SPECIFIČNOST KADROV V DOMOZNANSKI DEJAVNOSTI Sandra Kurnik Zupanič, Varja Praznik, mag. Vlasta Stavbar, Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor UDK 023-057:027.7:908(497.4) Povzetek Izhodiščno tezo, da je specifičnost kadrov v domoznanski dejavnosti pogojena s specifičnostjo te dejavnosti v knjižnici, so rezultati raziskave potrdili. Med stro- kovnimi kadri v 61-ih knjižnicah, ki so bile zajete v raziskavo, se z domoznansko dejavnostjo ukvarja 53 ljudi oz. 8 %. Raznolika delovna opravila, s katerimi se srečujejo pri svojem delu, so oblikovala poseben lik ("realni tip") domoznanca, ki je v eni osebi zbiralec, obdelovalec in posredovalec domoznanskega gradiva in informacij, raziskovalec, publicist, avtor razstav, obiskovalec domoznanskih pri- reditev in še kaj. Z navedenimi lastnostmi se močno približuje teoretično zasno- vanemu liku ("idealnemu tipu") domoznanca. UDC 023-057:027.7:908(497.4) Summary Thebasic thesis of the research was confirmed, that typical characteristics of staff of the local documentation service depend on their specific activities in the library. The research has included 61 libraries and their specialists. It has been found that 53 employees or 8 % of the total are occupied vvith the local documentation activity. Different kinds of tasks have influenced the employees to become a "specific type" of local studies librarians. He or she is multiskilled in collecting, processing, delivering documents and information and besides also a researcher, a publicist, an exhibition organiser, an event visitor etc. The characteristics men- tioned give us a closer impression of a theoretically based image of an "ideal type" of the local studies librarian. KURNIK ZUPANIČ, Sandra; Varja Praznik; Vlasta Stavbar. Typical charac- teristics of the staff in the local studies service. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 41(1997)2/3, 103-121 103