Janez Skela Lori King-Videtič TOUCHSTONE 2 new REŠITEV VAJ učbenik Založba Tangram Angleški jezik 2 - Touchstone 2 New Rešitve vaj iz učbenika in delovnega zvezka Copyright © 2004 Založba Tangram d.o.o. avtorja: dr. Janez Skela, Lori King-Videtič lektor slovenskega jezika pri vajah Fan-Tastic English-Slovenian Computer: Jelka J. Makoter urednik: Borut Petrovič Jesenovec izdala in založila: Založba Tangram d.o.o., Staretova 25, Ljubljana za založbo: Srečko Rutar TOUCHSTONE 2 New -STUDENT'S BOOK (učbenik) ANSWER KEY TO EXERCISES / REŠITVE VAJ Opombe: A) Posevnica (/) označuje dodatno možnost. Na primer: He is washing the car / his car pomeni, da sta pravilni obe povedi, in sicer He is washing the car in He is washing his car. Kjer je bilo smiselno, smo dodali več možnih rešitev, vendar to ne pomeni, da so pravilni samo dani odgovori. Marsikje nismo izčrpali vseh možnosti, zato se naj učenci o svojih rešitvah posvetujejo z učiteljem. B) Oklepaj ( ) označuje tiste besede, ki jih lahko izpustimo. Na primer: She is riding (a horse) pomeni, da je pravilno She is riding in tudi She is riding a horse. Pri vajah, ki zahtevajo prosto dopolnjevanje, smo lahko dodali samo predloge rešitev, ki se seveda lahko močno razlikujejo od učenčevih. Pri tistih vajah, kjer učenci izražajo svoje lastne izkušnje, rešitev seveda nismo mogli navesti. UNIT 1: A LONG WEEKEND IS A SHORT HOLIDAY I. What people do on holiday. (stran 7) 1 At the seaside You can: (2) - swim (go swimming) (4) - surf/windsurf (go surfing/windsurfing) (5) - sail (go sailing) (3) - sunbathe (go sunbathing) (1) - snorkel (go snorkelling) Things to take to the beach: (14) - sun lounger (10) - beach umbrella (11) - swimming costume (8) - flippers (9) - suntan cream/suntan oil, sunscreen (12) - airbed (7) - inflatable dinghy (13) - beach towel (15) - swimming trunks (6) - sunglasses 2 In the country You can: (5) - camp (go camping) (2) - ride (go riding) (6) - go orienteering (4) - go on a picnic / have a picnic (3) - go for walks (go walking); go on a country hike (go hiking) (1) - rest and relax Things to take with you: (12) - tent (9) - sleeping bag (7) - anorak (8) - compass (11) - walking boots (10) - rucksack/backpack (13) - map 3 In the mountains You can: (3) - ski (go skiing) (4) - hill-walk (go hill-walking) (2) - rock-climb (go rock-climbing) (1) - snowboard (go snowboarding) II. Your ideal holiday. 5 - a tropical island 7 - a cruise 4 - a safari 3 - a city 8 - camping in the mountains 1 - a theme park 6 - a circus 2 - a tourist farm; farm and country holidays A1 WEEKEND PLANS Exercise 2 1. F - Ryan doesn't like school. He thinks it's a real pain in the neck. 2. T 3. F - At the weekend, Ryan is going to go to the seaside. 4. F -His parents have got a weekend house at the seaside. 5. T 6. F -Tracy is going to take a long trip to France. 7. F - They are going to travel by train. 8. F - Scott would like to go somewhere abroad too. 9. T 10. T 11. F - They are not going to camp this time. They are going to stay in small hotels. 12. F - He is not going to be stuck indoors. He's going to visit his grandparents in the country. 13. F - Scott's grandparents live in the country. 14. T Exercise 3a 1. Amy and Dustin are going to fly to Italy on Monday. / On Monday, Amy and Dustin are going to fly to Italy. 2. The Taylors are going to go on a picnic/have a picnic tomorrow. 3. Jessica and Colin are going to rollerblade in the afternoon. 4. Grandma is going to bake a cake next week. 5. Molly is going to wash her hair tonight. 6. Ryan and his father are going to repair a boat at the weekend. 7. Barry and Ian are going to go fishing this afternoon. 8. Leo is going to wash his (father's) car after school. 9. Scott is going to feed the animals at the weekend. 10. Holly and Joan are going to ride a bike on Sunday afternoon. Exercise 5a On Monday, he's going to go to the seaside. He's going to go windsurfing. On Tuesday, he's going to go snorkelling. On Wednesday, he's going to go on a country hike. On Thursday, he's going to go to the mountains. He's going to go hill-walking. On Friday, he's going to have a picnic. On Saturday, he's going to go fishing in a boat. On Sunday, he's going to rest and relax. A2 WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT? Exercise 2a 1. The girl/woman is going to fall into the hole. 2. The waiter is going to slip on the banana skin. 3. The boy is going to bump into the policeman. 4. She's going to have a baby. 5. He's going to dive. 6. The robber is going to rob/mug the businessman. 7. The car is going to splash the pedestrians. 8. The boy is going to empty his piggy bank. 9. The prisoner is going to escape. 10. The ship is going to hit the iceberg. 11. Team B is going to win the race. 12. The boomerang is going to come right back to the thrower. Exercise 2b 1. Careful! You're going to fall into the hole. 2. Oh, no! The waiter is going to slip on the banana skin. 3. Look! The boy is going to bump into the policeman. 4. Look! She's going to have a baby. 5. Look at the guy on the diving board. He's going to dive. 6. Oh dear! The robber is going to rob/mug the businessman. 7. Watch out! The car is going to splash us. 8. Look! He's going to empty his piggy bank. 9. Oh, no! The prisoner is going to escape. 10. Oh dear! The ship is going to hit the iceberg. 11. Look! Team B is going to win the race. 12. Look! The boomerang is going to come right back to the thrower. Fun-tastic English-Slovenian computer (stran 13) 1. Pred nami je dolg konec tedna. / Pred nami je dolg vikend. 2. Kaj bos počel(a) za konec tedna? / Kaj boste počeli za vikend? — Na dolg izlet v Francijo bomo sli. / Odpravljamo se na dolg izlet v Francijo. 3. Ali imaš kakšne načrte za ta konec tedna? 4 Za konec tedna bomo šli z avtom na izlet po podeželju. / Za konec tedna se bomo z avtom popeljali po podeželju.— Srečnež!/Srečnica!/ Srečneži!/Blagor tebi!/Blagor vam! 5. Kaj nameravaš početi čez vikend? 6. Šola je pa res prava nadloga. / Šola je res zoprna. / Šola je pravi trn v peti. 7. Za spremembo bi tudi jaz rad(a) šel/šla nekam v tujino. 8. Ali mi boš poslal(a) razglednico? — Seveda bom./Jasno, da bom. 9. Ali boš občepel(a) doma? — Ne, ne bom. 10. Tokrat ne bomo taborili/šotorili/kampirali. 11. Če bi le lahko šel/šla s tabo! / 2elim si, da bi lahko šel/šla s tabo! 12. Pazi!/Previdno! Padel/Padla boš v luknjo. 13. Oh, ne! Natakarju bo spodrsnilo na bananinem olupku. 14. Pazi!/Pazite! Avto naju/nas bo poškropil/zmočil. A3 THINK SAFE: WATER SAFETY Exercise 1 Boating: Swimming: Diving: Windsurfing: At the beach: When you go on a small boat, you must always wear a life jacket. You must wait at least two hours after a meal before swimming. Before diving, you must always find out how deep the water is. If you are windsurfing near a beach, you mustn't get too close to swimmers. You must wear a sunscreen, sunglasses, a straw hat and sandals. You must sunbathe under a beach umbrella. At the swimming pool: Exercise 4 You mustn't dive when there are other swimmers. You mustn't duck each other in the swimming pool. You mustn't push others into the swimming pool. You can go snorkelling even if you can't swim. - No. You can't go snorkelling if you can't swim. You must be a good swimmer. I'm a very good swimmer: I can swim 25 metres on the surface and 5 metres under water. - No. You are not a good swimmer if you can swim 25 metres on the surface and 5 metres under water. You must be able to swim 100 metres on the surface and 12 metres under water. You can start learning in deep water. - No. You mustn't start learning in deep water. You have to start learning how to snorkel in shallow water. I always go snorkelling alone. - No. You mustn't snorkel alone. Always take a friend with you. You don't have to watch the weather. - No. You must watch the weather. I always go snorkelling in bad weather. It's very safe. - No. Snorkelling is dangerous in bad weather. I can use the equipment properly. With flippers I can breathe under water. - No. Flippers help you swim fast and easily. You don't breathe with flippers. With a snorkel I can see clearly underwater. - No. With a snorkel you can breathe under water. I always wear a knife on my right arm. It helps me swim fast and easily. - No. A knife doesn't help you swim fast and easily. With a knife you cut yourself free. A mask protects me from sunburn, and gloves protect my feet. - No. A mask doesn't protect you from sunburn. With a mask you can see clearly underwater, and gloves protect your hands. I don't have to use a shirt. - No. You must wear a shirt. It protects you from sunburn. But I never forget to take my hand harpoon because it protects my hands. - No. A hand harpoon doesn't protect your hands. You can catch fish with it. Exercise 5 1. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH. ❖ You mustn't touch things. 2. FREE CAR PARK. ❖ You don't have to pay for parking here. 3. NO BATHING ❖ You mustn't swim here. 4. DO NOT LEAN OUT OF THE WINDOW ❖ You mustn't lean out of the window. 5. ADMISSION FREE ❖ You don't have to pay to go in. 6. TIE OPTIONAL ❖ You don't have to wear a tie. 7. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHANGE ❖ You must check your change. 8. TU GOVORIMO SLOVENSKO ❖ You don't have to speak Italian in this shop. 9. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS ❖ You mustn't feed the animals. 10. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ❖ You don't have to pay in cash. 11. CARTOON DUBBED INTO SLOVENIAN ❖ You don't have to read subtitles. 12. DO NOT DIVE ❖ You mustn't dive here. 13. FKK —Nudist Beach ❖ You mustn't wear a swimming costume / trunks here. Exercise 8a 1. At the table you must sit up straight. 2. You mustn't pick your nose. 3. You must be polite in the street. 4. You mustn't stare at people. 5. You mustn't point at people. 6. If you want to pass someone, you must say 'Excuse me.' 7. You must obey your parents and teachers. 8. You mustn't spit on the floor. 9. You mustn't bite your nails. 10. You mustn't talk with your mouth full. 11. If you bump into someone, you must say 'I'm sorry'. 12. You must cover your mouth when you yawn, cough or sneeze. 13. You must say 'please' when you ask for something. 14. You must say 'thankyou' when you are given something. 15. On a bus, you must give up your seat to someone who needs it more than you do. Exercise 9 1. The merry-go-round is going round very fast. 2. It's raining heavily/hard. 3. Snow White and the prince lived happily ever after. 4. The tightrope walker is walking very carefully. 5. He is driving very dangerously. 6. Tarzan is fighting the crocodile bravely. Exercise 10a 1. angrily 2. badly 3. carefully 4. dangerously 5. heavily 6. warmly 7. fast 8. bravely 9. easily 10. happily 11. well 12. loud, loudly 13. nervously 14. politely 15. quickly 16. sadly 17. silently 18. slowly 19. quietly 20. sweetly 21. proudly 22. sleepily 23. beautifully 24. hard Fun-tastic English-Slovenian computer (stran 18) 1. Po jedi moraš počakati vsaj dve uri, preden greš plavat. 2. V plitvo vodo/Če je voda plitva, ne smeš skakati na glavo. 3. Če se hočeš potapljati s kisikom/globinsko, se moraš včlaniti v klub in se tega naučiti. 4. Ni ti treba priplavati na površje po zrak. / Ni ti treba priti na površje, da bi lahko dihal. 5. Plavati moraš blizu reševalca. 6. S plavutkami lahko plavaš hitro in z lahkoto, in to celo brez pomoči rok. / Plavutke ti pomagajo plavati hitro in brez težav, in to brez rok. 7. Vedno, kadar si v majhnem čolnu, moraš na sebi imeti rešilni jopič. 8. Na avtobusu odstopi sedež tistemu, ki ga potrebuje bolj kot ti. 9. Ryan se zna zelo dobro potašljati (z masko in dihalko). 10. Jodie zna kar dobro skakati na glavo. 11. Scott zna malce/malček peti. 12. Sploh ne znam jadrati na deski. A4 A PICNIC IN THE COUNTRY Exercise 2 1. They are in the (Scottish) countryside. 2. No, they aren't. They are having a picnic. 3. No, they aren't. They are not going to be alone at the picnic site. 4. No, it isn't. Only Jodie thinks it's dangerous. 5. No, there isn't. There's a cow at the picnic site. 6. It comes from cows. 7. They are town children. 8. He finds a Frisbee. 9. Mr Hoyle is going to cook some food. 10. She discovers a wasps' nest. Exercise 3a 1. Excuse me, is this your basket? No, it isn't mine. It's his. 2. Is this yours? No, it isn't mine. It's hers. 3. Excuse me, is this your basket? No, it isn't mine It's theirs. 4. Hello. Is this yours? Yes, it is. It's ours. Thank you. Oops! But the cat's not ours. Sorry, it's mine. B1 FARM AND COUNTRY HOLIDAYS Exercise 1a (predlog) In the countryside In the city fresh air; mountains; animals; hills; open space; villages; friendly people; farms; woods; pretty cottages; fields tall buildings; violence; noise; pollution; traffic Exercise 2 1. Cardiff is in Wales. 2. His grandparents live in the country, in a small village called Cerrigydrudion. 3. Scott often spends his weekends or holidays on their farm/on his grandparents' farm. 4. He thinks that farm holidays are fun and very interesting. 5. Yes, they do. They have to work hard (because there's always a lot of work to do on a farm). 6. In the morning, Scott feeds the chickens, collects the eggs and lets the white pony out. 7. His favourite animal is the white pony. 8. Scott's grandfather hasn't got any horses because he's got a tractor. He says that tractors don't get tired. 9. Scott's grandparents don't have to shop for food every day because they've got chickens and eggs, and they grow their own vegetables. 10. They've got ten cows. 11. They have to milk them twice a day. 12. No, they don't. They don't have to milk them by hand because they've got a milking machine. 13. Scott can go fishing or swimming in the lake or in the river near the village. He can go on a country hike and explore the green hills around the village, he can have a picnic, go for walks in the forest... 14. Yes, he does. He likes his grandma's home-made food very much. Exercise 3 (predlog) slika zaporedna številka key words traktor 5 tractor; don't get tired piknik 10 have a picnic piščanci, kokoši 2, 6 feed the chickens domača hrana 12 home cooking, home-made food, appetite vrt, gojenje zelenjave 6 grow vegetables kokoš, pobiranje jajc iz gnezda 3 collect the eggs sprehod po naravi 9 go on a country hike; explore the green hills molzenje krav 7 10 cows, milk the cows, milking machine poni-trekking 4 the white pony, go pony-trekking vas, podeželje 1 country, countryside, village, farm ribarjenje 8 go fishing, swimming, lake, river sprehod po gozdu 11 go for walks in the forest Exercise 4 Croxteth Hall & Country Park Lytham St. Annes Peak District cycling ✓ playing tennis ✓ fashion shows ✓ sailing ✓ pony-trekking ✓ farm animals ✓ climbing ✓ flower shows ✓ parks ✓ playing mini golf ✓ garden parties ✓ walking ✓ dog shows ✓ swimming ✓ B2 ON THE FARM Exercise 1 15 - a hen 18 - a cat 5 - a sheep 21 - a scarecrow 17 - a cow 8 - a peacock 13 - a pig 12 - a dog 10 - a bull 2 - a stork 14 - a goat 6 - an ox 4 - a goose 9 - a turkey 3 - a donkey 19 - a chick 20 - a swallow 16 - a cock 7 - a rabbit 11 - a duck 1 - a horse 22 - a lamb Exercise 2a (Možni odgovori) Cows give milk. / eat grass/hay. Horses eat grass/hay. / help farmers with their work. Pigs are a bit smelly. / eat the leftovers. Goats give milk. Dogs guard your house. / bark. / can swim. Cats catch mice. Hens lay eggs. Cocks crow at dawn. Turkeys are funny. Peacocks are beautiful. Geese can swim. Sheep give wool. / have got four legs. Bulls have got four legs. / are dangerous. Oxen help farmers with their work. / have got four legs Donkeys help farmers with their work. / are noisy. Rabbits are funny. Ducks can swim. B3 SEND ME A POSTCARD postcard 1 postcard 2 postcard 3 postcard 4 Who is the postcard from? Who are the from Tracy from Ryan from Scott from Jodie postcards for? Where are the for Scott Greenhill for Sharon Beal for David Foster for Justin Lockhart people? in Paris, France at the seaside, at the beach in Wales, village called Cerrigydrudion in Scotland, in the country What are they doing? sightseeing Paris repairing an old boat spending the weekend with his grandparents having a holiday; walking a lot; thinking of Justin Are they having a good time? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. C PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1 3 - push 1 - swim 1 - flippers 2 - beach 5 - tunnel 1, 5 - swimming trunks 1 - hill-walking 1, 1 - picnic 6 - barbecue 5 - underwater 2 - seaside 4 - walking boots 4 - scuba diving 1, 1 - dinghy 3 - bull 6 - lifeguard 5, 6 - sunglasses 4 - cruise 1, 1 - city 5 - lucky 1 - mix 4 - pool 2 - meal 2 - deep E CULTURAL BEACH-HEAD Exercise 2 In Britain, ... 1 The British use polite words such as 'Please', 'Thankyou' and 'Excuse me' very, very often. 2 The British say 'Good appetite' at the start of a meal. 3 The British don't talk about the weather at all. 4 When you meet a person for the first time, you have to shake hands. 5 If you visit a British home, you don't have to take off your shoes. 6 Schoolchildren in Britain do not wear slippers in school. 7 Most British pupils still have to wear a uniform. 8 When someone sneezes, an English speaker says 'Bless you.' 9 The correct answer to 'How do you do?' is 'I'm fine, thank you.' 10 'Sorry' and 'Excuse me' always mean the same. TRUE FALSE ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ G SLURP UP WORDS! Insects 1. A ladybird has black spots. 2. The following insects can sting you: a bee, a wasp, a bumblebee, a mosquito, an ant, a spider. 3. Wasps, bees and bumblebees can be dangerous. Some spiders and ants can be poisonous. 4. The bee makes sweet honey. 5. The spider (has got eight legs, and spinž webs to catch insects to eat). 6. — (poljuben odgovor) 7. The ant (is famous for hard work, and lives in an anthill). 8. The mosquito (sucks the blood of people and animals). 9. The grasshopper (can jump high). 10. The butterfly (develops from a caterpillar, and often has beautifully-coloured wings). 11. Flies, ants, mosquitoes, and wasps are picnic pests. H ENGLISH OBSERVED RHYMES (stran 34) Exercise 1 1. raining cats and dogs 2. a wolf in sheep's clothing 3. cock-and-bull story 4. till the cows come home 5. count sheep 6. bull in china shop 7. straight from the horse's mouth 8. the black sheep of the family 9. hit the bull's eye 10. hold your horses 11. buy a pig in a poke 12. a hen party 13. the dog days 14. dog-tired 15. gooseflesh Exercise 2 Seasons Afoot Spring wheels in on roller skates, zooms up and down the street Winter plods in heavily with snow-boots on its feet Summer jumps in barefoot, kicking water in the pool Autumn squeaks in brand-new shoes nervously, to school. 1. It's a dog's life, working on this farm. Delo na tej kmetiji je pasje življenje. 2. I'm dog-tired. Na smrt sem utrujen/a. 3. People buy most air conditioners during the dog days of summer. Največ klimatskih naprav ljudje kupijo v času pasjih dni. 4. It's raining cats and dogs. Dežuje/lije kot iz škafa. 5. Give me back my money or I'll wait here till the cows come home. Vrni mi moj denar, ali pa se ne premaknem od tod. / ali pa bom čakal v nedogled. 6. You're late again. I'm sure you're going to come up with some/a cock-and-bull story. Spet si pozen. Gotovo mi bos natvezil kakšno izmišljotino / izmišljen izgovor. 7. Don't be so clumsy. You're like a bull in a china shop. Ne bodi tako neroden. Si kot slon v trgovini s porcelanom. 8. Try to hit the bull's eye. Poskusi zadeti v črno / v sredino tarče. 9. There's going to be a party tonight. I've got it straight from the horse's mouth. Danes se obeta zabava. To vem iz prve roke. 10. Hold your horses! Why are you walking so fast? Ustavi konje! Zakaj hodiš tako hitro? 11. Don't buy a pig in a poke. Ne kupuj mačka v žaklju. 12. He's the black sheep of the family. On je črna ovca v družini. 13. I can't fall asleep. - Close your eyes and count sheep. Ne morem zaspati. - Zapri oči in štej ovce. 14. The new teacher acts friendly, but he can be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Novi učitelj deluje prijazno, vendar je lahko volk v ovčji koži. 15. I'm going to a hen party tonight. Danes grem na žensko zabavo / dekliščino. 16. It gives me gooseflesh when I look at that tightrope walker! Ob pogledu na tistega vrvohodca me obliva kurja polt. I BITS AND BOBS RIDDLES (stran 34) ■ If a horse wears shoes, what should a camel wear? [Sandals.] ■ How do clowns dress on a cold day? [Quickly.] ■ What does the sea say to the beach? [Nothing. It just waves.] ■ Two geese before a goose, and two geese behind a goose, and a goose in the middle. How many geese in all? [Three geese, one behind the other.] UNIT 2: YESTERDAYS Life with the computer (stran 35) 3 - keyboard, 5 - mouse pad/mat, 6 - floppy disks, 7 - CD-ROMS, 8 - modem, 4 - mouse, 1 - screen/monitor, 9 - speaker, 10 - computer, 2 - printer Strong and weak points of computers. (stran 35) weak point □ Software often has bugs, and sometimes computers crash and you can lose all your work. strong point □ We can store large amounts of information on a computer. strong point □ You can use your PC as a word processor. It is very easy to write letters and reports, and to do work for school on it. weak point □ Computers can get viruses which can destroy all your programmes. strong point □ Computers let you communicate very quickly, by email or using the Internet. strong point □ If you have a PC, you can work from home. weak point □ Some children spend too much time playing computer games, which can be very violent. strong point □ You can use multimedia and interactive software. It makes learning more exciting. Many books are now available on CD-ROM. weak point □ Anyone can put information on the Internet (e.g. criminals, sending pornography). It is very difficult to police the Internet. weak point □ Computers quickly become obsolete (i.e. we have to replace them). A1 PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEMORIES Exercise 3 1. (poljubni odgovori) 2. She was awake. 3. She was quite small, her hair was blond and her eyes were blue. 4. Their first car was a Vauxhall. It was very big and yellow. 5. She was very playful. 6. There were twenty-five pupils in her class. 7. She was in the country—on her grandparents' farm. She was with her grandparents. 8. Their old home wasn't very big. There were only two bedrooms in their old home. 9. In photo 7, the Spencers were on holiday at the seaside. The weather was bad. 10. In photo 8, Maddy was at the doctor's. No, she wasn't. She wasn't often ill. She was a healthy child. 11. Rollerblading. Maddy's favourite free time activity six years ago was rollerblading. Exercise 4 Photo 1: Photo 2: Photo 3: Photo 4: Photo 5: Photo 6: Photo 7: Photo 8: Photo 9: Photo 10: Exercise 5 1 [Photo 8] 2 [Photo 4] 3 [Photo 7] 4 [Photo 5] 5 [Photo 2] 6 [Photo 10] 7 [Photo 6] 8 [Photo 1] 9 [Photo 3] 10 [Photo 9] Maddy was about eight months old in this photo. She wasn't asleep, she was awake. Her hair was blond and her eyes were blue. She wasn't a big baby, she was quite small. This was their first car. It was a Vauxhall. It was very big and yellow. This was their cat Kitty. She wasn't naughty, she was only very playful. These were her schoolmates in the first form. There were twenty-five children in Maddy's class. Here Maddy and her sister were in the country. They were on their grandparents' farm. It was great fun. This was their home five years ago. It wasn't a big house. There were only two bedrooms upstairs. Here the Spencers were on holiday at the seaside. They weren't very lucky because the weather was bad. This was Maddy at the doctor's. Her Mum was there with her. She wasn't often ill. She was a healthy child. This was Maddy on her eighth birthday. There were many friends at her birthday party. This was Maddy with her best friend Elsie six years ago. It was during the summer holidays. Her favourite free time activity was rollerblading. She wasn't at the dentist's. She was at the doctor's. She wasn't there alone. Her Mum was there with her. She wasn't often ill. She was a healthy child. There weren't thirty pupils in her class. There were twenty-five pupils in her class. They weren't on holiday in the mountains. They were on holiday at the seaside. The weather wasn't fantastic. It was bad. They weren't very lucky. They were unlucky. She and her sister weren't at a theme park. They were on their grandparents' farm. Their first car wasn't very small and red. It was very big and yellow. Her favourite free time activity wasn't swimming. It was rollerblading. Their house wasn't very big. It was small. There weren't five bedrooms upstairs. There were only two bedrooms upstairs. Maddy wasn't a big baby. She was quite small. Her eyes weren't brown. They were blue. Their cat Kitty wasn't very naughty. It was only playful. This wasn't Maddy's seventh birthday. It was her eighth birthday. Exercise 6 1. Was their house big?—No, it wasn't. 2. Was she alone at the doctor's?—No, she wasn't. 3. Was their first car a Vauxhall?—Yes, it was. 4. Were she and her sister at the zoo?—No, they weren't. 5. Was her cat playful?—Yes, she was. 6. Were the Spencers on holiday in the country?—No, they weren't. 7. Were there twenty pupils in Maddy's class?—No, there weren't. 8. Were Maddy and her sister at their grandparents' house at the seaside?—No, they weren't. 9. Were Maddy's eyes brown?—No, they weren't. 10. Was the weather fantastic when they were on holiday at the seaside?—No, it wasn't. 11. Was rollerblading her favourite free time activity six years ago?—Yes, it was. 12. Was Maddy a small baby?—Yes, she was. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 39) 1. Naj tej sliki/fotografiji sem bil(a) star(a) približno tri mesece. / Naj tej sliki/fotografiji sem imel(a) kakšne tri mesece. In kot po navadi ... nisem spal(a). 2. To je bil naš prvi avtomobil. Bil je peugeot./ Bil je znamke Peugeot. 3. To je bil naš pes Tarzan. Bil je zelo igriv. 4. To so moji sošolci (in sošolke) iz tretjega razreda. 5. Tak je bil naš dom pred petimi leti. 6. Tule pa smo na počitnicah na morju. 7. To sem jaz na svoj četrti rojstni dan. / To sem jaz, ko sem imel(a) četrti rojstni dan. 8. Ali si bil(a) na tej sliki star(a) štiri leta?—Ne, star(a) sem bil(a) pet let. 9. Kakšne barve so bile tvoje oči? 10. Kje si se rodil(a)? 11. Kdaj si se rodil(a)? 12. Ob kateri uri si se rodil(a)? A2 WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Exercise 2 1. True. 2. True. 3. False. Walter wasn't well yesterday. He was ill. 4. False. He didn't have a cold. He had a sore throat and a temperature. 5. False. He had a temperature. 6. False. He didn't have a Maths test yesterday. He was ill and he stayed at home. 7. False. It wasn't very easy. It was all right. Exercise 7 Yesterday, at 8 o'clock in the evening, Maddy was in her bedroom. She was home alone. It was warm and she was thirsty. Her father was at the sports club and her mother was at the shops. Her sister, Molly, was at the cinema, and her brother was at the theme park. Suddenly, there was a power cut. There were no lights, and the computer was dead. It was very dark and very quiet. Maddy was scared to death. Then, there was a noise in the hall. Then there was a knock on the door. Who was at the door? It was Maddy's mother. She had a candle in her hand. Exercise 8 A woman had seven husbands. Each husband had seven cats. Each cat had seven kittens. Each kitten had seven fleas. 7 7 x 7 = 49 49 x 7 = 343 343 x 7 = 2,401 There were 2,401 (two thousand, four hundred and one) fleas altogether. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 42) Kje si bil(a) včeraj?—Bil(a) sem bolan/bolna in v postelji. / Bil(a) sem bolan/bolna in sem ležal(a). / Zbolel(a) sem in obležal(a) v postelji. Zakaj te ni bilo v šoli? / Zakaj nisi bil(a) v šoli?—Imel(a) sem vneto grlo. Te je bolel želodec?—Ja, me je. / Ne, ni me. Walter je bil tri dni v postelji. / Walter je moral tri dni ležati. / Walter je obležal za tri dni. Daj, no! Povej nam(a)! Imel(a) sem gripo.—Ubožec!/Ubožica! Srečnež./Srečnica. Mi pa smo pisali matematični test! Kakšen je bil test? Je bil težek?—Bil je kar lahek. / Bil je precej preprost. Kje si bil(a) v sredo ob 8.00 zvečer/ob 20.00?—Bil(a) sem na obisku pri prijatelju/prijateljici. Je bil konec tedna/vikend prijeten? / Si preživel(a) prijeten konec tedna?—Da, bilo je krasno. Bil(a) sem na košarkarski tekmi. 1. 10. A3 THEN AND NOW Exercise 1 Things people had in 1940 Things people didn't have in 1940 electric light, radio, record player fridge, washing machine, television, telephone, car, computer, vacuum cleaner Exercise 4 1. In Pair 1, the scythe was used longer ago. 2. In Pair 2, the wooden abacus was used longer ago. 3. In Pair 3, the oil lamp was used longer ago. 4. In Pair 4, the broom was used longer ago. 5. In Pair 5, the washboard was used longer ago. 6. In Pair 6, the typewriter was used longer ago. 7. In Pair 7, the kitchen-range was used longer ago. 8. In Pair 8, the record player was used longer ago. 9. In Pair 9, the flat iron was used longer ago. 10. In Pair 10, the hand-crank phone / the dial phone was used longer ago. Exercise 5 The pickpocket is the man Number 1. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 45) 1. Babica, kakšno je bilo življenje, ko si bila ti deklica? 2. Je bilo takrat vse povsem drugače?—Da, bilo je. / Da, res je bilo. 3. V tistih časih / Takrat življenje ni bilo tako lahko. 4. Ljudje niso imeli pralnih strojev. 5. Vsa svoja oblačila so prali na roke v velikem škafu. 6. Hladilnik so takrat imeli samo bogataši. / In samo bogataši so takrat imeli tudi hladilnik. 7. V tistih časih navadni/preprosti ljudje niso imeli televizorja. 8. Imeli smo shrambo, nismo pa imeli hladilnika. 9. Ali si imel(a) kolo z desetimi prestavami, ko si bil(a) star(a) pet let?— Ne, nisem. 10. Walter meni, da se njemu bolje godi. / Walter je prepričan, da je njemu bolje. 11. Ko je bil g. Slade mlad, so imeli ljudje več časa drug za drugega. 12. Nikoli ni bil osamljen ali nesrečen. 13. Ves čas so bili zunaj/na prostem in se frnikolali. 14. Ko je bil g. Slade (še) otrok/deček, so v njegovi vasi telefon imeli samo pri zdravniku in na pošti. / Ko je bil g. Slade (še) otrok/deček, je bil v njegovi vasi telefon samo pri zdravniku in na pošti. B1 A QUIZ "WHO WAS WHO?" Exercise 2a A. 1994—nineteen ninety-four B. 1620—sixteen twenty C. 1011—ten eleven D. 1900—nineteen hundred E. 1855—eighteen fifty-five F. 2000—two thousand G. 1333—thirteen thirty-three H. 1500—fifteen hundred I. 1960—nineteen sixty J. 1291—twelve ninety-one K. 1902—nineteen-oh-two L. 1460—fourteen sixty M. 1739—seventeen thirty-nine N. 2004—two thousand and four O. 1514—fifteen fourteen Exercise 3a an English dramatist and poet a South American revolutionary [hero, idealist] an Austrian composer a French emperor a Slovenian Olympic champion (or gold-medallist) an English director (of suspense films) an American film actress a Russian ballet dancer a Greek opera singer an American civil rights leader Exercise 4a achievements Date He was the first to walk on the Moon. 1969 She was the first woman in space. She orbited the earth 48 times. 1963 He was the first to travel to the North Pole. 1909 He was the first to cross the Atlantic in an airplane alone. 1927 She was the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane alone. 1932 He was the first to circle the earth in space. 1961 He was the first to sail round the world. 1521 He was the first to travel to the South Pole. 1911 He was the first to climb Mount Everest, with Tenzing. 1953 Exercise 6b 1. Ricky Martin was born on a Friday. 2. Svetlana Makarovič was born on a Sunday. 3. David Beckham was born on a Friday. 4. Kate Winslet was born on a Sunday. 5. Eros Ramazzotti was born on a Monday. 6. Lili Novy was born on a Thursday. 7. Leonardo DiCaprio was born on a Monday. 8. Jože Plečnik was born on a Tuesday. Exercise 7 Aaron Did you play cards last night? Lee Yes, I did. What about you? Aaron No, I didn't. I played darts. Exercise 9a FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 53) 1. Lara se je rodila leta 1994. 2. Kdaj se je rodila kraljica Viktorija?—V devetnajstem stoletju. 3. Katerega leta si se rodil(a)? 4. Kje se je rodil Mozart?—Rodil se je v Avstriji. 5. Leon Štukelj je živel od leta 1898 do leta 1999. 6. Picasso je imel rad Francijo. / Picassu je bila Francija všeč. Tam je živel skoraj sedemdeset let. 7. Ali je Alfred Hitchcock ustvarjal/komponiral glasbo?—Ne, ni. Režiral je filme. 8. Ugani ime slavne osebnosti iz preteklosti. 9. Zdaj je rezultat 7 za Jerryja in 5 za Davea. 10. Kaj si delal(a)/počel(a) prejšnji konec tedna/vikend?—Učil(a) sem se zgodovino. B2 THE KING OF COMEDY: Sir CHARLIE CHAPLIN Exercise 3 1. Charlie Chaplin was born on 16th April, 1889. 2. Charlie Chaplin was born in London. 3. Charlie's childhood was very hard. His family was very poor, his mother was often ill, his father died when Charlie was still a child, Charlie lived in a children's home, he was often hungry, cold and miserable. 4. He first appeared on stage when he was five. 5. He first travelled to the USA in 1910. 6. He first appeared on screen in 1914. 7. He first introduced his famous tramp character in 1914. 8. The Great Dictator was Chaplin's first sound film. 9. He married Oona O'Neill in 1943. 10. They had eight children (three sons and five daughters). 11. They moved to Switzerland because they didn't like America any more. 12. He lived in the Sates for almost forty years (from 1913 to 1952). 13. Yes, he did. He returned to the States to receive his honorary Oscar in 1972. 14. He died in Switzerland (at Corsier-sur-Vevey). Exercise 4 wandered tried lived hated wanted appeared joined travelled accepted moved acted introduced played earned formed started directed visited married published returned knighted believed Exercise 5 1889— Chaplin was born in London. 1894— He first appeared on stage. 1906— He joined a troupe. 1910— He (and his brother) travelled to America. 1913— He moved to Hollywood. 1914— He acted in his first film. He introduced his famous tramp character. He appeared in 35 films. 1915—He acted in 14 films. 1921— He directed his first film. He visited Europe. 1940— He acted in his first sound film. 1943— He married Oona O'Neill. 1952— He moved with his large family to Switzerland. 1964— He published his memoirs. 1972— He received his honorary Oscar. 1975— Elizabeth II knighted him. 1977— He died in Switzerland. Exercise 6 1. His mother wasn't a teacher. She was a singer. 2. They didn't have a lot of money. They were very poor. 3. It wasn't easy to get work. It was very difficult to get work. 4. When his father died, Charlie didn't live in a big country house. He lived in a children's home. Names Activities Bridget stayed at home, listened to music Patrick and Ryan were at the theme park, were on the Ghost Train Gill and Tory helped her mother with the housework, cycled together Brandon washed their car, studied English, watched TV _6_ _9_ _3_ 7 JO. 4 2_ 1 _8_ 5 7 4 1 6 8 9 5 2_ 3 5. He didn't first appear on stage at the age of 10. He first appeared on stage at the age of five. 6. At the age of 17, he didn't join the army. He joined a troupe. 7. In 1910 he didn't travel to Spain. He travelled to the States. 8. In 1913 he didn't move to New York. He moved to Hollywood. 9. In 1914 he didn't act in twenty films. He acted in thirty-five films. 10. He didn't play the role of the 'little tramp' in three films. He played this role in more than seventy films. 11. In 1921 he didn't visit Africa. He visited Europe. 12. In 1943 he didn't marry Elizabeth Taylor. He married Oona O'Neill. 13. He and his wife didn't have six children. They had eight children. 14. He didn't return to the USA in 1960 to receive his honorary Oscar. He returned to the USA in 1972. 15. Elizabeth II didn't knight him in 1970. She knighted him in 1975. 16. He didn't die in Austria. He died in Switzerland. Exercise 7 1. Was Chaplin born in Paris?—No, he wasn't. 2. Did his parents work in the theatre?—Yes, they did. 3. Was Charlie an only child?—No, he wasn't. 4. Did he live in a children's home?—Yes, he did. 5. Did he have enough to eat?—No, he didn't. 6. Did he often wander about the streets of London?—Yes, he did. 7. Did he travel to America with his sister?—No, he didn't. 8. Did Charlie want to make people cry?—No, he didn't. 9. Did he produce and direct his own films?—Yes, he did. 10. Did he live in America from 1920 to 1925?—No, he didn't. [Yes, he did.] 11. Did he move to Switzerland in 1952?—Yes, he did. 12. Did he publish his memoirs in 1970?—No, he didn't. 13. Did he die in France?—No, he didn't. Exercise 8 Interviewer Where were you born? Chaplin I was born in London. Interviewer When were you born? Chaplin In 1889. Interviewer Where did your parents work? Chaplin They worked in the theatre. My mother was a singer, and my father was a comedian. Interviewer When did your father die? Chaplin He died in 1901, when I was twelve years old. Interviewer Where did you live when your father died? Chaplin I lived in a children's home. Interviewer When did you first appear on stage? Chaplin I first appeared on stage when I was five. Interviewer When did you move to Hollywood? Chaplin I moved to Hollywood in 1913. Interviewer In how many films did you act in 1914? Chaplin That year I acted in 35 films. Interviewer When did you marry Oona? Chaplin I married Oona in 1943. Interviewer How many children did you have? Chaplin We had eight children. Interviewer Why did you move to Switzerland? Chaplin We moved to Switzerland because we didn't like America any more. Interviewer How long did you live in the USA? Chaplin I lived in the USA for almost forty years. Interviewer When did you receive your honorary Oscar? Chaplin I received my honorary Oscar in 1972. Exercise 9b (odgovori 1, 3 in 8 so narejeni za leto 2004 in jih je treba ustrezno spremeniti) 1. The Channel Tunnel opened ten years ago. 2. We were on a school trip sixteen days ago. 3. The Panama Canal opened ninety years ago. 4. I had a pizza two hours ago. 5. [poljuben odgovor] I was born_years ago. 6. She washed the car four days ago. 7. My uncle had an operation four months ago. 8. Slovenia declared its independence thirteen years ago. C PRONUNCIATION Exercise 2 Exercise 4b a. daughter b. castle c. whale d. _knife e. wrong f. Christmas g. answer h. wrong i. born j. walk k. autumn l. birth m.guess n. car o. comb p. night q. laugh r. wo rk E CULTURAL BEACH-HEAD 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Bill Clinton was American President for eight years (1992-2000). There was a war in the Balkans (ex-Yugoslavia). Yugoslavia ended in 1991. Diana, Princess of Wales died on the 31st of August 1997 in a tragic car accident in Paris, France. Millions of people watched the Gulf War on television. It started in 1991. The Internet started to develop rapidly in the 1990s. Britain handed Hong Kong to China in 1997. Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842 to 1997. West Germany and East Germany reunited on 3 October, 1990. Germany was divided from 1945 to 1990. The Channel Tunnel, connecting England and France, opened in May 1994. Margaret Thatcher resigned as British Prime Minister in 1990. She was British Prime Minister from 1979-1990. In Britain, this is a record. Nelson Mandela was freed in 1990. He was in prison from 1964 to 1990. Later he was the first black President of South Africa. Slovenia declared its independence in June 1991. British scientists cloned Dolly the Sheep in 1997. They artificially developed an exact copy of her. In the 1990s, genetic engineering started to develop very fast. The USA handed the Panama Canal back to Panama in 1999. The European Union introduced the Euro on 1 January, 1999 as an electronic currency. The new euro banknotes and coins were in place on 1 January, 2002. Povezava slik in dogodkov: 12 (ovca Dolly); 7 (berlinski zid); 9 (Margaret Thatcher); 10 (Nelson Mandela); 14 (evro); 6 (Hong Kong, britanski princ Charles); 1(Bill Clinton); 3 (pogreb princese Diane); 8 (Evrotunel); 4 (Zalivska vojna); 5 (internet); 2 (vojna na Balkanu); 13 (Panamski prekop); 11 (razglasitev slovenske samostojnosti) G SLURP UP WORDS! Some games Exercise 2 Hop-scotch: You can have any number of players. First you draw out a pitch with ten squares. You write the numbers one to ten in the squares with chalk. Then you draw a line in front of number one. You need a stone to throw. You stand in front of the line and throw your stone onto number one. Then you hop to number one and kick the stone back over the front line. You do the same to number two and so on to number ten. Everyone takes it in turns to go. You miss a go if you step on a line, fall over or throw to the wrong number. The first player to finish is the winner. Marbles: You need some marbles and you can have two to six players. First you draw a big circle and then you put 13 small marbles in the middle. Each player has a large marble and the players take it in turns to try and knock the smaller marbles out of the circle. The player who knocks the most marbles out of the circle is the winner. H ENGLISH OBSERVED t watched d tried Id acted 12. rain V, N u visited d lived t introduced 13. show V, N d wandered Id hated d earned 14. swim V, N t helped d appeared Id started 15. telephone N, V d travelled Id directed 16. watch N, V d married d believed 17. water V, N d moved d joined . answer . break . change . cook . dance . drink . fish 8. group 9. look 10. match 11. park V, N N, V V, N N, V V, N V, N N, V N, V V, N N, V N, V I BITS AND BOBS A Rhyme (stran 64) Sneeze on Monday, sneeze for danger; Sneeze on Tuesday, kiss a stranger; Sneeze on Wednesday, get a letter; Sneeze on Thursday, something better; Sneeze on Friday, sneeze for sorrow; Sneeze on Saturday, joy tomorrow. Riddles (stran 64) 3 - A starfish. 4 - Because the poor had nothing worth stealing. 5 - Because the class was so bright. 1 - Scratch himself. 2 - Madam, I'm Adam. UNIT 3: STORIES AND PAST EVENTS 8. They are friendly and don't want to hurt anyone. They don't have any guns. 9. Some scientists believe that it can fly at 340,000 kph (Mach 285). Exercise 4a present past see saw think thought fly flew break down broke down feel felt drive drove have had make made come came can could speak spoke go went I. Looking at the sky 4 - a shooting star / a falling star / a meteor 9 - a UFO (an Unidentified Flying Object) 2 - an alien 7 - stars 1 - a spaceship 3 - the Moon 6 - a constellation (e.g. The Great Bear or Ursa Major) 10 - a planet (e.g. Saturn) 5 - a satellite 8 - a rocket II. Childhood stories and fairy tales 5 - Snow White 1 - Little Red Riding Hood 4 - Cinderella 2 - Baron Munchausen 3 - Hansel and Gretel A1 THE UNIVERSE Exercise 2 1. Yes, it is. The Earth is part of the Universe. 2. Scientists use telescopes and probes to learn about the Universe. 3. Early astronomers thought that everything in the Universe circled around the Earth. 4. The Earth orbits, or circles, the Sun. 5. The Sun is a star. 6. We call the nine planets and the Sun the Solar System. 7. No, it isn't. The nearest planet to the Sun is Mercury. The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. 8. The Earth is so special because it is the only planet in our Solar System with water and air. 9. It takes the Earth one year to circle the Sun. 10. It takes the Moon about a month to orbit the Earth. 11. No, there isn't. The Moon has no air or water. Nothing can live there. 12. There are 88 constellations in the whole sky. 13. Yes, there are. There are other Solar Systems in outer space. 14. poljubni odgovor 15. poljubni odgovor Exercise 3 Mercury, the winged god Venus, the goddess of love Mars, the god of war Jupiter, king of the gods Uranus, father of Saturn Neptune, god of the sea Pluto, god of the underworld Saturn, father of Jupiter - Merkur, krilati bog - Venera, boginja ljubezni - Mars, bog vojne - Jupiter, kralj bogov - Uran, Saturnov oče - Neptun, bog morja - Pluton, bog podzemlja - Saturn, Jupitrov oče A2 UFOs Exercise 1 1. UFOs are Unidentified Flying Objects. They are flying saucers. 2. They come from outer space. 3. UFOs are round and flat like saucers. Some people see other shapes: cigars, doughnuts, rugby balls, etc. 4. Pilots and astronauts in particular see them very often. 5. People usually see UFOs at night. 6. Aliens usually wear silver, shiny suits and helmets. 7. They are usually smaller than us, but they have bigger heads. Exercise 4c 1. It wasn't a cloudy night and there was a full moon. It was a clear summer's night. 2. Gina didn't see something on the road. She saw something in the sky. 3. Gina didn't see a plane in the sky. She saw a UFO in the sky. 4. It didn't fly very slowly. It flew very fast. 5. The UFO didn't break down. Their car broke down. 6. Gina and Claudio didn't know what it was. 7. They didn't feel hot. They felt cold and dizzy. 8. They didn't drive to the nearest town. They drove to the nearest village. 9. They didn't call their parents. They called the police. 10. The police didn't believe their story. 11. Gina and Claudio didn't take a photo of the flying saucer. They didn't have their camera with them. Exercise 6b Southern Itajjj ja quiet country road| |X3AuikS [big, very bright, fly very fast) |see something in the skyj [drive home] CLAUDIO & f GINA Pace Ifly over their can "XT [a silver objectj -(ČAJI-1 break down] [feel cold and dizzy. tirive to the nearest village) jcall the police! te police)-[not believe their story) —[the engine okay againf -notlake a photo [not have their camera with them] -jsure they see a UFOl Exercise 7a E.T.'s spaceship landed on Earth just before Christmas 1982. E.T. left the spaceship, but then his friends flew away without him. He was very unhappy and afraid of people. That evening he met a boy called Elliott. Elliott took E.T. home and hid him in his room. They became very good friends. But the scientists discovered that an alien was in the town. Elliott helped E.T. to escape. They constructed a special telephone, went into the woods and called E.T.'s friends. E.T.'s spaceship arrived and saved him. Exercise 8a John & Elaine Garry & Colin Who? When? On Sunday 27th October 1997 On 27th August 1992 Where? Harold Hill in Essex, to Avdey on a quiet country road, from Edinburgh to the village Tarbrax What time? 10 pm 9 pm What/see? unusual lights, green fog, a UFO landed, some aliens a flat, star-like, silvery object, many lights, 20 metres wide, small creatures How many? 5 (3 tall and 2 small ones) 6 (3 to each side of the car) What ... look like? very tall and hairy, large triangular eyes, pointed ears small and very ugly, green skin, heart-shaped faces and black eyes; hands: 3 big fingers like sausages What/happen? take them on a tour of the ship, show a star chart and a picture of their planet take them on a tour of the ship, not remember much How/feel? cold and dizzy, very frightened couldn't walk or talk properly; terrible headaches Why/report? to tell the people that UFOs really exist to tell the people that aliens are visiting our planet Exercise 10a 1. It was sunny on Saturday. 2. On Saturday it rained all day. 3. He had a fancy dress party. 4. He had a concert. 5. He bought some presents for his friends. 6. He bought food and drink for the party. 7. They danced wildly. 8. They sang very loudly. 9. His neighbours complained about the noise. 10. He broke his leg. 11. He broke his arm. 12. His friends took him to the hospital. 13. He stayed in hospital for three days. 14. He came out of hospital on the same evening. 15. On Sunday he went skiing. 16. He went to the beach with his dog. 17. They went for a walk. 18. They went swimming. 19. In the evening he stayed at home and did some reading. 20. He went to the Theme Park with Nick. ✓ 4. Ali si znal(a) pisati, ko si bil(a) star(a) sest let? 5. Ali si znal(a) brati in pisati, ko si bil(a) star(a) tri leta?—Ne, seveda nisem. / Ne, seveda nisem znal(a). 6. Ali si znal(a) govoriti, ko si bil(a) star(a) eno leto?—Znal(a) sem reči Exercise 11a A story with a moral Last year I went to Italy for a holiday with my family. Every day we went to the beach and every day we saw an Italian family there. My wife and I don't speak Italian, so every day we looked at the Italian family and smiled but we didn't speak. There were two small children in the Italian family and there are two small children in my family. The children were very little then so of course they didn't speak any languages at all. But every day all the children played happily together. Exercise 12a Romeo and Juliet 1 In the town of Verona, Italy, in the late 1500s, lived two families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between these two families, and they hated each other very much. 2 One day, Old Capulet, Juliet's father, gave a costume party. The Montagues were not invited, of course, but Romeo—a Montague— put on a mask and slipped into the party. At this party Romeo met Juliet, and immediately fell in love with her. He later found out that she was a Capulet. But Romeo loved her anyway. 3 That night he went to her house, because he wanted to see her again. He was afraid to go in so he waited under the balcony until she appeared. During the "balcony scene" they confessed their love for each other. They spent the night together, and the next day Romeo's friend Friar Lawrence married them secretly. 4 On the day of the wedding, Romeo had a fight with his wife's cousin Tybalt and killed him. For this, Romeo had to leave Verona. He decided to travel to Mantua. 5 Juliet's father didn't know of his daughter's marriage, so he wanted to marry her to another young man named Paris. Juliet did not want to marry this man. So she made a plan. She decided to take a sleeping potion and pretend to be dead. After three days, when the potion wore off, she would wake up. She planned to escape from the family tomb and run away with her husband. 6 Then she sent a message to her husband, and took the potion. But Romeo didn't get the message on time because the messenger couldn't find him. 7 Bad news travelled fast. When Romeo heard that his wife was 'dead', he went to her tomb. He broke in, kissed his Juliet one last time, drank the poison and died. When Juliet woke up, she saw her husband was dead so she killed herself with Romeo's dagger. They were not yet fourteen. 8 Finally, because both their children were dead, the two families made peace. GRAMMAR TIME OUT (str. 76) • Glagoli v angleščini so pravilni in nepravilni. • Pravilni glagoli tvorijo preteklik z obrazilom -(e)d, nepravilni pa imajo povsem drugačno obliko. Za tvorbo nepravilnih glagolov na žalost ni pravila. Te oblike se je treba naučiti na pamet. • Poved v pretekliku zanikamo z did not oz. didn't. To velja za pravilne in nepravilne glagole. Pri tem moramo glagol postaviti v nedoločnik. • Vprašalno obliko v pretekliku tvorimo pri pravilnih in nepravilnih glagolih z did. Glagol postavimo v nedoločnik. • To je glagol 'be'. [Fred wasn't at the cinema yesterday.] • Pri glagolu 'be'. [Was Fred at the cinema yesterday?] FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 77) 1. Jaz znam plavati, moj brat pa ne. / Jaz znam plavati, moj brat pa ne zna. 2. Moja sestra je shodila, ko je bila stara devet mesecev. / ... z devetimi meseci. 3. Pred dvema letoma Bob se ni znal jadrati na deski, zdaj pa zna. samo 'mama'. GRAMMAR TIME OUT (stran 78) Preteklik glagola can se glasi could. B2 CHILD LABOUR: The stain on British history Exercise 2 1. False. There weren't enough workers. 2. True. 3. False. They had to stay with their factory owner until they were 21. 4. True. 5. False. Not all children worked hard in the 18th and 19th centuries, but most of them did. 6. False. Children had to work long hours. They worked 16 hours a day. 7. True. 8. False. Children worked in coalmines, too. 9. True. 10. False. Dickens had to work in a factory when he was ten. 11. False. Dickens wrote about unhappy children and poor people in his novels. 12. True. 13. False. He had to clean the machinery on Sundays. 14. False. If children were late for work, they were severely punished. 15. False. Overseers were very strict and the children were afraid of them. 16. True. 17. True. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 81) 1. Ali si znal(a) uporabljati računalnik, ko si bil(a) star(a) sedem let?—Ja, sem. 2. Moj oče ni znal plavati do svojega dvajsetega leta. / Moj oče se je naučil plavati šele, ko je bil star dvajset let. 3. Charles Dickens je moral delati v tovarni, ko je bil star osem let. 4. Otrokom bogatašev ni bilo treba delati. 5. Otroci niso smeli nositi ure. Exercise 5 1. There were too many people. There weren't enough chairs. She had to stand up. She couldn't sit down. 2. They didn't have to pay to go in. They could go in for free. 3. There were too many cars. There weren't enough parking spaces. She couldn't park her car. 4. We couldn't feed the animals. We weren't allowed to feed the animals. 5. There weren't any trees. There was a lot of snow. He could go skiing. 6. He could park his car for free. He didn't have to pay to park his car. He was allowed to park his car for free. 7. There were too many speedboats. There wasn't enough wind. He couldn't go windsurfing. 8. He wasn't allowed to dive. / He couldn't dive. Exercise 7 b 1. Every child has the right to say what they think. - Vsak otrok ima pravico, da pove svoje mnenje. 2. Every child has the right to knowledge. - Otrok ima pravico do informacij. 3. Children have the right to follow their religion. - Vsak otrok ima pravico do svoje veroizpovedi. 4. Children have the right to be with those they like. - Otrok se lahko druži z ljudmi, ki jih ima rad. 5. Every child has the right to a name at birth. - Otrok ima ob rojstvu pravico do imena. 6. Every child has the right to be loved and cared for. - Vsak otrok ima pravico do ljubezni in nege. 7. All children, however different, have the same rights. - Vsi otroci imajo enake pravice, čeprav so na videz še tako različni. 8. Refugee children have the right to special care. - Še posebej je treba poskrbeti za otroke begunce. 9. Disabled children have the right to special care. - Posebej je treba poskrbeti za hendikepirane otroke. 10. Every child has the right to health and medical care. - Vsak otrok ima pravico do zdravstvene zaščite. 11. Every child has the right to attend school. - Vsak otrok ima pravico, da hodi v šolo. 12. Children have the right to free time and play. - Vsak otrok ima pravico do prostega časa in igre. 13. Every child has the right to healthy food. - Vsak otrok ima pravico do primerne zdrave hrane. 14. No-one may force a child to work like an adult. - Otrok ne sme nihče siliti, da delajo kot odrasli. ✓ ✓ 15. Children should be protected from sexual abuse. - Otroka ne sme nihče spolno zlorabljati. 16. No-one may beat, humiliate or torture a child. - Otroka ne sme nihče tepsti, zasmehovati, mučiti ... 17. Children should be protected from violence and war. - Noben otrok ne sme biti žrtev nasilja in vojn. 18. A child that breaks the law has the right to be treated with dignity. -©e posebej je treba poskrbeti za otroke, ki so prekršili zakon. 19. Children without parents have the right to proper care. - Posebej je treba poskrbeti za otroke brez družine. GRAMMAR TIME OUT (stran 82) Glagol must ali have to se v pretekliku glasi had to. C PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1a [O] [el] U] [ U ] [ e] flew ✓ broke ✓ read ✓ knew ✓ spoke ✓ took ✓ saw ✓ ate ✓ ] ✓ came ✓ bought ✓ made ✓ could ✓ said ✓ thought ✓ I BITS AND BOBS LIMERICKS 1 A careless explorer named Blake Fell into a tropical lake Said a fat alligator A few minutes later 'Very nice, but I still prefer cake'. 3 There was a young man from Kent Whose nose was terribly bent One day, I suppose He could follow his nose And no one would know where he went. The house that Jack built [@ "This is the house that Jack built. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the dog that chased the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. There was a ghost named Paul Who went to a fancy dress ball To shock all the guests He went quite undressed But the rest couldn't see him at all. Young Tommy would not go to bed, But sat watching TV instead. As he stayed up to stare His face went all square And aerials grew from his head. Exercise 1c 1. made 2. said 3. spoke 4. kept 5. brought 6. cut 7. fell 8. read F EXTRA READING What do these four mysteries have in common? All four mysteries are related to aliens, i.e. visitors from outer space. This is the cow that tossed the dog that chased the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the girl that milked the cow that tossed the dog that chased the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the man that married the girl that milked the cow that tossed the dog that chased the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. G SLURP UP WORDS! Size and shape Exercise 1 1. An A4 sheet of paper is a rectangle. 2. The Earth is almost round / circular. 3. The Pentagon is a building with five sides. The STOP sign is octagonal. 4. Trafalgar Square is not actually square. 5. An egg is not a perfect oval. 6. crescent as a new moon; a crescent street 7. straight as an arrow 8. square as a window 9. triangular as a roof 10. curved as a snake; the curved tusks of an elephant 11. tiny as a lady-bird 12. a pointed nose; pointed fingernails H ENGLISH OBSERVED Exercise 1 1—G: ruler [vladar; ravnilo] 2—J: plug [vtikač; čep, zamasek] 3—B: compass [kompas, sestilo] 4—E: boot [prtljažnik; škorenj] 5—F: fork [vile; vilice] 6—K: eye [oko; šivankino uho] 7—I: seal [pečat; tjulenj] 8—H: hand [roka; kazalec pri uri] 9—A: crane [žerjav (ptica); žerjav (delovni stroj)] 10—D: glasses [sončna očala; kozarci] 11—C: bat [kij; netopir] 12—L: nail [žebelj; noht] UNIT 4: PEOPLE AND COUNTRIES Play 'I say... you say...' and match the opposites. (stran 93) 1-F: cheap—expensive 2-G: short—tall 3-H: heavy—light 4-E: lazy—hardworking 5-C: clean—dirty 6-D: full—empty 7-A: brave—cowardly 8-B: strong—weak What nationality is (s)he? (stran 93) ■ Jennifer Lopez—American (film actress; Jennifer's parents were born in Puerto Rico; her mother's parents were Europeans) ■ Luciano Pavarotti—Italian (opera singer) ■ Anna Kournikova—Russian (tennis star) A1 DESCRIBING PEOPLE AND THINGS Exercise 1a (možni odgovori) [picture 1]: fast, strong, black, ... [picture 2]: young, strong, sporty, ... [picture 3]: old, kind, kind-hearted/good-natured, nice, grey-haired, ... [picture 4]: fat, funny, old-fashioned, dissatisfied, stay-at-home, consumerist (i.e. potrošniški), ... [picture 5]: rich, happy, greedy, stingy, successful, ... [picture 6]: nice, kind-hearted, animal-loving, loving, young, happy, ... [picture 7]: tall; long (neck and legs), free, curious, nosy, ... [picture 8]: enormous, giant, tall, tiny, dwarfish, ... [picture 9]: happy, victorious/triumphant, broad/bright (smile), strong, healthy/white (teeth), . [picture 10]: fast, safe, dangerous, passenger/private/light/sports/ supersonic (plane), . A2 HOW TALL ARE YOU? Exercise 1 1—Ivan. He is 1.56 m 2—Phil. He's 1.80 m 3—Andrew. He's about two metres. 4—Kyle. He's exactly 1.70 m. Exercise 6a 1—C; 2—A; 3—D; 4—B; 5—C; 6—A A3 A SCHOOL PLAY Exercise 2 1. False. Martin is moving some heavy furniture. 2. False. They are reading comics. 3. True. 4. False. Sarah has the main part in the play. She can act very well. 5. True. 6. False. Terry is stronger than Roy. 7. False. He is free for the cinema. 8. True. Martin is (probably) weaker than Terry. 9. True. 10. False. She thinks that looks aren't important. Exercise 3 2. The green vase is taller/higher than the red vase. The red vase is smaller/lower than the green vase. 3. The blue skirt is shorter than the pink one. The pink skirt is longer than the blue one. 4. The bottle on the left is fuller than the bottle on the right. The bottle on the right is emptier than the bottle on the left. 5. This horse is younger than that one. This horse is older than that one. 6. The bicycle on the right is newer than the bicycle on the left. The bicycle on the left is older than the bicycle on the right. 7. The blue suitcase is heavier than the yellow one. The yellow suitcase is lighter than the blue one. 8. This mountain is smaller than that one. That mountain is higher/taller than this one. 9. Lake Bohinj is deeper than Lake Bled. Lake Bled is shallower than Lake Bohinj. 10. The man on the left is stronger than the man on the right. The man on the right is weaker than the man on the left. 11 Laurel is thinner/slimmer than Hardy. Hardy is fatter than Laurel. 12. July is warmer/hotter than April. April is colder than July. 13. The desk on the left is messier than the desk on the right. The desk on the right is tidier than the desk on the left. 14. This pig is cleaner than that one. That pig is dirtier than this one. 15. These shoes are smaller than those. Those shoes are bigger/ larger than these. Exercise 4a Tory is older than Brian. Brian is younger than Tory. Tory is shorter than Brian. Brian is taller than Tory. Tory is lighter than Brian. Brian is heavier than Tory. Tory's hair is darker than Brian's. Brian's hair is fairer than Tory's. Brian's hair is shorter than Tory's. Tory's hair is straighter than Brian's. Brian's hair is curlier than Tory's. Exercise 5 1. Which is bigger, the Pacific Ocean or the A: The Pacific Ocean. Atlantic Ocean? 2. Which is larger, Canada or the USA? A: Canada. 3. Which is further from the Sun, Mars or A: Mars. Earth? 4. Which is longer, the Suez Canal or the A: The Suez Canal. Panama Canal? 5. Which is longer, the Sava or the Danube? A: The Danube. 6. Which is higher, the Empire State A: The Empire State Building in New York or the Eiffel Tower Building. in Paris? FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 99) 1. Roy je zaljubljen/zagledan v Sarah. / Roy je nor na Sarah. 2. Terry je visok, toda Roy je višji. / ,... vendar je Roy višji. 3. Sueški prekop je daljši od Panamskega (prekopa). / Sueški prekop je daljši kot Panamski (prekop). 4. Izzivam te na preizkus moči z rokami. / Ali si upaš pomeriti z mano, kdo je močnejši (z rokami)? 5. Poglejva, kdo je močnejši. 6. Videz ni pomemben, lenobi! / Videz ni pomemben, (vidva) lenuha! 7. Kateri (planet) je bolj oddaljen od Sonca, Mars ali Zemlja? 8. Obesi(ta) zastor. 9. Ali imaš danes zvečer čas za kino? / Ali bi danes zvečer šel/šla v kino? / Ali lahko greš danes zvečer v kino? / Ali si danes zvečer za kino? 10. Bolje/Raje debel in pameten kot suh in neumen. GRAMMAR TIME OUT (stran 99) Primernik pridevnika tvorimo tako, da dodamo obrazilo -er. Pridevnikom, ki se končajo na -e, dodamo samo -r. Pri pridevnikih, ki se končajo na -y, se -y spremeni v -i ^ -ier. Če je kaj višje, daljše, bolj oddaljeno itd., za primerjanje uporabimo besedico than. A4 (GREAT) BRITAIN VERSUS CANADA Exercise 2a easy-easier; small—smaller; green— greener; varied—more varied; heavy—heavier; far—further; good—better; red—redder; quiet—quieter; bad—worse; beautiful—more beautiful; severe—more severe Exercise 2b large—(the) largest; high—(the) highest; long—(the) longest Exercise 3 (Great) Britain Canada coins heavier lighter; not as heavy as in GB buildings redder less red; not as red as in GB grass greener less green; not as green as in GB people quieter; less outgoing louder; more outgoing manners better worse travelling easier more difficult; not as easy as in GB land area smaller bigger mountains smaller higher, taller rivers shorter longer countryside / more beautiful, less varied; less beautiful; more varied landscape not as varied as in CAN weather / better; less severe; not as worse; more severe climate severe as in CAN food worse; not as good as in CAN better beer worse better coffee worse better Exercise 4 1. Triglav is high, Mont Blanc is higher, Mount Everest is the highest. 2. The Soča is long, the Sava is longer, the Danube is the longest. 3. The USA is large, Canada is larger, Russia is the largest. 4. Sweden is cold, Canada is colder, Greenland is the coldest. 5. Slovenia is small, Andorra is smaller, Monaco is the smallest. 6. Earth is far from the Sun, Mars is further from the Sun, Pluto is the furthest planet from the Sun. Exercise 5 Becky's room is quite big. It's 3m wide and 4m long. It's bigger than Ivy's room, but smaller than Gary's. Gary has got the biggest room. Ivy's room is the smallest. 2 Car B can go at 90 kph (kilometres per hour). It's faster than car C, but slower than car A. Car A can go at 120 kph and is the fastest of them all. The slowest car is car C. 3 Mumbo weighs 2,000 kg. He is heavier than Dumbo, but lighter than Jumbo. Jumbo weighs four tons and is the heaviest of them all. The lightest is Dumbo. Michael is 43 years old. He is older than Cameron, but younger than Kirk. Kirk is 71 years old and is the oldest of them all. The youngest is Cameron. A dog can run at 64 km/hr. It is faster than a man, but slower than a cheetah. A cheetah is the fastest of them all. The slowest is a man. Exercise 7a - Ljubljana the biggest/largest town in Slovenia. [267,000 inhabitants] - The Sava is the longest river in Slovenia. [948 km, in Slovenia 221 km] - Triglav is the highest mountain in Slovenia. [2,864 m] - July is the warmest month of the year. - January is the coldest month of the year. - April/October is the wettest month of the year. - Lake Bohinj is the largest lake in Slovenia. [318 hectares]. The largest lake in Slovenia is in fact Lake Cerknica [2,400 hectares], but it's a periodic lake. - Lake Bohinj is the deepest lake in Slovenia. [44.5 m] The deepest lake in Slovenia is in fact Lake Velenje [55.8 m], but it's an artificial/man-made lake that has been sinking/moving downwards because of the coal-mine. - Ptuj is the oldest town in Slovenia. Exercise 9 (odgovori so številni, navajamo nekaj možnosti) 1. In Maths, Sue is the worst. In Maths, Daisy is better than Sue, but worse than Peggy. In Maths, Peggy is the best. / Peggy's Maths is the best. 2. Daisy's History is worse than Sue's and Peggy's. In History, Sue and Peggy are better than Daisy. 3. In Geography, Sue is better than Peggy, but worse than Daisy. In Geography, Daisy is the best. In Geography, Peggy came bottom. / In Geography, Daisy is the best. 4. Daisy's Science is the best. In Science, Peggy is better than Sue, but worse than Daisy. In Science, Peggy came second. In Science, Sue came bottom. 5. Peggy's Conduct is the worst. In Conduct, Daisy is better than Sue. 6. Daisy's report is the best of all. Peggy's report was better than Sue's. Sue's report is the worst of all. Peggy came second. Exercise 10 1. The giant anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world. Some weigh 227 kg. That's as heavy as three men. 2. The Dead Sea is the saltiest sea in the world. This saltwater lake is about nine times as salty as the ocean. 3. The smallest country in the world is the Vatican City. It covers only 44 hectares (440.000 sq. m). 4. The Mariana Trench is the deepest ocean valley. There, the ocean floor is 11,033 m below the surface. 5. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railroad line in the world (9,010 km). 6. Pluto is the furthest planet from the Sun. Light from the Sun takes eleven hours to reach it. GRAMMAR TIME OUT (stran 104) Presežnik pridevnika tvorimo tako, da dodamo obrazilo -est. Pri pridevnikih, ki se končajo na -e, v presežniku dodamo samo -st. Pri pridevnikih, ki se končajo na -y, se -y spremeni v -i ^ -iest. (THE USA QUIZ, stran 104) 1. C; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C; 6. A; 7. B; 8. C; 9. C; 10. B A 5 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the USA) Exercise 2 expensive—the most expensive; famous—the most famous; common— the most common; popular—the most popular; important—the most important; attractive—the most attractive; interesting—the most interesting GRAMMAR TIME OUT (stran 107) Primernik dolgih pridevnikov tvoriš z more, ko stopnjuješ navzgor, in z less, ko stopnjuješ navzdol. Presežnik tvoriš z the most, ali the least. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 107) 1. Kakšni so Britanci? 2. Njihovo obnašanje/vedenje je boljše od našega. / Vesti se znajo bolje od nas./ Njihove manire so boljše od naših. / So bolj olikani/vljudni, kot smo mi. 3. Vreme v Kanadi je veliko slabše kot v Britaniji. 4. London je dražji od Ljubljane. 5. Pluton je planet, najbolj oddaljen od Sonca. 6. Mont Blanc je najvišja gora v Evropi. 7. Nogomet je manj zanimiv kot smučanje. 8. Kanada je druga največja država na svetu. 9. Kdo je najboljši športnik/športnica v našem razredu? 10. Peggy ima boljše spričevalo kot Sue. Peggyjino spričevalo je boljše od spričevala Sue. A 6 A SONG ABOUT MYSELF Exercise 2 The naughty boy found that ... the ground in Scotland was hard as in England. a yard as long a song merry a cherry red lead weighty fourscore eighty a door wooden Exercise 4 1. Gary's room is as big as Ivy's, but it isn't as big as Becky's. 2. Uncle Bob is as heavy as Uncle Dan, but he isn't as heavy as Uncle Sam. 3. Mary is as tall as Pam, but she isn't as tall as Pat. 4. A Peugeot is as fast as a VW, but it isn't as fast as a Ferrari. 5. Rome is as hot as Athens, but it isn't as hot as Madrid. / In Rome, it's as hot as in Athens, but it's not as hot as in Madrid. Exercise 5 No, they both weigh the same. Feathers are lighter than iron, so you need many more to get the same weight. Exercise 6 1. Kate; 2. Sue; 3. Daisy; 4. Betty; 5. Alice Exercise 8a, 8b 1. as quiet as a mouse tih kot miška 2. as free as a bird svoboden kot ptica (ptiček na veji), kot veter 3. as busy as a bee priden kot čebela, kot mravlja 4. as old as the hills star kot zemlja 5. as sharp as a razor oster kot britev 6. as black as coal črn kot saje, kot oglje, kot noč, kot vran 7. as flat as a pancake raven kot deska 8. as brave as a lion pogumen kot lev 9. as cold as ice mrzel kot led 10. as light as a feather lahek kot pero, kot sapica 11. as hard as rock trd kot kamen 12. as sweet as honey sladek kot med 13. as pretty as a picture ljubka, lepa kot roža, lepa kot slika 14. as green as grass zelen kot trava 15. as white as snow bel kot sneg 16. as proud as a peacock ošaben, nadut kot pav B1 AT THE MILLENNIUM DOME Exercise 2 1. False. The tourists are queuing up at the Millennium Dome. 2. True. 3. False. Tory hasn't got a watch. 4. False. Palmira and Tito are standing in queue too. 5. False. They are Spanish. 6. True. They come from a town called Toledo. 7. False. They are Canadian. 8. True. 9. True. Exercise 4a 1. Stamp number one is from Ireland. / It's Irish. 2. Stamp number two is from Slovenia. / It's Slovene / Slovenian. 3. Stamp number three is from (Great) Britain. / It's British. 4. Stamp number four is from Italy. / It's Italian. 5. Stamp number five is from Australia. / It's Australian. 6. Stamp number six is from the Netherlands. / It's Dutch. 7. Stamp number seven is from the USA. / It's American. 8. Stamp number eight is from Switzerland. / It's Swiss. 9. Stamp number nine is from Spain. / It's Spanish. 10. Stamp number ten is from France. / It's French. Exercise 4c Stamp 1: a bird (a robin); Eire (= Irish Gaelic name for the Republic of Ireland) Stamp 2: mountains, the Goldenhorn Stamp 3: Princess Diana (or Lady Di): 1961-1997 Stamp 4: a Vespa (a motor scooter) Stamp 5: a kangaroo, a map of Australia Stamp 6: a tulip Stamp 7: an astronaut; the first man on the moon (Neil Armstrong walking on the moon), a spaceship (the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon), the Earth Stamp 8: a town (Luzern); 800th anniversary of the city of Luzern (11781978) Stamp 9: Guernica (a painting by Picasso). Guernica is a town in the Basque area of North Spain, which was destroyed by bombs dropped by German aircraft in 1937, during the Spanish civil war. Picasso's picture 'Guernica' shows the destruction of the town. Stamp 10: a sports event, a sports championship Exercise 5 1. They speak German in Austria. - They speak German in Austria. 2. They speak Greek in Norway. - No, they don't. 3. They speak French in Canada. - They speak French in Canada. 4. They speak Finnish in Finland. - They speak Finnish in Finland. 5. They speak Dutch in Ireland. - No, they don't. 6. They speak Dutch in the Netherlands. - They speak Dutch in the Netherlands. 7. They speak Italian in Switzerland. - They speak Italian in Switzerland. 8. They speak French in Switzerland. - They speak French in Switzerland. 9. They speak Russian in Slovenia. - No, they don't. 10. They speak Greek in Greece. - They speak Greek in Greece. Exercise 6a Matryoshkas Vikings the kangaroo Lego bricks bullfights the Eiffel Tower the kozolec the Beetle red double-deckers spaghetti the Olympic games Russia Norway, Sweden, Denmark Australia Denmarkk Spain, Portugal France Slovenia Germany Britain, Ireland Italy Greece the St. Bernard dog the sauna yodelling / yodellers the Atomium wind mills the buffalo Guinness beer Pippi Longstocking Count Dracula Switzerland Finland Austria Belgium the Netherlands the USA Ireland Sweden Romania Exercise 6b (možne povezave) trolls (Norway, Sweden, Denmark—Scandinavia), beautiful fjords (Norway), the Alps (Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany, France); the boomerang (Australia), the midnight sun (Norway, Finland), castanets (Spain), fans (Spain), Flamenco dancing (Spain), perfumes (France), the 'human fish' (Slovenia), the Lipizzaners (Slovenia, Austria), cuckoo clocks (Germany), Robin Hood (Britain), Big Ben (Britain), the Beatles (Britain), the Royal Family (Britain), pizza (Italy), the Leaning Tower (Italy), mozzarella (Italy), mortadella (Italy), Milka chocolate (Switzerland), Emmenthal cheese (Switzerland), Alphornplayers (Switzerland, Austria, Germany), Santa Claus' home / Village in Lapland (Finland), Nokia (Finland), Edelweiss (Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Germany), leather breeches / leather shorts (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), the Acropolis (Greece), tulips (the Netherlands), clogs (the Netherlands), Coca-Cola (the USA), the Statue of Liberty (the USA), great outdoors (Ireland, Britain, Slovenia, etc.). C PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1b attrActive; outgOing; Interesting; impOrtant; pOpular; cUrtain; lAzybones; Evergreen; kIlometre; geOgraphy; cOnduct E CULTURAL BEACH-HEAD 13 - wayside shrine; wayside chapel 6 - the linden tree 2 - the button accordion 4 - the kurent (or: korant) 11 - the beehive panel 5 - the kozolec; the hayrack 14 - the Goldenhorn 3 - the klopotec; the wind-rattle bird-scarer 8 - woodenware; woodcraft and basketwork sellers, the Ribnica peddlers 10 - honeybread hearts 15 - orehova potica; walnut roll 12 - Alpine herdsmen, Alpine dairymen 1 - the red carnation 9 - the Lipizzaner, the Lipica horse 16 - buckwheat 7 - the salt-pans at Sečovlje G SLURP UP WORDS: Flowers • What colour are poppies?—They are red. • Which flowers can you see in the garden?—Tulips, carnations, sunflowers, violets, lavender, daffodils, roses, forget-me-nots, lilacs, chrysanthemums. • Which flowers can you see in the meadow?—Primroses, daisies, poppies, snowdrops, dandelions, forget-me-nots, violets. • Which flowers do we usually put on a grave?—Chrysanthemums. I BITS AND BOBS Comparisons As wet as a fish— As live as a bird— As heavy as lead As steady as time As hot as an oven As gay as a lark— As red as a rose— As bold as a thief as dry as a bone; as dead as a stone; as light as a feather; —uncertain as weather; —as cold as a frog; as sick as a dog; as square as a box; —as sly as a fox. PLAY ON WORDS Why is Sunday the strongest day? - Because all the others are weak (week) days. UNIT 5: LIFE IN THE FUTURE KOLA2 (stran 119) I. b Vesoljski potniki/popotniki; Leta 2050; 2ivljenje v 21. stoletju; Piknik v vesolju; Obiskovalci z Zemlje I. c I. They are having a picnic. 2. They are in space. 3. No, they haven't got a car. They've got a spaceship. 4. It's spring or summer. 5. It's difficult to tell. It could be day or night. 6. Yes, they're having a good time. II. a Mr Frazer a clown 4th floor a stunt man Mr Wilde Mrs Evans a waitress 3rd floor a magician Mr Collins Mr Parry a cook / a chef 2nd floor a model Ms Crawford Mrs Hyde a nurse 1st floor a flight attendant Ms Hall Ms Yost a ballerina ground floor a workman Mr Wren A1 LIFE IN THE FUTURE: Will it be better or worse? Exercise 2a I. T ; 2. T ; 3. F ; 4. F ; 5. F ; 6. F ; 7. F ; 8. T ; 9. T ; 10. ? (not given) ; II. T ; 12. T ; 13. F ; 14. F Exercise 2b a word that means the same as a word that means the opposite of film movie late early not allowed out grounded stay home go out come home come in next last father dad slow fast angry cross past future understand get it for the worse for the better children kids lenient strict silly, foolish ridiculous yesterday tomorrow almost nearly easier harder in the end eventually have no idea, not know anything not have a clue answer respond make produce not real, false artificial two or more people guys pay for someone else (my) treat not have any money be broke Exercise 3a • Describe the picture. Jill is a robot. It is busy. It is doing the hoovering. Lorna is going out. She would like to borrow her mum's spaceship. Mrs Universe is sitting on the couch. She is watching commercials on TV. Brian is watching TV too. He would like to take a trip to the moon. Jackie is a robot too. It is serving some food and drink. Mr Universe is in his study. He is talking to his computer. • Who are Jill and Jackie? Are they humans or robots? Jill and Jackie are robots. Exercise 4a Megan Corey Vicky housing we'll live in 3-element houses (air, earth, water) people will build houses and cities underground we'll build normal houses school & learning there will be no school; think children will stay at home, and they will learn from television and computer will change for the better; big computers: type everything that the teacher says; students will record lessons on CDs school week will be shorter; robots will teach some of the lessons machines & technology travel by skycars (on solar energy) robots and computers will do most of the work computers will rule the world; computers will have feelings; there will be lots of radio- and voice-controlled machines Exercise 7 2. She'll have to walk home. / She'll have to pay to get her car back. 3. He'll have to shovel away the snow. 4. She'll have to go to the supermarket and buy some food. 5. He'll have to go to the dentist's. 6. She'll have to stand up. 7. He'll have to go on a diet. 8. She'll have to ask her schoolmate for help. Exercise 9 I. There are too many people. There aren't enough chairs. She will have to stand up. She won't be able to sit down. 2. They won't have to pay to go in. They will be able to go in for free. 3. There are too many cars. There aren't enough parking spaces. She won't be able to park her car. 4. You will have to use the yoghurt by 15th June. 5. There aren't any trees. There is a lot of snow. He will be able to go skiing. 6. He will be able to park his car for free. He won't have to pay to park his car. 7. There are too many speedboats. There isn't enough wind. He won't be able to go windsurfing. 8. He won't be able to dive. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 125) 1. Če pohitimo, lahko se vedno ujamemo film ob 20.00/osmih. 2. V prihodnosti se bo veliko stvari/marsikaj spremenilo na bolje/ izboljšalo. 3. V prihodnjih petdesetih letih bo teže razlikovati med človekom in strojem. 4. Zdravniki bodo lahko nadomestili/zamenjali vse dele telesa. 5. Ali bodo računalniki sposobni narediti umetne ljudi? - Ne, mislim, da ne. / Ne verjamem. 6. Kje se je rodil Srečko Kosovel?—Nimam pojma. / Še sanja se mi ne. 7. Potolaži se! / Glavo pokonci! / Ne bodi žalosten! V prihodnosti starši ne bodo tako strogi.—Kar sanjaj! / Kar misli si! 8. Plačajo fantje, ker sta Amy in Emma 'suhi'. / Fantje 'častijo', ker sta Amy in Emma brez ficka/brez prebite pare. 9. Nekatere stvari bodo vedno enake. / Nekatere stvari se ne bodo nikoli spremenile. Dekleta bodo vedno dekleta. 10. Ne verjamem, da bodo Nezemljani pristali na Zemlji. / Po mojem Nezemljani ne bodo nikoli pristali na Zemlji. II. Berlin bo prestolnica/glavno mesto Združenih držav Evrope. 12. V prihodnosti bodo ljudje gradili velika mesta pod morjem. 13. Ko bom star(a) 25 let, bom veliko potoval(a). 14. Ko bom star(a) 20 let, bom na pogled drugačen/drugačna, kot sem zdaj. / ... ne bom taka, kot sem zdaj. 15. Ni dovolj sedežev/stolov. Morala bo stati. Ne bo se mogla usesti. A2 WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR YOU? Exercise 2 1. I'll go swimming then. 2. Oh no, I forgot. I'll do it now. 3. I'll wash them up for you. 4. Oh, I'll answer it. 5. I think I'll choose/have the one with letter N. 6. I'll open the door. 7. I'll carry it for you. 8. Thank you. I'll send you a postcard. 9. Leave it in the garage. I'll have a look at it tomorrow. Exercise 4a In the north It'll rain in the north tomorrow. The temperature will be around 10 or 11 degrees. In the south It won't rain in the south. It'll be dry and cloudy, but there will be some sunshine too. The temperature will be around 12 or 13 degrees. In the east In the east, it'll be dry and sunny all day, but there will be some clouds in the north-east of the country. The temperature will be around 12 or 13 degrees. In the west It'll be rainy in the west, with a temperature around 13 degrees. Exercise 4b Austria In the south-east of Austria, it'll be dry and cloudy with a little sunshine. The temperature will be around 8 to 10. It'll be rainy and there will be even some snow in the south-west of Austria. The temperature will be around 7or 8. Italy In the north-east of Italy, it'll be dry and mostly sunny. The temperature will be around 12 or 13. Croatia In the west of Croatia, it'll be dry and cloudy, with some sunshine. The temperature will be around 12 or 13. Hungary In the south-west of Hungary, it'll be sunny. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 131) 1. Kaj ti prinaša prihodnost? / Kaj se ti obeta v prihodnosti? 2. Mislim, da bom izbral(a) piškot s črko K.—V redu. Razlomil(a) ga bom. 3. Ugani, kaj piše. / Ugani, kaj je napisano. / Ugani, kaj pravi. Zaljubil(a) se boš v nekoga, ki ga že poznaš. 4. Kmalu/Hitro boš ugotovil(a), da prijatelja spoznaš v nesreči. 5. Grem po nakupih. / Grem po trgovinah.—Oh, kaj res? Potem grem pa s tabo. 6. In zdaj vremenska napoved za prihodnjih 24 ur. 7. Torek bo v Angliji in Walesu večinoma deževen. 8. Kakšno bo v Atenah vreme ob koncu tedna?—Verjetno bo oblačno. / Vse kaže, da bo oblačno. / Po pričakovanjih bo oblačno. / Obeta se oblačno vreme. 9. Jutri bo oblačno, z nekaj dežja v popoldanskem času. 10. Na jugovzhodu in v srednji Angliji/v pokrajini Midlands bo ves dan sončno, z najvišjo temperaturo 18 stopinj Celzija. 11. Kje je Ptuj? / Kje leži Ptuj?—Na severovzhodu Slovenije. B1 SULKY JACK 10. No, I don't think so. I'll finish my book. 11. Oh, thank you. I'll have some apple juice. 12. I'll switch on the light. 13. Oh, are you? I'll come with you then. 14. No, it's okay. I'll sit on the floor. 15. I'll turn up the TV. 16. Oh, I'll lend you some if you like. A3 THE WEATHER FORECAST Exercise 2 J - rainbow E - fog It's foggy. K - temperature (cold, cool, warm, hot) D - wind It's windy. The wind is blowing. A - sun It's sunny. The sun is shining. B - rain It's raining. G - hail Hail is falling. It's hailing. H - lightening Lightening hit the tree. C - snow It's snowing. F - storm It's stormy. I - weather-cock Exercise 3b Exercise 2 Questions Where is Jack? What is Jack doing? 3 Why is Jack grounded? 4 Where would he like to go tomorrow? 5 Where is the new pop group from? 6 What does he have to figure out? 7 What annoys Jack? 8 When does his father drive Jack mad? 9 What will happen, when Jack grows up? 10 What will he be, when he grows up? 11 Why does he want to become a politician? Answers 1 He is in his room. 2 He is studying Maths. / He is e-mailing his friend Bob. 3 Because he had his ear pierced. 4 To a pop concert. 5 From New Zealand. 6 How to bring his parents round to let him go to the concert. 7 When his parents say: "When we were young, things used to be different." 8 When he comes into his room and turns down the music. 9 He'll do whatever he pleases. / He won't give hard time to his children. 10 He'll be a politician. 11 Because he wants to defend teenagers' rights. ■ Scotland and Northern Ireland: cloudy all day, won't rain; warmer than yesterday; temperature 10-11 degrees ■ the North West and the North East of England: some rain, some storms with thunder and lightning; temperature 12 degrees ■ the South West and Wales: rain in the morning, dry and sunny all afternoon, temperature 15 degrees ■ the South East and the Midlands: sunny all day, temperature 18 degrees FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 134) 1. Zelo veliko domače naloge smo dobili. / Imamo veliko domače naloge. 2. Včeraj sem si dal preluknjati uho, to pa seveda ni osrečilo mojih staršev. 3. Zdaj ne smem ven in tudi jutri na koncert ne. / Zdaj sem v hišnem priporu in ne pustijo me niti na jutrišnji koncert. 4. Moram se domisliti, kako naj starša pregovorim, da me bosta spustila na svobodo. 5. Resnično me spravi ob živce/razjezi, kadar rečeta: "Ko sva bila midva mlada, je bilo vse drugače." 6. Včasih komaj čakam, da odrastem. 7. Ko bom odrastel/odrasla, bom svoboden/svobodna kot ptiček na veji. 8. Delal(a) bom, kar bom hotel(a), predvsem pa ne bom 'težil(a)' svojim otrokom. 9. Upam, da se kmalu slišiva. / Upam, da bos kmalu odgovoril(a). / Upam, da se bos kmalu oglasil(a). 10. Kaj storiš, ko si utruješ(a)?—V kad zlezem. / Privoščim si vročo kopel. / Pripravim si penečo se kopel. 11. Kaj te razjezi? 12. Kaj te razbesni? / Kaj te spravi ob pamet?—Če starša v mojo sobo stopita brez trkanja. B2 WHAT WILL YOU BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Exercise 1 a fireman, a cowboy, pilots, a farmer, a president, a pirate, an astronaut Exercise 2 A president leads his/her country. An astronaut travels to Mars very often. A farmer raises animals. A pirate sails his/her ship every day. A cowboy chases after cows if they run away. A pirate has adventures on his/her way. A cowboy lives on a ranch and rides everywhere on his horse. An astronaut flies his/her rocket to the moon. A pilot flies all sorts of planes. A fire-fighter fights fires. A farmer plants corn, potatoes, and wheat. A president makes important decisions. Exercise 6a Exercise 2 (stran 139) FEMALE MALE a singer a singer a painter a painter a policewoman a policeman a cook a cook a stewardess a steward a model a model an actress an actor a bus driver a bus driver a housewife a house husband a shop assistant a shop assistant an engineer an engineer a reporter a reporter a vet a vet a hairdresser a hairdresser a postwoman a postman a waitress a waiter Exercise 7a Picture Job Kate 3 an actress Benjamin 8 a writer Sue 5 a photographer Jack 6 a marine biologist Ellen 2 a tourist guide Mike 7 a vet Bob 4 a musician (a rock star) Judy 1 a clown Exercise 1 (stran 138) Exercise 3 (stran 139) 1. painter (slikar-ka) 2. worker (delavec, delavka) 3. singer (pevec, pevka) 4. cleaner (čistilec, čistilka) 5. climber (plezalec, plezalka, alpinist, alpinistka) 6. farmer (kmet, kmetovalec, kmetica, kmetovalka) 7. dancer (plesalec, plesalka) 8. driver (voznik, voznica) 9. player (igralec, igralka, tekmovalec, tekmovalka) 10. reader (bralec, bralka) 11. speaker (govorec, govornik, govornica) 12. waiter (natakar, strežnik) 13. reporter (novinar-ka) 14. interpreter (tolmač, tolmačica) 6 in a garage C PRONUNCIATION 15, 3 abroad 5 at the police station 9 in an office Exercise 1b 14 outdoors 1. In the north it'll be dry and sunny. 2 in a hospital 2. There'll be clouds but it won't rain. 1 in a restaurant 3. I'll go to school tomorrow. 13 at home 4. She'll go to bed at 9 pm. 3 on a plane 5. We won't be at school on Sunday. 12 at a hairdressing salon 6. They'll help us with our homework. 7 at school 7. It'll be hot tomorrow so I'll wear my new T-shirt. 4 on a farm 8. When will the bus be here? We'll be late. 8 in a factory 9. Don't worry. It'll soon be here. 10 in a coal mine 11 in a shop Exercise 1c 1 We'll have a big house. 2 I live in Liverpool. 3 You'll understand it. 4 I have a shower every morning. 5 She listens to the news every day. 6 They'll work in the afternoon. 7 I hope I see you soon. 8 We'll walk to work. Exercise 2 Weather forecast And is the weather changing now? It is, but I can't tell you how. You're asking if the wind will blow. 1. a teacher—F, M But, as for that, I do not know. 2. a cook—F, M Perhaps the weather map will show. 3. a bus driver—F, M It's hardly likely it will snow. 4. a model—F, M Although the temperature is low. 5. a stewardess—F 6. a mechanic—F, M F EXTRA READING 7. a biologist—F, M 8. an engineer—F, M Find out (1) which job is mentioned in the text, and (2) what Pippi says 9. a painter—F, M about the weather in her letter. 10. a hairdresser—F, M 1. a postman (pismonoša), a postmaster (poštni direktor) 11. a policeman—M 2. nuffing rong with the wether hear (= nothing wrong with the weather 12. a waitress—F here) 13. a housewife—F 14. a factory worker—F, M G SLURP UP WORDS! Useful Jobs 15. a nurse—F 16. a photographer—F, M 1. a tailor/a dressmaker 17. a pilot—F, M 2. a clockmaker/a watchmaker 18. a secretary—F, M 3. a bricklayer 19. a fire-fighter—F, M 4. a beautician 20. a lawyer—F, M 5. a goldsmith 6. a plumber 7. an optician 8. a carpenter 9. an electrician 10. a locksmith 11. a shoemaker 12. a gardener H ENGLISH OBSERVED (stran 147) I. Vremenski pregovori (weather proverbs) 1. Nesreča nikoli ne pride sama. - It never rains but it pours. 2. Za vsakim dežjem spet pride sonce. - After black clouds, clear weather. / After rain comes sunshine. 3. Vsako hudo ima nekaj dobrega. - Every cloud has a silver lining. 4. Pšenico je treba požeti, kadar je zrela. / Kuj železo, dokler je vroče. -Make hay while the sun shines. 5. Po toči zvoniti je prepozno. - There's no use crying over spilt milk. / It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. II. Pregovori v zvezi s poklici (proverbs related to jobs) 1. Vsak je svoje sreče kovač. - Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 2. Le čevlje sodi naj kopitar. - Let the cobbler stick to his last. / Every man to his own trade! 3. Veliko babic, kilavo dete. - Too many cooks spoil the broth. 4. Vsak mlinar napelje vodo na svoj mlin. - Every miller draws water to his own mill. 5. Na napakah se učimo.- Mistakes are often the best teachers. 6. Eno jabolko na dan odžene zdravnika stran. - An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 7. Kovačeva kobila je vedno bosa. - The cobbler's children go barefoot. / In a smith's house the knife is wooden. 8. Lakota je najboljši kuhar. / Lačnemu vse diši. - Hunger is the best sauce. 9. Kdor ne dela, naj ne je. - No labour, no bread. UNIT 6: IN TOWN II. Town words (kolaž, stran 151) 3 - a busker 16 - a pavement 21 - traffic lights 5 - a bench 7 - a fountain 9 - a bridge 4 - graffiti 12 - a tower clock 1 - a beggar 13 - a post box 10 - a roundabout 14 - a phone box 15 - a road sign 17 - a litter-bin 2 - a cash dispenser, a cash point 19 - a pedestrian crossing 11 - a square 20 - a lamppost 22 - a crossroads 8 - a drinking fountain 23 - a tree-lined avenue, an avenue of trees 18 - a news-stand 24 - a bottle bank 6 - a statue A1 A DAY OUT IN CHESTER Exercise 2 1. False. They are not taking a bus tour around Chester. They are going sightseeing on foot. / They are walking the city walls. / They are going for a walk around the city walls. 2. True. 3. False. He can't stand old buildings. 4. True. 5. True. 6. False. There are 57 steps. 7. True. 8. False. There is a telescope on the tower. 9. False. Dave is afraid of heights. 10. True. 11. False. Dave wants to go somewhere else. 12. False. Dave is tired and hungry. A2 BUILDINGS AND PLACES Dumbo: Can you find me in the picture above?—Dumbo is entering the disco. Exercise 2 (stran 154) 1. The Principal Secretary likes living in Mildendo because it's near the sea. It's a lovely city, and there are many places of interest. 2. Mildendo is famous for its old houses, its park and its harbour. 3. There is a lot to do in Mildendo. There are many cinemas and theatres. And there's a famous theme park too. 4. Cinemas, theatres, a theme park, a concert hall, a disco. 5. No, there isn't. There are many little old shops only. 6. No, they don't. They live in small houses with gardens. 7. (poljubni odgovor) Exercise 3a There is a hospital, a concert hall, a fire station, a library, a theme park, a park, a harbour, a museum, a cafe, a hotel, a police station, a pizza restaurant, a post office, a disco, a cinema, a theatre. Exercise 5a shops ✓ pubs ✓ swimming pool ✓ parks ✓ museums school ✓ cathedrals K river K old buildings K factory cafes ✓ theatres K cinemas K market K blocks of flats Exercise 8 1. The black dog is 5. Who is sitting in front 9. What is behind the statue? ■ under a tree. of the statue? ■ a cafe ■ a busker 2. What is in the cage? 6. How many people are 10. The ducks are ■ a parrot there on the bridge? ■ on the river. ■ two 3. There is a young man 7. The sun is 11. Where is the cage? ■ in front of the phone ■ between the clouds ■ in the boat box. 4. There is an old woman 8. Where is the white dog? 12. What's on the statue? ■ on the bench. ■ in the fountain ■ a bird FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 157) 1. Nočem na ogled znamenitosti. / Nočem si ogledati mesta. / Nočem si ogledati znamenitosti. 2. Tam je stolp. / Tamle je stolp. 3. S stolpa lahko vidijo celotno mesto. / S stolpa se vidi po vsem mestu. 4. Razgled je osupljiv/neverjeten/čudovit. 5. Dave se boji višine. / Davea je strah višine. 6. V Chestru je mogoče videti veliko zanimivih stvari. / V Chestru je mogoče videti veliko zanimivega. 7. Utrujen(a) in lačen/lačna sem. Ali je čas za kosilo? / Ali je čas kosila? 8. Ne prenašam starih stavb/hiš. / Stare stavbe/hiše mi gredo na živce / ... so mi zoprne. 9. Chester slovi/je znan po svoji katedrali. 10. Ali je veliko krajev/možnosti za zabavo? 11. Ali rad(a) živiš v Chestru? / Ali ti je všeč življenje v Chestru? 12. Na reki je nekaj čolnov. 13. Ni velikega nakupovalnega središča, je pa veliko majhnih, starih trgovin. 14. Gasilski dom je na vogalu ulic Wall Street in Bridge Road, poleg/ zraven kina. A3 THINGS TO SEE AND DO Exercise 2 1. False. They want to visit the cathedral. 2. True. 3. True. 4. False. You can eat pizza at the sandwich bar. 5. False. The cathedral isn't far. 6. True. 7. False. She's always sick on the Big Wheel. 8. True. Exercise 3a Where can I see a film?—You should go to the cinema. Where can I buy some fruit and vegetables?—You should go to the market. Where can I get a room?—You should go to the hotel. Where can I buy a CD?—You should go to the music shop. Where can I go swimming?—You should go to the swimming pool. Where can I buy some stamps?—You should go to the post office. Where can I go for a walk?—You should go to the park. Where can I go dancing?—You should go to the disco. Where can I see some very old cars?—You should go to the car museum. Where can I buy a book?—You should go to the bookshop. Exercise 3b 1. He is buying a new pair of jeans.—He is at the clothes shop. 2. He is on the Big Wheel.—He is at the theme park. 3. He is 4. He is 5. He is 6. He is 7. He is 8. He is 9. He is 10. He is 10. He is watching ships come and go.—He is at the harbour. Exercise 3c (možni odgovori) What can you do at the clothes shop? - You can buy clothes at the clothes shop. What can you do at the post office? - You can buy stamps/send letters/ send parcels/make a telephone call at the post office. What can you do at the disco? - You can dance /have fun at the disco. What can you do at the pizza place? - You can have/eat pizza at the pizza place. What can you do at the swimming pool? - You can swim at the swimming pool. What can you do at the library? - You can borrow/read books at the library. / You can study at the library. What can you do at the cinema? - You can watch a film at the cinema. What can you do at the bookshop? - You can buy books at the bookshop. What can you do at the market? - You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables at the market. What can you do at the music shop? - You can buy/listen to CDs at the music shop. What can you do at the theme park? - You can have a lot of fun at the theme park. / You can go on the Big Wheel /the Dodgems/the Corkscrew/the Rapids, etc. at the theme park. What can you do at the zoo? - You can see/watch interesting animals at the zoo. What can you do at the theatre? - You can watch a play at the theatre. What can you do at the museum? - You can see a lot of old things at the museum. / You can learn a lot (about history) at the museum. What can you do at the church? - You can attend a church service / You can attend mass / You can pray / You can make your confession at the church. A4 DIRECTIONS Exercise 2 11 - Turn left at the traffic lights. 10 - Turn right after the pedestrian crossing. 9 - Cross the road/street. 3 - Go straight on and take the second left. 4 - At the roundabout, turn left. 5 - At the crossroads, turn right. 2 - Turn right into Park Road. 1 - Go along High Street. 6 - Go past the supermarket. 12 - Go over the bridge. 8 - Go straight on until you come to the church. Then turn left. 7 - Go to the end of Baker Street, and turn right at the school. Exercise 4 (možni odgovori) A. from the church (5) to the bank (11): Turn right into Park Rd. Go straight on until you come to the bank. It's on your right, next to the police station. B. from the car park (8) to the post office (1): Go along Beak St. The Post office is down the street, on your right, opposite the church. C. from the petrol station (13) to the hospital (4): Go along Station Rd, and turn left into Beak St. Go straight on until you come to the post office on your right. At the traffic lights turn right into Park Rd. Cross the road, and you'll see the hospital in front of you. It's opposite the post office and the police station. D. from the music shop (10) to the sports shop (2): Turn right into Park Rd. Go straight on, past the hospital on your left and the post office on your right. Go to the next traffic lights, and cross the road. You'll see the sports shop in front of you. You can't miss it. E. from the school (7) to the supermarket (12): Go straight on and take the second left. It's in Baker St. You'll see it on your right. F. from the park (3) to the cinema (16): Go straight on and turn right into Park Rd. Go along Park Rd. until you come to the church. At the church, turn left into King's St. Go straight on, the cinema is the third building on your right. G. from the railway station (6) to the police station (15): Go straight on, along Beak St. At the traffic lights, turn right into Baker St. The police station is on your left, next to the post office. H. from the bookshop (9) to the market (14): It's in front of you, just across the street. / Cross the street, it's over there, next to the church. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 163) 1. Shirley, Vicky in Dave si ogledujejo Chester. / ... si ogledujejo znamenitosti Chestra. 2. Oglejmo si katedralo/stolnico. Ni daleč. / Blizu je. 3. V lokalu/bistroju s sendviči lahko naročiš/dobiš tudi pico. 4. Umiram od lakote. / Sestradan(a) sem. Moram nekaj pojesti. 5. 2ejen/2ejna sem. Moram nekaj popiti/spiti. 6. Nismo se izgubili. Poznam Chester. / Znajdem se v C. / Vem, kje je kaj v C. 7. Počakaj malo! / Stoj! Daj mi zemljevid. 8. Ali nam lahko, prosim, poveste, kako se pride do katedrale? 9. Prečkaj(te) cesto. / Pojdi(te) čez cesto. 10. Pojdi(te) naravnost, dokler ne prideš/pridete do cerkve. Ne moreš/ morete je zgrešiti/spregledati. 11. Pri semaforju (na krožišču, na križišču, pri kinu) zavij(te) levo. 12. Pri prehodu za pešce zavij(te) desno. 13. Zavij(te) levo v ulico Park Road. 14. Pojdi(te) po ulici High Street, mimo supermarketa. / Pojdi(te) vzdolž ulice High Street, . 15. Pojdi(te) čez most in zavijte v drugo ulico levo. B1 MEANS OF TRANSPORT Exercise 1 Daniel: Mr Brown: Sally: Shirley: Naomi: Simon: on/by scooter by underground, by train by boat, by ferry walk/on foot by plane, by taxi cycle/by bike, by car Exercise 2 name means of transport time Virginia by bike 15 minutes Nick walk 40 minutes Patsy on foot, by underground 45 minutes Greg by school bus 45 minutes, sometimes more than an hour Ron parents - by car 10 minutes Anabeli and her schoolmates walk, by plane, by minibus 5 minutes (by plane), 15 minutes (by minibus) B2 UNUSUAL WAYS OF GETTING ABOUT Exercise 1a 1. slika zgoraj levo: text 2; 2. slika zgoraj na sredi: text 3; 3. slika zgoraj desno: text 4; 4. slika spodaj levo: text 1; 5. slika spodaj desno: text 5 Exercise 2 4 - At Hogwart's, a prestigious school of witchcraft, Harry Potter learned how to fly a broom. [...] 7 - In 1908, Robert Peary led an expedition to the North Pole. [...] 8 - The magic carpet flies Aladdin up to Jasmine's balcony to talk to her. [...] In the past, messengers delivered messages. They travelled on foot or on horseback. [.] Icarus and his father, Daedalus, wanted to escape from the island of Crete by flying. [...] The Pony Express delivered mail by horseback. [...] The largest animal of the desert is the camel. It is called the 'Ship of the Desert'. [...] Martin Krpan smuggled salt from Trieste to Carniola on a worn-out old horse (little mare). 3 - 6 - 1 - 5 - 2 - B3 ROAD SAFY Exercise 1a 12 - Maximum speed limit 7 - No overtaking 16 - Underground 13 - Stop 1 - No through road 6 - Children going to or from school 4 - Cyclists only 5 - Cats crossing 18 - Parking place 2 - No cycling 3 - Give way 15 - Green man signal 10 - Bus stop 8 - Information 17 - No right turn 11 - Red man signal 14 - Pedestrian crossing 9 - No entry Exercise 1d a circle a triangle a square a rectangle an octagon circular, round triangular square rectangular octagonal 2, 4, 7, 9, (11), 12, (15), 16, 17 3, 6, 14 1, 18 5, (6), 8, 10, (11), (15), (16) 13 Exercise 2a 1. You must ride your bike on quiet roads, if you can. 2. You must wear a cycle helmet. If you have an accident, it can protect your head. 3. You mustn't ride your bike on the pavement. 4. You must stop at a pedestrian crossing. 5. You mustn't ride side by side. 6. You mustn't carry friends on your bike. 7. You mustn't ride with no hands. You must keep both hands on the handlebars. 8. You mustn't hold onto other cyclists. 9. You must give hand signals. 10. You mustn't play or do tricks. Remember—your bike is not a toy! Exercise 2b In picture B, she is not wearing a cycle helmet. You must wear a cycle helmet. In picture C, she is riding her bike on the pavement. You mustn't ride your bike on the pavement. In picture D, she is not stopping at a pedestrian crossing. You must stop at a pedestrian crossing. In picture E, she is riding side by side. You mustn't ride side by side. In picture F, she is carrying a friend on her bike. You mustn't carry friends on your bike. In picture G, she is riding with no hands. She is not keeping both hands on the handlebars. You mustn't ride with no hands. You must keep both hands on the handlebars. In picture H, she is holding onto her friend's bicycle. You mustn't hold onto other cyclists. In picture I, she is not giving hand signals. You must give hand signals. In picture J, she is playing tricks. You mustn't play or do tricks. Your bike is not a toy! Exercise You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't You mustn't 3 climb trees. cycle / ride a bike. kiss. jog. play music. take photos. pick flowers. sit on the grass. play ball games. laugh. fish. swim. feed the ducks. FUN-TASTIC ENGLISH-SLOVENIAN COMPUTER (stran 171) 1. Pennyjin oče se v službo vozi s podzemno (železnico) in z vlakom. 2. Navadno//Po navadi grem od doma ob petnajst čez osem/četrt na devet. 3. Kako hodiš v šolo?—S šolskim avtobusom (peš, s kolesom, z rolerji). 4. Michael pride/prispe v šolo ob pol devetih. 5. Vožnja/Pot v šolo traja več kot eno uro. 6. Starši me v šolo vozijo z avtom. 7. Od doma do moje šole sta samo dva kilometra. / Šola je od mojega doma oddaljena samo dva kilometra. 8. Koliko časa porabiš za pot v šolo? / Koliko časa traja tvoja pot v šolo?—Porabim/Traja deset minut. / Deset minut. 9. Tukaj ne smeš prehitevati. / Tukaj je prehitevanje prepovedano. 10. Voziti moraš/morate zelo previdno. V bližini je šola. 11. Tukaj lahko kolesariš. / Tukaj je dovoljeno kolesariti. 12. Tukaj lahko dobiš/dobimo turistične informacije. / Tukaj so na voljo/je moč/mogoče dobiti turistične informacije. 13. Rdeča luč je. Ne smeš prečkati ceste/ Ne smeš čez cesto. 14. Kakšne oblike je znak za prednostno cesto?—Trikoten je. / Trikotne. / Po obliki je trikoten. GRAMMAR TIME OUT (stran 172) Nasprotje od glagola must je (I) don't have to. C PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1a traffic lights ✓ concert K underground K, ✓ theatre K bridge ✓ river ✓ , K car park K, K market K Exercise 2a u: aU aU al school statue news-stand museum beautiful view zoo by tube by scooter through queue Exercise 2c fountain crossroads traffic lights pavement roundabout post box road sign great view tower playground lamppost boat disco hotel phone box sightseeing straight heights library behind cycle by bike famous cafe entertainment railway station weigh by train u: aU aU al el oo, ue, ew, u, eau, ough, ueue ou, o, oa, o igh, ig, eigh, i, y a, ea, aigh, e, ai, eigh E CULTURAL BEACH-HEAD Exercise a (stran 174) 5 1 2 4 3 The British drive on the left. The buses in London are red. [...] Barber's pole. [...] You will find different post boxes in most towns and villages. [...] The British queue for everything. [...] Pubs are an important part of British life. [...] Exercise b (stran 174) □ No, they don't. People in Slovenia drive on the right. □ Our buses are different colours (green, blue, red, ...). □ Our telephone boxes are different colours. □ No, they don't. People in Slovenia don't queue at bus stops. □ Our post boxes are yellow. □ Our taxis are different colours (white, black, etc.). □ No, there aren't any double deckers (i.e. double-decker buses) in Slovenia, only single-deckers (i.e. single-decker buses). In Slovenia, there are double-decker coaches only. □ Yes, there are. There are pub signs outside Slovenian pubs or gostilnas. G SLURP UP WORDS! Buildings and places 1. ice rink - skating 2. football stadium - sport 3. university - education 4. lighthouse - ships 5. town hall - local government 6. skyscraper - tall building 7. castle - kings and queens 8. pyramid - dead pharaohs 9. petrol station - motorway 10. cemetery - dead people 11. mall - shopping 12. airport - transport 13. opera house - classical music, musical play 14. art gallery - pictures 15. swimming pool - swimming trunks I BITS AND BOBS RIDDLES and ABSURD RIDDLES (stran 178) 6 - Throw a penny in first. 7 - By running. 8 - The pavement. 1 - A map. 10 - Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy. 2 - The letter 'R'. 3 - A bird in a submarine. 4 - Because it wanted to get to the other side. 5 - A taxi-driver. 9 - A traffic policeman. el RHYMES This is the key of the kingdom This is the key of the kingdom, In that kingdom there is a city, In that city there is a town , In that town there is a street, In that street there is a lane, In that lane there is a yard, In that yard there is a house, In that house there is a room, In that room there is a bed, On that bed there is a basket, In that basket there are some flowers, Flowers in a basket, Basket on the bed, Bed in the room, Room in the house, House in the yard, Yard in the lane, Lane in the street, Street in the town, Town in the city, City in the kingdom, Of that kingdom this is the key.