ISOTOPE EXCHANGE BETWEEN DIC IN A CALCITE DEPOSITING WATER LAyER AND THE CO2 IN THE SURROUNDING ATMOSPHERE: RESOLVING A RECENT CONTROVERSy. IZMENJAVA IZOTOPOV V RAZTOPLJENEM ANORGANSKEM OGLJIKU VODNE PLASTI, KI V ATMOSFERI S PRISOTNIM CO2 IZLOčA KALCIT: POJASNILO PEREčIH NASPROTIJ Wolfgang DREyBRODT1 UDC 556.314:546.26 1 Faculty of Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Bremen, Germany, e-mail: Received/Prejeto: 9.9.2017 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2−3, 339–345, POSTOJNA 2017 INTRODUCTION Time series of stable carbon and oxygen isotope values (δ13C and δ18O) in stalagmite calcite are important paleo- climate proxies (Fairchild & Baker 2012). However, the isotope signal resulting from climatic variability is super- imposed by isotope imprints resulting from physical and chemical processes during precipitation of speleothem calcite, which are independent of climate. Precipitation of calcite causes enrichment of the heavy isotopes for both oxygen and carbon in the DIC that depends on drip time, the calcium concentration in the drip water, but also on its temperature (Dreybrodt 2008; Dreybrodt & Scholz 2011). If the CO2 in the cave atmosphere is not in isotope equilibrium with the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the calcite depositing solution isotope exchange be- tween both can add isotope imprints to the calcite de- posited (Dreybrodt & Romanov 2016). To understand the origin of these signals helps in the interpretation of stalagmite time series. In the case of isotope exchange the change in the δ-value of the DIC and in the calcite depos- ited from it during the drip interval Tdrip is given by , where is the differ- ence between the initial δ-value, δ0, of the DIC and the value δcq atm if DIC were in isotope equilibrium with the CO2 in atmosphere. τex is the exchange time for the ex- ponential approach to isotope equilibrium between the CO2 in the cave atmosphere and the DIC. This is valid for Tdrip < 0.2τprec, the time of exponential decay of precipita- tion of calcite (Dreybrodt and Romanov, 2016). There- fore changes in the δ-value of about 1‰ are possible. A most important parameter, which must be known is the exchange time, τex, because it determines the contribu- tion of a non climatic signal. Because of cave ventilation δcq atm can exhibit values between −11 ‰ and −8 ‰ VPDB for carbon and 2 ‰ to 9 ‰ for oxygen (Töchterle et al. 2017). To find the impact of this variation, knowledge of exchange times is of utmost importance. Dreybrodt et al. (2016) and Dreybrodt and Ro- manov (2016) have derived an equation (eqn. 1 in this work) to calculate the exchange time for all cases rele- vant to deposition of calcite to stalagmites. Recently Hansen et al. (2017) have suggested an alternative reaction-diffusion model that, especially for cave environments, predicts significantly smaller ex- change times than those these authors calculated by using the approach of Dreybrodt et al. (2016), where they neglected the pH dependent contribution from the reaction CO2 +OH-→HCO3 − converting CO2 into HCO3 −. They conclude: "for low pCO2 (i.e., between 500 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017340 WOLFGANG DREyBRODT and 1000 ppmV), as observed in many cave systems, the time constants calculated by our model are shorter than estimated by an alternative approach. (Dreybrodt et al. 2016)." To resolve this controversy, in this paper we will show that both models yield results close to each other if the pH-dependent rate constant k for conversion of CO2 into HCO3 − is used in both approaches. Hansen et al. (2017), also provided a wealth of ex- perimental data from that the exchange times can be ex- tracted, but they missed to do so. Since the validity of a theory can be only verified by experiments the evalu- ation of these data is the key for its reliable predictions and must not be missed. I have used their experimental data to obtain the exchange times for a variety of temperatures, DIC -con- centrations, pCO2, and thickness of the water layer. The values determined from this procedure are in agreement to the theoretical predictions. It is the purpose of this work to resolve a contro- versy, which could spread confusion to a well resolved issue. THE THEORy OF DREyBRODT et al. Dreybrodt et al. (2016) and Dreybrodt and Romanov (2016) have presented a theory of the exchange time for a water layer of depth, a, and have verified it by experi- ments. τex can be expressed by Here D is the constant of molecular diffusion for aqueous CO2 and k =(k+1+k+4[OH −] is the combined reaction constant for the parallel reactions H2O+CO2→ HCO3 −+H+ and CO2 +OH-→ HCO3 − converting CO2 into HCO3 −. [HCO3 −] is the concentration of bicarbonate and [CO3 2−]that of carbonate, pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in the surrounding atmosphere, and KH is Henry's constant. τred ex , called reduced exchange time, is an abbre- viation to split the equation in a first part determined by the transport properties and into a second one represent- ing the chemical composition of the solution. For pH>8.2, k becomes strongly dependent on pH and DIC is redistributed between HCO3 − and CO3 2−. Since CO3 2− are HCO3 − are converted into each other by fast pro- tonation they are in chemical equilibrium and isotopic equilibrium and the redistribution of carbonate species does not affect τex ( Dreybrodt & Romanov 2016). THE REACTION-DIFFUSION MODEL OF HANSEN et al. Recently Hansen et al. (2017), published an alternative approach by employing a complete reaction- diffusion model describing carbon isotope exchange between gas- eous CO2 and the DIC in thin solution films, as fi rst sug- gested by Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow (2001). They compare their results to these of Dreybrodt et al. (2016), by using eqn. 1. But, instead of employing the combined constant k, in their calculations they use k=k+1 neglecting the con- tribution of the second pH-dependent reaction (eqn. 25 in their work)in all calculations. Consequently for all cases with pH>8.5 they find exchange times higher than those predicted correctly by their model. Although they discuss in length that the combined constant k should be used, they do not apply this in eqn.1 to verify it. This would have solved the problem and avoided a confusing contradiction, which was stressed in the abstract of their work: " For low pCO2 (between 500 and 1000 ppmV, as for strongly ventilated caves), our time constants are substan- tially lower than those derived in a previous study,----" pH DEPENDENCE OF THE RATE CONSTANT k AND CONSEqUENCES TO THE EXCHANGE TIME The reaction H2O + CO2→ HCO3 − + H+ consists of two par- allel pathways. The first is the reaction CO2+H2O→H2CO3 → HCO3 − + H+ with rate constant k+1, which is dominant for pH<8.2. For pH>8 the reaction CO2+OH − → HCO3 − with rate constant k+4 takes over. (Zeebe & Wolf-Gladrow 1999, 2001). The total rate constant is given by k = k+1+k+4[OH −]. (2) The brackets [ ] denote concentrations. The temper- ature dependence of the constants is given by Johnson (1982). Fig.1 illustrates the values of k in dependence on temperature for various values of pH. Note that k de- pends only weakly on pH in the region between 7.5 to 8.25, but then the values rise steeply with increasing pH. To obtain the pH dependence of the exchange times k has to be introduced into the equation for the reduced exchange time from which the exchange time is obtained by multiplying with . D is the constant of molecular diffusion of aque- ous CO . Its dependence of D on temperature is given by Jähne et al. (1987). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 341 ISOTOPE EXCHANGE BETWEEN DIC IN A CALCITE DEPOSITING WATER LAyER AND THE CO2 IN THE SURROUNDING ... Fig. 2 shows the reduced exchange times, τred ex , as function of the depth, a, of the water layer for various pH. The region 0.01 cm < a < 0.04 cm is characteristic for water layers on the top of stalagmites. Fig. 3, already discussed in Dreybrodt and Romanov (2016), illustrates the pH dependence of τred ex for a water layer with a depth of 0.013 cm at 20 °C. Dreybrodt et al. (2016) experimentally determined τex for a water layer with depth, a = 0.013 cm, containing 5 mmol/L NaHCO3 in contact with an atmosphere with 500 ppm/V carbon dioxide. The pH of this solution cal- culated by using PHREEqC (Parkhurst & Apello 1999) is 8.73. They found τred ex = 29 s in comparison to a value of 40 s at pH = 8, and 31 s for pH = 8.73 in Fig. 3. This pro- vides evidence that the pH dependence of the exchange time has to be taken into account when considering iso- tope exchange during precipitation of calcite on stalag- mites, Dreybrodt and Romanov (2016). To this end one needs to know the pH of the solu- tion precipitating calcite to the stalagmite. I have calculated the chemical composition of an H2O-CO2-CaCO3 using an updated version of the pro- gram EqUILIBRIUM (Dreybrodt 1988) with Ca- con- centration and pCO2 as input parameters. The program is available on request. Fig. 4, see also Dreybrodt and Romanov (2016), shows the pH in the calcite precipitat- ing water layer on top of the stalagmite as a function of Ca-concentration for pCO2 values as they are common in caves. Each curve presents the evolution of pH when the fig. 1: temperature dependence of the rate constant k of the reac- tion h2O + CO2→hCO3 −+h+ for various values of ph. fig. 2: Reduced exchange time τex red in dependence on film depth for various values of ph at a temperature of 20 °C. fig. 3: Reduced exchange time as function of ph. film depth a = 0.013 cm, t = 20 °C. from Dreybrodt and Romanov (2016). fig. 4: ph of a calcite depositing h2O-CO2-CaCO3 solution in de- pendence on the calcium concentration for various values of pCO2 in the cave atmosphere given in atm at the corresponding curves. Note the drop in ph with increasing pCO2. from Dreybrodt and Romanov (2016). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017342 Ca-concentration deceases due to precipitation of cal- cite. For a given pCO2 the initial Ca-concentration is rep- resented by point A on the corresponding the curve. The evolution of pH during precipitation of calcite is then illustrated by the left-hand side of the curve designated by an arrow. For low pCO2 = 0.0004 atm and initial Ca- concentration of 2 mmol/L, pH is 8.7. When precipita- tion stops pH has dropped to 8.2 at the left-hand side of the curve. Therefore, at low pCO2, pH is high and the cor- responding exchange times are low. For pCO2 > 0.002 atm exchange times increase by a factor of about 1.4. DETERMINATION OF τex USING THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA OF HANSEN et al., 2017 Hansen et al. have also provided a wealth of experi- mental data on the early temporal evolution of δ13C in a tab. 1: Exchange times τexp determined from the experimental data of hansen et al. ( 2017), in comparison to the values τtheo derived by the model of hansen et al. (2017). The lower part lists the results measured by Dreybrodt et al. (2016). NaHCO3 mmol/L pCO2 ppm temperature °C Depth of water mm τtheo s τexp s τexp determined from the experimental data of Hansen et al., 2017 1 1000 10 0.12 2465 2820 2 1000 10 0.12 4725 4520 5 1000 10 0.12 10333 10060 10 1000 10 0.12 15769 20060 1 1000 20 0,14 1154 1600 2 1000 20 0,14 2189 2400 5 1000 20 0,14 4752 4400 10 1000 20 0,14 7876 6600 1 1000 30 0.13 670 1000 2 1000 30 0.13 1252 1860 5 1000 30 0.13 2613 2500 10 1000 30 0.13 4180 4000 1 3000 10 0.12 839 890 2 3000 10 0.12 1669 1976 5 3000 10 0.12 3999 3100 10 3000 10 0.12 7426 6100 1 3000 20 0.14 392 410 2 3000 20 0.14 778 1600 5 3000 20 0.14 1853 2000 10 3000 20 0.14 3414 3600 1 3000 30 0.13 233 260 2 3000 30 0.13 458 610 5 3000 30 0.13 1067 1200 10 3000 30 0.13 1914 1700 τexp determined experimentally by Dreybrodt et al., 2016 5 25,000 room temp 0.6 556 570 10 25,000 room temp 0.6 1063 1110 5 12,500 room temp 0.6 1064 900 5 25,000 room temp 0.89 882 590 5 25,000 20 0.13 232 180 5 500 20 0.13 7739 7000 5 25,000 20 0.6 556 636 5 25,000 20 2 2753 2160 WOLFGANG DREyBRODT ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 343 NaHCO3 solution exposed up to 600 s to a defined CO2 atmosphere. This reflects the early evolution, linear in time, of the exponential decay to an equilibrium value determined by the actual initial isotope composition of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Hansen et al. state: "Due to the relatively short exposure times on the plate (600 s at maximum), these experiments did not reach isotopic equilibrium. Most of the experimental data, thus, only show the initial part of the exponential evolution to- wards equilibrium (fig. 7). The determination of a time constant for isotope exchange, τex, according to Eq. (24) is, thus, not possible." This statement is not correct and overlooks the ap- proach of Dreybrodt et al. (2016), to determine initial experimental time constants of isotope exchange. It is possible to obtain the experimental time constants of isotope exchange as has been shown already in this pa- per. Here we present the detailed procedure. Fig. 5a illustrates the exponential approach to equi- librium by isotope exchange. The initial δ-value δ0 of 13C in the DIC of the solution is supposed as −20‰. Then the delta value approaches a value δeq = −40‰ in isotope equilibrium with the CO2 in the atmosphere. This tem- poral evolution is given by For times t < 0.2τ using exp(-x) = 1-x, δ(t) can be written as This is depicted by the dotted straight line in Fig. 1a, which is almost identical to the exponential evolu- tion for t < 0.2τ. For any time ts selected on the straight line one finds a corresponding value of δ(ts) as given by eqn. 2. Solving for τ one gets Fig. 5b gives a series of data points as measured. To evaluate τ from them one fits the points up to t = 200 s by a straight line, which approximates the initial linear behavior. This is shown by the straight dashed line. For ts we select the endpoint of this line to obtain τ = 1090 s, a value slightly higher than the real one. The upper full line presents the true expo- nential behavior whereas the dotted lower one shows its linear approximation. It is important to state here that knowledge of δeq is necessary. This is granted by the knowledge of the initial δ13CO2 of the surrounding atmosphere. From this δeq can be obtained with suf- ficient accuracy by fig. 5: a) Exponential approach to equilibrium (full line) in comparison to the linear approximation valid for t<0.2τ (dotted line), b) Obtaining the exchange time τ from a set of experimental data points during the initial evolution where the linear approximation is valid. See text. fig. 6: Plot of experimental results versus theoretical prediction. ISOTOPE EXCHANGE BETWEEN DIC IN A CALCITE DEPOSITING WATER LAyER AND THE CO2 IN THE SURROUNDING ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017344 where εCO2/HCO3 is the fractionation between CO2 and HCO3. Using this method I have calculated the exchange times for all experimental data as provided by Hansen et al., 2017, using their supplementary information. Due to the experimental errors in the data, e.g. Fig. 9 in Han- sen et al. (2017), I crudely estimate an error of up to ±20%, especially for large exchange times. Tab. 1 pres- ents the results in comparison to their theoretical predic- tions. I have also listed the results of the experiments of Dreybrodt et al. in comparison to the theoretical values of Hansen et al. For a better overview, in Fig. 6, I have plotted the experimental values versus the theoretical predictions. For perfect agreement all these points should be located exactly on the line τtheo = τexp. All points are sufficiently close to this line and show a satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment. CONCLUSION In conclusion the work of Hansen et al. supports the prior theory of Dreybrodt et al., 2016, and provides experimen- tal evidence that the exchange times are predicted cor- rectly by both approaches if the combined pH dependent rate constant k is used in both models. The statement of Hansen at al. (2017): "for low pCO2 (i.e., between 500 and 1000 ppmV), as observed in many cave systems, the time constants calculated by our model are shorter than esti- mated by an alternative approach (Dreybrodt et al., 2016) " is not correct. Both approaches yield numbers close to each other. However, in the work of Hansen et al. (2017), the numerical procedure to obtain τex requires a com- plex numerical program whereas eqn. 1 provides an analytical expression much easier to use, which ex- presses in a simple way the relation to pCO2 and cal- cium concentration because electro neutrality requires . One remark should be added. Although, routinely the oxygen isotopes in the gaseous CO2 as well as in the DIC are measured together with the carbon isotopes no information is given about them in the work of Hansen et al. (2017). As shown in Dreybrodt et al. (2016) these data can be obtained and give important supplementary information. Hansen et al. (2017), have used CO2 that was equili- brated with the water they used in their experiments. This way both CO2 and DIC were in isotopic equilibrium with water and consequently also with each other. Iso- tope exchange is excluded and the δ18O values must stay constant during the time of the experiment. The evolu- tion of δ18O is reported in the bachelor thesis of Froe- schmann (2015) and shows constant δ18O. This is what is expected and gives further support to the experimental method. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge funding by the Deutsche Forschungs- gemeinschaft (DFG), grant DR 79/14-1. WOLFGANG DREyBRODT ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 345 Dreybrodt, W., 1988: Processes in karst Systems-Physics, Chemistry, and geology.- Springer, pp. 288, Berlin. 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