©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 1997 Vol. 5, No. 2:109-112 AGNETINA KRYZHANO VSKII, A NEW STONEFLY FROM YUNNAN, CHINA (PLECOPTERA: PERLIDAE) Ignac SIVEC, Ljubljana and Lidia A. ZHILTZOVA, St. Petersburg Abstract - Agnetina kryzhanovskii, a new stonefly species from Yunnan, China, is described from male, female and egg specimens. A holotype male is designated and a comparative diagnosis for regional Agnetina is presented. Izvleček - AGNETINA KRYZHANOVSKII, NOVA VRSTA VRBNICE IZ JUNANA, KITAJSKA (PLECOPTERA: PERLIDAE) Nova vrsta vrbnice Agnetina kryzhanovskii iz kitajske province Junan je opisana na osnovi samca, samice in jajčeca. Podan je opis holotipa samca, pa tudi primerjava vrst rodu Agnetina na tem območju. Introduction Recent studies (Zwick 1984; Stark 1986; Sivec, Stark and Uchida 1988; Stark and Sivec 1991) have served to make Agnetina one of the better known genera of Holarctic-Oriental stoneflies. Nevertheless, many systematic problems remain, particularly among the Palearctic and Oriental faunas which we propose to address in more comprehensive future papers. In this study we call attention to an Agnetina for which adequate associated material is now available. The holotype is deposited in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. 109 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biolojjteferiliEiirtailnologica slovetlica, 5 (1), 1997 Agnetina kryzhanovskii, new species Figs. 1-5 Material: Holotype male, China: Yunnan province, Czindun, 2.6.1956, leg. O. Kryzhanovski; paratypes: same locality, 1 female 29.5.1956; 3 males 30.5.1956; 2 males, 1 female 31.5.1956; 1 male 1.6.1956; 2 males 2.6.1956; 2 males, 1 female 3.6.1956; 1 male, 1 female 5.6.1956; Gori, 15 km N Czindun, 1200 m, 1 male 31.5.1956; Czindun, Dunuzjafin, 1200 m, 1 female 28.5.1956, 3 males 2.6.1956. Adult habitus: Head brown with darker area over ocelli; pronotum brown without banding. Fore and mid femora uniformly brown, hind femora in males pale brown in proximal half, slightly darker in distal half; females with hind femora more strikingly banded. Wing membrane pale brown except along costal margin and in a narrow band beyond cord; wing tips brown. Male: Forewing length 13 mm. Hemiterga moderately long, extending over tergum (T) 8. Dorsal aspect of hemiterga sharply keeled and bearing large spinelike sensilla basiconica along ventrolateral margins and around apex (Fig.l). Lateral aspect of hemiterga with an enlarged subapical dorsal spine, sometimes accompanied by smaller spines; basal portion of hemiterga fringed with long, fine setae (Fig. 2). T5 broadly bilobed; lobes covered with sensilla basiconica. Small mesal membranous areas of T6-8 without sensilla basiconica, T9 with a slender, slightly keeled mesal sclerite. Epiproct sclerite prominent and X-shaped (Fig. 1). Female: Forewing length 18 mm. Subgenital plate narrow, broadly triangular with apex rounded or slightly emarginate; plate uniformly pigmented (Fig. 3). Vaginal and accessory glands typical of genus. Egg: Oval with low, indistinct buttonlike collar (Fig. 4). Chorion covered with shallow hexagonal follicle cell impressions. Micropyles subequatorial, orifices rather large, canals slanted (Fig. 5). Etymology: Species is named after O. Kryzhanovski who had collected the material. Diagnosis: Among known Agnetina only A. jarai Stark and Sivec (Stark and Sivec 1991) share the character of T5 being reduced to a bilobed, sensilla basiconica covered structure (Fig. 1). The hemitergal lobes are also distinct by virtue of the enlarged sub-apical spine (Fig. 2) and the ventrolateral row of sensilla basiconica (Fig. 1). Females differ from known Oriental Agnetina on the basis of the uniformly pigmented subgenital plate (Fig. 3). The wing banding pattern is similar to that in A. quadrituberculata (Wu) (Stark and Sivec 1991) but the species do not otherwise appear closely related. 110 I. Sivec, L.A. Zhiltzova: ^«eiôsio^^aHoi's/cifigaâi^côfâneflyiifaarahtYiunnaBi CJiásan(fikeoptera: Perlidae) 4 5 Figs. 1-5: Agnetina kryzhanovski sp.n.: abdominal tip of male: dorsal view (1), lateral view (2); abdominal tip of female (3); SEM of egg (4), micropyles of egg (5). Ill ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biolojjteferiliEiirtailnologica slovetlica, 5 (1), 1997 Acknowledgement We would like to thank Dr. Bill Stark for the linguistic help in preparing the manuscript, and SEM study of the egg. References Sivec I, B.P. Stark, S. Uchida, 1988: Synopsis of the world genera of Perlinae (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Scopolia, 16: 1-66. Stark B.P., 1986: The Nearctic species of Agnetina (Plecoptera: Perlidae). J.Kansas Ent. Soc., 59: 437-445. Stark B.P., I. Sivec, 1991: Descriptions of Oriental Perlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Aquatic Insects, 13: 151-160. Zwick P., 1984: Notes on the genus Agnetina (= Phasganophora) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Aquatic Insects, 6: 71-79. Authors' addresses/Naslova avtorjev Dr. Ignac SIVEC Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije Prešernova 20, p.p.290 SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Dr. Lidia A. ZHILTZOVA Zoological institute Russian Academy of Science St. Petersburg 199034, Russia 112