solska kronika 2017 1 splosna v2.indd

90 UDK 37-05(497.4)"1750/1849":003.074 1.01. Izvirni znanstveni članek Prejeto: 6. 3. 2017 Boris Golec * Šolniki in slovensko uradovalno pismenstvo do srede 19. stoletja Teachers and the Slovene official writing until the mid-19th century Izvleček Prispevek obravnava šolnike v širšem pomenu besede kot ustvarjalce uradovalnih zapisov v slovenskem jeziku, preden je slovenščina leta 1849 postala eden od uradnih jezikov habs- burške monarhije. Do srede 19. stoletja so slovenski dokumenti nastajali le izjemoma, še največ prisege, od srede 18. stoletja pa v večjem številu tudi prevodi oblastnih razgla- sov in od konca stoletja oporoke. V prispevku so zajeti vsi ugotovljeni primeri, v katerih je dokument potrjeno sestavil šolnik, in osve- tljene okoliščine njegovega nastanka. Prvi tak dokument je šele iz srede 18. stoletja in je normativne narave. Dva prisežna obrazca za novosprejete tržane sta delo učiteljev, ki sta hkrati opravljala službo trškega pisarja. Uči- telji in organisti so bili nadalje udeleženi pri zapisovanju ustnih oporok. V zadnjih desetle- tjih obravnavane dobe je čutiti njihov vpliv na povečano stopnjo pismenosti med kmečkim življem, ki se je prav tako odrazila v sloven- skem (pol)uradovalnem pismenstvu. Ključne besede: šolniki, slovensko pismenstvo, uradovalni dokumenti, prisege, oporoke Key words : teachers, Slovene writings, official documents, oaths, wills * Izr. prof. dr. Boris Golec, znanstveni svetnik, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, e-pošta: Abstract The article discusses teachers in the wider meaning of the word as the creators of offi- cial writings in Slovene before this language became one of the official languages of the Habsburg monarchy in 1849. Until the mid- 19th century, Slovene documents were an exception, mostly oaths; from the mid-18th century also large number of translations of official announcements and from the late 18th century also wills. The article includes all the established examples where a document was confirmed to have been created by a teacher, and throws light on the document’s appear- ance. The first such document is from the mid-18th century and is of a normative na- ture. Two oath forms for the newly admitted market-town inhabitants are the work of two teachers, who also worked as market-town scribes. Furthermore, teachers and organ players were also involved in writing oral testimonies. During the last decades of the period in question, the influence of teachers can be felt in the increase in literacy among the rural population, which was also reflected in Slovene official and semi-official writings.