Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 34/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 14. 9. 2014 POVIŠANJE SVETEGA KRIŽA EXALTAION OF THE HOLY CROSS Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@stgregoryha Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@stgregoryhamil V znamenju križa Križ srečujemo povsod. Z znakom križa začenjamo vsako molitev in še posebej sveto daritev. Križ je znak tiste moči, po kateri smo spodobni odpovedi | in zmage nad samim seboj, ki edina prinaša mir in srečo v duši in mir z bližnjim. Prosimo na križu Povišanega, da bi prav razumeli sporočilo današnjega praznika. Sin človekov iz današnjega evangelija je Jezus sam, božji Sin, ki je prišel iz nebes in postal človek in bil povzdignjen na križ. V njem seje razodela usmiljena božja ljubezen; za človeka je postalo možno novo rojstvo, božje otroštvo, skupnost z Bogom. Prerojenje, novo rojstvo pa ni delo človeške modrosti in truda, ampak dar Duha in skrivnost vere. Svoje povišanje na križu Jezus pojasni Nikodemu s primero v puščavi povzdignjene bronaste kače, ki je bila znak rešitve, daru božjega usmiljenja. Bog želi rešiti, kar je zgubljenega, to je skrivnost njegove večne ljubezni. Kdor se ji odpre, je v luči in resnici. Naša rešitev je možna le ob pogledu na križ, na tistega, ki je bil za nas povzdignjen na križ in se daroval za nas. Jezus, božji Sin, »je sam sebe izničil tako, da je prevzel naravo hlapca in postal podoben ljudem in bil po zunanjosti kakor človek in je sam sebe ponižal tako, da je postal pokoren do smrti, in sicer smrti na križu« (Fil 2, 7-9). Jezus ni živel zase, ampak za svojega Očeta in za svoje brate. »Sin človekov ni prišel, da bi mu stregli, ampak da bi on stregel in dal svoje življenje za mnoge« (Mt 19, 20). Jezus nam prinaša resnični, pravi »mir, ki ga svet ne more dati«. On je naš mir in naša sprava. S svojo vdanostjo Očetu nam je pridobil milost in moč, da moremo za njim in tudi sami postanemo ustvarjalci miru. JESENSKI BANKET - FALL BANQUET PRAZNOVANJE 50 LETNICE NAŠE ŽUPNIJE 11 0°O Oo Oo Oo •• Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Nedelja-Sunday, September 28, 2014 Maša / Mass: I0:00 a.m. Mašo bo vodil škof v pokoju Anthony F. Tonnos Kosilo / Dinner at 12:00 v dvorani / church hall Kulturni program / Cultural program pozdrav gostov, zgodovina v sliki, nastop plesne skupine Venec Razstava slik zgodovinskega društva v spodnji dvorani Prijave sprejema: Terezija Sarjaš: 905-560-1218 »j ' ^ ;... T^& JiWr, ••i > "T* . i „»^ =. ■*■*•• ft<- -m j/ ROMANJE V MIDLAND V soboto, 6. septembra 2014 smo poromali v Midland. Dolga leta se Slovenci v začetku septembra zbiramo v Midlandu - najprej ob znamenju križa, kjer je bila polurna komemoracija in spomin na vse padle v drugi svetovni vojni. Pred križem so na začetku položili venec, g. Stank Gerljolj je na kratko vse pozdravil nato so se zvrstile recitacije, glavni, moški zbor je ob harominiki Andrej Pahulje. Dan smo nadaljevali s križevim potom ob postajah v parku, ob dvanajstih pa je bila sveta maša v cerkvi. Mašo je vodil g. Stanko Gerjolj ob somaševanju g. Batiča, g. Burje, g. Plazarja in g. Gačnika. Ob koncu maše smo še zapeli litanije Matere božje, potem pa se okrepčali z malico in se vrnili na svoje domove. Hvala Jerriju Ponikvarju, Tereziji Sarjaš in Veri Gonza, ki so poskrbeli za avtobus in prijave. ZAKRAMENT SV. KRSTA_ V soboto, 6. septembra 2014 je med večerno sveto mašo prejela zakrament sv. Krsta ANNA KATERINA BARTOLAC, hči mame Sandre /roj Komavli) in očeta Franka Bartolac. Iskrene čestitke ob krstu drugega otroka, naj jo spremlja božji blagoslov. V soboto 14. septembra 2014 pa je prejel zakrament sv. krsta ARMANDO AKIOPEKIAN, sin očeta Ramon Akiopekian in matere Jane /roj Pekarcikova). Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu otroka. Naj mu bosta dobra starša in vzgojitelja. f-\ Exaltaioin of the Holy Cross V_/ First Reading Numbers 21:4-9 God was prepared to save the lives of those Israelites who rebelled against Moses and the hardships of the desert. Response: Don't forget the works of the Lord! Second Reading Philippians 2:6-11 In Jesus, God chose to become one of us. Through the pain and humiliation of the cross, Jesus raised our humanity from degradation to glory. Gospel John 3:13-17 Just as Moses lifted up a bronze serpent in order to heal those who would otherwise have died, so Jesus, through the cross, gives life to those who search for him. "God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world, but so that through him the world might be saved." Illustration One hundred years ago today, the First Battle of the Aisne marked the beginning of the trench warfare that characterised the First World War. The surrounding landscape offered no protection to either side in the battle. Unequipped to dig trenches, both the Allied forces and the Germans sent soldiers to neighbouring farms to requisition spades, shovels, pickaxes and any other implements that might help construct what became a four-year nightmare for hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Neither side would give way to the other. The conflict seemed to increase in violence and bloodshed with each passing day. Two years later, almost to the very day, the first tanks supplemented the weapons - and so the death toll rose, so that, by the end of the war, there were more than thirty-seven million military and civilian casualties. Yet others in the field of battle, non-combatants, daily risked their lives, serving as nurses and ambulance drivers. Many of these were women. Were they afraid? Of course they were! Courage does not mean that someone feels no fear. Rather, the brave person is one who does what is right in spite of personal fear, perhaps in spite of sheer terror, to help others. We hear of those who crawled beyond the trenches into no-man's-land to retrieve the wounded, bringing them to safety in the height of battle. In makeshift field hospitals, medical staff faced previously un-imagined injuries and did their best to repair broken bodies and to comfort their deeply traumatised patients. To an extent, they followed orders, but their goodness went above and beyond the call of duty. Gospel Teaching Was Jesus afraid? Of course he was. Had he not dreaded the torture and death that he knew awaited him, he would not have been human. Facing increasing opposition from the Jewish authorities, Jesus had a choice: either he could abandon his efforts to tell people of his Father and of the kingdom of God, or he could fulfil his mission even though it would cost him his life. Luke's Gospel tells us that, in Gethsemane, Jesus sweated blood, a phenomenon that scientists say only happens under conditions of extreme stress. Yes, Jesus was terrified, but, in a real sense, he had no choice: in his battle against evil, there was no surrender. Humanly speaking, Jesus was weak and undefended, surrounded by friends and supporters who fled when the going became tough. In the eyes of those who captured him, Jesus was the inevitable loser and a dangerously outspoken fool who deserved to face the bloody consequences of his words and actions. Yet the full story went beyond the physical aspects of Calvary. Those who rebelled against God and against Moses' leadership needed a bronze serpent to save them from the bite of the poisonous snakes in their midst. Broken humanity needed Jesus to save it from the evil that threatened to engulf the world. Moses raised his fiery serpent on a staff for all to see. Jesus, on the cross, would be, for all time, a sign of the resurrection to come. Application The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross recalls the day when in AD 326, according to tradition, St Helena, mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, discovered the True Cross and subsequently built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The cross, however, is more than a holy relic; it has a meaning that underpins the whole of Christianity. It proclaims that Jesus, as human as we are, overcame his fears and faced suffering and death in a supreme act of self-sacrifice. It declares that there is no Easter Sunday unless it is preceded by Good Friday. The unsung heroes and heroines of the First World War gave themselves unstintingly as they tried to protect and defend those around them. That is why, in spite of the horrors of war, we remember them with honour and pride. None of us can escape the experience of suffering. It is part and parcel of our human lives. We do not need to be overwhelmed by our circumstances. Looking towards the crucified Jesus, we can see for ourselves someone who knew rejection and pain from personal experience. The cross is the symbol of the resurrection. Death prepares for eternal life. With Jesus in our sights, we can face anything. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR - VAJE_ V četrtek, 18. septembra po večerni maši, bomo imeli pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor in moški zborMajolka. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 14. september: Lipa park: Harvestfest, igrajo Niagara Button boxers in Brajda ♦ 21. september: Triglav - maša ob 2:00 p.m. -Slovenski park: Members Picnikc ♦ 28. september: Sv. GREGORIJ VELIKI - Jesesnki banket in 50. LETNICA ŽUPNIJE ♦ 4. oktober: Bled - Fall Banquet, Oktoberfest OKTOBERFEST, Saturday Oct. 18th, 2014 Breslau - Kitchener - OBERKRAINER HAUS Hosted by "SAVA", sponsored by Slovenian Society St. Joseph Society - Društvo Sv. Jožefa, Hamilton Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Departure - 12:00, St. Gregory's Parking Lot SPECIAL PACKAGE- $59.00 per person. Reservation only with full payment of: $59.00. Cheque payable to St. Joseph Society! One bus only! Contact: Frank Erzar@905-643-0285 CLEVELAND 53rd ANNUAL THANKSGIVING POLKA - EXTRAVAGANZA Weekend — November 27-29th, 2014_ Special Fun Weekend Package — USA Thanksgiving Weekend - sponsored by: The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph, Hamilton Departure from St. Gregory's Parish parking lot on Centennial Parkway at 8:30 AM, Thursday, November 27th and returning Saturday evening, November 29th (late) Join us for an uplifting, fun filled musical weekend! Don't delay! Reservations can be made -only with full payment $350 cheque made out to the St. Joseph Society or cash. For reservations & payment: contact person Frank Erzar @905-643-0285 SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ The SCSF Applications are ^T \ available in the rack at the back of £ the church. Bursaries and scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates at the Banquet to be held at BLED on October 25th. If further information is required, contact Karl Ferko @ 905-578-5890 or Jerry Ponikvar @ 905333-5813. VELEPOSLANIŠTVO OTTAWA_ Obveščam, da bodo konzularne ure v Torontu v septembru v soboto, 20. septembra od 11.00 do 17.00 ure, kot običajno v prostorih konzulata v Torontu, 747 Brown's Line . Naslednje konzularne ure bodo v prvi polovici oktobra. POKOJNI_ V petek, 11. septembra 2014, je odšla k Bogu po večno plačilo naša faranaka, TEREZIJA HAJDINJAK, mama Dragice Ferenčak. Čez nekaj bi dopolnila 101 leto. Od pokojne se boste lahko poslovili v nedeljo, 14. septembra od 2 -4h in od 7-9h, molitve za pokojno pa bodo ob 3:30 p.m. v Markey Dermodi Funeral Home na King st. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v naši cerkvi v ponedeljek, 15. septembra ob 10:00 dopoldne in nato pogreb na slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven. Iskreno sožalje hčerki Dragici in njeni družini in vsem sorodnikom. Pokojni Tereziji pa večni mir in pokoj. JESENSKI BANKET - 50 LETNICA ŽUPNIJE Bliža se 28. september, praznik 50 letnice naše župnije in jesenski banket. V atriju imate kuverte s pismom in prijavnico. Tisti, ki ste se že prijavili ni potrebno še enkrat pošiljat prijavnice. Na naše praznovanje se bomo pripravili tudi duhovno s tridnevnico: v četrtek, petek in soboto zvečer. Tridnevnico bodo vodili gostje in Slovenije: g. Janez Potočnik , g. Bogdan Kolar, in g. Blaž Cuderman. Lepo vabljeni! Za to priložnost pripravljamo tudi brošuro -program. V knjižici imamo tudi prostor za voščila. Če bi družina želela, da je tam tudi vaše ime in priimek, se pred ali po maši ustavite v atriju in boste dobili natančnejšo informacijo. DAROVI_ N.n. je daroval $200 za slovenske misijone; Romarji za Marmore so darovali za gradbeni sklad $100, romarji za Midland pa so darovali za gradbeni skla $310. - Hvala vsem za darove. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - V soboto 13. septembra 2014 je bil prvi šolski dan za učence sobotne slovenske šole v pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamiltonu. Še kakšen se nam bo pridružil v prihodnjih dneh, so pa otroci in učitlejice začeli resno, tudi nekateri, ki so lani končali slovensko šolo, bodo letos pomagali učiteljicam. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO OD 14. 9. 2014 DO 21. 9. 2014 svete maše - masses Povišanje Sv. Križa 14. September za žive in rajne župljane f Ciril Virant ff Elizabeta Ferko 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Ana Nardo (Tunder Bay) Kathy in Joe Prša Ponedeljek Monday 15. September Žalostna Mati Božja f Terezija Hajdinjak f Stane Napast ff Starši, sestre in brat Pozderec f Jože Bregar Na čast Materi Božji 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Pogrebna maša Družina Pinter Julija Sagadin Društvo sv. Jožefa /5/ Ignac Horvat z družino Torek - Tuesday 16. September Kornelij in Ciprijan f Po namenu 8:00 a.m. n.n. Sreda Wednesday 17. September Robert Belarmino, šk f Janez Grebec ff Starši in brata Ceklin ff Starši Svoljšak (Marija&Anton) ff Sorodniki in prijatelji 7:00 p.m Družina Grebenc Družina Svoljšak Družina Svoljšak Družina Žvan Četrtek Thursday 18. September Irena, mučenka f Marija Grebenc f Frank Rojc ff Miroslava Sagadin in Viktoria f Jože Lovšin 7:00 p.m. Družina Grebenc Stefanija Molec Julija Sagadin Družina Pust petek Friday 19. September Januarij, šk.muč. f Štefka Rihar V zahvalo Materi Božji ff Marija in Jože Topličanec f JožefBregar 7:00 p.m. John in Ann Božnar Ignac in Marija Horvat z dr. Ignac in Marija Horvat z dr. Karol Ferko z družino Sobota Saturday 20. September Andrej Kim in kor. muč. Po namenu f Ankica Mlačak f Vinko Marinko f Florian Miklavčič ff Štefan in Barbara Žalik ff Marija in Martin Gazvoda 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. n.n. Družina Mlačak Žena z družino Družina Antolin Matilda Prša Lojzka Saje 25. Nedelja med letom 21. September Matej, evangelist za žive in rajne župljane ff Pokojni iz družine Groznik f Nežka Šparovec ff Slavko Štern ff Pokojni člani društva Triglav 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Družina Groznik Sestra Žena TRIGLAV-LONDON