UDC 821.1B3.B.09Hribar 117 The Manuscripts and Literary Beginnings of Ivan Hribar in the Dramatic Society in Ljubljana The article deals with the relationship between the famous mayor of Ljubljana [1896-1910] Ivan Hribar and his literature, both its beginnings in the Dramatic Society in Ljubljana [1867] and his drama text King Matias [1868]. In this text are shown the particular motifs that appear in Hribar's subsequent texts: the mentioned monograph about King Matias, The Fragment of Unfamiliar Stories [1915], the extensive handwritten novel, Mr Izidor Fucec: The Medieval History of Our Days [1916-29], the farewell letter [18 April 1941]. The literary texts of Ivan Hribar are accessible only in the Manuscript, Rare and Old Prints Collection of the National and University Library in Ljubljana. The article concludes with the observation that Hribar's image in Slovenian history should be redefined in the light of his literary opus, which reflects the history of Slovenia. Keywords: Ivan Hribar, Dramatic Society in Ljubljana, King Matias, libretto, manuscript novel, farewell letter