401 UDK 37(84) 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek Prejeto: 1. 5. 2015 Tina Zgonik* Izobraževalna reforma v Boliviji: Vrnitev šole zemlji The educational reform in Bolivia: Schools look to the land again Izvleček Leta 2012 je v Boliviji začel veljati nov šol- ski zakon. Kot mnoge druge reforme, ki jih je vpeljal Evo Morales, prvi indijanski predse- dnik Bolivije (2006−), skuša izravnati položaj staroselskih ljudstev z meščansko manjšino belcev in mesticev. Nov učni načrt uveljavlja enakovrednost različnih pogledov na svet in prvič priznava veljavnost tradicionalnemu staroselskemu načinu razmišljanja in občute- nja sveta. S »produktivno šolo« in »izobraže- vanjem za življenje v skupnosti« naj bi se šola približala realnosti, v kateri živi večina boli- vijskega prebivalstva. Pouk naj bi po novem krepil tradicionalne vrednote staroselskih ljudstev in njihovo identiteto ter spodbujal ra- zumevanje med različnimi kulturami Bolivije. Ker je za staroselca vitalnega pomena pove- zanost z zemljo, lahko šola te vrednote goji samo v stiku z naravo. V okviru »produktivne šole« tako nastajajo šolski vrtovi, tople gre- de, kurniki in hlevčki. V eseju bom razložila osnovne principe andskega odnosa do narave in sveta. Na konkretnih primerih bom pred- stavila, kako se razvija »produktivna šola«, in analizirala težave, s katerimi se soočajo uči- telji, učenci in njihovi starši v svetu, kjer se staroselska tradicija sooča z globalizacijo in tehnološkim razvojem družbe. Abstract In 2012, a new education law came into effect in Bolivia. Like many other reforms introduced by Evo Morales, the country’s first indigenous president, (2006–), it seeks to create a level playing field for the indigenous population, the white urban minority and the mestizo popu- lation alike. The new curriculum treats the differing world views of these cultures equally and for the first time, also acknowledges the values inherent in the traditional indigenous views and perceptions of the world as being equal to those of the West. With the new em- phasis on productive skills and »educating for community involvement«, the plan is to bring the school experience closer to reality for the majority of Bolivia’s population. The curricu- lum aims to foster the traditional values of the indigenous peoples and teach children to value this part of their heritage, as well as to encour- age understanding between all the different cultures in Bolivia. Since maintaining a deep connection with the earth is of vital importance to the indigenous peoples, schools can only cul- tivate these values through contact with nature. Subsequently, part of the realization of the »pro- ductive schools« project is the establishment of school gardens, greenhouses, henhouses and small stables. In the following essay, the au- thor presents the fundamental principles of the Andean attitude towards nature and the world. Using concrete examples, she explains the de- velopment of the »productive school« and gives an analysis of the difficulties the teachers, pu- pils and parents in these schools are faced with in a world where indigenous cultures are con- fronted by globalization and the technological developments in their societies. * Tina Zgonik, dipl. novinarka, raziskovalka, La Paz, Bolivija, e-pošta: tina.yagababa@gmail.com