R. KRISHNAN et al.: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL ... 253–258 OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL MICRO-MACHINING OF NICKEL OPTIMIZACIJA PARAMETROV ELEKTROKEMIJSKE MIKROMEHANSKE OBDELAVE NIKLJA Rajendiran Krishnan 1 , Saravanan Duraisamy 2 , Parthiban Palanisamy 3 , Anandakrishnan Veeramani 3 1 Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thuraiyur, Tiruchirappalli – 621014, India 2 Nelliandavar Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nerunjikori Village, Ariyalur District – 621704, India 3 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli- 620015, Tamil Nadu, India rajrajendiran72@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-04-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-11-03 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.045 Micro-machining is one of the basic technologies for the production of miniature parts and miso components. Electrochemical micro-machining (ECMM) is an emerging non-conventional technology for making micro-scale components. The main objective of this paper is to maximize the metal removal rate (MRR).The process parameters were considered such as electrolyte concentration, machining voltage, machining current, duty cycle and frequency. In this research, specimens for experimentation were 0.15-mm-thick nickel sheet, which is mainly in welded battery and gas turbine components. Taguchi’s L18 orthogonal array was used for the experimentation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to estimate the contribution by each process para- meters on MRR. Genetic algorithms (GAs) was used to optimize the process parameters. Based on the experimentations, it was observed that the machining current and frequency have contributed to a high MRR compared to other parameters. The MRR obtained using optimized process parameters was very closer to the value obtained from the validation experiment (2.9%). The optimum process parameters were obtained using the Taguchi method and a genetic algorithm to get the maximum MRR. Keywords: electrochemical micro-machining, genetic algorithms, metal removal rate, Taguchi orthogonal array Pri~akuje se, da bo mikromehanska obdelava ena od osnovnih tehnologij izdelave miniaturnih izdelkov in mezokomponent. Elektrokemijska mikromehanska obdelava (ECMM, angl.: Electro Chemical Micro Machining) je prihajajo~a nekonvencionalna tehnologija za izdelavo komponent mikronske velikosti. Osnovni cilj avtorjev tega ~lanka je prikazati, kako dose~i maksimalno hitrost odvzema kovine (MRR; angl.: Metal Removal Rate). V raziskavi so analizirali vpliv procesnih parametrov, kot so kon- centracija elektrolita, napetost in tok mehanske obdelave, storilnost in frekvenca. V raziskavi so za testne vzorce uporabili nikljevo plo~evino debeline 0,15 mm, ki se v glavnem uporablja v varjenih baterijah in komponentah plinskih turbin. Kot osnovo so za eksperimentiranje uporabili Taguchijevo L18 ortogonalno matriko. Za oceno prispevka vsakega od analiziranih procesnih parametrov na MRR so uporabili analizo variance (ANOVA) in za optimizacijo procesnih parametrov so uporabili genetske algoritme (GAs). Na osnovi preizkusov so ugotovili, da sta v primerjavi z drugimi parametri, tok in frekvenca ECMM najve~ prispevala k visoki MRR. Dose`ena MRR z uporabo optimiziranih procesnih parametrov je bila zelo blizu tisti, ki so jo dosegli z ocenitvenim prakti~nim preizkusom (2,9 %). Optimalne procesne parametre za doseganje maksimalne MRR so torej dobili s pomo~jo Taguchijeve metode in genetskega algoritma. Klju~ne besede: elektrokemijska mikromehanska obdelava, genetski algoritmi, hitrost odvzema kovine, Taguchijeva ortogo- nalna matrika 1 INTRODUCTION Micro-machining is one of the important manufactur- ing processes for producing a large number of micro/miso components. Micro-machining refers to a small amount of material removal that ranges from 1 μm to 999 μm, B. Bhattacharyya et al. 1 Fabrication of parts made of hard and difficult-to-cut materials, finds applications in aerospace, biomedical engineering, electronics, etc. In ECMM process, the work piece is connected to an anode and the micro tool is connected to a cathode and they are placed inside the electrolyte with a small gap between them. On the application of adequate electrical energy, positive metal ions leave from the work piece and ma- chining takes place. Electrolyte circulation removes the machined particles from the electrode gap. To continue the machining process, the electrode gap has to be main- tained by moving the tool at the required rate. The ECMM process is capable of machining electrically conductive, tough and hard materials without inducing any residual stress, producing no tool wear, B. Bhatta- charyya et al. 2 The process does not induce any deformation in the work piece because no force is acting on the work piece and there is no heat generation in- volved while machining, K. P. Rajurkar et al. 3 Monitor- ing method using radio frequency emission is given, which together with the current and voltage signals, identifies more clearly the events occurring within the gap, A. K. M. De Silva. 4 The ECMM system setup was developed for achieving satisfactory control of ECMM process parameters, B. Bhattacharyya et al. 5 The influence of key factors on the quality of hole produced by ECMM process, M. Sen et al. 6 The effect of machin- ing voltage, pulse duration and pulse frequency on machining performance, S. H. Ahna et al. 7 The influence Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 253–258 253 UDK 620.1:669.243.88:621.9.048 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(3)253(2018) of the ECMM parameters machining voltage, electrolyte concentration, pulse period and frequency on MRR, accuracy and surface finish J. Munda et al. 8 Investigated the effective range of the process parameters for moderate MRR with lesser overcut, which is difference between the hole and tool sizes, J. Munda et al. 9 Deve- loped a ECMM experimental setup with constant electrode gap control system and studied the influence of tool tip shape and machining gap on MRR, R. Thani- gaivelan et al. 10 Electrochemical machining has no tool wear on machining hard materials and it does not leave a defective layer on the machined surface, R. J. Leese et al. 11 In ECMM the main disadvantage is poor accuracy, due to the dissolution that occur in the gap, generated by gas bubbles that increase the current density at the side gap. To prevent this drawback, it has been demonstrated that using ultra-short current pulses (100 ns and less) at high frequency (around the MHz), to improve the machining accuracy, N. Giandomenico et al. 12 The Taguchi method is used to find the optimal cutting parameters for surface roughness. L 9 orthogonal array, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and analysis of variance (ANOVA) is applied to synthesize the effect of Input parameters on the nickel-based alloy Inconel-718, O. G. Sonar et al. 13 The process parameters are optimized through the Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algo- rithm-II (NSGA-II) approach to maximize the metal removal rate and minimize surface roughness, Chinna- muthu Senthilkumar et al. 14 From the literature study, it is observed that only a very few authors have investiga- ted the performance of ECMM process. Further investi- gation is required for machining performance improve- ment for many newly developed difficult-to-cut materials. The objective of the present paper is to maxi- mize the MRR by using ECMM process on selecting process parameters: electrolyte concentration, machining voltage, machining current, duty cycle and frequency. The Taguchi L 18 orthogonal array is used for experimen- tation and to identify the most significant process parameter. Then analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to verify statistical significance of these parameters. The process parameters were optimized by using genetic algorithm (GA) to maximize MRR. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The ECMM set-up shown in Figure 1 consists of various sub components: work holding platform, tool feeding device, control system, electrolyte flow system and power supply system. The work-holding unit has two rectangular platforms to hold the work piece. The platforms were made up of acrylic because of its non-corrosive property. The work piece was placed between the two detachable plates which were fastened together by means of screws. The machining chamber was filled with electrolyte and was clamped to the base. The platforms were immersed inside the electrolyte tank during machining. A tool feeding device was used to feed the tool towards the work piece at the required rate during the machining. The tool feeding device was actuated by a stepper motor, which moves the tool up or down based on the signals received from the control unit. The control system maintains the electrode gap at a desirable value either to avoid short circuiting or to avoid reduction in MRR.An ammeter was used to verify the electrode gap set between the tool and the work piece before machining. The tool can be moved according to the amount of inter- electrode gap required between the tool and the work piece. The rate of pulses given to the control unit main- tains the tool feed. 15 For every pulse supplied to the stepper motor, the tool is moved for four microns. A pumping system directs the electrolyte to the elec- trode gap with a medium velocity and drives out the material removed from the work piece. The electrolyte passes through two nozzles with the desired pressure into the machining chamber. The material removed from the work piece was dissolved in the electrolyte. The electro- lyte was filtered before re-circulated into the machining chamber using a filter. During the machining operation hydrogen gas is evolved at the tool end. The gas bubbles formed act as a short circuiting medium creating micro sparks, which can erode the tool material. Hence, to avoid the micro spark generation, the electrolyte is pumped out at a moderate pressure, which removes the hydrogen gas generated. HCl or mixture of brine and H 2 SO 4 is used as an electrolyte for machining of nickel. Non continuous pulsed DC supply was used in ECMM. The pulse current used in ECMM process improve electrolyte conductivity by flushing electrolyte in pulse off-time. 15 In ECMM the application of a voltage pulse at high current density in the anodic dissolution process improves the machining accuracy and surface finish. 16 It is observed that the maximum improvement in MRR with voltage and concentration were 100 % and 70 % res- pectively. 17 In this study, Taguchi technique was used for the de- sign and analysis of the experiments. The process para- R. KRISHNAN et al.: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL ... 254 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 253–258 Figure 1: ECMM machining set-up meters such as electrolyte concentration, voltage, current, duty cycle, and frequency were selected as fac- tors. The levels of the parameters were determined based on tool material and work material used, and size of the hole to be machined. Based on the number of levels used, the total degrees of freedom were calculated and a suitable orthogonal array L 18 was chosen. The parameters and their levels were given in Table 1. The experiments were carried out as per the orthogonal array. The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio) was to be computed to get the optimized parameter levels. The S/N ratio for larger the better was used in this study to increase the MRR. ANOVA is conducted to identify the contribution of the individual parameter on MRR. Then a confirma- tion experiment was to be conducted using the optimal parameter levels combination. Table 1: Factors and levels Factor (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Level 1 0.1 3.5 0.1 33.33 30 Level 2 0.2 5 0.3 50 40 Level 3 0.3 6.5 0.5 66.66 50 A. Electrolyte concentration (mol/lit.); B. Machining voltage (volts); C. Machining current, (amp); D. Duty cycle (%); E. Frequency (Hz). 2.1 Optimization using genetic algorithm Genetic algorithms (GAs) were a nontraditional opti- mization algorithm based on the principles of natural genetics. The Genetic Algorithm was used to maximize the metal removal rate. The GA has been used for mini- mization problem by appropriately modifying the objec- tive function. 18 GAs evaluates the objective function using the basic elements of GAs consist of a chromosome and fitness value. The performance of GAs is mainly influenced by these three operator such as reproduction, crossover and mutation. The new population also goes through the same set of GAs operations: fitness evaluation, selection, crossover and mutation and to continue to develop best solutions which may maximize the objective function. This evolution continues until the convergence has criteria has reached. 21 In this study, the objective is to maximize the MRR by optimally selecting the process parameters. In ECMM process, the MRR is controlled by the value of electrolyte concentration, current, voltage, duty cycle and frequency. The objective function, MRR is given as, MRR=f(EC, C, V, DC, F) (1) The useful ranges of the ECMM process parameters are considered as the constraints for the above optimi- zation problem. The constraints are stated as follows: Bounds on electrolyte concentration (EC) EC L EC EC H (2) where, EC L and EC H and are the least and highest values of electrolyte concentrations used, respectively, in the experiments. Bounds on the machining current (C) C L C C H (3) where, C L and C H are the least and highest values of ma- chining current used respectively in the experiments. Bounds on the machining voltage (V): V L V V H (4) where, V L and V H are the smallest and highest values of machining voltage used, respectively, in the experi- ments. Bounds on duty cycle (DC) DC L DC DC H (5) Where, DC L and DC H are the smallest and highest values of duty cycle used, respectively, in the experi- ments Bounds on frequency (F) F L F F H (6) where, F L and F H are the smallest and highest values of frequency used, respectively, in the experiments. R. KRISHNAN et al.: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 253–258 255 Figure 2: Modified genetic algorithm 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Experimentation In this study, the specimen was made of 50 mm × 25 mm × 0.15 mm Ni. The tool electrode was made of brass with a diameter of 250 μm. The sidewalls of the tool electrode were coated with bonding liquid. The electrolyte used for the experiments was fresh HCL solution. Variable rectangular DC pulsed supply has been used for the experimentations. The experimental combi- nations of machining parameters were given in Table 2. During the experiments, pulse rectifier was switched on and the desired values of voltage, current, duty cycle and frequency are set before machining. The parameter levels set as per Taguchi L 18 orthogonal array. 19 The interac- tions between the machining parameters were neglected in this study. The experiment with each combination of parameter level was repeated for three times to eliminate the random variations in the experimental results. Table 2: Input parameters of orthogonal array and MRR Exp. No Inputs Output (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 1 0.1 3.5 0.1 33.33 30 0.001632 2 0.1 5 0.3 50 40 0.002123 3 0.1 6.5 0.5 66.66 50 0.006307 4 0.2 3.5 0.1 50 40 0.001839 5 0.2 5 0.3 66.66 50 0.004033 6 0.2 6.5 0.5 33.33 30 0.006703 7 0.3 3.5 0.3 33.33 50 0.002874 8 0.3 5 0.5 50 30 0.009577 9 0.3 6.5 0.1 66.66 40 0.003226 10 0.1 3.5 0.5 66.66 40 0.003724 11 0.1 5 0.1 33.33 50 0.001369 12 0.1 6.5 0.3 50 30 0.004675 13 0.2 3.5 0.3 66.66 30 0.004807 14 0.2 5 0.5 33.33 40 0.004402 15 0.2 6.5 0.1 50 50 0.00188 16 0.3 3.5 0.5 50 50 0.003931 17 0.3 5 0.1 66.66 30 0.003393 18 0.3 6.5 0.3 33.33 40 0.006546 A. Electrolyte concentration (mol/lit.); B. Machining voltage (volts); C. Machining current, (amp); D. Duty cycle (%); E. Frequency (Hz); F. MRR (mm 3 /min). Table 3: Ranking of Parameters, S/N Ratio (Delta) Level A B C D E 1 0.0033 0.0031 0.0022 0.0039 0.0051 2 0.0039 0.0041 0.0041 0.0040 0.0036 3 0.0049 0.0048 0.0057 0.0042 0.0033 Delta 0.0016 0.0017 0.0035 0.0003 0.0017 Rank 42153 The MRR was determined by calculating the volume of material removed per unit time (mm 3 /min). The aver- age MRR calculated from each combination of parameter levels were tabulated in Table 2. Using Minitab software 22 S/N response table was created for larger was the better. The average value of S/N ratio (delta) for each combination parameter level used in experiments as given in Table 3. As inferred from Table 3 the current is ranked as the most influencing process parameter, which was followed by voltage, frequency, electrolyte concen- tration and duty cycle. 3.2 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) The ANOVA was performed to predict the statistical significance of the process parameters using Minitab software. It helps to determine the contribution of the individual input parameter on MRR. The result of ANOVA is presented in Table 4. Table 4: ANOVA for MRR, using adjusted SS for tests Source D O F Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P #% A 2 0.000008 0.000008 0.000004 2.18 0.18 10.12 B 2 9.3E-06 9.30E-06 4.70E-06 2.55 0.14 11.67 C 2 0.000042 0.000038 0.000019 10.37 0.00 53.14 D 2 0.000003 3.00E-07 2.00E-07 0.09 0.91 3.69 E 2 1.05E-05 1.05E-05 5.30E-06 2.88 0.12 13.28 Error 7 6.4E-06 1.28E-05 1.80E-06 8.10 Total 17 0.000079 100 Based on the results presented in Table 4, current is found to be the most influencing parameter, with a 53.14 % contribution to MRR, followed by frequency (13.28 %) and voltage (11.67 %). The main effects plot generated by Minitab software is shown in Figure 3. It can be inferred that a higher MRR could be obtained when the current and voltage are at higher levels. 3.3 Implementation of genetic algorithm The MRR was maximized by optimizing the process parameters using Gas. 20, 21 The Minitab software was used to model the relationship between the input para- meters and MRR using experimental results as input. 22 The objective function obtained from the software is, R. KRISHNAN et al.: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL ... 256 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 253–258 Figure 3: Main effects plot generated by Minitab software MRR = – 0.00018 + 0.00810EC + 0.000585C + 0.00888V + 0.000010DC – 0.000087F (7) Subject to the constraints, Electrolyte concentration (EC): 0.1 EC 0.3 Machining current (C): 0.1 C 0.3 Machining voltage (V): 3.5 V 6.5 Duty cycle (DC): 33.33 DC 66.66 Frequency (F): 30 F 50 The constrained optimization problem was solved using GAs module available Minitab software. 22 The GAs parameters used in this optimization problem are: Population size = 100 Length of chromosome = 20 Selection operator = stochastic uniform Crossover probability = 0.8 Mutation probability = 0.2 Fitness parameter = MRR The optimized process parameters obtained for the maximum MRR is given in Table 5. Figure 4 shows the reduction of fitness value as the number of generation increases. It shows that as the generation progresses the solutions are approaching optimum. A validation experi- ment was conducted using optimum process parameters. The MRR obtained from both the optimization process and validation experiments were given in Table 5.Itwas observed that the MRR obtained from validation experi- ment was closer to the optimized MRR obtained using GAs (2.9 %). This study demonstrates the practical applicability of the combined use of the Taguchi metho- dology and GAs for optimizing the ECMM process para- meters to obtain the maximum MRR. Figure 5 shows the optical microscope image of the machined micro hole. Table 5: Optimized results (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) GA 0.25 6.49 0.29 63.34 30.00 0.05 EV 0.25 6.50 0.30 66.66 30.00 0.05 GA-genetic algorithm, EV-experimental values 4 CONCLUSIONS In this paper the Taguchi methodology and GAs were used together to optimize the ECMM process parameters for Ni machining. 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