IMPACT OF VISITS ON MICROCLIMATE OF CAVES – AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH VPLIV OBISKOV NA MIKROKLIMO JAM – ANALITIČNI PRISTOP Jože RAKOVEC 1 Abstract UDC 551.584.6:551.588 Jože Rakovec: Impact of visits on microclimate of caves – An analytical approach Theoretical basis for describing natural steady state conditions in caves as well as for their changes in time that follow from the simple advection-diffusion equation, is given. The impacts of visits to caves – direct impacts due to anthropogenic emissions of heat and CO 2 , as well as indirect ones, such as illumination and possible drafts when opening the door to the cave – are estimated in dependence to the number of visitors and the size of the cave: the size with which the effects of the visits are below the detection threshold is estimated. It is shown that the sources cause linear responses, while the consequences of the exchange with the walls of the cave or with the exterior depend on time exponentially. Characteristic times for linear as well as for ex- ponential responses are roughly estimated. Key words: cave microclimate, analytical solution, heat trans- port, carbone dioxide. Izvleček UDK 551.584.6:551.588 Jože Rakovec: Vpliv obiskov na mikroklimo jam – analitični pristop Podane so teoretične podlage za opis naravnih ravnotežnih po- gojev v jamah in za njihove časovne spremembe, kot izhajajo iz preproste advektivno-difuzijske enačbe. Ocenjeni so vplivi obiskov v jame - tako neposredno zaradi antropogenih emisij toplote in CO 2 , kot posrednih, kot so razsvetljevanje in možni prepihi pri odpiranju vrat v jamo. V elikost teh vplivov je ocenje- na glede na število obiskovalcev in glede na velikost jame: ocen- jena je velikost, pri kateri so učinki obiskov pod pragom zazna- vanja. Pokazano je, da viri povzročajo linearne odzive, medtem ko so posledice izmenjav s stenami jame ali z zunanjostjo ek- sponentno odvisne od časa. Grobo so ocenjeni karakteristični časi za linearno kot za eksponentne odzive so grobo ocenjeni. Ključne besede: jamska mikroklima, analitična rešitev, prenos toplote, ogljikov dioksid. 1 upokojeni profesor Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Katedra za meteorologijo, Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, e-mail: joze.rakovec@fmf.uni-lj-si Received/Prejeto: 10.04.2019 DOI: 10.3986/ac.v49i1.8721 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1, 97-107, POSTOJNA 2020 COBISS: 1.01 JOŽE RAKOVEC INTRODUCTION Natural microclimatic conditions in caves are character- ized by quasi-stationary values of temperature, humidity, CO 2 concentration, etc. In closed caves air temperature is determined by the temperature of walls, CO 2 concen- trations are normally an order of magnitude higher than outside because of specific CO 2 tranport mechanisms to caves. These comprise diffusive and advective transport (including the chimney effect) through fractures and openings of both, the gaseous, as well as the CO 2 dissolved in water. For example rainwater enriches during percola- tion through soil due to root respiration as well as from organic matter decay in deeper sources (e.g., Faimon & Lièbinská 2010; Prelovšek 2012; Ek & Godissart 2014; Sallsted et al. 2014). But Covington (2016) stresses also the importance of the air-water CO 2 exchange in frac- tures – so several several ways of CO 2 transport into caves could generally be relevant. When percolating water reaches the cave the precipitation of calcite is triggered by the quick initial degassing of CO 2 , folowed by for ap- prox. 3-times slower equilibration to the new CO 2 con- centration in the cave‘s atmosphere (Dreybrodt 2011). As regards the air advection with outside through counduits it increases the temperature in the warm part of the year and decreases it in winter, but always decreases the inner CO 2 concentration (due to low outside concentration). The further from the entrance a particular location in a cave is the weaker the influences from the outside. From general principles of diffusion-related processes we may conclude that deeper in the cave the amplitudes due to outer variations get smaller and phase shifts are larger. One borderline case is a widely open cave where close to its entrance outer conditions prevail. The other extreme is reached deep in a narrow cave where the changes caused by outer weather and/or seasonal variations become so small that could no more be detected – such a cave is effectively a closed cave. In tourist caves visitors also influence the microclimate: with their heat release and the release of CO 2 and water vapour due to their metabolism. Indirect impact of visits could be also draughts, heat released by illumination. The more numerous the visitors are, the more frequent the visits are and the smaller the cave is, the greater is the impact. The recovery starts after visitors have left the cave or moved further into other parts of the cave. Since warm air tends to rise and cold air tends to sink it is reasonable to expect that in summer the warm outer air will normally not sink or mix downwards into concave cave volumes. Only very strong wind may produce enough turbulence to cause some downward mixing. On the other hand cold air during winter will tend to fill concave holes and caves. If a cave has more connections with the outer environment, the air moves into or out of it by draughts or breezes. The microclimate of caves has been studied by several authors. Monographic publications using deterministic approach are e.g., by Badino (1995), Lismonde (2002 a;b) or Gunn (2004). There are numerous papers in scientific journals about that, e.g., Dreybrodt et al. (2005), Milanolo & Gabrovšek (2009), Gregorič et al. (2014). The microclimate of caves was also a scope of an international school in karst sciences (Gabrovšek & Mihevc 2009) and of PhD theses (Fernández Cortés 2004). There are many reports on microclimate monitoring in caves, e.g., Šebela & Turk (2011), Prelovšek et al. (2018). There are not many analytical descriptions of processes in caves depending on both time and space, but some of these start from basic principles (Badino 1995; Dreybrodt et al. 2005) of energy conservation in heat exchange, mass conservation including sources and sinks. In this paper we consider a cave’s air equilibria and changes using only one simple principle: that the local value of a certain variable may change in time 1. due to advection of that variable, 2. due to sources and sinks and, 3. in the case when variables are not homogeneous with the cave’s volume also due to mixing with neighbouring air. The equation appropriate for such an approach is the advection-diffusion equation called also scalar transport equation, see e.g., Bird et al. (2007) or Becker & Kaus (2016) and Covington (2015) for water-air CO 2 exchanges in karstic fractures. Based on such general approach analytical solutions will be studied for different processes in caves. In particular, we are going to describe equilibrium stationary cases as well as time changes due to visits including their recoveries to natural conditions. ADVECTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION APPLIED TO CAVE MICROCLIMATE PROCESSES Consider a constant air mass in a cave with volume . The variables that characterize its state change when there are sources or sinks for that characteristic – for example heat sources/sinks change enthalpy , sources/sinks of CO 2 change its con- centration For a constant mass the Jože Rakovec: Impact of visits on microclimate of caves – An analytical approach ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 98 IMPACT OF VISITS ON MICROCLIMATE OF CAVES – AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH two individual changes are and Sources for air’s enthalpy are heat sources/ sinks inside the cave as well as heat exchanges with the cave’s walls. Adiabatic air expansion or compression influences temperature only if air moves upwards or downwards; phase changes water/vapour are neglected. Divergence of transport due to moving air locally changes temperature; as in air only advection due to breeze with velocity contributes to local change. If there are important fluctuations of velocity and/or of temperature , local temperature might be affected also by eddy (turbulent) transport The divergence of such non-advective eddy transport is often simplified in Stokes’ manner as where stands for eddy (turbulent) diffusivity being an order of magnitude greater than the molecular one. So the advection-diffusion equation for local change of temperature takes the form: (1) Analogue reasoning may be applied also for CO 2 concen- tration c: (2) Different terms of such equations are for a cave schemati- cally presented in Fig. 1a ( denoting either T or ), while the qualitative ranges and efficiencies of advection and diffusion transports in Fig. 1b. The time changes of air properties are schematically presented in Fig. 1 a; in our case stands for CO 2 or for temperature. The sources/sinks in the cave might be internal (e.g. anthropogenic, cave organisms, technical equipment etc.), from surface through fractures from some deeper sources (e.g. for CO 2 from the decaying organic matter or deep CO 2 sources), due to echange with walls etc. The most Fig. 1a: Schematic presentation of different sources – of matter (in our case CO 2 ) or heat of ad- vection exchanges and of diffusion processes t t+ ∆t t+2 ∆t calm air diffusion only moderate breeze advection & diffusion stronger draft / chimney effect stronger advection & diffusion Fig. 1 b: Schematic presentation of range and efficiency of advection and diffusion, represented in three consecutive times. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 99 important advection exchange is with the outer environment through channels with various cross- sections and open fractures connecting to the surface and/or advection exchanges with other parts of the cave through side channels, and also through fractures. Advection is commonly related to the chimney effect which drives the air upwards during winter period and downwards during summer. Diffusive dispersion is in calm air weaker (only molecular), while by moving air it might be also partly turbulent and thus stronger. The transport processes in caves are advection and diffusion (Fig. 1b). If the air in a cave is calm (upper row), only diffusion dissipates properties (in our case CO 2 concentration and temperature) without displacement of their mass centres, until these are homogeneously distributed (right columns). With moderate air movement (middle row; breeze, light draft) is the mass centre of the diffused property displaced by advection and the diffusion is stronger, as there is some mixing in the air that moves. By stronger draft the advection conveys properties farther from the origin and as stronger air movement causes more turbulence, also the diffusion process is faster. APPROPRIATE V ALUES AND SCALES FOR CAVES Scale analysis is a method of roughly estimating the val- ues of variables and the relative importance of different processes represented by different terms in equations. In our case two variables are considered: temperature T and CO 2 concentration c. Their time changes depend on and on air velocity – with magnitude U, and on the size of the cave – say L. Additional influencing factors could be the degree of turbulence (affecting D T and D C ) ,the shape of the cave: more or less round e.g. expressed for example by the ratio between its volume V and the walls’ area A. THE SIZE OF A CAVE Perturbations of natural conditions during visits depend on the number of visitors, their heat and CO 2 releases and on cave properties (size, shape, openness,..). In tour- ist caves the number of visitors per guided tour is usu- ally up to 100 – higher numbers are accommodated by increasing the number of tours. Larger groups (around 100) are frequent in the warm season, while in winter the number is generally lower – e.g. 30 per visit. Human heat emission rate is approx. 120 W per person, by stronger activity also more (e.g., Mukarami et al. 2000 or EngT ool- Box1). So taking heat release rate of 150 W/person results in emissions around 15 kW for a group of 100 persons, or around 4.5 kW per smaller group of 30 persons. If the visitors stay in a particular part of a cave for 15 minutes, their released heat is 13.5 MJ and 4 MJ, resp. The reliably detectable temperature change is 0.1 °C and with 13.5 MJ an air mass of 135 10 3 kg is heated for 0.1 °C – corre- sponding to a volume of 135 10 3 m 3 . In a round cave that would mean the diameter r ~ 30 m or size (perimeter) L = 2r ~ 60 m. In bigger caves the human heat release causes a temperature rise below this threshold. Similar analysis, though more uncertain due to more complex processes, could be done for CO 2 . Each of n visitors emits of CO 2 per unit time. With relatively low human activity breathing gives around 6 10 -4 kg CO 2 per person per minute while with normal work activity the emission is around 30 10 -4 kg per person per minute (Prairie & Duarte, 2007; EngToolBox2). Thus in a case of 100 visitors 4.5 kg of CO 2 is emitted in 15 minutes. If a typical natural concentration of CO 2 in a cave is around 2000 ppm that would increase the concentration in the bigger cave for around 20 ppm; normally at the limit of detectability for many indoor sensors, as detectability is typically a few percent of the measuring range ( What about the possible indirect impacts of visits? To allow visits to closed caves, it is necessary to open an entrance – for 100 people typically for about 5 minutes. Let us assume a breeze through the open door of 1 m/s through the 5 m 2 opening. That brings into the cave 1500 m 3 of outer air. Let us take that the outer air is 10 °C warmer than the air in the cave. To increase the cave’s air temperature by a detectable 0.1 °C, 1 percent of outer air should mix with the air in the cave. We get the threshold volume of V = 150 10 3 m 3 – similar to the previous threshold estimate. And for CO 2 ? The external concentration is much smaller – about 400 ppm (for example, the NOAA Trends). Mixing one part of the air with 400 ppm with 99 parts with 2000 ppm results in 1984 ppm – after full mixing around 20 ppm decrease: a decrease similar to previously estimated increase due human breathing. Both changes initially prevail in the vicinity of the door, and later mix into the entire volume of the cave. Another indirect impact could be illumination. Classical bulbs emit around 90% of their energy consumption as heat, so their emissions are comparable JOŽE RAKOVEC ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 100 to that of a human (the consumption of LED light is negligible). If the number of (conventional) bulbs is comparable to the number of visitors, their impact could be included with a corresponding increase in the number of visitors. Among indirect influences air intrusion from the outside prevails. The direct impacts of visitors are mostly negligible in caves of the size greater than 50 or 60 m – so we consider only smaller caves. RATES OF TEMPERATURE CHANGES DUE TO HUMAN HEAT EMISSION Let us assume two caves – a smaller and a larger one with the number of visitors per visit either n = 30 or 100. Assuming that all human heat released in 15 minutes is used to increase the air temperature the heating rates are as in Tab. 1. Tab. 1: Temperature change rates due emis- sions of human heat of 150 W per person. L = 10 m L = 30 m n = 30 3.9 K/h 0.14 K/h n = 100 12.9 K/h 0.48 K/h The values in Tab. 3.2 are the upper limits, as the heat exchange with walls reduces these rates. This linear increase is therefore only appropriate at the very beginning of heating and for larger caves, where the time of the exchange with the walls is long – see later in 3.4! Also, visitors normally stay at a certain location less than 15 minutes. TIME CHANGES DUE TO ADVECTION AND TURBULENT MIXING In partly open caves advection from the outside with a breeze or draught may cause an important change. If we know the air velocity U, the size of the cave L and the temperature difference then can be used to roughly estimate the magnitude of and the inverse value of L/U roughly describes the time in which the advection process with velocity U affects a location at the distance L. Similarly for CO 2 : After an abrupt air intrusion into a certain location of an otherwise closed cave, the conditions first change only locally. Then the initial local disturbance is spread around with turbulent mixing: and The magnitudes can be evaluated as and The inverse values L 2 /D describe the time for the diffusion processes to affect locations L away. L 2 /D does not describe how quickly the perturbations at the origin are reduced (that will be assessed in section below). The fact that both advection and diffusion estimates are dependent on and allows us to compare the time rates of both processes: U/L vs. D/L 2 . We again take one small and one larger cave: 10 m, and 30 m. Eddy diffusivity D is far from being constant: it depends on the spatial scale of the process, on the rate of turbulence which depends on velocity and on hydrostatic stability. Values of D T in the boundary layer range from less than 1 m 2 /s to a few 1 m 2 /s (Pasquill 1962; Tennekes & Lumley 1972; Obukhov 1971). T o avoid all complicated arguments, we use a constant value D T = 1 m 2 /s. For these values the timescale estimates are shown in Tab. 2. Tab. 2: Timescales for effects of advection and eddy mixing to reach over a distance L for smaller and bigger caves with very weak and moderate airflow, for D T = 1 m 2 /s. timescale L = 10 m L = 30 m advective L/U 1.7 min 5 min U = 0.1 m/s diffusive L 2 /D T 1.7 min 15 min advective L/U 0.17 min 0.5 min U = 1 m/s diffusive L 2 /D T 1.7 min 15 min Diffusive timescales depend only on a cave’s size, while the advective ones depend on velocity and on size and are in all cases close to one minute. For a very weak air flow and for smaller spatial dimensions, the timescales of advection and mixing are similar. They differ the most in the case of stronger air movement in larger caves. Rates of changes due to both processes depend on the above timescales and on the differences between the values of temperature and CO 2 concentration in a cave and outside. Large temperature differences can be expected in summer and winter being positive in the first case, and negative in the other. Intrusion of the air from outside always essentially decreases the CO 2 concentration. EXCHANGES WITH CAVES’ W ALLS Temperature differences between the cave air and cave’s walls are of the order of 0.1 K. But the walls may still be considered as sources or sinks of heat and CO 2 for the air in a cave: and similarly for con- centration c: Here h T and h C are the overall heat and mass transfer coefficients between air and solid rock walls through a laminar boundary layer and further into the rock, and A is the area of the walls. IMPACT OF VISITS ON MICROCLIMATE OF CAVES – AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 101 For a multilayer system (laminar air boundary layer, rock, eventual cracks, … ) the overall transfer coefficient h T de- pends on properties of the layers: and may be much smaller than for boundary layer alone ( denotes the one for walls). Boundary layer transfer coefficient depends on air velocity, on degree of tur- bulence. According to different data (Strnad 1992; Gupta & Roy 2007; Chavez-Galán et al. 2014; EngT oolBox3) but none from caves – in calm air ranges from around 1 to around 10 Wm -2 K -1 . As in closed caves the air is very calm and not knowing the appropriate value we will for now apply the lower value of 1 Wm -2 K -1 . The sources/sinks of CO 2 and the exchange with walls need some additional explanation. The main input of CO 2 into caves is by CO 2 enriched rainwater during percolation from the surface through soils rich in decomposed organic matter (Prelovšek 2012). Thus concentrations in caves are high, and under natural conditions rather constant. From wet walls CO 2 is in general released into cave air (occasionally also readsorbed): the process depends on non-equilibrium of a system H 2 O – CO 2 – CaCO 3 . If the CO 2 concentration in cave air is lower than the equilibrium one, part of CO 2 is released from the water on wet walls (being previously bound in HCO 3 - ) into the air resulting in calc-sinter formation. When the process is reversed the consumption of CO 2 on walls dissolves calcite CaCO 3 from the rock resulting in HCO 3 - and water becomes corrosive (Dreybrodt et al. 2005). Due to the much more complex CO 2 exchange processes between the air in the caves and the caves (mostly wet, several chemical reactions of air-water- rock), experimental data on CO 2 exchange are scarce. However, from the Reynolds analogy which states that the exchange processes through the thin boundary layer of the air at the wall should be similar, one estimate for h c involving air density and heat capacity suggests its value to be above 1 10 -3 ms -1 , (Baehr & Stephan 2006, p. 85) and the other involving mass diffusivity (EngToolBox4) and heat conductivity below that value (Baehr & Stephan 1998, p. 303; EngToolBox4 2020). Thus we estimate As both timescale estimates and are equal: for smaller cave (L = 10 m, V/A = 1.66 m) around ½ hour and for bigger (L = 30 m, V/A = 5 m) around 1.4 hour. TEMPERATURE AND CO 2 IN CAVES In caves that are wide open to the external environment, external daily and seasonal changes prevail over (much smaller) anthropogenic impacts. For such caves, only reduced amplitude and phase shift are worth to be con- sidered. The deeper a location in the cave, the smaller is the amplitude, and the longer is the time lag. Processes connecting the cave with the external environment are advection and eddy (turbulent) diffusion, while the in- fluence of the walls of the cave damps the external influ- ences. Another extreme example is a completely closed cave without any wind or air draught. In such caves, natural conditions are stable so the net exchanges with walls are zero. The only disruption (e.g., breeze, draught) occurs when an entrance to the cave is opened for visitors and some of the outer air can intrude into the cave. Once the door is closed, the air will calm down again. For the air as a whole in such a cave initially the diffusion dominates, and then the exchange with walls is the only process that leads to natural conditions. LOCATIONS IN OPEN CAVES Wide open caves are affected by outer weather and/or seasonal changes. Changes in temperature outside are of- ten close to sinusoidal: on daily and on seasonal scale. In the case of quiet weath- er advection may be negligible; then the equation de- scribing time and space characteristics is the well-known diffusion equation: (3a) and (3b), for which local temperature variations T(t, x) at a dis- tance x from the entrance are: (4a) (see e.g., Pasquill 1974; Lismonde 2002b). The amplitude at the distance x decreases exponentially as while the time delay of the phase is JOŽE RAKOVEC ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 102 The deeper the location, the smaller are the variations and with a larger phase shift. Daily and seasonal temper- ature changes are commonly known, so it may be worth only mentioning that CO 2 concentration in the external environment varies daily as well as annually, mainly due to vegetation (Chapman et al. 1954; Buchmann et al. 1996; NOAA CO2). IMPACT OF VISITS ON MICROCLIMATE OF CAVES – AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH Fig. 2: Temperature increase dur- ing the 15 minutes stay of n = 100 or n = 30 visitors in a round closed cave of size L = 30 m or L = 100 m, followed by a decrease after they leave the cave for h T = 1 Wm -2 K -1 . THE CLOSED CAVE In a completely closed cave there is no air movement and no turbulence, so and If there are no heat sources T = const. Such temperature is the natural temperature of the closed cave T nat , qeual to the tem- perature of walls T W ; similarly also for CO 2 concentration: (4b) If visitors enter the closed cave without any influence of the outside air (e.g., the entrance with double doors), the only sources of anthropogenic emissions are and . At the beginning the temperature disturbances increase almost linearly but very soon the exchange with the walls that depends on temperature difference starts and the increase becomes slower. The two equations are: (5a) and (5b) Such linear nonhomogeneous equations are well known and using the initial and the asymptotic value (for ) the solution, with time t running from the start of the visit to its end at t 1 , is: (6a) and similarly for concentration c (6b) ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 103 Maximum perturbation temperature depends on the number n of visitors and on duration t 1 of their stay in the cave: The higher the number of visitors and the smaller the cave, the higher the temperature. When visitors leave the site, only the exchange with walls remains and the temperature starts to recover towards natural conditions: An example of such an increase and decrease for a round cave is given in Fig. 2. Essential increases happen only in smaller caves with many visitors. Recovery back to natural conditions is quicker in smaller caves ( about 30 min), and slower in bigger ones: ( about 80 min). A SHORT DRAUGHT INTO A CLOSED CAVE If a closed cave is arranged for visits, the entrance must open for at least a short time. When temperature dif- ference between the cave and the external environment is big and by proper geometry of the cvave, the outside air may enter the cave (or the inner air may leave it, e.g., Gregorič et al. 2014), what causes local disturbance T 0 near the entrance. After closing the door the perturba- tion spreads around the entire cave by turbulent mix- ing. We have already introduced the diffusion equa- tion Its solution for a point source is From Fig. 3 we learn that for diffusivity D T = 1 m 2 s -1 already after a short period of time – about 1 minute – the temperature is practically uniform throughout the cave. For larger distances (in bigger caves) the difference in temperature evens out in slightly longer time – but still only in a couple of minutes: e.g. at a distance of 30 m the maximum is reached after 3.5 minutes (the increase is negligibly small, so that the line can not be distinguished from the abscissa in Fig.3).. A SIMPLIFIED GENERAL CASE In partially open caves, both advective and diffuse ex- changes with the external environment depend on the differences between the cave and the outside environ- ment. Both effects could thus be expressed with one single term: for the temperature representing both exchanges; and similarly for CO 2 . To- gether with exchanges with walls and with source, such simplified equations read as: (7a) (7b) Taking K T = 0 and K c = 0 they describe also the cases of closed caves. When there are no visitors (n = 0), the constant natural temperature of a partly open cave is the weighted average between the temperature of walls and the outer temperature: (8) If there are some constant sources in caves, such as energy-using equipment or longer lasting visits such as social events, another higher value stationary temperature might be reached: (9) As it takes a long time ( ) to reach this constant value, is the upper limit for such a temperature increase. JOŽE RAKOVEC Fig. 3: Time evolution of pertur- bations during the first 3 minutes at different distances r from the origin of perturbation at r=0 for diffusivity D T = 1 m 2 /s and for initial = + 5 °C. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 49/1 – 2020 104 CONCLUSIONS A simple advection-diffusion equation is used to describe processes that govern temperature and CO 2 equilibrium values in a cave, their time courses during visits, as well as exponential recoveries after visitors have left the cave. In closed caves natural conditions are reached by the equilibrium of heat and mass exchange between the cave’s walls and the air in it. In semi-open caves there is also some exchange with the outer environment. The exchange with outside air normally causes an increase of temperature during the warm part of the year and diminishes it during winter. For CO 2 that is not the case: as the concentration in cave air is for an order of magnitude higher than outside, the eventual breeze or draught always diminishes the CO 2 concentration. In semi-open caves natural conditions are the weighted average of the values at walls and of outer air values. The more a cave is closed, the more important is the exchange with walls, and the more it is open, the more the influences from the outside prevail. Therefore, in largely open caves the values are rather close to the outer ones (but still different from those – as it is still a cave). Anthropogenic heat and CO 2 emissions increase temperature and CO 2 concentration in caves. The amplitude of these increases depends on the number of visitors, their physical activity and the duration of their visit in the cave, on the cave’s size, its geometry (volume, walls) and in partially open caves also on exchanges with outside air. In caves bigger than L 50 m human impacts are negligible even for greater groups of visitors and even in closed caves. The direct impacts of visits (anthropogenic heat and CO 2 emissions) cause a linear increase in time, while exchanges with walls and with external air show exponential time dependencies. After the visits, when there are no more emissions, perturbations decrease exponentially. Through the open door the outer air may break into the cave, causing a local disturbance near the entrance. This perturbation first spreads around the cave with a rather fast eddy diffusion, followed by a slower return to natural conditions. Several variables are often monitored in caves. Using their time series some parameters can be evaluated, like typical times of recovery back to natural conditions, phase shifts, reductions of amplitudes, etc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to A. Kodre for suggestions regarding the style that essentially contributed to a shorter and clearer ar- ticle and to Ž. Zaplotnik for reading the paper and check- ing it for errors. The valuable comments of the reviewers are appreciated as well REFERENCES Badino, G., 1995: Fisica del clima sotterraneo.- Mem. Ist. Ital. Speleo. 7, ser II, pp. 136, Bologna. Baehr, H.D. & K. Stephan, 2006: Heat and mass transfer, 2 nd Ed.- Springer, xxii + pp. 688, Berlin Heidelberg. Becker, T. W. & B. J. P. Kaus, 2016: Numerical Modeling of Earth Systems: An introduction to computational methods with focus on solid Earth applications of con- tinuum mechanics.- [Online]Available from:http:// ing-557.html [Accessed September 1 st 2020]. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E. & E.N. 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