285 Članki in prispevki: šolski vrt včeraj UDK 58:069.029:373:635.047(091) 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek Prejeto: 31. 8. 2015 Jože Bavcon,* Blanka Ravnjak** Botanični vrt kot izvor šolskih vrtov The botanical garden as the origins of the school garden Izvleček Z razvojem meščanstva so začeli nastajati tudi vrtovi, ki so mestnemu prebivalstvu pri- bližali naravo, a so hkrati predstavljali tudi čudovite zbirke rastlin. Botanični vrtovi pa so bili pravzaprav prvi šolski oziroma učni vrto- vi, saj so nastali za potrebe študija medicine. V njih so bile namreč rastline sistematično posajene na osnovi medsebojne sorodnosti in bodoči zdravniki so se tam naučili razlikovati zdravilne rastline od strupenih. Nekoč so bili namreč zdravniki tudi zeliščarji, kajti rastline so bile takrat najpomembnejši vir zdravil- nih učinkovin. Tudi Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani je bil pravzaprav ustanovljen kot šolski vrt za potrebe študija naravoslovja na Centralnih šolah. V času Ilirskih provinc ga je leta 1810 ustanovil Franc Hladnik, učitelj botanike na Centralnih šolah. Tako je danes Botanični vrt v Ljubljani najstarejša visoko- šolska ustanova z neprekinjenim delovanjem v Sloveniji. Vse od takrat pa do danes je vrt slu- žil namenu poučevanja botanike, uporabnosti rastlin in naravovarstva. S svojim rastlinskim materialom, znanjem in svetovanjem pa je bil v pomoč pri izvedbi drugih šolskih vrtov. Abstract The rise of the middle class was accompanied by a proliferation of gardens which brought na- ture closer to the inhabitants of cities, while at the same time providing a place to showcase marvellous botanical collections. In effect, botanical gardens were the original school gardens. Designed for educational purposes, the first of their kind were created to supple- ment the study of medicine. The plants in them were arrayed systematically based on their taxonomic classification, and future physi- cians would study them in order to distinguish the useful from the harmful ones. In the times when plants were still the most important source of healing substances, doctors were also expected to be skilled in herbal lore. The Ljubljana Botanical Garden was no exception, and was established to function as a school garden for the study of the natural sciences at the Ljubljana Academy Central Schools. It was founded during the time of the Illyrian Prov- inces by Franc Hladnik, a teacher of Botany at the Central Schools, and is the oldest institute of tertiary education to have been in operation continuously in Slovenia. Since its establish- ment and up until today, the garden has served to educate people in the fields of botany and ecology and in the use of plants. By making its fund of vegetation, knowledge and professional advice available to schools, it has also assisted in the establishment of many school gardens. * Jože Bavcon, dr., Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana, e-pošta: joze.bavcon@guest.arnes.si ** Blanka Ravnjak, mag., Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana, e-pošta: blanka.ravnjak@gmail.com