No. 1 2019 ...... BALKAN TRAVELLER ......... WELCOME TO SLOVENIA ...... / Balkan Traveller 1., 2019. ..... / Ljubljana,2019.,, SKYPE: CEATM d.o.o. QQ: 1712245775 .. / Headquarters CEATM d.o.o. Dolga Poljana 57 SI 5271 Vipava, Slovenia . . : +386 30 65 38 28 Andrej Raspor, CEO . . : +386 51 31 32 21 .../ Editor in Chief: Andrej Raspor ..... / Editorial Board: Andrej Raspor, Tjaša Crv .... / Cover photo (Bled castle): Maša Egart .... / Photos: Maša Egart, Tim Jeršic, Nika Crne .. / Authors: Andrej Raspor, Seth Vid Peterson, Xiaoli Ye, Tina Žuber, Tjaša Crv, Matej Krmelj, Maša Egart, Tim Jeršic, Nika Crne, Asja Skok .../Translators: Seth Vid Peterson, Xiaoli Ye, Tina Žuber, Asja Skok ....... International Standard Serial Number (on line) ISSN 2630-2918 .. / NOTICE ...........,..“.........”. ..............................,.......! This magazine was created within the project: Promotion of the beauty of Slovenia in the Chinese speaking area with innovative content. Articles in this magazine were written and translated by students of Sinology (Chinese) who are not native speakers. This means that there may be some errors in translations. Thank you for your understanding. Pedagoški mentorji / Pedagogical mentors: dr. Jaroslav Berce dr. Maja Veselic dr.Matevž Pogacnik Klemen Pecnik DELOVNI MENTOR / Mentors from the business sector: dr. Andrej Raspor Špela Kunst KOORDINATOR / Coordinator: Matjaž Štefancic Sodelujoci študenti na projektu / Students working on the project: Tjaša Crv Matej Krmelj Seth Vid Peterson Xiaoli Ye Tina Žuber Maša Egart Tim Jeršic Nika Crne ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revija je nastala v okviru projekta: Promocija lepot Slovenije na kitajsko govorecem obmocju z inovativnimi vsebinami Projektne aktivnosti se izvajajo skladno z Operativnim programom za izvajanje Evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014–2020 v okviru prednostne osi: »10. Znanje, spretnosti in vseživljenjsko ucenje za boljšo zaposljivost«, prednostne naložbe: »10.1. Krepitev enake dostopnosti vseživljenjskega ucenja za vse starostne skupine v formalnem, neformalnem in priložnostnem okolju, izpolnjevanje znanj, spretnosti in kompetenc delovne sile ter spodbujanje prožnih oblik ucenja, vkljucno prek poklicnega usmerjanja in validiranja pridobljenih kompetenc«, specificnega cilja: »3. Spodbujanje prožnih oblik ucenja ter podpora kakovostni karierni orientaciji za šolajoco se mladino na vseh ravneh izobraževalnega sistema«. The magazine was created within the project: Promotion of the beauty of Slovenia in the Chinese-speaking area with innovative content Project activities are carried out in accordance with the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-2020 within the priority axis: »10. Knowledge, Skills and Lifelong Learning for Better Employability ", Priority Investment: »10.1. Strengthening the equal accessibility of lifelong learning for all age groups in a formal, non-formal and informal environment, meeting skills, competencies and the promotion of flexible forms of learning, including through vocational guidance and validation of acquired competences ". Specific objective: »3. Promoting flexible forms of learning and supporting quality career guidance for learners at all levels of the education system. " .. FOREWORD ................................ ....................“.....”(»Po kreativni poti«).......................................,........................................hercegovina.............................. .........CEATM(Central Europe Association of Tourism Management,“........”)........................................Andrej Raspor,..(..).....................25.........-......-........... ......,..........,...... .........................................! Andrej Raspor & Tjaša Crv ../Translation: Seth Vid Peterson Before you lies a magazine that tries to present the Western Balkans in all their natural beauty and cultural heritage. Concept and idea for the magazine comes from a Slovenian project “By the creative way” (»Po kreativni poti«) that brings together students of various fields, their study mentors and a mentor from business. Objective of this project is to produce something creative and new, so we decided we want in the best possible way present countries such as Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia to you dear reader, to the Chinese people, to invite you to come travel to and discover this beautiful part of Europe. Students of University of Ljubljana cooperate with a company called CEATM, which stands for The Central Europe Association of Tourism Management. Company was established with the aim of connecting the key actors of the tourism industry in the territory of the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Main project mentor is Andrej Raspor, Ph.D. of Social Science – Management, company's founder and CEO. With his vast knowledge and experience of over 25 years in tourism industry, specialising in Chinese tourist, he consults for other organizations and corporations. In this magazine read about history, culture and nature of Slovenia. Come and discover the vast potential and outstanding possibilities of South-East Europe and the interesting history and breath-taking nature of these countries! Andrej Raspor & Tjaša Crv .. TABLE OF CONTENTS .... LAKE BLED.......................................................................................................................................................... 5 .....-.... LJUBLJANA-THE CITY OF LOVE .............................................................................................. 6 ..... THE SOCA VALLEY ....................................................................................................................................... 10 .... MARIBOR ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 POHORJE – ROGLA AND THE LOVRENC LAKES ............................................................................................................... 15 ... PTUJ ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 .. CELJE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 ... VELENJE ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 ..... NOVA GORICA ............................................................................................................................................... 19 SEASIDE - PIRAN .............................................................................................................................................................. 21 ..... AUTHOR’S INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 22 .... LAKE BLED .....-.... LJUBLJANA-THE CITY OF LOVE Ljubljana city centre ..................:“................................., ........”........,..........“.....”! .....(....).........,...........30................................ .........................................“....”,...........,............,.............“..”. .........2015.............2016............................................,........,......................... ...... ............................,........................................UNESCO............................... ...........,........Emona(..“...”)............................................................,............! ..6............................,...... “Laibach”(...........).................................Jože Plecnik. ............... ............................................,...............(........)..............,..... “ Šiška..”..“Cankar.” .....,......... “Tivoli..” ......Prešeren..,.................................. “Šmarna.”. ..............,.. “Metelkova.......” .. “.....”.............,........................ “.....”.“.........” .. “...”! .......................................,........................................(...“Prekmurska”..),..........................“...”...........! ............,..“BTC..”................BTC..................!...,.............................. “..” ................................“Rog..”..“Metelkova..”................,....,.......................! ..:Seth Vid Peterson When planning your next trip you might ask yourself: “Where in the world can I find a city where the people are friendly, the food is tasty, the prices aren’t high, the architecture is diverse and beautiful, the city is alive, green, and bustling with activity, yet isn’t crowded with people?” When asking travelers, their answer is usually simply “Ljubljana!” Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, has around 300,000 residents and it is situated in the middle of the country. It has a favorable location and connects the rest of the parts of Slovenia as well as its neighbors Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia. It is the cultural, scientific, educational, and political as well as economic center of Slovenia. Ljubljana is often called the City of Dragons because you can see dragons wherever you go: the city’s coat of arms contains a green dragon, the Dragon Bridge has four green dragon sculptures on it, even the Ljubljana football team is named the ‘Green Dragons’. Among other awards for its excellence in many areas and projects, Ljubljana has received the Tourism for Tomorrow Award in 2015, the European Green Capital Award of 2016, and is recognized as one of the most bee-friendly and bicycle-friendly cities in the world. Ljubljana has a rich history and anyone can find inspiration and something to do in this quaint and beautiful European city. The story of the City of Dragons Throughout its long history, Ljubljana has had many names. First, it was a prehistoric settlement on the Ljubljana Marshes, where crannog people lived. They used dugout canoes and build the oldest wooden wheel in the world. You can see some of their archeological remains in museums, such as the City Museum of Ljubljana. Today, the marsh is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. When the Romans ruled the city, it was called “Emona”. The settlement already had a built-in sewage system and central heating. Due to its great strategic position on a hill and next to a river, it played an important role during countless battles. There are many Roman archeological remnants and digging sites around the city, so feel free to go discover them! Slovenian ancestors lived here from the 6th century. In the Middle Ages, the city was called “Laibach” (like the famous Slovenian music band). Through time, many different architectural styles entered Ljubljana. The most splendid architectural works are by the great master Jože Plecnik, who designed much of modern Ljubljana. Museums, attractions, sports, cuisine, and more Ljubljana is a friendly city of innumerable flavors, diverse cultures, and plenty of fun activities and fascinating sights. Cars aren’t allowed in the old city center, so you can simply walk around freely, look at the magnificent architecture (such as the famous Triple Bridge), and see various street performances. You can listen to a concert at Kino Šiška or Cankarjev dom, depending on your taste in music. Ride a bicycle or stroll across Tivoli Park and end up at the heart of the city in Prešeren's Square! Everything is close by. You can easily set off on a nature trip just outside the city in the Ljubljana Marshes or hike the Šmarna mountain. There are various museums and galleries around the city, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova or the National Gallery. They are all worth a visit, especially if you are interested in history and art. For a fun and educational experience, take your kids to the Museum of Illusions, the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre or the House of Experiments! The Ljubljana castle is a must-see. Take the funicular or just walk up and enjoy the wonderful panoramic view of the city. Restaurants and exhibits are also available at the castle. If you get hungry for authentic Slovenian cuisine, such as the ‘Over-Mura Moving Cake’, the best restaurants are around the river. Every Friday, you can also go to the open kitchen in the Central Market and enjoy all kinds of freshly prepared food! There are many shops around the city center. BTC City is the real shopping hub of Ljubljana though. While there, you can also go watch a movie at the cinema or go bowling with friends! In the evening, the city becomes magical. Take the elevator up the ‘Skyscraper’ and have a drink of Slovenian wine with friends in the once tallest building of Ljubljana. Or go meet the locals in Ljubljana’s alternative scene at Rog Factory or Metelkova City for a special night out! No matter what your age is or your preferences are, you won’t be disappointed. Welcome to Ljubljana! Written by: Seth Vid Peterson ..... THE SOCA VALLEY .........................“....”....................................................,......,........,........,..........................,...........,............... ..............,................,...........,................. ....................... .............................,...................,...............................? ................,............................... ...... ............................,..............................,...........................,....,.......................,..............................................,...........,....................,..................,......... ...................... ....,......,............,...........,............... .....,........,............. ...........,.................. ........ .......,..................... ..............,................. ....................................................,................ ........,...........................«....»............ .............Isonzo..(1915.-1917.)......... .....,........... ........... ..............,....................,....... ..........,..... ......... ............,........Nadiža.......Nadiža................. ...,........24.,.............20.... .........Kozjak..,.....,.......Trenta... .............,........... .........,..................,.........2018........... .....,................: ..:Tina Žuber The Soca Valley lies in the northwestern corner of Slovenia. Threading through is the »emerald beauty« - the Soca River. The river has its spring in the upper part of the valley in the heart of the Triglav National Park. The main town of this upper area is Bovec. The river then continues its way through the subalpine hills to the small town of Kobarid where its brisk rapids slow down a little. From Tolmin southwards to Nova Gorica , the Soca river becomes warmer and calmer, though it does not lose its magical emerald colour. Most people come here for the hiking, mountain biking and kayaking, though the Soca Valley also has a rich history, particularly relating to the First World War. Kobarid is also among the highest ranked places on the culinary map of the world. Yet another reason why tourists decide to visit the Soca Valley are the numerous music festival events which mostly take place in the town of Tolmin. Like I said, the Posocje Valley is known for its beautiful nature and adventure sports. But which adventure sports? Most tourists who visit the Soca Valley in summer want to try out at least one of the water activities which are offered by numerous agencies located in Bovec, Tolmin and Kobarid. The water activity offered by almost every water sport agency is rafting. In rafting you move downstream on river rapids using an inflated boat. On every boat there is a rafting guide who makes sure everyone is paddling correctly and in the right direction. It takes place on the Soca river and it doesn't require any special skills besides swimming. Even if you are not a good swimmer the rafting trip can be tailored to your abilities. Another very popular water sport on the Soca river is kayaking. Contrary to rafting, there is only one person sitting in the kayak but there is always a kayak guide nearby. If you are a beginner, the kayak trips take place on the calmest parts of the Soca river where there are virtually no rapids. Another amusing and adventurous way to discover the Soca Valley is canyoning. In canyoning you descend through a canyon, jumping over little waterfalls into the crystal clean water, sliding on natural chutes and going down bigger waterfalls with a rope. Going down you can swim in the water stream and admire the breathtaking beauty of the small gorge. If you are not really fond of water sports you can also discover the Soca Valley through paragliding, mountain biking or climbing. For all of these sports you can hire an experienced guide who will take care of your saftey. Even if you are not interested in such adventurous sports there is still a wide array of activities you can choose from. One of the most interesting ones is hiking on the Walk of Peace. On it you can visit numerous outdoor museums, memorials and cemeteries from the First World War which left a deep scar in the Soca valley. During the First World War the Soca Valley was the scene of the bloodiest battles in Slovenia, which were also described in Ernest Hemingway’s novel A Farewell to Arms. The Isonzo front (1915-1917) which was the front between Italy and Austro-Hungary ran right through the Soca Valley. Some of the biggest battles in the mountain area in the history of humankind were fought right here in the Soca Valley. If you are interested in the history of these battles you can visit the First World War museum in Kobarid which received the highest national certificate for museums and was nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award. If you don't want to do anything too physical, you can also relax by the beautiful river Nadiža which is one of the cleanest and warmest Alpine rivers. In summer its temperature can reach up to 24 degrees, but it mostly stays at a pleasant 20 degrees. You can also visit the beautiful Kozjak waterfall, the Tolmin gorges, the spring of the Soca river or the beautiful Trenta valley. The beautiful natural sights are too many to list them all. Then after a whole day of activities you can enjoy delicious food in restaurants in Kobarid where one of the restaurants was rated as the best restaurant in Slovenia in the year 2018. Visit this website if you want to read more about the Soca Valley: Written by: Tina Žuber Tolmin gorges Lake Jasna, Triglav National Park Zlatorog (Golden horn), Lake Jasna, Triglav National Park .... MARIBOR ................,.....,.................................,2012.........................,...........,........................................! ........,.................,....(.................)...............32............................................,............ Mariborsko Pohorje......., ...............,..............................................Drava.................................... ..:Xiaoli Ye Maribor, the second largest city in the country, is located by the river Drava, not far from the Austrian border. Maribor is an important industrial and cultural city in northern Slovenia and was designated as the European Capital of Culture in 2012. Numerous vineyards line the hills north and east of the city and in the city centre itself a more than four hundred years old grape tree still bears fruit every year. It is the oldest vine in the world, its grapes made into precious wine. The citizens have also written a hymn for it. Let's have a look at how Maribor attracts travellers! Maribor has a long history and a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Every summer, Festival Lent (one of the Slovenia's most celebrated international events) attracts a hundred thousand people to celebrate. Thousands of performers from more than 30 countries bring nearly 400 exciting and memorable performances to the audience at more than 50 venues. People can also enjoy extreme sports. Mariborsko Pohorje a beautiful forested massif which begins on the outskirts of the city is famous for skiing, skydiving, mountain biking, and adventure. Those who are not afraid of water can also try one of the local traditions to draw planks on the river Drava. Relax and enjoy the local hot springs, health centres, casinos, shopping malls, and more. Written by: Xiaoli Ye POHORJE – ROGLA AND THE LOVRENC LAKES ... PTUJ ...................................kurenti ..................,......,......,....,...............,..............,....,...........,.........................,.............,..Dnevi poezije in vina,............... .......................................................................,...............................................................,.................. ..:Xiaoli Ye Carnival is one of the most traditional events in Slovenia. One of the most memorable characters are Ptuj's Kurenti. They are the guardians who drive away evil spirits. At the festival, people wear sheepskins, long tongue masks, cow bells, and headbands. Every year from the end of February to the beginning of March, Kurenti will go to the streets, wake up the villagers, and invite them to sing and dance together. During the festival, special dishes are also available. At the end of August each year, there is a special festival called Dnevi poezije in vina, which is also the most important poetry and wine festival in Europe. Ptuj is the oldest and most romantic city in Slovenia. Featured attractions include castles, city squares, wine cellars, abbeys, and museums. The important thing is that this is the centre of the grape tree region. There are several castles around here and they all record the city's millennium old history. Ptuj is a great place to relax. Don’t hesitate to come and have a pleasant and stress-relieving weekend trip filled with natural hot springs, saunas, massages, golf, horseback riding, fishing, and so on. Written by: Xiaoli Ye .. CELJE ...................,.............................................CELEIA,...............Hermanov brlog................Stari grad Celje.............................................. .1846......,...................,.............................(Podcetrtek)..........................................................................................Celjska koca......(........................)................................ ..:Xiaoli Ye Celje is the third largest city in Slovenia. The streets and buildings here are full of medieval architecture. There are also many famous museums and exhibition halls here. These famous attractions include the Roman archaeological exhibition called Celeia, the unique children's museum in Slovenia Hermanov brlog, and the most complete castle from the medieval era Stari grad Celje. A variety of medieval games are held on the castle every summer. The generations of the castle owners once competed with Habsburgs for the rulership of Austrian lands. On the 2nd of June in 1846, Slovenia's first train departed from Celje. To remember this event, there is a weekly sightseeing train that drives every Saturday from Celje to Podcetrtek. In the south of the city there is a nearly 100-hectare forest. The fresh air and clean environment are perfect for walking, morning running, walking pets and so on. In the forest you can also visit the largest and the most unique tree house in Slovenia for free. Sports and adventure lovers can choose from a wide range of services by Celjska koca (accommodation, food, adventure parks, summer tobogganing, mountain biking, etc.). Those who like naturally grown food can enjoy local food and wine at a nearby farmhouse. Written by: Xiaoli Ye ... VELENJE ....................................................Gorenje...............................,............................160m........,.........................130..,............................................................,............................................................... .................... ......................“....“.............................................................,........................,..................................10......,...... ..:Xiaoli Ye Velenje is the fifth largest city in Slovenia. Nearly 40,000 people live in this small city. Velenje's two leading forces are Gorenje, a famous European household appliance manufacturer, and Slovenia's famous lignite base. If you want to experience the past and present daily life of coal miners, then the coal mine museum in Velenje will be your best choice. In an elevator, visitors descend into the old tunnels, where exhibits portray more than century of changes in coal mining. In the middle of the walk, visitors can taste a typical miners’ snack in a possibly the deepest canteen in Europe – 160 meters underground! The coal mine has been in operation for 130 years. Due to partial ground subsidence, many lakes have formed here. The largest lake named Velenje lake is now transformed into a small tourist attraction. In winter people skate on the frozen lake and in the summer the lake is the best place to cool off. People can also fish, enjoy the water cushion park, play beach volleyball, golf, go rowing, sailing and so on. The natural and cultural heritage around Velenje also includes two castles, a museum on the castle, a leather museum, Pekel cave, also known as the “Hell Cave”, Snow cave or “Jama Snežnik”, churches, monuments, famous statues and so on. Every year in late September, Velenje organises the Pikin festival, which is the largest family festival in Slovenia. During this week, children can reveal their own creative ideas and participate in various concerts, exhibitions, operas and so on. Welcome to Velenje to enjoy the most innocent and brilliant laugh of 100,000 people from all over the world. Written by: Xiaoli Ye ..... NOVA GORICA ........................................................,............................... .......Goriška Brda.Soca ...Vipava ...Trnovo. Banjšcice..,Karst ....................................1..... . .............,..................Goriška Brda, ..............................................Goriška Brda..,........,Vipava ...Carso, .......Istria. ......Soca ..,Soca ..............................Soca .................. ..................1........................Soca ..,Soca ........................1........................................,...............................,..........,........... .............Soca..............Solkan.....Collio di Brda.................................Soca Fun Park...Soca......Kobarid.Bovec.......................Soca................. Soca ................................Vipava...Lonely Planet... ...Vipava.....................Vipava........................................... ......................Rebula......Merlot.....................,....,..............Vipava...... ..:Asja Skok It’s hard to find a city that is both near the sea and the alpine peaks, that has famous wine regions, big majestic forests, that is next to small traditional Mediterranean villages and big modern cities. Nova Gorica is surrounded by beautiful nature and with rich natural and cultural heritage offers many possibilities for vacations. Because of its location it represents an amazing starting point for travelling to Goriška Brda, Soca valley, Vipava valley, Trnovo and Banjšcice plateau. Near Nova Gorica there is also Karst and Postojna cave. From Nova Gorica to Ljubljana or Venice airport it only takes approximately one hour of driving. Nova Gorica offers a choice of endless travel and sightseeing. One of the most popular places to go is Goriška Brda region. It’s one of the most famous vineyard areas in Slovenia. The wine from Goriška Brda region is famous all over the world. Customers can enjoy the scenery of the region and can try wine tasting in the local wine cellars. Besides Goriška Brda, near Nova Gorica there are additional three more vineyard regions. Which are the Vipava valley, Karst and Istria. The valley of Soca river that flows past the city of Nova Gorica is also an attractive sight. The Soca valley it’s known for its beautiful, emerald green river. There are many possibilities of adrenaline sports, such as rafting, kayaking, bungee jumping and others. From New Gorica to Ljubljana or Venice, it only takes 1 hour to drive. Don't forget Lake Bled's most famous lake and the Soca valley. Soca is our most beautiful green river. From Nova Gorica to Lake Bled, it only takes you one hour and a half of a train drive. It takes you only half of an hour of a car drive from Nova Gorica to a worldwide known Postojna cave. This is one of the most famous and beautiful caves in the world. So we can see clearly that Nova Gorica is the ideal starting point of your travel. For the summer time we recommend our green Soca river and its surroundings. There you can admire the long stone arch of the Solkan railway bridge. On the bridge towards Brda there is a great bungee jumping spot. To the adrenaline lovers, besides bungee jumping, we also recommend visiting Soca Fun Park. With the Soca Valley you can also visit the city of Kobarid and Bovec. There are a variety of sports options over there. The most popular are rafting in the Soca river, canyoning, kayaking and many more. Food and famous wines are served in the restaurants and cellars all around the Soca Valley and Nova Gorica. Near Nova Gorica there is also worth mentioning Vipava Valley. This years the Lonely Planet Guide Book listed Vipava Valley as one of the top ten destinations in Europe. They say the Vipava Valley is a hidden gem in the heart of Europe. This charming area of the valley offers excellent gastronomic experiences, fun activities and fantastic scenery. Welcome to the valley of very good local wines. The most famous of them are Rebula's white wine and Merlot's red wine. There many hotels offer local cuisine. If you like to go for a walk, go cycling, paragliding or visit the ancient villages, you must take a look at the Vipava Valley. Written by: Asja Skok SEASIDE - PIRAN ..... AUTHOR’S INFORMATION ANDREJ RASPOR ......——.... ..........30.....:............. ................................ .................... .................... «Balkan Traveler » ...... Doctorate in Social Sciences – Management. He has more than 30 years of experience in leading positions: Head of General Affairs and Cost Control Commission, Director of Personnel Development and Strategic Projects, entrepreneur, founder of several start-ups, business consultant. He is a firm believer that the academic work should be constantly tested in practice. Author of several scientific, professional monographs and useful handbooks. Editor-in-chief of Balkan Traveller magazine. XIAOLI YE ............2004..............................................,......................................,............... Xiaoli Ye comes from China. She has been living in Slovenia since 2004. She can speak fluently Chinese and Slovenian, some English and a little bit of Deutsch. She finished elementary school and high school in Velenje, but currently she is studying Chinese and Economics in Ljubljana, which is also the capital city of Slovenia. In her free time she practices in her own family business, she also has a lot of experience with translation Chinese-Slovene. SETH VID PETERSON ........................................................... Has a BA in Sinology and is currently writing his Master’s Thesis at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. He is interested in languages, intercultural relations, technology, and entrepreneurship. He believes in lifelong learning and the positive power of human relations. TINA ŽUBER ...........................................,....................... She has a bachelor's degree in Sinology at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. In the field of Sinology she is mostly interested in China's economy. That is why she is going to continue her master studies on the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. TJAŠA CRV .........(.......)..............,.......,............. ............,....,.......,... ..... ....... ..,..... ....,....(..)............ She has a Bachelor in Marketing Communications and Public Relations from Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana), where she now continues her studies in Social Informatics Master's programme. Her work is mostly related to event management, marketing and content creation and editing, usually tightly connected with culture and tourism. Lately she is interested into the world of information science, ICT and user experience (design). MATEJ KRMELJ ..... ....... ................. ....,....,................... ......... ...........,....,... .........,..............,.... ............. He recently graduated from Social Informatics at the faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. He mostly works as a data analyst in different fields such as business intelligence, social sciences, marketing and public sector. His tasks include different types of data collection, data analysis including big data using a variety of software, interpretation and visualization of results. In the past he also spent some time working as a translator and content writer. MAŠA EGART ...............,.................. . She is an aspiring photographer and videographer, who loves capturing the moment and the people in it. NIKA CRNE ..................................... .........,............ She is currently attending the third year of Multimedia on Faculty of electrical engineering and Faculty of computer and information science in Ljubljana. She has worked on many projects that include recording and post production of media. TIM JERŠIC ..................,..........,..........,..,............................ Currently in his last year of study for a bachelor's degree in multimedia and is active in projects concerning production, live streaming and post-production. Also worked in programming and design and is currently working in technical support for a telecommunications company. .. / Distribution: Ceatm d.o.o., Dolga poljana 57, 5271 Vipava Slovenia . . . . / Contact us:,, SKYPE: CEATM d.o.o. QQ: 1712245775 .....CEATM d.o.o... All copyrights are reserved by CEATM d.o.o.