ICOM Parls, lnternatlonal Commlt-for Reglonal Museums (ICR), Ljubljana Publlsher: Muzeji in galerije mesta Ljubljane in cooperation with ICOM ICR For the publisher: Irena Zmuc, ICR Chairperson Edltor-in-chef: Irena Zmuc Cooperation: Helmut Sydow, Brian S Turner, Metka Fujs, Goranka Horjan, Heimo Kaindl Photographers: Hartmut Prasch, Eddie Wei-Chun Lai, Metka Fujs, Brian S Turner and many others lllustratlons: Geir Helgen, Margriet Lestraden, Georg Hanreich Language editlng: Brian S Turner Deslgned: GiaDesign Flash drivers: 100 Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2018 * 55 FACETS Of ICR FACETS H OFICR tQ 'What are anniversaries for?' was a question asked by Fran9ois Mairesse in the official booklet of the ICOM General Conference in Milan in 2017. He had just produced an exhibition to celebrate 70 years of ICOM. Do we mark anniversaries to recall past times; to celebrate experiences over the course of tirne; or simply to gather those dear to us for a pleasant event? The lnternational Council of Museums was established in 1946. Eight years later the Committee for Local Museums was founded. In 1962, at the General Conference in Den Haag, the Netherlands, it adopted the name by which we know it now, The lnternational Committee for Regional Museums. And so we review 63 years of the committee' s history since it was established and 55 years of its present name. We remember many museum people from different parts of the world, how much work was done and how many people contributed to it. We have co-operated with many museums all over the world, exchanging ideas, experiences and good (or not so good) practices. The themes we discussed began with interna! topics and gradually became more engaged with wider society: working with communities, dealing with natural disasters, tourism, political situations, migrations. We cooperated with different ICOM lnternational and National Committees and Alliances. And ICR brought its mission and vision to places where colleagues have never had an international conference on museums before. And we learned all the tirne. This booklet highlights a little of everything we could find in the archives or glean from ICR members. So why do we presen! 55 facets of ICR? To recall, to celebrate, to gather, to walk again along the milestones of ICR, the work of its members, and their creativity and dedication to this international committee. Irena ˇmuc, ICR Chairperson F01 lnternational Council of Museums The lnternational Council of Museums (ICOM) was founded in 1946. The organisation slowly grew, overcoming, as might be expected, various crises and transitions. Today, more than 60 years after its creation, ICOM continues to represent the global museum community, covering 2000 museums, 35,000 curators and other experts, and 172 national, international and specialist Committees. international committee tor regional museums 00 ICR ICOM - . ........_, . . J C O M, ICOM F02 The Origins of ICR In 1954 the Committee for Local Museums was founded. lts first chairperson was Dr. Verena Han from Yugoslavia 1954 The first annual conference was held in July 1954 in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. 1960 At the annual meeting in 1960 in Belgrade and Plitvice, Yugoslavia, a new name was adopted: The Committee for Regional Museums and Specialized Museums. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR REGIONAL MUSEUMS ICR A Star is Born * At the General Conference in 03 Den Haag Netherlands in F1962 the present name of the committee was accepted: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR REGIONAL MUSEUMS ICOM international committee for regional museums Ds1 ICR F04 Onwards and Upwards 1956-1990 The places of meetings and general conferences 1956 Basle, Zurich, Geneva, Switzerland (General Conference): The museum in our tirne; the natural history museum in the modem world; the problem of history museums in our limes; the planning and organization of the modem technical museum. 1959 Stockholm, Sweden (GC): Museums as mirrors: their potentialities and limitations. 1962 The Hague, The Netherlands: Precautions against theft of art works; conservation of cultural property; the role of history and folklore museums in a changing world; observations on the museum profession; the objectives of the museum: research centres or exhibition hali?; the educational role of museums. 1964 Brno, Czechoslovakia: Organization of regional and local museums: the educational and cultural role of regional and local museums: The regional museums and preservation of the regional, natural and cultural heritage; The committee programme for 1964-65. 1965 New York, USA (GC): Training of museum personnel. 1966 Bourges, France: Meeting of the editorial group. 1968 Cologne, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany (GC): Museums and Research. 1970 Viborg, Denmark: Scientific research and documentation in regional museums. 1971 Grenoble, France (GC): Museum in the service of man today and tomorrow: the museum's educational and cultural role. 1974 Viborg, Denmark: Museums and the modem world; the same year the ICR board met in Coventry, UK to set up a programme of activities. 1974 Copenhagen, Denmark (GC): The museum and the modem world. 1976 Straengnaes, Sweden. 1977 Moscow, USSR (GC): Museums and cultural exchanges. 1978 Dresden, German Democratic Republic: Regional museums as places of science, education and culture for the population of the region. 1980 Mexico City: The world's heritage -the museums responsibilities. 1982 Paterswolde, The Netherlands: Experience gained by leading museums in supporting the local museums of their regions. 1983 London, UK (GC): Museums for a developing world. 1984 Gothenburg, Varberg, Uddevalla, Skara, Sweden: Relations between regional and local museums. 1985 Linz, Austria: Regional museums and the tourist organisation. 1986 Buenos Aires, Argentina (GC): Regional museums and ecomuseums. 1987 Wielum, Poland: Scientific work in regional museums. 1988 Suzdal, USSR: Regional museum and the population of the area. 1989 The Hague, Netherlands (GC): Museums: Generators of culture. 1990 Lisbon, Portugal, joint meeting with MINOM: The function of local museums in society. FOS Chairs and Secretaries of ICR 1963-1990 1963-1971: Chair, Jan Jelfnek, Czechoslovakia secretary, Jean Faviere, France. 1972-1974: Chair, Dr. F. Feuchtmuller, Austria secretary, Jacques Manoury, France. 1974-1977: Chair, Thomas Werner, United Kingdom; secretary, Morten Lundbaek, Denmark and Jan Granberg, Sweden. 1977-1983: Chair, Dr. Rudolf Forster, German Democratic Republic; secretary and first treasurer Jette Markvorsen Kjaer, Denmark. 1983-1989: Chair, Dr. Knut Drake secretary, Bengt-Arne Person, Sweden. 1989-1992: Chair: Carl Cullberg, Sweden secretary/treasurer, Bridget Yates, United Kingdom Openluchtmuseum, Appeldooren 111111 MlnNby -PIUch _ ...,_, 11o1mano (Id.) -ut _...., • .,,.,,c.,,.1o<,--,1o, CR. experience-orientated leisuretime offers, such as brand lands, visitors centres, edutainment centres and mass media? The visitors' and users' demand on museums has changed from the simple presentation of objects to atmosphere and multimedia supported brilliant offers of stage management.« Hartmut Prasch On the way to improve museum quality and standards Organizing ICR Annual Conference, Case Study Downpatrick, 1991 F25