Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 42/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 13. 10. 2019 28. nedelja med letom Zahvalna nedelja 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Thanksgiving Sunday Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Hvaležnost osrečuje f * Španski pregovor pravi: »Žalitve vpiši v pesek, dobrote, ki si jih prejel, vkleši v marmor!« V vsakdanjem življenju ljudi je nemalokrat obrnjeno: žalitve vklesu-jemo v marmor, jih nosimo globoko zacementirane v sebi, dobrote pa, ki jih prejemamo, so kakor zapisi v pesku, ki jih vsak piš vetra ali naslednji korak že razdre, potisne v pozabo ali skazi, da preprosto rečemo: »Saj je moralo biti tako, nič posebnega.« Nekaj podobnega opazimo v današnjem evangeliju, ki zelo nazorno prikaže odstotek človeške hvaležnosti. Pripoved je sama zase dovolj jasna in ne potrebuje dodatne razlage, lahko pa jo naobrnemo na današnje razmere, na našo okolico ali celo na nas same. Če vzamemo današnji evangelij, tudi dane živimo v času gobavosti, ne v dobesednem ampak v prenesenem pomenu. Dandanes lahko govorimo o gobavosti negotovosti in strahu: kaj bo, kam vodijo vsi dogodki, kdo nas lahko napade, kdo vdre v naše stanovanje, kako je z našimi prihranki, kako je z našim zdravjem, kaj če imam raka ... Potem je tu gobavost zasuž-njevanja in odvisnosti: tako malo ljudi misli s svojo glavo, tako malo jih ravna iz svojega prepričanja, toliki podle-žejo vplivu reklam, mode, politike, javnim medijem. Razširjena je tudi gobavost razprtij, nasprotovanj in sovraštva; mnoge odnose in povezave narekuje tekmovanje, spodrivanje, nevoščljivost ... Tako se posledično pojavi gobavost razkroja posameznih VESTNIK 2019 | 435 osebnosti in družin: izkoriščanje, zapostavljanje zas-tonjskih odnosov, zapostavljanje narodnih, kulturnih in verskih vrednot, temu sledijo splavi, ločitve, varanja ... Pogostna je tudi gobavost dvoma in obupa nad življenjem, kar ima za posledico samomore, uživanje mamil, alkohola, pobijanje na cestah, nasilje v družini in šoli ... Vsemu temu nemalokrat botruje gobavost neodgovornosti in prelaganje krivde na druge, je današnja epidemija: krivi so starši, družba, družina, politika, Cerkev ... V moderno gobavost sodi tudi izobčenost, zapostavljenost slojev družbe, ki bredejo v revščini ali so zaznamovani kot priseljenci. Kakšna nepregledna procesija sodobnih gobavcev! Nemalokrat bi morali zanje, morda pa tudi zase, klicati: »Jezus, Odrešenik, usmili se nas!« Usmili se nas, da ne razpade naša vera, da ne ugasne naše upanje, da ne omrtvi naša ljubezen; usmili se nas, da se ne razdro naša prijateljstva, naše družine. Če se nam zdi, da smo tovrstne gobavosti obvarovani ali pa ozdravljeni, bi morda bilo danes na mestu vprašanje: kako je z mojo hvaležnostjo do Boga. Kako je s hvaležnostjo do naših bližnjih? Na tem področju se tudi obnašamo nenavadno: nemalokrat znamo biti hvaležni oddaljenim, tistim, ki nam izkažejo manj dobrote kot naši bližnji. Tistim se bolj klanjamo, jih hvalimo, jim nosimo rože in darila, jih vabimo na gostije, do dobrote bližnjih pa smo nemalokrat brezbrižni, vse je samoumevno, to so nam dolžni storiti, kakor da so naši bližnji stroji. Toda človek nikoli ni stroj, človek ima srce in dušo, je oseba, ki čuti in ljubi, zato ga hvaležnost osrečuje in nehvaležnost boli. Hvaležnost je znamenje plemenitega človeka, človeka s kulturo in občutkom, ki opazi in zna ceniti napor in dobro voljo drugih, ki globoko doživlja svojega bližnjega, ga spoštuje in ljubi. Hvaležnost končno spodbuja dobro v drugih in jih za dobro nagovarja. Več ko bo hvaležnosti v nas, več bo dobrote okrog nas, več bo vere in zaupanja v Boga in nenazadnje tudi v človeka, več bo tudi tistih zastonjskih božjih darov, ki nas vedno znava presenetijo in jim pravimo čudeži ozdravljenja. (prim. Oznanjevalec 2004) 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord has revealed his victory in the sight of the nations! 1st Reading 2 Kings 5:14-17 The foreigner Naaman acknowledges the Lord who has healed him. 2nd Reading 2 Timothy 2:8-13 We are all called to the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and the eternal glory that comes with it. Gospel Luke 17:11-19 It is the foreigner who comes back to give praise to God for healing him. "One of them turned back praising God at the top of his voice and threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked him." Illustration In her book The Librarian, the British author Salley Vickers takes us back to the late 1950s. The story begins with the appointment of a young, single woman to be the children's librarian in a small town in southern England. She sees it as her vocation to get to know the local children and inspire in them a love of reading. The children's library has been much neglected, and she has quite a task to improve the books on offer and also interest the local children. This story tells of her success in both getting to know the children and changing their appreciation of what might be inside a book. Her success brings her enemies as well, including her manager, and ultimately they find ways of getting rid of her. 434 | VESTNIK 2019 Yet the book does not end on this note of sadness - the final part of the book takes us forward sixty years to show us what happened to the children in the intervening years. The most successful of these children is the "ugly duckling", the one that even her own family did not rate academically but who, with help from the librarian and one of the brighter boys, managed to pass her exams and went on to become a famous children's author. The book acknowledges all that she owed to the librarian but also, in an after-note, the author pays homage to the children's libraries that inspired her when she was young and gives praise to the librarian, whose name she gives to her heroine, who introduced her at a young age to the mystery and glory of reading. Gospel Teaching Those among the followers of Jesus who had heard his parable of the good Samaritan might not have been surprised at what happens in today's Gospel, in his encounter with the lepers. Jesus is on the road that borders Galilee and Samaria, so there is always the chance of a further comparison between the chosen people and those they regard as outsiders. The Samaritans are judged by the Jews to be foreigners and outsiders, so a Samaritan leper will be the outsider's outsider. Yet he is the one who comes back to Jesus and thanks him, praising God for what Jesus has done. Luke's Gospel is often thought of as the Gospel of the revelation of the forgiveness and mercy of God. But it is also the Gospel that pays attention to the need for praise and thanksgiving, beginning with the first words of Mary's hymn of thanks to God on her visit to Elizabeth: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my saviour." God's forgiveness and mercy are to be celebrated, not hidden from sight, and in particular we are to show our thanks by the way we in turn welcome outsiders into our world. Application How we welcome outsiders into our midst is a concern of so many countries today. Various elements converge to undermine our freedom to open our arms and accept the outsider as a blessing rather than a curse. We are afraid. We are afraid of the unknown, whether it be the unknown of race, colour, language or creed. We fear that the world as we have known it will be utterly changed, even if that world has not been a particularly happy or rewarding one. We fear that we will be overwhelmed by the numbers of those who are different from us; that we will lose our jobs and our homes. We are also disdainful of different ways of life. We have an inbuilt belief that our way of doing things is right, even if, again, it does not fulfil our hopes and dreams, and the culture of others threatens our culture and our patterns of life. We might wonder at times whether his listeners felt the same way about Jesus. He must have made them feel very uncomfortable about their way of living and how limited and enclosed it was. It takes great acts of faith and love on our part to overcome our fears and open our hearts to all who knock at our doors. Perhaps we can only do it through recognising that we have so much to thank God for and, through this celebration of life, we change our perspective and want to offer it to others we meet and to be open to the gifts they bring in their turn. In the end we are not enemies. We are friends who still have to get to know each other. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 434 | VESTNIK 2019 Tickets: «35 in advance «40 at the door Includes: Entrance Pinner Surprise Gift Features: fames Room Shooter far Schnaps Skis Late night snacks Souvenirs ... and so much more... For tickets and details, contact Danny at ddemsarl@amail.cotr Lipa Park, invites you to share in their Thanksgiving Luncheon Sunday, October 20, 2019 FEATURING MUSIC BY TONY HABJAN AND THE NU-TONES jf'Celebrating their 6and's 50th Anniversary Doors open at 12 noon Delicious home-style dinner served at 1 p.m including turkey and mashed potatoes! Paid Members - $30 Non-Members - $35 Student (ages 11 to 17)-$17 Child (ages 6 to 10)-$10 Ages 5 and under - FREE For tickets: Mary Ann Barich...905-945-3750 John Gerden...905-682-4064 2850 Oiile Street • Pelham, Ont. • 905-359-4356 / 905-682-2922 * EUROPEAN SCENINC TOURS - June 14 - July 1, 2020 Breathtaking scenic bus trip Ljubljanski grad, Mesto Ljubljana Brezje - Bohinj - Bled - Portorož - Postojna Rogla - Pohorski stolp, Energijski park Lendava stolp, Vinarium - Tropski vrt Most na Soči, Idrija; Salzburg - Avstrija $2995 Book now! per person To book a trip, a deposit will be required This once in a life time trip includes flight from Toronto-Zagreb (Croatia) - Your group will arrive by luxury bus and your accommodations will be at the fine establishment of Gostilna Vidrgar For information & bookings call 519-461-0653 leave message! * Lunches not included on bus trips * Admission to attractions not included Price includes: Bus trips, Return flights, Lodging & 3 meals per Day * at Gostilna Vidrgar VESTNIK 2019 | 435 Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 16. oktober: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 11:00 a.m. with the Anointing of the sick - Bolniško maziljenje ♦ 19. oktober: Slovenski park - Oktoberfest, Ansambel SMEH from Slovenija ♦ 20. oktober: Lipa Park - Luncheon ♦ 21. oktober: Društvo sv. Jožefa - BINGO ♦ 21. oktober: SCCN - Niagara Coordination meeting at St. Gregory's 7:00 p.m. ♦ 22. oktober: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Torkovi večeri ♦ 2. november: Triglav - Mass at 2:00 p.m. at St. Peter's Cemetery - London ♦ 3. november: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery - Mass at 2:00 p.m. - Prayer on the Cemeteries ♦ 9. november: Slovenski Park - Clean-up Day ♦ 9. november: St. Gregory - Martinovanje 6:30 p.m. GIFT BEARERS - darove prinašajo_ ♦ 13. okt.: 9:30 a.m.: Jože Gimpelj & Janez Lovren-čec ♦ 20. okt.: 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin ♦ 27. okt. 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin PEVSKE VAJE_ Za mešani pevski zbor so odslej vaje vsak četrtek po večerni maši. Zbor poje naslednjič v nedeljo, 3. novembra - ko se spominjamo vseh rajnih, pri slovenski maši. MAŠA ZA STAREJŠE IN BOLNIKE_ V sredo, 16. oktobra, imamo dopoldne ob 11:00h sveto mašo. Med mašo boste lahko prejeli tudi zakrament bolniškega maziljenja. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - ST. JOSEPH SOCIETY Villa Slovenia Monday afternoon BINGO season will commence Monday, October 21st at 1:00 p.m. Come and join Frank Erzar our bingo caller and bring a friend. St. Joseph's Tuesday Social Evening begins on Tuesday evening, October 22nd, 7:30 p.m. Members and friends welcome. A small "prigrizek" will be served. SVETA MAŠA NA POKOPALIŠČIH_ Letos bo sveta maša na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre v nedeljo, 3. novembra ob 2:00 popoldne. Po maši se bomo, okrog tretje ure, zbrali kot običajno, pri križu za molitve. Na pokopališču Gate of Heaven bomo molili za pokojne ob 3:30 popoldne in na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels ob 5:00 h popoldne v Mavzoleju. Letos prav v nedeljo, 3. novembra, preidemo na zimski čas - uro prestavimo za eno uro nazaj. SVETA BIRMA in PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO Prihodnje leto bomo imeli v naši župniji sveto birmo že 29. marca 2020 ob 11:00h dopoldne. Birmovalec bo hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. Prosimo, da čimprej poveste kateri otroci bomo prejeli ta zakrament v naši cerkvi, da bomo lažje načrtovali pripravo. S pripravo bomo začeli po novem letu. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 434 | VESTNIK 2019 Zakrament prvega svetega obhajila pa bomo imeli, kot je naš običaj, zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu maju, to je 31. maja. Prosimo tudi za te otroke, da jih starši čimprej prijavite. S pripravo bomo začeli po veliki noči. DAROVI - DONATIONS_ Ob smrti Minke Kovačič (Slovenija, Bohinj) je Marija Žvan darovala $50 za cerkev. Namesto cvetja za + Franca Mariča je Cecilija Sobočan darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Društvo sv. Jožefa je ob smrti: - Franca Mariča darovalo $50 za maše in $50 za gradbeni sklad. - Edwarda Eržena darovalo $50 za maše in $50 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala za vse darove. POGREB -FUNERAL_ V soboto, 5. oktobra 2019, je v nesreči s čolnom - bil je s prijatelji na lovu, odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo Franc Marič, faran župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega, član društva sv. Jožefa in član Slovenskega kulturnega društva Bled. Pokojni je pred kratkim dopolnil 75 let. Od pokojnega Franca se boste lahko poslovili v ponedeljek, 14. oktobra, med 2. in 4. uro popoldne ali med 7. in 9. uro zvečer v Markey Dermody Funeral home. K molitvi rožnega venca se bomo zbrali zvečer ob 8h. Pogrebno sveto mašo bomo, za pokoj njegove duše, darovali v torek, 15. oktobra ob 10h dopoldne v naši cerkvi. Pogreb pokojnega bo po maši na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels. Iskreno sožalje ženi Veri in otrokoma Dani-ju in Robertu z družino. Prav tako pa tudi vsem sorodnikom in prijateljem. Pokojni Franc pa naj v večnosti uživa večni mir in pokoj. V soboto, 5. oktobra 2019, se je v bolnici Juravinski, iz tega sveta poslovil naš faran in član društva sv. Jožefa, Edward Eržen. Pokojni je bil star skoraj 81 let. Pogreb z žaro bo v družinskem krogu. Iskreno sožalje vsem najbližjim. Pokojnemu Edwardu pa večni mir in pokoj. Uradne ure za konzularne zadeve v Torontu_ - torek, 22. okt., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 19. nov., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 17. dec., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. Konzularne ure so v prostorih Generalnega konzulata na naslovu: 731 Brown's Line, Toronto, Ontario M8W 3V7. Priporočamo, da pred nameravanim obiskom konzularnih ur v Torontu, preverite termin na Veleposlaništvu v Ottawi. Telefon: +1 613 565 5781 # i # SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 435 -3. 102019 svete mase - masses 28. Nedelja med letom Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m........... 28th Sunday in OT ff Pokojni iz družin Mes in Sraka Družina Mes 13. Oktober f Janez Kosednar Zena Hema in družina Edvard, kralj f Marija Grebene, obl. Lojze Grebene Zahvalna nedelja f Ivan Tompa 11:00 a.m. Jože in Marija Magdič ff Paula in Franc Pelcar Stan Pelear, Josie Dube & Fam. Ponedeljek - Monday 14. Oktober Za zdravje 8:00 a.m. N.N. Kalist, papež-mučenec Torek - Tuesday 15. OKTOBER Terezija Avilska, red.-uč. f Franc Marič f Ernest Hull 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Pogrebna maša Di Francesco Family Sreda - Wednesday 16. OKTOBER Marjeta, devica f Rudi Zorčič, obl. f Julij Brodnik 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica Vegelj z družino N.N. Četrtek - Thursday 17. OKTOBER Ignacij Antiohijski, škof f Frančeska Ferko, obl. f Edward Eržen 7:00 P.M. Karol in Joanna Ferko z družino Štefka Eržen z družino Petek - Friday f Viktor Doma 7:00 p.m. Alojz Sarjaš z družino 18. Oktober f Angelo Forte Alojz Sarjaš z družino Luka, evangelist f Marija Matkovič Manja Erzetič z družino Sobota Saturday f Aldo Fabina f Pok. starši Kuzma f Ivan Zupančič, obl. 19. OKTOBER f Ana Nede|k0 Pavel od Križa, duhovnik f Anj? Nedelko Izak in kanadski mučenci f Jozica Radman f JoZe Hanc 5:30 p.m. Ivica Sobčič Hči Jožica Vlašič z družino Žena z družino Silvia in Gregory Petiquan Diana in Jeffrey Mills Marija Hočevar Olga Čulig 29. Nedelja med letom 29th Sunday in OT 20. OKTOBER Irena, mučenka MISIJONSKA NEDELJA Za Zive in rajne Zupljane f Ante Čule Bogu v Zahvalo ff Vinko in Katarina Antolin f Frank Ferenčak ff Lucia, Jernej in John Ponikvar f Tony Desanti 9:30 a.m........... Jože in Albina Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin Jože in Albina Antolin 11:00 a.m. Družina Ponikvar Mary Desanti 434 | VESTNIK 2019