PROMISING I VISION I FASHION I ALTERNATIVE | CULTURE NEW EDGE 2 #04 - NEWEDGE NEW EDGE #04 # 04 / NEW EDGE / SUMMER 2015 EDITOR Anja Korosec E COVER PHOTO Jan Pirnat DESIGN Anja Korosec #04 - NEWEDGE 3 NEW EDGE IN THE SUN Summer, hot days and warm nights, ice cream, palm trees... easy, relaxing, and at times even to hot. Although it all seems very simple and serene, moments are hot and experiences strong, so that tensions remain great and vigorous. Summer is dynamic time, full of possibilities and opportunities, but we must still return to our homes, to think and reflect about them, because this is the most important part and in fact we need nothing more than this. We are still working hard on our magazine, and not only working, but also expanding our idea of the magazine and making it bigger and better, which requires a lot of intellectual work, personal connections and the will to proceed. On the outside we look calm and relaxed, but on the inside there is an intellectual storm of ideas, that are going to come out in the following issues of our magazine. We have only just begun and there is still much more to achieve and more audiences to reach; we set our goals high and work hard to attain them. We know who and what we are and we don't let anyone tell us anything else. We go out and get our ice cream and then make a story out of it - just an ordinary everyday event or thing is an inspiration for us. That is how it should be, life and work should be fun and productive, it should leave us with something valuable to remember, and we hope our magazine will leave you with something valuable you need, too. You can find us, connect with us and like us on: newedgemagazine Welcome to the fourth, Summer issue of New Edge magazine. This is a free magazine that promotes, and draws attention to, all the good and valuable things in our life and environment. Thank you for staying with us. ~Anja Korošec 4 #04 - NEWEDGE CONTENT CONTENTS SUMMER 2015 PROMISING Traveling - vanvoyage Illustration -VIDA IGLICAR Innovative Product -BYBA shirting Editorial-REBEL REBEL, GOOD SPORT Column -LOUI FERRY Art - PETER ZABRET ICE CREAM STORY Music -LYNCH Music Vs. Politics-NO ONE IS INNOCENT! 8 A " 1 r% 12 If ¿1ft ILL i _ 1 #04 - NEWEDGE 5 PROMISING TRAVELING VANVOYAGE #05 - NEWEDGE 6 1. What is Vanvoyage? Vanvoyage is a little over a year old project that is trying to revive adventurous traveling. It offers for rent traveling vans with all the necessary equipment and accessories to ensure hassle-free traveling and certain level of comfort, but are at the same time far from ordinary vans. 2. How did you get this idea? I met with Valentino in Australia, where we both had a job for a time. After we both finished our jobs, we quite spontaneously bought an old (1987) van in Darwin and traveled with it most of the Australian coast. A crazy experience. During the trip we met a lot of people who hired their vans from commercial providers. We realized that people are willing to pay too much money for the vans that are poorly rebuilt, and so we came to an idea to become traveling van providers ourselves. Slovenia is certainly not Australia, but Balkan is certainly a blossoming market that offers many beautiful tourist destinations, mostly not widely known. Tourism of young travelers is on the rise in this area and we offer them unique way to explore Slovenia, the Balkans and the rest of Europe. 3. What sets you apart from others who also rent vans? Currently there is no good comparison to our offer on the market. Existing provid- ers in the region have in their fleets mainly traveling vans that are cumbersome and rather unattractive. Usually, these providers also have very strict demands regarding restrictions, guarantees and insurance. Our offer is much more simple: the price includes everything from assistance to insurance, all the equipment and accessories and a hammock. We are trying to build into our vans the things that our target group, young adventourous travelers, are most interested in, like good sound equipment, usb chargers, interesting LED lighting and interesting unusual but "hip" design are just a piece of mosaic that our offer consists of. 4. Where do you see yourself in the future? Our ambition is to establish a small fleet of traveling vehicles and vans and to establish our firm as the first choice, when someone in Slovenia wishes to rent a vehicle for an adventure into the unknown. We are planing to experiment with different sizes of vehicles, as for example, we think it might be interesting to offer a van, specifically tailored for couples and romantic traveling. In the long term, we of course want to break into a foreign market, and also set up and offer our customers more rent-points for our vans. 5. What is your motto? In English, our ID is: "Vanvoyage - Creating adventures". ™ #04 - NEWEDGE 7 PROMISING ILLUSTRATION VIDA IGLIČAR #04 - NEWEDGE 8 PROMISING 1. How did you start working with illustration? I might not call or limit it to illustration from the very beginning, but rather interest in visual communications, which definitely put its roots down in my early years. During family vacation, I always enjoyed that special evening we spent, drawing the sunset. I later pursued my interest in painting and colours in general when attending a summer art course. A few years and a lot of consequences later, also a dose of maturity, I found myself longing for a life outside Slovenia. I was accepted on a one year Foundation course in Art and Design at De Montfort University in Leicester, UK, which was mainly based on experimenting with different media, life drawing and overcoming any fears you have in expressing yourself creatively. At the end of the year, I received two scholarships and an award for outstanding achievements. I decided to stay in UK for the undergraduate course of graphic design and illustration. In that period, I would say, interest in illustration started to truly grow. Looking back now, there are so many people who motivated me to take this journey, from the loved ones who believed in me, to my mentors who pushed me to find what I was good at and take it as far as possible. 2. What kind of techniques and motifs are you using? Watercolours. When I first used them, they drove me absolutely crazy. I was annoyed at how I didn't have as much control over them as when using acrylics. But in the last few years I loosened up creatively, I started to identify myself more and more with pastel colours, the delicate look and feel of water and paper texture. Also I believe I developed skills in precision and attention to detail. Maybe that was my way of gaining back the control. I also found my interest in lettering. In my final years of studies I combined it with watercolours and it became one of my greatest passions. My motifs? Everyday life, the little pleasures - such as coffee, positive words, breathtaking nature and inspiring people. 3. What separates you from other illustrators? Hopefully highlights from the previous question - the use of watercolours in lettering, delicate look, pastel colours, positive look and feel. 4. Where do you see yourself in the future? I hope to always seek new challenges. I don't have a clear vision of where I want to be or what I wish to do in the future, which I believe gives me a sense of freedom. Creativity shouldn't have time or end point boundaries. Currently I have a full time job as a designer in an advertising agency and run a few personal, mainly illustration and lettering based projects on the side. Wondering what comes next makes me too excited to put into words. 5. What is your motto, the one thought that leads you through life? Focus on what you can do and do the best you can.™ #05 - NEWEDGE 9 PROMISING innovative product BYBA 1. What is Byba? Byba is an innovative product which turns any bottle into a water pipe, hookah pipe or bong. All you need to do is to insert the smoking tubes and screw it onto a bottle. Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and durable enough to survive all sorts of festivals, outdoor trips, parties, picnics, etc. The team behind Byba consists of 4 stu dents, three of them are roommates and best friends. 2. How did it all begin? Imagine a typical hot summer evening with your friends on your apartment's balcony. Music, beers, good times and sometimes smokes. One of our friends brought a hook ah pipe but broke it on the way there. We also didn't have any papers or other smoking equipment you would normally use. At this 10 #04 - NEWEDGE PROMISING point Tom, our mechanical engineer, had an idea for a simple device which would turn something we use every day (plastic bottle) into small, practical and slick smoking accessory. Small, handy and unbreakable. No additional equipment or complicated preparation process needed. The next day we put together a small prototype using a bottle cap, silicon glue and pure student ingenuity. Next thing you know, word spread around campus and we soon got 15 preorders for this simple looking prototype. At this point we knew we're on to something. 3. What makes you different? We are no big corporation, nor are we a start -up funded with millions of dollars. We are four friends who had an Idea while hanging out on our balcony and decided to bring it to life. Everything from the idea to manufacturing, quality control, website, marketing was made by us. We truly are a company run by students and for students. So I guess authenticity makes us different. We're not trying to be something we're not. 4. What is your plan for the future? The first idea was to test Byba on the Slovenian market because we know a lot of students and we have "easy access" to student festivals during the summer. The second idea (after the initial success) was much bigger and it involved the global market. One big wish of course is to make it in the US since the medical and recreational smoking business there is booming. We're really grateful for the feedback and support we get from the US through our social media channels, people can't wait to try out our Byba. Also we're constantly looking for ways how to improve or complement Byba. You'll soon be able to see a few novelties on 5. What is your motto? We know that passion and hard work are essential to be successful in business, but we believe there is more to it. We believe that if we have fun while creating Byba, so will the customers when interacting with it. Fun is something we try to bring into everything we do, from product design to marketing. ™ #04 - NEWEDGE 11 VISION shirting 1. What is shirting ... shirting ... is a fashion project, born out of our dissatisfaction with the way how contemporary fashion business works. It is our response to its rapid and planned obsolescence, continual consumption, stratification, and its non-ethical and non-ecological stance. In our opinion clothing design should not be a creative process solely aimed at successful sale of the product, but should also, and above all, acknowledge the responsibility for the process as a whole, with everyone and everything included. As designers we are involved in the fashion industry directly. We shouldn't therefore ignore the problems that fashion industry is facing and more often creates. shirting . is our way of taking the responsibility for this widely known and worrisome situation in contemporary fashion industry that is sadly still left almost untouched. We thought of a model that would offer an alternative to the way fashion process as a whole is viewed upon and executed. It recognises most problematic and unethical aspects of today's fashion industry and responds to them with a system of shirting - wearing and sharing clothes. shirting ... offers a different clothing process. It favours slow, socially responsible and cooperative style of fashion with the emphasis on the designing process, and in its core it placed user's experience. The name of the project shirting ... is a combination of different meanings. It is derived from the idea of a "shirt" as an object and "sharing" as a process. However putting an -ing after a "shirt" makes it also an action. shirting . thus represents a process, which includes participation, activity and continuity that evolves through individual editions, which is indicated by three dots "...". 2. How did the idea for your project came about? The idea itself came first as an art/fashion project to see and to test, if people would be open to a new way of thinking about clothing, design and fashion. The response of the public was overwhelming, so other editions of shirting followed in short periods. It soon became clear that shirting . addresses more issues at the same time like the one of the ownership and responsibility of a customer. Namely, nobody can claim the ownership of the shirt, we are all merely customers - users - that solely take responsibility for them. Or the questions of how to align fashionable and creative responsibility, and at the same time, satisfy the needs of customers. Or there is the issue of transparency of production or value of a garment, personal and economical. There are several more, which could take whole page. 12 #04 - NEWEDGE VISION 3. Your project is a critical response to modern "fast fashion" - how do you counteract such tendencies and what is your solution to the problem? We think that the problems fashion industry has are caused by, among other things, also by the man of the 'western world' and his expectations. If "west" hadn't demanded clothes for 5 EUR, factories of "the third world" wouldn't be producing them for 1 EUR or less. This is where the "bold" part of shirting ... lays. shirting ... intervenes not where the problem is made, but where it is caused - in the west. It takes the custom fashion model and turns it on its head so that nothing could be bought, owned or reproduced. So that "shirting", far from trying to take away a piece of pie of the fashion industry, it is rather creating its own, completely new alternative to it. We are happy to say, we are not standing alone in this. Responses of users, designers and the public are very positive. They share their experiences with us and give us their opinion, which serve us as guidelines in further development of the project. Currently 32 shirts are travelling around Slovenia and abroad. So far, the shirts were worn by more than 170 users in more than ten countries in different parts of the world: Istanbul, Sofia, Prague, Rijeka, Amsterdam, Paris, Bali, Basel, Salzburg, Stockholm, Berlin, London, New York, ... At the same time we recognize that one experience is not enough. We would like to encourage people who already have experienced shirting. to continue. Repeatedly. We will be soon introducing a system in which users could put themselves on the list and so participate in the process several times and with different shirts. We would love to see that shirting . would once become a way of dressing that would be accessible to all that are interested or somehow motivated in making a difference. People that think beyond the established standards, imposed on them by the consumer mentality. This is, after all, the responsibility we all share: those of us who make clothes and those of us who buy them. 4. Who is leading the project of "shirting"? team shirting . currently consists of three overly enthusiastic individuals. The initiator and founder of the project is Elena Fajt. Lucija Jankovec and Dejan Krajnik, both designers, then joined the project after shirting 01. Together we are trying to create an effective alternative that would hopefully answer old questions, open the new ones and broaden the horizon of the fashion world. 5. What is the goal of the "shirting" project? We wish that shirting . once became the new way of doing fashion, the one that changes how we do the purchase or production. A way where overstuffing with garments isn't cool anymore and being fashionable means conscious dressing, where excess transport isn't happening, where shops aren't needed and exploitation of labour is completely obsolete. We wish to promote creativity and emphasise originality of design and quality of the products. We want to inspire genuine valuation of a human being and build on cooperation among people. shirting.'s aspiration is to, one day, become a public closet. A lifestyle that is not only about clothes, but is also about people, the connection between them and becoming a part of something that has an impact on the way we consume, think and live. On 23. July 2015 was one year since the first shirt of project shirting . started its journey in public, and has now reached its fifteenth user. ™ #04 - NEWEDGE 13 rebel rebel ORGANISATION, DIRECTION Anja Korosec & Anze Ermenc STYLING Anze Ermenc PHOTOGRAPHY Damjan Dimic MAKE UP Gox Miljic HAIR Ben Jager @ Stevo Frizerska Hisa MODEL Prisha @ IMMORTAL model managment Ü a L „ , ■ J i' r - ■ ^ - J: FASHION JUMPER Tjasa Zalar NECKLACE Janja Videc SHORTS Danaja Ljubicic 18 #04 - NEWEDGE JUMPSUIT Janja Videc JACKET Anja Koželj for Upaj / M FASHION HARNESS Pirate Piška DRESS Lucija Jankovec COAT Valerija Intihar #04 - NEWEDGE 21 GOOD SPORT ORGANISATION, DIRECTION & STYLING Anze Ermenc PHOTOGRAPHY Jan Pirnat MAKE UP Gox Miljic MODEL Brian Bassin SPECIAL THANKS Sports Association Tabor main ALTERNATIVE COLUMN / LOUI FERRY SUPERHEROES If the outside world was a fairytale, all of us who lived or are still living abroad would be superheroes. But as we can see, we are still only human beings, strengthened by our work. I don't remember a day that I could say to myself that I went to my "job" rather than "to work". That people should work for eight hours and the rest of the day should be leisure time that you are free to spend, however you choose, according to your free will - this is really the wish and ideal of every individual. But the results of such work allow you to live a normal life only in some cities around the world - and in some professions. As soon as you wish to achieve something more or to reach a position where there is no lack of glory or glamor, you'll realize that you will have to undertake your work for as much as 14 hours a day. I came to a conclusion that if you are working more than others and you are doing, what makes you happy, that you will certainly succeed; if you don't, I can tell you that you are not sufficiently determined or persistent. My life have in recent years brought me experiences that were as numerous and exactly such, as I have chosen them. All the people sadly cannot live the life of superheroes in fairytales. The fact is, that if you want to do something of yourself, the first step is to accept all the challenges that work offers you in their entirety, and not to moan when you have to deal with them. The work that I do as a hairdresser at fashion weeks around the world, may in someone's eyes seem glamorous, but it is not always, and in fact in most cases isn't such - most of the time I spend at work is working in the backstage, 30 #04 - NEWEDGE ALTERNATIVE where there are a lot of people crammed in a small space, from models, make-up artists, producers, stylists, hairdressers ... It's never enough space, time, air or light ... It's always something that makes this fashion industry full of drama, rush and stress - but at the same time you have to do quality work that have to be completed in short and limited time, as demanded by your superiors that require from you the quality at their own level or beyond - nothing new or unusual, as they would say in this industry. In the end, it all revolves solely around familiarity connections and inau-thentic relationships with other people. I wish to express, as much as is possible, positive thoughts and offer encouragement to young and perspective participants in the fashion world, because I want that we all succeed, but this, unfortunately, is a reality. If you want to live and work in this world, you have to be aware that it is a mysterious and frustrating world: you never know who's your friend and who is your enemy, no matter how much what you offer them or give them, in the form of advice, help or encouragement ... You expect what you give. This is modes- ty. But even then you get disappointed, because obviously this is too much to expect from them. So if you offer and give someone your time and energy, but you get nothing or even less in return, you may become disappointed once again, or you can simply say to yourself: "One more valuable experience!". In the end, you could come to the conclusion that it would be easier to live in a village, far away from it all, without influences from the so called modern world, that seemingly offers "glam and glory" to spectator's eyes, but the reality is far removed from this ... This could probably lead many to give up and withdraw from their previous professional endeavors, thus relinquishing everything they have worked hard to achieve so far, but for me, this means only that it is necessary to carry on and continue your work, to never ever give up, to always find a way to continue and find a motivation that will give you hope and courage for the next professional steps and goals, since the foundation of the house, as well as every human and professional endeavor, is simple: "Everything you can imagine is possible." ™ #04 - NEWEDGE 31 ALTERNATIVE PETER ZABRET STVARI IZ GLAVE - THINGS FROM THE HEAD 32 #04 - NEWEDGE ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE ICE CREAM STORY Every Ice Cream has a story. 34 #04 - NEWEDGE ALTERNATIVE CULTURE WHAT'S UP ? LYNCH'S DIRTY DOZEN It all started in the Fall of 2012 - now, three years later the four guys (Jan Ovnik, Lovrenc Rogelj, Nik Drozg and Maraya Vlaj Koscak) that formed a band called Lynch, are introducing themselves to the public with their very first EP, "The Dirty Dozen". They try to avoid sticking to one genre of music, preferring to differentiate between songs, so that each one has its own signature tune to it. But if they had to describe themselves with only one word, they'd probably fall under the vast category of rock. Their goal is to try not to be similar to any of the established performers that are already on the musical scene, but leave their own mark - that is how, they say, you truly become a recognizable band. Regarding their musical inspirations, the four of them don't share a similar taste, so, as Nik says, they each find their own inspirations. As for their plans for the future? "As many gigs as we can get, creating new songs and eventually, when the time is right, releasing a proper album." ft* - I i i LYNCH THE DIM* DOZEN 36 #04 - NEWEDGE CULTURE MUSIC VS. POLITICS NO ONE IS INNOCENT! SEX PISTOLS AND RONNIE BIGGS - NO ONE IS INNOCENT (or THE BIGGEST BLOW; or A PUNK PRAYER) (VIRGIN, VS 220, 1978) Steve Jones and Paul Cook from Sex Pistols are of course excellent, and so is Ronnie Biggs on vocals, even Martin Bormann (Henry Rowland) on bass and mixer is really good and funny. This song by the most famous bank robber Ronald Biggs and the Sex Pistols is suitable, and even explanatory, for this occasion, now that Greeks have with a very big majority rejected european bailout proposals on a referendum, because EU-Greek controversy has for too long been described as a confrontation between the guilty and indebted Greeks and "rightful" European bankers, economists and central bankers. The message of the song is clear: "No One is Innocent!" Or: banks are, as a rule, no more innocent, or less guilty, than bank robbers. The Greeks have proven this with this referendum and therefore won in this conflict - if its final consequence will be that Merkel and Schäuble will have to go, the Greeks will have thus achieved quite a lot. Dear Angela, 25 years ago the whole of Europe have paid for the merging of two Ger-manys, and this is why now you are, where you are. It has probably come the time for you to leave - and to take Schäuble with you. What Greeks have achieved even before the referendum, however, is that the "Troika" no longer exists: IMF (International Monetary Fund) doesn't want to play any longer by the rules of the European Commission and the European Central Bank, because on Thursday, 2nd of July, IMF issued a report which concludes that the economic situation in Greece in the past year deteriorated by so much (Greek economy shrank by 25%), that Greece is simply no longer capable of repaying their debts. IMF therefore proposes a two- to three-year suspension of payment of the debts of Greece (and in one proposal, even 20-year suspension). Since the "Troika" is no longer uniform and doesn't speak with one voice, Greeks will after the referendum have a much easier job in negotiations with international institutions. So Tsipras and Varoufakis as a great team have managed a remarkable achievement. If Merkel won't be willing to accept the proposals of the IMF, she will incur herself considerable political difficulties and may even have to eventually withdraw from politics. So if in conclusion anyone wishes to paraphrase humorous lyrics of the title song, I suggest the following: "God save Angela Merkel from falling in manure." And for those who still claim that Greeks have brought it all on themselves, we may add an explanation: "That was their idea of fun." NOTE: This text was written immediately after the Greek bailout referendum on 5th of July 2015. It was accompanied by a song in the title and its lyrics. In the final commenting remarks, Angela Merkel is substituted for William Grundy in the original lyrics, while Greeks are, for dramatic effect, substituted for Nazis in the lyrics. While at the moment of publication it may seem that Merkel and Germans have won and succeeded in circumventing the results of Greek referendum, we still believe that final outcome will be as described above. #04 - NEWEDGE 37 INVITATION INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Be a part of the NEW EDGE! Use your imagination to fill the space below and email us the photograph of your creation/drawing, along with your information, to our address: We will contact you and you may be introduced in the next issue of our magazine. 38 #04 - NEWEDGE INVITATION ILLUSTRATION Pirate Piska #04 - NEWEDGE 39