Luboš GAJDOŠ Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia Abstract The aim of the paper is to provide a quantitative description of legal Chinese. This study adopts the approach of corpus-based analyses and is conducted on the Chinese monolingual corpus Hanku. It shows basic statistical parameters of legal texts in Chinese, namely the length of a sentence, the proportion of part of speech etc., and discusses the issues on statistical data processing from various corpora, such as the tokenisation and part of speech tagging, and their relevance to the study of register variations. Keywords: Chinese language; written Chinese; legal texts; corpus linguistics Povzetek Namen članka je ponuditi kvantitativni jezikoslovni opis kitajskih pravnih besedil. V raziskavi avtor privzema metodologijo korpusnih analiz na kitajskem enojezičnem korpusu Hanku. Osredotoča na osnovne statistične parametre, kot so dolžina povedi, besedne vrste in njihov delež v besedilih idr. ter razpravlja o vprašanjih obdelave statističnih podatkov iz različnih korpusov, kot sta npr. navajanje in označevanje besednih vrst, ter njihov doprinos k raziskavam o raznolikosti registrov. Ključne besede: kitajski jezik; pisna kitajščina; pravna besedila, korpusno jezikoslovje * The study builds on my previous work Gajdoš, L (2016). Quantitative description of written Chinese - a preliminary corpus-based study. Studia orientalia: Victori Krupa dedicata. Bratislava: Üstav orientalistiky, pp. 62-75. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 7(1), 2017. ISSN: 2232-3317, DOI: 10.4312/ala.7.1.77-87 1 Chinese language Chinese is one of the most widely used languages in the world (Sun, 2006). Genealogically, Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family and is often classified as an 'isolating' or 'analytic' language (Li & Thompson, 2009, pp. 703-723). Chinese has a written tradition of more than 3000 years. The majority of Chinese words are mono- or disyllabic, the word order is relatively rigid with the SVO prototypic word order. In a language with written tradition, the discrepancy between spoken and written registers1 is a natural phenomenon. Chinese language is no exception, nevertheless, there are some issues that need to be considered when studying registers2 variation, e.g. a relatively vague standard of the written language, the influence of wenyan3 on the written language, missing qualitative and quantitative comparative study of language registers etc. The study is based on the dichotomic model of Chinese language registers -colloquial and written. Hereinafter, the term 'Chinese' is reserved for the written standard of Chinese which is known as putonghua (^ffi®) 'common language'. 2 Chinese legal language The term legal language/text (hereinafter legal text) may be understood in many ways with respect to a research perspective, a research methodology, criteria of classification etc. Due to the content of the sub-corpus zh-law, the term legal text implies only monologic, prescriptive texts of legislation. Generally speaking, legislation is considered as the prototype of legal language (Biel, 2014, pp. 19-22). Legal Chinese is a part of written language registers (sub-register) with unique lexis, syntax properties, terminology etc. 1 In this article, I use the term register as "situationally-defined varieties described for their characteristic lexico-grammatical features" (BIBER, 2006, pp. 11-12). 2 Both terms are defined very vaguely in Chinese linguistics. The spoken register is called kouyu (P ^) 'spoken language' and written as shumianyu (^ffi^) 'written or literary language'. 3 Wenyan is known as 'classical literary language' and "it looks to the style of writings prevalent in the period from the Spring and Autumn period to the Eastern Han dynasty for its grammatical and lexical norms" (Chen, 2004, p. 67). 3 Methodology In this study, the Hanku corpus and corpus methodology is used as a systematic approach to the study of the register of legal Chinese. It is proposed that a variance across registers might be - to some extend - revealed by statistical data from a corpus. By testing this hypothesis on the register of legal Chinese, the following criteria are taken as a part of the description. (1) the length of a sentence in a register (2) frequency of every part of speech (hereinafter the POS) in a register (3) the relative representation of some POS and their comparison (4) markers of passive voice The statistical data presented in this study are given in two values - absolute frequency and frequency in IPM.4 4 The Chinese corpus Hanku The Hanku corpus is available at:, NoSketch Engine^ is used as the corpus manager. The basic block of the corpus is a token which basically corresponds to one word. A token is annotated for the part of speech (POS labelling), its composition into characters and the Hanyu pinyin transcription.6 The corpus is divided into two subcorpora (May 2017): • web-zh - texts from the PRC • zh-law- legal texts from the PRC; texts of laws and regulations The statistical data used in this study was obtained by writing CQL queries in the NoSketch Engine user interface. 4 IPM: Instances Per Million, the number of occurrences normalized by the size of the corpus. 5 Nosketch Engine is an open-source version of the Sketch Engine. See more at: For other Chinese corpora available in Sketch Engine, see Petrovčič (2016). 6 The POS annotation, tokenization and Hanyu pinyin transcription are results of automatic processing. Table 1: Subcorpus Zh-law - parameters Parameters Status Notes Type synchronous legal texts from the PRC Language of interface English, Chinese Size (June 2017) 7.2 million size referred in tokens Tokenisation POS annotation Penn Chinese Treebank7 Bibliographic annotation Phonetic annotation Statistic tools frequency in IPM, average reduced frequency Save results directly from the interface in text or XML format KWIC Collocations search many collocation measures Advanced search options Boolean operators - conjunction, disjunction, negation; possibility to use regular expressions at the character, word, pinyin, and metadata level; full CQL8 etc. Sorting by Left, right, node, references etc. 5 The length of a sentence in the subcorpus zh-law It is generally believed that there is a positive correlation between the length of a sentence and the register affiliation - the more formal a text is, the longer the sentences are, and vice versa. Our previous research on written Chinese has confirmed this tendency, yet with more accurate statistical data showing that the length tends to have more than 29 tokens.9 It should be noted though that the number of tokens also include punctuation (the POS tag "PU"), e.g. ",.= ()", so that the length in words is shorter.10 7 See more at: 8 CQL - Computer Query Language. 9 Our previous research indicated slightly different figures, i.e. 20 words (tokens without punctuations). 10 The length of a sentence was simply calculated by division of a number of tokens by a number of sentences in the sub-corpus. The results indicate that a sentence in legal Chinese tends to have the length of approximately 29 tokens or 25 words (tokens without punctuations). It is also evident that the more information-saturated a text (a text in nominal style) is, the longer it is. When analysing the corpus data here, one must also pay attention to the fact that the name of a law or a regulation is tokenized as a sentence as well. That is to say, the length of a sentence may even be longer. 6 Parts of speech in the sub-corpus zh-law The proportion of individual POS was directly retrieved from the corpus with a query written in CQL,11 then, the result was sorted by "node tags" and converted to IPM. Table 2: A proportion of POS in Zh-law Part of Speech Examples Tag Frequency in the corpus IPM Nouns NN 2 804 164 389 236 Punctuations PU 1 091 923 151 566 Verbs VV 1 070 286 148 562 Prepositions P 242 165 33 614 Non-predicative adjectives JJ 232 514 32 274 Adverbs AD 222 902 30 940 Coordinating Conjunctions CC 219 759 30 504 Particle DE DEC 215 381 29 896 Measure words M 198 809 27 596 Cardinal numbers CD 162 183 22 512 Ordinal numbers OD 139 560 19 371 Particle DE as genitive marker DEG 129 286 17 945 Localizer LC 109 661 15 221 Determiners DT 99 523 13 814 Proper nouns NR 48 931 6 792 Adjectives VA 38 810 5 387 Temporal nouns NT 35 166 4 881 CQL - Corpus Query Language; [tag=".*"]. Part of Speech Examples Tag Frequency in the corpus IPM Pronouns PN 33 930 4 709 Verbs VE 28 195 3 913 Etcetera AjVAjV ETC 21 082 2 926 Particles M MSP 18 021 2 501 Copulas VC 15 708 2 180 Preposition BA BA 6 586 914 Preposition BEI SB 6 378 885 Preposition BEI LB 3 338 463 Aspect particles a AS 2 898 402 Particle DE DEV 2 489 345 Subordinating conjunctions CS 1 917 266 Modal particles SP 1 591 220 Foreign words FW 948 131 Particle DE DER 157 22 Data in Table 2 reveal that interjections and onomatopoeias are not present in legal texts at all. By comparing statistical data with other registers, there are some factors that should be taken into consideration - due to the fact that the form of legal texts differs from other registers, the frequency of punctuation, cardinal and ordinal numbers, or measure words is much higher. See Chapter 7. To allow a more concise comparison, some POS are combined together as shown below in Table 3. Table 3: POS combined together POS Frequency IPM Nouns (NN+NR+LC+NT) 2 997 922 416 132 Verbs (VV+VC+VE) 1 114 189 154 657 Particles DE (DEC+DEG+DEV+DER) 347 313 48 209 Numbers (CD+OD) 301 743 41 884 Prepositions (P+BA+BEI) 258 467 35 877 Non-predicative adjectives (JJ) 232 514 32 275 Adverbs (AD) 222 902 30 940 POS Frequency IPM Conjunctions (CC+CS) 221 676 30 770 Measure words (M) 198 809 27 596 Pronouns (PN+DT) 133 453 18 524 Particles (ETC+AS+MSP+SP) 43 592 6 051 Adjectives (VA) 38 810 5 387 Passive markers (SB+LB) 9 716 1 349 Punctuation (PU) 1 091 923 151 566 The chart shows that the nominal style is preferred in legal Chinese with a dominance of nouns. H nouns (NN+NR+LC+NT) H verbs (VV+VC+VE) M particles DE (DEC+DEG+DEV+DER) M numbers (CD+OD) ■ prepositions (P+BA+BEI) ■ non-predicative adjectives (JJ) adverbs (AD) ■ conjunctions (CC+CS) measure words (M) ■ pronouns (PN+DT) ■ particles (ETC+AS+MSP+SP) Figure 1: Proportion of part of speech in the zh-law Mainly because of the different approach to the tokenization and the POS labelling, statistical data have exhibited a considerable divergence between the proportion of verbs in the sub-corpus zh-law (18%) versus the Sihanku corpus (26%). 7 Most frequent content and function words in the sub-corpus zh-law Following the traditional model12 of division of lexis into content and function words (shici xuci ^M, respectively), I have searched for the most frequent content words by the CQL query: [tag="V.*|N.*|LC|CD|OD|JJ|AD|DT|PN|M"]. The result was then sorted by "node forms" and converted to IPM. As for the function words, the CQL expression is: [tag="P|CC|DE.|ETC|MSP|BA|SB|LB|AS|CS|SP"]. Table 4: 30 most frequent content and function words in legal Chinese Content word Frequency IPM Function word Frequency IPM 102845 14276 339351 47104 57301 7954 ^ 86413 11995 50465 7005 47375 6576 48272 6700 40438 5613 45266 6283 38084 5286 41477 5757 26783 3718 34843 4836 ^ 24460 3395 33949 4712 A 21111 2930 AK 31789 4413 21060 2923 31540 4378 m 18820 2612 29894 4149 17647 2450 28734 3988 17483 2427 28029 3891 SM 15267 2119 27402 3804 14866 2064 am 26708 3707 10988 1525 AM 24086 3343 10928 1517 23779 3301 10130 1406 W 23085 3204 9338 1296 22666 3146 nA 7595 1054 22012 3055 7355 1021 Äff 21269 2952 7216 1002 21018 2917 S 7176 996 ■ E.g. Liu, Y. et al. (2004). Practical Chinese Grammar. Content word Frequency IPM Function word Frequency IPM m 20085 2788 6732 934 19254 2673 S 6691 929 rt 18847 2616 # 6160 855 18130 2517 4353 604 17920 2487 4042 561 > ■ A-A- 17711 2458 3418 474 —■ 17333 2406 2958 411 — 17096 2373 2627 365 Based on the content of legal texts, it is no surprise that the most frequent content word is the measure word tiao ^ as it stands for an article of a law (§). A second most frequent word is the modal verb yingdang ^^ which is a mean of expressing deontic modality. Our previous research has also proven the tendency that on the part of function words, there is a high frequency of conjunctions compared to unstructured texts (e.g. language data from the sub-corpus web-zh) and this might be an indication of formal, written texts. There is also a high figure of prepositions which are considered as a formal expression, e.g. yu ^ or yi 8 Passive voice in legal Chinese In this chapter, the result of Stranak's study (2015) who has conducted his research on the relatively small sub-corpus13 of legal texts with a different tagset and tokenizer are compared. Passive voice in Chinese may be marked with prepositions e.g. bei ^ or unmarked. Since Stranak has only searched for the passive voice marked by preposition, I adopt this approach here as well. In the Hanku corpus, to search for the passive voice is quite straightforward with the CQL query as follows: [tag="LB |SB"]. The results in the Table 5 show that the frequency of passive markers in all corpora varies. Comparison of the passive marker bei ^ from the sub-corpora zh-law and web-zh also indicate slightly opposite tendency as it was the case of Stranak's research in which the frequency of the passive marker in legal Chinese was significantly higher that ' The sub-corpus had a size of 480.000 tokens. the frequency in other sub-corpora of written language. It is worth noting that the statistical data is not sufficiently large to enable comparison to be performed. Table 5: Passive markers in the sub-corpora zh-law, web-zh and the corpus Sihanku Marker IPM zh-law IPM web-zh IPM Sihanku 1296 1458 2206 S 47 20 1312 5 20 ? The statistical data also has not proven that the passive markers might be one of the indicator of legal texts. The figures of passive markers do not indicate any significant differences between two sub-corpora of the Hanku. 9 Implications for language pedagogy The quantitative study and its result may be used in language pedagogy too, i.e. by learning Chinese legal texts, one might choose to study not only verbs (according their occurrence in a corpus) but the collocational preferences of verbs with a subject/object or prepositional phrases, which is known as "wordsketch" in corpus linguistics or as "valency" in general linguistics. It is only a matter of practise for students of Chinese language to write a CQL query or a regular expression and search for the concrete POS or words, even for patterns of sentences. I assume that this may help to improve language teaching methods and materials. 10 Conclusion In this article, I have presented the results of the corpus-based approach to the study of register variation in Chinese. The research was conducted on a relatively small corpus yet the language data in it may be described as complete and closed. The statistical data of legal Chinese reveals that there are evident differences, e.g. in lexis or syntax. Among the above indicators, the absence of modal particles, onomatopoeias, interjections may be clear evidence of a formal, written register. I have also presented an amount of statistical data in support of the hypothesis in which the proportion of nouns in written formal register (here zh-law) prevails over other POS. Some caution should be applied, when comparing the statistical data in this study with other corpus data. Let us here just highlight some issues: The size of a corpus matters, e.g. as it is the case of passive markers Different approach to tokenization may result in different statistical data It is not always a simple task to compare results from two corpora with different tagsets. To conclude, a quantitative description is as accurate as precise the automatic process of tokenization and POS labelling is. Over the past few years, we have witnessed steady improvement in automatic tokenisation and the POS tagging processes, nevertheless problems still remain with regards of quantitative comparison of results from different corpora. References Biber, D. (2006). Univesity Language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Biel, L. (2014). Lost in the Eurofog. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang AG, pp. 19-22. Chen, P. (2004). Modern Chinese: History andSociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gajdoš, L. (2011). Discrepancy Between Spoken and Written Chinese - Methodical Notes on Linguistics. Studia Orientalia Slovaca, 10(1), 155-159. Gajdoš, L. (2013). Slovensko-č^nsky paralelny korpus [The Slovak-Chinese parallel corpus]. Studia orientalia Slovaca, 12(2), 313-317. Gajdoš, L (2016). 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