ROKOPISNO G R AD IVO V SLOVENSKIH KNJIŽNICAH Mihael Glavan, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana UDK 091:02(497.12) Povzetek Večina znanstvenih strok se pri delu na svojih področjih temeljito in stalno opira tudi na raziskave starih primarnih virov. Teh pa ni mogoče uporabljati, če niso za to ustrezno pripravljeni. Iz tega osnovnega dejstva izhaja temeljni smisel in pomen bibliotečne obdelave rokopisnega gradiva. Ob takem izhodišču je v ospredje postavljen pragmatični, funkcionalni vidik, ob katerem se moramo takoj zavedati tudi drugega, kulturološkega, saj urejanje in obdelava rokopisov pomeni tudi zavestno manipulacijo z nacionalnim kulturnim blagom (ljudskim, umetniškim in znanstvenim). UDC 091:02(497.12) Summary The majority of scientific disciplines is based on thorough and permanent studies of old primary sources. The use of these is not feasable if they have not been adequately prepared. From this basic fact the sense and meaning of library cataloguing of manuscript materials has been derived. Pragmatic and functional viewpoints have been put in the first place, while at the same time the cataloguer has to bear in mind also the other, cultural viewpoint. Editorial work with manuscripts and their cataloguing present conscious manipulation of the national cultural heritage (popular, artistic and scientific). GLAVAN, Mihael: Manuscripts in Slovenian libraries. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 39(1995)3, 201 - 210