44 Malacko, J. (2002). Effects of specific programmed training on morphological characteristics and motor … KinSI 8(2), 44–49 EFFECTS OF SPECIFIC PROGRAMMED TRAINING ON MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND MOTOR ABILITIES IN CHILDREN SPORTS SCHOOL UČINKI SPECIFIČNEGA PROGRAMIRANEGA TRENINGA NA MORFOLOŠKE ZNAČILNOSTI IN MOTORIČNE SPOSOBNOSTI V OTROŠKI ŠPORTNI ŠOLI Julijan Malacko* Abstract The sample of 233 boys in the children sports school at the age of 9-10, divided into a control (117) and expe- rimental groups (116), have been subjected to applica- tion of a system of 30 variables (12 anthropometric and 18 motor) with an aim to check the efficiency of the pro- grammed training on the growth and motor abilities of boys in the experimental group (sports school) by means of determining differences between the groups. The research has lasted for two years, while measure- ment was carried out in the initial (first measurement), transitive (second measurement) and final condition (third measurement). During data processing, canoni- cal discriminant analysis and univariate analysis of cova- riance (ANCOVA) were applied. The obtained results of the effects achieved in the expe- rimental group under the influence of the experimental treatment in transitive and final conditions (applying uni- variate analysis of covariance), as well as calculation of differences (based on the canonical discriminant analy- sis) between the control and experimental group in the whole system (especially anthropometric and motor va- riables) in initial, transitive and final measurement, indi- cate that they are statistically different, primarily owing to better results of the experimental group. This con- firms the hypothesis that the programmed training had a higher effect on the biological growth and motor de- velopment of the boys. Key words: morphological characteristics, motor abilities, training, effects, boys, age 9-10 *Faculty of Management in Sports, BK University, Yugoslavia Contact address: Bulevar Kralja Petra I 32, YU-21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia Tel.: + 381 21 331-353 E-mail: jmalacko@nspoint.net Izvleček Sistem s 30 spremenljivkami (12 antropometričnih in 18 motoričnih) je bil uporabljen pri vzorcu 233 dečkov iz otroške športne šole, starih od 9 do 10 let, ki so bili raz- deljeni v kontrolno (117) in eksperimentalno skupino (116). Namen raziskave je bil preveriti učinkovitost pro- gramiranega treninga na rast in motorične sposobnosti dečkov iz eksperimentalne skupine (športna šola) na podlagi ugotovljenih razlik med skupinama. Raziskava je potekala dve leti, meritve pa so bile oprav- ljene v začetnem (prvo merjenje), prehodnem (drugo merjenje) in končnem stanju (tretje merjenje). Pri obde- lavi podatkov je bila uporabljena kanonična diskrimi- nantna analiza in univariatna analiza kovariance (AN- COVA). Dobljeni rezultati učinkov, ki so se pojavili v eksperimen- talni skupini pod vplivom eksperimentalne obravnave v prehodnem in končnem stanju (s pomočjo univariatne analize kovariance), kot tudi izračun razlik (s pomočjo kanonične diskriminantne analize), ugotovljenih pri za- četni, prehodni in končni meritvi v celotnem sistemu (predvsem antropometrične in motorične spremenljiv- ke) kažejo na to, da sta kontrolna in eksperimentalna skupina statistično različni, zlasti zaradi boljših rezultatov v eksperimentalni skupini. S tem se je potrdila hipoteza, da ima programiran trening večji učinek na rast in raz- voj motoričnih sposobnosti dečkov. Ključne besede: morfološke značilnosti, motorične spo- sobnosti, trening, učinki, dečki, starost od 9 do 10 let (Received: 18. 6. 2002 – Accepted: 18. 11. 2002) 45 Malacko, J. (2002). Effects of specific programmed training on morphological characteristics and motor … KinSI 8(2), 44–49 INTRODUCTION It is well known that programmed training can transform optimally the anthropological characte- ristics of humans. Numerous research works (Blaš- ković, Matković, & Matković 1993; Milanović, Jukić, & Itoudis 1994; Pišot 1994; Verdenik 1981, Verde- nik, Tancig, & Bravničar 1987) done so far as well as practical experience have shown that these transformations are highly efficient at the childhood age, which practically means that programmed trai- ning can affect development and orientate the per- sonality structure in a desired direction. However, it has not been determined so far what kind of trai- ning contents and loadings are required in order to achieve optimal effects of the desired transforma- tion. Similarly, the desire to improve the anthropologi- cal status of children and youth is also well known, especially when there is a question of orientation and selection of children for particular sports acti- vities (Elsner 1973; Gabrijelić 1975; Malacko, & Ra- dosav 1985; Rajtmajer 1997). However, the field of research relevant to orientation and selection of children for sport as well as determining of the op- timal effect of specially programmed training on the primary anthropological characteristics has not yet been sufficiently studied, resulting in a shorta- ge of complete research works and solutions for this subject. The purpose of this research was to determine, for a children’s soccer school, the effect of program- med training on morphological characteristics and motor abilities of the selected boys at the age of 9–10. METHODS The system of 30 variables (12 morphological and 18 motor ones), as well as the experimental pro- grammed training of the experimental group has been applied on a sample of 233 boys attending the children’s soccer school, who were divided in- to a control (n=117) and an experimental group (n=116). The research lasted two academic years, whereas measurements were made at the (i) initial, (t) transitive, and (f) final stage. Determination of morphological characteristics was based on the following system of variables: 1. body height, 2. leg length, 3. arm length, 4. pelvic width, 5. shoulder width, 6. knee width, 7. body mass, 8. medium girth of the chest, 9. girth of the forearm, 10. skin fold of the back, 11. skin fold of the stomach, and 12. skin fold of the upper arm (Stoja- nović, Momirović, Vukosavljević, & Solarić, 1975). Evaluation of motor abilities was based on the fol- lowing system of variables: 1. passing through and jumping, 2. overhead agility, 3. hand and leg drum- ming, 4. hand tapping, 6. leg tapping against the wall, 7. standing long jump, 8. medicine ball throw from supine position, 9. medicine ball throw with twist, 10. hang with elbows bent on parallel bars, 11. trunk twist in supine position, 12. sit-ups, 13. trunk bending on the bench, 14. forward split, 15. trunk bending astride, 16. crosswise standing on the balance bench with eyes open, 17. standing on one leg length-wise on the balance bench with eyes open, and 18. crosswise standing on one leg on balance bench with eyes closed (Kurelić, Momi- rović, Stojanović, Šturm, Radojević, & Viskić-Štalec, 1975). The experimental programme was carried out du- ring three classes daily of 60 minutes each per week. The classes were carried out on school sports facilities (gymnasium and outdoors) or in the fields of football clubs. In addition to regular P.E. Classes, there were extra classes of football for se- lected pupils of 3 rd and 4 th forms of elementary school with the aim to get the pupils attracted to this sport, so that they decide to train it, and conti- nue training it after the 5 th form in the football club with an organized form of work with this age. The total of 22 classes per month throughout the aca- demic year included physical preparation, technical preparation and matches between schools or wit- hin sports club tournaments. The programme of physical preparation included free exercises with/without movement, different types of runs with medicine ball carrying, jumping over hurdles with ball carrying, sprints from diffe- rent starting positions up to 10 m, running with changing of direction and rhythm, carrying each other in pairs and trios, endurance running at dif- ferent pace up to 300 m, combination of forward roll and cartwheel, forward roll over a barrier, jumps (one/both legs) over the rope, different polygons, pushing and pulling over in pairs. The technical preparation included kicking the ball with inner foot, receiving the ball with inner foot, kicking the ball with front foot, receiving the ball with front foot, striking the ball with forehead, recei- 46 Malacko, J. (2002). Effects of specific programmed training on morphological characteristics and motor … KinSI 8(2), 44–49 ving the ball with lower leg, straight-line dribbling, curved-line dribbling, feinting in place and in mo- vement, simple form of ball takeover, goalkeeper’s catching the ball - high and medium high, etc. Canonical discriminative analysis has been applied in order to determine the significance of the struc- tural differences between the control (C) and expe- rimental group (E) within the whole system of the applied morphological variables, as well as indivi- dual determination of variables which have most contributed to differentiation between groups in the initial (i), transitive (t), and final (f) measure- ment, based on their correlation with the discrimi- native function. Concerning the multivariate para- meters, the following have been calculated: Wilk’s lambda, Hi-square and significance (p) for the who- le system of variables, as well as the centroids of the groups (Malacko, & Popović, 2001; Momiro- vić, 1984). Efficiency of the effects of the programmed trai- ning on individual morphological and motor variab- les with experimental group in the transitive (t) and final (f) measurement, with neutralisation of arith- metic means in the initial measurement in both groups has been checked by means of univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). RESULTS The obtained results are shown in the tables for the applied system of morphological variables and for the applied system of motor variables. Tables 1 and 2 show the results of the canonical discriminative analysis with an aim to see statistic significance (p) of the structural differences between the control (C) and experimental (E) groups in the initial (i), transitive (t) and final (f) measurements, as well as univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in the transitive (t) and final (f) measurements, in order to determine the effects of the applied specifically programmed training, with previously neutralised arithmetic means in the initial measurement. As the graphic presentation of the obtained results is more illustrative than the tables, especially for the system of morphological variables and the system of mo- tor variables, expressed for each variable in the ini- tial (i) and final measurement (f), structures of dis- criminative functions and position of centroids of the groups towards discriminative functions are al- so shown. Table 1: Morphological variables Figure 1: Structure of the discriminant function morpholo- gical characteristics and position of the centroids group on the discriminant function Variables DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS DF (i) DF (t) DF (f) 1. -.12 .14* -.04 2. -.13 -.14* -.08 3. -.15* .10 .00 4. -.21* -.02 .03 5. -.33* -.10 -.13 6. -.40* -.01 -.13 7. .11 .23* .19* 8. .15* .23* .09 9. .05 .20* .23* 10. .42* .48* .59* 11. .48* .53* .60* 12. .59* .62* .63* Wilk's λ λ= .66 .89 .89 χ χ 2 = 31.59 24.18 23.27 p= .00* .01* .01* Centroid C= .38 .33 .34 Centroid E= -.38 -.33 -.34 STRUCTURE OF THE DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND POSITION OF THE CENTROIDS GROUP ON THE DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION 47 Malacko, J. (2002). Effects of specific programmed training on morphological characteristics and motor … KinSI 8(2), 44–49 Table 1 with the results that were processed by ap- plication of the canonical discriminative analysis demonstrates that the system of morphological va- riables between the control (C) and experimental group (E) differs statistically to a significant level in the initial (p=.00), transitive (p=.01) and final (p=.01) measurements. In the initial measurement (i) this difference was ac- counted for by skin folds of forearm, stomach and back – in favour of the control group, which means that they had more adipose tissue compared to the experimental group, whose share of lean mass was higher. There were differences between variables: knee width, shoulder width and pelvic width. Ho- wever, this time it was in favour of the experimen- tal group, which means that the selected boys in the football school have had broader shoulders, pelvis and knees. In transitional measurement (t) the subjects of the control group maintained the same amount of the adipose tissue, while their body mass increased, as well as the girth of forearm and the mean girth of the chest. In the final measurement (f), the control group has maintained the increased amount of the adipose tissue, girth of the forearm and body mass. The results of the univariate analysis of the cova- riance (ANCOVA) also confirm that, following the neutralisation of arithmetic variable means in the initial measurement (Table 2), statistically signifi- cant differences in all variables (p=.00) have occur- red in transitional (t) and final (f) measurements. Table 3 with all the results processed by applying canonical discriminant analysis shows that in the whole system of the applied motor variables the Table 2: Morphological variables Variables VARIABLE ARITHMETIC MEANS ANCOVA E(i)C ( i)E ( t)C ( t)E ( f)C ( f)p ( t)p ( f) 1. 1402.0* 1395.5 1420.0 1426.8* 1477.6* 1475.2 .00 .00 2. 790.3* 785.5 810.6* 805.4 850.2* 846.9 .00 .00 3. 607.4* 601.9 618.3 621.1* 643.4 643.5* .00 .00 4. 218.9* 216.2 222.2* 222.0 228.7 229.2* .00 .00 5. 303.2* 298.9 307.8* 306.7 316.5* 314.4 .00 .00 6. 82.8* 80.3 85.6* 85.6 89.7* 89.2 .00 .00 7. 340.9 364.4* 348.2 358.6* 389.4 399.7* .00 .00 8. 674.6 680.8* 677.8 685.8* 700.5 704.2* .00 .00 9. 190.5 191.2* 190.1 192.4* 196.1 198.8* .00 .00 10. 64.2 76.9* 61.6 73.3* 64.7 82.9* .00 .00 11. 68.1 89.4* 67.2 86.3* 66.6 89.3* .00 .00 12. 82.1 97.2* 80.2 93.2* 77.4 106.2* .00 .00 Variables DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS DF (i) DF (t) DF (f) 1. -.34* -.51* -.32* 2. .01 .08 -.21* 3. -.08 -.08 .02 4. .15* .11 -.03 5. .33* .26* .37* 6. .44* .42* .40* 7. .44* .53* .07 8. -.37* .08 .16* 9. -.05 .02 -.03 10. .20* .42* .14* 11. .53* .31* .14* 12. .43* .22* .38* 13. .04 -.05 .12 14. -.05 .08 .29* 15. .01 -.18* -.04 16. -.03 .24* .26* 17. .27* -.12 -.22* 18. .18* .11 .16* Wilk's λ λ= .69 .79 .78 χ χ 2 = 81.69 51.43 52.87 p= .00* .00* .00* Centroid C= -.66 -.51 -.51 Centroid E= .66 .51 .51 Table 3: Motor variables 48 Malacko, J. (2002). Effects of specific programmed training on morphological characteristics and motor … KinSI 8(2), 44–49 structural differences between the control (C) and experimental groups (E) are statistically significant (p=.00) in all three measurements – initial (i), tran- sitional (t), and final (f). In the initial measurement (i) it was observed that the boys of the experimental group proved better in repetitive strength, were more agile, faster in al- ternative movements of legs and that their lower extremities were stronger. In the transitional measurement (t), the boys of the experimental group influenced by the programmed training (experimental treatment) retained satisfac- tory repetitive strength and considerably improved their explosive strength of lower extremities, agility and the speed of the alternative movements of legs. Lastly, in the final measurement (f) relevant diffe- rences have been retained in favour of the experi- mental group with regard to the specific capabili- ties developed under the influence of the specifically programmed training, which affected the transformation of speed of leg movements, re- petitive strength of the stomach muscles, coordi- nation of the body, suppleness and balance. Following the equalising of the results in arithmetic means of particular motor variables (see Table 4) and based on the applied univariate analysis of co- variance (ANCOVA), the results obtained in the STRUCTURE OF THE DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION MOTOR PERFORMANCE AND POSITION OF THE CENTROIDS GROUP ON THE DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION Figure 2: Structure of the discriminant function motor per- formance and position of the centroids group on the discri- minant function Table 4: Motor variables Variables VARIABLE ARITHMETIC MEANS ANCOVA E(i)C ( i)E ( t)C ( t)E ( f)C ( f)p ( t)p ( f) 1. 148.9* 160.7 147.3* 162.2 157.8* 166.8 .00 .00 2. 52.9 52.6* 46.9 42.0* 50.2* 52.0 .00 .00 3. 2.8* 3.1 4.5* 4.8 5.5 5.4* .00 .00 4. 26.1* 25.5 27.6* 27.2 28.7* 28.9 .00 .00 5. 17.8* 16.8 17.9* 17.1 18.7* 18.0 .00 .00 6. 18.7* 16.4 21.1* 19.3 49.9* 45.7 .00 .00 7. 159.8* 149.9 166.4* 155.4 167.6* 164.8 .00 .00 8. 360.8 398.1* 391.7* 385.3 482.1 503.7* .00 .00 9. 570.6 578.9* 578.4* 575.2 678.2 683.0* .00 .00 10. 2.9* 1.2 2.0* 1.1 1.8* 1.5 .00 .00 11. 34.0* 24.4 32.0* 27.5 24.1* 22.2 .00 .00 12. 7.2* 4.3 6.6* 5.4 7.5* 5.2 .00 .00 13. 41.8* 41.5 40.1 40.4* 40.4* 39.5 .00 .00 14. 137.8 138.6* 140.9* 140.1 147.5* 144.1 .00 .00 15. 43.5* 43.3 36.6 38.0* 34.9* 32.2 .00 .00 16. 5.9 6.1* 5.9 7.0* 23.2* 15.8 .00 .02 17. 18.4* 12.3 17.9* 14.2 35.9* 23.0 .00 .04 18. 1.8* 1.6 1.6 1.7* 2.6* 2.5 .11 .35 49 Malacko, J. (2002). Effects of specific programmed training on morphological characteristics and motor … KinSI 8(2), 44–49 transitive (t) and final measurements (f) indicate that the differences are statistically significant (p=.00) with all variables applied except for the va- riable standing crosswise on the balance bench on one leg with eyes closed, both in the transitive (p=.11) and in the final measurement (p=.35). DISCUSSION The observed changes in morphology of the sub- jects in the control group in the transitional measu- rement were most probably due to increased adi- pose tissue in the organism caused by insufficient movement and exercises. Therefore, based on the- se structural differences a conclusion can be drawn that the starting selection and the applied program- med training had favourable effects which preven- ted the formation of increased adipose tissue in the organism and consequently the body mass (hinde- ring factors). Skeleton dimensions are probably the result of the genotype, whereas reduction in body mass and subcutaneous adipose tissue was a result of the programmed training effect. The differences in the motor status at the initial sta- ge are probably the consequence of a good initial selection. The differences in the final measurement, however, prove the fact that this is a question of a well-conducted programmed training with boys in the experimental group which has significantly af- fected the achievement of the desired effects in the transformation process. The results showing the effects recorded in the ex- perimental group undergoing the programmed training (experimental treatment) in the transitive and final stages (applying the univariate analysis of covariance) and the calculated structural differen- ces (based on the canonical discriminative analysis) between the control and experimental groups wit- hin the whole system, especially morphological and motor variables in initial, transitional and final mea- surements, indicate that they are statistically diffe- rent, primarily owing to better results in the experi- mental group (sports school). Nevertheless, the hypothesis that the programmed training has more significant effect on biological growth and motor development of the boys has been confirmed. REFERENCES 1. Blašković, M., Matković, B., & Matković, B. (1993). Utjecaj tjele- sne aktivnosti na razvoj nekih bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti kod dječaka Effects of physical activity on development of some motor abilities of boys. 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