PROBLEMS OF CLASSIFICATION OF DWARF PINE SCRUB INTO HIGHER SYNTAXA PROBLEM KLASIFIKACIJE VIŠJIH SINTAKSONOV RUŠEVJA Mitja ZUPANČIČ1 ABSTRACT Problems of classification of dwarf pine scrub into higher syntaxa We harmonised the syntaxonomic units Hyperica gri-sebachii-Pinenion muga, Rhadathamna-Pinenian muga and Rhadathamna-Pinetum muga according to the Code of Phytocenological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000). Keywords: phytocenology, syntaxonomy, Pinus muga, Southeastern Alps, Dinaric Alps, Balkan Peninsula. IZVLEČEK Problem klasifikacije višjih sintaksonov ruševja Po Kodeksu fitocenološke nomenklature (Weber et al. 2000) smo uskladili sintaksonomske enote Hyperico grise-bachii-Pinenion mugo, Rhodothamno-Pinenion mugo in Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo. Ključne besede: fitocenologija, sintaksonomija Pinus mugo, jugovzhodne Alpe, Dinaridi, Balkanski polotok. 1 Dr., SAZU, Novi trg 5, 1000 LJUBLJANA. FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 56/3, 137-148, LJUBLJANA 2015 MITJA ZUPANČIČ: PROBLEMS OF CLASSIFICATION OF DWARF PINE SCRUB INTO HIGHER SYNTAXA 1 INTRODUCTION For preparation of the list of higher syntaxa of European vegetation, Carni & Mucina (2015) dealt among other things with the validity or invalidity of the higher syntaxa of dwarf pine scrub of southern Europe, mainly the central Balkan Peninsula. They dealt primarily with the correctness of alliances or sub-alliances as well as associations of dwarf pine scrub in this region. They found some inaccuracies of descriptions and designations of syntaxa and tried to correct the inaccuracies of these in accordance with the Code of Phytocenological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000). 2 DISCUSSION In (their) opinion, the Dinaric-Central Balkan suballiances Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo, as proposed by Zupančič (2013) or Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo as Redžic (2000, 2007 in Čarni & Mucina 2015) proposed, are geographically too narrow. At the same time, they find that both named sub-alliances are invalidly named. Instead of these they propose a higher synsystematic unit - the alliance Hyperico gri-sebachii-Pinion mugo, which would cover a wide phy-togeographic region of the Balkan Peninsula. They state as characteristic and distinguishing species of the alliance, 20 Dinaric-Balkan species, 11 of which were proposed by Zupančič (2006: 164) for the suballiance Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion, and two species from his wider list of Dinaric-Balkan, Balkan, Southeast- and East-European species, which characterise the phytogeographic region where grow the stands of the dwarf pine referred to the sub-alliance Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo (Zupančič 2013: 163). Čarni & Mucina (2015: 293) added to the characteristic and distinguishing species a further seven species, including four species, Pinus mugo, Rhododendron hirsutum, Rosa pendulina and Sorbus mouge-otii, which are widespread from the altimontane to alpine zones from the west to the southeast of Europe, in spruce, larch, pine and beech forests, dwarf pine and scrub willow, alder and similar stands. Above all we classify them in the group of spruce and acidophil-ous pine forests species. Of the other three, two species, namely Achillea alexandri-regis and Geum bulga-ricum, thrive mainly in non-forest habitats, only here or there in very open scrub or woodland. Wulfenia caranthiaca, though, is widespread in the sub-Alpine belt of the Balkan Peninsula and in the Eastern Limestone Alps and it is a southeast-Illyrian-Carnian geoelement. Its role as a diagnostic species for the alliance Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion mugo is relative, since we must also consider it as a relative differential species for the Illyrian-Balkan association Wulfenio caranthiaceae-Pinetum mugo. I divided the species that I have mentioned as di-agnostically acceptable for the sub-alliance Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo, into characteristic and differential species. Characteristic species (Zupančič 2013: 164) are constants with a high level of presence and medium cover value. Differential species (Zupančič 2013: 164) are non-forest species and are relative, which in individual regions here and there pass over into dwarf pine scrub; more frequent and with higher presence are in the eastern part of the central Balkan Peninsula. They also well characterise the wider Illyrian-Balkan phytogeographic region, everywhere where is dwarf pine scrub. For the most part, species of the order Vaccinio--Piceetalia and class Vaccinio-Piceetea dominate in the stands of the dwarf pine associations. Therefore, I see no reason for a new order and class, which would combine dwarf pine scrub. There is not enough species, which would have exclusively diagnostic value for an independent order or class of dwarf pine scrub, actually there are no such species, so it would be more appropriate to retain dwarf pine scrub in the order Vacci-nio-Piceetalia and class Vaccinio-Piceetea. Similarly, I see no reason for a new alliance, because Leibundgut's alliance Erico-Pinion mugo includes and clearly delineates dwarf pine from forest spruce phytocenoses. We have only supplemented the alliance Erico-Pinion mugo with some characteristic and differential species that are mostly constants in dwarf pine stands (Zupančič 2013: 160-162). For the sake of clarity, let us again state the characteristic and differential species of the alliance Erico-Pinion mugo. Characteristic species are: Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi, Carex alba, Daphne striata, Hypericum richeri subsp. grisebachii, Laserpitium peucedanoides, Lonicera caerulea subsp. borbasiana, Pinus mugo subsp. mugo, P. mugo subsp. uncinata, Rhododendron hirsutum, R. ferrugineum, R. x intermedium, Rhodothamnus chamaecistus, Rubus saxatilis, Salix silesiaca, Senecio abrotanifolius and Thesium ro-stratum. Differential species are: Arctostaphyllos alpi- 150 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 56/3 - 2015 MITJA ZUPANČIČ: PROBLEMS OF CLASSIFICATION OF DWARF PINE SCRUB INTO HIGHER SYNTAXA nus, Erica carnea, Larix decidua, Polygala chamae-buxus, Pinus cembra, Pyrola rotundifolia and Salix ha-stata. (Zupančič 2013: 162). It is interesting that Mu- cina and colleagues (1993) in a monograph on forest associations of Austria respected Leibundgut's alliance Erico-Pinion mugo. 3 VALIDATION OF SYNTAXA I insist on the uniform alliance of dwarf pine Erico--Pinion according to Leibundgut 1948. Within the framework of this alliance, a number of sub-alliances are possible based on the phytogeographic principle with otherwise rare, specific plant species, which for the most part thrive only in a specific phytogeographic region. I therefore again propose on the basis of the Code (Weber et al. 2000), the sub-alliances Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo for the Illyrian-Balkan region and Rhodotahmno-Pinenion mugo for the Southeast Alpine(-Illyrian) region (see also Zupančič 2013): Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo (Carni & Mu-cina 2015) Zupančič suball. nova hoc loco (Erico-Pinion mugo, Vaccinio-Piceetalia, Vaccinio-Pice-etea) Syn.: Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Radžic 2000 (ICPN2 Art. 1) Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2007 (ICPN Art. 5. 26 & 5) Type: Hyperico grisebachii-Pinetum mugo (Ht. 1938) Zupančič, T. Wraber & Žagar 2004, (Čarni & Muci-NA, 2015: 293). Characteristic species: Hypericum richeri subsp. grise-bachii, Lonicera caerulea subsp. borbasiana, Thymus balcanus, Salix silasiaca and Doronicum columnae (Zupančič 2013). Differential species: Jasione orbiculata, Saxifraga rotundifolia var. repanda (= S. rotundifolia var. hirsuta), Geranium caeruleatum, Pimpinella serbica, Senecio procerus and Sesleria rigida (Zupančič 2013). Geographic distribution: southeast Slovenia, southeast Croatia, eastern Herzegovina, central Bosnia, northern Montenegro, north-western Macedonia. Rhodothamno-Pinenion mugo Zupančič suball. nova hoc loco (Erico-Pinion, Vaccinio-Piceetalia, Vaccinio-Piceetea) Nom. type: Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo (Aichinger 1933) Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič 2015 (Zupančič et al. 2006, Zupančič 2013) Syn.: Pinetum mughi calcicolum Aichinger 1933 (ICPN Arts. 3b & 5) Rhodothamno-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br.-Bl. & Sissingh 1939 (ICPN Arts. 10 c, 42, 43), Rho-dothamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br. - Bl. & Sissingh in Br. - Bl. et al. 1939 corr. Zupančič & Žagar 2004 s. lat. (ICPN Arts. 10 c, 42, 43). Characteristic species: Rhodothamnus chamaecistus, Laserpitium peucedanoides, Senecio abrotanifolius, He-liosperma alpestris and Genista radiata. Geographic distribution: northern Italy (South Tyrol, Trentino, Carnic Alps, Venezia), southern Austria (eastern Tyrol, Carinthia, Karawanken), western Slovenia (Julian and Kamnik Alps, Karavanke, Trnovski gozd). We classify the following syntaxa in the sub-alliance: Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. Potentilla caulescens (Smettan 1981) ex Zupančič & Žagar 2013, (Potentillo-Pinetum mugo Smettan 1981), Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. Amelanchier ovalis (Minghet-ti & Pedrotti 1994) ex Zupančič & Žagar 2013, (Ameian-chiero-Pinetum mugo Minghetti & Pedrotti 1994 (p. p. min.)), Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. Paederota lutea Zupančič & Žagar (2004) 2013, Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. typica Zupančič & Žagar 2013, Rhododendro hirsuti-Betuletum carpaticae, Dakskob-ler, Rozman & Franz 2012 (Zupančič et al. 2006: 5184, Zupančič 2013: 163, Dakskobler, Rozman & Franz 2012). In the paper »New Considerations on Southeast-Alpine and Dinaric-Central Balkan Dwarf Pine« Zupančič (2013: 151-160), I noticed a few inconsistencies with the Code (Weber et al. 2000) in the procedure of renaming the association Rhodothamno-Rho-dodendretum hirsuti as Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo. In present contribution I repair the deficiencies, which should finally arrange the status of the newly named association Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo: 2 International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature 150 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 56/3 - 2015 MITJA ZUPANČIČ: PROBLEMS OF CLASSIFICATION OF DWARF PINE SCRUB INTO HIGHER SYNTAXA Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo (Aichinger 1933) Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič 2015 nom. nov. hoc loco Basionym: Pinetum mughi calcicolum Aichinger 1933 (ICPN Art. 34 a) (Aichinger 1933). Pseudonym: Rhodothamno-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br.-Bl. & Sissingh in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 (ICPN Arts.: 10 c, 42) (Braun-Blanquet et al. 1939) Rhodothamno-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br.-Bl. & Sissingh in Br.-Bl. 1939 corr. Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič et al. 2004 var. geogr. Paederota lutea Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič et. al. 2006 (ICPN Arts: 10 c, 42) (Zupančič et al. 2004, 2006). Nom. typ: Aichinger 1933, Tab. 46, releve 6. Incl.: Potentillo-Pinetum mugo Smettan 1981, which is described in the Tyrol (Smettan 1981). Erico carneae-Pinetum prostratae Zöttl 1951 nom. inv. (p. p. min.) in the South Tyrol (Trentino, Italy) (Ming-hetti 1996). Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum prostratae Zöttl 1951 in Trentino (Italy) (Minghetti 1996), Southeastern Alps (Poldini et al. 2004), p. p., Austria (Karner 2007). Mugheta termofila (thermophilous dwarf pine) in Venezia - Carnic Alps (Poldini et al. 1990). Mugheta microterma basifila (microtermal basiphil-ous dwarf pine) in Venezia - Carnic Alps (Poldini et al. 1990). Rhodothamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti pinetosum mughi Poldini (prov.). We include also the syntaxa cited in the context of the association Rhodothamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti in Wallnofer (1993). My opinion on synsystematics or syntaxonomy is explained in a previous paper (Zupančič 2013: 156167) and I have no more to add. It is possible to reproach me with certain conservatism in the light of the new era syntaxonomy or synsystematics. At the time of birth of new ideas, we must first accord these with already known facts, which our predecessors reasoned and if these realities do not correspond, to supplement them with new data but certainly not at all costs and uncompromisingly. Above all we must follow the foundations and particularities of the Braun-Blanquet (Central European) method in floristic principles. 4 POVZETEK V razpravi (Zupančič 2013) sem predvidel novo podz-vezo Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion za ilirsko-balkan-sko območje. Čarni & Mucina (2015) sta ugotovila pomanjkljiv opis in imenovanje podzveze (Weber et al. 2000), ter hkrati na osnovi te invalidne podzveze opisala novo zvezo Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion Čarni & Mucina 2015. Mnenja sem, da za imenovano območje ustreza podzveza Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion v sklopu zveze Erico-Pinion mugo Leibundgut 1948, ki jo uvrščam v red Vaccinio-Piceetalia in razred Vaccinio--Piceetea. Njena uveljavitev po kodeksu bi bila: Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo (Čarni & Mucina 2015) Zupančič suball. nova hoc loco Sin.: Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Radžic 2000 (ICPN Art. 1), Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2007 (ICPN Art. 5 & 26), Tip: Hyperico grisebachii-Pinetum mugo (Ht. 1938) Zupančič, T. Wraber & Žagar 2004, (Čarni & MuciNA, 2015: 293). Za jugovzhodno alpsko (-ilirsko) območje po kodeksu predlagam naslednjo podzvezo: Rhodothamno-Pinenion mugo Zupančič suball. nova hocloco (Erico-Pinion, Vaccinio-Piceetalia, Vaccinio-Piceetea) Nom. tip: Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo (Aichinger 1933) Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič 2015 (Zupančič et al. 2006, Zupančič 2013) Sin.: Pinetum mughi calcicolum Aichinger 1933 (ICPN Arts. 3b & 5), Rhodothamno-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br.-Bl. & Sissingh 1939 (ICPN Arts. 10 c, 42, 43), Rho-dothamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br. - Bl. & Sissingh in Br. - Bl. et al. 1939 corr. Zupančič & Žagar 2004 s. lat. (ICPN Arts. 10 c, 42, 43). Značilnice: Rhodothamnus chamaecistus, Laserpitium peucedanoides, Senecio abrotanifolius, Heliosperma al-pestris in Genista radiata. Geografska razširjenost: severna Italija (južna Tirolska, Trentino, Karnijske Alpe, Julijsko-beneška krajina), Južna Avstrija (vzhodna Tirolska, Koroška, Karavanke), zahodna Slovenija (Julijske in Kamniške Alpe, Karavanke, Trnovski gozd). V podzvezo uvrščamo naslednje sinatksone: Rho-dothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. Potentilla caulescens (Smettan 1981) ex Zupančič & Žagar 2012, (Potentillo-Pinetum mugo Smettan 1981), 150 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 56/3 - 2015 MITJA ZUPANČIČ: PROBLEMS OF CLASSIFICATION OF DWARF PINE SCRUB INTO HIGHER SYNTAXA Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. Amelanchier ovalis (Minghetti & Pedrotti 1994) ex Zupančič & Žagar 2013, (Ameianchiero-Pine-tum mugo Minghetti & Pedrotti 1994 (p. p. min.)), Rho-dothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2013 var. geogr. Paederota lutea Zupančič & Žagar (2004) 2013, Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo Zupančič & Žagar 2012 var. geogr. typica Zupančič & Žagar 2013, Rhododendro hirsuti-Betuletum carpaticae, Dakskobler, Rozman & Franz 2012 (Zupančič et al. 2006: 51-84, Zupančič 2013: 163, Zupančič, Rozman & Franz 2012). Po Kodeksu je pomanjkljivo opisano preimenovanje asociacije Rhodothamno-Rhododenretum hirsuti v Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo. (Zupančič 2013: 151160). V tem prispevku odpravljamo pomanjkljivosti: Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo (Aichinger 1933) Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič 2015 nom. nov. hoc. loco Basionim: Pinetum mughi calcicolum Aichinger 1933 (ICPN Art. 34 a) (Aichinger 1933). Pseudonim: Rhodothamno-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br.-Bl. & Sissingh in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 (ICPN Arts.: 10 c, 42) (Braun-Blanquet et al. 1939), Rhodothamno-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Aichinger 1933) Br.-Bl. & Sissingh in Br.-Bl. 1939 corr. Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič et al. 2004 var. geogr. Paederota lutea Zupančič & Žagar in Zupančič et. al. 2006 (ICPN Arts: 10 c, 42) (Zupančič et al. 2004, 2006). Incl.: Potentillo-Pinetum mugo Smettan 1981, Tirolska (Avstrija) (Smettan 1981). Erico carneae-Pinetum prostratae Zottl 1951 nom. inv. (p. p. min.) na južnem Tirolskem (Tentino, Italija). (Minghetti 1996). Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum prostratae Zottl 1951 Trentino (Italija) (Minghetti 1996), (Poldini et al. 2004), p. p., Avstrija (Karner 2007). Mugheta termofila (termofilno ruševje) Benečija -Karnijske Alpe (Poldini et al. 1990). Mugheta microterma basifila (mikrotermno ruševje) Benečija - Karnijske Alpe (Poldini et al. 1990). Rhodothamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti pinetosum mughi Poldini (prov.). Priključujem še sintaksone navedene v sklopu asociacije Rhodothamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti iz razprave Wallnoferieve (1993). Ugotavljam, da ne vidim razloga za novo zvezo v ilirsko-balkanskem območju ker Leibudgutova zveza Erico-Pinion zajema in jasno zamejuje ruševja od gozdnih smrekovih združb v širokem območju srednje in jugovzhodne Evrope. V ruševjih je večinoma prisotnih vrst reda Vaccinio-Piceetalia in razreda Vaccinio--Piceeta zato ne vidim razloga za nov samostojen red in razred, ki bi združeval ruševja. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am sincerely grateful two anonymous reviewers for reviewing the article and suggesting useful improvements. 5 LITERATURE Aichinger, E., 1939: Vegetationskunde der Karawanken. Pflanzensozilogie 2. Jena. Braun-Blanquet, J. G. Sissingh & J. Vlieger, 1939: Prodromus der Pflanzengese-llschaften 6. Carni, A. & L. Mucina, 2015: Validations and Typifications of Some South Eureopean Syntaxa. Hacquetia (Ljubljana) 14 (2): 289-299. Dakskobler, I., A. Rozman & W. R. Franz, 2012: Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. carpatica (Willd.) 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