The Book of the Law Knjiga Zakona LIBER AL VEL LEGIS SUB FIGUR XXXI A A Publication in Class A / Publikacija v Razredu A I Had! The manifestation of Nuit The unveiling of the company of heaven Every man and every woman is a star Every number is infinite : there is no difference Help me, o warrior lord of Thebes, in my unveiling before the Children of men Be thou Hadit , my secret centre , my heart & my tongue . Behold ! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat The Khabs is in the Khu , not the Khu in the Khabs Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you. Had! Manifestacija Nuite Razkritje nebesne druščine Vsak moški in vsaka ženska je zvezda Vsako število je neskončno : brez razlike Pomagaj mi, o vojni Gospod Teb, v mojem razkrivanju pred Otroci ljudi Bodi Hadit , moj skrivni center , moje srce & moj jezik . Poglej ! to ti razodeva Aiwass poslanec Hoor-Paar-Kraata Khabs je v Khu , ne Khu v Khabs Obožuj zatorej Khabs in boš videl mojo svetlobo, kako se bo razlivala prek tebe. I Let my servants be few & secret : they shall rule the many & the known. These are fools that men adore ; both their Gods & their men are fools. Come forth, o children, under the stars & take your fill of love. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy is to see your joy (Above, the gemmed azure is The naked splendour of Nuit; She bends in ecstasy to kiss The secret ardours of Hadit The winged globe, the starry blue, Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!) Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince - priest the Beast and in Naj bodo moji služabniki maloštevilni & tajni : oni naj vladajo mnoštvu in znanemu. Ti so norci ki jih ljudje častijo; oboji njihovi Bogovi & njihovi ljudje so norci. Pridite ven, o otroci, pod zvezde & se naužijte ljubezni. Jaz sem nad vami in v vas. Moja ekstaza je v vaši Moje veselje je gledati vaše veselje Iznad, z dragulji okrašena sinjina je Razgaljena krasota Nuit boginje; Ona sklanja se v ekstazi, Da poljubila bi skriti žar Hadita. Obla krilata in zvezdno nebo Sta moja, o Ankh-af-na-Khonsu! Vedite zdaj da je izbrani svečenik in apostol neskončnega vsemirja princ - svečenik Zver in v I his woman, called the Scarlet Woman, is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold : they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men. For he is ever a sun , and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame and to her the stooping starlight. But ye are not so chosen Burn upon their brows, o splendrous serpent! O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them! The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him njegovi ženski, imenovani Škrlatna Ženska, je dana vsa oblast. Onadva bosta zbrala moje otroke pod svoje okrilje : prenesla bosta sij zvezd v ljudska srca. Kajti on je vedno sonce , in ona luna. A njegov je krilati skrivni plamen in njena upogibajoča se svetloba zvezd. Toda vi niste tako izbrani Razvnami se na njihovih čelih, o sijajna kača! O modro-veka žena, upogni se nad njih! Ključ ritualov je v tajni besedi ki sem mu jo izdala I With the God & the Adorer I am nothing : they do not see me . They are as upon the earth I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me , and my lord Hadit. Now therefore I am known to ye by my name Nuit , and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me Since I am Infinite Space and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing ! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any Z Bogom & Častilcem sem nič : ona me ne vidita . Sta kot na zemlji Jaz sem Nebesni svod , in tu ni drugega Boga razen mene , in mojega gospoda Hadita. Tako sem vam poznana po svojem imenu Nuit , in njemu po skrivnem imenu ki mu ga bom izdala ko me bo spoznal Ker sem Neskončno Vsemirje in Neskončno Zvezd v njem, tudi vi storite tako. Zavezujte se ničemur ! Naj se med vami ne dela razlike med neko stvarjo & katerokoli I other thing ; for thereby there cometh hurt . But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all! I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty Divide , add, multiply and understand. Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one. Who am I, and what shall be the sign. So she answered him, bending down , a lambent flame of blue, all-touching all penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth & her lithe body arched for love and her soft feet not hurting the drugo stvarjo ; kajti s tem pride bolečina . A kdor se v tem uveljavi naj bo vodja vsega! Jaz sem Nuit in moja beseda je šest in petdeset Deli , seštej, pomnoži in doumi. Nato reče prerok in suženj krasotice . Kdo sem jaz, in kaj bo znamenje. In mu je odgovorila, upogibajoča se navzdol , ližoč moder plamen, vse-dotikajoč vse predirajoč, njene ljubke roke na črni zemlji & njeno gibko telo upognjeno za ljubezen in njena mehka stopala ne poškodujejo I little flowers Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body. Then the priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space , kissing her lovely brows and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat O Nuit, continuous one of Heaven, let it majhnih cvetlic Ti veš! In znamenje bo moja ekstaza, zavest o kontinuiteti bivanja, vseprisotnost mojega telesa. Nato je svečenik odvrnil & nagovoril Kraljico Vesolja , poljubljajoč njeno ljubko čelo in rosa njene svetlobe je okopala vse njegovo telo v sladko-dišečem parfumu znoja O Nuit, neprekinjena Nebeška, naj I be ever thus that men speak not of Thee as One but as None and let them speak not of thee at all since thou art continuous. None , breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two. For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union . This is the creation of the world that the pain of division is as nothing and the joy of dissolution all. For these fools of men and their bo vedno tako da ljudje ne govore o Tebi kot Eni temveč kot Nobeni in naj sploh ne govore o tebi kajti ti si neprekinjena. Nobena , je dihnila svetlobo , motno & čudežno, od zvezd , in dveh. Kajti jaz sem razdvojena zavoljo ljubezni, zaradi možnosti združitve . To je svarjenje sveta da je bolečina razdvojitve kot nič in radost stopitve vse. Za te človeške norce in njihova I woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys: but ye are my chosen ones. Obey my prophet ! follow out the ordeals of my knowledge ! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so : I swear it by the vault of my body ; by my sacred heart and tongue ; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or gorja se sploh ne zmeni! Oni občutijo malo ; kar je, se uravnoveša s slabotnimi veselji : toda vi ste moji izbranci. Ubogajte mojega preroka ! opravite težke preizkuse mojega znanja ! samo mene iščite! In radosti moje ljubezni vas bodo odrešile vsake bolečine. Tako je to: Prisegam pri svodu svojega telesa ; pri svojem posvečenem srcu in jeziku ; pri vsem kar lahko dam , pri vsem kar si želim od vas vseh. Nato je svečenik padel v globok trans ali I swoon & said unto the Queen of Heaven Write unto us the ordeals write unto us the rituals write unto us the Law. But she said the ordeals I write not the rituals shall be half known and half concealed : the Law is for all This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law My scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu the priest of the princes shall not in one letter change this book ; but lest there be folly , he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khu-it. omedlevico & nagovoril Kraljico Neba Napiši nam preizkušnje napiši nam rituale napiši nam Zakon. Toda ona je rekla preizkušenj ne napišem rituali bodo napol znani in napol prikriti : Zakon je za vse To kar zdaj pišeš je trojna knjiga Zakona Moj pisar Ankh-af-na-Khonsu svečenik princev naj niti v eni črki ne spremeni te knjige ; a da ne bo prihajalo do bedastoč , naj napiše komentar nanjo z modrostjo Ra-Hoor-Khu-ita. I Also the mantras and spells ; the obeah and the wanga ; the work of the wand and the work of the sword : these he shall learn and teach. He must teach ; but he may make severe the ordeals. The word of the Law is Θελημα. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades. the Hermit and the Lover and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt Tudi mantre in uroke ; obeah in wanga ; delo palice in delo meča : tega naj se nauči in poučuje. On mora poučevati ; a lahko naredi stroge preizkušnje. Beseda Zakona je  . Kdor nas imenuje Telemiti ni v zmoti, če pobliže pogleda v besedo. V njej so namreč Tri Stopnje. Puščavnik in Ljubimec in človek Zemlje. Delaj po svoji volji I shall be the whole of the Law. The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife if she will. O lover , if thou wilt , depart. There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accurséd! Accurséd ! be it to the aeons . Hell. Let it be that state of many hood bound and loathing. So with thy all thou hast no right but to do thy will Do that and no other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, in to naj ti bo ves Zakon. Greh pomeni Omejevanje. O človek! ne zavrni svoje žene če ona to stori. O ljubimec , če te je volja , odidi. Tu ni vezi ki bi lahko združila ločene razen ljubezni : vse ostalo je prekletstvo. Prekleto! Prekleto ! bodi na veke . Pekel. Naj bo to stanje mnoštva omejeno in odvratno. Tako pri vsem kar imaš ti nimaš nobene pravice razen da vršiš svojo voljo Delaj to in nihče ti ne bo oporekal. Za čisto voljo, nepomirjeno s ciljem, I delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two ; nay, are none! Nothing is a secret key of this law Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight , eighty , fourhundred & eighteen. But they have the half : unite by thine art so that all disappear. My prophet is a fool with his one one one : are not they the Ox and none by the Book. osvobojeno sle po rezultatu, je vsaka pot popolna Popolno in Popolno sta eno Popolno in ne dvoje ; ne, nobeno sta! Nič je skrivni ključ tega zakona Ena-in-šestdeset ga imenujejo Židje; jaz ga imenujem osem , osemdeset , štiristo & osemnajst. Toda oni imajo polovico : združi s svojo veščino tako da vse izgine. Moj prerok je norec s svojim ena ena ena : mar nista Vol in nihče po Knjigi. I Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods and let Asar be with Isa who also are one. But they are not of me Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the Sufferer ; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating : There is a word to say about the Hierophantic task. Behold ! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire; let the Razveljavljeni so vsi rituali, vse preizkušnje, vse besede in znamenja. Ra-Hoor-Khuit je zasedel svoj prestol na Vzhodu ob Enakonočju Bogov in naj Asar bo z Iso ki sta tudi eno. Toda onadva nista moja Naj bo Asar čaščenec, in Isa Trpin ; Hoor v svojem skrivnem imenu in sijaju je posvečujoči Gospod : Potrebna je beseda o Hierofantovi nalogi. Poglej ! obstajajo tri preizkušnje v eni, in ta je lahko podana na tri načine. Grobi morajo iti skozi ogenj; naj se I fine be tried in intellect , and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star system & system let not one know well the other. There are four gates to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold, lapis lazuli & jasper are there , and all rare scents jasmine & rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates ; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink ? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But there are means prefinjeni preizkusijo v intelektu , in vzvišeni izbranci v najvišjem. Potemtakem imate zvezdo & zvezdo sistem & sistem naj eden ne pozna dobro drugega. Štirje vhodi vodijo v eno palačo; tla te palače so iz srebra in zlata, lapis lazuli & jaspis sta tu , in vse odlične dišave jasmin & vrtnica, in pa emblemi smrti. Naj vstopi izmenoma ali pa naenkrat skozi štiri vhode ; naj obstane na tlu palače. Se ne bo zgrudil ? Amn. Ho! bojevnik, če se tvoj služabnik zgrudi? Toda mnogo je sredstev I and means. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam. Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will , when , where and with whom ye will. But always unto me. If this be not aright ; if ye confound the space-marks, saying : They are one or saying They are many ; if the ritual be not ever unto me : then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit. This shall regenerate the world , the little in sredstev. Bodite lepi zatorej : oblačite se vsi v fina oblačila jejte bogato hrano in pijte sladka vina in vina ki se penijo. Pravtako, vzemite napoj in pobudo ljubezni kakor vas je volja , kadar , kjer in s komer vas je volja. Toda vedno k meni. Če to ne bo v redu ; če boste pomešali vesoljna-znamenja, rekoč : Ti so eno ali rekoč Teh je mnogo ; če ritual ne bo vedno meni v čast : potem pričakujte strašne obsodbe Ra Hoor Khuita. To bo obnovilo svet , mali I world my sister , my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss. Also, o scribe and prophet though thou be of the princes it shall not assuage thee nor absolve thee. But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth : ever To me To me. Change not as much as the style of a letter ; for behold thou o prophet shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them. Expect him not from the East nor from svet mojo sestro , moje srce & moj jezik, kateremu pošiljam tale poljub. Pravtako, o pisar in prerok čeprav si eden od princev te to ne bo potešilo niti odrešilo Toda ekstaza naj bo tvoja in radost zemlje : vedno K meni K meni. Ne spreminjaj niti stila neke črke ; kajti glej ti o prerok ne boš spregledal vseh teh misterijev skritih v njej. Otrok iz tvoje notranjosti , on jih bo opazil. Ne pričakuj ga ne z Vzhoda niti z I the West, for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true ; save only that they understand a little ; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some though not all in the dark. Invoke me under my stars. Love is the law , love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love ; for there are love and love. There is the dove and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath Zahoda, kajti iz nobene pričakovane hiše ne prihaja ta otrok. Aum! Vse besede so svete in vsi preroki resnični ; le da oni razumejo malo ; reši prvo polovico enačbe, pusti drugo nedotaknjeno A ti imaš vse v jasni luči, toda nekaj čeprav ne povsem ti je v temi. Prikliči me pod mojimi zvezdami. Ljubezen je zakon , ljubezen pod voljo. In ne dopusti bedakom napačno razumeti ljubezni ; kajti obstajata ljubezen in ljubezen. Obstaja golobica in obstaja kača. Izberite dobro! On, moj prerok, je I chosen, knowing the law of the fortress and the great mystery of the House of God All these old letters of my Book are aright; but is not the Star. This also is secret : my prophet shall reveal it to the wise. I give unimaginable joys on earth : certainty, not faith , while in life , upon death ; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice. My incense is of resinous woods & gums and there is no blood therein : because of my hair the trees of Eternity. izbral , poznavajoč zakon trdnjave in veliki misterij Hiše Boga Vse te stare črke moje Knjige so v redu; toda x ni Zvezda. To je tudi skrivnost : moj prerok jo bo razkril modrim. Jaz dajem nepojmljive radosti na zemlji : gotovost, ne vero , za časa življenja , ob smrti ; mir neizrekljiv, počitek, ekstazo; in ne zahtevam ničesar za žrtev. Moje kadilo je iz smolastega lesa & smol in v njem ni krvi : zaradi mojih las dreves Večnosti. I My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a, Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red My colour is black to the blind , but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me. But to love me is better than all things: if under the night-stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me invoking me with a pure heart and the Serpent flame therein , thou shalt come a little-to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all: Moje število je 11, kot vsa njih števila ki so naši. Petokraka zvezda, s Krogom v Sredini, & ta krog je Rdeč Moja barva je črna za slepe , toda modra & zlata sta vidni tistim ki vidijo. Pravtako imam skrivno slavo za tiste, ki me ljubijo. A ljubiti me je boljše od vseh stvari: če pod nočnimi-zvezdami v puščavi nemudoma prižgeš moje kadilo pred menoj klicoč me s čistim srcem in Kačjim plamenom v njem , boš prišel malo-leči v moje naročje. Za en poljub boš pripravljen žrtvovati vse: I but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of the earth in spendour & pride ; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe and covered with a rich headdress. I love you I yearn to you . Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous I who am all pleasure and purple a kdor bo tako daroval en drobec prahu bo izgubil vse v tej uri. Naberite si blaga ter obilo žensk in dišav; nosite bogate dragulje; prekosite narode na zemlji v blišču & ponosu ; toda vedno v ljubezni do mene, in tako boste deležni moje radosti. Resno te zadolžujem da prideš predme v enojnem oblačilu in pokrit z dragocenim pokrivalom. Ljubim te hrepenim po tebi . Bleda ali škrlatna, sramežljiva ali pohotna jaz ki sem vsa užitek in purpur I and drunkkenness of the innermost sense desire you. Put on the wings and arouse the coiled splendour within you : come unto me At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say - and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my Secret temple - To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love - chant. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes ! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you! in pijanost najnotranjejšega čuta si te želim. Nadeni si krila in prebudi zviti sijaj v sebi: pridi v mene. Ob vsakem mojem srečanju s teboj bo svečenica govorila - in njene oči bodo žarele v poželenju ko bo stala gola in vzradoščena v mojem Skrivnem Templju - K meni ! K meni ! izzivajoč strast v srcih vseh s svojim ljubavnim - spevom. Poj mi navdušeno pesem-ljubezni! Prižigaj mi kadila ! Okiti se z dragulji zame! Pij zame, kajti jaz te ljubim! Ljubim te! I I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night- sky To me! To me! The Manifestation of Nuit is at an end. Jaz sem modro-veka hči Sončnega zatona; jaz sem razgaljena krasota sladostrastnega nočnega neba K meni! K meni! Manifestacija Nuit je pri koncu. I II 1 Nu ! The hiding of Hadit. 2 Come ! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I Hadit am the complement of Nu my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House. 3 In the sphere I am everywhere, the centre, as She, the circumference, is nowhere found. 4 Yet she shall be known & I never. 5 Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet! Then shall this Knowledge go aright. 6 I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am 1 Nu ! skrivanje Hadita. 2 Pridite ! vsi vi, in prisluhnite skrivnosti ki nikdar bila ni razodeta. Jaz Hadit sem dopolnilo Nu moje neveste. Brez razsežnosti sem, in Khabs je ime moje Hiše. 3 V nebesni sferi sem povsod, središče, tako kakor Nje, oboda, nikjer ni. 4 Vendar njo boste spoznali a mene nikoli. 5 Poglej! Rituali starih časov so črni. Naj bodo zli zavrženi; dobre pa naj prerok prečisti! Tako se bo ta Veščina spet uredila. 6 Jaz sem plamen, ki gori v srcu vsakega človeka in v srži vsake zvezde. Jaz sem II Life, and the giver of Life ; yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death. 7 I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word; for it is I that go. 8 Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me ; ill, for I am the worshipper. 9 Remember all ye that existence is pure joy ; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done ; but there is that which remains. 10. O prophet ! thou hast ill will to learn this writing. 11. I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am Življenje in darovalec Življenja ; zato je znanje o meni znanje o smrti. 7 Jaz sem Čarovnik in Eksorcist, jaz sem osišče kolesa, in kocka v krogu. "Pridi k meni" je bedasto rečeno; kajti jaz sem tisti ki gre. 8 Kdor je oboževal Heru-pa-kraath-a je častil mene ; narobe, kajti jaz sem oboževalec. 9 Zapomnite si vsi vi da je bivanje čista radost; da so vse žalosti zgolj sence; te minejo & so končane, a tu je to kar ostane. 10. O prerok ! slabe volje si ob učenju tega pisanja. 11. Vidim te kako sovražiš roko & pero; toda jaz sem II stronger. 12 Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not. 13. for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me. 14. Now let there be a veiling of this shrine : now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness. 15. For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight : Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret. 16 I am The Empress & the Hierophant. Thus eleven , as my bride is eleven. močnejši. 12 Zaradi mene v Tebi ki me nisi poznal 13. namreč zakaj? Ker si bil znalec, in jaz. 14. Naj ostane to svetišče zastrto : naj svetloba uničuje ljudi ter jih požira s slepoto. 15. Kajti jaz sem popoln, ker me Ni; in moje število je devet za norce; za pravične pa sem osem in eden v osmih : Kar je bistveno, ker sem v resnici nobeden. Carica in Kralj nista moja; kar je nadaljnja skrivnost. 16 Jaz sem Carica & Hierofant. Tako enajst , kakor je moja nevesta enajst. II 17. Hear me, ye people of sighing! The sorrows of pain and regret Are left to the dead and the dying , The folk that not know me as yet. 18 These are dead, these fellows ; they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad : the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk. 19 Is a God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not of us. 20 Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us. 17. Poslušajte me, vi ljudje ki stokate! Objokovanje bolečin in kesanje je prepuščeno mrtvim in umirajočim , Ljudstvu ki ne pozna me še. 18 Ti so mrtvi, ti tovariši ; oni ne čutijo. Mi nismo za revne in potrte : gospodarji zemlje so naš rod. 19 Naj Bog živi v psu? Ne! temveč najvzvišenejši so naši. Oni se bodo veselili, naši izbranci: kdor obžaluje ni naš 20 Lepota in moč, poskočen smeh in slastno koprnenje, sila in žar, so od nas. II 21 We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit: let them die in their misery: For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak : this is the law of the strong : this is our law and the joy of the world. Think not, o king, upon that lie : That Thou Must Die : verily thou shalt not die, but live! Now let it be understood: If the body of the King dissolve, he shall remain in pure ecstasy for ever Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor- Khuit. The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake 21 Z izobčenci in nesposobneži nimamo nič: naj umrejo v svoji bedi: Kajti oni ne čutijo. Sočutje je hiba kraljev: pregazite uboge & slabiče : to je zakon močnega : to je naš zakon in radost sveta. Ne zmeni se, o kralj, za tole laž : Da Ti Moraš Umreti : v resnici ne boš umrl, temveč živel! Torej da se razume: če telo Kralja razpade bo on ostal v čisti ekstazi za vedno Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor- Khuit. Sonce, Sila & Videnje, Svetloba ti so za služabnike Zvezde & Kače. II 22 I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man, lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture : fear not that any God shall deny thee for this. 23 I am alone : there is no God where I am. 24 Behold! these be grave mysteries ; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now 22 Jaz sem Kača ki daje Spoznanje & Slast in razkošen sijaj, in vzburja srca ljudi s pijanostjo. Da bi me častili vzemite vino in čudne droge o čemer bom še govoril mojemu preroku, & se opijte z njimi! Ne bodo vam škodila. To je laž, ta neumnost zoper sebe. Izpostavljanje nedolžnosti je laž. Bodi močan, o človek, poželi si, raduj se v vseh stvareh čutnosti in zanosa: ne boj se da bi te katerikoli Bog zavrgel zaradi tega. 23 Jaz sem sam : in kjer sem, tam ni Boga. 24 Pazite! to so resne skrivnosti ; kajti obstajajo tudi moji prijatelji ki so puščavniki. Vendar ne II think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them ; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at Victorious armies, at all the joy ; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride mislite da jih boste našli v gozdu ali na gori; temveč v purpurnih posteljah, v objemu krasnih ženskih zverin velikih udov, z ognjem in bistrino v njih očeh, ter maso plamene grive okrog njih ; tam jih boste našli. Videli jih boste na oblasti, v Zmagoslavnih armadah, pri vseh radostih ; in v njih bo radost milijon krat večja od tega. Pazite da ne boste izsiljevali drug drugega, Kralj proti Kralju! Ljubite eden drugega z gorečimi srci; nizkotne pregazite v divji sli svojega ponosa II in the day of your wrath. 25. Ye are against the people, O my chosen! 26. I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring : in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one. 27 There is great danger in me ; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall na dan vaše jeze. 25. Vi ste proti ljudstvu, O moji izbranci! 26. Jaz sem skrita Kača zvita okrog za naskok : v mojem zvijanju je radost. Če vzdvignem svojo glavo, sva jaz in moja Nuit eno. Če spustim glavo navzdol, in brizgnem strup, potem je navdušenje zemlje, in sva jaz in zemlja eno. 27 V meni je velika nevarnost ; kajti kdor ne bo razumel teh run bo naredil veliko napako. Padel bo v brezno imenovano Zato-ker, in v njem II perish with the dogs of Reason. 28 Now a curse upon Because and his kin! 29 May Because be accurséd for ever! 30 If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does naught. 31 If Power asks why, then is Power weakness. 32 Also reason is a lie ; for there is a factor infinite & unknown; & all their words are skew-wise. 33 Enough of Because ! Be he damned for a dog! 34. But ye, o my people, rise up & awake! 35. Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty! poginil s psi Razuma. 28 Prekolnimo torej Zatoker in njegovo sorodstvo! 29 Naj bo Zatoker za vedno preklet! 30 Če se Volja ustavi in vzklika Zakaj, prizvavši Zatoker, potem se Volja ustavi & nič ne stori. 31 Če se Moč vpraša zakaj, potem je Moč slabost. 32 Pravtako je razum laž ; obstaja namreč dejavnik neskončen & neznan; & vse njihove besede so izkrivljene. 33 Dovolj o Zatoker ! Naj bo usojen psu! 34 Toda vi, o moji ljudje , vstanite & se prebudite! 35 Naj bodo rituali pravilno izvajani z radostjo & lepoto! II 36 There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times. 37 A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride! 38 A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law. 39 A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet — secret, O Prophet! 40 A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods. 41 A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death. 36 Obstajajo rituali elementov in letna praznovanja. 37 Praznik za prvo noč Preroka in njegovo Nevesto! 38 Praznik za tri dni pisanja Knjige Zakona. 39 Praznik za Tahutija in Prerokovega otroka — tajen, O Prerok! 40 Praznik za Vrhunski Ritual, in praznik za Enakonočje Bogov. 41 Praznik za ogenj in praznik za vodo; praznik za življenje in še večji praznik za smrt. II 42 A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture. 43 A feast every night unto Nuit and the pleasure of uttermost delight. 44 Aye ! feast ! rejoice ! there is no dread hereafter . There is the dissolution , and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu. 45 There is death for the dogs. 46 Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart ? 47 Where I am these are not . 42 Praznik vsak dan v vaših srcih v radosti mojega zanosa. 43 Praznik vsako noč v čast Nuit in užitek skrajne slasti. 44 Vselej ! praznujte ! radujte se ! brez strahu odslej . Obstaja odrešitev , in neskončna ekstaza v poljubih Nu. 45 Smrt je za pse. 46 Si zgrešil? Ti je žal? Je strah v tvojem srcu ? 47 Kjer sem jaz tega ni . II 48 Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not : I hate the consoled & the consoler. 49 I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the Slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead ! Amen. [This is of the 4 : there is a fifth who is invisible & therein am I as a babe in an egg.] 50 Blue am I and gold in the light of my bride : but the red gleam is in my eyes & my spangles are purple & green. 51 Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher 48 Ne pomiluj propadlih! Nikoli jih nisem poznal. Jaz nisem za njih. Jaz ne tolažim : sovražim tako tolaženca kot tolažitelja. 49 Jaz sem edinstven in zmagovit. Nisem za sužnje ki hirajo. Naj bodo prekleti & mrtvi ! Amen. [To je od 4 : obstaja peti, ki je neviden in v katerem sem kakor dete v jajcu.] 50 Moder sem in zlat v svetlobi moje neveste : toda rdeč sijaj je v mojih očeh & lesketam se škrlatno & zeleno. 51 Vijoličasto onkraj vijoličastega : to je svetloba iznad II than eyesight. 52 There is a veil : that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death : this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries : veil not your vices in virtuous words : these vices are my service; ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter. 53 Fear not, o prophet, when these words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art emphatically my chosen ; and blessed are vidnega polja. 52 Obstaja pajčolan : ta pajčolan je črn. To je pajčolan spodobne ženske ; to je pajčolan žalosti, & pokrov smrti: nič od tega ni moje. Raztrgajte to lažno prikazen stoletij : ne skrivajte svojih pregreh v vrle besede : te pregrehe so meni v uslugo; vi že dobro delate, & jaz vas bom nagradil tu in poslej. 53 Ne boj se, o prerok , ko so te besede izrečene, ne smeš obžalovati. Ti si izrazito moj izbranec ; in blažene so II the eyes that thou shalt look upon with gladness. But I will hide thee in a mask of sorrow : they that see thee shall fear thou art fallen : but I lift thee up. 54 Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail ; thou shall reveal it : thou availest : they are the slaves of because : They are not of me. The stops as thou wilt ; the letters change them not in style or value! 55 Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet ; thou shalt find oči, v katere boš zrl z zadovoljstvom. A skril te bom v masko žalosti : tisti ki te bodo videli se bodo bali, da si padel : toda povzdignil te bom. 54 In naj tisti ki naglas razglašajo svojo neumnost češ da nisi v korist, pravtako ne skrbijo ; razkrij to: ti koristiš : oni so sužnji zatoker : Oni niso moji. Ločila postavljaj kakor te je volja ; črk ne spreminjaj ne po stilu ne po vrednosti! 55 Sprejmi vrstni red & vrednost angleškega Alfabeta ; poišči II new symbols to attribute them unto. 56 Begone! ye mockers ; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long : then when ye are sad know that I have forsaken you. 57. He that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is filthy shall be filthy still. 58 Yea! deem not of change : ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever : the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up : all is ever nove simbole za njih označitev. 56 Izginite! vi zasmehovalci ; čeprav se smejete meni v čast se ne boste več dolgo : potem ko boste potrti vedite da sem vas zapustil. 57. Tisti ki je pošten naj bo pošten še naprej; kdor je pokvarjen naj bo pokvarjen še naprej. 58 Resnično! ne menite se za spremembo : bodite kakršni ste, & ne drugačni. Potemtakem bodo kralji na zemlji za vedno Kralji : sužnji bodo služili. Nihče ne bo ponižan ali povišan : vse je tako II as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants : it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will : there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty. 59 Beware therefore ! Love all , lest perchance is a King concealed ! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him. 60 Therefore strike hard & low, and to hell with them, master! 61 There is a light before thine eyes, o prophet, a light undesired, most desirable. kakor je vedno bilo. Pa vendar obstajajo moji zamaskirani služabniki : mogoče pa je oni berač tam Kralj. Kralj si lahko izbere oblačilo po svoji volji : tu ni zanesljivega testa: a berač ne more skriti svoje bede. 59 Previdno zatorej ! Ljubi vse , da ni slučajno Kralj prikrit ! Tako praviš? Norec! Če je nekdo Kralj, ga ne moreš raniti. 60 Torej udari močno & nizko, pa k vragu z njimi, mojster! 61 Pred tvojimi očmi je svetloba, o prerok, luč nezaželjena, najbolj poželjenja vredna. II 62 I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body . 63 Thou art exhaust in the voluptuous fullness of the inspiration : the expiration is sweeter than death , more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell’s own worm. 64 Oh! thou art overcome : we are upon thee; our delight is all over thee: hail! hail! prophet of Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour & rapture ! Come in our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings! 62 Povzdignjen sem v tvojem srcu in poljubi zvezd silovito bijejo po tvojem telesu . 63 Izčrpan si v nasladnem obilju navdiha : izdih je slajši od smrti , bolj nagel in krohoten od objema samega Peklenskega črva. 64 Oh! premagan si: nad teboj smo; ves si prekrit z našo naslado: pozdravljen! pozdravljen! prerok Nu! prerok Hada! prerok Ra-Hoor-Khuja! Raduj se zdaj! pridi zdaj v naš blišč & zamaknjenost ! Pridi v naš strasten mir, & piši sladke besede za Kralje! II 65 I am the Master : thou art the Holy Chosen One. 66 Write, & find ecstasy in writing! Work, & be our bed in working! Thrill with the joy of life & death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely : whoso seeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our agelong love. Come! lift up thine heart & rejoice! We are one ; we are none. 67 Hold! Hold! Bear up in thy rapture ; fall not in swoon of the excellent kisses! 68 Harder! Hold up thyself! Lift thine head! 65 Jaz sem Mojster : ti si Sveti Izvoljenec. 66 Piši, & najdi ekstazo v pisanju! Delaj & bodi nam za posteljo v delu! Trepetaj v radovanju življenja & smrti! Ah ! tvoja smrt bo očarljiva : kdor ji bo priča bo osrečen. Tvoja smrt naj bo pečat zaobljube naše dolgovečne ljubezni. Pridi! opogumi svoje srce & se raduj! Mi smo eno ; mi smo nobeno. 67 Počakaj! Počakaj! Zadrži svoje navdušenje ; ne predaj se omedlevici odličnih poljubov! 68 Močneje! Obdrži se! Pokonci Glavo! II breathe not so deep – die! 69 Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted ? 70 There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says : be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy . Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art : if thou love, exceed by delicacy ; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein! 71 But exceed! exceed! 72 Strive ever to more ! and if thou art truly ne dihaj tako globoko – umri! 69 Ah! Ah! Kaj čutim? Je beseda izčrpana ? 70 Obstaja pomoč & upanje v drugih formulah. Modrost pravi : bodi močan! Tako boš lahko prenesel več radosti . Ne bodi žival; prečisti svoj zanos! Če piješ, pij po osem in devetdesetih pravilih umetnosti : če ljubiš, prekašaj z nežnostjo ; in če počneš karkoli z veseljem, naj bo v tem bistroumnosti! 71 Samo presegaj! presegaj! 72 Prizadevaj si za vedno več ! in če si resnično II mine – and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous! – death is the crown of all. 73 Ah! Ah! Death! Death! thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee. 74 The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory: He that lives long & desires death much is ever the King among the Kings. 75 Aye! listen to the numbers & the words: 76 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 a L G M O R 3 Y x 24 89 R P S T O V A L . What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not, nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall moj – in v to ne dvomi in če si vedno vesel! – je smrt krona vsega. 73 Ah !Ah! Smrt! Smrt! Hrepenel boš po smrti. Smrt je prepovedana, o človek, zate. 74 Trajanje tvojega hrepenenja bo jačanje njene slave: Tisti, ki dolgo živi & si močno želi umreti, je vedno Kralj med Kralji. 75 Zares! prisluhni tem številkam & besedam: 76 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 a L G M O R 3 Y x 24 89 R P S T O V A L . Kaj pomeni to, o prerok? Ne veš niti ne boš kdajkoli zvedel. Nekdo prihaja da te nasledi: on bo II expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven ; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word. 77 O be thou proud and mighty among men! 78 Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars. They shall worship thy name , foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and the name of to raztolmačil. A ne pozabi, o izvoljeni, biti jaz; slediti ljubezni Nu v zvezdnem raju; in iskati ljudi, da jim poveš to veselo oznanilo. 77 O bodi ponosen in mogočen med ljudmi! 78 Dvigni se! kajti ni ga tebi enakega med ljudmi niti med Bogovi ! Dvigni se, o moj prerok, tvoj lik bo presegel zvezde. Častili bodo tvoje ime , kvadratno, mistično, čudovito, številko človeka: in ime II thy house 418. 79. The end of the hiding of Hadit ; and blessing & worship to the prophet of the lovely Star. tvoje hiše 418. 79. Konec Haditovega skrivanja ; ter blagoslov & čaščenje preroku ljubke Zvezde. II III 1 Abrahadabra! the reward of Ra Hoor Khut. 2 There is division hither homeward ; there is a word not known. Spelling is defunct ; all is not aught Beware! Hold! Raise the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. 3 Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them. 4 Choose ye an island! 5 Fortify it! 6 Dung it about with enginery of war! 7 I will give you a war - engine. 8 With it ye shall smite the peoples and 1 Abrahadabra! Ra-Hoor-Khutova nagrada. 2 Semkaj domov grede pride do razkola ; obstaja neznana beseda. Uročanje je jalovo ; vse ni karkoli. Pazi! Postoj! Razglasi Ra-Hoor-Khuitovo formulo. 3 Predvsem naj bo jasno da sem bog Vojne in Maščevanja. Trdo bom ravnal z njimi. 4 Izberite si otok! 5 Utrdite ga! 6 Pognojite ga z mašinerijo vojne! 7 Dal vam bom bojni stroj. 8 Z njim boste premagali ljudstva in III none shall stand before you. 9 Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house. 10 Get the stélé of revealing itself; set it in thy secret temple – and that temple is already aright disposed – & it shall be your Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade, but miraculous colour shall come back to it day after day. Close it in locked glass for a proof to the world. 11 This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy nihče vam ne bo stal na poti. 9 V prežo! Umik! Po njih! to je Zakon Bitke Zavojevanja: tako se bo vršilo moje čaščenje okrog moje skrivne hiše. 10 Nabavi sâmo stelo razodetja; postavi jo v svoje skrivno svetišče - in to svetišče je že pravilno odrejeno - & naj bo tvoja Kiblah za vedno. Ne bo prav nič bledela, temveč se bo čudežna barva vračala nanjo dan za dnem. Zapri jo v zaklenjeno steklo za dokaz svetu. 11 To naj bo tvoj edini dokaz. Ne dopuščam debate. Zmagaj! To je dovolj. Olajšal ti III to you the abstruction from the ill- ordered house in the Victorious City . Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have danger & trouble . Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship me with fire & blood ; worship me with swords & with spears . Let the woman be girt with a sword before me : let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat! 12 Sacrifice cattle , little and big : after a child. bom odstavitev iz slabo- urejene hiše v Zmagovitem Mestu . Dostavil si jo boš z vsemi častmi, o prerok, čeprav tega ne maraš. Znašel se boš v nevarnosti & težavah . Ra-Hoor-Khu je s teboj. Časti me z ognjem in krvjo ; časti me z meči & sulicami . Ženska naj bo pred mano z mečem oborožena : kri naj teče v mojem imenu. Pregazi Pogane; bodi nad njimi, o bojevnik, dal ti bom jesti od njihovega mesa! 12 Žrtvuj živino , majhno in veliko : kasneje otroka. III 13 But not now. 14 Ye shall see that hour, o blesséd Beast, and thou the Scarlet Concubine of his desire! 15 Ye shall be sad thereof. 16 Deem not too eagerly to catch the promises; fear not to undergo the curses. Ye, even ye, know not this meaning all. 17 Fear not at all ; fear neither men, nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly, nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit is your 13 A ne zdaj. 14 Priči bosta tej uri, o blažena Zver, in ti Škrlatna Priležnica njegovega poželenja! 15 To vaju bo potrlo. 16 Nikar ne hrepenita po izpolnitvi obljub; ne bojta se trpeti prekletstev. Vidva, celo vidva, ne vesta kaj vse to pomeni. 17 Sploh naj te ne bo strah ; ne boj se ne ljudi, ne Sojenic, niti bogov, niti česarkoli. Ne boj se denarja, niti posmeha neumnih ljudi, niti katere koli sile z neba ali z zemlje ali izpod zemlje. Nu je tvoje zavetje kakor je Hadit tvoja III light; and I am the strength, force, vigour of your arms. 18 Mercy let be off : damn them who pity. Kill and torture ; spare not ; be upon them. 19 That stélé they shall call the Abomination of Desolation ; count well its name, & it shall be to you as 718. 20 Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again. 21 Set up my image in the East : thou shalt buy thee an image which I will show thee, especial, not unlike the one thou knowest. And it shall be suddenly easy for thee to do this. luč; in jaz sem žilavost, sila, čvrstost tvojih rok. 18 Odvrzi usmiljenje : prekolni tiste ki obžalujejo. Ubijaj in muči ; ne prizanašaj ; podvrzi si jih. 19 To stelo bodo imenovali Gnusoba Obupa ; dobro izračunaj njeno ime, & ti bo kot 718. 20 Zakaj? Zato ker je propadel Zatoker, da se ne bi še kdaj pojavil tu. 21 Postavi mojo podobo na Vzhod : nabavi si podobo ki ti jo bom pokazal, nenavadno, podobno neki ki jo že poznaš. Kar naenkrat ti bo to zelo lahko storiti. III 22. The other images group around me to support me : let all be worshipped, for they shall cluster to exalt me. I am the visible object of worship ; the others are secret; for the Beast & his Bride are they : and for the winners of the Ordeal x . What is this? Thou shalt know. 23 For perfume mix meal & honey & thick leavings of red wine : then oil of Abramelin and olive oil , and afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood! 24 The best blood is of the moon, monthly : then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the 22 Ostale podobe razvrsti okrog mene da me podkrepijo : naj bodo vse čaščene, saj se bodo zbirali da me poveličajo. Jaz sem vidni objekt čaščenja ; ostali so skrivni; ti so za Zver & njegovo Nevesto : in za zmagovalce Preizkušnje x . Kaj je to? Zvedel boš. 23 Za dišavo zmešaj moko & med & strjene ostanke rdečega vina : nato Abramelinovo in olivno olje ter zatem to zmehčaj & zgladi s plemenito svežo krvjo! 24 Najboljša kri je lunina, mesečna : nato sveža kri otroka, ali pa kapljajoča z III host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast , no matter what. 25 This burn : of this make cakes & eat unto me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall become full of beetles as it were and creeping things sacred unto me. 26 These slay, naming your enemies & they shall fall before you. 27 Also these shall breed lust & power of lust in you at the eating thereof. 28 Also ye shall be strong in war. nebesne hostije: nato od sovražnikov; zatem od svečenika ali od oboževalcev: nazadnje od neke živali , ni važno katere. 25 To speci : naredi iz tega kolače & jih jej zame. Uporabijo se lahko tudi drugače; če jih položiš predme in zgostiš z dišavami svoje molitve: bodo postali polni hroščev nekako in plazečih se stvari posvečenih meni. 26 Te ubij imenujoč svoje sovražnike & oni bodo padali predte. 27 Vzbudili bodo tudi slo & moč poželenja v tebi ko jih boš jedel. 28 Pravtako boste močni v vojni. III 29 Moreover, be they long kept, it is better; for they swell with my force. All before me. 30 My altar is of open brass work : burn thereon in silver or gold. 31 There cometh a rich man from the West who shall pour his gold upon thee. 32 From gold forge steel: 33 Be ready to fly or to smite. 34 But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries : though with fire and Sword it be burnt down & shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth and shall stand until the fall of the Great 29 Še več, bolje jih je dolgo hraniti; kajti nabreknejo z mojo močjo. Vse pred menoj. 30 Moj oltar je iz graviranega brona : vžgi ga nato v srebru ali zlatu. 31 Prišel bo bogataš z Zahoda ki bo vsul svoje zlato nate. 32 Iz zlata skuj meč: 33 Pripravljen bodi da zbežiš ali da udariš. 34 A tvoja sveta hiša bo ostala nedotaknjena skozi stoletja : čeprav bo z ognjem in Mečem požgana & razdejana, vendar nevidna stavba tam stoji in bo stala vse do upada Velikega III Equinox , when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place. Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies; another woman shall awake the lust & worship of the Snake; another soul of God and beast shall mingle in the globéd priest; another sacrifice shall stain the tomb; another king shall reign; and blessing no longer be poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord ! 35. The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut. Enakonočja , ko bo Hrumachis vstal in bo z-dvojno-palico-oboroženi zavzel moj prestol in mesto. Drugi prerok se bo pojavil, in prinesel svežo vročico z nebes; druga žena bo obudila slo & oboževanje Kače; druga duša Boga in zveri se bo pomešala v okroglem svečeniku; druga žrtev bo oskrunila grobnico; drugi kralj bo zavladal; in blagoslov ne bo več namenjen Sokoljeglavemu mističnemu Gospodu ! 35. Polovica besede Heru-ra-ha se imenuje Hoor-pa-kraat in Ra-Hoor-Khut. III 36 Then said the prophet unto the God. 36 Nato je rekel prerok Bogu. 37 I adore thee in the song 37 Častim te v pesmi "I am the Lord of Thebes, and I "Jaz sem Vladar Teb The inspired forth-speaker of Mentu; In navdihnjeni Mentujev glasnik; For me unveils the veilèd sky, Meni razkrij zakrito nebo, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-Khonsu Ki sem samoizničeni Ankh-af-na-Khonsu Whose words are truth. I invoke, I greet Katerega besede so resnica. Kličem Te in Pozdravljam Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Tvojo prisotnost, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Unity uttermost showed! Najvišja popolnost izpričana! I adore the might of thy breath, Občudujem mogočnost tvojega daha, Supreme and terrible God, Najvišji in strašni Bog Who makest the gods and death Ki prisiliš bogove in smrt To tremble before Thee:- Da trepetajo pred Teboj:- I, I adore Thee! Jaz, jaz Te občudujem! Appear on the throne of Ra! Pojavi se na Rajevem prestolu! Open the ways of the Khu! Odpri poti za Khu! Lighten the ways of the Ka! Razsvetli poti za Ka! The ways of the Khabs run through Poti Khabs potekajo skozi To stir me or still me! Da me razvnamejo ali pomirijo! Aum! Let it kill me! Aum! Naj me ubije! 38 So that thy light is in me & its red flame 38 Tako da je tvoja svetloba v meni & njen rdeči plamen is as a sword in my hand to push thy je kakor meč v moji roki da izpolni tvoj order. There is a secret door that I shall ukaz. Obstaja skrivni vhod ki ga bom make to establish thy way in all the quarters naredil da ti omogočim pot na vse strani (these are the adorations, as thou hast written) (to so čaščenja, kakor si jih predpisal) as it is said kakor je rečeno The light is mine; its rays consume Svetloba je moja; njeni žarki Me požirajo: Me: I have made a secret door Naredil sem skrivna Into the House of Ra and Tum, vrata v hišo kjer domujejo Ra in Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. Khephra in Ahathoor. I am thy Theban, O Mentu, Tvoj Tebanec zvesti sem, O Mentu, The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu! Prerok Ankh-af-na-Khonsu! By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat; Pri Bes-na-Maut si bijem prsi; By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell, Pri modrem Ta-nechu pletem svoj urok. Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit! Pokaži svojo zvezdno-krasoto, O Nuit! Bid me within thine House to dwell, Ponudi mi v tvoji Hiši prebivati, O wingèd snake of light, Hadit! O krilata svetlobna kača, Hadit! Abide with me Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Ostani z menoj Ra-Hoor-Khuit!" III 39 All this and a book to say how thou didst come hither and a reproduction of this ink and paper for ever - for in it is the word secret & not only in the English - and thy comment upon this the Book of the Law- shall be printed beautifully in red ink and black upon beautiful paper made by hand; and to each man and woman that thou meetest, were it but to dine or to drink at them, it is the Law to give. Then they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no ; it is no odds. Do this quickly! 40 But the work of the comment? That is easy ; and 39 Vse to in ena knjiga za napisati kako si prišel semkaj in reprodukcija te tinte in papirja za vedno - kajti v njej je skrivna beseda & ne le v Angleščini - in tvoj komentar k tej Knjigi Zakona- naj bo tiskana lepo v rdeči tinti in črni na krasnem ročno narejenem papirju; ter vsakemu moškemu in ženski ki jih srečaš, bodisi da pri njih zgolj ješ ali piješ moraš sporočiti Zakon. Tako bodo imeli priložnost bivati v tej blaženosti ali pa ne ; vseeno. Stori to hitro! 40 A delo na komentarju? To je preprosto; in III Hadit burning in thy heart shall make swift and secure thy pen. 41. Establish at thy Kaaba a clerk-house: all must be done well and with business way. 42. The ordeals thou shalt oversee thyself, save only the blind ones. Refuse none, but thou shalt know & destroy the traitors. I am Ra-Hoor Khuit and I am powerful to protect my servant . Success is thy proof : argue not: convert not : talk not overmuch. Them that seek to entrap thee, to overthrow thee, them attack without pity or quarter & destroy them utterly. Swift as a trodden serpent turn Hadit goreč v tvojem srcu bo naredil urno in zanesljivo tvoje pero. 41. Ustanovi v svoji Kaabi cerkveni urad: vse mora biti storjeno temeljito in na posloven način. Preizkušnje nadzoruj ti sam, če le ne bodo prenagljene. Ne zavrni nikogar, toda prepoznaj & uniči izdajalce. Jaz sem Ra-Hoor-Khuit in v moji moči je da ščitim svojega služabnika . Uspeh je tvoj dokaz : ne prerekaj se: ne spreobračaj : ne govori preveč. Tiste ki te hočejo ujeti v past, in strmoglaviti, te naskoči brez usmiljenja ali prizanašanja & jih uniči popolnoma. Urno kot pohojena kača se obrni III and strike! Be thou yet deadlier than he! Drag down their souls to awful torment: laugh at their fear : spit upon them! 43 Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart : I will cast her out from men : as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered. in udari! Bodi še smrtonosnejši od nje! Podvrzi njihove duše groznim mukam: smej se njihovemu strahu : pljuni nanje! 43 Škrlatna Žena naj se pazi! Če usmiljenje in sočutje in nežnost obiščejo njeno srce če opusti moje delo da bi se igračkala s starimi sladkostmi potem naj se ve za moje maščevanje. Sebi bom usmrtil njenega otroka: odtujil bom njeno srce : izobčil jo bom od ljudi : kakor uskočena in zaničevana vlačuga se bo plazila po temačnih vlažnih ulicah, in bo umrla premražena ter sestradana. III 44. But let her raise herself in pride. Let her follow me in my way. Let her Work the work of wickedness ! Let her kill her heart ! Let her be loud and adulterous; let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men! 45 Then will I lift her to pinnacles of power: then will I breed from her a child mightier than all the kings of the earth I will fill her with joy : with my force shall she see & strike at the worship of Nu. she shall achieve Hadit. 44. Ampak naj se dvigne v ponosu. Naj mi sledi po moji poti. Naj počenja nespodobna dela ! Naj ubije svoje srce ! Naj bo razvpita in prešuštna; naj bo pokrita z dragulji in razkošnimi oblačili ter naj bo brez sramu pred vsemi ljudmi! 45 Nato jo bom povzdignil do vrhuncev moči: iz nje bom porodil otroka mogočnejšega od vseh kraljev na zemlji Izpolnil jo bom z radostjo : z mojo močjo bo doživljala & udarjala ob čaščenju Nu. dosegla bo Hadita. III 46. I am the warrior Lord of the Forties : the Eighties cower before me,& are abased I will bring you to victory & joy : I will be at your arms in battle & ye shall delight to slay. Success is your proof; courage is your armour ; go on, go on, in my strength & ye shall turn not back for any. 47 This book shall be translated into all tongues : but always with the original in the writing of the Beast ; for in the 46. Jaz sem vojni Gospodar Štiridesetih : Osemdeseta trepetajo pred menoj, & so potuhnjena Privedel vas bom do zmage & veselja : pri roki vam bom v bitki & vi boste uživali v pobijanju. Uspeh je vaš dokaz; pogum je vaš oklep ; naprej, le naprej, v moji moči & ne ozirajte se za nikomer. 47 Ta knjiga bo prevedena v vse jezike : toda vedno z originalom v pisavi Zveri ; kajti v III chance shape of the letters and their position to one another : in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try : but one cometh after him , whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key : then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this ; for thereby alone can he fall from it. slučajni obliki črk in njih položaju ene napram drugi : v tem so skrivnosti ki jih nobena Zver ne bo zaslutila. Naj niti ne poskuša : saj nekdo prihaja za njim , kdaj ne povem, ki bo odkril Ključ vsega tega. Potem ta črta povlečena je ključ: ta krog napačno kvadriran je tudi ključ. In Abrahadabra. To bo njegov otrok & to na čuden način. Naj ne poizveduje za tem ; kajti s tem on lahko samo odpade od tega. III 48 Now this mystery of the letters is done, and I want to go on to the holier place. 49 I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men. 50 Curse them ! Curse them! Curse them! 51 With my Hawk’s head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross 52 I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him 53 With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din. 54 Bahlasti ! Ompehda! I spit on your 48 Tako je skrivnost pisanja zdaj izvršena, in rad bi že odšel v svetejši kraj. 49 V skrivni štirikratni besedi sem bogokletje proti vsem bogovom človeštva. 50 Naj bodo prekleti ! Prekleti! Prekleti! 51 S svojo Sokoljo glavo izkljujem oči Jezusu visečemu na križu 52 S svojimi perutmi zaprhutam v obraz Mohammedu & ga oslepim 53 S svojimi kremplji iztrgam meso Indijcu in Budistu, Mongolu in Dinu. 54 Bahlasti ! Ompehda! Pljunem na vaše III crapulous creeds. 55 Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels : for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you. 56 Also for beauty’s sake and love’s. 57 Despise also all cowards ; professional soldiers who dare not fight , but play: all fools despise. 58 But the keen and the proud, the royal and the lofty ; ye are brothers! 59 As brothers fight ye. 60 There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. 61 There is an end of the word of the God mačkaste veroizpovedi. 55 Naj bo Marija brezmadežna raztrgana na kolesih : zavoljo nje naj bodo vse neomadeževane ženske skrajno zaničevane med vami. 56 Prav tako zavoljo lepote in ljubezni. 57 Prezirajte vse strahopetce ; poklicne vojake ki se ne upajo bojevati , temveč se igrajo; vse bedake prezirajte. 58 Toda ostri in ponosni, dostojanstveni in vzvišeni ; vi ste si bratje! 59 Kot brata se borite. 60 Ni zakona iznad Delaj po svoji volji. 61 Konec je besede Boga III enthroned in Ra’s seat, lightening the girders of the soul. 62 To Me do ye reverence; to me come ye through tribulation of ordeal, which is bliss. 63 The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and its comment & he understandeth it not. 64 Let him come through the first ordeal & it will be to him as silver 65 Through the second gold 66 Through the third, stones of precious water. 67 Through the fourth, ultimate sparks of the intimate fire. ki je ustoličen na Rajevem prestolu, in razsvetljuje nosilce duše. 62 Mene častite; k meni pridite skozi bridkost preizkušnje, ki je blaženost. 63 Norec bere to Knjigo Zakona in njen komentar & je ne razume. 64 Naj gre skozi prvo preizkušnjo & mu bo kakor srebro 65 Skozi drugo zlato 66 Skozi tretjo, kamenje plemenitega sijaja. 67 Skozi četrto, skrajne iskre intimnega ognja. III 68 Yet to all it shall seem beautiful . Its enemiès who say not so , are mere liars. 69 There is success 70 I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence & of Strength ; my nemyss shrouds the night - blue sky. 71 Hail! ye twin warriors about the pillars of the world ! for your time is nigh at hand 72 I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power the wand of the Force of Copha Nia - but my left hand is empty , for I have crushed 68 Vendar se bo vsem zdela krasna . Njeni nasprotniki ki tega ne priznajo , so zgolj lažnivci. 69 V tem je uspeh 70 Jaz sem Sokolje-Glavi Gospodar Tišine & Moči ; moja oglavnica prekriva nočno modrino neba. 71 Pozdravljena bojevnika dvojčka pri stebrih sveta! kajti vajin čas je blizu 72 Jaz sem Gospodar Dvojnega Žezla Moči žezla Sile Coph Nia - toda moja leva roka je prazna , kajti zdrobil sem III an Universe & nought remains. 73 Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom : then behold! 74 There is a splendour in my name hidden and glorious , as the sun of midnight is ever the son 75 The ending of the words is the Word abrahadabra. The Book of the Law is Written and Concealed aum . Ha . en Univerzum & nič preostaja. 73 Zalepi liste od desne proti levi in od vrha do dna : nato glej! 74 Obstaja sijaj v mojem imenu tajnem in slavnem , kakor je sonce ob polnoči vedno sin 75 Konec besed je Beseda a brahadabra. Knjiga Zakona je Napisana in Skrita a um . Ha . III THE COMMENT. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading. Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. These are most dire. Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence. All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. Love is the law, love under will. The priest of the princes, KOMENTAR. Delaj po svoji volji in to naj ti bo ves Zakon. Študij te Knjige je prepovedan. Pametno je uničiti tole kopijo po prvem branju. Kdor tega ne upošteva, dela to na lastno odgovornost in tveganje. Oboje je najstrahotnejšega značaja. Tistih, ki bodo razpravljali o vsebini te Knjige, naj se vsi izogibajo, kot žarišč kužne bolezni. O vseh vprašanjih Zakona naj se odloča vsak sam zase, samo s sklicevanjem na moje spise. Ni zakona iznad Delaj po svoji volji. Ljubezen je zakon, ljubezen pod voljo. Svečenik princev, Content - Vsebina I II III CHAPTER ONE / CHAPTER TWO / CHAPTER THREE / PRVO POGLAVJE DRUGO POGLAVJE TRETJE POGLAVJE pag./str. 7 pag./str. 51 pag./str. 97 1. AL I: 1-9 1. AL II: 1-6 1. AL III: 1-8 2. AL I: 10-15 2. AL II: 7-11 2. AL III: 9-11 3. AL I: 16-19 3. AL II: 12-16 3. AL III: 12 4. AL I: 20-22 4. AL II: 17-20 4. AL III: 13-17 5. AL I: 23-26 5. AL II: 21 5. AL III: 18-21 6. AL I: 27 6. AL II: 22-24 6. AL III: 22-24 7. AL I: 28-31 7. AL II: -24- 7. AL III: 25-28 8. AL I: 32-33 8. AL II: 25-27 8. AL III: 29-34 9. AL I: 34-36 9. AL II: 28-35 9. AL III: 35 10. AL I: 37-40 10. AL II: 36-41 10. AL III: 36-38 11. AL I: 41-44 11. AL II: 42-47 11. AL III: 39-40 12. AL I: 45-48 12. AL II: 48-51 12. AL III: 41-42 13. AL I: 49-50 13. AL II: 52-53 13. AL III: 43 14. AL I: 51 14. AL II: 54-55 14. AL III: 44-45 15. AL I: 52-53 15. AL II: 56-58 15. AL III: 46-47 16. AL I: 54-56 16. AL II: 59-61 16. AL III: -47- 17. AL I: 57 17. AL II: 62-64 17. AL III: 48-54 18. AL I: 58-59 18. AL II: 65-68 18. AL III: 55-61 19. AL I: 60-61 19. AL II: 69-72 19. AL III: 62-67 20. AL I: -61- 20. AL II: 73-76 20. AL III: 68-72 21. AL I: 62-63 21. AL II: 77-78 21. AL III: 73-75 22. AL I: 64-66 22. AL II: 79 The first bilingual edition: Prva dvojezična izdaja: English / Slovenian angleško / slovenska Title of the original: The Book of the Law Naslov originala: The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis - sub figurâ - XXXI) (Liber AL vel Legis - sub figurâ - XXXI) © Copyright original text: © Copyright originalnih tekstov: Ordo Templi Orientis Ordo Templi Orientis International Headquarters; International Headquarters; JAF Box 7666 JAF Box 7666 New York, NY 10116 USA New York, NY 10116 USA Contact address in Slovenia: Kontaktni naslov v Sloveniji: Title of the translation in Slovinian: Naslov prevoda: Knjiga Zakona Knjiga Zakona © Copyright translation: Publisher IBIS © Copyright prevoda: Založba IBIS Author: Aiwass Avtor: Aiwass Scribe: Aleister Crowley Pisar: Aleister Crowley Translator: Janez Trobentar Prevod: Janez Trobentar Edition: ΘEΛHΜΑ Edicija: ΘEΛHΜΑ Printing on request Tisk na zahtevo Electronic version available at: Elektronska verzija dostopna na: Publisher: Publisher IBIS Izdajatelj: Založba IBIS 8, 9 & 10, April, Anno V i (2015 e.v.) 8, 9 & 10, april, leto V i (2015 e.v.) Maribor - Slovenia Maribor - Slovenija (CIP - Catalogue of publications National and University Library, Ljubljana) CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 133.4(0.034.2) CROWLEY, Aleister, 1875-1947 The book of the law [Elektronski vir] = Knjiga zakona : Liber al vel legis sub figurâ XXXI / [author Aiwass = avtor Aiwass ; scribe Aleister Crowley = pisar Aleister Crowley ; translator Janez Trobentar = prevod Janez Trobentar]. - 1st bilingual ed. = 1. dvojezična izd. - Maribor : Ibis, 2015. - (Edition Thelema = Edicija Thelema) ISBN 978-961-93607-4-3 (pdf) 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 278343936 Document Outline Blank Page Blank Page