HEAVY INDUSTRIES AND PROJECT ENGINEERING SERVICES Established 1S20 HEAD OFFICE: Zagrebška 20,62000 Maribor, Yugoslavia Phone: (062) 32 751, telex: 033115 yumetmb, cables: METALNA MARIBOR, P.O.B.: 103 BRANCH OFFICES: Beograd, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje DIVISIONS: PRODUCTION PROGRAMME: Heavy Equipment Plant- Gates and hoists for hydraulic projects Maribor Penstocks ’ Materials handling equipment Industrial equipment Steei hatch covers Heavy Equipment Erection Heavy equipment erection Division-Maribor Light Structures Plant-Krmelj Construction Machinery Plant - Senovo Agricultural Machinery Farm sprayers and tractor attachment-Plant - Maribor Steel building construction Steel bridges Building cranes and hoists Research and development institute, specialised design offices, after-sales service s L©a I bk%y Dii riV.i -V* \' >/• “2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 051 "1 V J ,n. • 0 >-■j- V1 P 1 . Legends for Photograph's c of Water'Control Equipment •. ,\i _ ; .... i. i i •* >* in Album &'■' a • r » . , 5 >J '3 1 • ci USA X i M a--i OL :jrw jk- v.V ;v> v. jU-l-1 1 finV’ *’ ' t.,.. . u, r-" . ,r THE 'BJEÉDAP uClRO^f'’đ ATE ) HYDRO ELEC TR IÖ BOWER PLANT on the Danube was.built jointly by Rumania and Yugoslavia. a, ' M^^A^NA*? mappfiactüred and . erected 9000 tonnes ,of water control equipment .for the dam and navigation lock. Main part of equipment: delivered: three sets of four gates.each, ; ,isi!5e: 27 x>,.:24i6 xt> 4,15m> weight : 65 - 75 tonneS each; b s seven'spillway'gates of 25 x I5.8 m and 300 tonnes each, a Other'equipment: portal eràriJes, embeefied metal, and guides for gates, trashrack cleaning machiner linings and embed-■ ded .part's for navigation lock. ’ ;''S!n;-3^r- - Handling 65-tonne‘ht'op log* for DJERDAP (IRON GATE) Hydel Plant 4 - • f.vv: i ■ ; I _ - Erecting, one of the eighteen 47-tonne gates for'the 0 ’ Buttress Dam of Tarbela Dam Project - The largest dam under construction in the world - TARBELA DAM - on the Indus in West Pakistan. By the end of 1974 Metalna will have delivered 600 rail-wagon loads worth 7,000,000 dollars for that project. Twenty-eight 10 x 6 m wheel gates, six 14 x 5,5 m gates and sixteen 15 x 19 m radial gates will be installed. Each radial crest gate weighs 180 ^tonnes each, and each drum with gear weighs 11 tonnes. Tarbela Dam is the 87th power generating project fitted with METALNA's equipment-# - . 3 Photos BUTTRESS DAM with 28 wheel gates. vv Kr'- - Partial view of, BUTTRESS DAM ; ,A 1 - Trial shop erection of 180-tonne radial crest, ga^a)Of \ 15 X 20 m size for auxiliary spillway, TARBELÀ ÖAM » PROJECT ; V ■; ;,„rA a .«.■■■" Ji - Trial ..shop erection of 180-tonne radial crest • gate for.; TARBELA DAM-PROJECT ,v. O ■■■■-V - .. '• W ; , i U,,J l! - ;f:,r < ^ ■>. . L,r * • . ( > - Two ,60-t enne j, e le c t rom ec harii cal hoists of .2QO-tp;nn®>5hoiSti'ng capacity each for 180-tonne radial crest : gate for.a ; - 3 spillway f pr i TARBELA. DAM PROJECT t-/. ' ' 0“: •* ’ ' *•; ... ■••• V) :-5 V .. '•3' ^ ’■'•'* 1. * . ... /'■; '''„Vi ' - In the, manufacture ?ahd trial erection of heavy hydraulic gates’METALNA uses overhead travelling, portal and mobi le, . oranea3o^ relevant capacities - MATATILA1 DÄ in India - the 600-metre long dam is provided with 23 gates of 18 x 7 m size - Manufacture of gates ^or Matatila .Dam tih‘!fndia - DANUBE - TISA - DANUBE,,.CANAL - mitrve gate of Kucura navigation lock ° V , ,a \o$* ■ bP0':U'‘ T, avion 4* ' -, u ' ' ■* , < 'J . • ^ 1 ‘ ' ; •• * ; ■ ■ ‘ ■ ■ ~ , ■’ . i!t,! ‘ ! A ft f r|4 fin : [ ■ BjtrwMv >0 OV DO 4 r [ . 'P ! i . ■ y I y. i • tr V. * } c* 3 mi 0 • ; ? ? * ; r ‘ ■ *• ! < ) U .» 'd ■i'*:-’ _ iw Hiwxb ria / c •* », . ■ i -i v i " j irr- f}é j fv j tv p e i r l9b 4rroi : n» r «t 1 o f ;#4 • \y • ■ ■ r;i vs'~wl t !q - > • ' i.d, • . ' yr> . v - r . - • ' "* ' 'l - - . y. i . v n rt rnM ' i • fiCtP '■ * -, f " .. ■ , •f tf' r i t ■ j» nliooiSI *• 1 ; tj |WRl i rush tii f t |f>, £ r» d ’J)1 m. n Q m, SvfAO. e t? f r f ■ , 'r>. Q'v ' t V ■ '<.« ~i ! r r • > f *r •-• r «Hf{ i! i ■ i • ; ■ ■"'’T' , ■ ,.r 0 0. ? 0,1 ki A 'iVj i,‘ ■ H 1 »V. ' 1 i ') ' M- ", ‘O'’’" * ?» t- - s ‘s ■ ■' i % • " fs ' r y fT I’' .i ÓO I ' ■ tf.fT (I/ilU ■ ' flfjfi ft <■* fr f ; rt 4" nffi r.t |M| 13 - 12 X 12 m mitre gate for navigation lock at Novi Sad, DANUBE-TISA-DANUBE CANAL 14 - Stop log of 12 X 1,3 m size for DANUBE-TISA-DANUBE CANAL 15 - Wheeled stop logs for KOKIN BROD Hydel Plant 16 - Radial gate for JAJCE I Hydel Plant 17 - Stop log for 18-metre spillway bay of ZVORNIK Hydel Plant 18 - Loading and sealing test of draft tube gate for AWASH Hydel Plant, Ethiopia 19 - 2700 mm dia ring-follower gate for BAJINA BASTA Hydel Plant 20 - 18 X 8 m drum gate for one of the spillway bays in ZVORNIK DAM 21 - Radial gate with flap for Šumečica dam of Senj Hydel Plant 22 - Roller gates for GUJRANWALA Hydel Plant in Pakistan 23 - Radial gate for MAHABAD Hydel Plant 24 - Non-retuyn flap valves preventing underground drainage for PERUCICA Hydel Plant 25 - OŽBALT Hydel Plant - power and manually operated gate hoist with sprocket chain, 2 x 100-tonne hoisting capacity 26 - Fixed-dispersion cone valve (HOWELL BUNGER type) for Modrac Dam 27 - MAHABAD Hydel Plant in Iran - installing bottom outlet regulating gate 28 - SPLIT Hydel Plant - Tee of 5000 mm dia penstock 29 - VUHRED Hydel Plant - Electrically operated 12,5-tonne lifting capacity trash rack cleaning machine 30 - TIKVEŠ Hydel Plant - 4700 mm dia manifold with 2500 mm bifurcates 31 - PERUCICA Hydel Plant - penstock 2064 m long, 2200/1200 mm dia 32 - MAHABAD Hydel Plant in Iran - 3200/2 x 1600 mm dia penstock 33 - Bottom outlet transition piece for MAHABAD Hydel Plant 34 - Overhead travelling cranes of 150/lO-tonne capacity in SREDNJA DRAVA I Hydroelectric Power House 35 - 75-tonne capacity gantry crane in HIRAKUD DAM, India 36 - VUHRED Hydel Plant on Drava river - 2 x 70-tonne capacity crane .t, f :u r b ■>. ' I ? n< h h • r 1 < • S S ! fit I ... X. - ^ •• .#.> -, • ; r--.: «t., t ifA * rtr r: ‘ti ! -v : 'i‘< - ^ ■ p- ' r* s ,3l^i 4iAxi) g' fr X : c J- g\J ®U W^òA85" )»' . SP ‘ i .or v q & t' ; I <•* /-*, --n*