ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 10 2000 ■ 2 (21) original scientific paper UDC 594.1(2623} received: 5. 9. 2000 DISTRIBUTION OF CORBULA GIBBA{BIVALV1A, CORBULIDAE) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA Moriana ALEFFI & Nicola BETTOSO Laboratorio di Biologie Marina, IT-34010 Trieste, Via A. Piccard 54 ABSTRACT Corbula gibba is widespread on soft bottom of the northern Adriatic Sea it is considered a species with a wide ecologies! distribution, particularly abundant in zones characterized by environmental instability- Its distribution along the western side of the northern Adriatic Sea is discussed, furthermore data about its shell length, biomass and dominance in this area are analyzed. Key words: Corbula gibba. distribution, northern Adriatic Sea DISTRIBUZIONF; Di CORBULA GIBBA {BIVALVIA, CORBULIDAE) NEL NORD ADRIATICO S INTE SI Corbula gïbba è un bivalve a suai diffuso sui fonds molli del Nord Adriático. E' una specie ad ampia ripartizione ecobgica, particolarmente abbondante in zone caratterizzate da instabilité ambiéntale. Puô resfstere, mfattt, a condizioni di ipossia delte acque di fondo e si comporta da specie pioniera nella ricohnizzazione dei fondait a seguito di crisi anossiche, inoltre risulta dominante in condizioni di arricchimento orgánico. Nel presente studio C. gibba è risultata presente in sedimenti pelitici c politico sabbiosi, abbondante in prossimità dei più important i fiumi nord adriatici (TagHamento, Pi ave e Ad.ige) ed in paiticotare iungo la fascia cositera a sud del fíume Po, zona caralierizzata da una forte sedimenlazione di materia I i fini e interessata da periodici fenomeni di ipossia e anossia. E' s ta to evidenziato un decremento délia densità di C gibba dalla costa verso il largo, legato alle caratteristiche de! sedimento, alla profondità ed aile condizioni di stress ambiéntate. La dominanza di C. gibba in aree soggette ad instabilité ambiéntale conferiría il comporta/vento di specie, pioniera di questo bivalve, al contrario m zone non soggette a forti stress ambientali essa tende a seguire ¡'andamento dell'intera comunica. Parole chiave: Corbula gibba, distribuzione, Nord Adriático 173 ANNALES • Ser. hist. oat. 10 2000 • 2 (21) Roriana ALFFF' & Nicola BETTO'-O: DISTRIBUTION OF COKH(,'IA CIUBA (BIVALVIA, CORUUIIDAI) IN FML NORTHERN ADRIATIC SCA, 173-! 80 INTRODUCTION Corbula gibba Oiivi (1792} is a bivalve mollusc belonging to the Corbulidae family; it is distributed into the Atlantic area, from Northern Europe to Angola and in the Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea included (Tebble, 1966). C. gibba lives from the intertidai zone to considerable depth (Parerizan, 1976) and prefers muddy sand bottom with larger pieces of gravel and pebbles utilized for byssal-thread attachment, in order to maintain its siphons flush with the surface (Yonge, 1946). Yonge (1946) also supposes that the asymmetry of the shell valves permits an efficient elimination of pseudo-faeces, so the obstruction originated by fine sediment is prevented and an efficient valves lock is assured. The growth of the juveniles is very rapid (Jensen, 1988, 1990) and the specimens are retained by a 1 mm sieve in a few weeks after settlement. The length at metamorphosis is 0.25-0.33 mm (Muus, 1973) and the adults can exceed 13 mm in length (Hrs-Brenko, 1981). It is considered to be a species with a wide ecological distribution (Bellan et al., 1975), particularly abundant in zones characterized by environmental instability. C. gibba is resistant to severe hypoxia (Diaz & Rosenberg, 1995; Brizzi ef al., 1994) and it is a pioneer species in recolonization of bottoms after anoxic crises; it is predominant in polluted or enriched areas (Crema et a/., 1991; Hrs-Brenko ef a/., 1994; Theodorou, 1994). Moreover, its shell is particularly resistant to mechanical stress, thanks to conchiolin layers that increase shell strength and toughness by acting as crack stoppers (Kardon, 1998). For this reason C. gibba is not damaged by trawl-fishing (Rumohr & Krost, 1991). The first studies on C. gibba population in the Adriatic Sea were made by Hrs-Brenko (1979, 1981) along the western part of tstria, where this species is particularly abundant during hypoxic and after anoxic crises (Hrs-Brenko el at., 1994). In the Gulf of Trieste, the first studies devoted to growth rates were made by Aleffi et at. (1993) at two stations in the middle of the Gulf, one located in an area affected by recurring hypoxia (Orel et al., 1993). More recently in the inner part of the Trieste harbour, biornet-ric analyses were made (Goriup ef a/., 1997) in relation to pollution and particularly to heavy metals concentration in the sediment (Adami ef al., 1997). The aim of the present study was to analyze the distribution, shell length, biomass and dominance of C. gibba along the western part of the northern Adriatic Sea in relation to the environmental features of the area. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampling was carried out at 40 stations located in the northern Adriatic Sea, from 3 to 12 May 1995, during the PRISMA research project (founded by the Italian Ministry of University, Scientific Research and Technology). The sites were located on soft bottom affected by sedimentation of riverine fine material, and along transects perpendicular to the shore characterized by different bottom textures, front pelite to coarse sand (Brambati et al., 1983), at. depths ranging from 12 to 70 A 0.1 m-! Van Veen grab was used and a total of 5 samples randomly positioned were removed from the substratum at each sampling site. Grab samples were processed through sieve of 1 mm mesh size and the re tained material was preserved in a solution of 4% buffered formaldehyde. In the present study only the stations with at least 15 specimens of C gibba sampled were considered to analyze its shell length, biomass and dominance. The shell length was measured with a calliper and the specimens were separated in 1 mm length classes. For each sample, about 70% of total specimens was measured, whereas for the stations with high abundance (st. 18, 26, 31), only 200 specimens were chosen randomly. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test was applied to the size-frequency distribution of C. gibba in the sampling stations, in order to verify the null hypothesis that two samples belong to the same distribution {Sokal & Rohlf, 1997). Finally the dry weight of C. gibba was determined for each station, drying the soft parts at 105° for 24 hours (Stirn, 1981) and the dominance within the communities of the sampling sites was calculated as percentage. RESULTS Figure 1 shows the position of sampling stations and the abundances of C. gibba. The specimens were more abundant at the stations near the shore and particularly south to the Po river mouth, where C gibba reached abundance of 2043 ind. 0.5 m-> at st. 31. In table 1, the depth, sediment type (Brambati et al., 1983) and number of individuals of each sampling station are given. All the specimens were divided in four depth classes and five sediment types: the major part of specimens (84%) was found in the pelitic sediment (Fig. 2) and 66% of the total at depths between 12 arid 15 rri (Fig. 3). Only few individuals were associated with sandy sediments and were found at depths > 25 m. 174 ANNALfS Svr. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 2 (21) Floriana Al £pfi A Nicola BFTTOSO DISTRIBUTION OF CO/tPULA CMS A ¡BIVAIVIA. COKBUKOAt) IN THfc NORTHFRN ADRIATIC SEA. 173 180 TJ r> 40 m 4.05% 0.17% ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 10 • 2000 • 2 (21) florlaiw ai r.FFi a Nrcolo BÍTTOSO: DISTRH3UTION' OF C.ORSUl A C!$ÜA OtVAlVtA. CORBL'UDAE) ei Piero & E. Vio (1994): Evoluztone del popolamento macrobentonico in una stazione soggetta ad ipossia e anossia del Golfo di Trieste (Alto Adriatico). Biol. Mar, Med11., Ill), 249-253, Crema, R., A. Castelli & D. Prevedeili (1991): term eutrophication effects on macrofaunai communities in northern Adriatic Sea. Mar. Poll. Bull., 22(10), 503-508. Diaz, R. J. & R. Rosenberg (1995): Marine benthic hypoxia: a review of its ecological effects and the behavioural responses of benthic macrofauna. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol, 33, 245-303. Goriup, F., F. Aleffi & G. 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