Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years of serving American Slovenians Vol. 105, No. 5 American Home Ameriška Domovina* SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 30, 2003 Phone:(216)431-0628 e-mail: ah^buckeyeweb.com 70c World Famous Lipizzaner Stallions Text and Photographs by STANE KRANJC BOLTON, Ont. - During my many visits to Slovenia, I visited the town of “Lipica” on several occasions. Unfortunately, I never had an opportunity to see The White Stallion performance. During the last part of October - 2002 I noticed an advertisement in our local newspaper, “The Caledon Citizen” indicating that The World Famous Lipizzaners will be presenting a special presentation of “The Dancing Stallions.” The event was to be held on November 2 at 2 and 7 p.m. at the Center for Spoils in Brampton, Ontario. “WOW” I said to myself, “Lipizzaners performing in my region of Caledon. This is one performance I will not miss.” And 1 didn’t. 1 contracted White Stallions Productions Inc. in Florida and asked them for more information regarding the planned event. They were very kind to send me The Lipizzaner Stallions World Program, some history and a few pictures of their horses. The White Stallions Acrobatic performance to the beat of Strauss, Mozart and other music was spectacular. Series of battle movements originally intended to be used in warfare, Equestrian Ballet dances, leaps into the air, military drill performed to music, General George S. Patton Salute and many other maneuvers and presentations captivated the audience and will be remembered forever. A Salute to American General S. Patton was in thanks for saving The White Stallions from German SS and Russian Communist armies during the Second World War. In the United States White Stallions are well known not only because of their many performances but also by the Walt Disney motion picture, “The Miracle of the White Stallions.” Training of Lipizzaners starts when they arc 2-years-old and it takes eight years to teach them not only in dressage, but also how to deal with crowds, applause, music, lights, and travel. White Stallions are bom black or brown. They mature white within 10 years. These horses keep working into their 30s, then they are retired and sent to pasture to enjoy their golden years. There are approximately 2,500 White Stallions around the world, and at age of 2, they cost between S20,000 and 530,000 each. The Master of Ceremonies explained each performance to help the audience understand fine points of White Stallions equestrian artistry and historical background. It is a well known fact that it was in “LIPA” Slovenia (at that time Province of Austria) that Archduke Karl of Austria in 1580 estab- lished a royal stud farm where breeding and the name of White Stallions originated. During the show there was much said about the contribution of Spanish, Austrian and other countries to The White Stallions’ rich history. Unfortunately, “Lipica” and Slovenia were never mentioned during the performance or in the program. It is not my intention to blame the performers of the White Stallion Production for this important omission. It is the historians that should correct this part of history. “Lipica” is a small town in Slovenija located in the hills of Karst between the town of Sežana and the Adriatic Sea. I could not find the explanation of how the name of Lipica was changed to Lipizza. At the fall of the Austrian Empire in 1918, the town of Lipica the region of Primorska in Slovenia became part of Italy. The White Stallion herd was divided between Italy and Austria. During the 25 years (1918 - 1943) of Italian occupation of this part of Slovenia, many Slovenian towns and people’s names were changed from Slovenian to Italian. Lipica could have been one of these towns that was changed to Lipizza. Based on and following the European tradition of naming the breed after its region of birth, in my opinion the White Stallions should be called Lipicaners and not Lipizzaners. Birth place of the White Stallions, Lipica town in Slovenia near the Adriatic Sea should be included in the program and in the history of the White Stallions. Lipizzaner Stallions sure are a unique horse breed. Their performance was a great and enjoyable experience not only for me but for everyone attending the show. It is unfortunate that Lipica and Slovenia were left out. Just a little dab of rudeness erases a multitude of virtues. Folks aren’t surprised country music is so popular. Where else can you hear about lying and cheating — outside of politics. .. Salute to Canada (Photos by STANE KRANJC Salute to General George S. Patton Slovenia Joins Border Patrols DOBOJ, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Slovenian troops are now among the international peacekeepers helping patrol in Bosnia and Herzegovina, another former Yugoslav republic. More than 80 Slovenian soldiers arrived Saturday to their new home - for the next six months - in Doboj, two hours west of Eagle Base. Slovenian troops have been members of a Multinational Specialized Unit, a riot control component of Stabilization Force, for years now. But their arrival in Doboj is the first time Slovenian troops have patrolling responsibilities. During the welcome ceremony for Slovenian troops, Brig. Gen. John von Trott, commander of Multinational Brigade North, expressed his confidence in the soldiers, who will patrol Lukavac and Gracanica. Von Trott pointed out that the Slovenians have a great advantage over the other 11 nations operating in MNB North: the Slovenian language is similar enough to local languages to allow easy communication without interpreters. While Slovenia, the northern-most former Yugoslav republic, has come a long way since the breakup of the country in the early 1990’s, Bosnia is lagging in several areas: • There are still three different anned forces left over from the war. • The politics are ethnically dominated. • Hundreds of thousands of people still live as refugees and displaced persons. • Many homes lie destroyed and the country’s economy is weak. “Slovenia... is not turning its back on her neighbors in the southeast,” said Tadej Labernick, the Slovenian ambassador to Bosnia, during the ceremony. “She wants to help Bosnia and Herzegovina since only stable and successful Bosnia and Herzegovina can guarantee peace and progress in this part of Europe,” Labernick said. The vapor trail left in the sky by an airplane is called a contrail, which is a contraction of the words condensation trail. When you talk, you repeat what you already know; when you listen, you often learn something. —Jared Sparks If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old. -James Garfield AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 30, 2003 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Suscl - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Koso NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike ir. Kanada: S35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $165 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Foreign: $45 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $165 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals • postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 5 January 30, 2003 Shannon finds her roots by RUDY FLIS “Uncle Rudy, thanks for helping. I learned a lot about my heritage! Thanks again. -Shannon. P.S. - I got an “A.” The above words were on the cover of a booklet my brother Tony’s granddaughter gave me. 1 received this booklet from Shannon’s mom, Lisa, who is my niece, daughter of my brother Tony. About a year ago I received a call from my niece Lisa. Her daughter Shannon wanted to do a report on her heritage and wondered if I would talk with Shannon and tell her about my parents and 100 WORDS MORE OR I ESS by John Mercina 11 WORDS that will change our lives within the next 30 DAYS Pray.., “to address God with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving...” •— _ . for Peace... "a state or period of mutual concord between governments; freedom from civil disturbance; a .state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom; freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; harmony in personal relations../1 * _ - Prepare... “to wo.irfc out the details; plan in advance^ to.get ready; - to put together...” - . - for War... “a state of open and declared armed hostile conflict betw een states or nations; a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism; a struggle between opposing forces or for a particular end...” MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL their journey from Europe to the USA. Of course, my answer was “Yes.” I was pleased that she had an interest in her heritage. Shannon asked me questions and 1 answered what 1 could. I told her several stories about my mom. And from that, the report on her heritage was based, and a large poster depicting my mom’s journey as an immigrant. I loved it. But that was not enough for Shannon. As soon as we met, she peppered me with questions about my mom. Shannon’s older sister Ali and younger brother Greg sat at the table and also heard about their great-grandma. Shannon’s booklet on heritage contains Slovenian vocabulary and its translation. There is a page of questions, such as “What if my great grandmother never came to America?” Another page had this question, “Should older relatives teach ways of the old country to the younger generations, or should they all learn the new way?” On the last page of the report, the last sentence was “I’m very glad my great-grandma made that decision so 1 can live here.” Heritage from our past moves forward with our children and grandchildren. As I met my brother’s grandchildren and enjoyed the heritage report of Shannon, I had it all going for me as did my brother Tony. As our stomachs with blue blood Slovenian stomachs carried the precious cargo of Slovenian heritage known as “Rice Sausage” which wc both consumed for breakfast. The prize sausage was from Malensek’s in Cleveland, and it made us even more welcome at the Flis home in Upland, Calif. I knew this would be a perfect visit with my brother Tony. When we arrived, my brother hugged and kissed the rice sausage, my wife Therese and then me. Now that’s heritage with a taste. St. Mary’s Seniors Meet St. Mary’s Seniors (Collinwood) will meet in the School Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 1:30 p.m. Doors open at 1 p.m. Tony’s... ^4 Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $6.00 664 E. 185th St. - at Abbey Ave. Cleveland HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat. We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers! L An early investor in the British tea trade was a gentleman by the name of Earl Gray, for whom the blend of tea was named. 0/ Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM Saturdays 9-10 pm Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Semices 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 laxtime@en.com nttpd/stimbiiry saccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Senhdng individuals Corporations A Small Businesses. | j TV OR Y CI i V PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 * Life in the Refugee Camps by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued) Thursday, July 4, 1946 I took measurements of the exhibit space at the theater, then met with Miss Russon for 2 hours. I attended a meeting regarding refugee employment. Also attending were the UNRRA director, some British military officers, the city mayor, representatives of the Austrian work office and representatives from 3 refugee camps - 14 people in all. The representative from the Ukrainian camp spoke for 5 - 10 minutes about how poorly the area farmers treat Slavic people. Under Hitler, the farmers around here learned to treat Slavic people like slaves. Hitler brought in Ostarbeiter," people who were forcibly moved from East European countries to work here as if they were farm animals. The Austrians al the beginning were ashamed, and the British began to understand why none of the refugees want to work °n the farms. Then a representative from the Croatian camp spoke for an hour and said less in that hour than the Ukrainian said in 10 minutes. 1 was tempted to talk about the experience our °Wn men had with a fanner near Maria Buch. They Worked for 14 hours and 'nore a day, and all they got was the normal food ration. 1 asked the farmer what our ■Pen were supposed to do ''’hen they wear out their Rothes. The farmer said, * H try to get some clothing 0r them from the government work office.” Later, 1 Sliced that farmer had three ''Pgon loads of used military unifomis, but he wouldn’t a,!°w our men to use any. 1 didn't say anything about hose military uniforms be-CaUse 1 knew that the farmer ^ould be arrested and sent to Wolfsbcrg interment Carnp if anyone told the Authorities (the Wolfsberg camp was where the British imprisoned former Nazis). 1 probably should have said something! Friday, July 5, 1946 I was at the theater all day, accepting items for display at the show. All together, 1 registered 276 items from 70 exhibitors. Miss Russon returned from Italy with some silk cloth, paint, wool and other things. She went to each camp - ours, the Croatians in Murdorf, and the Ukrainians in the city - and personally divided up the materials she had brought. Saturday, July 6, 1946 This morning, Babnik, Vrtačnik, and Zupan worked with me to set up our display. Earlier, Zupan and Babnik were opposed, but now they are helping. Director Gilbert opened the show at 3 p.m. with a speech complimenting our hard work. He mentioned that there is always a black sheep in every group, and we must not allow that to affect our opinion of the entire group. I think he may have been talking about his own opinion of Slovenians, which was very negative when he arrived, but is now very positive. It’s a shame he will soon leave. After the director’s speech. Franc Zupan led a concert of Slovenian singing, and then people were invited to view the crafts on display. Soon after the opening of the display, the Croatians threatened to walk out if we didn’t remove a painting of King Peter which we had hung on the wall. King Peter and his now-deceased father, King Alexander, arc Serbian, and the Croatians hate them. The Croatians complained to the director that politics did not being in our display. We agreed to remove the painting. We had divided the space in the hall by a lottery. Luckily, the Slovenians got the best and largest space, which was along the left side and immediately in front of the stage. The Croatians got the right comer, and the • Ukrainians got the back, in I? v>| Books of Slovenia Now Available on-line at: http://www.BooksofSlovenia.com National Atlas of Slovenia, Handicrafts of Slovenia, Architectural Guide to Ljubljana, Treasures of Jose Plečnik, and more... Major credit cards accepted. the balcony. The Ukrainians displayed some rugs, and the Croatians displayed their coat of arms and a map of Croatia (which they had obtained from a painter in Austria). Neither group displayed any crafts which they had made in the refugee camp. But the Slovenian section was full of items that were made in our camp: bobbin lace, knitted hearts, aluminum pots, brushes, handbags woven from straw, shoes, paintings, and many other things. We had much more bobbin lace to show, but there wasn’t enough room. Our most beautiful item was a chalice and monstrance which Tone Babnik made for bishop Rozman. (To Be Continued) KSKJ Lodge 25 Honors Members St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge No. 25 will honor its 50-year members with a banquet in St. Vitus Auditorium on Sunday, Feb. 2 beginning at 12 noon, following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Members who wish to attend please call the secretary, John C. Turek at (216) 531-0230 as soon as possible. Deadline for reservations is Jan. 29. This is the monstrance which Tone Babnik made by hand in the refugee camp near Judenburg, Austria for Bishop Gregory Rozman in July, 1946. Most of this monstrance was made from aluminum which the refugees obtained from damaged warplanes. Note the fine detail - grains of wheat to represent the body of Christ, grapes and grape leaves to represent the blood of Christ. SHELIGA DRUG, INC Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX we accept: We bill most major insurance plans * Am.eJSS>«,P,“S • »“'o Rn««-« . mSSi Tom Sršen - Manager * P*ek??A*x,£5S&'» # V?sa • Keys Made • WIC - Food Stamps • Layaways • Manufacturers Coupons V’lSlt Us! • Contact Lens Replacement TE 12503 nflbisoN avc. HaPPy LAKEWOOD. OHIO 44107 Valentine's Day 2,6 5214519 ATTENTION WESI_SIOE RESIDENT: „ immn pi^ SUPERMARKET WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY„(SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... • ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS. - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 PM _________ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 30, 2003 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 30, 2UU3 4 Growing Up Slovenian in Collinwood Neighborhood Characters by JOE GLINŠEK (Continued from last week) Another of the many ‘characters’ who populated our area was Florjan, a man I nicknamed ‘Rabbit,’ only mentally. We got along very nicely, but he was the prototypical example of a ‘henpecked’ husband, and I had sympathy for his plight. Florjan faithfully trudged io his railroad job. every day, but his wife nagged him because he was very lazy about home chores. Even as a child, I remember thinking he looked like a rabbit, and it wasn’t because he had long ears, though they were prominent. Just the look of his face and thp shape of his head reminded me of a bunny. 1 must confess that 1 quietly categorized many people this way. It must have been something in my genes, because years later my nicknames for certain people came up in conversation with my mother and she laughed at the coincidence - she had seen them the same way. Dad could not imagine the similarities that we noticed, and in his opinion, ‘we were both a little strange.’ Florjan’s wife had one of those peculiar Slovenian dialects, and she was discussing him with my mother one day in the backyard. He’d been noticeably missed for more than a week, and we learned that he had been ailing. Her explanation of his illness ended with a punchline delivered in her succinct and rhyming Slovenian idiom; she had told him to “Get well or die!” Mom and I both laughed, but it was not meant to amuse. She had neither the time nor patience to minister to a sick, lazy husband. Her pragmatic three-Word Slovenian phrase was added to our conversational lexicon and jokingly repeated if someone had the temerity to be sick for more than a few days. A near neighbor was undoubtedly a character, or possibly something more serious - we frequently discussed her antics. She lived in a house on a small city lot jam-packed with trees, shrubs and flowers and surrounded by a wire fence. After having walked past the place for over 20 years, I can’t describe the house except to say that it was ‘wallpapered’ and canopied with foliage. She was out with her horse and watering-can from early morning until dusk. She did have a husband, but he must have cooked for himself. After the constant ministering to her flora, there would be no time left for a mere spouse. Rainfall prompted a unique habit, one that made her a humorous topic of conversation. She felt obliged to help God water her plants by wielding her sprinkling can while it rained. We tried to rationalize her behavior by speculating whether the trees had formed such a dense canopy that no rain could penetrate to the plants below. The frequency of her queer activity would not support this logic, so we just politely winked and smiled at her eccentricity. I don’t know why, but she was always referred to as Toppy.” It seems unlikely that we didn’t know her proper name, yet it is possible. ! can’t recall her speaking to anyone, other than murmuring to her plants. Senate Passes Voinovich Law to Protect Great Lakes WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved legislation sponsored by U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH) to ban oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes through 2005, and which he co-sponsored to provide funding to fight Asian carp, an invasive species threatening the lakes’ ecosystem. “The lakes are gems; we’ve worked so hard to turn them around, and they’re among our nation’s most important natural resources. There are some things that simply don’t belong in them and drilling and Asian carp are two of those things. I’m glad we’ve dealt them both a serious blow with this legislation,” said Voinovich. The drilling ban and funding to fight Asian carp were approved as amendments to the 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Act which the Senate passed late Thursday night. The Voinovich-sponsored ban on oil and gas drilling would extend the current ban, which expires in September 2003, until September 2005. In 2001, Voinovich worked with U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) to introduce and pass legislation to impose the current 2002-2003 ban. Preliminary estimates indicate that Lake Erie natural gas production would meet only the smallest fraction of Ohio’s annual needs. According to the Ohio Oil and Gas Association, the state consumes 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas annually, while the Ohio Department of Natural Resources estimates that Lake Erie could only produce 20 billion cubic feet annually. “Lake Erie has come a long way since the 1980’s and is a major source for drinking water for Ohioans. It’s a recreational treasure and an important ecosystem that has brought economic benefits to the region. Until a more permanent solution can be found, we need to make sure the current ban is extended to preserve the progress we’ve made in protecting the lakes,” said Voinovich. To help fight Asian carp, Voinovich co-sponsored legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) to provide $500,000 for the continued maintenance and operation of an existing electrified barrier in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to prevent the movement of Asian Carp into the Great Lakes from the Mississippi River. “Invasive species like the Asian carp are swimming Pac-Men that eat up native fish and grow to enormous sizes. They’ll wreck our fishing industry as well as the health and future of Lake Erie if we don’t stop them,” Voinovich said. Membership Certificate Holders Annual Meeting Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue Euclid, OH 44119 Sunday, February 9, 2003 2:00pm We invite all certificate holders and Lodge and Club representatives to attend. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Bean and Sausage Soup Jo (Champa) Randlett made this soup on a cold evening for a few friends, and accidentally substituted cans of 3-bean salad for the canned beans. We thought it was an interesting twist, a little sweet. If you use the bean salad, be sure to rinse the beans. Either way, it’s a good and easy meal. Ingredients: 2 slices of bacon '/21 marjoram (optional) Vi C (1 medium) onion, chopped 1 C sliced carrots l/41 pepper 1 C cubed potato 2 C water V* C fresh chopped parsley 8 oz. thinly sliced smoked sausages 16 oz. can of green beans, undrained 16 oz. can of Great Northern or white beans, undrained Directions: In a large saucepan, cook bacon until crisp. Drain, reserving 1 tablespoon of drippings. Crumble the bacon and set aside. Saute the onion in the reserved drippings until ten-ier. Add carrots, potato, parsley, marjoram, pepper and wa-er. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer about 20 ninutes, or until vegetables are tender. Add sausage, beans and reserved bacon. Heat thoroughly. —Kim Ann Kaifesh _________________________Our Family and Friends Recipes 1 One-dish Chicken & 1 Stuffing Bake ! Prep Time: 10 min. Cook Time: 30 min. | 4 cups Pepperidge Farm cubed herb seasoned I stuffing 6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves J Paprika 1 can (10 3/4 oz.) Campbell’s Condensed Cream ! of Mushroom Soup 1/3 cup milk 1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley 1. - Mix stuffing, '/2 cup boiling water and 1 tbsp. I margarine. 2. - Spoon stuffing across center of 3-qt. Shallow \ baking dish. Place chicken on each side of stuffing. J Sprinkle chicken with paprika. 3. - Mix soup, milk and parsley. Pour over chicken. 4. - Bake covered at 400 degrees F. for 15 min. 5. - Bake uncovered 15 min. or until chicken is no ! onger pink. Serves 6. ^ Sk L&an dohia Funeral Homes Two Convenient Locations 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills 440-944-8400 (Formerly Grdina) 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland (Collinwood Area) 216-486-2900 A Slovenian Family Serving the Slovenian Community. Dignified-Personalized-Professional Services Dan Cosic and Joseph Zevnik, Funeral Directors 5 Chicago Bishop Baraga Association Revitalized CHICAGO, IL - It has been a long time since the members and friends of the Bishop Baraga Association in the Chicago area celebrated together to observe a Baraga anniversary. This year it was different. At the beautiful Lemont Shrine to Marija Pomagaj, we gathered to pray and contemplate Baraga’s greatness and spirituality. Mass was offered on January 12lh by our pastor, Fr. Metod Ogorevc, OFM, observing the 135'1' year since Baraga’s death. Fr. Metod referred to his personal attachment to the saintly Frederic Baraga and Deacon John Vidmar reflected on Baraga’s talents not only as a noble priest in Slovenia, and a missionary in the United States, but also as a civil rights advocate for the American Indians during the time in the late 1800s when they suffered many indignities. Baraga’s primary goal as a missionary was to baptize as many converts as he could, and it seemed to be a Very symbolic coincidence that the very day was the feast of the baptism of Jesus. Anyone who has read the biography of Baraga in our fellow Chicagoan and offi-cial Baraga historian, Joseph Gregorich’s book, Apostle of the Lakelands, or any of the °ther many biographies, knows that Baraga dedicated bis life to the Native Americans. Baraga’s life always in-sPires and amazes us. Car ^e imagine Baraga’s devotion and fatherly attention tc them and his strong commitment to his missionary ""ork? He became known as lbe “Snowshoe Priest” in the ^t expanse of Michigan’s Ppcr Peninsula. Slovenians ave honored Baraga for many decades, seeing in him be attributes of prudence, onesty, and respect for human life that our Slovenian People possess. Many years ago, the lshop Baraga Association ^as formed in the parish mtse of St. Stephen’s c Urch in Chicago. The year ^as 1930) and since then a any individuals, families nd organizations have sup-0rted the Cause for his a,nthood through their embership in the BBA. It I aV seem to many that it is a st cause, waiting patiently J* ''’e have for over 70 years, 0Ut many of us still hope that ^Ur w'shes will prevail and e will live to see this 'ntly niar)( pre(jerjc Baraga c°me beatified by the Ro-Catholic Church. fac0ne of the most stunning s of his career as a mis- sionary and later first Bishop of Marquette, was his ability to counsel the native people of the Upper Peninsula in their civic recognition so that they became farmers and landowners and thereby were not transferred to reservations as had many of the other Indian tribes jf the United States. They also became parishioners in churches that Baraga himself built or directed to be built, forming distinct communities (missions)* along the Great Lakes of Superior and Michigan. Baraga traveled wherever he was needed in that cold, snowbound region to minister to his people and give them a relationship with the church. Through all of this time he incurred hardships that would have stopped any other man and given him some regrets. Baraga trudged on, with utmost conservatism (another Slovenian trait), satisfied with only the bare necessities of life. How much he accomplished without money or few resources is almost impossible to imagine. Now, to get back to the observation at St. Mary’s in Lemont. The church was full and the atmosphere warm and inviting. A copy of the well-known Matthew Langus portrait of Bishop Baraga was placed at the altar area amidst a field of red and white poinsettias. The Christmas Nativity scene, our own “Jaslice,” stood in a beautifully lighted Bethlehem night sky near the altar. Many of us had been waiting before Mass for our guests from the Anawim Indian Center of Chicago, as we expected a representative group of American Native Indians due to arrive before Mass. After some time. Father Metod announced: “They must have gotten lost” - and indeed, we later found out, they had. The Mass ended with the congregation praying the Baraga Prayer in Slovenian. Afterward, we headed down to the Slovenian Cultural Center for lunch, an event we enjoy every second Sunday of the month. This home-cooked meal is appreciated and well-attended. No sooner had we been seated in the banquet hall than the Anawim Native American Indian group arrived, a little nervous, having looked for us all over Lemont. They finally found us, two hours later. Nevertheless, they were warmly welcomed and all introductions were made. We all agreed that as Baragans we had much in common. The Anawim group was happy to be with us and ready immediately to begin their program of various prayers that are based on their Christian beliefs and respect for God’s nature. They expressed these prayers and a special one thanking God for having given them Frederic Baraga who preserved their Indian identity and gave them their language written for the first time in a useful dictionary. The haunting sound of the flute ended their program, beautifully played by Bill Buchholtz, a Menominee from the Anawim Indian Center of Chicago. Later, they shared with us more stories of their work in the Chicago area, particularly teaching the Chippewa (Ojibwe) language to youngsters and offering many social services tc their people. They showed us their well-used copy of Baraga’s dictionary, for some of us the first time we have actually seen the book that is so historically significant. In their generosity, the group led by Georgene Roy set up a display of artifacts and distributed them to many families in the hall. Also, they brought freshly made “Indian Bread” that was served during luncheon. Later, many of us commented on the “bread” was similar to our Slovenian krofi and that Baraga must have brought the recipe from Slovenia! The members of the Baraga Association are now planning on attending the next national Baraga Days event in Indianapolis in September. Information on that event, various copies of Baraga Bulletins, books about him, and tee-shirts with the Baraga Portrait were part of a nice display that guests were able to view before and after the Sunday lunch at the Slovenian Cultural Center. Featured was a painting of Bishop Baraga by Helen Lukančič Valeruga, of Joliet, Illinois, a gift from the artist to the Slovenian Center. Now, it seems, all that remains is that we reorganize and re-vitalize the Bishop Baraga Association that was centered for many years in Chicago at St. Stephen’s Church, now closed, to St. Mary’s in Southwest Chicago - Lemont. All members are invited to meet occasionally and arrange for future activities. All-who are not members as yet may sign up for a nominal S10 per year membership fee or SI00 (one-time) Lifetime Membership. You can contact us at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, 630 243 0670, or feel free to call the undersigned at 773-275 1115 for more information. Note: More interest has been seen lately in “bringing American Indian literature out of obscurity” (Chicago Tribune, 12-23-02) giving new hope to those of us who value Baraga’s literary work to preserve the Native American culture and language, as well as his idealis- tic missionary work as the first Bishop of Marquette and among those who established the early Catholic Church in North America.* He inspired many missionaries who followed him, some of them in Slovenia, in their work for the greater honor and glory of God. —Corinne Leskovar 'Shepherd of the Wilderness Bernard J. Lambert, 196'1 Dangers of Cruise Control An individual wrecked her car recently and totaled her Lincoln Town Car. She hydroplaned on Hwy. 135 between Glade water and Kilgore, Texas. She was not hurt, but emotionally rattled. She learned a lesson. The highway patrolman told her that you should NEVER drive in the rain with your cruise control on. He said if you did and hydroplaned (which she did) that when your tires were off the road the car accelerates to a high rate of speed (which it did). You don’t have much, if any, control when the car hydroplanes, but you are totally in the hands of God when the car accelerates. She • /v* i*i Ui i ** took off like an airplane. The highway patrolman said you do NOT use cruise control on wet or ICY pavements. Thanks to Emma Pogačar of Toronto for this information. TAX TIME IS HERE Come in or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 Happy Valentines Day Overseas Grocer Overseas Grocer and Deli has many, many products imported from all of Europe. We have tortes and homemade pastries, perogi (plemeni) with cheese, meat and blintzes. Also, we have butter, dairy products, yogurt, white cheese, chocolate cheese balls. In the meat section, we have head cheese, smoked sausages, salami, Greek cheese, goose-liver, smoked hot and cold fish, caviar from Russia. There are bottled pickles and cucumbers, also various teas, including herbal teas. Various candies and jellies. There are also many other imported items that are too numerous to list here. A trip to the Overseas Grocer will be a delightful adventure in European foods available for your selection with an Old World flavor and quality. We invite you to come and see for yourself our wonderful selection of delicious foods. You are also invited to our Coffee & Cafe deli next door for a free salad, coffee or soft drink with any sandwich or coffee /2 price with any pastry. Order Party trays for your entertaining at reasonable prices. Lenny, Olga, Irene and Roman Hours: 11 a.m. -10 p.m. 1341 & 1343 SOM Center Rd. (Rear side of Eastgate Plaza, Next to Regal Theater) 440-449-6010 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 30, 2003 AMftRIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 3f);j'3( 6 Jim’s Journal 1J\ Jim Debevce One evening last week I was standing out in the freezing cold pumping gas into my car. My cars were frozen red, my nose was a dripping icicle, all feeling left tlf£ fingertips, and my toes wok? uncommunicative with the rest of my body. The tentperaturc was around Oyxle|rees (for you Canadi-atis,‘that’s a lot of minus Celsius). Our subscribers in Alberta, had send us one of their famous clippers of unbearably# excruciatipg.cold storms with snow blowing sideway^.,pr maybe it was the people in the Upper Peninsula entrusting us with an extreme Arctic blizzard. Anyhow, 1 looked past the gas pumps to a fellow on the other side also pumping gas. He was shivering like an uncontrollable jackhammer gone berserk. He looked at me and said, “Why are we out here pumping gas in this terrible weather?” I thought about it while trying to blink the piercing snow from penetrating my eyeballs and accumulating on my eyelids. “Why. indeed?” It brought back memories of much more logical time. I was here to purchase gasoline from an oil company who had sold it to a service station (service being the misnomer here). I was spending my money buying their product and yet I was out in this inhumane weather doing all the work myself. The oil company people should have been out in the cold weather pumping the gas, not me. And wiping the snow from my windshield, too! Whatever happened to service in this country? Another example is when I go in a grocery store. I remember when the customer would go into a store, hand the grocer a list of items hc/shc wished to buy, and the grocer would travel around the store finding the merchandise and bringing it to the front of the store where the customer was waiting. When the fellow who . owned “Piggly Wiggly” - stores got the idea to make the customers do the work and find and pick out the items and bring it to the counter, service went out the window. We consumers have been the losers ever since. Check-out system is another lost art. I recall placing food items on a conveyor belt and a lady would pick Coming Events up each item, read the price and with her left hand behind her, punch the price in the cash register. After all merchandise was placed in shopping bags, you could rest assured that without looking, the woman had deftly charged you the exact, correct price. It was an amazing act of dexterity that I never forgot and to this very day, admired greatly. Today, they just slide the bar-code over a scanner and it .ecords the price, name and how much you saved buying it here rather than somewhere else. In some stores I noticed they even want you to slide your own groceries over the scanner. „ Well, that is where I draw the line. I absolutely refuse! There are enough people out of jobs, why pick on the hard-working, weary checkout clerk. You call a company to tell them the phone is dead or the electricity is out and what do you get? The runaround. Press one, press two, The January meeting of the St. Vitus Pastoral Council was held on Wednesday, January 15. The pastor, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, reported that St. Vitus Parish is hiring Stane Kuhar to become the parish finance director, responsible for all financial matters and programs pertaining to the management of The Joseph and Antonia Mihevc En- The St. Vitus Slovenian Language School Annual Benefit Dinner of Pork Roast or Chicken is being held Sunday, Feb. 23 in the St. Vitus Auditorium between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Take-outs will be available in the social room. The cost is SI0.00 for A cultural evening with Dr. Janez Bogotaj, professor of art history, ethnologist and anthropologist of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, will be held in the St. Mary’s (Collinwo_qd) school cafeteria on Sunday, Feb. 2mi at 5 p.m. press six. After 10 minutes you may or most likely may NOT get somebody to talk to. If you do, it’s somebody on the other side of the Ma-son-Dixon line who is still seeking revenge from the Civil War during which you weren’t even horn, or your parents were still enjoying the beautiful Alps in Slovenia. Want a hamburger? Go get it yourself. Blame the McDonald brothers. Remember when you pulled into a drive-in restaurant? You blinked your lights and a young girl came out to take your order and when it was ready, she brought it to the car. Hungry today for a burger, pizza, chicken, taco, or ice cream? Drive in to a speaker and start talking. * Chances are they won’t understand you or you won’t comprehend them and when you get your order, you better check it for accuracy. “He profits most who serves best.” dowment Trust Fund; also any fund-raising for the parish, as well as other parish related financial matters. Mr. Kuhar was chosen because of his many years of involvement in parish work and especially in things related to parish finances. He is coming to this new position after nearly 26 years with KeyBank. Congratulations, Stane! adults and $5 for children. Tickets may be purchased in advance from the Slovenian School parents or at the door on the day of the event. Come join us for this community event and help support the Slovenian school. Dr. Bogataj is well-known as a dynamic speaker and author of many books and articles about Slovenian heritage, culture, customs, and habits. Everyone is most welcome to attend this presentation which will also include slides and video. Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 2 Slovenian ski weekend and Giant Slalom Race; dinner and awards at Windham Mts., NY. Info: Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711. Sunday, Feb. 2 St. Mary's (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School dinner, school hall, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2 Collinwood Slovenian Home Annual Shareholders meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2 St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25 honors 50-year members, 12 noon in auditorium. Feb. 15-22 Slovenian group organizing one week ski vacation to Lake Tahoe. Info: Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711. Friday, Feb. 21 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80"’, Cleveland, Pork, Sauerkraut, Potato Dumpling Dinner. S9. Serving 5 - 7 p.m. Music 6:30 -9:30 by Frank Moravcik. Sunday, Feb. 23 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Benefit Dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parish auditorium. Friday, March 7 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80"’, Cleveland, Fish Fry - Walleye or Shrimp or Pierogi or Mac & Cheese S8, serving 5-7 p.m. Saturday, March 15 Slovenian Man and Woman of the Year Banquet at SNH, St. Clair. Tickets S22. Friday, March 21 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80,h, Cleveland, Fish Fry - Walleye or Shrimp or Pierogi or Mac & Cheese $8, serving 5-7 p.m. Friday, March 28 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80"’, Cleveland, Fish Fry - Walleye or Shrimp or Pierogi or Mac & Cheese S8, serving 5 - 7 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. by Wayne and Joe. Sunday, March 23 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School breakfast 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, April 6 Super Button Box Bash XXI at Slovenian Society Home, both halls featuring 15 button accord’on bands. Sunday, April 13 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Palm Sunday 9:45 a.m. blessing of butare and procession. 10 a.m. Mass. Sunday, April 13 Annual benefit dinner for Seniors Program at St. Vitus Auditorium sponsored by Holy Name Society, KSKJ Lodge No. 25, and Altar Society. Tuesday, April 22 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Dinner (Reverse raffle). Tickets S40.00. $2,500 total cash prizes. Contact Rich Mott at (216) 531-4556. Sunday, May 4 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Club annual dinner dance, Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Dinner 2 p.m., dancing to Ray Polantz 3 to 7 p.m. All Welcome! Tickets call 216 531-2088 or 440 943-3784 before April 26. Sunday, May 11 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland, Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast Brunch. $7. Serving 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Sunday, June 8 St. Maiy’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School picnic at Slovenska Pristava, 12:30 Mass followed by dinner. Wednesday, July 9 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Club Annual Picnic at VFW Post 4358 on White Rd. between Bishop & Rockefeller Rds., noon to 6 p.m. All welcome. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich 2:30 - 4:30. Info call 440 943-3784. Sunday, July 13 Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Aug. 13 Fed. of American Slovenian Senior Citizens Annual Picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd., Kirtland, OH. Dinner 1 p.m. Dancing to Frank Moravcik 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. For tickets see club members or call 216 481-0163 or 440-943-3784 before Aug. 5. Sunday, Sept. 21 St. Vitus Altar Society annual dinner. Sunday, Nov. 9 Slovenian Junior Chorus Fall Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. t Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring ^ tina & brenda’s HA IR SA L ON 461-7989/461-0623 5216 Wilson Mills Road Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster -Arthur F. Sheldon St. Vitus Hires Kuhar Slovenian School Dinner Cultural Evening With Dr. Bogotaj Death Notices JOSEPH KOREN Joseph Koren, age 76, passed away January 22, 2003 at his residence in Willoughby Hills. He was a retired machinist from Warner and Swasey. Mr. Koren was a member of the Slovenska Pristava Pensioners, KSKJ St. Vitus Lodge #25, and a member of St. Mary’s Holy Name Society. He was an Eucharistic Minister. Survivors include his wife Marija (nee Horvat); sons Stephen and Joseph Jr., daughter Olga Dolinar; four grandchildren; and one great-grandchild; sisters Ann Oseh; and Barbara Rascan. His brothers Steve and Frank preceded him in death. Mass of the Resurrection was held Saturday, January 25, at St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Family and friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. FRANCES WOHLGEMUTH Frances Wohlgemuth, nee Konjar, age 91, passed away at Jennings Hall in Garfield Heights. She was a retired medical office secretary. Frances was a member of SNPJ Lodge #137, and AMLA St. Anne’s Lodge #4. Survivors include her sons Charles, Thomas, and John; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Her husband, Charles, died in 1978, and her parents Jakob and Frances (nee Likovič) are deceased. Memorial Mass was held on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at Holy Cross Church in Euclid. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Family and friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home (formerly Grdina’s), at 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland. ANTON ABOLNAR Anton Abolnar, age 77, passed away on Monday, January 27, 2003 at Euclid General Hospital. He was a CARST-NACY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” resident of the Slovene Home for the Aged. He was born in Stična, Slovenija. He was a retired factory worker from Metal Mutual Co. Mr. Abolnar was a member of St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 KSKJ. He is survived by his children Anthony of North Royalton, Pauline (husband Ralph) Fasano of New York, and Angela (husband, Paul) Murphy; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. H's wife, Angela (nee Novak), preceded him jn death. Mass of Christian Burial was held Wednesday, January 29 at St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood. Burial in AH Souls Cemetery. .. Family and friends were received at The”-Dan Cosic Funeral Home -(formerly Grdina), 17010 Laike Shore Blvd., Cleveland. “ * ELIZABETH JARTZ A Memorial Service for Elizabeth Jartz will be held Sunday, Feb. 2nJ at 1:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland, 2728 Lancashire Rd., Cleveland Heights. Elizabeth Jartz, 89, died January 24th at Bruening Health Center at Judson Park where she was currently a resident. She began living there in 1998, after the death of her spouse Louis Jartz, her partner for more than 62 years of marriage. Elizabeth was active in the Slovene Community for more than 50 years. She worked in Ward 32 Democratic politics, and often served as the Democratic president judge at the polls. Betty, as family and friends affectionately called her, was an active member of Lodge 53 V boj of the Slovene National Benefit Assoc. In the 1950’s, she and her husband helped locate the land for the Slovene Home for the Aged. She was frequently found in the kitchen at summer picnics at The SNPJ Recreational Grounds in Chardon. During WWII Betty and Louis were caretakers at the grounds. Betty dropped out of Junior High School in the 8 grade to work as a housekeeper to provide for her mother and siblings. She worked in several factories in Cleveland and Euclid. While her daughters were growing up, Mrs. Jartz was active in PTA at Oliver Hazard Perry School and as a Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 _ Girl Scout Leader. She was a member of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland International dancing and square dancing was the passion of Betty’s life. She and her husband taught dances to young members of SNPJ and at the Lakeshore Golden Age Center where she was a member. If a polka or waltz were played, Betty and Louis were the first on the floor. Betty is survived by her daughters Louisa Horvath of Cleveland and Eleanor (Elbe) Maniro-Gatti of Amherst, MA and two grandchildren: Aaron Manire of Boston and Kerry Manire of Washington, DC, and many nephews and nieces. She was_ the last surviving member of her 7;siblings. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Tuesday, January 28th, J5-8 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to the SNPJ Scholarship Fund, 247 W. Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA ' 15T26 or the Judson Park Retirement Center, 281 Am-bleside Dr., Cleveland, OH 44106. In Memoriam 20lh Anniversary Mary Ann Jerse -O’Connor, M.D. June 23, 1954 January 31,1983 Always in Our Hearts Sadly missed by: Mother - Mary E. Father Bill - Joe and Nella Ed and Shannon Juliana and Lia Teddy - Mairin and Elizabeth In Memory Thanks to Lewis Kapei of Cleveland, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $500.00 donation in memory of Louis and Frances Kapel, Col. Lillian T. Kapel USAF, Louis A. and Louise A. Urbas, and Lauren Burton. In Memory Thanks to Mary and Joseph Grcar of Willoughby Hills, OH for the $ donation in memory «ther _ * father, William Bitett^T Donation.-^ - ; Thanks to Lodgt^pb# #20 A.M.L.A. fotrythm. Christmas donatkjfea? of -$25.00. * ^ In MemorjjjJ? Thanks to Jo-.-Aw Kaifesh of KirtlandcT-^B^o who sent in a $25.tM^fco«p tion in* memory oF-Wtery- v “Cookie” Gornik ^rSirh»- . loved her Slovenian hijnt^igc and this Slovenian paper. Donation Give us the man of integrity, on whom we know we can thoroughly depend, who will stand firm when others fail; the friend, faithful and true; the adviser, honest and fearless; the adversary, just and chivalrous; such a one is a fragment of the Rock of Ages. _________________-John Mercina In Memoriam Mary J. Pangonis Entered Into Rest Feb. 5, 2002 Loving and kind in all her ways. Upright and just, To the end of her days; Sincere and true, in heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind Memories of youngest son, Tom: Mom was extremely generous to her children. Her kindness and generosity however, were not limited to our family. - She opened her heart and her checkbook to so many charities and never questioned their worthiness. To me, that’s the mark of a true humanitarian and Christian. Mom always placed others before herself and never expected anything in return. Her steadfastness if not downright stubborn beliefs and Christian values were unwavering. These standards that she cherished so much included the institution of marriage, family values, and the rights of the unborn. - I miss her terribly.- Sadly missed by Sons: John, Gary, Richard, and Thomas Daughter: Maureen Daughters-in-law: Barbara, Sandy, and Shelly Grandchildren, and Great-grandchildren______ Thanks to John and Helen Kozlevchar of Wil-lowick, Ohio for their $20.00 donation. They write, “Keep up the good work. We enjoy the A/D very much.” Donation Thanks to Paul and Cilka Košir of Kirtland, Ohio, who renewed their subscription plus added a wonderful $100 donation. Happy Birthday Happy 89lh Birthday, January 30th to Helen P. Fakult, R.N., of Euclid, Ohio. May God bless anct -watch over you. • -* / Shrine Novena r ' The Shrine of Our Lady^_ of Lourdes, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio will have a solemn novena to our Lady . of Lourdes from Feb. 3 to the 11th. They begin at 7 p.m. FOR RENT 2 Bedrooms. Double House. Up. 20426 Lake Shore Blvd. Call 216-481-2419 For Rent 5 room apt. Grovewood area (216) 531-5667 For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. JANUARY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. JANUARY 30, 8 Mlakar Travels Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Well, I am back, all 131 pounds for the chow is not getting any better but let’s get on with the jokes and it will take my mind off the. food. Here goes, ready or not. Our daughter, a sophomore at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff installed an answering machine on the phone that she and her roommate shared. “Hello,” the greeting began, “You have reached the room of Jennifer and Laura. We’re out studying but if you leave your name and number, we’ll get back to you as soon as we return.” A few days later, the roommate had a message from her dad who lives in Tuscon, “Yeah, right,” he said, “and I’m out shoveling snow.” Ready for the next joke? Called for jury duty, a woman asked to be excused on the grounds that she opposed “Capitol punishment.” “But this is a civil suit,” explained the judge. “A woman is suing her husband. It seems she put money aside for six years for a special vacation, but he took it, blew it all at the track.” “Hmm... in that case,” she replied, “I could change my views on Capitol Punishment.” Well, let’s get back to Ft. Dix for I do not want to be marked AWOL (Absent Without Leave). Winter was here and believe me it gets plenty cold with its share of snow in the New Jersey area. Unfortunately, I had no great amount of leave time coming since I blew that when I first hit stateside, but did enjoy my trips to be picked up by Pac Wilson’s folks every other weekend and now Christmas was just around the comer and Ray would miss another Christmas at home. . I hope that Ma and Pa told Santa that I relocated temporarily at Fort Dix which is just a hop-skip and a jump when you are traveling by reindeer. Anyway, I dug up the nerve to ask the First Sergeant if I could get a three day pass to go to New York City over the Christmas Holiday. Surprisingly, he granted me a three three-day pass. I had my motives for ever since I was in the service, a Mrs. Barjansky, my old German Teacher from John Marshall, would write to me on a monthly basis, guess mainly to write in German to insure I would not lose sight of reading and writing in Gennan. In her letter in November she stated that she would be visiting New York City at Christmastime and so I wrote her a letter half in German and half in English just in case she was rusty in her English, and told her I would meet her at the Taft Hotel on Christmas Eve, have dinner (hoping she would treat me) and then go on to Midnight Mass at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. Well, 1 got to New York, showered and shaved, put on my pressed class “A” uniform and looked like General George Patton. However, I did not have any stars on my shoulder, only two stripes on my sleeve indicating I was a corporal. Went to the dining room on the main floor of the Taft Hotel where 1 was staying for the night. I munched on water and bread waiting for Mrs. Barjansky for I wanted to hold off ordering until she came for just maybe she would spring for the meal. Well, history repeated itself, Ray was stood up. No Mrs. Barjansky, and I guess I looked like a lonely guy who lost his meal ticket. Low and behold the waiter came over with a stand that held champagne and said, “Corporal, this is being sent over by that couple there in the back with their blessings for a Happy Holiday.” Odd damn, life was looking up. He poured a glass of the bubbling champagne and I raised my glass in a toast to the young couple and they smiled and said, “DO tank heartily,” and next without ordering, the waiter brought over the top meal, Standing Rib Roast with all the trimmings, and said the young couple was treating me. There were too many people in the dining room for me to fall on my knees in a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for he did not bring Mrs. Barjansky, but he did provide me with hospitality that was out of this world. At the conclusion of the meal I walked over to the couple in the back to thank them for their gracious hospitality and they said, “Think nothing of it for I know how lonely the holidays can be when you are away from home for Christmas.” They asked what 1 had planned for the rest of the Christmas Eve and I said I was going to the Midnight Mass at St. Patrick’s Catnedral and then back to the hotel for a good night’s sleep for I had to return to Fort Dix by midnight the following night. “Fine,” they said, “but we will go together, for we are going to the Midnight Mass, too.” Well, we went and for the first time I was able to get on my knees thanking God for making my Christmas a happy one after all, but that was not the end. They said, “We are going to our apartment which is in the heart of New York City.” They said I am sure you miss decorating a Christmas tree. Holy smoke, I must have died and went to heaven for this would have been three years since i had decorated a Christmas tree. Well, she brought out all kinds of goodies to nibble on and he was filling my glass with more and more champagne. What can I say, “Lord, even your last supper did not have all these treats and surprises.” Before long, the tree was trimmed like something out of a story book and 1 told them I had to return to my hotel and need to call a cab since only God and they knew where I was. He said, “Have no fear; 1 will have my driver bring you back to your hotel, bu* before you leave, we have a few presents for you that Santa left.” Well, I had not even left word with Santa that I would be in New York City. They gave me a fancy wooden box that contained champagne as well as glasses to go with it and also a new pair of dress black gloves and a scarf. What can I say. God had mercy on me. I found out through the evening that he was the head man for General Motors. We exchanged addresses and for well over 10 years after that I had always gotten Christmas cards from them. This was truly a Christmas to remember. “Hear me God; I am still grateful.” Well, time to close and get back to Fort Dix I will not have thought that all that transpired was a dream. Two things I want you to remember, “There is a Santa Claus and there is a God and both of them will listen to your wishes.” May the Good Lord bless and watch over you and make your Christmas in the future as happy as mine was in December, 1950. Life is the game that must be played. -John Mercina Open jyBrand IMew Harvard Village Senior Apts 6900 Harvard Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 441 OS For more information call 216-883-0461 ♦ 1 A 2 bedroom unit* ♦ Community room « Elevator ♦ Available for age 55+ ♦ Unique floorplan« Only a lew apartment homes left! A/i jflMit# ot Nrltontt CfiateH RtaUtncvs TDD »OO-WS-Ota Mission Dinner The Slovenian Mission Aid group is sponsoring a chicken or roast beef (with soup) dinner on Sunday, Feb. 9 in St. Vitus auditorium from 1 I a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults SI0.00 and children S5.00 French Toast Breakfast Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio, will have a French Toast Breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 2 in the St. Ann Dining room beginning after the 8 a.m. Mass. Tickets are S4.50. You are invited. Football joke A guy took his girlfriend to a football game for the first ! time. After the game he asked her how she liked football. “Oh, I really liked it,” she said, “but 1 just couldn’t understand why they are killing each other for 25 cents.” “What on earth do you mean?” asked the boyfriend. “Well,” she explained, “1 saw them Hip a coin and one team got it and then for the rest of the game they kept screaming: 'Get the quarter back,’ 'Get the quarter back.” Thanks to Philip Yan Sr. of Euclid, for this rib tickler. Slovenians if Us i Happy Valentine's Day! /r M a better way... Professional tax preparation with FREE Eledronic Filing 1 (800) TAX REFUND Low, Low Prices! www.800taxrefund.com 216-361-0303 6507 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH Drive in - or Walk In BRONKO'S Drive-in Beverage 510 E. 200 St. - DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines & Water We have all Ohio Lottery Games Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (no wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental fnsurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) Travelers Welcome If you want hassle free travel-allow our expereienced travel agents to do all the hard work for you! euclidJB^ TRA\/E#*” 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 1 -216-261-1050, travel ©euclidtravel.com FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, January 30, 2003 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Zmeda glede govora Janeza Drnovška na Svetovnem ekonomskem forumu v Davosu končno le pojasnjena Preteklo soboto je bil slovenski predsednik Janez Drnovšek udeležil plenarnega zasedanja vsakoletnega Svetovnega ekonomskega foruma (tj. World Economic Forum oz. WEC) v švicarskem Davosu. Na njem je imel tudi govor, vendar so njegove dejanske besede v zvezi z morebitnim ameriškim napadom na Irak in vpliv le-tega na izid nacionalnega referenduma o članstvu Slovenije v NATO povzročile zmedo in zaposlile slovenske novinarje kar nekaj dni. Pomagalo jim je dejstvo, da je bil tekst Drnovškovih besed parkrat spremenjen. Kar je zbudilo pozornost novinarjev so bile Drnovške besede, da bi “enostranski” (angl. unilateral) napad ZDA na Irak utegnilo zelo negativno vplivati na izid referenduma v Sloveniji (verjetno 23. marca) o pristopu severnoatlantskemu zavezništvu. Končno je bil javnosti posredovan magnetogram Drnovškovih dejanskih besed in sicer: “Zagotovo ne bi bilo dobro, če bi ZDA na koncu morale ukrepati same, enostransko. To bi spodbudilo še več reakcij v svetovnem javnem mnenju in zagotovo ne bi pomagalo partnerstvu ter zagotovo ne meni in naši vladi v Sloveniji, da bi dobila referendum o NATU.” Drnovškovo mnenje po vsej verjetnosti odgovarja dejanskemu stanju javnega mnenja v Sloveniji, tamkajšnji novinarji se čudijo predvsem, zakaj je njegov urad za stike z javnostjo ne le vzel toliko časa za zanesljivo pojasnilo, marveč je celo dal v obtok različne verzije izjave. Sedaj se zagovarjajo, da je napačno razumevanje nastalo pri samih organizatorjih javnih stikov pri WEC in da so že zaradi tega dobili ustrezno opravičilo. Odločitev komisije za ureditev vojnih grobišč objavljena Bronasti valj, s katerim bo mogoče zvoniti (projekt ljubljanskega podjetja Gigode- sign), bo pomnik na prikritih grobiščih v Sloveniji. Tako je sklenila komisija za ureditev vojnih grobišč, ki jo vodi Peter Kovačič Pcršin. Vseh 27 predlogov za spominska obeležja bodo razstavili februarja. Za zdaj še ni odločitve državnega zbora, kakšen bo napis na pomnikih. Če se poslanci do junija, ko naj bi začeli obeleževati grobišča (o-koli 200 naj bi jih bilo), ne bodo sporazumeli o tem, bo komisija sama odločila o napisu. Novih 3500 volivcev Po zadnji odločitvi Ustavnega sodišča bodo odslej imeli pravico glasovati na državnih referendumih (po pošti ali na diplomat-sko-konzularnih predstavništvih) tudi državljani, ki začasno ali stalno prebivajo v tujini. Tako bo tudi na referendumih o vstopu Slovenije v EU in NATO lahko glasovalo okoli 3500 državljanov v tujini, ki se ponavadi udeležijo volitev. Število tistih, ki bi lahko glasovali, je seveda veliko večja. Tristo let ljubljanske stolnice Eno najzahtevnejših restavratorskih del bodo začeli v ljubljanski stolnici sv. Nikolaja (leta 2007 bo stara 300 let). Pri delih, ki so vredna 188 milijonov tolarjev (prispevek kulturnega ministrstva je 85 milijonov tolarjev), je zagotovljeno sodelovanje tudi italijanskih in nemških strokovnjakov, saj je obnova baročnega stropa (550 kvadratnih metrov poslikav italijanskega mojstra Giulia Quaglia med letoma 1703 in 1709) izredno zahtevna. Slovenija predseduje CEFTI Slovaški veleposlanik v Ljubljani Roman Paldan je ministrici Tei Petrin simbolično izročil predsedovanje CEFTI (8 držav, več kot 100 milijonov prebivalcev). Slovenija je CEFTI predsedovala že leta 1997, ko je bilo v njej je pet držav (še Češka, Madžarska, Poljska, Slovaška, 'leta 1997 še jim je pridružila Romunija, leta 1999 Bolgarija, čez en mesec bo osma članica postala Hrvaška. SOMAŠEVANJE OB 25. OBLETNICI KOPRSKE ŠKOFIJE - 11. januarja je bila slovesnost ob 25. obletnici ustanovitve koprske škofije. O tem je poročilo v današnji AD. Ob slovesnosti je v koprski stolnici somaševalo 13 škofov, med njimi (z desne) koprski škof Metod Pirih, apostolski nuncij v Sloveniji, nadškof Giuseppe Leanza, ter ljubljanski nadškof in slovenski metropolit dr. Franc Rode. (DELO, 13. jan. 2003) Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo to nedeljo— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima letno kosilo to nedeljo s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop., to v šolski dvorani. Cena kosilu je $11 za odrasle in $5 za. otroke. Pridite. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov in rezancev to soboto ob običajnem času v družabni sobi šolskega avditorija. Letni seji— SND na St. Clairju ima letno sejo to nedeljo pop. ob 2h, to v Kenikovi sobi (prizidek). Lastniki certifikatov in zastopniki društev, ki certifikate lastijo, lepo vabljeni na udeležbo. Slovenski društveni dom na Recherjevi ima svojo letno sejo v nedeljo, 9. februarja. Gl. oglas na str. 14. LILIJA ima sestanek— Dramsko društvo Lilija ima redni mesečni članski sestanek v ponedeljek, 3. februarja, ob pol osmih zv. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Lilija bo uprizorila veseloigro “Vražja vdova” 23. marca. Novi grobovi Anton Abolnar Dne 27. januarja je v Euclid bolnišnici umrl 77 let stari Anton Abolnar, ki je mnoga leta bival v Slovenskem domu za ostarele in bil priklenjen na vozičku, rojen v Stični, vdovec po Angeli, roj. Novak, oče An-thonyja, Pauline (Ralph) Fa-sano in Angele (Paul) Murphy, 4-krat stari oče, 4-krat prastari oče, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri Metal Mutual Co., član KSKJ št. 169. Pogreb je bil 29. januarja v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vncbovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Jernej Zupan Umrl je Jernej “Jerry” Zupan, vdovec po Zalki, r. Račič, zanj žalujejo Marie Burgar (Ludvik, pok.), Jerry (Mary), Rose Sršen (Tony) in Ivan (Diane), 12-krat stari oče, brat Marije Hoch-egger (Arg.), Stanka (Slo.) in Helene Smolej (Kan.). Pogreb je bil 25. januarja v oskrbi Zak zavoda s sv. ipašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. (DALJE na str. 15) Korotan prične z vajami— Pevski zbor Korotan bo pričel z rednimi pevskimi vajami to soboto, 1. februarja, ob sedmi uri zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju. Novi člani in članice lepo vabljeni! Slovenska Čitalnica— Slovenska Čitalnica bo imela letno sejo v nedeljo, 9. februarja, pop. ob 1.30 v svoji sobi oz. v sami čitalnici v SND na St. Clairju. Zastopniki bratskih društev, ki ustanovo podpirajo, so vabljeni. Na letnih sejah imajo člani priliko, da izpraznijo svoje malhe in pokažejo, kaj jih teži. To je tudi čas pregleda, kaj in kako je bilo, kako je, in načrtovanja ter ugibanja, kako bo, če se “Brdavs ne ukroti”. Pridite. F.K., tajnik. Kosilo MZA— Kosilo MZA bo v nedeljo, 9. februarja, v šolskem avditoriju pri sv. Vidu. Vse podrobnosti v današnjem dopisu MSIP na str. 16. Lepa podpora— Ga. Cilka in g. Pavel Košir, Kirtland, O., sta darovala $100 v podporo našemu listu. Za velikodušne podpora se najlepše zahvalimo. Maša za dr. Meršola— V nedeljo, 16. feb., ob 10. uri dop. bo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzeti maša za pok. dr. Valentina Meršola. Tabor DSPB vabi, da se te maše udeležite, posebno tisti, ki radi njegovega posredovanja niso bili vrnjeni v Slovenijo. Kosilo Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu— To bo v nedeljo, 23. februarja, v šolski dvorani. Postrežba bo od 11. dop. do 1. pop. Cena $10, za otroke $5. Nakaznice imajo starši šolskih otrok, dobile se bodo tudi pri vhodu na dan kosila. Zaznamujte datum. Več prihodnjič. KOLEDAR FEBRUAR 2. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima kosilo v šolski dvorani s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop. 2. - Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair Ave. ima občni zbor s pričetkom ob 2. uri pop. 9. - Misijonska Znamkar- ska Akcija ima kosilo v (DALJE na str. 15) JEZUIT JANEZ A. SEVER, DOMA IZ CLEVELANDA Od podporočnika z West Pointa do jezuita - Ivan Merljak - Kdo' sem? To je prapočelo vseh drugih vprašanj: kaj sem, kam grem? Odgovor nanje si prej ali slej vsakdo terja. Janez Andrej Sever se je rodil leta 1965 kot sin slovenskih staršev v ameriškem Clevelandu, kjer je velika slovenska skupnost. Janezov oče je v Cleveland prišel z Ježice v Ljubljani, mati pa iz Ribnice na Dolenjskem. “Moj prvi jezik je bila slovenščina, saj smo doma govorili slovensko. Živeli smo zelo po slovensko; mama je kuhala po slovensko, pekla potice in celo kruh. Obhajali smo slovenske cerkvene praznike in navade. V bistvu sem živel dve kulturi, eno doma, eno pa v šoli in na ulici ...” O ♦ Je bilo težko živeti tako dvojno življenje? Ja, seveda ... Ko zda| gledam nazaj, razumem težave, ki sem jih imel: moje ime je Janez. Tudi v šoli so me tako klicali in se šalili na račun imena. To je povzročalo konflikte. ki si jih nisem želel. V nekem obdobju sem se jim želel izogniti in se bolj asimilirati v ameriško družbo. A sem videl: bolj ko sem šel v “ameriško smer”, manj sem se počutil “doma”. V noviciatu v Sloveniji sem imel čas za razmislek in sem spoznal, da so bii vsi konflitki logič- ♦ O ni, ker sem živel dvojno življenje. Imena pa nisem nikoli želel spremeniti. Ime je to, kar sem. In če bi ga spremenil v an-glo-ameriško ime, bi v srcu čutil, da sem nekaj zatajil. Po osnovni šoli ste šli ...? Po osemletki sem šel v gimnazijo, ki traja štiri leta. To sem končal leta 1983 in se že tisto poletje vpisal na vojaško akademijo, na West Point; tam sem bil do leta 1987. Na vojaški akademiji učni program temelji na matematiki in inženirskih predmetih. Tisti, ki želijo v bolj humanistično smeri, lahko študirajo jezike ali družboslovne predmete, vendar imajo še vedno tudi inženirske predmete. Jaz sem tako študiral španščino in ruščino, pa tudi “sovjetske zadeve”. Čeprav sem šel bolj v humanitaro smer, je moja diploma vseeno “Bachelor of Science”, kar pomeni osnovno inženirsko izobrazbo. In čakala vas je bleščeča vojaška kariera!? Seveda! Že ko končuješ zadnji semester vojaške akademije, izbereš, v kateri rod vojske boš šel in na katero postojanko. Jaz sem izbral Anchorage na Aljaski. Ampak za vami ni vojaške kariere. Kdaj ste se odločili za spremembo? Vojaški poklic sem o-pravljal do leta 1992, ko sem odslužil pet let v vojski, v skladu s pogodbo o študiju. Zadnje leto sem začel razmišljati o smislu tega, kar počnem. Zašel sem v osebno kri- Nabito polna cerkev Kristusovega učlovečenja v Dravljah, kjer je Janez A. Sever daroval novo mašo Prijatelji iz Rusije, ZDA, Latinske Amerike in Evrope kažejo, od kod vse so prišli na novo mašo. Janez A. Sever - “Rad bi duhovno objel ves svet!” zo in začel hkrati spoznavati vrednote, ki sem jih hotel v življenju poudariti Iskal sem to, kar mi daje smisel v življenju. In spoznal sem, da me zanima Rusija, ki se je začela odpirati z Gorbačovom. In ker so bile “ruske zadeve” zame vedno mikavne, je postalo še bolj zanimivo, ko je Sovjetska zveza razpadla. Najprej sem nameraval tja kot podjetnik, a sem ugotovil, da so v podjetništvu še čisto na začetku. Uvidel sem tudi, da mi nihče ne bo ponudil službe, saj je še za Ruse ni dovolj! Spomnil sem se, da sem bral članek o tem, kako je nadškof iz An-choragea poslal duhovnika v Magadan na daljnem ruskem vzhodu, da bi skrbel za tamkajšnjo majhno katoliško skupnost. Navezal sem stik s škofovskim uradom in naslednji dan me je poklical sam nadškof, ker je slišal, da znam rusko in se zanimam za delo. Sprejel je mojo ponudbo, vendar s pogojem, da bom v Magadanu najmanj eno leto. Takoj sem se odjavil iz vojaške službe, šel na počitnice v Cleveland in avgusta 1992 v Rusijo. V Magadanu ste bili torej kot laik? Da, tja sem šel kot laik. Ko sem med službovanjem v vojski začel v krizo, sem šel na duhovne vaje, pri katerih sem razmišljal in v molitvi spraševal, ali naj postanem jezuit. Odgovor, ki je takrat prišel k meni - od Boga, bi rekel -, je bil, da ne želi, da postanem jezuit v Rusiji. Takrat sem razumel. kakor da Bog sploh ne želi od mene, da bi postal duhovnik ali jezuit, marveč samo, naj grem naprej. Zato sem šel povsem svobodno, kot laik. Pa me je tisto leto v Magadanu čisto spremenilo: me spet potisnilo v stik s poklicem duhovnika in mi dalo pravo razlago odgovora, ki sem ga dobil med duhovnimi vajami. Odločitev postati duhovnik je bila torej dvostopenjska in končna odločitev je “padla” na Daljnem vzhodu? Da, bila je kar večstopenjska! Poklic se začne, kot piše v svetem pismu, že v materinem naročju. Tega sem se zavedal šele v noviciatu, ko sem gledal nazaj v svoje življenje in videl, kje že me je Bog klical. Rekel pa bi, da se je “revolucija” res zgodila v dveh stopnjah. V Rusiji ste preživeli leto ali več? Tisto prvo obdobje kot laik sem ostal leto dni. Ker me je življenje tam čisto spremenilo, sem spoznal, da bi moral postati jezuit in delati za Cerkev v Rusiji. Zato sem predstojniku jezuitov v Rusiji povedal svoje želje in pripravljen me je bil poslati v noviciat. Po premisleku sem želel iti v Slovenijo, da bi prišel v stik s svojimi koreninami in v okolje, ki je nekoliko podobno Rusiji, kar se tiče jezika in tradicij. V Slovenijo sem prišel avgusta 1993, ko sem formalno vstopil v noviciat 'V Mariboru. Dveletni noviciat še ni resen študij, marveč nekakšen uvod vanj, da vidiš, ali (I'AUE na str. 11) ZA BOLJŠI JEZIK ... 23. vsakoletni Sveti Martin Ljubljana - Jezik ima v praksi svoje zakonitosti, ki se prav nič ne menijo za logiko, kakršno bi mu radi naložili. Kaka nepravilno skovana, okorna beseda se bo v kratkem času močno razširila in je zlepa ne bomo mogli pregnati. Kako drugo, ki se slovničarjem zdi zelo ustrezna, pa bodo zaman ponujali. Današnja slovenščina je polna takih ponesrečenih izdelkov, ki jim doslej še nismo še noben purist ni prišel do živega. Zakaj o nekaterih besedah ali besednih zvezah pravimo, da niso pravilne? Vzemimo za zgled pridevnik “prisoten” ali “navzoč”. Po Pleteršniku vemo, da je navzoč tisti, ki je na očeh, pred očmi, in da se tako govori o osebah. Zato ne moremo pisati, kakor sem našel natisnjeno v znanstvenem spisu, da je bila nekje “navzoča velika zmeda", temveč bomo stavek zasukali pač drugače, na primer “Tam je vladala velika zmeda” ali kaj podobnega. V našem tisku pa lahko najdete nešteto stavkov, kjer je navzočnost ali prisotnost uporabljena za predmete. In navadno so taki stavki zelo čudni. Ampak naj za začetek povem dva primera, kjer so se dobri nauki, kakor kaže, vendarle prijeli. Oba primera sta z radia ali s televizije. Svoje čase so eni in drugi oddaje “zaključevali”, zdaj pa jih končujejo ustrezneje, bolj slovensko: “Oddajo bomo sklenili z menuteom ...” In prav tako so se dopisniki in poročevalci poprej “javljali”, zdaj pa imajo boljšo verzijo: zdaj se “oglašajo”. Če drugega ne, je ta beseda bolj povedna od "javiti” ali “javljati”, ki sicer že dolgo v slovenščini. Ko smo že pri teh dveh medijih, naj se ustavim pri rabi, ki me že dolgo moti. Ko uredništvo glasbenih oddaj na televiziji prevzema tuje oddaje, izvir raznih oddaj skoraj brez izjeme podaja v slovenščini, kar je seveda prav. Izjema pa je glasbeno središče, ki ga pri nas stalno navajajo kot “Saint Martin in the Fields”. Slovencu, ki ne zna angleško, to ime seveda nič ne pove in ga mora sprejeti kot še eno tujko v bogatem sporedu, s katerim mu drugod polnijo ušesa. V resnici je to lepo, poetično ime, ki bi ga prevedli kot “Sveti Martin na polju”. Ali bi imel kdo kaj škode, če bi to storili? Zadovoljni pa bi bili poslušalci, ker bi ime razumeli. Nekoč, pred davnimi leti. sem pisal uredništvu glasbenih oddaj, naj bi ime prevedli. Enkrat ali dvakrat so to celo storili, navedli so ime v slovenščini, s poskusom pa očitno niso bili zadovoljni in so se vrnili k angleški obliki, to moramo tudi zdaj še kar poslušati, pa naj znamo angleško ali ne. Rekel bo kdo, da je to malenkost, zaradi katere ni vredno izgubljati besed. Lahko pa si tudi rečemo, da je škoda, če v vsesplošni povodnji angleških besed in imen ne prevedemo tako lepega imena. Od starejših tujk. ki so že daljši čas v slovenski rabi, se je zadnji čas silovito razmahnila raba besede Profiten, neprofiten, vse je naenkrat profitno, ko bi lahko bilo donosno ali pridobitno. Človek si kar oddahne, ko sliši po televiziji, da so Dunajski dečki nepridobitno podjetje. Janez Gradišnik DRUŽINA, št. 2. 12. jan. 2003 Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti Pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasnilo! Pesmi j.. Melodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Radijska Družina Cleveland ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Dnuine WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH J40<14 440-953-1709 n-iyi'AX wki): www.wcsb.org tarok turnir v Lemontu WESTMONT, II. - 11. januarja 2003 se je zbralo v Lemontu 28 taroki-stov na že 23. vsakoletnem tarok turnirju. Igralci od 17. leta tja do čez 70 smo imeli en res lep popoldan in večer. Tarok tudi med letom prijetno in družabno poskrbi za več članov na-škega Slovenskega kulturnega centra - “Doma”. Prav vsako nedeljo po maši in kosilu se razvedrimo vsaj za nekaj ur ob taroku. Pozimi notri, poleti pa v hrastovi senci tarokiramo ra hribčku -tam, kjer drugi balinajo. Ta zabava nas osveži, da deloven teden lažje poteka. Veselilo bi nas, če bi se kdo od bralcev, ki tarok pozna, nam pridružil. Poleg igranja boste deležni dobre volje, preskrbljene večerje in pijače -vse to za $5. Letošnji prvak je bil Marc Nichols, druga Nandi Puc, tretji Karl Zorjan in četrta Mara Hanak. V glasilu “Doma” lahko berete o našem naslednjem turnirju, ki bo v soboto, 22. marca. Če pa tega “glasila” ne prejemate, pokličite Nandi Puc na 630-963-4540 in boste postreženi z vsemi informacijami. Razočarani ne boste, če boste prišli! Vsem bralcem blagoslova polno in srečno leto 2003! Nandi Puc F ljubeč spomin Leopold Jevec Umrl 29. januarja 2000 V miru božjem ti počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam. V nebesih večno srečo uživaj, do snidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči: žena Ernestina sin Robert J. Jevec hčer Betty Lee Gorgon vnukinji Lee Ann Gorgon in Tanja Jevec vnuk Robert N. Gorgon in ostali sorodniki 1_1 Od podporočnika z West Pointa do Jezuita (NADALJEVANJE s str. 10) si sploh poklican za jezuita. Potem sem začel prvo stopnjo študija. To je bil dveletni študij filozofije v Padovi v Italiji, kjer je jezuitski inštitut - Aloisianum. In potem sem se vrnil v Ljubljano. Ste po študiju filozofije dokončno pristali v ljubljanskih Dravljah? Ne, takrat še ne! Že v noviciatu sem sicer imel stik z Dravljami. Tu sem bil tudi dva tedna na “praksi” v župniji, sicer pa sem po študiju filozofije šel za eno leto na pravo prakso v Rusijo, v srednjo Azijo, kjer smo imeli jezuiti misijon. Nato so mi namenili študij teologije v Rimu. Ampak tam sem zbolel, tako da so me po Veliki noči leta 1999 poslali v Slovenijo. Nekaj časa sem bil po bolnišnicah v Ljubljani in Mariboru, jeseni pa sem se ustalil v Dravljah in nadaljeval študij teologije v Ljubljani ter ga končal junija 2002. In bilo je logično, da ste imeli novo mašo tukaj?! Ja, ker sem čutil in spoznal, da nekdo, ki se pripravlja na posvetitev, nima temelja, če ni blizu nekega občestva. Cerkev ni abstraktna ustanova, marveč skupnost vernikov. Vsekakor je bilo najboljše, da sem končal študij teologije tako, da sem imel pred seboj konkretne ljudi, za katere sem se pripravljal biti duhovnik. Na novi maši so bili poleg domačinov tudi gostje iz ZDA in Rusije. Na novo mašo sem želel povabiti vse ljudi, ki jih poznam, kar pomeni, da bi moral povabiti ljudi z vseh koncev sveta. To sem deloma tudi storil! Najprej sem želel, da pridejo vsi sorodniki iz Amerike, ker nekateri že vrsto let, nekateri pa sploh še nikoli niso bili v Sloveniji. To je bila lepa priložnost, da so lahko videli Slovenijo in smo bili tudi vsi skupaj. Potem sem povabil nekaj prijateljev, ki sem jih srečal v Italiji in v Rusiji. Pri novi maši sem nekako želel imeti “vso svojo zgodovino”. Bi lahko rekli, da. je Janez Sever duhovno objel ves svet? Tako narediš, ko se okleneš Kristusa: obja- meš celo vesoljstvo. Ampak, to je bolj teoretično ... To si pravzaprav želim in čutim v sebi, ker me skrbi zaradi krize v ameriški Katoliški cerkvi. Čutim se tudi zelo blizu tega, kar se dogaja s Katoliško cerkvijo v Rusiji. ki ni v najboljših odnosih s Pravoslavno cerkvijo. Vedno bolj sem tudi povezan s Cerkvijo v Sloveniji ... Vse to čutim kot neko celoto. Je vaša nadaljnja pot določena? Greste v Rusijo, na Daljni vzhod? Določeno je le, da grem zdaj v Ameriko na študij biblične teologije v Boston, spet za dve leti, ker to potrebujem za nadaljnje delo in osebno dozorevanje. Nameravam pa, ali bolje - želim se vsako poletje vračati v Rusijo in Slovenijo, ker hočem korenine, ki so se zdaj nekoliko okrepile, vsako leto vsaj malo zalivati, da ne usahnejo! Korenine torej imate - kje? To je dobro vprašanje! Ali pa, kaj je moja identiteta?! Vedno bolj spoznavam, da so korenine - slovenske. To je tisto, kar je najgloblje v meni; tisto, kar je bilo prvo v meni in s čimer sem rasel in se “nahranjeval”. Vendar nisem samo Slovenec, sem tudi Američan, tudi po mišljenju, po obnašanju, po tem, kako vidim stvari ... To pa, se mi zdi, samo o-bogati te korenine. Tisto, kar je najgloblje v meni, pa je res - slovenskost! To je to, kar je domače, kar je zadnja stvar, ki me bo zapustila v življenju! RODNA GRUDA Ljubljana, Januar 2003 V BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE ^Priporočajte naš list! Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS p^dr^ Vendelin Špendov Lemont, III. LEMONTSK1 ODMEVI Šestdeset dni po božiču, po Jezusovem rojstvu, 2. februarja, obhajamo praznik Jezusovega darovanja - svečnico. Slovenska pesem poje: "Seveta Devica v tempelj je šla, / s sabo je nesla Jezusa / ter darovala večnemu v dar / svojega Sina ljubljenega. / V templju je starček pobožni živel, / čakal Maziljenca božjega. / Bog Sveti Duh pa mu je razodel, / da bo dočakal Zveličarja. / Starček je Dete božje spoznal, / v svoje naročje ga sprejel / in ves vesel je hvalil Boga, / Detetu pesem hvalno zapel: / Zdaj pa lahko odpustiš, o Gospod, / v miru služabnika svojega, / Ker so že videle moje oči / Odrešenika poslanega." (Filip Terčelj je spesnil, Vinko Vodopivec pa uglasbil.) Na god sv. Blaža, škofa in mučenca, 3. febru- arja, goduje p. Blaž Che-mazar. Rajni sobratje tega meseca: p. Beno Korbič (2. febr. 2002); p. Leonard Bogolin (3. febr. 2000); p. Paschal Esser (3. febr. 1957); p. Aleksander U-ranhar (9. febr. 1958); p. Alfonz Miklavčič (10. febr. 1931), p. Kalist Langerholc (16. febr. 2002); br. Fidelis Jagodic (23. febr. 1934); p. Bonaventura Sovinske (27. febr. 1930). Naj uživajo božjo Luč. Na Sveti večer je v teh krajih pričelo snežiti za bel božič. Tudi to je pomagalo, da smo v Lemon tu pri Mariji Pomagaj božične praznike lepo in slovesno obhajali. Velike jaslice so bile ob Slomškovem oltarju. Bogoslužni prostor, prezbiterij, je bil izredno lepo okrašen. Pred cerkvijo, pred samostanom je bilo nešteto lučk. Poldetu Omahnu za osemdesetletnico Mar res praznuješ let že osemkrat deset, sin ljubljene Dolenjske? Nenehno še garaš, še vedno ves si naš dobrotnik skupnosti slovenske. Si mojstrski mizar in spreten si zidar! Obvladaš vsako delo; električar in orodjar, slikar sposoben, vešč kipar ustvarjaš vneto in veselo. Po duhu vedno mlad Pristavi svoj pečat si vtisnil za vse čase. Kapelico, mogočen križ postavil v rajski paradiž slovenske skupnosti si naše. Spominska plošča je pomnik, pokojnim bratom spomenik, in Tvoj še bronast kip vojaka! Izdan in pokončan, nikdar pozabljen domobran vstajenja zdaj ponosno čaka. Hvaležen tudi je Svet Vid za Tvoje delo njemu vprid: Slovenska soba, krušna peč domača! Tu pristnost kmečka še cveti! Kako domače tu diši klobasa kranjska in pogača! Za nas si, Polde, vedno mlad, za skupnost dragocen zaklad. Povrne naj Ti Mati sveta! Zahvaljen, dragi, tisočkrat! Ostani zdrav, ostani mlad! Bog živi Te na mnoga leta! Tvoji hvaležni prijatelji Nekaka zgodnja polnočnica je bila ob devetih zvečer v angleškem jeziku, opolnoči pa slovenska. Po dolgoletni navadi, je zbor kot uvod v polnočno mašo pol ure prepeval domače priljubljene božične pesmi. Ko je opolnoči izzvenela najblažja božična pesem "Sveta noč, blažena noč je p. Metod Ogorevc blagoslovil jaslice. Med sv. mašo je poleg slovenskih božičnih pesmi zbor izvajal Hladnikovo “Missa Solemnis in hon. Ss. Trinitatis”. Orgelsko spremljavo je oskrbel Filip Arko, ko pod njegovimi prsti naše razmeroma male orgle postanejo ali nežne in tihe, ali pa velike in mogočne, kakor zahteva skladba in skladateljev navodilo. Številnejši pevski zbor je vodil p. Vendelin Špendov. Za polnočnico se je cerkev napolnila in skoraj ni bilo praznega mesta v klopeh. Slovenski božični program v okviru “Christmas around the World” v “Museum of Science and Industry” v Chicagu je bil v nedeljo po božiču, 29. decembra 2002. Program je letos imela na skrbi Ivanka Markun. Krajši nastop je obsegal petje božičnih pesmi in prikaz slovenskih plesov. Slovensko božično drevo in predstava slovenskih božičnih običajev v tem okolju ima že skoraj 50-letno tradicijo. Tudi v drugih slovenskih naselbinah pripravijo lepe programe slovenskih božičnih običajev. Upamo, da bodo nadaljevali! O božičnih praznikih so nas nekajkrat veselo presenetili koledniki, tako mala skupina mlajših kot večja starejših. Obe skupini sta obiskali veliko število rojakov, zlasti bolnih in onemoglih in jim z obiskom in petjem j fa, tu <4 Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50.000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik IB 440-944-2538 pripravili božično veselje. Koledniki, Bog vas blagoslovi, in ob letu na svidenje! Od starega leta 2002 smo se poslovili na Silvestrovo ob šestih zvečer z zahvalno mašo in zahvalno pesmijo. Zazrli smo se je v leto. ki se izteka: 1) pred letom dni, februarja 2002, je Bog poklical k sebi dva naša sobrata. Prvi je bil p. Beno Korbič (rojen 1914), naslednji pa p. Kalist Langerholc (rojen 1911). 2) V juniju, na Telovo, smo obhajali zlato mašo p. Valerijana Jenka, ki je pred 50 leti prejel mašniško posvečenje v Chicagu, sedaj pa že dolga leta deluje med slovenskimi izseljenci v Avstraliji. Zlata maša je bila povezana s telovsko procesijo. Že nekaj let nismo videli toliko rojakov za to procesijo kot letos. Pri tem pa smo občudovali nenavadno zbranost med molitvijo in petjem - brez nepotrebnega govorjenja. 3) Zadnjo nedeljo avgusta je v sezoni zadnje tradicionalno romanje in “medeni piknik”. Letos je bilo romanje povezano z zahvalno sveto mašo ob obhajanju 90-letnice ustanovitve “Komisariata - kustodije slovenskih frančiškanov v Ameriki”. Zanimiva je statistika slovenske župnije pri Mariji Pomagaj v Lemon-tu, “Versko središče bi Antona Martina Slomška”., ki jo je posredoval voditelj župnije p. Metod Ogorevc: v letu 2002 je bilo 6 krstov, 1 poroka in 11 pogrebov. Januar je Baragov mesec. Bog je zvestega slu-žbnika odpoklical 19. januarja 1868. Tretja nedelja meseca je zato Baragova nedelja, ki naj bi nas opomnila k molitvi za beatifikacijo velikega slovenskega misijonarja, prvega škofa indijanskih rodov ob “Velikih jezerih”. Letos je podružnica chicaške Baragove zveze (pod vodstvom Corinne Leskovar) priredila Baragovo nedeljo 12. januarja. Poleg cerkvene slovesnosti so v dvorani Kulturnega centra člani indijanske kulturne organizacije izvedli in predstavili njihove običaje. V Euclidu, Ohio, je 29. novembra 2002 Bog poklical k sebi 91-letno Mary Gerl, rojeno Yan-char. Bila je zvesta faranka fare Sv. Kristine v Euclidu, kjer je bila dolgoletna organistinja in v (dalje na str. 13) V drag in ljubeč spomin Ob deveti obletnici, ko je po odločitvi Božje volje, zaspal v Gospodu naš dragi mož, ata, stari ata, tast, svak, brat in stric DAMIJAN ZABUKOVEC ki ga je Bog poklical k sebi dne 4. februarja 1994. Večna luč naj Ti sveti. V naročju božjem se odpočij! Žalujoči: Lojzka (roj. Koželj), žena Lojzi Frank, Mitzi Sejnowski in Michele Alter, hčere Larry in Tom, zeta Danny, Gregory, Michael, Laura, T.D., Jessica in Scotty, vnuki in vnukinje Nežka Tomc, svakinja z družino Jože in Lojze Koželj, svaka z družinama, Toronto in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki, Kanadi in Sloveniji Najmlajša in najstarejša Trinajst škofov in 150 duhovnikov proslavilo srebrni jubilej koprske škofije - Nuncij Giuseppe Leanza prinesel papeževe pozdrave O ♦ O KOPRSKA ŠKOFIJA ... Koper - “Motivi za obnovo te zelo stare škofije so predvsem pastoralni in ekleziastični. Kot predstavnik svetega očeta v Sloveniji vam prinašam njegove tople pozdrave, spodbudne besede v vaši veri in njegov blagoslov.” S temi besedami je apostolski nuncij v Sloveniji, nadškof Giuseppe Leanza, 11 • januarja nagovoril zbrane v koprski stolnici, kjer so praznovali 25. obletnico obnovitve in razširitve najmlajše in najstarejše slovenske škofije hkrati. Pred 25 leti, natančneje: 17. oktobra 1977, je papež Pavel VI. z bulo Pricribus saeculi (V prvih letih) spet ustanovil razširjeno kopersko škofijo. To je Sveti sedež odločil šele potem, ko sta nekdanja Jugoslavija in Italija sklenila Osimske sporazume in se dokončno dogovorili za mejo med državama, saj si Vatikan menda prizadeva, da s svojimi odločitvami ne bi prejudiciral meddržavnih meja. Tako je bila Slovenija prvič v zgodovini združe- na v enotno (ljubljansko) cerkveno pokrajino, kar je bilo po razlagah cerkvenih krogov dobra podlaga tudi za slovensko državno samostojnost in samostojno škofovsko konferenco. Slovesno razglasitev je opravil tedanji apostolski nuncij v Beogradu Michele Cecchini v koprski stolnici v navzočnosti vseh slovenskih škofov in večje množice vernikov kot na sobotnem (tj. 11. jan. 2003) srebrnem jubileju (mnoge je tokrat zadrža- Lemontski odmevi... (nadaljevane s str. 12) tej cerkvi ustanovila in vodila prvi zbor. Kot članica Oltarnega društva se je redno udeleževala romanj “Zveze oltarnih društev clevelandskih slovenskih cerkva” k Mariji Pomagaj v Lemont, kjer je vodila petje in spremljala na orglah. Tedaj so imele lep in bogat izbor pesmi za sv. mašo, za pete litanije in mnoge druge pobožnosti. Naj poje pri Bogu ob sv. Ceciliji. Sožalje družini in članicam Zveze Oltarnih društev. Tudi to leto vsak mesec darujemo sv. mašo za žive in rajne naročnike našega lista Ave Marija. Obenem zahvala za vse darove za tiskovni sklad Ave Marije, kakor tudi darove za cerkev, za samostan in misijone, posebej pa še za sv. maše. V zvezi z “Apostolatom sv. Frančiška” - večne maše, smo že nekajkrat omenili in prosili, naj bi nekoliko pomislili, da se za vpisane vsako leto daruje 100 (sto) sv. maš in vsakdanji spomin sobratov pri skupnih in osebnih molitvah. Ali ne bi bilo pravično darovati več kot deset dolarjev? Novi koledar po II. vatikanskem koncilu je določil sv. apostolu Matiju (angl. Matthias) god 14. maja. Slovenija pa Matijev god še vedno praznuje 24. februarja, saj drugače ne bi več veljalo: Svet' Matija led razbija, če ga ni. ga naredi.” E-nako je god sv. Cirila in Metoda v Sloveniji 5. julija, v drugih deželah pa godujeta 14. februarja. AVE MARIJA februar 2003 lo slabo vreme). V koperski škofiji se spominjajo, da je tudi slovenska oblast izredno dobro sprejela potezo Svetega sedeža, zaradi česar je bil ta dogodek menda prva novica o Cerkvi, ki je v tistih letih prišla v televizijski dnevnik. Po informacijah koprske škofije pa so imeli kameramani določena pravila, saj menda niso smeli snemati vernikov. Nenavadno je tudi, da se je posnetek zgodovinsko tako pomembnega dogodka izgubil v televizijskih arhivih. Na slovesni maši 11. januarja, na kateri sta združena koprski in novogoriški cerkveni zbor prepevala pesmi samo primorskih skladateljev -Ščeka, Trošta, Premrla in Vodopivca - je soma-ševalo 13 škofov. Med njimi je bil tudi zagrebško-Ijubljanski pravoslavni metropolit Jovan Pavlovič, ki je pozdravil zbrane. Maševali so še: ljub- ljanski nadškof in metropolit dr. Franc Rode, ljubljanski škof Andrej Glavan, trije mariborski: Franc Kramberger, Jože Smej in Anton Stres, koprska Metod Pirih in dr. Jurij Bizjak, stiški opat Anton Nadrah in trije hrvaški škofi: krški Valter Župan, poreško-pulj-ski Ivan Milovan in reški nadškof Ivan Devčič. Slednji je v pozdravu poudaril: “Slovenci, Italijani in Hrvati, ki živimo ob severnem Jadranu in smo vezami s skupno vero, imamo dolgo skupno zgodovino in veliko vrednega v njej. To bi morali tudi v prihodnosti gojiti in navkljub mejam živeti in ohraniti dobro sosedstvo.” Med gosti pa sta bila koprski župan Boris Popovič, njegov novogoriški kolega Mirko Brulc in dr. Andrej Bajuk, predsednik NSi. Koprska škofija je na slovenskem ozemlju najstarejša, saj je bila zagotovo ustanovljena že v šestem stoletju. Prvi pisni dokumenti o tem so tri pisma papeža Gregorija Velikega iz maja 599. Odtlej je škofija živela zelo burno zgodovino, bila večkrat spremenjena in tudi odpravljena. Leta 1828 so jo pridružili škofiji Trst, ki se je odtlej imenovala tržaško-ko-prska. V LJUBEČ SPOMIN ob štiriindvajseti obletnici Na zasneženi poljani 7 božično okrašenem grobu Tvoje zlato srce sniva Dr. Martin Scancar 1912 1979 Hrib in dol, vasico sneg odeva, Zvon z gore v dolino slovesno oznanja Skrivnosti polno Svetost Malega Božiča. N tišini gozda tajinstveno mežika Zvezda; Nehroj lučk miglja, jo spremlja, N noči si narod z baklami pot svetli, utira. ^rh gore mala božjepotna cerkvica Jaslice, ovce, pastirčke revne čuva. ^ jaslih Dete Božje pesem angelska uspava. ^ložje bradati, Trge Modri z Vzhoda Ob jaslicah kleče, poklanjajo darila: Darila svetosti, ljubezni, usmiljenja. ^ kristalni lepoti zasneženega gozda ^od škripajočem ledu korak zastaja; ^ ples snežink drsi, zapleše noga. opomine nepozabne riše stopinja: Dvaintrideset let družinske sreče vrsta ... “Ob drevesu se je Tvoja duša radovala Krasil si ga, nežno božala ga roka Speče Dete Božje v jaslicah oboževala; Pesem vso srečo in veselje je izražala Ljubezen, z bogastvom Tvoje duše je kipela ... **• Končana je s Tvojim odhodom,” šepeta snežinka, Dobri možeh, zlati očka ljubiva te Jai »uar 2003 Vedno tvoji Vlasta in Sonja Po drugi svetovni vojni so dele nadškofij Gorica (severna Primorska), Reka (predvsem območje Ilirske Bistrice), Trst (Kras, Pivko in Postojno) in stare koprske škofije združili v samostojno a-, postolsko administraturo, , ki je pred četrt stoletja . posala najmlajša slovenska (obnovljena in razšir- v jena koprska (škofija). Njen prvi škof je bil pokojni dr. Janez Jenko. Sedanji škof Metod Pirih jo vodi že 15 let, pred tremi leti pa je (prvič v zgodovini) dobila pomožnega škofa dr. Jurija Bizjaka. Škof Metod Pirih je povedal, da so uspešno povezali različne usmeritve in tradicije, iz katerih je nastala škofija. Pa tudi sicer ima vrsto značilnosti in posebnosti, ne le bližino hrvaške in italijanske meje. Predvsem gre za dokaj razprostranjeno območje med Triglavom in morjem, na katerem živi 260 tisoč prebivalcev. Premore 205 župnij, med katerimi je sto zelo majhnih (manj kot 500 prebivalcev). Na tem območju dela 163 duhovnikov (dodatnih enajst jih še študira). Pred temi leti oživljena pobuda za delitev na dva dela ni več aktualna, saj so tudi v najvišjih cerkvenih vrhovih spoznali, da to ne bi bilo sprejemljivo niti iz gospodarskih, še manj pastoralnih razlogov. Če so imeli še pred leti 40 tisoč vernikov, ki so obiskovali nedeljske maše, se je to število zdaj znižalo na 36 tisoč nedeljnikov, od tega jih je skoraj dve tretjini na Goriškem. Prav tako je vsaj tri četrtine duhovnikov z Goriške. To pa pomeni, da se del škofije sam ne bi mogel ohraniti. Razveseljivo je izjemno povečanje števila v Cerkvi organiziranih laikov, ki delujejo na mnogih področjih - od Karitasa do pomoči za odvisnike ali za obnovo cerkva. Računajo, da jih je v škofiji več kot tisoč. Boris Šuligoj Delo, 13. jan. 2003 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! LETNA SEJA LASTNIKOV CERTIFIKATOV Slovenski društveni dom 20713 Recher Avenue Euclid, OH 44119 V nedeljo, 9. februarja, ob 2. pop. Vljudno vabimo vse lastnike certifikatov in društvene zastopnike, da se te važne seje zagotovo udeleže. The Board of Directors ^Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija (MZA) it Catholic Mission Aid (CMA) je javna, nepridobitna, dobrodelna misijonska organiza-I cija. Ustanovil jo je Fr. Charles A. Wolbang, CM. M - Registrirana je v mestu Columbus, Ohio, ZDA. Za pomoč slovenskim misijonarjem zbira finančno | popioč za njih delo med ubogimi v misijonskih deželah ter za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev za domači misijon. Hvaležni bomo za vsak dar, ki ga boste darovali v ta namen. Spomnite se misijonarjev in ubogih v svojih oporokah. Za vse prejete darove izdamo potrdilo za “Income tax ’. Uradni naslov: MZA - CMA 17826 Brian Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119 Glavni odbor MZA-CMA, Cleveland It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov kakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 centov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov !F Ime ____________________________ -Naslov ___________________________________ Mesto, Država, Zip ________________________ Star naslov Star naslov________________________ Mesto, država, zip_________________ Za Slovenijo zastoj deleža menjave z naslednicami Ljubljana - Lanski primanjkljaj blagovne menjave se je sicer v enajst-mesečju zmanjšal na 0,45 milijarde evrov. (Ur. AD: Zadnje čase večkrat uporabljajo poročila v slovenskem tisku nova evropska valuta "evro”. Trenutno je evro kot denar vredna ok. 231 SIT, a-meriški dolar, ki je na naj nižji stopnji v zadnjih treh letih, pa je vreden, zopet trenutno, komaj 214 SIT. To za približno razumevanje, kolikšno je razmerje med evrom in SIT ter tudi US dolarjem.) Vendar je lanska enajstmesečna blagovna menjava z Evropsko uni- jo (EU), z neevropsko OECD in CEFTO povzročila že za 1,56 milijarde evrov primanjkljaja, ki ga Slovenija zdravi zlasti s presežki, vknjiženimi na račun držav naslednic bivše SFRJ. A je septembra in oktobra lani delež slovenskega izvoza v bivše države nekdanje SFRJ nehal naraščati, z novembrom pa se je celo nekoliko zmanjšal, kar kaže, da je tudi tam prodaja težja, plačila pa počasnejša. Usihanje konkurenčne sposobnosti Slovenije v menjavi z razvitejšimi zagotovo ni obetavno za ob- stoj novih državnih porok, ki se jih država loteva. To usihanje bi bilo v zadnjem času po deležu še nekoliko večje, če ne bi začel malce usihati tudi delež menjave z državami bivše federacije. Medtem ko je ta “fe-deracijski” delež slovenskega izvoza v devetme-sečju 2002 po sprotnih začasnih podatkih dosegel 17,79 odstotka, se v desetmesečju ni več povečal, v enajstmesečju pa je nazadoval na 17,77 odstotka. Po začasnih podatkih slovenskega statističnega urada je bil v prvih enajstih mesecih 2002 v primerjavi z enajstimi meseci 2001 slovenski bla- (nazaj na str. 15) 60-letnica pomora družine Mavsar Prvih sedem članov je bilo pomorjenih 27. decembra 1942: oče Jože, star 51 let; mati Terezija rojena Bukovec, stara 49 let; brat Darko, balkanski prvak v metanju kopja, star 21 let; brat Ciril, star 17 let; sestra Mici, stara 16 let; brat Peter, star 13 let; brat Stanko, star 9 let. Osmi član je bil Vilko, star 12 let; Tega sta Tominc Milan in Lukatov ustrelila 23. marca 1943. Deveta žrtev je bil Dolfi, kateri je padel ob napadu na Šentrupert 2. maja 1943, star je bil 22 let. Deseta žrtev je bil Pavel, star 23 let. Ta je bil umorjen v Kočevskem rogu 8. junija 1945. Enajsti sin te družine je bil msgr. Joško, star 82 let. Ta je umrl v East Heleni, Montana, 23. marca 2002. Od vse te družine sem ostal jaz, Franci, in živim v Clevelandu. 23. septembra 2002 sem praznoval 75-letnico rojstva. Bog daj večni mir in pokoj tej naši družini. FAMILY MAVSAR JOŽEF 22.2.1891 t 27.12.1942 TEREZIJA 2.12.1893 t 27.12.1942 PAVEL 1924 t 1945 DARKO 6.1.21 t 27.12.42 *4* DOLFI 16.1.22 t 2.5.43 CIRIL 11.2.25 t 27.12.42 MICI VILKO 7.5.26 t 27.12.42 15.6.30 t 23.3.43 PETER STANKO 11.1.291 27.12.42 17.10.33 t 27.12.42 JOSEPH 17.10.19 t 21.3.2002 Eternal rest grant unto them, oh Lord. May they rest in peace. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel Spoštovali bomo odločitve Združenih narodov Ljubljana - ‘Slovenija je proti vojni, to je popolnoma jasno. Smo za to, da se vse uredi s pravili v okviru Združenih narodov. Iraku je OZN pred 12 leti na koncu zalivske vojne naložil nekatere naloge, ki jih ni napolnil. Gre za verolomno ravnanje, ki zahteva sankcije. Irak mora spoštovati mednarodni red tako, kakor ga moramo mi in vsi drugi,” je dejal slovenski zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel. “Ne gre za vojno, ampak za izpolnjevanje mednarodnih obveznosti,” je po seji vlade 23. januar-' ja odgovoril Rupel na vprašanje Dela, kakšno je načelno stališče Slovenije do verjetne vojne v Iraku. Zunanji minister je na tiskovni konferenci predstavil stališča vlade do morebitnega sodelovanja Slovenije pri reševanju iraškega problema. Vlada je izrazila načelno pripravljenost za sodelovanje v skladu z ustreznim mandatom varnostnega sveta OZN. Slovenija bo pripravljena omogočiti prelete letal in prehod vojakov čez svoje ozemlje, izmenjavati obveščevalne podatke v okviru boja proti terorizmu na območju jugovzhodne Evrope in poslati častnika za zvezo v osrednje poveljstvo (Centcom). Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM V blag spomin ob tretji obletnici, odkar nas je zapustil dragi mož, oče in stari oče IVAN RAJK Umrl 2. februarja 2000 leta v zemlji že počivaš, Pri Bogu vso ljubezen uživaš. ^ duhu vedno smo s teboj, ‘n z nami ti duh tvoj. Žalujoča žena Malči S'n John Hčerka Vlasta V ter ostalo sorodstvo '^Amerjki in Sloveniji O vseh drugih prošnjah za konkretnejše oblike pomoči in sodelovanja Slovenije v iraški krizi bo vlada znova razpravljala in sklepe poslala tudi v obravnavo v parlament. Vlada ne bo nič storila na svojo roko, je poudaril Dimitrij Rupel. Dejal je, da “Slovenija še vedno pričakuje, da bo delo inšpektorjev v Iraku uspešno, da se bo mogoče izogniti vojni in da bodo spoštovanje “pristojnosti varnostnega sveta". Slovenija prav tako pričakuje, da bo lahko varnostni svet na podlagi poročila inšpektorjev razpravljal o vprašanju, ali Irak izpolnjuje obveznosti ali ne. Na vprašanje Dela, ali Slovenija podobno kot večina evropskih držav zagovarja stališče, da mora VS OZN še enkrat razpravljati in odobriti vojaško intervencijo v Iraku, ali pa meni - kot ZDA in Britanija -, da takšna obravnava ni potrebna. ker je to opredeljeno že v resoluciji št. 1441, je Rupel dejal, da ima Slovenija enako stališče kakor večina evropskih držav, članic EU. “V poročilu s seje vlade je dovolj jasno zapisano, da bomo spoštovali odločitve varnostnega sveta,” je še dejal. v blag spomin NAŠE LJUBLJENE SESTRE IN TETE, NIKOLI POZABLJENE Micke (Mary) Ivec ob deseti obletnici smrti Umrla je 3. februarja 1993 Srčno ljubljena nam Micka, šla prezgodaj si od nas. Dobra, skrbna si nam bila, kako brez Tebe je dolg čas. Spomin na Te je naš zaklad, saj vsak od nas Te ime! je rad. Žalujoči ostali: Angela Hutar — sestra Nečaki in nečakinje v Ameriki in Sloveniji, ter ostalo sorodstvo. Komentiral je tudi izjavo ameriškega obrambnega sekretarja Donalda Rumsfelda. da Francija in Nemčija zaradi nasprotovanja vojaškemu posredovanju v Iraku predstavljata staio Evropo. “Če sta lahko Francija in Nemčija stara Evropa, potem je to lahko tudi Slovenija," je dejali Rupel. Vlada je tudi na seji 23. januarja sprejela pobudo za pristop Slovenije k severnoatlantski pogodbi in o poslala odboru državnega zbora za zunanjo politiko. OZPO bodo tako sproti obveščali o pristopnih pogovorih z NATOM. Minister Rupel je pojasnil, da je vlada s sprejetjem pobude izpolnila sklep odbor za zunanjo politiko. Ta jo je pozval; naj mu po prvem krogu pristopnih pogovorov pošlje pobudo za pri-stio k severnoatlantski pogodbi. Veso Stojanov Delo fax, 24. jan. 2003 Menjava z naslednicami (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) govni izvoz v evrih za 5,4 odstotka večji, uvoz pa za 1,2 odstotka večji, primanjkljaj je bil za 47 odstotkov manjši, pokritost blagovnega uvoza z izvozom pa se je od 92-odstotne v predlanskem enajstmesečju v lanskem enajstmesečju dvignila na 95,8-odstotno. V prvih enajstih mesecih 2002 je Slovenija izvozila za 10,14 milijarde evrov, v prvih enajstih mesecih 2001 pa za 9,62 milijarde evrov. Od tega je v lanskem enajstmesečju v Nemčijo izvozila 24,96 odstotka (v predlanskem enajstmesečju pa 26,34 odstotka), v Italijo 12,14 (12,55), na Hrvaško 8,75 (8,66), v Avstrijo 7,10 (7,48), v Francijo 6,78 (6,80), v BiH 4,49 (4,26), v ZRJ 3,10 (2,49), v Rusko federacijo 2,89 (2,99), na Poljsko 2,78 (2,60), v Veliko Britanijo 2,45 (2,84), v ZDA 2,41 (2,64), itd. Lani je Slovenija v prvih enajstih mesecih uvozila za 10,59 milijarde evrov, v prvih enajstih mesecih 2001 pa za 10,46 milijarde evrov. Od tega je iz Nemčije uvozila lani za 19,09 odstotka (v enajstmesečju 2001 pa za 19,24 odstotka), iz Italije za 17,87 (17,62), iz Francije 10,43 (10,68), iz Avstrije 8,33 (8,31), s Hrvaške 3,59 (4,01), iz Španije 3,10 (2,60), z Madžarske 2,97 (3,09). iz ZDA 2,85 (2,90), itd. lija Popit Delo fax, 25. jan. 2003 NOVI GROBOVI (naduljrvunje s str. 9) Joseph Koren Dne 22. januarja je na svojem domu na Willoughby Hillsu umrl 76 let stari Joseph Koren, mož Marije, roj. Horvat, oče Stephena (Sharon), Olge (Paul) Dolinar in Josepha ml. (Karen), 4-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat Ann Cseh, Barbare Rascan ter že pok. Steve-a in Franka, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve kot strojnik pri Warner & Svva-sey, član KSKJ št. 25, Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave in DNU pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Pogreb je bil 25. januarja v oskrbi Cosi-cevcga zavoda na Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Baznik in Johna, 8 bratov in sestra je pa že pok. v Sloveniji. Pogreb je danes s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Feli-cite s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Elizabeth Jartz Umrla je 89 let stara Elizabeth Jartz, rojena Bo-gatay, vdova po Louisu, ma--' ti Louise Horvath in Eleanor Manire-Gatti, 2-krač! stara mati, sestra Benedictaj; -Edwarda, Andrewa in Rose Bishop (ysi že... pok.). Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Zelotovega zavoda, sorodniki m prijatelji so se zbrali 2. februarja v prostorih Unitari-, __ an Universalist Society Cle-' V velanda na Lancashire 941» ~ na Cleveland Hts., kjer pogrebne obrede opravit Rev. Peggy Clason. pokojne je bil med ustnaoUr. vnimi direktorji Slovens&č^F^ doma za ostarele. _ -*> Amelia M. Hiti ■C*’ Dne 23. januarja je uavr ^ la 87 let stara Amelia ‘ML” Hiti, rojena Markusic, va po Franku, mati GaSK sestra Helen Samarin ii» že ' pok. Augusta, teta in pta- ' teta. Pogreb je bil 27. januarja v oskrbi Brickmano-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Frances Wohlgemuth V zavetišču Jennings Hall na Garfield Hts. je umrla 91 let stara Frances Wohlgemuth, rojena Konjar, vdova po 1. 1978 umrlem možu Charlesu, mati Charlesa, Thomasa in Johna, 8-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, zaposlena do upokojitve kot tajnica v medicinskem uradu, članica AMLA št. 4 in SNPJ št. 137. Pogreb je bil 21. januarja v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Križa v Euclidu in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Frank V. Simončič Dne 19. januarja je umrl Frank V. Simončič, vdovec po Emily, roj. Zalokar, oče Patricije Van Dorn, stari oče Davida H. Solomon. Pogreb je bil 25. januarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. Ana Podržaj Dne 27. januarja je umrla 83 let stara Ana Podržaj rojena Zupančič, vdova po Jožetu, mati Silve Kutnar in Ann Toth, 3-krat stara mati, sestra že pok. Louise KOLEDAR (nadaljevanje s str. 9) šolskem avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. Serviranje od 11. do 1. pop. 15. - 20. - Smučarski izlet v Lake Tahoe. Informacije: Ivan Kamin 718-424-2711. 23. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu postreže s kosilom v farnem avditoriju s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop. MAREC 15. - Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov priredi “mož in ženska leta” banket v SND na St. Clairju. 23. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima zajtrk v šolski dvorani med 9. dop. in 12. opoldne. 23. - Dramsko društvo Lilijallll uprizori veseloigro “Vražja vdova” v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Pričetek ob 3.30 pop. MAJ 3. - Primorski klub ima večerjo in plesom v SND ) na St. Clair Ave. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1462. Danes vas iskreno povabim na kosilo Misijonske Znamkarskc Akcije v Clevelandu, ki bo v nedeljo, 9. februarja, v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. Kosilo bo obsegalo juho, govejo ali kurjo pečenko, prikuho, solato, kavo in pecivo. Cena kosilu je $10 za odraslo osebo in $5 za otroka. Nakaznice sc bodo dobile pri vhodu in kosilo lahko vzamete tudi domov. Kot vsako leto bodo tudi stojnice tako za ročna dela, za mačka v Žaklju in za pecivo. Gospodinje lepo prosimo za domače pecivo. Ves dobiček tega dneva gre v sklad za vse naše misijonarje, ki po različnih državah rešujejo različne probleme in navdušujejo za božjo Ljubezen, ki ti edina da pravi mir in te osreči. Misijonarka, salezijanka s. Milena Zadravec, ki živi v Jeruzalemu, je poslala naslednje vrstice: “Predraga! Iskrena hvala za poslanih $400; resnično, vsak prispevek je še tako dobrodošel! Pomislite - s tem prispevkom lahko držimo enega otroka celo leto v šoli in družini ne bo treba nič plačati. Da si ga boste lažje predstavljali, vam pošiljam sliko; tisti, ki sem ga zaokrožila {Ur.: Ce ni na posnetku popolnoma jasno, gre za dečka v prvi vrsti, drugi z desne.) Ime mu je Andrej, reven je in skozi nekaj bolehen. To je en razred otroškega vrtca: nekaj kristjanov, večinoma muslimanov, ampak verujemo v moč vzgoje; vzgajamo jih za mir, za sožitje, za dobroto in medsebojno spoštovanje. Ko odrastejo se bodo kdaj spomnili, saj seme, ki pade v teh letih, obrodi sadove. Kako ste kaj pri zdravju? Vaši sodelavci in sodelavke? Kako vreme imate? Jaz sem, hvala Bogu, še kar na varnem in razen obveznih bolečin, ki so vezane na utrujenost in delo, grem naprej. Kot veste, naša situacija je tukaj uspešen pogoj za malodušnost in nestropnost, seveda, če ne gledamo vse skupaj iz kotička vere. Tokrat sem si dala za geslo celega leta: imeti pogum upanja! Na božično noč sem šla malo prej do betlehemske cerkve. Pogovarjala sem se z nekaterimi mladinci, ki so klavrno gledali, kako dežuje, in tistih bore malo ljudi, ki so sc zbirali pred cerkvijo. Kako žalostne in potrte pogovore so dajali na moja vprašanja: ’Ne, nič ne čutimo toplino Božiča. Včeraj so oedpeljali našega bližnjega. In bogve, koliko so jih zaprli in bogve, kdaj se bodo vrnili in v kakšnih kondicijah se bodo vrnili. Zakaj se vse to nam mora goditi? Nimam vstopnice, da bi šel v baziliko, pa tudi, če bi jo imel, ne bi šel. Otopel sem v veri, nič mi ne pomeni več, ne Betlehem, ne Kalvarija.’ Kaj naj jim rečem? Če zagovarjaš ene, niti v resnici, bolje je biti nevralen. Ampak Bog je tudi pravičnost in brani svoje ljudstvo. “Pravičnost pa se lahko gradi samo na odpuščanju. Le to je pa huda stvar za te naše ljudi, da bo potrebna ena velika ’bomba’ božje milosti, da se pride do resničnega obojestranskega odpuščanja. Moramo priznati, da vse do sedaj nismo bili sposobni popolne zavesti te skrivnosti božje in njegove ljubezni v našem kraju (Terra Sancta = sveta Dežela) in isto tudi nezmožni priznanja, da smo bratje in sestre med seboj,” je rekel naš patriarh Mishel Sabbah med božično pridigo. “Jaz verujem, da je ljubezen tista, ki bo rešila vse nadaljnje probleme; je mogoče torej, kot nam zapoveduje Kristus, ljubiti tudi tiste, s katerimi živimo, vse naše brate in sestre muslimanske izpovedi, Hebrejce, Druže in kristjane in celo izraelske vojake, ki nam nalagajo zasede, copri-fuoco in poniževanje.” “Če kdo reče, da ljubi Boga in sovraži svojega brata, je lažnivec. Betlehem je zaseden od vseh strani, tako tudi druga mesta in vasi Palestine. Božič je prišel v težkih časih. Ne samo vrata mesta, ampak vrata življenja so zaprta. Kako torej živeti to zapoved ljubezni? Kako praznovati Božič? Povem, naj vsem, da praznik pomeni molitev in le ta nas postavi v božjo navzočnost in ne razstavo ljudem. Težave nas ne smejo pripeljati do obupanja z vsemi posledicami le tega. Mi verujemo v Boga in v njegovo ljubezen in v dan, v trenutek, ki ga On sam hoče in bo navdihnil vsem njeogov ljubezen in njegovo pravičnost. V pričakovanju te ure imejmo potrpežljivost in kljubujmo...” Upanje naj nam vsem pomaga, da bomo lahko živeli v veri, gradili mir, uživali veselje, darovali vsem ljubezen in to v vsakem trenutku. Izročite to čestitko in te moje želje vsakemu od dobrotnikov. Za to moli za vsakega posebej vaša misijonarka s. Milena Zadravec.” Misijonarkin brat je na zadnji strani Družine objavil, kar je sestra po elektronski pošti poslala pogovor med štirimi svečami in je zanimivo: “Gorele so in dogorevale: štiri sveče. Od vsepovsod je zvenel mir, to pa tako blagodejno, da sem povsem razločno slišala pogovor, ki se je spočel med svečami. Prva je rekla: “Moje ime je MIR. Ne razumem, zakaj mi ljudje ne dajo živeti? Zakaj me ne marajo? Čemu me kar naprej preganjajo? Zakaj z mene trgajo bela oblačila in mi z glave pulijo zlate lase? Zakaj ugašajo plamene moje ljubezni in dobrote? V temo sovraštva sem oddajala luč upanja. Vsemu navkljub pa me ne sprejemajo. Ne vzdržim več. Vem, kaj bom storila...ugasnila je. Druga sveča je rekla: Moje ime je VERA. Kaj naj za božjo voljo storim, ko se mi nihče več ne nasmehne; od vsepovsod čutim le prezir, posmeh, ponižanje? Za tujko me imajo. Čemu torej goreti, čemu oddajati svetlobo, ko pa me pošastno duši to ozračje nenaklonjenosti. Otožne so bile njene besede; lahna sapica je sveči odpihnila zlate plamene. Moje ime je LJUBEZEN, je potrta in žalostna rekla tretja sveča. Izgnanka sem. V srcih ljudi sem prebivala, zdaj se je tam naselil moj nasprotnik - ime mu je sovraštvo. Starši med seboj, očetje in matere ter otroci, narodi se med seboj sovražijo. Ne potrebujejo me več. Izgnali so me. Čemu bi torej gorela? Zbogom - in je ugasnila. Pravljično lepa plavolaska se je poslovila; pa je bila podoba lepote, ki se je napajala iz samega božjega osrčja. Tri ugasle sveče so utihnile. Nastala je tema. Tedaj je pritekel otrok: nebogljen, nežen, je zastokal: Za božjo voljo, zakaj ste ugasnile, ve vendar morate goreti! Grozno me je strah. Otrok je planil v krčevit jok. Oglasila se je tedaj četrta sveča. Njen glas je bil nežen, sočuten, blag in usmiljen. Ne boj se, otrok moj, moj plamen oddaja luč vsemu navkljub. Vzemi me v roke in prižigaj vse druge sveče, ki so ugasnile; z mano lahko prižgeš vse ugasle sveče na svetu, kajti moje ime je UPANJE. Milina se je razlila čez otrokovo obličje, debelo solzo si je utrl z oči. Tiho je pristopil k sveči, jo vzel v roke ter prižgal vse druge sveče, da so spet oddajale svetlobo - v temo tega sveta!” Ko sestra Milena opazuje življenje okrog nje, ni čudno, če se ji je zdelo, da sveče predstavljajo mir, vero, ljubezen in upanje. Ko vse odpove, ostane še upanje, katerega ne smeš ugasniti. Molimo za to deželo, da ji da Nebeški Oče milost spoznanja, da smo vsi ustvarjeni po Njegovi Dobroti, torej, bratje in sestre. V tem mesecu so poslali darove naslednji: T. Ritcher-son (za bogoslovca) $260; A. Ravnik $500; F.J. Samsa $50; J. Zalar (v spomin moža Franka) $1000; N.N. $200; M. Coffelt in družina (v spomin moža Ralpha $500, za bogoslovca $350) $850; za cerkev v mis. p. P. Lebrehta: M. Simčič (v spomin J.A. Tushar) 100, J.M. Beznik $85; J.M. Grum $50, F.M. Mejač $50; Rev. J. Lavrih (za dr. F. Rode $1000, za Karmcl-Sora $500) $1500; M. Celestina (za Karmel-Sora) $50; V.M. Vrhovnik (v spomin |F. Zalar) $50; V. Devine (za s. M. Pavlišič) $100; J. Cozza (za s. Pavlišič) $100; A. Gregorin (za Rev. Lebreht) $150; M. Cendol (za salezijance) $20; E. Jelinek in mama (za Rev. Lebreht) $50; M.M. Kolman (za Rev. Lebreht) $40; A.M. Lavriša (v spomin fF. Zalar) $50; A. Zimmerman (v spomin fKarol Klezin) $20; Božičnica-sreč. $813; F.J. Kuhel $100; F. Hočevar $100. Naj vsem ljubi Bog, ki najbolje plačuje, da svoj blagoslov vsem darovalcem in jih ta blagoslov spremlja povsod! To želi in pričakuje, da se sreča na drugo nedeljo v februarju v šolskem avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu z mnogimi po-setniki misijonskega kosila! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Iz buletina župnije sv. Vida ... Stane Kuhar postal finančni direktor župnije Odstavek "Poročila pastoralnega sveta": Januarski sestanek Sveta je bil v sredo, 15. januarja. G. župnik (tj. Rev. Jože Božnar) je poročal, da je fara sv. Vida imenovala za finančnega direktorja g. Staneta Kuharja, ki bo odgovoren za upravljanje denarnih zadev in programov sklada Josepha in Antonije Mihevc: prav tako vsakega drugega farnega fonda, kakor tudi drugih finančnih zadev, ki se tičejo fare. G. Kuhar je bil izbran zaradi njegovega dolgoletnega dela v fari, posebno v zadevah, ki se tičejo farnih financ. Na to novo delovno mesto prihaja p° skoraj 26 letih službe pr* Keybank. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 j Moderni pogrebni zavod-Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI!