactions ranging from a procedure call or message passing to UNIX pipe-filter interactions to distributed system interactions. As a locus of interaction, a connector provides not just an exchange medium, but also specification of interaction roles and protocols. Components and connectors have respective interface points called ports and roles, as shown in Figure 3. The left side of the figure shows a basic interaction of components A and B via a connector. The center is a visualization of the component-port-role-connector model. The right side shows specification elements in this structure (see Section 3.4). A key point is that roles that a component plays in an environment are defined not by the component, but by the connector-specified interactions in which the component participates. Figure 2. Example system We will now briefly map the example to the modeling space dimensions. Figure 2 shows the Composition perspective. Using familiar terms for each level, the composition levels range from the system environment to the unit or class level. In the Representation dimension, models range from use cases expressed in English (on the problem domain end) to machine instructions expressed in binary on the machine end. Between these end points are design and implementation models in UML and Java. The Java bytecode is very close to the machine code in this spectrum. In the Generalization dimension, the focus of the example is on a single system, which places it at the specific end of the dimension. However, there are a few generalized elements. The party management facility O— A Component A behavior specification Component/ A : Component A interface: port, service Attachment of port to Role 1 fAÌ Role 1 Role played by Component A in interaction and associated protocol A Connector , N Connector N behavior specification 1 BI Role 2 Role played by Component B in interaction and associated protocol Attachment of pott to Role 2 Component^^ f Component B interface: port, service O- B Component B behavior specification Figure 3. Anatomy of an interaction The interaction model supports CBSD in two ways. First, the explicit treatment of interaction, connectors, and coordination provides a basis for integrating components into systems by clearly defining the integration context. Second, the uniform nature of this model throughout the modeling space facilitates component modeling and the use of the component paradigm throughout the full spectrum from problem definition to deployment. Both of these benefits will become clearer in the ensuing discussion of the remaining modeling space elements. 3.2 Composition spectrum This section describes a composition spectrum that addresses the CBSD scope issue. Software systems and components typically exhibit a whole-part hierarchy. The end points of this spectrum are the smallest component or unit that is not further divided and the most inclusive component or system of systems. Formally, system and component are synonyms, informally, they can be used as relative terms. A system at one level may be a component of another system at the next higher level, and the same relations repeat at each level. Figure 4 illustrates the repeating pattern. The Figure 2 example shows the pattern repeated four times. 'A' represents a system of components B, C, D, and E interacting via connectors K, L, M, and N. 'E' in turn represents a system of its interacting components and connectors F, P, etc.. The figure shows a component as a composition of components and connectors. A connector can also be a composition of connectors and components. One mapping of the applicable parts of Figure 4 to the example in Figure 2 could be: E = FNBS system, D = FRB, N = asynchronous interprocess connector, C = customer, M = human-computer interaction, F = software subsystem, G = hardware subsystem, H = manual subsystem. Another mapping could be: E = account management, D = customer management, F = accounts, G = account transfers, P = message passing connector. V , External view of E Internal view of E Connector Component iH. o Figure 4. Recursive composition pattern This spectrum provides a clear context for internal and external specifications (discussed in Section 3.4), and offers a uniform way to treat components at multiple levels. From the Figure 2 example, account management could be a CBSD component in other systems in addition to the FNBF software system. The FNBF software system, since both of its components are generalized, could itself be a CBSD component in other financial systems. At each level, the internal view of each component is seen by the component developer, but is hidden from the system composer. The person producing E is a system composer when integrating 1 into E, but is a component developer when preparing E for users such as the system composer of A. 3.3 Generalization spectrum This section describes a generalization spectrum that addresses the CBSD problem set issue. A key potential benefit of the component paradigm is reuse—a component is intended to be usable in multiple systems. The generalization spectrum supports this goal with the idea of general models and specifications. Generalization is a form of abstraction in which information is removed to make a more general component or model that is useful in multiple environments or that allows multiple implementations. General models include abstract data types, classes in class hierarchies, generics, templates, component and connector types, frameworks, reference models, domain specific architectures, product line architectures, analysis patterns, architecture/design patterns, architecture styles, and programming idioms. Each of these is aimed at a goal that is difficult to achieve: solve a group of problems rather than a single problem. If we characterize a problem as a set of features or aspects, then the union of problem sets yields a problem space, and the intersection of the problem sets defines the features that are common among the problems in that space. The difference between the union and the intersection represents variation among the problems. If the intersection is small, the problem space is heterogeneous. The class of problem domains supported by software engineering is an important example of a heterogeneous problem space. If the intersection is large, the problem space is homogeneous. The class of hardware processors is an important example of a relatively homogeneous problem space. In any problem space, we can identify subspaces that are more homogeneous than the complete space, and increase reuse in that subspace. Domain specific engineering is targeted to a homogeneous subspace of the overall problem space. There is a general tradeoff. We can achieve limited reuse across the whole set of problems, or we can achieve greater reuse within a more homogeneous subset of problems. The modeling space approach to this tradeoff is a principle we will call maximum leverage. Leverage of a solution (e.g., a model or component) is defined as the degree to which it satisfies these two conflicting criteria: (1) number of problem situations to which it applies; and (2) proportion of solution it provides—i.e., extent to which it provides the complete solution needed for the applicable problem set. Leverage as a metric is the product of these two criteria. This makes the tradeoff explicit. The concept is illustrated in Figure 5. Leverage of specific solution all Proportion of Solution \ \ \ N / \ y / s s Ideal leverage ./--Reality; limit at maturity --Reality: currenttrade-olT Leverage of general solution 0 all Number of problems Figure 5. Leverage Ideally, one solution would completely solve all problems (upper right corner of box). However, there is a limit even when a discipline reaches maturity—the tradeoff still exists. In an immature problem domain, the limit is not yet reached, and leverage is even more restricted. The current and ultimate tradeoffs are represented by the diagonal dashed lines in Figure 5. Two models of equal leverage may differ in that one may provide a small part of the solution for a large number of problems (shown as the box labeled "Leverage of general solution" in Figure 5), while the second may provide most of the solution for a small number of problems (shown as "Leverage of specific solution"). The first criterion reflects the perspective of the person with the problem—the consumer or client: I want a solution that completely solves my specific problem. The second criterion reflects the perspective of the person with the solution—the producer or provider: I have a solution that will help solve everyone's problems. Achieving leverage is critical to CBSD in terms of market viability. A component developer must produce a component that simultaneously satisfies enough of the specific needs ('proportion of solution') of a sufficient number ('number of problems') of individual system composers, to establish a market. Generalization and the techniques for increasing leverage support CBSD and component reuse. Leverage will increase as CBSD and software engineering in general mature. But how can we increase leverage in the meantime? Within a given problem space, one can go beyond what is common and also capture some of the variability of a set of problems. We might call this predefined variability. A simple example of this is parameterization. Adding a parameter to a component interface increases the variability it can accommodate. Another example is a general model that defines a "component product line" from which multiple component variants can be instantiated. A third example is the interaction model described in Section 3.1, which has been specialized into architecture styles such as object-oriented, pipe-and-filter, event-based, and blackboard systems [12]. Each style defines component and connector types for a class of systems. 3.4 Specification This section describes a specification approach that addresses the CBSD shared understanding and integration issues. A specification is a precise shared understanding of an entity or set of entities, as defined earlier. This means that a specification involves an entity such as a model and at least two parties communicating about the model. Typically one party writes the model (e.g., a programmer), and the other party reads the model (e.g., a compiler). The two parties must understand the language used to represent the model. If the two parties share the underlying concepts or semantics of the model, much of the specification can be implicit. If the parties do not share these concepts, more of the specification must be explicit. In a mature discipline, small models are sufficient to represent specifications, because most of the shared information is implicit. The modeling space approach to specification emphasizes the basic principles of modularity, encapsulation, and precision. A specification consists of a set of rules, where 'rule' is used in a very general sense that includes everything from system requirements to code. Examples of types of rules: required data types; required functions; performance properties; provided services; dependencies; policies; types of permitted components in a system; specific components and connectors in a system; attachment of components to connectors (ports to roles); required properties or attribute values; invariants, preconditions, and postconditions; exception handling; state transitions. An important element of component specification in the modeling space is design by contract, as defined by Meyer [9] but extended to include non-functional (e.g., performance, quality of service/QoS) information. Specification types are derived from the interaction model and the composition dimension—specifically, the intertwining of internal and external views. An internal specification of a composite component or connector entity is a set of rules—including policies—about the data, components, and connectors that are within the composite, and their structure and interaction. An external specification of a component or connector entity is a set of rules about the external view of that enfity. For a component, that includes observable data, behavior, ports, and services. The relation between the two specification types (shown in Figures 3 and 4) is that an internal specification of a composite includes the external specifications of its components and connectors. The external view corresponds to what we typically call requirements, and the internal view corresponds to what we typically call architecture, design, or implementation. An external component specification has two contract types. The first is a user specification, which specifies what the component provides to users (services offered). The second is a provider specification, which specifies what it requires of providers (dependencies). Note that this pattern can set up a dependency chain of indefinite length, in which a component can be a provider or server to one component and a user-of or client-to another component. The interaction model in Figure 3 will now be described further, in terms of informal specification examples. Suppose connector N is a function call, A is a procedure, and B is a square root function. Role 1 is caller, and its associated protocol is as follows. It decides to initiate a call, which involves transferring data and control, and then it waits for a return, which involves receiving data and control. Role 2 is "callee" or server function, and its associated protocol is: It waits for a call, which involves receiving data and control, and then it initiates a return, which involves transferring data and control. The connector N behavior specification is: It receives a call at the caller role and initiates a transfer of this call to the server function role; then it receives a return at the server function role and initiates a transfer of this return to the caller role. Each receipt and transfer of a call or return includes a transfer of data and control. Thus, connector N blocks control at the caller role from the time it receives a call to the time it transfers a return. The Component B behavior specification is: Precondition: Received data X > 0. Postcondition: Returned data Y within tolerance T and time delta D. B receives control and a data value X. It then returns control and a data value Y. Most of these details of a function call interaction specification are usually implicit, because function call is a mature connector type and we have a shared understanding of it. However, more details of complex or higher-level interaction specifications need to be explicit to avoid component mismatch. The specification pattern of relating external specifications to a larger internal specification addresses the CBSD problem of fitting a component into a system. The inclusion of connectors, along with the modeling space approach to component and connector specifications, defines this problem in a precise way and helps determine if a component matches a system or will interoperate with other components. Specifically, suppose that C is an available component, and S is a composite component or system that could potentially use C. That is, the internal specification of S includes an external specification of a needed component we will call SC, and we want to determine if available component C satisfies the needed SC. (In Figure 2, S = FNBS software subsystem and C = customer management component.) The determination is based on a comparison of the external specifications of C and SC. From a contract perspective, we can say that C satisfies SC if and only if these two conditions hold: C provides at least all the services that SC provides, and C requires at most all the services that SC requires (Cprov ž SCprov a Creq < SCreq). To be able to determine this, however, both the system and the component need to be adequately specified. Most current programming languages lack support for this specification approach in the areas of semantics and external specification of required services. 3.5 Representation spectrum This section describes a representation spectrum that addresses the CBSD semantic gap issue. The artifacts of software engineering have traditional names such as requirements specification, architecture description, design description, and code. In the modeling space, all these are regarded as models of one or more software entities such as system or component. Each model is represented in some notation or language, or combination of languages. The general categories of languages are textual, graphical, and mathematical. The representation spectrum ranges from problem domain models (such as banking or geospatial information) to computer processor models. Corresponding to the language differences are differences in concepts, terms, and domain ontologies. It is really the latter set of differences that establishes the large conceptual gap between problem domains and computer processors, and defines the range of this spectrum. Example: In the banking domain used in the earlier example, key concepts are account, withdraw, deposit, balance, and transfer. In the geospatial domain, key concepts are map, contour, elevation, feature, thematic layer, and projection. In the computer processor domain, key concepts are load, store, add, branch, memory address, and register (actually 01011000, 0101000, etc. but we will use translated terms). The computer processor uses this basic set of concepts to solve problems in banking, geospatial information, and all other problem domains. Note that we listed the concepts in all these domains using English, but the conceptual distance between them remains large. The relation between models in the representation dimension is translation from one representation to another—for example, problem domain notation to formal specification to UML to Java to machine language. Note that a translation may be combined with relations in other dimensions. In Figure 4, assume that the internal view of A and external view of E are represented in UML, while the next composition level— the internal view of E—is represented in Java. In this example, the respective models of the external and internal views of E have two relations: translation in the representation dimension, and composition in the composition dimension. The representation spectrum brings into focus several CBSD issues related to language, notation, terminology, and semantics. One issue is sufficiency. Is a specific language sufficient to express the necessary specification information (described in Section 3.4)? As indicated earlier, most current programming languages are not sufficient in this regard. Further investigation of the use of declarative languages for external specifications may be useful. Another representation issue is how to determine whether the specification of an available component satisfies the specification of a needed component if the two specifications are in different languages. Do we need to try to adopt a common external specification language— e.g., a formal language, or UML, or IDL, or XML, or natural language? How do we deal with differing ontologies or paradigms, such as procedural versus object-oriented versus functional? An example of recent research is an approach to component search in the context of differing ontologies [4]. The representation spectrum does not resolve the issues, but it does provide a focal point for addressing representation and the semantic gap issue separately from other CBSD issues. 3.6 Mappings This section briefly describes mappings that capture knowledge about the relations among entities throughout the modeling space. Mappings address the CBSD semantic gap issue. The knowledge to be captured in the modeling space includes not only a large number of reusable models, but also reusable mappings among the models. Mappings are commonly used relations that tie together existing models throughout the modeling space, and help navigate the space when solving a specific problem. Relations include composition, decomposition, generalization, specialization, translation, optimization, and view. For example, suppose we start with a given problem that matches a general model near the problem end of the representation spectrum. A translation mapping might lead us to a model represented as a formal external system specification. A decomposition and translation mapping might lead us to a model representing interacting components of the system in UML. We may then go to our component catalog and match our needs (the specified components of our system) with the specifications of available components, and pick a set that matches. The catalog may exist in the modeling space in the form of external component specifications that provide purchasing or leasing information for associated deployable components. 4 Related work The generalized view of components and connectors is consistent with software architecture literature, which has promoted connectors as first-class entities [12, 1]. The Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling approach [11] shares some of these features, and its composition approach is recursive and hence more compatible with the modeling space composition dimension than are most object-oriented treatments. The connector, as a locus of interaction and coordination, is consistent with literature on coordination models and languages. This literature recognizes coordination as distinct from computation and as a subject of study in its own right [6, 10], and it also addresses the issues of heterogeneous systems. A preliminary taxonomy of connectors is proposed in [8]. Taxonomies and classification schemes are important steps toward reducing artificial variability and accumulating a body of knowledge. The product-line approach and domain engineering [2, 15] exploit extensive commonality within a homogeneous problem class, which positions both in the generalization dimension. The KobrA approach [3] is an example of the product line approach. KobrA also has other similarities with the modeling space elements presented here. The KobrA framework captures what is common and also captures "concrete variants" (predetermined variability). The dimensions that embody separation of concerns are in partial agreement with the modeling space dimensions. The primary differences between the two approaches are (1) greater emphasis on interaction and connectors in the modeling space, and (2) the modeling space representation dimension as opposed to the development process emphasis in KobrA. Szyperski's approach to component specification [14] is consistent with the approach in this paper. Szyperski also discusses the specific "wiring standards" defined in three primary approaches to component software: CORBA, JavaBeans, and Microsoft's COM/DCOM. However, his treatment does not provide a general approach to connectors or interaction. The new CORBA component model (CCM), described in [13], is a generalized and extended form of Enterprise JavaBeans or Java 2 Enterprise Edition. The CCM is consistent with a number of elements in the modeling space, including specification contracts and modularity. The concept of container has some of the mediation features of a connector, but is more specialized for the CCM environment. CCM appears to be focused on the programming region of the representation spectrum rather than the fiill spectrum. Catalysis [5] is an approach to objects, components, and frameworks that emphasizes connectors as well as components and covers a significant part of the modeling space. Catalysis uses the concept of object as the locus of static functionality and data, and action as the locus of dynamic activity. It supports composition of both objects and actions. Generalization is supported via model frameworks. RM-ODP [7], an ISO standard for distributed processing systems, has a number of similarities with the modeling space. Many of the foundation concepts, such as encapsulation, interface, and contract, are compatible. The RM-ODP architecture concepts include a list of distribution transparencies, which maps to the generalization dimension. RM-ODP presents five viewpoints of a distributed system: enterprise, information, computational, engineering, and technology. The information view maps to data specification in the modeling space. The other four viewpoints all map to some degree to an internal component specification, at different levels of composition and generalization. What the modeling space adds to this related work is a broad context in which these various approaches can be positioned and compared. The modeling space also adds a structure for compiling and organizing models that describe components, their interactions, and the larger configurations into which they can be integrated. 5 Conclusion Benefits. The modeling space described in this paper supports CBSD and component modeling, both in the near term and the long term. In the near term, it provides a uniform structure for modeling components and modeling systems in which the components may be integrated. Modeling the systems supports the system composers. Modeling the components supports both the component developers and the system composers. In the long term, the uniform structure can serve as the basis for an organized repository of knowledge of components and systems in which they can be used. This knowledge will be in the form of a large number of well-understood models that will exist throughout all dimensions of the modeling space, and relations or mappings among the models. in addition, the modeling space elements apply to software engineering in general, not just to CBSD. Many large systems require a combination of the component paradigm and other approaches such as custom development. The modeling space defined in this paper can reconcile these approaches. Validation. The modeling space approach described in this paper has not yet been directly validated in CBSD practice. However, the approach represents a consolidation of elements with a solid foundation in software and systems engineering practice. Conceptualizing software engineering as modeling is fairly well established. Generalization and composition are well established in software engineering and also have a long tradition in other disciplines such as ontology, biology, and mathematics. Composition and representation have long been the primary elements of the software life cycle. Thus the argument for the validity of the modeling space at this point is based on the pedigree of its elements. Further work in direct CBSD validation is anticipated. 6 References [1] Allen R. & Garlan D. (1997) A Formal Basis for Architectural Connection. ACM Tram, on Software Engineering & Methodology, 6, 3, p. 213-249. [2] Arango G. & Prieto-Diaz R. (1991) Domain Analysis and Software Systems Modeling. IEEE Computer Society Press. [3] Atkinson C., Bayer J., Laitenberger O. & Zettel J. (2000) Component-Based Software Engineering: The KobrA Approach. 2000 Int. Workshop on CBSE, Limerick, Ireland. Available at http: //www.sei.cmu.edu/cbs/cbse2000/papers/21/21 .html [4] Braga R., Mattoso M. & Werner C. (2001) The Use of Mediation and Ontology Technologies for Software Component Information Retrieval. 2001 Symposium on Software Reusability, Toronto, Canada, May 18-20, 2001. Published in Software Engineering Notes, 26, 3, p. 19-28. [5] D'Souza D. & Wills A. (1998) Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML: The Catalysis Approach. Addison-Wesley. [6] Gelernter D. & Carriero N. (1992) Coordination languages and their significance. Communications of the ACM, 35, 2, p. 97-107. [7] International Organization for Standardization (1995) Basic Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing. ITU-T Recommendation X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2: Foundations and ITU-T Recommendation X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3: Architecture. [8] Mehta N., Medvidovic N. & Phadke S. (2000) Towards a taxonomy of software connectors. Proceedings of the 22'"' Int. Conference on Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, p. 178-187. [9] Meyer B. (1997) Object-Oriented Software Construction (2"'' ed.) Prentice Hall. [10] Papadopoulos G. & Arbab F. (1998) Coordination Models and Languages. CWI Report SEN-R9834. Available at: http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/ papadopoulos98coordination.html [11] Selic B., Gullekson G. & Ward P. (1994) RealTime Object-Oriented Modeling. John Wiley. [12] Shaw M. & Garlan D. (1996) Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Prentice-Hall. [13] Siegel J. (2001) Quick CORBA 3. John Wiley. [14] Szyperski C. (1998) Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming. Addison-Wesley. [15] Weiss D. & Lai C. T. R. (1999) Software Product-Line Engineering: A Family-Based Software Development Process. Addison-Wesley. Acknowledgments The MITRE Corporation provided support for the research reported in this paper. An agent-based component platform for dynamically adaptable distributed environments Rainer Weinreich and Reinhold Plösch Software Engineering Group, Dept. of Business Informatics, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria rainer.vveinreich@iku.at. reinhold.ploesch@,iku.at Keywords: component models, distributed components, mobile agents, deployment, remote configuration, component frameworks Received: June 16, 2001 Component-based systems require standardization by component models and component platforms providing both an execution environment for software components and core component services. Remote administration and mobile computing require additional support from component platforms. We argue that increased flexibility, especially at run-time, can be achieved by using agent technology and agent platforms as powerful component environments. We present an adaptable component platform which incorporates mobile agent platforms and describe how important issues of component deployment, configuration and security are supported by our environment. 1 Introduction Current software systems are increasingly assembled from reusable software components, written at different times by various companies and developers. Softwarp components are units of independent deployment and composition [1][2] and conform to a component model. A component model provides standards for component implementation, naming, interoperability, customization, composition, evolution, packaging, and deployment [3]. The component model is not only the basis for the development of reusable components, but also for constructing execution environments and basic services for components conforming to a particular component model. We use the term component platform to denote an execution environment and basic component services for software components. As the Internet gains steadily in importance and wireless computing and mobile devices penetrate all areas of business and private life, additional demands on component models and platforms are raised. This includes remote administration via Internet connections, support of different end-user devices, dynamic configuration, dynamic adaptation to different environmental conditions, security, and interoperation among components from different component models and platforms. Many of these demands are supported by software agent technology [4]. Currently there is no generally accepted definition of a software agent. The basic idea underlying most definitions is the vision of intelligent, sometimes mobile, programs that are able to act autonomously on behalf of a user. Distinguishing agent features that are often mentioned are autonomy, intelligence, mobility, personality, adaptability, knowledge and cooperation (e.g., [5] [7] [8]). Petrie [10] calls this an anthropomorphic view, because human cognitive traits like environmental awareness, autonomy, and intelligence are ascribed to software. Agents are used for information retrieval [11], network management [12][13], telecommunication [14][15] and E-commerce [9][16]. From a technical perspective, agent-based systems have similar characteristics as component-based environments. Issues like naming, interoperability, customization, evolution, and packaging are equally important in agent-based systems and have to be supported by agent platforms and development environments. In addition, agent technology emphasizes support for heterogeneity, adaptation to different environments, code mobility, and collaboration. Thus, software agents can be viewed as flexible and adaptable software components. Sometimes they are even called next-generation components [5][6]. We use agent technology as the basis for an adaptable component platform supporting deployment, configuration, and remote access of components for monitoring and information retrieval in heterogeneous distributed environments. The system is called Insight ACS and is currently used as the basis for remote administration and control of process automation systems over Internet connections. Main points of our environment are dynamic services, mobility support, native-code management, dynamic configuration, and multi-protocol remote access of various types of components. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In the next section we outline the application domain, which gives an impression of the various demands on our component platform. In Sections 3 and 4 we give an overview of the system structure and the platform's architecture. We will show that an agent platform is a major part of our environment, though not all components in our system are agents. In Sections 5-9 we concentrate on issues like deployment, configuration, mobility support, service management, security and domain-specific component frameworks. In Section 10 we describe related work. 2 Background and Application Domain The environment presented in this paper is the result of a research cooperation with Siemens Germany and is currently used for remote system diagnosis and remote supervision and control of steel plant automation systems. Remote system diagnosis is a long-term process. Data about certain aspects of an automation system is continuously collected, analyzed, and compiled to reports. These reports are made available to remote plant supervisors, which may identify upcoming problems and timely take adequate actions. Remote system supervision and control supports monitoring of individual critical aspects of an automation system. If problems like exceeded quality limits are detected, autonomous and configurable actions may be performed by the supervising software. Typical types of actions are automatic notification of plant supervisors, messages to local operators or autonomous changes of parameters for temperature models or geometry models. The architecture of our system and many of its features were influenced by its application in this domain. Automation systems are heterogeneous distributed systems consisting of multiple hosts with probably different operating systems within a local area network. Components for collecting data during system diagnosis and for system supervision and control need to be installed and configured remotely and dynamically. Remotely means that components may be installed and configured over Internet connections. Dynamically refers to the ability to perform these tasks at run-time. Components have to move within the system to collect information, have to adapt to different environmental conditions, must be able to communicate with legacy systems, and need access to native operating system services. Some of these characteristics, like distribution, heterogeneity, dynamic installation, mobility and dynamic adaptability, are especially supported by agent technology. Other requirements like remote configuration via temporary Internet connections, thin clients, and interaction with legacy systems have additionally to be considered in system architecture and design. 3 System Structure and Overview The two main parts of the structure of a system supported by our environment are depicted in Figure 1. The left part of the figure shows the elements of the system for remote administration and configuration. The right part depicts the target environment for supervision and retrieval components. Both are connected through the Internet, although they may be co-located within the same LAN or Intranet, also. Client Administration Server Ofe Client Client O"—- OS" O Agen,Se„er Figure 1: System Structure The structure of the administration subsystem reflects specific requirements like thin clients, central administration management, and security. An Administration Server hosts component repositories for various target environments, called units in our terminology. Each repository contains various kinds of components for supervision, information retrieval and other tasks to be performed at a specific target environment. We use the term domain components for such components to distinguish them from system components, implementing functionality and services of the component platform itself Components within a repository are organized into different categories. As we will outline in the following sections, domain components are implemented as portable mobile agents in our system, where portable means that they are independent from a specific agent platform. The Administration Server further hosts a Web Server and an Application Server containing tools for installation and configuration as well as security services for authentication and authorization. Administration tasks are performed from thin clients. This means that tools need not be pre-installed at administration hosts. Instead, they are loaded dynamically from the Administration Server and can be updated at a central location (see Section 6 on dynamic configuration). The user interfaces of theses tools are decoupled from their application logic. Currently, we support pure HTML-based interfaces as well as more elaborate interfaces based on Java GUI libraries. The system structure is also influenced by security issues. For example, remote administration tasks are always performed via a connection between the Administration Server and the Gateway Server at the target platform. We will discuss security issues in more detail in Section 8. The target environment (or unit) for components is a heterogeneous distributed system, which consists of an arbitrary number of hosts typically within a local area network. The hosts may have different operating systems, but each host has to provide an Agent Server, which acts as run-time environment for both component services and domain components. A distinguished host, the Unit Gateway, is used as the entry point for accessing the unit from the Internet. For security reasons, administration clients may only connect to the Unit Gateway (via the Administration Server). In addition to an Agent Server, the Unit Gateway hosts an Application Server, which contains components for remote administration and access of the domain components within the unit. Domain components are either installed directly on a specific host or they are installed at the Unit Gateway and deploy themselves to the appropriate host depending on environmental conditions. 4 Software Architecture Figures 2 and 3 give an overview of the main architectural building blocks of the Insight component environment at the target unit. Figure 2 shows the main layers of the component platform. Figure 3 depicts main elements of the Remote Administration and Access Interface (RAAI). Application Specific Components o « § 1 m s' s s k «g i tli Dynamic Services Layer Agent Component Layer Agent Platform Abstraction Layer (APAL) Aglets SDK Grasshopper Java Platform Figure 2: Platform Architecture Since the target environment is a heterogeneous distributed system, portability among various hosts is important. For this reason, the Insight environment is based on the Java 2 platform, as shown by the most general layer in Figure 2. Java 2 offers a certain degree of portability due to a platform neutral binary format (the Java bytecode) and a large set of standardized core APIs. However, our system is not based on a Java component model like JavaBeans or Enterprise JavaBeans. Instead, domain components and most of the systern components are implemented as mobile agents. Mobile agents [17] are agents that can migrate from host to host in a network. From a run-time point of view they are active objects which may transfer their state, their code and (sometimes) their current execution stack upon migration to another host. From a component-based point of view they may deploy themselves (code + data) to a new target environment. The run-time environment for mobile agents is provided by agent platforms. An agent platform defines facilities for creating and destroying agents, for mobility, for agent communication, and for other platform-specific services also found in many component platforms. The component model for agents is also implicitly defined by the agent platform, though platform independent standards like FIPA (wvw.fipa.orgi are emerging. We use the facilities provided by existing agent platforms as the basis for our component platform (see Layer 2 in Figure 2). However, our environment is not based on a specific agent platform, but on an Agent Platform Abstraction Layer (APAL) defining platform-independent abstractions for agent creation, disposal, communication and migration. Currently, we provide two implementations for the APAL, one for the Aglets SDK (www.aglets.org) and one for Grasshopper (www.grasshopper.dey The component model of our platform is defined by the Agent Component Layer, which is based on the APAL. It extends the primitives of the APAL by a high-level communication API, a mechanism for component aggregation and data types for component identification and component metadata. The Dynamic Services Layer contains various general services, including a trading (directory) service, an event service, and a native-code management service. All services are implemented as portable mobile agents, also termed system components in our environment. Due to their nature these general services can be installed and uninstalled remotely, which enables a dynamic upgrade of the component platform itself. On top of the Dynamic Services Layer are domain-specific component frameworks for diagnosis and supervision tasks. They contain different coordination and communication models for domain components, i.e., agents performing supervision and data retrieval tasks. Tool 1 Tool 2 Remote Administration and Access Interface (RAAI) __rn_^—^_nT-i_ _r RPC-AMC Bridge (HTTP) _r RAAI Components Java Platform Figure 3: Remote Administration and Access Interface (RAAI) The agents within a unit use the communication services of the underlying agent platform for communication. The Remote Administration and Access Interface (RAAl) depicted in Figure 3 can be used for accessing agents from outside the unit. The RAAl is installed in an Application Server at the Unit Gateway. It contains components providing information about the whole unit and for bridging access to individual agents. Currently, requests from administration clients are sent using a platform-specific HTTP-based RPC. The RAAl contains a bridge for translating these requests to the native protocol of the agent platform. We have also implemented a bridge for llOP-based clients. Other components of the RAAl provide information for administration clients, like the number of hosts in the system and the components installed at a specific host. 5 Deployment Deployment is the process of installing and customizing applications in an operational environment [18]. Hall et. al. [19] describe a software deployment life-cycle and divide it into producer-side and consumer-side processes. The two main activities on the producer's side are release and retire. The release process encompasses all activities to package, provide, prepare and advertise software components for deployment to consumer sites. Retire is the process of withdrawing support for a particular software system by the producer. Since the retire process is not important in the context of this paper we refer to Hall et. al. [19] for a treatment of this subject. Release packages include all physical artifacts comprising a component, descriptions of deployment requirements, and they may also contain initial or default configurations for activating a component as part of the install process. According to Hall et. al. [19] installation, activation, reconfiguration, update, and adaptation are consumer-side processes. We will not go as far as to include adaptation and reconfiguration as part of the deployment process in our system, albeit we recognize that this may be valid for the deployment of whole software systems, not individual components, only. Agent Package Ul Package e- Deployable Domain \ Component / (implemented as agent) Figure 4: Component Packages The units of deployment in our environments are mainly software components for supervision and data retrieval at the deployment target. These components are implemented as mobile agents mainly in Java based on the Agent Platform Abstraction Layer described in the previous section. As described above, the first step in the deployment process is to release a component for deployment. The three main steps are (1) specifying component properties and external dependencies (2) creating component packages and (3) making these packages available to deployment tools. A component need not be deployed in a single package. In our environment a deployable component may consist of one to several packages. The main packages are depicted in Figure 4. The Agent Package consists of all Java classes implementing the agent's behavior and structure. The UI Package contains Java classes and sometimes HTML pages for configuring an agent during installation and operation. This package is not part of the Agent package, since the user interface code and resources are not needed during normal operation. The user interface is needed only by configuration and installation tools. Still it is deployed to the target environment for two main reasons. Firstly, agents can be configured from multiple locations with different Administration Servers at the same time. Keeping the user interface of an agent at one central location, i.e., within the agent's operational environment, makes it unnecessary to explicitly synchronize these servers. Secondly, older versions of agents may still be active and need to be configured while only new versions with new configuration interfaces are available at Administration Servers. We should note that the UI Package is optional. We also support automatic generation of (less flexible) configuration user interfaces based on component metadata and presentation annotations, as described in the next section. Interaction with legacy systems and access to native operating system services is an important requirement for components in our environment. The API provided by the Java 2 platform is often not sufficient to access such systems and services. Thus, each agent may have a number of associated platform-specific (or native-code) libraries (see Figure 4), which have to be deployed with the agent-package and the optional UI Package. The symbols for platform-specific packages or libraries are stacked in Figure 4, illustrating that mobile agents might need different native libraries for the same purpose on different operating systems. All packages are made available for deployment by putting them into a code repository at an Administration Server (see Figure 1). The repository supports multiple categories for different kinds of agents. The repository contains not only packages but also deployment descriptors for each domain component, specifying the packages that have to be deployed in order to successfully deploy the whole component. More specifically, the deployment descriptor contains a reference to the agent package, to an optional user interface package and to optional platform-specific libraries that are needed by the component at the target environment. The contents of the repository can be visualized using an installation tool that is loaded from the Administration Server to one of the administration clients depicted in Figure 1. The installation tool is used for handling the consumer-side processes of the deployment life-cycle. An administrator may select a component from the repository, specify an initial configuration and define the target of the installation process. The target may be an individual host or simply the unit. In the latter case, the component will be installed at the Unit Gateway and transfers itself to the final destination within the unit depending on environmental conditions. The installation process is performed as follows: (1) The installation tool analyses the deployment descriptor from the repository and transfers all specified packages to the destination via a secure Internet connection. (2) In addition to the packages the initial configuration as provided by the administrator is transferred. (3) The packages are stored at different locations at the target environment, (a) The agent package is delegated to the code management system of the agent system used, (b) The optional user interface package is stored on a dedicated U1 code server, (c) The platform-specific libraries are managed by a special native-code management service (see Secfion 7 on mobility and code management). (4) Finally, the agent is activated and parameterized with the initial configuration. Platform-specific libraries need a special treatment. In order to support mobility of agents within the target system, we have to ensure that an agent finds all required libraries for all hosls it might visit during operation at the target system. Therefore, the installation of these libraries requires additional steps. The installer first checks the available operating systems at the target system. Then, it determines whether the required libraries for these operating systems are already available in the correct version in a code repository at the Unit Gateway. Afterwards, it transfers all libraries that are still missing to the target environment. The installation terminates successfully, if the installer is able to transfer all platform-specific libraries for all operating system an agent might need during operation. 6 Dynamic Configuration Our environment supports remote and dynamic configuration of both agent properties and dependency relations among agents. Configuration is performed from administration clients over secure Internet connections using graphical user interfaces. The user interface for configuring the properties of a single agent is either fetched on demand from the agent's operational environment (see code on demand [22].) or it is automatically generated based on agent metadata. In the first case, user interface code for the agent has to be deployed to the target environment (see Section 5). In the second case, no user interface needs to be programmed and transferred, albeit less flexible user interfaces are possible. Both techniques enable configuration of agent properties from arbitrary administration clients, even if the agent itself has been deployed via a different Administration Server. Unit Client Agent Agent State + Agent Metadata + Presentation Hints Configuration Descriptor Ul Generator Ul Ul Renderer Figure 5: Automatic Generation of User Interfaces Automatic generation of user interfaces for agent configuration is based on metadata about an agent's configurable properties, which is augmented by Ul presentation hints. Examples for Ul presentation hints are verbose names of configurable properties, validation ranges, units of measurement, and category qualifiers. Category qualifiers are used for grouping related properties at the user interface. Configuration based on metadata works as follows: (1) The current properties of an agent including structural and type information, current values, and Ul presentation hints are stored into an XML-based configuration descriptor, which is transferred to the administration client. (2) At the client the descriptor is analyzed and the user interface is generated. (3) The changed configuration data is returned to the agent, which updates itself properly. The user interface generator is able to generate different kinds of user interfaces using different renderers. Currently we generate user interfaces based on JFC/Swing (http://)ava. sun.com/ifcV Renderers for HTML and other kinds of user interfaces may be provided as well. The main elements of automatic user interface generation are depicted in Figure 5. In addition to changing the properties of single agents at run-time, we provide tools for specifying dependency relations between different agents. Currently these relations are event relationships, which are maintained by an event service at run-time. Remote configuration tools use the Remote Administration and Access Interface (RAAl) for accessing the event service remotely and for viewing, creating, and changing event relationships. 7 Mobility Support and Code Management Mobile code and especially mobile agents offer a number of benefits for the construction of distributed systems. Benefits of mobile agents that are often described are reduced network load, reduced latency, encapsulation of protocols, asynchronous execution and autonomy, dynamic adaptation, and fault tolerance (see [20][21][22]). Despite these potential advantages code mobility raises new problems, mainly concerning R. Weinreich et al. security, resource management and accounting (see [23][24]). However, these issues are most evident if agents are used in a global setting, like agents roaming the Internet. They are less a problem if mobile agents are used within a rather closed environment, like in an Intranet or a local area network (LAN). We support mobility within the LAN of the target unit. The most important benefits of using mobility in our system are dynamic adaptation, encapsulation of protocols, and support for distributed data retrieval. Agents performing supervision tasks may dispatch themselves to the appropriate location depending on information provided by the target environment. Agents performing long-term diagnosis tasks may roam the LAN and collect data from multiple hosts. Finally, agents are able to access legacy systems located on specific hosts using proprietary and local communication protocols. The main elements that have to be transferred during agent migration are the agent's internal state, its code and its execution state. As long as agents are completely implemented in Java, all these issues are handled or at least supported by the underlying agent platform in our system. However, recall that some agents may represent domain components needing access to services that are not supported by the Java API. These agents typically use platform-specific (or native-code) libraries which have to be transferred to an agent's destination, also. Since this is not supported by the underlying agent platform, we provide a native-code management service for managing mobility of native code within the agent's network environment. The deployment process ensures that all platform-specific libraries an agent might need during operation are available in a central repository at the target unit (see Section 5). The native-code management service is implemented by a collection of system agents, one at each host. The migration process works as follows: (I) The underlying agent platform is used for transferring the portable part of an agent, including its internal state and information about its execution state. (2) After arrival the agent contacts a local system agent responsible for native-code management and specifies its need for particular libraries. This request does not contain platform-specific information and is the same on all target platforms. (3) The system agent checks a local code cache and confirms the request if the needed libraries are available. Otherwise it gets the required libraries from a central repository and stores them locally in the code cache before confirming the request. The system agent is aware of its environment and thus is able to get the correct libraries from the central repository. (4) After confirmation the migrating agent is able to finish the transfer process and continues with its operation. 8 Security The use of mobile code and especially of mobile agents in a truly open environment such as the Internet raises a number of security problems, which are difficult to solve (see [25][26]). The security requirements in our environment are different. We support remote administration and management of rather closed units with clearly defined access points. General problems in an open setting like protecting hosts from malicious agents and vice versa are not present in our environment. Instead, we have to provide secure connections as well as authentication and authorization for Internet-based access from administration clients to administered units as well as accurate logging of administration tasks. Figure 6 shows the system structure of our environment from a security perspective. An administration client has to authenticate himself at the Administration Server with a username and password (see (I) in Figure 6). Authentication of the administration server to clients as well as secure transmission is realized using SSL [27]. This means that the Administration Server needs a trusted certificate that can be verified by clients. Webser {^AoenlS O Application Server Component 3 Repository J DemJIitarized Zone Gateway Server o O Figure 6: Security Architecture Overview Access to corporate networks from the Internet is usually secured with firewalls, providing port and protocol filters. Our system architecture has been designed with typical corporate network security architectures (with cascaded firewalls) in mind. Communication between a client and an agent at a remote server is always routed via the Administration Server and the Gateway Server. Communication between the Administration Server and the Gateway Server (see (2) in Figure 6) requires a mutual certificate-based authentication of the Administration Server and the Gateway Server and is always encrypted. All administration tasks like installation and termination of agents, activation of certain agent tasks (e.g., measurements), and configuration changes are checked by an authorization mechanism, which is based on clientside authentication. In addition, a logging service records all activities of administration clients, which is an important feature for tracking not only security holes but also administration faults. Within the target unit no special security precautions are taken. Components trust their hosts as well as hosts trust their components. Communication among components within the system (see (3) in Figure 6) need not be secured,. though the underlying agent platform might provide intra-communication security as well. 9 Domain Specific Component Frameworks Insight provides domain specific component frameworks for system supervision and control as well as system diagnosis tasks (see Section 2). The frameworks assign roles to the agents used for supervision and system diagnosis. Although the primary application domain of these frameworks is process automation, they are general enough to be used in other domains with similar requirements. Agents for supervision tasks can be grouped into supervision and control agents. Supervision agents and control agents can be connected dynamically using a configuration tool as described in Section 6. Supervision agents continuously observe critical aspects of an automation system (e.g., steel quality attributes in a steel plant). A measurement framework allows customization of measurement activities like frequency of measurements and access to data sources. If a supervision agent detects a problem, it notifies all connected control agents. A control agent may either inform a human operator (e.g., by sending an electronic mail) or autonomously perform necessary operations. Figure 7 depicts typical coordination patterns for supervisor and control agents. from the worker agents to a diagnosis agent, which subsequently may use other agents for data processing and report generation. Figure 8 depicts measurement strategies that are.supported by.Insight. . HosH Host 2 Figure 7: Coordination patterns for supervisor and control agents In the figure, supervisor iS'2 is connected to two control agents (C2 and C3, on different hosts) that may be notified by S2. More complicated coordination patterns are also possible. For example, control agent M acts as a mediator for several supervision agents (Si and 52 in Figure 7). The mediator analyzes notifications from all connected supervision agents before informing its associated control agents (Ci in Figure 7). Connections between agents are maintained if an agent moves to another location. The main components of system diagnosis are diagnosis agents, worker agents and data collectors. Diagnosis agents are used for collecting data about distributed resources over a longer period of time. They create and use worker agents for performing the actual measurement tasks. Usually multiple workers are active in parallel. The diagnosis agent acts as coordinator and supervisor for its worker agents. Measurement results are returned Figure 8: Measurement Strategies In Figure 8, diagnoses agent Dì implements a simple strategy. Only one worker agent Wl is dispatched to a specific host. Diagnoses agent D3, however, uses two worker agents for collecting data from multiple hosts in parallel. Agent D2 uses a worker agent ÌV2 that visits several hosts in sequential order and performs measurement tasks at each host. The measurement strategy of diagnosis agents can be configured. Worker agents may either collect data once or continuously. In the latter case measurement frequencies can be configured and a trend analysis is possible. Analysis and preparation of measurement data for operators and managers is performed by data collector agents. Data collectors can be connected to the diagnoses agents using the configuration tool (see Section 6). Currently data collectors usually prepare reports in HTML, which can be viewed with standard web browsers. Data collectors use a data processing framework, which can be parameterized with other components supporting reports in different formats or storing measurement results in a quality database, for example. 10 Related Work Insight is component platform for dynamically adaptable distributed applications. As a component platform the, system supports naming, interoperability, deployment, evolution, customization and composition of software components. The most notable difference to other component models and platforms like Enterprise JavaBeans f http ://i a va. su n. com/ej b). Windows .NET (http://www.microsoft.com/net). and the CORBA Component Model (http://www.omg.org) is that components and services in our system are based on mobile agents. This leads to some of the key features of our environment like dynamic services, support for mobility, dynamic adaptation, and support for legacy systems. A detailed comparison with the above component models and platforms is beyond the scope of this paper. Also, it is not useful to compare our environment with other agent platforms. We rely on a minimum functionality for agent creation, destruction, communication, and mobility, which is expressed by an agent platform abstraction layer. The underlying agent system may be replaced by an agent system providing a similar functionality. Research on mobile agent platforms often focuses on security issues in a truly open setting (e.g., [28][29]) and on high-level interaction of agents owned by different principals. The main focus of our environment, however, is a flexible component platform with support for mobility, which utilizes agent technology for increased extensibility and adaptability. Another focus of our system is on remote administration, including deployment and configuration. Similar approaches for remote management of distributed resources are the Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP [30] and extensions to SNMP like RMON [31]. The focus of these approaches is on remote network management. They may be used not only for the management of computers in a network but also for network devices like switches and routers. They are not based on a component model and usually provide only lower level interfaces for administration. Configuration is sometimes supported based on static predefined tasks like in RMON. SNMPv3 [32] allows to dynamically install and execute scripts. In the telecommunication area network management is, for historical reasons, built upon the OSI model (TMN/OSI [37][38]). TMN/OSI mandates the use of the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP), which in its nature is comparable to the SNMP model [39], Java-based approaches for remote management of distributed resources are Jiro [33] and JMX [34], Jiro is based on Jini [35] and was initially created for the purpose of storage management. We will discuss only JMX, since SUN is currently working on integrating Jiro with JMX [36]. The management components of JMX are MBeans. MBeans may be compared to domain cornponents (i.e., supervisor, control and diagnosis agents) in the Insight environment. JMX supports a notification service for MBeans, which is comparable to the event service provided by our system. MBean objects are hosted by an MBean server, which has to be available at each host. In our environment, the execution environment for agents is provided by the underlying agent platform and is typically an agent server per host. MBeans may also offer services to other MBeans. Examples for MBeans-based services are remote class loading (m-let service), task scheduling (timer service), and monitoring attributes of other MBeans. These services may be installed and removed dynamically and thus are comparable to the dynamic services in our environment. Mobility of MBeans is not directly supported by JMX, though it could be implemented on basis of the m-let service. Also, the deployment process is not directly supported by JMX. JMX provides only limited support for native code management using the m-Iet service [34] while Insight supports deployment and mobility of native-code in heterogeneous environments. Tools for remote administration via the Internet are not part of the JMX specification. Also, support for automatic generation of configuration interfaces (see U1 presentation metadata in Section 6) is not included in JMX. The JMX specification contains no information about JMX specific security issues. The Insight security model is tailored to the described application requirements and supports not only mutual authentication and authorization but also logging of administrative tasks. 11 Conclusion Global networking via the Internet and wireless and mobile computing raise additional demands on component platforms and management. Global networking makes remote administration and management possible without leasing dedicated lines. Mobile and wireless computing have initiated a trend towards a spectrum of different end user devices for accessing the Internet. Security threats are increasing. Interaction with and integration of legacy systems becomes more important and raises additional demands on component systems. We have presented an agent-based component platform and environment, which offers solutions to some of these problems. Key issues of our system are dynamic services, support for remote and dynamic deployment and configuration, support for mobility, management of platform-specific code in heterogeneous environments, and multi-protocol remote access of software components. We also provide a security solution for remote administration tasks, and component frameworks for data retrieval and supervision of hard- and software-resources. The system is currently used for remote supervision and control of steel-plant process automation systems. Further application domains are investigated. Main issues of future work are better support for agent interaction and increased security and fault tolerance. 12 References [1] C. Szyperski: Component Software - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, Addison-Wesley, 1998. [2] G.T. Heineman, W.T. Councill (eds.): Component-Based Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 2001. [3] R. Weinreich, J. Sametinger: "Component Models and Component Services - Concepts and Principles", in Component-Based Software Engineering (www.cbseng.com), G.T. Heineman, W.Councill (ed.), Addison-Wesley 2001. [4] J.M. Bradshaw (ed.): Software Agents, MIT Press, 1997. [5] M.L. Griss: "Software Agents as Next Generation Software Components", in Component-Based Software Engineering, G.T. Heineman, W.Councill (ed.), Addison-Wesley 2001. [6] M.L. Griss, G. Pour: "Accelerating Development with Agent Components", ]EEE Computer Vol. 34, No. 5, May 2001. [7] D. Kafura, J.P. Briot: "Actor Agents", IEEE Concurrency, April/June 1998, pp. 24-29. [8] M. Wooldridge, "N.R. 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Picco: "Evaluating the Tradeofs of Mobile Code Design Paradigms in Network Management Applications", In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'98), Kyoto (Japan), IEEE CS Press, April 1998 MobiDoc: a mobile agent-based framework for compound documents Ichiro Satoh National Institute of Informatics / Japan Science and Technology Corporation 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430 Japan Tel: -H81-3-4212-2546 Fax: -^81-3-3556-1916 E-mail: ichiro@nii.ac.jp Keywords: compound document, mobile agent, software component, distributed system Received: May 6,2001 This paper presents a mobile-agent-based framework for building mobile compound documents, called MobiDoc, where the compound document can be dynamically composed of mobile agent-based components and can migrate itself over a network as a whole, with all its embedded agents. The key idea of this framework is that it builds a hierarchical mobile agent system that enables multiple mobile agents to be combined into a single one. The framework also provides several value-added mechanisms for visually manipulating components embedded in a compound document and for sharing a window on the screen among the components. This paper describes this framework and its prototype implementation, currently using Java as the implementation language as well as a component development language, and then illustrates several interesting applications to demonstrate the utility and flexibility of this framework. 1 Introduction Building systems from software components has already proven useful in the development of large and complex systems. Several frameworks for software components have been developed, such as COM/OLE [4], OpenDoc [1], CommonPoint [10], and JavaBeans [7]. Among them, the notion of compound documents is a document-centric component framework, where various visible parts, such as text, image, and video, created by different applications can be combined into one document and be independently manipulated in-place in the document. An example of this type of framework is CI Labs' OpenDoc [I] developed by Apple computer and IBM, although their development work on this framework has stopped. However, there have been several problems in the few existing compound document frameworks. A compound component is typically defined by two parts: contents and codes for modifying the contents. Contents are stored inside the component but the codes for accessing them are not always. Thus, a user cannot view or modify a document whose contents need the support of different applications, if the user does not have the applications. Moreover, existing compound documents are inherently designed as passive entities in the sense that they can be transmitted over a network by external network systems such as electronic mail systems and workflow management systems and cannot determine where it should go next. We also need network-wide manipulation for building and assembling various components located in different computers into a document. Therefore, not only a whole compound document but also each of the components of the document must be able to be transmitted to another computer. The goal of this paper is to propose a new framework for building mobile compound documents. Each document is built as a component that can be a container for components that can migrate over a network. Accessing compound documents over a network requires a powerful infrastructure for building and migrating, such as mobile agents. Mobile agents are autonomous programs that can travel from computer to computer under their own control. When an agent migrates over a network, both the state and the codes can be transferred to the destination. However, traditional mobile agent systems cannot be composed of more than one mobile agent,. unlike component technology. Therefore, we built a framework on a unique mobile agent system, called MobileSpaces, which was presented in an earlier paper [12]. The system is constructed using Java language [2] and provides mobile agents that can move over a network, like other mobile agent systems. However, it also allows more than one mobile agent to be hierarchically assembled into a single mobile agent. Consequently, in our framework, a compound document is a hierarchical mobile agent that contains its contents and a hierarchy of mobile agents, which correspond to nested components embedded in the document. Furthermore, the framework offers several mechanisms for coordinating visible components so that they can effectively share visual real estate on a screen in a seamless-manner. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys related work and Section 3 presents the basic ideas of the compound document framework, called MobiDoc. Section 4 details its prototype implementation and Section 5 shows the usability of our framework based on real-world exam- ples. Section 6 makes some concluding remarks. 2 Background Among the component technologies developed so far, OpenDoc and JavaBeans are characterized by allowing a component to contain a hierarchy of nested components. Although there are few hierarchical components available on the market today, their advent appears to be necessary and unavoidable in the long run. OpenDoc is a document-centric component framework and has several advantages over other frameworks, but it has been discontinued. An OpenDoc component is not self-configurable, although it is equipped with scripts to control itself, so a component cannot migrate over a network under its own control. JavaBeans is a general framework for building reusable software components designed for the Java language. The initial release of JavaBeans (version 1.0 specified in [7]) did not contain a hierarchical or logical structure for JavaBean objects, but its latest release specified in [5] allows JavaBean objects to be organized hierarchically. However, the JavaBeans framework does not provide any higher-level document-related functions. Moreover, it is not inherently designed for mobility. Therefore, it is very difficult for a group of JavaBean objects in the containment hierarchy to migrate to another computer. A number of other mobile agent systems have been released recently, for example Aglets [8], Mole [3], Telescript [17], and Voyager [9]. However, these agent systems unfortunately lack a mechanism for structurally assembling more than one mobile agent, unlike component technologies. This is because each mobile agent is basically designed as an isolated entity that migrates independently. Some of them offer inter-agent communication, but they can only couple mobile agents loosely and thus cannot migrate a group of mobile agents to another computer as a whole. Telescript introduces the concept of places in addition to mobile agents. Places are agents that can contain mobile agents and places inside them, but they are not mobile. Therefore, the notion of places does not support mobile compound documents. To solve the above problem in existing mobile agent systems, we constructed a new mobile agent system, called MobileSpaces, in a previous paper [12]. The system introduces the notion of agent hierarchy and inter-agent migration. This system allows a group of mobile agents to be dynamically assembled into a single mobile agent. Although the system itself has no mechanism for constructing compound documents, it can provide a powerful infrastructure for implementing compound documents in network computing settings. Also, we presented a compound document framework as just an application of the MobileSpaces system [13]. Therefore, the previous framework lacked many functionalities, which are provided by the framework presented in this paper. For example, it could deliver a compound document as a whole to another computer, but not decompose a document into components or migrate each component to another computer independently. As a result, the previous one could not fetch and assemble components located at different computers into a compound document. ADK [6] is a framework for building mobile agents from JavaBeans. It provides an extension of Sun's visual builder tool for JavaBeans, called BeanBox, to support the visual construction of mobile agents. In contrast, we intend to construct a new framework for building mobile compound documents in which each component can be a container for components and can migrate over a network under its own control. Our compound document will be able to migrate itself from one computer to another as a whole with all of its embedded components to the new computer and adapt the arrangement of its inner components to the user's requirements and its environments by migrating and replacing corresponding components. We should explain why our hierarchical mobile agent is essential in the development of compound documents. The reader might think that existing software development methodologies such as JavaBeans and OpenDoc, enable components to be shipped to other computers. Indeed, in the current implementation of our system each mobile agent can be a container of JavaBeans and can get as a whole with its inner Java Beans. However, JavaBean components are not inherently designed to be mobile components, unlike mobile agents. Therefore, it is difficult to migrate each JavaBean component over the network under its own control. On the other hand, our framework introduces a document (or a component) as an active entity that can travel from computer to computer under its own control. Therefore, our document can determine where it should go next, according to its contents. Moreover, it can dynamically adapt the layouts and combinations of its inner components to the user's requirements and the environments. 3 Approach This section outlines the framework for building compound documents based on mobile agents called MobiDoc. 3.1 IVlobile Agent-based Components To create an enriched compound document, a component or document must be able to contain other components, like OpenDoc. On the other hand, each mobile agent resembles a software component in the sense that each entity is a self-contained module holding its code and state, but most existing mobile agent systems do not allow a mobile agent to be composed structurally. Furthermore, each mobile agent is characterized by its mobility. Thus, a composition of mobile agents must be designed to keep their mobility. We intend to provide such a component through a hierarchical mobile agent. Our framework is therefore built on MobileSpaces [12] which can dynamically assemble more than one mobile agent into a single mobile agent. The system supports mobile agents that are computational and itinerant entities, like other mobile agent systems. It also incorporates the following concepts: step 2 Agent agent C ------- Computer A migration ST step 1 Computer A Computer B Agent mgent C «iPr^ HJ'' Computer B 4 Implementation Next, we will describe our method for using MobileSpaces to construct mobile compound documents.' It has been incorporated in Java Development Kit version 1.2 and can run on any computer that has a runtime system compatible with this version. H ierarchicaibMègenls ; Agents';; H ierarchicäibMögents (Agents) ( Agentj) AgentD : ; ! Agente]; I \ AgentA \ [ AqentB^ [Agentq AgentH AgentA Agente M obiU^aces Runtme Systffli Agent ^6i^atm Figure 1: Agent Hierarchy and Group Migration. • Agent Hierarchy The first concept means that each mobile agent can be contained within one mobile agent. It enables us to assemble more than one mobile agent into a single mobile agent in a tree structure. • Group Migration The second concept means that each mobile agent can migrate to another agent or another computer as a whole, with all of its inner agents. It allows a group of mobile agents to be treated as a single mobile agent during their migration. The first concept is needed in the development of a mobile compound document, because such a document should be able to contain other components, like OpenDoc. The second concept enables a compound document to migrate itself and its components as a whole. Accordingly, a compound document is given as a collection of mobile components and can be treated as a mobile component. Figure 1 shows an example of an inter-agent migration in an agent hierarchy. In an agent hierarchy, each agent is still mobile and can freely move into any computer or any agent in the same agent hierarchy except into itself or its inner agents, as long as the destination accepts the moving agent. 3.2 Compound Document Framework MobileSpaces is a suitable infrastructure for mobile compound documents, but it does not provide any document-centric mechanisms for managing components in a compound document. We offer a compound document framework for supporting mobile agent-based components, including graphical user interfaces for manipulating visible components. This framework, called MobiDoc, is given as a collection of Java objects that belong to one of about 50 classes. It defines the protocols that let components embedded in a document communicate with each other. It also deals with in-place editing services similar to those provided by OpenDoc and OLE. The framework offers several mechanisms for effectively sharing the visual estate of a container among embedded components and for coordinating their use of shared resources, such as keyboard, mouse, and window. Java Virtual Mat M obil^aces Runtiie Systgn Java Virtual Mat Figure 2: Agent Migration between Two MobileSpaces Runtime Systems. 4.1 MobileSpaces Runtime System The MobileSpaces runtime system is a platform for executing and migrating mobile agents. It is built on a Java virtual machine and mobile agents are given as Java objects [2]. Each component is given as a mobile agent in the system and the containment hierarchy of components in a document is given as an agent hierarchy managed by the system. The runtime system has the following functions: Agent Hierarchy Management The agent hierarchy is given as a tree structure in which each node contains a mobile agent and its attributes. The runtime system is assumed to be at the root node of the agent hierarchy. Agent migration in an agent hierarchy is performed just as a transformation of the tree structure of the hierarchy. In the runtime system, each agent has direct control of its internal agents. That is, a container agent can instruct its embedded agents to move to other agents or computers, serialize them and destroy them. In contrast, an embedded agent has no direct control over its container agent. It can only access the collection of service methods offered by its container agents. Agent Life-cycle Management The runtime system is at the root node of the agent hierarchy and can control all the agents in the agent hierarchy. Furthermore, it maintains the life-cycle of agents: initialization, execution, suspension, and termination. When the life-cycle state of an agent is changed, the runtime system issues events to invoke certain methods in the agent ' Details of the MobileSpaces mobile agent system can be found in our previous paper [12], 496 Informatica 25 (2001) 493-500 I. Satoh and its containing agents. Moreover, the runtime system enforces interoperation among mobile agent-based components. The runtime system monitors changes in components and propagates certain events to the right components. For example, when a component is added to or removed from its container component, the system dispatches certain events to the component and the container. Agent Migration Mechanism Each document is saved and transmitted as a group of mobile agents. When a component is moved inside a computer, the component and its inner components can still be running. When a component is transferred over a network, the runtime system stores the state and the codes of the component, including the components embedded in it, into a bit-stream formed in Java's JAR file format that can support digital signatures for authentication. The system provides a built-in mechanism for transmitting the bit-stream over the network by using an extension of the HTTP protocol. The current system basically uses the Java object serialization package for marshaling components. The package does not support the capturing of stack frames of threads. Instead, when a component is serialized, the system propagates certain events to its embedded components to instruct the agent to stop its active threads. 4.2 Mobile Agent Program In our compound document framework, each component is a group of mobile agents in MobileSpaces. They consist of a body program and a set of services implemented in Java language. The body program defines the behavior of the component and the set of services defines various APIs for components embedded within the component. Every agent program has to be an instance of a subclass of the abstract class ComponentAgent, which consists of some fundamental methods to control the mobility and life-cycle of a mobile agent-based component as shown in Figure 3. public class ComponentAgent: extends Agent ( // (un)registering services for inner agents void addContextService( ContextService service) (...) void removeContextService( ContextService service) (...) // (un)registering listener objects //to hoolc events void addListener( AgentEventListener listener) (...) void removeListener ( AgentEventListener listener) (...) void getService(Service service) throws ... { ... } void go(AgentURL url) throws ... ( ... } void go(AgentURL urli, AgentURL url2) throws ... ( ... } byte[] create(byte[1 data) throws ... (. byte[] serialize(AgentURL url) throws .. AgentURL deserialize(byte[] data) throws ... (...) void destroy(AgentURL url) throws ... (. ComponentFrame getFrame() { ComponentFrame getFrame( AgentURL url) (...) ) Figure 3: Structure of a Hierarchical Mobile Agent. The methods used to control mobility and life-cycle defined in the ComponentAgent class are as follows: • An agent can invoke public methods defined in a set of service methods offered by its container by invoking the getService ( ) method with an instance of the Service class. The instance can specify the kind of service methods, arbitrary objects as arguments, and deadline for timeout exception. • When an agent performs the go (AgentURL url) method, it migrates itself to the destination agent specified by url. The go {AgentURL urli, AgentURL url2) method instructs the descendant specified as urli to move to the destination agent specified as url2. • Each container agent can dispatch certain events to its inner agents and notify them when certain actions happen within their surroundings. Our framework provides an event mechanism based on the delegation-based event model introduced in the Abstract Window Toolkit of JDK 1.1 or later, like Aglets [8]. When an agent is migrated, marshaled, or destroyed, our runtime system does not automatically release all the resources, such as files, windows, and sockets, which are acquired by the agent. Instead, the runtime system can issue certain events in the changes of life-cycle states. Also, a container agent can dispatch certain events to its inner mobile agent-based components at the occurrence of user-interface level actions, such as mouse clicks, keystrokes, and window activation, as well as at the occurrence of application level actions, such as the opening and closing of documents. To hook these events, each mobile agent-based component can have one or more listener objects which implement certain methods invoked by the runtime system and its container component. For example, each component can have one or more activities that are performed using the Java thread library, but it needs to capture certain events issued before it migrates over a network and stop its own activities. 4.3 MobiDoc Compound Document Framework The MobiDoc framework is implemented as a collection of Java classes to embody some of the principles of component-interoperation and graphical user interface. Visual Layout Management Each mobile agent-based component can be displayed within the estate of its container or a window on the screen, but it must be accessed through an indirection: frame objects derived from the ComponentFrame class." as shown in Fig. 4. Each frame object is the area of the display that represents the contents of components and is used for negotiating the use of geometric space between the frame of its container component and the frame of its component. M obiDoc Fran ewoifc LayouCMan^er 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 java.awt.Point getFrameSize(); // sets the layout manager for // the embedded frames void setLayout(CompoundLayoutManager mgr) { // views the type of the component, . // e.g. iconic, thumbnail, or framed, int getViewType(); // gets the reference of the container's frame ComponentFrame getContainerFrame(); // adds an embedded component specified as frame void addFrame{ComponentFrame frame); // removes an embedded component II specified as frame void removeFrame{ComponentFrame frame); 11 gets all the references of embedded frames ComponentFrame[] getEmbeddedFrames(); // gets the offset and size of the inner frame // specified as cf java.awt.Rectangle getEmbeddedFramePosition{ ComponentFrame cf); // sets the offset and size of the inner frame // specified as cf void setEmbeddedFramePosition{ComponentFrame cf, java.awt.Rectangle); When one component is activated, another component is usually deactivated but does not necessarily become idle. To create a seamless application look, components embedded in a container component need to share, in a coordinated manner, several resources, such as keyboard, mouse, and window. Each component is restricted from directly accessing such shared resources. Instead, the frame object of one activated component is responsible for handling and dispatching user interface actions issued from most resources, and can reserve these resources until it sends a request to relinquish them. In-Place Editing Figure 4: Components for Compound Document in Agent Hierarchy. The frame object of each container component manages the display of the frames of the components it contains. That is, it can control the sizes, positions, and offsets of all the frames embedded within itself, while the frame object of each contained component is responsible for drawing its own contents. For example, if a component needs to change the size of its frame by calling the setFrame-Size ( ) method, its frame must negotiate with the frame object of its container for its size and shape and redraw its contents within the frame. 1: public class ComponentFrame 2: extends java.awt.Panel { 3: // sets the size of the frame 4: void setFrameSize{java.awt.Point p); 5: // gets the size of the frame ^Although the ComponentFrame class is a subclass of the java. awt. Panel class, we call Vnem frame objects because many existing compound document frameworks often call the visual space of an embedded component frame. Our framework provides for document-wide operations, such as mouse click and keystrokes. It can dispatch certain events to its components to notify them when certain actions happen within their surroundings. Moreover, the framework provides each container component with a set of built-in services for switching among multiple components embedded in the container and for manipulating the borders of the frame objects of its inner components. One of these services offers graphical user interfaces for in-place editing. This mechanism allows different components in a document to share the same window. Consequently, components can be immediately manipulated in-place, without the need for opening a separate window for each component. To directly interact with a component, we need to make the component active by clicking the mouse within its frame. When a component is active, we can directly manipulate its contents. When the boundary of the frame is clicked, the frame becomes selected and displays eight rectangle control points for moving it around and resizing it, as shown in Fig. 5. The user can easily resize and move the selected component by dragging its handles. W inflow Canp oneri' Component Rectangle Control Poi) Figure 5: Selected Component and its Rectangle Control Points. Structured Storage and Migration While migrating over a network and being stored on a disk, each component must be responsible for transforming its own contents and codes into a stream of bytes by using the serialization facility of the runtime system. However, the frame object of each component is not stored in the component. Instead, it is dynamically created and allocated in its container's frame, when it becomes visible and restored. The framework automatically removes frame objects of each component from the screen and stores specified attributes of the frame object in a list of values corresponding to the attributes, because other frame objects may refer to objects that are not serializable, such as several visible objects in the Java Foundation Class package. After restoring such serialized streams as components at the destination, the framework appropriately redraws the frames of the components, as accurately as possible. Network-Wide Component Assembly Nowadays, cut-and-paste is one of the most common manipulations for assembling visible components. However, while a cut-and-paste on a single computer is easy, the system often forces users to transfer information between computers in a very different way. Therefore, our framework offers a mechanism for cutting and pasting between different computers. When a cut operation occurs at a component in one (source) container, the mechanism marshals the component and transmits the resulting byte sequence to another (destination) container at a local or remote computer by using the agent migration management of MobileSpaces. It becomes an infrastructure for providing a network-wide and direct manipulation technique, such as Pick-and-Drop that is a kind of network-wide drag-and-drop manipulations studied in [11]. 4.4 Current Status The MobiDoc framework has been implemented in the MobileSpaces system using the Java language (JDKl .2 or later version), and we have developed various components for compound documents, including the examples presented in this paper. The MobiDoc framework and the MobileSpaces System are constructed independently of the underlying system and can run on any computer with a JDK 1.2-compatible Java runtime system. MobileSpaces is a general-purpose mobile agent system. Therefore, mobile agents in the system may be unwieldy as components of compound documents, but our components can inherit the powerful properties of mobile agents, including their activity and mobility. Security is essential in compound documents as well as mobile agents. The current system relies on the Java security manager and provides a simple mechanism for authentication of components. A container component can judge whether to accept a new inner component or not beforehand, while the inner components can know the available methods embedded in their containers by using the class introspector mechanism of the Java language. Furthermore, since a container agent plays a role in providing resources for its inner agent, it can limit the accessibility of its inner components to resources such as window, mouse, and keyboard, by hiding events issued from these resources. Even though our implementation was not built for performance, we have conducted a basic experiment on component migration with computers (Pentium III-800MHz with Windows2000andSUNJDK 1.2). The time of a component migration from a container to another container in the same hierarchy was measured to be 30 ms, including the cost to draw the visible content of the moving component and to check whether the component is permitted to enter the destination agent. The cost of component migration between two computers connected by Fast-Ethernet was measured to be 120 ms. The cost is the sum of the marshaling, compression, opening a TCP connection, transmission, acknowledgment, decompression, security and consistency verifications, unmarshaling, layout of the visual space, and drawing of the contents. The moving component is a simple text viewer and its size (the sum of code and data) is about 4 Kbytes (zip-compressed). We believe that the latency of component migration in our framework is reasonable for a Java-based visual environment for building documents. 5 Examples The MobiDoc compound document framework is powerful and flexible enough to support radically different applications. This section shows some examples of compound documents based on the MobiDoc framework. 5.1 Electronic Mail System One of the most illustrative examples of the MobiDoc framework is for the provision of mobile documents for communication and workflow management. We have constructed an electronic mail system based on the framework. The system consists of an inbox document and letter documents as shown in Fig. 6. The inbox document provides a Figure 6: Structure of a Letter Document. window that can contain two components. One of the components is a history of received mails and the other component offers a visual space for displaying the contents of mail selected from the history. The letter document corresponds to a mobile agent-based letter and can contain various components for accessing text, graphics, and animation. It also has a window for displaying its contents. It can migrate itself to its destination, but it is not a complete GUI application because it cannot display its contents without the collaboration of its container, i.e., the inbox document. For example, to edit the text in a letter component, one simply clicks on it, and an editor program is invoked by the in-place editing mechanism of the MobiDoc framework. The component can deliver itself and its inner components to an inbox document at the receiver. After a moving letter has been accepted by the inbox document, if a user clicks a letter in the list of received mail, the selected letter creates a frame object of itself and requests the document to display the frame object within the frame of the document. The key idea of this mail system is that it combines different mobile agent-based components into a seamless-looking compound document and allows us to immediately display and access the contents of the components in-place. Since the inbox document is the root of the letter component, when the document is stored and moved, all the components embedded in the document are stored and moved with the document. 5.2 Desktop Teleporting We constructed a mobile agent-based desktop system similar to the Teleporting System and the Virtual Network Computing system. These systems are based on the X Window System and allow the running applications in the computer display to be redirected to a different computer display. In contrast, our desktop system consists of mobile agent-based applications and thus can migrate not only the appearance of applications but also the applications themselves to another computer (Fig. 7). The system consists of a window manager document and its inner applications. The manager corresponds to a desktop document at the top of the component hierarchy of applications separately displayed in their own windows on the desktop on the screen. It can be used to control the sizes, positions, and overlaps of the windows of its inner applications. When the desktop document is moved to another computer, all the components, including their windows, move to the new computer. The framework tries to keep the moving desktop and applications the same as when the user last accessed them on the previous computer, even when the previous computer and network have stopped. For example, the framework can migrate a user's custom desktop and applications to another computer that the user is accessing. 6 Conclusion We have presented an approach for building compound documents. The key idea of the approach is to build compound documents from hierarchical mobile agents in the MobileSpaces system, which allows more than one mobile agent to be dynamically assembled into a single mobile agent. Our approach allows a compound document to be dynamically composed of mobile components and to be migrated over a network as a whole with its inner components under its own control. We designed and built a framework, called MobiDoc, to demonstrate the usability and flexibility of this approach. The framework provides value-added services for coordinating mobile agent-based components embedded in a document. Finally, we would like to point out further issues to be resolved. To develop compound documents more effectively, we need a visual builder for our mobile components. We plan to extend a visual builder tool for JavaBeans, such as the BeanBox system included in the Bean Development Kit (BDK) [15], so that can support mobile agent-based compound documents. In the current system, resource management and security mechanisms are incorporated relatively straightforwardly. These should now be designed for mobile compound documents. Additionally, the programming interface of the current system is not yet satisfactory. We plan to design a more elegant and flexible interface incorporating existing compound document technologies. CbckW indm CRner Componertt Edi toW- indw Cliner Coinponeilt W indsy M anager Container Compon^r Comp uteÄ (souice) Comp uteffl (destination Figure 7: Desktop Teleporting to another Computer. References [1] Apple Computer Inc. (1994) OpenDoc: White Paper, Apple Computer Inc. [2] Arnold, K. cS: Gosling, J. (1998) The Java Programming language, Addison-Wesley. [3] Baumann, J. Hole, F., Rothermel, K., & Strasser, M., (1999) Mole - Concepts of A Mobile Agent System, Mobility: Processes, Computers, and Agents, pp.536-554, Addison-Wesley. [4] Brockschmidt, K. (1995) Inside OLE 2, Microsoft Press. [5] Cable, L. 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Blocks, a component framework with checking facilities for knowledge-based systems Sabine Moisan^, Annie Ressouche^ and Jean-Paul Rigault^'^ ^ INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France Phone: +33 4 92 38 78 47, Fax: +33 4 92 38 79 39 E-mail: {Sabine.Moisan, Annie.Ressouche} @sophia.inria.fr ^ I3S Laboratory, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France Phone: +33 4 92 96 51 33, Fax: +33 4 92 96 51 55 E-mail: jpr@essi.fr Keywords: component framework, behavioral model, model checking, artificial intelligence Received: May 12,2001 Blocks is an answer to the software engineering needs of the design of knowledge-based system engines. It is a framework composed of reusable and adaptable software components. However, its safe and correct use is complex and we supply formal models and associated tools to assist using it. These models and tools are based on behavioral description of components and on model checking techniques. They ensure a safe reuse of the components, especially when extending them through inheritance, owing to the notion of behavioral reßnement. 1 Introduction In the design of Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) more attention has been paid to cognitive issues than to software engineering ones. Yet, software quality (reusability, maintenance, evolution, and safety) is also an important issue for such systems. That is why we have developed a generic multi-level approach to KBS development relying on best software engineering practices. A major outcome is a component framework enriched with models and tools enforcing the correct use of the framework. A Knowledge-Based System basically consists of an inference engine, a knowledge repository (aka Knowledge Base), and a fact base. Each of these three parts is the realm of one particular type (or role) of actor. In this paper we focus on the role of the designer, the one who develops KBS engines. The notion of KBS generators (or shells) emerged in the late 80's [17], A KBS generator addresses a given activity (e.g., diagnosis, classification) but it is domain-independent: its KBS instances apply to various domains (e.g., classification of cardiologie diseases, of astronomic objects, of biological organisms). KBS generators take advantage of the cross-domains similarities by abstracting the common artificial intelligence concepts and by gathering representation techniques within a unique environment. Whereas generators aim to meet experts or end-users needs (e.g., they help them manage knowledge base evolution and maintenance), they provide little help for the designer as far as Software Engineering is concerned. Therefore we promote generic tools for producing KBS generators. Adding such a level improves versatility but in- creases complexity. This paper proposes methods and tools to assist the designer in implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in an efficient, versatile, reusable, and maintenable way. To face the corresponding software engineering challenge (essentially a reusability problem), a collection of software engineering best practices have been prescribed: object-oriented modeling (UML) and programming (C++ and Java), component-oriented framework [3, 10], behavioral modeling with associated proofs and simulations. In a KBS, the primary element that is likely to evolve is the inference engine. That is why this paper focuses on the design, simulation, and validation of engines. In the sequel we first describe our engine design framework, named Blocks' (section 2). Then we present the static model and the notion of a component in blocks (section 3). Section 4 is devoted to the component behavioral model and the associated verification techniques. We finally discuss the scope and the benefits of our approach (section 5). 2 General Description of Blocks This paper concentrates on blocks which is part of a wider software platform providing designers with a set of generic toolkits. In addition to Blocks (components for engine design) the platform offers compiler generators for knowledge description languages, and several libraries (for graphic user interfaces, for knowledge base simulation and verification). The task of the designer is to select, adapt, ' Basic Library Of Components for Knowledge-based Systems and assemble components from these toolkits into a customized KBS generator, which can then be used to develop KBS applications. The objective of Blocks is to help designers create new engines and reuse or modify existing ones without extensive code rewriting. Thus the components of blocks stand at a higher level of abstraction than programming language usual constructs. The framework consists of around 60 (C-i-t-) classes. About a dozen of them implement basic data structures (lists, sets, maps...). The remaining classes are dedicated to knowledge representation artefacts such as the classical AI notions of frame and of rule [8]. As a matter of example, class Rule is composed of a set of conditions and a set of actions that are to be executed when the conditions are true (see figure 1). The methods of Blocks classes are used by the designer to construct new KBS engines. To continue with the same example, class Rule sports two fundamental methods: one to test the conditions, the other to execute the actions. Calls to these methods will appear in the code of rule engines. For instance, a classical forward-chaining engine loops over three phases: finding applicable rules (call Rule: : test_conditions); selecting a rule for execution (conflict resolution specific strategy, written by the designer); execution of the chosen rule (call Rule: : execute_actions). The framework is rooted in our extensive experience with designing various KBS engines, for activities as diverse as computer aided design, classification, or planning and in domains as different as civil engineering, astronomy, medicine, finance, etc. This has been the basis for a domain analysis that allowed the major concepts of blocks to emerge. A crucial design decision was to determine the proper generality level of the framework components. Too much generality is not suitable for efficiency, whereas too specific components, though easily applicable, are hardly reusable. Our solution was to restrict the range of targeted activities: we choose planning and classification, merely because they are useful in our current applications. The analysis has been an iterative process with three main steps: - abstract modeling of existing engines using formalisms such as UML [18]; this led to the definition of the knowledge representation classes; - completing classes and detailing their behavior; this has been a major step for identifying common concepts and methods behavior, their roles in problem solving, and their organization; - modeling control to define sequencing of method calls in engines. Blocks is divided into several layers: the support layer contains generic and abstract features (abstract classes and methods, and generic functions) useful for any kind of engine. By specializing the classes in the support layer, the designer may define new layers dedicated to specific activities. These layers contain concrete classes, the instances of which will populate the knowledge bases. 3 A Component View of BLOCKS In Blocks we define a component as the realization of a sub-tree of the class hierarchy: this complies to one of Szyperski's definitions for components [20]. At the framework top level, there are presently three such components that the designer may compose or extend. For this to be possible, the designer needs information about component properties. For it to be safe, he or she should commit to some protocol. For forcing it to be safe, we offer automatic proof and validity checking tools. 3.1 Components in BLOCKS The three high level components are associated with the initial sub-trees of classes Frame, Rule, and State, corresponding to major KBS concepts. Frames describe pieces of knowledge as static structures, composed of attributes which in turn are composed of sub-attributes or "facets" (declarative or procedural). Rules describe pieces of knowledge as dynamic inferences in the form of conditions/actions patterns. States store the history of the problem solving process. The designer both adapt the components and writes the glue code of engines. To achieve a given strategy he/she will (non-exclusively) use these components directly, or extend the classes they contain by inheritance, or compose the classes together, or instantiate new classes from predefined generic^ ones. Among all these possibilities, class derivation is certainly the most frequent one. It is also the one that raises the trickiest problems. In the sequel we shall mainly concentrate on it. Let us continue with our example: the Rule class in Blocks (figure 1) is composed of conditions and actions which originally do not take into account fuzzy values. Thus, as mentioned in section 2, it can be used by a simple rule engine. To cope with activities requiring fuzziness, the designer must introduce a FuzzyRule class as a derivative of Rule. Relying on the static information of the class diagram of Rule (signatures of methods and associations among classes), the designer obtains the inheritance graph shown on figure 1. But this static information is not sufficient to ensure a safe use of the framework. Indeed, in the example, the designer must also redefine-in a "seman-tically acceptable" way-methods test_conđitions and execute_actions. 3.2 Protocol to Use the Framework As previously mentioned, safe use of the framework requires that a protocol be specified. This protocol of ^"template classes" in C++ Figure 1: Rule and FuzzyRule classes: above the original classes, below the derived ones. use is defined by two sets of constraints. First, a static set enforces the internal consistency of class structures; for instance, in C++, class derivation and composition demand a scaffolding of structure-dependent construction/destruction operations. The static nature makes it easy to generate the necessary information at compile-time. A second set of constraints describes dynamic method requirements: 1. legal sequences of method calls; for instance. Rule requires that test_conditions be invoked before calling execute_actions; 2. constraints on the operations that a component expects from other components; in the example, the ex-ecute_actions method expects actions to sport an execute method; this is hardly obvious on the class diagram(s); 3. specification of internal behavior of methods; 4. specification of the valid ways to redefine method behavior in derived classes. These dynamic aspects are more complicated to express than static ones, they are error-prone, and there is no tool (as natural as a compiler for the static case) to handle and check them. While items 1 and 2 can be partially addressed by classical UML models (class diagrams and Statecharts), the last two items are more challenging. We shall propose a solution in section 4. 3.3 Realizing the Component Protocol To implement the protocol of the previous section BLOCKS applies three non-exclusive techniques. First, well-known design patterns [9] make it possible to create polymorphic objects (abstract factory, virtual constructor, singleton, prototype), to traverse complex data structures (iterator, visitor), and to implement polymorphic algorithms (strategy). This helps clarify the software architecture, but it seldom is a complete solution. Second, we use meta-programming [12], namely the OpenC++ meta-object protocol [4, 5]. This helps generate the language-dependent "scaffolding" of constructors requested for frame derivation. It also allows to implement some specific "aspects" [13] of frames such as introspection or persistence. However meta-programmation is complex. Moreover the knowledge about components is external to the components, a risk of inconsistent evolution. Therefore, third, the knowledge for using, deriving, and composing is embedded into the components themselves. This allows static as well as dynamic verifications relying on this knowledge. The first two techniques are out of the scope of this paper. We focus on representing and embedding information about behavior of components and methods. There is no complete and consensual technique for this: for instance, in JavaBeans, the embedded knowledge is rather poor; in CORBA, the IDL is external to the components and is not much richer. The next section presents our solution. 4 Behavior Description and Behavior Refinement In order to reuse BLOCKS components in a safe way, we define a mathematical model providing consistent description of behavioral entities. Behavioral entities are whole components, sub-components, or single methods. Such a model complements the UML approach and allows to specify the class and method behavior with respect to class derivation. We also propose a hierarchical specification language to describe the dynamic aspect of components both at the class and method levels. Finally we define a semantic mapping to bridge the gap between the specification language and its meaning in the mathematical model. In this paper we just intend to give the flavor of the formal models. 4.1 IVIathematical Model of Behavior We have chosen input/output labeled transition systems [15] as a basis for our mathematical model. Since these systems are a special kind of finite state machines (automata), we shall denote them LFSM for short in the rest of the paper. In our model a LFSM is associated with a behavioral entity; each transition has a label representing an elementary step of the entity, consisting of a trigger event (input condition) and the action to be executed when the transition is fired. LFSMs are particularly well suited to check temporal logic properties. Temporal logic easily expresses asser- tions about behavior. Formulae of this logic concern either the states of the model or its executions^. Moreover, tools and proof environments are available to perform temporal logic checking on LFSM [11]. The major drawback of model checking is a possible explosion of the state space. Although some tools use symbolic model checking methods to cope with it, an obvious method to push back the bounds of possibility is to use the natural decomposition of the system. Hence, our specification language provides a hierarchical description of behaviors that allows to merge symbolic and compositional approaches. We substitute LFSM for regular UML Statecharts to represent the state behavior of a class as well as of a method. In the object-oriented approach, the static semantics of specialization (aka class derivation, or subtyping, or extension) usually obeys the classical Substituability Principle [14]. To enforce behaviorwise safe derivation, the same principle should apply to the dynamic semantics of a behavioral entity-such as either a whole class, or one of its (redefined) methods. If P and Q are LFSMs denoting respectively some behavior in a base class and its redefinition in a derivative, we seek for a relation Q ■< P stating that "Q extends P in a safe way". To comply with inheritance, this relation must be a preorder sufficient to capture the notion of "correct extention of behavior". Q simulates P iff we can build a relation H that relates each state of P to a state of Q so that for two related states p an q, every successor of p is related to some successor of q with a transition bearing compatible"* labels (trigger/action). The definition of simulation is local since the relation between two states is based only on their successor states. As a result, it can be checked in polynomial time. Intuitively, if Q simulates P then any valid input/output sequence (trace) of P is also a trace of Q. Thus Q can be substituted for P, for all purposes of P. Therefore, the extensions in Q do not jeopardize the behavior of P. For < we choose the notion of "simulation preorder", i.e., Q < P there is a simulation relation H such that H{qo,po), where qo andpo are respectively the initial states of Q and P. Relation is a preorder over LFSMs and it preserves satisfaction of the formulae of a subset of temporal logic, expressive enough for most verification tasks (V CTL [11]). Moreover, this subset has a practicable model checking algorithm. To capture the notion of safe extensibility for components, we define a relation (C): if A and B are two classes, B C A iff B derives from A and the LFSM associated with B simulates the one associated with A. The relation is also defined for method behavior: m C m/ iff the LFSM associated with in simulates the one of m'. ^Temporal logic is based on first order logic and has specific temporal operators to express properties holding for a given stale, for the next state, eventually for a future state, or for all future stales. We can also express that a property holds for all the executions starting in a given state or that it exists an execution satisfying a given condition. ''Two labels are compatible if they are equal once restricted to the intersection of the LFSM alphabets. With such a model, the description of behavior matches the class hierarchy. Hence, class and method refinements are compatible and consistent with the static description: checking dynamic behavior may benefit from the hierarchical organization. 4.2 Behavior Description Language In addition to the previous mathematical model, we propose a specification language. This language, very similar to the Argos graphical language [15], is also automata-based. It is easily compiled into finite state machines and it supports existing verification methods and tools. Programs written in this language operationally describe behavioral entities, we call them behavioral programs. Behavioral programs use simple automata as a primitive construct. Labels correspond to input/output events which determine how the entity changes its state. The notion of event is abstract; in the language it is just represented by a name and, thus, it may receive various interpretations. For instance, it may be associated with the code of a method or with another behavioral program. The language defines three main constructs. The first one is parallel composition (noted P || Q). It is a symmetric operator which behaves as the direct product of its automata operands: transitions triggered by the same input are fired simultaneously and their outputs are unioned. Second, local event declarations allow to declare events local to a (behavioral) entity (when a local event is emitted, it can trigger transitions only in its own entity). Parallel composition combined with local event declarations makes it possible to represent communication between subprograms. Third, the refinement operator is similar to its Statecharts counterpart (definition of hierarchical states), except that it cannot break the hierarchical structure of programs and states. The states of an entity may be decomposed into behavioral sub-entities. This operator makes it possible to express interrupts, exceptions, and normal termination of (sub)programs. This language offers a syntactic means to build programs that reflect the behavior of BLOCKS components. Nevertheless, the soundness of this approach implies a clear definition of the relationship between behavioral programs and their mathematical representation as LFSM (section 4.1). Let V denote the set of behavioral programs and C the set of LFSMs. We define a semantic function S : V —> £ that is stable with respect to the previously defined operators (local events, parallel, and refinement). As a consequence, the language exhibits a fundamental composition property. This property is the key to simplify model checking. For instance if we have proved that Pi C P2, then we can infer that Pi || ß C P2 || ß. for any possible Q. Thus, compositionality provides a hierarchical means to verify properties. 4.3 Example: Adding Fuzziness to a Rule Engine Let us apply the previous model to a simple rule engine, involving classes Rule and FuzzyRule (figure 1). local: (Fuzzy)Rule test_conditions_GO, execute_aclions_GO ractivale_G01 'test_coiKlitions_GO Rule::test_condilions() local: lest_condilioii_GO [te^i_conditions_GO] tém^y(Plist)]n'me [Falsefelse (Fuzzy)Conditlon [!empty(Plist)]/ PlkfhpnHn Plist::pop() test_condilion_GO initial slate terminal stale [True] nme] S^3waiti JFakeJy-) ^S-' II [end] (Fuzzy)Action aiting /execule_actions_GO Rule). First, as can be seen on figure 2, the FuzzyRule behavior diagram is identical to the Rule diagram except that FuzzyCondition is substituted for Condition and FuzzyAction for Action. This diagram expresses the dynamic behavior of class Rule with respect to the correct sequence of method calls: test_conditions must be called before execute_actions. Second, since Rule and FuzzyRule are composite classes, we must check the behavior of their parts. Thus we consider classes Condition and FuzzyCondition. Their behavorial programs are displayed in figure 3. In this simple example, it is easy to see that FuzzyCondition C Condition: FuzzyCondition derives from Condition and FuzzyCondition trivially simulates Condition (they are associated with identical LFSMs). The same holds for Action and FuzzyAction. Hence, according to the composition property, we can deduce that FuzzyRule is substituable to Rule (FuzzyRule C Rule). Compositionality is indeed the way to avoid state explosion in this kind of models. In this example, the proof is straightforward. In more complicated cases though, the proof may be less obvious, but tools are available to run it automatically. Relying on this proof, the designer can safely implement the methods; he/she also has to modify the glue code of the engine, especially the conflict resolution strategy (section 2), e.g., to select the rule with the highest likelihood. The resulting rule engine will now accept fuzzy rules^. Figure 2: Rule and FuzzyRule behavior description. Rectangular boxes represent refinement and the keyword local denotes local events. Note that we had to introduce events to trigger method calls (e.g., test_condition_GO). 'b test_coh<^tion_GO test_conäi;ion_GO [PJ/Tme |P|A-rue ^ — l!Pl/False Condition |!PJFalse S(Condltion) S(FuzzyConditian) b-^ |P|/Proba Iocal:Proba |Pioba>=C|/True |Proba classname.funcname(params)) receptions( classname.funcname(params)) gets( classname.funcname(params)) sets( classname.funcname(paraiTis)) handles(ThrowableTypeName) instanceof(CurrentiyExecutingObJectTypeName) within(ClassName) withincode( classname.funcnanie(params)) User defined point cuts can be constructed using && (and), II (or) and ! (not) Boolean operations. An example of User Defined Point Cut depicting any line movement function call reception is as follows: pointcut moves(): receptions(void FigureEleiTient.slide(int, int)) || receptions(void Line.setPl(Point)) i| receptions(void Line.setP2(Point)) |1 receptions(void Point.setX(int)) || receptions(void Point.setY(int)); These user-defined pointcuts define the strategic points in a program. An Advice, in AOP, defines the action to be performed before or around or after a strategic point. An example of advice to set a flag after a move is shown here: static afler(): moyes() { flag = true; } All these definitions are grouped in a class like structure called the Aspect. An example of aspect to track any moves is the code looks like this: aspect MoveTracking { static boolean tlag = false; static boolean testAndClcar() { boolean result = Hag; flag = false; return result; } pointcut moves(): receptions(void FigureElement.slide(int, int)) || receptions(void Line.setPl (Point)) || receptions(void Line.setP2(Point)) || receptions(void Point.setX(int)) || receptions(void Point.setY(int)); static after(): moves() { flag = true; 4.2 The framework The framework comprises of two main parts - a) Security characterization and b) Security verification. Security characteristics '"''Security ' ,1'Verification I ■Hiim.iii, . • Code Consumer Code Producer Fig. 4.2: The Proposed Framework Security characterization of components can be done either by the code consumer or by some standard organization. In case of standard organization, various levels of security for different applications can be predefined and published. For security characterization, the framework makes use of Aspect as a template to capture the requirements, and makes use of Aspect Compiler to interleave security checks in the component at appropriate points. For security verification, the framework uses a verification engine (VE). The VE does following things e.g. it checks that the code producer had used the same security policy, which was used to capture security requirements. It checks whether any modifications were done into the component to bypass security checks. It also checks whether any malicious tinkering in security policy itself was done and so forth. If any of these checks fail, the VE stops and prompts an appropriate error message. Once VE verifies the code, it gets executed in the normal fashion. In order to explain the working of this framework, a prototype implementation has been done. The next section explains the steps involved in the framework by describing through an implementation of this framework. implementation of the 4.3 A prototype framework For the prototype implementation, Java code and AspectJ, (developed by Xerox Pare) [2], have been chosen. AspectJ is an extension of the Java language incorporating the Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) principles. There are three steps in the implementation: Step 1 : Define a security policy Step 2: Embed the security policy into the code Step 3: Verification engine Step 1: Define a security policy Here, the code consumer or the security standard organization identifies those methods that might do dangerous operations. The security policy is described at a method level. The security policy is captured as an aspect, which defines dangerous operations as point cuts and associates an advice for these point cuts. The security policies, in general, control the dangerous operations done by the program that are nonnally related to accessing the local resources, which involves use of certain library functions. Since the source codes of these library functions are not accessible, only the "calls" to these functions can be controlled. As a result, mostly the "calls 0 pointcut' is used in Aspects. To define the action to be performed at the calls() pointcut, this prototype implementation uses 'before() advice' only, i.e. all actions defined in the aspect are carried out before invoking the function. Step 2: Embed the security policy into the code The code producer obtains the security policy either from code consumer or downloads it from some central repository and writes the code corresponding to the components. After this, the component code and Aspect are compiled using AspectJ compiler (ajc). The compiler does the following: 1 Compiler converts the aspect file into a java class. In this newly created java class, all before() advices are converted into methods and an object aspect$ of the same class type is declared as a member (see Appendix A for a sample code). Since there is no pointcut information preserved in the final class generated from the aspect, the aspect need to be preserved for verification. 2 Next, the compiler weaves the aspect in the code files. While weaving, the function calls that are part of the 'callsO pointcut' are replaced by some new member functions. For instance, if the original function call was f.getAbsolutePath() in class code, and it falls in the jurisdiction of a calls() pointcut, then the function call is replaced by code.getAbsolutePath$call4(t) (See Appendix A). In the new member function, the number indicates the serial number of that function call in the actual code. We call such a function a "tinkered" function. The new member function defined in code class will be having the same name. Within the new member function, all the required "before advices' will be called. 3 The AspectJ compiler then invokes the javac compiler to generate the aspect and code class files. The code consumer will use these files to verify that the code is indeed security-worthy. Hence the code producer shouldn't fiddle with the code that the AspectJ compiler provides after aspect compilation and before javac compilation. Step SiVerification engine (VE) This is the final and most crucial step in the implementation. As compared to previous two steps where Aspect and ajc were used to execute the steps, there are no tools available to perform this step. For this, a verification engine has been developed. As shown in Figure 4.3.1,the VE takes the class files corresponding to component and aspect as well as Aspect source file as inputs and provides the verification results for security assurance. Supplied by Code Producer Verified Yes/No Supplied by Code Consumer or Standard body Figure 4.3: Overview'of Verification Engine The verification process can be divided into two parts: Part I: In the first part, VE checks if the code producer has indeed used the same aspect, which was supphed by the code consumer or standard body. Since the Aspects are defined using before() advice only and these advices are converted into functions, actions performed at pointcuts are actually function calls to these advice functions. To check whether the code producer has used the same advice, it is enough to check whether the aspect returned by the code producer is identical to the original aspect file defined for the code production. Part II: In the second part, VE checks if the code producer has not bypassed any security check specified by the security policy. After weaving and before the usual compilation with javac compiler, it is possible to introduce a malicious code that will not be subject to the aspect's advice or might remove a call to the advice. Hence at every function call, which is in a pointcut, the verifier has to check if all the advice functions have been called or not.' In order to do this, the VE extracts the following information about each method from the class file of the component code: • Whether it is a "tinkered" method. • Its signature i.e. if it is an original method or the signature of the method, which was "tinkered" by AspectJ compiler to get this method. • A list of functions called by in the method. • The byte code representation of the method. After extracting this information, the VE does following checks: Checkl: If the method is not a "tinkered" method, check if it is a call to an advice, flag the error and halt. Check2: If there exist two function calls such that one call is to a function, which is a "tinkered" version of the other, then the verifier halts flagging an error. Such a scenario would mean that there is a function call that is in a pointcut but the corresponding action has been bypassed deliberately. Check3: If the method is a "tinkered" method, check that two tinkered methods having the same "original" signature (signature of the method which was "tinkered" is the "original" signature) should have the same code. "Tinkered" method will be created , only if the original function call was part of some pointcut. Hence for the two "tinkered" methods specified above, the list of advices to be called would be the same. Check4: Any function call that appears in the non-tinkered form should not be a part of any pointcut. For conducting this check, the original aspect is parsed and corresponding pointcut information is obtained. Checks: The list of function calls in any "tinkered" method should be the list of advice functions to be called before calling the original method and the original function call. Check6: Finally the verifier ascertains that apart from the function calls listed above no other instructions are there in a "tinkered" method. Of the above checks made, only Checkl, Check4, Checks and Checkó are truly essential. Other checks have been added to handle the performance issues. If there is malicious intent on the part of the code producer, these checks will not allow code execution. 5 Conclusion and future work This paper proposes a novel framework for implementing the PCC concept using AOP to assure the security of components. The crucial part in this framework is the verification of the weaved code with respect to initial security policy. A prototype of Verification Engine has been implemented. The VE does the verification based on byte code analysis. There are some threads that merit future research. Our framework requires the code consumer or a standard body to define the security policy that the code producer has to adhere to. For the latter, it is required to characterize some "standard" security policies and publish them such that any code producer can use them. Defining these standard security policies to represent various levels of security is a very challenging task. The other thread is to explore on extending to the AspectJ compiler itself to do the VE operations. The VE does operations like pointcut recognition; advice generation etc. These operations could be performed by modifying AspectJ compiler itself If the aspect-oriented compiler provides a tool, which does the verification, a new verifier need not be designed separately. This can save lots of maintenance problems related to upgrading VE when there is a change in the compiler version or when an aspect-oriented compiler is built for a new language. This could be an important issue to extend this framework to other languages apart from Java. 6 References [1] Peter Lee and George Necula (1996), Proof Carrying Code - A Term Report submitted at CMU-CS-96-165 before(java.io.File f) : Fileio(f) { if(f.getAbsolutePath().compareTo("c:\\WINNr')==0 && f.existsO) throw new UnknownException; [2] Gregor Kiczales, Erik Hilsdaie, Jim Hugunin, Mik Kersten, Jeffrey Palm and William G. Griswold, An Overview of AspectJ, http://aspectj.org [3] Qun Zhong and Nigel Edwards (1998), Security Control for COTS components, IEEE Computer, Jun 1998 [4] Gary McGraw and Edward W.Felten (1999), Security Java, Wiley Computer Publishing. [5] Tim Lidholm and Frank Yellin (1999), The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition, Copyright @ 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All function calls in the pointcut are "dangerous" functions calls. Hence, the code consumer specifies in the security policy (here the aspect) to abort the program by throwing an UnknownException. This advice has been written only for illustration purposes. As in the pointcut case, it is enough to use only 'before' advice. To simplify the final verification process, 'around' advice is not used. The aspect that the code consumer thus defines is sent to the code producer. The aspect defining the security policy would look as follows: 7 Appendices Appendix A - A simple file system security using proposed framework As required by the AspectJ compiler, create a package containing the aspect code. To facilitate specification of pointcuts, the code producer has to put the actual code inside a sub-package. Let the package be 'fileio' then the sub-package holding the code should be 'fileio.Code' Consider this file system safety policy: "No file operations should be allowed on files existing in the c:\WlNNT directory." Here, any file operation would be dangerous if the file buffer is pointing to a valid file in the c:\WIN'NT directory. Hence, the pointcut defined would be: pointcut Fileio (java.io.File f): within(fileio.Code..*)&&calls (* f.*(..)); The above definition denotes that the pointcut is a collection of all those join points which denote function calls to the methods of a File object from the code within fileio.Code package (apart from the constructor because the return type is specified as a wildcard). Note that the calls pointcut descriptor has been used, and not executions or gets. This is because, for the calls pointcut descriptor, code need to be weaved only in the class where the function is called for which we shall have the source code. In executions, gets or sets, code has to be weaved in the function that is called. Here the function called is a library function and usually source code of library functions is not available. Hence, only calls can be used. For our purposes this is enough. Now, we define an advice for this pointcut. package fileio; public aspect aspectcode { { pointcut Fileio(java.io.File t): wlthin(fileio.Code..*) && calls(public * f.*(..)); before(java.io.File 1) : Fileio(0 { if((f.getAbsolutePath().substring(0,8).compareTo( "c:\\WINNT") = 0) && (f.exists())) { System.out.println("Forbidden operation., exiting"); throw new LInknownError(); } } } When run through the AspectJ compiler, the class that is generated using this aspect will be as follows. !" Generated by AspectJ version 0.8beta4 */ package fileio; //aspectcode.Java:! public class aspectcode { //aspectcode.java:4 public final void beforeO$ajc(java.io.File f) { //aspectcode.Java:! ! if((f.getAbsolutePath().substring(0, 8).compareTo("c:\\WINNT") = 0) && (f.exists())) { //aspectcode.Java: 14 System.out.println("Forbidden operation., exiting"); //aspectcode.Java: 15 throw new Unkno\vnError(); //aspectcode.Java: 16 } } public aspectcodeO { superO; } public static aspectcode aspectS; public static aspectcode aspectOf() { return aspectcode.aspectS; } public static boolean hasAspect() { return aspectcode.aspectS != null; } static { aspectcode.aspects = new aspectcodeQ; } } File f = new File("c:\\WINNT\\tsoc.log"); //code.java:! I System.out.println(code.getAbsoliitePath$call4(foo)); //code.java: 12 System.out.println(code.getAbsolutePath$call5(foo)); //code.java: 13 System.out.println(code.getAbsolutePath$call6(f)); //code.java: 14 } public code() { superO; } Notice how the before advice has become a function beforeOSajc. (0 because it is the first advice in the aspect) Also note that there is no pointcut information existing in the class any more. Hence the code consumer will have to preserve the aspect that had been created for verification. private static Siring gctAbsoliitePath$call4(File argScallThis) { . fileio.aspectcode.aspects.beforeOSajc(arg$callThis); return argScallThis.getAbsolutePathQ; //code.java: 12 Consider the following code in the fileio.Code package. private static String getAbsolutePathScall5(File argScallThis) { fileio.aspectcode.aspect$.beforeO$ajc(arg$callThis); return argScallThis.getAbsolutePathQ; //code.java: 13 } private static String getAbsolutePathScall6(File argScallThis) package fileio.Code; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; public class code { public static void main(String[] args) { File foo = new File("simple"); File f = new File("c:\\WlNNT^\tsoc.log");' System.out.println(foo.gctAbsolutePath()); System.out.println(foo.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println(fgetAbsolutePath()); } The weaved code is as follows: { fileio.aspectcode.aspects.beforeO$ajc(arg$callThis); return argScallThis.getAbsolutePathQ; //code.java: 14 } Note how the function calls have changed. Also note that if the fianction signatures are the same then the bodies of the two new functions made to perform the before advice on those function calls are identical. /* Generated by AspectJ version 0.8beta4 */ package fileio.Code; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; public class code { public static void main(String[] args) { //code.java:9 File foo = new File("simple"); //code.java: 10 //code.java: 1 //code.java:3 //code.java:4 //code.java:6 The ajc then runs the javac compiler on these classes to get the aspect and code class files. This is then sent to the code consumer. Now the code consumer gets these files. These files and the original aspect file are fed as input into the verifier, if the verifier passes the code, then the code conforms to the security policy and can be used. The ABCs of specification: asmi, behavior, and components Mike Barnett and Wolfram Schulte Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way Redmond WA, 98052-6399, USA {mbarnett, schulte}©microsoft.com Keywords: Specification, Component, Subtyping Received: May 25, 2001 We show how to use AsmL, an executable specißcation language, to provide behavioral interfaces for components. This allows clients to fully understand the meaning of an implementation without access to the source code. AsmL implements the concept of behavioral subtyping to ensure the substitutability of components and provides many advanced specification features such as generic types, transactional semantics, invariants and history constraints. 1 Introduction There is a broad consensus that a specification of ä component's interface must include some way of describing its behavior [26, 32, 36, 43]. Current practice tends towards formal specification of the syntax of the interfaces while using informal natural-langugage descriptions for the semantics. Current theory is based on the idea of design by contract [35], generally using pre- and post-conditions. Previous attempts at describing software also have used algebraic specifications [24], Interfaces, as they are standardized today, for example using IDL [11], are clearly inadequate for the task of specifying components. It is not enough to provide merely the syntax — signature — for each method contained in an interface. A client who wishes to use a component needs to know the semantics — behavior of each method. In addition, understanding the relationships between the methods contained in an interface is crucial for the effective use of a component supporting that interface. We follow the specification taxonomy of Beugnard et al, [9]. A specification is a contract for a software component that describes properties on four levels: 1. basic: the syntactic properties of method names, number and type of parameters and very simple semantic properties (e.g., in IDL one can specify whether a parameter that is a pointer can ever be null or not). 2. behavioral: the properties that can be specified with pre-conditions, post-conditions, and invariants, including history constraints [34]. 3. synchronization: properties of component interaction. 4. quantitative: all non-functional properties, such as quality of service, response times, throughput guarantees, etc. Our method for specifications covers only the first three levels; however, we use the term behavioral to refer also to the synchronization class of specification. Our group at Microsoft Research, the Foundations of Software Engineering [16], has developed an executable specification language, AsmL, which is based on the theory of Abstract State Machines (ASMs) (see [22] for an introduction to the notion of ASMs). ASMs allow precise, formal, operational specifications of software systems. AsmL has many important features, among which are generic interfaces and classes, and a transaction-based semantics. In this paper, we use AsiriL to specify the behavioral and synchronization properties of component interfaces, in particular method behavior, interface-wide invariants, history properties, and component composition. In previous work we used AsmL to write component models by reverse-engineering already existing components [6]. The resulting models provided essentially the identical functionality as the components they were models of. In other words, they modeled the classes that implemented the components. Our concern here is the use of AsmL at the design stage by providing models of interfaces. We wish to specify interfaces at their most general level: only the required behavior any component implementing them must have is detailed. The rest is left up to the implementer of the component. An interface model allows clients and implementers to understand the behavior of a software component that correctly implements the interface. We believe that one should implement a component using classes, i.e., using object-oriented programming, but that the specification should be done at the interface level. The key idea connecting a class to its interface is that the class must be a behavioral subtype [34] of its interface. An interface specification describes the minimal behavior expected of all of its subtypes: the behavior of a class can be more constrained than that of its interface. This paper's contribiition is to provide a clean layer in which full behavioral specifications can be written. Specification languages should not be tightly coupled to implementation languages. Precise semantics are crucial for a specification language; implementation languages are oriented towards execution efficiency, as indeed they should be. AsmL has a formal semantics which provides a mathematical foundation for the specification effort. It provides features that aid in the refinement process for developing components that correctly implement their specifications. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides more detail on exactly what an interface specification looks like in AsmL. Section 3 discusses our notion of refinement and provides an example, Then, in Section 4, we show how to handle component creation and parameterization within AsmL. The next two sections explain how to compose specifications: Section 5 for data-linking and behavior-linking and Section 6 for aggregation and delegation. An overview of similar approaches is discussed in Section 7. Section 8 summarizes and presents limitations and future work. 2 Specifications We write executable specifications of components in AsmL (the Abstract State Machine Language). AsmL is based on the theory of Abstract State Machines [22]. ASMs are transition systems: their states are first order algebras, that is, interpretations of a functional signature. The transition relation is specified by transition rules (in the sequel simply called rule) describing the modification from one state to the next, namely in the form of guarded updates, i.e., assignment statements that are executed if a boolean condition holds. A sequential run of an ASM program P is a finite or infinite sequence of states So,Si,... where each Si, ( > 0, is obtained from S/^i by executing the updates of P at Si-i- The updates generated in a particular step are called the update set for the step. To deal with industrial applications, we have extended ASMs with submachines, objects, exception handling [23] and a very powerful type system (as have others, see [2, 8, 10]). AsmL is freely available for non-commercial research or teaching purposes from our web site [16]. It is currently used within Microsoft for modeling, rapid prototyping, analyzing and checking of APIs, devices and protocols. We introduce AsmL at the same time as we develop the examples. Only a small subset of AsmL will be used. Our first, very small, example is a specification of a counter interface. interface ICounter var et as Integer = 0 Counter{) as Integer return at Incremento et := et + 2 To specify components we use interfaces. Stateful interfaces have member variables, which are also called model variables. Model variables are not part of the signature of the interface; they are provided only to give meaning to the method bodies. They are accessible only through the methods defined in the containing interface and its subtypes. Method bodies in an interface are called model programs'. they specify the effect that any implementation must respect. Method bodies typically refer to member variables. If a method body updates a member variable, it defines an ASM rule. ASM rules are inherently parallel. This synchronous parallelism comes in handy when specifying independent updates. For example to swap two variables you write: swapO X ~ y y := X Sequential composition is the unusual case; to discourage its use, we require a "heavy" notation for it. The sequential AsmL specification for swapping the values of two variables uses an ASM sub-machine: swapQ var / = X step X ■.= y step}- := t AsmL also provides exception handling. Combined with synchronous parallelism, this eases specifications: when an exception is thrown all updates that are produced in the protected block are undone: The simple transition semantics also simplifies the translation of AsmL rules into predicates. For this purpose we use a slight variation of weakest preconditions. This allows the counter also to be specified in more declarative terms. interface ICounter var et as Inleger et = O Counler{) as Integer require true ensure result = et and et = et' Increment^ require true ensure et' = el 2 The keywords require and ensure are used for pre- and post-conditions, respectively. Priming (e.g., x') denotes the value in the next state of a run. The keyword result refers to the value returned by the method. In general, any straight-line method body can be automatically replaced with a pre- and post-condition pair that specifies the same behavior. Loops and recursion require manually-supplied invariants and bounds. In AsmL a method application changes only those variables that occur in the computed update set; variables not mentioned in the update set are not changed. If a method body is only described by a pre-/post-condition pair one has to specify explicitly which variables change and which retain their values. If no method body and no pre-/post-condition pair is given, the method can do whatever it wants to, except that is has to respect any interface invariants and constraints (as described in Section 3). Not only do pre- and post-conditions fail to scale with larger specifications [12], but we have found that real users prefer writing executable specifications instead of pre-postcondition pairs. In AsmL, users can use high-level data structures, users can write nondeterministic specifications, users get atomic transition semantics, and users get ease of reasoning due to referential transparency within each step. Furthermore they can immediately execute the written AsmL specifications. 3 Refinement A specification is useful only in so far as it defines properties that are true for any implementation. In essence, this is Liskov and Wing's notion of behavioral subtyping [34]: a subtype should always be substitutable for a basetype in all contexts. ASMs can be used in a more general theory of refinement (see e.g. [41]), but for our purposes it suffices to restrict our attention to the 1 : n refinements possible in the syntactic framework of classes implementing interfaces. That is, any component implementing an interface must support the syntactic interface; it may do less or more work within each method, but the protocol by which a client uses the functionality is fixed by the syntax of the interface. There is a well-known problem with specifications and behavioral subytping: a subtype might violate properties of its basetype. For example, in the case of the ICounter specification, one cannot reason that the value is always even: as specified, a subtype could increment the counter only by one. Likewise, the counter cannot be assumed to always be positive, a subtype might introduce a decrement method. In order to compensate for this, Liskov and Wing require invariants, which are properties of a single state, and constraints, which in AsmL are properties of consecutive states. For instance, to ensure the two above-mentioned properties, we can add to the ICounter interface: interface ICounter... invariant even(cl) constraint ct < ct' The ellipsis (three dots) is part of our literate programming environment [31]; it indicates that this is a continuation of a previous construct. AsmL also introduces an alternative construct for an operational specification of the permitted state transitions of any method in any subtype: the others clause. For instance, to ensure the even stronger property that any other method can increment ct only by a multiple of two in the range from 0 to 20 one can write: interface ICounter... others(.. .) choose; in {0,2..20} ct := ct + i Any additional method defined in any subtype of ICounter will inherit the derived post-condition from the others method. Our notion of refinement for synchronization properties depends on the concept of a mandatory call. Certain method calls in the model programs are identified as communications that any implementation must make during the execution of the corresponding method. All calls to nonlocal public interface methods are mandatory calls. This includes constructors, see Section 4 for an example. Note that it is the call site that is mandatory, not the method definition. An implementation is free to make additional calls; the model indicates the minimal behavior that must be observed. Thus, we say that an AsmL specification provides a tninimal model for any implementation. Classes that implement an interface must be a behavioral subtype of the latter. But the implementation typically chooses a different representation of its fields. Contrary to Liskov and Wing's formulation, we do not require that the class defines an abstraction function (see also Hoare [28]) which relates the concrete state of the class to the abstract state of the interface. In other work [6] we outline a scheme that provides for run-time checking of the subtype relationship without an abstraction function. However, providing an abstraction function allows for a higher level of verification; AsmL allows a class to define one with the abstraction construct. Suppose that the class that implements the ICounter uses a "successor" representation for a counter. Then the abstraction function is just two times its successor representation. class CCounter implements ICounter var succ as Integer = 0 abstraction ICounter.ct = 2 * succ Counter{) as Integer return 2 * succ Incremento succ := succ + 1 In this particular example, it is obvious how CCounter fulfills the obligations it inherits when implementing the ICounter interface. However, in general, abstractions can be much more complicated. There is no requirement that an AsmL specification be implemented in AsmL. AsmL provides native COM connectivity (as well as COM Automation) and so can be used directly with a component implemented in any programming language. One interface may also refine another interface, either by extension (see Sections 5 and 6) or implementation. Again, the former interface must be a behavioral subytpe of the latter interface. To simplify rapid prototyping, i.e., executing of specifications, AsmL classes don't have to provide their own definitions. As long as interface methods are specified by method bodies, interfaces are executable exactly as written. Thus a class can reuse the definitions of the interfaces. The simplest implementation for ICounter then becomes: class CCoimler reuses ICounter Thus it is often sufficient to close a specification by merely providing a class that reuses the specification. 4 Creation and Parameterization In this section, we consider two prerequisites for composing interfaces. First, there must exist a way to specify the creation of a reference to an interface. An interface is merely a view on a component (namely a particular subset of the component's functionality): what does it mean to have a new reference to one? Second, an interface can be dependent on external values (and/or objects); a completely closed interface is not particularly interesting. The simplest forms of dependency are ones required for parameterizing an interface: by type and by value. Creation. At the interface level there are only interfaces, not components. So if one wishes to access a new interface, where does it come from? One solution would be to parameterize all interfaces by a factory interface that can be used to request the desired interface. A factory interface contains a method which will deliver an interface reference upon request, given some sort of identifier for the interface. But this merely pushes the problem back one level: where does the specification of the factory interface get the interface reference to return? What exactly are the properties of the returned interface? While factory interfaces are very useful at the implementation level in order to decouple component creation and allow subclassing [17], AsmL interfaces are already expressed at the abstract level. A clearer picture of the desired properties is needed. When a component is created, there are several assumptions about the resulting reference. Abstracting from the specifics of implementation issues, such as storage allocation, leaves us with the following properties; the component supporting the requested interface 1. should have a unique identity, 2. should not be aliased, and 3. should provide the requested interface in one of its initial states. Such an interface is guaranteed to be private to the component that is requesting it, unless it explicitly decides to share the reference either by creating aliases or by passing the reference to a third party. For this concept, we use the keyword new with an interface: interface IHisiory var s as ICounter — new ICounter However, it is important to note that the use of new does not necessarily imply the creation of an object as it would when used on a class. As long as properties 1-3 are ensured for s, then it does not matter if a new class object is created by actually calling a constructor or not. The above example specifies that within the interface IHistory, the name 5 refers to an interface ICounter on some component. Only IHistory has a reference to this component. Furthermore, this component is in its initial state, i.e., s.ct is equal to zero, and will remain so until changed by a call from within IHistory. The fact that the component has a unique identity will be utilized in Section 6. Sometimes a new interface is requested on an already referenced component, i.e., an existing interface reference. In AsmL that is modeled by a type cast: // ... i is an interface reference to lA ... let j = i as IB This corresponds to using the COM method Querylnter-face [11]. When the type cast is successful, the requested interface is not necessarily in its initial state. Parameterization. An interface can be dependent on a type, i.e., it can be a generic interface. A generic interface specifies a family of interfaces all of whom instantiate the generic parameter for some particular type. A typical example for a generic interface is the IState specification: interface IState{T) private var value as T Set(v as r) value := v GetQ as T return value The IState specification says nothing about its initial state; it is also dependent on a value of type T that must be supplied to the constructor when an instance of IState is created. AsmL provides a default constructor that has the same name as the interface. The default constructor takes a parameter for each of the uninitialized member variables: interface IState(T) ... IStaie{v as T) value = V In order to be instantiated, the interface IState is dependent on both the type parameter T and supplied argument for value. Note that it is just a coincidence that the type of value is itself T. Multiple constructors with different parameter lists are also allowed. The visibility attribute private on value means that it may not be modified by a method within any subtype. Therefore the only way to modify value is to call Set. This guarantees the property that once a client calls Set, value will remain unchanged until the next call to Set. In other words, any component implementing IState will act like a program variable. IMGlricAndUSLenglh 5 Linking Specifications While it is important to be able to specify interfaces in isolation, true component-oriented programming can be realized only when sub-units are composed to make larger units. This implies that we must be able to compose interfaces as well, since the specification for the composition of two components should be the composition of their individual specifications. 5.1 Data Linkage Linking two specifications through shared data — statecoupled specifications — allows for multiple viewpoints on the same component, while ensuring that the component stays in a consistent state. This represents a common pattern; our example uses the idea of different units for a single measurement [20]. For instance, suppose there are two interfaces. interface IMetricLength extends lState{lnteger) IMetricLengihQ extends ISta!e{0) interface lUSLength extends IStale{Integer) lUSLenglhi) extends IState{0) The specification for IMetricLength implicitly keeps value in metric units, e.g., centimeters. Meanwhile, the specification for lUSLength implicitly keeps value in inches. Note that neither interface is parameterized; the generic parameter T from IState has been instantiated to Integer. Also, the explicit constructors take no arguments. But they call the constructors of the interface they are extending; the initial state is thus fully determined. Suppose we would like to specify a component that provides both interfaces with a consistent shared value. Whatever changes are made through one interface should be reflected in the other interface. This is easily specified via a Unking invariant which constrains any implementation to meet this condition. Fig. 1 shows the structure of the composition. interface IMetricAndUSLength extends IMetricLength and lUSLength invariant IMetricI^ngth.value * 2.54 = lUSLength.value Figure 1: Linking two interfaces by shared data A crucial feature of AsmL is that all methods and member variables from inherited interfaces are kept distinct. The interface IMetricAndUSLength does not identify the methods Get and Set from the two interfaces; the combined interface has all four methods. AsmL, just as C# [25], does not fold methods with the same name and signature when extending multiple interfaces. This is especially important for generic interfaces. Java [19], for instance, is unable to keep the methods distinct. The behavior of any component implementing the interface IMetricAndUSLength must respect the invariant (as well as the individual behaviors specified in each interface). How it does so is left up to the component; one way is to keep value in one unit and converting it for the other interface: class CMelricAndUSLenglh implements IMetricAndUSLength var metricValue as Integer = 0 abstraction IMetricLength.value = metricVahie lUSLength.value = metricValue j 2.54 IMetricLength.Set{v as Integer) metricValue := v IMetricLength.Gel{) as Integer return metricValue IUSLenglh.Set{v as Integer) metricVahie ■.= v * 2.54 lUSLength.Get{) as Integer return metricValue j 2.54 This example differs from the traditional Observer pattern [17] in that both of the original interfaces are peers-, neither is distinguished as the subject holding the "correct" value (although the component decided to implement it that way). 5.2 Behavior Linkage In this section, we present an example of two components that are coupled through their interacting behaviors instead of through shared state. We use the Observer pattern [17] which involves two components: a subject and a set of ob- servers, called views. The IView interface is trivial: it contains a method Update that is to be called by the subject, and a method for registering the subject with the view so it has access to the subject. interface IView{T) var subject as ISubject(T) UpdateQ / / behavior goes here, to be defined by subtype SetSubject{s as lSubject{T) ) subject := s The subject holds some state; whenever the state is changed, each view is notified. This is a generalization of the Reader/Writer paradigm. The specification of a subject is an extension of IState that has methods for adding, removing, and alerting views: Interface ISubjecl{T) extends ISiate{T) var views as Set {IView {T)) = {} Set{val as T) step base .Set{val) step NotifyQ private Notify{) forali V in views V.UpdateQ Attach{v as IView{T)) views += { V } Detach{v as IView{T)) views —= { V } others(...) ensure value = value' There are three interesting properties that this specification prescribes for any implementation: 1. A subject calls the t/p^/afe method of each view whenever its Set method is called. Because Update is a public interface method, this call is a mandatory call. An implementation is free to call Update more than once, perhaps for fault-tolerance purposes. 2. Views are synchronized with subjects. That is, all views receive a notification with the subject in the same state. This is because the forali loop used within Notify is a parallel loop. 3. A view can perform any behavior within its Update method. Obviously, it would be unwise to call the subject's Set method: allowing the state to change during a callback is known to create problems [43]. The specification can easily be modified to disallow it. Because of the others clause, no subtype of ISubject is allowed to add a method that alters value other than by calling ISubject.Set. This may be too restrictive; one can specify instead a constraint that connects state changes to value with calls to Update for each view. The method Notify is marked private to emphasize that it is not a mandatory call. It is only the call to Update during the execution of Set that must be observable. 6 Aggregating Specifications In addition to linking interfaces, we use AsmL to define interfaces that re-use existing behaviors to create new functionality. This explores another way of composing specifications which can be seen as aggregation or delegation depending on the details of how it is specified. We take the example of a radio button group in a graphical user interface from [26]. A radio button group is a set of radio buttons that operate in a mutually-exclusive manner. At most one of them can be selected at any one time; selecting one radio button unselects all of the others in the group. Each button in the group must display itself appropriately as either selected or not. A radio button group can be seen as an example of reusing the Subject/View contract (i.e., the Observer pattern [17]): each radio button is a view on a subject whose state reflects which button is currently selected. To begin the specification, we first specify the behavior of buttons in general. 6.1 Buttons We model a button as a user-interface element that has a text label and allows the user to select it, say by clicking on it with the mouse. interface IButton var label as String var chosen as Boolean CeiLabel{) as String return label Seil^bel[s as String) label := s SelectQ choose i) in { false, true } chosen := b Of course, the interface would have additional methods relating to its size, color, etc. A checkbox button acts as a toggle: clicking it reverses its current state. interface ICheckBoxBuUon extends IButton Select{) chosen :— not chosen A radio button, by way of contrast, is idempotent: clicking on it sets it to true. The only way to unselect it is to select another radio button in the same group. interface IRadioButton extends IBulion SeleclQ chosen := true A single radio button may seem useless, but could be used for signing a document or some other irreversible operation. 6.2 ButtonView A radio button, as specified in IRadioButton, is not immediately composable into a group. As stated, the interface does not provide any functionality for synchronizing its state with other buttons in the same group. This clearly separate behavior can be added in a modular fashion. We extend the IRadioButton interface with an IView interface. It describes a button that just behaves like a radio button, but responds to a new input notifying it that some state has changed somewehere else. interface IRadioBuUonView extends IRadioButton and IView{IRadioButton or Undef) / / explicit constructor IRadioButtonView{s as String) extends IRadioButton{s,^a\st) and IView{Undef) UpdateQ chosen := subject.Get() = me // redraw appropriately ... SelectQ base .Select{) subject.Set{me) The explicit constructor initializes the button to be un-selected. In addition it initializes the view's subject to be undefined. Note that in AsmL reference types don't contain a null value. But disjunctive types, here exemplified by the type IRadioButton or Undef give you the flexibility to add Undef when needed. The keyword base refers to the immediate supertype, in this case IRadioButton. Given this interface, it is now easy to define the behavior of a radio button group. 6.3 ButtonGroup The requisite behavior of having the radio buttons be mutually exclusive is achieved by wiring the augmented radio buttons from Section 6.2 together with a component that implements the ISubject interface into a Subject/View relationship. interface IRadioButtonGroup var bs as Set{lRadioButionView) var subj as lSubject{IRadioButton or Undef) Figure 2 shows the structure of the interface, although not the multiplicity of views. A radio button group has its own interface: there are operations that make sense for a button contained in a group, IRadioButtonGroup Figure 2: The IRadioButtonGroup interface but not for the collection as a whole and vice versa. Selection of one button in the group is specified by delegating the Select call to the appropriate button. interface IRadioButtonGroup .. . Select{s as String) choose b in bs where b.GetLabelQ = s b.Select{) ... other methods ... The constructor for IRadioButtonGroup takes a set of labels for the radio buttons to be generated, generates the subcomponents and wires them together. interface IRadioButtonGroup . .. IRadioButtonGroup{ls as Set{Slring)) subj = new ISubject{undef) bs = { new IRadioButtonView{l) \ Z in /j } forali b in bs b.SetSubject {subj) subj.Atiach{b) Informal Reasoning. Now that the composition has been created, it can be reasoned about. Here we give an informal outline of IRadioButtonGroup's correctness for maintaining the mutual exclusion of a selected button. The only external action that can cause an update is for one of the radio buttons bi to b„ in the group to have their Select method called. Without loss of generality let's assume that bi is selected. This, in turn, will cause bi.lRadioButtonView.Select to be called, which will call bx-IRadioButton.Select. So bi.chosen becomes true. The button bi will also call Set{bi) on the shared subject. First, its value becomes bi. Next, the shared subject will call back to every button in the group via IRadioBut-tonView. Update. For every button the Get method called on the shared subject will return bi — this is the value that was just stored. For bi this generates another update of bi-chosen to true; this is a non-conflicting update. In contrast, the chosen field of the buttons b2.. .b„, become false, since bi is different from any of ■ • ■ As a result, we are guaranteed that the group makes an atomic step which preserves the property that at most one button can be selected at any time. Given AsmL's transactional semantics, it is possible for two buttons to execute their Select methods in the same step. Each method will cause an update in the subject for two different values (the value of me for each of the buttons). These updates are conflicting-, AsmL's runtime checks for different values being assigned to the same location at the end of each step and will signal an exception. 7 Related Work As long as there have been programmers, there has been concern with the meaning of the artifacts they create by formally specifying the programming process, e.g. [27]. Here, we concentrate specifically on work involving components. There is a long tradition within the object-oriented community that is concerned with specification, whether formal or not. Meyer, of course, is famous for his ideas on design by contract [35]. Over a decade ago. Helm et al. [26] pointed out the necessity for contracts and how they can be used as a structuring concept for specifications, but their contracts were a) not executable, and b) confused the wiring of components with the specification of their interaction. America [1] did some of the early work on behavioral subtyping. The most standard formulation of behavioral subtyping follows that of Liskov and Wing [34]. Most of this work used only pre- and post-conditions for methods, or did not consider using a separate specification language. Leavens and Dhara provide specifications for Java components using a language called JML [33]. Like us, they insist on behavioral subtyping as a refinement notion and also use model programs in addition to pre- and post-conditions. However, their work is limited to Java programs; AsmL can be used in conjunction with any implementation language. They make the distinction between strong and weak subtyping; we restrict our attention to strong subtyping since AsmL does not prohibit aliasing. Besides JML, there has been a lot of work on using assertions to specify Java interfaces, e.g.. Contract Java [15], iContract [13], jContractor [30], and Jass [7] all implement various schemes to implement design by contract for Java programs. JISL, the Java Interface Specification Language [40], translates and inserts specifications into Java programs. It uses pre- and post-conditions and is used to primarily specify and check frame properties. Edwards [14] uses specifications for components/o generate wrapper components that check the pre- and postconditions. An abstraction function is required because the conditions are expressed in terms of abstract values. But without model programs, synchronization properties cannot be specified. Soundarajan and Tyler [42] use trace variables in specifications to record method calls in order to reason incrementally about subtypes. Their trace variables are similar to our mandatory calls, but they also do not have model programs. Jonkers [29] has interface specifications that are not executable; he also does not insist on absolute rigor in a specification. But his ideas of how to specify interfaces are very similar to ours. The theoretical background for component specification is mostly based on the refinement calculus by Back and Wright [4] and Morgan [39]. Constructs for object-oriented programming are added to a notation for sequential computing and class refinement is defined such that it respects supertype behavior [3]. To declare a class as a subtype of another means to do a proof in the refinement calculus that the predicate transformer semantics of the class hold the correct relationship with those of the superclass. However, there does not seem to be a concern with directly executing specifications. Sekerinski et al. have explored the restrictions on component-oriented programming that are needed in order to be able to prove refinement in the presence of recursive re-entrance [37]. They have also done a small case study of proving the correctness of Java Collections Frameworks [38]. They extend Java with a specification language and claim that it has a formal mathematical foundation: "every executable statement of the Java language... that we use has a precise mathematical meaning". We take that to mean that only a subset of Java is used. 8 Conclusions The need for behavioral specifications is widely recognized, especially in component-oriented programming. AsmL provides an industrial-strength tool for writing such specifications. It provides all of the features necessary to express the properties needed for behavorial subtyping. AsmL is agnostic with regards to verification technology. An AsmL specification can be subjected to analysis with a variety of formal methods, for instance, a refinement calculus proof. The executability of AsmL specifications opens possibilities that go beyond those traditionally associated with specification languages. A formal specification is the boundary between the informal understanding of a system and its digital incarnation. At the design stage, exploration of the specification provides insight and feedback about the appropriateness of the formalization. During the coding process, the specification can be used, in special domains, to derive test cases and perform conformance testing [18,21]. An executable specification allows conformance checking, i.e., assertion monitoring, to ensure that an implementation's behavior is allowed by the specification [5, 6]. Furthermore, AsmL's COM connectivity means that it can be used in a language-neutral setting: any language can be used to implement the specification. There are many areas that need to addressed in future work. For example, adding automatic support to enforce the kind of restrictions needed for refinement proofs [37] or other proof tools. Acknowledgements We wish to thank the rest of our research group in Microsoft Research, FSE. Clemens Szyperski, Egon Börger, and Crispin Goswell reviewed earlier drafts of this work and made many useful suggestions. 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ACM Press and Addison-Wesley, New York, NY, 1998. Towards a rigorous and effective functional contract for components R J. Galan Morillo, V. Diaz and J. M. Canete Valdeón. Dept. of Languages and Computer Systems. Faculty of Computer Science. Av. de Reina Mercedes s/n. 41012. Sevilla. Phone: 34 95 455 27 73, Fax: 34 95 455 71 39 E-mail: galanm@lsi.us.es Keywords: abstract data type, component, design by contract, correctness, formal specification, constructive specification Received: May 11,2001 The abstract data type (ADT) is the basis for the information-hiding design philosophy that makes software easier to analyze and understand, and that support maintenance and reuse. For these reasons, ADTs can be used to write contracts between specifiers that describe type requirements in an abstract and declarative way and programmers that implement components for these requirements. The construction of components from software specifications could not be a systematic activity if the specification language has powerful abstraction and expression capabilities. Therefore, it is very important to study different forms of type specification in order to understand its programming repercussions. The form of specification is essential to consider a type specification as a rigorous and effective functional contract for components between a specifier and a programmer 1 Introduction The abstract data type (ADT) is the most promising programming idea to support software engineering. It is the basis for the information-hiding design philosophy that makes software easier to analyze and understand, and that support maintenance and reuse. There are several formal specification techniques and accepted theories of ADT correctness (Ehrig & Mahr 1985, Ehrig & Mahr 1990, Wirsing 1990). On the other hand, different methods have been proposed to the elaboration of a program in some systematic manner starting from a specification. In the early days, imperative program derivation was one of the first area of active research, mainly focusing on manual program derivation (Dijsktra 1976). Also, other programming paradigms were targets of derivation methods (i.e., functional and logic programming paradigms (Deville & Lau 1994). Recently, synthesis research is focusing mainly on automatic or semi-automatic methods (Fribourg 1993, Billington & Dromey 1996, Flener 1995, Wiggins et al. 1992, Avellone et al. 1999). However, these methods are not yet sufficiently applied in industry. The ADT can be considered as a contract between a specifier which describes type requirements in an abstract and declarative way and a programmer which implements these requirements. The contract has two opposite faces. From a specifier point of view, expressive languages are needed in order to construct specifications in a effective way. However, from a programmer point of view, the implementation model imposes many restrictions and then programming from abstract and declarative specifications could be an ineffective activity. Balancing these opposite points of view is needed in order to get effective contracts (Galan et al. 1999). Type specifications can be done in Figure 1: Non-constructive type specification. many different forms. Some of these forms can be classified as non-constructive forms. There is not a clear relationship between non-constructive types and their respective implementations. Figure 1 represents an example of a non-constructive type. From a programmer point of view, such characterizations represent non effective contracts because; 1. The programmer could consider that this kind of specifications does not assist him to implement a type: (a) Which data models has the specifier in mind? The specifier supposes that the name T is sufficient to characterize data models. In this way, the specifier consider a default knowledge in the contract but, probably, this knowledge is not considered by the programmer. (b) The programmer can consider that some operation has a non adequate characterization. For example, in the perm operation, what does "The re- suit establishes a permutation of I" mean?. Probably, the programmer needs a more detailed explanation in order to understand the semantics of perm. 2. In addition, the programmer can consider that this kind of specifications does not assist him to test implementations because he cannot construct tests without considering his own data representation decisions. Therefore, it is important to search for new kinds of type specifications in order to write rigorous and effective functional contracts for components between specifiers and programmers. The work is organized as follows. Section 2 establishes a loose classification for different forms of operation specification and their repercussions from a programmer point of view. Section 3 analyzes the reasons why a type specification considered as a rigorous contract is difficult to carry out. Section 4 establishes a specification discipline to overcome the problem of writing formal and effective type contracts. Finally, we establish the conclusions. 2 Preliminary Definitions This section establishes a definition for Abstract Data Type (ADT). A loose classification for different forms of operation specification is made in relation to their repercussions from a programmer point of view. A Data Type is a collection of data domains, designated basic data items, and operations on these domains such that all data items of the data domains can be generated from the basic data items by use of the operations. Moreover the data domains are assumed to be countable. An Abstract Data Type (ADT) 7 is a class of data types which is closed under renaming of data domains, items and operations and hence independent of representation. A Functional Part of a Component C for an abstract data type T is a realization (implementation) of (the semantics oi) T. We say that Specop is a pre/post specification for an operation Op in an ADT T iff it describes the behavior of Op in a declarative pre/postcondition style. Specop is called constructive if there exists a clear relationship between Specop and its implementation. Specop is called recursive if instances of Op are used in Specop postcondition. An ADT T is called non-constructive if it does not have any data information or it has some non-constructive operations. 3 Towards Effective Contracts From a programmer point of view, the type specification in figure 1 represents a loose contract because there is not data information and there is not a clear relationship between operation specifications and their respective implementations. A more constructive description would be desirable Figure 2: Reachable type. for a programmer. This section analyzes the reasons why a type specification considered as a rigorous contract is difficult to carry out. 3.1 Reachable Types and Testing It is important, from a programmer point of view, that specifications assist in testing activities. Specifications such as the one in figure 1 do not assist in such sense because programmers cannot construct tests without considering their own data representation decisions. Hence, reachable types constitutes the first specification restriction needed to obtain types amenable to be tested. Reachable types are obtained by adding a set of function symbols for generating data. A type T is reachable iff each element of the domain of T is represented, at least, by a ground term (i.e., term without variables). The set of function symbols in T will act as data generators. In addition, an identity relation = between data terms is included for each type specification. These extensions are important in order to avoid rigid specification contexts and to maintain the same (abstract) data model in the minds of specifiers and programmers. For example, in figure 2, we shows a reachable type T. Data information in T is represented by data generators {empty, conc]. Therefore, and considering this information, a programmer will be able to define tests for operations in T. 3.2 Understanding Operation Specifications An important question here is to define the reasons why a specification is difficult to program. For example, SpeCpem^ in figure 1, is difficult to program because its semantics is established by the phrase "The result establishes a pennu-tation ofl". But the name of the operation coincides with this explanation and there is not any other interesting information. Thus, we conclude that SpeCpem, is not effective «type» T empty O : T conc(Natural,T) : T =(T,T) nocc(T,Natu ral) : Natural perm(T) : T «type» Natural O O : Natural s(Nalural) : Natural =(Natural.Natural) DATA INFORMATION emptyO, conc(Natural,T) :T data generators emptyO = emptyO not conc(x,Y) = emptyO conc(x,Y)=conc(v,W) iff (x = v and Y = W) OPERATION INFORMATION nocc(e:Natural,l:T) : Natural pre: true post: I = ennptyO innplies result = 0 and I = conc(x,Y) and not x = e implies result = nocc(e,Y) and I = conc(x,Y) and x = e implies result = s(nocc(e,Y)) perm(i:T) :T pre: true post: forAII(e:Naturat.result:T 1 nocc(e,l) = nocc(e,result)) DATA INFORMATION 0(), s(Nalural) :Natural data generators 00 = 0() not s(x) = 0() s(x)=s(y)iff (x = y) some elements in Post{xi, ...,Xn,yi, ...,yn,, result) are defined on the Op symbol, (e.g., SpeCnocc figure 3). We consider only well founded recursive specifications. An explicit pre/post specification is a non-recursive pre/post specification (e.g., Specpem in figure 3). A non-constructive pre/post specification is a pre/post specification where some quantified variables v, with v G {xi,...,x„,yi,...,y,n,result} and v ^ {xi,...,x„}, are unbounded (e.g., Specpc'rm in figure 3 presents the variables e and result as unbounded variables). A constructive pre/post specification is a specification where each quantified variable V, with V G {xi, ...,x„,yi, result] and v 0 {a'i, is bound by identity (e.g., Spec,,,,,:,: in figure 3 binds the variables x and Y to the variable / and the variable result to the terms 0, nocc{e, Y) and s{nocc{e, K))). Constructive pre/post specifications represent an effective setting to construct implementations and to test implementations against their formal specifications. For example, SpeCnncc could be implemented as follows: Figure 3: Formal ADT. from a programmer point of view. On the other hand, the formal specification Spec„occ, in figure 3, has the following intuitive meaning: "The number of occurrences of any natural element e in a T-term emptyO equal to zero. If the number of occurrences of e in Y is equal to n then the number of occurrences in a T-term of the form conche, Y) is equal to s{n) (i.e., n -I- 1). If the number of occurrences of e in Y is equal to n then the number of occurrences in conc{x, Y) with x ^ e is n". SpeCnocc represents an abstract and expressive description of a set of programs which computes occurrences of natural numbers in 7-terms but its form is closed to the structure of a program and then we tend to consider SpeCn„cc as a constructive specification. However, SpeCperm represents also an abstract and expressive description of a set of programs which computes 7-permutations but its form is not closed to the structure of a program and then we tend to consider SpeCpenn as a non-constructive specification. A pre/post specification Specop for an operation Op is an expression of the form: Op{xi : ...,x„ : Tx„) : T result pre : Pre{xi, ...,x„) post : Post{xi ,...,x„,yi,...,y^, result) where Op(xi : Tx-^,...,x„ : Tj-J : is the operation signature, Pre{xi, ...,a„) is a first order formula called precondition and Post{xi, ...,A'„,_yi, result) is a first order formula called postcondition. The symbol Op is called the defined operation. A pre/post specification is called total iff Pre{xi, ...,x„) is equivalent to true. A pre/post specification is called partial iff Pre{xi, ...,x„) is not equivalent to true. A recursive pre/post specification is a pre/post specification where nocc{e : Natural, I : T) : Natural pre : true if (/ = emptyO) then return 0; else if (/ = conc{x, Y) and not x = e) then return nocc{e, K); else return s{nocc{e, K)); endif endif post : I = emptyO impl'^^ result = 0 and I — conc(x, Y) and not x — e implies result = nocc{e, Y) and I — conc{x, Y) and x = e implies result = s(nocc(e, K)) The realization of the functions empty and conc and the identity = are needed to complete the implementation of SpeCnocc- However, this constructive step is unnecessary if the programmer only want to test algorithmic properties. For example, the programmer could select the set of "abstract" data D = {empty,-conc{Q, empty), conc{Q,s{Q), empty),...} to be tested. For each t E. D,!i symbolic computation is made from Specn„cc and then a concrete computation is made from its implementation. From a programmer point of view, an implementation is not well constructed if tests, at implementation level, do not coincide with tests at specification level. Non-constructive pre/post specifications do not represent an effective setting to construct and test implementations. For example SpeCp^rm is difficult to program because its postcondition has some unbounded quantified variables (i.e., the variables e and result) and there is not a clear way (i.e., terminating way) to interpret these variables in implementation terms. 4 Writing Effective Contracts We propose a form of specification based on stratification and redundancy. This combination balances between expression capabilities and proper levels of constructivism. Let OP be the set of operation symbols declared in the ADT T. Let Specop be the pre/post specification of any Op G OP. Let Bodyop be the set of operation symbols in the postcondition of Op (e.g., in figure 3, Bodynocc = [nocc,-] and Bodypem, - {nocc, =}). L If r does not include use dependencies (e.g. see use relations in figures 2,3 and 4) from other types then T is stratified iff there exists a mapping level from OP to the set of natural numbers such that (a) For each Op S OP, level{Op) > level{s), for all ^ G Bodyop (b) Each recursive Op € OP is constructive. 2. If T includes use dependencies from other types then, let TU be the set of used types in T and let lOP be the set of imported operations from types in TU. T is stratified iff (a) Each type in TU is stratified and (b) There exists a mapping level from lOP U OP to the set of natural numbers such that for each Op e /OP, level{Op) ^ 0 and for each Op £ OP, level{Op) > level{s), for all j 6 Bodyop. (c) Each recursive Op € OP is constructive. In figure 3 we show a stratified ADT. The stratification of an ADT can be represented graphically by means of a dependency graph. Let Opi and Op2 be two operations defined in an ADT T. We say Opi depends upon Op2 in T iff Op2 € Bodyopi. In the dependency graph, an operation symbol is represented by a node and a dependency by a directed arc. From a programmer point of view, a stratified ADT induces a method to construct implementations. The levels in the stratified ADT establish an implementation order between operation specifications. To follow this order is not mandatory but constructivism is reinforced if we construct implementations in a bottom-up way. For example, from the specification in figure 4, a programmer would start with the implementation of nocc and then would continue with the implementation of perm. 4.1 Incremental Writing of Contracts We propose a method to guide the writing of stratified ADTs. The first step in the writing of contracts is to propose reachable types. This step is important in order to have a clear and common data domain between specifier and programmer. In our example, we would start the writing of T by establishing data information sections for Natural and T types respectively (see figure 2). The next steps will establish a kernel sufficiently expressive. Usually, at these steps, operations with recursive and constructive specifications are written. These operations are constructed from identity relations and operations previously written. In our example, we would continue the writing of T by including Spec„„cc (see figure 3). When a sufficiently expressive kernel has been established, we propose the use of explicit specifications for the remaining specifications. In our example, we would continue the writing of T by including Specperm (see figure 3). This method is not mandatory but we consider that it constitutes an assistance to the writing of stratified ADTs. In figure 4 we shows a formal ADT T with stratification information. 4.2 Eliminating Unbounded Variables Subsection 3.2 established unbounded variables as the major reason of non-constructivism. In some situations, it is possible to rewrite specifications by reducing the number of unbounded variables and preserving semantics. This activity is not systematic but the specifier must consider it. For example SpeCperm has two unbounded variables. The specifier would rewrite the specification in the following form: penn{l : T) : T pre : true post : forall{a : Natural in I, b : Natural in result, result : T \ nocc{b, I) = nocc{b, result) and nocc{a, I) = nocc{a, residt)) This rewriting preserves semantics and, in addition, it assists programmers to implement (the functional part oO components because the rewritten specification has result as the only unbounded variable. The programmer must consider only one unbounded variable in order to construct /?en«-behavior examples. Hence, these "opportunistic" decisions enable programmers to understand specifications and to construct tests for implementations. 4.3 Augmenting Constructivism by means of Redundancies Incremental writing of ADTs and reduction of unbounded variables are not sufficient. Regarding the bibliography about systematic program development, usually, constructivism is obtained by adding new formulas to the specification. For example, invariants and weakest preconditions constitutes a well known formal technique to design iteration-based implementations from pre/post specifications (Billington & Dromey 1996, Dromey 1988). Following these ideas, we propose a particular method based on symbolic evaluations. A symbolic evaluation of an operation represents an abstract execution (usually, developed by a constructive proof (Fribourg 1993, Wiggins et al. 1992)) with respect to a set of data values. Such evaluations are «type» T empty () : T conc(Natural,T) : T =(T,T) noccfT,Natural) : Natural perm(T) : T «type» Natural 0 0 : Natural s(Natural) : Natural ^(Natural,Natural) Level 2 Level 1 DATA INFORMATION emptyO, conc(Natural,T) :T data generators emptyo = emptyO not conc(x,Y) = emptyO conc(x,Y)=conc(v,W) iff (x = v and Y = W) OPERATION INFORMATION nocc(e:Natural,l:T) : Natural pre: true post: I = emptyO implies result = 0 and I = conc(x,Y) and not x = e implies result = nocc(e,Y) and I = conc(x,Y) and X = e implies result = s(nocc(e,Y)) perm(l:T) :T pre: true post: forAII(a:Natural in I, t) in result, resuit:T| nocc(b,l) = nocc(b, result) and nocc(a,l) = nocc(a,result)) (1)perm(emptyO)=empty() Implies true (2) perm(empty())=conc(x,Y) implies false (3) perm(conc(x,Y))=empty() implies false (4) perm(conc(x,Y),conc(x,W)) implies perm(Y,W) (5) perm(conc(x,Y),conc(y,W)) and not x=y implies nooc(y,Y)=s(nocc(y,W)) and nocc(x,W)=s(nocc(x,Y)) DATA INFORMATION 0(), s(Natural) :Natural data generators 00 = 00 not s(x) = 00 s(x)=s(y) iff (X = y) Figure 4: ADT specification with stratification and redundant information duced from redundancies for the relation perm: penn{l : T) : T pre : true if (/ = emptyQ) then return empty{)\ from (1) else if (/ = conc{x, Y)) then return conc{x,perm{Y)); from (4) else ... from (5) endif endif post : forall{a : Natural in I, b : Natural in result, result : T \ nocc{b,l) = nocc{b, result) and nocc(a,l) — nocc{a, result)) The programmer has an incomplete but useful implementation frame. The rest of the implementation can be established within this frame, reducing thus the search space. The programmer is able to continue the implementation in a top-down manner identifying different situations and programming each of these situations as a separate problem. For example, the programmer would only center its efforts on solving situations such as penn{conc{x, F)) = conc{y, W) considering notx = y. Once the (functional part of the) component has been constructed, interfaces are used to characterize its services. Only functional properties are required by its users. Therefore, stratification and redundant informations are not needed for interface characterizations. 5 Conclusions added to the specification in order to establish constructive information. For example, a symbolic evaluation of the perm operation poses the following questions: (!) perm{empty{)) = emptyQl (2)perm{empty{)) — conc{x, K)? {3) penn{conc{x, Y)) — emptyQl (4)perm(conc{x, K)) = conc{x, W)7 (5)perm{conc{x, 7)) = conc{y, W)? In order to answer these questions we execute Sperm in abstract terms. An important thing here is the form the specifier answers these questions. We consider that clausal form constitutes a kind of redundancy which assists programmers in operational terms. Figure 4 shows an example of ADT specification with redundancies in clausal form. This information is redundant and, probably the programmer could deduce it from the specification but we consider that the specifier is a qualified person to develop this task because he is able to bound interesting redundancies needed to induce recursions or iterations. The following incomplete implementation could be in- We propose a particular form of type specification based on constructive terms. This form is essential in order to consider ADTs as rigorous and effective contracts for (functional parts of) components between specifiers and programmers. ADTs can be seen as software contracts from two different points of view. From a specifier point of view, expressive languages for describing ADTs are needed in order to construct specifications in a effective way. However, from a programmer point of view, implementation models impose many restrictions and then programming from abstract and expressive specifications could represent an ineffective activity. To overcome this problem, we search for the right balance between these two opposite positions. For us, a proper balance requires some mutual concessions. For example, (a) specifiers and programmers are bound to unique and abstract data models, (b) We do not want considerable restrictions on the form of specification. Therefore, we cannot take advantage of the strengths of previous formal characterizations (e.g., equational characterizations). (c) An effective contract must not only describe, in abstract terms, what must be implemented but, in addition, it must advise in "abstract terms" how to do it (e.g., stratification information and redundancies). Our work represents an attempt to establish a specification method not only well founded but effective. At this moment, much work remains to be done in order to consider these kinds of specifications as the basis for describing rigorous and effective contracts for (functional part of) components. Our work represents only a starting point to do it. References [1] Avellone A., Ferrari M. & Miglioli P. (1999) Synthesis of Programs in Abstract Data Types. Proceedings of the LOPSTR-98 Workshop, p. 81-100. [2] Billington D. & Dromey, G. (1996) The Co-invariant Generator: An Aid in Deriving Loop Bodies. Formal /4^-pects of Computing 4, p. 108-126. [3] Deville, Y. & Lau K-K. (1994) Logic Program Synthesis. J. Logic Programming, 19/20, p. 321-350. [4] Dijsktra, E. W. (1976) A Discipline of Programming. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. [5] Dromey R. G. (1988) Systematic Program Development. IEEE Transaction ofSofiware Engineering. 14(1) p. 12-29. [6] Ehrig H. & Mahr B. (1985) Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1. Equations and Initial Semantics. Springer-Verlag. [7] Ehrig H. & Mahr B. (1990) Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 2. Module Specifications and Constraints. Springer-Verlag. [8] Flener, P (1995) Logic Program Synthesis from Incomplete Information. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [9] Fribourg, L. (1993) Extracting Logic Programs that Use Extended Prolog Execution and Induction. Constructing Logic Programs, Wiley & Sons. [10] Galan E J., Canete J. M. & Troyano J. A. (1999) On the Formal Translation of Object Oriented Software Specification: A Balanced Approach. Proceedings of the V International Conference ISAS'99 IEEE Computer Society. [11] Wiggins G., Bundy A., Kraan I. & Hesketh J. (1992) Synthesis and Transformation of Logic Program from Constructive, Inductive Proof. Proceedings of the LOP-577?'9y.p. 27-45. [12] Wirsing M. (1990) Algebraic Specification. Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Formal Models and Semantics Elsevier, p. 677-780. Approach to component based synthesis of fault tolerant software Behrooz Parhami University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA Phone: +1 805 893 3211, Fax: +1 805 893 3262 parhami@ece.ucsb.edu Keywords: components, design diversity, fault tolerance, multichannel computation, multiversion software, software reliability, safety, software reuse, weighted voting. Received: June 6, 2001 N-version programming (NVP) and acceptance testing (AT) are established methods for obtaining highly reliable results from imperfect software. In NVP, several program modules are executed independently and the final result is derived by voting on the module outputs. In AT (as embodied, for example, in the recovery-block construct), outputs of a program module are subjected to an acceptance test and in the event of failing the test, alternate modules are invoked, until a module produces results that pass the test. Various symmetric combinations of NVP and A T techniques have also been suggested. We have found that a more general view, allowing the insertion of ATs at arbitrary points within a suitably constructed multichannel computation graph can lead to higher reliability and/or greater cost-effectiveness compared to the previously envisaged hybrid schemes such as consensus recovery blocks, recoverable N-version blocks, and N-self-checking programs. Accordingly, we introduce MTV graphs, and their simplified data-driven version called DD-MTV graphs, as component-based frameworks for the creation, representation, and analysis of hybrid NVP-AT schemes. MTV graphs model variations in fault-tolerant software architectures built of computation module (M), acceptance test (T), and voter (V) components. Following the definition of (DD-)MTV graphs, we present several examples of hybrid NVP-AT schemes, as instances of fault-tolerant software based on our component-based approach, and quantify the resulting reliability improvements. We show, for example, that certain, somewhat asymmetric, combinations of M, T, and V components lead to higher reliabilities and/or lower cost than previously proposed symmetric arrangements. We conclude that our component-based approach facilitates design space exploration for fault-tolerant software and leads to reliability improvements due to the double effect of architectural optimization and component refinement afforded by reuse. 1 Introduction Applications of highly dependable computer systems are one of two distinct paradigms: Voting on multiple no longer limited to exotic space exploration and defense versions and acceptance testing of results [13], [24]. systems. A multitude of information and control systems Following the success of hardware and data in avionics, transportation, transaction processing, and replication methods in tolerating physical faults in process monitoring also rely on existence of ultrareliable computing systems, the use of N-Version Programming computational resources [32], [43]. With the continually (NVP) was proposed to allow tolerance of software increasing complexity of hardware and software design flaws [3], [8], In NVP, several program modules modules, and the attendant impossibility of implementing are executed independently and the final result is perfect (defect- or fault-free) components, the use of obtained by voting on the module results. Voting, as used multi-channel computations with design diversity [2], here, covers a wide variety of techniques in terms of [16], [17], [23], [51] has emerged as a practical and cost- sophistication, flexibility, and computational complexity effective approach. [15], [30], [33] and need not be implemented through Diverse multichannel computations take advantage simple matching and majority rule. Several other terms, of the property that, with adequate testing, malftinctions such as "consensus" [3] and "adjudication" [9] have been caused by residual design defects are rare and occur only used to describe the decision process that computes an for highly unusual sets of input conditions, ft is thus output based on possibly inexact or incomplete results likely that malfunctions of independently constructed provided by multiple redundant modules, modules, based on the same initial specifications, occur An important objection to NVP is that independence for different input states. This design diversity approach of design flaws in multiple versions cannot be guaranteed has been found useful for hardware subsystems [45] and and that commonly used specification and software, for data [1] as well, but its primary application area is in design techniques may lead to related faults in constructing highly reliable software systems based on independently designed versions [21]. Such related faults may cause identical or similar errors and thus lead to an incorrect voter output. However, this is a criticism of dependability analyses for NVP and the attendant quantitative claims of reliability improvement. The usefulness of the NVP approach has never been in doubt. In some contexts, diversity is more readily ensured [35]. Also, attempts have been made to model the effects of correlated failures (e.g., [12], [25], [27]). The technique of acceptance testing, e.g. as proposed in the recovery-block scheme [38], [39] is also based on design diversity. An acceptance test is an application-dependent routine that either accepts a result or declares it incorrect/suspect. Our confidence in an "accepted" result being actually "correct" depends on the thoroughness (coverage) of the acceptance test and its own reliability. ATs come in many different forms; from simple reasonableness checks to more complex, high-coverage validators. Assuming that the correctness of module result can be judged fairly accurately by applying an AT, alternate modules can be invoked sequentially in some specified order until one has produced a result passing the AT. This result is taken to be correct. The main problem with redundancy techniques that rely solely on AT for validating a result is the difficulty of designing good acceptance tests that are both simple and thorough. Certain computations are easily checked through mathematical properties that relate the outputs to the inputs or by way of inverse computations where they exist [6]. In a great majority of cases, however, the only sure way of checking result validity with high confidence is to simply recompute using algorithms and/or hardware with diverse designs or operational characteristics. Reliability evaluation for NVP and AT schemes has been presented in [5], [11], [23], [37], [41], [50], [52]. Linguistic constructs for describing adjudication and exception handling schemes for multi-version programs have been proposed in [26]. Kim et al [18], [19], [20] have studied architectures for, and design issues pertaining to, implementing a modified form of the recovery block scheme in a distributed environment. The resulting distributed recovery block (DRB) scheme uses concurrent execution of try blocks to allow fast forward recovery. Dugan and Lyu [10] discuss the relative merits of DRB, NVP, and NSCP (see the next paragraph). Several groups have tried to combine NVP and AT. One such attempt is consensus recovery blocks (CRB) in which n versions are executed and their results are compared [40]. If there is agreement between two or more versions, then their common result is assumed correct and used. Otherwise, the n disagreeing results are subjected to an AT is some prespecified order and the first to pass the test is taken as the correct output. Another case is recoverable N-version blocks (RNVB) in which ATs are run on module outputs and only those that pass are provided to the voter [14]. This approach has also been suggested in [5], [16] and, under the name "N self-checking programming" (NSCP), in [22], [24]. Conceptually related to the efforts above, but different in terms of components and implementation, is processor-data-check method, and its graph-theoretic formulation, in algorithm-based fault tolerance [4], [44], [36]. Clearly, these are just examples of the ways in which NVP and AT approaches can be combined. CRB essentially applies NVP (with relaxed 2-out-of-tt voting) and AT schemes sequentially and one at a time. Because no AT is applied in the case of, say, two agreeing results, there is some chance of an erroneous output being propagated. Furthermore, a common AT is assumed and design diversity is not applied to the AT. Both RNVB and NSCP approaches envisage applying ATs uniformly to all versions. This leads to an increase in complexity since ATs may essentially be duplicates of computational modules. We have found that a more general view, allowing the insertion of ATs at arbitrary points within a suitably constructed multichannel computation graph can lead to higher reliability and/or greater cost-effectiveness compared to the previously envisaged hybrid schemes such as consensus recovery blocks, recoverable N-version blocks, and N-self-checking programs. Accordingly, we introduce MTV graphs, and their simplified data-driven version called DD-MTV graphs, as component-based frameworks for the creation, representation, and analysis of hybrid NVP-AT schemes. MTV graphs model variations in fault-tolerant software architectures built of computation module (M), acceptance test (T), and voter (V) components [34]. Following the definition of (DD-)MTV graphs, we present several examples of hybrid NVP-AT schemes, as instances of fault-tolerant software architectures developed based on our component-based approach, and quantify the reliability improvements they achieve. We show, for example, that certain, somewhat asymmetric, combinations of M, T, and V components can lead to higher reliabilities than previously proposed symmetric arrangements having comparable or higher complexities. We conclude that our component-based approach facilitates the exploration of the design space for fault-tolerant software and leads to reliability improvements due to the double effect of architectural optimization and component refinement afforded by reuse. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains basic definitions and assumptions as well as examples of a more general hybrid NVP-AT schemes in order to motivate the subsequent discussion. Sections 3 and 4 analyze NVP schemes in which 1 or k of the n versions, respectively, have been replaced by ATs. Section 5 deals with an example of more general combining schemes. Section 6 examines the effect of correlated failures. Conclusions and directions for further research appear in Section 7. 2 Terminology and assumptions The question that we have set out to answer is how to combine the techniques of NVP and AT in an optimal way in order to achieve the best possible results. More specifically, our ultimate goal is to be able to combine diverse components (software modules, acceptance tests, voting algorithms) in a systematic way in order to maximize the correctness probability of the output with a given overall complexity or to achieve a desired correctness probability with minimal cost. Unfortunately, in view of difficulties in estimating reliability and cost parameters, except in very limited cases [42], these problems are currently intractable when posed in their full generality. So, in this inifial study, we endeavor to obtain results for a rather limited set of more specific questions with several simplifying assumptions. Our hope is that with further research, the domain can be broadened and the assumptions gradually relaxed. Here are our main objectives for this paper: 1. Demonstrate that certain novel, somewhat asymmetric, arrangements of modules, acceptance tests, and voters could be more reliable than earlier proposals. 2. Find optimality results in certain special cases; e.g., when the arrangement contains a single acceptance test or only one level of voting. 3. Provide examples of how the models and techniques used to analyze the special cases can be extended to deal with more complicated arrangements. 4. Generate interest in further systematic studies of the methodology, and tradeoff issues, for component-based synthesis of fault-tolerant software. The following definitions and assumptions are needed in our discussions and analyses. 2.1. Definition - MTV graph: An MTV (ModuleTest-Voter) graph is a directed acyclic graph with one "In", one "Out", and possibly one "Error" node, plus any number of nodes of three other types: Modules (M), acceptance tests (T), and voters (V). M: Computes a result based on its inputs and sends it to a T or V node or to Out. T: Accepts its input and forwards it or rejects it and activates some M or T nodes. V: Forwards the result of weighted plurality voting or activates some M or T nodes. The inner workings of M and T components are application-dependent. We make no assumption about these parts except that they have known, statistically independent reliability parameters (see 2.2-2.4). Voter components are more formally described in Def. 2.5. The nodes are connected by directed edges representing data transfers and controls. In diagrams, forwarding of data (the "P" output of an AT or the voting result from a V node) is represented by solid edges while activation controls (the "F" output of an AT or an indecisive voting outcome) are represented by dotted edges. ♦ Figures 1 and 2 contain examples of MTV graphs whose full meanings will become clear following the introduction of several more assumptions and definitions. 2.2. Assumption - Reliability parameters of computation modules: Each computation module M, produces a result which is correct with fixed probability qi and incorrect with fixed probability pi, uniformly over its input space. In case q, + pi < 1, the module may be viewed as (partially) self-checking or fail-safe, abstaining from producing any result with probability 1 - - pi. In the rest of this paper, we assume qi +/?,= !. ♦ Assumption 2.2 is controversial in that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to accurately estimate the reliability q, of a software module [7]. We justify this assumption by noting that any system-level reliability analysis must be based on the reliability parameters of the components used. Accurate reliability estimates will be available with greater ease as we gain experience with the design and use of multiversion software. A Component-based strategy is helpful in this regard because component reuse fosters the gathering of more accurate reliability and performance data. Additionally, when comparing various arrangements of modules and tests, occasionally we obtain results indicating that one scheme is better than another for a wide range of parameter values or even for all values of a certain p,. Hence, such comparative evaluations are less sensitive to, or totally independent of, the availability of accurate estimates for the pß. The comments above apply to Assumption 2.3 as well. 2.3. Assumption - Reliability parameters of acceptance tests: A correct result passes an acceptance test Ti (outgoing edge labeled "P" is taken) with fixed probability q'l and fails it (outgoing edge "F" is taken) with fixed probability p',, uniformly over the space of correct inputs. Similarly, T,- rejects an incorrect result with fixed probability q"i and accepts it with fixed probability p'), uniformly over the space of incorrect inputs (note that in all definitions, qiS are close to 1 whereas/7,s are near 0). When q) +/>';< 1 or q"i +p"i<], the AT is viewed as (partially) self-checking or fail-safe, abstaining from judging an input with probability 1 - q) -p'i for correct inputs and 1 - q";-p') for incorrect ones. Henceforth, we assume q', +p'i = q"i +/?", = 1. ♦ The reason we do not start by assuming q'i = q", is that ATs behave asymmetrically with respect to correct and incorrect inputs. An AT that is itself defect-free, always accepts a correct input. Thus, p', is typically small and is related to the probability of a defect in the AT design. On the other hand, even a defect-free AT may accept an incorrect input due to imperfections in the testing algorithm (imperfect coverage). Hence,/j",- lumps together two sources of errors: imperfect coverage and defective design. We typically have p"i > p'i (perhaps even, p') » /?',) for simple, low-complexity ATs. For a more comprehensive AT (e.g., one that duplicates the computation and decides by comparing the two values), coverage can be very high or even perfect. In such cases, q'i and q", are comparable, though not necessarily equal. 2.4. Assumption - s-independence of module and AT failures: Each M and each AT fails s-independently of other Ms and ATs, unless otherwise noted. Hence, the probability of k modules M, (1 < / < k) coincidentally producing erroneous results is n,£[i_ t]/?,. ♦ Assumption 2.4 is perhaps our most important assumption and the one most likely to be criticized. So let us try to justify it briefly. As noted in the introduction, the assumption of failure independence for multiversion software has been scrutinized and questioned from early on [21]. We think that these criticisms are valid and must be considered very seriously when trying to compute absolute reliability values for multichannel computations. However, the problem is much less serious for the types of analyses presented in this paper. Here, we try to determine if one scheme offers reliability improvement over another. Intuitively, since dependent failures are likely to affect the reliabilities of both schemes being compared, we can have a higher confidence in such relative figures of merit than in absolute reliabilities. We relax this independence assumption in Section 6 in order to validate, in part, this intuition. More work is clearly needed in this direction. 2.5. Definition - Weighted plurality voter: Given n input data objects x^, xi, . . . , x„, with associated nonnegative real votes (weights) vj, V2, . . . , v„, a V node computes the output object j and its vote w such that is "supported by" a number of input data objects with votes totalling w and no other y' is supported by inputs having more votes. If w < (X/e[i, »] then the outcome y may be nonunique. In such cases, an erroneous voter output will be pessimistically assumed. The output weight w selects one of the outgoing voter edges along which or an activation signal must be sent (see, e.g.. Fig. 1). When input votes are not explicitly specified, it is assumed that vi = V2 = . . . = v„ = 1. Various definitions of the term "supported by" lead to different voting schemes such as exact, inexact, and approval voting (e.g., with exact voting, an input object x, supports y iff x, = y). These variations, although important, are beyond the scope of this paper [30], [33], ♦ 2.6. Assumption - Perfect voters: Voters are perfect and act instantaneously. This assumption is reasonable because voters are simpler than modules or ATs and are designed just once for use with many different modules and test types. They can be made highly reliable through careful design and extensive testing (much more so than what is reasonable for any single application or its associated ATs). ♦ Consider Fig. 1 in which 5VP and an alternative scheme with the same number of M/T modules, and thus with lower or equal complexity, are shown. T is an acceptance test with pass/fail (P/F) outcome. A result that passes T is simply forwarded to the output. When T rejects its input, it activates M4. The voter in Fig. Ic can produce one of three mutually exclusive outputs: (1) No agreement, leading to activation of M4, (2) agreement between two inputs, leading to the application of T on the agreed-upon result, and (3) agreement among all three inputs, yielding an acceptable output. Module O Test O Voter In ^ Out O Error (a) Legend ^ O (b) 5VP (c) ALT1 Fig. 1. Representations of 5VP and ALTI, an alternative scheme, as MTV graphs. Figure 2 shows MTV graphs corresponding to two other hybrid NVP-AT schemes. These schemes have been proposed in the literature as alternatives to 3VP, although both imply greater cost than 3VP. Figure 2a represents a 3-channel RNVB or NSCP. Each of the three computation channels is made self-checking through the insertion of an AT after the computation module. The V node in Fig. 2a is a weighted plurality voter for which each input weight is set to 0 or 1, based on the outcome of the associated AT. Figure 2b represents a 3-channel CRB. If the voter observes agreement between two or all three of its inputs, the agreed-upon result is forwarded to the output. On the other hand, when there is no agreement, results from the computation channels are successively subjected to an AT and the first to pass the test is forwarded to output. The ATs in Fig. 2b are labeled Ti, Tj, and Tj, but they may all represent the same test. The advantage of this scheme over 3VP is that it is guaranteed to produce the correct result whenever 3VP would produce the correct result. Additionally, the added AT mechanism may salvage a correct result from disagreeing modules. (a) RNVB / NSCP (b) CRB Fig. 2. MTV graphs representing two different 3-channel hybrid NVP-AT schemes. Returning now to the initial example, the 5VP scheme of Fig. lb can tolerate up to two module failures, but can produce an incorrect result with some triple failures. In fact, any worst-case analysis must assume that 5VP fails when there are three module failures. The alternative scheme shown in Fig. Ic also tolerates any two failures in the M/T nodes. This claim is proven by considering the following four cases which exhaust all possible double failures. Case 1 - Two failures in {M,, M2, M3}: T and M4 are fault-free. If the two faulty modules produce mutually supportive results, then the error is caught by T and M4 is executed. Otherwise, M4 is executed directly. Either way, the correct result is produced. Case 2 - Two failures in {T, M4}: Mi, M2, and M3 are fault-free and produce pairwise mutually supportive results. The voter outputs is the correct result. Case 3 - One failure in {M;, M2, M3} and one in T: Because M4 is fault-free, the output is correct whether or not T accepts the correct result received from the voter. Case 4 - One failure in {M|, M2, M3} and one in M4: T is fault-free and accepts the voter's majority result. Triple failures can lead to an incorrect output for the alternative scheme in a manner similar to 5VP. For example, if Mi, M2, and M3 are faulty but produce incorrect pairwise mutually supportive results, an incorrect value will be output. Failure of M,, T, and M4 also can lead to incorrect output. A side benefit of the alternative scheme of Fig. Ic is that whereas all five modules must run to completion in 5VP, the alternative scheme rarely needs to execute M4. Let us now analyze the two schemes of Fig. 1 with respect to reliability (probability of producing a correct result). Assuming/Ji = p2 = pi = p^ = p=\-q\ 03VP + Qq^p^ = q\\+2p + 3p^ - 6p^) ßALTi = + -p'p) + The equation for the reliabiHty of the alternate configuration in Fig. Ic, Öalti, is derived as follows. The first term, q^, is the probability of having no fault in {Mi, M2, M3}. The second term, - p'p), covers the event of having a single fault in {Mi, M,, M3}, in which case correctness of the result is guaranteed unless T rejects the correct majority result and M4 is faulty. The third term, 3qp^q"q, corresponds to having two faults in {M|, M2, M3}. In this event, the worst case is the agreement of the two faulty modules because it leads to the requirement for T to reject the incorrect majority result (probability q") and for M4 to be fault-free (probability q) to obtain the correct result. If the two faulty modules in {Mi, M2, M3} disagree with each other and with the correct result, then the only requirement for producing the correct output is for M4 to be fault-free. Comparing the two expressions above, we find that Salti > ßsvp iff P' + p" < 2p. In the special case of p' = p" = 5, the alternate scheme ALTI offers reliability improvement over 5VP iff s < /?; i.e., the alternate scheme is better if the acceptance test component T is more reliable than each module M,. In practice, T can often be made simpler, and thus more reliable, than M,. This may be due to the inherent simplicity of verifying the result's correctness (e.g., by means of a mathematical relationship or an inverse computation) or by virtue of T using extra information ("certification trail") provided by the computation modules [46], [47], [48]. The examples above were intended to demonstrate the power of MTV graphs as representation and analysis tools for multichannel computations. In particular, it was shown that previously proposed hybrid NVP-AT approaches can be represented as simple MTV graphs and that these graphs can also represent more general hybrid schemes that have not been dealt with in the past and that can potentially offer higher reliability and/or lower overall complexity. Next, we define a modified form of MTV graphs in order to simplify the discussion in the remainder of this paper. 2.7. Definition - Data-driven MTV (DD-MTV) graph-. A DD-MTV graph is a modified MTV graph with no Error node and only single-output M, T, and V nodes. M,: Attaches the weight W/ to its output y,. T,: Modifies the weight w of;' to w + a,(w) or w -r,(w) upon acceptance/rejection. V,: Produces data object y of weight w from its inputs, as detailed in Def 2.5. The Error node is not needed because error can be indicated by a subset of possible weights (low values) for the final result. The elimination of control edges and the resultant graph's uniformity simplifies the enumeration and analysis of various alternatives, while still retaining the power to accurately model most hybrid schemes. The weight augmentation and reduction functions, a/(w) and ri{w), used to adjust the weight of an accepted and rejected input, respectively, are nonnegative functions to be determined (see Assumption 2.9). ♦ Figure 3 depicts several examples of DD-MTV graphs, each having six M/T nodes. These can be viewed as lower-complexity alternatives to 6VP. The examples in Fig. 3 clearly show the wide variety of multichannel computational arrangements that can be modeled easily by DD-MTV graphs [29]. J J i Fig. 3. DD-MTV graphs with six M/T nodes. 2.8. Assumption - Uniformity of modules and ATs: In the rest of this paper, modules will be assumed to have identical reliability, complexity, and execution-time parameters. Thus, the subscript ; will be omitted from parameters such as p,, <7, and the weight w = 1 is attached to all module outputs. Similarly, ATs will be uniformly treated by eliminating the subscript ; from their respective parameters such as p', and p",. ATs will be taken to have perfect coverage and lower or equal complexity compared to modules, thus leading to the assumptions p'

is derived as follows. The first term, qq', is the probability of Mi producing the correct result and T accepting it. The second term, qp'q, covers the event of M| producing the correct result, T rejecting it, and Mt getting the correct result. The third term, pq"q, corresponds to Mi producing an incorrect result, T catching the error, and M2 being fault-free. Comparing the expressions above, we find that Qalti > Q^yp iff p' + p" < 2p. Hence the discussion preceding Def 2.7 applies here as well. Figure 5 shows the unreliability P=\-Q of 3VP and ALT2 when p' = p". 1 T in two modules or in one module and its associated AT and for each case figuring out how many of the remaining n - 2 modules must be fault-free in order to guarantee a correct result. ß«VP = = + 2pqRi,„-2 + P^Rh+\,ii-2 ßALT3 = qq 'Rh-1 ,«-2 + qp 'Rku-i + pq "Rh,„-2 + pp "Rh+1 ,»-2 To compare these reliabilities, let us compute their difference Aß = 0alt3 - ß»vp: Aß = qip+ \pip-p") - qip-p')]Rh,„-2 -p{p-p")Rim.n-2 = q{p-p')[Rh-\,n-2-Rh,„-2] + p{p-p'%R,,,„-2-RhH..-2] Because each of the two terms within the square brackets is positive, a sufficient condition for reliability improvement over «VP is immediately obtained as max{p',p") = 1 - ß of 3VP and ALT2, assuming/i' = /?" = J. To continue the analysis, we note that: n n — n „'^-l „w-^+l l^k-i.m-l^k,!»-^m,k-iq P Hence, we can rewrite Aß = Qaltì - ßnvp as: Aß =q(p-p'){n-2)\q''y-'-'/[ih-\)\in-h- 1)!] + p(p-p"){n - 2)!q/y'-"-V[/7!(« -h- 2)!] = {(«-2)!/[^!(«-h- 1)!]} ^V"'"' x[{n-\)p-hp'-{n-h-\)p"] Therefore, the sign of Aß = ßAm - Qnvv depends on the sign of the last expression within square brackets. For « odd, we have /? = («- l)/2 and Aß > 0 iff p' + p" < 2p. For n even, we have h = «/2 and Aß > 0 iff («/2 -\){p' + p") + p' < {n - \)p. In this latter case, p' is somewhat more important than p". As an example, for n = 6, we must have 3p' + 2p" < 5p if the alternate with one AT (Fig. 3d) is to be more reliable than 6VP. 4 Replacing k versions with ATs We now consider the case where k of the « modules are removed {k < «/2) and replaced by ATs following k of the remaining n - k modules. As shown in the MTV graph of Fig. 6a, k branches with modules Mi, M2, . . . , Mi include acceptance tests Ti, T2, . . - , T^ and n -2k branches have just modules (indexed from to n-k). As in Section 3, let be the reliability of a homogeneous k-out-of-m system in which each module fails with probability p and let h = L«/2j for notational convenience. We can then write; ß»vp ^ Rii+\,n = n] C„j q'p" ' ÖALT4 = [0, k]%e [0, A-/] { CtjC^.^/pp ")'(pq " + qp^ The reliability expression 0alt4 for the alternate configuration is derived as follows. Let of the k branches containing ATs, / have faults in both the module and in the AT,y' have a fault in either the module or the AT but not both, and ^ - / -7 be fault-free. The / branches with double faults all potentially produce incorrect results with weight 2. The j branches containing single faults produce results with weight 0, whether the fault is in M or in T. Finally, the k - i - j fault-free branches produce correct results with weight 2. If c of the remaining n - 2k modules produce correct results, the following condition must be met for the output to be guaranteed correct: c + 2{k-i - j) > (« - 2^ - c) + 2/ c>h + 2i+j-2k+\ This justifies the term Rh+n+j-ik+i.n-ik in the expression for ÖALT4- The remaining terms are the probabilities of the indicated number of faults raised to appropriate powers. For example, the probability that M is faulty but T catches the error or M is fault-free but T rejects its output \s.pq" + qp' = p + p'-pp'-pp". M and I faulty M or T faulty M and T healthy n-Zk pairs can have 2, 1, or 0 faulty modules. Let i,j, and k - i - j be the number of such pairs, respectively. The k module pairs contribute incorrect results with total weights of up to 2i + j and correct results with total weights of at least 2k - 2i - j. Again, if the remaining n -2k modules produce c correct results and n - 2k - c incorrect ones, we must have c + 2k- 2i -j >{n-2k- c) + 2/ +j,OTc>h + 2i+j-2k+ 1, to guarantee a correct output. The probabilities of having 2, 1, ore 0 faulty modules in a pair of modules are p^, 2pq, and q , respectively. Thus: ßnvp = '^isiiì.k\2jj5[(i,k-i]{Ck,iCk_ij{p^)'{2pqy' -2k+\,n-2k Comparing the corresponding ij terms in the expression for 0alt4 to the above expression for g„vp provides some insight but no general conclusion. For example, for p' = p" = s, corresponding terms become identical and the two schemes are equivalent with respect to reliability. For p' = p" = s, the ij term in Öalt4 divided by the ij term in g„vp yields the ratio: , {slp)\(p + 5 - 2ps)l{2pq)m - ^yqf-' For particular values of s and p satisfying s p. In the case of s < p, both alternates are uniformly better than 5VP and the alternate with k = 2 is better than that with k= \. It is worth noting that the improvement in reliability achieved for ^ < /7 is smaller than the degradation suffered for s > p, particularly for larger k. Therefore, modules must be replaced with ATs only if the condition s l,H-*:-l] } The reliability expression Öalts is derived as follows. Let there be / correct results among the k channels of the primai7 voting block. This event has the probability Ckjg'p Now if i < Vkl2\, the plurality voting result must be assumed incorrect in the worst case. If T rejects this incorrect result (probability q"), its weight is decreased to i - 1 and a correct final output will be produced as long as at least \_{n — i)l2\ of the remaining n- k - \ modules are fault-free. On the other hand, if T erroneously accepts the incorrect result (probability p"), thus increasing its weight to / + 1, then at least [(« - /)/2j + 1 of the remaining n - k ~ \ modules must be fault-free for the final result to be guaranteed correct. Recall that = 0 for j > m. Similarly, if / > \_kJ2\ + 1, then the voter output is correct and has a weight of i. A similar argument justifies the second half of the expression for Qalts- To compare Öalts to ß„vp, we divide the n modules into three groups ofk, 1, and n-k~\ modules. If i is the number of fault-free modules in the first group, then: QnWP ~ Tjie[0.k]{Clcj(j'p'' ' The two terms within square brackets correspond to the case of the single module in the second group being fault-free (probability q) or faulty (probability p), respectively, leading to different requirements for the number of fault-free modules in the third group (/ + I + c > n - ^ - 1 - c in the first case and i+c>n-k-l-cin the second, where c is the required number of fault-free modules in the third group). Again comparison of the expressions for Öalts Q„yp leads to no general conclusion. For example, in the case of p' = p" = p, we note that of the corresponding pairs of terms in the expressions for Öalts and Ö„vp, some are larger in Qalts and others are larger in Q^vp- Fig. 8. A DD-MTV containing two levels of voting (ALT5). To get a feel for the relative values of Öalts aid Q„yp and conditions under which the alternative scheme offers a higher reliability than «VP, consider the special case depicted in Fig. 3b {n = 6, k = 3). The relevant reliability equations in this case are: ßevp = q\\+2p + 3p^ - I6p'+ lO/) Öalts{«:6, k:2}= +2p + 3p'-2p' -p\ì+2p)p'-3p\\-p)p"ì To compare these reliabilities, let us compute their difference Aß = Öalts - Qùwp- hQ = 3 -\0p)-{\+2p)p--3{\-p)p-'\ Therefore, for the alternative scheme to be better than 6VP, we must have: {,\+2p)p'+3(\-p)p" b,a'> b\ and b> b' Ao not imply a > a'. On the other hand, reliability of a complex system can never be computed exactly and we usually settle for lower bound guarantees. From this viewpoint, a system for which the lower-bound, or guaranteed reliability level, is higher must be considered better. In what follows, we compare «VP and ALT3 configurations (see Fig. 4b) with regard to correlated failures and show ALT3 to be superior. The comparison is based on combinatorial analysis. Admittedly, the application of this method would be cumbersome for more complicated configurations. However, our aim here is to validate, in part, the intuition that the possibility of correlated failures does not alter our earlier conclusions. The insight gained from this example analysis will help us understand why replacement of some modules with ATs improves the probability of obtaining a correct result under both statistically independent and correlated failure scenarios. Because nVP and ALT3 differ only in the use and placement of Mi, M„, and T, our model postulates the occurrence of correlated failures in c modules among {M2, . . . , M„_|} and includes probability parameters relating to how M,, M„, and/or T may be affected. The parameters ß, ß, o, ß, r, v, v*, defined below, should be interpreted as "probability of event, given that c modules among {M2, . . . , M„_i} contain correlated/common failures". Nodes unaffected by correlated failures can still suffer from random failures, with corresponding parameters as defined in Section 2. The events associated with the conditional probabilities for «VP and ALT3 are: N VP ß Both MI and M„ are affected a Single module: Ml or M„ is affected V Neither Mi nor M„ is affected ALT3 ß Both Ml and T are affected ju Ml is affected but T is not r T is affected but Mi is not V Neither Mi nor T is affected Clearly, we have ß+ 2a+ v= ß + fi+ r+ V = \. Also, given that two modules are more similar than a module and an AT, the following might be considered reasonable assumptions: T-2op+V-pp"-vp')Rh,^ + (juq"+ Tq-2 aq+ v'p 'q+ v'pq "Rh-2 vpq)Rh + q(v'q'-Vq)Rh., To simplify the expression for Aß„vp - AQaljs, note the following equalities: Rh = Rh+] + q^p"^ ^ '' Rh-i = Rh+i + Cn-c-2,hq''p"''' ^ '' + C„.c-2,h-i (] " ' '' Substituting the preceding in the expression for Ag„vp -AÖALT3, the coefficient for Rh-^\ becomes 0. Dividing both sides by (« - c - - c - 1 - Z;)!], yields: Aß„vp - AÖALT3 = in-c-\-h\q{ßq"lq+T-2o^V-v) + p{ v'q "- vq)] + hp{ v'q '- vq) Because by our assumptions both Vq" - vq and v'q' - vq are nonnegative, a sufficient condition for the difference Agnvp - AÖalts to be nonnegative is to have IMj"lq + r-2a+ V'- v><0. juq "lq+ t-2 0+ v'- v= ju{Q "-q)lq + 0+ T+ V) - (2 0+ v) = iu{q"-q)lq + {\-ß') - {\-ß) = fi{q"-q)lq + ß-ß This last expression is nonnegative by our assumptions; hence Aß„vp > AQalts and the conclusion that correlated failures have a less serious effect on ALT3 than on «VP. 7 Conclusion The methodology presented in this paper unifies previously proposed hybrid NVP-AT schemes and leads to many new variants. Given the extensive literature available in software fault tolerance and continued rapid developments in the field, such unifying methodologies (see, e.g., [49]) are clearly in demand and must be given high priority by the researchers in the field and within our educational programs. A component-based approach is particularly appropriate in that it allows: • Easy exploration of the vast architectural design space for fault-tolerant software • Building up of trust and the emergence of trusted components due to reuse • Swapping of components for more reliable versions as they become available Continued research in this area will enhance the utility of the proposed general framework for the study of hybrid NVP-AT schemes, leading to more specific design techniques, performance comparisons, and tradeoff guidelines. Results of such extended studies will contribute both to fundamental understanding of voting and acceptance testing as "dependability enhancement" mechanisms [29] and to their practical application in the realization of ultrareliable computations from standard components. A number of specific problems for future investigation are suggested directly by the discussions in the preceding sections of this paper. Examples of promising research directions include; • Optimal weight augmentation and reduction policies; the a(w) and r{w) functions • Effects of unequal module complexities and/or reliabilities as well as imperfect voters • Effects of different voting schemes on optimal configurations and their reliabilities • Optimal number of modules to be replaced by ATs (parameter k of Fig. 6a) • Optimal partitioning of n modules for two-level voting (parameter k of Fig. 8) • More general multilevel voting schemes and their attendant design tradeoffs • Effects of combined correctness and timeliness requirements [28], [31] The ultimate goal is to solve the following problem: Given a set of components with associated values for p, p', and p", as well as other system cost and reliability parameters (in particular those characterizing correlated failures^ what is the most cost-effective choice and arrangement of computation modules, ATs, and voters? As this problem is quite challenging, any approach to its solution will necessarily proceed through a number of simpler intermediate problems. For example, one might ask: What is an optimal arrangement of n M/T modules to maximize the overall reliability? 8 References [1] Ammann P.E. & Knight J.C. (1988) Data Diversity: An Approach to Software Fault Tolerance. IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. 37, pp. 418-425. [2] Avizienis A. & Kelly J.P.J. (1984) Fault Tolerance by Design Diversity: Concepts and Experiments. IEEE Computer, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 67-80. [3] Avizienis A. (1985) The A^-Version Approach to Fault-Tolerant Software. IEEE Trans. Software Engineering,\/o\. 11, pp. 1491-1501. [4] Banerjee P. & Abraham J.A. (1986) Bounds on Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance in Multiple-Processor Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. 35, pp. 296-306. [5] Belli F. & Jedrzejowicz P. (1990) Fault-Tolerant Programs and Their Reliability. IEEE Trans. Reliability, Vol. 39, pp. 184-192. 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Ohlsson Dept. of Communication Systems Lund University, Box 118 SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Magnus_C.Ohlsson@telecom.lth.se Keywords: software evolution, fault-prone components, prediction, tracking, legacy systems Received: June 29, 2001 Prediction ofproblematic software components is an important activity today for many organisations as they manage and maintain their legacy systems and the maintenance problems they cause. This means that there is a need for methods and models to identify problematic components. We apply a model for classification of software components as green, yellow and red according to the number of times they required corrective maintenance over successive releases. Further, we apply principal component analysis (PCA) and box plots to investigate the causes for the code decay and structural changes. The case study includes five system releases and 80 software components. A large set of non fault-prone components was identified. The system did not contain any large structural changes, which was indicated by the PCA and the box plots. Most of the changes were small fault corrections. A number of design improvement suggestions had been identified by the developers but not carried out Overall, the model was successful in identifying the most problemat ic components and provided information about the evolution of the system. The strength of the model was the combination of both a short-term view and a long-term view. 1 Introduction Many of the systems around us today are what we refer »^^If ^^ f«-" the model to as legacy systems, i.e. systems that evolve and go '^ej^J'«" and test it m the subsequent. Further, through a number of maintenance releases and naturally most models are based on statistics, for example, inherit functionality and characteristics from previous Components Analysis [1 , Boolean releases. The maintenance releases could include both Df rim.nant Analy^s [2], Spearman Rank Correlation corrective actions and enhancement with new P ' Of^'^^^J ^et Reduction [4], Regression Analysis functionality. Even though a system is being improved, t^] and Classification Trees [6][7]. both from a quality view and from a functional view. An important issue is to enable practitioners from some parts of the systems may be difficult to maintain industry to use the models and therefore they should be due to different reasons. Examples are lack of easy to use but still be capable of performing well, documentation, poor processes and deteriorating Therefore our objectives of this study are to create architectures. Another reason could be adding new models that are easy to use and embody a long-term functionality, resulting in components with high view. Another objective is to further evaluate and refine complexity and problematic relationships. To avoid existing methods, which we propose to do. The approach problems with this type of components, it is necessary to used in this paper is based on how components evolve identity them and keep track of their evolution, i.e. both over successive releases to capture both the short-term have a short-term view and a long-term view. view and, most important, the long-term view. Instead of A number of models have been presented to classify only two successive releases we base our models components and to predict whether they will be fault- successive releases. This should handle prone in the future. Most of them have a short-term view «"'^^"ations and are based on the outcome from one project, validated between releases. for a second project and finally used in a third project The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we and refined based on the outcome. Another approach has present the background for the approach presented in been to take the outcome from one project and divide the Section 3. The approach is illustrated in a case study is in data set into two parts and build the model based on one Section 4. Finally, a summary can be found in Section 5. 2 Background 2.1 Classification Model To enable identification of the problematic legacy components, we use a model for classification of software components based on fault-proneness [8]. The components are classified according to a colour code depending on the amount of decay. The components should be classified as green, yellow or red. The amount of decay should be judged based on the outcome of previous releases and the criterion is the number of faults. Other possible criteria are time to perform certain types of maintenance activities or that the structure of the component is becoming more and more difficult to understand and handle. An important issue is to use available data instead of launching a new measurement program. This could be argued about, but our concern has been to not increase the burden for the developers and instead to use existing data to calculate our measures. The number of faults is therefore often appropriate. The colouring scheme denoted GYR, which is illustrated in Figure 1, should be interpreted as follows: • Green components (normal evolution). Green represents normal evolution and some amount of fluctuation is normal. These components are easily updated, i.e. new functionality may be added and faults corrected without too much effort. Furthermore, we do not need system experts to maintain the components. The components should be tracked from release to release to be able to find trends and when a component exceeds a certain limit (referred to as the lower limit) it becomes yellow. • Yellow components (code decay). As a component exceeds the lower limit, it is classified as yellow, so particular attention has to be paid to this component to avoid ftiture problems. Components in the yellow region are candidates for specific directed actions. These may include launching a more thorough development process or identifying a component as a candidate for reengineering. If the yellow components are not treated properly, the components may exceed the upper limit and become a red component. • Red components ("mission impossible"). A red component is difficult and costly to maintain. It is often the driving factor for schedules and cost, in other words, the red components have a tendency to end up on the critical path of a software project. In order to change the components, we need experts, and the components are often viewed as "mission impossible" tasks. The components are no longer candidates for reengineering; they need reengineering. Decay Mission impossible" ■Upper limit Vcliow Code decay -------------y.---------------------------Lower iimit Normal evolution ^Release Green Figure 1. Growing amount of decay for a legacy component |8|. The classification scheme embodies two limits, one lower and one upper, to be able to separate the three classes. These limits should be determined based on the historical data and continuously updated according to the fact that we improve the quality of the components. It is, of course, not possible to state generally where the limits are located. The limits are governed by our interpretations of green, yellow and red legacy components, and they are dependent on factors, which must be determined for each case separately. The inteipretation may depend on, for example, company, application domain, system and customer requirements. It is important to have a long-term view even though some components indicate a high level of decay because there might be confounding factors or the release as a whole affecting the results, e.g. lack of resources, unsatisfactory process etc. For example, we may have found that components with more than a certain number of faults in testing should be classified as yellow, but when looking at the system as a whole we realise that the total number of faults is very high. This may indicate that the component as such is not the problem, we may have a problem with the release as a whole. Therefore, the whole system must be studied in conjunction with the individual components prior to finally identifying certain components as being of a specific class. One possibility is to visualise the trends by plotting the degree of decay for each release and graphically make a decision (see figure 2). Another possibility is to use rankings or standardisation to handle the variations. Dccay Red -----..........-Upper limit Yellow ..............Lower limit » Green -^ Release Figure 2. Trend for a number of different releases [8]. As mentioned earlier, decay could depend on structural changes. For example, new components, inheriting from other classes, are added and cause problems because of coupling problems or lack of cohesion. An important part is therefore to find and analyse structural changes in the code. The GYR model proposes to use Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [9], This analysis method groups a number of correlated variables into a number of factors. Changes in the number of factors and variables changing factors are indicators that the system is not stable and indicate areas for further analysis. 2.2 Evaluation To evaluate how well a model performs it is necessary to have some criterion that relates to its ability to point out components as fault-prone and non fault-prone. Here we use two types of errors that may be conducted when trying to predict fault-prone components: • Committing a Type I error means classifying actually fault-prone components as non fault-prone. • Committing a Type II error means classifying actually non fault-prone components as fault-prone. The rate of the two error types as such has been used as an evaluation criterion [2][6]. The approach, which minimises the misclassifications, is then considered the best. The overall misclassification is the total number of the misclassifications of Type 1 and II, normalised by the total number of components. The criteria can be found in Table 1. Prediction from Release n Non fault-prone Fault-prone Outcome of Release n+1 Non fault-prone A B Fault-prone C D Type I rate: C/(C+D)% Type II rate: B/(A+B)% Overall misclassification: (B+C)/(A+B+C+D)% Table 1. Evaluation criteria. 3 Approach The approach used in this paper is an extension of the GYR model [8], described above, and includes five main steps, which are applied to the case study in Section 4. The different steps in the approach try to identify problematic components, both from a short-term view and a long-term view, to reveal structural changes and to find indicators of decay among software components. The steps are the following: 1. Determine variables to include in the analysis. Based on the purpose of the models, different criteria for inclusion of variables exist. For code decay, the most interesting variables to include are the number of reported faults and those related to the nature and size of code changes, including structural changes. 2. Identify most fault-prone components (short-term view). The short-term view first classifies fault-prone components in each release and ranks them according to the fault reports written against them. The advantage of using ranks instead of number of faults is that differences, related to number of faults reported in the releases, are nullified. Components among the top 25 percent in terms of fault reports written against the component are considered fault-prone. Thus all components whose number of fault reports is in the upper quarti le are considered fault-prone. In case of ties in ranking that would cause more than 25 percent of the components to be included, the smaller set is chosen. Secondly, looking at two consecutive releases, we analyse how components change status according to this classification. Components that are fault-prone in two successive releases are considered red, those that are not fault-prone (normal) in either release are considered green. Components that change status (from fault-prone to normal or from normal to fault-prone) are classified as yellow. 3. Identify most fault-prone components (long-term view). The long-term view utilises the same concepts as the short-term view except for how the rankings are handled. With the long-term view the rankings are accumulated after each release. The advantages are that fluctuations between the releases are taken care of and components with rankings in the middle segment or close to the fault-prone threshold that consistently generate faults but are not considered fault-prone, are identified. The classification criterion for green, yellow and red are the same as for the short-term view, i.e. components which are fault-prone in two successive releases are considered red, those that are not fault-prone in either release are green and components that change status are classified as yellow. 4. Analyse structural changes. PCA on the variables of interest determines which groups of variables are related and how this relationship changes across releases.- For code decay analysis, analysis of structural changes may help maintainers to identify and to react to major changes in the components. Changes in the system's structure might be indicators of future problems regarding the ability to change the component. Interesting indicators may be when the number of factors increases or decreases, or when some variables switch between PCA factors over successive releases. We intend to use PCA to reveal relationships and characteristics of changes made to the system. 5. Analyse variable distributions. To further analyse the reasons for code decay and structural changes, box plots should be created. They visualise the distribution of variables and aid the interpretation. They can be veiy useful to identify outliers and, more specifically, factors that may affect decay among the software components. An important part of this study is also to further evaluate the usefulness of the GYR model when it is used in different domains. The model was developed based on a Telecommunication system [8]. In this study we apply it to a completely different system to further evaluate and refine the model. 4 Case Study 4.1 Step 1: Environment This case study is based on data from 80 software components and five releases of a development tool for developing real-time software. It utilises the object-oriented design language SDL [10] and the trace language MSG [11] to generate code for integration with several real-time operating systems. The system studied is one of the company's main products and each sixth month a new version is released (for more information see [12]). Therefore, the releases investigated are considered typical for releases of this particular system. The development tool is mainly developed with C and C+-I- although it contains some automatically generated code. The approximately size of the whole system is 5.000 KLOC. For each of the components, the number of fault reports from fault handling and test cases are counted from their internal fault database. A disadvantage is that some of the faults reported are postponed and not assigned until a subsequent release and might therefore be counted twice. The reason for including a postponed fault is that it is considered a fault as long as it is evident. To collect data from the code we used Logiscope® from Telelogic. Logiscope® parses the code and collects a large amount of different measures, which describes different aspects of the code. Since some of them are not related to our objectives of this study we have selected the most appropriate ones. The selection can be found in Table 2 and includes class specific, inheritance and use-graph related metrics that relate to the length of a chain of use and usage of other classes [13]. Together with the number of faults, 19 different measures were collected for the modules included in the system. Measure Description lA Vi a "o cl_cyc]o Sum of the methods static cyclomatic complexities in a class cl_data_ciass Number of class type aUributes for a class cl_data_vare Total number of times attributes which are external to a class are used by the class's methods ci_data_vari Total nuinber of times a class's attributes are used by the class's methods cl_func_calle Total number of calls from a class's methods to functions defined outside a class cl_func_calli Total number of calls from a class's methods to member functions of the same class cl_dep_deg Class coupling is an indicator of the degree of dependency of a class cl_dep_meth Number of methods (within a class) which depend on other classes cl locm Lack of cohesion of methods cl data inh Number of inherited attributes cl fune inh Number of inherited methods are ICs [11,12]— integrated components for software. It was hoped that these Software ICs, like their computer hardware analogues, would promote standardization and use of interchangeable parts, so that software could be assembled, not crafted. The use of inheritance as a means of customizing an existing component was seen as another form of reuse, allowing a class designer to capitalize on the work of others. These capabilities of the technology have—in the author's opinion—paid off in terms of better design and perspicuous representation', they have not paid off in terms of cost. Research has indicated that there was no real impact to the cost of software in using the small, concrete components supported by the reuse of object classes [6], The Software ICs were not sufficiently significant contributors to the effort of system building to impact its overall cost. Choosing Wisely. Awareness of what are major enablers of speedy development and what are minimal—though valuable—enablers, guides the conscious and unconscious choices of most software practitioners. The modern "Software BackPlanes" like CORBA and its services and J2EE are major enablers of development. Where the requirements call for a multi-user server, one or both technologies are obvious considerations. Small-scale components, such as collection classes, are part of detailed design choices. These are usually reflexive choices on the part of the developer. Who would develop their own List/Set/Queue, when these classes are readily available? But these are examples—large and small-—of horizontal components', horizontal components are assets reusable across application domains or industry sectors. Horizontal components fill an obvious need in rapid application assembly and have been some of the most successfijlly reused components. However, vertical components serve an equally important need in rapid development within a specific domain, such as manufacturing or finance. Traditionally, they have been less successful, possibly because of inadequate domain analysis or immaturity of the domain [10]. This paper discusses our experiences in rapid application assembly with a large-scale horizontal component (J2EE) and a large-scale vertical component, the eBusiness framework, part of the Commerce Server from BEA [3] In the following section we describe the motivation for the application and the challenges faced, particularly our need for rapid decision-making when selecting architectural components. In Section 3 we describe the software and hardware architecture chosen; and in Section 4 we identify the matches and mismatches in utilizing a vertical component for a domain new to computer support. Section 5 is a reflection on what we and other practitioners should consider when selecting large components for reuse. 2 Motivation and Challenges The application that is the basis of the experiences in this paper is eSoiirce. eSource is an innovative business-to-business (B2B) application that allows members of the American Warehouse and Manufacturers Association (AWMA) to trade with one another electronically. The application provides the ability for trading members to log on to the web site, view the on-line catalogue of their trading partners, select items from the catalogue, and then generate purchase orders for those items. The purchase orders are transmitted to the trading partners in one of the specified formats: electronic data interchange (ED1)^ e-mail, or FAX. The major benefits of the application to the AWMA Community are: 1. Members who previously have little-to-no automation support for purchase order creation can easily create purchase orders for their trading partners. 2. The application enables trading partners that are not EDI-enabled to trade with EDl-only members; this is a tremendous benefit to the members who do not want to make an extremely complex and costly investment into EDI technology. The eSource application was created for a group of entrepreneurs who have formed a company around the technology. They are referred to in this paper as "the Business Analysts." The Business Analysts were very familiar with the AWMA members and with the trading domain. Hedonic Considerations. Prior to the development of eSource, another company had created a prototype system for the AWMA Community. The Business Analysts indicated that the prototype had been expensive to build and had taken too long to create. Moreover, the prototype had failed to impress. Complaints were registered about the prototype's limited functionality—an inherent aspect of a prototype—but the Business Analysts felt that one of the major concerns with the prototype was the user interface. This was a simple interface that was free of adornment, merely emphasizing the functional aspects of the system. The implication of the Community's complaints was that they felt the interface was pedestrian. It was unsuitable as a vehicle to carry the Community into the 21®' century. While focus on the attractiveness of the interface may seem superficial, there are valid reasons to consider its importance. For many individuals, shopping is a hedonic experience—a source of pleasure that is separate from the goal of purchasing products [16]. Research with traditional shopping environments indicates that environments that are made more enjoyable and exciting may inject positive affect into the product evaluation and decision-making process [16] and as a result, reflect more positively on the environment that supports the process. The implications for eSource were clear: "the eSource experience" must be not only functional but fun. ^ EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a standard format for exchanging business data. The standard is American National Standards Institute XI2 and the Data Interchange Standards Association developed it. The elaborate sites on the World Wide Web had set a very high acceptability an level for eSource. Model and Metaphor Challenges. The diversity of the AWMA community presented another challenge to the system design. Many members of the community have deep computer knowledge, so the on-line shopping experience would fit their present knowledge. Many other members, however, have very little computer experience and limited access to the Internet. For these individuals great care was required in the choice of the model for interaction. Not only must the interface exploit a powerful metaphor^, so as to be intuitive to the computer neophyte, but the task model [5], as implemented in the application must be responsive over slow dial-up lines and resilient to unexpected communication drops. The Speed Challenge. The Business Analysts had an opportunity to develop an application that would be adopted by the AWMA Community, but the window of opportunity for funding was very limited. The failure of the previous prototype had made the Community wary of follow-on efforts. It was necessary to quickly create and make available an application the Community could try and consider. Thus, with funding in jeopardy, the clients anxious, and the use cases and requirements incomplete, we dashed forward. 3 The Application Architecture One of many eCommerce platforms under evaluation in the development lab was BEA's WebLogic [2] . BEA had recently added two components to the EJB 1.1 compliant WebLogic server: the Commerce Server [3] and the Personalization Server [4]. These were added to allow WebLogic to compete in the eCommerce market. A demo application, "Buy Beans", was packaged with the evaluation software. The demo highlighted the capabilities of the components; it also was visually dramatic. The Business Analysts, upon seeing the Buy Beans demo, felt it was a very close match to the functionality they needed and the look-and-feel was a major selling point. The final eSource interface is based on the Buy Beans demo. We chose to use the WebLogic server because of previous familiarity, its place as market leader for Java application servers, as well as the fact that it runs on Windows NT (the initial target platform) and Sun Solaris (a possible follow-on platform if more powerful servers are needed). The WebLogic server turned out to be an excellent choice. However, the Personalization Server and the Commerce Server were unknowns that presented major developmental challenges. The Personalization Server. The Personalization Server supports customization of Web content for the individual user through Java Server Pages and specialized EJBs. The Personalization Server allows the developer to manage users, tailor Web content, define and manage rules for the content, and create and control "portlets". A portlet is a specialized content area that occupies a small 'window' in the portal page. The portlet can contain content quite independent of anything else on the page. The Commerce Server. Much of our expectations for leveraging the capabilities of the WebLogic eCommerce components rested with the Commerce Server. The Commerce Server is a framework of Java classes with considerable automation support for generating eCommerce applications. The name of the framework is "eBusiness". We discuss in detail our efforts in utilizing this framework within eSource in Section 4. The Platform Topology. The application architecture and platfomi topology is shown in Figure 1. It consists of BEA's WebLogic Server, running WebLogic 5.1 [2] that provides Web support to Members (users). The additional components that enhance the functionality of the WebLogic server for eBusiness and run on the same machine are the Commerce Server 2.0 and the Personalization Server 2.0^*. The WebLogic server sends data on purchase orders to the EDI Server. Both the WebLogic server and the EDI Server store data onto an Oracle 8i database, running on a separate machine. Each of the machines is running Windows NT 4.0, configured with 2 gigabytes of memory. EDI Server WebLogic Server Figure 1 : The eSource Platform Topology An appropriate metaphor is an unconscious consideration in most modern interface design; it is worth noting here because, in developing for neophyte users within a new domain, initial assumptions may need re-examination. Current versions of the BEA eCommerce components are at revision 3.5. They have been extended considerably from the 2.0 version. 4 Match and Mismatch in the eBusiness Domain Electronic commerce—the interactive merchandising of consumer goods—is a relatively new area for computer support. Unlike other domains that have long profited from electronic technology, such as accounts receivable systems and billing systems, the domain of eBusiness is very recent. As a noted in the Model and Metaphor section, the questions we faced in evaluating the Commerce Server eBusiness framework focused on the following: • Is the metaphor for interaction effective? Will the diverse AWMA community find the interface consistent with their intuitions regarding ordering business items? • Is the interaction style, defined by this metaphor, well supported in the design and implementation model? To be perceived as useful, the system must demonstrate adequate response time and up-time [14]: implying that th implementation must support adequate throughput and scale. Does the Framework Match the Domain: Is B2B = B2C? In one sub-domain of eBusiness, the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) domain, an effective metaphor has been the individual person shopping in a store. Everyone has had the experience of going to a store, examining goods, and purchasing those goods. Adopting this metaphor for the B2C experience has been very successfiil. Those Web sites that created a sense in the consumer of familiarity with the scenario, while supporting the essential functionality needed for eCommerce—have prospered; those that did not have failed (or changed). These Darwinian experiments in B2C metaphors have resulted in a quick evolution in creating effective models for these kinds of system. Another sub-domain of eBusiness, the Business-to-Business (B2B) domain, is less well explored. One might guess that it is likely to have a great deal of commonality with the B2C domain because they are essentially about purchasing merchandise, but the immediate selection of a metaphor that captures the essence of the experience is likely to elude. Far fewer people participate in merchandise selection between business entities. There is also a sense that, with all the possibilities for relationships between businesses, there might be few universals. Except in specific cases where interactions are regulated or defined or conventionally performed in a given way, it might be difficult to articulate what is an effective support mechanism for B2B eCommerce. In the eSource application, the Business Analysts who were driving the effort had narrowly defined the B2B interaction. The B2C experience of a single Consumer shopping in a store would be very similar to the B2B experience in eSource, except for a few differences. These differences seemed small: • The Consumer did not buy goods from a store, but created purchase orders to be sent to the "store" for fulfilment; • The Consumer was not a single individual, but an agent for a Company; • The Consumer did not shop in one store, but in a mega-store, where he/she can choose products from multiple vendors all at once. With more familiarity with the sub-domains, we might have seen that these "small" differences had big implications for the supporting model. Unfortunately, like everyone else in unexplored terrain, we had no such awareness, proceeding as we were without a "map." Our first finding was thus: • The Framework Employed Must Be a Real Match for the Domain The differences between the B2C and the B2B interactions are synopsised in Table 1 and Table 2. We characterize the mismatches between the framework needed and the framework available in subsequent parts of this section. Table I: A B2C Scenario 1. The B2C scenario begins with a Customer visiting a Web site for a virtual store where he/she is seeking merchandise to buy 2. The Customer examines available products on the site. 3. The Customer may select one or more products for purchase by placing them in a virtual Shopping Cart 4. The Customer can make modifications to these purchasing decisions by manipulating the contents of the Shopping Cart: deleting items, changing item quantities or properties; the Customer may decide at any point to abandon the shopping activity and leave the site. 5. If the Customer chooses to buy the products in the Shopping Cart, he/she proceeds to Check Out. At this point, Customer identification, credit information, and shipping information is collected. Most systems allow the consumer to save this information in a profile to be used later for the Customer's convenience and as data in developing marketing strategy for the virtual store. 6. When the purchase activity is complete, the customer receives a confirmation code whereby he/she can track the status of the order._ Table 2: A B2B Scenario 1. The Customer in a B2B is a Company, rather than an individual, as in the B2C. The Company may have one or more agents or IVIeinbers who are authorized to trade (buy) for the Company. The Member visits tlie Web site for the virtual store where he/she is seeking merchandise. 2. Unlike the B2C example where the Customer can begin shopping immediately by examining products, the Member must present authorization to the systems that he/she is a valid Member of the trading alliance. Unlike the B2C where all Customers are allowed to shop in the virtual store, in a B2B, only validated Members whose Companies have established trading agreements are allowed to enter the store. Another difference between a B2B and a B2C is that, in most cases, the relationship between Customer and virtual store is a many-to-one relationship: many Customers and one store. In a B2B, the relationship between Companies is a many-to-many relationship: many Companies can trade with many Companies. This is a more complex model to support electronically than is the many-to-one relationship and has development implications, which we will see later. 3. Steps 3 and 4 in the B2C activities covering selection and purchase of merchandise are very similar for B2B Members, but again there are differences that impact the domain model and the system implementation: not all Members of a Company have equal capabilities'. • One or more Members may have administrative or managerial rights for the Company. This may include extra privileges to allow them to audit buying activity of other Members, authorize or revoke permissions of a Member, including revoking their authorization. • Members may be restricted to trading with only a subset of the trading partners of their Company. In short, all the complexities for hierarchical authority that are unnecessary in a B2C may be part of a B2B. 4. Check out for a B2B Member does not require identification or profiling because this information has been collected when the Member was authorized to use the system. Customisation of the order may occur at this point, however, including indications of where to ship the goods, speci lying a shipping cut-off date, etc. 5. When the purchase is complete, the Member receives one or more confirmation notices whereby he/she can track the order. Multiple confirmation codes may be generated if goods are requested from multiple partner Companies. belongs to ShopplngCart Member 1 (from order) (from member)n .............r^^ Company "ufrom member) StandirigOrder ^ (from order) | 'q ^ PutchaseOrdei (from purchaseOrder) Catalog (from cablog) I OrderLlne |(1rom order) PoOrderUne (from purchaseOrder) Catalogltem (from catelog] (n"1500) Figure 2: The Domain Framework for the eSource B2B System A Member, who is a kind of Person, is an associate of a Company. A Company trades with one of many companies. Each Company has one or more on-line Catalogs. (Only one Catalog was allowecd in the llrst release.) Each Catalog contains I to many Catalog Items, typically the number of items didn't exceed 1500. The Member can select items for purchase from Catalogs belonging to trading partners of his/her Company. Selected Items are placed into a Shopping Cart. The Shopping Cart then contains Order Lines that include Item information, Quantity ordered, and the Price for that Quantity. The Shopping Cart can be saved as a Standing Order, to be activated at another time when the Member wishes to purchase the same items. (The content of a Standing Order is then added to the Shopping Cart; one or more Standing Orders can be added to the Shopping Cart.) Upon checkout. Purchase Orders are created from the contents of the Shopping Cart. A Purchase Order contains PoOrderLines with an immutable Price for the Items and Quantities. (Purchase Orders are saved into the database and must never be change once created.) A separate Purchase Order is created for each Company's items in the Shopping Cart. All Purchase Orders generated remain the property of the Member and may be viewed on-line. The eBusiness Framework from BEA's Commerce Server. Figure 3 illustrates a portion of BEA's Commerce Server framework that was relevant to the eSource project. Showing this limited view of the framework probably is an injustice; it has a far richer structure than is illustrated. In addition to classes shown here, the Commerce Server provides packages that support a gift registry, inventory, invoicing, shipping, tax, trouble tickets, and a shopping advisor that matches customers to items. The eSource Domain Framework. A simple representation of the final framework for eSource is shown in Figure 2. While Company is a primary element in a B2B framework, as noted in Figure 2 most of the relationships are associations between the company Member and other framework elements. Invdce (ton tnv dein I frisai I (fromccntact \ / Oder j_ (Inmonler) .....n— Qistom I (frOlil CUStofTttf) i CrderPrtceCälctiatjotmicy (tomer eter) / Prtce ffcmurtt^ 1....... nem (lommtslj, ^ (rQmoRlei)j • ^ (from Item Ckjatlly I l^irttsi lenWoeCalciJatlonMIcy j Figure 3: Some of the Classes from BEA's Commerce Server The eBusiness Framework is a very rich structure for creating eCommerce applications. It is well modelled and makes few, if any, compromises with its "object-oriented-ness"; prices and quantities for goods are modelled as objects, as are policies for pricing. This approach promotes flexibility in areas where flexibility is important. Unfortunately, it may not promote optimal performance, particularly where such flexibility isn't needed. The next section discusses such issues in detail. Differences in the Frameworks and Implications This section covers the differences between the final framework for eSource and that of BEA's eBusiness. Design of the eSource framework was not even begun when we had to choose the architectural components of the system. Tlie subsequent divergence of the two models was a result both of growing awareness of differences between B2B and B2C domains and the inevitable churn of requirements changes. These changes were particularly virulent with eSource, perhaps because of the number of stakeholders involved. Table 3 is a synopsis of the similarities and difference in the models. Table 3: Differences in the Frameworks eSource Class eBusiness Class Person Person Company No equivalent Member Customer ShoppingCart Order StandingOrder No equivalent Catalog No equivalent Catalogltem Item No equivalent Quality Default price or promotional price ItemPriceCalculationPoli cy OrderLine Similar to eBusiness OrderLine but not identical Invariant attribute of Catalogltem Price PurchaseOrder Similar to Order and PackingList Hard-coded OrderLineCalculationPoli cy PoOrderLine Similar to PackingList, but not equivalent Attribute of PoOrderLine Quantity Some similarities to PurchaseOrder PackingList Handled externally to eSource through billing system: information extracted through company relations Invoice Person. Fortunately, a Person is just a Person in both systems, with first and last name, etc. Many of the descriptive attributes of a Person were not necessary for eSource. Company. Company information includes Company name, tax id or DUNS number, billing address, and default shipping address, trading partner relationships, among other information. Member versus Customer. While a Customer is similar to a Member, a Customer is an individual Person in the eBusiness application but a Member is an agent for a Company in eSource. Company affiliation is extremely important in eSource because this is how an agent is authorized. Moreover, some Company Members have special privileges allowing them to change the Company profile or administer the rights of other Company Members. ShoppingCart versus Order (and secondary classes) A shopping cart in most B2C applications is simply a means for holding items selected for purchase by the Customer. While also is true in eSource, there are crucial differences: 1. The shopping cart must hold items from multiple catalogues. This facility is needed because the Member might examine catalogues from multiple companies and buy from several. 2. The shopping cart could be loaded with items from Standing Orders, see below. • OrderPriceCalculationPolicy. A class used to compute the total cost of the Order, including costs for shipping and tax. Not used in eSource because shipping was not relevant and tax was left out of the first release. StandingOrder. A StandingOrder is a collection of goods routinely ordered by a Member. Standing orders might be goods ordered weekly or monthly, or they might be goods ordered only during a particular season, such as summer merchandise. Because a StandingOrder may reference Catalogltems whose availability and prices vary over time, operations on a StandingOrder differ from the simple add/modify/delete operations Members perform on a ShoppingCart. When adding the items in a StandingOrder to a ShoppingCart, the availability and current price must be checked to be sure that the addition is valid. Catalog. A Catalog is an aggregation of Catalogltems. A single catalog per company is allowed for the first release. Subsequent releases may support multiple catalogs to allow for tier pricing. Catalogltem versus Item (and secondary classes) A Catalog contains a Vector of Catalogltems are objects in eSource, but an item is an Entity Bean in the eBusiness framework. (See 'Does the Persistence Model Fit the Interaction Paradigm?' below.) • "Hard coded" Price Calculation versus ItemPriceCalculationPolicy. In the eBusiness framework the itemPriceCalculationPolicy is an aggregate of policies that can be associated with an Item to determine its price. The ItemPriceCalculationPolicy implements the Strategy Pattern [15] allowing specialized pricing policies to be associated with an item This supports fine-turning of pricing for different Items, quantities, occasions—a wide variety of situations. Using the Chain of Responsibility Pattern [15], "pluggable" policies can be selected appropriately for the circumstances. We had expected considerable benefit from the ItemPriceCalculation class because pricing is a very complex aspect of eBusiness, particularly in B2B relations. Prices vary according to quantity ordered, promotions, and established relationships between businesses, among many other options. Allowing this level of flexibility to pricing and being able to encapsulate these policies in a pricing policy class seemed to be a good means of capturing the information. Unfortunately, in going to the AWMA members, we found that there was little consistency amongst their pricing policies; they varied widely. It became clear that encapsulating their policies would be impossible. Even getting them to articulate them for encapsulation would be an arduous process, prohibitively time consuming. We abandoned it in favor of a single price within a Catalog, with an optional promotional price valid for a specified range of dates. Price changes could only occur with Catalog updates. While this simplified approach did not fit the pricing strategies for any but the smallest of AWMA member companies, all agreed that they would adopt this approach in order to get started in using the system. • Quality. Used to match Customers to Items. Not applicable to eSource. Order versus PurchaseOrder . An Order (equivalent to a ShoppingCart in eSource) is not a PurchaseOrder. Multiple PurchaseOrders may be created from the ShoppingCart on checkout. eSource OrderLine versus eBusiness OrderLine (and secondary classes) The aggregation of all ordered items in the ShoppingCart, the two OrderLines differ primarily in the representation of Price and Quantity. • Price. Price is a single value in the Catalog within eSource, except where there is a promotional price for specified effective dates. Within the eBusiness model, Price specifies both a value and a currency, allowing for conversion between currencies. Although the eSource application is intended to become internationally available, requiring the facility for currency conversion, that capability was not foreseen in any anticipated release. • Quantity. Like Price, Quantity stores a value and a unit, supporting unit conversion between differing measures. Unit conversion was considered too idiosyncratic for goods within the domain to be useful to eSource. "Goodness of Fit" of the Persistence Model to the Problem. The persistence model for an application— how and what information in the application is stored— follows from the domain model. That is, there is a high correspondence between the domain model and the logical format of the data in the database.' Clearly, there should be a good "fit" of the problem to the persistence model. In hindsight, these are some issues we found we must consider in determining "goodness of fit": 1. Does the persistence model fit the interaction paradigm? 2. Are there implicit scale limitations in the persistence model that are in conflict with requirements? 3. Does the persistence model support sufficient "separation of concerns" between the logic tier and the data tier? 4. Does the framework support some degree of automation to ease the more rote coding tasks? Does the Persistence Model Fit the Interaction Paradigm? In selecting a persistence model for an application, the interaction paradigm of the user must be carefully considered. Some of the many questions designers ask before solidifying a model include: • What data does the user access frequently? • What activities are most data-intensive? • What data is modifiable and how frequently is it updated? • What data is read-only? All of these questions drive persistence modelling decisions: • Data frequently accessed is made readily available; possibly this data is cached in the server to speed acquisition. This approach is modelled on techniques used in OODBMS [8,9] • Data-intensive activities must be treated carefully because a poorly, implemented persistence model could slow performance for all users. • Data that can be modified by the user must be protected within transaction boundaries; composite objects must be ensured data integrity through atomic commit [9]. Performance issues also complicate modifiable data because the designer must balance loss of user edits, still uncommitted and residing in server memory, against too frequent transactions that might impact performance.® Where this isn't the case, there are likely to be performance problems. These may be unavoidable when grafting a new application onto a legacy database. '' As noted in the Model and Metaphor Challenges section, many members of the AWMA user community dialled in over communication lines that might • Read-only, invariant data is the easiest to handle because complications involving the integrity of concurrently accessed data aren't an issue [13] The structuring of this data can often be fairly lightweight because the mechanism for modification and update need not be part of the persistence model. When a framework incorporates a persistence mechanism into its capabilities, the designer must carefully assess the assumptions built into that mechanism against the reality of the user interaction model. In answering the design questions about user interaction in eSource, we found the following: the user's ShoppingCart, StandingOrders, Catalogs of trading partners, and Catalogltems are the most frequently accessed data. Less frequently accessed information includes previous PurchaseOrders, limited to 250 that are "viewable" on-line, and Company and Member profile information. The most data-intensive activity engaged in by the user is search of the Catalogs. Although the Catalogs are limited initially to no more than 1500 items, a Member may search many Catalogs if his/her Company has many trading partners. A nai've search could result in the request for all items in all Catalogs—a possibly very data-intensive operation. Fortunately, the Catalogltems are not modifiable; the data in them is read-only to the searching Member. (eSource personnel do Catalog update through a separate process as an administrative function.) The eBusiness framework supports a persistence model that turned out to be a poor match for this interaction paradigm. Much of the mechanism for persistence was auto-generated from a Rational Rose model [23] through the Smart Generator. (This is a valuable capability, discussed later under 'Is There Automation Support?') There also was a nice separation between the domain class, such as Member, and the Data Access Object or "DAO" [19] class that encapsulated the JDBC code for persistence management. There were some nice optimisations, similar to those described in [17,18] for handling EJB Entity Bean references to contained elements. These minimized memory usage through judicious loading of primary keys. The framework also supported key comparators to check equality relations between objects through their primary keys. However, the framework required that a persistent object be an EJB Entity Bean. This caused us initial concern about performance and these concerns were borne out. Prior to committing to a detailed design, we gathered performance metrics [7] using Entity Beans on our target hardware. We found it prohibitively slow. Moreover, because there is very little modifiable data within eSource, the full capabilities of Entity Beans were not needed. We found we could get very good performance unexpectedly drop; loss of user edits was a primary concern in application design. and all the management capability we needed by modelling the Catalog using Bean Managed persistence and the Catalogltems as a collection of simple objects referenced by the Catalog. Does the Persistence Model Fit the Requirements?. As discussed in Section 3, under The Platform Topology, the eSource application uses an Oracle database as a repository for both EDI information and company information (Company, Member, Catalogs, etc). One of the implicit requirements for the repository was that is transparent to SQL queries; by that we meant that access to and modifications of the data store could be performed, if necessary, completely through SQL commands. It was important that there be a separation of concerns between each of the system tiers (interface layer, logic layer, data layer); that is, each tier was independent of any other. Not only did we adhere to this as an architectural principle to promote plug-compatibility amongst layers, but also we needed to be able to extract data for the eSource billing system, independent of the logic layer'. The billing system required access to partner data so as to bill eSource customers for using the trading service. Unfortunately, a late discovery was that the automation support provided by the Commerce Server stored aggregate elements as LONG RAW values in the database. The price of an item, for example, was stored as a serialized object in a LONG RAW format. This approach is commendable in that it minimizes the number of "little objects" that must be tracked when a primary, domain object is made persistent, while allowing for the object to be materialized when needed as an object. However, this approach conflicted with our requirement. Given all the conflicts between our performance requirements and our data transparency requirements, we jettisoned the modelling approaches that supported automation and wrote our own DAO classes. Are There Implicit Scale Assumptions? Some modelling decisions may inadvertently build in an assumption of limited scale. In considering the elements supported in the eBusiness model and the way in which they are made persistent, one gets the impression that the framework is targeted at an application with rather limited scale. If one considers the majority of shopping systems on the Web (with the exception of mega-portals like Amazon.com), a limited scale is perfectly appropriate. Most shopping systems don't carry hundreds of thousands of items. Probably, most shoppers don't want to see that many. A few hundred or a thousand items probably are sufficient. Our early performance metrics gathering suggests that this perception of limited scale is probably correct—at least for our target ' This was both a "separation of concern" issue, as well as a performance issue. architecture. Anecdotal evidence from another eBusiness developer indicated that on a large Sun server, performance was quite acceptable. Is There Automation Support? The eCommerce framework automates many of the tasks of creating a B2C application. These automation procedures have been mentioned in passing, but because they are such a good example of support, we highlight them here: • A Rational Rose model is supplied that models all the framework elements and documents the elements and relationships; • Stereotypes on the elements and relationships specify how the elements will be made persistent; • Export of the model in the proper form for the SmartGenerator is supported as a Rose add-in tool; • The SmartGenerator uses the exported model to generate the supporting interfaces and classes necessary to create Entity Beans; behavior for the Impl classes must still be hand coded. • The DAO classes with the requisite JDBC code are generated automatically. • The database code can be automatically generated (if using Bean Managed Persistence rather than Container Managed Persistence) from a mapping fde of database properties. These facilities stand as an example to be emulated by other framework providers. 5 Conclusions Our experiences in using the J2EE horizontal component of the application were more successful than using the vertical component, the eBusiness framework. The reasons for this disparity seem to be: 1. A greater familiarity with the J2EE standard and the BEA WebLogic implementation; 2. A poor match of the B2B domain with eBusiness B2C framework. 3. A lack of familiarity with the rich and deep technologies supporting the eCommerce mechanisms. Our difficulties with employing the vertical framework have lead to the following observations: • The Framework Employed Must Be a Very Close Match for the Domain A vertical component is a very specific perspective on a domain. Unless there is a near perfect match between your application's perspective and the framework, specialization of the framework probably won't win you much. It would be best to- choose these large-scale vertical components after finishing detailed design. At that point you can determine how close the match between your design and the framework is and whether you can modify your design to get more utility from the framework—or live with the mismatches. Where this timing of choice isn't possible, prepare to factor into your schedule enough time to create your own framework if you must jettison the vertical component. • The Persistence Model Must Fit the Interaction Paradigm The designer must be aware of which data is most frequently accessed, which is modifiable or read-only, and which activities are most data-intensive in order to correctly choose a persistence model. • Implicit Scale Assumptions Must Be Carefully Considered Design assumptions within the framework may assume a small user base or may assume deployment on a very large server. Knowing the assumptions beforehand can minimize dashed expectations. • Automation of Rote Coding Tasks Is Very Helpful Much of the effort of creating the code to support EJB definition, domain object vs. DAO object separation and JDBC coding can be automated—and should be. 6 References 1. Paseman, W. (1989) "The Atherton Software Backplane—Architecture for Tool Integration," Unix Review, April. 2. WebLogic Server 5.1, documentation available from BEA web site: http://www.beasvs.com. 3. BEA Systems, Inc. (2000) BEA WebLogic Commerce Server Components Developer's Guide, BEA WebLogic Commerce Server 2 .0, Document Edition, 2.0. 4. BEA WebLogic Commerce Server Components Developer's Guide, BEA WebLogic Commerce Server 2 .0, Document Edition, 2.0.1. 5. Benbasat, I. and P. Todd (1993) "An Experimental Investigation of Interface Design Alternatives: Icons vs. Text and Direct Manipulation vs. Menus", International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38:369—402. 6. Biggerstaff, T. (1994) "The library scaling problem and the limits of concrete component reuse," In 3rd International Conference on Software Reuse, pages 102109, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1994. 7. Carando, P. (2001) "Performance Assurance: An Architectural Approach to Meeting Server-Side Java Performance Requirements", Java Report 6(4):36—43, April. 8. Cary, M., DeWitt, D., and Naughton, J. The 007 Benchmark, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 9. Cattell, R. G. G. (1991) Object Data Management: Object-Oriented and Extended Relational Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 10. Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (2000) Domain Engineering and Domain Analysis, Software Technology Review document. 11. Cox, B. (1986) Object-Oriented Programming, An Evolutionary Approach, Addison-Wesley. 12. Cox, B. (1990) Planning the Software Industrial Revolution, November 1990, IEEE Software Magazine. 13. Date, C. J. (1995) An Introduction to Database Systems, 6* Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. 14. Davis, F. D. (1993) "User Acceptance of Information Technology: System Characteristics, User Perceptions and Zbehavioral Impacts." International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38:475-487. 15. Gamma, E., R. Helm R. Johnson, and J. Vlissades (1995) Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley. 16. Holbrook, M. B., and E. C. Hirschman (1982) "The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun." Journal of Consumer Research 9(September):132-140. 17. Holland, G. (2001). "Entity Bean Relationships in EJB 1.1, Part 1: The Basic Technique", Java Report, 6(4):11. 18. Holland, G. (2001). "Entity Bean Relationships in EJB 1.1, Part 2: Robust and Practical Techniques", Java Report, 6(6):58—61. 19. Kassem, N. and Enterprise Team (2000). Designing Enterprise Applications with the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, Addison-Wesley, and at http://Java.sun.com/i2ee/blueprints. 20. The Object Management Group (2000). The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, CORBA 2.4.2, available through the Object Management Group web site: http://w\v\v.omg.org. 21. The Object Management Group (2000) Individual service specifications available at the Object Management Group web site: http://www.omg.org. 22. Long, E. and F. Morris (1993) An Overview of PCTE: A Basis for a Portable Common Tool Environment, Ed Long and Fred Morris, Technical Report CMU/SEI-93-TR-1, ESC-TR-93-175. 23. Rational Software Corporation (2001) Rational Rose: Model Driven Development with UML, data sheet, available through the Rational web site: http://www.rational.com. 24. Shannon, B., M. Hapner, V. Matena, J. Davidson, E. Pelegri-Llopart, L. Cable, et al. (2000) Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition: Platform and Component Specifications, Addison-Wesley. 25. Sun Microsystems Inc. (1999) JDBC™ 2.1 API, final specification, available at: http://iava.sun.com/products/jdbc. Management process for supporting the component development Haeng-Kon Kim' Dept. of Computer Engineering, Catholic University of Daegu ,KyungSan, TaeGu, 712-702, Korea. hangkon@,ciitii.cataegii.ac.l', Quality-Info, Price, Priority Composition Family-Classification-NO, Family-Component, Role-Relationship, Use-Case Functionality Interface, Functionality-Description, Parameter, Constraint, Usage-Scenario, System-Requirement Environment Platform, Middle, Database, Development-Tool, Description-Language, Reference-Model User User-ID/Name, Password, User-Email, Visit-NO Repository Management-Domain, Management-Component, Implement-Environment, Error-History Retrieval General Component-Name, Business-Domain, Description Functional Interface, Method, Environment Container, Family, Platform Circulation Deliver-Status, Creation-Date, Price, Vender The application integration process requires the following capabilities in the component repository: • To browse available component specifications can be done by maintaining the component catalog model. • To create an aggregate set for each component specification interface. • To concatenate aggregate sets for component specification. This is necessary to migrate several component specifications at the same time. We have the recommendations to the component integrator: • Make a thorough evaluation of the component suppliers. Are they suitable as a supplier? Do they have good quality products and support? Check their financial condition so they don't easily bankrupt. • Put a lot of effort into the legal agreement with the supplier. This may save you if the supplier goes out of business or if they refuse to support you. • Have key persons that are assigned to supervise the component market. They shall keep track of new components and trends. • Test the components in your environment. One of the most important implications of this approach is that the application source will be fragmented across the application and a collection of source component models. Until the components are error-free, such an environment will make maintenance a challenge. Management Process for Releasing a New Component environment, and retrieval information as table 2 addition to the specification of the previous release, such as additional specification types, attributes, relationships, and constraints, or additional operations. This would be done without removing anything from the original specification. (2) Have an identical specification to the previous release but a different implementation. (3) Be allowed to read and update data storage from the previous release. (4) Include alterations to the previous specification; that is, the changes may not be simply additions to the original specification. (5) Be a combination of any of the above. In order to make a distinction between a change that impacts the consumer of a component and one that does not, two terms are being introduced. 'Version' is a new release of a component that impacts the consumer and 'revision' is a new release of a component that does not impact the consumer. It is important to make these distinctions to determine whether a component can be upgraded and the old release removed without impacting a consumer, or whether there needs to be a transition time where both the old and new releases co-exist. The figures 7 and 8 are scenarios showing version and revision changes where an operation for an interface in a component is first built. The component, interface and operation version, and revision number all start at 1. At Keyl, the operation is revised such that it does not impact the consumer of this component. In this paper, we suggest the techniques apply to the publication of a new component that is an upgrade to a previously published component. The new release may: (1) Include meta information of component such as registration, management, composition, functionality, Imddng vcrsioi 1 revisicn 1 —OQtferIVfet KMOxir Cmu 1. Revise Cferalion y 2AddQ}eratims In\dcing vosicn 1 revisiai2 —oadiiv^ OttrjChnd (hirJJjxlK Inwidng vcraai 1 revisicn3 3. Add Interrare —OChtrN/^ ChLrC'ntÉc OnhrCmlcl OtlrlftlK —0 Archiwng lAthJkikp Fig. 7. The version/revision scenarios for l" The revision number on the operation, its interface, and the component are all incremented by 1. At key 2, An operation is added. This does not impact the consumer. The operation is new so the version and revision numbers start at 1, but the interface and component revision numbers are incremented by 1. At key 3, An interface is added. Since it is a brand new interface with new operations, the version and revision number for the operation and interface are one, but the component has changed so the revision number for the component is incremented to 4 Invoicing version 1 revision 4 —0 OrderMgt Ottkr_Ovale Onli!r_C>vale2 atki-Lpihle —0 Archiving AixjhJkKiiip 4. Version Interface Invoicing version I revision 5 —0 OrderMgt Onkr^ivme OnhrC/vaje Oiii^iJJ^hte —0 OrderMgt2 OjTfer_Gvuie2 Oni:rJjpLÌite —0 Archiving Aitli_fijJ.iip 5. Remove Interface Invoicing version 2 revision 1 (—00rderMgt2 Oriier_C>vdie Oi^rJJptkile O Archiving Aithjiitikiip Higher version numbers normally indicate improved functionality, which must be an extension to the previous release. Higher revision numbers within the same version number normally denote a fix or clean-up of the previous release. Operation Version : An operation version is created when the operation specification is changed. The operation version changes when: (1) The operation "signature" changes are adding or removing import and/or export views, changing Table 3. Scenarios Showing Version and Revision Changes Component Interface Operation V r V r V r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1. Revise op 1 3 1 3 1 1 2. Add op 1 4 1 1 1 1 3. Add interface 1 5 2 1 2 1 4. Version interface 2 1 2 1 2 1 5. Remove interface Fig. 8 The version/revision scenarios for 2"'' At key 4 in figure 8, a new version of the interface is published. This changes the versions of the operations and interface, but it is only a revision to the component. At key 5 in figure 8, An interface is removed. This changes the way a consumer can use the component. Managing Versions: specification type of import and/or export views and changing the order of import and/or export views. (2) Changes are made to the existing specification types, subtypes, attributes, and/or relationships: - Add, remove, or change the constraints such as cardinality, optionality, and uniqueness - Change the length or data type of attributes - Remove specification types, attributes and/or relationships - A pre- or post-condition changes such that it no longer has the same implications as the old pre-/post-condition. - Add or remove return codes - A documentation change that no longer has the same implications as the old documentation. For example, the pre- or post-condition changes, and the documentation needs to reflect the change. Interface Version: The interface version changes when: An operation is removed. An operation version number changes and the new version of the operation is no longer compatible with the version of the interface that contains the operation. Component Version : The component version changes when an interface is removed. A revision does not impact the consumer of the component; therefore revisions would be recorded in the documentation of the interface operations but would not effect the name of the interface or operation. Only the name of the component changes when the revision number is increased. Operation Revision: The operation is considered revised : (1) When the operation specification is extended. Extensions to operation specifications are defined as: - Additional specification types, subtypes, attributes and/or relationships have been added. - Constraints are added to new specification types, attributes, and relationships only. - Constraints on existing types, attributes, and relationships must remain the same in order for this change to be a revision. Otherwise, it would be a new version. - A change is made to pre- and post-conditions so they will conform to standards. - Corrections and updates are made to documentation so it will conform to standards. (2) When the implementation and executable is updated, such as "Bug" fixes, Performance improvements. Interface Revision: The interface is considered revised when an existing operation is revised and an operation is added. This includes an operation that leaves the interface compatible with the previous release. Interface revisions affect the interface description, which must be changed to reflect the revision. Component Revision: The component is considered revised when an existing interface revision occurs and an interface is added Component revisions affect the component model name. 5 Conclusion . Designing, developing and maintaining components for reuse is a very complex process which places high requirements not only for the component functionality and flexibility, but also for development organization. In this paper, we described the important issues to the development and management of components. We focus on setting standards for components and addresses the impact that CBD has on managing component development. This includes the model management strategy, development and delivery of components, adopted by an organization, and the capability to add new releases of components or parts of components. We will put more effort to create an open and extendable architecture. We also will address the standard issues for component based software and CBD process, which covers component requirement analysis, component development, and component certification. References [1] George T. Heineman and William T. Councill, Component Based Software Engineering, Addison Wesley Publication Company, ]une,2001. [2] Clemens Szyperski, Component Software : Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, January 1998, Addison-wesley. [3] Mikio Aoyama, "New Age of Software Development : New Component-Based Software Engineering Changes the Way of Software Development," 1998 International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, ICSE, p.l24~ 128,1998. http://ww\v.sei.cmu.edu/cbs/icse98/papers/p 14.html [4] Robert C. Seacord, "Software Engineering Component Repository," Proceedings of 1999 International Workshop on CBSE, Los Angeles, at URL:http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cbs/icse99/cbsewkshp.ht ml [5] Luqi, Jiang Guo, "Toward Automated Retrieval for a Software Component Repository," IEEE Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, March, 1999. [6] Peter Herzum, Oliver Sims, Business Component Factory : A Comprehensive Overview of CBD for the Enterprise, OMG press, December, 1999. [7]URL:http://java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial/doc/EJBConcep ts.htm [8]URL:http://www.omg.org/gettingstarteded/specintro.h tm/CORBA [9]URL:http://www.effiel.com/doc/online/effiel45/paper s/com/com/htm [10] Haeng-Kon Kim, Jung-Eun Cha, Ji-Young Kim, Eun-Ju Park, Identification of Design Patterns and Components for Network Management System_, SNPD '00 International Conference, Vol. 1, NO. 1, pp. 426- 431, May, 2000. [11] Desmond Francis D'Souza, Alan Cameron Wills, Objects, Components, and Frameworks With UML : The Catalysis Approach, October 1998, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series. [12] Mark R. Vigder and W. Morven Gentleman and JohnC. Dean, components Software Integration: State of the Art. National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Information Technology report 39198, 1996. [13] Alan W Brown and Kurt C. Wallnau "Engineering of omponent-Based Systems," Component-Based Software Engineering: Selected Papers from the Software Engineering Institute. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.5-7, 1996. [14] Oh-chun Kwon, "CBD Environment Model : An Integrated Approach of Object-Oriented Programming and Other Technologies", KIPS Software Engineering Review, 1999. Image processing and becoming conscious of its result Mitja Perus BION Institute; Stegne 21; SLO-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenia Phone & fax:+386-1-513-1147; mitja.perus@uni-lj.si: http://www.bion.si/mitja.htm Keywords: image processing, brain, vision, striate cortex = VI, consciousness, quantum associative net, Pribram Received: March 7, 2001 Based on the Holonomic Brain Theory by Karl Pribram and related models, an integrated model of conscious image processing is proposed. It optimally incorporates contemporary limited knowledge starling from a systematic search for fit between existing computational models, and between available experimental data, and between data and models. Since we are not yet able to tackle qualitative conscious experience directly, processes for making an image (or result of image processing, respectively) conscious are discussed. A quantum implementation of holography-like processing of images in the striate cortex (VI) is proposed using a computational model called quantum associative network. The input to the quantum net could be the Gabor wavelets, together with their coefficients, which are infomax-constrained spectral and sparse neural codes produced in the convolutional cascade along the retino-geniculo-striale visual pathway using the receptive fields as determined by dendritic processes. Perceptual projections are used as argument for holography-like and quantum essence of visual phenomena, because classically (neuraUy) alone they could not be produced in such a quality. Level-invariant image attractors are argued to be representations to become conscious in/by a subject, after a similar stimulus has triggered the wave-function collapse (i.e., recall from memory). Auxiliary representations for simultaneous subconscious processing, based on phase-informalion, for associative vision-based cognition are proposed to be Gabor wavelets (i.e., spectral codes in VI receptive fields, or dendritic trees, respectively) and their coefficients (i.e., sparse codes in activities of VI neurons). 1 Introduction Aims and sources. This paper provides an information-theoretic integrative model of conscious image processing "having the kernel" in the striate cortex (named also the primary visual cortex or VI). Beside of an attempt to present a model that is an optimal compromise of biologically-plausible ingredients and relevant information-processing features needed for describing image processing in man, this study is interested in the problem how the result of image processing (the image representation) becomes conscious, i.e. how we become conscious of the perceived image. The model is based on several earlier presentations of antecedent and accompanying physiological processes (Perus, 2000b) and of information transfer and transformation along the visual pathway from the retina over the optic nerve and through the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) (Weliky & Katz, 1999) to VI (Perus, 2001). To provide a ground for the present study, a large body of neurophysiological, psychophysical, biocybernetical, neuropsychological, and other theoretical, experimental and simulation-based literature on vision (ind. reviews in: Kandel et al., 1991; Kosslyn & Andersen, 1992; Arbib, 1995) has been systematically studied, analyzed and compared in search for a synthesis (where possible). These data as well as several relevant models have been considered (Perus, 2000a) in the context of Karl Pribram's (1991) Holonomic Brain Theory. Many informative complementarities were found (Perus, 2000a, 2001). The present paper thus suggests a new comprehensive model of (conscious) image processing, while all the contextual processes - like visual attention and memory (Crick, 1984; Bickle et al., 1999; Vidyasagar, 1999; Wurtz et al., 1980; Desimone, 1996; Goldman-Rakić, 1996), stereopsis (DeAngelis, 2000; Porrill et al., 1999; Poggio et al, 1985), segmentation of figure from background (Sompolinsky & Tsodyks, 1994), perceptual binding (Roelfsema, 1998; Lee & Blake, 1999a,b) and imagery (Kosslyn, 1988) - have been integratively considered in auxiliary literature (Perus, 2000a,b, 2001). Early visual processing: infomax. Along the retino-geniculo-striate pathway (De Yoe & Van Essen, 1988; Livingstone & Hubel, 1988), a cascade of encoding / decoding processes, or convolutional processes, respectively, ensures optimal information preprocessing and encoding of images into various representations needed for visual cognition. Such preprocessing and encoding are realized, as psychophysical evidence (Wainwright, 1999; van Hateren, 1992) shows, so that information is maximally preserved, as is also imitated by the so-called "infomax" models of artificial neural net (ANN) processing. Many of them generate so-called sparse codes where an oligarchy of units is active in encoding the entire image, but the majority is inactive. It was realized (Peruš, 2001) that the infomaxmodels, like the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) by Bell & Sejnowski (1995, 1996, 1997) and sparseness-maximization net by Olshausen & Field (1996a,b; 1997), outperform the classical Hebbian or Principal Component Analysis (PCA) models (Haken, 1991, 1996), because they incorporate phase information, or higher-order statistics, respectively. Infomax-models were shown to give much more biologically-plausible outputs (receptive-field profiles'), but a biologically-plausible implementation on the "hardware"-level is possible (for now) only for the Olshausen & Field net, not for the Bell & Sejnowski net. Relations between the Olshausen & Field (1996a,b) net and MacLennan's (1999) dendritic field computation model were found (Peruš, 2001), which indicate a possibility of dendritic implementation of the Olshausen & Field net. However, dendritic processing "following the Olshausen & Field algorithm" would be strongly constrained by sparseness-maximization process which could originate from the lateral inhibition or from top-down (i.e., corticofugal) influences (e.g., Pribram in Dubois, 2000b; Montero, 2000; Mcintosh et al., 1999; Moran & Desimone, 1985).^ Gabor wavelets. Since the oscillatory-dynamic phase-processing is experimentally supported (Gray et al., 1989; Baird, 1990; Pribram, 1971, 1991; Wang, 1999; Mannion & Taylor, 1992; Schempp, 1993, 1994, 1995; Sompolinsky & Tsodyks, 1994), a question arose whether ICA infomax-processing, or at least the sparsification process, might be realized virtually, i.e. on a "software"-level (higher-order attractor dynamics). ICA-like infomax processing shapes the receptive-field profiles into Gabor wavelets, and these are then convoluted with the sensory inputs (Pribram & Carlton, 1986). The infomax processing is thus viewed as an information-saving preprocessing procedure for optimal encoding into Gabor wavelets (also by other ICA models like: Harpur & Prager, 1996; Hyvärinen & Oja, 1998; Lewicki & Olshausen, 1999; cf, van Hateren & Ruderman, 1998). As will be shown, infomax-based (appropriately weighted) Gabor wavelets are spectral image-representations (van Hateren & van der Schaaf, 1998) which are involved in convolution (during perceptual processing), or in interference, or in other phase-Hebbian processes (during pictorial cognitive processing and ' A receptive field of a neuron is everything (or tlie wliole surrounding space or network, respectively) that influences its output after all the inputs have entered it along its own dendritic tree. The receptive-field's profile is a mathematical function describing the effcct of transformations upon neuron's inputs (the "weights" of inputs) before the axonal output is "calculated". ^ A "sparsification pressure" is imposed on dendritic (and maybe also on neuronal) processing in order to get maximally sparse codes. Biological realization of sparsification is unknown. It might originate in virtual higher-level attractor structures (the "software" level), maybe in a similar way as in Haken (1991). The second hypothesis, i.e. that lateral inhibition forces sparsification, is reflected in Pribram's (1998a) words: "[...] As the dendritic field can be described in terms of a spacetime constraint on a sinusoid - such as the Gabor elementary function, the constraint is embodied in the inhibitory surround of the field." associations). Phase-Hebb learning rule, i.e. the Hebb correlation-rule with phase-differences (because complex-valued activities are correlated or convoluted) (cf, Sutherland, 1990; Peruš & Dey, 2000; Spencer, 2001), is a name I coined for the following expression for "holography-like" memory-storage into so-called connections (or weights, or interactions, respectively) Jij between "units" i and j\ Jij = Ek Aiu Aß exp(i((p,k-(pjk)). A is the activity-amplitude of a "unit", (p is its phase of oscillation; k is the eigenstate which represents a pattern or image. Quantum implementation. In Peruš (1996, 1997a, 1998a) mathematical analogies in holographic, associative artificial-neural-net, spin-system and quantum-interference processes which could be harnessed for parallel-distributed information processing were systematically presented. Possible (biological) implementations of these processes were indicated. Furthermore, the Quantum Associative Network, an original computational model by Peruš (in Wang et al., 1998), was presented as a possible core-model for holonomic associative image processing in Peruš (2000a). Possibility for such a quantum image processing implies that the image, which is recognized by the quantum associative net, becomes the "object of our conscious experience". This hypothesis results from numerous indications (e.g., Goswami, 1990; Hameroff et al., 1994—1998; Lockwood, 1989; Rakić et al., 1997; Stapp, 1993; Peruš, 1997b) that consciousness is essentially related to quantum processes. The comparative neuro-quantum study, and original derivation of the model of quantum associative net from the simulated neural-net formalism, are presented in detail in Peruš (2000c). Some resulting novel suggestions for flexible image processing (e.g., "fuzzification" harnessing "quasi-orthogonal" structure of data) are described in Peruš & Dey (2000) (cf, Kainen, 1992; Kainen & Kurkova, 1993; Kurkova & Kainen, 1996). 2 Attempt of an integrated model of image processing in VI, and beyond Introduction to the model. The holonomic theory (Pribram, 1991) of the retino-geniculo-striate image processing (Pribram & Carlton, 1986; Peruš, 2000a) uses Gabor wavelets as "weighting"- or "filtering"-functions while performing convolution with the retinal image. The result of this Gabor transform is a spectral image-representation in VI. This, roughly hologram-like, representation in VI is then reconstructed by an inverse Gabor-transform into the spatial representation in V2, probably. Thus, the topologically-correct "image" (cf, Tootell, 1998) is recovered in inverted form in V2. The overlapped Gabor wavelets, which are used in image processing in VI, describe the receptive-field profiles of VI neurons (Daugman, 1985, 1988) which realize the Gabor transform using their dendritic trees (cf, Berger et al., 1990, 1992; Artun et al., 1998). Gabor wavelets were shaped by an ICA-like process. Perus (2001, 2000a) stated the reasons why it is good to prefer the Olshausen & Field (1996a,b, 1997) sparseness-maximization process over the ICA-variant of Bell & Sejnowski (1995, 1996, 1997) for the implementationmodel of shaping the Gabor wavelets g (i.e., the independent components Y) and especially determining their coefficients s (i.e., the amplitudes or sparse codes of the independent components of input-images). The Gabor coefficients are updated much more rapidly than the Gabor wavelets. Coefficients change with each new input image, but the Gabor receptive fields adapt in a longer term - after a lot of different images have been presented. In fact, they adapt slowly all the time, but substantial change is seen after a while. From Gabor receptive fields to wavelets. A Gabor elementary function g has two roles in modeling vision which seem to be somewhat different. First, it is used as a description of the receptive-field profile, i.e. of the "weighting" which the synapto-dendritic net imposes on all the inputs to a neuron. Second, it is used as a Gabor wavelet which represents the encoding of an independent component of input-images. Of course, both roles have the same origin (a sort of ICA) and "are two sides of the same coin". However, the consequence of infomax-processing manifests in different places: in the receptive-field profile which "lies hidden" in the synapto-dendritic net, and in the Gabor wavelet which propagates to other brain areas and gets involved in further holography-like processing there. Namely, if the receptive field is Gabor-shaped, then it gives Gabor-shaped outputs, or at least something similar or generalized, on a later stage. These Gabor wavelets might be of another sort - e.g., time-dependent or spectral.^ This effect (i.e., Gabor wavelets produced because/out of Gabor receptive fields) is more clearly evident if the retinal input is made uniform (i.e., "white noise" or Ganzfeld). This is related to well-known observations that an uniform stimulation triggers a system's response which is a sort of internal "expectation" (or a "hallucination", respectively) of the filtering system (e.g., MacLennan in Pribram, 1993, p. 189). Sorts of representations. In principle, there are two sorts of representations in VI available for further brain processing: the spectral "compound of images", or equivalently, the sparse assembly of codes (the so-called sparse codes) representing or "weighting" the independent components extracted from a collection of images. The first representation (independent component) is hidden in VI dendrific fields; the second ' They retain the same form, but with different interprelation of coordinate-axes. The Gabor wavelet in spectral representation see in Daugman & Downing (in Arbib, 1995). This Fourier transform oflhe original Gabor profile is expressed in the same functional form as the original spatial Gabor "wavelet", but with the spectral («) and spatial (jr) variables interchanged. representation (sparse coding) is encoded in activities of VI-neurons (cf, Pribram et al., 1981). After the spectral representation of VI has been inverse-Gabor-transformed in the connections between VI and V2, the retinal image re-emerges in V2. Thus, the usual image, as once originally fallen on the retina, should be reconstructed (turned upside-down, maybe also somewhat "deformed") in V2 or nearby. This "image" is then the third available representation. Why three representations? (Cf, Kirvelis in Dubois, 2000b.) We could suppose that the spectral (Gabor wavelet) representation is for perceptual image processing in VI. The sparse-code (Gabor coefficient) representation is for robust, rough encoding needed for automatic, immediate, reflex actions — they are unconscious and probably realized by neural circuits alone (dendrites just transmit the signals, do not process them). The "image" representation in V2 is used for the usual phenomenal conscious experience. Let me explain. When a person is, say, involved in conversation, (s)he sees another person and at the same time processes a lot of information —• e.g., "decodes" the other-person's body-language, not to mention more multi-modal and symbolic cognitive processes like understanding of words and thinking about the topic. The person sees the other one in full phenomenal integrity and quality all the time, without interruptions of the information processing (understanding body-language and spoken language, thoughts, etc.) going on in the background. For the seemingly-direct "realistic" experience of the environmental image, as conscious process offers it, the V2 space-time "image" is needed (more in Pribram, 1998a). For the abundant accompanying apperceptual processing (e.g., Luria, 1983; Stillings et al., 1995), which is unconscious and abstract, the spectral representation is needed (Pribram, 1997b). I will suppose that the "image" is also needed for additional processing, mainly limited to visual cognifion, which uses associative processing that is more similar to holography than the perceptual spectral processing is. From edge- to object-perception. Edges of object-forms are the first level of invariance or perceptual constancy and can be detected by linear transformations, like those in ICA. Incorporation of phase processing essentially improves results, as the Bell & Sejnowski and Olshausen & Field simulations demonstrate. However, finding transformations that are invariant to shifting, scaling and rotation of object-patterns, are mainly an open problem for ICA (Lee after Bell & Sejnowski, 1997). These transformations were with certain success tackled with generalized Hebbian models using Fourier-preprocessing (e.g., Haken, 1991) and by other non-infomax specialized models. ICA seems to be a good model for image (pre)processing, but not necessarily for object perception (which is well distinguished from image processing by the holonomic theory and other models of vision, and this has psychophysiological reasons) (e.g., see Wallis & Bülthoff, 1999). Object recognition, based on search for perceptual invariances, might need a combination of ICA and associative processing (a successful example is: Bartlett & Sejnowski, 1997; cf. also Gray et al., 1997), probably in attractor-networks which manifest gestalt-like structures (Luccio, 1993; Peruš & Ečimovič, 1998). Phase-Hebbian associations take over. Peruš (2001) thinks that visual associative processes of VI, after perceptual preprocessing has been finished (ICA has generated Gabor wavelets and Gabor coefficients, and the Gabor transform using convolution has produced spectral responses of VI simple cells), could be well realized by a Hebbian (e.g., Churchland & Sejnowski, 1992; Gardner, 1993) or phase-Hebbian mechanism. The second one, which is most similar to holography, has much more chances for good performance. These models may in some respect be less efficient than other phase-processing models, which are not phase-Hebbian, like ICA and MacLennan's (in Pribram, 1993) dendritic model as far as it has similarities with the Olshausen & Field (1996a,b) model. But the phase-Hebbian models have a peculiar symmetry which makes them fundamental and close to physics. So, 1 believe, there is a division of labor. Other models (ICA, convolution-models, Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps) "do the hard job" first. After their processing with nonlinear moments (like sparsification) is finished, the phase-Hebbian associative dynamics start the "fine job". Phase-Hebbian models have an ability to construct rich multi-level attractor-structures. In this, they can go beyond Hebbian models which are already successful in flexible attractor-dynamics (Haken, 1991; Peruš & Ečimovič, 1998). Attractor processing. For secondary visual processing (i.e., e.g., object perception, from VI to V2, and beyond it), processing with attractors is unavoidable (Peruš, 2000b, 2001). Pribram (1971, 1991) also says that cortical processing uses largely parallel-distributed and redundant representations. The model, which realizes this most directly and is also the best ANN embodiment of holography (cf, Psaltis et al., 1990), is sketched as follows. In simple words, the whole network of units with their connections encodes numerous "images" simultaneously: In the weight-matrix (encoded in the array of connections / junctions), there is the content-addressable associafive memory. In the configuration-vector (encoded in the set of units), there is the "image" which is currently processed (which "we are conscious of). Each vector of activity-configurations, which represents an "image", acts as an attractor of network's dynamics, because it is at the minimum of its potential well — as in the Hopfield model (details in: Peruš & Ečimovič, 1998; Peruš, 2000d). In the matrix of connections (or "hologram"), not the whole patterns or images are stored. Merely pair-wise (auto)correlations of all previously-input images are stored. With other words, condensed information about (dis)agreements among all image-parts of all the watched images is encoded so that it is parallelly-distributed across the whole matrix. This is sufficient for reconstruction of an image from the memorized image-traces if a recall-key (i.e., a new, similar input pattern) is presented to the array of connectionist units (formal neurons) of the network. The interaction of these units across the connections is modeled by multiplication of the vector of units' states with the matrix of inter-unit connections (details in: Peruš & Ečimovič, 1998). Quantum net as the inner processor. The essential point is that processing of the Quantum Associative Network (Peruš in Wang et al., 1998; Peruš & Dey, 2000), as derived from ANN in Peruš (2000c) based on analogies of Peruš (1996, 1997a, 1998), realizes the attractor-dynamics, associative processing and image recognition in a "compact" and effective way. It is progressive that Hebbian processing is enriched with phase-processing. Because this model can be quantum-implemented in a natural way, it is, for now, hard to imagine anything more fundamental, more holographic, more effective, and hypothetically more directly linked to conscious experience, in the sense of associative processing. Processing similar to that of quantum associative net might take place in VI and partially also maybe in V2. The quantum associative net can process, by interference, various kinds of eigen-wave-functions (eigen-images). They can be Gabor wavelets. Gabor wavelets are very similar to the natural quantum wave-packets (MacLennan in Pribram, 1993). The Gabor wavelet, originally proposed by the "discoverer" of holography D. Gabor in 1946, is a sequence of waves under a fixed gaussian envelope while the frequency of the wave inside the envelope varies for different cases. Such a wavelet is equivalent to a family of Weyl-Heisenberg coherent wave-packets used in quantum physics (Lee, 1996). This observation allows me to relate infomax image-processing with quantum-implemented holography-like associative processing with attractors -in the quantum associative net. Peruš & Dey (2000) present interference-processing in the quantum associative net using the plane-waves for image-bearing eigen-wave-functions — for simplicity, although efficient. This is the most usual / basic quantum-type holography. Interfering Gabor wavelets could enable more sophisticated, maximally information-preserving processing, in accord with the holonomic theory. Associative basis for visual cognition. The uniformity of (neo)cortical structure (Ebdon, 1993; details in Burnod, 1990) allows the use of phase-Hebbian associative models for a rough (but maybe the best available) approximation of global (neo)cortical processing (cf, however, Ingber, 1998; Körner et al., 1999) which is at roots of visual cognition (cf., Clement et al., 1999; Pribram, 1997a). The proper modeling combination, 1 suppose, would be: ICA-constrained convolutional preprocessing up to VI, followed by fractal-based associative processing in (neojcortical neural, dendritic and quantum attractor networks - one within another inside VI. My hypothesis is that the multi-level phase-Hebbian associative processing, having the quantum associative net as the most deep/inner level (for now), is currently the most convenient one for cognitive manipulations of images or, rather, object-forms, as performed probably in the inferior temporal cortex (ITC) (cf., Miyashita & Chang, 1988; Fuster & Jervey, 1982; Mishkin et al, 1983; Perret & Oram, 1998). ITC is specialized for prototype-converging recognition or comprehension of objects, including discriminations and choices resulting from it (Pribram, 1971). Global associations and context-searches are necessary during search of the right prototype. In accord with Rainer & Miller (2000), Riesenhuber & Poggio (2000) argue that the prefrontal cortex finishes the object-recognition started by ITC. They write on p. 1202: "In anterior ITC, invariances to object-based transformations, such as rotation in depth, illumination and so forth, is achieved by pooling together the appropriate view-tuned cells for each object." Then Riesenhuber & Poggio (2000, Fig. 3 caption) continue: "The stages up to the object-centered units probably encompass VI to anterior ITC. The last stage of task-dependent modules may be located in the prefrontal cortex." These modules are needed for tasks like object-identification, -discrimination and -categorization, they say before. Experiments of Rainer & Miller (2000) on object recognition in the prefrontal cortex showed that familiar objects activate fewer neurons than novel objects do, but these neurons are more narrowly tuned. Such a sparse representation of a familiar object is also more robust to degradation (made after the learning period) of a newly-posed stimulus-object. Based on ITC inputs (in vision), the prefrontal cortex is the region most important for the so-called working memory used in cognition. Present models use Hopfield-net-produced Hebbian"* attractors for working-memory representations and attractor dynamics for (visual) cognition. 1 believe, generalization of these models (which were used in: Peruš & Ečimovič, 1998; Perus, 2000d) by incorporating phase-processing (i.e., using the phase-Hebb rule) and implementing it in dendritic or/and quantum networks would be more appropriate. It should be emphasized once again that image processing and subsequent object recognition could be possible only because of "the hard job done" by ICA and the perceptual convolutional cascade. They provided Gabor wavelets (cf., Pötzsch et al., 1996) and spectral representations of images which are still used in many higher cortical areas for more abstract processing (i.e., processing without the topologically-correct pictorial representation - the usual image). Volition-, "l"-based control- and symbolic processing are examples of abstract processing. On the other hand, operations of visual cognition — like imagery, mental manipulations of objects, visual modeling or planning (e.g., vividly imagining how to drive from A to B) (review in Baars, 1997) — could have cortical implementation based on the quantum associative net, especially if these processes are performed consciously. This fits the Crick and Koch (in Hameroff, 1996) hypothesis that we begin to be conscious of visual processing in V2 and beyond (encompassing visual cognition based on cooperation of ITC and the prefrontal cortex). ' Details on neurophyslological bases of Mcbbian memor>'-slorage see in: Gardner (1993), Abbot & Nelson (2000), Bear (1996). 3 Addition of conscious experience and quantum processes into consideration From dendrites to conscious experience. The following citate from Pribram (1971, p. 105) summarizes the view which has been later elaborated by the holonomic theory: "Neural impulses and slow potentials are two kinds of processes that could function reciprocally. A simple hypothesis would state that the more efficient the processing of arrival patterns into departure patterns, the shorter the duration of the design formed by the slow potential junctional microstructure. Once habit and habituation have occurred, behavior becomes "reflex" — meanwhile the more or less persistent designs of slow potential patterns are coordinate with awareness. This view carries a corollary, w'z. that nerve impulse patterns per se and the behavior they generate are unavailable to immediate awareness. [...] In short, nerve impulses arriving at junctions generate a slow potential microstructure. The design of this microstructure interacts with that already present by virtue of the spontaneous activity of the nervous system and its previous "experience". The interaction is enhanced by inhibitory processes and the whole procedure produces effects akin to the interference patterns resulting from the interaction of simultaneously occurring wave fronts. The slow potential microstructures act thus as analogue cross-correlation devices to produce new figures from which the patterns of departure of nerve impulses are iniciated. The rapidly-paced changes in awareness could well reflect the duration of the correlation process." Discussion on sorts of representation in section 2 seems to fit this citate. Sparse-coding assemblies of neurons (i.e., just few neurons fire, and this is enough for encoding entire images) serve in reflexes without awareness. The second representations of images, the Gabor wavelets, interfere in the (sub)dendrific microstructure. The correlation process, hidden in subcellular or quantum (as 1 prefer) interference, could also be accompanied by awareness. The final result of interference processing, the conscious irnage, would be reconstructed after the collapse of quantum (or at least quantum-like) wave-function. In support for his hypothesis on junctional electric activity as the substrate for awareness, Pribram (1971, 1995) mentions that using biofeedback subjects can discriminate a-EEG waves in their brain by "feeling them as pleasantly relaxed awareness". He also cites Libet's findings that stimulation-produced awareness occurs in patients 0.5-5 seconds after the relevant brain-area has been stimulated — as if some electrical state would have to be built before the patients can experience anything. Neural and quantum "sides" of dendrites. Infornax-processing is probably based in dendritic-y;èer networks or/and neural circuits - on the (sub)cellular level, not quantum. VI image processing and subsequent visual associations are probably realized by quantum-based dendritic microprocesses. Dendritic processing thus combines two levels. Its macroscopic fiber-part is involved, under some top-down influences probably, in shaping the Gabor receptive-field profiles by specific collective dynamics of dendritic trees of many neurons that criss-cross. Its microscopic membrane-"bioplasma" part (in the patches or "holes" in-between the crisscrossed dendritic fibers beneath their membranes) implements the holography-like image-processing, as will be described in section 6, but probably by interfering a sort of Gabor wavelets instead of plane-waves. Wavelets could be naturally rooted in quantum background. Why fractal-like multi-level processing. Systematic observations show that brain structures repeat roughly on many levels or scales like in a fractal. Why such a (seeming?) redundancy? The answer is probably: flexibility, adaptability and universality. Pribram (1971, 1991) observes that patterns shaped or learned in one part (area, level) can be transferred to another part (area, level) of the brain. One perceives an image, can recall it, manipulate it in imagination, one can use it to guide and control motor action directed toward its object (the image of achievement). In Pribram's example, one can draw a circle with a pencil on a paper or wall using fingers of a hand or even of a foot, or one can put the pencil in the mouth. The same pattern (circle) can be produced (drawn) in different circumstances using different body-actions and different brain areas. Even different levels of the tissue are needed: microscopic for processing, macroscopic for execution of action. To mobilize a muscle, amplification of (sub)neural signals is necessary - that's why neurons are needed also, not just dendrites and quantum systems. Neurons are cells - like the muscle cells are also. Since Nature is multi-scale, body and brain also have to be multi-scale to handle it. The many levels therefore have to cooperate fluently, so they must be compatible in information exchange. Patterns as global information therefore have to be able to travel from one level to another. This is realizable by fractallike dynamics that is intrinsic to complex (bio)systems anyway. How the inter-level or inter-scale transfer of patterns or images is realized is much harder to find out than to realize that this is indeed happening (J. Anderson). Attractors are very probably those emergent virtual structures which can "travel across the brain". They are the bioinformational or PDP (parallel-distributed processing) correlate of gestalts — each represents an invariant information-unit (percept). An attractor, a primitive "ghost in the machine", is rooted in a network-state, but changes its substrate-elements (Peruš & Ečimovič, 1998) like the electric current changes its underlying crystal structure or like (water) waves change (water) molecules while propagating. 4 Quantum associative network model Essentials. A verbal (partially metaphoric) description of processing in the quantum associative net, in comparison to holography, will now be given (mathematical details in Peruš, 2000a,c). The processing of quantum associative net is a sort of holography, if one is allowed to use the term outside classical optics, since the net interferes quantum waves. In fact, the quantum associative net is a quantum-mechanics-based mathematical model which can be computationally simulated (cf, Zak & Williams, 1998). No reasons have up to now been found why the model could not be implemented in a real quantum-physical system. The model also needs specific input-output transformations, therefore it is an informational model as much as it is a physical one. Interpretation of states. The quantum associative net is the core of basic quantum mechanics (in Feynman's interpretation) which is put into an intelligible interaction with the environment (visual field). This is new: the input-output dynamics. Another essential new thing is that eigen-wave-ftinctions (i.e., the basic, natural quantum states - they are often particles-waves, but not necessary) are harnessed to encode some information like an image. An intelligent being must be there which interacts with the system in such a way that the input-, output- and internal (memory) states represent some meaningful information for the being. His interpretation "transforms " an ordinary quantum system into an information-processing system as soon as he is satisfied with the input-to-output transformations. Let us assume so. (It is like in the case of a round piece of wood "becoming" a wheel if put in a proper context - the axis, other wheels, upper plate, etc.) Inputs. Image processing can be done during the holographic process (Pribram, 1991). It works perfectly and simply, as all physicists and opticians know (Hariharan, 1996). It is natural in holography (as well as photography and any other optics) that the light encodes the 3-dimensional form of an object by specific modulation (i.e., shaping) of amplitudes, frequencies and phases of its waves (rays). So, it is possible to encode complicated object-forms into usual electro-magnetic waves — even with perfect resolution when the code is being reconstructed. We thus have: objects, their codes or representations (in a medium), and we need object-to-code transformations (encoding) and, finally, code-to-object transformations (decoding or reconstruction). Because holography works with all sorts of waves, the information-carrying waves can be quantum waves. This might bring new capabilities, but not eliminate the classical ones. Hence, the input-waves can be plane-waves, mathematically described by equation ¥k 0 = A if^ 0 (r, t)) (1), or the input-waves can be Gabor wavelets (made of "increasing and decreasing waves under a gaussian envelope"), (^//-is the wave-function, A is its amplitude, (p is its phase - at a specific location r in specific time /; k is the eigenstate index.) We merely need means for proper manipulations of waves. Even for quantum waves, technology is so far today; Brain might also be able to do it. (Details see in Peruš, 1997a.) We thus "insert the inputs" by illuminating an object so that light-rays (or, in brain's complicated version, ICA-produced wavelets) "fall into" the quantum associative net. Interference constitutes memory. We do that with different objects and let the waves, each belonging to an object, "mix together" while falling on a medium (the hologram-plate). This is interference of waves (like when two water-waves criss-cross) produced so that it leaves a trace (the hologram) on the medium. The wave-parts add or suppress each other (the constructive or destructive interference), and a criss-cross matrix of their relationships is recorded on the hologram. This hologram is a "frozen" content-addressable associative memory which becomes active when light is sent through it! The quantum interference and quantum holography are when the waves and the hologram (but not necessarily the object) are quantum. The quantum hologram is the interference-pattern of quantum waves which leaves traces in the quantum medium itself. In quantum world, "parts are virtually a whole", so the waves and the hologram "inter-penetrate". Matrix G, as given by the phase-Hebbian expression p k=\ P (2), )(:=1 describes the quantum hologram. Its essential memory-"traces" are phase-differences in the exponent (cf, Ahn et al., 2000). Matrix G is at the same time the carrier and transformer of waves. G is the quantum-holographic memory which is active - performs associations "through itself. G describes the "self-organizing internal restructuring" of the quantum system by "internal interactions between its (seeming) parts", i.e. by self-interference. It should be emphasized here that this is not an interaction in the sense of chemical or quantum-particle (nuclear, subnuclear) reaction, but in the sense of mutual mechanical (or electrodynamic / optical) influence or re-arrangement on a quantum level. In the language of quantum informatics, G describes a compound. (The "deeper, holistic" quantum fields incorporate entanglements, where parts which have once interacted cannot be really separated any more, but just seemingly. See experiment by Aspect et al., 1982.) Compounds can be "un-mixed" like the images can be reconstructed from the hologram (memory). Associative processing. The matrix / hologram / propagator G describes phase-relationships between "infinitely"-small parts of the waves which were "mixed". This is associative memory, which also acts like a "turbine" for associative "computing". Each quantum wave y/ "flows through the C-turbine", and this changes both the G and the wave. In mathematical description: (3). This implies, because equation (2) should be inserted into equation (3) to replace G, that (and how, why) waves iff change G and G changes waves yr. This is called the coupled dynamics of the quantum system — it is a "self-holography" triggered by our inputs. We call it associative processing, because it is realized by "projecting" the quantum eigen-state or -wave "through the associative memory or hologram" G. Initial quantum-encoded informational state (\|/in) is thus transformed into an associated quantum-encoded informational state (Voul). Image recognition by wave-function collapse. If we want to recall a memory, or to reconstruct a stored image out of C, respectively, we have to present a part of the image or a similar image (the memory-"key") to the system (\|/in). The similarity activates matching of relations, encoded in phases, and thus selectively associates the "key" with the most similar stored image which then "comes out of the mixture" (i.e., G) in a clearly-reconstructed form. This is described by the following sequence of equations: ^{r,, = f, + c^O = I G(r,, F, ,t,)đr, = (4) where A=\ ("extracted image") and 5=0 ("noise"). 1 can claim that this quantum process, called "wave-function collapse", is typically holographic in the framework of quantum associative nets (details in Peruš, 1997a). It is also essential for all quantum measurements, where one "chosen" eigen-state y/^ is realized in the quantum state \|/, all the other eigen-states "retreat" (into the implicate order). Thus, the input-triggered wave-function "collapse" is the memory-to-consciousness transition. An image is reconstructed from memory and simultaneously "appears in consciousness", because it has been associated with all the relevant contexts during this very process! Therefore, the image is also (consciously) recognized at the same time! Remarks. Memory associations are encoded in correlations of wave-amplitudes A and additionally in differences of wave-phases (p. The latter encoding turns out to be more important and more fundamental, although both encodings are complementary (details in Peruš, 2000a; MacLennan, 1999; Sutherland, 1990). In sum, the significance of the quantum associative net is in the fact that all the elements or aspects of an input-image are compared with all the elements or aspects of all the images, condensely stored in the system (as described by G or, alternatively, by the so-called probability-density matrix p\ cf., Alicki, 1997). An optimal, "compromise" output-image is then given as the result. In the following sections, some related quantum or similar models will be presented, and they will be, together with the quantum associative net, discussed in the context of consciousness. 5 Holographic perceptual out-to-space back-projection and object—image match Mathematical-physical description of holography. A hologram is a complex linear superposition of collective stationary interference fringe patterns. Storage of information (i.e., object-image) is usually made by global interaction (mixing) of a coherent information-bearing object-wave (reflected from the object) and a no-information-bearing coherent reference-wave under a particular angle. Information can be later retrieved by illuminating the hologram (no object needed any more) with the anti-wave of the original reference-wave used at storage. The anti-wave is an original-like information-bearing reference-wave (called phase-conjugate wave) in the opposite direction of the original wave. Namely, phase conjugation refers to the change of sign (direction) of the phase (in exponent) and thus of the wave-vector: k to -k. Wave-vectors with opposite signs {k==27i/Ä and -k) indicate wave-propagation in opposite directions, but with the same wavelength Ä. The phase-conjugate wave (-k) has, in the case of all local fields having the same frequency, an unique property to propagate back, in real or virtual form, along the path of the original wave (k). The advanced wave k and the retarded wave -k, which is as-if time-reversed, get superposed (giving e^®'' - e"^®'^ = 2 cos 2nvt), due to precise timing. Thus, the phase-conjugate wave (-k) propagates in the direction opposite to that of the original wave (k), similarly to propagation of the original wave backwards in time (as well as in space). Hologram's parallel-distributed organization is globally regulated by the local relative-phase variable implemented by the infinite-dimensional irreducible unitary linear representation of the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group (Schempp, 1993, 1994, 1995; Marcer & Schempp, 1997, 1998, in Dubois, 2000b). The virtual "slices" (pages) of the hologram are frequency-organized, selective by incident angle of the page-oriented retrieval scanning reference-wave. Pattern/page-selection is executed by phase-conjugate adaptive resonance. The fractal self-identity is encoded in a hologram enabling reconstructional resolution proportional to any hologram's fraction where the total information is enfolded from. (Schempp, 1993) Phase-Hebbian holographic associative memory has many concrete implementations, e.g. in photorefractive media — see Anderson (in Zornetzer, Davis & Lau, 1990, eh. 18). Implementation of (bio)holograms. Hologram is realizable in fundamental (quantum)-physical media as well as in brain tissue. E.g., O'Keefe (in Oakley, 1985, p. 88-89) gives a concrete proposal of holographic processing in the hippocampus, and Nobili (1985) using damping-constant variations of local oscillators in the cortical glia-tissue. Neural holography could be realized by dendritic transmembrane-potential oscillations characterized by microwave-frequency coherence of the non-thermal excitation-states of biomolecules with high permanent dipole moments. The needed coherent "wave" could be internally incident. Holograms can be made also with partly coherent waves (Marcer & Schempp in Fedorec & Marcer, 1996; Hariharan, 1996), although usually coherent waves are used. Information between neurons is exchanged also independently of synaptic connections via glia-cells or non-anatomic coherent resonance coupling. Fundamental (sub)quantum holography could be realized with coherent overall wave-functions of dynamic quantum-vacuum (cf, Böhm & Hiley, 1993). A variety of holographic processes including single-state (e.g., single-photon) holograms are possible (why not, at least in a generalized sense, also in the brain?). The fundamental Berry phase or geometric phase (Anandan, 1992) of the quantum system is promising for quantum memory and holographic (bio)information processing. A quantum system, which evolves so that it returns to its initial state, acquires a "memory" of this trajectory. This quantum "memory" is encoded in the Berry phase which is added to the phase of system's wave-function. Holographic perceptual projections. We have an impression that an object we see is located "outside". The naive view is as follows; There is an object in the environment. Perception of it is produced in our brains in such a way that we see the object as it "really is - in external space". The perception appears to be somehow projected from the brain out to the original location. Pribram (1998b) mentions several cases of such perceptual or even cognitive projections: For example, one feels the paper, on which one is writing, at the tip of his/her pen, not at the tip of fingers holding the pen. A well-known case are also the so-called phantom-limbs — a patient feels the amputated limb which he has just lost. The pain is felt outside the remaining part of the limb — at the location where the former complete limb was or should be. In experiments, cited by Trstenjak, subjects spontaneously write on their own foreheads a letter (e.g., F) oriented as if they would read it from inside out (with their "mind's eye"), or as if they would write it on the internal side of their own foreheads. Projective nature and use of percepts are thus a part of human performance. Let us illustrate how we could start to model holography-like perception and memory-recall. First, in stage 1, a subject faces an external, illuminated object. Light-waves reflect from object's surface toward subject's eyes. Image of the object is processed in his visual cortex, and gets memorized in a holography-like manner. Later, in stage 2, the subject faces a similar object or the same one. Its light-wave indirectly interacts with holographic memory of the (original) object. A memory-image is remembered when the corresponding hologram-page is selectively reconstructed (as detailed in: Perus, 2000c). By a phase-conjugate wave, the perception (a compromise of the stimulus and memory) is experientially projected back (from brain) into the surrounding space to the location of the original object. The virtual (holographically back-projected) image of the remembered or perceived object coincidences in space with the original object. This important and plausible hypothesis originates from: Marcer & Schempp (1998, in Dubois, 2000b). The idea of holographic back-projection by the (quantum) phase-conjugate wave is not yet finally proven, but it fits our feeling that the object and its brain-made and out-projected virtual image coincide out-there as if they are one! The perceptual projection has been proven, for example, by the G. von Bekesy experiments (Pribram, 1971, pp. 168-171; 1991, pp. 90-91), but the quantum-optical phase-conjugate back-wave remains a question of quantum "reality" (i.e., theoretically it exists and is useful, experimentally there are indications, but there are different interpretations about their "reality"). The hypothetical back-projection waves would be quantum -not classical electro-magnetic waves like the input-waves to the retina. They would not exist really in the ordinary, i.e. classical-physical, sense. (These waves could "propagate backwards in time", "symmetrically" to the original input-wave, as in quantum field theory.) To repeat: In stage 1, an original object is seen — a representation (a virtual "image") of it is produced in the brain. In stage 2a, a similar or the same object triggers remembering the original object of stage 1. In stage 2b, which follows stage 2a immediately, a joint perceptual image (usually a "compromise" of images of stages 1 and 2a) is projected back to the location of 1 or 2a, respectively. These stages of the dynamic holography-like process usually iterate and possibly converge to a maximal agreement of perception with phenomenal reality. Beside pragmatic advantages to the organism, this is also necessary for unambiguous, consistent communication between image-making subjects, since they share the perceived objects in positions relative to one another in the 3-dimensional "Cartesian theatre" they co-create (Marcer & Schempp in Dubois, 2000b). Iterative matching loop. Thus, the image, which brain/mind creates, is perceptually coincident, maybe also quantumly coincident, i.e. phase-conjugate, in external space with the object imaged. In physical terms, there is a coincidence and annihilation {y/y/*) of positive phases of forward-propagating waves {ij/, having wave-vector k) with negative phases of backward-propagating waves (phase-conjugate ij/* with -k). Forward waves encode the original object and backward waves its perceptual image. When they meet and match (y/ij/*) on the path they share, the perceptual transaction is completed, hence the wave-function collapse occurs (Cramer, pers. commun.) and so the image becomes conscious. This adaptive-resonance hypothesis is best understood with the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics by Cramer (1986). One can ask: what is (or even: is there any) difference between the perceived object and the back-projected image of it (i.e., the image in the original location in the environment, not the image/code in the brain, say in VI). Disagreements lead to errors or misperceptions. The iterative matching process can also be led to creative generalizations and associations. In imagery, or more plastically in hallucinations, the (possibly modified) back-projected image of the object replaces the non-existent object (which was present in stage 1, but not in stage 2 when the reconstructed reference-wave has some internal sources). In perception, the back-projected image phenomenally fits the real object. Why (quantum) holography is necessary for spatial perception. Phase-conjugate projection of the image back into the space-location of the original object is an exclusive characteristic of holography (or at least of optics, if the image would perhaps be processed in another way, not holographically). Namely, neural networks or other hard-wired subcellular networks, without having electro-magnetic or quantum embedding, can definitely not back-project their images into the external space on their own. But we experience that perceptual projection is happening. Because holography (not photography) is involved, it is not directly the object-image that is back-projected (as in photography), but it is the wave (-k), which carries the encoded object-image, that is back-projected by phase-conjugation during/after holographic retrieval (Marcer & Schempp, 1998, in Dubois, 2000b). So, the external medium must be of the same or at least similar nature than the medium of the brain-hologram. Hence, the common medium can only be quantum field! Philosophical questions. Actually, there can be no plastic, geometrically-/ topologically-correct 3-dimensional perception of the object, which we experience and call "the real/true perception", without that fitting of the object with the back-projected image of it (which has been a moment earlier reconstructed from the "brain hologram"). This iterative fitting seems to need time, unless the Cramer (1986) transactional interpretation with "quantum waves backward in time" is adopted; but in fact space-time is co-created by ("in") our conscious experience "during" this visual processing. Objects and brain-states seem to be located in space and time, but conscious experience "has been / is / will be there all the time - as long as the Cartesian theatre is in the play". (E.g., Cramer (1986) even says that his interpretation, or a quantum transaction, respectively, is otemporal.) Nothing is perceived outside mind: There are no perceptions, which we are aware of, without consciousness (i.e., conscious experience), and there are no phenomenal unconscious or subconscious sensations or "detections" (i.e., perceptions we are not aware of) without mind. A Kant's Ding-an-Sich (thing-in-itself) is M. Peruš not perceived; just the co-created thing is, i.e. a "deformed shadow" of the hypothetical Ding-an-Sich. Thus, a perception is a Plato's "shadow" created by consciousness in cooperation with Nature, or "deformed" by brain-processing. Various back-projections, like visual, tactile, auditory ones, match with the object and with each-other! Our vision "quantum-touches" the object successfully as well as our hands mechanically touch it simultaneously. Indeed a peculiar space-time fit. (But maybe this "resonance", and space-time incorporating objects, and conscious experience including objects, is the same thing/process... However, this symmetry or harmony (fit) may be broken, e.g. in hallucinations... The dilemma of reality thus remains.) 6 Dendritic holography-like image processing Bioplasma dynamics. How can a dendritic network (physiology see in: Pribram, 1991, 1993; Damask & Swenberg, 1984; Koch, 1997; Koch & Segev, 2000) implement holography-like image processing of VI? Stimulus-specific waves of the dendritic field are produced, and these information-encoding waves interfere. A phase-Hebbian PDF is realized. There are (at least, roughly) two related kinds of collective oscillations accompanying the dendrites cris-crossed in networks: first, the oscillations of dendritic membrane potential, and second, the oscillations of dendritic ionic "bioplasma", or of the electric polarizations within, respectively. The "bioplasma" "flows" and "waves" near the membrane-surface of the dendrite. It depends on the biomolecules (proteins, lipids, etc.) of high dipole moments located on (beneath, in, near, along, respectively) the dendritic membrane, and the ionic charge travels through it. This membrane-"bioplasnia" system of numerous coupled electric dipoles exhibits dynamic ordering which is determined by the distribution of phase-differences in oscillations of the corresponding dendritic potentials. The isophase-contours of oscillations in the polarization-field, extended over dendrites (especially their membranes) and the accompanying "bioplasma", determine the collective wave- and fluid-phenomena that are the correlates of image processing at the subcellular level of VI (after Appendix A of Pribram, 1991). The Jibu, Yasue and Pribram model. The density (or concentration) of the ionic "bioplasma" p(x,t) changes as a result of the dynamic pattern of hyperpolarizations and depolarizations across the space inside and outside dendrites. Yasue, Jibu & Pribram (in Appendix A of Pribram, 1991) defined a wave-function ijf = Vfpj e'^ {(p is the phase). They derived {ibid., pp. 282-286) a wave-equation for the membrane-"bioplasma" system: IV dy/ "aT w (5) 2 which has the same mathematical form as the Schrödinger quantum wave-equation (cf, Bonnell & Papini, 1997), but with different interpretations of variables. is the external static energy / potential, i.e. the external electric influence (stimulus), u is a constant (a "relative" of the quantum Planck constant) equal to a quotient of "flow"-velocity v and the length of the so-called wave-vector k which is equivalent to spatial frequency, related to the change of phase: k = V(p. Successful derivation of such an equation, having a characteristic form for wave phenomena, for an idealized dendritic network / field shows that global polarization-waves, described here by xjf, emerge in the subcellular medium. As a consequence of these waves, "flows" and interference are also produced in the dendritic net. There are, of course, many variations of oscillations / waves / interferences in that complex medium, y/ (with different interpretations) could be chosen to approximate (m)any of them. Phase-Hebb-like memory-storage in bioplasma. Wave-equation (5) is alone not enough for image processing. From wavelets i — exp — L \ / V In vx-k„t (6) we obtain (details in Pribram, 1991, A, pp. 288-291) the density p(x,l) of charge-distribution in "bioplasma": 2 p{x, t) - y/ix, t) = i//(x, ty y/ix, t) = L „^„i L (7). c„ are the Fourier coefficients; Z, is a characteristic spatial extent of the dendritic system along the spatial axis x\ A„ is a constant; n, n ' are integer numbers. The last term manifests interference, which is essential for holographic memory, since it has a phase-Hebb-like structure: c„' (t)cn(O represents "interference of amplitudes" and exp[(2m/L)(n-n')x] "interference of oscillations" - in the exponent one finds the phase-differences. The flow of dendritic perimembranous "bioplasma" is driven by the phase-differences among isophase-contours (i.e., curves connecting all synchronized oscillations). The "density-based flow" toward an attractor at the centre of the concentric contour-family is regulated by the gradient (i.e., maximal change-rate) of phase ( V(p). Exactly: dt The wave-equation (5) and equation (8) describe the subcellular "fluid-dynamical" correlate of associative image processing in the VI dendritic net. Papers like Berg et al. (1996), Bray (1995), and those in Fedorec & Marcer (1996) support the possibility of biomolecular realization of holographic processing at the subcellular level (cf., Nobili, 1985; Psaltis et al., 1990; Sutherland, 1990; Snider et al., 1999). These dendritic dynamics (Yasue, Jibu & Pribram in: Pribram, 1991, Appendix A) are in general principles equivalent to processing of the quantum associative net, but incorporate some sophisticated constraints imposed by characteristics of the subcellular tissue. The difference also is that the dendritic wave dynamics are quantumlike, but quantum associative nets are purely-quantum.' 7 Microtubules, coherent subcellular and quantum processes, and consciousness Microtubules. Microtubules, cilindric / filamentary tubes, are the most important ingredient of the cytoskeleton which is a protein-made intracellular network. Microtubules extend, along dendrites, come together at soma, and extend further along axons. They consist of oriented assemblies of electrical dipoles, or permanent electric polarization systems (electrets), respectively, which globally act as mega-dipoles. A hypothesis (by Hameroff, 1994) with increasing support has been presented that cytoskeletal microtubules, constituting a network in cooperation with MAP (microtubule associated proteins), realize subcellular information processing based on coupled oscillatory collective dynamics. Since Hameroff & Penrose (1995) emphasize that mainly dendritic microtubules act such a role, this hypothesis might not be entirely incompatible with the holonomic theory, but complementary. Such dynamics emerges from conformational transitions of tubulin electric-dipolar molecules, which act as "bit flips", and from soliton-based, almost loss-less transfer of energy and information (phase!) along the paracrystalline microtubules. Tubulin states might encode the pixels of patterns which are processed (Hameroff, 1994; Nanopoulos, 1995). Globally, the processing is manifested in changes of concentration of electric polarization (polarization density), and moving of the concentration peaks from one side of the tubulin-web to another. Long-range quantum coherence and related laser-like, thermal-noise-free (and information-loss-free) ordering phenomena, like super-radiance and self-induced transparency may take place in microtubules. The hypothesis that quantum coherence subserves binding of conscious perceptions is supported by an increasing number of authors (e.g., Hameroff et al., 1996). Microtubules are viewed by Jibu & Yasue (1997) as information-encoders into a coherent subcellular optical PDP network. Fröhlich (1968) has shown the first ^ There is a different interpretation of the wave-function ^ which here corresponds to the "bioplasnia-density" p - In contrast to PeruS, Böhm and the Copenhagen quantum interprclations. Namely, the "bioplasma-density" p does not exactly correspond to the quantum density matrix p, because the amplitude of the "bioplasma"-is defined as vfß) (noi quantum!) to get the "quantum" (cV = P- signatures of interdependence of biological and quantum oscillatory dynamics. Fröhlich coherence. As proposed by Fröhlich (1968) and succesors, the so-called Fröhlich (long-range, microwave) coherence emerges from interacting oscillating (10"-10'^ Hz) dipoles of biomolecules. Electric polarization density serves as the biological order-parameter. Fröhlich coherent oscillations may lead to two sorts of extreme collective states: to the Bose-Einstein condensate, where all dipole-elements act as if they are one, or to loss-less solitonic polarization-waves (proposed by the Davydov model), where the dipole order propagates as one traveling condensate (Denschlag et al., 2000). This is analogous to superconductivity. Indeed, it was proposed by Jibu & Yasue (1995, 1996, 1997) that the experimentally-supported Fröhlich waves along the protein filaments can propagate without resistance, thermal loss and damping. Such superconductivity hypothetically occurs even at body temperature. Subcellular automata. Many nanobiological systems could be represented as assemblies of dipoles: 1. cell membrane as a double sheet full of dipoles; 2. cytoplasmatic and extracellular water; 3. microtubules as systems of tubulins; etc. Systems of dipoles or spins can be arranged: 1. randomly; 2. ferroelectrically (i.e., aligned in parallel); 3. as spin-glass (i.e., in domains of frozen (dis)order, each with its own parallel alignment) (Mezard et al., 1987). The membrane bi-layer of dipoles might incorporate sandwich-like Josephson junctions, over which superconducting electrical currents with special effects would flow. They might be connected into a peculiar PDP "Josephson net-computer" (Rein in Pribram, 1993; Jibu & Yasue, 1995). Quantum effects in synapse. Eccles (e.g., in Pribram, 1993) pioneered the idea that conscious mind, using attention, could influence the probability of discrete (quantal) release (exocytosis) of vesicles full with neurotransmitter-molecules at the hexagonal-paracrystalline presynaptic vesicular grid. Conscious mind would impose effect on probabilistic quantum processes (e.g., the wave-ftinction collapse) underlying the probabilistic exocytosis in synapses. So, conscious process would selectively modulate, through quantum fields, the essential ingredients of memory-storage and associative processes - synaptic efficiacies (Rein in Pribram, 1993). To be precise, quantum influences should trigger electronic rearrangements resulting in movement of hydrogen-bridges which would effect vesicle-release from the presynaptic hexagonal grid (Hameroff; 1994). Collapse and consciousess. The hypothesis of Hameroff & Penrose (1995, 1996, 1997) advocates microtubules and their nets as the main subneuronal substrate of consciousness. They are flexible, fast-changing and might allow retrograde signaling, thus mediating bi-directional subneuronal links between synapses. Hameroff (1994) argues, based on observations, that general anaesthetics cancel conscious experience by operating mainly on specific microtubular ingredients. He writes that an anaesthetized brain usually remains quite active (as persistent EEG, evoked potentials and autonomic functions show), but this activity is neural, not microscopic quantum. So, quantum coherence, which gets disrupted by anaesthetics, should be essential for conscious experience. In contrast to the environment-induced wave-function collapse of quantum theory (and of the quantum associative net), the wave-function collapse in microtubules is supposed by Hameroff & Penrose (1995, 1996) to depend on quantum gravity: Condensates which become larger than a threshold-size should cause their common wave-function to collapse "under their own mass". This would be thus a self-collapse called orchestrated objective collapse. Each such collapse is considered by Penrose and Hameroff to be a single conscious event. A temporal sequence of such conscious "nows" would constitute the "flow" of conscious experience, by this hypothesis. According to the Hameroff & Penrose (1995, 1996) sketch, preconscious net-computing, when the classical (sub)neuronal PDP (parallel-distributed processing) is gradually replaced / complemented with quantum PDP, leads to emergence of a quantum coherent superposition. Each of its superposed alternative states has its own "competing" space-time geometry. When an instability-threshold is exceeded, the time-irreversible orchestrated objective self-collapse occurs, and this is the conscious experience (the "now"). This moment of maximal coherence "illuminates" the (results of) preconscious network-processing of images etc. (executed till the collapse) "by making it conscious" at the very moment of collapse which "chooses" one from many alternatives. The selected information-state (e.g., a recognized image) is further-on processed unconsciously in a classical way — until a new quantum coherence "consciously illuminates" the new mental state to make a qualitative experience of it, says the hypothesis. Subcellular "holography". A number of oscillatory network-structures were mentioned: electric-dipole systems, microtubular nets, "bioplasma", extracellular matrix, protein nets, Josephson-junction nets, etc. They individually or in cooperation (as is usual) are able to exhibit holography-like interference processing (Pribram, 1993). However, molecular vibrational fields in these nets are just a sort of interface between quantum networks and neural networks. They all are very probably influencing, directly or indirectly, the synaptic efficiacies (e.g., whether they are inhibitory or excitatory, and how much) (e.g., Nanopoulos, 1995). Subcellular coherence. What follows, is based on speculations by Jibu & Yasue (1995, 1996, 1997), derived from quantum field theory of Umezawa. Beneath many levels of cell's biomolecular structure, many levels of sub-atomic or inter-atomic quantum particles, and their ensembles or condensates, can manifest collective dynamics capable of coherence and interference processing of holography-like sorts (reviews in Pylkkänen & Pylkkö, 1995; Pribram, 1993). They should mainly "live" in the intra- and inter-cellular water which composes more than 70% of the material composition of brain-cells like neurons and glia. These particles should collectively take part in water's rotational fields (or spinor-fields, emerging from spins of particles or from molecular spinning dipoles) and their interactions with the electro-magnetic field (i.e., with its quanta - photons). Of special importance is supposed to be the Nambu-Goldstone boson (a sort of dipole phonon) which is a mass-less quantum of a long-range correlation-wave of the water rotational field created in an ordered vacuum-state. Quantum binding. Macroscopic condensates of Nambu-Goldstone bosons are, after the hypothesis of Jibu & Yasue (1995, 1996, 1997), the fundamental carriers of perceptual memory and cues for reconstruction of the original stimulus-perception. Since they depend on the interaction of radiation (photons) and dipoles, they lead to evanescent (i.e., virtual, tunneling) photons which may collectively produce Bose-Einstein condensates. In such a condensate, many particles merge into a collective, unified, macrosopic quantum state. Particles (e.g., photons), which are able to unite into such a coherent condensate, are called bosons; particles (e.g., electrons), which never occupy the same quantum state, are called fermions. A Bose-Einstein condensate of evanescent photons is proposed to be the ultimate neurophysical correlate of an unified conscious experience. In Hameroff (1998, Box 1) and Jibu & Yasue (1995, 1996, 1997) suggestions are given how the Bose-Einstein condensates could be shielded enough by special biomolecular structures against the destroying thermal fluctuations. The coherent dipole-field (i.e., having dipoles oriented in the same direction) of water might extend over the whole brain tissue or even whole body, not just over several cells. The coherence-length, i.e. a "diameter" of the region of coherent oscillations of all net-elements like dipoles, is calculated to be in the case of outer perimembraneous water about 20 to 50 |a,m (Jibu & Yasue, 1997) (more than cell-dimensions). Such ordered water with presumably laser-type processes is assumed to enable photonic holography in and around microtubules and in extracellular matrices (Jibu & Yasue, 1995; Hameroff, 1994). Qualia unexplained. 1 can agree (Peruš, 19962000) with Hameroff and Penrose that the wave-function collapse seems essential for transitions from subconsciousness (or preconsciousness, or unconscious memory) to conscious experience. It also illustrates the classical-quantum (neuro-quantum, macro-micro) transitions. But saying (Hameroff & Penrose, 1996) that only and merely the "orchestrated collapse" (not any usual stimulus-induced collapse) provides the non-computable element necessary for consciousness, does not give any explanation of the qualitative experience. Namely, the central characteristics of consciousness are qualia which are subjective, qualitative, phenomenal experiences ("how things seem to be to us") (Flanagan, 1992; Davies & Humphreys, 1993; Marcel & Bisiach, 1988). Examples of qualia are experiencing yellowness of a lemon, feeling pain in own elbow, and in general also what it is like to be a person, etc. Qualia are felt in first person only, not in third person. A blind person cannot imagine precisely how it is to see; person A does not know precisely how person B feels. Qualia cannot be identified with their neural correlates — these are discussed, for example, in: Newman (1997), Frith et al. (1999); for color in: De Valois & Jacobs (1968), Schiller & Logothetis (1990). Anyway, one might speculate that the usual stimulus-induced collapse is related to conscious perception of the stimulus, and that the orchestrated objective (if indeed induced by quantum gravity) collapse is rather related to (introspective) awareness. Although this hypothesis provides relations of conscious process to the origin of space-time, the problem of qualia remains. Qualia are only (with justice, 1 think) transferred to the most fundamental level (also). This could be concluded also for the suggestions of Jibu and Yasue: They might "explain" the origin of the unity of conscious experience, but not its qualitative phenomenal character. 8 Conclusions This sketched integrated model based in the abundant literature of cognitive neuroscience (review in Kosslyn & Andersen, 1992), but transcended it by introducing fundamental informational (bio)physics. The latter seems to be needed (e.g.. Bob & Faber, 1999) and promising (e.g., Dubois, 2000a,b; Pessa & Vitiello, 1999) for modeling quantum background of conscious processing (cf, Ezhov et al., 2000, 2001; Weinacht et al., 1999; Rabitz et al., 2000; Snider et al., 1999; Spencer, 2001; Wheeler & Zurek, 1983; Jones et al., 2000 - for hints from frontier technology). According to the holonomic theory (Pribram, 1991), holography-like parallel-distributed processing in dendritic networks of VI is essential for image processing. To be more specific, eléctric polarization fields or quantum fields and their wave phenomena are inside dendritic criss-crosses could be the central "medium" for processing. Here, it was proposed.that the image-bearing eigen-waves, which interfere in the quantum associative net, are or at least could be infomax-produced, quantum-rooted Gabor wavelets. I thus suggest that the neocortex uses three types of image representations: the Gabor coefficients as sparse neuronal codes for automatic processing, the dendritically-implemented Gabor wavelets as spectral codes for associative visual cognition, and the V2-reconstructed spatial image used in our "direcf ' conscious experience. Because the perceptual image seems to match precisely the original object in its external location, holographic back-projections by phase-conjugation have been argued to be necessary. Since neural or dendritic nets alone cannot realize such out-to-space projections, the only medium which is common to holography and to brain networks was declared ultimately responsible for conscious perception — the quantum system. These ideas have been presented in the context of models by Pribram, Jibu and Yasue, Hameroff and Penrose, among others. Together they constitute, I believe, a view on systems-processing backgrounds of conscious image processing that provides an optimal integration of complementary proposals by the mentioned authors based on current knowledge. In accord with other views, the wave-function collapse was argued to be the physical correlate of becoming conscious of a selected image. The problem of qualia remains unsolved. Concerning the kernel of the presented model, I can assume with much optimism that the quantum associative net, if really quantum implemented (as also, in a way, probably in brain), would realize efficient image recognition and related associative processing. Systematic comparison with extensive cognitive-neuroscientific literature allows me to assume that in cooperation with other brain structures, such an image processing would probably be conscious. A forthcoming paper will discuss results of the present paper in the context of experimental data on neural correlates of conscious visual experience and its impairments such as blindsight (Koch in Hameroff et al., 1996; Davies & Humphreys, 1993). Acknowledgement 1 am much honoured to be able to express cordial thanks to my great teacher Professor Karl H. Pribram (Stanford and Georgetown Universities) for his significant help and deep comments during our extensive discussions or as written notes into an earlier manuscript. Discussions with Professors 0. Kirvelis, J. Bickle, J. Cramer, J. Gould, J. Glazebrook, G. Vitiello, A. Vogt, A. Železnikar, A. Župančič, D. Raković, with Drs. P. Marcer and R. Bogacz, and with A. Detela, are gratefully acknowledged. Many thanks also to Professors J. Musek, A. Ežov, P. Kainen, S. Dey and S. Pejovnik, to the National Institute of Chemistry and to MŠZŠ for financial support, to Drs. M. Škarja, A. Zrimec and R. Ružič for help, and to Mrs. Katherine Neville for hospitality. References [1] Abbot, L.F. & S.B. Nelson (2000): Synaptic plasticity: taming the beast. Nature Neitrosci. (Suppl.) 3, 1178-1 183. [2] Ahn, J., T.C. Weinacht & P.H. Bucksbaum (2000): Information storage and retrieval through quantum phase. Science 287, 463-465. [3] Alicki, R. (1997): Quantum ergodic theory and communication channels. Open Systems & Information Dynamics 4, 53-69. [4] Anandan, J. (1992): The geometric phase. Nature 360, 307-313. [5] Arbib, M.A. (Ed.) 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The mam objective of the ADBIS series ot conferences is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and promote interaction and collaboration between the Database and Information Systems research communities from Central and East European countries and the rest of the world. The ADBIS conferences provide an international platform for the presentation of research on database theory, development of advanced DBMS technologies, and their advanced applications. The Conference continues the ADBIS conferences held in St. Petersburg (1997), Poznan (1998), Maribor (1999), Prague (2000), and Vilnius (2001). The Conference will consist of regular sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee, as well as of invited talks and tutorials given by leading scientists. The official language of the Conference will be English. ropics Original papers dealing with both theory and/or applications of database technology and information systems are solicited. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: database theory, data modeling and database design, physical database design and performance evaluation, database systems architectures, activity modelling, advanced transaction, and workflow management, advanced databases (object-oriented DB, web-based DB, multimedia DB, temporal and spatial DB, deductive and active DB, etc.), advanced information systems (GIS, intelligent IS, component-based IS, etc.), advanced database applications, heterogeneous,databases interoperability and mediation, database and knowledge-base management systems and technology, text management, data mining, data warehousing, and knowledge discovery, data quality, XML and databases, e-business and e-commerce, web-based and distributed information systems, enterprise information systems, mobile computing and agents, information systems and software systems engineering, information system security. 'ilJ.__JilU SUBMISSION I'J! Illimi We solicit contributions of the tollowing torm: - full research papers describing research accomplishment (approximately 5000 words), - short research papers that report interesting results and do not justify a full paper (2000 - 3000 words), - communications, i.e. experience reports, surveys, project overviews, etc. which do not fully adhere to the standards of a firs rate scientific publication, but are nevertheless of interest and value for the participants of the conference, - proposals for tutorials and panels. Research papers should be original contributions, not accepted or submitted elsewhere. Research papers will be published in thi LNCS series of Springer Verlag. Communications will be included in additional local proceedings. There is an intention to publish a selection of outstanding papers in an internationally recognised journal (a subject of additiona review process). We can only accept electronic submissions in Postscript, PDF, or RTF format. Already at the submission stage, authors an encouraged to consider the final paper format requirements, as specified at http:// www.dcs.elfstuba.sk /adbis2002/format/. Additionally, for each paper send the first page in ASCII (text-format) containing title, authors, affiliation, contact information abstract and keywords. Papers shall be submitted to: adbis(^dcs.elf stuba.sk ............AWARDS The best paper authored solely by students will be awarded. Please indicate in your submission, whether it is a student paper. Submission of abstracts: Paper submission: ■Notification of acceptance: Camera-ready papers: Conference: February 25, 2002 March 4, 2002 April 30, 2002 May 28, 2002 September 8-11,2002 TIMETABLE CONFERENCE ORGANISATION General Chair: Ludovit Molnar, Rector of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia Program Committee Co-Chairs: Yannis Manolopoulos, Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, manolopo@delab.csd.auth.gr Pavol Navrat, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, navrat@elfstuba.sk Program Committee : Leopoldo Bertossi Omran A. Bukhres Albertas Caplinskas Wojciech Cellary Bogdan Czejdo Johann Eder Heinz Frank Remigijus Gustas Tomas Hruška Leonid Kalinichenko Wolfgang Klas Matthias Klusch Mikhail Kogalovsky Karol Matiasko Mihhail Matskin Tomaz Mohoric Tadeusz Morzy Nikolay Nikitchenko Boris Novikov Maria Orlowska Euthimios Panagos GuentherPernul Jaroslav Pokorny Henrikas Pranevichius Colette Rolland George Samaras Klaus-Dieter Schewe Joachim W. Schmidt Timothy K. Shih Myra Spiliopoulou Julius Stuller Bernhard Thalheim Aphrodite Tsalgatidou Vladimir Vojtek Gottfried Vossen Benkt Wangler Tatjana Welzer Viacheslav Wolfengagen Vladimir Zadorozhny Alexander Zamulin Oscar Pastor PC is expected to be extended with additional members Organising Committee Chair: Maria Bielikova, Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia), bielikova@dcs.elfstuba.sk ADBIS Steering Committee Chair: Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Science (Russia), leonidk@synth.ipi.ac.ru ADBIS Steering Committee: Andras Benczur (Hungary) Mirjana Ivanovic (Yugoslavia) Radu Bercaru (Romania) Mikhail Kogalovsky (Russia) Albertas Caplinskas (Lithuania) Yannis Manolopoulos (Greece) Johann Eder (Austria) Rainer Manthey (Germany) Janis Eiduks (Latvia) Tadeusz Morzy (Poland) Hele-Mai Haav (Estonia) Pavol Navrat (Slovakia) Boris Novikov (Russia) Jaroslav Pokorny (Czech Republic) Boris Rachev (Bulgaria) Anatoly Stogny (Ukraine) Tatjana Welzer (Slovenia) Viacheslav Wolfengagen (Russia) CONFERENCE VENUE The Conference will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, at the congress centre Družba located about 3 km west from the historica centre of Bratislava and reachable by regular tram and bus connection in about 10 minutes from the city centre. Bratislava, the capital and the largest city in Slovakia, is an old central European city that has always gained attention through it location on the river Danube, its nearness to Vienna and Budapest, and the hospitality of its inhabitants. Throughout the history Bratislava has grown not only to the administrative, industrial, cultural and scientific centre of Slovakia but first of all to the lovel; city worth of staying in. Today's visitors, sitting in restful cafés or walking through the streets and squares in immediate vicinity t( the St. Martin gothic cathedral, the Town Hall, Primate's Palace, or other historical buildings, can fully enjoy and admire thi ancient architecture of Bratislava's old city. The picturesque region around Bratislava, known for large vineyards and winemakinj districts and for original ceramic manufacturing, impresses a visitor with hundreds of years of handicrafts, culture and traditions ii this neighbourhood. Pavol Navrat Department of Computer Science and Engineering Slovak University of Technology llkovicova 3, 812 19 Bratislava Slovakia CONTACT ADDRESS E-mail: adbis@dcs.elfstuba.sk Phone: Fax: navrat@elfstuba.sk (+421 2)654 29 502 (+421 2) 602 91 548 (+421 2) 654 20 587 JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE Jožef Stefan (1835-1893) was one of the most prominent physicists of the 19th century. Born to Slovene parents, he obtained his Ph.D. at Vienna University, where he was later Director of the Physics Institute, Vice-President of the Vienna Academy of Sciences and a member of several scientific institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things, he originated the law that the total radiation from a black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute temperature, known as the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading independent scientific research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear science technology, energy research and environmental science. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a research organisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research departments composed of different task teams. Emphasis in basic research is given to the development and education of young scientists, while applied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national economy and society in general. At present the Institute, with a total of about 700 staff, has 500 researchers, about 250 of whom are postgraduates, over 200 of whom have doctorates (Ph.D.), and around 150 of whom have permanent professorships or temporary teaching assignments at the Universities. In view of its activities and status, the JSI plays the role of a national institute, complementing the role of the universities and bridging the gap between basic science and applications. Research at the JSI includes the following major fields: physics; chemistry; electronics, informatics and computer sciences; biochemistry; ecology; reactor technology; applied mathematics. Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particular computer sciences, artificial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer architectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automation and control, professional electronics, digital communications and networks, and applied mathematics. ranean Europe, offering excellent productive capabilities and solid business opportunities, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bern and Munich, all within a radius of 600 km. In the last year on the site of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Technology park "Ljubljana" has been proposed as part of the national strategy for technological development to foster synergies between research and industry, to promote joint ventures between university bodies, research institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to accelerate the development cycle of innovative products. At the present time, part of the Institute is being reorganized into several high-tech units supported by and connected within the Technology park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginning of a regional Technology park "Ljubljana". The project is being developed at a particularly historical moment, characterized by the process of state reorganisation, privatisation and private initiative. The national Technology Park will take the form of a shareholding company and will host an independent venture-capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Science and Technology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics and Vacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of Economic Relations and Development, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:+386 I 4773 900, Fax.:+386 1 219 385 Tlx.:31 296 JOSTIN SI WWW: http://www.ijs.si E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Contact person for the Park: Iztok Lesjak, M.Sc. Public relations: Natalija Polenec The Institute is located in Ljubljana, the capital of the independent state of Slovenia (or S^nia). The capital today is considered a crossroad between East, West and Mediter- CONTENTS OF Informatica Volume 25 (2001) pp. 1-595 Papers 2001. Towards a rigorous and effective functional contract for components. Informatica 25:527-532. Atkinson, C. & T. Kühne. Informatica 25:393^02. 2001. Stratified frameworks. Gams, M. & M. Bohanec. 2001. applications. Informatica 25:387-392. Intelligent systems Balantič, Z. & M. Bernik. 2001. iVIultimedia supported study of achieving high worker's efficiency in relation to his work. Informatica 25:371-374. Barnett, M. & W. Schulte. 2001. The ABCs of specification: asmi, behavior, and components. Informatica 25:517-526. Bavec, C. 2001. Modelling of management decision making .... Informatica 25:375-380. bežek, A. & M. Gams. 2001. An agent that understands job description. Informatica 25:99-105. Binz, E. & W. Schempp. 2001. Information technology: The Lie groups definig the filter banks of the compact disc. Informatica 25:279-291. bosilj-vuksic, V, & V. Hlupic. 2001. Petri nets and IDEF diagrams: Applicability and efficasy for business process modelling. Informatica 25:123-133. brett, A.C., T. miyamoto & J.F. Kess. 2001. A nested combinatorial-states model of sentence processing. Informatica 25:107-122. arando, P. 2001. The need for speed: A practitioner's view of rapid application development in e-business. Informatica 25:555-564. čizman, A. 2001. Computerized logistics information system—a key to competitiveness. Informatica 25:89-98. COY, W. & U. PiRR. 2001. Change in learning and teaching. Informatica 25:149-153. desnos, J.-F. 2001. A data warehouse for French universities. Informatica 25:177-181. Dietrich, S.W., S.D. Urban, A. Sundermier, Y. Na, Y. Jin & S. Kambhampati. 2001. A language and framework for supporting an active approach to component-based software integration. Informatica 25:443-454. Feustel, B., a. KärpAti, T. Rack & T.C. Schmidt. 2001. An environment for processing compound media streams. Informatica 25:201-209. Galän M.J., F. Garcia, L. Alvarez, A. Ocón & E. Rubio. 2001. 'Beowulf cluster' for high-performance computing tasks at the university: A very profitable investment. Informatica 25:189-193. Galän Morillo, F.J., V. Diaz & J.M. Canete Valdeón. Greenberg, J. 2001. A hybrid system for delivering web based distance learning and teaching material. Informatica 25:155-158. Guizani, M. & M. Anan. 2001. Fault-tolerant ATM switching architectures based on MINs: A survey. Informatica 25:69-81. Haataja, a., J. Suhonen & E. Sutinen. 2001. How to learn introductory programming over the web? Informatica 25:165-171. Hutchinson, D. & M.J. Warren. 2001. Security authentication for on-line Internet banking. Informatica 25:349356. Hybertson, D. 2001. A uniform component modeling space. Informatica 25:475^82. Indihar Štemberger, M. & J. Grad. 2001. ject model of splines. Informatica 25:135-142. The ob- Ji, K. & S. Chen. 2001. DEPA (Design Pattern Application)—a component-based model for applying design patterns in software development. Informatica 25:455-463. Kantardzic, M.M., P. Faguy, A. Goldberg & T.E. Howe. 2001. Artificial neural network approach and parameter estimation in experimental spectroscopy. Informatica 25:19-26. Kim, H.-K. & R.Y. Lee. 2001. Management process for supporting the component development. Informatica 25:565573. Klenak, S. & S. Bauk. 2001. Modeling shipping company information systems. Informatica 25:431-438. Kuittinen, M., E. Sutinen, H. Topi & M. Turpeinen 2001. Learning by experience: Networks in learning organizations. Informatica 25:159-164. Kumar M.V.N., A., A.K. Singh & R. Babu S. 2001. A security assurance framework for component based software development. Informatica 25:509-515. Lee, C.-l. & C.-J. Tsai. 2001. An efficient approach to extracting and ranking the top K interesting target ranks from Web search e. Informatica 25:329-339. Leigh, W., M. Paz, N. Paz & R. Purvis. 2001. A pattern recognition approach to the prediction of price increases in the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index. Informatica 25:261-269. Linden, M., J. Kanner & M. Kivilompolo. 2001. FEIDHE—integrating PKI in Finish Inighcr education. Informatica 25:211-216. LiNKEViCH, A.D. 2001. Neural fields: An approach to infinite-dimensional systems for information processing. Informatica 25:235-246. Loke, S.W. 2001. An overview of mobile agents in distributed applications: Possibilities for future enterprise systems. Informatica 25:247-260. practical problems—methodological considerations. Informatica 25:11-17. Paralič, j., m. Paralič & M. Mach. 2001. Support of knowledge management in distributed environment. Informatica 25:319-328. Parhami, B. 2001. Approach to component based synthesis of fault tolerant software. Informatica 25:533-543. PeruŠ, m. 2001. Image processing and becoming conscious of its results. Informatica 25575:-592. Magoulas, G.D., K.A. Papanikolaou & m. Grigo-riadou. 2001. Neuro-Fuzzy synergism for planning the content in a web-based course. Informatica 25:39-48. Mahnič, V. & I. Rožanc. 2001. Data quality: A prerequisite for succesful data warehouse implementation. Informatica 25:183-188. Maier, K.D., V. Glauche, R. Blickhan & C. Beckstein. 2001. Control of a one-legged three-dimensional hopping movement system with multi-layer-perceptron neural networks. Informatica 25:27-38. Maier, K.d., C. Beckstein, R. Blickhan, d. Fey & W. Erhard. 2001. A digital multi-layer-perception hardware architecture based on three-dimensional masively parallel optoelectronic circuits. Informatica 25:271-278. Mikl, U. 2001. Electronic formation of a contract, matica 25:381-386. Infor- Mizuno, K., S. Nishihara, H. Kanoh & I. Kishi. 2001. Population migration: A meta-heuristics for stochastic approaches to constraint satisfaction problems. Informatica 25:421-^30. Mladenič, D., W.F. Eddy & S. Ziolko. 2001. Data mining of baskets collected at different locations over one year. Informatica 25:365-372. Moisan, S., a. Ressouche & J.-P. Rigault. 2001. Blocks, a component framework with checking facilities for knowledge-based systems. Informatica 25:501-507. Moyle, S. & A. Srinivasan. 2001. Classificatory challenge-data mining: A recipe. Informatica 25:343-348. Naegele-Jackson, S., U. Hilgers & P. Holleczek. 2001. Evaluation of codec behavior in IP and ATM networks. Informatica 25:195-200. Novak, B. 2001. Soft computing on small data sets. Informatica 25:83-88. Resler, R.D. & J.M. Boyle. 2001. Register allocation: A program-algebraic approach. Informatica 25:223-233. RyjäÖek, z., j. Richlik & R JirouŠEK. 2001. Information system supporting CATS. Informatica 25:173-176. S atd h, I. 2001. Mobi Doc: A mobile agent-based framework for compound documents. Informatica 25:493-500. sikici, A. & N.Y. Topaloglu. 2001. Towards software design automation with patterns. Informatica 25:349-356. Škrjanc, M., M. Grobelnik & D. zupanič. 2001. Insights offered by data-mining when analyzing media space data. Informatica 25:357-364. solojentsev, E.D. & V.V. Karasev. 2001. Risk logical and probabilistic models in business and identification of risk models. Informatica 25:49-55. Soundarajan, N. & S. Fridella. 2001. Understanding 00 frameworks and applications: An increment approach. Informatica 25:297-308. Strachan, A., T. Shaw & D. Adams. 2001. Information system delivery in a tiered security environment. Informatica 25:217-222. Tadeusiewicz, R. & P. Lula. 2001. Neural network analysis of time series data. Informatica 25:3-10. UrbanČiČ, t. 2001. Learning and understanding human skill. Informatica 25:-. Zhang, S. & C. Zhang. 2001. A model for compressing prababilities in belief networks. Informatica 25:409-420. Vitela, J.E., U.R. Hanebutte & J.L. Gordillo. 2001. Performance analysis of a parallel neural network training code for control of dynamic systems. Informatica 25:57-67. Weinreich, R. & R. Plösch. 2001. An agent-based component platform for dynamically adaptable distributed environments. Informatica 25:483^91. Ohlsson, M.C. 2001. Evolution of fault-prone components in legacy systems: A case study. Informatica 25:545-553. Paprzycki, M., a. Costeines, W. Douglas, P. Gatling, R. Niess & L. Scardino. 2001. Applying neural networks to xle, x. & S.M. Shatz. 2001. An approach for modeling components with customization for distributed software. Informatica 25:465^74. Editorials Anderson, P.G., G. Klein, E. Oja, N.C. Steel, G. Anto-niou, V. Mladenov & M. Paprzyckl 2001. Introduction: Neural networks and their applications. Informatica 25:1. jurič, M.B., I. Rozman & D. Deugo. 2001. Component based software development. Informatica 25:441^)42. Knop, J. & V. MahniČ. 2001. . Informatica 25:147148. Introduction. 2001. Informatica 25:295-296. Introduction. 2001. Informatica 25:341-342. Calls for Papers Call for a forum discussing informational consciousness on the Internet. 2001. Informatica 25:143. Informational society 2001. Infos, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 22-26 October 2001. Informatica 25:144,293. ADBIS 2002. Sixth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. 2001. . Informatica 25:593-594. Professional Societies Jožef Stefan Institute. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2001. Informatica 25:145,294,439,595. INFORMATICA AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS INVITATION, COOPERATION Submissions and Refereeing Please submit three copies of the manuscript with good copies of the figures and photographs to one of the editors from the Editorial Board or to the Contact Person. At least two referees outside the author's country will examine it, and they are invited to make as many remarks as possible directly on the manuscript, from typing errors to global philosophical disagreements. The chosen editor will send the author copies with remarks. If the paper is accepted, the editor will also send copies to the Contact Person. The Executive Board will inform the author that the paper has been accepted, in which case it will be published within one year of receipt of e-mails with the text in Informatica KTßK format and figures in . eps format. The original figures can also be sent on separate sheets. Style and examples of papers can be obtained by e-mail from the Contact Person or from FTP or WWW (see the last page of Informatica). Opinions, news, calls for conferences, calls for papers, etc. should be sent directly to the Contact Person. QUESTIONNAIRE Send Informatica free of charge Yes, we subscribe Please, complete the order form and send it to Dr. Rudi Murn, Informatica, Institut Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1111 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 1977, Informatica has been a major Slovenian scientific journal of computing and informatics, including telecommunications, automation and other related areas. In its I6th year (more than five years ago) it became truly internafional, although it still remains connected to Central Europe. The basic aim of Informatica is to impose intellectual values (science, engineering) in a distributed organisation. Informatica is a journal primarily covering the European computer science and informatics community - scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and informafion industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Edifing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author's country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the Refereeing Board. Informatica is free of charge for major scientific, educational and governmental institutions. Others should subscribe (see the last page of Informatica). ORDER FORM - INFORMATICA Name: .................................................... Office Address and Telephone (optional): Title and Profession (optional): .................................................................... ........................................................... E-mail Address (optional): ............. Home Address and Telephone (optional): .................... ........................................................... Signature and Date: ................... http://ai.ijs.si/inforniatica/ http://orca.st.usm.edii/inforniatica/ Referees: Witold Abramowicz, David Abramson, Adel Adi, Kenneth Aizawa, Suad Alagić, Mohamad Alam, Dia Ali, Alan Aliu, Richard Amoroso, John Anderson, Hans-Jurgen Appelrath, Ivan Araujo, Vladimir Bajič, Michel Barbeau, Grzegorz Bartoszewicz, Catriel Beeri, Daniel Beech, Fevzi Belli, Simon Beloglavec, Sondes Bennasri, Francesco Bergadano, Istvan Berkeley, Azer Bestavros, Andraž Bežek, Balaji Bharadwaj, Ralph Bisland, Jacek Blazewicz, Laszlo Boeszoermenyi, Damjan Bojadžijev, Jeff Bone, Ivan Bratko, Pavel Brazdil, Boštjan Brumen, Jerzy Brzezinski, Marian Bubak, Davide Bugali, Troy Bull, Leslie Burkholder, Frada Burstein, Wojciech Buszkowski, Rajkumar Bvyya, Netiva Caftori, Particia Carando, Robert Cattral, Jason Ceddia, Ryszard Choras, Wojciech Cellary, Wojciech Chybowski, Andrzej Ciepièlewski, Vie Ciesielski, Mei Ó Cinnéide, David Cliff, Maria Cobb, Jean-Pierre Corriveau, Travis Craig, Noel Craske, Matthew Crocker, Tadeusz Czachorski, Milan Češka, Honghua Dai, Deborah Dent, Andrej Dobnikar, Sait Dogru, Peter Dolog, Georg Dorfner, Ludoslaw Drelichowski, Matija Drobnič, Maciej Drozdowski, Marek Druzdzel, Jozo Dujmović, Pavol Duriš, Amnon Eden, Johann Eder, Hesham El-Rewini, Darrell Ferguson, Warren Fergusson, David Flater, Pierre Flener, Wojciech Fliegner, Vladimir A. Fomichov, Terrence Forgarty, Hans Fraaije, Hugo de Garis, Eugeniusz Gatnar, Grant Gayed, James Geller, Michael Georgiopolus, Jan Golifiski, Janusz Gorski, Georg Gottlob, David Green, Herbert Groiss, Jozsef Gyorkos, Marten Haglind, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Inman Harvey, Marjan Hericko, Elke Hochmueller, Jack Hodges, Doug Howe, Rod Howell, Tomas Hruška, Don Huch, Alexey Ippa, Hannu Jaakkoia, Ryszard Jakubowski, Piotr Jedrzejowicz, A. Milton Jenkins, Eric Johnson, Polina Jordanova, Djani Juričič, Marko Juvancic, Sabhash Kak, Li-Shan Kang, Ivan Kapust0k, Orlando Karam, Roland Kaschek, Jacek Kierzenka, Jan Kniat, Stavros Kokkotos, Fabio Kon, Kevin Korb, Gilad Koren, Andrej Krajne, Henryk Krawczyk, Ben Kroesc, Zbyszko Krolikowski, Benjamin Kuipers, Matjaž Kukar, Aarre Laakso, Ivan Lah, Phil Laplante, Bud Lawson, Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Barry Levine, Xuefeng Li, Alexander Linkevich, Raymond Lister, Doug Locke, Peter Lockeman, Matija Lokar, Jason Lowder, Kim Teng Lua, Ann Macintosh, Bernardo Magnini, Andrzej Malachowski, Peter Marcer, Andrzej Marciniak, Witold Marciszewski, Vladimir Marik, Jacek Martinek, Tomasz Maruszewski, Florian Matthes, Daniel Memmi, Timothy Menzies, Dieter Merkl, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Gautam Mitra, Roland Mittermeir, Madhav Moganti, Reinhard Moller, Tadeusz Morzy, Daniel Mosse, John Mueller, Hari Narayanan, Jerzy Nawrocki, Rance Necaise, Elzbieta Niedzielska, Marian Niedq'zwiedziriski, Jaroslav Nieplocha, Oscar Nierstrasz, Roumen Nikolov, Mark Nissen, Jerzy Nogieć, Stefano Nolfi, Franc Novak, Antoni Nowakowski, Adam Nowicki, Tadeusz Nowicki, Hubert Osterie, Wojciech Olejniczak, Jerzy Olszewski, CheiTy Owen, Mieczyslaw Owoc, Tadeusz Pankowski, Jens Penberg, William C. Perkins, Warren Persons, Mitja Perus, Stephen Pike, Niki Pissinou, Aleksander Pivk, Uliin Place, Gabika Polcicovä, Gustav Pomberger, James Pomykalski, Dimithu Prasanna, Gary Preckshot, Dejan Rakovič, Cveta Razdevšek Pučko, Ke Qiu, Michael Quinn, Gerald Quirchmayer, Vojislav D. Radonjic, Luc de Raedt, Ewaryst Rafajlowicz, Sita Ramakrishnan, Wolf Rauch, Peter Rechenberg, Felix Redmill, James Edward Ries, David Robertson, Marko Robnik, Colette Rolland, Wilhchn Rossak, Ingrid Rüssel, A.S.M. Sajeev, Kimmo Salmenjoki, Bo Sanden, P. G. Sarang, Vivek Sarin, Iztok Savnik, Ichiro Satoh, Walter Schempp, Wolfgang Schreiner, Guenter Schmidt, Heinz Schmidt, Dennis Sewer, Zhongzhi Shi, Maria Smolärova, Carine Souveyet, William Spears, Hartmut Stadtler, Olivero Stock, Janusz Stoklosa, Przemyslaw Stpiczyriski, Andrej Stritar, Maciej Stroinski, Tomasz Szmuc, Zdzislavv Szyjewski, Jure Šile, Metod Škarja, Jih Šlechta, Chew Lim Tan, Zahir Tari, Jurij Tasič, Gheorge Tecuci, Piotr Teczynski, Stephanie Teufel, Ken Tindell, A Min Tjoa, Vladimir Tosic, Wieslaw Traczyk, Roman Trobec, Marek Tudruj, Andrej Ule, Amjad Umar, Andrzej Urbanski, Marko Uršič, Tadeusz Usowicz, Romana Vajde Horvat, Elisabeth Valentine, Kanonkluk Vanapipat, Alexander P. Vazhenin, Zygmunt Vetulani, Olivier de Vel, Valentino Vranić, Eugene Wallingford, John Weckert, Michael Weiss, Tatjana Welzer, Lee White, Gerhard Widmer, Stefan Wrobel, Stanislaw Wrycza, Janusz Zalewski, Damir Zazula, Yanchun Zhang, Ales Zivkovic, Zonling Zhou, Robert Zorc, Anton P. Železnikar INFORMATICA AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS INVITATION, COOPERATION Submissions and Refereeing Please submit three copies of the manuscript with good copies of the figures and photographs to one of the editors from the Editorial Board or to the Contact Person. At least two referees outside the author's country will examine it, and they are invited to make as many remarks as possible directly on the manuscript, from typing errors to global philosophical disagreements. The chosen editor will send the author copies with remarks. If the paper is accepted, the editor will also send copies to the Contact Person. The Executive Board will inform the author that the paper has been accepted, in which case it will be published within one year of receipt of e-mails with the text in Informatica KTgX format and figures in . eps format. The original figures can also be sent on separate sheets. Style and examples of papers can be obtained by e-mail from the Contact Person or from FTP or WWW (see the last page of Informatica). Opinions, news, calls for conferences, calls for papers, etc. should be sent directly to the Contact Person. QUESTIONNAIRE Please, complete the order form and send it to Dr. Rudi Murn, Informatica, Institut Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1111 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 1977, Informatica has been a major Slovenian scientific journal of computing and informatics, including telecommunications, automation and other related areas. In its 16th year (more than five years ago) it became truly international, although it still remains connccled to Central Europe. The basic aim of Informatica is to impose intellectual values (science, engineering) in a distributed organisation. Informatica is a journal primarily covering the European computer science and informatics community - scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author's country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the Refereeing Board. Informatica is free of charge for major scientific, educational and governmental institutions. Others should subscribe (see the last page of Informatica). ORDER FORM - INFORMATICA Name: .................................................... Office Address and Telephone (optional): Title and Profession (optional): .................................................................... ........................................................... E-mail Address (optional): ............. Home Address and Telephone (optional): .................... ........................................................... Signature and Date: ................... http://ai.ijs.si/informatica/ http://orca.st.usm.edu/informatica/ Referees: Witold Abramovvicz, David Abramson, Adel Adi, Kenneth Aizawa, Suad Alagič, Mohamad Alam, Dia Ali, Alan Aliu, Richard Amoroso, John Anderson, Hans-Jurgen Appelrath, Ivan Araujo, Vladimir Bajič, Michel Barbeau, Grzegorz Bartoszewicz, Catriel Beeri, Daniel Beech, Fevzi Belli, Simon Beloglavec, Sondes Bennasri, Francesco Bergadano, Istvan Berkeley, Azer Bestavros, Andraž Bežek, Balaji Bharadwaj, Ralph Bisland, Jacek Blazewicz, Laszlo Boeszoermenyi, Damjan Bojadžijev, JolT Bone, Ivan Bratko, Pavel Brazdil, Boštjan Brumen, Jerzy Brzezinski, Marian Bubak, Davide Bugali, Troy Bull, Leslie Burkholder, Frada Burstein, Wojciech Buszkowski, Rajkumar Bvyya, Netiva Caftori, Particia Carando, Robert Cattral, Jason Ceddia, Ryszard Choras, Wojciech Cellary, Wojciech Chybowski, Andrzej Ciepielewski, Vic Ciesielski, Mei Ó Cinnéide, David Cliff, Maria Cobb, Jean-Pierre Comveau, Travis Craig, Noel Craske, Matthew Crocker, Tadeusz Czachorski, Milan Češka, Honghua Dai, Deborali Dent, Andrej Dobnikar, Sait Dogru, Peter Dolog, Georg Dorfner, Ludoslaw Drelichowski, Matija Drobnič, Maciej Drozdowski, Marek Druzdzel, Jozo Dujmović, Pavol Duriš, Amnon Eden, Johann Eder, Hesham El-Rewini, Darrell Ferguson, Warren Fergusson, David Flater, Pierre Flener, Wojcicch Fliegner, Vladimir A. Fomichov, Terrence Forgarty, Hans Fraaije, Hugo de Garis, Eugeniusz Galnar, Grant Gayed, James Geller, Michael Georgiopolus, Jan Golinski, Janusz Gorski, Georg Gottlob, David Green, Herbert Groiss, Jozsef Gyorkos, Marten Haglind, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Inman Harvey, Marjan Hericko, Elke Hochmueller, Jack Hodges, Doug Howe, Rod Howell, Tomaš Hruška, Don Huch, Alexey Ippa, Hannu Jaakkola, Ryszard Jakubowski, Piotr Jedrzejowicz, A. Milton Jenkins, Eric Johnson, Polina Jordanova, Djani Juričič, Marko Juvancic, Sabhash Kak, Li-Shan Kang, Ivan Kapust0k, Orlando Karam, Roland Kaschek, Jacek Kierzenka, Jan Kniat, Stavros Kokkotos, Fabio Kon, Kevin Korb, Gilad Koren, Andrej Krajne, Henryk Krawczyk, Ben Kroese, Zbyszko Krolikowski, Benjamin Kuipers, Matjaž Kukar, Aarre Laakso, Ivan Lah, Phil Laplante, Bud Lawson, Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Barry Levine, Xuefeng Li, Alexander Linkevich, Raymond Lister, Doug Locke, Peter Lockeman, Matija Lokar, Jason Lowder, Kim Teng Lua, Ann Macintosh, Bernardo Magnini, Andrzej Malachowski, Peter Marcer, Andrzej Marciniak, Witold Marciszewski, Vladimir Marik, Jacek Martinek, Tomasz Maruszevvski, Florian Matthes, Daniel Memmi, Timothy Menzies, Dieter Merkl, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Gautam Mitra, Roland Mittermeir, Madhav Moganti, Reinhard Moller, Tadeusz Morzy, Daniel Mossé, John Mueller, Hari Narayanan, Jerzy Nawrocki, Ranee Necaise, Elzbieta Niedziclska, Marian Niedq'zwiedzinski, Jaroslav Nieplocha, Oscar Nierstrasz, Roumen Nikolov, Mark Nissen, Jerzy Nogieč, Stefano Nolfi, Franc Novak, Antoni Nowakowski, Adam Nowicki, Tadeusz Nowicki, Hubert Osterie, Wojciech Olejniczak, Jerzy Olszewski, Cherry Owen, Mieczyslaw Owoc, Tadeusz Pankowski, Jens Penberg, William C. Perkins, Warren Persons, Mitja Perus, Stephen Pike, Niki Pissinou, Aleksander Pivk, Ullin Place, Gabika Polčicova, Gustav Pomberger, James Pomykalski, Dimithu Prasanna, Gary Preckshot, Dejan Rakovič, Cveta Razdevšek Pučko, Ke Qiu, Michael Quinn, Gerald Quirchmayer, Vojislav D. Radonjic, Luc de Raedt, Ewaryst Rafajlowicz, Sita Ramakrishnan, Wolf Rauch, Peter Rechenberg, Felix Redmill, James Edward Ries, David Robertson, Marko Robnik, Colette Rolland, Wilhelm Rossak, Ingrid Rüssel, A.S.M. Sajeev, Kimmo Salmenjoki, Bo Sanden, P. G. Sarang, Vivek Sarin, Iztok Savnik, Ichiro Satoh, Walter Schempp, Wolfgang Schreiner, Guenter Schmidt, Heinz Schmidt, Dennis Sewer, Zhongzhi Shi, Maria Smolarovä, Carine Souveyet, William Spears, Hartmut Stadtler, Olivero Stock, Janusz Stoklosa, Przemyslaw Stpiczyriski, Andrej Stritar, Maciej Stroinski, Tomasz Szmuc, Zdzislaw Szyjewski, Jure Šile, Metod Škarja, Jiì^i Šlechta, Chew Lim Tan, ZahirTari, Jurij Tasič, Ghcorge Tecuci, Piotr Teczynski, Stephanie Teufel, Ken Tindell, A Min Tjoa, Vladimir Tosic, Wieslaw Traczyk, Roman Trobec, Marek Tudruj, Andrej Ule, Amjad Limar, Andrzej Urbanski, Marko Uršič, Tadeusz Usowicz, Romana Vajde Horvat, Elisabeth Valentine, Kanonkluk Vanapipat, Alexander P. Vazhenin, Zygmunt Vetulani, Olivier de Vel, Valentino Vranić, Eugene Wallingford, John Weckert, Michael Weiss, Tatjana Welzer, Lee White, Gerhard Widmer, Stefan Wrobel, Stanislaw Wrycza, Janusz Zaiewski, DamirZazula, Yanchun Zhang, Ales Zivkovic, Zonling Zhou, Robert Zorc, Anton P. Železnikar EDITORIAL BOARDS, PUBLISHING COUNCIL Informatica is a journal primarily covering the European computer science and informatics community; scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international referee-ing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor from the Editorial Board can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author's country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the list of referees. Each paper bears the name of the editor who appointed the referees. Each editor can propose new members for the Editorial Board or referees. Editors and referees inactive for a longer period can be automatically replaced. Changes in the Editorial Board are confirmed by the Executive Editors. The coordination necessary is made through the Executive Editors who examine the reviews, sort the accepted articles and maintain appropriate international distribution. The Executive Board is appointed by the Society Informatika. Informatica is partially supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology. Each author is guaranteed to receive the reviews of his article. When accepted, publication in Informatica is guaranteed in less than one year after the Executive Editors receive the corrected version of the article. Executive Editor - Editor in Chief Anton R Zeleznikar Volaričeva 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia s51em@1ea.hamradio.si http://lea.hamradio.si/~s51em/ Executive Associate Editor (Contact Person) Matjaž Gams, Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: -t-386 1 4773 900, Fax: +386 1 219 385 matjaz.gamsSijs.si http://www2.ijs.si/~mezi/matjaz.html Executive Associate Editor (Technical Editor) Rudi Murri, Jožef Stefan Institute Publishing Couiicil: Tomaž Banovec, Ciril Baškovič, Andrej Jerman-Blažič, Jožko Čuk, Vladislav Rajkovič Editorial Board Suad Alagić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Vladimir Bajić (Republic of South Africa) Vladimir Batagelj (Slovenia) Francesco Bergadano (Italy) Leon Birnbaum (Romania) Marco Botta (Italy) Pavel Brazdil (Portugal) Andrej Brodnik (Slovenia) Ivan Bruha (Canada) Se Woo Cheon (Korea) Hubert L. Dreyfus (USA) Jozo Dujmović (USA) Johann Eder (Austria) Vladimir Fomichov (Russia) Georg Gottlob (Austria) Janez Grad (Slovenia) Francis Heylighen (Belgium) Hiroaki Kitano (Japan) Igor Kononenko (Slovenia) Miroslav Kubat (USA) Ante Laue (Croatia) Jadran Lenarčič (Slovenia) Huan Liu (Singapore) Ramon L. de Mantaras (Spain) Magoroh Maruyama (Japan) Nikos Mastorakis (Greece) Angelo Montanari (Italy) Igor Mozetič (Austria) Stephen Muggleton (UK) Pavol Navrat (Slovakia) Jerzy R. Nawrocki (Poland) Roumen Nikolov (Bulgaria) Marcin Paprzycki (USA) Oliver Popov (Macedonia) Karl H. Pribram (USA) Luc De Raedt (Belgium) Dejan Raković (Yugoslavia) Jean Ramaekers (Bejgium) Wilhelm Rossak (USA) Ivan Rozman (Slovenia) Claude Sammut (Australia) Sugata Sanyal (India) Walter Schempp (Germany) Johannes Schwinn (Germany) Zhongzhi Shi (China) Branko Souček (Italy) Oliviero Stock (Italy) Petra Stoerig (Germany) Jin Šlechta (UK) Gheorghe Tecuci (USA) Robert Trappl (Austria) Terry Winograd (USA) Stefan Wrobel (Germany) Xindong Wu (Australia) Board of Advisors: Ivan Bratko, Marko Jagodic, Tomaž Pisanski, Stanko Strmčnik Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Introduction A Language and Framework for Supporting an Active Approach to Component-Based Software Integration DEPA (Design Pattern Application) - A Component-based Model for Applying Design Patterns in Software Development An Approach for Modeling Components with Customization for Distributed Software A Uniform Component Modeling Space An Agent-Based Component Platform for Dynamically Adaptable Distributed Environments MobiDoc: A Mobile Agent-based Framework for Compound Documents Blocks, a Component Framework with Checking Facilities for Knowledge-Based Systems A Security Assurance Framework for Component Based Software Development The ABCs of Specification: AsmL, Behavior, and Components Towards a Rigorous and Effective Functional Contract for Components Approach to Component Based Synthesis of Fault Tolerant Software Evolution of Fault-Prone Components in Legacy Systems: A Case Study The Need for Speed: A Practitioner's View of Rapid Application Development in eBusiness Management Process for Supporting the Component Development 441 S.W. Dietrich, 443 S.D. Urban, A. Sundermier, Y. Na, Y. Jin, S. Kambhampati K. Ji, S. Chen 455 X. Xie, S.M. Shatz 465 D. Hybertson 475 R. Weinreich, 483 R. Plösch I. Satoh 493 S. Moisan, 501 A. Ressouche, J.-P. Rigault A.M.V.N. Kumar, 509 A.K. Singh, R.S.Babu M. Bamett, 517 W. Schulte RJ.G. Morillo, 527 V.Diaz, J.M.C. Valdeón B. Parhami 533 M.C. Ohlsson 545 P. Carando 555 H.-K. Kim, R.Y. Lee 565 Image processing and becoming conscious of its result Reports and Announcements M. Perus 575 593