AMERIŠKO BIBLIOTEKARSKO ZDRUŽENJE: VSEM ENAKE MOŽNOSTI DOSTOPA D O "INFORMACIJSKE HITRE CESTE" mag. Melita Ambrožič, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana UDK 0 2 : 061.231(73) P o v z e te k Prispevek opisuje letno konferenco ter organizacijo in dejavnost am eriškega bibliotekarskega združenja (ALA). Letne konference združenja so pom em ben in odm even m ednarodni dogodek, saj privabijo preko 18.000 knjižničarjev in ostalih, ki so s knjižničarstvom kakorkoli povezani. Letošnja konferenca je bila posvečena obravnavi problem a neenakih m ožnosti dostopa do informacij, kar je tudi sicer glavna tema petletnega program a ALA. A vtorica poudarja, da je am eriško bibliotekarsko združenje v stodvajsetih letih delovanja postalo pom em bna organizacija, ki ne vpliva le na dogajanja v knjižničarstvu, am pak ima tudi v širši am eriški družbi in celo politiki svoje mesto. Njene izkušnje so zato zanim ive tudi za naše strokovno združenje (ZBDS). UDC 02 :061.231(73) Su m m ary Presented is a brief account of the annual conference as well as an outline of organization and activities of the American Library Association (ALA). Being attended by over 18,000 participants (librarians and library involved profession­ als) annual conferences of ALA m ark an outstanding event having also an international impact. This year's conference w as devoted to problem s of unequal access to sources of inform ation, w hich is also the topical orientation given priority in the ALA's five year program m e. It is to em phasize that this American professional association of librarians has qrow n to a highly im portant organization in the course of 120 years of its existetnce, an organization that not only has a profound influence on the devel­ opm ent of American libraries but also a considerable im pact on the American society (inclusive even of its political life) generally. Records of experience from ALA m eetings can thus convey interesting m essages also to ZBDS, i.e. Slovenian professional association of librarians. AMBROŽIČ, Melita: American Library Association. Equity on the Inform ation Super-H ighw ay. Knjižnica, Ljubljana. 40(1996)2,123-134