Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers 235 DOI: 10.1515/orga-2017-0018 Validation of Agent-based Approach for Simulating the Conversion to Organic Farming Črtomir ROZMAN1, Andrej ŠKRABA2, Karmen PAŽEK1, Davorin KOFJAČ2 Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the principles of the development of parallel sys- tem-dynamics and agent-based models of organic farming for the case of Slovenia. The advantage of agent-based modeling is demonstrated by including geospatial information as an agent attribute. The models were compared by the validation, confirming the appropriate level of similarity. Design/Methodology/Approach: Both system-dynamics and agent-based modeling approaches were applied. Statistical methods were used in the validation. Results: The results of the validation confirm the appropriateness of the proposed agent-based model. Introducing additional attributes into the agent-based model provides an important advantage over the system-dynamics model, which serves as the paradigmatic example. Conclusion: A thorough validation and comparison of the results of the system-dynamics and agent-based models indicates the proper approach to combining the methodologies. This approach is promising, because it enables the modeling of the entire agricultural sector, taking each particular farm into account. Keywords: agent-based models; organic farming; system dynamics; validation; multimethod simulation 1 University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Pivola 11, 2311 Hoče, Slovenia, 2 University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, 1 Received: February 6, 2017; revised: March 12, 2017; accepted: April 15, 2017 1 Introduction Organic farming has been declared the most viable farming system in terms of sustainability (Rozman et al., 2013) and has been modeled by various approaches (Rozman et al., 2015). The system-dynamics (SD) methodology has been applied by Shi and Gill (2005) for the modeling of ecolog- ical agriculture development for Jinshan County (China) and by Rozman et al. (2013) for the modeling the develop- ment of organic agriculture in Slovenia. Agent-based mod- eling (ABM) has emerged as an alternative approach that has become possible with the increased computing power of personal computers. Agent-based modeling is the com- putational study of social agents as evolving systems of autonomous, interacting agents from the complex adaptive system perspective. ABM researchers are interested in how macro phenomena emerge from micro-level behavior among a heterogeneous set of interacting agents (Holland, 1992). By using ABM as computational laboratories, one may test in a systematic way different hypotheses related to at- tributes of the agents, their behavioral rules, the types of interactions, and their effect on stylized macro-level facts of the system (Jansen, 2005). In designing an ABM, the modeler takes a “bottom-up” approach by considering the relevant actors and decisions at the micro level that may produce an observable macro phenomenon (e.g., a system-level outcome). Therefore, the use of ABM to im- prove our understanding or support the rigorous analysis of potential outcomes of that system (e.g., scenario and policy analysis) requires that ABMs have credible and de- fensible representations of micro-processes. This require- 236 Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers ment raises important questions about available empirical approaches for capturing micro processes and their rel- ative merits (Robinson et al., 2007). Gaube et al. (2009) used ABM in combination with stock-and-flow models for participative analysis of land-use systems in Reichraming (Austria). In this light, Deffuant et al. (2002) presented agent-based simulation of organic-farming conversion in Allier département, where they combined mixed-methods research with integrated ABM to explain land change and economic decision-making in the United States and Mex- ico. In this paper, we present the development of an agent- based model for conversion to organic farming and com- pare it to an SD conversion model. The model will con- sider only the structure of information spread, i.e. market absorption. We have developed a parallel model, in which the main parameters are set once, and both models apply them. The main topic of the present study is therefore the validation of the proposed ABM model of market absorp- tion. It is important to provide such parallels and validate them, because the library of system dynamics is large, and a methodology for straightforward conversion would be convenient. 2 Methodology: System-dynamics Modeling and Agent-based Modeling In a previous study (Rozman et al., 2013), we developed a model of organic-farming transition based on SD. Meth- odologically, SD, ABM and DES (Kljajić et al., 2000) converge as one can observe on the following example. The development of an organic-farming model according to the principles of SD was described in detail in Rozman et al. (2013). To model the market-absorption process, the following equations can be used to express the two main states: 0 ( ) (0) ( ) t P t P kC s ds= − ∫ (1) 0 ( ) (0) ( ) t C t C kC s ds= + ∫ (2) where P is potential customers, C is customers, k is con- centration of potential customers expressed as k = P(t)/a, where a is the size of the potential market, i.e., the number of potential customers, with initial conditions C(0) = 1 and P(0) = a – C(0) (Rahmandad & Sterman, 2012). This defi- nition of the model is sufficient for the SD case and is well worked out (Sterman, 2000). The development of the agent-based model is illus- trated in Figure 1, where the information-spread process is considered, which is the basis for the model of organ- ic-farming transition. To begin, we assume that there is only one organic farm in the system (1), which is repre- sented by a red square. If the social factor is set at 3, this farm communicates in one time step with three others (2), which are represented as yellow. One out of the three farm owners who were informed about organic farming Figure 1: Information spread in an agent-based form Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers 237 decides to make a transition and is represented by a new red square (3). In the next time step (4), there are two or- ganic farms, each of which communicates with three other, conventional farms. Out of the six newly informed farm owners, represented by yellow, two decide to convert to organic farming. Therefore, four farms have converted (5). The process continues in a similar manner; an increasing number of farm owners are informed (6). The aforementioned process could be modelled by ABM, which has two states: “Conventional Farm” and “Organic Farm.” Figure 2 shows SD and agent-based mod- els of information spread, which influences the transition from conventional to organic farming in parallel. Both models were implemented with AnyLogic software. The left-hand portion of Figure 2 shows the SD model. This is a structure of market absorption in which the transition from conventional farms to organic farms is considered. Two level elements represent the number of each. The transi- tion is determined by the contact rate and the conversion probability. These parameters represent the main influence on the rate of the transition. At the same time, the agent- based approach is modeled runs in parallel; it is shown in the right-hand portion of Figure 2. The model is based on the Bass diffusion agent-based model. As in the SD model, the state chart consists of two states: “Conventional Farm” and “Organic Farm.” A transition from conventional to organic farm occurs when “Conventional Farm” receives the message “Convert.” This is done in a random manner, which is coded as follows: “sendToRandom(“Convert”);”. The message is conveyed when the contact between two farmers is made and the information about organic farming is exchanged. In our case, the SD and agent-based models are interconnected, and the rate of communication is de- termined by the set Social Factor and Coefficient of Tran- sition. The code that determines the ABM Contact Rate is coded as follows: “main.ContactRate*main.Conversion- Probability”. Additionally, to leverage the power of ABM, we deter- mine the geographic location of each farm in Slovenia as well as observe the regional distribution of organic farms. This is important for strategic regional planning and other strategic purposes, such as marketing and food processing. For each particular farm, the geolocation was determined and the data was stored in the text file. Initialization of the agents was performed according to the Java programming language code shown in Figure 3, which reads 2,060 posi- Figure 3: Initialization code for determination of geospatial agent position; the position of each farm is read from the text file Figure 2: Agent-based model of transition to organic farming; model of information spread 238 Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers tions of organic farms from the data file at startup. The ABM approach is promising because it can model an entire agricultural sector in detail, taking each particu- lar farm into account. At the beginning, one initializes the particular number of agents, in our case 2,060, because this is the number of potential farms for transition. This was the initial situation when the organic-farming policy was implemented. Initially, all the agents are represented by gray, because all the farms are conventional. During the simulation, agents transform from conventional to organic farms; in the graphical view, such agents turn from gray to green (Rozman et al., 2011). This view is extremely im- portant for observation of the concentration of organic or conventional farms in a specific geographic region. The graphical view also contains a graph, where a comparison of the cumulative number of organic farms of the ABM and the ASD model over time is shown. One can conclude, that an important advantage of the proposed agent-based model is precisely the geographical location of farms. Clearly, the SD model could not provide the user with geolocation information or with any other potential information about the farm. As an example, in our case, the ABM approach shows a high concentration of organic farming in Primorska region, providing deci- sion makers with new information right away. The ABM approach makes it easy to observe the dynamics of the conversion process, which is an important advantage, es- pecially with regard to the concertation of farms in a spe- cific area. 3 Results The results presented here are twofold. First, we compare the responses of the SD and agent-based models in paral- lel, and second, we validate the agent-based model, which is done by comparing the results of the two models. Fig- ure 4 shows the results of one simulation run; on the left- hand side, the number of organic farms is shown, whereas the right-hand side presents the conversion rate (farms/ month). In both cases, the x-axis represents the time in months. One can observe the difference in response, which is expected, because the agent-based model (red line) de- pends on probability, whereas the SD model (blue line) is deterministic. To validate the results from the agent-based model, thorough validation was performed. The SD and the agent- Figure 4: Comparison of the responses of the system-dynamics model (gray line) and agent-based model (black line). Left: cumulative number of organic farms, Right: conversion rate (farms/month). In both cases, x-axis represents the time in months Scenario Contact Rate Conversion Probability SC1 1 0.1 SC2 2 0.1 SC3 3 0.1 SC4 1 0.3 Table 1: Simulation scenarios and the parameters’ values Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers 239 based models were compared in different scenarios by setting different values for the model parameters defined in Table 1. Here, we change the Contact Rate and Con- version Probability which determine the behavior of both models. The Contact Rate represents the intensity of the organic-farming-initiative spread, whereas the Conversion Probability represents the degree to which the farmers ac- tually intend to perform the transition from conventional to organic farming. For each of the defined scenarios, five simulation runs were conducted to obtain the averages of the agent-based model. As noted, ABM has a probabilistic character; there- fore, certain statistical postprocessing tasks should be completed, an undertaking that inevitably accompanies multiple simulation runs. To illustrate the results, Figure 5 shows five simulation runs for scenario SC1. The graph shows the dynamics of the conversion rate over time. Results are stochastic, giving slightly different responses each time, but the overall response has a distinct charac- teristic: the conversion rate is low at the beginning, but it gradually increases and, in the end, gradually decreases as the number of organic farms saturates towards their maxi- mum capacity of 2060 farms. To perform the validation for n data points, the fol- lowing measures, expressed in Eqs. 3–9, were computed to compare the results of the SD and agent-based models: determination coefficient r2, mean absolute percent error (MAPE), mean square error (MSE), root mean square er- ror (RMSE), correction (bias) component of the MSE UM, variation component of the MSE US, and covariation com- ponent of the MSE UC (Oliva, 1995). For all scenarios, n is set to 101 (initial time step plus 100 months). 2 2 1 1 n t t t S A S A S A nr S S =  −   =       ∑ (3) 1 1 n t t t t S AMAPE n A= − = ∑ (4) ( )2 1 1 n t t t MSE S A n = = −∑ (5) ( )2 1 1 n t t t RMSE S A n = = −∑ (6) ( )2M S AU MSE − = (7) ( )2S AS S SU MSE − = (8) ( )2 1 S AC r S SU MSE − = (9) Figure 5: Example of five runs (different gray lines) of the agent-based model for scenario SC 1 240 Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers where St and At represent the number of farms in the SD and agent-based models at time t, respectively. S and A represent the mean of the time series of the SD and agent- based models, respectively, and SS and SA represent their respective standard deviations. Table 2 shows the results of five simulation runs of the model for Scenario 1 with the parameters Contact Rate and Conversion Probability set to 1 and 0.1, respectively. There are five columns representing the values of valida- tion statistical measures. The last column shows the aver- age value of measures. In this case, we can observe an r2 value of 0.982, which indicates a high correlation between the models. MAPE is below 1%. UM has the highest value, indicating that deviation from average is most influential. A low value of US indicates that deviation is more in tune with SD results and an even better result is provided with covariation UC. Similar results can be found in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 for scenarios 2, 3 and 4, respectively. By examining several parameter combinations and thorough validation with the statistical measures, we find that the lowest r2 value is 0.957 and the highest MAPE value is 0.34%, across all scenarios. From these results, we can conclude that the SD and agent-based models can be treated as equal and that the agent-based model could be used in further development of organic farming modeling. The validation results by themselves define the general approach to ABM validation when transitioning from SD. 4 Conclusions The process of transition from conventional to organic farming is complex, incorporating different entities, rela- tions, and regional specifics. The previously applied SD approach to organic farming modeling (Rozman et al., 2013) has been improved by the application of the ABM approach, which enables us to develop models with greater accuracy. It is our intention to model each particular farm in Slovenia as an agent with its unique characteristics. The present study represents an important intermediate step in our effort; it clearly outlines the similarities in SD and ABM methodology, and its results demonstrate that the ABM approach is suitable for the challenging modeling task. The SD and ABM methodologies are quite different. The ABM is less pre-prepared, because the variety of agents’ interactions and attributes is much richer than in the SD approach. To develop adequate models, it is impor- tant to be well acquainted with basic principles of ABM. For the SD modeler, it is important to have a good “Rosetta stone” in order to correctly transcribe the main SD prin- ciples into the language of ABM. The future of modeling will certainly be in hybrid or multidomain (multimethod) modeling, in which SD, ABM, and discrete-event simula- tion are integrated. In our case, the advantage of the ABM approach is demonstrated by incorporating the geograph- ical information system component, declaring the geo- graphical location of each farm and revealing important geospatial information about the regional concentration of farms. Therefore, there are many reasons to transform models to ABM in addition to the increased computer power that has enabled the development of relatively large ABM models. It is important to validate rigorously in the carving of the SD–ABM Rosetta stone, because the ABM mod- els may be quite complex from the programming point of view and, on the other side, SD models are very well val- idated. We believe our contribution to this important topic will help modelers further develop good SD–ABM relation- ships and merge the approaches appropriately. Literature Borschev, A., & Filippov, A. (2004). From System Dy- namics and Discrete Event to Practical Agent Based Modeling: Reasons, Techniques, Tools. In The 22nd International Conference of the System Dynamics So- ciety, 25 – 29 July 2004. Albany, USA: System Dy- namics Society. Deffuant, G., Huet, S., Bousset, J. P., Henriot, J., Amon, G., & Weisbuch, G. (2002). Agent based simulation of organic farming conversion in Allier département. In: M.A. Janssen (Ed.), Complexity and Ecosystem Man- agement: The Theory and Practice of Multi-Agent Sys- tems (pp. 158-189). Cheltenham, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishers. 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His research includes the development of decision-sup- port systems for farm management (simulation model- ing, multicriteria decision analysis, machine learning) and the economics of agricultural production. He is also involved in teaching activities and is a PhD-study coor- dinator. Currently, he holds the position of vice dean of research. He is the author or coauthor of 79 scientific papers, including 34 papers in journals with an impact factor. He is also an author or coauthor of four scientific books and 21 book chapters. Andrej Škraba obtained his PhD in the field of orga- nizational sciences–informatics from the University of Maribor. He works as a full professor and a researcher in the Cybernetics & Decision Support Systems Laborato- ry at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. His research interests cover systems theory, modeling and simulation, cyber-physical systems, and decision processes. His work has been published in the following peer-reviewed journals: Simulation, System Dynamics Review, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Kybernetes, Interfaces, and Group Decision and Negotiation. He is a member of System Dynamics Society and SLOSIM. Karmen Pažek received her PhD at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture, in 2006. She is active as a full professor of farm management in the Department for Agriculture Economics and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Maribor. Her research includes the development of de- cision-support tools and systems for farm management (simulation modeling, multicriteria decision analysis, option models, risk) and the economics of agricultural production. She is involved in teaching activities as a thesis supervisor in postgraduate study programs and involved in national and international research projects. She is the author or coauthor of 55 scientific papers, including 25 papers in journals with an impact factor. Davorin Kofjač obtained his PhD from the University of Maribor in the field of information systems manage- ment. He is a researcher and an assistant professor at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, in the Cybernetics and Decision Support Systems Laboratory. His main research interests are modeling and simulation, decision-support systems, operational research, and artificial intelligence. He has been involved in many EU, NATO, bilateral, and national projects and is the author of more than 120 publications in international journals, monographs, and conferences. He is a member of ACM, INFORMS, and SLOSIM. Organizacija, Volume 50 Number 3, August 2017Research Papers 243 Validacija agentnega pristopa pri simulaciji prehoda na ekološko kmetijstvo Ozadje in namen: Namen pričujoče raziskave je opisati razvoj paralelnega modela, razvitega po principih Sistemske Dinamike in Agentnega modeliranja. Model je razvit za potrebe simulacije prehoda k ekološkemu kmetijstvu na področju Slovenije. Prednost agentnega modeliranja je bila prikazana z vključitvijo geografske informacije kot agent- nega atributa. Izvedena je bila primerjava modelov. S pomočjo validacije je bila potrjena visoka stopnja podobnosti izhodnih rezultatov ter primernost pristopa. Oblikovanje/metodologija/pristop: Uporabljeni so bili principi modeliranja Sistemske Dinamike in agentnega mod- eliranja. Pri izvedbi validacije so bile uporabljene statistične metode. Rezultati: Rezultati validacije so potrdili primernost razvitega agentnega modela. Možnost dodajanja novih atributov v agentnem modelu zagotavlja pomembno prednost pred modeliranjem po principih sistemske dinamike, in hkrati predstavlja paradigmatski primer. Zaključek: Z izvedenim postopkom validacije in primerjavo modela razvitega po principih Sistemske Dinamike in agentnega modeliranja smo potrdili ustreznost razvitih struktur. Predlagani pristop pretvorbe modelov izkazuje us- trezen potencial za nadaljnje delo pri razvoju modela, kjer obravnavamo vsako posamezno kmetijo kot agenta z večjim naborom atributov. Ključne besede: agentno modeliranje; ekološko kmetijstvo; sistemska dinamika; validacija; multimetodna simulacija