Active Citizenship by Knowledge Management & Innovation Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2013 19-21 June 2013 a Zadar • Croatia ^ # > • TT Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2013 o fN CB O JS ^^ MakeLearn 2013: Active Citizenship by Knowledge Management & Innovation Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2013; 19-21 June 2013, Zadar, Croatia Organized by International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia University of Zadar, Croatia ^^ Co-Organizers Kasetsart University, Thailand Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland Al Akhawayn University, Morocco Edited by Valerij Dermol, Nada Trunk Širca, and Goran Dakovič Published by ToKnowPress Bangkok • Celje • Lublin (Q June 2013 • 250 copies ISSN 2232-3309 ToKnowPress is a Joint Imprint of Kasetsart University, 50 NgamWongWan Rd. Ladyao Chatuchak Bangkok 10900, Thailand International School for Social and Business Studies Mariborska cesta 7,3000 Celje, Slovenia Maria Curie-Sktodowska University Pl. Marii Curie-Sktodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Poland © 2013 International School for Social and Business Studies The author is responsible for the linguistic correctness of his or her paper. ToKnowPress BANGKOK • CELJE • LUBLIN CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 005:007(082) 001.895(082) MANAGEMENT, Knowledge and Learning International Conference (2013; Zadar) Active citizenship by knowledge management & innovation [Elektronski vir]: proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2013, 19-21 June 2013, Zadar, Croatia / [organized by International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenija; edited by Valerij Dermol... et al.]. -Bangkok; Celje; Lublin: ToKnowPress, 2013 Dostopno tudi na: ISBN 978-961-6914-01-7 ISBN 978-961-6914-02-4 (pdf) 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Dodat. nasl. 3. Dermol, Valerij 4. Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije (Celje) 267432704 Table of Contents Welcome Address 4 ^^ Conference Boards 5 ^^ Conference Aims 7 ^ Keynote Speakers 8 ■ Academic Leadership Forum 10 (Q Editors' Panel with Exhibition of Journals 11 O Business Excellence Forum 13 Academic Networking 14 ^^ Conference Programme 15 ^^ Sessions 17 Post-Conference Programme 52 Calls for Papers 53 Index 61 Organizers and Sponsors 66 Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije International School for Social and Business Studies Celje • Slovenija 3 .S fO Welcome Address ^^ It is a great honour and pleasure to welcome you to the Management, Knowledge ^^ and Learning - MakeLearn international conference 2013. The conference is a great opportunity to make your contribution to and share the most recent developments ^Z in the field of knowledge management with experts from all over the world. The title of the MakeLearn international conference 2013 is Active Citizenship by Knowledge CO Management&Innovation. O International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) is organising MakeLearn 2013 together with University of Zadar, Croatia and in cooperation with co-organizers, i.e., Kasetsart University, Thailand, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland, and Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. The conference deals with the man-(Q agement of knowledge and learning, particularly with issues brought forward by ac- Stive citizenship. We believe that knowledge drives innovation in all spheres of the society, hence the focus of the conference on active citizenship by knowledge management & innovation. In recentyears, knowledge management has been given a lot of attention in businesses and other organisations as well as in rapidly increasing numbers of scientific and expert publications. The ISSBS encourages the discussion and exchange of knowledge also through the International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, as well as through the Academic International Publisher ToKnowPress. We are proud to present 160 papers from 36 countries and would especially like to welcome our keynote speakers: prof. dr. Frederick Kohun (University Professor of Computer & Information Systems, Robert Morris University, USA) and prof. dr. Branko Katalinic (University Professor at Vienna University of Technology, Austria). We would also like to thank everyone who helped us to organise MakeLearn 2013, and wish you all a successful conference and a pleasant stay in Zadar. Dr. Srečko Natek, Dean of the ISSBS, Slovenia Dr. Ante Uglešic, Rector of the University of Zadar, Croatia with co-organisers Kasetsart University,Thailand Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland Al Akhawayn University, Morocco Conference Boards Conference Board Dr. Srečko Natek, Dean, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, General Chair Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, Conference Chair Dr. Binshan Lin, BellSouth Corporation Professor in Business Administration at College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University, USA, Conference Director Dr. Leonardo Marušič,Vice Rector for Mobility and Projects, University of Zadar, Croatia, organiser Dr. Bordin Rassameethes, Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Thailand, co-organiser Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Director of the Institute of Management, Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland, co-organiser Dr. Mohamed Dahbi, Dean, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco, co-organiser M T3 CO O CO O u C o £ £ ^ Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 15.00-16.15 • Room G ^m Session Chair: Urszula Skurzynska-Sikora Innovativeness and the Development of Enterprise Urszula Skurzynska-Sikora, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland gQ Keywords: company's innovativeness, small and medium-size companies, development of companies dFull Text j™ Innovativeness in Organizations: The Role of LMX and Organizational Justice: The Case of Poland Dariusz Turek, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland ^^ Agnieszka Wojtczuk-Turek, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: innovative workplace behaviour (IWB), leader-member exchange (LMX), organizational justice Full Text u a CO u Features of an Innovative Company in the Opinion of the Business Entities and the Business Environment Institutions ^^ Beata Lewicka, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Wojciech Misterek, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: innovation, enterprise, business environment institutions PFull Text ^^ Fit for Turbulent Times: Reducing Demand Variability and Increasing • Supply Chain Flexibility Christian Hammer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria ^^ Sebastian Kummer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria ^^ Keywords: demand management, chemical industry, supply chain flexibility, • ^ demand variability tFull Text CO > o C C Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 16.30-17.45 • Room G ^ Session Chair: Monika Nalewajek ^m The Role of Social Media in Building Awareness of Responsible Consumption Monika Nalewajek, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Radostaw Macik, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: responsible consumption, reduce, reuse, recycle Full Text d Social Networks Perception Functioning as Social Democracy Improvements: Bosnia and Herzegovina Example Zlatan Delic, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Edin Osmanbegovic, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Keywords: global knowledge society, social networking, social democracy Full Text C CO U 25 u a Facebook: The Country of Zombies; How Death is Represented in Social Media ^^ Kinga Gruszecka, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland Pawet Wronski, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland Tyler Maran, Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia, USA Keywords: social network, innovation, solidarity Full Text u ICT Training as a Way to Maintain Professional Activity of Persons over 50 Dorota Macik, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw, Poland ^ Radostaw Macik, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: ICT training, 50+ age group, digital divide, maintaining work, case study Full Text n Business Process Management and Social Networks: ^^ A Case Study in an Airline Organization ^^ Ana Raquel Vaz Vieira, University Nova, ISEGI, Portugal {Q Jurij Jaklič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ^ Keywords: business process management, social networks, social BPM ^^ Full Text n 1= E Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 17.45-19.00 • Room G Session Chair: Marek Mitosz O ^^ Restrictions on Active Citizenship in Rural Areas in Poland Due to Digital Exclusion: Research Results CO C CO Marek Mitosz, Lublin University of Technology, Poland Elzbieta Mitosz, Lublin University of Technology, Poland Keywords: active citizenship, information technology, digital exclusion Full Text M Transforming Traditional Business Models through Disruptive Technology Cameron Crane, Ball State University, USA Fred Kitchens, Ball State University, USA Keywords: customer sourcing, crowdsourcing, supply chain, value chain Full Text Q) \n > CO Applying Information Systems by Polish Enterprises and the Analysis of the Criteria for Adopting a Particular System ^^ Michal Szafranek, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Lukasz Flak, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: information system, system choice criteria, ERP, CRM Full Text O IS E Methodological Aspects and Case Studies of Business Intelligence Application Tools in Knowledge Management as Corporation's Strategy Development Ludoslaw Drelichowski, University of Technology and Life Sciences ^^ in Bydgoszcz, Poland Remigiusz Lewandowski, University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Poland Keywords: business intelligence tools, ERP system, questionnaire, modernization of IT system, knowledge management Full Text £ of Control Functions Ivana Dvorski Lackovič, PBZ stambena štedionica d.d., Croatia H2 Information Systems Management and Decision Support Systems 2 jj Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 10.45-12.00 • Room H Session Chair: Ivana Dvorski Lackovič Model for IT Governance Assessment in Banks Based on Integration ^^ CO C Keywords: IT governance, management, assessment, control functions, banks Full Text Ma Role of Human Knowledge in Contemporary Information Society and its Individual Nature M Zdenek Smutny, University of Economics, Czech Republic Vaclav Reznicek, University of Economics, Czech Republic O (A CO Keywords: duo mining, societies' indexes, indexes, methodology ^ Full Text o Online Right to be Forgotten Human Right Or Social E-Democracy Necessity ^^ Augusto Sebastio, University of Bari, Italy {Q Keywords: right to be forgotten, data deletion, human right, liability Full Text m J5 Keywords: knowledge, information, informatization, thinking, education Full Text Innovative Analysis of the Processes within a Society Adam Horvath, University of Pecs, Hungary E Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 15:00-16:15 • Room H Session Chair: Elzbieta Wronska O ^^ Information Content of Share Repurchase Programs Elzbieta Wronska, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland ^^ Keywords: share repurchase, dividend, substitution, information content aFull Text 3> M £ \n > CO The Role of Imagination in the Process of Data Interpretation Radim Čermak, VŠE Praha, Czech Republic Keywords: imagination, information, knowledge, data, endocept, visualization Full Text Cloud Computing: A Case Study for the New Idea of the IS/IT Implementation Piotr Pazowski, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: cloud computing, IT implementation, cost savings, business agility, information technology nFull Text ^^ Knowledge Discovery from Mixed Data by Artificial Neural Network ^^ with Unsupervised Learning Chung-Chian Hsu, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan EChien-Hao Kung, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Keywords: information technology, knowledge discovery, self-organizing map, visualization, unsupervised learning oFull Text ^^ Applying DEMATEL-ANP for Assessing Organizational Information System Development Decisions Kuang-Hsun Shih,Toko University,Taiwan Wan-Rung Lin, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan Yi-Hsien Wang, Chinese Culture University,Taiwan Tzu-En Hung, Chinese Culture University,Taiwan Keywords: technology industry, information system, DEMATEL-ANP, out-sourcing, co-sourcing Full Text Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 16.30-17.45 • Room H Session Chair: Srečko Goič Organizational Structure, Organizational Dynamics, and Organizational Culture: A Research from Croatian Enterprises Srečko Goič, University of Split, Croatia Keywords: organizational culture, organizational dynamics, organizational structure Full Text u CO C O £ Forecasting of the Number of the International Tourism Arrivals for the Needs of the Bulgarian International Airports Sophia Mirchova, South-West University 'Neofit Rislki,' Bulgaria Keywords: international tourism arrivals, international airports, innovation ^^ infrastructure policy, exponential smoothing, forecasting Full Text a Aerospace Quality Management System According to Selected Quality £ Standards (Q Izabela Sprycha, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Agnieszka Piasecka, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: aerospace quality management system ^^ Full Text g Masterpieces of Intangible Heritage in the Countries of Southeast Europe and Tourism Development ^^ Georgi Georgiev and Ilinka Terziyska, South-West University 'Neofit Rislki,' Bulgaria Keywords: conventions, world cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage, ^ polyphony ^^ Full Text n Public Transportation on Water: Case Study Lisbon ^^ Patrick Stefanescu, 'Politehnica' University of Timisoara, Romania Duarte Pedro de Sousa Tavares, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Keywords: boat fleet, transport operator, public transportation, management Full Text Linking Knowledge Management Approaches and Credit Risk Management as an Innovative Strategy in Banking Institutions: A Perspective from Malaysia Tasmin Rosmaini, S. J. Cheang, A. A. Abubakar, N. A. Malek, and Che Rusuli M. Saufi, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia Keywords: knowledge management, active knowledge management approaches, credit risk management, innovation, Malaysia banking institutions Full Text jj Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 17.45-19.00 • Room H t^ Session Chair: Agnieszka Kister u CO Proposals for Organizational Changes in Hospitals Based on Diagnosis of Medical Staff Knowledge Agnieszka Kister, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Tobiasz Kwit, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland ^^ Keywords: medical knowledge, improving of the knowledge, organizational changes nFull Text O £ o CO c CO The Impact of Utilization of Balanced Scorecard Concept on Competitiveness of Health Care Companies Inese Mavlutova, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia Santa Babauska, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia Keywords: balanced scorecard, competitiveness, health care companies, market value, patients' perspective Full Text A Study of the Effects of Diabetes Control with Insulin Using an Artificial Neuromolecular System Jongchen Chen, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Keywords: artificial neural network, evolutionary learning, data mining Full Text 0 -o ^^ Global Beauty Industry Trends in XXI Century Mirostaw Loboda, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland Aleksandra Lopaciuk, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland ^^ Keywords: global beauty industry, global market for cosmetics and toiletries products KnFull Text Knowledge Augmented Medical Image Retrieval System Yao Shieh, Chang Gung University, Taiwan Mengkai Shieh, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Russia Chien-Hung Chang, Chang Gung University,Taiwan Tsong-Hai Lee, Chang Gung University, Taiwan Scott Goodwin, University of California at Irvine, USA Keywords: knowledge, information technology, content based image retrieval, feature extraction, database, education Full Text Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 10.45-12.00 • Room I Session Chair: Benjamin Lesjak The Paradox of Slovenian Housing Stock: Lacking a Proper Management? Špelca Mežnar, International School of Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Tamara Petrovič, International School of Social and Business Studies, Slovenia u CO Informal Quality Assessment of Legal Services (by Citizens) in Slovenia Benjamin Lesjak, International School of Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Dušan Lesjak, International School of Social and Business Studies, Slovenia ^ Keywords: legal services, quality assessment, lawyers, active citizenship Full Text t C a £ Keywords: housing stock, the Housing Fund of Slovenia, management ^^ Full Text g Safety Culture Model and its Dimensions on the Example CO of Coal Mines in Poland £ Anna Rakowska, University of Marie Curie Sklodowska in Lublin, Poland {Q Joanna Szubielska, University of Marie Curie Sklodowska in Lublin, Poland Keywords: organisational culture, safety culture, leadership Full Text e Position of Hungary on EU's Map of Renewable Energy Sources Csaba Balint Illes, Szent Istvan University, Hungary Anna Dunay, Szent Istvan University, Hungary ^^ Adrienn Vida, Szent Istvan University, Hungary Keywords: European Union, sustainability, innovative technology, ^ renewable energy sources, factor analysis ^^ Full Text n jj Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 15.00-16.15 • Room I t^ Session Chair: Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez u CO Resources and Capabilities Development of Musicians Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez, University of Guadalajara, Mexico Keywords: tangible and intangible resources, labor market, sacred music, archdiocese of Guadalajara tFull Text ^^ The Use of the Internet by a Music Band: The Case Study of Mr. Irish Bastard EPrzemystawtukasik, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland Inga Kaszycka, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, Poland ^^ Keywords: internet marketing, music industry, social network sites, musical groups and artists, music audiences aFull Text ^^ Developing Learning Organizations for Achievement of Competitive (Q Advantages in Enterprises in Bosnia and Hercegovina Sabina Djonlagic, University in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Adisa Delic, University in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Alma Kovacevic, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina Keywords: individual and organizational learning, learning organization, competitive advantage Full Text 0 -o a Interorganizational Learning in the Brazilian Bioethanol Industry Daniele Vieira do Nascimento, Klimakampus, University of Hamburg, Germany ^^ Keywords: interorganizational learning, knowledge management, technology transfer, bioethanol, and flex-fuel vehicles Full Text £ The Role of Knowledge in the Education of Managers: Comparative Analysis of Poland and United Kingdom Monika Jakubiak, Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Poland Keywords: the role of knowledge, managers' education, graduate competencies Full Text Thursday, 20 June 2013 • 16:30-17:45 • Room I Session Chair: Aleš Trunk u CO The Meaning and Concept of Financial Education in the Society of Economic Changes Simon Starček, Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia ^ Aleš Trunk, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Slovenia Keywords: financial education, financial literacy, lifelong learning, social ^^ development £ Full Text e £ Supply Chain Traceability: A Market Driven Approach Chalermchon Visayadamrong, Kasetsart University,Thailand ^^ Suparerk Sooksmarn, Kasetsart University, Thailand Pornthep Anussornnitisarn, Kasetsart University,Thailand fC Keywords: supply chain, traceability system, supply chain traceability system (SCTS), total traceability system (TTS), Gs1 global traceability standard (GTS) Full Text a Identification of Traffic Prediction Parameters ^^ Anuchit Ratanaparadorn, Kasetsart University,Thailand ^^ and Telecommunication Commission, Thailand ^O Pornthep Anussornnitisarn, Kasetsart University, Thailand ^^ Keywords: traffic prediction, traffic condition, traffic prediction accuracy ^ Full Text w O C * Sasivimol Meeampol, Kasetsart University, Thailand Thaneerat Siripachana, Office of the National Boardcasting 0 Academic Writing for Publishing Scientific Papers £ in International Journals ^ Doctoral Students'Workshop • 21-22 June 2013 CO O dr. Binshan Lin College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University, USA The workshop provides a great opportunity for doctoral students, young researchers and postdocs to gain new knowledge and skills on academic writing for publishing ^^ scientific papers in international journals. Internationally recognized scholar, Prof. Dr. Binshan Lin will present scientific research process and strategy; present structural ^^ equation modelling; enhance relevance, quality, and impact of scientific research; offer one-to-one coaching; answer participants' questions and more. £ Professor Dr. Binshan Lin is the BellSouth Corporation Professor at Louisiana State ^^ University in Shreveport. He received his Ph.D. from the Louisiana State University. Dr. Lin is a nine-time recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award at LSUS. Professor Lin received the Computer Educator of the Year award by the International ^^ Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) in 2005, Ben Bauman Award for Excellence in IACIS 2003, Distinguished Service Award at the Southwest Decision O Sciences Institute (SWDSI) in 2007, and Outstanding Educator Award at the SWDSI in 2004. He has published over 240 articles in refereed journals. He is editor-in-chief of I Industrial Management & Data Systems journal - the ISI Impact Factor 2011 ofIMDS ^ is 1.472. Ifl O Friday, 21 June 2013 08.00-09.00 Registration ■ UZ lobby 09.00-10.15 Editor's Panel (led by Dr. Binshan Lin) with 14 Editors ■ UZ Aula Magna 09.00-13.00 Exhibition of Journals ■ lobby in front of UZ Aula Magna 10.15-11.00 Coffee break with networking for publishing opportunities ■ UZ, by the seaside 11.00-13.00 Scientific research process and strategy (dr. Binshan Lin), discussion 13.00-21.30 Academic networking with editors and conference participants on boat trip to Kornati islands (lunch and snack/dinner on the boat) Saturday, 22 June 2013 09.00-10.30 Workshop on academic writing (Matija Vodopivec) 10.30-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-13.00 Enhancing relevance, quality, and impact of scientific research publishing (Dr. Binshan Lin), discussion 13.00-13.50 One to one coaching with Dr. Binshan Lin, Dr. Gary J. DeLorenzo and Matija Vodopivec 13.50-14.00 Closing remarks Knowledge and Learning ISSN 2232-5107 (printed) • ISSN 2232-5697 (online) • ^L CC International Journal Of Management, Knowledge and Learning (IJMKL) aims to bring ^^ together the researchers and practitioners in business, education and other sectors to provide advanced knowledge in the areas of management, knowing and learning in organisations, education, business, social science, entrepreneurship, and innovation in businesses and others. It encourages the exchange of the latest academic research and provides all those involved in research and practice with ^^ news, research findings, case examples and discussions. It brings new ideas and (Q offers practical case studies to researchers, practitioners, consultants, and doctoral students worldwide. IJMKL is indexed/listed in Cabell's Directories, Central and Eastern European Online Library, Directory of Open Access Journals, EconPapers, and Google Scholar. IJMKL publishes original and review papers, technical reports, case studies, comparative studies and literature reviews using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods approaches. Contributions may be by submission or invitation, and suggestions for special issues and publications are welcome. All manuscripts will be subjected to a double-blind review procedure. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout and submitted via email attachment in MS Word format to Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Nada Trunk Širca at with a brief bio sketch, 2-10 keywords and an abstract of approximately 50-100 words. For detailed instructions, please check the author guidelines at We do not process any submission that does not comply with IJMKL guidelines. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, University of Primorska, and National Leadership School, Slovenia, Associate Editors Dr. Steve Kuang-Hsun Shih, Chinese Culture University,Taiwan Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University, Poland Dr. Pornthep Anussornnitisarn, Kasetsart University, Thailand Senior Editor Dr. Binshan Lin, BellSouth Professor, Business School, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, USA Executive Editor Dr. ValerijDermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia CO CL ^ ISSN 0263-5577 • The Industrial Management & Data Systems, established in 1980, is published and distributed in nine printed issues a year by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd in UK. The Journal aims to improve top managerial skills by promoting awareness of new technology and related concepts and their implications. ^^ • More than 2,000 institutions accessed IMDS online. The IMDS received an ^^ average of 917 downloads per day. __ • Currently the IMDS has an acceptance rate of 10%. The IMDS also maintains a very rapid electronic submission, review and publication process. The turnaround time on average is 5-7 weeks from submission to a first decision. • Based on the Thomas ISIJCR2011 Report (released in June 2012), the ISI Impact Factor 2011 of IMDS is 1.472 and the ISI 5-year average Impact Factor of IMDS is 1.717. • Currently the H-index (based on Harzing's Publish or Perish software) of the IMDS is 75. On average, cites per published paper = 29.17. A title (including subtitle) of not more than 8 words should be provided. The title should not bear any abbreviations. A maximum word count of entire manuscript (including abstract, figures, tables and references) must not exceed 7,000 words, and all paper submissions must adhere to this. All authors and co-authors must be entered into manuscript center (not just in the manuscript Word file) with a valid email address of each co-author. Be advised that we do not process any paper that does not comply with all requirements. The IMDS does not process any paper submission with more than 4 authors, and the IMDS does not allow any authorship change once paper is submitted. References to other publications must be in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. Paper submissions will receive an initial screening before they are entered into the double-blind review process. Important screening criteria include fit with the mission of the IMDS, significance and impact of the research, and likelihood of moving forward acceptance in two rounds of review. All suitable manuscripts will be subject to high standards of double-blind review at the IMDS. Editor-in-Chief Professor Binshan Lin, BellSouth Professor Louisiana State University in Shreveport, USA Managing Editor Kieran Booluck in Education ISSN 1750-385X^ ^^ CC International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE) aims to publish papers, ^^ which analyze all aspects of international education, researchers and professionals from education have the opportunity to discuss the most demanding issues regarding the development and leadership of education at all levels and in all areas of education management. The IJMIE is indexed/listed in Scopus, Academic OneFile, British Education Index, ^^ Business and Company Resource Center, Educators Reference Complete, Expanded CO Academic ASAP, General BusinessFile ASAP International, General OneFile, Google Scholar, InfoTrac Custom Journals, Scirus, and Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities. The H-index (based on Harzing's Publish or Perish software) of the IJMIE is 16. On average, there are 2.95 cites per published paper. The IJMIE publishes 4 printed issues a year. A sample issue is available at The IJMIE strives to provide constructive and developmental reviews to authors within approximately two months. To accomplish this objective, the IJMIE maintains a rapid electronic submission, review and publication process. On average, the double-blind review process for the IJMIE takes 6-8 weeks for an initial submission. The review process is designed to promote expedited reviews, developmental feedback, and a service culture of professionalism and collegiality. In the past 12 months, the IJMIE received more than 100 manuscripts. The current acceptance rate is 18%. You are kindly invited to submit papers. All papers should be submitted via email attachment in one single MS Word format file to me at and Please check our web site at concerning the format, style, and guide to authors. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, Associate Editor Dr. Eddy Siong-Choy Chong, Linton University College, Malaysia Executive Editor Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, University of Primorska, and National Leadership School, Slovenia CO o. u ^ ISSN 2083-0025 • International Journal of Synergy and Research (IJSR) journal aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for the advancement of knowledge in the areas of services, engineering, business, management, education and social sciences in the area of synergy. Synergy seems to be the main expected factor of different business and/or social activities in nowadays, networked, electronic, interconnected, real-time, knowledge-based economy. The journal publishes original and review papers, technical reports, case studies and ^^ literature reviews using both quantitative and qualitative modelling techniques. Contribution may be by submission or invitation, and suggestions for special issues and publications are welcome. Papers are solicited that address these issues from an empirical and/or conceptual point of view. Possible topics of interest include (butare not limited to): business -science synergy, business education synergy, clusters synergy, intellectual capital synergy, knowledge management synergy, innovation synergy, human resources management synergy, cross culture management synergy, corporate synergy, service strategies synergy, service management synergy, information systems synergy, decision support systems synergy, e-business solutions synergy, total quality management synergy, marketing synergy, operations management synergy, virtual customer and organization synergy, customer relationship management synergy, supply chain synergy, production management synergy, finance synergy, sustainable economy synergy, international business synergy. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout and submitted via email attachment in MS Word format to Editor, Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak at with a brief biosketch, 1-10 keywords and an abstract of approximately 50-100 words. Please check our web site at concerning the format, style, and guide to authors. Manuscripts could be original papers, empirical studies, literature and research reviews providing new perspectives, studies based on a synergy of sustainable economy, enterprise development, comparative studies, or case studies. Each paper submitted will be subjected to the double-blind review procedures of IJSR. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Sklodowska-Curie University Senior Editor Dr. Binshan Lin, College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, USA Editor Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Poland CO CL U ISSN 1471-8197 • ^^ International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), a fully refereed journal, is an authoritative source presenting information on the current practice, content, technology, and services in the area of innovation and learning. IJIL aims to help professionals working in the field, academic educators and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate knowledge, and to learn from each other's work. IJIL is celebrating 6 years of publication. Furthermore, the IJIL is moving quickly towards higher publication standards. IJIL has been recognized and included in the following databases British Education Index, Educational Research Abstracts, JQ Educational Technology Abstracts, Geobase, Google Scholar, Inspec, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Pascal, Scirus, Scopus. The IJIL is listed in the Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities and is accepted in many universities for credit towards tenure and promotion. Subject coverage: accounting systems and it security in e-learning environment, collaborative leaning, continuous improvements, corporate communications and learning, cross-cultural issues in e-learning, design thinking, distance learning models and strategies, dynamics of innovation and leaning, e-learning group support systems and learning, improving the breadth and quality of access, incubation process, innovation and learning in biotech industry, innovative environmental management, innovation and business intelligence, intellectual capital and properties, KM systems and value creation, knowledge-building community, leadership in knowledge-based society, lean manufacturing learning and instructions, learning design, machine learning, management innovation, media richness theory, mind maps, mobile learning, multimedia synchronization controls, new product development, online learning, online communities, open source and new learning models, organizational blogs and knowledge sharing, organizational learning and knowledge creation, production planning, resource-based learning and innovation. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University,Thailand Associate Editors Dr. Jaen A. Pratt, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, USA Dr. Miha Škerlavaj, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Senior Editor Dr. Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia ^^ ISSN 2165-6371 • CO ^^ International Journal of Performance Measurement (IJPM) aims to publish the advancement of knowledge papers in several fields, the refereed articles covering O both theoretical and applied aspects of performance measurement and its application. We consider about how to establish the Performance Measurement and its application in business, economics, education, engineering, finance, information ^^ technology, marketing, management, operation research, public affairs and all kind (Q of subjects that involve the Performance Measurement. Performance measurement is a multidisciplinary theory gathering the strength of those researches which were interested in utilizing different research techniques to investigate the related performance measurement areas. The Journal was supposed to be established as an authoritative journal, which publish the high quality articles from people all over the world who are interested in the research of performance measurement. Refereed & Cabell Indexed. The IJPM is the official publication of the Academy of Performance Measurement published on a semiannually basis, and will be extended to a quarterly basis before 2014. The Journal is a refereed publication containing articles related to Performance Measurement research including innovative and advanced knowledge. The guidelines that must be followed when submitting a manuscript to be reviewed for publication can be retrieved in the official website. Manuscripts must be word processed and electronically submitted as a Word document attached to an e-mail to Editor-in-Chief: Professor Steve Kuang-Hsun Shih at Hard copy submissions will not be accepted. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Steve Kuang-Hsun Shih, Chinese Culture University,Taiwan, Associate Editor Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Lublin, Poland Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, University of Primorska, and National Leadership School, Slovenia Senior Editor Dr. Binshan Lin, College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, USA Managing Editor Dr. Shu-Hsien Lin, Chinese Culture University,Taiwan International Journal of Business Development \A and Research ^^ CC International Journal of Business Development and Research (IJBDR) is a fully refereed ^^ journal with editorial members from various countries. The journal aims to present relevant information on current and emerging practices in business and industry as well as research in the areas of business innovation, applied technologies, and industrial & organizational management. IJBDR intends to assist professionals, researchers, educators, and policy-makers to disseminate knowledge and to learn ^^ from each other's work. (Q IJBDR will publish at least 2 issues a year, both in printed and electronic formats. One ^^ issue contains 5-7 articles. Submissions should follow the author guidelines which can be found at Subject areas: accounting practices, activity-based costing, life-cycle costing, and cost of quality, acquisition logistics - life-cycle design, commonality, and interchangeability, business strategy development and deployment, collaborative supply chain management, commercial logistics - computer applications, warehouse and inventory, and transportation and distribution, customer delight and loyalty, customer relations and management, emerging new practices in business & industry, enterprise planning and development, enterprise resources planning and integration, finance and cost of capital consideration, innovation management, it applications in operational management, incubation and smes development, intellectual capital and properties, investment framework and decisions, knowledge management, lean manufacturing, life-cycle management, management system design and analysis, manufacturing and operational strategies, marketing and business development, new product/ service design and development, organizational management and development, performance management, quality and productivity measurement, analysis, and improvement, risk management, technology management, technology transfer, total quality management, social marketing, sustainability, value-chain and supply-chain management, web-based services. To submit a manuscript or for further information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Haruthai Numprasertchai, Kasetsart University,Thailand ^^ ToKnowPress publishes monographs, journals, and conference proceedings in both printed and online versions. It provides a platform for publishing and promoting the latest research across all areas of science. ^^ ToKnowPress is a joint imprint of ^^ • Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, ^^ • International School for Social and Business Studies, Celje, Slovenia, and ^^ • Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland. To submit a manuscript or for further information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Editors Dr. Pornthep Anussornnitisarn, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Editorial Board Dr. ValerijDermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Dr. Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Dr. Anna Rakowska, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Dr. Bordin Rassameethes, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Punnamee Sachakamol, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Senior Adviser Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand ToKnowPress BANGKOK • CELJE •LUBLIN Abubakar, A. A., 47 Adamus, Magdalena, 34 Agrež, Jernej, 23 Agunloye, Olajide 0., 28 Agar, Celal Cahit, 34 Alfirevič, Nikša, 11 Alihodžic, Almir, 35 Anussornnitisarn, Pornthep, 5,13,20, 51,53 Aristovnik, Aleksander, 26 Aziri, Brikend, 33 Babauska, Santa, 48 Bal, Yasemin, 34 Balogh,Agnes,21,24 Barchacka, Magdalena, 37 Barle, Andreja, 26 Barros, Teresa, 5 Bauer, Florian, 36 BalintIlles, Csaba,49 Beduk, Aykut, 34 Biatas, Sylwia, 32 Bielič, Toni, 13 Bielik, Peter, 12 Biginas, Konstantinos, 40 Bogdany, Eszter, 24 Bogdanovič, Mario, 25 Bogdany, Eszter, 21 Bognar,Tamas, 32 Booluck, Kieran, 54 Borys, Magdalena, 27 Bouziane, Zaid, 5 Bozkurt, Serdar, 34 Breznik, Lidija, 24 Buckley, Sheryl, 30 Burčik, Vladimir, 23 Burton, LorelleJ., 5 Bushney, Melanie, 30 Bustinza, Oscar F., 10 Cankar, Franc, 27 Chadam,Jan, 13,22 Chang, Chien-Hung, 48 Chang, Hsiao-Chen, 36 Cheang, S.J., 47 Chen, Jongchen,48 Chianese, Gina, 27 Chmielewska-Muciek, Dorota, 18 Chong, Eddy Siong-Choy, 55 Cichorzewska, Marzena, 32 Clarke, Alan, 40 Cosmina, Aldea,25 Crane, Cameron, 44 Csibi, Erzsebet, 15 Csizmadia,Tibor, 10,21,24 Čermak, Radim, 46 Dahbi, Mohamed, 5 Damij, Nadja, 23 de Sousa Tavares, Duarte Pedro, 47 Dedina, Jiri, 21,25 Dedinova, Kamila, 21 Degischer, Daniel, 36 Delic, Adisa,50 Delic, Zlatan, 43 DeLorenzo, Gary J., 10,23,52 Dermol, Valerij, 5,10,13,15,26,53 Deutsch,Tomi, 27 Dievernich, Frank, 41 Djonlagic, Sabina, 50 do Nascimento, Daniele Vieira, 50 Dobrai, Katalin, 18 Doležalova, Vlasta, 30 Dolinska, Matgorzata, 41 Draghici, Anca, 5,25 Drelichowski, Ludoslaw, 44 Dumciuviene, Daiva, 30 Dunay, Anna, 49 Dvorski Lackovič, Ivana, 45 Dylon, Dorota, 33 Bakovič, Goran, 6, 31 Enis Bulak, Muhammet, 39 Erič, Dejan, 35 Ertemsir, Esin, 34 Falcioglu, I§ik, Pinar, 28 X a -o C X a -o C Fekete, Milan, 23 Feng, Hsiang-Yung, 40 Filep, Balint, 30 Flak, Lukasz, 44 Friedrich, Nora, 40 Fučkan,Burdica, 41 Georgiev, Georgi, 47 Gebarowski, Marcin, 37 Ghaffari Balaneji, Shiva, 39 Goič, Srečko, 47 Golejewska, Anna, 39 Gologranc, Gaja, 6 Goodwin, Scott, 48 Gregar, Ales, 20 Grela, Grzegorz, 35 Gruszecka, Kinga, 43 Gulski, Bogustaw, 25 Gyuracz-Nemeth, Petra, 40 Hammer, Christian, 42 Hassan, Mohamed Hussein, 17 Hawrysz, Liliana, 21 Heizmann, Helena, 20 Holatova, Darja, 22,30 Holodnik, Daria, 17 Horvath, Adam, 45 Hsu, Chung-Chian, 46 Hulvej, Jaroslav, 23 Hung, Tzu-En,46 Hys, Katarzyna, 21 Ibraimi, Sadudin, 33 Ingram, Tomasz, 33 Jaklič, Jurij, 43 Jakovljevic, Maria, 30 Jakubczak, Jacek, 31 Jakubiak, Monika, 50 Jayawardena, L. N. A. Chandana, 20 Ježovnik, Alen, 11 Jošt Lešer, Valentina, 26 Juric, Matjaz B., 24 Justinek, Gorazd, 11 Kamieniecka, Matgorzata, 5,21 Kara, Akos, 30 Karasek, Aneta, 33 Kaszycka, Inga, 50 Katalinič, Branko, 9 Kakol, Magdalena, 28 Kern, Tomaz, 17 Kister, Agnieszka, 48 Kitchens, Fred, 44 Klepacki, Bogdan, 10, 37 Kocevar, Maja, 29 Kohun, Frederick, 8,10,15,23 Kolenc, Katja, 26 Komlosi, Edit, 19 Koren, Andrej, 27 Kovacevic, Alma, 50 Kovacs, Zsolt, 30 Kozuch, Barbara, 40 Kragič, Petar, 13 Krapež, Katarina, 29 Kuang-Hsun Shih, Steve, 53 Kuchciak, Iwa, 36 Kummer, Sebastian, 42 Kummert, Borge, 27 Kung, Chien-Hao, 46 Kwit, Tobiasz, 48 Lahovnik, Matej, 24 Laskowski, Maciej, 27 Law, Kris, 31 Lee, Jaeho, 35 Lee, Tsong-Hai, 48 Lee, Xin Rong, 36 Lercher, Hans, 27 Lesjak, Benjamin, 49 Lesjak, Dušan, 5,10,11,28,49,55,57 Leszczynska, Agnieszka, 5, 33 Lewandowski, Mateusz, 11, 39 Lewandowski, Remigiusz, 44 Lewicka, Beata, 42 Lin, Binshan, 5,11,15,52-54,56,58 Lin, Chinho, 22 Lin, Ru-Jen,5 Lin, Sheng-Wei,38 Lin, Shu-Hsien,58 Lin, Wan-Rung, 46 Lipowski, Marcin, 37, 38 Lo, Louis, 38 Loboda, Mirostaw, 5,48 Lopaciuk, Aleksandra, 48 Lukasik, Przemystaw, 50 Malek, N.A., 47 Maran, Tyler, 43 Markiewicz, Piotr, 34 Marušič, Leonardo, 5,10,15 Mataradzija, Adna, 39 Mataradzija, Amra, 39 Matzler, Kurt, 36 Mavlutova, Inese, 48 Macik, Dorota,41,43 Ma cik, Radostaw, 5,41,43 Meeampol, Sasivimol, 20,36,51 Meerman, Martha, 32 Mendryk, Iwona, 33 Mežnar, Špelca,49 Michalak, Aneta, 23 Mitosz, Elzbieta,44 Mitosz,Marek, 10,31,44 Mirchova, Sophia, 47 Misterek, Wojciech, 42 Mohorko, Jasmina, 26 Moustaghfir, Karim, 6 Mroz-Gorgon, Barbara, 21 Mulaomerovic, Elma, 41 Nalewajek, Monika, 41,43 Natek, Srečko, 4,5,10,15,29 Nozka, Agnieszka, 21 Numprasertchai, Haruthai,6,59 Olsson, Michael, 20 Osmanbegovic, Edin, 43 Paliszkiewicz, Joanna, 10,11, 37 Papič, Anita, 28 Pasnicu, Daniela, 6 Pastuszak,Zbigniew, 5,10,12,22,46, 53,56 Pazowski, Piotr, 46 Perechuda, Kazimierz, 17 Petkovšek, Veronika, 39 Petrovič, Tamara, 49 Phusavat, Kongkiti,6,10,12,20,22,57 Piasecka, Agnieszka, 47 Pichayakul, Pichayalak, 20 Plechawska-Wojcik, Matgorzata, 31 Polak-Weldon, Reka,21,24 Polkowska, Malgorzata, 22 Pratt, Jaen A., 57 Pronczuk, Anna, 38 Radford, Jack, 22 Rak, Agnieszka, 21 Rakowska, Anna, 6,31,49 Rassameethes, Bordin, 5,10,20 Ratanaparadorn, Anuchit, 51 Rehklau, Andreas, 27 Reiner, Michael, 25 Remeikiene, Rita, 30 Reznicek, Vaclav, 45 Robert, Charles, 32 Roblek, Matjaz, 17 Rodpetch, Vimol, 36 Rosmaini, Tasmin, 47 Rovcanin, Adnan, 39 Rožman, Laura, 27 Rehor, Petr, 22,30 Sabol, Andrija, 41 Saufi, Che Rusuli M., 47 Scarlat, Cezar, 6 Sebastio, Augusto, 45 Seitz, Christian, 41 Setnikar Cankar, Stanka, 27,39 Shieh, Mengkai, 48 Shieh, Yao, 48 Shih, Kuang-Hsun, 36,46 Shih, Steve Kuang-Hsun, 10,12,38,58 Sienkiewicz-Matyjurek, Katarzyna, 40 Sindakis, Stavros, 40 Siripachana,Thaneerat, 20,51 Sitko-Lutek, Agnieszka, 6,12,18,56,58 Skovira, Robert Joseph, 18,23 Skrbinjek, Vesna, 28, 31 Skrzypek, Elzbieta, 6 Skurzynska-Sikora, Urszula,6 Smrkolj, Marko, 6 Smutny, Zdenek, 45 X a -o C X a -o C Sooksmarn, Suparerk, 12,20,51 Spalek, Seweryn, 6 Sprycha, Izabela,47 Srimal, Suwit, 22 Srinammuang, Phanthipa, 36 Stanarevič Katavič, Snježana, 28 Starček, Simon, 51 Startiene, Grazina, 30 Stefanescu, Patrick, 47 Sternad, Dietmar Horst, 29 Stoychev, Boycho, 35 Stričevič, Ivanka, 28 Stubelj, Igor, 36 Suwanaphan, Suchanphin, 29 Svetoslav Kaleychev, 40 Swacha, Jakub, 29 Szafranek, Michal, 44 Szotno-Koguc, Jolanta, 35 Szubielska, Joanna, 49 Šander, Matej, 41 Škerlavaj, Miha, 57 Tandi, Laura, 26 Tat, Ute, 25 Temizer, Leyla, 39 Terziyska, Ilinka, 47 Thomas Tackney, Charles, 6 Tissen, Rene, 19 Tokarski, Kim Oliver, 41 Touhami, Abdouli,6 Tomboly, Teodora, 30 Trappey, Charles V., 41 Trunk Širca, Nada, 5,12,26, 30,53,55, 58 Trunk, Aleš, 36,51 Tubi, Jody, 6,34 Turek, Dariusz, 42 Turkyilmaz, Ali, 39 Twarowska, Katarzyna,28 Twarowska, Matgorzata, 35 Uglešič, Ante, 4 Uusitalo,Terho, 24 Vajjhala, Narasimha Rao, 17 Valach, Vladislav, 10,12 van Rijn, Stella, 19 Vargas-Hernandez, Jose G., 50 Vasenska, Ivanka, 34 VazVieira, Ana Raquel, 43 Veseli, Nexhbi, 33 Vida, Adrienn,49 Visayadamrong, Chalermchon,51 Vodopivec, Matija, 52 Vukasovič, Tina, 37 Walczewski, Marcin, 32 Wang, Yi-Hsien,46 Wasilewska, Aleksandra, 38 Wereda, Wioletta, 37 Wiazewicz, Joanna, 37 Wiechetek, Lukasz, 30 Wojtczuk-Turek, Agnieszka, 42 Wongsorntham, Ausa, 36 Wrigh, Chris, 22 Wronka, Martyna, 23 Wronska, Elzbieta, 46 Wronski, Pawet, 38,43 Wu, Ju-Chuan, 22 Yam, Richard, 18 Yerbury, Hilary, 20 Zajec, Maja, 17 Zarzu, Carmen, 28 Zeitel-Bank, Natascha, 6,19,25 Zijlstra, Arthur, 32 Zinczuk, Barttomiej, 6, 32 Zupancic, Eva, 24 Zwilling, Moti, 29 Žižmond, Egon,6 Notes Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije International School for Social and Business Studies Celje • Slovenija UMCS MARIA CURIE-SKLODOWSKA UNIVERSITY j-jgijjlocdL AL AKHAWAYfvi UNIVERSITY Human Capital Without Borders: Knowledge and Learning for Quality of Life Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2014 25-27 June 2014 Portorož • Slovenia Co-Organisers Maria Curie-Sktodowska University ^^ Kasetsart University of* EMUNI University yy F of 5 G% # sT > Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2014 The International Scientific Conference on Management of Knowledge and Learning (MakeLearn) is organised by the International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) in cooperation with foreign partner universities, international institutes and organisations chosen in accordance with its annual theme. The conference takes place every June; its participation is international. The official language of the conference is English. Through MakeLearn, the ISSBS encourages the sharing of most recent developments in the field of knowledge management between Slovene and foreign experts, as well as promotes itself and higher education in the Savinja region of Slovenia and Europe. By including individuals from major regional businesses, MakeLearn also encourages discussion and the exchange of knowledge between the academia and the economy. Although the general theme of the conference, i.e. management of knowledge and learning in businesses and other organisations, remains the same, each year the focus of the conference is adapted to regional and global findings, occurrences and needs of the time. Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije International School for Social and Business Studies Celje • Slovenija International School for Social and Business Studies Mariborska cesta 7,3000 Celje, Slovenia Tel: +386 3 425 82 40 • Fax: +386 3 425 82 22 E-mail: •