Z. LI et al.: BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL ... 307–314 BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID BENZIMIDAZOL IN NJEGOVI DERIVATI KOT ZAVIRALCI KOROZIJE MALOLEGIRANEGA JEKLA V SOLNI KISLINI Zhaolei Li 1,2 , Deng Wang 1 , Bojun He 1 , Xinxin Ye 1 , Weijie Guo 1 1 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Materials Science and Engineering Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, 2 Mengxi Road, 212003 Zhenjiang, China 2 Jiangsu Sidike New Materials Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Suzhou 215400, China zllinju@126.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-09-04; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-11-03 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.145 Using potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), the inhibition ability of benzimidazole (BI), 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI) and 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) for mild steel in an HCl solution (1 mol L –1 ) was investigated. With an increase in the concentration, 2-MBI showed the highest inhibition efficiency (IE) at 1.24×10 –3 mol L –1 , while the IE of BI and 2-CBI increased continuously within the investigated concentration range. The IE increased in the order of BI < 2-MBI < 2-CBI, which was further confirmed by the morphologies of the mild-steel surfaces after their immersion in 1M HCl with or without different inhibitors. Fitted adsorption isotherm curves suggested that the adsorption of the three inhibitors onto the mild steel in 1M HCl follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Considering the effects of the temperature on the adsorption behaviour of the inhibitors, the apparent activation energy (Ea) of the mild-steel corrosion in the HCl solution with BI, 2-MBI and 2-CBI was calculated as (42.00, 48.28 and 67.93) kJ mol –1 , respectively. Keywords: mild steel, benzimidazole derivatives, inhibitor, adsorption V ~lanku avtorji opisujejo raziskavo sposobnosti benzimidazolovih derivatov: benzimidazola (BI), 2-metiltiobenzimidazola (2-MBI) in 2-klorometilbenzimidazola (2-CBI) za zaviranje korozije malolegiranega (z nizko vsebnostjo ogljika) jekla v raztopini (1 mol L –1 ) solne kisline. V raziskavi so za to uporabili potenciodinami~ne polarizacijske krivulje in elektrokemi~no impedan~no spektroskopijo (EIS). Kot naju~inkovitej{i zaviralec (IE; angl.: Inhibition Efficiency) se je z nara{~ajo~o koncen- tracijo pri 1,24×10 –3 mol L –1 izkazal 2-MBI, medtem ko je zaviralna u~inkovitost BI in 2-CBI nara{~ala zvezno v preiskovanem obmo~ju koncentracij. IE je nara{~ala v smeri BI < 2-MBI < 2-CBI, ki so jo nadalje potrdili s preiskavami morfologije povr{ine malolegiranega jekla po potapljanju v 1M raztopino HCl v ali brez prisotnosti izbranih zaviralcev. Zglajene adsorpsijske izotermalne krivulje ka`ejo na to, da izbrani zaviralci na malolegiranem jeklu v 1M HCl sledijo Langmuir-jevi adsorpcijski izotermi. Avtorji prispevka so, upo{tevajo~ vpliv temperature, izra~unali navidezne aktivacijske energije (Ea) korozije malolegiranega jekla v raztopini HCl s prisotnostjo BI, 2-MBI in 2-CBI. Izra~unane vrednosti Ea so bile (42,00, 48,28 in 67,93) kJ mol –1 . Klju~ne besede: malolegirano jeklo, derivati benzimidazola, zaviralec, adsorpcija 1 INTRODUCTION Corrosion behaviours of metals can be observed in different fields of industry, causing significant economic losses. 1–3 Using corrosion inhibitors is one of the most efficient and economical methods for the protection of metals and their alloys against corrosion, especially in acidic solutions. 4–6 Organic compounds with electrons and heteroatoms such as O, N, S proved to be the most effective corrosion inhibitors. 7–10 The electrostatic physi- sorption or chemisorption ascribed to the transformation of electrons from inhibitors to the metal surface are considered to be the reasons why inhibitors can retard the corrosion behaviour. However, the relationship bet- ween the molecular structure and the inhibition efficien- cy (IE) has not yet been completely established. Benzimidazole (BI) and its derivatives were used to inhibit the corrosion of metals in a corrosive medi- um. 11–18 J. Aljourani et al. 11 researched the BI, 2-methyl- benzimidazole and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole as corro- sion inhibitors for mild steel in the 1M HCl solution; they found that these inhibitors retarded both the catho- dic and anodic processes and that the inhibition efficiency was increased with an inhibitor concentration in the order of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole > 2-methylben- zimidazole > BI. Recently, P. Morales-Gil et al. 19 found that the IE of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole for carbon steel in the 1M hydrochloric acid is 99 %, with a concentra- tion of 2 mM. K. F. Khaled 20 reported the corrosion inhibition of iron in 1.0 M HNO 3 due to some benzi- midazole derivatives where the IE increased in the order of 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI) < 2-chlorome- thylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) < 2-aminomethylbenzimida- zole (2-ABI), since 2-ABI has a higher HOMO energy and larger number of electrons transferred to the iron surface ( N) than that of the other two. 2-CBI was also used as the inhibitor for the carbon steel in 1M HCl, and it showed the highest IE among the involved six com- pounds, including imidazole, benzimidazole, pyridine and their derivatives. 21 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 307–314 307 UDK 620.1:547.532:547.78:669.018.8:669.15 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(3)307(2018) However, 2-MBI and 2-CBI were not directly com- pared as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in HCl, which would help us to better understand the effects of the substituents on the molecular structure. In this paper, the effects of BI, 2-CBI and 2-MBI on the mild-steel corro- sion in a HCl solution (1 mol L –1 ) were studied; since the last one contains nitrogen and sulphur, it was expected to be a more efficient inhibitor than those containing only sulphur or nitrogen atoms. 22,23 All the experiments were carried out using potentiodynamic polarization curves or electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The standard adsorption free energy ( G 0 ads ) of the inhibitors and the apparent activation energy (E a ) of the mild-steel corrosion were discussed by monitoring the IE of diffe- rent inhibitors as a function of the concentration and temperature. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The chemical composition of the involved mild-steel samples is C = 0.193 %, Si = 0.272 %, Mn = 0.436 %, P = 0.033 % and S = 0.029 %. The cylindrical mild-steel specimens with a cross-section area of 0.5 cm 2 and a height of 1.5 cm were welded with an insulated copper wire and sealed in PVC tubes with epoxy resin. After having been mechanically ground with 400, 600, 1000 and 1500 grit SiC abrasive papers, the epoxy-resin- sealed mild-steel samples were washed with absolute ethanol and acetone and finally stored in a moisture-free desiccator before use. BI, 2-MBI and 2-CBI were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd., without any further treatment before their use. 1 mol L –1 HCl was prepared by dissolving reagent grade hydrochloric acid in bi-distilled water. HCl solutions with different concentrations of benzimidazole and its derivatives were used as the electrolyte. A three-electrode cell containing a mild-steel specimen as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode, a platinum electrode as the counter electrode was used. All the electrochemical measurements were conducted with an AUTOLAB (AUT86742) instrument using 100 mL of the electrolyte in the stationary condition. Before every measurement, the working electrode was immersed in the corrosion cell for 30 min to achieve a stable state. The scanning scope of the polarization curves was -250 mV to 250 mV, relative to the open-circuit potential (E oc )a t1m Vs –1 . The scanning scope of EIS was 100 KHz to 10 mHz. All the experiments were measured three times to get the average values and the represen- tative results are displayed in the figures below. The morphology of the mild-steel surface before and after the immersion in 1 M HCl with or without different inhibitors was determined using a scanning electron microscope (JSM-6480, JEOL). After the immersion in the HCl solution, the specimens were ultrasonically cleaned and washed with absolute ethanol and acetone. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Effect of the inhibitor concentration We first researched the corrosion behaviours of mild steel in 1 mol L –1 HCl with different concentrations of BI, 2-MBI and 2-CBI under room temperature (298 K). The results include polarization curves and EIS curves. The relative anodic and cathodic polarization curves are shown in Figure 1. Electrochemical parameters, such as the corrosion potential (E corr ), cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes ( c and a ) as well as corrosion current density (i corr ) were extrapolated from Figure 1 and displayed in Table 1. The degree of surface coverage ( ) and the percentage of IE ( %) were calculated using the follow- ing Equations (1) and (2): 23,24 Z. LI et al.: BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL ... 308 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 307–314 Table 1: Electrochemical parameters determined from the polarization curves in Figure 1 Inhibitor C×10 3 (mol L –1 ) -E corr×10 3 (V/SCE) icorr ×10 3 (A cm –2 ) c×10 3 (V/decade) a ×10 3 (V/decade) Blank 442±2.3 661±3.1 51±0.4 135±2.3 / / BI 0.43 456±1.9 477±1.7 49±0.7 110±2.7 0.2788 27.88 % 0.86 470±3.3 433±2.4 51±0.7 107±0.7 0.3457 34.57 % 1.29 464±2.7 407±1.0 49±0.5 90±3.8 0.3842 38.42 % 1.72 466±0.8 392±0.7 56±0.2 109±4.3 0.4070 40.70 % 2.15 468±1.2 379±1.2 50±1.1 96±4.1 0.4266 42.66 % 2-MBI 0.31 476±3.3 377±0.9 47±2.5 101±1.0 0.4295 42.95 % 0.62 475±0.5 346±1.1 49±1.6 104±0.4 0.4770 47.70 % 0.93 480±0.9 314±0.8 46±0.9 96±1.2 0.5252 52.52 % 1.24 481±1.7 298±0.3 58±3.7 128±0.7 0.5492 54.92 % 1.55 477±2.3 338±0.5 49±4.3 103±0.4 0.4889 48.89 % 2-CBI 0.31 444±1.3 141±1.8 69±2.1 123±1.6 0.7871 78.71 % 0.61 449±0.7 126±5.1 66±1.4 140±4.1 0.8088 80.88 % 0.91 458±1.1 70±4.4 66±1.1 137±2.5 0.8948 89.48 % 1.22 460±1.4 60±2.7 52±2.6 124±3.2 0.9089 90.89 % 1.52 467±0.8 38±1.4 57±3.1 112±5.4 0.9431 94.31 % = − ii i corr corr corr 0 0 (1) /%% =× 100 (2) where i 0 corr is the corrosion current density of mild steel in 1 M HCl without inhibitors. As we can see from Figure 1 and Table 1, the corro- sion current density i corr of mild steel in the HCl solutions containing BI or its derivatives with different concentra- tions are lower than that in the HCl solutions without additives (blank). For BI and 2-CBI, the i corr of mild steel in 1M HCl decreases at all the inhibitor concentrations while for 2-MBI, the i corr shows the minimum value at 1.24×10 –3 mol L –1 , indicating desorption at higher con- centrations. In the report published by J. Aljourani and c o - w o r k e r s ,t h eI Eo fB If o rm i l ds t e e li n1MH C l changed from 36.6 to 52.2 % with a concentration range from 0.43×10 –3 mol L –1 to 2.15 mol L –1 and the results of our work are basically the same. 11 The IE of 2-methyl- benzimidazole from reference 11 and the IE of 2-MBI found with our research are both lower than the IE of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole from reference. 11 Neverth- eless, the IE of 2-CBI is the highest among the com- pounds from reference 11 and our research, e.g., when 2-CBI in the HCl solution is 1.52 mol L –1 , the IE is 94.31 %. In addition, the results of our work are also consistent with the report published by K. F. Khaled, 20 in which 2-CBI also has a higher IE than 2-MBI for iron in 1M Z. LI et al.: BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 307–314 309 Figure 2: Nyquist plots of mild steel in 1M HCl with different con- centrations of: a) benzimidazole (BI), b) 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI) and c) 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) at 303 K Figure 1: Polarization curves of mild steel in 1M HCl with different inhibitors at 398 K: a) benzimidazole (BI), b) 2-methylthiobenzi- midazole (2-MBI) and c) 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) HNO 3 at identical concentrations; the reasons for this were found to be a higher HOMO energy and a larger N of 2-CBI. We believe that these reasons can also be used to interpret the higher IE of 2-CBI compared to 2-MBI for mild steel, found in our work. In addition, the difference between 2-CBI and 2-MBI can probably be attributed to the effects of the substituted group on the electron-cloud distribution of BI and the conformation of the inhibitor molecules. Hence, we can draw a conclu- sion that, just like BI, both BI derivatives can be used as inhibitors for mild steel in an HCl solution. The IE of the three inhibitors increases in the order of BI < 2-MBI < 2-CBI. In order to verify the phenomena presented in Fig- ure 1, we conducted EIS measurements of the mild steel i n1MH C lwith the three inhibitors. The electrical equivalent circuit inserted in Figure 2 A, B and C was used to fit the EIS data and the results are shown in Figure 2 and Table 2. They reveal that the Nyquist plots contain a depressed semi-circle, with the centre below the real X axis, which means that the corrosion is mainly a charge-transfer process. 25 Also, the total resistance, R tot , which represents the corrosion-protection ability of the layers, as well the percentage of inhibition efficiency ( %) were evaluated with the following Equations (3) and (4): 17 RRR tot sal ct =+ (3) / RR R % = − × tot 0 tot 100 (4) where R sal is the resistance of electrons or ions through the inhibitor layer,R ct is the charge-transfer resistance, and R 0 is the charge-transfer resistance without the inhi- bitor. For BI and 2-CBI, the radius of the semi-circle and R tot increase with the inhibitor concentration. On the other hand, for 2-MBI, the radius of the semi-circle and R tot increase with the concentration increase to 1.24×10 –3 mol L –1 , and then they decrease when the concentration is 1.55×10 –3 mol L –1 , which indicates the desorption of 2-MBI at a higher concentration. For BI and 2-MBI, R tot is mostly derived from R ct , while for 2-CBI, R tot is much bigger than that of the other two, and R sal is comparable to R ct . This phenomenon may be interpreted as the BI and 2-MBI layer being able to change the structure of the double electric layer, but with a lower resistance. How- ever, not only R ct , but also R sal increased sharply when 2-CBI was used as the inhibitor. This means that in addition to increasing the resistance of the double elec- tric layer, 2-CBI can also form a dense molecular layer with a higher resistance. Whatever, the IE values we calculated from the EIS curves (Table 2) are the same, with the tendency of the anodic and cathodic polarization curves shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. 3.2 Morphological characterization The surface morphologies of the mild-steel speci- mens immersed in 1 M HCl for 7 days with or without different inhibitors are presented in Figure 3. Figure 3B reveals that the surface morphology of the mild steel immersed in the HCl solution without an inhibitor is rough and porous, which means that the specimen was seriously corroded by the HCL solution. Figures 3C–D show the surface morphologies of the mild steel immersed in the HCl solution with BI, 2-MBI and 2-CBI, respectively. In contrast, the surfaces of these mild-steel specimens were protected by the three com- pounds, which proves that they can be used as inhibitors for mild steel in HCl. It should be emphasized that the surface morphology of the specimen with 2-CBI as the inhibitor is nearly the same as the freshly polished mild steel (Figure 3A). Moreover, the smoothness of the mild-steel surface increases in the order of BI < 2-MBI < 2-CBI, which also supports the results obtained from the polarization curves and EIS. Z. LI et al.: BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL ... 310 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 307–314 Table 2: Electrochemical parameters determined from the Nyquist plots in Figure 2 Inhibitor C×10 3 (mol L –1 ) R ct ( cm 2 ) R sal ( cm 2 ) R tot ( cm 2 ) BI Blank 27.5±1.7 0.08±0.02 27.5 / / 0.43 34.5±0.8 0.92±0.06 35.4 22.33 % 0.2233 0.86 40.8±1.8 1.43±0.11 42.2 34.86 % 0.3486 1.29 45.8±3.2 1.22±0.15 47.0 41.49 % 0.4149 1.72 52.1±2.2 4.14±0.21 56.2 51.08 % 0.5108 2.15 74.0±1.9 0.35±0.12 74.4 63.00 % 0.6300 2-MBI 0.31 38.0±1.5 1.78±0.49 39.8 30.84 % 0.3084 0.62 45.8±2.2 1.18±0.37 47.0 41.44 % 0.4144 0.93 53.7±4.3 1.81±0.61 55.5 50.44 % 0.5044 1.24 89.8±3.6 2.19±0.83 92.0 70.09 % 0.7099 1.55 58.1±6.8 1.91±0.66 60.0 54.16 % 0.5416 2-CBI 0.31 139.7±11.8 35.1±7.7 174.8 84.26 % 0.8426 0.61 164.8±17.7 49.5±7.1 214.3 87.16 % 0.8716 0.91 281.8±16.5 139.8±5.3 421.6 93.47 % 0.9347 1.22 290.3±21.1 207.6±10.8 497.9 94.47 % 0.9447 1.52 362.9±27.5 307.5±16.5 670.4 95.90 % 0.9590 3.3 Adsorption isotherms Furthermore, the adsorption isotherms of BI and its derivatives used on the mild-steel surface in the HCl so- lution were investigated in this research, and the results are shown in Figure 4 and Table 3. Different adsorption models mainly include Langmuir, 26 Brunauer-Emmett- Teller (BET), 27 Temkin, 28 Multisite Langmuir, 29 Flory- Huggins 30 and Frumkin. 31 It was found that the adsorp- tion of all three inhibitors onto the mild steel in the HCl solution can be effectively described with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, in which C/ can be represented as: 32 C K C =+ 1 ads (5) Where K ads is the adsorption equilibrium constant; the K ads of BI, 2-MBI and 2-CBI adsorbed onto the mild- steel surface was calculated as (1406.69, 4133.48 and 9054.6) L mol –1 , respectively. Table 3: Adsorption thermodynamic parameters of different inhibitors on the mild steel in 1M HCl and the subsequent apparent activation energy of mild steel Kads L/mol G 0 ads KJ/mol E a KJ/mol Blank – – 33.74 BI 1.41×10 3 -27.91 42.00 2-MBI 4.13×10 3 -30.58 48.28 2-CBI 9.05×10 3 -32.52 67.93 Based on the K ads values for different inhibitors, the standard free energy of adsorption G 0 ads can be cal- culated with the following Equation (6): 33–35 ΔGR TK ads ads 0 555 =− ln( . ) (6) where R is the gas constant and T is the absolute tem- perature. The value of 55.5 is the concentration of water in the solution in mol L –1 . The G 0 ads values of the Z. LI et al.: BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 307–314 311 Figure 4: Adsorption-isotherm fitting curves of the three inhibitors on the mild steel in 1 M HCl at 398 K: a) benzimidazole (BI), b) 2-methyl- thiobenzimidazole (2-MBI), c) 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) Figure 3: a) Morphology of the freshly polished mild-steel surface after the immersion in the 1 M HCl solution for 7 d without the inhibitor, b) with 0.43×10 –3 mol L –1 benzimidazole (BI), c) with 1.24×10 –3 mol L –1 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI), d) with 1.22×10 –3 mol L –1 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) (E) three inhibitors are presented in Table 3. A larger K ads is preferable for the inhibitors adsorbed onto the mild-steel surface, and the negative G 0 ads means that the adsorption is spontaneous. 36–38 Table 3 reveals that the K ads increased in the order of BI < 2-MBI < 2-CBI, and the respective G 0 ads values are (-27.91, -30.58 and -32.52) kJ mol –1 . The interaction between the inhibitors and the mild-steel surface is reflected by the absolute value of G 0 ads : if it is not more than 20 kJ mol –1 , the interaction is an electrostatic force (physisorption); if it is not less than 40 kJ mol –1 , the interaction involves sharing and a transfer of electrons from the inhibitors to the metal surface (chemisorption). 39 In this research, all the absolute values of G 0 ads are around 30 kJ mol –1 , indicating that the interaction between the three inhibitors and mild steel may be a mix of physisorption and chemisorption. 3.4 Effects of the temperature The effects of the temperature on the corrosion current density of mild steel can be used to determine the apparent activation energy (E a ) of mild-steel corrosion in the HCl solution with or without inhibitors. The effects of the temperature on the polarization curves are pre- sented in Figure 5; the i corr values of the mild steel in 1 M HCl with different inhibitors (fixed concentrations) were extrapolated from these polarization curves, and the results are recorded in Table 4. We used the following Equation (7): 40 ln ln iA E RT corr a =− (7) Where A is the Arrhenius pre-exponential constant. The relative electrochemical parameters are listed in Table 4, and the fitted straight lines of ln i corr as a func- tion of the reciprocal of temperature are displayed in Figure 6. Based on the slopes of the straight lines (–E a /RT), the apparent activation energy of the mild steel in HCl with different inhibitors is recorded in Table 3. Table 4: Electrochemical parameters extrapolated from the polariza- tion curves in Figure 5 Inhibitor T (K) -E corr ×10 3 (V/SCE) icorr ×10 6 (A cm –2 ) Blank 298K 442±2.3 661±3.1 – – 303K 428±0.5 825±2.9 – – 308K 424±0.6 1010±2.2 – – 313K 428±1.0 1290±6.8 – – 318K 414±0.3 1541±9.7 – – BI 298K 466±0.8 392±0.7 0.4070 40.70 % 303K 428±2.3 521±3.1 0.3686 36.86 % 308K 422±1.8 663±2.5 0.3434 34.34 % 313K 422±1.6 895±5.3 0.3060 30.60 % 318K 413±0.9 1130±5.8 0.2668 26.68 % 2-MBI 298K 481±1.7 298±0.3 0.5492 54.92 % 303K 440±2.7 409±7.6 0.5041 50.41 % 308K 432±1.5 545±1.8 0.4629 46.29 % 313K 437±2.9 769±8.8 0.4036 40.36 % 318K 439±2.5 1006±6.6 0.3473 34.73 % 2-CBI 298K 460±1.4 60±2.7 0.9089 90.89 % 303K 451±3.4 936±2.9 0.8878 88.78 % 308K 446±6.7 141±6.1 0.8608 86.08 % 313K 454±3.7 228±4.7 0.8229 82.29 % 318K 443±3.2 330±10.5 0.7861 78.61 % It is not surprising that with various inhibitors, E a of the mild-steel corrosion in 1 M HCl increased in the order of BI (42.00 kJ mol –1 ) < 2-MBI (48.28 kJ mol –1 )< 2-CBI (67.93 kJ mol –1 ); all its values are higher than the one obtained without the inhibitor (33.74 kJ mol –1 ). Thus, this tendency is consistent with that of IE. Z. LI et al.: BENZIMIDAZOLE AND ITS DERIVATIVES AS CORROSION INHIBITORS FOR MILD STEEL ... 312 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 307–314 Figure 5: Polarization curves of mild steel in 1M HCl with or without inhibitors at different temperatures: a) blank, b) benzimidazole (BI), c) 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI), d) 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) Figure 6: ln i corr as a function of 1/T for mild steel in 1 M HCl in the absence or presence of 0.43×10 –3 mol L –1 benzimidazole (BI), 1.24×10 –3 mol L –1 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI) and 1.22×10 –3 mol L –1 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) 4 CONCLUSIONS So far, we have come to the following conclusions by measuring electrochemical behaviours of mild steel in 1 M HCl with or without benzimidazole and its deriva- tives: 1. Benzimidazole (BI), 2-methylthiobenzimidazole (2-MBI) and 2-chloromethylbenzimidazole (2-CBI) can be used as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1 M HCl. For BI and 2-CBI, the inhibition efficiency (IE) increased with the increasing concentration. However, the IE of 2-MBI decreased when the con- centration reached 1.24×10 –3 mol L –1 due to the desorption process. Under the same condition, IE improved the most for BI, followed by 2-MBI and 2-CBI. 2. In this research, the adsorption of BI, 2-MBI and 2-CBI onto the mild steel in 1 M HCl was found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The adsorp- tion equilibrium constant (K ads ) of the inhibitors adsorbed onto the mild steel in1MH C la l s o improved in the same order as IE. 3. With an increase in the temperature, the corrosion current density increased as well. The values for the apparent activation energy (E a ) of mild-steel corro- sion in the HCl solution with the inhibitors are all higher than the one obtained without the inhibitor. Moreover, the variation in E a is in accordance with the IE values for the three inhibitors. Acknowledgments The authors appreciate the financial support from the Undergraduate Innovation Programs of the Jiangsu Uni- versity of Science and Technology (201710289099X), the Natural Science Foundation of the Higher Education Institutions of the Jiangsu Province (China) (17KJD430002), the Doctoral Scientific Research Foun- dation of the Jiangsu University of Science and Techno- logy (1062931603) and the Priority Academic Program Development of the Jiangsu Higher Education Insti- tutions. 5 REFERENCES 1 C. B. Zheng, X. Chen, ZrMoN films on 304 stainless steel as bipolar plates for PEMFCs using physical-vapor-deposition (PVD) techno- logy, Mater. Tehnol., 51 (2017) 4, 699–705, doi:10.17222/mit.2016. 316 2 X. Y. 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