POKOJNI PAPEŽ Najznačilnejši dogodek za vlade papeža Pija XI., ki je umrl prošli teden, je bil brez dvoma sklep lateranskega pak¬ ta, ki je napravil konec fikciji, — nastali ob času združitve Italije v narodno državo, ko je cerkev izgubila posvetno oblast nad Rimom — da je papež “va¬ tikanski jetnik”. Če je s skle¬ pom tega pakta Mussolini cer¬ kev upregel v fašistični jarem, ali je cerkev dala fašizem na uzdo, je še vedno sporno vpra¬ šanje. V materijalnem oziru je cerkev brez dvoma nekoliko pri¬ dobila, dvomljivo pa je, če se je tem povečal njen moralni vpliv. Da so primorski Slovenci s sklepom lateranskega pakta pri¬ šli z dežja pod kap ter izgubili še tisto malo protekcije, ki so jo poprej uživali v verskem oziru, je znano dejstvo. Mnogo se piše, da je bil Pij XI. “mož miru”, in če bi se delo za mir med narodi merilo po apelih, bi bilo to res. Ampak dejstvo je, da vatikanska poli¬ tika preteklih let s svojim strastnim sovraštvom proti Sov¬ jetski Rusiji ni samo podprla svetovnega fašističnega vala, temveč je vsaj v dveh slučajih — v Avstriji in Španiji — defi¬ nitivno stala na strani tistih, ki so odločeni, da demokracijo zdrobijo v prah. V Avstriji se je ta kratkovidna taktika že maščevala tudi nad cerkvijo in isto se bo brez dvoma zgodilo, ako fašizem zavlada v Španiji. Znano je tudi, da je cerkev pod¬ pirala Mussolinijevo avanturo v Abesiniji. Odločno je nastopil pokojni papež zadnje čase proti rasistič¬ nemu kultu Hitlerjevega reži¬ ma ter obsodil njegovo opičje posnemanje od strani Mussolini¬ ja, vsled česar si je pridobil na¬ klonjenost zlasti pri svetovnem židovstvu. To je bila pohvale vredna gesta, ampak prišla je prepozno, in ostala je vsaj do danes brez vidnega učinka. MRS. ROOSEVELT ZAGO¬ VARJA LOJALISTE Španska republikanska vlada je ženi predsednika Roosevelta potom svojega poslanika v Washingtonu izročila zbirko slik, kot izraz hvaležnosti za njeno zanimanje in pomoč žrt¬ vam civilne vojne. Bila je kri¬ tizirana, ker je slike sprejela. Nato je Mrs. Roosevelt v svoji dnevni koloni, katero piše za liste, pojasnila svoje stališče. Med drugim je tam zapisala: “Par ljudi, ki so mnenja, da je lojalistična vlada v Španiji komunistična in proti-verska, mi je tekom zadnjih tednov pi¬ salo ter me obsojalo, ker sem darilo sprejela. Odgovorila sem jim, da je bilo darilo izročeno Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt kot pri¬ vatni osebi, da prihaja od ljud¬ stva Španije, in da ga spreje¬ mam z globoko hvaležnostjo. Ti možje, žene in otroci so ve¬ liko pretrpeli, vendar hočejo pokazati, da cenijo, kar se je storilo za olajšanje njih trplje¬ nja. “Kaj mi je znano o lojalisti- čni vladi kot obstoji danes, mi daje misliti, da bi mi v tej de¬ želi tako vlado imenovali de¬ mokratično, in dasiravno je ta vlada prej utegnila biti sovra¬ žna veri, pa se zdi, da se je to spremenilo. Mislim, da mora¬ mo sprejeti dejstvo, da v voj¬ ni se vselej primerjajo krvo¬ ločnosti na obeh straneh.” NACIJSKI PARADIŽ Iz Berlina se poroča, da v Nemčiji obstoji pomanjkanje de¬ lavcev, vsled česar vlada name¬ rava podaljšati delovne ure. Razume se, da morajo delavci v Nemčiji delati za take mezde kot jih določi režim. VOLUME III. Official Organ of The Slovene Progre«- sive Benefit Society Slovenske Svobodomi- j selne Podporne Zveze Cleveland, Ohio, Februarv 15th, 1939 This Issne in two sections NUMBER 138 DOPISI IN POROČILA ČLANSTVA j USPEŠNA PRIREDBA sprejeli, še z večjim veseljem pa Pullman-Chicago, lil.— čita-, bi bili sprejeli Vas v našo sredo, j teljem “Napredka” je že znano, I Vsem, ki ste bili navzoči na naši da smo tu v Chicagu imeli zad- veselici, upam da smo dobro nji čas dosti snega. Ko smo postregli. Hvala vam za poset in Chicažani v pondeljek 30. janu- tudi naše društvo vam vrne ob arja vstali, se nam je nudil pri- enaki priliki, zor, kakršnega nismo že dolgo' Na člane društva št. 100 apeli- časa videli. Zapadel je tak ram, da se bolj številno vdele-; sneg, da je bil promet vsepovsod. žujete naših mesečnih sej. Saj j skrajno težaven in počasen ali ! J e šele začetek leta in imamo i pa docela ustavljen. In dosti i še vedno čas, da se poboljšamo f dela je bilo tudi, predno smo ga' in delujemo za korist društva in odstranili okrog hiš. j Zveze. Naše društvo šteje prav Koledar prireditev SSPZ Zdravstveno stanje ameriškega ljudstva To bi nam ne bilo toliko mar, ako ne bi naše društvo št. 100 imelo veselico v soboto. Tako pa nas je vse skrbelo, da celo iz hiš ne bomo mogli, ako se položaj ne izboljša. Ampak vsa¬ ka stvar pride enkrat h koncu in tudi sneg je nehal padati, tako da smo mogli iz naših “brlogov”. Prišla je sobota 4. februarja in podali smo se vsi v Stančikovo dvorano. Prav lepa vdeležba je bila. Prišli so prija¬ telji in znanci in se veselili med nami. Godpc Joe Pucel je prav pridno igral ter ustregel vsem lepo število članstva, toda ko pride mesečna seja, .smo pa ved-; no eni in isti navzoči. Dostikrat se primeri, da je navzočih enako; število članic kot članov. Vab¬ ljene ste članice, da se okoraj- žite in pridete na sejo, tako da bomo enkrat članice v večini. Naše seje so zabavne in se vam ni bati, da boste dolgčas pro¬ dajale. Pomnite, da s tem, da plačate asesment, še ni izvršena vaše dolžnost. Rabimo tudi vaše nasvete in sodelovanje v sploš¬ nem. Kolikor glav, toliko misli, se glasi pregovor, in to je res. posetnikom, kajti navzlic temu, : Upam, da boste upoštevali ta da smo daleč od naše rojstne! apel in na svidenje na vsaki domovine, pa nam slovenske me-; mesečni seji društva št. 100. lodije še najbolj prijajo. Zato j S sestrskim pozdravom, pa ko zapoje harmonika sloven¬ sko polko ali valček, se vsakdo rad zavrti. Naš godec torej za¬ služi vse priznanje. Najlepše se moram zahvaliti bratu Pete Vrhovniku, ki jej tako požrtvovalno in pridno de- Jennie Andolsek, tajnica. SEJA PENNSYLVANSKE FEDERACIJE SSPZ lal celo noč pri bari. Enako hvala njegovemu sinu Ernestu, ki je pridno pomagal svojemu očetu. Še enkrat obema prav lepa hvala. Žal, da naše društvo nima več tako pridnih in po¬ žrtvovalnih članov. Vsi smo bratje in sestre, ampak ko pri¬ de čas, ko se kaj priredi, so pa vedno le eni in isti pripravljeni delati. Dolžnost vsakega člang in članice je, da pomaga po svoji moči, ker samo za enega je pre¬ več, da bi delal za vse. Hvala gre tudi sestram, ki so bile v kuhinji in stregle onim, ki so se želeli okrepčati s kranj¬ skimi klobasami. Hvala sestram Orožen, Zadnik in Dular, ki so prav pridno delale. Tudi mladi Catharine Zadnik gre hvala za njeno velikodušno pomoč. Ena¬ ko lepa hvala sestri Steffee Sheehey," ki je gledala, da so ljudje pri mizah imeli vso po¬ strežbo, katero so želeli in ka¬ tero smo jim bili dolžni. Še en¬ krat vsem delavcem pri naši prireditvi prav lepa hvala! Mnogo zabave in smeha smo imeli s srečolovom. Mnogim je bila ta igra nepoznana, drugim pa se je obudil spomin na prej- šne čase ali pa jih je misel po¬ nesla nazaj v stari kraj. Imeli smo prav lepa darila, ki so po¬ vzročila mnogo veselja med oni¬ mi, ki so bili srečni. Hvala čla¬ nom, ki so darovali darila ter s tem podprli društvo. Sploh je bila zabava izvrstna, kar so pri¬ čali veseli obrazi, ki si jih videl, kamor si se ozrl. Žal nam je bilo vsem, da sej je g. Frank Pucelj vrnil nazaj v Cleveland, da ni bil navzoč na naši prireditvi in se zabaval z nami. Toda pozabljen ni bil. Sprejeli smo pozdrave in čestit¬ ke po Mrs. William Rus in spom¬ nili smo se ga, ko smo pili čašo piva na njegovo zdravje. Hvala, g. Pucelj, za čestitke in pozdra¬ ve. Prav z veseljem smo jih Irivin, Pa. — Kot je bilo v “Napredku” že poročano, da se bo 26. februarja vršila v Her- minie prihodnja seja Federacije društev SSPZ v Pennsylvaniji, le da poročilo ni bilo povsem točno. Seja se bo vršila v Her- minie No. 2 v dvorani Antona Pregrata, in ne v Herminie No. 1. Vse priprave v zvezi s to sejo vodi društvo št. 86, ki še posebno apelira na vsa društvi, da pošljejo polnoštevilno za¬ stopstvo. Začetek seje bo ob desetih dopoldne. Po seji se bo vršila plesna veselica v korist Federacije in društva št. 86. Igral bo Joseph Koračin iz Yu- kona, Pa. Za vse one, ki še niso bili na Herminie No. 2, podajam tukaj kažipot. Radi cest se vam ni treba bati, ker cesta je tlakova¬ na prav do nas. Za one iz Bridgevilla je najbolje, ako vza¬ mejo cesto skozi McKeesport in potem po Licoln Highway do Irwina, in potem do Strampam (?) eno miljo iz Irwina pa/pazi¬ te na napis Federacije SSPZ. Iz Brooktona imate najboljšo cesto čez West Norton na Route 71 do Sevickley garaža in po¬ tem do New Madison. Tam bo¬ ste videli gori omenjeni napis. (Dopisnik je imena krajev za¬ pisal približno kot se jih izgo¬ varja v slovenščini, zato nismo gotovi, če smo v vseh slučajih uganili, kako se jih piše v an¬ gleščini. Op. ured.) Onim, ki še niste tukaj vozili, ne bo treba tratiti časa s popraševanjem, ako boste slediii tem navodilom. Z bratskim pozdravom, Mike Pavšek, tajnik. SOBOTA, 18. februarja — Maškeradna veselica društva št. 86 v HERMINIE NO. 2, PA., v dvorani Antona Pre¬ grata. SOBOTA, 18. februarja — Maškaradni ples društva št. 10, MOON RUN, PA., v Slovenski dvorani. SOBOTA, 18. FEBRUARJA — Plesna veselica d r u št v a “SKALA,” št. 63, SHEBOY- GAN, WIS., v Fludernikovi\ dvorani, 835 Indiana Ave. NEDELJA, 19. februarja — Skupna plesna veselica društev Evening Starš in Kingsters, WI1ITE VALLEY, Pa., v Slo¬ venski dvorani. SOBOTA, 25. februarja — Društvo št. 220, DETROIT, MIC H., prireja kazanje filma iz Slovenije v prostorih S. N. Doma, 17153 John R. St. Po predstavi plesna veselica. NEDELJA, 26. februarja — Seja Federacije društev SSPZ v zapadni Pennsglvaniji v HERMINIE NO. 2, PA., po se¬ ji veselica v korist Federacije in društva št. 86 v dvorani An¬ tona Pregrata. NEDELJA, 30. aprila — Se¬ ja Federacije vzhodno-ohijskih društev SSPZ, v G1RARDU, O. v prostorih Antona Nagodeta. Po seji zabava. NEDELJA, 14. maja — Dru¬ gi mladinski kulturni sestanek CHICAŠKE FEDERACIJE v dvorani SNPJ na So. Laivn- dale Ave. MLADI SO SE ZBUDILI! Chicago, lil. — Bratje in sestre, tem potom vam nazna¬ njam, da je društvo Gorenje št. 104 sklenilo, da priredi veselico dne 22. aprila, in sicer so se zavzeli mladi člani in članice, da nam pomagajo do boljšega uspeha. To je zelo razveseljivo LOJALISTI NE ODNE¬ HAJO Navzlic temu, da imajo faši¬ sti že dve tretjini španskega czemlja v svojih rokah in da je položaj republikanskega režima navidezno brezupen, pa lojalisti še vedno ne mislijo odnehati z borbo. Ministrski predsednik Negrin se je z aeroplanom po¬ dal v Madrid, odkoder je loja¬ listična vlada zbežala kmalu po izbruhi civilne vojne, ter na¬ znanil, da fašisti ne bodo dobili niti pedi španske zemlje brdz boja. Predsednik Manuel Azana in večina ministrov je ostala v Parizu, kjer vodi vladne posle v poslopju poslaništva, ki je v legalnem smislu španski teri¬ torij. ZA REDNO PEEKO-ATLANT- SKO ZRAČNO SLUŽBO Pan-American Airways kor¬ poracija je te dni v aeronavtič¬ nem uradu v Washingtonu vlo¬ žila prošnjo, da se ji določi zračno črto za redno zrakoplov- sko službo preko Atlantskega oceana med Zedinjenimi drža¬ vami in Evropo. Poleti iz Ame¬ rike v Anglijo imajo trajati 24 ur, v Francijo pa 35 ur. V pro¬ šnji ni navedeno, kdaj se na¬ merava z omenjeno službo pri¬ četi. znamenje in mladini moramo čestitati, da se je zavzela ter želi z nami vred delati za korist društva in Zveze. Apeliram torej na celokupno članstvo, da ko do¬ bite vstopnice, da pridno agiti¬ rate ter jih čim več spravite v promet. Ker bo ta priredba zelo pomenljiva za nas vse, tako za stare kot mlade, apeliram na (Dalje na 2. str) Načelnik zvezne zdravstvene službe dr. Thomas Parran je v svojem letnem poročilu odkril, 1 da je umrljivost za prvih šest mesecev 1938 znašala za vsak tisoč prebivalcev 10.8, medtem ko je umrljivost leto prej zna¬ šala 10.9, 1936 pa 11.3. Poseb¬ no znatno je padla umrljivosti med otroci in zmanjšalo se je število smrti mater pri porodih. Največ smrti v letu 1937 so po¬ vzročile srčne bolezni, rak, pljučnica, bolezni na ledvicah, nesreče (one povzročene od av¬ tomobilov niso vključene) in jetika. Bilo je javljenih več slu¬ čajev koz kot kdaj izza 1931, ampak usodnih slučajev je bilo jako malo. Ako se vzame v upoštev, da je okoli 11 milijonov ljudi v deželi stalno brezposelnih, so te številke presenetljivo ugod¬ ne. K temu je brez dvoma veli¬ ko pripomogel zvezni relif in pa širjenje znanja o zaščiti pred infekcijo. Nobenega dvoma ne more biti, da ako bi ne bila vlada trošila denarja za WPA, bi bila umrljivost mnogo višja in bilo bi tudi več bolezni, kot se da sklepati iz razmer tekom prvih treh let depresije. Za WPA je vlada potrošila milijar¬ de dolarjev, ampak bolniška oskrba za reveže in pogrebi na javne stroške bi bili veljali rav¬ no toliko. Jasno je, da se je zvezni relifni program opravičil, tudi če se gleda nanj samo s stališča knjigovodstva. Ena stvar je, na katero dr. Parran opozarja in ki bi mo¬ rala dati misliti zdravnikom, ki imajo še vedno dvome glede priporočljivosti grupne zdrav¬ niške prakse. Po njegovem pro¬ računu je v Zed. državah 40 milijonov ljudi — ena stran tretjina vsega prebivalstva — ki niso v stanu preskrbeti si zdravniške postrežbe v času ne¬ varne bolezni, in ameriške bol¬ nišnice bi morale razpolagati z akomodacijami za n a j m anj 360,000 nadaljnih bolnikov. Ti dve zadevi predstavljata poglavitni problem, ki se ga je lotila kooperativna medicina in ga v skoro slehernem slučaju za vse prizadete s presenetljivim uspehom rešuje. Predstavniki organizirane konservativne me¬ dicine trdijo, da grupno prakti¬ ciranje zdravilstva “niža stan¬ dard zdravniške prakse, zavira napredek zdravilstva ter uvaja regimentacijo zdravnikov, ki bo¬ do ponižani na standard delav¬ ske unije,” ampak do danes ni¬ so navedli še niti enega samega primera, ki bi potrdil te trditve. MOONEY JE BOLAN Tom Mooney, ki že več let trpi na žolčnih kamnih, je zopet zbolel ter se bo moral v krat¬ kem povreči operaciji. Nahaja se' na domu prijateljev v Los Angelesu. Njegova govorniška tura v prilog osvoboditvi nje¬ govega tovariša Warren Billing- sa, ki se še vedno nahaja v ječi, je bila preklicana. Teden dni prej je Mooney naznanil, da bo vložil tožbo za razporoko od svoje žene, ki pa je izjavila, da se bo borila proti temu, češ, da medtem ko mu je bila njena po¬ moč dobrodošla, dokler se je nahajal v ječi, pa se je hoče sedaj iznebiti. Na kak način se ohrani demokracija v Ameriki? Edina garancija so dostojne življenske raz¬ mere. To spoznanje prodira tudi med širo¬ kimi plastmi naroda Predsednik Roosevelt je v svoji poslanici na 76. kongres opozoril, da so bile ogromne spremembe v socialnem življe¬ nju Amerike izvršene “brez kon¬ centracijskih taborišč, in ne da bi se bila ustavna jamstva svo¬ bodnega govora, tiska in vesti samo za las zmanjšala.” Zroč v bodočnost je svaril narod, da se more “združena sila naroda mobilizirati edinole, kadar ljud¬ stvo, izobraženo po modernem standardu, razume, kaj se godi in kam gre, in je prepričano, da je deležno tolikšnega deleža pri¬ ložnosti za razvoj in tako veli¬ kega deleža materijalnega us¬ peha in človeške dostojnosti, ka¬ kor ga imajo pravico pričakova¬ ti.” Z drugimi besedami, moč in odporna sila demokracije se na¬ haja v življenskem standardu, ki ga hudi ljudstvu, čim večje je ljudsko blagostanje in koli¬ kor bolj je razširjeno spoštova¬ nje posameznika do samega se¬ be, toliko bolj neranljiv je narod napram vsem formam diktatu¬ re. Krepko delavsko gibanje, ki dela za pravičnejšo razdelitev narodnega bogastva, predstavlja mogočno trdnjavo proti totali¬ tarizmu, in tudi pomaga ohra¬ njevati ohranitve vredne institu¬ cije sedanjega sistema, kajti ka¬ pitalizem v vseh svojih oblikah, kakor so pokazali dogodki v I- taliji in Nemčiji, je prav tako obsojen na razpad pod avtorita¬ tivno vlado kot demokracija. Kjerkoli je odpravljena svoboda govora in tiska, tam so tepeni vsi — oni, ki kaj imajo in oni, ki nimajo nič, verniki in ateisti, tako pesniki in umetniki kot tr¬ govci in kapitalisti. V tej zvezi je nedavna prouči¬ tev sentimenta, ki ga je podvzel American Institute of Public Opinion glede zakona za mini¬ malne mezde in maksimalne de¬ lovne ure (Wages and. Hours Law) zanimiv in poučen. V de¬ želi kot celoti je 71 odstotkov ljudi glasovalo, da se strinjajo z zakonom, samo 29 odstotkov pa je glasovalo proti. Ko je ista ustanova obdržavala slično pro¬ učitev sentimenta v januarju minulega leta, je simpatiziralo z zakonom 69 odstotkov ljudi, do- čim je eno leto poprej samo 61 odstotkov ljudi soglašalo s ta¬ ko postavo. Kot izgleda, je ideja minimal¬ ne mezde in maksimalnega de¬ lavnika začela prodirati tudi med delodajalci. V takozvanih Hew England državah in pa v drža¬ vah ob atlantski obali, kjer se vrši največ tovarniške produkci¬ je, je bilo oddanih največ gla¬ sovnic za zakon. Sledile so dr- žave srednjega zapada, zapada in vzhcdno-centralne države. Za¬ nimivo je to, da je bilo na jugu, kjer so mezde najnižje, oddanih samo 59 odstotkov glasov za za¬ kon. Te številke očividno pomeni¬ jo, da so ljudje začeli gledati na minimalno mezdo kot na potreb¬ no obliko vladne regulacije, ne pa kot na “nevaren eksperi¬ ment”, kakor bi radi na.tvezili javnosti reakcijonarni krogi pri National Association of Manu- faeturers. Jasno je, da taki listi kot sta New York Times in New York Herald Tribune, “ki vodita kampanjo za večje spremembe zakona, ne zastopajo večine, temveč stalno^padajočo manjši¬ no javnega mnenja. SVARILO PRED “FLU” Zvezne zdravstvene oblasti svarijo, da se dežela nahaja pred valom influence, kateri zna podleči do srede marca do dvaj¬ set tisoč oseb. Bolezen že sedaj precej razsaja. Hripa je poslala v posteljo že celo vrsto politič¬ nih odličnjakov; med drugim predsednika Roosevelta, sena¬ torja Boraha, poštarja Farleyja, podpredsednika Garnerja, držav¬ nega tajnika Hulla in dva taj¬ nika v Beli hiši. POLOŽAJ ČEŠKOSLO¬ VAŠKE V Londonu je bil nedavno podpisan sporazum, glasom ka¬ terega sta Anglija in Francija obljubili Češko-Slovaški vsoto 75 milijonov dolarjev za rekon¬ strukcijo in pomoč beguncem iz sudetskih pokrajin. Polovica te vsote predstavlja darilo, dru¬ ga polovica pa je posojilo. Znaki o rastoči dominaciji Nemčije v razkosani republiki se množijo od dneva do dneva. Kot se je zvedelo, se nemško vojaštvo že sedaj cesto prevaža skozi češki teritorij v smislu pogodbe, ki ga je Berlin vsilil Pragi. Berlinu naklonjeni režim v Slovakiji, ki je sedaj avto¬ nomna, pritiska na vlado v Pra¬ gi, da se pridruži anti-komuni- stičnemu paktu. Kot se poroča, se je na Češkem tudi pojavila močna agitacija, da se izžene iz javnih služb vse osebe židovske¬ ga pokolenja. JAN MASARYK ŽIGOSA MONAKOVSKI MIR V predavanju, ki ga je imel Jan Masaryk, sin pokojnega češkoslovaškega predsednika, pretekli teden v Clevelandu, je rekel: “Ministrski predsednik Chamberlain bi si bil lahko pri¬ hranil mnogo sitnosti, ako bi bil poslal diktatorjema, ki sta prišla v Monakovo, telegram: Kar pomagajtisi, fanta, potem pa mi sporočita, kako se je stvar izšla.” ■< “Toda Chamfterlainovo posto¬ panje ne predstavlja pravega sentimenta angleškega naro¬ da,” je dejal Masaryk. “Bilo bi neumno, če. bi verjeli, da je Anglija popolnoma kapitulirala, ker Chamberlain baranta s to¬ talitarnima državama. Angleško ljudstvo nič manj ne ljubi svoje svobode in demokracije kot ljudstvo Zedinjenih držav.” 15. februarja, 1939 STRAN 2 “NAPREDEK” Ne pozabiti, da mora predlog biti podpiran od 30 društev, a reda, je baš predzadnji Posla. ^ okrog leto dni ,_j »»..S?— GLASILO IN LASTNINA SLOVENSKE SVOBODOMI SELNE PODPORNE ZVEZE. IZHAJA VSAKO SREPO Cene oglasom: *0c palec 1 » posameznike; 35 palec za društva Naročnina la člane 78c letno; ca nečlane $L50; ca inozemstvo $2,00 PROGRESS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENE PROGRES- _ SIVE BENEF1T SOCIETY _ Owned and Pnbllshed by tbe Slovene Progressive Benefit Societj 1SSUED EVERT WEDNESDAT Subscription for members $.78 per year — nonmembers $L50 foreign countries $2.00_ Advertising rates: 40c net for individnals; 35c net for societles NAPREDEK Naslov uredništva in upravništva: 6231 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Telepbone: HEnderson 5311 CLEVELAND, O. VOLUME m. m NUMBER 133 Entered as Second Class Matter August 5th, 1936, at the Post Office ai Cleveland. Ohio, under the Act of August 24, 1912. __ IZ GLAVNEGA URADA SSPZ PREDLOG ZA DODATNO TOČKO K PRAVILOM SSPZ Glavni odbor je na svoji seji dne 3. februarja, 1939, soglasno odobril dne 6. novembra, 1938, stavljen in sprejet predlog društva štev. 63, SSPZ., ki se v celoti glasi: IZ URADA DRUŠTVA ŠTEV. 63, SSPZ, SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Predlog dodatne točke k pravilom SSPZ \ ne iz ene, ampak iz petih različnih držav. Zato, zanimajte se za stvar povsod, na vzhodu kot zapadu, severu in jugu, razmotri- vajte predlog in če ga smatrate za dobrega, sprejmite ga in o tem obvestite gl. tajnika. WILLIAM RUS, gl. tajnik . Zapisnik letne seje glavnega odbora SSPZ VRŠEČE SE DNE 2., 3. IN 4. FEBRUARJA, 1939 V CHICAGU, ILL. (Nadaljevanje) POROČILO PRVEGA NADZORNIKA Prvi nadzornik Joseph II. Grills izjavlja, da k poročilu nima I drugega dostaviti kot da se z istim strinja in da so bile poslovne | knjige najdene v najboljšem redu. Poročilo br. Grillsa se sprejme. ❖ ❖ ¥ POROČILO DRUGEGA NADZORNIKA Drugi nadzornik John Maren izjavlja, da soglaša s poročili ostalih nadzornikov. Kot član glavnega odbora pa ga veseli poro¬ čati, da je bila v mestu Milwaukee, kjer on prebiva, živahnost za SSPZ večja kot kdaj prej, ter izraža željo, da bo glavni odbor na tej seji podvzel nove korake za pospešitev mladinske akcije. Poročilo br. Marna je sprejeto. -i- v POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA POROTNEGA ODBORA 'Predsednik porotnega odbora Frank Pucelj poroča: Cenjeni so-odborniki: — V preteklih šestih mesecih je glavni porptni odsek imel za rešiti le eno pritožbo, tikajoč se bolniške podpore, katera je bila tožiteljici odklonjena. Pritožb in različnih vprašanj sem prejel precej, in sem na iste takoj odpisal, jim raz¬ lagal in svetoval, da se je tako stvar mirnim potom rešila. Pri vsakem odgovoru sem imel na vidiku mirno poravnavo ter skušal stvar mirnim potom izravnati v obojestransko zadovoljstvo. Uspeh je bil pri vseh razen enega, zgoraj navedenega, katerega je pa rešil celotni odsek. Imam na roki še eno zadevo, katero bom predložil tej seji v ! razmotrivanje. želel bi, da ta seja izreče svoje mnenje o stvari in is tem konča nadaljni prepir pri društvu. Prizadeti stranki sem „ . . v, poslal svoje mnenje m ji svetoval mirno spravo. Podpisani predlagam, da društvo osvoji, glavni odbor K t t • • ,, ... . 1 Nadalje imam eno priporočilo ,tikajoče se atletike, o kate- odobri in da na splošno glasovanje sledečo dodatno točko k pravilom Slovenskem Svobodomiselne Podporne Zveze, ki se V celoti glasi: “Točka 269, a). Poleg podpore za redne porode, ozna¬ čene v točki 269 teh pravil, se izplača še nadaljnih $5.00 v prilog zavarovalnine novorojenčka v razredu A ali B mladin¬ skega oddelka. Prošnja za pristop otroka mora biti odobre- rem se mi vidi potrebno, da jo seja glavnega odbora razmotriva in naredi potrebne zaključke. Prireditve, ki se vršijo v pomenu SSPZ (ne posameznega društva) naj bi se vse vršile v področju federacij ali tako zvanih skupnih društev S. S. P. Zveze. To naj se razume tako, da če obstoja v naselbini ali nje okolici federaci¬ ja društev SSPZ, naj ona ima prednost, da se pod njenim pokro- , v, , • , ii . /o\ ' j r* j vitel jstvbm slična prireditev izvrši, in le ako ista odkloni, tedaj na po društvu ne kasneje kot tri (3) mesece od dne rojstva,;, . . , v , . J lahko posamezno društev vzame prireditev v oskrbo. Seveda, na¬ selbine, ki nimajo federacij in društva, ki niso federacijam pri¬ ključena, bi bila izvzeta. To priporočilo vam podajam z iskrenim sicer nadaljna nagrada ne pride v poštev. Ako pa novorojen¬ ček umre predno je sprejet v mladinski oddelek, tedaj se označeno svoto izplača materi.” . , JOHN SEBANZ or^&niz3-ciji v korist in clcinstvii v Zcidovoljstvo. podpiratelj predloga. predlagatelj predloga. POVERILO Poročilo br. Puclja je sprejeto. Frank Pucelj. Podpisana uradnika društva štev. 63, Slovenske Svobo¬ domiselne podporne zveze, s sedežem v Sheboyganu, Wiscon- j sin, poverujeva, da je predstoječi predlog pravilno stavljen, 1 POROČILO PRVEGA POROTNIKA Prvi porotnik br. Frank Medved izjavlja, da je imel v pre¬ teklem letu jako malo posla. Strinja se s poročilom predsednika namen nakaže nova vsota, ki bo krila pootnina za ~ , Dr jijkah Naj omenim še, da v preteklem letu sem ob dveh zastopal Zvezo. Tekom poletja sem se P° ” ar0C1 * t JL bru pa urada vdeležil piknika Vrtca v Girardu, Ohio, v septemtaru R* sem zastopal Zvezo na seji Ohijskega bratskega o g > je vršila v Clevelandu. Najvažnejše, kar sem slisa \ ’ je bilo priporočilo nekega delegata, da organizacije, „ določbe v pravilih, da zavarovalnina za pokojnimi c an , dedičev ni mogoče najti, postane last iste za dobro e ne na ’ naj gledajo, da tako določbo zanesejo v pravila cim pieje če. V Pennsylvaniji je bila sprejeta postava, glasom katere i država pravico zaseči take smrtnine, in ni dvoma, da bo o njene mu zgledu kmalu sledile tudi ostale države. Vsem glavnim odbornikom se zahvaljujem za sodelovanje v preteklem letu, kakor tudi društvenim uradnikom in člans vuv obče. , . .. Vatro J. Grili, urednik glasila. Poročilo br. Grilla je vzeto na znanje. :i: ❖ # POROČILO GLAVNEGA ZDRAVNIKA Br. glavni zdravnik dr. F. J. Arch poroča: Cenjeni glavni odborniki: — Ničesar posebno važnega ni¬ mam poročati na tej seji. Vse listine za bolniško podporo, prošnje za vstop in druge papirje, katere mi je poslal glavni urad, sem brez odlašanja rešil ter vrnil nazaj. Vsi sklepi so bili narejeni v duhu naših pravil. Upoštevalo se je vedno okoliščine posamezne¬ ga člana kot tudi Zvpze kot celote. Vdeleževal sem se sej mojega društva in tudi sej Federacije društev SSPZ v zapadni Pennsylvaniji. Zahvaliti se želim članom glavnega odbora kot tudi vsem uradnikom lokalnih društev za njih sodelovanje v preteklem letu. Moja iskrena želja je, da bodo vsi sklepi te seje pospeševali najboljše interese Slovenske svo¬ bodomiselne podporne zveze. — Z odličnim spoštovanjem, Dr. F. J. Arch, gl. zdravnik. Poročilo dr. Archa se sprejme. Ura je opoldne, nakar br. Kvartich zaključi prvo sejo let¬ nega zborovanja gl. odbora. ❖ ❖ ❖ DRUGA SEJA Predsednik br. Kvartich otvori drugo sejo ob 1. uri popoldne in nadaljuje se z dnevnim redom. Otvori se razprava o zadevi združenja in s tem v zvezi vpra¬ šanje obstoja Jugoslovanske bratske federacije. V razpravo po¬ sežejo vsi glavni odborniki. Splošno mnenje je, da je JBF fede¬ racija, ki ni bila nikdar formalno razpuščena in torej na papirju še vedno obstoji, dasiravno že več let ne obdržava sej, logična organizacija, katera naj bi podvzela korake za zbližanje in even¬ tualno spojitev slovenskih bratskih organizacij. V smislu te razprave stavi br. Kuhel predlog, da ta seja iz¬ voli zastopnike, ki bodo zastopali Zvezo, ako se skliče seja JBF. Predlog je podpiran in soglasno sprejet. Nominacijo sprejmejo in so izvoljeni sledeči: Anton Zaitz, Mirko G. Kuhel, Michael Vrhovnik in Rudolph Lisch. Preide se na agitacijo in kampanjo za novo članstvo. Mladin¬ ski ravnatelj br. Vrhovnik predloži v ta namen NAČRT NA¬ GRAD, kot sledi: DOPISI IN POROČILA ČLANSTVA (Dalje s 1. str.) vsa društva, da bi ne prirejaj veselic na omenjeni dan. Več 0 tem boste čitali v prihodnji^ številkah glasila. V petek 17. februarja se vrši redna seja. Prosim vse člane t da se vdeležijo v polnem številu’ da bodo uradniki imeli več p 0 ! j guma in veselja. Prosim tudi i člane, da plačajo svoj asesment j najkasneje do 25. v mesecu, oni,! ki ste zaostali, pa da poravnate ' £ voj dolg, da ne bo treba zm e . rom opominjati. Od sedaj naprej i bo vsak sam nosil posledice, ako ne plača pravočasno in bi g a j med tem bolezen ali nesreča i zalotila. Toliko v pojasnilo, s pozivom, da se vdeležite seje 17. februarja, ostajam z brat. skim pozdravom, Frank Šuštaršič, tajnik j podpiran in sprejet s nadpolovičnim številom glasov član- P° r °tnega odbora stva na seji tega društva dne 6. novembra, 1938, v Sheboy- ganu, Wisconsin. Za društvo štev. 63, SSPZ: MATT KOŠČAK FRANK JAMNIK predsednik. tajnik. (Pečat) Ta predlog mora biti, po zahtevi pravil točke 22, podpiran od 30 društev iz petih držav v teku 60 dni po prvi objavi v glasilu, da zamore biti dan na splošno glasovanje (referendum). Poročilo br. Medveda je sprejeto. POROČILO DRUGEGA POROTNIKA Drugi porotnik br. Vincent Pugel por-oča enako kot ostala člana porotnega odbora ter se strinja z njunima poročiloma. Poročilo br. Puglja se vzame na znanje. * * * POROČILO UREDNIKA GLASILA Urednik in upravnik glasila br. Vatro J. Grili poroča: Cenjeni glavni odborniki: — Moje poročilo tej seji bo krat Zbog tega določam, da je predlog za dodatek k pravilom, ko, kajti moje delo izza zadnje seje gl. odbora je šlo po normal- predlagan po društvu štev. 63, v javni razpravi iskajoč podpore | nem tiru in zgodilo se je zelo malo, kar bi potrebovalo posebnega društev, od 15. februarja do 17. aprila, 1939, na kateri dan mora- komentarja. Opazili ste brez dvoma, da se neredkokrat zgodi, da jo biti obvestila društev o podpori predloga v rokah glavnega! dopisi vzamejo velik del prostora v glasilu, človek bi rad pove- tajnika, ker kasneje došla ne bodo vpoštevana. čal list, da bi bilo prostora tudi. za drugo gradivo, ampak upo- Društva, ki se strinjajo s predlogom stavljenim po društvu j števam dejstvo, da bi potem trpel naš upravni sklad, ki itak ni štev. 63 in žele, da pride na splošno glasovanje, naj izrežejo, ali, močan, zato gledam, da se kolikor mogoče štedi s prostorom. Z prepišejo, spolnejo in podpišejo, ter odpošljejo v glavni urad, dopisniki nimam neprilik. Zgodilo se je par primerov, da so bili - dopisi odklonjeni, ker je bilo jasno, da bi utegnili izzvati kontro- verzo osebnega značaja. Dopisniki so to očividno sami spoznali sledeče OBVESTILO O PODPORI PREDLOGA DRUŠTVA ŠT 63 Glavnemu tajniku SSPZ: Društvo štev. SSPZ., v J e ... . 1939, s nadpolovičnim številom od¬ danih glasov zaključilo, da podpira stavljeni predlog dru¬ štva štev. 63 in želi, da pride na splošno glasovanje. Datirano v.dne. 1939. ter se niso pritožili. Sporov v naši organizaciji ni, in to je dobro znamenje. Težkoče imam s prilogo Vrtec, ker določili smo samo štiri na svoji redni seji dne j strani malega formata enkrat na mesec za mladinske člane, am- rnnvinm-m pak mladi tako pridno pišejo, da moram precej prispevkov’ dasi nerad, priobčevati na tretji strani redne publikacije. Težava je v tem, ker priloge ne morem povečati na šest strani, temveč je po¬ večanje mogoče edinole iz štiri na osem strani, ker priloga se tiska skupno z rednim listom velikega formata. S tem so zmanj¬ šani naši stroški, ampak nemogoče nam je zadovoljiti mlado članstvo kot bi brez dvoma samo rado. Ako bi se mladinska pri¬ loga tiskala v takem formatu kot ostali list, bi te neprilike ne imeli. Seveda, mladina bi bila potem prikrajšana, oziroma bi ne Slične točke, kot .je ta, ki jo predlaga društvo štev. 63, imajo imela “svojega lista”. Pojavilo se je v glasilu vprašanje združenja. Ravno naša organizacija je v tem pogledu bila v preteklosti resno prizadeta, Predsednik (Pečat.) Tajnik POJASNILO v svojih pravilih, menim, vse slovenske podporne ustanove. Ne¬ katere dokaj višje svote od te, ki jo vključuje ta predlog. i *, ^ ™ ,niŠki Kklad ° bteŽen H nada ljnimi letnimi iz-; zato bi po mojem mnenju ne bilo koristno, ako bi se mu iznova datki od M)0. do $600 po preračunu rojstev v letu 1938, ako bode ; odprla vrata. Naša zadnja konvencija je glede tega itak zavzel la predlog sprejet m ako sc bodo matere novorojenčkov poslužile , definitivno stališče te nove točke pravil in dale otroke zavarovati. Stanje bolniškega sklada nam kaže, da ta povišan strošek lahko utrpi, brez zlih posledic. Za organizacijo bi to izplačilo ne bil ni kak strošek, ker svota izplačana iz bolniškega sklada, bi se stekla v druga dva sklada, smrtninski in upravni. Tako se ta po¬ višan izdatek lahko smatra le za premeščenje denarja iz enega v dva druga akkida. V očigled na nizko število smrtnih slučajev v mladinskemu oddelku, zna ta predlog služiti koristi mladinskega oddelka, ker skozi njega zna pridobiti nad 100 članov letno, ki znabiti jih dru- ODRASLI ODDELEK Vsota zavarovalnine: $250 Navadni življenski certifikati $1.00 20-letni živi jenski Ustanovni ob starosti 60 let .. 20-letni ustanovni ” Eno-dolarski ” MLADINSKI ODDELEK 20-letni življenski certifikati 20-letni ustanovni Načrt “A” in “B” 1.00 1.00 2.50 $500 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 $1000 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 $1500 6.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 $2000 8.00 8.00 8.00 20.00 2.00 za vsak certifikat 1.00 2.00 4.00 * * * * 2.50 5.00 10.00 * * ' * * 50c za vsak certifikat. Vse nagrade za nove člane se izplača potem, ko so bili plačani in sprejeti trije mesečni asesmenti. Vsak novi član dobi brezplačno znak SSPZ. Zveza plača zdravniško preiskavo. USPEH VZHODNO-OHIJ. SKE FEDERACIJE j Power Point, O. — Seja in priredba Federacije društev SS- PZ v vzhodnem Ohiju, ki se je vršila v naši naselbini 29. janu¬ arja, se je prav dobro obnesla. Bila je to prva federacijska seja v naselbini in vdeležilo se i je je prav lepo število društve-i nih zastopnikov. Dolžnost mej veže, da se zahvalim vsem po- setnikom od blizu in daleč, ki so s svojim posetom pripomogli: do boljšega uspeha za federacij-; sko blagajno. Po seji smo sef prav dobro zabavali, le ura jel šla prehitro naprej. Ker je bila pot slaba, so se oddaljeni poset- niki morali prehitro posloviti od nas. Upam, da so vsi srečno in brez kake nezgode dospeli na svoje domove. Še posebno se; moram zahvaliti bratu Valenti! nu Dagarinu iz East Palestinej Ohio, ki nam je par okrogli! zaigral, da smo malo poskočil za pametjo, da bo repa bolj! rastla prihodnje leto. Prihodnja federacijska seja se vrši 30. aprila v Girardu, Ohio v Nagodetovih prostorih in upam, da bo lepa vdeležba, in da si bo brat Nagode nabrusil pete za tisti dan, da se bovaj sukala za korenje, da bo bolje rastlo. Ha. . . ha. . . Torej naj svidenje 30. aprila v Girardu, Ohio. Pozdrav vsem članom SS-I PZ! Mary Bogataj, tajnica. FILM IZ SLOVENIJE V DETROITU Detroit, Midi. — Društvo št.| Nagrada v znesku $1.00 se plača za vsakega mladinskega t člana, ki prestopi v odrasli oddelek ter vzame zavarovalninski certifikat do in vključivši vsoto $500.00 V slučaju, da tak pre -\ oon t-c-r ’ U"‘ , , stopli elan vzame višjo zavarovalnino, se bo plačalo nagrade v soglasju z gornjim načrtom kol za nove člane. Nagrada v vsoti $1.00 za prvih $500.00 zavarovalnine se plača bodisi upravitelju Vrtca, iz katerega je član prestopil, ali pa tajniku društva, h kateremu je pristopil. Nagrade za dodatne vsote zavarovalnine se izplačajo onim članom, ki so iodgovorni za povečanje zava¬ rovalnine. Dvema Vrtcema mladinskega oddelka, ki bosta v razdobju treh mesecev pokazala največji napredek v članstvu, se izplača nagradi v znesku $10.00 in $5.00, toda v vsakem slučaju mora j venije dne 25. februarja ob 7. uri zvečer v S. N. Domu na 17153 John R. St. Kalanje filmaj bo vzelo eno uro, potem bo pa ples in prosta zabava. Vstopni-j na je 25c. Odbor vas vljudno j vabi, da bi se v polnem številu[ vdeležili. Prepričani smo, da n e j bo nikomur žal, ki se bo vdeležil; či in ako članstvo tako želi, ima moč in pravico, j tla napravi nov zaključek na deseti redni konvenciji, ki je komaj leto in pol oddaljena. SSPZ je d«« v katerern se t mu°izreče > 2 ahv-fl° Verneril ' Torej na svidenje 35. februarja! Brat¬ ski pozdrav! Frank Rezisnik, tajniki Vrtec, ki hoče biti deležen prve ali druge nagrade, napredovati ker fi . lm J e -i a!co zanimiv. za najmanj 10 novih članov. Sledi razmotrivanje o predloženem načrtu, nakar je so¬ glasno sprejet. Br. Zaitz priporoča, da bi se v svrho pospešitve kampanje mladinskega oddelka dalo prosto vožnjo na prvi narodni mladin¬ ski festival, ki se bo vršil prihodnje leto v Clevelandu, vsem mla¬ dinskim članom in članicam, ki bi se posebno odlikovali pri pri¬ dobivanju novega članstva. Ideja je v načelu sprejeta in sklenie no je, da ima upravni poodsek nalogo, da tozadevni načrt izdela v podrobnosti, določi dobo te posebne kampanje, kvote itd' Br. Pucelj izjavlja, da so filmske slike iz Slovenije izvrstne’ ampak prekratke. Dobro bi bilo, da bi se dobilo nadaljne filme i/ stare domovine. S tem se strinjajo tudi ostali odborniki Br Zaitz stav; predlog, da se pooblasti slikarja B. Jakca, da sname na daljne slike m z njim naj sodeluje br. Kollander iz Clevelanda ki vsako leto potuje enkrat ali dvakrat v domovino kot potoval agent. Predlog je podpiran in sprejet. 1 t0Vdl Br. Zaitz tudi predlaga, da se slikarju Jakcu za trud in za¬ mudo časa pri snemanju slik, ki jih Zveza že nosedu i - $50.00. Predlog je podpiran in sprejet. ’ PldCa Dalje je sklenjeno, da se za vse filme ki se iih m, prihodnje v Jugoslaviji, naroči takoz Y ani’ te chnicobr {\\m t I v barvi, m sicer se naroči 2,000 čevlja- 4 -’_ -- J- DRUŠTVO ŠT. 117 Eveleth, Minil. — Iz ura^l društva št. 117 se poživlja vsC I cenjene člane in članice, da #1 polnoštevilno vdeleže društven 6 1 seje, katera se bo vršila dne $1 februarja v dvorani SNPJ 1:30 popoldne. Z bratskim P°’ zdravo m, Rudolph Bazil, taj.-bl^ I vsebine pošlje. Predlog je podpiran in soglasno sprejet (Dalje prihodnjim 1 ~ JeL ' »e pismo take SKUPNA DRUŠTVA V CLEVELANDU Cleveland, O. — Tem pol° n I opozarja zastopnike in z ® j stopnice Skupnih društev, I se vdeleže seje v soboto ' I februarja ob 8. uri zvečer J starem poslopju SND. Na se U podajo poročila glavni odbou 1 ^ j se :iil) o sklepih letne seje glavnega bora in še več drugih važ« zadev bo pa dnevnem redu- John J. Kikol, taj 1Jl 15. februarja, 1939 “NAPREDEK” STRAN 3. OVERFLOW VRTEC CONTRIBUTIONS THE MOST 1MPORTANT MONTH OF THE YEAR DELMONT, Pa. — February, the second month of the year, is said to have been introdueed in- to the Roman calendar by Nu- ma. Whether or not this is a re- liable statement we do not knovv. Hovvever, we are certain that Februar v is the most important month of the year in the hearts of our loyal citizens. Why is this so? Because.the second month on ali our calendars marks the birthdays of two of our coun- try’s most loved men: George Washington and Abraham Lin¬ coln. No other name in American history is so well known as that of George Washington. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he was made commander- in-chief of the American army. During the severe winter of 1777-1778 Washington’s army was encamped at Valley Forge, about twenty-five miles north- their country faithfully and loyally. Feb. 14 is Valentine’s Day. Kiddies have their fun sending valentines. This is liked mostly by the children. These are the days of Febru- ary which are noticed the most by the people. 'i* V ■!' * Feb 4, a “domača zabava,” by Balkan No. 24, \vas given, Everyone en j oyed tliemselves as it were heaven, The Vrtec children which were present, Also enjoyed themselves in happy content. February 12th is Lincoln’s birthday, He was the 16th president and he served in a great way. February 22nd is the birthday of another great person, The first president, George VVashington. February 14th is Valentine’s west of Philadelphia. The suf- valentines is the method busy these days answering phone calls for Frank. Sylvia “Grump” Naumsek and Clara “Dopey” Madley have been seen visiting Frank “Zaitz” Mivec. Clara must think that j Zaker visits him too! Are Romeo and Juliet coming back to stage? The reason I ask this question is that I saw Sylvia Naumsek (posing as Juliet) and Frank Zakrajšek (posing as Ro¬ meo) talking together through the upstairs window. (Are they too interested in each other to know that the window isn’t a balcony? ) Attention! Tennis players of the West Side! Sylvia Naumsek, an ardent tennis player, wishes to have a game of tennis with someone that knows something about the game. (I know j ust the two that want to have a game with you, Sylvia; Zaker and Zaitz vvould only be too, too glad.) I didmt say baseball, I said tennis. I’ll bet you anything that you two don’t even know how to hold a racket. J. M. G. vacation before tački ing it. I am 11 years old, going on 12. I am vvearing out his eyes lately on Valeria Artel. He had confessed. in the sixth grade and I love He says he needs glasses. singing. 1 am going to sing over the radio in Youngstown. Last Sunday I \vas baking ap- ple pies. And were they good! There is one more left, so if Bro. A hairstylist, has recently ap- peared at our last meeting. Gramma Klein, we mean Spooks j mit that great big laugh. Stanley Slejko who has re- ferings of our troops were terri- —everybody does say, ble. They lacked food, fuel, blan- Fool the kiddies with a ’ comical kets, and clothmg. For want of one, shoes they vvrapped their feet in Qr a tt lace one to a b or rags, and the paths in the snow gal or any other one. * Elsie Oho jak Vrtec 33, (Age: 13) ROŽNIK JUNIORS were often stained with hlood. But Washington, together vvith his troops, was fightipg for a worthy cause: the independence of the United States. Washing- ton learned to govern others by CHICAGO, 111. — The next first governing himself. It isn’t meeting of Rožnik Jrs., No. 160 any wonder then that George vvill be held Sunday, February Washington is spoken of as the 19, 1939 at 2334 So. Ridgeway “Father of his Country.” ;Ave., at 2*:30 p. m. Our new of- ... _ . . . , J ficers will take charge of the Abraham Lincoln, president f ,, • , ,, TT ., ,' , ’ . ,, meeting. The followmg officers of the United States during the Civil War, was a man of vvis- dom and patience. He ,too, had lought for a worthy cause: ihe freedom of the slaves. He issued his famous Emancipation Proc- lamation on Nevv Year’s Day of 1863. This famous doeument is one of the landmarks of univer- sal history because it announced were elected at our last meeting on January 15: William Zorko, president; JeannetteVnolo, vice- president; Wilma Gratchner, secretary; Joyce Meden, record- ing secretary; Edward Udovich, treasurer; Mary Jo Townsley, sergeant-at-arms. We also have an attendance ,, ,_ AA AAA , award every month which is now the hberation of 3,500,000 slaves. 5Qc stanley Mozina would have Lincoln had^met a verj- sadj won a q Uar t er jf be would have death, assassfnation. V ords. been p re sent. He is at ali our have no power to teli the vvorthj 0 ther meetings, but he missed of Abraham Lincoln. His name, j ] as £ mon th. It pays to be present linked with the immortal V* ash- L^. ever y meeting because who intgon s, is forever enshrined in , k nowSj your name may be picked the hearts of the American peo- nex ^ y me ple. He was the savior of our Until next month, Vale! country as Washington its Wilma Gratchner, Sec’y founder and father. ______ Helen Kastelic NEW VRTEC IN SHEHOY- Pres. Vrtec 103 GAN ORGANIZED - | SIIEBOVGAN, Wis. — In my FEBRUARY EVENTS first art i c i e I want to teli you MILWAUKEE, Wis. — Many how vye organized the Vrtec in events are taking plače this Sheboygan. month. On February 4, the adult I read the Vrtec and enjoy it lodge, Balkan, No. 24, gave a very much. Through my father, “domača zabava.” I talked with the president of What fun everyone had! our lodge, No. 63, here in She- r l here were Very many persons boygan. An administrator was present. There was dancing appointed. He is Matt Koschak from the waltz step to the hop. Jr. and is well liked by the mem- There was e.ver so much to eat bers. and drink that I think that no We had our first meeting on one c«uld have gone home hun- January 20, 1939 at my home. S r Y- Our president is Valentin Pe- Many of the Vrtec children koli and I know that he is were present. Eddie Ermence worthy of that Office, sold tickets for a ham. The Yer- At that first meeting we did kich boys, Olga Stampfel, and not accomplish very much. It is Margaret Ohojak sold tickets j our first experience and much for tvvo pairs of beautiful pillovv j could not be expected. But the cases. Nornfan Stampfel and next time (I hope) it will be Elsie Ohojak helped seli tickets much bctter. Angeline Jakovec, Sec’y-Treas., Vrtec 57 and helped check clothes. Marie Ehmence helped the mothers serve food. I think that the Vr- - tec children tried to do their FLASHES WITH DASHES best. I think that everyone had! INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The Bm. i last meeting vvent over vvith a Feb. 12 and 22 should also bel bang! But vvhere was Clara ke))t in mirni. They are the birth- J Madley and Sylvia Naumsek? days of tvvo presidents. Let’s start with the girls of leb. 12 vvas the birthday of j Vrtec No. 9 in our little chat for Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was today. the 16th president of the United Last week I noticed that Vir- States. He was born in Hodge- ginia Kronoshek had read the vil le, Kentuclcy and he died in last edition of the Vrtec very 1863. icarefully. I think that she is Feb. 22 is the birthday of grovving very fond of Frank George VVashington. He was the i “Zaker” Zakrajšek. Every time tirw.t president of the United she read his name she wou!d States. 11 e vvas born in Wake- sigh. (Please V. K., don’t dis- iield, Virginia and died in 1799. appoint that certain party.) Mr. Both of these men served Lucid the druggist is kept very MILWAUKEE, Wis. — Dear Vrtec members: My report and comments for Feb. Vrtec section about Vrtec No. 33 activities and other topics: We reelected the old Vrtec No. 33 officers for the coming year 1939, with two exceptions. Herman Jerkich, president; Tony Jerkich, vice-president; Norma Stampfel, secretary; Edward Ermenc, treasurer; Rudy Smole, sergeant-at-arms; Marie Ermence, recording sec- retary and Elsie Ohajak, Marie Gnader ,entertainment commit- tee. You hear the remark about jreaching the first milestone on our road in life. Sister Virginia Reigel, bro. Frank Faleticlj and I finished the 8th grades. We graduated from the public school, and so I will enter the high school as a Freshman. I have thus reached my first mile¬ stone, and am now turning to advanced education beyond ele- mentary schools. Our hearts turn in sympathy for the sufferers in the great earthquake disaster in Chile, with so many thousands killed and vvounded. Chile has impoi-t- ant, gold silver and copper mineš. Nitrate is its chief im- , portant mineral deposit, found in dry northern part of the country. The whitish powder of nitrate imported into U. S. is used in the manufacture of explosives and fertilizer. Chile has j ust recently elect¬ ed the most liberal and Progres¬ sive government in South Amer¬ ica. With fraternal greetings, Marie Ermence Vrtec 33 (Age: 13) Valentine Greetings Every day, every season Is dedicated for some reason So Valentine day has a history Gladdens young hearts ostensibly. On Valentine day it is customary j Boys or girls send a message cheery With lovely verses, ro.sy hearts Targets pierced by cupidts darts. Valentine da.y greetings to you ali Vrtec members short and tali More new members our motto be Forvvard for our Vrtec and SSPZ. Fraternally yours, Marie Ermence (Age: 13) Vrhovnik would drop around cently turned magician has maybe I vvould give him a piece made himself half-disappear in of it, or maybe I could send it to | the Chicago movies. him. My only fear is that it i Andy Artel has accused Betty would dry up on the way and Lou of breach of promise and Bro. Vrhovnik might have some robbery. He says she did not difficulty with it, as I heard return his goldplated ring. He that he used to chew gum as a gays “Women of today are the kid which caused his teeth to women of tomorrow. I pity this fall out, so if he wants to eat p Q or world.” any ot my apple pie he’d better Edward Slejko must have had get himself a pair of false teeth, a disguise to enter the pavvn or I won t send him any. shop where ali sorts of trash On January 29 the Federation mee t meeting was held at Chuck’s gy q oss and jp Hall and \ve had a good time. | _ After the meeting was over we| J1TTERBUGS POETRY had some sandwiches to eat and i E ^ er some hot peppers. I tasted one, LitUe Migs Muffet and boy, did it burn my tongue! gat on a tuffet> Anyway, w^had a lot of fun. We Eatin her curds and weigh> also had mušic and am sure that everybody had a good time. I hope that Bro. Vrhovnik won’t mind my little joke. My best wishes to ali members of the SSPZ! Frances Tauchar, Sec’y _ . . , .. „ r,,., j \ T i t ,, , To fetch a pail of water. Editor s Note: I am sorry that * , , „ * , , ■ t_ ■, „„ i * ,, , Jack fell down, and broke his the picture you sent lsiVt clear ’ Along came a spider, And sat down beside her, And said, “Hi! toots, any left i for me?” * Jack and Jill went up the hill crown, And Jill laughed ali the harder. enough for reproduction pur- poses. Please send a better pho- to next time if you wish to have it published diddle diddle, my son John, _ ! Went to bed vvith his stockings POWER POINT, O. — Before ^ on ' I go any further I want to thank ® ne s hoe on, and one shoe ofi, our Juvenile Director Michael Foy, did his feet stink! Vrhovnik for that beautiful “star pin.” The night I got it I Li ttle Bo-Peep has lost her couldn’t believe my eyes that it sheep, was mine. But it was. And don’t know vvhere to find So remember if you vvant one 1 them. like it ,you’d better vvrite to the How dumb, why doesn’t she Napredek. So let’s see hovv many look in the barn? members vvill vvrite to the Na¬ predek this year. Let’s make it like a game and try to get more | interest in it. If you don’t knovv vvhat to vvrite look at the other articles—that ought to give you some idea. We also vvant to see the meet¬ ings better attended. It vvas vvell attended last month. Ali offi¬ cers and almost ali members vvere there. The other members I guess couldn’t be there be¬ cause they live too far out, but Firing a 2493 series and! svveeping ali three games from the Utopian No. 2 the Spartani No. 1 ran their vvinning streak to ten straight wins and un- disputed first plače as the Uto¬ pian No. 1 vvere dropping one to the Lunder Adamič team. R. Lisch had a 537 series vvhich included a 204 single game. S. Žagar had a 534 series. For the Utopian No. 2, M. Lenassi vvas high vvith a 482 series. The Spartan No. 2 beat the Utopian lassies in two games to go into undisputed third plače, but the girls had them on edge throughout. The Utopian Ladies vvith F. Svetina firing a 478 series vvhich included a 194 game and M. Krevic a 403 series vvhich included a 167 game blasted the three game high record for vvomen vvith a 1915 series. F. Svetina’s 478 series vvas a nevv high and her 194 game vvas good for second plače. J. Pečnik vvas high for the Spartan No. 2 vvith a 482 series. With M. Jeric firing a 436 series vvhich included a sizzling 219 single game, a nevv high, the Složne Sestre salvaged one game in their battle for the :ellar spot vvith the Spartan Ladies and thus hold on to a tie for seventh plače. C. Lisch had a 406 series. WHO’S WHO IN THE ZOO (J\o ojjense meant) Foist cage: The foist cage, | vvhich is soundproof, is occupied i by our restless and ever-talka- | tive vvild parrot, Aliče Bashel, ! vvho vamps at passers-by. Second cage: Looking over the fence is our giraffe, Stanley Slejko, vvatching the flappers | sizzle by. ! Third cage: F. J. Bashel, vvho they’ll try to do their best next is known as Fcrdman d the Buli, time. It’s a good thing vve have kas a & ooc l time giving the sister Clara Chuck for preši- buli s eye to the female buli, dent. If our president vvere a boy Valeria Artel. (It s just a lot of hemaight get angry if you don’t buli.) come and hit you over the head Fourth cage: Is possesed by vvith the little hammer. Boy, are J °sephine Kovic, the tigress vve lucky, ’cause we have a sis- who eats raw meat b y the ter for president. Aren’t vve, pounds. members? Fifth cage: Mr. Zaman, the Stephie Taucher, Treas. ! pet mastadon, vvhich is slovvly - beginning to be eaten avvay by THE OUTLOOKERS’ CORNER the passing centuries. - Sixth cage: Frank “Mouse” (Continued from Vrtec Section) Gačnik vvho has a distant rela- ! tion in Hollyvvood, caged up by ! lege. Nice going, Andy, you mayi Walt Disney ! be a musician someday. Seventh cage: R. F. J. Brati- Eleanor Ster, knovving ali the; na g j ts j n orang-outang cage best jokes, giving Edvvard Slej-, grow iing at grcund-hog Jose- ! ko some stiff competion. Somel ppj nc Klein J oke: ’' Well, it’s lunch-time, and time .Josepliine Kovic, using at least tvvo bottles of ink per month to vvrite to a certain per¬ son in Pennsy. He must be some Gable. Olga Zaubi must have vvhat it takes to get a fellovv to drive past her home at least'once a day. lt’s a super-charged knee- j to feed the animals. The Cage Keeper New Ladies Mark Set by M. Jeric By Stan Žagar - CLEVELAND, O. — In spite action Model-T. Schnazy, we| of the fact that the Utopian No. calls it. 1 team broke tvvo records, a Two recent Romeos, now her- 2524 series vvhich included an J mita, have recently revived.889 single game, they dropped RAINIJOWS OF )VEST POINT WEST BOINT, O. — First I vvant to thank ali the members , who attevid our meetings. This is my second articie for the Na¬ predek and I am doing my best. In January I starten on my nevv j ob as. secretary of our Vrtec. I find the vvork quite iuteresting but J think that if 1 vvere to do it again I vvould take a week’s from tvvo vultuie bites, J. VUL- TURE, and J. VULTURE. out of a tie from the lead. They could only vvin tvvo games for STANDINC-S Spartan No. 1 — 22 8 .733 Utopian No. 1 _21 9 .700 Spartan 'No. 2 .16 . 14 .533 Utopian No. 2 .14 16 .467 Lunder-Adamič ....14 16 .467 Utopian Ladies ... 13 17 .433 Složne Sestre .. 10 20 .333 Spartan Ladies —.10 20 .333 Men's Averages — D. Stecker, 171.5; A. Bolka, 166.3; J. Spilar, 165.13; F. Katai, 165.4; J. Jerse, 1163.4. Individual Three Game High F. Katai . .- 560 R. Lisch ... ... 552 J H. Zorman ...— 549 Individual High Single Game \ F. Katai .. .. 243 D. Stecker .... 237 i J. Spilar ...... 221 Ladies Averages — A. Žagar,! 136.2; M. Krevic, 129.27; F. Svetina, 124.9; C. Lisch, 116.24; A. Gruden, 115.3. Individual Three Game High ! F. Svetina _ 47£ A. Žagar __ 458 Individual High Single Game M. Jeric _ 219 F. Svetina . 194 A. Žagar .. 184 On alleys 1-2 the Utopian Ladies vvill be trying to upset the Utopian No. 2 and thereby pass them up as they are only i one game behind. The Utopian; No. 2 vvill be spotting about 94 pins. On alleys 3-4 the Spartan No. 2 vvill be trying to duplicate i their upset of the Utopian No, 1 in the first meeting and at the same time gain revenge for the vvhitevvash the Utopian No. 1 gave them in their second meeting.The Utopian No. 1 vvill be spotting about 61 pins. On alleys 5-6 the Spartan No. 1 vvill be trying to extend their ten game vvinning streak vvhen they meet the Spartan Lassies. The Spartan Lassies vvill be try- mg for an upset as they do not vvant to go into last again. The Spartan No. 1 vvill be spot¬ ting them about 160 pins. On alleys 7-8 the Lunder- Adamic vvill be trying to get over the fivc hundred mark at the expense of the Složne Sestre. They vvill be spotting the Ladies 116 pins. self in Cleveland as in Bridge- ville. That a certain Mr. and Mrs. are going to the bovvling tour- nament and already both have said not to look for each other until time to board the bus for the return trip home. That Indianapolis, site for the 7th Annual SSPZ Athletic Meet hold many surprises for you. That a certain someone is sorry for not vvriting to a little Clevelander and vvants pardon- ing. That the Hoosier Pals are go¬ ing to avenge a certain defeat this year. That vve are sorry to hear of . the Spartans’ basketball team’s collapse. That many Vrtec members from Indianapolis plan on being at the bovvling tournament via the thumb. That the Hoosier Pals basket¬ ball record to date is 23 vvins against 11 losses. Very com- mendable. That yours truly drank his first full amount of beer in his life — Wow — ril never fofget that next day. That a 623 score vvill vvin the men singles, a 2596 vvill take the team event and a 476 cap- ture the woman’s singles event in the coming bovvling tourna¬ ment. Just my guess folks, but a good one, I think. That a much stronger softball team vvill be had by the Hoo¬ sier Pals this year. That I have vvritten too much already and vvill stop — More next time. John Pešut, Rept. Balkanites Out-Bowl Windy City Keglers (Continued from page 4) Olga Lenko -122 117 77 316 M. Chernich 106 154 163 423 We hear our sizzling jitter- j the Lunder Adamič team vvhich bug, Aliče Bashel, Iraving j broke tvvo streaks, their ovvn trcuble vvith her jaw. Maybe it’s I six game losing streak and the broken. We vvondered if she : Utopian No. 1 eight game vvin- slipped, tangled up, fell, and;ning streak. H. Zorman had a kissed the floor, or did the floor 209 single in his big 549 series kiss her? . j vvhich vvas good for third plače Crash! Something must have in the records. J. Spilar had a come betvvoen the inseparable! 546 series vvhich included a 220 pair, J. Klicu and J. Vadnal. | single game high for the vvcek. Ain't love a disappointment, [ D. Stecker had a 507 series. For Jolumy? | the Lunder Adamič five K. Sto- Our reelected prexy lias beenjkel vvas high vvith a 454 series. HOOSIER PALS Continued from page 4 361 458 402 1221 After the bovvling the entire group left for Balkan’s “domača zabava” held at the S. S. Turner Hall. I regret to mention here that Jos. Potsch’s car vvas involved in vvhat could have been a seri- ous accident. A drunken driver suddenly swayed head-on into Joe’s lane, and had not Joe averted same vvith a timely sharp turn to the left, the col- lision vvould have resulted head- on. Too bad that said accident had to occur because the re- mainder of the evening vvas practically vvasted, and Jee’s, as also fevv other members’, good time spent in arranging the various adjustments per- taining to the accident. The “domača zabava” itself proved to be very success.ful, judging from the packed-house attendance, thus diminishing the floor space for dancing, but, regardless, eyeryone seemed to be in the best of špirit and en- joying him or her self to the utmost, and I can imagine that many regretted that the time vvent by so fast, that night. In conclusion, I vvish to state that the committee in charge, as vvell as the able assistance of other members, vvho in any way helped to make this affair such and outstanding one, are to be compiimented; also a vvord of appreciation i and many thanks for the liberal donations offered by the various donors for this affair. John Maren. That Cleveland may be the home of good softball players but not bovvlers ahem — I vvon- • | der. That I hope Ann Krevic of j the Utopians is fully recovered from that bad foot of hers. That history vvill repeat it- v tej posojilnici zavarovane do $5,000.00 po Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corpo¬ ration, VVashington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne in društvene vloge Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. 6235 St. Clair Avenue HEnd. 56(0 STRAN 4. ‘NAPREDEK” 15. februarja, 1939 DO YOU KNOW THAT - SSPZ Has Nine Modem Plans of Life Insurance for Adults and Juveniles? PROGRESS Fraternalism in Action The SSPZ paid to its members $4,000,000 in benefits since organization. ‘NAPREDEK’ 0FFICIAL ANN0UNCEMENT 1NITIATIVE MOTION FOR AMENDMENT OF SSPZ BY-LAWS Spartans Present Balkanites Out-Bowl| SpartanoIogy Mock Wedding Windy City Keglers News from Hoosierland At the meeting of the Supreme Board held on February 3, 1939, the follovving INITIATIVE MOTION, proposed by Lodge No. 63 at its meeting on November 6, 1938, was unanimously approved: OFFICE OF LODGE NO. 63, SSPZ SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Motion to Amend the By-Laws of the SSPZ The undersigned hereby moves that the Lodge adopts, and the Supreme Board approves and submits to a referen¬ dum vote the adoption of the following additional Section of the By-Laws of the Slovene Progressive Benefit Society: Section 269, a). In addition to sick benefit payable for a regular child- birth in accordance with Section 269, the Society shall pay FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00 )towards insurance of the newly- born in either Class A or B of the Juvenile Mortuary Fund. The application for such insurance shall be approved by the Local Lodge not later than three (3) months from the date of birth of the.child, otherwise the additional benefit shall not be considered. Should the newly-born child die be- for the admission into the Juvenile Department, the amount of additional benefit shall be paid to the mother of the child. Seconded by: Proposed by: FRANK TURK JOHN SEBANZ CLEVELAND, O. again Spartans step — Once into the limelight with something new. AFFIDAVIT The undersigned officers of Lodge No. 63, of the Slo¬ vene Progressive Benefit Society, located at Sheboygan, Wis- consin, hereby certify that the aforesaid motion was sub- mitted, seconded and adopted with the majority vote of the members present at the meeting held on November 6, 1939, at Sheboygan, Wis. Lodge No. 63, SSPZ, M ATT KOŠČAK, President (Lodge Seal) FRANK JAMNIK, Sec’y The above initiative motion must be seconded by at least 30 Lodges from five States vvithin 60 days after the motion was pub- lished in the Official Organ the first time, as provided in the By- Laws, Section 22, before it may be submitted to a referendum. The interim for open discussion of above initiative motion shall therefore be between February 15 and April 17, 1938, dur- ing which period thq required number of Lodges must official!y second the proposed motion of Lodge No. 63 and submit their re- port to the Supreme Secretary. Ali notices petraining to second- ing of the initiative motion must reach the Supreme Secretary on or before April 17, 1939, othervvise they will not be considered. Ali Lodges, seconding the initiative motion of Lodge No. 63 and agreeing that same should be put to a referendum vote, should cut out, or copy, and fill out the following form: A moek-wedding isn’t exactly' new but the way the Spartans I : '.vili-present it Sunday promises | to be the most hilarious spec-! tacle you have seen in many a day. It’ll be a complete affair with j everybody frcm bride and groom to the little flower girl taking 1 active part in the presentation. ! And what’s more there’ll even be a regular wedding party aft- ! er the ceremony. There’11 be plenty of refreshments, eats, ! and mušic. Naturally vve’ll be sticking around to kiss the bride and have a polka with her and vre ! also want a piece of the vved- ding cake. Oh, you want to know vvho the bride is going to be? Scrry we can’t teli you. Ali | vre can say now is that she’s petite and pretty and a bit of ; alright. When does ali this take plače ? Why Sunday, Feb. 19, right aft¬ er the regular Spartan monthly ! meeting which will be held in iSokoPs Hall in the SND at 2:00 p.m. Of course, you’ll want to be on hand for the entire 1 meeting in order to have a chance to win the five dollar at- tendance avvard which vrill be given away during the meeting to some lucky person. Victorians Win Tvjo Games, Only To Be Beaten in Total Pin Count. — Post-bowling Reception Enjoyed at “Bal- kans” Annual “domača za¬ bava”. Bij Moe HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Last Call! REPORT OF SECONDING THE INITIATIVE MOTION OF LODGE NO. 63 To the Supreme Secretary SSPZ‘: Lodge No. SSPZ, located at . .. .. ... acted on the initiative motion of Lodge No. 63 at the meeting held on . .., 1939, and with a majority vote of members present agreed that the motion be submitted to a referendum vote of the member- ship. Dated at .... this . day of.... . L . , 1939. WHITE VALLEY, Pa,—Since I am newcomer to the SSPZ I thought I’d write and teli a little about the affair being held by a group of girls from the Kingsters and Evening Starš. The dance vrill be held on February 19, 1939 at the White Valley Hall. Musič for the occasion vrill be furnished by the White Eagle orchestra. Dancing will begin at 8:00 p.m. and last till? Plenty of refresh¬ ments vrill be on hand. We hope ali the distant and local lodges vrill attend. A good time is in store for ali. Until Feb. 19, I’]l be seeingyou. Member of Evening Starš. Frances March (Secretary) (President) (Lodge Seal) EKPLANATION Most of the Slovene fraternal institutions already have a similar provision in their By-Laws. Some provide for even higher remuneration than the amount proposed in initiative motion of Lodge 63. It is obvious that the sick benefit fund will be further liable for approximately FIVE to SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS eaeh year, should this motion be incorporated into the By-Laws and members take advantage of providing a temporary no-cost in¬ surance for their children. This is based on number of confine- ment and childbirth claims during 1938. The financial condition of the Sick Benefit Fund CAN stand this additional liability vrithout any ill effects. The amount so spent in providing a free insurance for newly born members would be returned to the Society in the form of additional mor- tuary and expense premiums. This actually indicates only a trans¬ fer of funds from one class of the insurance into the other two funds. Due to the lovr mortality rate this motion vrill benefit the Ju¬ venile Department tremendously. It will gain annually at least one hundred new members vvho vvould probably othervrise not join. Some Slovene fraternal societies already practice this method, as mentioned before. If the mother of the nevrlyborn belongs also to one of those Societies, it is natural that she vrill apply for her baby’s insurance vvith that Society. There is no assessment to be paid for several years. Our Society therefore cannot lag behind, and the Supreme Board recommends the adoption of this motion. Please do not forget that the motion must be seconded by at least 30 different Lodges, not from one or two States, but from FIVE VARIOUS STATES. Lodges should therefore be interested in the motion in ali sections of the country, East, West, North and South. If you agree that the motion will benefit the Society, second same at the Lodge meeting and forward the report of ap- proval to the Supreme Secretary. WILLIAM RUS, Supreme Secretary Utopians Meeting CLEVELAND, O. — Ali the Utopians are urged to attend the regular rnonthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 20 in the librarv of the Slovene Workmen’s Home Waterioo Rd at 8:00 p.m. Members, vrho stili have the last dance tickets, kindly have them ali at this meeting so I can majke the report. For many important events are just ahead, vvhich vre will vrant to spend most of our time on. So, attend the monthly meet- ings, help us clear the past events and aid us in the coming affairs. Elsie Pucel, Sec’y. MIIAVAUKEE, Wis. — In spite of the unexpeeted and record breaking snovr - storm Chicago experienced, the week of Jan. 30-Feb. 4, fourteen Vic’s and T.B.’s bovrlers braved the vreather, and sojourned to Mil- vraukee on Sat. night, Feb. 4, 1939, to partjicipate in a sched- uled bowling match game vvith the Balkanites. The meet proved to be a very exciting and interesting one, from the very start — the Bal¬ kanites I totaling 884 and Vic’s 767 for first game; while Bal¬ kanites No. 2 follovred with 796 to T. B.’s total of 75 pins. The final outcome of the series shovred that Balkanites No. 1 team out pointed the Vic’s by 96 pins, while the Balkanites No. 2 team proved themselves far mere superior to T. B.’s, by accounting for a final lead of 306 pins over their opponents. In the three high game total division Leo Omejc (Balkanite No. 1) took the honors vrith a total of 559; follovred closely by Emil Hrast (Vic’s) with 555; Max Kalan (Vic’s) next trailing vvith a 522 score. In the oppo- site team matches, A. Spruck and L. Lonchner (Balkanites No. 2) each accumulated 501 pins. In the ladies division — Julia Potsch, Mary Potsch and Mary Chernich representing the Vic’s ladies team joined vvith the Bal¬ kanites ladies to enjoy a match game of two teams of foursome. Mary Chernich (Vic’s) account- ed for a 423 pin total, vrhile Mary Lenko (Balkanite) trailed closely behind vvith 409, and Mary Omejc (Balkanite) vvith 388 pins. The follovving are the scores as taken from score-sheets. BALKANITES No. 1 A. Yersin.177 145 142 464 L. Omejc .200 197 162 559 J. Maren_176 132 136 444 A. Maren .168 154 157 479 G. Duncan ....163 187 144 494 Spartans’ pre-Lenten vved- ding is to take plače this coming Sunday at 2 p. m., Sokols’ Hall, Room 1. Members and friends are cordially invited to attend the ceremony and an elegant re¬ ception vvill follovv. Did I hear someone ask vvho is going to be united in this holy vvedlock? Well novv I vv/puld like to teli you but—no; the idea is to come and see for yourself. The Bridal Procession vvill be ione of the most spectacular and jglamorous events you have ever Lseen. This is the first vvedding of the Spartans ever to be solemnized to the public. The ibride (A-hem) vvill vvear a form fitting govvn of vvhite lace vvith a trailing veil. The maid of hon- or and the maids in attendance vvill also vvear form fitting govvns in ali color hues of the rainbovv. To be a little different they vvill do away vvith the vvear- ing of hats but vvear fresh flovv- ers in their up-sweep curls. (Do they look svveet—yes, sir. If I vvas a boy I sure could go for ;them ali but since I’m a girl I haven’t a chance. Sniff! Sniff!) But then the ushers are hand- : some too. The bride vvill be given aWay by her father (vvith the aid of a shotgun). INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — feeling among the Slovene peo- Climaxing a successful meeting ple of Indianapolis, vvith a little party held at the Quips Radio Inn thirteen members of Before I start 1 vvant you ali the Hoosier Pals made plans|to knovv that Mi s. Ža ra Seme- for the coming bovvling tourna- ment to be held in Cleveland. Ali plans discussed vvere those nik, our genial secretary-treas- urer, promises to be a threat in the coming bovvling tournament. So vvon’t you please come and pay your respects to the bride and groom. See you at the vved¬ ding. pertaming to tvvo days of hilar-She recently rolled a 491 score ity; each member promising a in actual pins in practice. Par- eontinuation of .tun once had : don me, I erred, what I meant vvhile in Bridgeville last fall. to say vvas a 149, but even this Indeed it vvas a merry group, proves that she’s to be vvatched, drinking, dancing, singing and Ali Reigel had his first taste laughing. Never before has of that Hoosier Pal friendliness there fccen any party arranged and he says “They’re tops”. The on such short notice as vvas ; members say “He’s grand and this one, but, yet so successful- it vvon’t be long before he vvill ly given. | be one of us. Well, judging from We do not knovv the cause the party that night, I vvould for such a thought on Brother say he is already one of us. Madley’s part, vvhose generosity For a nevv member to make and vviilingness in seeing others much headway in such a short enjoying themselves, but vve do time it took Ali Riegel to show vvant to thank him. In the first us hovv. plače it vvas his idea to “have “Hitler” Madley, “Red Ivan a beer on him.” Did vve have it? the Slav”, (Ivančič to you) and You can bet on a sure thing “Ducky” Turk vvill bear vvatch- that vve did and by the time the; ing vvhile in Cleveland. These party vvas over, seven times the the “Unholy Three” plan a new amount vvas had “Give till it campaign for fum vvhile in the hurts,’ said “Red” Ivančič and Buckeye State, give, vve did; And because of Did You Knovo... this party nevv ideas vvere made. That “Oscar” Ivančič is go- So let us forget the party tem- ing to look up Tini, the first porarily, and get back to our; thing vvhen he' arrives in Cleve- monthly meeting vvhich vvas 1 land. successfully held. i That a certain Hoosier Pal Although being members for vvill not bring his better half to five months Brothers .Joseph i Cleveland and that another Turk, Anthony Sekula, Alexan- member is. (Will t.hey ever der Todar and John Pešut vvere! learn.) Spartans’ monthly meeting vvill take plače this coming Sun- ; clay, February 19th at 2 p. m. in Sokol’s Hall. Everybody is urged to come as the entertain- ment committee has prepared the most hilarious program you j have ever vvitnessed (A Mock \ Wedding). Refreshments vvill follovv. Be i sure to come and bring your friends. P. S.—Donations of cakes or cookies vvill be deeply appreci- i ated. officially initiated into the Hoo¬ sier Pals lodge. Aloysius Rie¬ gel, vvas introduced to ali mem¬ bers present at this meeting and vvill be initiated in our next. The date set for the qualifi- cations for the bovvling teams are February 26 and March 5. Only tvvo vveeks vvas seleeted by the bovvlers for the roli off as it vvas decided that the highest averages vvould determine posi- Continued on page 3 Challenger News Benefit Dance UNITED LODGES OF CLEVELAND 884 815 714 2440 VICTORIANS Jos. Potsch ..121 147 81 Ed Leben ......126 122 179 Geo. Rosol ....156 175 160 Emil Hrast ....197 192 X66 Max Kalan . ..167 189 166 349 427 491 555 522 CLEVELAND, O. — The rep- resentatives of the United Lodges are cordially invited to attend the meeting of the United Lodges vvhich vvill be held Saturday, February 18 at 8 p.m. in the old bldg. of the SND. John J. Kikol, Sec’y The Challenger lodge is spon- soring a Benefit Dance for one of its members, namely, Bro. Victor Shell. The dance vvill be held at the SNPJ Hall, Stra„- bane, Pa. April 22nd. Tickets i for this affair already are on tions ±01 the first team. As said šale, and can be purchased from previously five teams vvould re- 1 Challenger members. present the Hoosier Pals these • As this affaair is for a worthy being foui men teams and one cause, SSPZ v members and vvonmen s team. friends are urged to liberally It is up to the individual and,p Urc h ase tickets and to attend the organization of vvhich he is j the affair. The aforementioned a member to see that improve-1 brother is legless and in dire ments for his community are nee d of an artificial one. gotten” stated Bro. Naurnsek PLEASANT VALLEY SPON- SORS ANOTHER DANCE in a short talk on community Bowling vvelfare. Bro. Naurnsek, seleeted M &ny Challenger members are by the West Side Jugoslav Club att ending the weekly practices as representative for this or-: at the Elk ’ s Alleys, and con- ganization urged the Hoosier siderable improvement is notice- 767 825 752 2344 BALKANITES No. 2 A. Bozich .148 132 158 J. Gole ..165 157 128 A. Spauck ...173 150 178 H. Maren ......155 143 156 L. Lonchner ..155 177 169 438 450 501 454 501 DICTIONARY By Eleanor S ter Dog: vvhen it’s hot, you eat it; vvhen it’s cold, it barks. Pudding: pudding my Southern accent. Pago-pago: brother of Simone Simon. Popcorn: Pop corn crazy vvith the heat. Croquette: Did your rich uncle croquette? Corner: Where boy meets girl. Fovvls: a, e, i, o, and u. Delighted: To go vvithout the light suddenly. 796 759 789 2344 TRAIL BLAZERS V. Tomc ..148 115 103 366 M. Vrhovnik .143 135 133 411 T. Ule .. 173 126 122 421 E. Lazzeri ...139 170 132 441 J. Puzell _ 155 122 122 399 BALKANS Rose Marn .... 98 118 112 328 Mary Omejc .127 114 147 388 Mary Young .. 77 109 83 Mary Lenko ..124 117 168 269 409 426 458 510 1394 VICTORIANS Julia Potsch .. 71 112 78 261 Mary Potsch .. 62 75 84 221 (Continued on page 3) PLEASANT VALLEY, Pa. — Our last dance on Jan. 1,1939 certainly vvas a success. I vvish to express my sincere thanks to each and everyone vvho attend- ed this dance, especially those from Claridge, Manor, Herminie and White Valley. “Teanie” enjoyed herself aft¬ er the dance. What vvas the big idea? At our last meeting Jan 8th vve planned to have another dance. This affair vvill be held at the Pleasant Valley Hall Sat., February 25th. The mušic vvill’ be furnished by Joe Koracin’s Slovene Aces. Refreshments of ali sorts vvill be served,- Admis¬ sion vvill be 25 cents. We are looking forvvard to this dance being a great success. So I am inviting everyone from far and near to come and enjoy them¬ selves to those good polkas and popular numbers. Pil be seeing you ali on the 25th. Until then, so-long. Emily M. Milharsic, Preš. Pals to be represented at a meeting to be held for the betterment of the West Side of Indianapolis. After his short and interesting talk it vvas de¬ cided that Adolph Madley and Sophie Krapes vvould represent the Hoosier Pals at this im- able among the bovvlers. Sisters Frances Serca and Julia Ahačič, and Bros. John Pelan and John Bonazza, are the leading scor- ers cf the girls and boys teams, respectively. Challenger s' Anniversary Challengers’ Fifth Annivel'- portant meeting and to make a sary vvill be held May 28, at TT “ n the s ^ T;e ' . | Strabane, Pa. A widely knovvn ' e °°sier I als is the first band will render the mušic. ° ° .^ os ^ re ° er kation for a Odds and Ends Department picmc chis year to be held on Bro. Anthony Serca is able the S mday of May 28, tvvo days to be about and vvill return to prior to the Annual 500 mile his vvork in a fevv vveeks-he is noTpd P n ? ianapoUs is ! the manager of Aiexander Co- w d , rroceed of this picnic op. store... Were Pete Elish’s the new Naf , w iu and “ Ham ” Serca’s faces red me ' PlanS when two Challenger lassies de- w a V h 1 buddmg are under-1 feated them in a bovvling game? ay a J! d m tlme we will see a | Ruth Davis is doing the light magnificent structure vvith a‘ifantasy at the PresfdenFs Bali roomstiTeiSr “T I- • What TZ ** alleyš. We have waS Ion” fo?' Chairra8n Mar ‘° n PClIig " n ' nevvs such as this and it is our duty to see such a building be ereeted. As our only excuse for the many failures in our activi- ties vvas a poor National Home we novv vvill be able to say the successes vvere due to our nevv National Home. Also a much needed projeet as this vvill U n- doubtedly bring about a better ni? Is it that serious that y° u have no time for the old gang? • • • Louis Saver seems to he anxious to visit Ohio, again. • ■ Challenger lassies are going h 1 for the shag, and the Lamber 1 Walk... and. vvhere can Bro- Andrevv Milavec be since h’ s marriage ? ... See you at the next regular meeting... Observer ■ ■ £BfiK< -