D. KRAMAR, D. CICA: PREDICTIVE MODEL AND OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS ... 597–602 PREDICTIVE MODEL AND OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS FOR PLASTIC INJECTION MOULDING MODEL ZA NAPOVEDOVANJE IN OPTIMIZACIJO PROCESNIH PARAMETROV PRI BRIZGANJU PLASTIKE Davorin Kramar1, Djordje Cica2 1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina davorin.kramar@fs.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-06-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-01-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.129 Injection molding is one of the most widely used processes for producing engineered parts in the plastics industry. The objective of this study is to propose a fuzzy expert system for the prediction of mechanical properties of injection-molded parts where the fuzzy system is optimized using particle-swarm optimization. The input process parameters were the mold temperature, melt temperature, injection velocity, packing pressure, cooling time and packing time. The predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental ones, which indicates that the developed particle-swarm-optimization-based fuzzy expert system can be effectively used to predict the mechanical properties of molded parts. In addition, optimization based on a particle-swarm- optimization algorithm was carried out to obtain the optimum process parameters based on the objective to maximize the tensile strength of the molded product. Keywords: plastics, injection molding, particle-swarm optimization, tensile strength Brizganje je eden izmed najpogosteje uporabljenih postopkov za izdelavo in`enirskih delov v industriji plastike. Cilj te raziskave je predlagati enostavni ekspertni sistem za napovedovanje mehanskih lastnosti delov brizganih kosov, kjer je enostavni sistem optimiziran z uporabo optimizacije z rojem delcev. Vhodni parametri procesa so temperature orodja, temperatura taline, hitrost brizganja, zapiralni pritisk, ~as hlajenja in zapiralni ~as. Napovedane vrednosti se dobro ujemajo z eksperimentalnimi, kar ka`e, da se razvit enostavni ekspertni sistem na osnovi optimizacije z rojem delcev lahko u~inkovito uporablja za napove- dovanje mehanskih lastnosti brizganih delov. Algoritem optimizacije z rojem delcev je podal tudi optimalne procesne parametre za doseganje ~im vi{je natezne trdnosti brizganega izdelka. Klju~ne besede: plastika, injekcijsko brizganje, optimizacija z roji delcev, natezna trdnost 1 INTRODUCTION Plastic injection molding is the most widely used manufacturing process for the high-volume production of relatively complex thermoplastic parts by injecting a material into a mold. Within this process, a high-pressure fluid polymer is injected to the cavity with a desired form. In the next step, under high pressure, while cool- ing, the fluid solidifies. However, plastic injection mold- ing is a very complex manufacturing process due to the strong nonlinearities and a large number of interrelated parameters. Over the last few decades, artificial-intelli- gence (AI) methods have become the preferred trend, applied by most researchers for the optimization and prediction of various parameters of the injection-molding process. S. Kenig et al.1 used a feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN) with an error back-propagation algo- rithm for the adequate control of product properties in injection-molded plastics. W. C. Chen et al.2 developed a self-organizing map and a back-propagation neural-net- work model to generate a dynamic quality predictor for the plastic-injection-molding process. C. Ozek and Y. H. Celik3 developed software to predict the quality of the injected parts through an ANN model. H. M. Sadeghi4 studied the possibility of predicting the quality or sound- ness of the injected parts through an ANN model and based on computer-aided engineering software simula- tions. C. F. Juang et al.5 developed a Takagi-Sugeno- Kang-type recurrent fuzzy neural networks for the control of the mold temperature. C. Karatas et al.6 deve- loped an ANN model to determine the yield length in the plastic molding of commercial plastics. M. Altan7 studied the optimum injection-molding conditions for the minimum shrinkage based on Taguchi methods, ANOVA and ANN. H. Shi et al.8 proposed an adaptive optimiza- tion method based on an ANN model for the minimiza- tion of the warpage of injection-molded parts. A. Krim- penis et al.9 proposed ANN meta-models in order to generalize from the examples connecting input-process variables to output variables. A neural model is employed in the fitness function of the genetic algorithm (GA) for optimization of the injection-molding process. C. Shen et al.10 proposed a method based on a combina- tion of the ANN and GA for optimization of the injection-molding process in order to improve the quality index of the volumetric-shrinkage variation in the part. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 597–602 597 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 678.027.74:62:66.011 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(4)597(2017) B. Ozcelik and T. Erzurumlu11 determined the most important process parameters influencing warpage using finite-element-analysis results based on ANOVA, while an ANN was interfaced with an effective GA to find the minimum warpage value. Chen et al.12 presented an effective approach in a soft-computing paradigm for the process-parameter optimization of the plastic-injection- molding process. The proposed approach integrates Taguchi’s parameter-design method, ANN, GA and engineering-optimization concepts. Li et al.13 presented a genetic neural fuzzy system to construct a quality-pre- diction model for the injection process from the input and output data. Mathivanan and Parthasarathy14 investi- gate sink depths in injection-molded thermoplastic com- ponents by integrating the finite-element-flow analysis with the central composite design of experiments and GA. Deng et al.15 proposed a hybrid of the mode-pur- suing sampling method and the GA for the minimization of injection-molding warpage. Park and Nguyen16 pre- sented an injection-molding-process optimization of a plastic car fender related to the energy consumption and product quality. J. Cheng et al.17 proposed a multi- objective optimization model including both mold and process parameters as design variables in order to achieve the optimum parameter schemes in accordance with practical requirements of injection molding. J. Cheng et al.18 developed a fuzzy moldability-evaluation approach for the optimization of injection-mold schemes based on the variable weight-profit vector. K. T. Chiang and F. P. Chang19 and K. T. Chiang20 proposed an approach for optimizing process parameters of an injection-molded part with a thin shell feature based on the orthogonal array with the grey relational analysis and fuzzy logical analysis. Despite the fact that there are numerous applications of the AI in modeling the injection-molding process reported in the literature, a review of the literature shows that only few research works are based on the fuzzy theory. Furthermore, previous approaches were based on the usual approach to designing a fuzzy system by encoding expert knowledge in a direct way using rules with linguistic labels. However, knowledge acquisition is not a trivial task so, in the present paper, an attempt was made to design an optimized fuzzy expert system (FES) using a particle-swarm-optimization algorithm for pre- dicting the mechanical properties of the molded parts. Furthermore, the particle-swarm-optimization (PSO) algorithm is used in the process optimization in order to improve the mechanical properties of the injection- molded parts. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART According to the experience with polyoxymethilene (POM) materials, the following control factors, i.e., injection-molding-process parameters influencing pro- duct mechanical properties, were selected: the mold temperature (TM), the melting temperature (Tm), the injection velocity (vi), the packing pressure (ph), the packing time (th), and the cooling time (tc). The levels of process parameters are shown in Table 1, being selected according to material-producer specifications. All the experiments were carried out on an Engel Victory 200/50 injection-molding machine with a clamping force of 500 kN and a cylinder diameter of 18 mm. The main characteristic of the investigated POM material is a high melt-flow rate of 52 g/10 min. Table 1: Design of experiments and comparison between experimen- tal results and the predicted breaking force of the injection-molded toothed rack Process parameters Expe-riment FES PSOFES TM (°C) Tm (°C) Vi (mm/s) ph (bar) tc (s) th (s) F (N) F (N) Error (%) F (N) Error (%) 70 185 20 1000 6 2 64.6 62.3 3.6 64.6 0 70 195 40 1150 8 4 69.1 67.5 2.3 66.9 3.2 70 205 60 1300 10 6 72.7 72.8 0.1 72.9 0.3 85 185 20 1150 8 6 64.9 67.5 4 66.7 2.8 85 195 40 1300 10 2 71.8 72.8 1.4 71.9 0.1 85 205 60 1000 6 4 71.9 72.8 1.3 71.8 0.1 100 185 40 1000 10 4 59.6 62.3 4.5 60.5 1.5 100 195 60 1150 6 6 62.1 62.3 0.3 60.7 2.3 100 205 20 1300 8 2 77.3 76.3 1.3 77.1 0.3 70 185 60 1300 8 4 60.7 62.3 2.6 60.7 0 70 195 20 1000 10 6 66.9 67.5 0.9 66.9 0 70 205 40 1150 6 2 70.5 72.8 3.3 70.7 0.3 85 185 40 1300 6 6 59.8 62.3 4.2 60.7 1.5 85 195 60 1000 8 2 62.2 62.3 0.2 62.2 0 85 205 20 1150 10 4 70.2 72.8 3.7 69.6 0.9 100 185 60 1150 10 2 57.7 58.9 2.1 57.8 0.2 100 195 20 1300 6 4 74.2 72.8 1.9 73.8 0.5 100 205 40 1000 8 6 73.7 72.8 1.2 73.7 0 In this study, POM thermoplastic with commercial designation Kepital F40-03 was utilized. The material is characterized by high strength, hardness and rigidity, thermal stability and, especially, a high melt-flow rate. As such, this material can be used as an extremely easy- flowing grade for the injection molding of thin-walled precision parts. The precision of a part and mechanical properties of a product are even more important when parts for medical devices are produced. In this paper, the D. KRAMAR, D. CICA: PREDICTIVE MODEL AND OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS ... 598 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 597–602 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Plastic-toothed rack within a driving gear (left) and the usual cause of breakage (right) injection-molding process of a plastic toothed rack used as the driving gear of a breast-biopsy system is investi- gated. Beside high tolerances, dimensional stability and low friction needed for a sufficient operation, the plastic rack should fulfil high stiffness and tensile-strength requirements. The rack should not break when biopsy is executed (Figure 1). Orthogonal array L18 was applied to run the experi- ments (Table 1). All the experiments were repeated 10 times, and molded samples were collected. The samples were then carefully cut to remove sprue and runner from the final product: a toothed rack. The breaking point of each rack was measured with a specially designed tension test. The average value of the breaking force for 10 rack samples was then calculated. The results of experiments are shown in Table 1. 3 PSO-BASED FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEM Fuzzy logic is one of the most successful technolo- gies for developing rule-based expert systems. According to the inventor of fuzzy logic L. A. Zadeh21, fuzzy logic attempts to formalize two human abilities: to reason in the presence of imperfect information and to carry out different mental and physical tasks without any numerical measurements or computations. A fuzzy inference system (FIS) combines the fuzzy set theory, fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning. According to 22, a FIS is composed of three parts: a rule base, which contains the collection of fuzzy rules, a database (or dictionary) which specifies the membership functions (MFs) used in the fuzzy rules, and a reasoning mechanism, which infers the output based on the rule base, database and the given input. In this study, the authors designed the rule base and database of the FES, based on their knowledge of the injection-molding process. In this FES, the input varia- bles are: the mold temperature, the melt temperature, the injection velocity, the packing pressure, the cooling time and the packing time, while the output variable is the breaking force. The input variables have three MFs labeled as low, medium and high, while the output variable, that is, the breaking force, has five MFs labeled as very fine, fine, medium, coarse and very coarse. In order to describe the fuzzy sets for the input and output variables, a triangular shape of the MFs is employed. In this study, a Mamdani-type fuzzy inference system is used, due to its relatively simple structure and intuitive nature of the rule base, for correlating the injection- molding parameters with the breaking force. However, this usual approach for the FES design is characterized by disadvantages such as dependence of the system performance on the knowledge of the human expert, adequate fuzzy rules, MFs and their boundaries. In order to overcome these shortcomings, a significant amount of research was carried out on automatic tuning of a FES using bio-inspired algorithms, such as PSO. Particle-swarm optimization was first introduced by J. Kennedy and R. Eberhart23 who defined a swarm as a population of interactive elements or agents, able to optimize some global objective through a collaborative search in space. PSO is a population-based method where the population is referred to as a swarm. The swarm consists of a number of individuals called the particles, which are initialized with random solutions. These particles fly in a d-dimensional space through many iterations to search a better solution for the problem. Every particle in the swarm is represented by a specific position, initialized by the initial position and by velocity, where each particle moves in the space accord- ing to a specific velocity. Furthermore, each particle holds the information about the best position, the one associated with the best fitness value the particle has achieved so far, and the global best position, the one associated with the best fitness value found among all of the particles. In this way, the trajectory of each particle is influenced by the trajectories of the neighborhood particles as well as the flight experience of the particle itself. During the iteration time, each particle updates this information and adjusts its own trajectory in order to move towards its best position and global best position. The PSO method has many advantages, such are its effectiveness, robustness, simplicity and extreme ease of implementation without the need for cumbersome deri- vative calculations. The focus of this study is to employ a PSO for optimizing an already existing fuzzy-rule-based system. The main idea is the adaptation of the parame- ters of the input and output MFs by the PSO according to a fitness function that specifies the design criteria in a quantitative manner. In this paper, the triangular shape of MFs is employed to describe the fuzzy sets for the input and output variables, so the optimization of MF distri- butions is reduced to the changes of the base widths. Furthermore, fuzzy rule weights are also optimized by the PSO. A parametric study was carried out to find the optimum values of PSO parameters in order to achieve a good result. The fitness value of a PSO solution is estimated based on the mean absolute percentage error of each training-data sample. The error of each set of the training data is the deviation of the result (the breaking force) of the PSO-based FES from that of the desired one. The optimum values of the PSO parameters for cognitive acceleration, social acceleration, number of generations and population size were 0.3, 1.3, 880 and 370, respectively. Figure 2 shows the optimized MF distributions of the input-output MFs obtained after fine-tuning using the PSO. To verify the performances of the proposed FES, the results of these systems were compared with that ob- tained using the experimental tests as shown in Table 1. For the author-defined Mamdani FES, Pearson’s linear- correlation coefficient was 0.9644, and the mean abso- lute percentage error was 2.2 %, while the maximum D. KRAMAR, D. CICA: PREDICTIVE MODEL AND OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 597–602 599 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS absolute percentage error was 4.2 %. Pearson’s linear- correlation coefficient of the PSO-based FES was 0.9899. The mean absolute percentage error and the maximum absolute percentage error of the PSO-based FES were 0.8 % and 3.2 %, respectively. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the predictions of the breaking force of the injection-molded toothed rack obtained using the fuzzy-rule-based expert system and the PSO-based fuzzy expert systems in terms of % error. It is obvious that there is a very good agreement between the estimated and experimental values of the breaking force for both models. On this basis, it can be concluded that the fuzzy-logic technique is a good alternative for predicting the breaking force of the injection-molded part within the range of the input parameters under consideration. However, in almost all the cases, the prediction results using a fuzzy system optimized with a PSO algorithm are more accurate than the conventional fuzzy-rule-based expert system. 4 INJECTION-PROCESS-PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION USING A PSO ALGORITHM In addition to modeling, optimization of process parameters is one of the most important elements of injection molding. The selection of optimum process parameters enables the control of the manufacturing process to achieve better quality products at a low cost and high productivity levels. Therefore, the second goal of our research was to determine the process conditions to improve the mechanical performance of the part using the PSO technique as the optimization tool. Prior to the optimization process, it is necessary to establish the relationships between the process parame- ters and objective functions. For this purpose, in this paper, a systematic methodology based on the response- surface methodology was applied. A response-surface model correlating the breaking force and the considered injection-molding parameters was developed using an ANOVA24 of the experimental results in the form of a reduced quadratic model. The determination of the significant model degree and parameter effects was based on the F and P values (Table 2). Model F-value is a test for comparing the model variance with the residual (error) variance. If the variances are close to the same, the ratio will be close to one and it is less likely that any of the factors have a significant effect on the response. Model F-value is calculated using the model mean square divided by the residual mean square. The model F-value of 15.88 implies the model is significant. There is only a 0.02 % chance that a "model F-value" this large could occur due to noise. P-values smaller than 0.05 indicate model terms that are signi- ficant. In our case, parameters Tm and vi, and products TM·vi, and ph·tc are significant model terms. However, for statistical reasons, models contain subsets of all the possible effects that preserve the hierarchy. A model is hierarchal if the presence of quadratic terms and interactions requires the inclusion of all the linear terms contained within those of the higher order, even if they do not appear to be significant on their own. The signal-to-noise ratio of 14.28 and R-squared coefficient of 0.93 indicate that the model can be used for the breaking-force prediction. The following mathematical relationship is obtained with Equation (1): F T T v i = − + ⋅ + ⋅ + + ⋅ − 759 2212 0 40865 85927 061292 0 069 . . . . . M m 4246 10 2512 0 00910714 0 00876190 ⋅ − ⋅ − − ⋅ + ⋅ p t T v p ti h c M h . . . c m − − ⋅0 0209018 2. T (1) D. KRAMAR, D. CICA: PREDICTIVE MODEL AND OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS ... 600 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 597–602 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Optimized membership-function distributions for melt temperature, injection velocity, cooling time and breaking force of the PSO fuzzy expert system Table 2: ANOVA of the experimental results from Table 1 Source Model TM Tm vi ph tc TM·vi ph·tc Tm2 F-value 15.88 1.06 37.60 24.81 0.015 0.33 6.48 8.25 3.49 P-value 0.0002 0.3307 0.0002 0.0008 0.9038 0.5774 0.0314 0.0184 0.0944 Figure 3: Error profile of the predicted breaking-force values obtained using the author-defined FES and PSO-based FES The mechanical properties of injection-molded parts are influenced by many process variables, and five key-process parameters were selected as the design variables of the mathematical model: the mold tempera- ture, melt temperature, injection velocity, packing pressure and cooling time. The mathematical model of the injection-molding optimization problem can be formulated as follows: Find X = [TM, Tm, vi, ph, tc] Maximize F(X) Subject to: 70 = TM = 100, 185 = Tm = 205, 20 = vi = 60, 1000 = ph = 1300, 6 = tc = 10. The optimum values of the injection-molding-process parameters were efficiently obtained with the PSO algo- rithm. In the PSO optimization process, the commonly used PSO operation parameters were adopted; namely, the population size, the generation size, the cognitive acceleration and the social attraction were set as 340, 1240, 0.5 and 1.25, respectively. The optimized results are listed in Table 3. Compared with the recommended process parameters, the optimized process parameters have higher values of the breaking force. The increasing percentage is approximately 19 % of the average value of the breaking force (67.2 N). Table 3: Optimized parameters of the injection-molding process Optimized parameters Predictedvalue TM (°C) Tm (°C) vi (mm/s) ph (bar) tc (s) F (N) 100 205 20 1000 6 80.4 4.1 Verification of the optimization results A confirmation test is needed to verify the results of optimization. A set of 10 experimental repetitions with the optimum process-parameter settings were conducted. The results are shown in Table 4. The mean value of 10 repetitions is approximately 80 N, which is in good agreement with the predicted value. Table 4: Results of the confirmation test Repetition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Breaking force (N) 79 78 79 79 84 81 79 79 81 79 79.8 5 CONCLUSIONS The present work aims at estimating the mechanical properties of injection-molded parts using two fuzzy expert systems as the tools for the prediction. First, the authors designed a conventional fuzzy expert system, based on their knowledge of the injection-molding process and the predicted results for the breaking forces achieved via this system were compared to the experi- mental values. The results obtained indicated that the proposed fuzzy expert system has a prediction accuracy of 97.8 %. However, the performances of the author- defined fuzzy expert system are highly dependent on the expert knowledge, adequate fuzzy rules, membership functions and their boundaries. In order to overcome these problems and significantly improve the perfor- mance of the fuzzy expert system, a particle-swarm- optimization algorithm was interfaced with the fuzzy system. The results of the developed particle-swarm- optimization-based fuzzy expert system were compared, in terms of accuracy prediction, with the real expe- rimental data and it was shown that the hybridization between fuzzy systems and particle-swarm optimization provides a more accurate result compared to an author- defined fuzzy expert system. The accuracy of 99.2 % indicates that the particle-swarm-optimization-based fuzzy expert system can be used effectively to predict the mechanical properties for an injection-molding process. The second objective of this work was to find the optimum process parameters to improve the mechanical properties of injection-molded parts using a particle- swarm-optimization algorithm as the optimization technique. In the first stage, the response-surface methodology was deployed to establish the relationship between the process parameters and the performance of the objective functions. 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