SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTARY INFORMATION IN THE UNESCO INTERNATIONAL HYDROLOGICAL PROGRAMME Paul Nieuwenhuyscn University Library, Free University Brussel Brussels, Belgium , The proposed paper will report on the progress made in the framework of the section of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP), which is devoted to scicntific and technical documentary information. The author is „Principal Rapporteur" (using UNESCO ter­ minology) of this section, coordinating a small working group with the following members. Frank Provost, University Library, Free University of Brussels, who studied hydrology; Mirjana Sicevic, Information Manager at The „Jaroslav Cerni" Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Jaroslava Cernog 80, Beli Potok, 11223 Belgrade, Yugoslavia; Wim De Mes, until October 1987 Head of the Information and Docu­ mentation Department, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory. Before our activities started, a hydrologist acting as consultant had already made up a draft version of a docuiVient describing the state of the art at that time, and making recommendations to UNESCO. However, in view of UNESCO’s limited resources, the proposals were judged too ambitious. One of the tasks of our working group is the formulation of alternative recommendations in a report expected by UNESCO’s Division of Water Sciences at the end of 1988. 44 Knjižnica. Tematska št. IA TU L 1989