LIMIT CYCLES IN HIGH ORDER XA MODULATORS D.Strle University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: SA modulators, limit ajcles, dithering Abstract; Limit-cycles generated in SA modulators are analysed and discussed in ttiis paper. Simulation results of two tiigh order modulators are presented togetlier with techniques to reduce limit cycles. The procedure is limited to general single loop EA modulators. Simulations are based on a general state-space description, which is applicable to general single loop architecture with one or multi bit internal ADC and/or DAC. Simulation results prove that high order modulators are as susceptible to limit-cycles as low order modulators are, which is in contrast to what is generally believed. To reduce the probability of the appereance of limit cycles a method called dithering is used to reach ultimate performance. Simulation results of 2nd and 5th order modulators are presented, and the method's efficiency is discussed. Limitni cikli pri ZA modulatorjih visokega reda Kjučne besede: ZA modulatorji, limitni cikli, tresenje Izvleček: V prispevku analiziramo in prikažemo limitne cikle, ki se generirajo v XA modulatorjih višjega reda. Predstavljeni so simulacijski rezultati modulatorja 2. in 5. reda skupaj z metodo eliminacije limitnih cilkov. Metoda analize je primerna za splošne modulatorje prvega reda z enim filtorm v zanki. Simulacije bazirajo na splošnem opisu v prostoru stanj, ki ga lahko uporabimo za poljuben modulator višjega reda z eno ali več bitnim notranjim kvantizatorjem in D/A pretvornikom. Simulacijski rezultati kažejo, da tudi modulatorji visokega reda niso imuni na tvorbo limitnih cilklov, kar je v nasprotju s splošnim prepričanjem. Da bi zmanjšali verjetnost pojava limitnih ciklov pri ekstremnih zahtevah uporabimo metodo tresenja (dither). Simulacijski rezultati dokazujejo uporabnost metode za modulatorje višjega reda. 1. Introduction Over-sampling and noise shaping are efficient techniques for increasing the resolution of a quantizer by trading the quantizer's accuracy for circuit speed, possibly resulting in a high resolution A/D or D/A converter using only a 1-bit quantizer /1/.The resulting circuitry is simple, robust and has very good distortion properties, so it is very suitable for numerous integrated applications mainly because of modest matching requirements. This principle has been known for a long time but the modulator models' theoretical concepts are restricted. Usually linearization of a quantizer is used to understand basic principles and behaviour. Unfortunately, such simplificaticn blurs some important aspects of the behaviour, so it is supplemented by long term time domain simulations of a nonlinear model and an FFT, which uncover some aspects of the behaviour but do not give a general overview of the problem. Because of the system's nonlinearity and complexity, an analytic solution exists only for a 1®'order modulator/2/ and partly for a 2"^ order/3/, while for higher order modulators only approximate analytical models exist. None of them gives a complete qualitative and quantitative understanding of the behaviour. In reality the modulator is not an ideal A/D converter because of non-ideal circuit effects and because of the appearance of limit cycles, which lead to undesirable tonal behaviour of a bit-stream and state variables. This article will analyse the appearance of limit cycles using long term time domain simulations of a nonlinear model of a modulator and an FFT. It is well known that a 1 order modulator has tonal quantization noise spectra /2/. It was believed that for high order modulators (N>2) the in-band tones inside the quantization noise are reduced by the loop filter's high-pass noise transfer function (NTF). However, limit-cycles are formed because of the quantizer's nonlinearity. They have very high amplitudes close to fs/2 and a still unacceptable level in the base-band. In addition they may live only for a short time due to some special conditions that may exist due to different circuit conditions (offset voltage, input DC voltage, AC voltage of high or small amplitudes, etc.). Empirical observations of a order modulator show that tones with frequencies dependent on DC input voltage are generated with frequencies fj and amplitudes attenuated with NTF of a loop-filter/1/: fr{n) = '^DC 2Ä « = {0,1,2,...} (1.1) Tones at low and high frequencies are dangerous because they may reduce the S/N ratio. Those in the base-band are attenuated by NTF. Their rms values may be higher than noise in a base-band and thus directly reduce the S/N ratio. The tones close to fs/2 usually have very high amplitudes and may be eventually translated to the base-band by some nonlinear process, sampling or cross-talk; especially dangerous to the references is cross-talk. It is therefore necessary to understand the behaviour as well as possible to be able to predict the tones and to use an appropriate technique for minimizing the probability of tone formation and existence. For ultimate performance modulators limit-cycles must be broken by adding an appropriately shaped dither signal. If an A/D converter is to be used for any "acoustic device" or for very narrow-band signal conversion, than the smallest numberof tones that are even smaller than the level of total noise in the base-band could reduce the S/N ratio considerably /4/. Generally the in-band tones with rms values below the rms noise level in the whole band are not dangerous. Unfortunately, out-of-band spectral components coupled with the reference voltage through substrate connection or supply voltage are very dangerous because they are not attenuated and have very large amplitudes; they can be easily transferred to the base-band by some nonlinear process or cross-talk. Figure 1: State-space model of a modulator The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents a state-space model of a general single loop modulator. It includes circuit noise sources and dithering inputs. Section 3 presents some simulation results for 2"^ and order modulators showing tonal behaviour in the base-band and at high frequencies close to fs/2 as a function of different conditions. Section 4 summarises the results and concludes the paper. 2. State-space model of a modulator A discrete-time modulator can be efficiently represented by its state-space model shown in Figure 1 and described by equation using integrator outputs x(n) as state-variables, v(n) as the loop filter's output, y(n) as a quantizer's output (bit-stream of a one bit modulator) and u(n) as the input signal. The topology is defined by state transition matrix A, vector of input signal connections b and vector of reference connections r, while vector c defines the linear combination of state-variables forming the loop filter's output v(n). Different dither signals can be added to the model: pv is a pseudorandom signal with an appropriate PDF connected to a quantizer's input through weight dv and px is a vector of different dither signals possibly connected to the state variables through diagonal matrix Idx. For S-C implementation the kT/C noise sources are added through noise vector Hx and connected to state-variables through matrix Nx/5/. X (« + !)= Ax (n)+bu(n)+ry(n) + + (2.1) y(n) = Q{vin)} No other constraints limit the modulator's topology in Figure 1 except that the D/A converter is for now assumed ideal and therefore y = y- An analytical solution, which would give general and qualitative results of this nonlinear system does not exist at the moment and is beyond the scope of this paper. The formulation above is used only for efficient simulations of a general, high order, single loop modulatorwithaone bit quantizer. The next section presents simulation results and tonal behaviour of 2"'' and order modulators using a state-space description defined in equation (2.1). 3. Simulation results 3.1. LP order modulator: Let us start with a known 1 -bit 2"^ order modulator with fovs = 4MHz. We are interested in the spectral components and the S/N ratio as functions of input DC voltage, the state variables' initial conditions, dither signal, presence and level of circuit noise and level of AC input signal voltage amplitude. Simulation of a standard 2"^ order modulator implemented with the S-C technique is performed here. An AC signal with amplitude of ain = 58|j,Vand frequency fin = 3.7 kHz is connected to the input to have a reference, while DC input voltage is swept from approx. -4.5mV to +4.5mV in 51 steps. The PSD of y(n) is calculated using the FFT of 2^^ (262,144) samples. Noise sources (dither and kT/C) are switched on or off to generate two different groups of results. The dither signal used is a binary, pseudo-random signal with weight 0.5 and length L = 2^®. It is connected to a quantizer's input. The results in Figure 2 present a 3D plot of a PSD of bit-stream y(n) in the base-band when dither and kT/C noise sources are switched off. The frequency is plotted on the x-axis, DC input voltage on the y-axis and PSD relative to IVrms on the z-axis. As expected we observed many tones whose amplitudes and frequencies depended on the DC input voltage. These tones have sufficient energy in the base-band to be able to corrupt the S/N ratio. PSD=f(f,VDO) @ Vinao=58uV, NokTC.Nodilh J -100 CQ -120 ^ -140^ O Q -160-W CL .1 I I I •200 -220 4~-L. ° J VillDC [V] frequency [Hzl Figure 2: PSD of a Mod2 bit-stream: no dither and no kT/C m' -100 t PSD=f{f,VDC) @ Vinac=58uV, kTC.Nodith frequencies and even more at low frequencies, but at the same time the base-band noise floor has increased slightly. Additionally, the modulator's S/N ratio is reduced by approximately 3dB because part of the second integrator's voltage range has been consumed by dither "noise." Decor-relation of tones at high frequencies close to fs/2 is even more dramatic, as will be shown later. PSD=f((.VDC) @ Vinac=58uV, kTC.clith VinDC (V) frequency [Hzl Figure 3: PSD of a Mod2 bit-stream: no dither, i 35 VinIC, [V] ffequencv IHzl Figure 8: Tones as a function of Initial conditions (IC); no dither, kT/C As we mentioned previously, very dangerous tones are generated at high frequencies close to (fs/2). These types of limit cycles are formed for any kind of input signal even in the presence of a high amplitude AC input signal. They are not PSD=f(f,IC) @ Vinac=58iiV, NokTC.dith J-l VinIC, [V] frequency [Hzl Figure 9: Tones as a function of initial conditions (IC); dither, no kT/C PSD=f(f,IC) @ Vinao=58uV, kTC.dilh PSD=f(f,VAC) @ VDC=OV, kTC.Nodith .m ■■'Svlll f -- . -50-, I y r» 1.. tr frequency [Hz] VinIC, [V] Figure 10: Tones as a function of initial conditions (IC); dither, l sk IIB 0.3 2.M 10' frequency [Hz] VinAC [V] Figure 19: PSD of a mod Sat HF; no dither, no kT/C In-band tones of a order modulator have less power in general than a order modulator because the NTF has greater attenuation of quantization noise in the base-band; unfortunately the demands for the S/N ratio are bigger. Again, tones can be eliminated using dither and kT/C noise. As before, not only base-band tones are dangerous but also high frequency tones because they could be translated to the base-band by some nonlinear process or, for example, a cross-talk mechanism. The high frequency behaviour of an ideal order modulator is presented in Figure 19 through Figure 22. The PSD of a quantization noise in a band 80 kHz away from fs/2 is presented as a function of AC input voltage. All 3D plots have input signal amplitudes on the x-axis, frequency on the y-axis and the bit-stream's PSD on the z-axis. PSD=f(f,VAC) :=1uV, kTC.Nodith yM S n I Ifequency [Hz] VinAC M Figure 20: PSD of a modS at HF; no dither, kT/C PSD=f(f,VAC) @ VDC=1uV, NokTC.dith 0 0 •• 1-98 2 C frequency (Hz] Figure 21: PSD of a mod5 at HF; dither, no kT/C As before, the kT/C noise alone does not change HF limit-cycles as we can see from Figure 19 and Figure 20. Their frequencies and amplitudes depend on the applied amplitude of the AC signal. The most dangerous tones are those with frequency close to fs/2 because they can be aliased to the base-band; their amplitudes are very big compared to the level of the signal, so even the smallest cross-talk, which has, for example, lOOdB of attenuation, will degrade the performance. Applying a dither signal to a quantizer's input reduces the amplitudes of tones at HF by more than lOdb. This is a significant improvement, while the penalty in SnR is only ~3dB. Further reduction of HF tones is possible by applying a frequency shaped dither signal to the modulator. PSD=f(f,VAC) @ VDC=1uV, kTC.dith 1 I .is • iV """ 20 0.05 ' frequency [Hz] VinAC [VI Figure 22: PSD ofamodSatHF; dither, kT/C 4. Conclusion A new state-space model of a general single loop SA modulator including kT/C noise sources and dither inputs and sources has been developed and used. Thanks to modern computers' high computing power it is fairly easy to simulate the tonal behaviour of any single loop modulator in a short time. For a 2"^ order modulator it is proven that the quantization noise spectrum consists of tones whose frequencies depend on DC input voltage. They can be greatly reduced by applying appropriate dither to the modulators' state variables. Thermal and kT/C noise alone cannot de-correlate the modulators' tonal behaviour, so an appropriate dither signal is needed. Describtion of dither signal is beyond this paper's scope. A dither signal's effect is even greater on the quantization noise's HF part, which reduces the chance of HF tones appearing in the base-band due to some cross-talk mechanism. Further research will focus on an analytical solution and the study of tonal behaviour as a function of different parameters, signals and dither signals connected to the modulators' loop filter^s state-variables. 5. References /1/ R. Schreier, G.G. Temes, "Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters," Wiley Interscience, 2005 /2/ R.M.Gray, "Quantization Noise Spectra," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Nov. 1990. /3/ S.Mann, D.Taylor, "Limit Cycle behaviour in the double loop D.Strle band-pass sigma-Detta A/D converter," ipE Trans CAS.ii, University of Ljubljana, Faculty forElectrical Analogue and digital Signal Processing, vol .46, Aug.1999. „ „ , ., „ .........., , , , Engineering, Trzaska 25, Ljubljana, Slovenia /4/ C. Dunner and M. Sandler, A companson of Dithered and Chaotic SIgma-Delta Modulators," J. Audio Eng. Soc., VOI. 44, No. 4, pp.227-244, Apr. 1996. /5/ D.Strie, "Capacitor-area and power-consurription optimization of high order Ö-Ä modulators," Inf. MIDEM, 2001. Prispelo (Arrived): 03. 01. 2006; Sprejeto (Accepted): 30. 01. 2006