: 1977 Volume 38 Number 3 September 2014 ISSN 0350-5596 Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Special Issue: Frontiers in Network Systems and Applications Guest Editors: Andrzej Chojnacki Maciej Grzenda Andrzej Kowalski Bohdan Macukow Editorial Boards Informatica is a journal primarily covering intelligent systems in the European computer science, informatics and cognitive community; scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor from the Editorial Board can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author's country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the list of referees. Each paper bears the name of the editor who appointed the referees. Each editor can propose new members for the Editorial Board or referees. Editors and referees inactive for a longer period can be automatically replaced. Changes in the Editorial Board are confirmed by the Executive Editors. The coordination necessary is made through the Executive Editors who examine the reviews, sort the accepted articles and maintain appropriate international distribution. The Executive Board is appointed by the Society Informatika. Informatica is partially supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. Each author is guaranteed to receive the reviews of his article. When accepted, publication in Informatica is guaranteed in less than one year after the Executive Editors receive the corrected version of the article. Executive Editor - Editor in Chief Anton P. Železnikar Volariceva 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia s51em@lea.hamradio.si http://lea.hamradio.si/~s51em/ Executive Associate Editor - Managing Editor Matjaž Gams, Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 1 4773 900, Fax: +386 1 251 93 85 matjaz.gams@ijs.si http://dis.ijs.si/mezi/matjaz.html Executive Associate Editor - Deputy Managing Editor Mitja Luštrek, Jožef Stefan Institute mitja.lustrek@ijs.si Executive Associate Editor - Technical Editor Drago Torkar, Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 1 4773 900, Fax: +386 1 251 93 85 drago.torkar@ijs.si Contact Associate Editors Europe, Africa: Matjaz Gams N. and S. America: Shahram Rahimi Asia, Australia: Ling Feng Overview papers: Maria Ganzha Editorial Board Juan Carlos Augusto (Argentina) Vladimir Batagelj (Slovenia) Francesco Bergadano (Italy) Marco Botta (Italy) Pavel Brazdil (Portugal) Andrej Brodnik (Slovenia) Ivan Bruha (Canada) Wray Buntine (Finland) Zhihua Cui (China) Hubert L. Dreyfus (USA) Jozo Dujmovic (USA) Johann Eder (Austria) Ling Feng (China) Vladimir A. Fomichov (Russia) Maria Ganzha (Poland) Sumit Goyal (India) Marjan Gušev (Macedonia) N. Jaisankar (India) Dariusz Jacek Jaköbczak (Poland) Dimitris Kanellopoulos (Greece) Samee Ullah Khan (USA) Hiroaki Kitano (Japan) Igor Kononenko (Slovenia) Miroslav Kubat (USA) Ante Lauc (Croatia) Jadran Lenarcic (Slovenia) Shiguo Lian (China) Suzana Loskovska (Macedonia) Ramon L. de Mantaras (Spain) Natividad Martinez Madrid (Germany) Angelo Montanari (Italy) Pavol Nävrat (Slovakia) Jerzy R. Nawrocki (Poland) Nadia Nedjah (Brasil) Franc Novak (Slovenia) Marcin Paprzycki (USA/Poland) Ivana Podnar Žarko (Croatia) Karl H. Pribram (USA) Luc De Raedt (Belgium) Shahram Rahimi (USA) Dejan Rakovic (Serbia) Jean Ramaekers (Belgium) Wilhelm Rossak (Germany) Ivan Rozman (Slovenia) Sugata Sanyal (India) Walter Schempp (Germany) Johannes Schwinn (Germany) Zhongzhi Shi (China) Oliviero Stock (Italy) Robert Trappl (Austria) Terry Winograd (USA) Stefan Wrobel (Germany) Konrad Wrona (France) Xindong Wu (USA) Yudong Zhang (China) Editors's Introduction to the Special Issue on "Frontiers in Network Systems and Applications' The growing availability of network infrastructure is paralleled by the ever growing number of network applications. These applications rely on network services to answer business needs and enable the interaction of users and devices. Not surprisingly, the development of applications promotes further research in the field of network systems. In particular, the growing complexity of network infrastructure gives rise to the need for even more complex research and development environments. This need is observed both in the case of complex fixed network layouts and mobile environments. To answer these needs the efforts of industry leaders and academia can be combined. By combining the ability to build and deploy complex network layouts with more theoretically grounded research, further progress in the field can be attained. This illustrates the benefits arising from the collaboration between industry leaders and academia. In 2012, to promote such cooperation of industry experts and researchers with academic research groups, the first Frontiers in Network Applications and Network Systems symposium was organised in Wroclaw, Poland. The symposium provided a forum for the exchange of ideas between network operators, designers and researchers. The symposium was organised as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS). This created a unique opportunity to discuss frontiers in network system development in view of recent developments in other areas of computer science. The solutions from many of these areas, such as the solutions incorporated from the domain of artificial intelligence, or database systems, are also vital components of modern network systems. The first edition of the conference was followed by even further cooperation with other network-related events of the FedCSIS multiconference. As a result, in 2013, an International Conference on Innovative Network Systems and Applications (iNetSApp) was organised for the first time. It included a variety of network-related topics with the emphasis on network systems, applications and services (SoFast-WS track of the conference) and wireless sensor networks (WSN track of the conference). This special issue includes selected extended versions of papers, most of which were presented during SoFast-WS conference i.e. the Frontiers in Network Applications, Network Systems and Web Services conference organised in 2013 in Krakow, Poland. The SoFast-WS conference is co-organised by the Research and Development Centre of Orange Polska - a part of a global chain of R&D Orange Labs centres of Orange telecom group, the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Military University of Technology, the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of the Warsaw University of Technology, and Zayed University. Hence, the idea of promoting the cooperation between business and academia is directly reflected in the composition of both the organising team and the program committee of the conference. The selection of papers contained in this special issue reflects various research activities in the field of network systems. The first work, Future proof access networks for B2B applications, authored by P. Parol and M. Pawlowski, discusses the development of the Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (GPON). Moreover, the authors propose a way the GPON network can provide a basis for Software-Defined Networking (SDN). A solution based on OpenFlow is proposed in this context. At the same time, the work provides a clear illustration of the complexity of network systems combining recent hardware developments with sophisticated novel protocols. In the next work, The architecture of Distributed Database System in the VANET Environment, J. Janech, E. Kršak, and Š. Toth discuss the role of a database system in a vehicular network. The unique requirements that have to be met by a database system serving the needs of moving objects while taking into account location aspects are discussed. This clearly illustrates the interdisciplinary research needed to develop modern network systems, in this case involving database-related research. Another perspective on network systems is offered by the work Prototype Implementation of a Scalable Real-Time Dynamic Carpooling and Ride-Sharing Application. In this work, D. Dimitrijevic, V. Dimitrieski and N. Nedic propose a way in which progress in the development of a ride-sharing application can be attained. Hence, a user perspective on the system and the requirements of the users of the network application are fundamental for this work. Finally, in Tiny Low-Power WSN Node for the Vehicle Detection, the development of network systems is again considered from the hardware point of view. Even though the work, authored by M. Chovanec, M. Hodon, and L. Cechovic, refers to wireless networks, it documents the development of a novel hardware device. The device is a special low-power sensor node embedding a magnetometer as the main sensing tool for vehicle presence monitoring. The works contained in this special issue illustrate various directions of research conducted in the field of network systems, involving both novel hardware and software developments. The editors would like to thank the SoFast-WS Program Committee members for their contribution to both the conference and the preparation of this special issue. Andrzej Chojnacki, Maciej Grzenda, Andrzej Kowalski, Bohdan Macukow Editors of the special issue Future Proof Access Networks for B2B Applications Pawel Parol Orange Labs Poland, Obrzežna 7, 02-691Warsaw, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland E-mail: pawel.parol@orange.com Michal Pawlowski Orange Labs Poland, Obrzežna 7, 02-691Warsaw, Poland E-mail: michal.pawlowski1@orange.com Keywords: SDN, GPON, Optical LAN, B2B Received: December 10, 2013 The paper offers an innovative approach for building future proof access network dedicated to B2B (Business To Business) applications. The conceptual model of considered network is based on three main assumptions. Firstly, we present a network design based on passive optical LAN architecture utilizing proven GPON (Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network) technology. Secondly, the new business model is proposed. Finally, the major advantage of the solution is an introduction of SDN (Software-Defined Networking) paradigm to GPON area. Thanks to such approach network configuration can be easily adapted to business customers' demands and needs that can change dynamically over the time. The proposed solution provides a high level of service flexibility and supports sophisticated methods allowing users' traffic forwarding in efficient way. The paper extends a description of the OpenFlowPLUS protocol proposed in [18] . Additionally it provides an exemplary logical scheme of traffic forwarding relevant for GPON devices employing the OpenFlowPLUS solution. Povzetek: Prispevek uvaja nova omrežja B2B z zajamčenim dostopom. intranet used for number of different purposes. In order 1 Introduction to provide connectivity to end devices likes PC, laptops or tablets in-building network infrastructure is needed. It In recent years one can observe skyrocketing of Internet can be composed of a single modem/router but also tens traffic (its growth is exponential) as end users are of devices and substantial amount of transmission consuming more and more Internet services (e.g. video medium (optical fibers, twisted pair cables etc.). In case or cloud based solutions). Growth is visible for all types of big organizations all those components form a campus of access, especially mobile but also fixed (fixed still network - computer network interconnecting LANs account for vast majority of traffic). The situation is (Local Area Networks) within a limited geographical often highlighted by telecommunications providers but area. The infrastructure is usually owned by campus also organizations like enterprises, universities, owner / tenant e.g. enterprise, university, hospital. governmental entities have to deal with high growth.. At Early LANs were large, flat networks with peer to the end many institutions have to adapt and bolster their peer Layer 2 (L2) communication based on Ethernet traditional IT and network infrastructure in order to standard [4] . It was a simple approach but with network handle that phenomenon and to provide needed services continuous growth ultimately led to disruptions (e.g. due and solutions More and more aspects of economy and to broadcast storms). Over the time Layer 3 (L3) has our life is dependent on Internet thus assurance of quality been introduced dividing campus network into smaller and reliability as well methods to deal with its growth is segments (allowing avoiding such problems). crucial. Additionally numbers of different solutions like VLANs In the following chapter the overview of legacy (Virtual LANs [5] ), RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree campus networks, typically used by institutions, is given. Protocol [6] ) or IP subnets have been developed making Also LAN (and WAN access) solutions provided to campus networks easier to maintain and manage, but business customers are described. with the cost of additional complexity 1.1 Office networks overview Nowadays access to Internet is prevalent among companies. Moreover many enterprises have own Campus Aggregalion Figure 1: Campus network hierarchy. Also the topology evolved towards more hierarchical and structured design. 4-tier network architecture (see Figure 1) has become common ([8] , [10] ). In that approach access layer provides connectivity to end devices with copper twisted pairs (usually UTP CAT. 5 -Unshielded Twisted Pair Category 5, nowadays also CAT. 6 cables are gaining popularity). Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet (100BASE-TX or 1000BASE-T [4] ) are commonly used. Access layer contains multiple L2 switches (usually managed and configurable). They are located nearby users, e.g. in communication closets on each floor of the building. At the next level additional switches aggregate traffic for each building (concentrating multiple access layer switches and providing access to higher levels equipment) Interconnection between access layer switches and building aggregation switches can be provided with copper cables, or with fibers. Building aggregation switches are connected to campus aggregation and distribution switches which then connect to router (or routers being a gateway to external networks). As a transmission medium for interconnecting building aggregation with campus aggregation segments fiber optic cables are often used due to higher bandwidth requirements (i.e. 10 GbE interfaces) and longer distance. Tiered network design gives flexibility in terms of supporting numerous functions and plethora of end devices (for example growth of client population can be accommodated by adding access layer switches, but that approach is costly). The logical division for different layers does not need to be done with physical tiers; access and aggregation can be provided on the same equipment. It can be especially useful in case of smaller campus simplifying management of reduced number of devices [9] . However such approach requires equipment supporting, in many cases, complex functions as well as some expertise for design and configuration (meaning additional costs). Important to note is fact that legacy Ethernet-based campus networks have significant limitations. Maximum length of copper Ethernet cables is restricted to 100 meters. In fact 4-tier topology with switches on each floor is an answer to that drawback. Ethernet LAN requires a cable connection to every single user port. This means significant number of access layer switches and wires (copper cables) and at the end it results in high costs. High-frequency signals (used for Fast and Gigabit Ethernet) require more sophisticated copper cable constructions which are physically larger than for lower frequencies (necessary to avoid signal disturbances). In consequence the space required for racks, communication closets is significant. Crucial amount of heat is produced (in many cases requiring additional air conditioning), power consumption is high. Management of high number of active devices is not easy. For those reasons legacy Ethernet LAN is not always the best answer for campus network requirements. That is why an important issue is to find a more effective approach for Figure 2: Legacy infrastructure in office buildings. Scenario A: Telecommunication operators' cables CAT. 3 up to the office. Scenario B: In-building infrastructure based on Active Ethernet LAN (copper cables CAT. 5) office networks infrastructure. It especially relevant nowadays when all companies are seeking savings also in IT costs but requirements are getting higher and higher due to the importance of network and IT for business. 1.2 Scenarios for B2B services B2B (Business to Business) telecommunications services' landscape is diverse. It includes services like Internet access, POTS (Plain Old Telephony Service), VoIP (Voice over IP), dedicated links, VPN (Virtual Private Network), etc. One can distinguish large (Enterprise), medium (SME - Small and Medium Enterprises) and small (SOHO - Small Office Home Office) market segments. However service overlapping (the same services) is possible, but often there are special offers for different segments. Services' requirements largely depend on type of customers. Big entity owning campus network (and considerable number of network equipment) has other needs than company with small branches scattered around the country (and with lack of its own interconnection) and than small company located in single office building. For entity with campus network usually telecommunications operator provides its services to location where campus edge router is placed, further propagation is the responsibility of the entity itself (compare Figure 1). In the second case (several branches) it is important to provide secure interconnection among branches. For office building, in which many companies are located, there are two most common infrastructure scenarios (see Figure 2). First one is based on existing copper CAT. 3 cables which reach customers' desk / office and can be reused by telcos. Modem or router is the termination point of the services (Figure 2 Scenario A). In the second scenario office building has infrastructure based on active Ethernet LAN with copper cables CAT. 5 (Figure 2 Scenario B). Telecommunications operators need to provide its interconnecting cables up to building's technology room. Separation of services / between different operators can be provided on logical level e.g. by means of VLANs. For both scenarios the only responsibility of telco is to somehow access business customers. Herein, one could think of a new role for operators targeting office buildings environment: what added values are possible to be identified if telcos take the responsibility of building and administrating the entire in-building office network? 2 Optical LAN Optical LAN is a new approach for office networks infrastructure and an answer to limitations of legacy Ethernet LANs. All-fiber LAN interconnecting existing Ethernet end devices allows reducing costs and making the network more reliable and future proof. Proposed solution is based on GPON [1] . It is standardized, well known and widely adopted telecommunications access technology, used by many operators worldwide with millions of end customers. GPON uses point-to-multipoint topology and employs fiber optics as a transmission medium. As a real passive solution - no active equipment is used in-between GPON Access Node: OLT (Optical Line Termination) and line termination at customer side: ONT (Optical Network Termination). The campus network based on Optical LAN number of active equipment is significantly reduced comparing to traditional LAN scenarios. From OLT GPON port a single strand of fiber goes out to a passive optical splitter(s) which splits the signal onto fibers terminating at up to 64 (or even 128) ONTs (see Figure 3). All the fibers, splitters connected to one GPON port on OLT form a GPON tree. ONT device terminates GPON transmission and provides 10/100/1000-BaseT Ethernet connectivity to desktop equipment such as PC computers, laptops, voice over IP phones, and video phones using regular copper patchcords (or by 802.11 WiFi). ONT can be located on customer's desk (ONT per desk) or in office closet (ONT per office). Those two options are called respectively: Fiber-to-the-Desktop (FTTD) or a Fiber-to-the-Communications (FTTC) room. High flexibility of Optical LAN solution allows reusing existing copper infrastructure in buildings (for example GPON access is terminated on ONT located in the floor communication closet, from where existing copper cables are used up to customer's desk, see Figure 3 - Floor #2). Thanks to fiber optics-based transmission Optical LAN is a long reach access solution - maximum reach is equal to 20 km in a standard mode. It is a tremendous improvement comparing to traditional copper Ethernet (100 m.). It allows placing OLT in distant locations, giving high flexibility in network design (in case of campus network OLT no longer need to be installed in the same building in which customers reside). GPON technology assures 2.488 Gbps of downstream bandwidth and 1.244 Gbps of upstream bandwidth. Bandwidth is shared among customers connected to the same GPON tree. Advanced GPON QoS mechanisms assure appropriate bandwidth distribution among many users and different applications. In the future even higher bandwidth will be available with next generation of GPON standard. It will require exchange of end equipment (ONT and OLT) but with preservation of fiber optics. Optical LAN solutions are present in portfolio of several vendors (e.g. Motorola [11] , Tellabs [12] , Zhone [13] ). According to vendors estimations introducing of Optical LAN will reduce power consumption by up to 65%, space requirements by up to 90%, capital costs related to network elements by up to 74% [13] . Optical LAN is seen as a new paradigm in campus networking allowing optimization of investments and at the same time improving overall efficiency of the networks. Advances in Optical LAN and size of potential market leaded the main players to start standardisation efforts in order to get even higher adaption and better interoperability. As so one can expect that Optical LAN in the future become important contender for Ethernet. Figure 3: Office building infrastructure based on Optical LAN. 3 Future proof access networks for B2B In this chapter we formulate three postulates (see Figure 4), which are, from our perspective, crucial for deploying future proof access networks for business applications: Figure 4: Future proof access network for B2B conceptual base. 3.1 Applying Optical LAN concept Currently Optical LAN vendors target big entities with large campus networks. In typical deployment Optical LAN is used by only one organization - the owner and the administrator of the campus network. Office buildings with many tenants, each of them having its own LAN network (at least up to some point) are not yet addressed. In this paper we propose a solution to that deficiency. It is based on concept known from telecommunications world where many customers are connected to the same Access Node (different users served on the same equipment). In our proposition enterprises no longer need to operate any active network equipment or to build networks itself. LAN becomes a service, provided in similar fashion as e.g. Internet access. LAN service provider is responsible for service creation, administration and adjustment according to needs of customers (enterprises using LAN). That also means that network infrastructure is built for offices by LAN service provider. In fact such network is similar to GPON access networks used by telecommunications operators to provide services to its customers. For B2B scenario different customers are also served by the same GPON OLT unit. 3.2 A new business model Telecommunications operators are well positioned to play the role of Optical LAN service providers. Usually they have necessary experience with GPON technology, operational resources and existing access network. Telcos are able to deploy optical fiber LAN in office buildings and to provide flexibility in management, service creation and administration. Such approach has many advantages in terms of optimal usage of network resources. Single OLT can be used for several buildings, even if they are located in distant areas (due to long reach offered by GPON technology which capabilities in terms of maximum physical reach are not fully used in current optical LAN implementations). Also interconnection of distant branches becomes easier (in specific cases they can be served by the same OLT). Additionally a new type of services can be introduced called Office LAN services: e.g. on-demand LAN connections between companies located in the same building, access to in-building monitoring system, etc. This novel approach also creates a new business model for telecommunications companies who become Optical LAN operator (builder and administrator). The main assumptions for such model are as follows: • a telco company signs a contract with a building owner for building a complete office network based on Optical LAN solution (it covers all passive components like horizontal and vertical ducts, optical fibers, splitters, in-building Optical Distribution Frame, etc.); additionally copper CAT.5 infrastructure for office rooms (ducts, copper cables, sockets, connectors) can be built by telco company it does not exist in the considered building • a telco company is responsible for administration and maintenance of the network • business companies that rent space for their offices in the building sign contracts with a telco company for providing them with telecommunications services • business customers are given GPON ONTs which are installed in their offices, ONTs are connected to OLT (which is typically located in distant Central Office owned by telco company) • telco company offer is assumed to cover wide range of services which can be optimized for particular B2B customers • tenants that do not decide to be provided with services by telco company are also connected to Optical LAN-based in-building network (via ONTs which they are also given), they are free to be served by other telcos or service providers that establish a connection to considered OLT from their own networks - in such cases services' related traffic is transported in dedicated logical "channels" (e.g. in the sense of VLANs) over the considered optical access network This opportunity to find new B2B market seems to be a good argument in convincing telco players to work on such solutions. 3.3 User-centric flexible network (based on SDN) Another assumption for the presented approach is that it is based on user-oriented access network design. Service portfolio dedicated to business customers is typically more complex than the one for residential users. For business applications customized services need to be taken into account. Moreover, customer demands can change dynamically over short periods of time. That is why a challenge for networks deployed in business environments is to provide a high level of service flexibility and to forward user traffic in efficient way. To meet those requirements we present in this paper an access network architecture based on SDN (Software-Defined Networking) paradigm which assumes data plane and control plane abstractions separation ([16] ). Thanks to such approach network devices become programmable units. In practice it means that network configuration can be easily adapted to the fast-changing needs. 4 SDN-based GPON solution for business applications In order to introduce SDN paradigm to GPONs area one can propose different methods to accomplish that. One of the possible ways would be to develop a brand new protocol allowing GPON devices to become programmable units. Such approach is supposed to be an appropriate one for designing an optimal logical architecture of OLT and ONT in the scope of data processing and forwarding. However, development of generic SDN-based protocol for GPON would require a lot of standardization efforts and probably it would take a few years to obtain a solution being ready for deployment. In this paper we present another approach. We propose a solution based on OpenFlow ([16] ) which is the most widely deployed SDN-based protocol. OpenFlow Switch architecture consists of at least three parts ([15] ) - see Figure 5: • Flow Table(s) - a structure within switch implementation covering actions associated with each flow entry; the Flow Tables define the ways of how the traffic flows have to be processed by the switch • Controller - an external unit running a remote control process that manages the switch via the OpenFlow protocol; the Controller can add, remove and update flow entries from the Flow Table(s) • OpenFlow Channel - a channel which enables a communication (i.e. sending packets and commands) between the Controller and the switch For a more detailed description of OpenFlow-specific logical components and functions please refer to [15] . OpenFlow Switch Figure 5: OpenFlow Switch logical scheme (source: [15]) OpenFlow was originally designed for L2/L3 switches (or routers) equipped with native Ethernet-based physical interfaces. That is why it is important to notice that it is useless to implement pure OpenFlow in GPON OLTs and ONTs. The reason for that is simple: although GPON effectively carries Ethernet frames, in practice it operates at Layer 1 (according the OSI model) with its own dedicated framing and GEM (GPON Encapsulation Method) protocol used for encapsulation higher-layer Protocol Data Units (e.g. Ethernet frames) into GTC (GPON Transmission Convergence) layer. The above mentioned specification of OpenFlow protocol does not support such kind of non-Ethernet-based physical interfaces. That is why some additional GPON-related functions have to be introduced to OpenFlow. 4.1 GPON-specific traffic instances A single logical connection within the GPON system is called GEM Port and it is identified by GEM Port-ID. A GEM Port can be considered as a channel within GTC layer and is capable to transport one or more traffic flows. In the upstream direction GPON system also utilizes T-CONTs (Transmission Containers) corresponding to allocated timeslots within TDMA multiplexing existing in GPON. Each T-CONT represents a group of logical connections (GEM Ports) that appear as a single entity for the purpose of upstream bandwidth assignment on the PON (see Figure 6 -GPON-specific traffic entities identifiers are pointed in brackets). Figure 6: Upstream multiplexing in GPON system. Each T-CONT can be seen as an instance of upstream queue with a certain bandwidth profile (a set of bandwidth parameters). The bandwidth assignment model applied in GPON system effectively introduces a strict priority hierarchy of the assigned bandwidth components ([2] ): • fixed bandwidth: with highest priority • assured bandwidth • non-assured bandwidth • best-effort bandwidth: with lowest priority Five T-CONT types which are defined by ([2] ) are presented in Table 1. Table 1: T-CONT types are defined by ([2] ). T-CONT Traffic descriptor component Rf Ra Rm X^ab type 1 > 0 = 0 = Rf = none type 2 = 0 > 0 = Ra = none type 3 = 0 > 0 > Ra = NA type 4 = 0 = 0 > 0 = BE type 5 > 0 > 0 > Rf +Ra any xab Each T-CONT instance is associated with a bandwidth profile. Bandwidth profile is described using the traffic descriptor, which has the following components ([2] ): • fixed bandwidth Rf (bandwidth that is reserved exclusively for a given T-CONT and no other T- CONTs can use it; this bandwidth is statically allocated to a T-CONT) • assured bandwidth Ra (bandwidth that is available for a given T-CONT on demand; this bandwidth is guaranteed) • maximum bandwidth Rm (maximum amount of bandwidth, that can be allocated to a given T-CONT on demand; this bandwidth is not guaranteed) • additional bandwidth eligibility xab (type of additional bandwidth that a given T-CONT is eligible to get, can have the following values: none - no additional bandwidth, NA - non-assured bandwidth, BE - best-effort bandwidth) Depending on the traffic type (latency-sensitive traffic, data transmission, etc.) the most appropriate T-CONT type should be selected to carry considered traffic flows. For instance, T-CONT type 1 characterized by fixed bandwidth component (Rf) only is dedicated to carry fixed-rate traffic which is sensitive to jitter or delay (e.g. ToIP traffic). Such kind of bandwidth is the only one which is allocated statically. In practice it means that it is reserved and always fully available for ONT for which mentioned T-CONT instance was created. Other T-CONT types (from 2 to 5) have to respect the volumes of bandwidth which they are assigned by DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) algorithm. This mechanism takes a control over the bandwidth assignment within the entire PON tree. T-CONT type 2 is characterized by the assured bandwidth component (Ra) only and can be utilized for on-off type traffic with well-defined rate bound having no strict delay or jitter requirements. T-CONT type 3 is characterized by assured bandwidth component as well. Additionally it is supposed to be included in non-assured bandwidth sharing. It is suitable for carrying variable-rate traffic with requirement of average rate guarantee. T-CONT type 4 is assumed to participate only in best-effort bandwidth sharing. It is dedicated to carry variable-rate bursty traffic without strict delay requirements. T-CONT type 5 can be considered as a consolidation of other T-CONT types. It can be utilized for wide range of traffic flows [2] . It is worth noting that above described traffic-type-related applications for T-CONTs should be considered only as general recommendations, expressed in [2] . However, it is possible to use a T-CONT of particular type for different sort of traffic flows. Still, it is important to take into account that the T-CONT type specifies capabilities and limitations of the T-CONT instance and thus not all kind of traffic will be appropriate for it. Upstream user traffic (Ethernet frames) is encapsulated into GEM Ports and then into T-CONTs. Each GPON ONT uses its own set of T-CONTs and GEM ports, a unique one within a GPON tree which ONT belongs to. A single GEM Port can be encapsulated into only one T-CONT, however a single T-CONT may encapsulate multiple GEM ports. In downstream direction only GEM Ports are used to carry traffic flows since no TDMA multiplexing exists there and thus the notion of T-CONT is not relevant for GPON downstream transmission. For a more detailed explanation please refer to [2] . As described above one of the key aspects of GPON-based network applications is to ensure effective traffic forwarding on the GTC layer. Traffic incoming from end users (upstream) and "from the network" (downstream) should be carried over passive optical network making use of the capabilities offered by this layer. In practice it means that a significant number of GTC-related traffic instances (GEM Ports and T-CONTs) should be utilized globally within the entire PON tree, especially if a high level of traffic diversity is assumed. By applying such approach it is possible to gain the following advantages: • separation of traffic flows corresponding to different applications (by using multiple GEM Ports) • improving QoS performance in upstream (by using multiple T-CONTs) Thus, such approach improves security and QoS performance in the PON. In order to make it possible it is important to define appropriate rules (consistent and unambiguous ones) allowing to map traffic flows incoming from users to appropriate GEM Ports. In most of commercial implementations mapping rules "built-in" GPON ONTs are mono-criterion i.e. mapping is based on only one of the following criteria like: VLAN ID (Virtual LAN identifier), p-bit ([5] ) or UNI (user port number on ONT). For some cases also double-criterion combinations of aforementioned parameters are available (e.g. VLAN ID + UNI) for the mapping purpose. Since GPON was originally designed for B2C (Business to Customer) market segment for which only Triple-Play (Internet, ToIP and IPTV) services are considered such approach was sufficient. For business applications where not only service portfolio is more complex but also customized services are taken into account, much more sophisticated methods (i.e. mapping rules) are required in order to ensure effective traffic forwarding through the system ([14] ). In most scenarios currently deployed GPON ONT with limited set of hardcoded mapping and forwarding functions would not be able to address such needs. In such cases software upgrade is needed but it leads to higher operational costs - especially if business customer demands changes dynamically and it is possible that new set of functions is required. For such a scenario multiple software upgrades have to be taken into account. 4.2 SDN-based protocol for GPON The solution for the issue is SDN-based protocol for GPON allowing OLT and ONT to become programmable units. In this paper we propose OpenFlow-based solution. As mentioned before the current specification of OpenFlow protocol does not support GPON natively. That is why our vision is to introduce GPON-related functions to the specification in order to develop a protocol extension which we called OpenFlowPLUS. The main assumption for the OpenFlowPLUS is that it inherits all the functionality, architecture and capabilities of original OpenFlow. The essential improvement is an introduction of GPON-related functions to the protocol in terms of traffic forwarding in order to make the solution relevant also for GPON technology. According to OpenFlow Switch architectural assumptions each device (OLT, ONT) within considered GPON tree contains Flow Table(s) and communicates over a OpenFlowPLUS Channel with remote Controller via OpenFlowPLUS protocol (see Figure 7). For that purpose OLT and ONTs are supposed to have IP address configured. Since Controller and OLT are assumed to be connected to IP/Ethernet network they can establish L3 connection. ONTs are accessible by Controller only via OLT. One could take advantage of that and for the purpose of OpenFlowPLUS messages exchange between ONTs and Controller make use of GPON-specific mechanisms defined by [3] . In such a scenario protocol messages are transported through the PON via a dedicated OMCI (ONT Management and Control Interface) channel towards OLT and then they are sent directly to the Controller using OLT's OpenFlowPLUS Channel. Obviously, employing OMCI by OpenFlowPLUS for some new applications does not mean that the protocol takes the control over the entire GPON system. All functions which are out of the scope of traffic mapping and forwarding (e.g. ONT discovery and provisioning-related functions, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation mechanism, optical layer supervision, alarms and performance monitoring etc.) are assumed to be realized in traditional way, i.e. in line with recommendations defined in [2] and [3] . The physical layer and access network topology remains the same. Each ONT (being a termination of optical network) is installed in customer premise. ONT aggregates traffic incoming from different end devices (PCs, laptops, ToIP phones, servers, etc.) and encapsulates Ethernet frames originated from office LAN into GEM frames. Mapping to GEM Ports and T-CONTs is executed in FlowTable based on sophisticated rules provided by OpenFlowPLUS protocol. The upstream traffic is sent to OLT using GPON uplink interface. OLT takes a control over the entire PON tree and it is responsible for making the whole system functions working properly. In the scope of GEM-based forwarding OLT assigns unique set of GEM Port and T-CONTs (corresponding to timeslots of TDMA) to each ONT which is connected to the PON. The traffic received from ONTs is forwarded towards other network segments (e.g. towards aggregation network routers) based on the flow entries existing in OLT FlowTable. The downstream transmission is supposed to be realized in similar fashion, i.e. making use of FlowTables implemented in OLT and ONTs. The important difference as compared to upstream is that in downstream no T-CONTs are used since TDMA does not exists there. That is why traffic incoming "from the network" starting from OLT is encapsulated only in GEM-Ports as the only GTC layer-related traffic instances utilized for the purpose of downstream transmission. Taking into account above mentioned assumptions an optimal approach seems to be adding OpenFlowPLUS controller as a functional module to the standard EMS (Element Management System) managing the system. Such solution would allow to manage the PON using single management entity. However it is important to stress that integration of GPON technology with OpenFlowPLUS protocol requires some efforts in the areas which are much wider than system management aspects. The implementations of OpenFlowPLUS-based OLT and ONT will differ from the traditional ones since OpenFlowPLUS introduces a different way of traffic forwarding. That is why a logical architecture of OLT and ONT is supposed to be modified in the context of invoking traffic forwarding functions. In other words OpenFlowPLUS logical components implemented in GPON devices have to be able to "communicate" with GPON-layer control plane. Figure 7: OpenFlowPLUS-based GPON solution overview. As mentioned before the idea of OpenFlowPLUS is to provide GPON-related functions to the protocol in terms of traffic mapping and forwarding. Similarly to original OpenFlow, OpenFlowPLUS is assumed to use Flow Table(s) which perform packet lookups, modification and forwarding. Each Flow Table contains multiple flow entries (see Figure 8). Each flow entry contains ([15] ): • match fields - to match against packets; match fields include packet header fields (e.g. VLAN ID, MPLS label, IP destination address, TCP source port, etc.) and ingress port (optionally also metadata that pass information between tables can be used) • priority - determines an order in which flow entry is matched against packets • counters - which can be maintained for each port, table, flow, etc; counters are updated when packets are matched • instructions - set of operations which are executed when a packet matches a flow entry timeouts - specify amount of time before flow is expired by the switch cookie - a field reserved for controller in order to modify or delete flows or to filer statistics; it is not used during packet processing flags - they impact the way flow entries are managed Figure 8: OpenFlowPLUS flow entry components. Instructions define the ways of how single action is processed. Actions represent operations of packet modification or forwarding to the specified port. Actions are grouped by different action types, for instance pop action type (e.g. pop VLAN header action), set action type (e.g. set MPLS traffic class action), etc. Instructions executed during OpenFlowPLUS pipeline processing can either add appropriate actions to the current action set (a set of actions that are accumulated when the packet is processed by the tables and that are executed after exiting the processing pipeline by the packet), or force some actions to be applied immediately. OpenFlowPLUS defines new actions which are relevant to GPON technology. The considered functions are presented in Table 2. OpenFlowPLUS introduces a brand new action type called gpon related to GPON-specific mapping methods. The considered action type provides two actions: Map to GEM Port action which represents an operation of mapping Ethernet frames to particular GEM Port instance and Map to T-CONT action which represents an operation of mapping GEM Ports to particular T-CONT instance. Additionally the new functionality for original OpenFlow output action is supposed to be supported: when a packet is destined to be forwarded to the GPON port, GTC framing is performed for the packet before exiting the interface. The aforementioned protocol improvements are the main GPON-related forwarding and mapping functions provided by OpenFlowPLUS. Table 2: Main GPON-related forwarding functions provided by OpenFlowPLUS. GPON unit Action type /Action Remarks ONT, OLT gpon: Map to GEM Port introduction of a new action to the original OpenFlow action set function: mapping Ethernet frames to particular GEM Port instance ONT gpon; Map to T-CONT introduction of a new action to the original OpenFlow action set function: mapping GEM Ports to particular T-CONT instance ONT, OLT output action modification when executed for GPON interfaces new function: GTC framing before forwarding the packet on the GPON port is supposed to act as an internal DHCP server for that purpose. Any kind of additional CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) acting as a BGW (Business Gateway) is not required in the considered network. Table 3: Services and traffic flows overview. 4.3 Use case In this section we present a possible application for SDN-based GPON concept which is proposed in the paper. The following assumptions are made for the considered use case: • the solution is dedicated to business customers who reside in office buildings • operator acts not only as a service provider but is responsible also for administration of in-building network • in-building network is based on Optical LAN solution • different service types can be offered (the considered traffic flows are listed in Table 3): o Internet access, o ToIP (telephony over IP), o Metro Ethernet (corporate connections), o cloud computing-based services, o office LAN services • access network architecture is based on OpenFlowPLUS GPON solution (see Figure 9) Each office in the building is connected to the optical network via its dedicated ONT installed in customer premise. Copper cables terminated with RJ-45 sockets are deployed in office rooms. Each user device (PC, IP phone, application server, etc.) is connected to one of multiple Ethernet LAN ports which ONT is equipped with (see Figure 10). ONT aggregates the entire traffic incoming from user terminals (this traffic is in general assumed to contain no VLAN tags) and provides the functionality of L3 gateway. Public IPv4 addresses are assigned to ONT (IP@1.1) and to some selected user devices: web-based application server - IP@1.2 and intelligent installation system controller - IP@1.3. For other devices private addressing is used (IP@priv). ONT Flow ID Traffic flow/service Remarks F#1 Internet Access: HTTP, FTP, etc. standard Internet services F#2 Internet Access: web-based application hosting connections from Internet are established using HTTPS (SSL + HTTP) protocol (TCP port 443) F#3 Internet Access: remote access to intelligent installation system controller connections from Internet to intelligent installation system controller physically located in the office are based on KNXnet/IP protocol (port 3671); IP address of the controller: IP@1.3 F#4 Metro Ethernet: connections to remote company branch remote company branch is supposed to use IP@2.X address pool; F#5 ToIP IP phones used in the office are assumed to mark IP ToS field with DSCP "EF" value; IP address of ToIP platform: IP@4.1 F#6 Office LAN: on-demand connections to different companies located in the same building connections allowed for a designated sub-pools of addresses from IP@1.X and IP@priv (office) and IP@3.X (different company office) F#7 Office LAN: access to in-building monitoring systems in-building monitoring system server is assumed to be connected to a dedicated ONT (installed in the building) with IP address: IP@5.1 F#8 Cloud computing: remote storage, backups IP address of the server offering cloud computing services: IP@6.1 Thanks to applying OpenFlowPLUS, sophisticated mapping rules are supported in order to ensure effective traffic forwarding through GPON. As an example we show how match fields with corresponding instructions can be defined for flow entries within ONT Flow Table. To avoid complexity description of forwarding is limited to traffic flows transmitted in upstream direction (see Table 4 and Figure 10). The idea of traffic forwarding is as follows: 1. Traffic flows (packets) incoming from different end devices enter ONT Flow Table 2. ONT performs a table lookup. Packet match fields (which typically include various packets header fields) are extracted from the packet and then it is matched against the ONT Flow Table. Each flow entry in the table is uniquely identified by match fields and priority taken together. During matching operation only flow Figure 9: OpenFlowPLUS-based architecture for business applications overview. entry with the highest priority (from those which match the packet) can be selected. 3. For the selected flow entry instructions are executed. In particular packet modification actions are applied in the first step, e.g. Push VLAN header. Set VLAN ID, Set IPv4 ToS bits, etc. 4. Next GPON-specific actions are executed, i.e. Map to GEM Port and Map to T-CONT that correspond to the operation of mapping user traffic flows (packets) to GPON-related traffic entities 5. Finally output action is applied which terminates OpenFlowPLUS processing pipeline and invokes further packet processing based on the mechanisms defined for GPON technology (GTC framing, allocation to dedicated timeslots, etc.) Based on the user traffic to GPON-specific instances mapping methods (using limited set of parameters like VLAN ID, pbit, UNI) which are currently supported in typical commercial implementations it would be very difficult or even impossible to follow the traffic forwarding model presented in considered use case. For instance, applying traditional approach it would be impossible to map traffic flows F#1 and F#3 to different GEM Ports if they originated from the same end-device. Moreover it can be expected that the traditional approach: • would require additional CPE (some kind of L3 Business Gateway - BGW) if standard L2 aware Figure 10: OpenFlowPLUS-based ONT forwarding: a logical scheme. GPON ONT is used • would introduce VLANs or even additional L2 switches (in some cases) to customer network • would attach most of end devices to particular physical ports on L2 switches, BGW, ONT • would partition customer network into "service domains" (e.g. in the sense of VLANs), it may lead to the situation that not all services are available for single end device All above mentioned aspects make the traditional approach more expensive (more devices), more complex (more devices and more VLANs) and less flexible (fixed connections in customer network, limited set of available services per end device) On the other hand the proposed OpenFlowPLUS-based GPON solution is very flexible and convenient from customer perspective. Moreover, since it is assumed to be a programmable system its configuration can be easily adapted to support immediately new services and business needs once they appear. It is important to stress that considered scenario is only example case for traffic forwarding realized in the sense of OpenFlowPLUS protocol. Here, for the sake of simplicity, only one Flow Table is used as well as simplified instructions scheme is proposed. However, for real deployment more advanced mechanisms can be applied like pipeline processing based on multi Flow Table entities. Also much more complex and sophisticated actions can be defined for traffic flows. The example of forwarding considered in this section is limited only to upstream forwarding for ONT (towards OLT). Obviously, the complete forwarding model for the entire system is supposed to cover: • upstream forwarding for ONT (towards OLT) • downstream forwarding for ONT (towards customer network) • downstream forwarding for OLT (towards ONTs) • upstream forwarding for OLT (towards aggregation network) Presented access network model supports also openness for TPOs (Third Party Operators) what is typically required by country-specific regulations. Each customer served by TPO connects a dedicated CPE (which he/she was given by the TPO) to the OpenFlowPLUS-based ONT. For such application ONT provides only a basic functionality, i.e. it is configured to work as a traditional L2 bridge (equipped with GPON uplink) that passes assigned VLAN(s) through the system up to the first TPO's switch or router (see "office #2" in Figure 9) interconnected to primary operator's network. It is clear that in such case most of advanced forwarding functions offered by OpenFlowPLUS would not be available for such customer. However, it is important to note that it is not a matter of any technology limitations. It is rather a decision of primary operator who would offer "exclusive" features only for its own customers. Nevertheless, such customer always can change the telco company which he/she is served by. In particular the customer can leave the TPO and join primary operator's customers base. In this way he/she would be able to make use of the full range of features offered by OpenFlowPLUS-based solution. match fields of flow entries & priority Matche d flow Instructions IPv4 dst = IP@4.1 AND IPv4 ToS bits = EF F#5 Apply-Actions { Map to GEM Port: 1 Map to T-CONT: 1 (type 1) output} Priority: 10 IPv4 dst = IP@2.X F#4 Apply-Actions { Push VLAN header Set VLAN ID: 1001 Set VLAN priority: 3 Map to GEM Port: 2 Map to T-CONT: 2 (type 2) output } Priority: 9 IPv4 dst = IP@3.X F#6 Apply-Actions { Push VLAN header Set VLAN ID: 301 Set VLAN priority: 3 Map to GEM Port: 3 Map to T-CONT: 3 (type 2) output } Priority: 8 IPv4 src = IP@1.2 AND TCP src port = 443 F#2 Apply-Actions { Set IPv4 ToS bits = CS2 Map to GEM Port: 4 Map to T-CONT: 4 (type 3) output } Priority: 7 IPv4 src = IP@1.3 AND TCP src port = 3671 F#3 Apply-Actions { Set IPv4 ToS bits = CS1 Map to GEM Port: 5 Map to T-CONT: 4 (type 3) output } Priority: 6 IPv4 dst = IP@5.1 F#7 Apply-Actions { Push VLAN header Set VLAN ID: 200 Set VLAN priority: 1 Map to GEM Port: 6 Map to T-CONT: 5 (type 2) output } Priority: 5 IPv4 dst = IP@6.1 F#8 Apply-Actions { Set IPv4 ToS bits = CS2 Map to GEM Port: 7 Map to T-CONT: 6 (type 2) output } Priority: 4 (ANY, ANY, ^) F#1 Apply-Actions { Set IPv4 ToS bits = none Map to GEM Port: 8 Map to T-CONT: 4 (type 3) output } Priority: 0 Table 4: Match fields and instructions for flows incoming to ONT. 5 Conclusion In the paper we presented a novel approach to deploy optical access networks addressed to B2B market segment where we defined a new role for telcos. The major advantage of our solution is its flexibility thanks to introduction of SDN paradigm to GPON-based networking. We believe our work can be considered as a conceptual framework for further analysis and solution development. References [1] ITU-T Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON) : General characteristic, ITU-T G.984.1, 2008. [2] ITU-T Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON) : Transmission convergence layer specification, ITU-T G.984.3, 2008. [3] ITU-T Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON) : ONT management and control interface specification, ITU-T G.984.4, 2008. [4] IEEE Carrier Sense Multiple Access With Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specification, IEEE Standard 802.32008, 2008. [5] IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks - Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges and Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks, IEEE Standard 802.1Q-2011, 2011. 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Available: https://www. opennetworking. org/images/stories/do wnloads/sdn-resources/white-papers/wp-sdn-newnorm.pdf [18] P.Parol and M.Pawlowski, "Towards networks of the future: SDN paradigm introduction to PON networking for business applications" in Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), 2013 Federated Conference on , vol., no., pp.829,836, 811 Sept. 2013 The Architecture of Distributed Database System in the VANET Environment Jan Janech, Emil Kršak and Štefan Toth Department of Software Technologies, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia E-mail: {jan.janech, emil.krsak, stefan.toth}@fri.uniza.sk Keywords: VANET, architecture, DDBS, communication protocols, security Received: December 20, 2013 This paper describes principles of the data communication in the distributed database system AD-DB developed by the authors. The database system is designed to function properly in such a complex and dynamic network as the VANET is. That way, vehicles connected to the VANET could distribute traffic related data to the others. The paper concludes by proposing a solution for security problems by introducing cross-certificate to our system. Povzetek: Predstavljena je izvirna arhitektura porazdeljenih podatkovnih sistemov v okolju VANET. 1 Introduction VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork) is a field of important research nowadays [25]. Many researchers are trying to develop new principles to make it possible to distribute information through this network. Applications for VANET could be divided into two categories: safety applications and comfort applications. Safety applications are more important ones. They are focusing on distributing information about traffic accidents, obstacles and other safety hazards to as many vehicles as possible [13, 14]. VANET is defined to be a special case of MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork) where network nodes are represented by vehicles in a road traffic. But problems with distributing data in VANET are completely different from the MANET ones. MANET nodes as computers with limited power source and limited computing resources have to communicate in small time frames to preserve as much power as possible. All research of the MANET communication is about minimizing communication and computing time and about conserving node power. On the other hand, almost all of VANET nodes (vehicles in road traffic, road infrastructure) have good power source. So research in this area is focusing on the best way to distribute information for all nodes that are interested in it. 2 State of the art 2.1 Classic architecture of distributed database system Architecture of DDBS (Distributed Database System) from data organization point of view is shown in figure 1. It is simple layered model with four layers. Each one of them represents some view on data itself. ESI ES2 \ GCS LCSl LCS2 1 LISI LIS2 ESn LCSn LISn Figure 1: DDBS reference architecture [1]. There are four layers of distributed database system, each modeling one kind of view on distributed database [1]: 1. LIS (Local Internal Schema) represents physical representation of data stored at one node. It is analogy of internal schema from centralized databases. 2. LCS (Local Conceptual Schema) describes logical organization of data at one node. It is used to handle data fragmentation and replication. 3. GCS (Global Conceptual Schema) represents logical organization of data in whole distributed database system. This layer is abstracting from the fact that the database system is distributed. 4. ES (External Schema) represents user view into distributed database. Each external schema defines which parts of database user is interested in. The fact that the user is using only global conceptual schema through views defined in external schema, assures that the user can manipulate the data regardless of its position in the distributed database system. Therefore it is necessary to have a mapping from every local to the global conceptual schema. This mapping, named GD/D (Global Directory/Dictionary), is defined as part of the distributed database system. The main role of GD/D is to provide access to mapping between local conceptual schemas and the global conceptual schema. So it has to be accessible from every node sending queries to the system. There are several ways to ensure it [4, 5]: 1. Centralized directory - whole GD/D is stored centrally at one node. The advantage of this solution is that it makes GD/D manipulation simpler. However, one central node represents single point of failure for the whole distributed system and can be a bottleneck as well. 2. Fully redundant directory - replication of the whole GD/D is stored on every node. That way it can be quickly accessed whenever needed. But its modifications are more complicated due to its multiple occurrences in the system. 3. Local directory - every node stores only its own part of the GD/D, so its management is very simple. On the other hand, global query requires communication with other nodes to make possible to create the query plan. 4. Multiple catalog - in the clustered distributed database system it is possible to assign whole GD/D replication to one node in each cluster. It is combination of first two ways. 5. Combination of 1. and 3. - every node has its own GD/D replication and there is one global replication as well. Each of this possibilities has its pros and cons. But they have all something in common: the system needs to recognize all of its parts. Whether the GD/D is stored at one node or somewhat distributed through the system, there needs to be some way how to access it as a whole. This is not possible in VANET as there is no way to ensure communication between all of the nodes. In this situation, GD/D cannot be used to locate requested data. As of the present time there is no solution designed specifically for VANET known to the authors. But there are few solutions for MANET, so we will describe them in next sections of the article. 2.2 TriM protocol The TriM protocol is the one of first attempts for solving the problem of data distribution in MANET environment the generic way. It was designed as part of a PhD thesis at the University of Oklahoma [6]. The main focus of the protocol is to minimize power consumption and to utilize all three modes of communication [7]: • Data Push represents data distribution using broadcast messages. • Data Pull represents on demand data distribution. • Peer-to-peer communication for querying data. The main disadvantage of the TriM protocol is its requirement to have same data on all nodes. This requirement makes it practically unusable in the VANET environment. 2.3 HDD3M protocol HDD3M protocol tries to solve TriM protocol problems. As in the original protocol, HDD3M aims to use all three modes of communication and to conserve as much power as possible. The main difference from the TriM protocol is a possibility to manage database fragments and to modify the distributed database via transactions. HDD3M divides nodes into 3 categories: • Requesting node (RN) is sending queries to distributed database system. • Database node (DBN) is containing database fragments. • Database directory (DD) stores GD/D for distributed database. This protocol must solve problems with distribution GD/D. There is no guarantee that all of database directory nodes receive the GD/D update request. Some of the nodes could be inaccessible through MANET or shut down due to lack of energy. When the network is fragmented, keeping the data accurate and actual might be impossible. The biggest problem for the deployment of distributed databases in the VANET environment is the necessity of the knowledge of all the nodes beimg available in the system. This problem persists in this solution as well because the GD/D is still used. 3 Principles of proposed solution So the only way to ascertain the use of the distributed database system in the VANET environment is to remove the GD/D from the system and replace it with a different principle. As it has been said already, the GD/D describes the mapping between the local and global conceptual schemes. Without the mapping the system does not know where the data are located and how to query them. Using the GD/D in the VANET environment is impossible because it requires knowledge of the whole system (global directory). In VANET every node knows only its immediate surroundings. So querying a distributed database is fairly limited in such environment. The only nodes which can be addressed to using queries are those in the immediate surroundings in the network. So the system naturally creates virtual clusters of nodes that can communicate with each other. The clusters might overlap, so each of the nodes of the cluster can communicate with another set of nodes. The only possibility to introduce principles of distributed database systems into VANET environment lies in allowing to query data only from clusters containing the query node. That way we can replace GD/D with another principle - CD/D (Cluster Directory/Dictionary). But there is still question, how to store CD/D and how to distribute it throughout the database system. The possibilities are same as they were for storing GD/D. They were described in the subsection 1. in section 1 of this paper. Best possibility for VANET seems to be storing their own part of CD/D at each of network nodes. Other possibilities would be complicated to implement due to highly dynamic nature of VANET. This is the way distributed database management system AD-DB (AD-hoc DataBase) is working [24]. AD-DB was created as the result of a PhD thesis at University of Žilina [2] by one of authors. 4 Query processing in AD-DB As we already said, it is impossible to keep CD/D as a whole and distribute it throughout the VANET. Instead of that, AD-DB is using broadcast messages for data communication and lets each data node to decide whether it has requested data or not by looking to its own part of CD/D. AD-DB supports two methods of communication each based on slightly different principle: • Pull method is an application of pull mode of data communication into AD-DB database. It allows each node to query data from cluster. • Push method is an application of push mode of data communication into AD-DB database. It allows to share own data to other nodes without any prior query. 4.1 The Pull method The Pull method represents the standard method of query processing in classic distributed database systems. One of the nodes sends query to the system and waits for the results. The method could be used in such a situation where a client does not have to update the data periodically but needs to query it once instead. One time search for nearby cinemas could be taken as an example of such a situation. It is also possible to use the pull method as a means for data replication but it is much more ineffective than using the push method [15]. The query principle is shown on Fig. 2. Communication is done in the following steps: 1. Global query optimization. It is important to optimize a query to minimize the size of resulting data. 2. Sending a query. The Query node sends optimized query using broadcast message. That way all of the data nodes in cluster receive the query. The query node waits for the specified time. 3. Query fragmentation. Every data node which receives the query fragments searches for subqueries that the node is able to execute. 4. Local subquery optimization. A data node optimizes each of the found subqueries and prepares it for execution. 5. Subquery execution. The data node executes each of subqueries. 6. Sending the result. The data node sends back the resulting data together with the identification of executed subquery using the unicast message. 7. Results evaluation. After the specified time runs out, the query node evaluates all results received from the data nodes and merges them to one complete result. 4.2 The push method Given that the organization of the network structure is changing rapidly in VANET, it is clear that sometimes there is a need for querying the same data repeatedly. A possibility of using the push method of data communication in AD-DB can be handy in such situation. This is also the reason why the push method is more effective to be used in data replication algorithms than the pull method [15]. Figure 2: Query processing using the pull method [2, 3]. Figure 3: Schematic illustration for push method [3]. The schematic principle of push method is shown in Fig. 3. The Communication is done in the following steps: 1. Local query optimization. The data node optimizes the query and prepares it for execution. 2. Query execution. The data node executes the optimized query. 3. Sending the data. The data node sends resulting data packed with the query through VANET as broadcast message. 4. Results evaluation. When the query node receives the data, it analyzes the attached query to determine whether it needs the data or not. If it needs the data, it forwards the data to the user application to process it. 5 High level communication protocol for AD-DB Schematic representation of the communication protocol used in AD-DB is shown in Fig. 4. The data node can process the processQuery message. This is sent by a query node in the form of a broadcast message in the pull method of communication. The query message has following structure [2]: • Schema uuid is a unique identifier of the current database schema. It is important to include this for the data node to be able to determine whether it should process the query or not. • Serialized query represents the query itself. The best way to transfer the query is in a form of serialized abstract syntax tree, as it is easy to process by the data node. There is no need to transfer the session identifier of any kind, because the query and uuid could be used as a unique identifier of the request. The response message structure is as follows [2]: • Schema uuid as part of response unique identifier. • Serialized query as part of response unique identifier. It is possible to use the query as part of unique identifier because the query processed by the database system is expected to be simple and short. If this assumption was not true, it would still possible to use value computed from the query by some hash function instead. • Query part is the identifier of the processed subquery. • Data as a collection of the resulting objects. Using the schema uuid and query pair as a unique identifier of a request has one advantage over using surrogate identification number. This way the response message format can by the same for the pull and the push methods of communication. Important part of a response message is the query part identification. It represents a unique identifier of query part processed by a data node as a subquery. This identifier is needed by a query node to be able to merge all responses from all responding data nodes. There are two possibilities how to use the same system of numbering for all query parts by both the query and the data node: • Inserting the identifier directly into the serialized query. The process of identifier inserting is done directly by the query node after the global optimization. Example of a query with identifiers (syntax of the query language used by AD-DB is published in multiple publications by authors [2, 3, 8]): (1) M ((2>projects//(lx\x F * then set F ** = F *; x** = x*. 5: Check the stop conditions. If they are not reached then go to Step 2. 6: Otherwise, STOP. The solution is x**. The scheme of the genetic algorithm with greedy heuristic proposed by Alp et al. for continuous location problems is as follows [3,42]. Algorithm 5. GA with greedy heuristic. Require: Set V = (Ai,...,An ) g rd, number p of clusters, popultion size Np. 1: Initialize Np sets of data vectors indexes xi, . xNp : xi c {1,N}, |xfc | = p vk = 1,Np. For each k g {1,Np}, calculate the fitness function. In case of the continuous p-median problem, to obtain the fitness function value for xk, algorithm performs the ALA procedure with initial solution xk and calculate fk = i=i : min L(X,Ai). (4) Here, xk is the result of running the ALA procedure with the initial solution xk. 2: If the stop conditions are reached then go to Step 7. 3: Choose randomly two "parent" sets xki and xka, ki, k2 g {T, Np}, ki = k2. Running special crossover procedure with greedy heuristic, obtain "child" set of indexes xc. Calculate the fitness function value Fc in accordance with (4). 4: If 3k g {1, Np} : xk = xc then go to Step 2. 5: Choose index kWorst = argmaxk=^^ fk. If Fwotst < fc then go to Step 2. ' p 6: Replace xk^orst with xc, set Fk^orst = fc and go to Step 2. 7: STOP. The result is a set x*, k* = arg mink=^^ fk. In the above version of this algorithm, at Steps 5 and 6, the worst solution xworst is replaced by new solution. In our experiments, we used other procedure at Step 5 (simplest tournament selection): choose randomly two indexes ki and k2, ki = k2; set kworst = argmaxke{k1,k2} fk. This version of Step 5 gives better results. In both random multistart and genetic algorithms, various stop conditions can be used. We used maximum running time limit. Unlike most genetic algorithms, this method does not use any mutation procedure. However, the crossover procedure uses a special heuristic: Algorithm 6. Greedy crossover heuristic. Require: Set V = (Ai,...,An ) g rd, number p of clusters, two "parent" sets of centers or centroids xk1 and xk2 . 1: Set Xc = Xki u Xk2. Note that p < |xc| < 2p, i.e., the candidate solution Xc is not feasible. 2: If |xc| = p then STOP and return the solution xc. 3: Calculate j* = argminje^c F(xc \ {j}). 4: Set Xc = Xc \ {j *}. 5: Go to Step 2. At each iteration, one index of the center or centroid is eliminated (Step 4). At Step 3, Algorithm 6 chooses the index of a center or centroid which can be eliminated with minimum change of the fitness function. To estimate the fitness function, ALA procedure must be performed. Thus, Step 3 of Algorithm 6 is computationally intensive. In case of Euclidean metric, iteratice Weiszfeld procedure must run at each iteration of the iterative ALA procedure performed |Xc| times. Therefore, Algorithm 6 is a computationally intensive procedure, slow for very large datasets in case of k-means problem and almost inapplicable in case of large-scale continuous p-median problems with Euclidean metric. Idea of this heuristics correlates to ideas of the information bottleneck (IB) clustering method [48]. In the IB algorithms, at the start, all data vectors form individual clusters. At each step, one cluster is eliminated, its members join other clusters. To choose such cluster, for each of them, algorithm calculates the "information loss". In the case of "geometric" clustering based on distance metrics, this loss can be estimated as the distance function increase. The computational load in case of the IB clustering allows to implement this method to small datasets only (N < 1000). This form of the method proposed by Alp et al. for continuous location problems is a compromise between the IB clustering simpler heuristics like traditional genetic algorithms or random multistart. This algorithm can be used for solving a discrete p-median problem (2) with an additional condition: Xj g V vj g{1,p} (5) which can be used as an initial solution of the ALA method. Algorithm 7. Greedy crossover heuristic for initial seeding. Require: Set V = (Ai,...,An ) G Rd, number p of clusters, two "parent" sets of centers or centroids Xfci and Xfc2 . 1: Set Xc = Xki u Xk2. 2: If |xc| = p then STOP and return the solution Xc. 3: Calculate j* = N argminkexc E (minje(xc\{k}) wiL(Ai, Aj)). i=i 4: Set Xc = Xc \ {j *}. 5: Go to Step 2. In this case, the ALA method always starts from a local minimum of the discrete problem (2) with an additional constraint (5). This version of the algorithm is much faster, it gives better results than the random multistart (Algorithm 4) for most popular test datasets (see Section 4). However, such results can be improved. We propose two modifications. One of them decreases the computational intensiveness of the algorithm, the second one improves its accuracy. Their combination makes new algorithm faster and more precise in case of large datasets. 3 Our contribution Let us consider Steps 3 and 4 of Algorithms 6 and 7. At each iteration, Step 3 selects one index of data vectors and eliminates it from the candidate solution. Let us assume that at some kth iteration, j*th index is eliminated and at (k + 1)th iteration, algorithm eliminates j**th index. Our first modification is based on the supposition that if A j» is distant from Aj»» (i. e. L(Aj», Aj»») > Lmi„, Lmi„ is some constant) then the fact of eliminating or keeping j**th index "almost" does not depend on the fact of elimination or keeping of j * th index at previous iteration. If the facts of choosing of indexes of two distant data vectors at Step 3 in two successive iterations are independent then the decisions on their eliminating (or keeping) can be made simultaneously. We propose the following modification of Steps 3 and 4. Algorithm 8. Fast greedy heuristic crossover: modified steps of the greedy heuristic procedure (Algorithm 6). 3: For each j g xc, calculate S j = F (xc \ {k}). 4.1: Sort Si and select a subset Xeiim = {e1,..., } c Xc of ns indexes with minimal values of Si. Value ng g {1, |xc| - p} must be calculated in each iteration. Maximum number of the extra data elements of set Xc must be eliminated in the first iterations and only one element in the final iterations (final iterations coincide with Algorithm 6 or 7): ng =max{[(|xc|-p) * ^e], 1}. (6) We ran Algorithm 8 with ae = 0.2. Smaller values (ae < 0.0) convert it into Algorithm 6 and make it work slower. Big values (ae > 0.3) change the order of eliminating the clusters and reduce the accuracy. 4.2: _FromxeIim, remove close data vectors. For each j g {2, |XeIim|}, if 3k g : L(Aej ,Aek) < Lmin then remove ej from Xeiim. 4.3: Set Xc = Xc \ Xelim. Algorithm 6 performs up to p iterations. For real large datasets, computational experiments demonstrate that p or p -1 iterations are performed in most cases (data vectors of the "parent" solutions at Step 3 of Algorithm 5 do not coincide). In each iteration, ALA algorithm runs |xc| times. Thus, ALA algorithm runs up to 2p + (2p - 1) + ... + 1 = 2p2 - p +1 times. Popular test datasets, BIRCH 1-3 are generated for testing algorithms on problems with 100 clusters. Thus, the ALA algorithm must run up to 19901 times. Depending on parameter Lmj„, in each iteration of Algorithm 8 eliminates up to (je ■ p members from Xc If Lmin is big and ae = 0.2, in the first iteration, ALA runs 2p times, in the second iteration [1.8p] times, then [1.64p], [1.512p] times etc. In case of 100 clusters and big Lmin, the ALA procedure runs 200 + 180 + 164 + 152 + 142 + 134 + 128 + 123 + 118 + 116 + 113 + 111 + 109 + 108 + 107+106+105+104+103+102+101 = 2626 times only. Taking into account computational intenseness or the ALA procedure such as standard k-means algorithm which is estimated O(N34p34log4(N)/a6) in case of independently perturbed data vectors by a normal distribution with variance a2 [7], reducing number of runs of the local search procedure is crucial in case of large-scale problems. Step 3 of Algorithm 7 can be modified as follows. Algorithm 9. Fast greedy heuristic crossover for initial seeding: modified steps of the greedy heuristic procedure (Algorithm 7). 3: For each j e Xc, calculate Sj = N J2 (minje(xc\{fc}) WiL(Ai, Aj)). i=i 4.1: Sort Si and select a subset Xeiim = {ei,..., Cn^} C Xc of ns indexes with minimal values of Si. For each j 4.2: {2, iXelim |}, if 3k min then remove Cj from {1,j - 1} : L(Aej ,Aek) < L Xelim.. 4.3: Set Xc = Xc \ Xelim. The aim of Step 4.2 of Algorithm 8 is to hold the order of elimination of the clusters provided by Algorithms 6 or 7. In Fig. 1, two cases of running Algorithm 8 are shown. Let us assume that p = 4 and distances between the centers of clusters 1 and 3, 3 and 4, 1 and 4, 6 and 7 are less than Lmin. Let us assume that parameter allows eliminating up to 3 clusters simultaneously in the 1st iteration. After Step 3 of Algorithm 8 and sorting Si, we have a sequence of clusters 4, 3, 6,... . If Step 4.2 is included in Algorithm 8 then only one of clusters 1, 3 and 4 can be removed in the 1st iteration (Case A). Thus, only two clusters (4 and 7) are eliminated in the 1st iteration. If we remove Step 4.2 from our algorithm or assign big value to Lmin then the simultaneous elimination of clusters 3 and 4 is allowed (Case B) which gives worse value of the squared distances sum. If the original Algorithm 7 runs, it eliminates cluster 4 first, then cluster 6. In its 3rd iteration, Algorithm 7 eliminates cluster 1 and we have the set of clusters shown in Fig. 1, Case A after two iterations which coincides with the result of Algorithm 8. Algorithm 6 starts the ALA procedure many times, it is a precise but slow method. Having included Algorithm 8 into Algorithm 6, we reduce the number of starts of the ALA procedure, however, as explained above, at least 2626 starts of the local search algorithm in each iteration of the genetic algorithm in case of 100 clusters make using this method impossible for very a large dataset, especially for the Euclidean metric. Algorithm 7 optimizes the fitness Figure 1: clusters. Succeeding and simultaneous elimination of function calculated for the initial seeding of the ALA procedure. This approach is fast, however, an optimal value of the fitness function for the initial seeding does not guarantee its optimal value for the final result of the ALA procedure. We propose a compromise version of two algorithms which implements one step of the ALA procedure after each elimination of the clusters. Since the result of the ALA procedure does not coincide with the data vectors Ai (in general), using integer numbers as the alphabet of the GA (i.e. for coding the solutions forming the population of the GA) is impossible and we use real vectors (coordinates of the interim solutions of the ALA procedure) for coding the solutions in the population of the GA. The whole algorithm is as follows. Algorithm 10. GA with greedy heuristic and floating point alphabet. Require: Set V = (Ai,...,An) g rd, number p of clusters, population size . 1: Initialize sets of coordinates xi, ...,Xnp: chi, c ixfc | = P vk = with solutions of the ALA algorithm initialized by the k-means++ procedure (Algorithm 2). Thus, each xi is a local minimum of (2). Store corresponding values of the function 2 to array fi,..., Fnp . 2: If the stop conditions are reached then go to Step 7. 3: Choose randomly two "parent" sets Xfci and Xfca, k1, k2 g {T, Np}, k1 = k2. Running Algorithm 11, obtain "child" set of coordinates Xc which is a local minimum of (2). Store the value of (2) to fc. 4: If 3k g {1,Np} : Xk = Xc then go to Step 2. 5: Choose index kworst = argmaxk=^^ fk. If Fwotst < Fc then go to Step 2. 6: Choose randomly two indexes k1 and k2, k1 = k2; set kworst = argmaxke{ki,k2} fk. 6: Replace Xk„„rst with Xc, set fk„„rst = fc and go to Step 2. 7: STOP. The result is a set xk, k* = arg mink=j^ fk. The greedy heuristic procedure is modified as follows. Algorithm 11. Greedy crossover heuristic with floating point alphabet. Require: Set V = (a1,...,an) g rd, number p of clusters, two "parent" sets of centers or centroids xki and Xk2, parameters ae and Lmin. 1: Set xc = Xkl u xk2. Run the ALA procedure for |xc| clusters starting from xc. Store its result to xc. 2: If |xc| = p then run the ALA procedure with the initial solution xc, then STOP and return its result. 2.1: Calculate the distances from each data vector to the closest element of Xc. 4.4: Reassign data vectors to the closest centers or cen-troids. C* = arg min L(X, A,) Vi = 1, N. Xexc di = min L(X,Ai) vi = 1, N. Assign each data vector to the corresponding cluster with its center in an element of Xc. C, = arg min L(X, A,) vi = 1, N. Calculate the distances from each data vector to the second closest element of Xc. Di = min L(Y,Ai). Ye{xc\{Ci}) ' 3: For each X g Xc, calculate = F(xc \ {X}) = E (Di - di). i:Ci]X 4.1: Calculate ns in accordance with (6). Sort Sx and select a subset xelim = {X1,..., Xn^} c xc of ns coordinates with minimal values of Sx. 4.2: For each j G {2, |xeiim|}, if 3k G {1, j - 1} : L(Xj ,Xk) < Lmin then remove Xj from xelim. 4.3: Set Xc = Xc \ Xelim. For each X g xc, if 3i g {1, N} : C, = X and C*i = X then recalculate center or centroid X * of the cluster cXust = {AilC* = X,i = Set Xc = (Xc\{X *}) u {X }. 5: Go to Step 2. An important parameter of Algorithms 8 and 11 is Lmin. Performed series of experiments on various data, we propose the following method of its determining for each pair of centers or centroids Xj and Xk (see Step 4.2 of Algorithm 11): Lmin = min {max{L(X,Xj),L(X, Xk)}}. X ^Xc We ran this algorithm with large datasets and proved its efficiency experimentally. 4 Computational experiments 4.1 Datasets and computing facilities For testing purposes, we used real data and generated datasets collected by Speech and Image Processing Unit of School of Computing of University of Eastern Finland1 and UCI Machine Learning Repository2. Other authors use such problems for their experiments [56, 1,43]. Number of data vectors N varies from 150 (classical Iris plant problem) to 581013 (Cover type dataset), number of dimensions d varies from 2 to 54, number of clusters from 3 to 1000. In addition, we used specially generated datasets for p-median problems (uniformly distributed data vecrots in R2, each coordinate in interval [0; 10) with uniformly distributed weights in range [0; 10)). Computational experiments were performed for problems with Euclidean (I2) and squared Euclidean (I2 ) distances (p-median and k-means problems, correspondingly). For our experiments, we used a computer Depo X8Sti (6-core CPU Xeon X5650 2.67 GHz, 12Gb RAM), hyper-threading disabled and ifort compiler with full optimization and implicit parallelism (option -O3). For algorithms comparison purposes, we ran each algorithm with each of datasets 30 times. 4.2 Algorithm parameters tuning An important parameter of the genetic algorithm is number of individuals (candidate solutions) Np in its population (population size). Running Algorithm 10 for the generated datasets (d = 2, N = 1000 and N = 10000, p =10 and 1http://cs.joensuu.fi/sipu/datasets/ 2https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html Iß Generated problem, d=2, N=10000, p=100, average results 35760 35750 35740 35730 >< 35720 LL 35710 35700 5 individuals - 10 individuals---- 15 individuals 20 individuals 100 individuals-- 3 4 5 Time, sec. Figure 2: Results of Algorithm 10 with various population sizes. p = 100) and real datasets (MissAmerica1 with p = 100) show that large populations (Np > 50) slow down the convergence. Analogously, running with very small populations (Np < 10) decrease the accuracy. Results of running our algorithm for a generated problem with squared Euclidean metric are shown in Fig. 2. In this diagram, we fixed the best results achieved by the algorithms and the spent time after each improvement of the results in a special array. This diagram shows the average or worst results of 30 starts of the algorithms. Experiments show that a population of 10-25 individuals is optimal for all tested problems for all greedy crossover heuristics considered in this paper (Algorithms 6, 7, 8 and 11). There is no obviois relation between d and Np, p and Np nor N and Np. In all experiments below, we used Np = 15. 4.3 Numerical results For all datasets, we ran the genetic algorithm with greedy heuristic (Algorithm 5) with various crossover heuristics (Step 3 of Algorithm 5): its original version proposed by Alp et al. [3, 42] (Algorithm 6), its version for initial cluster centers seeding only (Algorithm 7), our modifications allowing elimination of many cluster centers in one step (Algorithm 8) and our new genetic algorithm with floating point alphabet (Algorithm 11). Results for each of datasets are shown in Tables 1 and 2. We used the sampling k-means procedure (Algorithm 3) for datasets with N > 10000 as the ALA procedure at Step 1 of Algorithms 5, 10 and 11. For smaller datasets, we ran all algorithms without sampling. However, running algorithms without sampling k-means procedure for large datasets equally delays the genetic algorithm with all considered greedy crossover heuristics. Computation process with each of the algorithms was performed 30 times. Time limit shown in the first column was used as the stop condition. Value of this maximum running time was chosen so that adding equal additional time does not allow to obtain better results in case of using the original greedy crossover heuristic for initial seeding (Algorithm 7) in at least 27 attempts of 30. In addition, for the problems listed in Table 1, we fixed the average time needed for achieving the average result of the original genetic algorithm with greedy crossover heuristic (Algorithm 5 + Algorithm 6, see [3, 42]). For more complex problems listed in Table 2 where the original greedy crossover procedure is inapplicable due to huge computational complexity, we fixed the average time needed for achieving the average result of the original genetic algorithm with greedy crossover heuristic applied for optimizing the fitness function value of the initial dataset of the ALA procedure (Algorithm 5 + Algorithm 7). Algorithm 5 with the original greedy crossover heuristic (Algorithm 6) proposed by Alp et al. [3, 42] shows excellent results for comparatively small datasets (see Table 1). For the least complex problems ("Iris" dataset), using the algorithm proposed in this article (Algorithm 10, Problems 1 and 3) reduces the accuracy of the solution in comparison with the original algorithm of Alp et al. [3,42] (Algorithms 5 and 6). For larger datasets, new algorithm (Algorithm 10+Algorithm 11) is faster and more precise. Moreover, using the original greedy crossover heuristic is impossible for large datasets (for all larger gatasets with p > 30, N > 10000) due to very intensive computation at each iteration. For such datasets, we used the algorithm of Alp et al. applied for optimizing the fitness function value of the initial dataset of the ALA procedure (Algorithms 5 and 7) for comparison purposes. In this case, for all solved large-scale test problems with both Euclidean (I2, planar p-median problem) and squared Euclidean (t^, k-means problem) metrics, our Algorithm 10 with floating point alphabet and modified greedy crossover heuristic (Algorithm 11) works faster and gives more precise results than Algorithm 5 with greedy heuristic implemented for the initial seeding only (Algorithm 7, [3, 42]). 0 1 2 6 7 8 Table 1: Results of running new Algorithm 11 and original genetic algorithm with greedy crossover heuristic. Dataset, Dis- Method Avgerage Average Worst Avg. and its tance result time needed result speedup parameters, for reaching (new vs. time limit result of the original method, sec. original method) Iris i2 Original 1.40026039044 0.0096 1.40026039044 (n = 150, d = 4, • 10i4 • 10i4 p = 3), ALA mult. 1.40026039044 0.0103 1.40026039044 100 sec. • 10i4 • 10i4 New 1.400262 • 10i4 - 1.4002858 • 10i4 - Iris i2 Original 46916083985700 2.4 46916083985700 (n = 150, d = 4, ALA mult. 46917584582154 - 46935815209300 p = 10), New 46916083985700 2.5 46916083985700 - 100 sec. - - MissAmerica1 i2 Original 105571815.061 603 105663081.95 (n = 6480, d = 16, ALA mult. 105714622.427 - 106178506.965 p = 30), New 105440299.602 13.8 105440299.601 43.69 1500 sec. - - Europe i2 Original 1099348562.46 1050.8 1099355026.03 (n = 169309, ALA mult. 1099345009.09 15.6 1099345033.08 d = 2,p = 10), New 1099345067.99 123.8 1099345210.55 8.48 1500 sec. - - Note:"Original" algorithm is Algorithm 5 with original greedy crossover heuristic (Algorithm 6), "ALA mult." algorithm is multiple start of the ALA procedure (Algorithm 4), "New" algorithm is the genetic algorithm with floating point alphabet (Algorithm 10 with Algorithm 11 as the greedy crossover procedure). To illustrate the dynamics of the solving process, we present the timing diagrams which show the average results of 30 runs of each algorithm for various datasets in Fig. 3 and 4. Diagrams show that new algorithm with floating point alphabet allows to increase the accuracy at early stages of the computation process in comparison with known methods which allows to use it for obtaining quick approximate solutions. In addition, results of the fast greedy heuristic (Algorithm 8) are shown in the diagrams. Using this heuristic without other modifications to the genetic algorithm can reduce the accuracy of the results. 5 Conclusion New genetic algorithm based on ideas of the p-median genetic algorithm with greedy heuristic and two original procedures can be used for fast and precise solving the large-scale p-median and k-means problems. For the least complex problems, the results of our method are less precise than the original GA with greedy heuristic proposed by Alp et al. However, new algorithm provides more precise results in appropriate time for the large-scale problems. References [1] M. R. Ackermann et al. (2012) StreamKM: A Clustering Algorithm for Data Streams, J. Exp. Algo-rithmics, Vol 17, Article 2.4 (May 2012), DOI: 10.1145/2133803.2184450 [2] D. Aloise, A. Deshpande, P. Hansen, P. Popat (2009) NP-Hardness of Euclidean Sum-of-Squares Clustering, Machine Learning, Vol. 75, pp. 245-249, DOI: 10.1007/s10994-009-5103-0 [3] O. Alp, E. Erkut and Z. Drezner (2003) An Efficient Genetic Algorithm for the p-Median Problem, Annals of Operations Research, Vol.122, Issue 1-4, pp. 2142, doi 10.1023/A:1026130003508 [4] A. Antamoshkin, L. Kazakovtsev (2013) Random Search Algorithm for the p-Median Problem, Infor-matica (Ljubljana), Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 267-278 [5] A. Antamoshkin, H. P. Schwefel, A. Toern, G. Yin, A. Zhilinskas (1993) Systems Analysis, Design and Optimization. An Introduction, Krasnoyarsk, Ofset [6] P. Avella, M. Boccia, S. Salerno and I. 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BIRCH1 i2 Orig. init. 9.277283 ■ 1013 46.08 9.277287 ■ 1013 (n = 100000, ALA mult. 9.746921 ■ 1013 - 9.276386 ■ 1013 - d = 2,n = 100), New 9.277282 ■ 1013 31.56 9.274231 ■ 1013 1.46 120 sec. BIRCH3 i2 Orig. init. 4.08652 ■ 1012 802.8 4.105231 ■ 1012 (n = 100000, ALA Mult. 4.16053 ■ 1012 - 4.162683 ■ 1012 - d = 2,p = 1000), New 4.02040 ■ 1012 8.81 4.022190 ■ 1012 91.12 2400 sec. MissAmerica2 i2 Orig.init. 80264286 85.8 81039148 (n = 6480, ALA Mult. 81869326 - 82316364 - d = 16,p = 100), New 79837119 0.752 80147971 114.1 300 sec. CoverType i2 Orig.init. 3122934.7 905.4 3146107.4 (n = 581013, ALA Mult. 3163271.9 - 3182076.8 - d = 54,p = 100), New 3069213.6 53.1 3072299.5 17.05 2400 sec. Note: "Orig. init." algorithm is Algorithm 5 with original greedy crossover heuristic (Algorithm 7), "ALA mult." algorithm is multiple start of the ALA procedure (Algorithm 4), "New" algorithm is the genetic algorithm with floating point alphabet (Algorithm 10 with Algorithm 11 as the greedy crossover procedure). [7] D. Arthur, B. Manthey and H. Roglin (2009) k-Means Has Polynomial Smoothed Complexity, in Proceedings of the 2009 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS '09), IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 405414 DOI: 10.1109/F0CS.2009.14 [8] D. Arthur and S. Vassilvitskii (2007) k-Means++: The Advantages of Careful Seeding, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete algorithms, ser. SODA '07, pp. 1027-1035 [9] K. Bailey (1994) Numerical Taxonomy and Cluster Analysis, in: Typologies and Taxonomies, Sage Pubns, DOI: 10.4135/9781412986397 [10] B. Bozkaya, J. Zhang and E. 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(3) j = 1,2,3,.....K H1 = 1,i2 = 0 ^ rij < a = 0,i2 = 1 ^ rij > a Here, qi and qj represents the fitness of ith and jth CP, ri,j represents the separation distance between ith and jth CPs, i1 and i2 are the two variables whose values are either 0 or 1, 'a' represents the radius of CPs and it is assumed that each CPs has uniform volume charge density but changes in every iteration. The value of qi, rij and 'a' are evaluated using the equation 12, 13 and 14. End for For d = 1 to number of dimensions of charged particles • Update the positions and velocities of charged particles using equation (4) and (5) respectively. Xi,new = randi ^t2 + rand2 *Z^*Vj „id * At + X. j old TT _ new new " ^jold At (4) (5) where, rand1 and rand2 are the two random functions whose values lie in between [0, 1], Za and Zv are the control parameters which control the influence of actual electric force and previous velocities, mj is the mass of j'h CPs which is equal to the qk and At represents the time step which is set to 1. • If charged particles cross its boundary limit then correct its position using HS based method. End for • Determine the fitness function of new generated charged particles and compare it to the charged particles stored into CM. • Exclude the worst charged particles from CM. End while • Obtain the desired results End In short span of time, the CSS algorithm is applied in various research domain which shows its potency [22, 23, 24, 25, 44, 28]. 2.2 Chaos theory Recently, chaos has fascinated researchers and academicians from all over the world from different fields of sciences like chaos control, synchronization, pattern recognition, optimization theory and many others. Chaotic optimization algorithm (COA) can be defined overall as the one which uses chaotic variables in place of random variables [37]. From the extended literature survey, it came to revelation that chaos has unpredictable irregular behavior in the long term. Whereas, nature inspired algorithms viz. ABC [21], CSS [22], GSA [13], SA [39], GA [16] and so on, as their name indicates are motivated by the biological living systems, swarms characteristics and natural phenomena's where order (regular and self-organized) replaces the disorder (irregular and unorganized) [43]. But, the chaos and nature inspired optimization algorithms shares two basic characteristics like self-organization and evolution, so, amalgamation of these two may enhance the performance of the optimization algorithm by replacing the random number with the chaotic variable. In 1976, May brought the concept of the logistic map, which is popular one among the chaotic maps [33]. It appears in nonlinear dynamics of biological population evidencing its chaotic behavior. The logistic map is a well-known polynomial chaotic map which can be described as: cm^+1 = ax cm^{l-cm^) (6) Where cma is the a'h chaotic number and "a" denotes the current iteration number. Clearly, cma £ (0, 1), it is simple to indicate that if 0 < a < 4 then the interval (0, 1) is mapped into itself i.e. cm0 £ (0, 1), then cma £ (0, 1). Mathematically, it is already established that when a=4, then all the values generated by the chaotic map will lie in the range of 0 -1 except that cm0 0 (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1). In this paper, a=4 has been used to perform the experiment. 3 Proposed CCSS algorithm for clustering This section describes the working of CCSS algorithm for clustering task. A chaotic (logistic) map is applied to tune the CSS parameters in three different ways to enhance the performance of the CSS algorithm as well as global search especially for clustering problems. These modifications are described as: CCSSA-1: The quality of the clustering algorithms depends on the initial cluster centers. In CSS algorithm, the initial positions of charged particles (CPs) are determined using the equation 1 which contains a random parameter (ri). The Parameter (ri) of equation 1 is updated using the chaotic map (cm) during iterations and the modified equation is rewritten as: ^k = ^min,i + ^^a * (^i,max — ^i,min)' where i = 1,2 ^n and k = 1,2 K (7) In the standard CSS algorithm, ri presents a random number in between 0 and 1. In CCSSA-1, the ri is replaced by the chaotic number (cmi) whose values also lies in between 0 and 1,Ck represents the number of cluster centers, Xmin, i and Xmax, i represent the minimum and maximum value of the ith attribute in the dataset respectively; K is the total number of cluster centers in the given dataset. CCSSA-2: The selected chaotic map is introduced in equation 2 which is used to compute the value of the moving probability of particles towards the charged particle. The modified equation can be given as follows. Pik = fit(i) - fit(best) fit(k) - fit(i) 0 otherwise 1 (8) If, fit(i)-fit(best) fit(k)-fit(i) >cm, V fit(k) > fit(i), In the standard CSS algorithm, randi is the random number between 0 and 1. In CCSSA-2, it is replaced by chaotic number cmi which ranges in between 0 and 1. CCSSA-3: The parameters rand: and rand2 of the position update equation 4 is altered using selected chaotic map and the modified equation can be given as. C, k,new = cmai * Za*^^^* At2 + cma2 * Zy * V,, oia mu ht + C„ old (9) In the standard CSS algorithm, rand1 and rand2 present the random number in between 0 and 1. The chaotic map cma,1 and cma,2 are used instead of rand1 and rand2. 3.1 Algorithm details In this section, CCSS algorithm is explained to solve the clustering problem. The aim of this algorithm is to find the optimal cluster points to assign N numbers of items to K cluster centers in Rn. Euclidean distance is taken as the objective function for clustering problem and items are assigned to a cluster center with minimum Euclidean distance. The algorithm starts with defining the initial positions and velocities of K number of charged particles (CPs). The initial positions of CPs are defined in random manner. Here, CPs are assumed to be a charged sphere of radius 'a' and its initial velocity is set to zero. Thus, the algorithm starts with randomly defined initial cluster centers and ended with optimal cluster centers. Consider Table 1 which illustrates a dataset used to explain the working of CCSS algorithm for clustering with N=10, n=4 and the number of cluster centers (K) is 3. To obtain the optimal cluster centers, the CPs uses resultant electric force (attracting force vector), mass and moving probability of particles and cluster centers. After the first iteration, the velocities of CPs are determined and locations of CPs are also moved. The objective function is calculated again using the new positions of CPs and also compared with the old CPs positions that are stored in the memory pool, called as charged memory (CM). The CM is now updated with the new positions of CPs and excludes the worst CPs from CM. As the algorithm grows, the positions of CPs are updated along with the content in CM is also updated. This process progresses until the maximum iteration or no better position of CPs will be generated. As described earlier, the algorithm starts with the identification of the initial positions and velocities of CPs in random fashion. Thus, the equation 7 is used to initialize the initial positions of randomly defined CPs (cluster centers) and the initial positions of CPs are given in Table 2. The initial velocities of these CPs are set to zero. The CPs are described as charged spheres that contain some mass. Thus, the mass of each CP is calculated using the following equation. Table 3: Normalized value of objective function. fitik) - fit(worst) (10) N 1 2 3 4 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 2 4.9 3 1.4 0.2 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 5 5 3.6 1.4 0.2 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 7 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3 8 5 3.4 1.5 0.2 9 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 10 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1 Table 2: shows the position of initial CPs using equation. K 1 4.459 3.281 1.5889 0.12854 2 5.0672 3.1964 1.5394 0.14556 3 4.8364 2.9127 1.3916 0.1791 7. Euclidean distance is used as objective function to find the closeness of particles to CPs and assigned the particles to CPs with minimum objective value. Table 3 provides the value of objective function of initial positioned CPs for our example dataset. Euclidean distance can be given as. V" I 2 fit(best) - fit(worst) Where, fit (k) represents the fitness of kth instance of dataset while fit (best) represents the best fitness value and fit (worst) represents worst fitness value of dataset. The mass of initial positioned CPs are 1.2576, 1.714 and 0.94176. Table 1: Illustrate a dataset to explain the CCSS algorithm for clustering with N=10, n=4 and K=3. N K 1 2 3 1 0.70682 0.34008 0.64416 2 0.56056 0.29821 0.11036 3 0.39144 0.44174 0.33163 4 0.25624 0.48175 0.32117 5 0.65969 0.43567 0.70688 6 1.1639 0.83447 1.1985 7 0.31484 0.55047 0.55501 8 0.56552 0.22469 0.52577 9 0.43529 0.74525 0.43714 10 0.48574 0.20218 0.23904 The information contained in the given string is used to arrange the items into different clusters which are given below. 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 From the above string, it is observed that the first, fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth particles belong to the cluster 2nd; second and third and tenth particles belong to cluster 3 rd ; fourth, seventh and ninth particles belong to cluster 1st . Hence at this step, the dataset is divided into three different clusters and store the values of positions of CPs in a new variable called charge memory (CM) which can be used to memorize the positions of CPs. Later on, these CPs positions will be used for comparisons with newly generated CPs positions and the best positions are included in the CM and excluded the worst positions from CM. Here, the size of CM is equal to the N/4. The main work of CM is to keep track of the number of good positions of CPs which are obtained during the execution of CSS algorithm and after the execution of algorithm; the optimal number of CPs positions (i.e. K number of CPs) are determined using minimized objective function values. The above discussion relates to the initialization of the proposed algorithm for clustering problem. As the study of various meta-heuristic algorithms, it is found that every meta-heuristic algorithm contains two approaches i.e. exploration and exploitation in which one approach initiated local search while the other approach carried out the global search. The local search tends to the exploration of random search space such that the most promising solution space can be obtained while the global search refers to the exploitation of good solution vectors from the promising solution space. Hence in case of CCSS algorithm, the local search i.e. exploration is initiated using Coulomb and Gauss laws while the global search i.e. exploitation is performed by Newton second law of motion. The local search of CCSS algorithm starts by measuring the electric force (Ei,k) generated by CP. The electric force (Ei,k) generates at a point is either inside the CPs or outside CPs. So, this direction of force is described as moving probability (Pi,k) of CPs. While n 1 2 3 4 the Coulomb and Gauss laws are applied to measure the total electric force generated on a CP , called it actual electric force (Fk). The moving probability Pi,k for each CPs can be determined using the equation 8. The value of moving probability (Pi,k) is either 0 or 1 and it gives the information about the movement of CPs. Table 4 shows the moving probability (Pi,k) values for each particles to each cluster centers. The Coulomb and Gauss laws are employed to determine the value of actual electric force (Fk) generated on CPs. The Coulomb law is used to calculate the force outside the CP and Gauss law is used to calculate the force inside the CP. The equation 3 is used to determine the actual electric force (Fk). qi = rik =■ fit(i) - fit(worst) fit(best) - fit(worst) ,i = 1,2,^N (12) (13) a = 0.10 * - i = 1,2 ^n] (14) Table 4: Moving probability Pik of each CPs with each items of dataset. N ■ K 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 9 1 0 1 10 0 1 0 Table 5: values of magnitude of charge (qi) of each CPs and separation distance (ri,k). Separation Distance (ri,k) N qi K 1 2 3 1 1.8833 1.991 0.61468 2.4197 2 1.1833 0.2648 1.3881 1.7242 3 0.93333 0.80968 1.0094 1.352 4 1.2333 0.45338 1.4435 1.1904 5 1.8833 2.0875 0.59338 2.2831 6 4 3.1051 1.9508 3.3476 7 1.6167 1.3312 0.55961 1.3142 8 1.9333 1.8999 0.42761 2.3886 9 0.58333 4.1443 4.1107 3.9615 10 1.2 0.80915 0.78601 1.9357 Tables 5,6 and 7 provide the values of qi, rik, i1, i2, "a" and (Xi-Ck) variables which are used to calculate the actual electric force (Fk), applied on the CPs and the value of 'a' is 0.4459, 0.9526 2 and 1.4363 which is calculated using equation 14. Thus, the values of the actual electric force (Fk) generated on initial CPs (cluster centers) is 0.32832, 1.1605 and 0.20691.The values of electric force (Fk) are used with Newton second law of motion to determine the new position of CPs and velocities of CPs. The Newton second law of motion is employed to get the new positions and velocities of CPs. This is referred to as exploitation of solution vectors from the random space search. Table 6: values of I1 and I2. N K (I1) K (I2) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 0 1 0 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 1 1 8 1 0 1 0 1 0 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 1 1 0 Table 7: values of Xi-Ck for each cluster center K. N K 1 0.74245 0.25143 0.88023 2 0.042448 0.44857 0.18023 3 0.057552 0.54857 0.080228 4 0.057552 0.54857 0.080228 5 0.74245 0.25143 0.88023 6 1.9424 1.4514 2.0802 7 0.24245 0.24857 0.38023 8 0.64245 0.15143 0.78023 9 0.55755 1.0486 0.41977 10 0.14245 0.34857 0.28023 Thus, the new positions of CPs and velocities are obtained from equation 9 and 5 respectively. Za and Zv act as the control parameters which are used to control the exploration and exploitation process of the algorithm. These parameters also affect the values of previous velocities and actual resultant force generated on a CP. These values may be either increased or decreased. Thus, Za is the control parameter belongs to the actual electric force Fk and controls the exploitation process of CSS algorithm. The large value of Za increases the 1 2 3 convergence speed of the algorithm while small value increases the computational time of the algorithm. Zv is the control parameter for the exploration process and acts with the velocities of CPs. Here, it is noted that Za is the increased function parameter while Zv is the decreased function parameter. Table 8 provides the new positions of CPs which are evaluated using CCSS algorithm. The new positions of CPs are mentioned in Table 8 and the values of control parameters Za and Zv are determined using the equation 14. The new velocities (V k,new) of each CPs is 0.21599, 0.46049 and 0.10449. = (1 — iteration/iteration max), Z^ = (1 + iteration/iteration max) (14) Table 8: New position of CPs. K i 1 2 3 4 1 4.513 3.335 1.6429 0.18253 2 5.1823 3.3115 1.6545 0.26068 3 4.8625 2.9388 1.4177 0.20523 Hence from the above discussion, the process of the algorithm can be categorized into three sections: Initialization, Search and Termination condition. The initialization section deals with the CCSS algorithm parameters; positions and velocities of the initial CPs; determine the value of objective function and rank them; store the positions of CPs into CM. In the search section, the new positions and velocities of CPs are determined using moving probability (Pi,k) and actual electric force (Fk). The value of objective function is evaluated using newly generated CPs, compared with previous CPs; rank them and store the best CPs in CM. The termination condition of the algorithm is either maximum number of iterations or repeated positions of CPs. 3.2 Pseudo code of CCSS algorithm for clustering Step 1: Load the dataset and specify the number of initial cluster centers (K). Step 2: \* initialize the initial positions and velocities of charged particles (CPs) * / For each charged particles k=1 to K For each j=1 to m Determine the value of initial position of CPs (Ck) using equation 7; Calculate the value of mass for each Ck using equation 10; End for End for Vk=0; \* velocities of each CP*/ Iteration =0; Step 3: Evaluate the value of objective function using eq. 11 and assign the items to the clusters with minimum objective function values. Step 4: Store the positions of initial charged particles (Ck) into a variable, called CM. Step 5: while (the termination conditions are not met), do \ * Calculate the value of moving probability Pi,k for each charged particle Ck * / For each charged particles k=1 to K For each i=1 to n Determine the value of fitness of each instance (qik) with each CP (Ck) using eq. 8; End for If (fit (qik) > fit (k)) Pik ^ 1; Else Pik ^ 0; End if End for Step 6: \ * Determine the value of actual electric force (Fk)*/ Determine the value of mass for each instance qi using eq.12; Calculate the value of radius 'a' using eq. 14; For each charged particles k=1 to K Calculate the value of separation distance (ri,k) using eq. 13; If (ri.k < a) Else i2^0 End if If (ri.k > a) i2^1 Else End if End for For each charged particles k=1 to K Determine the value of actual electric force (Fk) using eq. 3; End for Step 7: Calculate the new positions and velocities of CPs using eq. 9 and 5 respectively; Step 8: Compute the value of objective function using new positions of CPs; Step 9: Compare the value of objective function of newly generated CPs to CPs reside in CM; Step 10: Memorize the best solution achieved so far Iteration= Iteration +1; End while Step 11: Output the best solution obtained. 4 Experimental results This section describes the results of the CCSS algorithm for data clustering problem. To assess the performance of CCSS algorithm, it is applied on ten datasets. These datasets are ART1, ART2, iris, wine, CMC, glass, breast cancer wisconsin, Liver disease (LD), thyroid and vowel in which iris, wine, CMC, glass. Liver disease (LD), thyroid, vowel and breast cancer wisconsin datasets are real that are downloaded from the UCI repository while rest of two datasets are artificial i.e., ART1 and ART2. The characteristics of these datasets are discussed in Table 9. The proposed algorithm is implemented in Matlab 2010a environment on a core i5 processor with 4 GB using window operating system. For every dataset, the algorithm is run 100 times individually to check the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm using randomly generated cluster centers. The parameter settings for CCSS algorithm are mentioned in Table 10. The sum of intra cluster distance and f-measure parameters are used to evaluate the quality of solutions for clustering algorithm. The sum of intra cluster distances can be defined as distances between the instances placed in a cluster to the corresponding cluster center. The results are measured in terms of best case, average cases, worst case solutions and standard deviation. The quality of clustering is directly related to the minimum of the sum of distances. The accuracy of clustering is measured using f-measure. To ensure the effectiveness and adaptability of CCSS algorithm in clustering domain, the investigational results of CCSS algorithm are compared with K-Means, GA, PSO, ACO and CSS algorithms which are given in Table 11. 4.1 Datasets 4.1.1 ART1 It is two dimensional artificial dataset, generated in matlab to authenticate the proposed algorithm. This dataset includes 300 instances with the two attributes and three classes. Classes in dataset are disseminated using ^ and 1 where ^ is the mean vector and 1 is the variance matrix. The data has generated using = [3, 1], ^2 = [0, 3], ^3 = [1.5, 2.5] and 11 = [0.3, 0.5], 12 = [0.7, 0.4], 13 = [0.4, 0.6]. The Figure 1(a) depicts the distribution of data into ART1 and figure 1(b) shows the clustering of same data using CSS method. 4.1.2 ART2 It is three dimensional artificial data which includes 300 instances with three attributes and three classes. The data has generated using = [10, 25, 12], ^2 = [11, 20, 15], ^3 = [14, 15, 18] and 11 = [3.4, -0.5, -1.5], 12 = [-0.5, 3.2, 0.8], 13 = [-1.5, 0.1, 1.8]. The Figure 2(a) represents the distribution of data in ART2 dataset and Figure 2(b) shows the clustering of same data using CCSS method. 4.1.3 Iris Dataset Iris dataset contains three variety of the iris flower which is setosa, versicolour and virginica. The dataset contains 150 instances with three classes and four attributes in which each class contains of 50 instances. The attributes of iris dataset are sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. 4.1.4 Wine Dataset It contains the chemical analysis of wine in the same region of Italy using three different cultivators. This dataset contains 178 instances with thirteen attributes and three classes. The attributes of dataset are alcohol, malic acid, ash, alcalinity of ash, magnesium, total phenols, flavanoids, nonflavanoid phenols, proanthocyanins, color intensity, hue, OD280/OD315 of diluted wines and proline. 4.1.5 Glass This dataset consists of six different types of glass information. The dataset contains 214 instances and 7 classes. It contains nine attributes which are refractive index, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, potassium, calcium, barium, and iron. 4.1.6 Breast Cancer Wisconsin This dataset characterizes the behavior of cell nuclei present in the image of breast mass. It contains 683 instances with 2 classes i.e. malignant and benign and 9 attributes. The attributes are clump thickness, cell size uniformity, cell shape uniformity, marginal adhesion, single epithelial cell size, bare nuclei, bland chromatin, normal nucleoli, and mitoses. Malignant class consists of 444 instances while benign consists of 239 instances. 4.1.7 Contraceptive Method Choice It is a subset of National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey data that had been performed in 1987. This dataset contains information about married women who were either pregnant (but did not know about pregnancy) or not pregnant. It contains 1473 instances and three classes i.e., no use, long term method and short term method. Each class contains 629, 334 and 510 instances respectively. It has nine attributes which are Age, Wife's education, Husband's education, Number of children ever born, Wife's religion, Wife's now working, Husband's occupation, Standard-of-living index and Media exposure. 4.1.8 Thyroid This dataset contains the information about the thyroid diseases and classifies the patient into three classes-normal, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The dataset consists of 215 instances with five features. The features are the medical tests which have been used to categorize the patients. The features are Tresin, Thyroxin, Triiodothyronine, Thyroidstimulating and TSH value. 4.1.9 Liver Disorder This dataset is collected by BUPA medical research company. It consists of 345 instances with six features and two classes. The features of the LD dataset are mcv,alkphos, sgpt, sgot, gammagt and drinks. 4.1.10 Vowel This dataset consists of 871data instances of Indian Telugu vowel sounds with three features which correspond to the first, second, and third vowel frequencies and six classes. 4.2 Performance measures 4.2.1 Sum of intra cluster distances It is sum of distances between the data instances present in one cluster to its corresponding cluster center. Minimum the sum of intra cluster distance indicates the better the quality of the solution. The results are measured in terms of best, average and worst solutions. Table 9: Characteristics of datasets. Dataset Classes Features Total instances Instance in each classes ART 1 3 2 300 (100, 100, 100) ART 2 3 3 300 (100, 100, 100) Iris 3 4 150 (50, 50, 50) Glass 6 9 214 (70,17, 76, 13, 9, 29) LD 2 6 345 ( 145, 200) Thyroid 3 3 215 (150, 30, 35) Cancer 2 9 683 (444, 239) CMC 3 9 1473 (629,334, 510) Vowel 6 3 871 (72, 89, 172, 151, 207, 180) Wine 3 13 178 (59, 71, 48) 4.2.2 Standard Deviation This parameter gives the information about the dispersion of data present in the cluster from its cluster center. The minimum value of standard deviation indicates that the data are close to its center while a large value indicates the data are far from its center points. 4.2.3 F-Measure F-measure is calculated by the recall and precision of an information retrieval system [7, 11]. It is weighted harmonic mean of recall and precision. To determine the value of F -measure, every cluster describes a result of the query while every class describes as a set of credentials for the query. Thus, if each cluster j consists a set of nj data instances as a result of a query and each class i consists of a set of ni data instances require for a query then nij gives the number of instances of class i within cluster j. The recall and precision, for each cluster j and class i is defined as Recall (rii.j)) = ^^^^ and Precision (p(i,y)) = The value of F-measure (F (i, j)) is computed as (13) • • • • • • • » • • • • • 1 • • • • • • ■ • .J. > • •frf' • • • • • • , • • I* •• • • % • -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 X1 Figure 1(a): Distribution of data in ART1 dataset. ▼ Cluster 1 , O Cluster 2 ♦ Cluster 3 o ; ▼ o o o n ▼ ▼ ▼ A. o v ''il' o , o ▼ o O o ♦ 1 XI Figure 1(b): Clustered the ART1 dataset using CCSS. 20-"^ 1816--—' 14-^ 1210- •1. Y1 X1 Figure 2 (a): Distribution of data in ART2 dataset. 222018—' 16—'' 141210-' Cluster 1 - □ Cluster 2 IL Cluster 3 - 5 0 Figure 2(b): Clustered the ART2 data using CCSS. ART 1 4 3 2 0 ART 1 6 5 4 0 2 3 4 5 20 30 15 20 0 10 5 10 30 25 20 15 0 X1 Y1 2* (Recall * Precision) = (Recall + Precision) (14) Finally, the value of F-measure for a given clustering algorithm which consist of n number of data instances is given as Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 257 Table 10: Parameters setting for CCSS algorithm IL F(i.j) = Y^^.maXi(F(i.j)) i=1 (15) Parameters Value No. of CPs No. of Clusters c 0.1 £ 0.001 Table 11: Comparisons of different clustering algorithm with CCSS algorithm. Dataset Parameters K-means GA PSO ACO CSS CCSS Best 157.12 154.46 154.06 154.37 153.91 152.69 Average 161.12 158.87 158.24 158.52 158.29 157.32 ART 1 Worst 166.08 164.08 161.83 162.52 161.32 159.86 Std. 0.34 0.281 0 0 0 0 F-Measure 99.14 99.78 100 100 100 100 Best 743 741.71 740.29 739.81 738.96 737.91 Average 749.83 747.67 745.78 746.01 745.61 745.36 ART2 Worst 754.28 753.93 749.52 749.97 749. 66 748.78 Std. 0.516 0.356 0.237 0.206 0.209 0.182 F-Measure 98.94 99.17 99.26 99.19 99.43 99.54 Best 97.33 113.98 96.89 97.1 96.47 96.38 Average 106.05 125.19 97.23 97.17 96.63 96.52 Iris Worst 120.45 139.77 97.89 97.8 96.78 96.69 Std. 14.631 14.563 0.347 0.367 0.14 0.11 F-Measure 0.782 0.778 0.782 0.779 0.787 0.791 Best 16555.68 16530.53 16345.96 16530.53 16282.12 16183.94 Average 18061 16530.53 16417.47 16530.53 16289.42 16218.42 Wine Worst 18563.12 16530.53 16562.31 16530.53 16317.67 16268.73 Std. 793.213 0 85.497 0 10.31 43.16 F-Measure 0.521 0.515 0.518 0.519 0.529 0.535 Best 11397.83 532.48 209.15 224.76 207.09 205.98 Average 11673.12 543.69 224.47 235.16 228.27 223.87 LD Worst 12043.12 563.26 239.11 256.44 242.14 238.84 Std. 667.56 41.78 29.38 17.46 18.54 13.29 F-Measure 0.467 0.482 0.493 0.487 0.491 0.494 Best 2999.19 2999.32 2973.5 2970.49 2946.48 2937.56 Average 3251.21 3249.46 3050.04 3046.06 2961.16 2954.41 Cancer Worst 3521.59 3427.43 3318.88 3242.01 3006.14 2978.34 Std. 251.14 229.734 110.801 90.5 12.23 19.23 F-Measure 0.829 0.819 0.819 0.821 0.847 0.856 Best 5842.2 5705.63 5700.98 5701.92 5672.46 5663.86 CMC Average Worst 5893.6 5934.43 5756.59 5812.64 5820.96 5923.24 5819.13 5912.43 5687.82 5723.63 5692.23 5727.18 Std. 47.16 50.369 46.959 45.634 21.43 24.76 Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 Y. Kum F-Measure 0.334 0.324 0.331 0.328 0.359 0.367 Best 13956.83 10176.29 10108.56 10085.82 9997.25 9981.48 Average 14 133.14 10218.82 10149.7 10108.13 10078.23 10054.32 Thyroid Worst 146424.21 10254.39 10172.86 10134.82 10116.52 10102.74 Std. 246.06 32.64 27.13 21.34 49.02 47.28 F-Measure 0.731 0.763 0.778 0.783 0.789 0.792 Best 215.74 278.37 270.57 269.72 203.58 241.08 Average 235.5 282.32 275.71 273.46 223.44 256.45 Glass Worst 255.38 286.77 283.52 280.08 241.27 265.29 Std. 12.47 4.138 4.55 3.584 13.29 8.38 F-Measure 0.431 0.333 0.359 0.364 0.446 0.453 Best 149422.26 149513.73 148976.01 149395.6 149335.61 149326.74 Average 159242.89 159153.49 151999.82 159458.14 159128.19 159012.39 Vowel Worst 161236.81 165991.65 158121.18 165939.82 164537.08 164286.97 Std. 916 3105.544 2881.346 3485.381 3128.023 3316.58 F-Measure 0.652 0.647 0.648 0.649 0.649 0.656 Table 12: Cluster center generated using CCSS method for ART1 and ART2 dataset. Dataset Center1 Center2 Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 0.7036 3.1243 10.8915 20.0376 15.7924 ART1 1.8296 2.4327 ART2 14.9639 14.9693 17.8362 2.9504 0.9212 9.2168 24.9836 12.9167 Table 13: Cluster center of Iris, Wine and CMC dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 5.01476 5.92624 6.75143 13.94261 12.62849 12.85965 Iris 3.36827 1.46534 2.73618 3.06485 4.43953 5.63867 1.86138 2.43564 2.34257 2.33089 2.573642 2.38526 0.24169 1.41694 2.12363 18.06218 20.95385 19.86478 24.96782 33.57356 43.75427 106.47693 98.69536 92.87932 3.04023 3.15648 2.86549 2.87896 2.14357 2.08431 3.87451 3.56795 3.47264 Wine 3.24652 1.78643 1.47298 1.76986 3.65193 4.60256 0.27138 0.43738 0.42846 CMC 0.96258 0.78947 0.79624 2.01853 1.44086 1.41791 0.79371 0.69826 0.77486 5.63729 4.34576 5.79516 2.30346 2.10543 1.82644 1.07814 0.95393 0.86541 2.97296 3.29489 3.43257 3.02437 2.47285 2.26429 0.03826 0.05987 0.09278 1138.0563 465.3951 688.0637 _Table 14: Cluster center of Glass dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 Center4 Center5 Center6 1.55643 1.53278 1.52736 1.51864 1.51961 1.52875 12.98963 13.16383 13.09752 14.9486 14.10576 15.86713 3.46978 0.25842 3.53789 0.06579 2.43568 3.73632 1.03678 1.41572 1.34384 2.23528 2.63459 2.98763 Glass 72.01356 72.9382 72.59836 73.6853 71.26418 74.45752 0.27906 0.31646 0.57812 0.05127 2.59642 5.1922 9.46573 12.01694 8.3824 8.7243 6.02568 14.63761 0.03548 0.05182 0.003929 1.03263 1.3356 2.6271 0.05593 0.05673 0.05904 0.01861 0.01268 0.43456 Table 15: Cluster center of Cancer dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Cancer Center1 2.89264 1.12476 1.21938 1.16893 1.99784 1.12856 2.06953 1.15432 1.07583 Center2 7.12836 6.64249 6.62812 5.61532 5.27268 8.23549 6.12637 6.10794 2.37681 Table 16: Cluster center of Thyroid dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Thyroid Center1 0.9386 -1.1452 -0.4298 0.9786 4.1683 Center2 1.6832 -1.6678 -1.0207 2.3346 0.8634 Center3 -0.1723 0.1591 0.2596 -0.3010 -0.2206 Table 17: Cluster center of Vowel dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Center 4 Center 5 Center 6 506.47598 407.6284 624.21692 356.82783 376.54276 437.90257 Vowel 1839.1372 1016.2586 1308.9836 2291.01353 2153.6867 990.76184 2555.97546 2314.362 2332.9563 2976.8596 2676.4656 2661.53974 Table 18: Cluster center of LD dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Center 4 Center 5 Center 6 LD 87.92621 91.23956 69.86842 75.06531 25.85635 59.18264 22.04346 38.92736 27.10362 129.86542 2.89347 5.96174 From Table 11, it can be seen that the results obtained from the CCSS algorithm are better as compared to the other algorithms. The best values achieved by the algorithm for iris, wine, cancer, CMC, glass, LD, thyroid and vowel datasets are 96.38, 16183.94, 2937.56, 5663.86, 241.08, 205.98, 9981.48 and 149326.74. The CCSS algorithm gives better results with most of the datasets. From the simulation results, it is also observed that CCSS algorithm achieve minimum value to the best distance parameter for the LD dataset and worst distance parameter for vowel dataset among all methods being compared. The standard deviation parameter shows how much the data are far from the cluster centers. The value of standard deviation parameter for CCSS algorithm is also smaller than other methods. Moreover, the CCSS algorithm provides better f-measure values than others which show higher accuracy of the said algorithm. To prove the viability of the results given in Table 11, the best centers obtained by the CCSS algorithm are given in Tables 12-18. 5 Conclusion In this paper, a chaotic charged system search algorithm is applied to solve the clustering problem. In the proposed algorithm, Newton second law of motion is used to get the optimal cluster centers but it is the actual electric force (Fk) and chaotic map which plays a vital role to obtain the optimal cluster centers. Hence, the working of the proposed algorithm is divided into two steps. First step involves the tuning of the CSS parameters using chaotic map. In the second step, the optimal cluster centers using Newton second law of motion are obtained. The CCSS algorithm can be applied for data clustering when the number of cluster centers (K) is already known. The performance of the CCSS algorithm is tested on the several datasets and compared with other algorithms; in which proposed algorithm provides better results and the quality of solutions obtained by the proposed algorithm is found to be superior in comparison to the other algorithms. References [1] Alpaydin, E. (2004) Introduction to machine learning. MIT press. [2] Al-Sultan, K.S. (1995). A Tabu search approach to the clustering problem. Pattern Recognition, vol. 28, pp. 1443-1451. [3] Al-Sultana, Khaled S., and Khan M. M. (1996). Computational experience on four algorithms for the hard clustering problem. Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 17, no. 3, pp 295-308. [4] Barbakh, W., Wu, Y., Fyfe, C. (2009). Review of Clustering Algorithms. Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg, pp. 7-28. [5] Camastra, F., Vinciarelli, A. (2008). Clustering Methods. Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis. Springer, London, pp. 117-148. [6] Cowgill, M.C., Harvey, R.J., Watson, L.T. (1999). 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Kane Dept of Management, Work and Organisation, Stirling Management School University of Stirling, UK FK9 4LA E-mail: t.b.kane@stir.ac.uk Keywords: telepresence, Turing test, cognitonics, education, artificial intelligence Received: June 25, 2014 We are on the verge of developing artificial intelligences that may dwarf the capabilities of human intelligence. How we will interact and thrive alongside such intelligence will be a pressing societal problem. This paper addresses the question of the intelligence of "artificial persons" (organisations of people) that already exist in our modern world. A particular issue - social exclusion from the artificial persons of top professions - is explored. The paper shows how cognitonics, using telepresence, cognitive tunnelling and an advanced dialogic framework, based on the viva voce form of the Turing test, can support society in opening up pathways to its advanced professions for all of its youngsters; and at the same time train its artificial persons to work harmoniously with the other members of society. Learning how to have meaningful social dialogue with artificial persons, may be of societal value as we prepare to live among artificial persons that employ their own artificial intelligence. Povzetek: Opisan je nov pristop v informacijski družbi s pomočjo kognitivnih tunelov. 1 Introduction Over the last few decades, it has become possible to observe a large number of distortions in the development both of the personality and of society caused by the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT), globalization processes, and the preponderance of commercialized values. As a reaction to this situation, a new scientific discipline (and simultaneously a branch of the humanities) called cognitonics has emerged [1 - 6]. The principal aim of cognitonics is to combine the efforts of scholars working in various fields in order to find systemic solutions to compensate for the distortions and to establish preconditions for the harmonic, well-balanced development of the personality. This paper explores an issue in the field of education. When a teenager is close to graduation from high school, he/she needs to possess well developed cognitive skills of processing information and to possess a broad mental outlook in order to understand what is his/her calling. Following Fomichova and Fomichov [7], calling could be described as the most important work the person could do, in which he/she would be most difficult to replace. However, by the end of high school, a very considerable number of teenagers have a rather narrow mental view of the possibilities before them, and don't consider many professions where they may be able to find a calling. There are complex reasons for this, both personal and societal. In the case of youngsters from state education systems, a contributing factor might be that societal tools of our modern cultures, the institutions of our advanced professions, are inadvertently colluding with complex education systems to exclude talented youngsters from fully developing while they are at school, thus rendering them unfit for tertiary education, or for reaching the height of their natural potential within the advanced professions. The result of which, being to contribute to social immobility throughout society. Within Artificial Intelligence is the notion of Singularity [8], the point at which computer intelligence will finally exceed human intelligence. Ray Kurzweil, who has predicted that the moment of this achievement will be in 2045, has also predicted that in that world, it will be possible for humans to decide how long they want to live, merge with technology, and participate in unimaginable adventures of the imagination. Although the Singularity is still some way off, we already live in a world of artificial persons -organisations of people. The artificial persons of our modern world (national authorities, local authorities, education systems, businesses, affiliations) are tools of society. They can be composed of a few, or thousands, or even millions, of people at the same time. They have their own reasons for existing, have relations with natural and artificial persons, they offer services and have codes of conduct with which their members must conform. These persons operate a functional, artificial intelligence, in our societies. This paper presents a dialogic framework, an adaptation of the Turing Test[9], suitable for establishing Turing Test-like dialogue between artificial persons and natural persons in a communications-rich world of social networking and telepresence. The framework sees the intelligence test lodged in the real-world, and put in the hands of stakeholders who are involved in the issues of intelligence being explored and for whom the dialogue explores contextual and time-critical issues. If the experience is recorded, then the record can be analysed by multiple stakeholders. We are also in a philosophical era that questions whether we have wholly "brainbound" minds, or extended minds[10] which overlap between the organic being and cognitive tools in the real-world around us. Andy Clark compellingly argues that human beings are natural-born cyborgs[11]. He also notes that as mind extension technologies develop, "It is simply up to us, in these critical years, to try to guarantee that human-centred technology really means what it says: that human means all of us and not just the lucky few." Artificial persons of our society are supra-cognitive tools capable of working with many natural minds for a range of functional purposes. Perhaps these artificial persons have become adept at exploiting multiple forms of intelligence, by successfully inhabiting the minds of other beings for their own intelligent, self-serving, purposes. Dealing respectfully with such artificial persons, and the difficult societal questions they raise -exploring them and their relationships with natural persons; might help us to deal with the Kurzweillian forms of intelligence that are evolving artificially. This paper focuses on probing intelligence that already exists within an artificial person, and exploring the organisational extended-mindedness that sees natural and artificial persons use many minds in pursuing their goals. Telepresence technologies can now connect functioning parts of the world together in a way that was unimaginable even 5 years ago. The proposal in this paper is that societal functions actively seek to employ these technologies to cognitively link operational parts of society with the educational parts of society so that all pupils have a chance to develop higher language skills, feel their way into professions, network, and understand the world around them as it is. Such work will open real-world opportunities to pupils at school and could help to challenge the negative effects of social immobility in an immediate way and with intelligence. 2 Telepresence and cognitive tunnelling Minsky [12] introduced the word ""telepresence" into the language. He imagined people at work physically controlling apparatus that is far away from them (perhaps it could be roving mining equipment that is present on Mars; perhaps it could be control functions that are present in a nuclear power station that is flooded with radiation) with a sense of connectedness. Today, telepresence is a term that is sometimes used for immersive videoconferencing. Types of videoconferencing that could be described as telepresence in Minsky's terms include situations where young people need to be protected from the overwhelming nature of an event, such as giving evidence at a criminal prosecution, and are allowed to give evidence from abroad. In such cases, the important part of the link is that the young person is both present and absent at the same time. A major task of such telepresence links is to keep the contributing environments within their normal work routine, and to construct protocols of expression that allow the fullest possible means of communication. In terms of telepresence, a great deal of parallel effort, operating at different organisational levels, is employed to produce the necessary conditions. Too much of educational videoconferencing is currently showcase activity - where dialogue is made inferior to the importance of broadcast; questions are allowed in time slots at the end of a presentation; events describe issues not of the moment, but of the past; where presentation professionals rather than educationalists or the professionals who do the work are involved in the link. In order to guard against the inauthenticity of such issues we focus on creating a telepresence at events as they are happening, and with the people who are involved. Figure 1: Producers of a Real-world Link. Real-world educational videoconferencing falls into two types of activities: production activities, and educational activities. A successful real-world link involves a partnership between four artificial persons: educational authority, a content provider, a school group, technical services provider, and a separate programme co-ordinator (who may be a natural or artificial person). Note that all of these organisational levels are contributory stakeholders in the link. They have different points of view on the importance of different aspects of the link. All of the contributing factors can be explored dialogically by persons within their own organisational silo, and by other persons who are outside of it. In the simplest videoconferencing setup two environments are linked. At each site there is a camera, an eye, and a microphone (an ear) that can be used to focus the attention of the other, and a number of ICT items that can be used to deliver semiotic images to the other side. A communal communication model that takes into account a variable number of people in each contributing point, and the multiple ways of sending, receiving and contemplating the utterances of the dialogues makes it clear that the members of the school classroom form a single artificial person. If we imagine that each natural person is given a hat for each artificial person that they can represent, we see that each pupil has, for example, a school hat, a particular classroom hat, a person hat, a social background hat. Each professional in dialogue with the class has at least the following hats: a unique natural person hat, one hat for each Artificial Person that they are a member of (as many as are appropriate to the link), a personal environmental hat, etc. The task of analysis is to be aware that there are multiple natural and artificial persons being represented in each real-world link. The educational task is to navigate the pupil through the process of learning about the real-world in a way that is consistent with pupils pursuing the requirements of the school curriculum. The communication model needs to encapsulate the artificial person that is the classroom, and the artificial person that is the real-world content provider, in such a way as to allow these to unfold into the various natural people who are participating. That model needs also to allow parallel transmission and reception of all forms of communicable message that can be captured by the telepresence equipment -- and to allow participants to acknowledge and record impressions. Figure 3 shows two artificial persons joined in a link. Each has • a receiving function that receives all inputs that have been transmitted, • a collegiate group function that produces the utterance that represents the dialogic response to received signals, • a production function, that sends a fresh set of messages back. Many messages can be sent at the same time, and anything that can be detected and transmitted can be reckoned as part of a potential communication. 2.1 Cognitive tunnelling Telepresence allows us to link pupils to a place of work where cognitive capacities are called upon, and for a while to join the classroom environment with that external environment. (For some young people the cognitive distance between their living environment and these external working spaces might as well be the distance to the moon.) The task is to focus on material that minimises the cognitive obstacles that lie between work pupils are currently capable of doing in class and the work they would be expected to perform if they were in the external place of employment. Classroom learningjareas, transform to a stage upon which pupils can perform, and from which they can draw on school objects and achievements. Similarly, the working environment becomes a stage, and working materials of an expert can be brought into a link. Each stage setting is slightly removed from the working environment to satisfy the requirements of the link. Figure 2: Communications Between Artificial Persons. In examining all communicatable signals to be read in parallel as part of the communication, we bring a very interesting problem to Bakhtinian analysis. With appropriate questions, we make the task open to the extended Turing Test much more valuable to those who seek to understand the world of artificial entities of multiply contributed intelligences. Figure 3: Art Gallery with Art-Classroom. The challenge is to develop appropriate educational/real-world scaffolding [13]: to allow the contact to be an authentic engagement between pupils and the real-world, to remain in the pupil's mind, and to familiarise the young people with professional activities that they themselves might perform later in life as a result of their education and professional development. We describe the work in this area as '"cognitive tunnelling". With suitable educational scaffolding, young people can be asked to engage with the real-world as it is (and, even, as it changes), and for the real-world to engage with pupils as they are developing. A key issue in working with socially excluded pupils is in joining the environmental languages of the pupils -- their local accents, idioms, dialects - and the professional languages -- technical terms, idioms, jargon - of working spaces using Bakhtinian [14] techniques of hybridization and dialogue. 3 Anatomy of a real-world link The city of Glasgow has linked all of its 29 state high schools into a shared videoconference service network that allows business quality links to any classroom in any high school in the city. The link we are dissecting was \ part of a programme called ''Listening to Young People''. The programme engaged young people in schools throughout Glasgow with the Scottish Parliament and with the Civil Service. This school involved in this link was Holyrood High School - one of the largest high schools in Europe. Educational Authority -- Glasgow City Council Education Department had the vision, relationships, power and financial ability to promote the endeavour and make a link viable (within all social obligations) and interesting. This is a level of Leviathan which is below city government level. Real-World Content Provider -- The Scottish Parliament, an artificial person, provided a real-world scenario for the schools as an educational experience. Understanding the parliament forms part of the school curriculum. The link was with a Member of the Scottish Parliament, Frank MacAveetie, who had been a teacher at Holyrood High School; and with one of the parliamentary education officers - who brought the parliamentary mace. The link sought to explore real-world knowledge which is experiential, drawn from the content provider's daily activities and of their operational procedures, which is open, which is harmonised with classroom learning, which can afford interaction and allow pupils a real-world experience. Figure 4: Modern Studies Class to Scottish Parliament. Active Curricular Schoolwork—The class was a first year secondary school (aged 11) Modern Studies class, who were studying the Scottish Parliament. The published Curriculum[15] requires the following capacities: I can investigate the features of an election and the work of representatives at a local, national or European level to begin to develop my understanding of how democracy works. SOC 2:18a I can evaluate the impact which decision making bodies have on the lives of people in Scotland or elsewhere SOC 4:18a I can debate the reasons why some people participate less than others in the electoral process and can express informed views about the importance of participating in a democracy. SOC 4:18b Technical Services Providers -- provider of link from where exactly in the school to where exactly in the real-world. Technical services also have to support users in how to set up camera positions and how to present themselves effectively for transmission. This area of coordination ranges across the educational Internet/communications service provider, the technical support officers at education services, schools and the external places of interest. Smooth coordination here is the technical achievement of the link. This link was between the pupils classroom and a Parliamentary committee room. Educational Event Producer, or Programme Coordinator -- These four areas mentioned above have occasional need to be coordinated during the period of the educational activity. Because the link is scheduled to happen at a particular time and there is a matching of the working day with the school day, there are often small problems that need to be addressed in each of the four areas, and there is always a need for communication between one area of expertise and another (e.g. local authority and real world provider). A fifth category of expertise that coordinates the real-world educational intervention, sympathetic to the real-world time and content constraints between classroom, service-provider, content producer and educational authority, is introduced here as the Educational Event Producer, or Programme Coordinator. Any tool or person involved in this kind of work needs to be concerned with the quality of the communications and needs to ensure that co-operation between parties takes place appropriately. It may be that the creation of this space of dialogues may be a plausible example of how a Clarkian extended mind space is produced, in which cognitive activities operate dialogically and mental contents can reside inside, outwith and alongside a natural person. 3.1 The link The link was for 30 minutes and followed the format: 1. General Welcomes -- welcome to Parliament, Frank MacAveetie; welcome to Holyrood, by deputy head, Bernie Pollock 2. Classroom teacher, Mrs Brady engages with contributors, introduces class 3. Presentation from MSP on Parliament 4. Questions from Class to MSP and Education Officer 5. Questions to class from MSP 6. Goodbyes and round up One interchange with Mr MacAveetie, regarding homelessness solicited a professional response that crossed all the languages involved in the link -- the local, the educational, the personal, and the professional. The question regarded finding a political solution to homelessness, and Mr MacAveetie spoke of a member of his own family, a 71 year old, who was a street vagrant. And then he said: "But it's not just 71 year olds that are on the streets. I've even seen former pupils of mine who have got heroin problems, actually begging on the streets of Glasgow and it actually breaks your heart, because those young boys in particular used to play on your school football team. They were as fit as a fiddle, and then at 16 and 17 they suddenly get into drugs, and there they are at 23, begging on the streets of Glasgow from their former teacher." The live experience of such a link is very powerful. This videoconference was recorded, as where constructive dialogues between contributors at all levels of the cognitive tunnel. These recorded objects are available and can be constructively, subjectively examined (for example, by pupils involved, or stakeholders elsewhere), and the humanity of the contributions can be debated, with a view to making improvements. Such materials, when shared across all state schools, could make it possible for all schools to benefit from every link. Once a complete real-world programme has been co-ordinated for the first time, it can then be improved upon from within any of the contributing areas of expertise. In any links between schools and professionals, there is a need to separate out the voices that represent the organisations from the voices of natural persons who are involved in them. In this regard, it is important to focus on how natural persons work with artificial persons. 4 Meetings with artificial persons in the information society Thomas Hobbes [16] introduced us to Leviathan, which he described as a commonwealth, or state, "which is just an artificial man---though bigger and stronger than the natural man, for whose protection and defence it was intended", supplying analyses of the social contract natural people accede to in joining up with Leviathan, the civic responsibilities attendant upon the social contract, and how natural people within Leviathan should be governed -- by sovereignty, democracy or aristocracy. The frontispeace of Hobbes book showed a crowned monarch whose body and arms were composed of many human heads, all looking up to him. Hobbesian commonwealths themselves, each with its own goals and social contracts. Figure 1 shows what the frontispiece might look like today. Organisational behaviour [17] is the study of the behaviour of people involved in organisations, and the organisations themselves. There are three main areas: • the study of individuals in organisations (micro); • the study of work-groups in organisations (meso), and • the study of how organisations, themselves (macro), behave. It is worth noting that even in an Artificial Person, the intermediate level between micro and macro levels allows for the existence of sub-artificial person recursion within a single artificial person. Artificial Persons develop their own cultures and seek to thrive in the culture around them [18]. With such definitions we see Artificial Persons as complex, constructed societal objects, cognisant insofar as they borrow the cognitive abilities of members of the commonwealth. They are cognisant tools of society, dispersed across space, capable of being present in different ways, capable of defining themselves axiomatically, capable of organising themselves recursively, knowledgeable about their rights and history; and able to self-reflect in a communal way, able to take care of themselves in the present and choose policy and goals for the future. Both Artificial Persons and Natural Persons have narrative history. Insofar as any person is part of more than one artificial person. For each of these that we slip between on a daily basis, there is its own narrative, the shared narrative between individual and group, and any sense of Leviathan relationships or injunctures. Each person in the multiple-lines of real-life storytelling, moving from language to language as they represent other artificial persons and occasionally their own self. In searching for a definition for an artificial persons that could be a realistic player in the imitation game, this paper proposes that any person that conforms to a narrative account of personhood could be considered as one that can participate in the new Turing Test. Such a person needs to be capable of seeing itself in its own story and being able to tell its own tale. Following Bruner [19], e describe such a person as one who is: Figure 5: Leviathan - None Like Him. What Hobbes did not foresee was a time when organisations of people within Leviathan's body, would become lesser artificial persons, and would grow to teleological and agentive sensitive to obstacles responsive to judgements capable of selective remembering oriented towards reference groups and significant others possessive and extensible able to shed values and possessions as required experientially continuous over time, despite striking transformations sensitive to where and with whom it finds itself accountable moody, affective, labile and situation-sensitive seeking and guarding coherence Such a definition of person covers natural and artificial persons. The framework will allow any artificial person that encapsulates these traits to participate in the dialogue. Such persons can include legalised and informal groupings of persons, whether those be familial, social, or functional in any way. A thesis of this work is to recognize that complex relationships exist between natural and artificial persons, see if artificial persons are as capable of being deceptive and self-serving as natural persons. Human intelligence in this complex world is not simply a matter of seeking consistent behavior: indeed, much intelligence might be involved in the judicious applications of non-consistent behaviour over a period of time. We seek to explore the true intelligence, or multiple intelligences of artificial persons through what they say, what they do, how they do it; and analyse the material with the forensic effort of that French[20] applied to the Turing test[9]. Today, a natural person might be a member of any number of different artificial persons at the same time, and may be torn in behavioural terms between differing social contracts. Some of these artificial persons might partner one other, some may be at odds with one another. We can also explore extended mindedness from the point of view of the artificial person towards the use of natural persons -- that natural persons are extended mind tools of artificial persons. In seeing an artificial person as a person, constituted of many natural (and possibly some lesser artificial) persons; the artificial person is not so much "extended minded" as "many-minded". That is, its cognition is the result of composite, parallel activities, being contributed by many minds (owned by a number of other natural and artificial persons). The framework presented here aims to allow higher and higher cognitive levels of Leviathan to examine and direct the policies of its members in acceptable forms of social behaviour. 5 Questions for artificial persons Suitable questions should engage the artificial person as it goes about its business, just as Socrates engaged with citizens in their element while he wandered the streets of Athens. Questions could be asked that address complex societal issues that probe natural persons and artificial persons alike. For example, in social mobility. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has described[21] very troubling social mobility issues in the United Kingdom: e.g. more than 50% of youngsters will grow up to have the same salary as their father. The Sutton Trust [22] shows that 53% of the UK's most influential people were independently educated, including 24% of university vice-chancellors, 32% of Members of Parliament, 51% of medical consultants, 54% of top journalists, 70% of High Courtjudges^ when only 7% of the UK population are. Top Universities in Scotland have been criticised for the low numbers of students being taken from the most disadvantaged areas. In response to criticism of the University of St Andrews in this regard [23], the principal of the University highlighted the difficulty of finding sufficient numbers of plausible students with the appropriate grades in deprived parts of society. The worry being that underqualified students would not be capable of doing well at St Andrews. Response from a government advisor, acknowledged that there is a real problem of social inequality, and that social origins of inequality go to "differences in language and brain development". And yet, we know that academic ability is randomly dispersed across all socio-economic groups and that advanced societies endeavour to seek out the best talents within the population to fill top professions. Runco has found that creative projects[24] which do not focus on cultural tropes are especially suited to helping talented youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop their unique creative talents. Links with telepresence are known to be immersive and focused on personal effort and creativity. Such educational work that had direct links with direct activities of the real-world could raise the consciousness of the pupils and establish a route into the professions. Currently, there is a barrier before youngsters in deprived areas in reaching tertiary education; and there is a further barrier before fully educated qualified youngsters in reaching the top of the professions if they have not been privately educated. Such issues suggest that we may have already arrived at a Singularity-like situation in modern-life. This is a question whose scope covers the space of the societal education system as a whole; and the societal employment institutions as a whole -- both of which can be considered as Artificial Persons within the national state Leviathan, who are in some ways governable by Leviathan. It is difficult to see which of the two hypotheses, • collusion and exclusion between educational establishments and employers, or • impaired cognitive development in all young people from socially deprived backgrounds is actually the worst. Both hypotheses, whether true or false, certainly merit investigation. What is clear is that an engaged society could undertake steps to rectify any difficulties. The discipline of Cognitonics could be of assistance in this matter. Schools, particularly those who are involved in educating youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds, deserve an answer to the questions; "is there something that can be done to help our pupils reach the height of their potential in tertiary education"; and "is there something that can be done to help our pupils rise to the top of the professions when they have completed their education?". Schools could, as part of their curricular activities, seek out answers to such questions. Using telepresence and the dialogic framework schools can question persons, natural and artificial, while they are at work -- so that pupils can see how the world is, in realtime, so that they can learn from it. With such questions, we have left Turing's parlour game and have started to explore the streets of Athens. 6 Supersizing the Turing test Alan Turing's [9] test of machine intelligence derives from an imitation game, a parlour game, whereby a man (player A) and a woman (player B) are separated away from an interrogator (player C), and each are asked questions in turn, by means of a note delivered to each, by a messenger who acts on behalf of player C. The man is pretending to be a woman; and the woman is playing to have the truth be known. The fun of the parlour game for each player s to prevail. For player B it is to use truthful statements more effectively than player A is able to use misleading statements; and for player A, it is to overcome the truths of Player B, with a more compelling falseness. In the imitation game, no-one questions the existence of intelligence in any of the participants; the fun is in watching how well intelligence is applied. In his paper, Turing says "The game (with the player B omitted) is frequently used in practice under the name of viva voce to discover whether some one really understands something or has learnt it parrot fashion.'" This version of the game, the basis of the proposed framework, involves an interrogator who examines a player specifically to uncover the completeness of their knowledge of "something". Turing did not stipulate that the interrogator should be a singular, natural person. Consequently, the interrogator could be a group of individuals working together to perform the interrogation function. Thus, the interrogator may be an artificial person, made up, for example, of a group of guests at a party. Player A could be an artificial person (a group of people working together) in the same way. The dialogic framework allows a version of the Turing Test that supports dialogues between persons (either artificial or natural) as interrogator and player. Using the viva voce approach means player A and player C can be as face-to-face as it is possible to be. And yet, they are one-step removed from the world of their activities - they are in a constructed place, derivative of the true work-space, and they enter a dialogue. In these real-world meetings, between parties across many social classes who employ many individual languages, and produce new hybridisations of language, the depth of dialogic analysis of such meetings can be guided by the novelistic analysis techniques introduced by Mikhail Bakhtin [25 - 26]. Especially, this means that any semiotic capable of being recorded and transmitted by the telepresence equipment can be interpreted as an utterance; any utterance should be viewed through a chronotopic lens which respects the primacy of context over text; any action of any person can be seen as an act of dialogue between that person and the world [14]; and any professional or social language used for a specific purpose by a specific group can be seen as a professional "speech genre" [27] and can therefore be explored in relation to all other languages with the help of literary analysis. The case for rigorous forms of meetings that respect such Bakhtinian approach to chronotope, utterance, intonation, dialogue and speech genres is made. If recordings of such links are made, in-depth analysis of the links can be made by many artificial persons, at many levels within Leviathan; and results can be pooled to aid in the development of policy to improve matters that are found to be wanting. This work would be in the cognitonic realm of the humanities. 7 Cognitonics, testing humanity, exploring reality Topics for Viva Voce style Turing-tests that could be applied to the production of a link include: A) Test of Educational Authority: Did the idea serve a valuable purpose? Was it worth the effort? Was it a diversion? B) Test of Real-World Provider: Did the external party produce material suited to the pupils and the curriculum? Was this an authentic link with the real-world scenario, or could their real-world contact be shown to be self-congratulatory, cursory, inauthentic or unenlightening? C) Test of Schoolwork Activity: Is the activity involved in this link related to curricular requirements and suitable to the age and development of the pupils involved? Can recording be used in class? Can learners reflect appropriately, or annotate the experience relevantly? D) Test of Technical Services: Does the link respect the real-world context of all parties involved? E) Test of Educational Impact: What impact had the school on the real-world? What token of reality passed from the real-world to the school? Larger societal questions can be articulated and addressed. For example: A) Harmony: How smoothly did contributors work together? Are there any societal issues that need to be addressed? Are there policies of artificial persons that need to be altered? B) Collective intentionality: are particular artificial persons welcoming to all, or partial to a few? Do artificial persons use natural persons as shields? C) Social practices and agreements between artificial and natural persons: are we tolerating inappropriate behaviours between artificial persons that is to the detriment of society? D) Understanding: How do we construct the interpersonal dialogues that Socrates might have with the beings of our world where he here today - tailored so that we can understand the world as it is, and the world can know and understand itself? E) Sustainability: How do we promote good relationships between natural and artificial persons within Leviathan? Cognitonics [1 - 3, 28] enables us to recognise exclusion and societal under-achievement, reason it out, and then to use tools of ICT itself, to tackle it. 8 Conclusion Understanding complex societal issues of the real-world as it daily goes about its business, has always proven itself to be a difficult task. A major issue has been in separating out the voices which represent artificial persons and the voices which represent natural persons. Today, communications technologies working alongside cognitive tools embedded within Artificial Intelligence make it possible for schools to ask probing questions of natural and artificial persons in the real world, and to examine how natural people move from artificial person to artificial person in society. The paper suggests that a type of cognitive telepresence can be achieved by means of cognitive tunnelling, a term that is introduced to describe bringing pupils right to the working methods of natural and artificial people at work. Cognitive tunnelling presents a way of extending Vygotsky's scaffolding technique to places of live activity that are remote from the school. The paper suggests that Bakhtin's extraordinary analysis tools for working on language, narrative and dialogue can help us to articulate and then to overcome cognitive hurdles presented to talented youngsters from disadvantaged communities. If such encounters are recorded and re-used, they can form material for Turing-Test-like, multi-level, multiply judged subjective assessments of the intelligence(s) within organisations, which could guide organisations in developing respectful relationships with natural persons. The ultimate aim of such work being to make all young people aware of the possibilities in their world and to compete for employment opportunities that present themselves at all levels of society. Acknowledgement The author wishes to express grateful acknowledgement, for many fruitful discussions regarding the ideas in this paper with participants of the Third International Conference on Cognitonics, in particular, with its Co-Chairs, Vladimir A. Fomichov and Olga S. Fomichova. References [1] V. A. Fomichov and O. S. Fomichova, 'Cognitonics as a New Science and Its Significance for Informatics and Information Society', in Informatica (Slovenia), 2006, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 387-398. [2] V. A. Fomichov and O. S. Fomichova, 'A Contribution of Cognitonics to Secure Living in Information Society', in Informatica (Slovenia), 2012, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 121-130. [3] V. A. Fomichov and O. S. 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Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. [28] V. A. Fomichov and O. S. Fomichova, 'The social responsibility of computer science specialists for the creative potential of the young generation', Int. J. Artif. Intell. Educ., vol. 11, pp. 208-219, 2000. Use Case of Cognitive and HCI Analysis for an E-Learning Tool Marian Cristian Mihäescu 1, Mihaela Gabriela Tacu 2, Dumitru Dan Burdescu 1 1 University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation Computers and Electronics, Romania 2 University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania E-mail: mihaescu@software.ucv.ro, mihatacu@yahoo.com, burdescu@software.ucv.ro Keywords: e-learning, human computer interaction, cognitonics, stemming, concept detection Received: June 25, 2014 This paper presents the development of a n^^ tool for an e-Learning platform, with implications and analysis from human computer interaction (HCI) and cognitonics perspectives. The goal is to improve the educational process by helping the professor form a correct mental model of each student's performance (capability). Besides this, the developed application is also analyzed from HCI and cognitive perspective with an attempt to offer an effective and highly usable tool. The interplay between cognitive psychology and HCI is emphasized as a fundamental prerequisite for a constructive and argumentative design. The main functionalities offered by the developed application are: evaluation of the level of understanding of the course material by the student and analysis of the difficulty level of the questions proposed by the professor for an exam. The prerequisites for accomplishing the task are a good structure of the on-line educational environment and information about students' activities on the platform. An important part of the process of obtaining the desired result is performing a text analysis and concept extraction on the professor's uploaded courses. The languages supported by this module are both English and Romanian. Using this module, the professor will have the ability to control the difficulty of test and exam questions and make changes accordingly: add, delete or modify test/exam questions. The developed application is thereafter discussed from HCI and cognitive psychology perspectives, such that further analysis and improvements are ready to be achieved. Our approach creates a context in which continuous design, implementation and evaluation has as output a high quality user interface suitable for an Intelligent Tutoring System. Povzetek: Opisana je nova platforma za učenje, ki omogoča uporabo kognitivnih in HCI analiz. 1 Introduction During the last years, the interaction between professors The research of HCI and cognitive psychology issues and students in on-line educational environments has are cornerstone in shifting gears from "technology that been considerably improved, especially by developing solves problems" towards "design that emphasizes the new tools and implementing different functionalities that user's needs". These general research areas have a great integrate intelligent data analysis techniques. An area impact on the field of e-learning due to the wide range that still needs further work is the cognitive area, media that can produce cognitive affection at various particularly towards helping the professors build more industries. Among the most common options there are accurate mental models of each student's capabilities. simple text, voice, picture, video, or virtual reality. In regular educational environment, a professor can The final goal of the tool is to extend its usability achieve that mental model by continuously interacting with respect to the particularities of e-learning with students and observing their learning skills and environments. That is why the general fundamental capabilities. Online, it is harder to accomplish that, usability evaluation formulated by Nielsen [25] needs a because of the lack of constant and valuable analysis of proper specific adjustment for e-learning environments. feedback that is offered by students. That is why the The most important characteristics of a usable e-learning approach to building a professor's mental model of environment should be usefulness, effectiveness, student's activity becomes a tool that can improve an on- learnability, flexibility and satisfiability [1]. line educational environment. On the other hand, discussing web-based The main purpose of the tool is to help the professor instructional strategies from cognitive point of view understand and analyze student's activity without having requires a different approach that should mainly be any face-to-face activity. constructive (demands for synthesis in the process of Besides the design and development of the tool that building the tool) and argumentative (justify design actually implements the needed functionality, this paper decisions of the developed tool, critically asses the also presents a detailed analysis from human computer tradeoffs in alternative designs and conduct usability interaction (HCI) and cognitive perspective. studies to evaluate prototypes). 2 Related works Let's regard related works mainly in the following research areas: educational data mining, HCI and cognitonics. Within the educational data mining (EDM) area this paper is closely related to Intelligent Data Analysis performed on educational data. Among many research problems from EDM, this paper relates to the works that have attempted to represent and analyze educational data with the goal to improve their knowledge level through custom designed data analysis systems and applications. Thus, implementing data mining tasks on educational data (e.g. performed activities, educational resources, messages, etc.) provides the environment in which progress may be achieved. Many research hours have been allocated to the purpose of extracting key concepts from course materials, messages, questions and finding ways of using them for enhancing the teaching and learning processes [2, 3]. Also, a considerable amount of work has been put into discovering the similarity between concepts. Relevant in this area is the paper that Tara Madhyastha wrote in 2009 called „Mining Diagnostic Assessment Data for Concept Similarity" [4], it presented a method for mining multiple-choice assessment data for similarity of the concepts represented by the multiple choice responses. The result obtained was a similarity matrix that can be used to visualize the distance between concepts in a lower-dimensional space. The NLP (Natural Language Processing) is another major research area, with a strong focus on documents (text and diagrams). Particularly interesting from our perspective is the research conducted in the domain of linguistics [11, 12]. Important is also the work put into constructing treebanks, both monolingual [13] and parallel. In [9] M. Colhon presents the construction of an English-Romanian treebank, a bilingual parallel corpora with syntactic tree-based annotation on both sides, also called a parallel treebank. Treebanks can be used to train or test parsers, syntax-based machine translation systems, and other statistically based natural language applications. Agathe Merceron and Kalina Yacef published a case study about how educational data mining algorithms can be used for extracting relevant information from web-based educational systems and how this information can be used for helping teachers and learners [5]. A comprehensive report on the state of the educational data mining was published in 2009 [6] and presented a general view of the EDM field, including the methods used, the papers with the most influence in the field and the key areas of application. One of the main goals of the educational research is identifying students' current level of understanding. For this purpose, a series of estimates have been used, including DINA model, sum-scores and capability matrix. A comparison between these estimates was presented in „A Comparison of Student Skill Knowledge Estimates" [7]. This paper presents an approach to using concept extraction along with activity monitoring and concept weighting towards constructing accurate models of students' present knowledge and level of understanding of the courses, as well as detecting the difficulty level of each course, course chapter, test question or exam question. Another scientific discipline whose contribution is necessary is cognitonics [18, 19, 20]. Cognitive aspects are playing an important role in the information society and also in the particular case of e-learning applications. From cognitonics point of view, the developed applications for sustaining on-line courses (or other related activities) should develop creativity, support cognitive-emotional sphere and appreciate the roots of the national cultures. One of the main goals of this quite new research discipline it is the development of a new generation of tools for on-line learning that compensate the broadly observed negative distortions [18]. Among many application domains where cognitonics (cognitive psychology for information society and advanced educational methods) finds a suitable place is e-learning. From this point of view, e-learning tends to need progress from various research domains (e.g. EDM, cognitonics, HCI, etc.) in order to improve its effectiveness and control the main negative side effects regarding linguistic ability, phonological ability, social relationships, etc. Another research domain that is highly connected with the discussed issues is HCI. Currently, there are numerous research efforts that deal with user interface adaptation in e-Learning Systems, adaptable interfaces featuring multiple views and finally integration of usability assessment frameworks that are designed and refined for the context in which they are applied. HCI issues related to e-learning are user-centered design [21] and user sensitive design [22]. From this perspective, adaptation of knowledge presentation, of interaction style regard specific issues like domain knowledge base generation, user/system interaction modeling, interface evaluation. Poor interaction in various on-line educational activities (e.g. evaluation of exercises after class, quiz games, intelligence analysis, etc.) may find proper solution by employing specific HCI research methodologies related to usefulness, effectiveness, learnability, flexibility and satisfiability. 3 Tools and technologies The context for which the tool is developed is related to on-line education. From this point of view, the developed tool is actually a web application that gathers various technologies in order to achieve its business goal. The first step in accomplishing this module's purpose is retrieving the text from documents. For reading .pdf files, we used Apache PDFBox, which is is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents [10]. For manipulating .doc and .docx files, our choice was Apache pOi [14], a powerful Java API designed for handling different Microsoft Office file formats. Stemming [16] is the process for reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their stem, base or root. The documents written in English were stemmed using the snowball stemmer [15]; as for the Romanian stemmer, we used as a base the PTStemmer implementation [17] and adapted it for the Romanian language by building the corresponding set of grammatical reduction rules: plural reduction, genre reduction, article reduction. The PTStemmer is a toolkit that provides Java, Python, and .NET C# implementations of several Portuguese language stemming algorithms (Orengo, Porter, and Savoy). The XML processing was done using the Java DOM parser. 4 System architecture and usability assessment The most important prerequisite for the development of such a tool is an online educational platform that has a proper structure for the educational assets and the ability to integrate proper intelligent data analysis techniques. The online educational system we have chosen is Tesys Web [8], an e-learning platform used in several faculties from University of Craiova. Tesys has been designed and implemented to offer users a collaborative environment in which they can perform educational activities. 4.1 General architecture Figure 1 presents the general architecture of the system. In the left part of the figure we can see only persistent data, basically found on the server, and on the right side the core business logic is presented, it includes the concept extraction, activity monitoring and recommender modules. Starting from the course documents that were previously uploaded by the professor on the platform, the system extracts the concepts, using a custom concept extraction module, which incorporates a stemming algorithm and TF-IDF formulas. The obtained data is then transferred into the XML files. The five most relevant concepts are also inserted into the Tesys database, for further use. As soon as the professor uploads the test questions and specifies each concept's weight for every question, the student's activity monitoring process can begin. Afterwards, using the concept-weight association, student's responses to the test questions and taking into consideration the performances of student's colleagues, the system will be able to show relevant statistics to the professor, so he can understand each student's learning difficulties as well as the general level of the class. The recommender module is designed to review the difficulty of the proposed exam questions and advise the professor on lowering or increasing the exam difficulty. All this process is supervised by the professor, who takes the final decision. 4.2 Concept extraction tool A key feature of this module is the extraction of the most important concepts from every chapter that belongs to a course. This part of the module is divided into two steps: stemming and computing TF-IDF values. Several tools and algorithms have been developed for English word stemming, but for the Romanian language this research area is still at the beginning, therefore we developed our own tool and set of rules to accomplish this task. After the stemming process we use the TF-IDF formulas for every word in the document and then we store the obtained data into an xml file, which has the following structure: Figure 1: System architecture. Each concept extracted from the course chapter's document is represented as an element in the xml file. The stemmed form of the word is stored as the element name, and its original form, TF value and IDF value are stored in the element attributes. The first five concepts that have the highest TF-IDF value are inserted in the database, for further use on the platform. Figure 2 illustrates part of the interface available to the professor for managing the concepts. It is very straight forward, providing the professor with the list of extracted concepts and some additional options for managing them. These options include: the possibility to add new concepts, modify the existing ones in case they were not correctly extracted and delete the irrelevant concepts, if any. Figure 2: Concepts management. 4.3 Discipline structure Within the online platform a discipline has the following structure: Chapters, Test Questions, Exam Questions and Concepts. The chapters are documents uploaded by the professors, which can have one of the following extensions: .pdf, .doc, .docx. These documents are parsed and stemmed, resulting in a list of concepts. Test questions are the questions used by the students throughout the semester for evaluating their current knowledge. A feature that allows the professor to choose from a list the concepts that are related to the test question and assign them weights was added to the e-learning platform. The exam questions are the ones from which the students will take the final exam and obtain their final grades. The concepts are the ones extracted from the chapters' documents which were previously reviewed by the professor. As presented in Figure 3, for each question it is available the list of concepts extracted from the chapter to which the question belongs. Here is where the professor has the ability to assign the corresponding weights, representing the level of relevance that the concept has to the question. MANAGE CONCEPTS WEIGHTS FOR QUESTION Intr-o pagina JSP^ o declaratie este cuprinsa intre urnnatoarele elemente: A. <%!...%> B. <%...%> C.<%@ ...%> D. <%$...%> Concept Current weight New weight j^P 20% |o 1% expresii 0?i |o 1% scripturi |o 1% declaratil 80% |o 1% Figure 3: Weights management. 4.4 Activity monitoring This step is very important because it is decisive for the determination of the student's ability to understand the course material and to highlight his/her progress. The most relevant information can be obtained by evaluating the correctness of the answers from the test questions, taking into consideration the concept associated with those questions and their given weights. This will help the professor figure out which are the concepts that the student has difficulties understanding and how he/she can be helped. One of the monitoring tools provided to the professor is the graphic presented in Figure 4. By regularly checking this table, the professor can watch the progress of his/her students, be informed of their level of interest in the course material and discover which are the concepts that pose them problems. 4.5 Usability assessment and cognitonics Usability evaluation is the final and most critical step within the lifecycle of the application, since it may have tremendous implications on the redesign of the user interface and underlying business logic. Applying general heuristics (i.e. with no special tuning to educational context) may be a reasonable option but using approaches that are adapted to e-Learning may offer greater progress [23]. From cognitive perspective, the visual stimuli refer to the following processes: visual search, find, identify, First/Last name , Student18 StudentIS „ Študenti/ Študenti/ , Student14 Student14 Študenti Študenti Overall understanding level 78.37 77.17 5e.13 53.7 No. answered questions 5 10 10 5 Concept 1:jsp 100 100 100 0 Concept 2: expresii 73.33 80 63.33 EO Concept 3: scripturi 100 100 100 0 Concept 4: declaratii 100 100 GG.G7 EE.E/ Figure 4: Activity monitoring. recognize and memory search [24]. Based on this kind of analysis, specific issues may be obtained specific issues within our e-learning tool. From this perspective, presented educational assets (e.g. quizzes, concepts, etc.) can be characterized as confusing, not findable, etc. and thus reduce the unwanted side effects regarding the distortions in perception of the world caused by information society and globalization. 5 Experimental results In order to better explain how the system works, we will consider a sample usage scenario. The main steps of the scenario are: Professor - Concept setup Let's assume that professor P is a professor on the e-learning platform, and has a course with two chapters. He first has to upload the documents of the chapters. Immediately after he does that, the system parses the documents, applies the stemming algorithm and the TF-IDF formulas and ultimately extracts the most important five key concepts from each file: C11-C15, C21-C25. This list can be accessed from the course page and is differentiated by the chapter to which they belong. In this moment the professor can review the concepts, he/she can delete the ones that he/she considers irrelevant, or maybe add new ones. Professor - Test questions setup This step is performed when professor P loads test questions for the students to answer, and for each question assigns weights of the extracted concepts, denoting the relevance level of every concept for each particular question. The weights have values in the range of [0.0,1.0]. Table 1 presents a possible weight distribution for concepts among questions. The cells corresponding to the concepts that have absolutely no relevance to a question and therefore have a weight of 0.0 are left blank. C11 C12 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 Q1 0.1 0.7 0.2 Q2 0.4 0.6 Q3 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 Table 1: Sample weights distribution. On the platform, the professor is able to assign the weights as percentages, as previously presented in Figure 3. These weights can be updated at any time, and the progress of the students will be modified accordingly. Student - Take tests Let us consider student S1. The first test the student takes contains questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7. Table 2 presents possible values for the correctness of the answers given by the students that answered these questions. S1 is the analyzed student, S2 to Sn are the other students that answered the questions. It is assumed that the tests contain only single choice questions, so the answer can be only evaluated as CORRECT or INCORRECT. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q5 Q7 S1 CORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT S2 INCORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT S3 CORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT CORRECT Sn CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT Table 2: Sample Answer Data. After computing the weights and results, the system will provide the professor with the following statistics: • student's level of understanding of each concept: In this formula, LUc represents the level of understanding of concept c and w(c, q,) is the weight associated to the concept for question q,. The numerator of the fraction is therefore the sum of the weights of the concept for the correctly resolved questions, and the denominator is the maximum amount that could be obtained if the responses to all questions were correct. • student's performance colleagues; Fffrformance — k relative to his LUc^ • the difficulty level of every test question No. correct answers Difficulty = Total no. answers the difficulty level of each concept S1. Professor - Visualize results model build mental After analyzing the presented data, the professor will be able to start creating a mental model regarding the student's current level of understanding of the material and his/her place among the other students. Also, if necessary, the professor might decide to modify the course material, for example add some extra information on a particular concept that the students have trouble understanding. Another action the professor might choose to take, given the reported level of the class, is increase or decrease the general difficulty level for the test questions, as well as deciding which will be the best exam questions. 6 Conclusions and future works This paper presents a use case of building a tool for Tesys e-Learning platform and analyzing cognitonics and HCI related issues in an attempt to offer a high quality interaction design that minimizes the cognitive side effects. The developed tool is presented in detail from architectural and technical point of view, with an emphasis on the design of the user interface and on the data processing issues. The technical challenges that are addressed in this paper regard building a Romanian stemmer, obtaining concepts, designing mathematical formulas for determining concept and quiz weights and overall students' knowledge levels. From this point of view, the future works regard validation of these mathematical formulas and possibly inferring better ones. As a general approach, continuous usage of the tool will provide data evidence for our approach. Another important issue, discussed in this paper, regards the HCI and cognitonics aspects of the user interface designed for this software tool. From this perspective, usability evaluation (general or e-learning related) using HCI specific methodologies represents the final step in obtaining a high quality user interface. From cognitive perspective, the goal is to minimize (or ideally eliminate) the distortions in perception of the world cost by the developed tool. The cognitive aspects validate the student model that is mentally built by the professor while using the tool. As future works, there are two main directions. One regards properly the analysis of the underlying data (e.g. concepts, weights, formulas) and the other one regards further analysis from HCI and cognitonics perspective of the developed tool. Once progress is made in these directions, similar e-learning tools may also be analyzed providing a framework for progress in this domain. References [1] B. Mehlenbacher, L. Bennett, T. Bird, M. Ivey, J. Lucas, J. Morton, L. Whitman. Usable E-Learning: A Conceptual Model for Evaluation and Design. Proceedings of HCI International 2005: 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Las Vegas, NV: Mira Digital P, 1-10. [2] K. Nakata, A. Voss, M. Juhnke, T. Kreifelts. Collaborative Concept Extraction from Documents (1998). Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Practical Aspects of Knowledge management (PAKM 98). 1998. Switzerland. [3] J. Villalon, R. A. Calvo. Concept Extraction from Student Essays, Towards Concept Map Mining. 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A Database-Based Two-Phase Algorithm for Efficient and Complete Detection of siRNA Off-Target Homology Hong Zhou Department of Mathematical Science, School of Health and Natural Sciences University of Saint Joseph 1678 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117, USA E-mail: hzhou@usj.edu Hong Wang Department of Chemical Biology and Center for Cancer Prevention Research The State University of New Jersey Rutgers, NJ 08854, USA E-mail: howang@rci.rutgers.edu Keywords: siRNA, shRNA, off-targets, RNAi, sequence alignment, Smith-Waterman Received: June 31, 2014 Since the discovery of RN.A Interference (RNAi), a cellular phenomenon in which a small double stranded RNA induces the degradation of its sequence specific target mRNA, using a computer-aided software tool to help design functional small interfering RNA (siRNA) or small hairpin RNA (shRNA) has become a standard procedure in applying RNAi to silence a target gene. A critical consideration in siRNA design is to avoid any possible off-target effect, i.e. to avoid sequence homology with untargeted genes. Though BLAST is the most powerful sequence alignment tool, it can overlook some significant homologies. Therefore, Smith-Waterman algorithm is the only approach that can guarantee to find all possible mismatch alignments that may cause off-target effect. However, Smith-Waterman alignment suffers from its inefficiency in searching through a large sequence database. A two-phase search algorithm was previously reported in which the first phase is used to identify local regions where the second phase, a bona fide Smith-Waterman alignment, is absolutely needed. Though such a two-phase homology search can improve the efficiency up to two orders of magnitude over the original Smith-Waterman alignment algorithm, it is still not efficient enough to be used alone for siRNA off-target homology search over a large sequence database. In this paper, we propose several improvements that dramatically speed up the reported two-phase algorithm while still guaranteeing the complete identification of siRNA off-target homologies. Povzetek: V prispevku je predstavljena računalniška metoda za utišanje ciljnega gena. 1 Introduction RNA interference (RNAi) is a cellular mechanism in effect. Although the actual mechanism of off-target which a small double stranded RNA induces the effect is still unknown, it has been demonstrated that a degradation of its sequence specific target mRNA, thus partial sequence homology between siRNA and its silencing the function of the target gene. Since its unintended targets is one of the major contributing discovery, RNAi has become a powerful technique to factors [8,18,21]. It has been suggested that if an knock out/down the expression of target genes for gene introduced siRNA has less than 3 mismatches with an function studies in various organisms [3,5,16]. To unintended mRNA, it would likely knock down the employ this technique, the first step is to design target- expression of this mRNA in addition to its intended specific small interference RNA (siRNA) or small target which shares 100% sequence homology with this hairpin RNA (shRNA) that is homologous to the target siRNA [11,15]. Unsurprisingly, the Basic Local mRNA. Because of the predictability of RNAi based on Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) has been used to its matching target sequence [2, 5, 7, 9-11, 14, 15, 19, identify possible unintended homologous regions for 22, 25, 26], quite a few studies have been devoted to siRNA candidates [1,13,17]. BLAST, although extremely computer-guided algorithms to design effective siRNA fast, is not the best algorithm designed for this type of or shRNA (from here on, this article will only refer to task since it overlooks significant sequence homologies siRNA for simplicity) [4, 6, 12, 15, 20, 25, 26]. [15,24,27]. As an alternative, Smith-Waterman alignment However, a critical requirement in siRNA design is to algorithm has been employed together with BLAST by guarantee that the designed siRNA is free of off-target some design tools to identify all possible off-target sequences [15,27]. Smith-Waterman algorithm utilizes a dynamic programming approach to identify the local optimal alignment between two sequences [23]. It guarantees to locate the existing optimal alignment based on a scoring system with a set of scores assigned to a match, a substitution, a deletion, and an insertion. Given two sequences with length of m and n, the computational complexity of Smith-Waterman algorithm is O(mn). Since the off-target search for siRNA sequences must be conducted completely through a given sequence database (which is usually large), the Smith-Waterman algorithm alone becomes very time-consuming and impractical for this task. Thus we once developed a two-phase homology search algorithm for siRNA off-target detection [29]. In this two-phase algorithm, the phase 1 procedure is used to identify the local regions where an off-target homology is possible to exist. Upon finding such local regions, the phase 2 procedure, a bona fide Smith-Waterman alignment algorithm, is used to determine if this local region has homology with the given siRNA sequence to cause off-target effect. This two-phase algorithm can be explained as the following. For a siRNA of length m, an off-target homology is defined as a sequence that has less than x mismatches (i.e. mismatch cut-off equals x) when aligned against the siRNA (a mismatch is defined to be either a substitution, a deletion or an insertion hereafter). Thus, after the siRNA sequence is divided into x mutually disjointed and equal substrings (as equal as possible), at least one substring must have a perfect match with the off-target region. For the remainder of this paper, let's assume m=21 and x=3 unless stated otherwise. Under this condition, an off-target homology can only have a maximum of two mismatches, i.e., 0, 1, or 2 mismatches. When there are a maximum of two mismatches, no matter where the possible two mismatches are, at least one third of the siRNA sequence must have an exact match with the homological region. This concept is shown in Figure 1 which explains the case when the middle substring has the exact match. Since all the possible off-target homological regions bear a substring of length 7 that has an exact match with the siRNA sequence, it is reasonable to perform the Smith-Waterman alignment only on the regions that have an exact match with at least one substring of the siRNA sequence. Thus, the first phase in the two-phase algorithm is designed to identify the potential regions with which at least one of the substrings of the siRNA sequence has an exact match. Only when such a potential region is identified, the second phase calls for the Smith-Waterman procedure to evaluate the best alignment between the potential region and the siRNA sequence. This algorithm does not construct any lookup table from the whole genome sequences, though it significantly improves the searching efficiency by guiding the most time-consuming core Smith-Waterman alignment on the local regions that need to be further examined. Though the two-phase algorithm was shown to have efficiency gain of up to two orders of magnitude compared to the original Smith-Waterman algorithm alone [29], it is still not efficient enough to be applied alone for off-target homology search for a large number of siRNA sequences, such as the whole-genome siRNA design and off-target detection. For whole-genome siRNA design and off-target search, this two-phase algorithm must be applied with BLAST being the initial screening tool. In this paper, we present several significant improvements over both the phase 1 and the phase 2 procedures. These improvements dramatically speed up the original two-phase algorithm and make it able to complete off-target homology detection by itself alone for whole genome siRNA design. 2 Materials The computer used in this study is a Dell notebook computer with Intel Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU. The maximum CPU speed is 2.30GHz. Installed RAM is 8.00 GB with 7.88 GB usable. The operating system is Windows 7 Enterprise (64 bit). The programming language used is Java. The genome sequence database used in this study is NCBI human mRNA RefSeq gene database (human.rna.fna) downloaded on December 9, 2013. It has 68822 non-redundant sequences for mRNA/protein genes with average length of 3452 nucleotides. The 1000 sample siRNA sequences used in this study were generated as the following: after 100 genes were randomly selected from the NCBI human mRNA RegSeq database, 10 siRNA were generated randomly from each gene using a computer-aided siRNA design tool [27]. All the siRNA sequences are of length 21 nucleotides (21-nt). One reason to select the length 21 is R CGTTAGCGCTAGCTAACAAATGCGT I I S TTAGTGCTAGCTAAGAAATGC |al When the mismatches ars sub&tLtutions R ACGTTAG.GCTAGCTAACGAAATGCG 1 f S TTAGTGCTAGCTAAGAAATGC |b) When the mismatches have dcFetion and/or insertion Figure 1: When there are 2 mismatches between the siRNA sequence (S) and the off-target region (R), at least one of the three substrings of S has the exact match with R. The vertical bars mark the substitutions, the arrows mark the deletion and/or insertion in R, and the shaded substrings have the exact match. When the substring in the middle of S has an exact match, the off-target region must be such a region in R that extends from the matched substring to both left and right enough base pairs to completely cover the siRNA that 21-nt siRNA is the most commonly used siRNA in RNAi applications and the naturally occurring endo-siRNA is of 21-nt [30,31]. 3 Improvements on phase 1 In the original two-phase algorithm, the phase 1 is nearly as five times time-consuming as the phase 2. This is shown in Table 1. Table 1: The time cost (in seconds) analysis of the two-phase algorithm. # of siRNA Time Cost (seconds) Phase-1 Phase-2 100 388.49 80.5^ 200 777.04 160.53 500 1938.97 4041.02 1000 3866.47 798.10 The result in Table 1 is obtained by conducting offtarget homology search through the whole human mRNA RefSeq gene database using the sample set (^f the 1000 21-nt siRNA. As the phase 1 is much mor7 ii^^fficient than the phase 2, our first improvement is on the phase 1. The original two-phase algorithm used the Java's built-in string match algorithm, which is a character-by-charter brutal force algorithm. This algorithm has been shown to be inefficient in English text match. However, our experiment result shows that this brutal force algorithm performed equally efficient compared with both the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm and the Boyer-Moore algorithm in the siRNA off-target homology search. This is in fact unsurprising. There are only four different nucleotides in both DNA and RNA sequences, thus repeated sequences can occur frequently. The repeating sequences prohibit the skip-distance in both KMP and Boyer-Moore algorithms from growing, making them unable to achieve the desired efficiency gain. The fact that there are only four different nucleotides in DNA sequences (let's use DNA as the example as the RefSeq database is for DNA) inspired us to develop a base-4 integer number system to represent DNA sequences. For example, let's define A=0, C=1, G=2 and T=n, then any nucleotide can be represented by a base-4 digit 0, 1, 2 or 3. Though the original two-phase algorithm works with siRNA of different lengths, in this study, siRNA of length 21 is used as the working sample. The reason is that 21-nt siRNA is the most commonly used and the naturally occurring endo-siRNA is of 21-nt [30,31]. In the NCBI probe database which contains thousands of siRNA sequences submitted by different researchers or companies, about 60% of these siRNA sequences are of length 21. However, please note that the concepts introduced in this study work for siRNA of different lengths. A 21-nt siRNA can be divided into three substrings each of size 7-nt. With the base-4 number system, any 7-nt can be represented by 7 digits, which is a base-10 integer between 0 and 16383 inclusively (please observe that 47 = 16384). This means that a siRNA sequence can be represented by three base-4 integers each for a 7-nt subsequence. For example, a siRNA sequence of GCUGCAUCAACACAUGGAGCA is divided to three mutually disjointed 7-nt substrings GCUGCAU, CAACACA, UGGAGCA, which are represented as three integers 10131, 4164, and 14884 respectively. However, a DNA gene sequence of length M nucleotides must be represented by M-7+1 integers. This is because the homology search against the gene sequence is contiguous, shifting a nucleotide at a time. For example, AGCTATCCG is represented as an integer array of {2509, 10037, 7382}. In the next experiment, we pre-processed the mRNA RefSeq database to convert every gene sequence into an array of integers. With this conversion, the phase 1 string match procedure becomes integer equivalence checking. It is not surprising to observe that the phase 1 procedure is significantly improved by representing the sequences as integers. The result is shown in Table 2. Table 2: The time cost comparison between the original phase 1 and the modified phase 1 in which character by character comparison is transformed into integer comparison. (o): original Phase 1. (n): the new Phase 1 using integer comparison. # of siRNA Time Cost (seconds) Phase1 (o) Phase1 (n) Phase2 100 388.49 164.20 80.51 200 777.04 345.81 160.53 500 1938.97 842.18 404.02 1000 3866.47 1760.54 798.10 Table 2 demonstrates that by using a base-4 integer system to represent the DNA nucleotides and thus transforming the string match process into an integer comparison process, the time cost of the original phase 1 can be cut down by more than 50%. The overall efficiency gain of the whole process is about 45%. Though the above experimental result is positive, the improvement is not significant enough. It is clear that dynamically searching for the exact match of a substring is always time-consuming. This motivated us to build a database to index the locations where each siRNA 7-nt substring has an exact match with the DNA gene sequences. In the RefSeq database, there are 68822 nonredundant gene sequences with an average length of 3452 nucleotides. If we assume that all the four nucleotides have an equal chance to appear through the whole sequence database, then any a 7-nt subsequence has 1/16384 chance to appear, i.e. can show up about 14500 times in the whole gene database. To build the location-indexed database, we generated all the permutations (total 16384) of 7-nt, found the locations of each 7-nt in the RefSeq database and stored their location information in the location-indexed database. By using this location-indexed database, the phase 1 search process is no longer dynamic. Whenever a siRNA 7-nt substring needs to locate its exact matched regions inside the RefSeq gene database, using the integer representation of the 7-nt substring as the primary key, such needed information is directly provided through this database. Via using such a database, the efficiency of the phase 1 is greatly improved. The result is shown in Table 3. Table 3: By using a database to store the locations where each 7-nt substring has an exact match in the RefSeq gene sequence database, the phase 1 process is dramatically accelerated. Time-cost values are in seconds. (o): original Phase 1. (n): the new Phase 1 through the location-indexed database. # of siRNA Time Cost (seconds) Phase-1 (o) Phase-1 (n) Phase-2 100 388.49 0.75 80.51 200 777.04 1.25 160.53 500 1938.97 3.09 404.06 1000 3866.47 5.96 798.10 Table 3 demonstrates that removing the dynamic searching process via a pre-built location-indexed database, the phase 1 process is speeded up by about 600 fold. Table 3 also shows that the phase 2 becomes now the bottleneck in the two-phase algorithm. Because the phase 2 is now much slower than the phase 1 after using the pre-built database, the overall efficiency gain of the modified two-phase algorithm is only about 5 fold. The challenge becomes now, how to improve the phase 2. 4 Improvements on phase 2 The original phase 2 is a bona fide Smith-Waterman alignment algorithm. As the phase 1 is used to reduce the probability of using Smith-Waterman alignment in phase 2, we then tried to further reduce the use of the phase two operation by adding a pre-phase right before the original phase 2. This pre-phase serves as a filter to further remove unnecessary Smith-Waterman alignment. The pre-phase dictates that only when the following two conditions are both met, Smith-Waterman alignment is needed. Precondition: A 21-nt siRNA sequence (S) is equally divided into three mutually disjointed 7-nt substrings, S0, S1, and S3. When S0 finds an exact match with a substring R0 in region (R), the two other substrings of R would be R1 and R2, each corresponding to S1 and S2 separately. Condition 1: Divide S1 from the middle to generate two sub-substrings. One is 3-nt, and the other is 4-nt. Repeat the dividing for S2. For each of the two corresponding substrings R1 and R2, extend one nucleotide to the direction away from R0 so that both R1 and R2 are of 8-nt. Check if R1 contains (the position does not need to match) either of the two sub-substrings of S1. Repeat the checking for R2. It must be true that the total number of sub-substrings contained in R1 and R2 is no less than 2. Condition 2: Divide S1 as equally as possible to generate three mutually disjointed sub-substrings. One is 2-nt, one is 3-nt, and the last is 2-nt. Repeat the dividing with S2. For R1 and R2, extend two nucleotides to the direction away from R0 so that both R1 and R2 are of 9-nt. Check if R1 contains (the position does not need to match) any of the sub-substrings of S1, and repeat the checking for R2. It must be true that the total number of sub-substrings contained in R1 and R2 is no less than 4. Figure 2 illustrates the condition 1. C: : t * r cgttagtgtagctaa6taactgc s TTAgtgctagctaagaactgc (a) The case when there fi one deletion and □ne insertion each on a separate substring in R ; t: r cgttcaggctagctaaga a^tgclft ttagtgctagctaagaa^tgc (b) The tase when tigere are öne deletiür and one lin&ertion both on one substring in R Figure 2: The Condition 1 in the case when the middle substring of siRNA finds an exact match in a region. In condition 1, there are always at least two sub-substrings of S that are contained inside R. Gray-shaded regions have the exact match. Arrows without a letter aside mark the insertion in R, and arrows with a letter aside mark the deletion (the letter indicates the deleted nucleotide in R). Yellow-shaded regions mark the sub-substrings of S contained in R. The Condition 2 is depicted in Figure 3. The first critical understanding of both Condition 1 and 2 is that when either S1 or S2 is divided into multiple sub-substrings, one mismatch, no matter what type it is, can only occur inside one sub-substring. Thus, in Condition 1, when there are four sub-substrings, at most two sub-substrings can be changed while at least two others are intact. Though a deletion or insertion can switch the positions of the sub-substrings, their content are not changed if the insertion/deletion are not inside the sub-substrings. A similar idea applies to Condition 2. The second critical understanding of Condition 1 is that we need only to extend one nucleotide to the direction away from R0 so that both R1 and R2 are of 8-nt. The question raised here is that when R1 has two insertions, theoretically we need to extend two nucleotides so that R1 can fully cover S1. However, if R1 bears two insertions, given a homology between R and S, then S2 and R2 must be an exact match. Thus, there must be two sub-substrings of S2 that are contained inside R2. It is then unnecessary to extend two nucleotides for R1 anymore. The similar idea can explain why it is necessary to extend only two nucleotides for both R1 and R2 in Condition 2. CGTT^^GTAGCTAAGT AACTB^ tt^gt|gctagctaaga act^ (3) The case when there is one deletion and ore insertion wch qn 5 separate substring in R t: r cgtctaggctagctaaga^TtJgc a s ttagtgctagctaaga^ogc (b) The case when there are one deletion and one insertion both on one substring in R Figure 3: The Condition 2 in the case when the middle substring of siRNA finds an exact match in a region. In condition 2, there are always at least four sub-substrings of S that are contained inside R. Gray-shaded regions have the exact match. Arrows without a letter aside mark the insertion in R, and arrows with a letter aside mark the deletion (the letter indicates the deleted nucleotide in R). Yellow-shaded regions mark the sub-substrings of S contained in R. With the pre-phase, the use of Smith-Waterman alignment is largely reduced and therefore the phase 2 is dramatically speeded up. The result is presented in Table 4. Table 4: The pre-phase helps improve the efficiency of the phase 2 by more than 30 fold. (o) the old phase; (n) the new phase. # of siRNA Time Cost (seconds) Phasel (n) Phase2 (o) Phase2 (n) 100 0.75 80.51 2.60 200 1.25 160.53 49.46 500 3.09 404.06 12.68 1000 5.96 798.10 24.81 5 Discussion The drawback of the phase 1 improvement is the necessity of building a database. Roughly speaking, for the 16384 different 7-nt substrings, there would be about 16384 x 14500 = 239018000 integers to store in the database, with each integer marking a position inside a gene for a 7-nt subsequence. In addition, there is other necessary information to store, such as the information of each gene. Depending on the implementation, the database size can be greater than or less than 1 Gb. The pre-phase for phase 2 further reduces the use of Smith-Waterman alignment by mandating the satisfaction to both Condition 1 and Condition 2. Overall, the modified two-phase algorithm is 150 times more efficient than the original one. However, if only enforcing the satisfaction of one of the two conditions in the pre-phase, the improvement on efficiency is much less. By enforcing Condition 1 alone, the efficiency improvement on phase 2 is about 27 fold, while the efficiency improvement over the original phase 2 is only 11 fold if enforcing Condition 2 alone. With the 1000 siRNA samples, there are 56402965 match hits in phase 1, indicating 56402965 alignment checking using Smith-Waterman algorithm in the original two-phase algorithm. However, there are only 399962 hits for the pre-phase. This shows that the pre-phase reduces the uses of Smith-Waterman alignment for about 140 fold. Among the 399962 hits, only 21444 of them were found to have true homology by Smith-Waterman alignment. This suggests that there might be additional approaches that can further improve the phase 2 efficiency. Without considering the insertions or deletions, i.e. when only considering the case of substitutions, Smith-Waterman alignment is not necessary for the off-target homology detection. After the phase 1, for a homology with a maximum of two substitutions, the other two substrings in both siRNA and the searching region must have nearly exact matches with less than 3 substitutions. This is shown in Figure 4. R CGTTAGCGCTAGCTAACAAATGCGT I I S TTAGTGCTAGCTAAGAAATGC For an off-target Inomology, eacli non-matcliing substring Inas one substitution R GTTAGCTAAGCAATTGCGTCCCGG G I I S TAGCTAAGGAAATGCGTCCCG (b) For an off-target horn alagy, one nan-matching substring hastwa substitutions whiJe another substring has none Figure 4: The case when only consider the substitutions in homology check. Gray-shaded regions indicate the exact match. Vertical bars mark the substitutions. Since the substitutions do not change the positions of nucleotides, a check for the string matching on the two pairs of substrings can be quickly performed. The experiment results show that it took only 4.00 seconds to complete the phase 2 for 1000 siRNA sequences. In addition, the experiment results disclose that there are only 21364 homologies found with only substitutions. Therefore, only 80 homologies identified for the 1000 siRNA sequences involve either deletions or insertions, a very small portion of the total number of off-target homologies (0.373%). 6 Conclusion In the siRNA design, designing functional siRNA sequences is a relatively fast process, while the off-target evaluation is much more time consuming. Using the siRNA design tool [27], the time cost to design functional siRNA for all the 68822 human mRNA RefSeq non-redundant genes (an average of 33 siRNA for each gene) is about 400 seconds. With the improved two-phase algorithm (considering deletions and insertions), the time cost to completely check the offtarget homology for all the designed siRNA sequences is estimated to be about 19.41 hours, which is acceptable for a process on the whole genome. Thus, after the improvements presented in this paper, the modified two-phase homology search algorithm can complete any offtarget checking for functional siRNA design, without the initial use of BLAST. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Dr. Kevin Callahan and Dr. Joseph Manthey from the University of Saint Joseph for their critical reading of this manuscript. References [1] Altschul, S. F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E. W., Lipman, D. J., "Basic local alignment search tool," J Mol Biol., vol. 215, pp.403-410, 1990. [2] Bass, B. L., "RNA interference. The short answer," Nature, vol.411, pp.428-429, 2001. [3] Couzin, J., "BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR: Small RNAs Make Big Splash," Science, vol.298, pp.2296-2297, 2002. [4] Cui, W., Ning, J., Naik, U. P., Duncan, M. K., "OptiRNAi, an RNAi design tool," Comput Methods Programs Biomed., vol.75, pp.67-73, 2004. [5] Elbashir, S. 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Box 1553, 41000 Souk-Ahras, Algeria E-mail: abdelkrim.amirat@yahoo.com Keywords: self-adaptive system, component-based system, dynamic reconfiguration, distributed reconfiguration, reliable reconfiguration Received: August 16, 2013 Reconfiguration is widely used for evolving and adapting systems that cannot be shut down for update. However, in distributed systems, supporting reconfiguration is a challenging task since a reconfiguration consists of distributed reconfiguration actions that need to be coordinated and the application consistency must be preserved. To address this challenge, we propose a framework based on a reflexive three layer architecture model for the development of distributed dynamic and reliable component-based applications. The bottom layer of this model is the application layer. It contains the system's application-level functionality. The change management layer is the middle layer. It reacts to changes in state reported from the application layer. The uppermost layer is the self-adaptation layer that introduces the self-adaptation capabilities to the framework itself. It ensures the service continuity of the change management layer and manages the adaptation of this last to the changes which it carries out itself on the application layer. The framework is conceived especially for supporting the distributed reconfigurations. For that, it incorporates a negotiation and coordination mechanism for managing this type of reconfiguration. Moreover, it incorporates a separate system for ensuring the reliability of the application. The paper introduces a prototype implementation of the proposed framework and its empirical evaluation. Povzetek: Članek predstavlja okolje za gradnjo samo-prilagodljivega porazdeljenega programja. 1 Introduction Nowadays, more and more of distributed applications run • Safety: an adaptation operation badly made should more often in fluctuating environments such as mobile not lead the adapted application to a crash. environments, clusters of machines and grids of • Completeness: At the end of a certain time, the processors. However, they must continue to run ^daptaition r^^st finish, and must at leaist introduce regardless of the conditions^ and provide high quality ^j^e ^hamges ne.cessary to the old versioss of the services. A solution to this problem is to provide mechanisms allowing the evolution or the change of an application. application during its rugning without stopping it [1, 16]. • Well-timedness: it is necessary to launch the So, we talk about the dynamic adaptation of distributed adaptation at the right time. The programmer must applications which can be defined as the whole of the specify in advance the adaptation points. changes brought to a distributed application during its • Possibility of rollback: even if we show the !softwv£ire. reconfiguration [10] is strongly related to correctness of the adaPtatiog, certain errors can the domain of runtime software evolution and adaptation. escape from the rule. It is necessary to have some In this domain, reconfiguration is used as a means for means that allow to cagcel the adaptation agd to roll evolving and adapting software systems that cannot be back the application to its state known before the shut down for update. Reconfiguration actions include execution of the adaptation. component additions and removals; setting the Therefore, the preservation of the application parameter's value of a component; interfaces coggectlons consistency is a very significant parameter to evaluate an and disconnections; changes of the component state approach for the dynamic adaptation. (started or stopped) and additions of new behaviours to Generally, the existing self-adaptive literature and component. research which has studied the dynamic adaptation of the Several conditions must be checked by an adaptation distributed software systems provide solutions for operation where the most significant is the application adapting such systems, but the adaptation is not consistency which can be summarized by the following distributed (e.g. [29, 30, 31, 21, 9, 34]). In particular, the points [19]: distribution of the adaptation system itself is rarely considered. Also, parallel to the need of the dynamic adaptation of applications pose the problem of their reliabilities, which is an important attribute of the functioning safety [6]. In spite of the importance of the application reliability in the adaptation of applications, it was not taken into account in many works [31, 10, 9] particularly those treating the distributed reconfigurations. The works which studied this property in the dynamic adaptation did not reach the required level of coherence; it is only simple mechanisms generally based on the backward recovery technique (e.g. [20, 26]) which consists to roll back the application to a previously consistent state. Also, these mechanisms are incorporated in the components managing the adaptation of the application. So, the code responsible for the adaptation of the application is weaved with that which makes it reliable. Notice that this crosscutting of code prevents the evolution of the two mechanisms managing the reliability and adaptability. After having identified this problem, we have concentrated on the reliable adaptation of the distributed component-based applications, which is a very topical. Our first objective is to provide a solution for the management of the distributed and coordinated dynamic adaptation. The second objective is to provide a separate solution for managing the fault tolerance of these applications in order to ensure their reliability which helps to lead to reliable reconfigurations, and the third objective is to facilitate the construction of this type of application studied by minimizing the time and the cost of the addition of the self-adaptation capabilities to it. To achieve the first two objectives, we propose a reflexive three layer architecture model for the development of distributed dynamic and reliable applications. The bottom layer of this architecture model is the application layer which represents the software system. The change management layer is the middle layer. It reacts to changes in state reported from the application layer. The uppermost layer is the self-adaptation layer that manages the adaptation of the change management layer and ensures its service continuity. In order to minimize the time and the cost of the addition of the self-adaptation capabilities to this type of software studied (distributed and dynamic) we propose a framework based on the proposed architecture model. This framework implements the two uppermost layers of the architecture model. As we deal in this work the distributed applications, we propose that each site must contain two parts; the first represents a sub-system of the application, i.e. components implementing the application's business logic whereas the second represents the proposed framework that controls and manages the adaptation of the first part. Notice that, the management of the adaptation is distributed. This decentralization guarantees the desired degree of fault tolerance required in certain situations. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the proposed three layer architecture model for building the self-adaptive systems. Section 3 details the design of the proposed framework according to the proposed architecture model. In Section 4, we give the implementation details for a prototype of our framework and we illustrate the validation plan. Section 5 analyses the related proposals found in the literature. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper. 2 Overview of the proposed architecture model In this work we propose firstly a three layer architecture model that is used to guide the development of the dynamic and reliable distributed software. Figure 1 summarizes this model. 2.1 Application layer The bottom layer of the proposed model is the application layer. It consists of a set of components implementing the application's business logic. As we deal the distributed applications these components are distributed on several sites. We propose that each functional component must have a component of type «ComponentController» which controls it. This last plays two roles: (1) if the controlled component is active, the «ComponentController» intercepts and redirects the incoming calls of service (to the controlled component) to the component «ApplicationController» of the fault-tolerant system (see section 3.2). In the contrary case where the controlled component is in a reconfigurable state, i.e. at the time of adaptation, its controller intercepts and saves the incoming calls of service to it in a queue until the end of the launched adaptation operation. 2.2 Change management layer The middle layer of the proposed architecture model is the change management layer. This layer reacts to changes in state reported from the application layer. For that, it consists of two separate systems; the first is the fault-tolerant system which manages the reliability of the application and the second is the adaptation system which reconfigures dynamically the application. We will present these two systems in detail in the next sections. This separation of the fault-tolerant system from the functional code of the application and the code charged to reconfigure it facilitates the evolution of the reliability mechanism and thus, the development to the developers or integrators of the application which will concentrate on the functional code of the application rather on the non-functional code charged to reconfigure it and make it reliable. Figure 1: A three layer architecture model for self-adaptation. 2.3 Self-adaptation layer The uppermost layer of the proposed architecture model is the self-adaptation layer. This layer introduces the self-adaptation capabilities to the framework itself. It controls and manages the change management layer for ensuring its service continuity and adapting its components to the changes that they carry out on the application in order to guarantee its correct operation and also its service continuity because certain changes in the application can lead to the appearance of faults in the execution of the system that manages these changes. For example, an operation of removal of a component in the application leads to the appearance of errors in the change management layer if the non-functional components managing the removed component have not adapted to this change. Notice that, the proposed architecture is reflexive; the middle layer manages the bottom layer and the uppermost layer manages the middle layer. Also, this decomposition in three layers imposes a clear separation of concerns and facilitates the adaptation management as well as the evolution of the two mechanisms of fault tolerance and adaptation. In order to facilitate the use of our architectural model we propose a framework implementing the two uppermost layers (self-adaptation and change management layers). So, the framework contains the two systems of adaptation and fault tolerance as well as the manager of these first two systems and which implements the self-adaptation layer. Therefore, an application developed according to our architecture model is made up of a set of functional and non functional components distributed on several sites. At each site we must find a sub-system (level of the application layer) which is a set of functional components representing the application's business logic plus an instance of the proposed framework, which is the responsible for the management of the application context (collection of data, analyses^) and the management of its change. So, the framework represents the hot subject of this paper. Figure 2 shows an overview of our solution for managing the distribution of the adaptation. For reasons of clearness, only two sites are represented. Figure 2: Overview of our solution for the management of distributed reconfigurations. This organization makes the architecture of the self-adaptive applications developed according to our approach decentralized what avoids the problems of the centralized approaches [11]. In the next sections, we will present in detail the structure and the functioning of the different components of the two uppermost layers in the architecture model through the proposed framework. 3 Design and functioning of the proposed framework This section describes in detail the various elements of the proposed framework thus that their functioning in order to perform the dynamic adaptation and preserve the consistency of the application. We present these elements according to their order of dependence. 3.1 Knowledge base The knowledge base is a very important element in our framework since it plays a very significant role to provide reliable dynamic reconfigurations. For that, it is used by the different elements of the framework. It consists of three parts: (1) the description of software architecture, (2) the description of the adaptation policy and (3) the coherence rules. We propose the use of the logic of predicates with the language Prolog [32] for the description of these parts. This choice is justified by: • Prolog is a language of knowledge representation. • Prolog can be easily used for the description of the software architecture. We can write an XML tag (value) in Prolog as a fact as follows: tag (value). • The representation of invariants (for the verification of the application consistency) by inference rules eliminates the programming of verification mechanisms of these invariants because this verification is performed by the inference engine of Prolog. • The existence of Prolog interpreters developed in several languages, which facilitates the use of the prolog formalism. 3.1.1 Description of the software architecture The description of the software architecture must contain: • The detailed description of each application component. • The specification of the component assembly. Component description component ('id', 'name'). component_state('comp_id', 'state'). State: may be active or quiescent. component_location('comp_id', 'ip_site'). required_interface ('comp_id', 'interface_id'). provided_interface ('comp_id', 'interface_id'). interface ('interface_id', 'name'). include_operation ('interface_id','operation _id'). operation ('id', 'name', 'list_param', 'return_type'). param ('operation_id', 'name', 'type', 'value'). component_property ('comp_id', 'name', 'value'). Interaction between components interaction ('comp_id1', 'comp_id2', 'oper_id1', 'oper_id2'). The interaction predicate specifies that the component "compjdl" interacts with the component "compJd2" where the operation "oper idJ" is required by the component "compjdl" and the operation "operJd2" is provided by the component "compjdl'. 3.1.2 Application consistency Parallel to the need of the dynamic reconfiguration of applications pose the problem of their reliabilities which is an important attribute of the functioning safety [6]. In fact, the modifications in a system can leave it in an incoherent state and thus challenge its reliable character. In order to guarantee the reliability of the system following a dynamic reconfiguration, we define the application consistency as the satisfaction of a set of constraints. These constraints are related to the definition of the architectural elements and their assembly and also to the state of the components. We have used Prolog as a constraint language. So, we use the inference rules to express these constraints: Example 1: Here is a rule to check if there are two components that have the same identifier: haveSamelD (Comp_name1, Comp_name2):-Comp_name1 != Comp_name2, component (Comp_id1, Comp_name1), component (Comp_id2, Comp_name2), Comp_id1=Comp_id2. Notice that, the constraints vary from a component model to another and from an architectural style to another, for example there are models which authorizes the hierarchical structure and others not. The evaluation of these rules is made by the Prolog inference engine. The trigger of the evaluation of these rules is carried out by the two sub-components «BehaviourChecking» and «StructureChecking» of the component «VerificationManager» of the fault tolerant system (see section 3.2). Notice that, an operation of reconfiguration is valid only if the reconfigured system is consistent, i.e. if all the constraints in the knowledge base are satisfied. 3.1.3 Adaptation policy One fundamental aspect in the software adaptation is the definition of the adaptation policy, i.e., the set of rules which guide the trigger of the adaptation according to the changes of the environment of the application and its components. These rules are in the form ECA, i.e. If ( and ) then . The event part specifies the context change that triggers the invocation of the rules. The condition part tests if the context change is satisfied which causes the description of the adaptation (action) to be carried out. We also propose the use of the inference rules to express the adaptation policy. Example 2: Assume we have a software component that manages a cache memory. For this, it owns a property "maxCache" representing the maximum permitted memory space to save data into memory for faster processing. The following lines show an adaptation policy (described in Prolog) for a possible adaptation of this component. rule1(Z):- free_memory(X), X> 2000, component_ property( 'cacheHandler, 'maxCache', Value), Value<10, Z is "strategy1". rule2(Z):- free_memory(X), X<1000, component _property ('cacheHandler', 'maxCache', Value), Value>10, Z is "strategy2". strategy ('strategyl', " [localhost] set_Value('cacheHandler', 'maxCache', 20) " ). strategy ('strategy2', " [localhost] set_Value('cacheHandler', 'maxCache',5) " ). Figure 3: Overview of the fault-tolerant system. The first rule is triggered only if the memory available exceeds 2Go and the maximum value of the cache is less than 10MB. In this case, the rule returns the string 'strategy!' which indicates that it is necessary to apply the adaptation strategy number 1. This strategy contains in its action plan a single reconfiguration action which involves increasing the cache value to 20MB. Note that this operation concerns only the local site "Localhosf". The second rule is the reverse of the first. It involves decreasing the cache value to 5MB if the memory available is less than 1Go and the max cache value exceed 10MB. without influencing either the adaptation system or the application's business logic. In order that this system achieves its goal, it contains a component for the management of the service quality, a fault detection component, a recovery component, a component for the verification of the application consistency, a component for the management of the replicas of the functional components, a component for the execution of the call of service plus a component for the coordination of distributed checkpointing and distributed recovery. Figure 3 shows an overview of the fault-tolerant system. 3.2 Fault-tolerant system For the definition of the fault-tolerant system, we consider a set of constraints which are: (i) modularity and adaptability of the system, (ii) extensibility of the system, (iii) taking into account of the distributed nature of the application to make it reliable as we deal here the distributed software systems. This system ensures the application service continuity which helps to lead to reliable reconfigurations. We think that this system is very important in the self-adaptive applications because an adaptation operation cannot be executed on a component if it is crashed or in an inconsistent state. Also, the preservation of the application consistency is an important condition in the adaptation of software systems as mentioned in the introduction. We have separated this system to the adaptation system and the application's business logic in order to integrate more than one fault-tolerance technique for ensuring the application consistency and to facilitate the evolution of this system 3.2.1 Techniques used in the fault-tolerant system The proposed fault-tolerant system is based on the following techniques: distributed checkpointing, active replication, distributed backward recovery and message store. Our objective is to use these techniques for providing a fault-tolerant system able to tolerate many types of the software faults. Distributed checkpointing A common method for ensuring the progress of a long-running application is to checkpoint its state periodically on stable storage [23]. The application can be rolled back and restarted from its last checkpoint which bounds the amount of lost work that must be recomputed [23]. As we deal in this work the distributed applications, the coordination for the distributed checkpointing is a very important operation. In a coordinated checkpointing, processes coordinate their checkpointing activity so that a globally consistent set of checkpoints is always maintained in the system. For that, we have used in our fault-tolerant system the two-phase commit distributed checkpointing protocol presented in [23]. The algorithm of this protocol is composed of two phases. The next paragraph describes the mapping of this algorithm to the fault-tolerant system of the proposed framework. The running of this algorithm starts if a service request is launched by a functional component of the application. In this case, the controller of this component intercepts this call and delegates the execution to the subcomponent «ApplicationController» of the component «FaultDetector» in the fault-tolerant system (see figure 3). This last asks the coordinator of distributed checkpointing (sub-component of the component coordinator) to launch a coordination so necessary for saving a checkpoint. Notice that, the checkpointing is performed periodically around an interval of time indicated by the component «QoS-Manager». So, if the time is passed the application controller asks the coordinator for the checkpointing to start coordination for checkpointing. In this case, the coordinator according to his policy decides if the safeguard of a checkpoint requires coordination or not. If the two components (client and server) depend on other components installed on other sites the coordination process starts. In the first phase, the coordinator identifies initially the participants (components installed on other sites and depend on one of the two components client and server) of this coordination operation by using the predicate "interaction'" presented above. For that, the coordinator asks the question " ? interaction (Cp, 'C_id', _, _)." for the two components server and client such as 'C_id1' must indicate the identifier of the component concerned of this question, i.e. the client or the server identifier. After, the coordinator broadcasts a checkpoint request message to all participants. Every participant, upon receiving this message, stops its execution, flushes its communication channels, takes a tentative checkpoint and replies "yeS" to the coordinator, and awaits the coordinator's decision. If a participant rejects the request for any reasons, it replies "No". If all participants reply positively, the coordinator's decision is to commit the checkpoints. Otherwise, its decision is the cancellation of the checkpoints. The coordinator's final decision marks the end of the first phase. Note that, the waiting time of the reception of the participants' response by the coordinator is fixed. If the coordinator does not receive a response of a participant for this period of waiting it regards it as "Nd". In phase II, the coordinator sends its decision to all participants. If its decision is "Save the checkpoints'" every participant removes its old permanent checkpoint and makes the tentative checkpoint permanent. Otherwise, participants reject the tentative checkpoint previously taken. Finally, each participant resumes its execution. The table 1 presents an overview of this algorithm. Table 1: Overview of the distributed checkpointing algorithm. Coordinator Begin If (the coordination checkpointing necessary) Begin for is /* Begin Phase I */ determine the participants; request participants to take tentative checkpoints; await all replies; if (all replies = "Yes") decide^"Save the tentative checkpoints"; else decide ^"Remove the tentative checkpoints"; /* Begin Phase II */ send the decision to all participants; end-if End. Participants Begin /* Begin Phase I */ receive the coordinator request ; if (accept request) begin suspend communication; take a tentative checkpoint; reply "Ye.s" ; end-if else reply "No " ; await the coordinator decision ; /* Begin Phase II */ if (decision = "Save the tentative checkpoints") begin remove the old permanent checkpoint; make the tentative checkpoint permanent; end-if else discard the tentative checkpoint ; resume communication ; End._ Active replication The highly available services can be achieved by replicating the server components and thereby introducing redundancy [24]. If one server fails, the service is still available since there are other servers that are able to process the incoming requests. The active replication also called the state machine approach is one of the techniques allowing achieving such software-based redundancy [24]. In the active replication technique, clients send request to all the servers and it receives the common response to all servers. So, all servers execute all requests and end up in the same final state. Thus, at any given time it is likely that there is at least one server that can accept and process the incoming requests. In the active replication the crash of any server is transparent to the client [24]. We have used this technique in order to tolerate the faults in value in the application. In the replication technique the components duplicated are generally those that are the more used in the application and these components are generally subject of the dynamic adaptation. So, preserving the continuity of service of these components is a very important task. The replication has as a consequence a faster recovery of the failed components because the replicas are active and ready to process the incoming requests [28]. We have implemented this technique in the component «ReplicasManager» of the fault-tolerant system (see section 3.2.2). When the replication technique does not guarantee the masking of faults for the reason of the software crash (for example a problem into a component requires the search of a coherent state to continue processing) or for the reason of hardware problems, the recovery will be the best solution [28]. Backward recovery The backward recovery consists to roll back the application in the case of failure to a previously saved state in order that it continues processing normally [22]. For that, a set of checkpoints must be saved each time that it is necessary. One problem with this technique is that the recursive execution of the backward-recovery process on a component can lead to the domino effect, i.e. that the component could be in its initial state losing all the work performed before the failure [25]. Among the techniques which avoid the domino effect is the coordination of the checkpointing that we have integrated in the fault-tolerant system. One of the problems which can be posed in the management of the adaptation of distributed systems is the assurance of the message transmission of one process to another. For example, if a message concerning a request for coordination of the execution of an adaptation operation sent by a participant to another is lost, this leads to the cancellation of the adaptation even if the answer of the participant at the other site is positive what prevents the adaptation of the application to the new situation. To overcome this problem, we have used the message store technique described in the next section. Message store The message store [24] is a technique used for ensuring the message transmission of one process to another. It is a technique used in the mailing systems. According to this technique, the sender does not send the message directly to its destination. It sends it to an intermediate node representing a message queue handler. This latter saves the sender's message in the queue and it takes care of sending it to its destination. The sender is relieved from any additional concerns of message sending. If the recipient is down at the time when the sender sends the message, the message queue handler waits until the server comes up. Moreover, in the case when the message queue handler fails, the sender message remains in the queue and it will be sent to the destination when the message queue has recovered. We have implemented this technique in the adaptation system for ensuring the message transmission between the negotiators of the adaptation strategy and the coordinators of the reconfiguration execution which are deployed at the different sites (see section 3.3). Also, we have implemented this technique in the fault tolerant system in order to ensure the transmission of messages between all the coordinators of distributed checkpointing and recovery at the different sites. As the fault-tolerant system is separated from the adaptation system and the application itself, and as the implementation of this system is based on the component paradigm it is easy to add other techniques or to reuse this system or also to evolve it without touching the application or its adaptation system. 3.2.2 Presentation of the fault-tolerant system components In this section, we present in detail the components of the fault-tolerance system and their functioning. The component «VerificationManager». This component is responsible for the verification of the application consistency. It performs the verification of the conformity of the application components to their component model and architecture style. For that, it has two sub-components «StructureChecking» and «BehaviourChecking»: the first allows making a structural verification of the application whereas the second allows the verification of the behaviour of the application components. These two sub-components trigger the verification of the coherence rules contained in the knowledge base as explained in the section 3.1. For the verification of the components behaviour we considered only the verification of the component properties. The component «FTS-Coordinator». As we deal in this work the distributed applications, the coordination for the distributed checkpointing and for the backward recovery in the case of faults or crashes is very important. For that, the fault-tolerant system has a component «FTS-Coordinator» for such coordination. In order that this component reaches its goal, it is composed of two sub components «CheckpointingCoordinator» and «RecoveryCoordinator». The first allows the coordination for the distributed checkpointing whereas the second allows the coordination for the distributed recovery. The sub-component «CheckpointingCoordinator» implements the protocol of the distributed checkpointing described previously. The protocol of the component «RecoveryCoordinator» will be presented in the next sections. The component «FaultDetector». This component is responsible for: (1) the monitoring of the application components for detecting the faults which can appear in the application, and more precisely, the components' crashes and also (2) the reification of the calls of component services (i.e. the service request). For that, this component is composed of two types of component; components of type «WatchDog» and only one component of type «ApplicationController». The firsts are charge of the monitoring of the application components. They ping periodically the elements that they supervise for detecting the failed ones. If a component «WatchDog» detects that the component which it supervises is crashed, it calls the recovery function of the recovery manager for treating this fault. The «ApplicationController» plays an important role in the fault-tolerant system. At the interception of a call Figure 4: An execution without breakdown of a component C1 request by a component C2. of service of one component by the corresponding controller, this last extracts the internal state of the two components client and server as well as the different parameters, and then it passes this information to the «ApplicationController». This last, verifies if the checkpointing is necessary by checking if the time has passed compared to the last checkpointing such as this operation is performed periodically around an interval of time indicated by the component QoS-Manager. If the time is passed, the application controller asks the coordinator of distributed checkpointing to launch coordination so necessary for saving a checkpoint. After, it delegates the execution to the manager of the call of service. This last takes care of the processing of the service request. The component «ServiceCallManager». It is responsible for the management of the execution of the requests (i.e. calls of component services) submitted by the «ApplicationController». For the execution of these requests there are two cases: if the component server of the required service is duplicated the «ServiceCallManager» passes the execution of the request to the replica manager, which will manage the request processing according to the active replication technique. Otherwise, i.e. if the component server is not duplicated the manager of the execution of the call of service sends directly the request to this server and it awaits the reception of the execution result around a certain time indicated by the «QoS-Manager». If it does not receive a response after this waiting period it detects that the component provider of the required service is failed. In this case, it must call the recovery function of the recovery manager for tolerating the application to this fault. The figure 4 presents a sequence diagram summarizing much more the functioning of the two components «ApplicationController» and «ServiceCallManager». This diagram explains the running of an execution without failure of a service request sent by a component C1 to a component C2. The component «ReplicasManager». It implements the active replication technique presented previously. This component is responsible for the execution of the service requests of the duplicated components. It executes the required service according to the active replication technique principle. The component «RecoveryManager». This component plays a very important role in the preservation of the application consistency. It treats the faults detected by the two components «FaultDetector» and «ServiceCallManager». The backward recovery technique is implemented in this component. When a component «WatchDog» detects that the component which it supervises is failed or when the «ServiceCallManager» detects that the component provider of the required service is failed, it calls the recovery function of the recovery manager, which will carry out the backward-recovery of the failed component and also the components which depend on this last and which exist as well at the site of the failed component, or at the other sites. This distributed recovery is necessary because we deal in this work the distributed applications, so, there is dependence between the distributed components which requires a recovery of all these components. Therefore, coordination for distributed recovery is necessary. For that, the component «FTS-Coordinator» has a sub-component «RecoveryCoordinator» that performs such coordination. This component has a specific protocol which we have proposed. The basic idea behind a protocol for a distributed recovery is to ensure that all components depending on the failed component roll back to their previous coherent states. The set of the realized local recoveries must form a coherent global state of the application. The algorithm starts with an initiation of a request for coordination to the recovery coordinator by the recovery manager for recovering all the components which are distributed on the other sites and which depend on the failed component (if they exist). In this case, the coordinator according to his policy decides if the recovery requires coordination or not. If the failed component depends on other components installed on other sites, the coordinator invites the participants (which are the recovery managers of the fault-tolerant systems of the instances of the proposed framework and which are installed on the other sites) to perform the rollback towards the last saved checkpoint for the components which depend on the failed component. If a participant rejects the request for any reasons, it replies "No". Otherwise, the participant performs the recovery and it replies "YeS". If all the participants' reply "Yes", the communication stops and the coordinator announces the success of the recovery. If there is one or more participant replying by "No", the coordinator will wait a certain time, then, it will send again a request for recovery to the participants who replied by "No" in order that they perform another time the recovery of the components which depend on the failed component. The basic idea behind this waiting before sending the recovery request again to the components replying by "No" is that these components can return to operate (reception of the requests) after this waiting period because they were for example in the process of running a reconfiguration operation or a critical operation (e.g. an operation on the database). The table 2 presents an overview of the proposed distributed recovery algorithm. Notice that only one operation of recovery coordination can be carried out at the same time and this is for guaranteeing the application coherence. The component «QoS-Manager». It is a component used for managing the service quality level in the application. This component allows to the user to change a set of parameter through a graphical interface in order to increase or decrease the level of the quality of the service in the application. These parameters are: the waiting time of the execution result of a request by the «ServiceCallManager», the interval of time during which a checkpointing is performed, the interval of time during which a component «WatchDog» ping the component which it supervises, the interval of time during which the component «CaptureContext» supervises the application environment and the max number of replicas of each type of application's component. Table 2: An overview of the distributed recovery algorithm. Recovery coordinator begin request participants to perform the recovery of the components depending on the failed component ; await all replies ; if (all replies = "Yes") stop the coordination ; else begin await a certain time ; request the participants who replied by "No" to perform the recovery ; stop the coordination ; end-else End. Participants Begin if (accept request) begin perform components recovery; reply "Yes"; end-if the else reply "No"; End. 3.2.3 The fault model The use of the four techniques (active replication, message store, distributed backward recovery and distributed checkpointing) allowed us to propose a powerful fault-tolerant system for the proposed framework able to tolerate many types of failure. For the components crash, the proposed fault-tolerant system is able to detect them via the components «WatchDog». Each component in the application sends periodically a heartbeat message to its monitor «WatchDog» and this last periodically checks the heartbeat. If the heartbeat message from the supervised component is not received by a specified time, the component «WatchDog» assumes that the supervised component is hung. This problem will be treated by the recovery manager. The faults of type omission are treated in our approach via the message store technique which ensures the transfer of messages from an entity to another. The faults of type "late timing" are detected by the component «ServiceCallManager» such as each type of request has an interval of result waiting indicated by the component «QoS-Manager». If time passes and the manager of the calls of service has not received a response, it detects that there is a problem into the component provider of the service. This problem will be treated by the recovery manager as explained in the previous section. The faults in value require for their treatment the existence of several replicas. The active replication technique which we have incorporated in the fault-tolerant system allows treating this type of faults because a client request is sent to all the servers. If a response from a server is different to the majority of servers' response, this server has a fault of value. As we deal in this work the distributed Figure 5: Overview of the adaptation system. applications which are by nature complexes, the creation of several replicas of each functional component of the application for the treatment of the faults in value is impossible. For that, we propose to duplicate only the components the more used in the application and which are generally a subject of adaptation. 3.3 Adaptation system This section presents in detail the adaptation system and its functioning for realizing distributed and reliable reconfigurations. For the definition of the adaptation system, we consider a set of constraints which are: (i) taking into account of the distributed nature of the software to make it adaptable, (ii) reliability of the distributed reconfigurations, and (iii) flexibility and adaptability of the adaptation system. The proposed adaptation system is designed according to the classical autonomic control loop MAPE-K (Monitoring, Analysis, Plagnlng and Execution) [3], which is the most common approach for self-adaptive systems [5, 33]. So, in our adaptation system we have implemented the elements of this loop as separate components. The monitoring, analysis and adaptations are performed by the MAPE-K control loop. A significant part of the negotiation of adaptation strategy and coordination of reconfiguration execution were externalized from the control loop. Moreover, we have chosen to merge the analysis and plan components because a significant part of these components' logic is externalized from the components and stored in the knowledge base (Prolog script). Therefore, not leaving too much of analysis and plagnlng to be performed within those two components. Plus the set of components that implement the MAPE-K loop, the adaptation system contains a component «Negotiator» which negotiates an adaptation strategy with its similar at the other sites, a component «Coordinator» that coordinates the execution of reconfiguration actions, and a component «Translator» which executes the reconfiguration actions of the adaptation strategy on the architectural representation of the application. The figure 5 shows an overview of this system. We propose the implementation of the whole cycle of the MAPE-K loop as a chain of responsibility pattern [13]. We have proposed to use this pattern because the processing is distributed on several objects (components of the adaptation system). When a component finishes its processing, it passes the execution to the next component. Moreover, it is easy to vary the components involved in the processing which makes the adaptation system more flexible. 3.3.1 Monitoring The «Monitor» is the first component in the chain that comprises the control loop. It is responsible for periodically collecting information of the managed elements (i.e., sub-system of the application managed by the adaptation system) and of the execution of the application (CPU consumption, memory usage, bandwidth, service calls per minute). To achieve this goal, the monitor has a sub-component «CaptureContext» that collects information about the application execution plus a set of sub-components «Sensor» that collect information about the set of the application components at its site. These two subcomponents of the monitor pass the collected information to the next object that is part of the execution chain, next to the context manager. The «ContextManager» is the second component in the sequence of the responsibility chain. It interacts with the sensors associated with the execution environment and the application for collecting the information needed to characterize the execution context. For that, it has two sub-components «ContextAcquisitionManager» and «Interpreter». The context acquisition manager gathers the information collected by the sensors of the «Monitor» and saves them in the knowledge base. After, it delegates the execution to the «Interpreter». This last, interprets data provided by the «ContextAcquisitionManager» in order to provide a significant contextual data. Notice that, the received data are separately interpreted for each type of measurement in order to provide a significant contextual data. If a suitable context change is detected the «Interpreter» notify the decision maker (see next section) of this change as this last subscribes to events near the context manager. 3.3.2 Analysis The aim of the analysis phase is to see whether a reconfiguration action is required or not. For that, the decision maker component «DecisionMaker» is the third component in the sequence of the responsibility chain. It plays the role of the analysis and plan phases in the MAPE-K control loop. This component is responsible for taking decisions on adaptation. It provides in output an adaptation strategy that will be executed in the execution phase of the control loop. Negotiation process As we deal in this work the distributed reconfigurations, the negotiation is a significant step in the decision-making on adaptation. It is a cooperative process in which a group of adaptation systems reach an agreement on a comprehensive adaptation strategy. We define a global strategy as a set of strategies that the decision makers of the different adaptation systems choose during the negotiation process. Noting that, the negotiation must guarantee the independence in the decision-making of each «DecisionMaker» and ensure the global validity of a local decision. The negotiation is started by the initiating decision maker. This last chooses an adaptation strategy. Then, it asks its negotiator to negotiate this chosen strategy. This negotiator proposes simultaneously to each participant the strategy that the initial decision maker has chosen. The negotiator of each participant receives the strategy and interprets its policy to reason on its applicability. It can then accept, refuse or propose a modification of the strategy; and then, it answers the initiating negotiator. When this last receives all answers, it thinks on the acceptances and/or the applicability of the modifications asked. When all the participants accept the strategy, the negotiation succeeds. Otherwise, it detects and solves the conflicts and can then, in its turn, propose a modification of the strategy. The negotiation process is stopped if one negotiator refuses a strategy or if a stop condition is checked. This condition is in connection to the authorized maximum time of negotiation or with the maximum number of negotiation cycles. If the negotiation succeeds, the initiating negotiator returns to the initiating decision maker the strategy resulting from the negotiation and sends to the negotiator of each participant the final strategy. If the strategy resulting from the negotiation is a new strategy, i.e. not exists in the adaptation policy, the decision maker adds it to the knowledge base and precisely to the adaptation policy part. This operation allows enriching the knowledge base with new adaptation rules in order to better adapt to the new changing situations. At the reception of this strategy, each participant (i.e. negotiator) asks to its decision maker to adopt the strategy resulting from the negotiation and delegates the execution to the next object in execution chain that is the reconfiguration execution engine. In the opposite case (i.e. negotiation failure), the initiating decision maker and participants are informed of the negotiation failure. Otherwise, the adaptation is cancelled and the loop cycle is stopped. 3.3.3 Execution In order to increase the reliability of the reconfigurations executed by our framework we have used the transaction technique. This technique was originally used in the system managing databases [14]. Their use is widespread in all computer systems where there is a need to maintain the consistency of the information in spite of concurrency and the occurrence of failures. The transactions are thus a means to make systems fault-tolerant. A transaction consists to carry out a coherent computing operation consisting of several actions. The operation will be valid only if all its unit actions are carried out correctly. So, we speak about the commit. Otherwise, all data processed during the running of the operation must be returned to their initial state to cancel the transaction. So, we speak about the rollback. We have used the transaction technique to define transactional reconfigurations. According to the transactions principle each transaction is made up of a set of primitive operations. So, in our context an adaptation operation Adop is a transaction when its primitive operations are the primitive reconfiguration actions Prac. For example, the replacement operation of a component C1 by another component C2 is made up by the following primitive actions: stopping the component C1, creation of a new instance of the component C2, transfer of the C1 state to the new instance of C2 for preserving the application consistency and finally the start of the new instance of C2. The component replacement in our framework is carried out similarly with the work in [35]. We define the evolution of a component-based system by the transition system < C, Adop, ^ >: • C= {Co ,C1 ,C2,.} a set of configurations, • Prac e {Instantiation/Destruction of component, Addition/Removing of component, modification of the component attribute value, modification of the life cycle of a component and adding of new behaviours} • Adop is a set of Prac, • ^ c C X Adop X C is the reconfiguration relation. Figure 6: Abandon model of an adaptation operation. Reconfiguration actions of the proposed framework In our framework the dynamic reconfigurations are based on the following primitive actions: • instantiation/destruction of components • addition/removal of components starting/stopping of components • setting name of components • setting the operating parameters of components or combinations of them. Thus, an adaptation strategy consists of a set of adaptation operations, where each operation is composed of at least only one primitive reconfiguration action. The behaviour of each application component is generally statically encoded. However, changes in the application context, changes in use, changes in resource availability or the appearance of faults in the system, may require further abilities [10]. For this, it is very important to introduce dynamically the ability to add new behaviours to the application's components. The AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) and scripting languages are two techniques used for this end. In the AOP and with the runtime weaving, the binding between the logic code and aspect is done during the execution. The advantage of runtime weaving is that the relationship between the functional code and the aspects can be dynamically managed. Nevertheless, the use of the AOP for adding new capabilities to the system has one disadvantage is that the software system could be in an inconsistent and/or unstable state [10]. For the scripting languages, they allow the incremental programming, i.e. the possibility of running and developing simultaneously the scripts [8]. With these languages we can modify the code of a component without stopping it. Therefore, with this technique the addition of a new behaviour is much easier than the use of the AOP technique, but these languages are not powerful as the compiled ones. For that, the developer must find a compromise between the use of scripting languages and the AOP technique in order to improve the performance of the application. The implementation of the mechanism carrying out the addition of new behaviours to the application's components is left to the developer. Quiescence management Obtaining a reconfigurable state also called quiescent state [17, 18] is a very significant step in the reconfiguration process since it helps to ensure the application consistency in the case of reconfiguration. A reconfigurable state is a state from which a reconfiguration action can be performed without affecting the consistency of the application. For that, in our approach a reconfiguration action is carried out on a component if this last is in a reconfigurable state. To search for a reconfigurable state, we have integrated in the proposed framework Wermelinger algorithm [18] which extend Kramer/Magee's algorithm proposed in [17]. Wermelinger proposes to block only connections between the components implied in the reconfiguration. An advantage of this algorithm is that interruption time is minimized while only affected connections must be blocked in contrast to whole components. Algorithm of the reconfiguration execution engine The reconfiguration execution engine is the fourth component in the execution chain. It undertakes the execution of the adaptation strategy proposed by the component «DecisionMaker». Firstly it (1) launches a search for a reconfigurable state before running the reconfiguration actions. Then, it (2) triggers the execution of the reconfiguration actions of the strategy. Notice that, we simulate firstly the execution of the reconfiguration on the architectural representation of the application. If no fault is detected, we execute the reconfiguration on the running application. Therefore, the effects of reconfigurations are not directly applied on the system which facilitates the cancellation of the reconfiguration in the case of its execution failure. This operation will be simply the removing of the work copy which has been used for the simulation of the reconfiguration. Figure 6 shows our abandon model of an adaptation operation. As the reconfiguration of distributed application is a global reconfiguration process composed of distributed local reconfiguration processes, the proposed adaptation system incorporates a component for the coordination of the reconfigurations execution. Following the running of each primitive reconfiguration action on the architectural representation the reconfiguration execution engine (3) carries out the verification of the consistency of the application structure and the verification of the validity of the behaviour of its components via the component «VerificationManager» of the fault-tolerant system. If a constraint is violated, the adaptation operation must be stopped for preserving the consistency of the application. In this case, the reconfiguration execution engine removes the copy of work used for the simulation of the reconfiguration. Moreover, this initiating reconfiguration execution engine notifies its coordinator of the execution failure of the primitive reconfiguration action in question. This last, notifies the other participants (coordinators of the reconfigurations execution deployed at the other sites) of this failure so that they can cancel the adaptation operation at their level in order to preserve the global consistency of the application. In the opposite case, i.e. where the «VerificationManager» does not detect any error following the running of a primitive action of reconfiguration, the reconfiguration execution engine sends a message "ApplyNextAction" to the coordinator of the execution of reconfiguration actions. This last awaits the reception of all the participants' responses. Notice that, this waiting time of the participants' responses by the coordinator of the initiating reconfiguration execution engine is fixed. If this coordinator does not receive a message of a participant during this waiting period, it regards it as "reconfiguration failure'". If one participant replies by "reconfiguration failure" the coordinator announces the failure of the execution of the reconfiguration. Otherwise, it asks for the participants to perform the next primitive reconfiguration action and the process is still repeated. If all the adaptation operations of the strategy are executed on the architectural representation of the application (copy of the work) without faults, the reconfiguration execution engine (4) runs these actions on the running system. Also, the copy of work used for simulating the execution of the reconfiguration is saved as the new architectural representation of the application. Notice that, this operation ensures the conformity of the architectural representation of the application to its system in running and it has many advantages. For example, it facilitates the comprehension of the software through its architecture, and thus its evolution because the architectural representation always conforms to the system. Finally, the reconfiguration execution engine (5) unblocks the connections blocked during the phase of searching for a reconfigurable state. The end of the execution of this operation determines the end of the control loop cycle. The running of the reconfiguration execution engine is summarized by algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 pactj is a primitive reconfiguration action 1: Begin 2: SearchForReconfigurableState(); 3: For all pact, e startegy do 4: RunPactOnArchRep(pact,); /* execute the primitive reconfiguration action pact, on the architectural representation via the component 5: «Translator» */ 6: if not IsConsistentApplication () then 7: SendMessageToCoordinator ("reconfiguration failure"); 8: RemoveWorkCopyO; // Removes the working copy used for the reconfiguration simulation 9: BREAK; // to exit the loop "for" 10: end_if 11: else //case where the application is consistent 12: SendMessageToCoordinator ("ApplyNextAction"); 13: response^coordinator.CoordinationDecision(); 14: if response != "ApplyNextAction" then 15: SendMessageToCoordinator("reconfiguration failure"); 16: RemoveWorkCopyO; // Removes the copy of work used for the simulation of the reconfiguration 17: BREAK; // to exit the loop "for" 18: ;nd_if 19: end_else 20: nd_for 21: .f all actions pact^ in strategy are executed //If the reconfiguration is succeeds 22: RunAUpactOnSystem(); //execute the primitive reconfiguration actions on the Running system 23: SaveChanges(); // Save the performed changes on the architectural description 24: !nd_if 25: ReactivateConnections(); // unblock the blocked connections 26: End. 3.4 The adaptation manager of the fault-tolerant and adaptation systems This manager implements the self-adaptation layer of the proposed architecture model. It manages the two systems of adaptation and fault-tolerance and looks after the adaptation of these two systems to the changes that they carry out themselves on the application components in order to ensure the correct operation of the global application. This manager allows (1) to replace the negotiator of adaptation strategy or the reconfiguration execution coordinator or also the recovery and checkpointing coordinator of the fault-tolerant system by other components if they crash in order to ensure a good management of the application changes. For that, this manager has a set of monitors of the type «WatchDog» which monitor these components. Also, it allows (2) in the case where an operation of removing of an application component is carried out, to stop and remove the two components: «Sensor» of the adaptation system and «WatchDog» of the fault-tolerant system that monitor this component to avoid the introduction of errors into the running of the application. This manager also carries out (3) the update of the two Prolog scripts representing the adaptation policy and the coherence rules by removing the facts representing the adaptation strategies and the coherence rules which are in relation with the removed components. 4 Implementation and validation plan In this section, we give details and technical choices made to implement a prototype of the proposed framework. We also present the validation plan of this framework. 4.1 Background For the implementation of the elements of the proposed framework, we have used the two component models EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) and ScriptCOM. So, the implementation of this framework is divided into two parts; one part implemented with EJB and the other with ScriptCOM. EJB [4] is an industrial model; we have used it because it is based on Java that is a powerful programming language that meets our implementation needs (support for AOP, support for native codes via JNI API, Java COM Bridge, support for the remote method invocation via RMI API, an API to access system information like SIGAR1 and a support for multithreading). ScriptCOM [8] is a component model extension of COM (Component Object Model) [2] allowing the dynamic adaptation of the COM components. It allows the development of adaptable scripting components. Notice that, with the scripting languages we have the possibility of developing and running simultaneously the scripts which represents the component's implementation [8]. In this model, the component adaptation is carried out through three controllers which are: the interface controller, property controller and script controller. Moreover, as it is an extension of the COM model it benefited from the advantages of this latter (support of the distributed applications, independence of the programming languages, versioning...). We have used this model in order to facilitate the adaptation of the proposed framework. We think that dynamic inclusion and removal of adaptation management concerns allows the improvement of adaptation to the evolving needs without stopping the entire framework. 4.2 Framework implementation We have designed a set of software components that implement the different elements of the proposed framework. The implementation of the components of type «ComponentController» and the different sensors as well the effectors (part performing the execution of the reconfiguration and backward recovery) are realized with EJB model. The coordination for reconfiguration execution and backward recovery and also negotiation parts are implemented with the two models EJB and ScriptCOM. The rest part of the framework is developed as a set of ScriptCOM components that we can add, remove or update at runtime. This is just one of possible implementations and particularly, this has been designed to provide self-adaptable capabilities to the framework. For the implementation of the controllers «ComponentController» of the functional components of the application we choose the use of the aspect oriented programming. So, the implementation of each controller is based on an aspect. This aspect has a generic pointcut that intercepts all the incoming service calls to the controlled component and treats them as explained in the section 2.1. For the knowledge base, i.e. the architectural representation of the application, adaptation policy and coherence rules description we have used the language Prolog as explained in the section 3.1. We have used the JPL2 library which uses the SWI-Prolog foreign interface and the Java JNI interface providing a bidirectional interface between Java and Prolog that can be used to embed Prolog in Java as well as for embedding Java in Prolog. Also, we have used another interpreter Prolog3 developed with the JavaScript language in order that it will be used with the part of the framework developed with ScriptCOM. The three elements of the knowledge base are contained in separate scripts which facilitate their modifications at runtime. We can then add, remove or change rules or facts in the knowledge base without stopping the framework. Our framework is independent from particular component models. Therefore, elements of the application layer, i.e. components implementing the business logic of the application can be developed using any component models. The implementation for a https://support.hyperic.com/display/SIGAR/Home 2 http://www. swi-prolog.org/packages/jpl/ 3 http://ioctl. org/logic/prolog-latest specific component model is made with the least effort in the part developed using the model EJB and without changing the main adaptation concepts. 4.3 Validation plan The objective of the validation in this paper is to test the influence of the proposed framework on the application response time and the adaptation time. These criteria are measured with randomly generated configurations which we have developed using the model EJB. The components of this application execute a few arithmetic operations and they are distributed on two sites. The evaluation test is made by comparing two versions of the same application; one incorporates the proposed framework, the other one without this framework. All the experiments were run on Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5670 workstations with 1.0 GB DDR2 memory and Windows XP SP3 as the operating system. The first evaluation consists to test the influence of the proposed framework on the application response time. This test is made by comparing the running of a certain number of requests on the two versions of the application (without and with the proposed framework). The Table 3 shows the response times before and after the incorporation of the framework. We have calculated the response time increase in the version which implements the proposed framework and we found that the overhead for functional method calls is about 34% of the overall execution time. Table 3: Increase rate of the response time. Request Numbers Response time average: without the Framework Response time average: with the Framework Increase rates of the response time 100 16.91 ms 22.87 ms 35.21 % 200 33.39 ms 44.48 ms 33.20 % 300 50.04 ms 67.31 ms 34.51 % 500 83.38 ms 111.18 ms 33.33 % 700 115.39 ms 156.1 ms 35.25 % 900 150.16 ms 205.67 ms 36.96 % 1000 169.83 ms 222.14 ms 30.80 % Average 34.18 % The second evaluation consists to measure the adaptation time, which is calculated as follows: T adaptation = TrspWAdap — TrspNAdap Where: Tadaptation is the adaptation time. Tr^WAdapl is the response time with adaptation. TrspNAdap: is the response time with the proposed framework but without adaptation. Table 4 shows the obtained results. The adaptation time average is approximately 430,95ms. Certainly, this figure is very large compared to the response time of one request, which is approximately 0,22ms (response time of an execution of one request with the framework). Table 4: Adaptation time. Request Numbers Response time average : with the Framework but without Adaptation Response time average : with the Framework and with Adaptation Adaptation time 500 111.18 ms 531.39 ms 420.21 ms 700 156.1 ms 592.56 ms 436.46 ms 800 179.71 ms 639.13 ms 459.42 ms 900 205.67 ms 631.78 ms 426.11 ms 1000 222.14 ms 634.68 ms 412.54 ms Average 430.95 ms The obtained adaptation time is great, but it is acceptable because the adaptation is distributed (at two sites in this test application) which requires a negotiation of the adaptation strategy and a coordination for the execution of the reconfiguration actions and this influence the adaptation time. Moreover, as we have used the component model ScriptCOM for the development of one part of the proposed framework, this, influence the application response time and also the adaptation time because the implementation of the components of this model is based on the language Jscript4, which is an interpreted language. So, the execution will be slower than the compiled versions. Notice that, we have used this model in order to facilitate the adaptation of the proposed framework. Finally, we can say that the obtained results confirm that our framework is very suitable for developing distributed applications where we prefer the reliable dynamic adaptability more than performance. 5 Related work The problem treated in this paper accosts the domain of research around the dynamic adaptation of the computing systems and in particular the distributed component-based systems. In terms of model-based approaches Kramer and Magee [15] have proposed layered reference architecture for self-adaptive software. The bottom layer of this architecture is the component control layer which contains the system's application-level functionality. The change management layer is the middle layer. It manages the changes of components state or environment. For that, it contains a set of pre-compiled plans to deal with the different situations encountered by the system. The uppermost layer is the goal management layer which 4 http://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/hbxc2t98%28vs.85%29.aspx generates new plans if none of the existing plans can address the current situation, or a new system goal is introduced. Also, we have proposed a three layer architecture model where the bottom layer is the application layer similar to the component control layer in the Kramer and Magee model's. Unlike this model, the change management layer of our model contains two systems managing separately the adaptation and the fault tolerance of the application layer. Moreover, to the difference of the uppermost layer of the Kramer and Magee model's, the uppermost layer of our model introduces the self-adaptation capabilities to the framework itself. It ensures the service continuity of the change management layer and manages the adaptation of this layer to the changes which it carries out itself on the application layer. Moreover, our architectural model is reflexive. In the Kramer and Magee model's, the distributed reconfigurations are possible through the decentralized architecture of the change management layer implementation proposed by the authors. From a reliability point of view, Kramer and Magee have expressed that a server failure is a predicted state change and the change management layer must include a procedure for dealing with the change. For that, they propose the use of the repairing strategy of the faults described by Garlan and Schmerl in [27] as a plan executed by the change management layer. Several research activities [7, 9, 12] implement the autonomic control loop to dynamically reconfigure systems. For example, in [7] the authors use a component-based approach for modelling a framework that provides flexible monitoring and management tasks and allow introducing adaptation to component-based SOA applications. The framework implements the different phase of the autonomic control loop. The main purpose of the authors is to build a framework supporting heterogeneous components implementing the MAPE-k phases as SCA components. This framework supports the development of distributed applications, but it doesn't support to perform distributed reconfigurations while our framework is conceived especially for doing such type of reconfigurations. A3 [10] is a framework for developing distributed systems that need adaptive features. A3 provides robust mechanisms of coordination that the components can use to share their own knowledge and knowledge of the system to which they belong. The framework itself is self-adaptable. A3 exploits the idea of group to organize a system in a set of independent partitions, and reduces the communication problem. From an adaptation point of view, A3 supports the distributed adaptations and it allows indeed interesting adaptations. This framework does not have any mechanism to preserve the reconfiguration reliability. It treats only the fault of type messages omission. Moreover, a reconfiguration action is executed at the system directly, i.e. without reaching a reconfigurable state before the execution of such action. Huynh et al. [20] propose a platform supporting distributed reconfiguration of the component-based applications. This platform integrates a solution for the management of system states at reconfiguration time. The authors define different system states regarding reconfiguration and ways that the system will act accordingly. This platform allows to correct reconfiguration plans if a disconnection is detected during the reconfiguration in order to continue the reconfiguration if possible, or recover if the reconfiguration fails. It also allows the coordination of the distributed reconfiguration actions. In contrast, to this platform, our framework integrates a negotiation mechanism which allows the negotiation of the adaptation strategy before the coordination of its execution that is a very important point in the distributed reconfiguration process. In [21], a tragsactlogal approach is proposed to ensure reliable reconfigurations in the context of component based systems and particularly in the Fractal component model. To ensure atomicity of reconfiguration transactions, operations performed in tragsactiogs must be cancelled if a fault occurs before the end of the recogfiguration. This operation of cancelation of the reconfiguration operations effect is carried out by the execution of the reverse action of each reconfiguration operation performed because the reconfiguration operations are carried out directly on the system. In contrast to this approach, we have proposed to carry out firstly the reconfiguration on the architectural representation of the application which facilitates the cancelation of this operation if there is a problem. From a reliability point of view, the authors propose the use of the integrity constraints to define the system consistency for guaranteeing the respect of these constraints at runtime. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have presented a framework for building distributed and dynamic component-based systems. The proposed framework is based on a reflexive three layer architecture model which we have proposed. The bottom layer of this model is the application layer. It contains the system's application-level functionality. The change management layer is the middle layer. It manages the changes of the bottom layer. The uppermost layer is the self-adaptation layer that introduces the self-adaptation capabilities to the framework itself. It ensures the service continuity of the change management layer and manages the adaptation of this last to the changes which it carries out itself on the application layer. The proposed framework implements the two uppermost layers of the proposed architecture model and it is based on a decentralised architecture. It incorporates two separate systems that manage the dynamic adaptation and fault tolerance of the application components and also, an adaptation manager implementing the self-adaptation layer in the architecture model. The proposed framework is designed especially to support the distributed reconfigurations. For that, it incorporates a robust coordination and negotiation mechanisms for managing this type of reconfiguration. The adaptation system of this framework is designed according to the classical autonomic control loop MAPE-K which allows a better management of the adaptation. As the preservation of the application consistency is an important point in the dynamic reconfiguration, the framework incorporates a separate fault-tolerant system implements four fault tolerance techniques (distributed checkpointing, active replication, message store and distributed backward recovery) which makes it able to tolerate most of faults type. Also, as the adaptation operations in this framework are executed as transactions, this increases the reliability of these operations. A prototype of this framework has been implemented using two component models; EJB an industrial model and ScriptCOM a component model for developing adaptable components, which facilitates the adaptation of the proposed framework. 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Software practice and experince, doi: 10.1002/spe.2181 Semi-automated Knowledge Elicitation for Modelling Plant Defence Response Dragana Miljkovic Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Dragana.Miljkovic@ijs.si Thesis Summary Keywords: systems biology, constraint-driven optimization, natural language processing, triplet extraction, plant defence modelling Received: July 30, 2014 This article represents a summary of the doctoral dissertation of the author on the topic of knowledge elicitation for modelling plant defence response. Povzetek: (Clanek predstavlja povzetek doktorske disertacije, ki obravnava temo zajemanja znanja za modeliranje obrambnega odziva rastlin. 1 Introduction In systems biology, the growth of experimental data is not uniform for different types of biological mechanisms, hence some biological mechanisms still have few datasets available, like plant defence against pathogen attack. Pathogens are a serious threat to living organisms and can lead to fitness costs, physiological damage or even death [1]. In particular, plants have specially evolved sophisticated mechanisms that can effectively fight-off infections with various pathogens. Upon pathogen recognition, plants trigger a complex signalling network, referred as plant defence response or plant defence signalling (PDS). Biologists have been investigating plant defence response to virus infections; however a comprehensive mathematical model of this complex process has not been developed. One challenge in developing a dynamic model, useful for simulation, are scarce experimental data from which the model parameters could be determined. 2 Methods and results The thesis [2] describes a novel methodology for the construction of biological models by eliciting the relevant knowledge from literature and domain experts. The methodology has been applied to build the PDS model, and can be used to construct models of other biological mechanisms. The thesis also presents a PDS model. Most of the plant-pathogen interaction studies are focused on individual interactions or subsets of the whole PDS mechanism. The models that are commonly used are structural models with no information on their dynamics [3]. Several dynamical models of plant defence have been developed. However, they are either simple [4], or do not contain sufficiently detailed information on the pathways of interest in this dissertation [5], or focusing only on one pathway [6]. In order to build the PDS model the standard approach to the construction of dynamic models is enhanced with the following methods: a method for model structure revision by means of natural language processing techniques, a method for incremental model structure revision, and a method for automatic optimisation of model parameters guided by the expert knowledge in the form of constraints. The initial model structure was first constructed manually by defining the representation formalism, encoding the information from public databases and literature, and composing a pathway diagram. To complement the model structure with additional relations, a new approach to information extraction from texts was developed. This approach, named Bio3graph [7], allows for automated extraction of biological relations in the form of triplets followed by the construction of a graph structure which can be visualised, compared to the manually constructed model structure, and examined by the experts. Using a PDS vocabulary of components and reaction types, Bio3graph was applied to a set of 9,586 relevant full text articles, resulting in 137 newly detected relations. The resulting PDS pathway diagram represents a valuable source for further computational modelling and interpretation of omics data. An incremental variant of the Bio3graph tool was developed to enable easy and periodic updating of a given model structure with new relations from recent scientific literature. The incremental approach was demonstrated on two use cases. In the first use case, a simple PDS network with 37 components and 49 relations, created manually, was extended in two incremental steps yielding the network with 183 relations. In the second use case, a complex PDS model structure in Arabidopsis thaliana, consisting of 175 nodes and 524 relations [7], was incrementally updated with relations from recently published articles, resulting in an enhanced network with 628 relations. The results show that by using the incremental approach it is possible to follow the development of knowledge of specific biological relations in recent literature. One obstacle in developing simulation models, are scarce kinetic data from which the model parameters could be determined. This problem was addressed by proposing a method for iterative improvement of model parameters until the simulation results meet the expectations of the biology experts. These expectations were formulated as constraints to be satisfied by model simulations. To estimate the parameters of the salicylic acid pathway, the most important PDS pathway, three iterative steps were performed. The method enabled us to optimise model parameters which provide a deeper insight into the observed biological system. As a result, the constraint-driven optimisation approach allows for efficient exploration of the dynamic behaviour of biological models and, at the same time, increases their reliability. networking by hormones in arabidopsis immunity reveals multiple crosstalk for cytokinin, Plant Cell, 24, 1793-1814. [6] A. Devoto, Turner, J. G. (2005) Jasmonate-regulated arabidopsis stress signalling network, Physiologia Plantarum, 123, 161-172. [7] D. Miljkovic, T. Stare, I. Mozetic, V. Podpecan, M. Petek, et al. (2012) Signalling Network Construction for Modelling Plant Defence Response, PLoS ONE, 7(12):e51822. 3 Conclusion The main results of this thesis are: a new methodology for constructing biological models using the expert knowledge and literature and a PDS model, which was built by applying this methodology. Most notably, the standard approach to constructing dynamic models was upgraded with the following methods: a method for model structure revision by means of natural language processing techniques, a method for incremental development of biological model structures and a method for constraint-driven parameter optimisation. The thesis also contributes to publicly available biological models and scientific software. The PDS model structure of Arabidopsis thaliana in the form of directed graphs is publicly available. Also, the Bio3graph approach is implemented and provided as a publicly accessible scientific workflow. References [1] Z. Zhao, J. Xia, O. Tastan, I. Singh, M. Kshirsagar, et al. (2011) Virus interactions with human signal transduction pathways, International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, 4: 83 - 105. [2] D. Miljkovic (2014) Semi-automated knowledge elic-itation for modelling plant defence response, PhD Thesis, IPS, Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [3] P. E. Staswick (2008) Jazing up jasmonate signaling. Trends in Plant Science, 13, 66-71. [4] T. Genoud, M. B. T. Santa Cruz, J. P. M6traux (2001) Numeric simulation of plant signaling networks, Plant Physiology, 126, 1430-1437. [5] M. Naseem, N. Philippi, A. Hussain, G. Wangorsch, N. Ahmed, et al. (2012) Integrated systems view on JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE Jožef Stefan (1835-1893) was one of the most prominent physicists of the 19th century. Born to Slovene parents, he obtained his Ph.D. at Vienna University, where he was later Director of the Physics Institute, Vice-President of the Vienna Academy of Sciences and a member of several scientific institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things, he originated the law that the total radiation from a black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute temperature, known as the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading independent scientific research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear science technology, energy research and environmental science. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a research organisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research departments composed of different task teams. Emphasis in basic research is given to the development and education of young scientists, while applied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national economy and society in general. 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Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particular computer sciences, artificial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer architectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automation and control, professional electronics, digital communications and networks, and applied mathematics. ranean Europe, offering excellent productive capabilities and solid business opportunities, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bern and Munich, all within a radius of 600 km. From the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Technology park "Ljubljana" has been proposed as part of the national strategy for technological development to foster synergies between research and industry, to promote joint ventures between university bodies, research institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to accelerate the development cycle of innovative products. Part of the Institute was reorganized into several hightech units supported by and connected within the Technology park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginning of a regional Technology park "Ljubljana". The project was developed at a particularly historical moment, characterized by the process of state reorganisation, privatisation and private initiative. The national Technology Park is a shareholding company hosting an independent venture-capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics and Vacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of the Economy, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:+386 1 4773 900, Fax.:+386 1 251 93 85 WWW: http://www.ijs.si E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Public relations: Polona Strnad The Institute is located in Ljubljana, the capital of the independent state of Slovenia (or S9nia). 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Others should subscribe (see the last page of Informatica). ORDER FORM - INFORMATICA Name: ............................... Title and Profession (optional): ......... Home Address and Telephone (optional): Office Address and Telephone (optional): E-mail Address (optional): ............. Signature and Date: ................... Informatica WWW: http://www.informatica.si/ Referees from 2008 on: A. Abraham, S. Abraham, R. Accornero, A. Adhikari, R. Ahmad, G. Alvarez, N. Anciaux, R. Arora, I. Awan, J. Azimi, C. Badica, Z. Balogh, S. Banerjee, G. Barbier, A. Baruzzo, B. Batagelj, T. Beaubouef, N. Beaulieu, M. ter Beek, P. Bellavista, K. Bilal, S. Bishop, J. Bodlaj, M. Bohanec, D. Bolme, Z. Bonikowski, B. Boškovic, M. Botta, P. Brazdil, J. Brest, J. Brichau, A. Brodnik, D. Brown, I. Bruha, M. Bruynooghe, W. Buntine, D.D. Burdescu, J. Buys, X. Cai, Y. Cai, J.C. Cano, T. Cao, J.-V. Capella-Hernändez, N. Carver, M. Cavazza, R. Ceylan, A. Chebotko, I. Chekalov, J. Chen, L.-M. Cheng, G. 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Li, G.-Z. Li, J. Li, X. Li, X. Li, Y. Li, Y. Li, S. Lian, L. Liao, C. Lim, J.-C. Lin, H. Liu, J. Liu, P. Liu, X. Liu, X. Liu, F. Logist, S. Loskovska, H. Lu, Z. Lu, X. Luo, M. Luštrek, I.V. Lyustig, S.A. Madani, M. Mahoney, S.U.R. Malik, Y. Marinakis, D. Marincic, J. Marques-Silva, A. Martin, D. Marwede, M. Matijaševic, T. Matsui, L. McMillan, A. McPherson, A. McPherson, Z. Meng, M.C. Mihaescu, V. Milea, N. Min-Allah, E. Minisci, V. Mišic, A.-H. Mogos, P. Mohapatra, D.D. Monica, A. Montanari, A. Moroni, J. Mosegaard, M. Moškon, L. de M. Mourelle, H. Moustafa, M. Možina, M. Mrak, Y. Mu, J. Mula, D. Nagamalai, M. Di Natale, A. Navarra, P. Navrat, N. Nedjah, R. Nejabati, W. Ng, Z. Ni, E.S. Nielsen, O. Nouali, F. Novak, B. Novikov, P. Nurmi, D. Obrul, B. Oliboni, X. Pan, M. Pancur, W. Pang, G. Papa, M. Paprzycki, M. Paralic, B.-K. Park, P. Patel, T.B. Pedersen, Z. Peng, R.G. Pensa, J. Perš, D. Petcu, B. Petelin, M. Petkovšek, D. Pevec, M. Piculin, R. Piltaver, E. Pirogova, V. Podpecan, M. Polo, V. Pomponiu, E. Popescu, D. Poshyvanyk, B. Potocnik, R.J. Povinelli, S.R.M. Prasanna, K. Pripužic, G. Puppis, H. Qian, Y. Qian, L. Qiao, C. Qin, J. Que, J.-J. Quisquater, C. Rafe, S. Rahimi, V. Rajkovic, D. Rakovic, J. Ramaekers, J. Ramon, R. Ravnik, Y. Reddy, W. Reimche, H. Rezankova, D. Rispoli, B. Ristevski, B. Robic, J.A. Rodriguez-Aguilar, P. Rohatgi, W. Rossak, I. Rožanc, J. Rupnik, S.B. Sadkhan, K. Saeed, M. Saeki, K.S.M. Sahari, C. Sakharwade, E. Sakkopoulos, P. Sala, M.H. Samadzadeh, J.S. Sandhu, P. Scaglioso, V. Schau, W. Schempp, J. Seberry, A. Senanayake, M. Senobari, T.C. Seong, S. Shamala, c. shi, Z. Shi, L. Shiguo, N. Shilov, Z.-E.H. Slimane, F. Smith, H. Sneed, P. Sokolowski, T. Song, A. Soppera, A. Sorniotti, M. Stajdohar, L. Stanescu, D. Strnad, X. Sun, L. Šajn, R. Šenkerfk, M.R. Šikonja, J. Šilc, I. Škrjanc, T. Štajner, B. Šter, V. Štruc, H. Takizawa, C. Talcott, N. Tomasev, D. Torkar, S. Torrente, M. Trampuš, C. Tranoris, K. Trojacanec, M. Tschierschke, F. De Turck, J. Twycross, N. Tziritas, W. Vanhoof, P. Vateekul, L.A. Vese, A. Visconti, B. Vlaovic, V. Vojisavljevic, M. Vozalis, P. Vracar, V. Vranic, C.-H. Wang, H. Wang, H. Wang, H. Wang, S. Wang, X.-F. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, A. Wasilewska, S. Wenzel, V. Wickramasinghe, J. Wong, S. Wrobel, K. Wrona, B. Wu, L. Xiang, Y. Xiang, D. Xiao, F. Xie, L. Xie, Z. Xing, H. Yang, X. Yang, N.Y. Yen, C. Yong-Sheng, J.J. You, G. Yu, X. Zabulis, A. Zainal, A. Zamuda, M. Zand, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhao, D. Zheng, J. Zheng, X. Zheng, Z.-H. Zhou, F. Zhuang, A. Zimmermann, M.J. Zuo, B. Zupan, M. Zuqiang, B. Žalik, J. Žižka, Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Web edition of Informatica may be accessed at: http://www.informatica.si. Subscription Information Informatica (ISSN 0350-5596) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter (4 issues per year) by the Slovene Society Informatika, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The subscription rate for 2014 (Volume 38) is - 60 EUR for institutions, - 30 EUR for individuals, and - 15 EUR for students Claims for missing issues will be honored free of charge within six months after the publication date of the issue. Typesetting: Borut Žnidar. Printing: ABO grafika d.o.o., Ob železnici 16, 1000 Ljubljana. Orders may be placed by email (drago.torkar@ijs.si), telephone (+386 1 477 3900) or fax (+386 1 251 93 85). The payment should be made to our bank account no.: 02083-0013014662 at NLB d.d., 1520 Ljubljana, Trg republike 2, Slovenija, IBAN no.: SI56020830013014662, SWIFT Code: LJBASI2X. Informatica is published by Slovene Society Informatika (president Niko Schlamberger) in cooperation with the following societies (and contact persons): Robotics Society of Slovenia (Jadran Lenarcic) Slovene Society for Pattern Recognition (Janez Perš) Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society (Dunja Mladenic) Cognitive Science Society (Urban Kordeš) Slovenian Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (Andrej Likar) Automatic Control Society of Slovenia (Sašo Blažic) Slovenian Association of Technical and Natural Sciences / Engineering Academy of Slovenia (Vojteh Leskovšek) ACM Slovenia (Andrej Brodnik) Informatica is financially supported by the Slovenian research agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications. Informatica is surveyed by: ACM Digital Library, Citeseer, COBISS, Compendex, Computer & Information Systems Abstracts, Computer Database, Computer Science Index, Current Mathematical Publications, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Directory of Open Access Journals, InfoTrac OneFile, Inspec, Linguistic and Language Behaviour Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, MatSciNet, MatSci on SilverPlatter, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math Volume 38 Number 3 September 2014 ISSN 0350-5596 Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Editors's Introduction to the Special Issue on "Frontiers in Network Systems and Applications" Future Proof Access Networks for B2B Applications The Architecture of Distributed Database System in the VANET Environment Prototype Implementation of a Scalable Real-Time Dynamic Carpooling and Ride-Sharing Application Tiny Low-Power WSN Node for the Vehicle Detection End of Special Issue / Start of normal papers_ A. Chojnacki, M. Grzenda, 191 A. Kowalski, B. Macukow P. Parol, M. Pawlowski 193 J. Janech, E. Krsäk, Š. Toth 205 D. Dimitrijevic, 213 V. Dimitrieski, N. Nedic M. Chovanec, M. Hodon, 223 L. Cechovic L.A. Kazakovtsev, 229 A.N. Antamoshkin P. Craig, N. Roa-Sedler, 241 M.M. Diaz, F.L. Rosano Y. Kumar, G. Sahoo 249 T.B. Kane 263 M.C. Mihaescu, M.G. Tacu, 273 D.D. Burdescu H. Zhou, H. Wang 281 O. Aissaoui, A. Amirat, 289 F. Atil D. Miljkovic 307 Genetic Algorithm with Fast Greedy Heuristic for Clustering and Location Problems A Cognitonics Approach to Computer Supported Learning in the Mexican State of Oaxaca A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for Data Clustering Using Cognitive Tunnels in a New Approach to Building Social Elevators in the Information Society Use Case of Cognitive and HCI Analysis for an E-Learning Tool A Database-Based Two-Phase Algorithm For Efficient and Complete Detection of siRNA Off-Target Homology A Model-Based Framework for Building Self-Adaptive Distributed Software Semi-automated Knowledge Elicitation for Modelling Plant Defence Response Informatica 38 (2014) Number 3, pp. 191-309