B. MAV^I^ et al.: INFECTION RISK ANALYSIS OF 101 SILVER-COATED ENDOPROSTHESES 449–453 INFECTION RISK ANALYSIS OF 101 SILVER-COATED ENDOPROSTHESES ANALIZA TVEGANJA ZA OKU@BO PRI 101 POSREBRENIH ENDOPROTEZAH Bla` Mav~i~ 1,2* , David Martin~i~ 1 , Marko [piler 1 , Vane Antoli~ 1,2 1 University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Zalo{ka cesta 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Zalo{ka cesta 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Prejem rokopisa – received: 2019-05-06; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2019-05-23 doi:10.17222/mit.2019.094 Our aim was to analyse the implant survival and infection rates of 101 consecutive silver-coated MUTARS® (= Modular Universal Tumour And Revision System) endoprostheses implanted at an independent orthopaedic tertiary hospital between April 1, 2011 and December 31, 2018 and to compare them with previous outcomes of the MUTARS® developmental hospitals. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that the infection-free survival rates of silver-coated implants depend on the patient’s age, gender, pre-operative diagnoses and anatomical localization of the reconstruction. The cohort included 47 sarcoma resections, 29 revision arthroplasties, 20 metastatic resections, 3 benign bone tumours and 2 primary arthroplasties. Endoprosthesis was located in the distal femur (38 patients), proximal femur (29 patients), proximal humerus (12 patients), proximal tibia (10 patients), pelvis (6 patients), total femur (5 patients) and distal humerus (1 patient). The mean age at implantation was 49 (range 11–86) years and the mean follow-up 3.2 (range 0.1–7.7) years. Twenty-four patients required at least one subsequent revision operation and 15 endoprostheses had to be partially/totally removed. Patients’ age was an independent risk factor for postoperative infection regardless of other confounding factors (hazard ratio 1.05 for each year; p = 0.02). With the overall postoperative infection rate 12 % (4 % reinfection+8%newlyacquired) and cumulative partial/total implant removal rate 25 % after 5 years, complications were comparable to the previous series of the MUTARS® developmental hospitals with high variability between preoperative diagnoses and anatomical localizations. Silver-coated implants show a consistent trend of preventing infections in high-risk body regions and enabling more successful treatment should infection occur, but 10–15 years of clinical follow-up is required for further assessment. Keywords: bone defect, modular endoprostheses, silver coating Namen raziskave je bil analizirati pre`ivetje vsadkov in pogostnost oku`b v kohorti 101 zaporednih modularnih endoprotez MUTARS® (= Modularni univerzalni tumorski in revizijski sistem) s posrebreno povr{ino, ki so bile vstavljene v neodvisni terciarni ortopedski kliniki med 1. aprilom 2011 in 31. decembrom 2018, ter jih primerjati s predhodnimi rezultati razvojnih bolni{nic vsadka MUTARS®. Poleg tega smo preverjali hipotezo, ali je pre`ivetje posrebrenih vsadkov brez oku`be odvisno od starosti pacienta, spola, predoperativne diagnoze in anatomskega podro~ja rekonstrukcije. Skupina je obsegala 47 resekcij sarkoma, 29 revizijskih artroplastik, 20 resekcij zasevkov, 3 benigne kostne tumorje in 2 primarni artroplastiki. Endoproteze so bile vstavljene v distalno stegnenico (38 pacientov), proksimalno stegnenico (29 pacientov), proksimalno nadlahtnico (12 pacientov), proksimalno golenico (10 pacientov), medenico (6 pacientov), celotno stegnenico (5 pacientov) in distalno nadlahtnico (1 pacient). Povpre~na starost ob vstavitvi endoproteze je zna{ala 49 (razpon 11–86) let, klini~no spremljanje pa 3,2 (razpon 0,1–7,7) let. [tiriindvajset pacientov je potrebovalo vsaj eno naknadno revizijsko operacijo in 15 endoprotez je bilo treba delno/popolnoma odstraniti. Starost pacienta je bila neodvisen dejavnik tveganja za pooperativno oku`bo ne glede na ostale pridru`ene spremenljivke (razmerje tveganja 1,05 za vsako leto starosti; p = 0,02). S skupnim dele`em oku`b 12 % (4 % ponovna oku`ba+8%novopridobljena) in kumulativnim dele`em delnih/popolnih odstranitev endoprotez pri 25 % pacientov v prvih 5 letih spremljanja je bila pogostnost zapletov primerljiva s predhodno objavljenimi raziskavami razvojnih bolni{nic MUTARS®. Posrebreni vsadki v vseh raziskavah nakazujejo trend prepre~evaja oku`b in omogo~ajo bolj uspe{no zdravljenje, ~e do oku`be pride. Nadaljnje spremljanje v obdobju 10–15 let bo pokazalo, ali tak{ni srednjero~ni rezultati napovedujejo tudi dobre dolgoro~ne izide. Klju~ne besede: kostni defekt, modularne endoproteze, posrebrena povr{ina 1 INTRODUCTION In the past two decades the trend of bone defect reconstructions in limbs has shifted to the implantation of massive, large modular endoprostheses 1,2 with an inherent risk of periendoprosthetic infection, most likely by styaphylococci. 3,4 Endoprosthetic infections have been reported in up to 19 % of cases in proximal femur replacements, 1,5 up to 11 % of cases in distal femur replacements, 1,2 up to 23 % of cases in proximal tibia replacements and up to 43 % of previously infected endoprostheses. 4 Manufacturers have been trying to reduce endoprosthetic infection rates with antimicrobial implant surfaces like antibiotic-based, antiseptic, photo- active-based or silver coatings. 6-8 Antibiotic coatings have limited duration of drug elution and the risk of resistance, 9 while effective antiseptic coatings (chlor- hexidine, chloroxylenol) also exhibit toxicity. 2,10 The nanostructured topography of the implants has also been tested in vitro for anti-bacterial properties, 11-14 whereby mesenchymal and embryonic stem cells were unable to grow on surfaces with particular TiO 2 nanotube dimen- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 449–453 449 UDK 620.1:615.461:005.52:005.334 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 53(3)449(2019) *Corresponding author e-mail: blaz.mavcic@kclj.si sions 14 . Metallic coating with silver has a low level of human toxicity and longer-lasting antimicrobial silver ion activity since the ions are only released into solution from the implant surface at negative pH values. 15,16 The antimicrobial efficacy of silver-coated endoprostheses has not yet been confirmed in randomized controlled studies, but several retrospective studies analysed different implants, 17,18 among them the widely used MUTARS® system (= Modular Universal Tumour And Revision System, Implantcast GmbH). 1-4,6,19-24 These studies were either conducted by the main developmental hospital of this manufacturer (University Hospital Mün- ster, Münster, Germany) 1,3,6,15,21,24 or in smaller centres with patient series of 25–40 patients and<2y e a r s follow-up. 4,5,20,22,23 So far no study has been published by an independent institution with the entire cohort of a hundred silver-coated MUTARS® implants and over 3 years of mean follow-up. The aim of the presented study was to analyse the infection rates and implant survival rates of the entire cohort of 101 consecutive silver-coated MUTARS® mo- dular endoprostheses implanted at an independent ortho- paedic tertiary hospital with up to 7.7 years of follow-up and to compare them with previously published out- comes of the developmental hospital for this endopros- thetic system. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that the infection-free survival rates of silver-coated implants depend on the patient’s age, gender, pre-operative diag- noses and anatomical localization of the reconstructed bone defect. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective observational study of prospectively collected data included an entire cohort of patients with silver-coated MUTARS® endoprostheses implanted at a single orthopaedic oncological tertiary hospital between April 1, 2011 and December 31, 2018. Medical docu- mentation was collected from the archives in order to obtain the data on: pre-operative diagnosis, patient’s age and gender at the time of surgery, localization of the bone defect to be reconstructed, implanted MUTARS® endoprosthesis type, all recorded complications during implantation and in the course of the follow-up period, possible revision operations, the need for partial/total implant removal and infection-free implant survival until December 31, 2018 or possible death before the end of the observation period. None of the patients was ex- cluded from the study or lost from the follow-up. Statistical data analysis was performed with Office Excel 2016 (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA) and IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 for Windows (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). Cumulative incidences of partial/total implant removal for any reason were assessed after 1, 2 and 5 years of follow-up. The survival of silver-coated MUTARS® implants until infection, until the first revision or until partial/total implant removal was assessed with the Cox regression models and covariables of age, gender, preoperative diagnoses (sarcoma resec- tion / metastasis resection / revision of previously un- infected arthroplasty / revision of previous artificial joint infection) and anatomical localization (proximal and total femur / distal femur / proximal tibia / humerus / pelvis). Statistical significance was set atP 0.05. 3 RESULTS The study cohort included 101 consecutive silver- coated MUTARS® endoprostheses with 47 cases of primary sarcoma resection, 29 revision arthroplasties after previous reconstruction (18 previous joint arthro- plasties and 11 previous sarcoma resections), 20 metastatic resections, 3 aggressive benign bone tumours and 2 complex primary total knee arthroplasties. The endoprosthesis was located in the distal femur in 38 patients, proximal femur in 29 patients, proximal hume- rus in 12 patients, proximal tibia in 10 patients, pelvis in 6 patients, total femur in 5 patients and distal humerus in 1 patient. The mean age at implantation was 49±20 years (range 11–86 years) and the mean follow-up of patients was 3.2 ± 2.2 years (range 0.1–7.7 years). We recorded 4 local tumour relapses and 20 patients died due to oncological disease. Twenty-four patients (24 %) required at least one surgical revision of the silver-coated implant at a median 1.1 year after the initial implantation and 15 endo- prostheses (15 %) had to be at least partially replaced or entirely removed. Nine patients in the cohort had previously been diagnosed/treated for artificial joint infection before the silver-coated MUTARS® endo- prosthesis was implanted and therefrom 4 infections subsequently recurred; with an additional 8 cases of newly acquired deep infections after the silver-coated MUTARS® endoprosthesis implantation the total deep infection rate was therefore 12 cases (12 %). In the subgroup of newly acquired infections, 1 case was in the proximal femur (3 % location-specific infection rate), 3 in the distal femur (8 % location-specific infection rate), 2 in the proximal tibia (20 % location-specific infection rate) and 2 in pelvis (33 % location-specific infection rate). Altogether, 6 silver-coated MUTARS® implants had to be explanted eventually due to infection and 6 were retained with cured infection. Cumulative inci- dences of at least partial replacement or entire implant r e m o v a lf o ra n yr e a s o nw e r e4%a f t e r1y e a r( 1% mechanical reasons/3%infection), 15 % after 2 years (9 % mechanical reasons/5%infection/1%tumour relapse) and 25 % after 5 or more years of follow-up (13 % mechanical reasons/8%infection/3%tumour relapse). When the infection-free survival of silver-coated MUTARS® implants was assessed with the Cox reg- ression models and covariables of age, gender, preopera- tive diagnoses and anatomical localization (Table 1), it B. MAV^I^ et al.: INFECTION RISK ANALYSIS OF 101 SILVER-COATED ENDOPROSTHESES 450 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 449–453 turned out that a higher age at implantation was an independent risk factor for implant infection, regardless of all the other confounding factors (hazard ratio 1.05 for each year; p = 0.02). There was also a trend of shorter infection-free survival rates in patients with previously diagnosed/treated infection (Figure 1) or pelvic resec- tion (Figure 2), but the trend was not statistically significant. On the other hand, age, gender, preoperative diagnoses and anatomical localization had no statistically significant impact on Cox regression implant survival until the first revision or partial/total implant removal. 4 DISCUSSION The limitations of the presented study include retros- pective design, a high percentage of deceased patients for oncological reasons and consequently a high number of censored observations. Furthermore, the results in revision arthroplasty patients are difficult to analyse within or between different centres due to different diagnostic methods of infection (e.g., sonication), perioperative antibiotic regiments, number of previous surgical procedures and pre-existing infections. All these limitations were also present in all other recent studies of this topic 1–6,19–24 where the infection-rate variability of silver-coated implants was larger between different patient populations (primary resection, metastases, revision, previous infection) and anatomical localizations than between different implant types (silver-coated vs. non-coated). 2 However, within each selected patient population and anatomical localization, silver-coated implants have consistently shown lower infection rates in comparison to other implants 18,25-26 and our results corro- borate these findings in the setting of an independent institution with longer follow-up from previous smaller patient series. 4,5,20,22,23 The overall 12 % infection rate of the presented study is almost identical to the previously B. MAV^I^ et al.: INFECTION RISK ANALYSIS OF 101 SILVER-COATED ENDOPROSTHESES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 3, 449–453 451 Table 1: Cox regression model of infection-free survival in the entire cohort of 101 silver-coated MUTARS® implants with covariables of age, gender, preoperative diagnose and anatomical localization (overall score Chi-square 24.2; p < 0.01). Statistically significant P-values & 0.05 are marked with an asterisk (*). B SE Exp(B) 95 % CI P-value AGE [years] 0.05 0.02 1.05 1.01 1.10 0.02* GENDER [female] –0.24 0.63 0.79 0.23 2.70 0.70 PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSE [ref] sarcoma resection metastasis resection revision without prior infection revision after infection –1.65 –0.55 –12.89 0.91 0.74 306.24 0.19 0.58 0.00 0.03 0.14 0.00 1.13 2.44 1.19 0.34 0.07 0.46 0.97 LOCALIZATION [ref] prox./total femur distal femur proximal tibia pelvis humerus –1.87 –0.30 –12.00 –0.55 1.30 0.95 304.23 0.99 0.15 0.74 0.00 0.58 0.01 0.12 0.00 0.08 1.95 4.76 5.63 3.99 0.65 0.15 0.76 0.97 0.58 B-regression line coefficient, SE-standard error, Exp(B)-hazard ratio, CI-confidence interval, [ref]-reference category Figure 2: Cox regression model of infection-free survival in the cohort of 101 silver-coated MUTARS® endoprostheses, stratified according to the anatomical localization. Differences between strata were not statistically significant. Figure 1: Cox regression model of infection-free survival in the cohort of 101 silver-coated MUTARS® endoprostheses, stratified according to the pre-operative diagnosis. Differences between strata were not statistically significant. published series of mixed primary resections with revision arthroplasty where Glehr et al. 27 reported an infection rate of 12.5 % among 32 patients who had been treated with MUTARS® silver-coated endoprostheses and Wafa et al. 18 reported an overall postoperative infec- tion rate of 11.8 % in the silver-coated group of 85 Agluna-Stanmore Implants. Likewise, Schmolders et al. 4 had to perform revision operations due to infection in 10 % of their implanted silver-coated MUTARS® endo- prostheses after a median follow-up of 24 months for primary or metastatic oncological patients. On the other hand, infection rates for silver-coated implants in pri- mary tumour resections (i.e., unrevised and uninfected previously) of selected anatomical localizations (proxi- mal and distal femur) were consistently lower: 3–8 % in the presented study and 4–7 % in the studies of the main MUTARS® developmental institution. 6 The presented study is the first one in the field of silver-coated implants to demonstrate patients’age has as an independent risk factor of infection. This finding is not surprising as age-related higher complication rates have already been identified in the treatment of uncoated endoprosthetic infections, 28 the osteosynthesis of long bones, 29 and spinal fusion. 30 Although the patients’ age itself is a non-modifiable factor, additional precautionary measures could be applied in elderly patients to reduce the implant infection risk, e.g., different perioperative antibiotic regimens, the use of local muscular flaps to ensure sufficient soft-tissue coverage or earlier aggres- sive drainage of haemathomas. 31 Not in the least, our findings indicate that age should be one of the factors when deciding upon the optimal radicality of the bone tumour resection or the complexity of the bone defect reconstruction in elderly patients. 5 CONCLUSIONS This is the first study of a large MUTARS® silver- coated endoprosthesis cohort performed by an inde- pendent institution with up to 7.7 years of follow-up. With the cumulative partial/total implant removal rate of 25 % after 5 years and postoperative infection in 12 % of cohort patients, the complication rates were comparable to the previously published series of developmental hos- pitals with a high variability in results between different preoperative diagnoses and anatomical localizations. Patients’ age at implantation was identified as an inde- pendent risk factor for subsequent infection, regardless of all the other confounding factors. Acknowledgment This work was carried out at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljub- ljana, with no extra funding. Ethics statement The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the National Medical Ethics Committee of the Republic of Slovenia on September 19, 2017, case no.# 120-486/2017. 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