109 ter ozaveščanje splošne javnosti. V projektu MOČ so se zdravstveni delavci, delavci na področju socialnega varstva in policisti usposabljali za prepoznavanje težav v duševnem zdravju in tveganja za samomorilno vedenje, vzpostavljena je bila mreža svetovalnic, potekale so aktivnosti ozaveščanja in program za krepitev duševnega zdravja strokovnjakov. V projektu SUPER PSIHOLOG so se na področju duševnega zdravja usposabljali psihologi, razvit je bil sistem supervizirane prakse psihologov začetnikov. V projektih smo ugotovili, da imajo strokovnjaki, ki delujejo na področju duševnega zdravja, potrebo po dodatnih znanjih in veščinah. Pri njih je nujno še bolj sistematično razvijati znanja s tega področja in krepiti strokovno kompetentnost. Širšo javnost je treba ozaveščati o duševnih motnjah, pomenu kvalitetnih strokovnih storitev in razpoložljivih storitvah. V simpoziju bomo predstavili glavne ugotovitve projektov in smernice za usposabljanje strokovnjakov ter ozaveščanje javnosti. Prispevki znotraj simpozija MOČ – Help to people, knowledge to experts Saška Roškar, Nuša Konec Juričič, Urška Kolar, Alenka Tančič Grum, Ksenija Lekić, Mojca Vatovec, Vita Poštuvan, Bogdan Dobnik General goal of the project MOČ was to increase the level of mental health services in Slovenia. Furthermore, the project had two specific goals; to (i) increase the number of trained professionals for recognition of mental health distress and suicidal risk and (ii) upgrade the existing counselling services and establish new ones in deficient regions. A training programme for professionals aimed at recognition of mental health problems and suicidal behaviour was delivered at site. Furthermore, a mindfulness-based program was provided to the same group of professionals. New (6) psychological counselling services were established and new programmes were offered next to individual counselling in already existing counselling centres (3). A campaign was launched to raise awareness on mental health and suicide prevention. Training programme on mental health issues and suicide prevention was well received by primary health care and other professionals working with vulnerable population. Professionals expressed a desire in further training and attending mindfulness programmes. A great need for counselling services was shown; however attendance was greater in pre-existing counselling centres. The evaluation revealed that individuals are inclined to awareness campaigns on mental health, although not evenly throughout regions. More than half of the interviewed have already experienced mental distress, but only half of them have sought help. The recommendations deriving from the project are compatible with legislative documents in the field of mental health. It would be advisable to support, develop and keep the network of counselling centres; however reasons for smaller attendance in vulnerable regions need to be explored. Also, reasons for the gap between those in need of help and those seeking help should be investigated. Knowing the causes for the gap in treatment and search for help would offer opportunities to further develop measures in the field of mental health in Slovenia. Public Awareness Campaign on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Urška Kolar, Saška Roškar, Nuša Konec Juričič, Ksenija Lekić, Alenka Tančič Grum, Bogdan Dobnik, Vita Poštuvan, Mojca Vatovec, Mark Floyd Bračič Stigmatizing attitudes toward depression are important barriers in obtaining professional help. Knowledge and understanding of depression should be promoted in society, hopefully leading to reduced stigma and increased help-seeking. For addressing the public appropriately, WHO’s Guidelines for Responsible Reporting on Suicide are available. In the project MOČ, we conceived from September until October 2015 a public awareness campaign addressing mental health issues and suicide prevention on multiple levels. It focused on the TV ad; other elements included leaflets, posters, and radio broadcasts. In accordance with WHO’s Guidelines, imagery showing suicidal methods, use of sensationalistic language and direct references to suicidal behaviour were avoided. The present research evaluated the public awareness campaign on a representative sample of adult Slovene population (N = 594) via an on-line questionnaire four months after the campaign had finished, measured attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help using standardized Inventory of Attitudes toward Seeking Mental Health Services (Mackenzie et al., 2004) and linked those attitudes to mental health indicators in Slovenia. Evaluation findings show that the campaign message and elements did not interfere with the likability of the campaign and understanding of the campaign message. The campaign encouraged individuals to seek additional information on mental health issues. Awareness campaign materials (TV ad, posters and leaflets) were more frequently noted in the North Eastern regions of Slovenia, where indicators of mental health are low, although individual elements of the campaign were noted to a different degree by different target groups. Results regarding attitudes toward seeking mental health services revealed that people in Slovenia are generally inclined towards seeking psychological help, however, there are important differences among different target groups which need to be addressed when designing public awareness messages. More than half of the interviewed have already experienced mental distress, although only half of the distressed have sought help. The reasons for this »treatment gap« should be studied in the future, which would enable us to develop new evidence based intervention strategies encouraging people to seek help. SUPER PSIHOLOG 1: Usposabljanje psihologov za vodenje supervizirane prakse in skrb za duševno zdravje Anja Podlesek, Katarina Kocbek, Vlasta Zabukovec, Vita Poštuvan, Mateja Štirn, Per A. Straumsheim, Tina Pirc V projektu Supervizirana praksa psihologov: Razvoj programa usposabljanja mentorjev in modela supervizirane prakse – SUPER PSIHOLOG smo razvili celosten program usposabljanja mentorjev supervizirane prakse, ki vključuje tri module. V modulu 1 se mentorji usposobijo za prepoznavanje in razvijanje specifičnih strokovnih kompetenc pri psihologih Simpoziji / Symposia