*Corr. Author’s Address: Nguyen Tat Thanh University, 300A Nguyen Tat Thanh, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, lvan@ntt.edu.vn 155 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 Received for review: 2022-07-29 © 2023 The Authors. CC BY 4.0 Int. Licensee: SV-JME Received revised form: 2022-12-12 DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2022.303 Original Scientific Paper Accepted for publication: 2023-02-22 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. Minh-Thai Le 1 – An-Le V an 2,* – Trung-Thanh Nguyen 3 1 Le Quy Don Technical University, Faculty of Special Equipment, Vietnam 2 Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam 3 Le Quy Don Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vietnam Diamond burnishing is an effective solution to finish a surface. The purpose of the current work is to optimize parameter inputs, including the spindle speed (S), depth of penetration (D), feed rate (f), and diameter of tool-tip (DT) for improving the Vickers hardness (VH) and decreasing the average roughness (Ra) of a new diamond burnishing process. A set of burnishing experiments is executed under a new cooling lubrication system comprising the minimum quantity lubrication and double vortex tubes. The Bayesian regularized feed-forward neural network (BRFFNN) models of the performances are proposed in terms of the inputs. The criteria importance through the inter-criteria correlation (CRITIC) method and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm based on the grid partitioning (NSGA-G) are applied to compute the weights of responses and find optimality. The optimal outcomes of the S, D, f, and DT were 370 rpm, 0.10 mm, 0.04 mm/rev, and 8 mm, respectively. The improvements in the Ra and VH were 40.7 % and 7.6 %, respectively, as compared to the original parameters. An effective approach combining the BRFFNN, CRITIC, and NSGA-G can be widely utilized to deal with complicated optimization problems. The optimizing results can be employed to enhance the surface properties of the burnished surface. Keywords: single diamond burnishing; average roughness; Vickers hardness; Bayesian regularization; NSGA-G Highlights • A new diamond burnishing operation combining the minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) system and vortex tubes was developed. • Process parameters, including the spindle speed, depth of penetration, feed rate, and diameter of the tool tip were optimized. • The average roughness and Vickers hardness of the burnished surface were enhanced. • Optimal Bayesian regularized feed-forward neural network was proposed to present the non-linear data. 0 INTRODUCTION In industrial applications, the cost of lubricants accounts for 7 % to 17 % of the production expense. Moreover, the usage of the cutting fluid causes health risks and environmental problems; hence, the reduction or elimination of the lubricants is necessary. For this purpose, various cooling-lubrication (CL) approaches, including the minimum quantity lubrication (MQL), the Vortex tube (VT), and the cryogenic approach have been developed and utilized. The deployment of the MQL system for different machining processes has attracted many researchers. Zaman and Dhar [1] stated that Ra, cutting force (CF), and cutting temperature (CT) were decreased by 5.78 %, 1.27 %, and 3.93 % at a proper parameter setting, respectively, for the MQL turning Ti6Al4V, in which the nozzle diameter, nozzle elevation angle (A), flow rate (Q), and air pressure were optimizing inputs. Tamang et al. [2] emphasized that the power consumption (PC), Ra, and tool wear (TW) of the MQL turning Inconel 825 were decreased by 16.57 %, 8.47 %, and 10.41 %, respectively, as compared to the dry condition. Moreover, the Ra of 0.49 µm, the PC of 5.44 kW, and the TW of 110.68 µm were obtained at the optimal condition. Zan et al. [3] stated that CT, CF, and acceleration were decreased by 150 ºC, 5.6 %, and 8.9 %, respectively using optimal values of the Q, nozzle distance (N), and A for the MQL milling Ti6Al4V . The Ra of 0.32 μm, the CT of 103.8 ºC, and the CF of 115.1 N for the MQL milling Inconel 690 were obtained by means of optimal parameters of the S, f, depth of cut (dc), Q, and A [4]. V an and Nguyen [5] presented that the cylindricity, circularity, and average roughness of the MQL roller burnishing were reduced by 53.2 %, 57.8 %, and 72.9 %, respectively with the support of the optimal data of the nozzle diameter, A, Q, and air pressure. The maximum roughness and VH of the MQL roller burnishing were decreased by 17 % and 14 %, respectively using the ANN and PSO [6]. Sachin et al. [7] developed an MQL diamond- burnishing process, in which the optimal outcomes of the Ra and VH were 0.07 µm and 363 HV , respectively using the optimal data of the S, f, and burnishing force (f b ). The VT has been widely utilized to enhance the technical performances of various machining processes. Mahapatro and Krishna [8] revealed that the CT and Ra of the VT-based turning Ti-6Al-4V were decreased by 35.6 % and 66.14 %, respectively, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 156 Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. while the CF was increased by 18.6 %, as compared to the dry cutting. Singh et al. [9] emphasized that the VT caused 45 % to 56 % lower carbon emission for the turning Ti-3Al-2.5V in comparison with the dry condition. Gupta et al. [10] proposed an effective system VTMQL comprising the nitrogen, VT, and MQL to increase the machinability in the turning of AA 7075-T6 alloy, in which the TW and Ra were decreased by 118 % and 77 %, respectively. Similarly, Mia et al. [11] revealed that the VTMQL caused reductions in the TW and Ra around 72 % and 75 %, respectively, for the precision turning of Al 6061-T6. The CF and Ra of the VTMQL-based drilling Hardox 500 steel were decreased by 36.8 % and 46.7 %, respectively, as compared to the MQL, while the TW decreased around 4.5 times in comparison with the dry condition [12]. The cryogenic method has been considered for different machining processes. Sharma et al. [13] stated that the CF of 44.49 N, the CT of 24.99 ºC and the machining time of 37.09 s were obtained at the optimal data for the cryogenic turning AISI D3 using the Taguchi method. The specific cutting energy (SCE), Ra, and TW for the cryogenic turning Ti-6Al- 4V were decreased by 30.5 %, 22.8 %, and 4.3 %, respectively, as compared to the dry condition [14]. The S of 78 m/min, the f of 0.16 mm/rev, and SNMM tool insert could be applied to decrease the Ra (1.05 μm) and the CF (315 N) for the cryogenic turning Ti- 6Al-4V [15]. The optimal values of the S, f, and f b of the cryogenic diamond burnishing operation were 73 m/min, 0.048 mm/rev, and 150 N, respectively for decreasing the Ra and improving the VH [16]. Sachin et al. [17] stated that Ra of 0.2 µm and the VH of 398 HV for the diamond burnishing operation of the 17-4 hardened stainless could be obtained using optimal outcomes. The diamond burnishing process is one of the finest finishing technologies, which has been widely executed on different surfaces for improving the properties and working functionalities [18] to [20]. Various CL methods, including cryogenic and MQL conditions, have been utilized in various diamond- burnishing operations. Unfortunately, the cryogenic approach requires an expensive investment, while the low cooling-lubrication impact is the greatest drawback of the MQL system when machining high- hardness steels due to the enormous amount of generated heat. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an efficient-economic cooling-lubrication approach that can effectively facilitate the diamond-burnishing process. Additionally, the selection of optimal factors for improving the surface quality of the diamond burnishing under the impact of a new CL system is also an urgent demand. In this paper, a new diamond burnishing operation comprising the MQL and double vortex tubes is MQL system Ranque-Hilsch vortex Air compressor Diamond-burnishing tool Double Ranque-Hilsch vortex tubes- minimum quantity lubrication-assisted diamond burnishing process Fig. 1. A new diamond-burnishing process Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 157 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation Development of the optimal BRNN model for DRDB responses Investigation of the impacts of DRDB parameters Start Execution of DRDB experiments Yes No Satisfy? End Determination of the weights of responses using the CRITIC method Determination of the best optimal point using NSGA-G algorithm Operating parameters of BRNN model Training process of BRNN model Calculating mean square error Calculating absolute error? Yes No Satisfy? Lowest mean square error? The optimal BRNN model No Yes 1 st Stage 2 nd Stage Fig. 2. The optimizing procedure first introduced. Then, we present the optimization approach and experiment. Next, the obtained results are discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and future research is suggested. 1 NEW DIAMOND-BURNISHING PROCESS The concept of the diamond burnishing operation with a new CL system is shown in Fig. 1. The compressed air is produced by the pneumatic pump and stored in the accumulator. The pressure value is detected and assigned using the pneumatic regulator valve. The lubricant is pumped by means of the electrical device, while the flow rate is adjusted using the frequency generator. The compressed air is transferred from the MQL system to the double vortex tubes for decreasing the working temperature. The cold mixture is produced and transferred into the burnishing regions. Table 1. Optimizing parameters of a new diamond burnishing process Symbol Parameters 1 2 3 S Spindle speed [rpm] 185 370 630 D Depth of penetration [mm] 0.06 0.08 0.10 f Feed rate [mm/rev] 0.04 0.06 0.08 DT Tool-tip Diameter [mm] 6 8 10 2 OPTIMIZATION APPROACH The burnishing parameters, including the spindle speed (S), depth of penetration (D), feed rate (f), and tool-tip diameter (DT) are presented in Table 1. The ranges of the S, D, and f are determined based on the characteristics of the machine tool, while the DT value is selected using the characteristics of the burnishing tool. Consequently, the optimizing issue is expressed as: Minimize the Ra and maximize the VH. Constraints: 150 rpm ≤ S ≤ 630 rpm; 0.06 mm ≤ D ≤ 0.10 mm; 0.04 mm/rev ≤ f ≤ 0.08 mm/rev; 8 mm ≤ DT ≤ 10 mm. The optimizing approach is expressed in Fig. 2. Step 1: The experimental data are observed using the Taguchi method. The Ra value is calculated as: Ra Ra i n n i    1 , (1) where Ra i denotes the average roughness at the i th measured location. The VH value is calculated as: VH VH i i n n    1 , (2) where VH i is the Vickers hardness at the i th position. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 158 Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. Step 2: The Ra and VH models are developed using the BRFFNN approach [21]. The input parameters are considered as probability density functions to the hidden layer, which is expressed as: P PDwM Pw M PD M  (, ,) (, ) (, ,) ,   (3) where D and M presents the obtained data and the forward multi-layer perceptron, respectively. w and P(w|α,M) are the vector and prior knowledge of network weights, respectively. When the Gaussian function is employed, the likelihood-P (D|w, β, M) is expressed as: PDwM e n d d (, ,) , /       1 2 (4) where d d is the sum of squared deviations for data. The normalized factor P (D|α, β, M) is expressed as: PD Me N d w (, ,) , /       1 2 (5) where d w is the sum of squared errors for the weights. The probability density function can be expressed as: P Z e F dd dw   1 (,) . ()   (6) The highest posterior probability density function causes maximum regularized objective function ( f = βd d +αd w ). To observe the optimal architecture of the BRFFNN model, the operating factors, including the number of neurons in each layer, performance function, transfer function, number of hidden layers, and learning functions are optimized and selected. The numerical experiments of each ANN model are executed to calculate the mean square error (MSE), which is expressed as: MSE N yy ap i N     1 2 1 , (7) where y a and y p are the actual and predictive values, respectively. N denotes the number of testing points. The best BRFFNN architecture is chosen with the lowest MSE value. Step 3: The weights of the machining responses are calculated using the criteria importance through the intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) method. The normalized burnishing response (x ij ) is computed as: x xx xx ij ij j word j best j word    . (8) The standard deviation (s j ) of each response is calculated as: s xx m j ij m i m      () . 1 2 1 (9) Determination of symmetric matrix of n×n with element r jk , which is linear correlation coefficient between the vectors x j and x k . Computation of measure of the conflict (I j ): Ir jj k k m    () . 1 1 (10) Determination of the quantity of the information (C j ): Cs r jj jk k m    () . 1 1 (11) The computed (w i ) of burnishing response is calculated as: w C C i j j k n    1 . (12) Step 4: The optimal data of the burnishing parameters and responses are selected using the non- dominated sorting genetic algorithm based on the grid partitioning (NSGA-G) [22]. The operation steps of the NSGA-G are expressed in Fig. 3. Randomly initialize parent population P 0 Set maximum number of iterations (t max ) Calculate the individual target values of the population P t Non-inferior sorting Acquire sub-population Q t by genetic operation Calculate R t = P t U Q t and run the non-inferior ranking Start Comparing solutions among all members Select N individuals as a new parent population P t+1 End t > t max Yes No Generation of different groups for Min and Max Points Finding nearest smaller and bigger grid points for each solution Fig. 3. The working principle of the NSGA-G The random initialization of parent population: the parent population is executed based on the definition of the optimizing issue. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 159 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation Non-dominance sorting of the parent population: the parent population (P) is divided into the number of the subsets (P i ), in which the subset P k+1 is dominated by the individual P k . The individual P i is expressed as: Pi ni N ii    /, ,, ..., . 12 (13) The population P k is expressed as: Pn ki    All individual/ k, 1 (14) where n i is the number of individuals in the population for dominating generations. The parent population with N size and offspring population with N members at t th generation are produced with the aid of crossover and mutation operations. Generation of different groups for Min and Max Points: the nearest smaller and bigger grid point for each solution were selected. The design space is divided into multi small groups. Compare solutions in a group and selection of the best individual: The weak individuals are removed to form a new generation. The control loop is executed until the maximum number of generations is fit. 3 EXPERIMENTAL SETTING The machining specimens having the round cylindrical shape are made from the hardened AISI 4340 steel. The length and diameter of each workpiece are 130 mm and 80 mm, respectively. The turning and grinding operations are applied to produce the external surface in each specimen. The average roughness and Vickers hardness of the pre-machined surface are approximately 2.46 µm and 420.6 HV , respectively. The experiments are performed using a conventional turning machine. The dead and live centres are employed to hold the specimen (Fig. 4a). The rotational motion of the workpiece is conducted by means of the friction between the machining sample and the dead centre. A novel diamond-burnishing tool has been designed and fabricated to facilitate burnishing experiments, as shown in Fig. 4b. Primary components are the shank, tool head, stem, diamond tip, positioning bolts, and adjusting screws. The stem having the diamond tip is tightly mounted in the tool head. The stem is replaced after each experiment to eliminate the impact of the tool wear. The hardness of 62 HRC and roughness of 0.05 μm are employed in the diamond tip. The average roughness is computed from three different positions using the Mitutoyo SJ-301. The Vickers hardness is measured in three different points on the burnished surface using a Wilson Wolpert tester. The representative values of the burnishing responses are presented in Fig. 5. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Impacts of Process Parameters on the Ra and VH Table 2 presents experimental data for the diamond burnishing operation. Table 2. Experimental data for a new diamond burnishing process No. S D f DT Ra VH Experimental data for developing the BRNN model 1 185 0.06 0.04 6 0.46 511.5 2 370 0.06 0.06 6 0.42 478.3 3 630 0.06 0.08 6 0.44 424.6 4 370 0.06 0.04 8 0.31 488.8 5 630 0.06 0.06 8 0.32 451.6 6 185 0.06 0.08 8 0.54 480.2 7 630 0.06 0.04 10 0.23 444.4 8 185 0.06 0.06 10 0.42 484.8 9 370 0.06 0.08 10 0.41 456.2 10 370 0.08 0.04 6 0.27 497.7 11 630 0.08 0.06 6 0.29 464.8 12 185 0.08 0.08 6 0.54 474.3 13 630 0.08 0.04 8 0.18 475.7 14 185 0.08 0.06 8 0.41 496.6 15 370 0.08 0.08 8 0.38 469.9 16 185 0.08 0.04 10 0.29 485.1 17 370 0.08 0.06 10 0.27 474.3 18 630 0.08 0.08 10 0.33 446.8 19 630 0.10 0.04 6 0.14 495.7 20 185 0.10 0.06 6 0.39 497.3 21 370 0.10 0.08 6 0.37 472.4 22 185 0.10 0.04 8 0.26 503.8 23 370 0.10 0.06 8 0.24 494.8 24 630 0.10 0.08 8 0.29 470.9 25 370 0.10 0.04 10 0.13 483.1 26 630 0.10 0.06 10 0.18 475.7 27 185 0.10 0.08 10 0.36 481.8 Experimental data for testing the precision of the BRNN model 28 185 0.06 0.05 7 0.46 505.4 29 250 0.07 0.07 9 0.41 481.9 30 250 0.09 0.05 7 0.32 501.3 31 630 0.10 0.07 9 0.23 477.6 32 370 0.07 0.06 10 0.31 470.5 33 250 0.08 0.08 9 0.41 476.9 34 185 0.06 0.05 9 0.41 496.3 35 370 0.08 0.07 7 0.36 477.9 36 370 0.06 0.06 8 0.37 479.4 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 160 Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. a) b) 1. The shank 2. The tool head 3. The stem 4. Positioning bolts 5. The adjusting screw 6. Diamond tip Fig. 4. The experimental setting; a) burnishing experiment, and b) diamond burnishing tool As shown in Fig. 6a, the Ra decreases (relatively around 34.8 %) with an increase in the S (from 185 rpm to 630 rpm). Higher S increases the engagement frequency between the diamond tip and the surface, which increases the number of burnishing traces. The irregularities of the pre- machined surface are easily deformed; thus, the Ra decreases. The machining temperature at the interfaces increases with an increased S, which reduces the hardness and strength of the workpiece; hence, the material is smoothly compressed. Therefore, a reduction in the Ra is obtained. As shown in Fig. 6b, an increase in the D (from 0.06 mm to 0.10 mm) leads to a reduction in the Ra (relatively around 30.4 %). Higher D increases the machining pressure on the surface to be machined, and the material is compressed. The pre-machined peaks are flattened, and the valleys are filled up; hence, the Ra significantly decreases. As shown in Fig. 6c, an increase in the f (from 0.04 mm/rev to 0.08 mm/rev) increases the Ra (relatively around 24.4 %). An increased f causes a higher distance between the consecutive burnishing paths, which decreases the engagement frequency. The machining time available to process material decreases with an increased f; hence, the Ra increases. a) b) Fig. 5. The representative values of a new diamond-burnishing process; a) the SEM image of the burnished surface at the experimental No. 11, and b) the Vickers hardness at the experimental No. 11 As shown in Fig. 6d, an increase in the DT (from 8 mm to 10 mm) decreases the Ra (relatively around 19.6 %). An increased DT causes a higher contact length between the tool tip and the specimen’s surface. The pre-machined peaks are flattened, and the valleys are filled up; thus, the Ra significantly decreases. Table 3. Computed ANOVA results for the Ra Source SS MS F value p-value Model 0.209 0.015 41.916 < 0.0001 S 0.178 0.178 499.782 < 0.0001 D 0.164 0.164 458.560 < 0.0001 f 0.197 0.197 552.648 < 0.0001 DT 0.094 0.094 264.563 < 0.0001 Sf 0.013 0.013 35.166 0.0182 SDT 0.038 0.038 105.732 0.0091 S 2 0.103 0.103 288.085 < 0.0001 DT 2 0.015 0.015 42.619 0.0174 Residual 0.004 0.000 Cor. total 0.213 R 2 = 0.9816; Adjusted R 2 = 0.9724; Predicted R 2 = 0.9682 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 161 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation The contribution of each factor on the Ra is shown in Table 3. Significant parameters are all single factors (S, D, f, and DT), interactive factors (Sf and SDT), and quadratic factors (S 2 and DT 2 ). The contributions of the S, D, f, and DT are 21.46 %, 19.69 %, 23.73 %, and 11.36 %, respectively. The contributions of the Sf and SDT are 1.51 % and 4.54 %, respectively. The contributions of the S 2 and DT 2 are 12.37 % and 1.83 %, respectively. The R 2 value of 0.9816 indicates the Ra model is adequate. As shown in Fig. 7a, the VH decreases (relatively around 12.3 %) with an increased S (from 105 rpm to 630 rpm). An increase in the S increases the engagement frequency, leading to higher machining temperature at the burnishing area; hence, the VH decreases. As shown in Fig. 7b, an increased D (from 0.06 mm to 0.10 mm) leads to a higher VH (relatively around 2.5 %). An increased D increases the machining pressure on the surface to be machined. The material is compressed and higher VH is obtained. As shown in Fig. 7c, an increased higher f (from 0.04 mm/rev to 0.08 mm/rev) decreases the VH (relatively around 9.8 %). A higher f causes a low degree of plastic deformation due to higher distance among the consecutive traces; hence, the VH decreases. As shown in Fig. 7d, an increased DT (from 6 mm to 10 mm) decreases the VH (relatively around 6.1 %). At a lower DT, higher burnishing pressure is produced due to the low contact area between the tool tip and surface to be machined. More material is compressed and the VH increases. When the DT increases, the burnishing pressure decreases; hence, the VH decreases. The contribution of each factor on the Vickers hardness is shown in Table 4. Significant parameters are all single factors (S, D, f, and DT), interactive factors (SD, Sf, SDT, DDT, and fDT), and quadratic factors (S 2 , D 2 , f 2 , and DT 2 ). The contributions of the a) b) c) d) Fig. 6. Parametric influences on the Ra; a) Ra vs. S, b) Ra vs. D, c) Ra vs. f, and d) Ra vs. DT Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 162 Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. S, D, f, and DT are 19.51 %, 12.79 %, 16.31 %, and 8.77 %, respectively. The contributions of the SD, Sf, SDT, DDT, and fDT are 10.0 %, 1.25 %, 3.75 %, 1.68 %, and 11.19 %, respectively. The contributions of the S 2 , D 2 , f 2 , and DT 2 are 1.82 %, 2.33 %, 4.44 %, and 5.48 %, respectively. The R 2 value of 0.9843 indicates the developed VH model is adequate. 4.2 Impacts of MQL Parameters on the Ra and VH The ranges of the flow rate (Q), nozzle distance (N), and nozzle elevation angle (A) are selected based on the characteristics of the MQL system and confirmed with references [1], [3], and [5]. The Box-Benkhen design with two replications is applied to produce the experimental data in terms of saving trial costs and human efforts, as shown in Table 5. As shown in Fig. 8a, when the Q relatively increases from 40 ml/h to 120 ml/h, the Ra is relatively decreased by 39.5 %. A higher Q increases the number a) b) c) d) Fig. 7. Parametric influences on the VH; a) VH vs. S, b) VH vs. D, c) VH vs. f, and d) VH vs. DT Table 4. Computed ANOVA results for the VH Source SS MS F value p-value Model 7624.43 544.60 49.26 < 0.0001 S 1856.20 1856.20 167.90 < 0.0001 D 1216.86 1216.86 110.07 < 0.0001 f 1551.75 1551.75 140.36 < 0.0001 DT 834.39 834.39 75.47 < 0.0001 SD 951.41 951.41 86.06 0.0002 Sf 118.93 118.93 10.76 0.0014 SDT 356.78 356.78 32.27 0.0006 DDT 64.70 64.70 5.85 0.0012 fDT 159.84 159.84 14.46 < 0.0001 S 2 1064.63 1064.63 96.30 0.0011 D 2 173.16 173.16 15.66 0.0008 f 2 221.68 221.68 20.05 0.0005 DT 2 422.43 422.43 38.21 0.0004 Residual 521.37 521.37 47.16 Cor. total 121.61 11.06 R 2 = 0.9843; Adjusted R 2 = 0.9752; Predicted R 2 = 0.9636 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 163 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation of oil droplets entering the burnishing zone, which enhances the cooling-lubrication efficiency. The friction at the interfaces decreases and the burnished surface is wetted and protected; hence, the Ra significantly decreases. Table 5. The impacts of MQL parameters on the Ra and VH No. Q [ml/h] N [mm] A [deg] Ra [μm] VH [HV] 1 40 30 60 0.41 451.8 2 80 40 60 0.33 459.2 3 120 30 30 0.29 491.2 4 80 40 30 0.33 457.1 5 120 30 60 0.28 492.8 6 80 30 45 0.31 485.2 7 40 30 30 0.43 450.4 8 40 40 45 0.37 448.4 9 80 30 45 0.31 484.2 10 80 20 60 0.46 492.9 11 120 20 45 0.35 513.8 12 120 40 45 0.21 478.6 13 80 30 45 0.31 486.8 14 40 20 45 0.49 468.2 15 80 20 30 0.47 491.8 As shown in Fig. 8b, when the N relatively increases from 20 mm to 40 mm, the Ra is relatively increased by 30.9 %. At a low distance, a high proportion of the mixture is effectively transferred into the burnishing zones, resulting in low friction at the interfaces. The cooling-lubrication efficiency improves; thus, the Ra decreases. When the distance increases, a low proportion of the mixture enters into the burnishing zones, resulting in a lower cooling- lubrication efficiency; hence, the Ra increases. As shown in Fig. 8c, a higher A causes a reduced Ra value, while a further angle causes a negative impact. When the angle increases from 30 deg to 45 deg, the Ra is relatively decreased by 13.8 %. When the angle increases from 45 deg to 60 deg, the Ra is relatively increased by 12.9 %. An increased angle leads to a decreased Ra due to a reduction in friction with the aid of proper positions of nozzles. However, a further increased angle causes a higher frictional impact at the interfaces and the Ra slightly increases. As shown in Fig. 9a, when the Q relatively increases from 40 ml/h to 120 ml/h, the VH is enhanced by 10.8 %. An increased Q leads to a higher amount of lubricant; thus, the burnished surface is wetted and protected. The friction at the interface decreases, leading to a reduction in the machining temperature. The diminishing of the residual stress is then prevented; thus, a higher VH is achieved. a) b) c) Fig. 8. Impacts of MQL parameters on the Ra; a) Ra vs. Q, b) Ra vs. N, and c) Ra vs. A As shown in Fig. 9, when the N relatively increases from 20 mm to 40 mm, the VH is relatively decreased by 6.2 %. At a low distance, a higher amount of lubricant enters into the burnishing zone, which wets and protects the burnished surface. The machining temperature at the interfaces decreases, which diminishes the residual stress; hence, the VH enhances. At a low distance, the temperature at the Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 164 Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. interfaces increases, leading to diminishing residual stress; hence, the VH decreases. a) b) c) Fig. 9. Impacts of MQL parameters on the VH; a) VH vs. Q, b) VH vs. N, and c) VH vs. A As shown in Fig. 9c, the contradictory trends of the VH are observed under the variety of the elevation angle. When the angle increases from 30 deg to 45 deg, the VH is relatively improved by 1.7 %. When the elevation angle increases from 45 deg to 60 deg, the VH is relatively reduced by 1.5 %. An increased angle causes an accurate penetration of the mixture, leading to a reduction in the machining temperature; thus, a higher VH is obtained. A further increased angle leads to an improper cooling-lubrication efficiency, resulting in a higher burnishing temperature and the residual stress is relieved; hence, the VH decreases. 4.3 Optimal BRNN Model The operating parameters of the BRFFNN model, including the HN, PM, TF, HL, and LF are shown in Table 6. The computational trials of the BRFFNN are performed based on the parameter combination entitled Taguchi L 18 . The obtained results of the MSE values are shown in Table 7. As a result, the optimal data of the HN, PM, TF, HL, and LF are 19, MSEREG, logsig, 3, and LearnGDM, respectively. The schematic of the developed BRNN model is presented in Fig. 10. To confirm the precision of the developed ANN model, the comparisons between the experimental and predictive results are conducted. Table 8 indicates the comparative values at different points. As a result, the computed deviations of the Ra and VH lie from -313 % to 4.35 % and -0.52 % to 0.65 %, respectively. The small errors revealed that the proposed models ensure the prediction accuracy. Output layer Input layer S f DT D Hidden layers Ra VH 19 Neurons 19 Neurons 19 Neurons Fig. 10. The schematic of the developed BRNN model The regression plots of the BRFFNN are depicted in Fig. 11, in which the R values of the training, testing, and all stages are 0.97364, 0.96032, and 0.96536, respectively. Consequently, the developed BRFFNN model can accurately approximate experimental data. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 165 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation Table 6. Operating parameters of the BRNN model Symbol Parameters Classifications HN Number of hidden neurons 15 to 20 PM Performance function Mean squared error: MSE; Mean squared error with regularization: MSEREG; Sum squared error: SSE TF Transfer function Log sigmoid: logsig; Linear: purelin; Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid: tansig HL Number of hidden layers 1; 2; 3 LF Learning function Gradient descent with momentum weight and bias learning function: LearnGDM; Gradient descent weight and bias learning function: LearnGD Table 7. Computing the MSE values No. HN PM TF HL LF MSE 1 15 MSE logsig 1 LearnGDM 0.004236 2 15 MSEREG purelin 2 LearnGD 0.002298 3 15 SSE tansig 3 LearnGDM 0.001948 4 16 MSE logsig 2 LearnGD 0.001481 5 16 MSEREG purelin 3 LearnGDM 0.000929 6 16 SSE tansig 1 LearnGDM 0.001025 7 17 MSE purelin 1 LearnGDM 0.000622 8 17 MSEREG tansig 2 LearnGDM 0.00106 9 17 SSE logsig 3 LearnGD 0.001016 10 18 MSE tansig 3 LearnGD 0.001477 11 18 MSEREG logsig 1 LearnGDM 0.000653 12 18 SSE purelin 2 LearnGDM 0.006799 13 19 MSE purelin 3 LearnGDM 0.000606 14 19 MSEREG tansig 1 LearnGD 0.000632 15 19 SSE logsig 2 LearnGDM 0.00066 16 20 MSE tansig 2 LearnGDM 0.006992 17 20 MSEREG logsig 3 LearnGDM 0.001112 18 20 SSE purelin 1 LearnGD 0.007437 Table 8. Investigation of the precision of the developed BRNN model No. Ra VH Experiment BRFFNN Error [%] Experiment BRFFNN Error [%] 28 0.46 0.47 -2.17 505.4 504.6 0.16 29 0.41 0.42 -2.44 481.9 480.6 0.27 30 0.32 0.33 -3.13 501.3 503.9 -0.52 31 0.23 0.22 4.35 477.6 479.9 -0.48 32 0.31 0.32 -3.23 470.5 468.4 0.45 33 0.41 0.42 -2.44 476.9 473.8 0.65 34 0.41 0.42 -2.44 496.3 498.7 -0.48 35 0.36 0.35 2.78 477.9 475.8 0.44 a) b) c) Fig. 11. Regression plots for the BRNN model; a) training stage, b) testing stage, and c) all stages 4.4 Optimizing outcomes The computed weights of the Ra and VH are 0.53 and 0.47, respectively. To prove the effectiveness of the NSGA-G, the optimal data produced by NSGA-II are generated and compared. Fig. 12 presents the Pareto front produced by the NSGA-G. The computational times of the NSGA-G and NSGA-II are 80.8 s and 126.4 s, respectively. The number of feasible designs produced by the NSGA-G and NSGA-II are 801 points and 408 points, respectively. The optimal data Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 166 Le, M.-T. – Van, A.-L. – Nguyen, T-.T. produced by the NSGA-G of the S, D, f, and DT were 370 rpm, 0.10 mm, 0.04 mm/rev, and 8 mm, respectively (Table 9). The optimal data produced by the NSGA-II of the S, D, f, and DT were 352 rpm, 0.10 mm, 0.04 mm/rev, and 7 mm, respectively. It can be stated that the NSGA-G provides a lower computational time, produces a higher number of feasible points, and better optimal results, as compared to the NSGA-II. Consequently, the VH is improved by 7.6 %, while the Ra is decreased by 40.7 % at the optimal solution, as compared to initial values. Fig. 12. The Pareto front produced by the NSGA-G 4.5 Scientific and Industrial Contributions As a result, the average roughness and Vickers hardness of a new diamond burnishing process have been enhanced with the aid of optimum factors. The academic remarks are expressed as: The proposed technique combining the ANN, CRITIC, and NSGA-G can be effectively utilized to find optimizing values of parameter inputs and responses for other diamond burnishing and machining processes. The correlations developed by the BRFFNN approach can be applied to describe the complex data of the machining process. The obtained data can be used in the practical diamond burnishing process to decrease the average roughness and enhance the Vickers hardness. The industrial remarks are expressed as: • A new diamond burnishing process comprising the MQL and double vortex tubes can be directly utilized in industrial applications for improving the surface properties of the external surface. • The Pareto graphs can be applied to select optimal values of parameter inputs and responses for different burnishing aims. • The CL efficiency of different machining operations (turning, milling, and grinding) can be enhanced with using the proposed system. • The Ra and VH models developed BRFFNN approach can be precisely utilized to calculate the machining targets for different deployments. 4.6 Evaluation of the total diamond burnishing cost The total diamond burnishing cost (TDC) is a summarization of the operation cost, lighting cost, depreciation cost, energy cost, tool cost, fluid cost, and cleaning cost. The TDC model is expressed as: TDCCN t CP t CCt M od b db eL T db mi sv db l      () () ( ) 3600 3600 3600 ) )( ) () () (         CPt Ct t FC t CF t ed bd b Td b T l db c 3600 60 3600  h h 3600 ), (15) where C o , N db , and t db are the unit operator cost, the number of operators, and machining time, respectively. C e and P L are the unit energy cost and lighting power, respectively. C mi , C sv , and t db are the initial cost, salvage value, and useful life, respectively. C e , P db , and η present the unit energy cost, power used in the machining time, and the working efficiency of the machine tool, respectively. C T and T T are the unit cost Table 9. Optimization results generated by the BRNN-CRITI-NSGAG Method Optimization parameters Responses S [rpm] D [mm] f [mm/rev] DT [mm] Ra [μm] VH [HV] Initial values 630 0.06 0.04 6 0.27 467.2 NSGA-G 630 0.10 0.05 8 0.16 502.6 NSGA-II 352 0.10 0.04 7 0.18 497.2 Improvement [%] 40.7 7.6 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(2023)3-4, 155-168 167 Impacts of Burnishing Variables on the Quality Indicators in a Single Diamond Burnishing Operation and useful life of the diamond tool tip, respectively. C l , F, and C c present the unit cost, flow rate of the fluid, and the unit cost of the cleaning operation, respectively. Table 10 presents the experimental coefficients for the TDC model. The TDC value is decreased by 20 % at the selected optimality, as compared to the common values (Table 11). Table 10. The experimental coefficients for estimating total diamond burnishing cost C o [USD/h] N db C mu [USD] C sv [USD] M l [h] C e [USD/kWh] 8.2 1 61500 4000 20000 0.14 C T [USD] t T [s] F [ml/h] C l [USD/l] C c [USD/l] 13.8 3000 80 2 0.46 Table 11. The reduction in the total diamond burnishing cost Method Optimization parameters Cost S [rpm] D [mm] f [mm/rev] DT [mm] TDC [USD] Common values 630 0.06 0.04 6 2.45 Optimal values 630 0.10 0.05 8 1.96 Reduction [%] 20.0 5 CONCLUSIONS In this study, a new single diamond burnishing process was proposed and optimized to improve the Vickers hardness and decrease the average roughness. The parameter inputs were the S, D, f, and DT. The CRITIC method was applied to compute the weights, while the BRFFNN approach was utilized to develop the response model in terms of the optimizing factors. The obtained findings can be expressed as: 1. To enhance the Vickers hardness, the highest DT is applied, while the lowest values of the S, f, and DT are recommended. To decrease the average roughness, the highest values of the S, D, and DT are applied, while the lowest f is encouraged. 2. For the Ra, the f is named as the most effective parameter, followed by the S, D, and DT, respectively. For the VH, the S is named as the most effective parameter, followed by the f, D, and DT, respectively. 3. The optimal data of the S, D, f, and DT were 370 rpm, 0.10 mm, 0.04 mm/rev, and 8 mm, respectively. The VH was improved by 7.6 % while the Ra was decreased by 40.7 %. The total diamond burnishing cost could be decreased by 20 % at the optimal solution. 4. This investigation considered the average roughness and Vickers hardness of a new single diamond burnishing. Further work with more objectives, such as the wear rate, energy consumption, and grain size will be addressed. 6 REFERENCES [1] Zaman, P.B., Dhar, N.R. (2020). 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